University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Geology
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Li Isotope Profile in a Dunite to Lherzolite Transect Within the Trinity Ophiolite: Evidence for Isotope Fractionation by Diffusion
- Chromium Stable Isotope Fractionation - An Indicator of Hexavalent Chromium Reduction.
- Collapse and Melting in a Confined Orogenic Belt: Preliminary Results From the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí Belt of Eastern Brazil
- Constraints on Plagioclase-Basaltic Melt Partitioning at 1 Atmosphere Pressure
- Effect of Fe on the Elastic Constants of Magnesiowustite [(Mg,Fe)O] at Ambient Conditions and High Pressure
- Elasticity of Majorite with Enstatite-Jadeite (50:50) Composition.
- Geology of Mars - An Internet-Based Learning Module for High School and Beginning College Students
- Heavy Stable Isotopes As Indicators Of Redox-Sensitive Contaminant Dynamics: Progress With Selenium
- High-Temperature Single-Crystal Elasticity and Thermal Expansion of Orthoenstatite
- Hydration of carbonate-bearing species: Structure of aqueous CO<SUB>2</SUB>, HCO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>-</SUP>, and CO<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> from molecular dynamics computer simulations
- Inner core transition zone and anomalous PKP(DF) waveforms from polar paths
- PKP travel times at near antipodal distances: Implications for inner core anisotropy and lowermost mantle structure
- Seismic Anisotropy in the Transition Zone of the Mantle: Implications for Mantle Dynamics and Deep Earthquakes
- Seismic Wave Speeds and Density Across the 660-km Discontinuity Beneath the Philippine and Japan Seas
- The Paradox of Groundwater Age
- U-series Disequilibria in MORB From Transforms and Implications for Mantle Melting
- COMPRES: Consortium for Materials Properties Research in Earth Sciences. New Opportunities for High-Pressure Earth Science Research.
- Carbon isotopes of lipid biomarkers in modern travertine deposits: Implications for biogeochemical dynamics in hot-spring systems (Yellowstone National Park, USA)
- Differentiation Timescales and Processes for Products From Recent Eruptions of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-1999)
- Elastic Properties of Hydrous Ringwoodite
- High Temperature Sound Velocity Measurements with Brillouin spectroscopy on Laser-Heated Samples
- Microbial and Geochemical Zoning of the Middendorf Aquifer, South Carolina
- Modeling the inner core transition zone beneath the Central America
- Modelling Chemical Diffusion with Extraction - Application to Observed Geochemical Gradients in the Trinity Ophiolite of Northern California
- Molecular Ordering and Dynamic Deformation of Hydrogen Bonding Network in Liquid Water over a Wide Density Range
- Seismicity along Subduction Zones: Visualization with a Physical Basis
- State of Strain in Sub-horizontal Slabs
- Structure and Dynamics of Mineral/Water Interfaces: Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Clays and Clay-Related Phases
- Three-Dimensional Structure of Inner Core Anisotropy From PKP Differential Travel Times
- <SUP>226</SUP>Ra-<SUP>230</SUP>Th-<SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>231</SUP>Pa-<SUP>235</SUP>U Isotopic Disequilibria at the Galapagos Spreading Centre: Inferences About Mechanisms of Plume-Ridge Mass Transfer
- A proposal for drilling to the base of a Lamont Seamount at 9° 50 N EPR
- Conversion of Poloidal Energy in the Mantle to Toroidal Motions of Surface Plates - A Numerical Investigation
- Effects of Aluminum on the Compressibility of Silicate Perovskite
- Elasticity of MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> Polycrystalline Perovskite by Brillouin Spectroscopy
- Examination of systematic mislocation of south sandwich islands earthquakes from station pairs: Implications for inner core rotation
- Extension of (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Ferropericlase Equation of State Measurements to 25 GPa and 2173 K
- High-Pressure Brillouin Measurements on Single-Crystal Ferropericlase, (Mg0.94Fe0.06)O: Implications for Earth's Lower Mantle
- High-Temperature Phase Transition in Enstatite : Raman Spectroscopic Results
- Lower Mantle Composition From Mineral Physics Data
- Mineral Physics and Mantle Evolution
- More Evidence for Strong Lithospheric Mantle: Mantle Earthquakes in Zambia
- New Evidence for Strong Lithospheric Mantle: Mantle Earthquakes beneath the Himalayan-Tibetan Collision Zone
- Pn inversion of the Tibetan Plateau from regional networks and INDEPTH experiments
- Probing the Southern Indian Shield with P-Wave Receiver-Functions
- Three-dimensional structure of inner core anisotropy from PKP differential travel times and waveforms
- Very Deep Earthquakes Occur Above the Depressed Top of the Lower Mantle
- A Numerical Simulation of Longitudinal Rolls and Its Implications to Small Scale Convection in the Mantle
- A Temporal Change Of Inner Core Travel Times Confirmed By High-Quality Waveform Doublets
- Chromium Stable Isotope Fractionation During Abiotic Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium
- Comparing lower mantle compositions and temperatures inverted from different seismic observations
- Constraining Inner Core Rotation From a Worldwide Search of Waveform Doublets
- Degassing Mechanisms and Timescales of Implied by (<SUP>210</SUP>Pb) Values for Andesites Erupted from Arenal Volcano
- Diffusion-Reaction Between Basaltic Andesite and Gabbro at 0.5 GPa: an Explanation for Anorthitic Plagioclase?
- Effects of Aluminium on the compressibility of silicate perovskite
- Evaluating Climatic Controls of Proxy Indicators: A Calibration Study Using Annually Laminated Sediments From a Minnesota Lake
- Experimental constraints on silicon in the Earth's core
- Hydrogen Bonding, Hydration of Species, Ion Pairing and Clusterization in H<SUB>2</SUB>O-NaCl-CaCl<SUB>2</SUB>-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-NaHCO<SUB>3</SUB>-Na<SUB>2</SUB>CO<SUB>3</SUB> Fluids: Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the Effects of Temperature, Pressure and Composition
- Hyper-Raman spectroscopy of Earth related materials
- Imaging Offsets in the Moho: Synthetic Tests using Gaussian Beams with Teleseismic Waves
- Molecular Modeling of the 10-Å Phase at Subduction Zone Conditions
- Nuclear Resonant Scattering Studies Under High Pressure and HighTtemperature
- Probing the Mantle Transition Zone beneath Tibet Using Triplicate Seismic Waveforms
- Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocities and Density: Brillouin Scattering and Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source
- Sound velocities of aluminous perovskite and ferropericlase at high-pressure: Implications for Earth's deep interior
- Structure and Decompression Melting of a Novel 2-D High Pressure Ice Phase Formed in Nano-Confinement Between Two Talc Surfaces
- The Times Scale of Andesite Differentiation at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica (1968-2003), Indicated by U-Th-Ra Disequilibria.
- Tomographic Inversion of Pn Travel Times in China: Implications for lithosphere thinning and deformation of North China
- Valence state of iron in mantle phases at high pressures and high temperatures
- Brillouin Scattering and Synchrotron X-Ray Measurements at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source: Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocities and Density
- Connecting Active Subduction to Aseismic Remnant Slabs: Evolution of Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- Determination of Inner Core Rotation Rate: Preliminary Results From ARCTIC PASSCAL Experiment
- Digital Image Mosaics of the Oceanic Crust Exposed at the Pito Deep: Mesoscopic Perspectives on Structure and Deformation.
- Elastic moduli and equation of state of NaCl to 30 GPa by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements
- High-pressure vibrational study of dense hydrous magnesium silicate 10A Phase
- Internal Structure of Basaltic Lavas and Sheeted Dikes in 3 Ma Super-Fast EPR Crust Exposed at Pito Deep
- Inversion of anisotropic inner core structure from three dimensional ray tracing
- Lower mantle structure and composition: insights from generalized inversions of radial seismic profiles
- Magnetic Anisotropy in Ferrar Sills from the Upper Taylor Glacier Region, Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica
- Nitrogen and Hydrogen Isotope Records for the Last 18-kyr from a Southern Alaska Lake
- Novel melting investigations of iron at high-pressure using synchrotron Mossbauer spectroscopy
- Solubility of Minerals in HP-HT Aqueous Fluids: Results and Potentials of in situ Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence
- Sound Velocities of MgSiO3 Perovskite to Megabar Pressure and the Mineralogy of Earth's Lower Mantle
- Thermal Expansion of Fe3S
- U-series disequilibrium of basaltic rocks from Kick'em-Jenny submarine volcano, Lesser Antilles island arc
- Very Small 660-km Discontinuity beneath Tibet: Evidence for Detached Lithosphere?
- Anomalously low pressure of rutile-CaCl2 phase transition in aluminous hydrogen- bearing stishovite.
- Brillouin Scattering With Simultaneous X-Ray Diffraction at GSECARS, Advanced Photon Source: Toward Determination of Absolute Pressure Scales
- Cationic complexation with dissolved organic matter: Insights from molecular dynamics computer simulations and NMR spectroscopy
- Characterizing High-Resolution Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Yunnan Region, Southwest China, Using Double-Difference Tomography
- Chemical composition and thermodynamical properties of high-pressure aqueous fluids in subduction zones from experiments in the diamond-anvil cell
- Climatic Change Over the Past 2000 Years in Southwestern Alaska
- Experimental Studies on the Rate of Incision by Saltating Abrasion: Verification, Analysis, and Revision of a Physically-Based Model
- GeoFrame in the Midcontinent: Addressing Tectonic and Crustal Evolution Problems in the Interior of a Cratonic Platform
- High-pressure sound velocities and single-crystal elastic properties of DHMS phases in subducted slabs
- Hydrogen Incorporation into Olivine at 9-15 GPa: Implication for Water Dynamics near the 410-km Seismic Discontinuity
- Imaging the Tibetan Lithosphere: Gaussian-Beam Migration of Broadband Data from the Hi- CLIMB Seismic Array
- Iron isotopic fractionation factor between magnetite and hydrous silicic melt
- MD computer simulations of the structure and dynamics of water in the interlayers of 10- Å\ phase
- Seismic Anisotropy and Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- Self Consistent Equation of State for Dense Argon
- Single-crystal elastic properties of Ca0.07Mg1.93Si2O6 orthopyroxene
- Sound Velocities and Elastic Moduli of Fe- and Al-bearing Mg-Silicate Perovskite by Inelastic X-Ray Scattering
- Sound velocity of MgSiO3 post-perovskite phase: Constraints on the D" discontinuity
- The Electronic Structure of Iron in Aluminous (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite at High-Pressures and Temperatures
- The Morphology and Stability of Bifurcations in the Mossy River Delta, Saskatchewan, Canada
- The inner core according to bipolar stations
- The molecular mechanism and energetics of carbonic acid dissociation in aqueous environment studied by ab initio molecular dynamics and metadynamics computer simulations
- Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Subducted Lithosphere in the Transition Zone
- A New Approach to Determine the Inner-Core Rotation
- A Poleward Transition From Destructive to Constructive Glacio-Climatic Control on Mountain Building
- Ambient Noise Tomography in Western China and Northern India
- An Inter-Laboratory Assessment of the Th Isotopic Composition of Synthetic and Rock Standards.
- Are Subducting Slabs Wet or Dry in the Transition Zone? Comparisons of Seismicity and Model Predictions
- Aseismic anomalies in the mantle transition zone: subduction versus continental collision
- Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface: the role of near-bed turbulence and influence of Reynolds number
- Dating "Dirty" Carbonates by U-series Isochrones: Insight Into Why Leaching Methods Don't Work
- Discordant anomalies of P- and S-wave speeds under Tibet: a case for hydrous remnant of sub-continental lithospheric mantle
- Elastic Properties of SiO2 Stishovite to 50GPa
- Fate and Reactive Transport of Chromium in Leon Valley, Guanajuato, Mexico Using Stable Isotopes
- Flow Structure and Secondary Flows in Fine-grained Bifurcate Channels
- Flow Structure in a Bifurcation: CFD modeling and Validation
- Fluid-mineral interactions in subduction zones: insights from experiments in the diamond- anvil cell
- Identification of vortices in complex flows
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath the Hi-CLIMB Seismic Array in Tibet Using Gaussian-Beam Migration of Radial Receiver Functions
- Joint inversion for crustal and Pn velocities and Moho depth for eastern margin of Tibetan Plateau
- Magnetic transition and sound velocities of Fe3C at high pressure
- Mantle Lithosphere Beneath Tibet: A Synthesis With Special References to Results From Project Hi-CLIMB
- Measurement of Large-Scale Sediment Transport Dynamics Using Multibeam Sonar
- Morphology and Hydraulics of Nine Sand-bed Fluvial Bifurcations from the Mossy Delta, SK: Implications for Their Stability
- Mount Pinatubo's starfish umbrella plume
- Orographic and Climatic Influence on Leaf Wax Carbon and Hydrogen Isotopic Ratios: a Field Survey From Northern California
- Selenium enrichment in weathering zones: Se isotopes at Yutangba, China
- Surface Wave Dispersion Measurements and Tomography from Ambient Seismic Noise in China
- The effect of assimilation and fractional crystallization on U-series disequilibria in arc lavas
- Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Slabs in the Transition Zone Controls Deep Subduction
- Three-Dimensional Anisotropy and Texturing of Iron Crystals of Earth's Inner Core
- Topography of inner core boundary
- Toward a self-consistent pressure scale: elastic moduli and equation of state of MgO by simultaneous x-ray density and Brillouin sound velocity measurements at high-pressure high-temperature conditions
- 3D Shear Velocity Structure of Crust and Upper Mantle in China From Ambient Noise Tomography
- A Course in Earth System Science: Developed for Teachers by Teachers
- Bivergent thrust wedges surrounding island arcs: Insights from observations and sandbox models of the northeastern Caribbean plate
- Changes in CaCO3 Mineralogy Resulting from Alterations in Hot Spring Microbial Community Composition
- Colliding Lithosphere beneath Tibet: A Preliminary Synthesis of Results from Project Hi- CLIMB
- Density Banding in Coral Skeletons: A Biotic Response to Sea Surface Temperature?
- Dependence of River Network Scaling and Geomorphic Properties on Initial Conditions in Landscape Evolution Models
- Development and Preliminary Application of High-Resolution Endoscopic Piv for Quantification of Flow Structure Within a Pore Space
- Elasticity of Glaucophane and Applications to Seismic Properties of High-pressure Low- temperature Oceanic Rocks in Subduction Zones
- Environmental Cycling of Cr Using Stable Isotopes: Kinetic and Equilibrium Effects
- Experimental Simulation of Volcanic Steam Blasts and Jets at High Pressure Ratios
- I-LLINI Partnerships for 21st Century Teachers
- Linking Surface Morphological Change to Subsurface Fluvial Architecture: What Imprints do big Floods Leave?
- Mapping Precipitation Patterns from the Stable Isotopic Composition of Surface Waters: Olympic Peninsula, Washington State
- Mg Isotope Evolution During Water-Rock Interaction in a Carbonate Aquifer
- Mg Isotopes of USGS Igneous Rock Standards
- Microbial Catalysis of CaCO3: Biotic Response Controlling Travertine Deposition
- Microbial Controls on Hot Spring Travertine Depositional Fabrics
- Microbial Controls on the Size, Shape and Porosity of Hot Spring CaCO3 Mineralization
- Mineral Physics and US Array
- Modeling Mossbauer Spectra to Determine the Spin State of Iron in (Mg,Fe)SiO3 Perovskite
- Morphological Transition in Rapidly Expanding Magmas
- Normal and anomalous dispersion of tracers in gravel-bed rivers
- Petrologic Anomalies in the Mantle Transition Zone
- SdP receiver function images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary beneath the Western U.S using USArray data
- Secular changes in the style of mantle melting and mantle differentiation as constrained by the depths and temperatures of magma genesis
- Spatial Gradients of Precipitation and Erosion in the Swiss Alps: Direct Evidence and Mechanistic Explanation for the Glacial Buzzsaw
- Spin state and valence state of iron in Earth's lower mantle from synchrotron Mössbauer spectra of perovskite and post-perovskite up to 1.5 Mbar
- Stealth and Natural Disasters: Science, Policy and Human Behavior
- Temporal change of surface wave velocity associated with major Sumatra earthquakes from ambient noise correlation
- The Structure of Flow Over a Barchan Dune
- The fluid dynamics of bedform superimposition
- Thermal conductivity of ice VII using the time-domain thermo-reflectance method in the diamond anvil cell: Implications for the icy planetary bodies
- Thermal expansion of Fe3C at high pressure and carbon in the Earth's inner core
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Velocity Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Western Tibet from Multiscale, Finite-Frequency Travel-Time Tomography
- Tundra Fires in the Noatak National Preserve, Northwestern Alaska, Since 6000 yr BP
- Using high resolution TRMM observations to understand the role of topography in spatial variations in precipitation and storm structure
- Volcanic Mesocyclones
- Water is not Recycled into the Deep Mantle in Subducting Lithosphere
- Widespread low velocity zone in mid-lower crust in Tibetan Plateau: Implications for crustal channel flow model
- A combined Lagrangian-Eulerian approach to understand the kinematic and dynamic properties of coherent flow structures over a gravel bed
- Are rock-uplift rates in the Olympic Mountains of Washington State balanced by glacial erosion? A quantitative test of the ablation/plucking glacial erosion model
- Autogenic controls on the depositional architecture of big multi-channel rivers: the Rio Paraná, Argentina
- Bedform morphology under combined flows with a 6-second oscillation period
- Converging Lithosphere beneath Tibet in 3-D: Highlights from Matching Hi-CLIMB Data with New Techniques (Invited)
- Crust and upper mantle structure of South China Sea and its tectonic implications
- Earthquakes along the East African Rift System: A multi-scale, continent-wide perspective
- Elastic properties of natural orthoenstatite up to 18Gpa
- Enceladus: Oasis or Ice Ball? (Invited)
- Equation of State and Magnetic Properties of Fe3C to Multi-Megabar Pressure with Implications for the Earth's Inner Core
- Flow Structures, Shear-Generated Turbulence, and Fluid Mixing at River Confluences: The Influence of Channel Scale?
- Geochemical Diversity of Near-Ridge Seamounts: Insights into Oceanic Magmatic Processes and Sources
- Holocene precipitation seasonality captured by a dual isotope approach at Steel Lake, Minnesota
- I-LLINI Partnerships to improve K-12 Earth Science education
- In situ investigation of diapirism as a core formation mechanism using high-pressure synchrotron X-ray radiography (Invited)
- Incisional bedrock channels cutting into tablelands
- Investigating the structure of turbulent flows in porous media: an endoscopic particle image velocimetry (E-PIV) approach
- Iron isotopes for the layered series of the Skaergaard intrusion
- Joint Inversion for Crustal and Pn Velocities and Moho Depth for Red River fault, northern Vietnam
- Layered intrusion formation by top down thermal migration zone refining (Invited)
- Modeling Wide-Angle Seismic Data from the Hi-CLIMB Experiment in Tibet
- Morphodynamic And Stratigraphic Evolution Of Self-Channelized Subaqueous Fans Emplaced By Turbidity Currents And Dilute Mudflows (Invited)
- Morphodynamics of a Bifurcation on the Wax Lake Delta, LA
- Northward Thinning of Tibetan Crust Revealed by Virtual Seismic Profiles
- Numerical Modeling of Frequency-Dependent Characteristics of Pn Propagation with Applications to Data from Project Hi-CLIMB in Tibet
- Parallel Drainage Patterns and the Origin of Scaling in River Networks
- Pseudotachylites and Earthquakes: New Evidence for the "Jelly Sandwich" Rheology of Continental Lithosphere (Invited)
- Relationships between topography and precipitation at very high resolution in the tropics: insights from Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) precipitation radar data (Invited)
- Searching for temporal changes of the medium associated with 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake from ambient noise correlation
- Shear velocity structure of crust and upper mantle in China from ambient noise tomography: An update
- Shear-wave splitting observations of mantle anisotropy beneath Alaska
- The Structure of Flow over Interacting Barchan Dunes
- The dynamics of coherent flow structures within a submerged permeable bed
- The elemental, δ44Ca, and δ26Mg geochemistry of granite weathering at pH = 1 and T = 25°C
- The fluid dynamics of confluent meander bends and some implications for their planform stability
- Uranium/Thorium Dating and Growth Laminae Counting of Stalagmites Reveal a Record of Major Earthquakes in the Midwestern US
- Variations in δ56Fe during magma differentiation at Cedar Butte volcano: signatures of thermal diffusion?
- Weathering in Southern Patagonian rivers: Perspectives from the U-series and 10Be isotopes
- Zircon U-Pb age and Hf isotopic constraints on the Late Paleozoic magmatism and crustal evolution in the Caucasus
- A Decade of Shear-Wave Splitting Observations in Alaska
- Bedform Initiation and Development under Combined Flows
- Coral Skeleton Density Banding: Biotic Response to Changes in Sea Surface Temperature
- Crustal Structure Variation of the Tibetan Plateau From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Crustal and uppermost mantle velocity structure beneath northwestern China revealed by ambient noise tomography
- EarthScope in Midcontinent North America: Investigating the Architecture and Tectonic History of Cratonic-Platform Lithosphere
- Elasticity of cubic boron nitride under ambient condition
- Elasticity of hcp-Fe in the Earth's Inner Core
- Flow structure and mixing at the confluence of unequal density rivers (Invited)
- From pore-scale flow measurements towards a Computational Fluid Dynamics prediction of momentum exchange across river bed interface
- Hafnium Isotopic Output and Input Along and Across the Central American Subduction Zone
- Influence of spatially variable precipitation on passive margin escarpment evolution
- Interactions between bedforms, turbulence and pore flow
- Jumbling, oozing, underplating, and delamination of Himalayan-Tibetan crust
- Looking For a Needle in the Haystack: Deciphering Indigenous 1.79 km Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities from Drilling Mud Contaminants Using 454 Pyrotag Sequencing
- Mass-independent fractionation of mercury isotopes in compact fluorescent light bulbs
- Mechanisms of turbulence production and dissipation within an idealised permeable bed revealed using endoscopic PIV
- Mobilization of Floodplain Sediments by Chute Cutoffs on a Large River: Lower Wabash River, Illinois-Indiana
- Novel Insights Into Microbial Uranium Reduction and Immobilization
- STaRRS in Yellowstone: Addressing Challenges Facing Student-Teacher-Scientist Partnerships
- Seismic Analysis of the Tonga Subduction Zone and Implications on the Thermo-Petrologic Evolution of Deep Subduction
- Simultaneous Measurements of Sound Velocity and X-ray Diffraction of Ice VII to 19 GPa and 873 K
- Spin crossover in ferropericlase and its influence on mantle velocities
- Stable Isotope Fractionation during Chromium(III) Oxidation by δ-MnO2
- Surface wave tomography of China from ambient noise and earthquake data
- The Puzzle of Large, Low-Slope Sand-Bed Rivers: How Can They Be So Deep? (Invited)
- The generation of coherent flow structures in a gravel bed river
- Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Tibetan Lithosphere using Seismic Attributes of P-waves from Regional Earthquakes Recorded by the Hi-CLIMB Array
- A New High-Pressure Phase Transition in Iron-Bearing Orthoenstatite: An anisotropy discontinuity in the upper mantle?
- Anabranching and Braided Rivers Large and Small: Flood Magnitude-Frequency Morphology and Depositional Product
- Backwater controls on avulsion location on deltas
- Compressional velocities of Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S at room temperature and high pressures using inelastic X-ray scattering
- Crustal Structure Variation of the central Tian Shan From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Evaluating Sand Transport Through Two Spillway Diversions on the Lower Mississippi River During the Flood of 2011: Implications for Land Management Via Controlled Diversions
- Flow Structure and Channel Change in Chute Cutoffs On Meandering Rivers
- Flow structure in submarine meandering channels, a continuous discussion on secondary flow
- Geochemical Diversity of the Vance Seamount Chain: Insights into Near-ridge Seamount Genesis and Mantle Melting in the Off-axis Environment
- Imaging the Crust and Uppermost Mantle of North Central Alaska using the Joint Inversion of Ambient Seismic Noise Correlation and Receiver Function
- Initial Results from the Ozark-Illinois-Indiana-Northern Kentucky (OIINK!) EarthScope Project in North America's Midcontinent Cratonic Platform
- Interpretation of chromium isotopic data: Exchange kinetics and fractionation factors between Cr(III) and Cr(VI)
- Is Tibetan Crust Hot?
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Function, Surface Wave Dispersion and pn Delay Time Using Neighborhood Algorithm: AN Application to Hi-Climb Linear Array in Tibetan Plateau
- Making It Simple: Earthquake Thermometry and Rheology of the Continental Lithosphere Revisited
- Measurement and Analysis of Coherent Flow Structures over Sand Dunes in the Missouri River near St. Louis, MO, by means of an Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler and a Multibeam Echo Sounder
- Melting relationships in the Fe-Fe<SUB>3</SUB>S system based on X-ray diffraction up to 180 GPa
- Precipitation, Elevation and Relief in the Tropics
- Regional variations of crustal thickness along the eastern edge of the Tibetan plateau and their tectonic implications
- Seismic tomography of Taiwan orogeny from joint inversion of local and teleseismic data
- Stable Isotope Fractionation during Cr(III) oxidation by manganese oxides Swati Joshi (, Wang D T (, Ellis A S ( Johnson T M (, Bullen T D (
- Updating river bathymetry with multiple data sources using kriging
- Velocity Mapping Toolbox (VMT): a processing and visualization suite for moving-vessel ADCP measurements
- iPads at Field Camp: A First Test of the Challenges and Opportunities
- Bar morphodynamics in the fluvial-tidal zone
- Bedform morphology across the fluvio-tidal transition, Columbia River, USA
- Combined Flow Bedforms: Descriptions and Implications for Understanding Ancient Storms Deposits
- Crustal Structure Variation Across The Northern Yadong-Gulu Rift From Teleseismic Receiver Function Studies
- Crustal Structure beneath the Hi-CLIMB Array in Tibet from Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Dispersion
- Earthquake Properties in Georgia and Armenia of the Caucasus Constrained by Regional Waveform Modeling
- Elasticity and structure of mantle pyroxenes
- Extraction of surface wave attenuation from ambient noise: approaches to simulated and real data
- Fluvial Morphodynamics: advancing understanding using Multibeam Echo Sounders (MBES)
- Measuring the influence of channel-skewed bedforms on flow structure in high curvature meander bends using a profiling ADV
- Modelling depth-averaged flow in the fluvial-tidal zone: the spatio-temporal interaction of river discharge and tidal cycle
- Moho, Seismogenesis, and Rheoloy of the Lithosphere
- Monitoring Tracer Stones in Fall Creek Gorge of Warren County, Indiana
- New Refined VP, VS, and VP/VS Seismic Tomography of Taiwan Orogen with Near-surface Correction (PS logging data)
- Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg multi isotopic characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
- Predictions of SKS splitting in Western North America using a spherical, three-dimensional mantle flow model
- Quantification of fluvial sediment transport and geomorphic change in a glacier forefield: Gepatschferner, Ötztaler Alps, Austria
- The Nucleation and Propagation of Thrust Ramps: Insights from Quantitative Analysis of Frictional Analog (Sandbox) Models
- A new stable water isotope-salinity dataset from the central tropical Pacific
- Assessing natural attenuation potential at a uranium (U) in situ recovery site (Rosita, TX, USA) using multiple redox-sensitive isotope systems
- Bifurcations and delta planform stability: the role of substrate cohesion
- Chromium isotopes in siliciclastic sediments and sedimentary rocks as a proxy for Earth surface redox
- Clumped Isotopes, trace elements, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of stromatolites from the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene): Implications for paleoenvironments during the Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure in Tibetan Plateau from Joint Inversion of Receiver Function, Surface Wave Dispersion and Pn Delay Time
- Flow Fields Over Unsteady Three Dimensional Dunes
- Flow Structures over Fixed 2D Bedforms in Transient States
- Investigation of the breakdown of the muddy lutocline with a turbulent Couette flow
- Linking monsoonal hydrology and sediment fluxes on the Lower Mekong River
- Long-Term (4 mo) Oxygen Isotope Exchange Experiment between Zircon and Hydrothermal Fluid
- Modeling delta growth and channel geometry on Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana. Preliminary results
- Morphodynamic implications of flow around interacting barchan dunes
- Near-Bank Flow and Flood Induced Bank Erosion Processes Revealed by Application of Advanced Acoustic Techniques on a Mega-River
- Quantifying fluvial sediment flux on a monsoonal mega-river: the Mekong
- Reconstruction Of Ancient Microbial Biodiversity And Metabolism From Fossil Travertine
- Retrieving lithospheric velocity structures beneath Taiwan region by nonlinear joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data: Slab continuity and deflection
- Seismoelectric responses from self-potential measurements in Taiwan
- Spatially Controlled Fe Isotope Variations at Torres del Paine
- Synchronous changes in coral chromatophore tissue density and skeletal banding as an adaptive response to environmental change
- The fluvial sediment budget of the proglacial Fagge River derived from repeated laser scanning surveys
- Two-Stream Model: Toward Data Production for Sharing Field Science Data
- Use It or Lose It: Advances in Our Understanding of Terrestrial Nitrogen Retention and Loss (Invited)
- Velocity and Attenuation Structure of the Earth's Inner Core Boundary From Semi-Automatic Waveform Modeling
- Visualizing Geoscience Concepts Through Textbook Art (Invited)
- Flow, Morphology and Sedimentology of an Evolving Chute Cutoff on the Wabash River, IL-in.
- Fly Ash as a Time Marker for Anthropocene Alluvial Sedimentation
- Geoethics and the Role of Professional Geoscience Societies
- Impacts of Arctic Climate Change on Tundra Fire Regimes at Interannual to Millennial Timescales
- Improving the Laboratory Experience for Introductory Geology Students Using Active Learning and Evidence-Based Reform
- Measuring Bedload Sediment Flux in Large Rivers: New Data from the Mekong River and Its Applications in Assessing Geomorphic Change
- Physiological response of the Caribbean Coral O. annularis to Pollution Gradients
- Quantification of Dynamic Water-Rock-Microbe Interactions in a Travertine-Depositing Hot Spring, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, USA
- A multi-data stream assimilation framework for the assessment of volcanic unrest
- Bacterial Response to Antibiotic Gradients in a Porous Microfluidic Device
- Evolution of integrated fluvial networks on formerly glaciated low-relief landscapes
- Low-relief landscape modeling with human activities
- Modeled sensitivity of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet to paleoclimate forcings using PISM-PIK
- Reduction Kinetics of Manganese Dioxide by Geobacter Sulfurreducens and Associated Biofilm Morphology in a Flow-Through Reactor
- Sequential data assimilation strategies for utilizing ground deformation data to assess rapidly evolving magma reservoirs
- Sounding out erosion on the Mekong river banks: insights from combined terrestrial laser scanning, multibeam echo sounding and acoustic Doppler profiling
- The physical limits of metal reduction by long-range extracellular electron transfer, and the role of cytochrome-bound flavins
- Low-Angle Dunes in Big Rivers: Morphology, Occurrence and Speculations on Their Origin
- Medieval Aridity in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Mineralogical, Physical and Geochemical Factors that Drive Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides and Diagenesis under Broad Environmental Conditions
- New insights into the rate dependence of sulfur isotope fractionation during dissimilatory sulfate reduction
- Physiological and hydrological controls on mineral redox cycling by long-range electron transport by bacteria in anaerobic sediments
- Role of Extracellular Electron Transfer for Contaminant Metal Reduction in Sediment Nanopores, and Implications for Hazardous Waste Site Cleanup
- Using multi-resolution proxies to assess ENSO impacts on the mean state of the tropical Pacific.
- A Novel Nano/Micro-Fluidic Reactor for Evaluation of Pore-Scale Reactive Transport
- A river (used to) run through it: piracy in the Yukon
- Biofilm Effect on Flow Structure over a Permeable Bed
- Climatic and Glacioeustatic Controls on Sunda Shelf Dispersal Systems Simulated with LLEM
- Cross-plane particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow structure associated with interacting barchan dunes in a refractive index matched flume
- Crust azimuthal anisotropy beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau revealed by ambient noise tomography
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structure across the Tibet-Qinling Transition Zone in NE Tibet: Implications for Material Extrusion of the Tibetan Plateau
- Crustal melting beneath orogenic plateaus: Insights from 3-D thermo-mechanical modeling
- Filamentous Morphology as a Means for Thermophilic Bacteria to Survive Steep Physical and Chemical Gradients in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Linking carbon and hydrologic fluxes in the critical zone: Observations from high-frequency monitoring of a weathered bedrock vadose zone
- Linking the distribution of carbon isotope ratios in soil carbonates and speleothems to climate conditions in the past: A model for the dependence of respiration rate on soil moisture
- Lithospheric structure of east Asia from ambient noise and two-station Rayleigh wave tomography
- Modeled post-glacial landscape evolution at the southern margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: hydrological connection of uplands controls the pace and style of fluvial network expansion
- Modeling and measuring the relationships between sediment transport processes, alluvial bedforms and channel-scale morphodynamics in sandy braided rivers.
- Numerical Estimation of the Outer Bank Resistance Characteristics in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Off-Axis Seamount Lavas at 8°20' N Span the Entire Range of East Pacific Rise MORB Compositions
- Rate dependent fractionation of sulfur isotopes in through-flowing systems
- Reactive alteration of Mt. Simon sandstone during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-rich brine injection: A coupled experimental and modeling study
- Relating runoff generation mechanisms to concentration-discharge relationships in catchments with well-characterized Critical Zone structures and hydrologic dynamics
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Southern hemisphere craton modification by plume-lithosphere interaction
- Spatial δ<SUP>18</SUP>Osw-SSS relationship across the western tropical Pacific Ocean
- Surface-subsurface turbulent interaction at the interface of a permeable bed: influence of the wall permeability
- Temporal changes of the inner core from waveform doublets
- Testing Lithospheric versus Deep-Mantle Dynamics on Post-100 Ma Evolution of Western U.S. using Landscape Evolution Modeling
- Testing the role of bedforms as controls on the morphodynamics of sandy braided rivers with CFD
- The role of fluid mobility in the development of shale weathering profiles: Direct observations from a vadose zone monitoring system
- The role of rock moisture on regulating hydrologic and solute fluxes in the critical zone
- Thermal Diffusion Fractionation of Cr and V Isotope in Silicate Melt
- Unlocking Ft: Modeling thermodynamic controls and isotope fractionation factors in nutrient limited environments
- Unravelling the relative contribution of bed and suspended sediment load on a large alluvial river
- A Comparison of Basal Sliding and Erosion in Numerical Glacial Landscape Evolution Models Using Two Different Sliding Laws
- A Model of Shale Weathering at the Eel River-CZO Constrained by High Resolution Spatiotemporal Observations of Solute and Gas Profiles Across the Vadose Zone
- Alluvial Sand Extraction Exceeds Bedload Supply to the Mekong Delta
- Bacterial Motility and Spatial Heterogeneity Enhances Biological Nitrate Reduction in the Presence of Toxic Antibiotic Concentrations
- Characterization of Flank Eruptions using Paleo-stress Fields: Akaroa, New Zealand
- Complex deformation of the eastern Tibetan Plateau inferred from ambient-noise Rayleigh-wave tomography
- Dune morphology and hysteresis in alluvial channels during long-duration floods revealed using high temporal-resolution MBES bathymetry
- Effects of heat-producing elements on the long-term evolution of thermochemical piles at the base of the mantle
- Geochemical Diversity of Lavas from the 8°20'N Seamount Chain Provides Insights into Seamount Evolution from a Heterogeneous Mantle
- Hydrologic regulation of vadose zone oxygen dynamics in fractured bedrock
- Impact of burn severity on thermokarst initiation and expansion in Arctic tundra ecosystems
- Investigating the stability of the Laguna del Maule magmatic systemby modeling the stress state using data assimilation
- Joint Inversion for the Lithospheric Structure in East Tibet
- Microbially mediated nitrogen isotope fractionation in hypersaline lakes
- Model forecasts of the 26 June 2018 Eruption of Sierra Negra Volcano, Galápagos
- Off-Axis Seamount Chain Lavas at 8°20' N Reveal a Spatially Complex, Heterogeneous Mantle Near the East Pacific Rise
- Particle image velocimetry measurements of the flow structure associated with interacting barchan dunes in a refractive index matched flume
- Plant phenologic controls on soil respiration response to pulse wetting events in an alpine meadow, East River, CO, USA
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Tearing of Indian Mantle Lithosphere from High-Resolution Seismic Images and its Implications for Lithosphere Coupling in Southern Tibet
- Temporal Changes of Upper Part of the Earth's Inner Core from Globally Distributed Repeating Earthquakes
- Tracking reservoir stability through multi-data stream statistical data assimilation: Application to the 2008 eruption of Okmok, AK
- Transformation of ancient organic carbon in exposed organic-rich black shale of the Monterey Formation, Naples Beach, CA
- A comparison of dimensionality reduction techniques in hydrogeochemistry
- A coupled reactive transport and ecohydrologic modeling approach to root-soil-microbe interactions in the Critical Zone
- A global agenda for the world's sand resources
- A microfluidic platform for assessing reaction and transport in fractured shale media
- A reactive transport framework for the co-evolution of rhizodeposition and mineral weathering below soil
- Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Structures Across the Lower Yangtze Region and Their Tectonic Implications, Eastern South China
- Decadal impacts of wildfire and climate change on permafrost degradation in Arctic Alaska
- Does microbial diversity in nitrous oxide reducers regulate soil nitrous oxide emissions?
- Effects of spatial concentration gradients of antibiotics with different modes of action on the survival, migration, and metabolic activity for nitrate reduction of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 in a microfluidic device.
- Geodynamic Implications from Late Cenozoic Dynamic Topography and Landscape Evolution in the Eastern U.S.
- Geoscience Camp! Methods for Introducing Geosciences to Middle School Girls
- High resolution joint inversion of lithospheric structure in central Midcontinent combing ambient noise and generalized H-k method (H-k-c).
- Hydrological controls on subsurface shale bedrock-nitrogen release and export from a mountainous watershed hillslope
- Imaging the reactive transport properties of sedimentary formations across scales
- Increasing fire frequency and short-interval fires in the boreal forest: precedence and context from Alaskan paleoecological records
- Influence of Rotation on the Dynamics of Ellipsoidal Particles
- Interpreting lacustrine bulk sediment d<SUP>15</SUP>N values using metagenomics: A case study from a hypersaline lake system
- Microfluidic Analysis of Porosity Occlusion Due to Microbial Biofilm and Mineral Growth Within Shale Fractures
- Non-steady Slow Rotation of the Inner Core from Repeating Earthquakes
- On the Composition and Structure of Human Kidney Stone Nano-layers at Atomic Scale
- Potential of Sulfidated Iron (Oxides) to Abiotically Reduce Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood Debris(lwd) Patches on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion with Porous Structure Approximation
- Quantifying the dynamics of transitional clay flows using a novel experimental approach
- Response in Nitrogen Cycling Processes under Natural Diurnal Temperature Changes in Tropical and Midwest Agricultural Surface Soil
- River bank instability induced by unsustainable sand mining in the Mekong River
- Sea and Sediment Controls on Lowland River Evolution and Flood Risk Simulated with LLEM
- Silicon Isotopic and Ge/Si Fractionation During Amorphous Silica Precipitation: Implications for Silicate Weathering Proxies
- Tectonic controls on rates and spatial patterns of glacial erosion through geothermal heat flux
- The Formation of Dunes under Unidirectional Flows in Coarse Silts and Fine Sands
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes - PIV measurements of flow structure associated with early stage protodune development in a refractive-index-matched flume
- The effect of low sulfate in the Precambrian oceans on seawater-basalt reaction traced by triple oxygen and strontium isotopes
- The factors regulating soil respiration in response to wetting events: A three-parameter model analysis of existing incubation studies
- Turbulent flow structure associated with isolated and interacting barchan dunes
- Weathering Regimes and Lithium Isotope Signals of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation: A Reactive Transport Perspective
- Westerly surface winds across eastern and mid-continental North America during the Last Glacial Maximum
- #GeoHackeo, the GeoLatinas hackathon - Testing our Digital Literacy toolkit
- Applying neural network learning to deconvolve the δ<SUP>18</SUP>O - sea surface salinity relationship in the global ocean
- Correlating crustal and lithospheric signatures with geological features in the central midcontinent from a high-resolution joint inversion of H-κ-c receiver functions and ambient noise tomography
- CrunchREWT, a coupled root exudation and reactive transport model for Critical Zone biogeochemical dynamics
- Divergent responses of shrub cover in upland and lowland tundra ecosystems to climate change and fire disturbance
- Fines Migration in Shale Fractures During Reactive Transport
- Fluvial response to climate change-induced stream capture, Yukon, Canada
- Geolatinas Digital Literacy Toolkit: A Diverse Community Developing Coding Skills for the Open Source World.
- Ghost Granophyre: A New Quartz Cathodoluminescence Texture from the Troodos Ophiolite
- Late-Cretaceous Izanagi Flat Subduction below East Asia and Tectonic Responses
- Linking the flow across a permeable boundary using a refractive index matching approach: first evidence of amplitude modulation crossing the interface
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Machine Learning predictions of cropland ecosystem respiration
- Promoting Basal Slide and Flank Eruptions due to Edifice Relaxation in the Mauna Loa-Kīlauea Volcanic System, Hawaiʻi
- Quantifying the dynamics of transitional clay flows using a novel experimental approach
- Respiration in a shale rhizosphere dominated by deep root respiration, not oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon
- Synergies and Conflicts of Sand Mining Activities with UN Sustainable Development Goals
- The Origin of Aeolian Dunes: the development of flow structure over low-angle protodunes
- The distribution of organic matter in aragonite spherules: Insights into potential biotic mechanisms of spherule formation
- Triangle Shaped Bends Associated with Peat in the Zoige Basin, Northeast Qinghai - Tibet Plateau, China
- What controls the shape of dunes in alluvial channels?
- Deep learning-based H- method (HKNet): A new method for estimating crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio from receiver functions