University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Department of Civil Engineering
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Multiscale Approach to Optimal In Situ Bioremediation Design
- Activation of Aqueous Aerosol Particles Containing NaCl and Water Soluble Surfactant: Comparison of Measured to Modeled Results
- An Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Improved Groundwater Remediation Design
- An Explicit 3-Dimensional Model for Reactive Transport of Nitrogen in Tile Drained Fields
- Coupling Stream Network Organization and Hydraulic Geometry
- Future Needs in Hydrologic Data Services and Knowledge Discovery
- Optical Aerosol Properties Over the Asian Pacific Ocean during ACE-Asia
- Pore-Scale Evaluation of Dense Nonaqueous-Phase Liquid Dissolution Using Silicon-Based Micromodels
- Visualization of colloid transport using magnetic resonance imaging
- A Pore Scale Study of Permeability Reduction Caused by Biofilm Growth
- Characterization of the Mass Flux to Groundwater from DNAPL Trapped in Low Conductivity Zones
- Development of Diffusion in Porous Media due to Microbial Heterogeneities Caused by Bioclogging
- Integrating Science and Engineering to Reduce Uncertainty of Stream Naturalization: An Example from the Chicago Metro Area
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Nonaqueous Phase Liquid During Soil Vapor Extraction in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Modeling Denitrification in Agroecosystems of Central Illinois: Investigations at Field and Watershed Scales
- Numerical Modeling of NAPL Source Zone Treatment
- Positive Solution of Two-dimensional Dispersion Considering Cross Terms
- Slow Desorption Mechanisms of Volatile Organic Chemical Mixtures in Soil and Sediment Micropores
- The influence of Water Content on Soil Vapor Extraction
- A Self-Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Groundwater Remediation Design
- Three-Dimensional Hydraulics of Pool-Riffle Sequences in Low-Gradient Streams
- Uncertainty-Based Multi-Objective Optimization of Groundwater Remediation Design
- A Data Mining Approach for Understanding Topographic Control on Climate-Induced Inter-Annual Vegetation Variability Over the United States
- A Data-Driven Approach for Upscaling Solute Transport Models
- Application of Unscented Kalman Filter for Higher Order Accuracy in the Assimilation of Near Surface Soil Moisture
- Assimilating Terrestrial Hydrologic Fluxes Into Land Surface Models Using Remote Sensing Data Products
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- Data Mining to Improve Management and Reduce Costs Associated With Environmental Remediation
- Effect of soil moisture dynamics on the DNAPL spill zone architecture in heterogeneous porous media
- Illinois River Basin Hydrologic Observatory: A Center for Understanding and Predicting the Complex Hydrologic Cycle of Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Optical and Chemical Properties of Particles Generated by Traditional Wood Burning Cook Stoves
- Primary carbonaceous aerosols and climate modeling: Classifications, global emission inventories, and observations
- Range Variability of Bed Shear Stress: a Postulate for Stream Evolution
- Should We Be Concerned about Second Order Approximations in Hydrologic Models?
- The Modelshed GeoData Model
- Transport Of Reactive Solutes In Bimodal Porous Formations
- Bridging the Gap - Interactive Inverse Groundwater Modeling
- Climate-Relevant Properties of Organic Carbon (OC) and Their Impact on Direct Radiative Forcing Estimate
- Climate-Relevant Properties of Particles Generated by Traditional and Improved Wood Burning Cook Stoves
- Collaborative Large-scale Engineering Analysis Network for Environmental Research (CLEANER)Science Planning
- Comparative Application of Dimensionless Bankfull Hydraulic Relations for Earth and Titan
- Data Mining Architecture For The Analysis Of Remote Sensing Data
- Effect of Hydrograph Characteristics on Vertical Grain Sorting in Gravel Bed Rivers
- Effects of Source Zone Architecture on Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Dissolution: a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study
- Evaluation of Pore-Scale Effects on Transverse Dispersion and Reactive Transport
- Evaluation of Surfactant-Enhanced Nonaqueous Phase Liquid Dissolution in Heterogeneous Permeability Fields Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Investigation of the Relative Roles of Climate Seasonality and Landscape Properties on Mean Annual and Monthly Water Balances
- On the nature and causes of hydrological variability and scale effects
- Organic Carbon: Correlating UV-Vis Absorption Spectral Patterns to Hygroscopicity
- Temporal Scales and Hydrological Regimes: The Impact of Climate Change and Variability Upon Flood Response
- Transformation and Filtering Process of Lakes in A Catchment
- Transpiration as the Leak in a Carbon Factory: A Model of Self-Optimising Vegetation
- 3-D Volume Averaged Soil-moisture Transport Model: A Scalable Scheme for Representing Subgrid Topographic Control in Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- Climate Forcing by Particles from Specific Sources, With Implications for No-regrets Scenarios
- Comprehensive Database of Carbonaceous Aerosol Concentrations, with Focus on Quantifying Systematic Uncertainty
- Development of the Global Hydrologic Model with Advanced Characterization of Subsurface Transport Processes for Water Availability Assessment
- Exploring possible tight inter-connections between climate, soil, topography through constraining by empirical measure of annual water balance
- Factors Leading to Variability of Emission Factors, Single Scattering Albedo, and Elemental Carbon Fraction from Biofuel Emissions
- Filter-Based Measurements of Absorption by Black and Brown Carbon: The COlored SMoke InterComparison Experiment (COSMIC)
- Hydraulic Redistribution by Plant Roots: Implications for the Role of Deep Soil Memory in Climate Predictability
- Improving the Computational Efficiency of the Bayesian Calibration of Hydrological Simulation Models
- Interactive Genetic Algorithm - An Adaptive and Interactive Decision Support Framework for Design of Optimal Groundwater Monitoring Plans
- Interactive Inverse Groundwater Modeling - Addressing User Fatigue
- Modeled Response of the low Gradient Portions of the Fly and Strickland Rivers to Post- Glacial Sea-Level Rise
- Quantifying Catchment Similarities Based on Wavelet Spectral Analysis
- Seasonality of Forcing by Carbonaceous Aerosols
- Spectral Absorption Properties of Carbonaceous Particles
- Understanding Monthly Land Surface Relationships at the Continental Scale Using Remotely Sensed Data
- Effects of flow focusing on enhancement of transverse-mixing limited reactions at the pore and continuum scale
- Evaluating atmospheric aerosol removal processes through integration of global modeling and satellite data
- Evaluation of Alternative Conceptual Models Using Interdisciplinary Information: An Application in Shallow Groundwater Recharge and Discharge
- Integrating Sensor Data and Informatics to Improve Understanding of Hypoxia in the WATERS Network Testbed at Corpus Christi Bay, Texas
- Interacting With A Near Real-Time Urban Digital Watershed Using Emerging Geospatial Web Technologies
- Investigation of Numerical Upscaling Techniques for Mixing-Controlled Reactions in Heterogeneous Media
- Light Absorption by Organic Carbon From Wood Combustion
- Partitioning of Water Discharge by Distributary Channels in the Prograding, Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana, USA
- Prediction Uncertainty Analyses for the Combined Physically-Based and Data-Driven Models
- Radiative forcing by brown carbon and mixed black carbon: a probabilistic approach
- Sandbar Formation Under Surface Waves
- Solving Large-scale Spatial Optimization Problems in Water Resources Management through Spatial Evolutionary Algorithms
- The IAHS Decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB) as a key U.S. Contribution to International Hydrology
- The WATERS Network Conceptual Design
- Using Two-Year Recurrence-Period Discharge to Develop Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves
- Water Cycle Dynamics in a Changing Environment: Advancing Hydrologic Science through Synthesis
- A Complementary Modeling Framework to Quantify and Reduce Groundwater Flow Model Uncertainty
- A coupling framework as a virtual hydrological laboratory for water, sediment and nutrients modeling at the catchment scale
- Experimental Study of Bedrock Channel Alluviation Under Varied Sediment Supply and Hydraulic Conditions
- Functional Group Analysis of Biomass Burning Particles Using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Human perturbation to atmospheric phosphorus
- Impact of multiphase flow and transport on NAPL distribution and NAPL removal mechanisms in unsaturated porous media
- Implication of Coal Tar and Asphalt on Black Carbon Quantification in Urban Watersheds
- Investigating Vegetation Dynamics When Scaled From Plant to Ecosystems
- Natural Transformation of Azotobacter vinelandii by Adsorbed Chromosomal DNA: Role of Adsorbed DNA Conformation
- Predictive Understanding of Seasonal Hydrological Dynamics under Climate and Land Use-Land Cover Change
- Real Time Detection of Anomalies in Streaming Radar and Rain Gauge Data
- State and Parameter Estimation of Hydrologic Models Using the Constrained Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Subordinated Kinematic Subsurface Flow in Hillslopes
- The Importance of Deep Roots and Hydraulic Redistribution to Amazonian Rainforest Resilience and Response to Hydro-Climatic Variability: A Simulation Analysis
- The Microfluidics Flow and Transport Laboratory: A New User Facility at PNNL's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
- Toward the Virtualization of Environmental Sensors: Customizing and Re-purposing Data Streams for Real-Time Applications
- Understanding how Geomorphology and Climate Define the Hydrologic Catchment Response
- A Morphodynamic Routing Model of the Maple River, Minnesota (Invited)
- A functional model of watershed-scale annual water balance partitioning: L’vovich, Ponce and Shetty revisited (Invited)
- Biogeochemical Signatures of Contaminant Transport at the Watershed Scale: Spectral and Wavelet Analysis (Invited)
- Comparing administered and market-based water allocation systems using an agent-based modeling approach
- Comparing catchment evapotranspiration at different time scales through a bottom-up and top-down method
- Data-Driven Geospatial Visual Analytics for Real-Time Urban Flooding Decision Support
- Detecting and Attributing Change of Seasonal Base Flow Recession Slopes in Human Interfered Watersheds
- Effects of Porous Media Heterogeneity and Transverse Mixing on Bacterial Growth
- Emission projection and uncertainty analysis of exhaust emissions from global and Asian on-road vehicles
- First experimental results on downstream “lightening”, the selective deposition of heavier particles in a sediment mixture of uniform size
- HEIST: An event-scale model of cascading water and solute fronts through the vadose zone (Invited)
- Inter-annual and inter-catchment variability of hydrologic partitioning: The importance of the Horton index to improve hydrologic predictions in a changing environment (Invited)
- Irrigation and Instream Management under Drought Conditions using Probabilistic Constraints
- Landscape and climate controls on the Horton index revealed through a stochastic-analytical model (Invited)
- Modeling the morphodynamics of the lower Mississippi River as a quasi-bedrock river (Invited)
- Numerical and experimental investigation of mixing-induced calcite precipitation and permeability changes in micromodel experiments
- Numerical and experimental investigation of the impact of organic chemical mixtures on DNAPL migration and distribution in unsaturated porous media
- Optimality Based Dynamic Plant Allocation Model: Predicting Acclimation Response to Climate Change
- Pore-Scale Investigation of Mixing-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Silicon-Based Micromodels
- Predictability of Biogeochemical Responses in Engineered Watersheds
- Predicting Seasonal Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange: Comparative Hydrology across FLUXNET Sites (Invited)
- Reactions along Transverse Mixing Zones in Heterogeneous Aquifers: Using Effective Dispersion Coefficients and Multi-Scale Finite Element Methods
- Seaward protrusion of a graded channel-lobe system: 2D model experiments
- Secondary flow in meandering channels: a comparison of rivers and channels in the deep sea created by turbidity currents (Invited)
- The Contribution of Black Carbon Above Clouds to Global Average Forcing
- The Growth of Hydrological Understanding: Observations, Theories and Societal Influences that have Shaped the Field
- The Role of Structural, Biochemical and Ecophysiological Plant Acclimation in the Eco-Hydrologic Response of Agro-Ecosystems to Global Change in the Central US
- Understanding Hydrologic Catchment Similarities Through Detailed Modeling
- Water Quality Effects of Miscanthus as a Bioenergy Crop
- A Watershed-Scale Agent-Based Model Incorporating Agent Learning and Interaction of Farmers' Decisions Subject to Carbon and Miscanthus Prices
- A network model for simulating sediment dynamics within a small watershed (Invited)
- A probabilistic approach to emissions from transportation sector in the coming decades
- A reflection on the nature of combustion and the search for short-lived climate warmers (Invited)
- Altered Water Extraction and Hydraulic Redistribution of Agricultural Crop Soybean at Daily Time Scales in Open-Air Elevation of CO2 under Drought
- Analyzing Catchment Hydrologic Function through Process-based Behavioral Modeling
- Anthropogenic Signatures in Nutrient Loads Exported from Managed Catchments: Emergence of Effective Biogeochemical Stationarity
- Applications of a Complimentary Modeling Framework to Improve Regional-Scale Groundwater Prediction
- Catchment Classification: Connecting Climate, Structure and Function
- Climate change impacts on global rainfed agricultural land availability
- Coupling Soil-Canopy Processes to Nitrogen Dynamics: Impacts of Deep Rooting Mechanisms
- Cyclic Steps and Antidunes : Relating Their Features to a Suspension Index
- Does optimal adaptation allow prediction of water use by vegetation without calibration?
- Effect of Streamflow Forecast Uncertainty on Real-Time Reservoir Operation
- Expansion of Bioenergy Crops in the Midwestern United States: Implications for the Hydrologic Cycle under Climate Change
- Explore Inter-annual Variability of Catchment Water-energy Balance Based on Remote Sensed ET Datasets
- Factors affecting the growth of Didymosphenia geminata in New Zealand rivers: Flow, bed disturbance, nutrients, light, and seasonal dynamics. (Invited)
- Fast Tracking Data to Informed Decisions: An Advanced Information System to Improve Environmental Understanding and Management (Invited)
- Interplay Between MEP, Hydraulic Redistribution and Resource Use Efficiency in Determining the Structure of Plant Roots
- Laboratory Experiments of Sand Ripples with Bimodal Size Distributions Under Asymmetric Oscillatory Flows
- Meander migration modeling accounting for the effect of riparian vegetation
- Mixing-induced calcite precipitation and dissolution kinetics in micromodel experiments
- Optimality Conditions for A Two-Stage Reservoir Operation Problem
- Optimality Versus Resilience In Patterns Of Carbon Allocation Within Plants Under Climate Change
- Reach Scale Sediment Balance of Goodwin Creek Watershed, Mississippi
- Real-Time Wastewater System Operational Strategy Adaptation for Rainfall Variability
- Role of vegetation and edaphic factors in controlling diversity and use of different carbon sources in semi-arid ecosystems
- Sand Bed Morphodynamics under Standing Waves and Vegetated Conditions
- Short time series analysis of Didymosphenia geminata blooming in the Oreti River, New Zealand
- Sidestream Elevated Pool Aeration, a Technology for Improving Water Quality in Urban Rivers
- Stochastic modeling of reactive solute transport in rivers
- Suspended sediment dynamics in the Mississippi River basin
- The Puzzle of Large, Low-Slope Sand-Bed Rivers: How Can They Be So Deep? (Invited)
- Vegetation controls on soil hydraulic properties and implications for the hydrologic variability of soils: observations and modeling
- Watersheds ``marching to a different drummer'': Diagnostic analyses in search of appropriate model structures (Invited)
- Characterizing sub-grid aging regimes with a particle-resolved model
- Co-evolution of Vegetation, Sediment Transport and Infiltration on semi-arid hillslopes
- Comparison of linear and nonlinear models of steady morphodynamics in channels of constant curvature and meandering channels
- Connectivity dynamics and its impact on material flux and transformations in a watershed
- Evaluating Sand Transport Through Two Spillway Diversions on the Lower Mississippi River During the Flood of 2011: Implications for Land Management Via Controlled Diversions
- Evolution of Modeling Strategies for Operational Hydrologic Models with Changing Timescales
- Flow structure in submarine meandering channels, a continuous discussion on secondary flow
- Functional Signatures as the Basis for Hydrologic Similarity: Regional Analysis Across the Continental United States
- Hydraulic Modeling and Evolutionary Optimization for Enhanced Real-Time Decision Support of Combined Sewer Overflows
- Hydraulic geometry of meandering, alluvial sand-bed streams: the roles of washload, vegetation and natural bank armoring
- Identifying Effects of Forecast Uncertainty on Flood Control Decision - A Hydro-economic Hedging Framework
- Incorporate Hydrologic Forecast for Real-Time Reservoir Operations
- Integrating Delta Building Physics & Economics: Optimizing the Scale of Engineered Avulsions in the Mississippi River Delta
- Managing Watersheds as Couple Human-Natural Systems: A Review of Research Opportunities
- Maximum Regional Emission Reduction Potential in Residential Sector Based on Spatial Distribution of Population and Resources
- Meander migration in horizontally and vertically heterogeneous floodplains
- Measurement of Optical Properties of Organic and Mixed Organic/ Inorganic Laboratory Aerosols at Relative Humidities between 8 and 95%
- Pore-scale simulation of calcium carbonate precipitation and dissolution under highly supersaturated conditions in a microfludic pore network
- Prediction under Change (PUC): Water, Earth and Biota in the Anthropocene
- Real-time reservoir operation considering non-stationary inflow prediction
- Reynolds-mediated scale effects on the modeling of turbidity currents
- Role of Hydraulic Redistribution in Enhancing Multi-Species Vegetation Interaction and Ecosystem Productivity
- Scaling of Turbidity Currents and Riverine Flows for Laboratory Experiments: similarities and differences
- Top Down Modeling and Catchment Classification: Insight into hydrologic processes/function and hydrologic similarity
- Turbulence Modulation in Turbidity Currents and its Implication on Turbidites: A Large Eddy Simulation approach
- Typology of Hydrologic Prediction Challenges and Implications for Trustworthy Model Development
- Updating river bathymetry with multiple data sources using kriging
- Using Regression Trees to Identify the Dominant Controls of Flow Frequency and Predict Flow-Duration Curves
- A probabilistic approach to examine the impacts of mitigation policies on future global PM emissions from on-road vehicles
- Advancing Water Science through Improved Cyberinfrastructure
- Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability - A Global Assessment
- Coupled simulation of DNAPL infiltration and dissolution in a three-dimensional heterogeneous experimental aquifer
- Evaluation of the Impact of 2006 Aviation NOx Emissions on Atmospheric Ozone using CAM5Chem
- Handling Model Uncertainty: The Importance of Human Knowledge
- Hydrologic Predictions in the Anthropocene: A Research Framework Based on a Co-evolutionary Socio-hydrologic Perspective
- Impact Assessment of Large Scale Floods Using Imaging Spectroscopy
- Landscape Vulnerability Analysis from Historic Lower Mississippi River Flood in 2011
- Light Absorbing Organic Carbon from Wood Pyrolysis: Closure Study between Measured and Modeled Optical Properties at Controlled Relative Humidity between 40 and 95%
- Modeling and Experimental Investigations of Mixing-Controlled Geochemical and Biological Reactions at the Pore Scale
- Modeling the Effect of Changing Sediment Load on the Flow Regime of the Lower Mississippi River
- Morphodynamics of Travertine Dam/Waterfall Growth due to the Interaction of Biological Activity, Water Flow and Limestone Emplacement
- Precipitation Recycling in India during South West Monsoon
- Prediction of Regional Streamflow Frequency using Model Tree Ensembles: A data-driven approach based on natural and anthropogenic drainage area characteristics
- Process-identification in Bacteria Transport in porous media using statistical inverse modeling
- Real-Time System for Water Modeling and Management
- Role of Root Water Transport in Multi-Species Vegetation Composition on Below-Ground Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Modeling
- Statistical Analysis of Depth Connectivity within Single Thread Meandering Riverine Systems
- Strategic Planning for Drought Mitigation Under Climate Change
- The Effect of Calcium and Magnesium on Carbonate Mineral Precipitation during Reactive Transport in a Model Subsurface Pore Structure
- Vegetal Encroachment on Point Bar Deposits as a Control on Width Variation in Meandering Rivers
- Wet Removal of Organic and Black Carbon Aerosols
- A socio-hydrological model to explain the 'pendulum swing' in human-water system dynamics in the Murrumbidgee catchment, Australia
- Adaptation for Planting and Irrigation Decisions to Changing Monsoon Regime in Northeast India: Risk-based Hydro-economic Optimization
- Application of Atmosphere Transport Matrix in Constraining Historical Black Carbon Emissions Inventory
- Assessing air quality and climate impacts of future ground freight choice in United States
- Bacterial Transport and Fate and Its Effect on Horizontal Gene Transfer in Soil
- Changing the Curation Equation: A Data Lifecycle Approach to Lowering Costs and Increasing Value
- Colloid Transport in Porous Media: A Contemporaneous Survey of Conceptual Models (Invited)
- Decision Support for Active Water Management (Invited)
- Design and Implementation of Hydrologic Process Knowledge-base Ontology: A case study for the Infiltration Process
- Exploring the linkage between flood frequency and annual water balance over the contiguous United States based on data-analysis
- Global emission projections for the transportation sector using dynamic technology modeling
- Investigating the forcing-per-emission relationship of regional BC direct and cloud-related climate effects
- Investigation of the breakdown of the muddy lutocline with a turbulent Couette flow
- Is a Dendritic Drainage Basin Inevitable? (Invited)
- Linking empirical Sherwood-Gilland models for NAPL dissolution to thermodynamic theory
- Mapping of Soil Properties Using Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
- Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability in Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Fertilization
- Modeling delta growth and channel geometry on Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana. Preliminary results
- Modeling of 1-D Deltaic Progradation with a Self-Formed Channel and Floodplain: Implications of a New Slope-Dependent Formative Shields Number
- Modelling Incision in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Rivers: The Role of Sediment Waves (Invited)
- Optimizing Virtual Land and Water Resources Flow Through Global Trade to Meet World Food and Biofuel Demand
- Planform Dynamics of a Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Meandering River
- Remotely-Sensed Soil Moisture for Agricultural Decision Support: An Integration of National-Scale Hydroclimatic Classification and Ground-Based Sensors
- Response of delta distributaries to differential water depths in the transverse direction: Tank experiments with bimodal grain-size sediment
- Scaling characteristics of topographic depressions
- Socio-hydrologic Modeling to Understand and Mediate the Competition for Water between Humans and Ecosystems: Murrumbidgee River Basin, Australia (Invited)
- The role of acclimation in scaling GPP from the leaf to the canopy for crops in a changing climate
- Upscaling DNAPL Dissolution With A Simple Model That Predicts Multistage Mass Discharge
- Virtual water trade flows and savings under climate change
- Food Trade and Its Water Footprint Under Climate and Policy Scenarios
- Improving Computational Efficiency of Model Predictive Control Genetic Algorithms for Real-Time Decision Support
- Laboratory Observations of Sand Ripple Evolution in a Small Oscillatory Flow Tunnel
- Quantifying the impact of particle composition on absorption by black carbon
- Sediment transport dynamics linked to morphological evolution of the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Spatial Pattern of Great Lakes Estuary Processes from Water Quality Sensing and Geostatistical Methods
- <p>Crop Insurance Increases Water Withdrawals for Irrigation in Agriculture
- A Theoretical Model of Water and Trade
- Comparison of the Shan-Chen and Color-Fluid Models in Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Ground-Based Robotic Sensing of an Agricultural Sub-Canopy Environment
- Recent Advances in Characterizing Depositional Facies and Pore Network Modeling in Context of Carbon Capture Storage: An Example from the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone in the Illinois Basin
- Robot-Assisted Measurements in Data Sparse Regions
- Scaling Effect In Trade Network
- Streamflow generation in a drying catchment outside Bangalore, India
- The Water Footprint of Food Aid
- The impact of model complexity on CO<SUB>2</SUB> saturation and mass balance
- Virtual groundwater transfers from overexploited aquifers in the United States
- Waterway-View Imaging with a Small Unmanned Surface System
- A Framework for Drought Risk Management
- Agricultural Green And Blue Water Uses And Their Impact on the Water System in China
- An environmental cost-benefit analysis of alternative green roofing strategies
- Comparison of Pore-Network and Lattice Boltzmann Models for Pore-Scale Modeling of Geological Storage of CO2 in Natural Reservoir Rocks
- Drought Impacts to Water Footprints and Virtual Water Transfers of the Central Valley of California
- Drought and Heat Wave Impacts on Electricity Grid Reliability in Illinois
- Global climate shocks to agriculture from 1950 - 2015
- Harmonizing Social and Environmental Dynamics in Earth Systems Modeling
- Identifying Green Infrastructure from Social Media and Crowdsourcing- An Image Based Machine-Learning Approach.
- Identifying the interferences of irrigation on evapotranspiration variability over the Northern High Plains
- Impacts of human behavior heterogeneity on the benefits of probabilistic flood warnings
- Numerical modeling of hydrodynamics and sediment transport at diversions: why depth-averaged models are not able to capture the inherent physics
- Optimization of green infrastructure network at semi-urbanized watersheds to manage stormwater volume, peak flow and life cycle cost: Case study of Dead Run watershed in Maryland
- Probabilistic Flood Mapping using Volunteered Geographical Information
- Robot-Assisted Socio-Hydrologic and Water Quality Understanding in Data Sparse Regions
- Statistical and Hybrid Approaches to Predicting Reservoir Inflows During Flood Events
- The signature of bankfull hydraulic conditions reflected by properties of the channel bank: a case study from the Selenga River delta, Lake Baikal, Russia
- Water Reallocation - Increasing Opportunities for Cooperation, Administration and Market
- An agent-based modelling framework to explore the role of social media and stubborn people on evacuation rates during flooding events
- Behavior of Agricultural water users induced hydro-climatic cycle change in Heihe River Basin, in the northwest of china
- Brown Dog: A Data Transformation Ecosystem for Research - Advancing from Beta to 1.0
- Determining Effective Forecast Horizon for Reservoir Operation
- Estimating Discharge, Depth and Bottom Friction in Sand Bed Rivers Using Surface Currents and Water Surface Elevation Observations
- Evaluation of WRF Parameterizations for Air Quality Applications over the Midwest USA
- Evapotranspiration Power Law in Self-Organized and Human-Managed Ecosystems
- Exploring the interactions between forecast accuracy, risk perception and perceived forecast reliability in reservoir operator's decision to use forecast
- Feedbacks between Reservoir Operation and Floodplain Development
- Identifying the Minimum Model Features to Replicate Historic Morphodynamics of a Juvenile Delta
- Impacts of climate change on the food-energy-water nexus in the upper Yellow River Basin: An integrated hydro-economic modeling approach
- Inter-comparison of Flux-Gradient and Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Methods for Measuring Ammonia Flux Above a Corn Canopy in Central Illinois, USA
- Investigating the processes of ammonia exchanges between the atmosphere and a corn canopy following Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertilization with urease inhibitor NBPT
- Length scale hierarchy and spatiotemporal change of alluvial morphologies over the Selenga River delta, Russia
- Measure for Measure: Urban Water and Energy
- Measurements of unjacketed moduli of porous rock
- Non-stationarity in US droughts and implications for water resources planning and management
- Numerical Estimation of the Outer Bank Resistance Characteristics in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Observations of Building Performance under Combined Wind and Surge Loading from Hurricane Harvey
- Thermo-hydro-mechanical coupling in long-term sedimentary rock response
- Tornado Damage Assessment: Reconstructing the Wind Through Debris Tracking and Treefall Pattern Analysis
- Use of Citizen Science and Social Media to Improve Wind Hazard and Damage Characterization
- Using game theory to analyze green stormwater infrastructure implementation policies
- 3-D Modeling of the Co-evolution of Landscape and Soil Organic Carbon
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Multi-Aerosol Mixing State Metrics at a Global Scale in Earth System Models
- A Secure Decision Support System for Coordination of Adaptation Planning Among FEW Actors
- A decentralized optimization model to improve reliability of thermoelectricity supply during low flow and drought events
- An analytical framework for reservoir operation with combined natural inflow and controlled inflow
- An integrated and spatially scalable prioritization framework for green stormwater infrastructure planning: A trade-off analysis of socio-ecological vulnerability
- Application of Meta-Heuristic Probabilistic Genetic Algorithms and Machine Learning Surrogate Models to Recognize Optimal Patterns of Green Stormwater Infrastructure Networks and Predict their Performance in Urban Watersheds
- Challenges and Opportunities of Multi-Scale Urban Energy and Water Data
- Effect of Emergent Vegetation on Suspended Sediment Transport
- Evaluation of the stationarity assumption for decadal drought risk estimation in continental US
- Experimental study of the temporal and spatial distribution of turbulence within vegetation under oscillatory flows
- Grass Carp Response to Flow Turbulence: Egg Mortality and Larvae Response to Altered Flows.
- Laboratory Experiments on Flow Structure over Transient Ripples Geometry
- Modelling In-Stream Phosphorus Processes to Generate Insights on Point-Source Phosphorus Removal
- Pore Network Stitching for Pore-to-Core Upscaling of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Preferential Erosion Zones in Mixed Bedrock-Alluvial Meandering Rivers
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion in AN Evolving Meandering River
- Scenario Analysis of Downstream Flow Impacts from Reclaimed Water Consumption in Two Distinct Regions
- The Open Source PFLOTRAN Simulator
- Thermodynamic potentials driving the hydrologic cycle: an integrated approach to system reliability in land-atmosphere interactions
- Understanding the Resilience of Soil Moisture Regimes
- A Data Driven Approach to Identify Rainfall Derived Inflow and Infiltration in Sanitary Sewer Sub-catchments
- A Data-driven Approach to Quantifying Energy for Residential Water Heating in Urban Areas
- A coupled reactive transport and ecohydrologic modeling approach to root-soil-microbe interactions in the Critical Zone
- Assessing China's Water Futures under Alternative Policies using Integrated Modeling
- Availability and Prevalence of Energy-for-Water Data: A Critical Review of the Urban Energy-Water Nexus
- Characterizing causal dependencies through information flow: emerging frontier for understanding and prediction of earth system dynamics
- Co-evolution of soil organic carbon and landscapes in intensively engineered landscapes
- Decision Support and Stakeholder Engagement to Better Site Green Stormwater Infrastructure in Uncertain Urban Environments
- Deep Learning Emulation and Compression of an Atmospheric Chemical System using a Chained Training Regime
- Drought propagation in US watersheds: the role of watershed and climate properties
- Ecosystem thermodynamic response to human-induced perturbations
- Effects of Precipitation Variation and Irrigation Scheduling Methods on Maize under Future Climatic conditions
- Effects of plant litter and micro-topography on ecosystem hydrologic and thermal processes
- Generating Intuition and Hypotheses with a Simplified, Watershed-Scale Phosphorus Model
- Global climate shocks to agriculture from 1961 to 2014
- Green Infrastructure Cost/Benefit Assessment at Multiple Spatial Scales Across Urban Environments
- Machine learning based estimation of land productivity in the continental US using biophysical predictors
- Nonequilibrium dynamics of multiple urban interactions coupled to a thermal environment
- Opportunities for Agricultural Water Management in the Context of Food-Energy-Water Nexus
- Particle Capture by Aquatic Vegetation Patches: Application to Eggs and Larvae Traveling in Streams
- Poromechanical and flow properties of fractured crystalline rock
- Projections of Global Urban Heat Waves Empowered by Machine Learning
- Quality control of crowdsourced rainfall data with multiple noises: a machine learning approach
- Quantifying the Effects of Outer-Bank Large Wood Debris(lwd) Patches on Flow-Resistance and Bank Erosion with Porous Structure Approximation
- Role of Groundwater in Hydraulic Redistribution and Inter-Annual Water Use Dynamics in Semi-Arid Upland and Riparian Sites
- Socio-Hydrological Modelling of the Tradeoff Between Flood Control and Hydropower Provided by the Columbia River Treaty
- Soil erosion and burial control soil C reactivity and interaction with extractable metals in a Midwestern agricultural floodplain
- Spatiotemporal variability of stream Phosphorus in an agroindustrial watershed
- Stochastic Pore Network Stitching for Pore-to-Core Upscaling of Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Rocks
- Sustainable Urban Systems: Managing the Urban Multiplex and its Hydrologic Challenges
- Trade openness and climate shocks in agriculture
- Understanding and valuing sustainability in the critical zone
- Understanding how Complex Terrain Impacts Tornado Dynamics using a Suite of High-Resolution Numerical Simulations
- Understanding the Role of Land-Cover Heterogeneity on the Land-Atmospheric Interactions Inside the Footprint of A Tall Flux Tower
- Using Information Flow for Whole System Understanding from Component Dynamics
- A New Predictor of Turbulence Metrics for Wave-Dominated Flows through Submerged Aquatic Vegetation
- A Numerical Study on Vortex Dynamics Over Ripple Geometry with Defects
- A Theoretical Model of Trust in Forecast Information
- An agent-based model of a cellulosic biofuel system involving multiple stakeholder communities
- Analyzing the Surfactant Effect on Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) Activity Using a Particle-Resolved Aerosol Model
- Analyzing the response of grass carp larvae to acoustic stimuli using particle tracking velocimetry.
- Assessing land and water required for realizing the renewable fuel mandates in the United States
- Assessing the Radiative Cooling Effect of a New Urban Roof Material
- Assessment of Experimental Bias on Laboratory Studies of Vegetated Flows
- Behavioral Sciences Approach to Analyzing Cooperation Dynamics in Transboundary Water Management between the U.S. and Canada in the Columbia River Basin
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Long-term Periodic Injection Experiment (CO<SUB>2</SUB>LPIE) - Multidisciplinary Fluid-Rock Investigations on Multiple Scales
- Characterizing Causality In Spatio-temporal Environmental Systems
- Convergent Hydraulic Redistribution in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem with Groundwater Access
- CrunchREWT, a coupled root exudation and reactive transport model for Critical Zone biogeochemical dynamics
- Determining Inflow Forecast Horizon for Reservoir Operation
- Effects of Aquatic Vegetation on Gas Exchange Process Across Air-Water and Sediment-Water Interface
- Effects of model spatial scale on soil water movement and ecosystem fluxes
- Estimating Contributions of Potential Sea Salt Aerosol Sources to the Arctic Using Satellite Data
- Exposure of Urban Food-Energy-Water (FEW) Supply Chains to Water Scarcity in China.
- Feedback between Reservoir Operation and Floodplain Development: Implications for Economically Efficient Use of Floodplains and Reservoir Storage
- From Surface to Substrate: Impact of Floating Vegetation Root-Canopies on Turbulence and Hydrodynamics in Streams
- Global Multi-model Projections of Urban Heating and Air-conditioning Energy Demand
- Global Projections of Human-Perceived Heat Stress in Cities Under Climate Change
- Graph-guided regularized regression to improve predictive skill of precipitation at seasonal timescales
- How to estimate potential rainfall load: thermodynamic entropy perspective
- Hydrologic and Water Quality Modelling of an Intensively Managed Landscape
- IMAGINE :Identifying Misconceptions of Access of Underrepresented Groups in Engineering
- Impact of Irrigation Scheduling Methods on Corn Yield Under Climate Change
- In what ways can emerging technologies help address climate change impacts on FEW Nexus?
- Incorporating Fish Physiology in Stream Restoration: The Influences of Turbulence on Fish Energetics and Positional Choice
- Initiation of Motion and Form Drag of Plastic Waste in Landfills
- Internal and Structural Variability in Global Urban Climate Projections in CMIP6
- Investigation of Multi-fidelity Co-Kriging Model for Hydraulic Conductivity in Sangamon Watershed
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- Managing complex Food-Energy-Water systems: an integrated technology-environment-economics model of nutrient cycling in the U.S. Corn Belt watersheds
- Mechanics of Induced Microseismicity in Fractured Reservoirs
- Non-linear poromechanics and fluid flow in tight rock
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Urban Climate Modeling
- Picking up steam during the lockdown? Europe's thermoelectric water footprint during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Predicting atmospheric particle number concentration from roadway surveillance video
- Predicting directional properties of heterogeneous rocks from micro-CT images using deep neural networks
- Quantifying the magnitude of historical anthropogenic soil loss in the Midwestern United States
- Recent advances in integrating climate change, air quality, and public health into urban decision-making
- Role of Atmospheric Moisture flux in Establishing Feasibility of Freshwater Harvesting from Near Sea Surface Atmospheric Layer
- Source-specific Contributions to Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Ambient Fine Particulate Matter Exposure in the United States
- The Tale of How a Menacing Virus Temporarily Improved the Natural Environment of the Long-Polluted Dhaka City
- The Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network: Delivering Flood Information to AnyOne, AnyTime AnyWhere
- The fate of legacy sediments and its impact on dissolved oxygen in urban stream during storms
- Thermodynamic basis for the demarcation of Arctic/alpine treelines
- Thresholds of tile runoff generation and nitrogen transport in intensively managed landscapes
- Toward stable, general machine-learned models of the atmospheric chemical system
- Typology of Food-Energy-Water Systems in the United States
- Understanding the nature of causal information flow using directed acyclic graphs in land-atmosphere exchange using high-frequency flux tower data.
- Validating runoff of the Community Earth System Model (CESM) CMIP6 simulation against surface observation and reanalysis data
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Water Supply Droughts in US Watersheds: the role of Renewable Surface and Groundwater Resources