University of Texas, El Paso
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- "DOBREfraction'99" - Velocity Model of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Donbas Foldbelt (east Ukraine)
- 1.4 Ga Tectonism Recorded by Synchronous High Temperature Deformation, Granulite Facies Metamorphism and Magmatism, Wet Mountains, Colorado
- Crustal Earthquake Source Zones Within the Anchorage, Alaska Region
- Crustal Investigations of the Earthquake-Prone Vrancea Region in Romania - Part 1: First Data Examples From a Seismic Refraction Survey Between the Black Sea and the Transsylvanian Basin
- Crustal Structure of the Puget Lowland, Washington State From the Dry SHIPS '99 Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Profile
- Crustal investigations of the earthquake-prone Vrancea region in Romania - Part 2: Novel deep seismic reflection experiment in the southeastern Carpathian belt and its foreland basin - survey target, design, and first results
- Gravitational Flexing and the Potential for Life on the Outer Icy Satellites
- High Resolution Earthquake Locations in the Tibetan Plateau
- Improving the Cost Effectiveness of Crustal Reflection Seismology
- Incorporation of Trace Elements in Ancient and Modern Human Bone: An X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study
- Intermediate Depth Seismicity in the Vrancea Zone of Romania: A Geodynamic Paradox
- Lithospheric Structure in Central Europe Revealed by the CELEBRATION Seismic Experiment
- Lithospheric Structure of the Southern Basin and Range and Its Transition Into the Southwestern Margin of the Colorado Plateau
- Lithospheric structural controls on magma composition: the Kenya Rift
- Results of the Refraction/Wide Angle Reflection Seismic Experiment in the Southern Rocky Mountains (CD-ROM'99)
- Seasonal Variations in the Electrical Properties of Alluvial Sediments Near the Rio Grande, West Texas
- Seismic Reflection Image of Lithospheric Structure Beneath Shidara, Using Explosive Sources from the 2001 Deep Seismic Profiling in Central Japan
- Seismic Structure of the Jemez Lineament, New Mexico: Evidence for Heterogenous Accretion and Extension in Proterozoic Time, and Modern Volcanism
- Stable Isotope Analysis of a 12 M.Y. Record of Soil Carbonates in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- The Holocene History of the White Sands Dune Field and the influences of Climate on Eolian Deflation and Playa Lakes
- The Moho as a Dynamic Boundary: The Southern Rocky Mountain Region as an Example
- The North Park, South Park, and Raton Basins of Colorado: An Integrated Geophysical Study
- The Tectonic Signifance of 1.4 Ga Transtensional Shear Zones in the Southwestern USA
- The Use of Permeable Barriers to Inhibit Virus Migration in the Subsurface
- The Vrancea Zone, Romania: Intermediate Depth Seismicity in Search of a Viable Subduction Zone
- Toward Anisotropic Earthquake Resistance Codes: Putting Construction Dollars Where They Count
- ALP 2002: A Seismic Experiment to Explore the Alpine Lithopshere
- An Integrated Geophysical Study of Laramide Age Structures: Central Colorado
- An Integrated Study of the Holy Cross Mountains region of the Eastern European TESZ in Poland
- Ancient to Modern History of the Jemez Lineament of North Central New Mexico
- Building Pathways into the Geosciences for a Hispanic Community of Learners in El Paso
- Changes in Crustal Seismic Deformation Rates Associated with the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake
- Crustal Growth in the Rocky Mountains Based on Seismic Refraction/Wide-Angle Reflection Data
- Crustal Structure Near Coalinga, California Revisited: Implications for the Hypocentral Region of the 1983 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.7 Earthquake
- Crustal and Lower Lithospheric Structure of the TESZ Between Precambrian and Paleozoic Platforms in the Central Europe from POLONAISE'97 Seismic Profiles
- Deep Seismic Reflection Signature of Mafic Magmatic Underplates at the Base of Continental Crust
- Detailed Investigation of Shallow Lithospheric Anomalies in the Pannonia Basin
- Geology and the origin of trachytes and pantellerites from the Eburru volcanic field, Kenya Rift
- Historical Seismicity of the Denali Fault System
- Incorporation of arsenic in mammal bone: X-ray absorption spectroscopy
- Las Vegas Basin Seismic Response Project: Preliminary Results From Seismic Refraction Experiments, Las Vegas, NV.
- Lithospheric Signature of Paleorifts in Cratonal Europe and North America
- Mapping Playa Evaporite Minerals, White Sands, New Mexico Using Landsat ETM+
- Preliminary Results of Double Difference Relocations in the Anchorage Region
- Results from Shallow Seismic Refraction Surveys across Range-Bounding Faults in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- Rupture Processes of the November 3, 2002 Denali (M=7.9) Earthquake
- Search Parameters for the Remote Detection of Extraterrestrial Life
- Seismic Reflection Image of Lithospheric Structure Beneath Shikoku, SW Japan : Preliminary Result of Shikoku 2002
- Structure of the Marfa Basin, Trans-Pecos Texas: An Integrated Geophysical Study
- The use of Gravity Models to Constrain Regional Velocity Models for the Libya Area
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Model of the Los Angeles Region From Active Source Seismic Data
- A New Generation of Large Seismic Refraction Experiments in Central Europe (1997-2003)
- A Preliminary Analysis of Crustal Structure Variations Along the Ethiopian Rift
- A Study of the Shallow Seismicity (1971-1999) in the Anchorage, Alaska, Region
- An Integrated Geophysical study of the Lithospheric Structure Beneath Libya
- Analysis of the Junction of the East African Rift and the Cretaceous-Paleogene Rifts in Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia
- Blob Tracing Models for the Central Mexican Volcanic Belt
- Central European Lithospheric Experiment - CELEBRATION 2000: Summary of the Results
- Configuration of the Subducting Philippine Sea Plate and the Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the southwestern Japan arc, Revealed by Seismic Refraction/Wide-angle Reflection Profiling
- Crustal Seismic Investigation of the Southern Rio Grande Rift at the Potrillo Volcanic Field, Southern New Mexico
- Desert Varnish: Relative and Absolute Dating Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence
- Earthquake Processes of the 1995 Waitangi Day Sequence, offshore, North Island, New Zealand
- Filtration of Pathogenic Parasites Using Surfactant-Modified Zeolites
- GEON: Cyberinfrastructure for the Geosciences
- Gravity Modeling of a Batholith and Low-Velocity Mantle Zone Beneath the Colorado Mineral Belt
- Health Assessment of the White Pine Community in the Lincoln National Forest of New Mexico through Spectral Reflectivity Variance
- High Resolution Aeromagnetic Survey of the Big Bend National Park Region, Texas
- High-Altitude Magnetic Survey Over the United States
- Implications of a Multi-well Tracer Test in the Transport of Pathogens at a Riverbank Filtration Experiment Site.
- Preliminary Results From SILVVER '03 - Seismic Investigations of the Las Vegas Valley: Evaluating Risk
- Results from a Temporary Seismic Network in Bhutan
- Source Parameter Studies of Historical and Recent Earthquakes of the Cascadia Subduction Zone and Mendocino Triple Junction Region
- The Effect of Plume Impingement on Lithospheric Preservation Beneath the Kenya Rift, East Africa
- The Use of Normal Mode Analysis to Extend HF Radar Coverage Over Enclosed Bays
- Using Precision Gravity Survey To Locate Faults Within The Southern Mesilla Bolson, Rio Grande Rift.
- A GIS and Remote Sensing Investigation of the Relationship of Terrain, Soil, and other Physiographic Factors on the Pine Community of Lincoln National Park in the Sacramento Mountains of Southwest New Mexico
- Absolute Dating of Desert Varnish Using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence: Calibration and Testing
- Active Foreland Deformation of the Southeastern Carpathians from Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles DRACULA II and III: Genetic Relationships with the Vrancea Seismogenic Region
- Can Participation in a Summer Program Significantly Increase Interest in Geoscience Among Hispanic High School Students?: A Quantitative Assessment
- Characterizing Local Seismicity of the Bhutan Himalaya: An Analysis of Earthquakes Recorded With a Temporary Seismic Network During 2002-2003
- Contrasts in Seismicity Along the 1964 Great Alaska Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Data From Massive Seismic Experiments in Central Europe Produce Lithospheric Transects From East European Craton Through the TESZ, Bohemian Massif and Carpathians to the Pannonian Basin and Eastern Alps
- Deep Crustal Seismic Investigation Across the Silkeborg Gravity High, Central Denmark
- Did Dust From the 1930s US Dust Bowl Make it to Greenland?
- Environmental History and Stresses on Mars and Their Effect on Microbial Populations
- Field Evidence of Active Uplift in the Central Bhutan Himalaya
- Gravity Field of the Central Portion of the Main Ethiopian Rift
- Gravity Monitoring of Ground-Water Storage Change in the Southwestern United States
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- IRIS Controlled Source Seismic Experiments: Continental Structure, Instrumentation, and Education
- Multivariate Analysis of Amargosa Desert, NV Groundwater Chemistry
- NSF ADVANCE: Institutional Transformation to Achieve Faculty Diversity
- New Gravity and Magnetic Maps of the San Juan Volcanic Field, Southwestern Colorado
- Processing and Correcting Master Images to Analyze and map Metamorphic Core Complexes in the Southern Basin and Range Province
- Providing Research Experiences to Minority Undergraduates: The Pathway to Success in Graduate Education?
- Recruiting the Future Workforce in the Geosciences And the Role of the Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS)
- Rootless Mountains and Gravity Lows in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Southern Colorado-Northern New Mexico
- Saharan Air Layer Interaction with Hurricane Claudette (2003)
- Seismic Investigation of Recent Events in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region: Stress Release and Orientation within the Gorda Plate and along the Mendocino Fault
- Seismic imaging of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake Source Area on the subducting Philippine Sea plate, in Japan
- Source Phenomenology Experiment in Arizona: Amplitude Decay of Regional Phases as a Function of Distance Between Hard and Soft Rock Mines
- Southern Alaska Glaciers: Spatial and Temporal Variations in Ice Volume
- Terrain Change Detection Using ASTER Optical Satellite Imagery Along the Kunlun fault, Tibet
- The 2003 Potrillo Volcanic Field Seismic Experiment, Southern Rio Grande Rift: New Refraction Results From a Classic Continental Rift
- The Precambrian Structure of the Estancia Basin, Central New Mexico: New Seismic Images of the Mazatzal Province
- The Relationships Between Earthquakes, Faults, and Recent Glacial Fluctuations in Southern Alaska
- The Use of Poster Sessions as a Tool to Integrate Concepts in Introduction to Environmental Science Classes
- Topographic and Remote Sensing Analysis of Explosion Craters in the Nevada Test Site: Application to Mars Hazards
- ALPASS - Passive seismic monitoring in the Eastern Alps
- Analysis of Historic Seismicity in the Transition Zone of southeastern Arizona
- Analysis of a Multi-Well Tracer Test at a Bank Filtration Site in an Arid Environment of El Paso, Texas
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Rio Grande Rift (SRGR): Modeling Results for the Potrillo Volcanic Field (PVF) Seismic Experiment
- DANUBE 2004 Lithosphere Research Program
- Detection and Preliminary Assessment of Source Areas of the 15 December 2003 Dust Storm in the Chihuahuan Desert, Southwestern North America
- Determining Subsurface Structure From Microtremors Using a Passive Circular Array
- Did Dust From the 1930s US Dust Bowl Make it to Greenland?
- Formal integration of controlled-source and passive seismic data: Utilization of the CD-ROM experiment
- Geometry of Quaternary Fault Scarps in the East Potrillo Mountains, Dona Ana County, New Mexico
- Geophysical expression of the Gadamota caldera within the central Ethiopian Rift
- Granulometry and geochemistry of aeolian dust during emission from Owens (dry) Lake, California
- GroundwaterGeochemistry,SeasonalChangesandControlsonEolianMorphology.WhiteSandsNationalMonument,NewMexi co,TX
- High Resolution Active Source Seismic Experiment Across the Costa Rican Segment of the Central American arc
- Interpretation of Geophysical Anomalies over the Pine Canyon Caldera, Big Bend National Park, Texas
- Lead Contamination of Urban Soil in the El Paso (Texas)--Juarez (Mexico) Border Metroplex
- Lithospheric structure beneath Central Europe from the POLONAISE'97, CELEBRATION 2000, ALP 2002, and SUDETES 2003 seismic refraction experiments
- Mapping The Ruptures of the Great Sumatra-Andaman Earthquakes
- Providing the Pathway to Success for Graduate Education: Undergraduate Research
- Rainfall in Semiarid Ecosystems: Coupled Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Affect Nitrogen Cycling
- Recent Stress Orientation and Deformation in the Mendocino Triple Junction Region Determined from the Analysis of Earthquakes
- Rifting of Continental Interiors: Some New Geophysical Data and Interpretations
- Seismicity Studies of the Wadati-Benioff Zone, South-Central Alaska
- Spatial and temporal fluctuations in water levels of tundra ponds: baseline studies associated with a large-scale flooding and draining experiment in northern Alaska
- Springtime Dust Aerosols at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico
- The Crsut Structure of Northwest Mexico Through Multipath Surface Waves Analysis
- The Rise of Complexity: Do the Pavilion Lake Microbialites Suggest a Way to Build a Macroorganism?
- The Society for the Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS) Geoscience Initiative
- The relationship between land cover, CO2 flux, CH4 flux, Hyperspectral Reflectance and plant biomass in Arctic Tundra: initial findings from the Swedish Beringia 2005 expedition
- Topographic and Remote Sensing Analysis of Explosion Craters In the Nevada Test Site: Application to Mars Hazards
- 3D Modeling of the transition from oblique lateral to normal convergence at the plate corner of Southeast Alaska
- A Composite Geologic and Seismic Profile Beneath the Southern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, Based on Xenolith Mineralogy, Temperature, and Pressure
- A Critical Evaluation of the Dust Bowl and its Causes
- Active Tectonics of Western Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska: Integration of LIDAR and Field Geology
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)
- Characterization of Anthropogenic Land Subsidence, its Relation to Fault System Geometry, and Their Consequences for Water Table Position in the El Paso, Texas Area Using InSAR and Gravity
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI): A Contribution to an IPY Data Cyberinfrastructure
- Comparison of Lead Species in Household Dust Wipes, Soil, and Airborne Particulate Matter in El Paso, Texas, by X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- Continuous Monitoring of Coastal Erosion in The Inupiat Eskimo Village of Barrow Alaska Using High Precision Differential Global Positioning System (DGPS)
- Crustal Structure of the Ethiopian Rift and Adjacent Plateaus: Results of new integrated interpretation
- Dating Simple Craters on the Northern and Southern Hemispheres of Mars Using Morphometric Indices and Martian Epoch Terrains
- Driven Slip in the Northern Section of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Groundwater Chemistry Analysis by Multivariate Statistical Methods
- Influence of Climate on the Shape of Eastern Himalayan Topography Using SRTM and GRACE Data
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Localized deformation zones in the offshore leading edge of the Yakutat microplate, Gulf of Alaska
- Modeling Vertical Deformation Associated With the 1931 Mach Earthquake, Pakistan
- Moving-Window Z/R Ratio as a Boundary Discriminator in Complex Tectonic Regions
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis of the Tularosa-Hueco Basin
- Radiometric Normalization, Land Cover Classification, and Spatio-Temporal Change Detection Using Multitemporal Landsat Imagery: a Case study of Land Development in the Eastern Nile Delta Region, Egypt
- Spatial Reasoning and 3D Graphics: A Study of GeoWall-Enhanced Astronomy Instruction
- The 17 July 2006 Java Tsunami Earthquake (Mw = 7.8)
- The Geoframe Midcontinent Transect: An Opportunity to Study the Effects of the ~1.4 Ga Magmatic Event on the Lithospheric Evolution of the Continent
- The Quaternary Deformational History of the East Potrillo Fault, Dona Ana County, New Mexico
- The St. Elias orogen as an early stage in the development of indentor corners: Initial results from the STEEP project
- Thirty-three years of recruiting and graduating minority students at the University of New Orleans.
- Toward an integration of controlled-source and passive seismic datasets
- Vorticity, Erosion, and Crust:Mantle Coupling at Plate Corners in South East Alaska and South East Tibet
- 3D Globe Support for Arctic Science through the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)
- 3D Thermal/Mechanical Evolution Of The Plate Boundary Corner In SE Alaska
- A Chemistry-Based Classification for Peridotite Xenoliths
- A Multi-isotope (B, Sr, O, H) and Age-Dating (3H-3He, 14C) Study of Saline- Water Intrusion and Cross-Formational Flow in the Southern High Plains Aquifer
- A New Technique for Assessing Velocity Uncertainty in Seismic Refraction Tomography
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): 2D Maps and 3D Globes Support Arctic Science
- Characteristics of mantle fabrics beneath the southern-central United States: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements
- Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Recharge East of Yucca Mountain
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI)
- Community Needs Assessment and Portal Prototype Development for an Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (ASDI)
- Continental mantle in the Rio Grande Rift: Chemistry and Fabric Studies of Xenoliths from Kilbourne Hole, New Mexico
- Crustal Structure of the Southern Rio Grande Rift Defined by Wide Angle Reflection Data
- Delineating the Rattlesnake Springs, New Mexico Watershed Using Shallow Subsurface Geophysical Techniques and Geologic Mapping
- Detrital zircon fission track analysis reveals the thermotectonic history of ice-covered rocks of the Chugach-St. Elias orogen, SE-Alaska
- Erosion of the Barrow Environmental Observatory Coastline 2003-2008, Northern Alaska
- Fate and Reactive Transport of Chromium in Leon Valley, Guanajuato, Mexico Using Stable Isotopes
- GIS rock unit and lineament analysis distribution in Northern Chihuahua, Mexico: Cenozoic reactivation of the Mojave-Sonora-Megashear (?)
- High-frequency seismic reflections from the slab-interface between the Cocos plate and the mantle wedge beneath Costa Rica.
- Hyperspectral Study of the Arctic Tundra Ecosystem Using an Automated Robotic Cart System
- Infiltration History and Spatial Variability Derived from Chloride Mass Balance
- Isotopes of Dissolved Copper and Zinc in Stream Waters
- Magma Recharge and Mixing Processes That Triggered the Eruption of Trachytes and Phonolites at Suswa Volcano, Kenya Rift, East Africa
- Potential bedrock source of groundwater arsenic anomaly in northeastern Chihuahua City, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Regional Significance of Lower-Crustal Reflectivity in the California Continental Borderland
- Results From the TICO-CAVA Land Seismic Refraction Survey
- Source and Health Implication of Diurnal Atmospheric PM Mass and Number Concentrations
- Speciation of Lead in Airborne Particulate Matter in El Paso, TX, by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
- Stable Isotopes of Selenium and Common Elements (N, O, S) Reveal Redox Controls on the Mobility of a Naturally Occurring Source of Selenium
- Statistical and Spatial Analysis of Borderland Ground Water Geochemistry
- Sustainable Water and Energy in Gaza Strip
- The Effects of Plume Buoyancy and Momentum on the Flow Structure and Dispersion in the Vicinity of an Idealized Building
- The Impact of Different Acids on the Fractionation of Cu and Zn Isotopes During Leaching in Open Systems.
- The Relationship of Carbon Dioxide Flux, Methane Flux, Hyperspectral Reflectance Properties, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and Albedo Over Multiple Land Cover Types in Beringia
- The Relationship of Land Cover to Aeolian Dust Production at the Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA
- The use of Free air Gravity Data to Construct a 3D Density Model for the Region of Libya
- 2D Maps, 3D Globes, and OGC Web Services Supporting Arctic Science through the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)
- 3D Globe Support for Arctic Science through the Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP)
- A New Look at the Lithospheric Structure of the Southern Rocky Mountains and the Cheyenne Belt Suture
- A Runtime Data Verification Cyberinfrastructure for an Automated Robotic Tram System Measuring Surface Reflectance in the Arctic
- Advective Thermal Influence on Crustal Deformation in the Southern Alaska Plate Corner
- An Aqueous Geochemical and Hydrologic Study of the Springs and Wells of the Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge
- An Introduction to SPEAR (Seismogram Picking Error from Analyst Review)
- Annotating and embedding provenance in science data repositories to enable next generation science applications
- Assessment of Surface Water Depth using Hyperspectral Reflectance: Case study from a Large-scale Hydrological Manipulation Experiment in the Arctic
- Chromium Contamination in Leon Valley Mexico: Insights from Chromium Stable Isotopes
- Combining the PASSCAL and EarthScope Texan instrument pools for 3D and 3C imaging of the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Conceptual Model for Radionuclide Release from the Engineered Barrier Systems (EBS) at Yucca Mountain
- Crustal Structure and Deformation of the Yakutat Microplate: New Insights From STEEP Marine Seismic Reflection Data
- Crustal Structure of the Yakutat Microplate: Constraints from STEEP Wide-angle Seismic Data
- Cycling of Lead Through Soil, Air, and Household Dust in El Paso, Texas
- Data-Derived Coulomb Stress Rate Uncertainties of the San Andreas Fault System
- Design and Development of a Spectral Library for Different Vegetation and Landcover Types for Arctic, Antarctic and Chihuahua Desert Ecosystem
- Determining Volcanic Deformation at San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador by Integrating Radar Interferometry and Seismic Analyses
- Dynamic Triggering Stress Modeling
- Earthquakes and Volcanic Processes at San Miguel Volcano, El Salvador, Determined from a Small, Temporary Seismic Network
- Environmental Cycling of Cr Using Stable Isotopes: Kinetic and Equilibrium Effects
- Groundwater Oxidizing and Reducing Conditions Near Yucca Mountain
- Hydrogeochemistry and Sulfur Isotopes of High Arsenic Groundwater of Datong Basin, China
- International Polar Year - Back to the Future (IPY-BTF): Re-Sampling Sites More Than 25 Years Old to Assess Change in Arctic Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Isotope Geochemistry of the Yukon and Copper Tributaries in Alaska: Continental Weathering in a Changing Environment
- Long-Term Sedimentary Record of Cenozoic Tectonic Processes Along the Southern Margin of the St. Elias Mountains, Southeastern Alaska
- Lu/Hf dating of garnet constrains timing of metamorphism and deformation, Prince Rupert Area, British Columbia
- Model Fusion: A Fast, Practical Alternative Towards Joint Inversion of Multiple Datasets
- Multivariate Statistics Applied to Seismic Phase Picking
- Na2O and Trace Elements Behavior in Trachytes and Phonolites at Suswa Volcano, Kenya: the Result of Combined Magma Mixing and Volatile-rich Na-Trace Element Fluids
- Nascent Development of Focused Rock Uplift and Erosion in the St. Elias Orogen, Alaska
- Near-Vertical Moho Reflections Under the Hanoi Basin, Vietnam
- Nutrient and Organic Matter Dynamics in Tidally-Influenced Freshwater Sections of the Mission and Aransas Rivers, South Texas
- Relative Source Time Function Studies of Earthquakes in Southeastern Alaska
- Students and Teachers Conduct an Assessment of Antarctic Peninsula Ecosystems and Take Their Research into Classrooms.
- Tectonic Processes Along the Southeastern Margin of Alaska - The Neogene Sedimentary Record: Yakataga Formation, St. Elias Mountains
- Temporal Variations in the Structural Evolution of the St. Elias Orogen: Long term variations driven by dramatic exhumation vs short term uncertaintie
- The Noise/Data Conundrum in Gravity and Magnetic Surveys of Fluvial Sediments Near the Rio Grande, West Texas
- The Rupture Processes of the 1958 Fairweather Fault, Alaska, Earthquake Sequence
- Using Relative Source Time Functions to Calculate Stress Drops for Earthquakes in South-Central Alaska
- Vizcano: Student development of 3-D Volcanic Visualizations
- Water Decontamination With New Porous Oxide Photocatalysts
- A Model of Deformation in a Transpressional Tectonic Environment, Chugach Metamorphic Complex, Southern Alaska
- Antarctic Super Heroes: Using a Graphic Novel to Teach Students About Polar Science. (Invited)
- Arctic Research Mapping Application 3D Geobrowser: Accessing and Displaying Arctic Information From the Desktop to the Web
- Arctic ecosystem responses to changes in water table and surface warming
- BASE Flexible Array Preliminary Lithospheric Structure Analysis
- Barrow Arctic Terrestrial Observatory (BATO): An IPY Legacy
- Circumpolar Arctic greening: Relationships to summer sea-ice concentrations, land temperatures and disturbance regimes
- Composition and metasomatic history of the upper mantle beneath South-Central Texas: evidence from spinel peridotite xenoliths, Knippa, Texas
- Composition of the Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift pillow lavas : interaction between adiabatic decompression mantle melting and ultra-shallow slab-derived fluids
- Conditions inside Water Pooled in a Failed Nuclear Waste Container and its Effect on Radionuclide Release
- Constraining Enceladus’s ice shell thickness using tidally driven Coulomb failure models of the tiger stripe fractures
- Controlled-source seismic investigations of the crustal structure beneath Erebus volcano and Ross Island, Antarctica: Preliminary Results
- Crustal Structure of the Salton Trough: Integration of Receiver Functions, Gravity and Magnetic data
- Crustal velocity models derived from the High Lava Plains controlled-source experiment in eastern Oregon
- Data Properties Categorization to Improve Scientific Sensor Data Error Detection
- Delineating the Rattlesnake Springs, New Mexico Watershed Using Precision Gravity Techniques
- Development of an Unmanned Aircraft System and Cyberinfrastructure for Environmental Science Research
- Dike injection and magma mixing in Kenya rift volcanoes
- Dynamic Stress Drop Calculations in South-Central Alaska
- Dynamic Stress Modeling Applied to Dynamic Triggering Seismicity in Australia and Utah
- Dynamic Stress Modeling for the Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremors
- Evaluating global atmospheric transport of plutonium with dust aerosols
- Fabric Characterization of Mantle beneath South Central North America: Constraints from Peridotite Xenoliths from Knippa and Kilbourne Hole
- Geomorphology of MODIS-Visible Dust Plumes in the Chihuahuan Desert - Preliminary Results
- IPY-Back to the Future: Determining decadal time scale change in ecosystem structure and function in high latitude and high altitude tundra ecosystems
- Impact of GK-12 Fellows on Middle School Students Along the U.S.-Mexico Border
- Isolating sources and signals of dynamic and static earthquake triggering at near and far ranges (Invited)
- Multiple inflation and deflation events at Kenyan volcanoes, East African Rift
- New Photocatalysis for Effective Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Water
- Orogenic Response to Augmented Erosion Associated with Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: The St. Elias Orogen of Alaska
- Particle size distributions of aeolian sediments from five ecosystem types at the Jornada Basin, New Mexico, USA
- Platinum Group Element and Re-Os Isotope Systematics of Cryogenian Glacial Terminations
- Precipitation and Surface-Runoff Sampling in the Arid Regions - New Lysimeter Techniques
- Preferential dust sources in global aerosol models: a new classification based on geomorphology. (Invited)
- Preliminary Results of a Recent Gravity Survey Across the Border Ranges Fault System, Central Kenai Peninsula, Alaska
- Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project
- Relationship Between Fault Creep and Shallow Stress Accumulation Rate
- Relocating San Miguel Volcanic Seismic Events for Receiver Functions and Tomographic Models
- Sedimentary response to tectonism in the extensional Chihuahua trough, Cretaceous of Southern North America
- Seismic Refraction - Wide-angle Reflection Survey of the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, Canada
- Signal Quality and the Reliability of Seismic Observations
- Size-Time-Composition Resolved Study of Aerosols Across El Paso, Texas in Fall 2008
- Stress Accumulation and Interseismic Deformation of the Death Valley Fault Zone
- Weathering in Central Alaskan Rivers - Sulfur Sources and Cycling using S and O Isotopes
- Workforce Preparation - A Breakout Session for the Building Strong Geoscience Departments Visiting Workshop Program
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy of Zinc in Airborne Particulate Matter Shows Tire Debris Concentrated in > 0.5 μm Fraction
- A Comparison of Regional 3-D Subduction Models in the Western Pacific to Subduction Models from Slab1.0
- A Drupal-Based Collaborative Framework for Science Workflows
- Attic Dust Analysis Approach for Evaluation of Heavy Metal Deposition on the El Paso Del Norte Region
- Bighorns Arch Seismic Experiment (BASE): Amplitude Response to Different Seismic Charge Configurations
- Bioleaching of Ilmenite and Basalt in the Presence of Iron-oxidizing and Iron-scavenging Bacteria
- Comparative Study of Pull-Apart Basins: The Salton Trough and Death Valley, California Regions
- Composition and spatial evolution of mantle and fluids released beneath the active Southeast Mariana Forearc Rift: do they have arc or backarc basin signatures?
- Contributions of Paint and Soil to Pb in Household Dust Wipes: An XAS Study
- Controlled-Source Seismic Investigation of the Generation and Collapse of a Batholith Complex, Coast Mountains, Western Canada
- Cosmic Catastrophe in the Gulf of Carpentaria
- Crustal Structure of the Yakutat Microplate: New Constraints for Understanding the Evolution of Subduction and Collision in southern Alaska
- Crustal Velocity Structure of the Southern Nechako Basin, British Columbia, from Wide-angle Seismic Traveltime Inversion
- Crustal structure across the Central American Volcanic Arc in Costa Rica from TICO-CAVA seismic refraction data
- Crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio estimation under a broad band station on Kenai Peninsula using Receiver Functions
- Decadal Time Scale change in terrestrial plant communities in North American arctic and alpine tundra: A contribution to the International Polar Year Back to the Future Project (Invited)
- Dynamic triggering of low magnitude earthquakes in the Middle American Subduction Zone
- Estimation of water quality and plant primary production in Arctic wetlands using ground based spectrometry
- Exceptional Volumes of Rejuvenated Volcanism in Samoa
- Fault Segmentation and Earthquake Generation in the Transition from Strike-slip to Subduction Plate Motion, Saint Elias Orogen, Alaska and Yukon (Invited)
- Fault depth and seismic moment rate estimates of the San Andreas Fault System: Observations from seismology and geodesy
- Five Years of Land Surface Phenology in a Large Scale Hydrological Manipulation Experiment in an Arctic Tundra Landscape
- Flat-slab subduction, whole crustal faulting, and geohazards in Alaska: Targets for Earthscope
- Genesis of Basement-Cored Foreland Arches: Insights from the EarthScope Bighorn Project
- Herbivory and soil moisture drive long-term patterns of vegetation structure and function in Alaskan coastal tundra: results from resampling historic exclosures at Barrow
- Hyper-resolution hydrological modeling of polygonal ground
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Identification, Location and Stress Modeling of Tremor Dynamically Triggered in Subduction Zones
- Implementing Dense Arrays of Single-Channel Seismic Recorders to Detect Global Teleseism Events
- Integrated Analysis of the Hydrology of a Mitigated Wetland in El Paso,Texas Utilizing Water Quality and Electrical Conductivity
- Leveraging an ESIP Data-Type Ontology to Support Visualization
- Model Fusion: Results and Challenges
- Modeling Gravity Data From a Recent (2009-2010) Survey Across the Border Ranges Fault System, Alaska
- New cyberinfrastructure for studying land-atmosphere interactions using eddy covariance techniques
- On Optimizing Joint Inversion of Constrained Geophysical Data Sets
- Participatory Design of Human-Centered Cyberinfrastructure (Invited)
- Preparing Students from a 21st Century Demographic for the Geoscience Workforce
- Retrieval of the Single Scattering Albedo in the EL Paso-Juarez Airshed Using the Tuv Model and a Uv-Mfrsr Radiometer
- San Miguel Volcanic Seismic and Structure in Central America: Insight into the Physical Processes of Volcanoes
- Seismic Evidence for an Active Southern Rio Grande Rift
- SinoProbe-02:Deep Seismic Reflection Profile (480km) experiment in North China:Acquisition and the Preliminary Processing result
- Software Tool Support to Specify and Verify Scientific Sensor Data Properties to Improve Anomaly Detection
- Sulfide weathering in the Werenskioldbreen, Spitsbergen - A polar terrestrial analogue for gypsum deposition in the North Polar Region of Mars
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application Utilizes Best Practices and Standards to Release a New ARMAP 2D Web Mapping Application
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography Beneath Tangshan, China
- Understanding drivers of recent Arctic tundra vegetation changes
- Uppermost mantle anisotropy beneath the Rio Grande rift: Evidence from Kilbourne Hole peridotite xenoliths, New Mexico
- Use of Potential Fields Data to Identify Petrological Controls on Seismicity within South-Central and Southeastern Alaska
- Use of a cable-based system for observing the heterogeneity of vegetation communities in arctic tundra
- Widening the adoption of workflows to include human and human-machine scientific processes
- A Novel Use of 3D Geology interpretations and Free-air Gravity Applied to Target Ore Zone Related Alteration in the Athabasca Sandstone
- Aboveground and belowground responses to nutrient additions and herbivore exclusion in Arctic tundra ecosystems in northern Alaska
- Approaches for Promoting Lunar and Planetary Science in Higher Education Curricula
- Arctic Coastal Erosion Modeling
- Arctic tundra vegetation functional types based on photosynthetic physiology and optical properties
- Bacterially-mediated precipitation of ferric iron during the leaching of basaltic rocks
- Beyond Greenness: Towards a Continuous Phenology of Vegetation
- Building Strong Geoscience Departments Through the Visiting Workshop Program
- CI-Miner: A Semantic Methodology to Integrate Scientists, Data and Documents through the Use of Cyber-Infrastructure
- Changes in Algal Trends and Nutrient Budgets in Arctic Tundra Ponds Over the Past 40 Years in Barrow, Alaska
- Coda Wave Analysis in Central-Western North America Using Earthscope Transportable Array Data
- Contrasting responses of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux components from coastal and inland tundra in northern Alaskan to long-term passive warming
- Contrasting styles of sedimentation and deformation in the Chugach Terrane accretionary complex, south-central Alaska
- Controls of mineralogy and hydrology on weathering fluxes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Cool learnings - extending and communicating polar science to students and the community.
- Creating a Learning Community for Solutions to Climate Change
- Crustal structure and shallow velocity heterogeneity in the Bighorn Mountains, northern Wyoming: Insights into Laramide-style orogenesis
- Crustal structure beneath Eastern Greenland
- Cyberinfrastructure for eddy covariance systems: From site selection to data submission
- Cyberinfrastructure to Support Collaborative Research Within Small Ecology Labs
- Declarative Visualization Queries
- Diverging Histories of the Liberty Creek and Iceberg Lake Blueschist Bodies, south central Alaska
- EarthScope imaging of 4D stress evolution of the San Andreas Fault System
- Earthquakes and Tremors Remotely Triggered by the 2011, M9.0 Japan Earthquake's Seismic Waves
- Evaluation of the Lithospheric Contribution to Southern Rio Grande Rift Mafic Melts
- Evidence of Ancient Rifts Beneath Texas
- Exhumational History of the Jhomolari Himalaya in Northwest Bhutan
- Exploration of Geothermal Natural Resources from Menengai Caldera at Naruku, Kenya
- Focusing the EarthScope for a Broader Audience
- Gravity and Magnetic Anomaly Interpretations and 2.5D Cross-Section Models over the Border Ranges Fault System and Aleutian Subduction Zone, Alaska
- High Resolution Interseismic Velocity Model of the San Andreas Fault From GPS and InSAR
- Imaging Basin Structure with Teleseismic Virtual Source Reflection Profiles
- Integrated Analysis of the Hydrology of a Mitigated Wetland Utilizing Water Quality and Electrical Conductivity in El Paso Texas
- Investigating Stress Drop Patterns of Major Southern San Andreas Fault Earthquakes Over the Last 2000 Years
- Investigating Variations in Strain Rate of the San Andreas Fault System due to Dipping Fault Geometry Resolved by Geodetic and Seismicity Data
- Joint Inversion for Crustal and Mantle Velocity Structure in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- Micro-Scale Topographical Controls on Arctic Watershed-Scale Hydrologic Fluxes and Stocks
- Model Fusion: Towards Distinguishing Between Geophysically Meaningful Features and Algorithmic Artifacts
- Modeling the Coast Mountains Batholith, British Columbia, Canada with 3D Seismic Tomography
- Modeling vertical deformation along the San Andreas Fault System using geodetic, geologic, groundwater, and tide gauge data
- Natural and anthropogenic dust: From sources to radiative forcing derived from satellite data and GFDL climate model.
- Near-Real Time Anomaly Detection for Scientific Sensor Data
- Open system evolution of trachyte and phonolite magmas from the East Africa Rift
- Quantifying rind formation and chemical weathering rates in weathering clasts with uranium-series isotopes: a case study from Basse-Terre Island, Guadeloupe
- Role of advection, vertical stresses, and strain accumulation in the partitioning of deformation along the San Andreas Fault, Southern California
- Seismic Interferometry Applied to SEA-CALIPSO Seismic Recordings: Body and Surface Waves Extraction from Ambient Noise on Montserrat, WI
- Seismic structure of sediments and basement of the Yakutat Terrane offshore southern Alaska from a combined OBS and MCS tomography inversion
- Software Development for a Three-Dimensional Gravity Inversion and Application to Study of the Border Ranges Fault System, South-Central Alaska
- Systematic Analysis of Dynamic Earthquake Triggering Using the EarthScope's USArray Data
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) Partners with the Alaska Data Integration Working Group (ADIwg) to Develop an Interagency Web Service Standard for Sharing Project Tracking
- The Roles of Static and Dynamic Stresses in Connecting Earthquakes: Case Studies of Recent Events
- The Salton Seismic Imaging Project: Investigating Earthquake Hazards in the Salton Trough, Southern California
- The origin of the Line Islands: plate or plume controlled volcanism?
- The unusual Samoan hotspot: A "hotspot highway" juxtaposed with a trench
- Towards Infusing Giovanni with a Semantic and Provenance Aware Visualization System
- Tracking Long-lived Hotspots to Constrain Temporal Mantle Compositional Evolution
- Transition Fault and the Yakutat-Pacific-North American Triple Junction
- Why did you decide to become a Geoscience Major: A Critical Incident Study for the Development of Recruiting Programs for Inspiring Interests in the Geosciences Amongst Pre-College Students
- Zinc isotope fractionation during surface adsorption by bacteria
- Zinc isotopes in sediment core from urban and reference lakes across the United States
- A Long-term Database to Assess Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Coastal Erosion, Elson Lagoon, Barrow, Alaska (2002-2012)
- Aeolian Transport of Invertebrates
- Ambient Noise Imaging of Menengai Caldera in the Central Kenya Dome
- Application of SAR and Landsat Data Sets and Various Forms of Imagery to Resolve Geology Bedrock Structure in Areas of Poor Exposure: Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): 2D Maps and 3D Globes Support Arctic Science
- Arsenogoyazite in Cenozoic volcanic tuff at Tabalaopa Basin, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Assessing intraplate volcano compositional similarities with cluster analysis
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for scientific activities in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
- Changes in Nutrients and Primary Production in Barrow Tundra Ponds Over the Past 40 Years
- Constrained Joint Inversion of Multiple Geophysical Data Sets to Characterize Crustal and Mantle Velocity Structure
- Controlled-Source Seismic Survey to Constrain Evolution of the Continental Cratonic Margin in Idaho and Eastern Oregon
- Decade time scale plot to landscape scale change in tundra ecosystem structure and function near Barrow, AK
- Determining Deep Basin Structure of the Hueco and southern Mesilla Bolsons, West Texas, Southern New Mexico and Northern Chihuahua Using Nonseismic Geophysical Techniques
- Disappearing Arctic Tundra Ponds: Assessing 60 Years of Change in the Barrow Peninsula, Alaska
- Drawdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> by gray shale weathering: insights from carbon, sulphur, and oxygen isotope systematics in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Effect of soil texture and chemical properties on laboratory-generated dust emissions from SW North America
- Environmental Assessment of EL Paso's Upper and Lower Valley Canal Systems Using Tree Ring Analysis
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Focusing the EarthScope for a broader audience: Advancing geoscience education with interactive kiosks
- Geophysical Modeling of a Cu-Mo Prophry Deposit, Copper Flat Mine Hillsboro, New Mexico
- Global anthropogenic dust sources associated with agriculture and hydrology
- High Resolution Characterization of Heterogeneous Arctic Tundra Subsurface Properties using a Multiscale Bayesian Fusion Approach with Geophysical Datasets
- High Resolution Interseismic Velocity Model of the San Andreas Fault System From a Joint Inversion of GPS and InSAR Data
- How lithology and climate affect REE mobility and fractionation along a shale weathering transect of the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Hydrological sulfur cycling in the volcanic complex of Valles Caldera - geochemical and astrobiological implications for Mars
- Impact of permafrost thaw on Arctic tundra pond geochemistry
- Inter-annual Variability in Tundra Phenology Captured with Digital Photography
- Investigation of Fossil Insect Systematics of Specimens Collected at the Clare Quarry Site in the Florissant Fossil Beds, Florissant, Colorado from 1996 to Present
- Investigation of Potential Triggered Tremor in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Long-term responses of CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux components to passive warming in Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska
- Love Wave Triggering of Non-Volcanic Tremor in the Nankai Region, Southwest Japan: Observations and Physical Interpretation
- Maximizing precision of double spiked iron isotopic analyses on a Nu Plasma HR MC-ICPMS
- Modeling of stress-triggered faulting and displacement magnitude along Agenor Linea, Europa
- Monitoring Ecosystem Dynamics Ecosystem Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and a Robotic Tram System in Barrow Alaska
- Necessary but not Sufficient - Closing the Gap Between Data Access and Use by a Broad User Community
- New Arctic Observing Viewer for AON Data Collection Sites
- Non-Polar Lunar Hydroxyl and Water Using the Moon Mineralogy Mapper
- Oblique convergence of the Kula plate: dextral transpression following ridge subduction, Chugach metamorphic complex, southern Alaska
- Observing Arctic Ecology using Networked Infomechanical Systems
- On Different Techniques for the Calculation of Bougher Gravity Anomalies for Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data in the Rio Grande Rift
- Planetary Habitability and Rapid Environmental Change: The Biological Perspective
- Providing Bridges from 2YC to 4YC in the El Paso Region
- Relating Multi-Scale Phenology to Arctic Ecosystem Parameters Using Various High Spatial and Spectral Resolution Remote Sensing Techniques
- Relocating Earthquakes of the 2009 Dusky Sound, South Island, New Zealand Sequence
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: A Non-Traditional Approach
- Response of ecosystem CO2 and CH4 flux to nutrient increase in Arctophila fulva dominated tundra
- Shear failure of icy satellites: Present-day implications along Enceladus's Tiger Stripes and indications of past strike-slip faulting on Ganymede's Dardanus Sulcus
- Streamlining Data Access Services and Data Analysis Services Integration
- Stress Drop Variations During the 2009 Dusky Sound Sequence, New Zealand, Using Empirical Greens Function Methods
- Stress drop Scaling and Stress Release in the Darfield-Christchurch, New Zealand Earthquake Sequence
- Sustaining Retention of Nontraditional Students in the Geosciences in 2YC; Practices and Ideas
- The Development of Three-Dimensional Gravity Inversion Software Applied to the Location and Geometry of the Border Ranges Fault System, South-Central Alaska
- The Virtual Learning Commons: Supporting Science Education with Emerging Technologies
- The Virtual Learning Commons: Supporting the Fuzzy Front End of Scientific Research with Emerging Technologies
- Towards Automated Processing and Integration of InSAR and GPS Data
- U-series Chronology of volcanoes in the Central Kenya Peralkaline Province, East African Rift
- Using Earthquake Intensity Data to Determine Earthquake Locations and Magniitudes of PRE-1966 Events in the Rio Grande Rift Region
- Using Neutron Scattering to Understand How Porosity opens in Weathering Rocks to Form Regolith
- Using U-series Isotopes To Determine Sources Of Pedogenic Carbonates: Comparison Of Natural And Agricultural Soils In The Semi-arid Southern New Mexico And Western Texas
- Using U-series isotopes to quantify regolith formation and chemical weathering rates along a climosequence associated with the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Using Uranium-series Isotopes to Trace Water Sources to Streamflow and Estimate Soil Formation Rates in a Semiarid Montane Catchment
- Variable shortening rates in the Bhutan thrust belt: implications for strain partitioning in the eastern Himalayan-Tibetan orogenic system
- Variations in stress accumulation over the past 1500 years at Wrightwood, CA due to changes in locking depth
- Watershed land use influences on river discharge and channel characteristics across northern New Jersey
- Workshop Results: Teaching Geoscience to K-12 Teachers
- a Microgravity Survey to Determine the Extent of AN Andesitic Sill that Intrudes across the Rio Grande River Basin, Rio Grande Rift Valley, Sunland Park, New Mexico
- 3D Printing for Spacecraft Multi-Functional Structures
- 4-D Strain Rate Along the San Andreas Fault System: Knowns and Unknowns (Invited)
- A Gradual Compositional Change from Samoan Shield to Rejuvenated Lavas?
- A Unique Yttrofluorite-Hosted Giant Heavy Rare Earth Deposit: Round Top Mountain, Hudspeth County, Texas, USA
- Age and origin of post collision Baltoro granites, south Karakoram, north Pakistan
- An in-situ investigation of aerosol number density characteristics within Saharan Dust Storms in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) Showcases discovery level metadata for US Funded Research Projects
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for scientific activities in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska
- Biophysical drivers of net ecosystem exchange in shrublands of the northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Building AN International Polar Data Coordination Network
- Capturing Micro-topography of an Arctic Tundra Landscape through Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) Acquired from Various Remote Sensing Platforms
- Collaborative Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- Consequences in Change in Vegetation Cover for the Critical Zone: Example Implications for Hydropedology (Invited)
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure from Surface Wave Dispersion in Northern Libya and the East-Central Mediterranean
- DIG Texas Blueprints - Pathways for Teaching a Rigorous Earth Science Course
- Decadal changes in north-American tundra plant communities
- Deformation record of 4-d accommodation of strain in the transition from transform to oblique convergent plate margin, southern Alaska (Invited)
- Depth and Topographic Controls on Soil Gas Concentrations and Fluxes in a Small Temperate Watershed
- Detection of Brown Dwarf and Planet Candidates
- Does Structured Quizzing with Process Specific Feedback Lead to Learning Gains in an Active Learning Geoscience Classroom?
- Dynamic triggering potential of large earthquakes recorded by the EarthScope U.S. Transportable Array using a frequency domain detection method
- EarthScope IDOR controlled-source seismic transect across a steep cratonic margin, Idaho-Oregon
- Evaluating the use of digital repeat photography to assess seasonal sensitivity of vegetation to climate in the tropics
- Evidence of Active and Failed Rifts in the Southwest United States Using Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data
- Fluorescein Dye Penetration in Round Top Rhyolite (Hudspeth County, Texas, USA) to Reveal Micro-permeability and Optimize Grain Size for Heavy REE Heap Leach
- Formation of Pedogenic Carbonates in the Semi-arid Rio Grande Valley: Insights from Carbon, Major elements, and U-series isotopes in Natural and Agricultural Soils of Southern New Mexico and Western Texas
- Geoelectrical Soil Properties of Farmlands Located on Ancient River Floodplains in EL Paso County Texas
- Going Steady: Using multiple isotopes to test the steady-state assumption at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory (Invited)
- Increasing Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) in Arctic tundra ponds over the past 40 years
- Insights Into the Origin of the Longest-lived Hotspot in the Pacific: Clues from the Tuvalus
- Integration of Student Field-Based Research with Development of Educational Material Utilizing Gigapan Technology
- Interdisciplinary Climate Change Curriculum Materials based on the Next Generation Science Standards and The Earth Charter
- Investigating earthquake cycle vertical deformation recorded by GPS and regional tide gauge stations in California
- Investigation of Soil Permeability and Hydrological Properties of Flood Plain Deposits of the Rio Grande in EL Paso TX
- Is there a discrepancy between geological and geodetic slip rates along the San Andreas Fault System?
- Joint Inversion of Geophysical Data in the Bucaramanga Seismic Nest, Colombia
- Leveraging Industry-Standard Metadata to Populate a Semantic Registry Suitable for the Model Web
- Linking economic water use, freshwater ecosystem impacts, and virtual water trade in a Great Lakes watershed
- Long-Term Hydrological Changes of Coastal Arctic Tundra Ponds in Drained Thaw Lake Basins
- MetaShare: Enabling Knowledge-Based Data Management
- Microbial Extracellular Enzyme Activity and Community Assembly Processes Post Fire Disturbance Amanda Labrado, University of Texas at El Paso; Emily B. Graham, University of Colorado Boulder; Joseph E. Knelman, University of Colorado Boulder; Scott Ferrenberg, University of Colorado Boulder; Diana R. Nemergut, University of Colorado Boulder
- My World Is Your World: Web Portal Design For Environmental Data
- On the Optimization of the Inverse Problem for Bouguer Gravity Anomalies
- Patterns of Reef Ecosystem Recovery Indicate That Adverse Early Triassic Ocean Conditions Extended into Middle Triassic Time
- Quantifying the signature of the industrial revolution from Pb and Cd isotopes in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Residential Exposure to Nighttime Retained Heat in the El Paso, Texas, USA Desert Metroplex
- Spatial and Spectral Characterization, Mapping, and 3D Reconstructing of Ice-wedge Polygons Using High Resolution LiDAR Data
- Strategic Assessment for Arctic Observing, and the New Arctic Observing Viewer
- Targeting Ilmenite on the Moon Using M<SUP>3</SUP> Hyperspectal Imagery
- Tectonic Tremor Triggered along Major Strike-Slip Faults around the World
- The ENAM Explosive Seismic Source Test
- The Role of Explicitly Modeling Bryophytes in Simulating Carbon Exchange and Permafrost Dynamics of an Arctic Coastal Tundra at Barrow, Alaska
- The Virtual Learning Commons: An Emerging Technology for Learning About Emerging Technologies
- Theoretical and practical considerations for the design of the iMUSH active-source seismic experiment
- Tidally Driven Failure Along Europa's Rhadamanthys Linea
- Trends in Gypsiferous Aerosol Downwind of White Sands, New Mexico
- Unique seismic controlled sources: Using the demolition of smelter tower stacks and the City Hall in El Paso,TX for a seismic survey
- Using C and S isotopes to elucidate carbonic versus sulfuric acid reaction pathways during shale weathering in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Water-Organic-Rock Reactions Recorded in Pores in Shales from the Marcellus and Rose Hill Formations (Invited)
- A Constrained Multi-Objective Optimization Framework for Multiple Geophysical Data Sets
- A Geochemical Transect Across the Lau and North Fiji Basins: New Evidence for the Distribution of Multiple Mantle Plume Components
- A Phenomenological Study of In-service Teachers: Alternative Method for Construction of Structurally Significant Virtual Tour Through Orders of Scale
- Above-belowground Carbon Allocation in Earth System Models
- Age constraints on basalt samples from a transect across the Lau Basin: supporting evidence for modification by multiple mantle sources.
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP) Showcases discovery level metadata for US Funded Research Projects
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for scientific activities in the vicinity of Barrow, Alaska.
- Chaotic....!! Active and Engaged. Effects of an active learning classroom on student retention and engagement.
- Chemistry and chronology of magmatic processes, Central Kenya Peralkaline province, East African Rift
- Contrasting Crustal Structure Across a Steep Accretionary Margin in Idaho-Oregon, Illuminated by EarthScope IDOR Controlled-Source Seismic Data
- Developing a methodological framework for estimating water productivity indicators in water scarce regions
- Differences in Fine- Coarse Aerosol Ratios in Convective and Non-Convective Dust Events in a Desert City
- Diversity and Innovation for Geosciences (dig) Texas Earth and Space Science Instructional Blueprints
- Drastic Environmental Change on Mars: Applying the Lessons Learned on Earth
- ENAM: A community seismic experiment targeting rifting processes and post-rift evolution of the Mid Atlantic US margin
- Evaluating Educational Resources for Inclusion in the Dig Texas Instructional Blueprints for Earth & Space Science
- Explosion-Earthquake Discrimination at Local Distances
- Field Report on the iMUSH Active Source Seismic Experiment
- Geochemical Variability and the Potential for Beneficial Use of Waste Water Coproduced with Oil from Permian Basin of the Southwest USA
- Geophysical investigation of hot springs within the vicinity of Shoshone, California
- Geospatial Distribution of Heavy Metals in an Urban Soil, El Paso, Texas, USA
- Implementation of InTeGrate Modules into Introductory Courses in the El Paso Higher Education Community
- Increasing diversity in the geosciences through the AfricaArray geophysics field course
- Initial constraints on crustal structure across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
- Integrating Enhanced STEM Themes in the UTEP CAREERS Weather Camp for Youth
- Investigation of Remotely Triggered Tremor and Earthquakes in Latin America
- Magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering
- NOx and ammonium isotopic fingerprints of anammox in natural and engineered systems: Implications for N isotope budgets and the use of NOx isotopes to diagnose process stability in wastewater treatment
- NSF Antarctic and Arctic Data Consortium; Scientific Research Support & Data Services for the Polar Community
- Organic Substances from Unconventional Oil and Gas Production in Shale
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Provenance of the Heavy Mineral-enriched Alluvial Deposits at the West Coast of Red Sea. Implications to the Evolution of Arabian-Nubian Crust
- Quantifying Weathering Advance Rates in Basaltic Andesite Rinds with Uranium-Series Isotopes: Basse-Terre Island, Guadeloupe
- Seismic assessment of a temporary deployment in the Kingdom of Bhutan using double-difference tomography
- Spatio-temporal Dynamics of Coastal Bluff Erosion near Barrow Alaska over the Past Decade
- Subsurface Structure of the Bushveld Igneous Complex, South Africa: An Application of Geophysics
- Systematic Investigation of REE Mobility and Fractionation During Continental Shale Weathering Along a Climate Gradient
- The Arctic Observing Viewer: A Web-mapping Application for U.S. Arctic Observing Activities
- The Presence of a Stable Block bounded by Active Zones (Mobile Belts) in the southwestern North American Proterozoic craton
- The Virtual Learning Commons (VLC): Enabling Co-Innovation Across Disciplines
- Time-Domain Techniques to Automatically Detect Local Earthquakes in the Wavetrain of Large Remote Teleseseismic Events Using Data within the Continental United States
- U and Sr Isotope Tracers of Agricultural Salinity Sources to the Lower Rio Grande River
- Uniform Distribution of Yttrium and Heavy Rare Earth Elements in Round Top Mountain Rhyolite Deposit , Sierra Blanca Texas, USA: Data, Significance, and Origin
- Upscaling plot-scale methane flux to a eddy covariance tower domain in Barrow, AK: integrating in-situ data with a microbial functional group-based model
- Using Interior Point Method Optimization Techniques to Improve 2- and 3-Dimensional Models of Earth Structures
- Using Strontium Isotopes in Arid Agricultural Soils to Determine a Sink or Source of CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Using Uranium-Series Isotopes to Quantify Volcanic Soil Formation Rates Under a Tropical Climate: Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe
- Virtual water flows and Water Balance Impacts of the U.S. Great Lakes Basin
- Volcanic Centers in the East African Rift: Imaging Volcanic Processes with Long-Period Event Identification and Ambient Noise Tomography
- Weathering Rinds and Soil Development on Basaltic Andesite, Guadeloupe
- A New Digital Imaging and Analysis System for Plant and Ecosystem Phenological Studies
- Aeolian transport of biota with dust: A wind tunnel experiment
- Aftershocks of the M7.8 Gorkha (Nepal) Earthquake: Early Results from Project NAMASTE
- Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): visualize project-level information for U.S. funded research in the Arctic
- Assessing the Utility of Alternate Digital Image Color Space for Deriving Phenological Dynamics in a High-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - An Interactive Web Mapping Portal and Cyberinfrastructure Showcasing Scientific Activities in the Vicinity of Barrow, Arctic Alaska.
- Bridging Multiple Lines Of Evidence To Quantify Plant Phenology And Assess Links To Dryland Ecosystem Function
- Carbon Sources and Sinks in Freshwater and Estuarine Environments of the Arctic Coastal Plain.
- Collaboration Among Educators: An Essential Step in Unifying STEM Teaching Resources.
- Crustal Structure Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana: Initial Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Active-Source Seismic Profile
- Downscaling Climate Science to the Classroom: Diverse Opportunities for Teaching Climate Science in Diverse Ways to Diverse Undergraduate Populations
- Drought-induced Changes in Dryland Soil Biogeochemical Cycles
- Dryland feedbacks to climatic change: Results from a climate manipulation experiment on the Colorado Plateau
- Dust-on-snow and the Timing of Peak Streamflow in the Upper Rio Grande
- Earthtech, Dig-Texas and Upward Bound: Outreach to At-Risk Students with Interdisciplinary STEM Activities
- Effects of Spatial N nutrient mobility relevant to plants, soils and microtopograhy on plant growth and soil organic matter accumulation by using coupled CLM-PFLOTRAN biogeochemical model in an Area in NGEE-Arctic Intensive Study Sites, Barrow, AK.
- Effects of isoprene production on the photosynthetic performance of Poplars (Populus sp.) under thermal and moisture stress
- Environmental Sequencing of Biotic Components of Dust in the Chihuahuan Desert
- Estimates of Effective Recharge in the Amargosa Desert Using a Simple Elevation-Dependent Chloride Mass-Balance Method and a Minimum Effective Recharge Elevation
- Evidence for a Moho-penetrating steep accretionary margin from the EarthScope Idaho-Oregon controlled-source seismic survey
- Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
- Four decades of modeling methane cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: Where we are heading?
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- Geospatial Mapping of Pb, Cr, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Sb in Urban Soil, Cd. Juarez, Chihuahua, Mexico
- Impacts of Dust on Tropical Volcanic Soil Formation: Insights from Strontium and Uranium-Series Isotopes in Soils from Basse-Terre Island, French Guadeloupe
- Impacts of Precipitation Diurnal Timing on Ecosystem Carbon Exchanges in Grasslands: A Synthesis of AmeriFlux Data
- Integrated Static and Dynamic Stress Modeling for Investigating Tremor Source Regions in the San Andreas Fault
- Intensifying the Science, the Senses, and the Impact: A tale of Collaboration Between an Academic Research Lab and two Visual Artists
- Investigation of Large Earthquakes as Critical Phase Transitions
- Magma reservoirs from the upper crust to the Moho inferred from high-resolution Vp and Vs models beneath Mount St. Helens
- Management of Reclaimed Produced Water in California Enhanced with the Expanded U.S. Geological Survey Produced Waters Geochemical Database
- Measuring U-series Disequilibrium in Weathering Rinds to Study the Influence of Environmental Factors to Weathering Rates in Tropical Basse-Terre Island (French Guadeloupe)
- Micro-distribution of heavy rare earth elements in Round Top Mountain rhyolite deposit (Hudspeth County, Texas, USA) by EPMA mapping
- Observations of Dynamic Triggering in the Coso Geothermal Field 2004-2013
- Preparing Future Geoscientists at the Critical High School-to-College Junction: Project METALS and the Value of Engaging Diverse Institutions to Serve Underrepresented Students
- Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry within the Community Land Model
- Semantic Data And Visualization Techniques Applied To Geologic Field Mapping
- Supporting Ngss-Congruent Instruction in Earth & Space Science Through Educator Implementation and Feedback: Refining the Dig Texas Blueprints
- The Arctic Observing Viewer: A Web-mapping Application for U.S. Arctic Observing Activities
- The characteristics of lower crust and upper mantle in the Cima volcanic field deduced from xenolith studies
- Tracing Anthropogenic Salinity Inputs to the Semi-arid Rio Grande River: A Multi-isotope Tracer (U, S, B and Sr) Approach
- Tracing industrial heavy metal inputs to topsoils using using cadmium isotopes
- Variability and Controls of Plant Phenology in Drylands: A Novel Case Study from the Northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Volcanic Centers in the East Africa Rift: Volcanic Processes with Seismic Stresses to Identify Potential Hydrothermal Vents
- Zircon-apatite U-Pb geochronology, zircon Hf isotope composition and geochemistry of granite batholith in the northern Mexico: Implications for Tectonomagmatic evolution of southern Cordillera.
- 3D Vp travel time tomography of the iMUSH active source seismic data
- A comparative analysis of surface winds in the Mid-Continental United States of America during severe droughts in the 1950s and 2010s.
- Aftershock stress analysis of the April 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake from the NAMASTE project
- Along-strike Variations in the Himalayas Illuminated by the Aftershock Sequence of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha Earthquake Using the NAMASTE Local Seismic Network
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an Interactive Web Mapping Portal and Cyberinfrastructure for Science and Land Management in the Vicinity of Barrow on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Blowing Dust on Highway Safety: Characterizing and Modeling of Dust Emission Hot Spots in the Southern Plains
- Bringing science from the top of the world to the rest of the world: using video to describe earthquake research in Nepal following the devastating 2015 M7.8 Gorkha earthquake
- Cerium Levels in Fine and Coarse Airborne Particulate Matter in El Paso, Texas—A Geospatial and Temporal Investigation
- Comparison of Amplitudes and Frequencies of Explosive vs. Hammer Seismic Sources for a 1-km Seismic Line in West Texas
- Constraints on Fault Damage Zone Properties and Normal Modes from a Dense Linear Array Deployment along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Constraints on crustal structure in the Southeastern United States from the SUGAR 2 refraction seismic refraction experiment
- Developing the greatest Blue Economy: Water productivity, fresh water depletion, and virtual water trade in the Great Lakes basin
- Development of A Dust Climate Indicator for the US National Climate Assessment
- Disentangling dust emission mechanisms - a field study
- Dryland Flood-Irrigation and its Impact on CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production and the Accumulation of Pedogenic Carbonate in West Texas
- Engaging Underserved and Underrepresented Students in the Earth Sciences through a Summer Outreach Program
- Estimating ecological water stress caused by anthropogenic uses in the US Great Lakes region
- Exploring the stress state of faults by studying triggered phenomena in regions of induced seismicity
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Historical Climatology Of Dust Events At El Paso, Texas
- Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
- Lithium and Beryllium By-product Recovery from the Round Top Mountain, Texas, Peraluminous Rhyolite Heavy Rare Earth Deposit
- Near-Surface & High Resolution Seismic Imaging of the Bennett Thrust Fault in the Indio Mountains of West Texas
- On the Complex Coupling Between the Production of Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol in Polluted Urban Regions
- On the coupled effect of topography, vegetation cover, and soil properties on the partition of water and energy fluxes of seasonally water-stressed ecosystems
- Patterns and Controls of Erosion along the Elson Lagoon Coastline, Barrow, Alaska (2003-2016)
- Preliminary Analysis of the Oklahoma Wavefields Demonstration Dataset
- Reinterpretation of Halokinetic Features in the Ancestral Rocky Mountains Paradox Salt Basin, Utah and Colorado
- Ridge interaction features of the Line Islands
- Seismic Structure Of The Kunlun Stike-Slip Fault Using INDEPTH IV Active-Source Dataset, North Tibet
- Shallow active-source imaging of an andesite dike in southern New Mexico: comparing Reftek Texan and Fairfield Z-Land recordings
- Six years after the El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake: Transient far-field postseismic vertical motion observed by tide gauges and GPS
- Space-based monitoring of land-use/land-cover in the Upper Rio Grande Basin: An opportunity for understanding urbanization trends in a water-scarce transboundary river basin.
- Study of Photolysis Rate Coefficients to Improve Air Quality Models
- The Arctic Observing Viewer (AOV): Visualization, Data Discovery, Strategic Assessment, and Decision Support for Arctic Observing
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): a Geoportal for Visualizing Project-level Information About U.S. Funded Research in the Arctic
- The Spatial and Seasonal Variability in Fine Mineral Dust and Coarse Mass Concentrations at Remote Sites across the United States
- Timing and origin of ignimbrites exposed in the Palmarejo and Guazapares mining districts in western Chihuahua: Implications for the genesis of Ag-Au epithermal deposits
- Topographical Analysis of Fretted Terrain: Implications for Ancient Martian Super-eruptions
- Using a Large N Geophone Array to Identify Hydrothermal Seismic Sources in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park
- Wet Dust Deposition Across Texas, USA
- A Reactive Transport Model for Marcellus Shale Weathering
- Anatomy of Old Faithful hydrothermal system from subsurface seismic imaging of the Yellowstone Upper Geyser Basin
- Assessing Student-Mentor Interaction During a Summer REU for Two Year College Students
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for science and land management in the vicinity of Utqiaġvik (Barrow) on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Building Bridges Between Geoscience and Data Science through Benchmark Data Sets
- Combining geochemical tracers with geophysical tools to study groundwater quality in Mesilla Bolson of the semi-arid Rio Grande watershed
- Comparison of Seismic Sources and Frequencies in West Texas
- Crustal structure across the Brunswick Magnetic Anomaly in Southern Georgia
- Designing Summer Outreach Programs as an Engagement tool to connect Underserved and Underrepresented HS Students with Climate Science Topics
- Diversifying Geoscience by Preparing Faculty as Workshop Leaders to Promote Inclusive Teaching and Inclusive Geoscience Departments
- Dust Emission Modeling Incorporating Land Cover Parameterizations in the Chihuahuan Desert and Dissemination of Data Suites
- Dust in Rain During Drought: An Overlooked Pathway for Elemental Flux to Ecosystems
- Employing Model-Based Reasoning in Interdisciplinary Research Teams: Evidence-Based Practices for Integrating Knowledge Across Systems
- Estimating groundwater discharge into the ocean in the Yucatán Peninsula
- Evidence for Terrane Accretion, Localized Rifting and Magmatism from the Crustal Velocity Structure of the Southeastern United States
- Fault structure in the Nepal Himalaya as illuminated by aftershocks of the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake recorded by the local NAMASTE network
- Formulating qualitative features using interactive visualization for analysis of multivariate spatiotemporal data
- Global Examination of Triggered Tectonic Tremor following the 2017 Mw8.1 Tehuantepec Earthquake in Mexico
- Hydrologic and environmental controls on uranium-series and strontium isotope ratios in a natural weathering environment
- Improving the Characterization of Arctic Coastline Ecosystem Change near Utqiagvik, Alaska Utilizing Multiyear Terrestrial Laser Scanning
- Increasing Underrepresented Students in Geophysics and Planetary Science Through the Educational Internship in Physical Sciences (EIPS)
- Integrating Intelligent Systems Domain Knowledge Into the Earth Science Curricula
- Investigation of Earthquake and Geyser Events in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park from a Nodal Array
- Local earthquake interferometry of the IRIS Community Wavefield Experiment, Grant County, Oklahoma
- Microphysical Properties of Alaskan Volcanic Ash
- Middle Rio Grande Water Sustainability in Extreme Drought: Using Provenance to Trace Modeling Scenarios Selected by Users
- Migrating local earthquake interferometric data from the IRIS Community Wavefield Experiment, Oklahoma
- Modeling Hydrological Processes in New Mexico-Texas-Mexico Border Region
- Monitoring Impacts of Long-Term Drought on Surface Water Quantity and Quality in Middle Rio Grande Basin Reservoirs Using Multispectral Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems
- New Insight into the Role of Tectonics versus Gravitational Deformation in Development of Surface Ruptures along the Ragged Mountain Fault, Katalla, Alaska USA: Applications of High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Terrain Models
- On the Reliability of Source Time Functions Estimated Using Empirical Green's Function Methods
- RIS<SUP>4</SUP>E Science Journalism Program
- Rapid Seismic Deployment for Capturing Aftershocks of the September 2017 Tehuantepec, Mexico (M=8.1) and Morelos-Puebla (M=7.1), Mexico Earthquakes
- Resolution of lava tubes with ground penetrating radar: preliminary results from the TubeX project
- Seasonal Variation of Infiltration Rates in a Managed Aquifer Recharge System: A Belgian Example
- Seasonal and Inter-annual Phenological Varibility is Greatest in Low-Arctic and Wet Sites Across the North Slope of Alaska as Observed from Multiple Remote Sensing Platforms
- Seasonal, Spatial, and Long-term Variability of Fine Mineral Dust in the United States
- Seismic observations of subglacial water discharge from glacier-dammed lake drainage at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Seismic observations of supraglacial lake drainage in the near-terminus region of Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- Semi-automatic Data Integration using Karma
- Statistical Analysis of Terrestrial Water Storage Change Over Southwestern United States
- Stress Regime in the Nepalese Himalaya from Recent Earthquakes.
- Structure and tectonics of the Main Himalayan Thrust and associated faults from recent earthquake and seismic imaging studies using the NAMASTE array
- The 2015 Gorkha Earthquake and the Structure of a Himalayan Intracontinental Subduction Channel From Geodesy, Seismicity, and Seismic Imaging
- The Arctic Observing Viewer (AOV): Visualization, Data Discovery, Strategic Assessment, and Decision Support for Arctic Observing
- The Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Coarse Aerosol Mass at Remote Sites across the United States
- The impact of hydrologic segmentation on the Critical Zone water fluxes of headwater catchments
- Three-dimensional velocity models of the Mount St. Helens magmatic system using the iMUSH active-source data set
- Unraveling earthquake stresses: Insights from dynamically triggered and induced earthquakes
- Uranium-Series Dating of the East Franklin Mountain's Fault Carbonates in El Paso, Texas
- Using Nd and Sr isotopes to trace dust and volcanic inputs to soils on French Guadeloupe Island
- Visualizing lava flow interiors with LiDAR
- Water Matters: Assessing the Impacts of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in the U.S./Mexico Border Region
- 3-D Lithospheric Profiles for the Axial Volcanoes of the Central Kenya Peralkaline Province, East Africa Rift: insights into Magma Generation and Storage at Compositional Density Boundaries
- A Half-Century of Biophysical Change in Polygonised Tundra on the Coastal Plain of Northern Alaska.
- A Synthesis on the Dynamics of Water and Energy Partitioning of Seasonally Dry Forests
- A Tale of Two Rift Basins: Geophysical and Groundwater Studies of the Hueco and Mesilla Bolsons, Western Texas, Southern New Mexico and Northern Chihuahua
- Aftershock locations of the September 2017 Tehuantepec, Mexico (M=8.2) earthquake using a temporary seismic network
- An Updated Compilation of V<SUB>S</SUB><SUB>30 </SUB>in the United States
- Assessment of Irrigation Efficiencies of an Agricultural Valley With an Overexploited Aquifer Using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - an interactive web mapping portal and cyberinfrastructure for science and land management in the vicinity of Utqiaġvik (Barrow) on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part I: Evaluating the National Water Model's baseflow and deep percolation estimation in the Northern High Plains
- Close-Range Hyperspectral Imaging of Dynamic Vegetation Communities in a High Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Comparisons of Urban and Remote Coarse Aerosol Mass across the United States
- Correlation of Local Earthquakes to Form a Reflection Image Beneath the IRIS Community Wavefield Experiment, Grant County, Oklahoma
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Density Functional Theory Predictions of Intramolecular Isotope Fractionation of Organic Molecules due to Sorption to Mineral Surfaces.
- Developing a predictive modeling framework accounting for the interactions between unsaturated zone, aquifer, and stream
- Development of Satellite Based Dust Optical Depth from MODIS Deep Blue Product Collection 6.1 in the Western United States
- Diverse springtime variability in ice nucleating particle properties and sources in an Alaskan Arctic oil-field location
- Documenting Microtopographic Change of Tundra Landscapes using Terrestrial LiDAR: A Case Study in a High-Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- EMBeRS: A Best Practice for Enabling Interdisciplinary Learning, Synthesis and Convergence
- Early Cretaceous ridge subduction beneath southern Alaska: Insights from zircon U-Pb geochronology, hafnium and oxygen isotopic composition of the Western Chugach Tonalite-Trondhjemite Suite
- Ecotypes impact GPP in Eriophorum vaginatum L. with implications for the Arctic C cycle.
- Effects of Land Use Change on Soil Moisture Dynamics in Tropical Peatlands
- Engaging Students at the 2YC level through the Service Learning Activities Targeting the Earth Sciences (SLATES) Program at El Paso Community College and the University of Texas at El Paso
- Evaluating Possible Linkages Between Marine Chlorophyll-a concentrations and Cloud Properties Over the Arctic Chukchi Sea
- Evaluating the Impact of Produced Water Spills in the Permian Basin on Soil Biogeochemistry
- Evaluating the spatial representativeness of eddy covariance towers across the Arctic Alaska
- Evaluation of Drought Level and Anthropogenic Land Use Impact on Dust Emission in Southwestern United States: Quantitative and Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Dust Point Sources
- Exploring a Well-located Seismic Sequence Near Jackson, Wyoming: Application of Array Methods and Waveform Cross-correlation
- Facilitating and Improving Environmental Research Data Repository Interoperability
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Following Liquid Migration Using Small Angle Seismic Scattering
- From the ocean to the air: Biological processes as a source of warm temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic
- Geochemistry of Large, Low Shear-Wave Velocity Provinces in the Lower Mantle Inferred from Nd and Pb Isotopes in Oceanic Hotspots
- Geomorphology, High-Resolution LiDAR, and Aerial Photography data - Extracting Geologic Insights from 3D Modeling - Ragged Mountain fault southern Alaska, USA
- Global Analysis of the Hydrologic Sensitivity to Climate Variability using a Budyko Approach
- IRIS Field Experiences for Undergraduates Program (FieldXP): Lessons Learned from a Three-Year Pilot Study
- Improved STEM Education for 21st Century Environmental Scientists through Stratified Mentoring and Professional Networking at a Hispanic Serving Institution
- Influence of short-term static and dynamic stress perturbations on the occurrence of a shallow, slow slip event, in eastern Taiwan.
- Interdisciplinary Earth Data Science Education
- Joint inversion of Surface Wave Dispersion and Bouguer Gravity Anomalies Using Synthetic Data
- Lateral variation of the Main Himalayan Thrust in the source area of the 2015 Mw7.8 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Local subglacial hydrologic conditions mapped with glaciohydraulic tremor during an outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Mapping Through of the Use of Remote Sensing Techniques in the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, to Better Understand Silver and Gold Hosted Structures
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Microbial native sulfur formation in the subsurface without oxygen
- Modeling competitive adsorption of phosphate and salicylate on the goethite (210) surface
- Multi-platform observations of dust storm activity over Southwestern United States: Long-term trend, climate drivers and societal impacts
- PM10 Emissions from Natural Surfaces in Southwestern North America
- Probing the Panglossian Paradigm: Local Adaptation in Eriophorum vaginatum and its Relation to Functional Traits
- Reactive uptake kinetics of N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB> and yields of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on saline playa dusts: new insights into inland sources of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Refraction seismic constraints on less extensive CAMP magmatism localized by prior extension in the Southeastern United States
- Rethinking graduate training in geoscience in the age of big data
- Seismic recordings reveal the timing and extent of subglacial water pressurization
- Situational Awarness Applied to Geologic Mapping Using Integration of Semantic Data and Visualization Techniques.
- Solar Eclipse 2017, Lunar Observations, NASA Globe and Earth Science Week Events: Education and Public Outreach at the el Paso Community College - Transmountain Campus Through Service Learning
- Structure-from-Motion Production and Analysis of Digital Surface Models of NOAA Coastal Airborne Imagery from Alaska's North Slope
- The Arctic Observing Viewer: A Tool for Data Discovery, Visualization, Strategic Planning, and Decision Support for Arctic Observing
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application (ARMAP): a Geoportal for Visualizing Project-level Information about U.S. Funded Research in the Arctic
- The Yucatan Peninsula Groundwater Discharges Into The Ocean And The Role Of Neotropical Dry-Forests In The Dynamics Of The Peninsula's Water Cycle.
- The geochemical composition of produced waters from the Utica Shale Play in the Appalachian Basin: Implications for treatment and reuse
- Timing of Cenozoic Extension in the Southern Rio Grande Rift and Southeastern Basin and Range as Determined Using Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- Tracing Quaternary Faults within the Mesilla Bolson, Western Texas and Southern New Mexico
- Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in Central and Eastern West Antarctica from P and S Body Wave Tomography
- Using End-Member Mixing Analysis (EMMA) of grain sizes to model transportational and depositional processes and determine stratigraphic relationships at Rimrock Lake and Hay Lake playas, Harney Basin, eastern Oregon, USA.
- Using Remote Sensing, Geochemical, and Isotopic Data to Quantify the Impact of Agricultural Practices in an Overexploited Aquifer in Northwest Mexico.
- Utilizing Spectral Imagery to Examine High Latitude Ecosystem Function and Diversity
- Utilizing gravity, magnetics, and shallow seismic methods to image a subsurface igneous intrusion below Three Sisters in Western El Paso, Texas
- Variable Fluid Contributions to Boninite Magma Generation, Mata Volcanic Field, NE Lau Basin as Determined by Trace Elements and Fe-Sr-Pb-Nd-Hf-U-Th-Ra Isotopes
- A Primal-Dual Approach for Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data: Gaining Insight Into the 3D Geophysical Structure of Colombia
- Active Seismic Studies in Lemon Creek Valley Glacier, Juneau, Alaska: Characterization of Subglacial Sediments to Understand Glacier Dynamics
- An emerging international network focused on permafrost coastal systems in transition
- Analysis of Ozonesonde and Surface Measurements in San Antonio and El Paso during 2017 and 2019
- Applying Terrestrial Remote-Sensing Practices and Planetary Analogs for Application Toward Geoscience Problem Based Learning and Teaching Opportunities in the Classroom and Public Outreach Education
- Asian Dust Transport to Summit, Greenland Explored through Size-Resolved Composition and Trajectory Analysis
- Assessment of the Functionality of Sediment Retention Ponds in the Colorado River Basin using Geophysical Surveys and Soil Profile Sampling
- BAID: The Barrow Area Information Database - a suite of web mapping applications to support science in the vicinity of Utqiaġvik (Barrow) on the North Slope of Alaska.
- Carbonaceous Nanomaterial Effects on Dinitrogen-Fixing Soybeans: Insights Gained from Plant-Soil Mesocosm Studies
- Climate Change Impact Assessment for an Agricultural Watershed in the U.S. Desert Southwest
- Cross-border Contrast in Roof Albedos: Cd. Juárez, Mexico vs. El Paso, USA
- Cross-correlation of ambient seismic signal during a glacial lake outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Crustal structure of the Nepalese Himalaya revealed by receiver functions and Rayleigh wave dispersion
- Deep critical zone architecture imaged by seismic tomography on windward and leeward sides of Basse Terre Island, Guadeloupe
- Detecting and Identifying Nuclear Reactor Operational Events using Seismo-acoustic Signals
- Determining the contribution of surface soil organisms to subsurface soil fertility and CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in a semi-arid desert
- Dust Source Characterization on Lordsburg Playa in Southwestern New Mexico
- Early snowmelt effects on Arctic tundra plants and soils: a summary of findings from a three-year field experiment at Imnavait Creek, Alaska
- Earthquake Detection Using PhaseNet in the Pecos, Texas Region of the Delaware Basin
- Enclave Mapping To Distinguish and Differentiate Magmatic Events
- Examining Tundra Greening from Ground-based to Satellite Observations
- Expanding the Mission of Rural Science: The role of the 500 Women Science Pod in Southeast Utah
- Exploring Field Scale Heterogeneity in Agroecosystem Modeling with Aerial Evapotranspiration Estimates
- Exploring Steam Through Service Learning and Citizen Science Activities: Enhancing Education/public Outreach in the International Community at EL Paso Community College and the University of Texas at EL Paso
- Ground Motion Differences and Damage in Juchitan de Zaragoza, Oaxaca from the 2017 Tehuantepec, Mexico (M8.2) Earthquake from a Temporary Seismic Network
- How Many Explosions Made a Maar Crater?
- Hydrogen-bonding Networks in Highly Saline Brines from the Lower Eagle Ford Group: Implications for Wettability of Continuous Reservoirs
- Imaging and monitoring the subsurface of glaciers: recent advances in Green's function estimation from interferometry of passive seismic on-ice recordings
- Imaging the Response of Woody Vegetation Ecosystems of the Northern Chihuahuan Desert to Short Simulated Precipitation Pulses: Implications for the Resiliency of Arid Ecosystems and the Water Balance of Desert Landscapes
- Impacts of Anthropogenic and Natural Disaster on Risks to Coastal Recreational Beach Use
- Investigating lithospheric structure across the Nepalese Himalayas using local earthquakes.
- Investigating the Surface Properties and Evolution of a Desert Playa Using Optical and Radar Satellite Imagery Products
- Matrix approach of seismic wave imaging: Overcome phase distortions and multiple scattering
- Modeling Salinity in a Semi-arid Agricultural Watershed Using SWAT-Salt
- Monitoring Systematic Dryland Ecosystem Optical Properties with a Semi-automated Robotic Tram System at Jornada Experimental Range
- Multiparameter Study of Eruptive Behavior at Steamboat Geyser, Yellowstone
- Organic Substances in Wastewater from Continuous Oil and Gas Production in the Permian Basin
- Phenology in U.S. agroecosystems - Integrating data from the Long-Term Agroecosystem Research (LTAR) Network
- Physical controls of surface-subsurface exchange fluxes evaluated with an integrated hydrologic model
- Playa Dust Mineralogy and its Impact on Atmospheric Reactivity and the Production of Reactive Halogens
- Position-Specific Isotope Fractionations Predicted by Molecular Modeling: Amino Acids
- Potential Beneficial Uses of Produced Water from Unconventional Shale Plays in the U.S.
- Poulter Shooting Experiments in West Antarctica and West Texas
- Reconciling Historical and Contemporary Trends in Terrestrial Carbon Exchange of the High-latitude Permafrost-zone
- Shallow Active-Source Seismic Imaging of Old Faithful Geyser in the Upper Geyser Basin of Yellowstone National Park.
- Slow slip events detected by borehole strainmeters in the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan
- Spatial and temporal mapping of local subglacial hydrologic conditions during an outburst flood at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Surface explosives in active-source seismic surveying: performance and new imaging at the West Antarctic Ice Sheet Divide
- Ternary feldspar zoning and textures combine with U-series data as indicators of magma dynamics for Suswa trachyte phonolite volcano, Central Kenya Peralkaline Province, East African Rift
- The Arctic Research Mapping Application and Arctic Observing Viewer Applications Support Earth Science Planning
- The Response of Dissolved Inorganic Nutrients to Hurricanes Irma and María at the Luquillo Critical Zone Observatory
- Thermochemical or microbial sulfate reduction: determining the driver of native sulfur formation in the subsurface
- Tidally Induced Icequake Swarms at the Grounded Margins of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Tracing sources of mineral nutrients with conventional <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr isotope ratios in a highly weathered tropical volcanic island (Basse-Terre, French Guadeloupe)
- Tracking spectral formants: A history of ice flow revealed by depth dependent anisotropy onthe Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- UTEP's 2019 Pathways to Geoscience Summer Camp for High School Students
- Unmixing Analysis of Close-Range Hyperspectral Imagery of Vegetation
- Using Small Angle Seismic Scattering to Image the Subsurface, Proof of Concept
- Water Sourcing Strategies of Highly Resilient Vegetation in Desert Soils: Stable Isotope Analysis of a Northern Chihuahuan Desert Ecosystem
- Will changing plant community structure mediate microbial homeostasis?
- rSpectral & ASTRAL: Interactive Tools for Analysis of Hyperspectral Reflectance Data Acquired through the NASA ABoVE Campaign
- 3D Viewers, a Dashboard, and Data Services in Support of Arctic Science: ARMAP and AOV
- <SUP>Tundra Underlain by Thawing Permafrost Persistently Emits Carbon to the Atmosphere Over Fifteen Years of Measurements</SUP>
- A pan-Arctic initiative on the spatial and temporal dynamics of Arctic coasts
- Applicability of Hyperspectral Measurements of Nitrogen in Water
- Approaching uncertain water futures in the Middle Rio Grande through the integration of data and model-based reasoning
- Archival Photogrammetric Analysis of Permafrost Coastal Bluff Erosion Patterns Along the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) Using Structure-from-Motion (SfM)
- Assessing ecosystem service outcomes from future deforestation threats and payment for hydrologic services program designs in forested watersheds
- Assessment of irrigation effects on consumptive water use under varying warming scenarios through the lens of multiple evapotranspiration models: implications on the sustainability of water resources of an intensive irrigation valley in Northwestern Mexico
- Asthma, Acute Bronchitis, and Dust in El Paso County, Texas
- Augmenting Underrepresented Student Learning Experiences Through Service Learning and NASA's GLOBE Observer Arogram.
- Building a Culture of Respect and Inclusivity at the Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystem Long Term Ecological Research Program
- Combining Uranium, Boron, and Strontium isotope ratios (<SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U, <SUP>11</SUP>B,<SUP> 87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) to trace and quantify salinity contributions to Rio Grande river in Southwestern United States
- Contrasting Patterns of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux from Ponds, Rivers and Lakes of the Arctic Coastal Tundra.
- Cross-Border Contrast in Roof Albedos: Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua vs. El Paso, Texas
- Detection of Coccidioides fungi from the soil and air in the Southwestern United States
- Dispersive mixing and sea level rise rates control depletion of freshwater in island-lake-aquifer systems undergoing groundwater and coastal inundation
- Drone-derived canopy height predicts aboveground biomass in non-forest ecosystems across the globe
- Enhanced Drainage and Altered Streamflow Sensitivity of Soil Water Storage through Topographically-Driven Connectivity between Stream and Aquifer
- Estimating the Terrestrial Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Budget for the Arctic-boreal Zone Using a Synthesis of Field Observations and Statistical Upscaling
- Examining Tundra Greening from Ground-based to Satellite Observations
- Friction velocity estimation in Coastal Sites using 2D velocity measurements
- Identifying Decadal Time-scale Patterns and Controls of Tundra Land Surface Stability Across the North Slope of Alaska using Repeat Terrestrial Light Detection and Ranging (T-LiDAR)
- Interannual and seasonal CO2 exchange and rainfall dynamics in a northern Chihuahuan Desert shrubland
- Learning to Converge Across Disciplines
- Linking Plot and Landscape phenology at Jornada Experimental Range in the Northern Chihuahuan Desert
- Molybdenum Sequestration Mechanisms Under Euxinic Conditions: Implications for the Utility of Molybdenum as a Paleoredox Proxy
- Planetary Boundary Layer Workshop in the Time of COVID-19
- Production of minerals from oil and gas produced waters: Current state of the science
- Reducing highway accidents with a satellite-aided dust storm forecasting system
- Residence time of basinal fluids and paleo flow system in the Paradox Basin using radio-krypton isotopes
- Residential Roof Albedos in Albuquerque, New Mexico: Not Adapted for Global Warming?
- Residential Roof Albedos in Tucson, Arizona: A Model for the Southwest
- Riverine Inorganic Carbon Subsidy Drives CO<SUB>2</SUB> Evasion and Metabolic Processes in Arctic Alaskan Lagoon
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability of Alaska's Northern Lagoons
- Seismic constraints on melt organization within silicic magmatic systems
- Shear velocity tomography of the crust below Valles Caldera using a densely spaced nodal transect
- Sister Cities, Separate Styles: Residential Roof Albedos in San Diego, U.S.A and Tijuana, Mexico
- Sourcing and characterizing geochemical changes from unpermitted produced water dumping, Permian Basin, USA
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Cryoseismicity Rate Associated with Supraglacial Lake Drainage at Lemon Creek Glacier, Alaska
- Strategic Minerals - Are They Hiding in Plain Sight?
- The Role of Hydrates, Competing Chemical Constituents, and Aerosol Surface Composition on ClNO2 Formation from Dusts
- The Static and Dynamic Drivers of Erosion in Beaufort Lagoon Ecosystems
- Tidally forced icequakes near the grounding line of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Utilizing Coupled <SUP>234</SUP>U/<SUP>238</SUP>U and <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr to Understand Fate of Uranium and Strontium from Phosphate Fertilizers in an Agricultural Watershed
- rDataFusion: A Project-Specific Multi-Data Fusion Tool for Discovering, Integrating, and Visualizing Heterogeneous Long-term Data Sets
- A Statistical Analysis and Comparison of Historical Climate Data (1931-2020) in the Middle Rio Grande Basin
- An Ice Sheet Aseismic Zone Inferred from the Absence of Icequakes in the Deep Interior of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Building Gamma-Ray Detectors for Two CubeSats
- Carbon Release Accelerated by Abrupt Thaw at Eight Mile Lake, AK
- Connecting indigenous stories, geoscience knowledge, and the traditional practice of observation (kilo) to stimulate a more diversified geoscience community
- Controls, rates, and impacts of enhanced calcite accumulation and abiotic CO2 emission in irrigated drylands
- Crustal Velocity Structure Beneath the Incipient Okavango Rift Zone (ORZ): Results From the PRIDE-SEISORZ Experiment Across the Okavango Rift Zone, Botswana
- Detecting and Locating Icequakes on Erebus Volcano
- Developing Riverine (234U/238U) Ratios as a Watershed Tracer for Climate, Lithology, and Land Use Conditions: Initial Insights from a Combined Geochemical, Geological, and Geographic Approach in Texas River Basins
- Developing a ground observation network to monitor carbon fluxes across the Arctic-boreal zone
- Does Chirality Influence the Stability of Amino Acid Cu Complexes in the Salt-Induced Peptide Formation Reaction? Insights from Density Functional Theory Calculations.
- Dynamics of Plant Water Use and Water Movement in Shallow Desert Soils of a Piedmont Site; Insights From an Integrated Hydro-Geophysics-Geochemical Approach of a Highly Dynamic Shallow Dryland Critical Zone.
- Enhanced Plant P and Unchanged Soil P Stocks After a Quarter-Century of Experimental Warming in Arctic Tundra
- Evapotranspiration partitioning of tropical deciduous forests of North America: A model-based comparison of two eddy-covariance sites with contrasting hydroclimatic regimes
- Event Detection and Spectral Analysis of Lava Lake and Inner Crater Seismic Activity at Erebus Volcano Observed with a Dense Three-Component Near-Summit Seismic Array
- Exploring Controls by Pedogenic Carbonates as a Critical Interface on Water, Carbon and Nutrient Interactions in Drylands: Initial Insights from the Dryland Critical Zone Network Cluster
- GeoCaFES: Communities and Future Earth Scientists
- Health and Safety Effects of Airborne Dust in the Americas
- High-resolution garnet pressure-temperature paths from the Menderes Massif metamorphic core complex, Western Turkey: Implications for extensional driving forces
- Imaging the crustal magmatic system below Valles Caldera: new constraints from shear velocity tomography using a densely spaced nodal transect
- Improving Data Quality and Reliability of Citizen Science Observations Through Model Based Reasoning Techniques Using the GLOBE Observer App
- Landsat Time Series Predict Changes in Ground-measured Forest Structure Across a Gradient of Partial Canopy Disturbance at NEON Sites in the Continental US
- Leaf-Level Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra of High Latitude Plants
- Long-term deformation and short-term transients at Erebus volcano, Antarctica, from 20+ years of GNSS observations
- Modeling quasi-three-dimension distribution of solar irradiance on complex terrain
- Multi-station inversion of P-wave receiver functions at Erebus volcano, Antarctica
- New Workflows Repurpose Geotagged Information to Improve Outreach and Engagement
- News from the Pan-Arctic Initiative on the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Arctic Coasts
- Presentation Title: Antibiotics in Tourist Swimming Sinkholes (Cenotes) in the Riviera Maya, Mexico and the Effects After and Before COVID-19
- Processes and timescales of magmas: U-series, 40Ar/39Ar chronology, and ternary feldspars, for the Quaternary Suswa volcano, Central Kenya Peralkaline Province, East African Rift
- Quantifying water stress and productive vs non-productive water use in the critical zone of dryland agricultural areas with alternating surface and groundwater irrigation: lessons learned from a combined remote sensing and groundwater data analysis.
- Reconstruction of a sinuous mid-Ediacaran slope canyon in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia: Implications for the origin of the canyons and the Shuram carbon isotope excursion
- Residential roof albedos and land surface temperatures in El Paso-Juarez: A cross-border contrast
- Seasonal Shifts in Carbon Flux and Cycling in an Arctic Lagoon
- Spatial Variability of Permafrost Soil Organic Carbon in the Coastal Bluffs of Elson Lagoon, Alaska
- Supporting Reasoning about Future Water Scenarios through the Sustainable Water through Integrated Modeling (SWIM) Framework
- The Effect of Sea Level Rise Driven Groundwater Inundation on Island Freshwater Lens Volume
- The Impact of Carbon Amendments on the Carbon Budget of Soils on a Farm in Central Washington
- Topological Clustering of Multilayer Networks
- Urban heating, thermal exposure, and heat waves
- Using Ground Penetrating Radar to Investigate Controls on Pedogenic Calcium Carbonate Distribution in Dryland Critical Zones
- Using Magnetic Fabrics to Quantify the Deformation of the North Onion Creek Salt Shoulder and Evaluate Deformation Timing, Paradox Basin, Utah
- Vegetation water sourcing dynamics of a dryland Critical Zone: vegetation location in piedmont surfaces shows access to isotopically different water depending on proximity to ephemeral channels, does soil texture and changes in vegetation density matter as well?
- What is Interdisciplinary Thinking and How Can it be Invoked?
- Where management and climate variability matter most: an evaluation of metrics for monitoring agroecosystem production and phenology
- A Numerical Experiment in Small-Angle Scattering: From X-Ray to Seismology
- Analyzing the Relationship of Forest Structural Diversity to Biotic Resistance to Invasion using NEON Data
- Application of Machine Learning Approaches to Predict Soil Inorganic Carbon in Drylands
- Assessing Microbial Functional Variability Across State Transitions in Dryland Systems
- Associations Between Dust and Thunderstorm Exposures and Hospitalizations in Lubbock, Texas, USA
- Building equity and inclusion for the long term at the Arctic LTER
- Carbon cycling through the critical zone in irrigated and unirrigated drylands
- Center for Collective Impact in Earthquake Science (C-CIES): Building Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, Equity, and Community into Earthquake Science
- Cloud Height-Parallax Correction of GPROF Rainfall Product Improves General Accuracy of Retrievals over CONUS
- Combined Impacts of Hydraulic Conductivity Heterogeneity and Pumping Intensity on Seawater Intrusion in Coastal Aquifers: A Numerical Investigation Using a Henry Problem with a Pumping Well
- Continental Collision gives Microcontinents a Haircut; an example from the Scandinavian Caledonides.
- Effect of Extreme Drought and Deforestation on Changing Hydrologic Responses to Climatic Variability of Amazonian Forests.
- Eliciting the Drivers of Ecosystem Evapotranspiration (ET) Partitioning and its links to Carbon Sequestration in a Semiarid Ecosystem of the U.S. Southwest
- Establishing Satellite-Derived Vegetation Index Baselines to Understand Pecan Orchard Water-Stress and Productivity in an Arid Environment.
- Formulating Aquatic Remote Sensing for the Surface Biology and Geology Mission
- Grid Independence Studies of Eddy-Resolving Models at the Scale of a River Reach Along a Transect in Marble Canyon of the Colorado River, Arizona.
- Hot Sun, Cool Albedo: Roof Colors in Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A.
- Hyper-resolution Distributed Hydrological Simulations of Soil Moisture and the Partitioning of Evapotranspiration in the Jornada Experimental Range, Southwestern U.S.
- Impacts of Arid Land Agriculture and Flood Irrigation on Soil Quality, Water Dynamics, and Gas Transport
- Improving Data Quality Through the GLOBE Observer Cloud Protocol Using Model Based Reasoning Techniques
- Improving interoperability within the Arctic Research Data Life Cycle
- Initial insights from two broadband arrays straddling the Thwaites Glacier eastern shear margin
- Integrated Multi Physics-Based Modeling Framework to Quantify River Geomorphologic Changes in Field-Scale Rivers Based on Eddy Resolving Models Combined with Autonomous Systems
- Interannual and Seasonal CO2 Exchange and Rainfall Dynamics in a Northern Chihuahuan Desert Shrubland
- Mapping Vadose Zone Hydrology and Soil Properties in Dryland Critical Zones with High Infiltration Using Shallow Electromagnetic and Magnetic Techniques
- Mechanical anisotropy of the Main Himalayan Thrust from geodetic modeling and seismic imaging
- Microwave Emission Model Parameter Tuning for Surface Soil Moisture Retrievals Using UAV Mounted Dual Polarization L-Band Radiometer
- Multi-Scale Intercomparison of Surface Soil Moisture in the Chihuahuan Desert using Orbital, Sub-Orbital and Ground-Based Measurements
- Net Ecosystem Exchange Across the Arctic-Boreal Zone: Long Term Trends and Site-Level Drivers of Interannual Variability
- Observation based benchmarks may improve representation of soil organic carbon dynamics in Land Surface Models
- Participatory Modeling (PM): Addressing Water Issues in the Middle Rio Grande and the Effect of PM on Social Learning
- Progress and challenges by early career polar scientists (USAPECS) in addressing inclusivity, diversity, equity, and accessibility
- Projections of climate change impacts on Middle Rio Grande surface water indicate declining water availability
- Quantifying seasonal and spatial variability of groundwater contributions to the Rio Grande in the Southern Albuquerque Basin
- Response of Forest Canopy Structure to Moderate Disturbances: Multi-temporal Approaches Using NEON's Longitudinal Airborne LiDAR
- Satellite-aided forecasting of dust storms and their societal effects in the western United States: Progress, Challenges and Lessons Learned
- Shallow ice-sheet composite structure revealed by seismic imaging near the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide Camp
- Shear velocity tomography reveals a shallow and laterally focused magmatic reservoir below Valles Caldera, NM.
- Sourcing Lithium from Mica
- Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources in Island Aquifers
- Swarm-Like Behavior of Icequakes Associated with Surface Crevassing Activity on a Mountain Glacier
- Systematic Analysis of Virga Precipitation Events Over the Semi-Arid Region of El Paso, Texas
- Temporal Trends in Dryland Soil Carbon Fluxes in Response to Artificial and Natural Pulsed Moisture Events
- The Black and Brown carbon (BC)2 Network: Characterizing long-range transport of Biomass burning plumes and Saharan dust in Texas using aerosol optical measurements
- The Economic Costs of Wind Erosion in the United States
- The Subsurface Structure Of Kilbourne Hole From An Active Source Seismic Survey In An Astronaut Training Ground.
- The effects of climate-driven stresses and the critical zone architecture on the water use dynamics of irrigated orchards in arid lands
- The multiple dimensions of diversity: Advancing the science and application of structural diversity-ecosystem function interactions
- Triple Oxygen Isotopes in Pedogenic Carbonates Reveal the Varied Role of Evaporation in Western US Drylands
- Understanding Plunging Flows Mechanisms in The Fraser River Using a Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Model
- Using Epitomic Representations to Downscale GOES-16's Land Surface Temperature Product
- Using Quantitative Metatranscriptomics to Link Microbial Genes with Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle Rates in an Arctic Lagoon
- Using Stable O and H Isotope Ratios to trace water sources in Colorado and Pecos Rivers in Texas.
- Using local indicators of spatial association to analyze social disparities in exposure to air pollution
- Vulcan: Exploring Tidal Heating & Extreme Volcanism at Io
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Velasco
- A. V. Rocha
- Alex Mayer
- Alex Rinehart
- Alexandros Savvaidis
- Alisa Baranskaya
- Anna Irrgang
- Anthony Darrouzet‐Nardi
- B. P. Lipovsky
- B. R. Smith-Konter
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Bijan Seyednasrollah
- Brady S. Hardiman
- Brandon Schmandt
- Brendan M. Rogers
- Byron C. Crump
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. M. Gough
- C. S. Siddoway
- Christine Laney
- Craig R. See
- Dalton S. Hardisty
- Dan H. Shugar
- Daniel Tong
- Dawn M. Browning
- E. Natasha Stavros
- E. Schreiber
- Eddie W. Banks
- Edward A. G. Schuur
- Elizabeth Andrews
- Elizabeth J. Catlos
- Elyn Humphreys
- Emma C. Smith
- Enrico A. Yépez
- Eryn Cangi
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Frank Günther
- G. N. Flerchinger
- G. R. Miller
- H. A. Gutiérrez-Jurado
- Heejoon Choi
- Heidi Rodenhizer
- Huade Guan
- Hugues Lantuit
- J. A. Richardson
- J. D. Wood
- J. E. C. Scully
- J. G. Konter
- J. I. Walter
- J. M. Amundson
- J. P. Canales
- J. T. Freymueller
- J. W. Geissman
- J. W. McClelland
- J.A. Caggiano
- Jaclyn Hatala Matthes
- James T. Haber
- Jane R. Foster
- Jeremy G. Venditti
- Joanna Joiner
- Jonathan B. Martin
- Jordan M. Bretzfelder
- Julia R. Kelson
- Junran Li
- Justin Wilgus
- K. H. Rubin
- K. L. Pankow
- Kathleen A. Lohse
- Kevin R. Turpie
- L. M. Burkhard
- L. V. Alvarez
- Louise M. Farquharson
- Luis A. Méndez-Barroso
- M. E. Litvak
- M. O. Schrenk
- M. S. Bramble
- M. S. Briggs
- M. S. Seyfried
- M. Syndonia Bret‐Harte
- Marguerite Mauritz
- Martijn Pallandt
- Mateusz C. Strzelecki
- Mathias Goeckede
- Max Hurson
- Miguel Vélez-Reyes
- N. C. Schmerr
- Nakul N. Karle
- Naomi E. Levin
- Nori Nakata
- P. L. Whelley
- P. M. Bremner
- Pamela L. Sullivan
- Paul E. Grams
- Paul Overduin
- R. C. Aster
- R. Chelsea Nagy
- Rebecca J. Sheesley
- Ronald Amundson
- Ronni Grapenthin
- Ross Maguire
- Russell L. Scott
- S. L. Bilek
- S. Olinger
- S. S. Wei
- Saurav Kumar
- Scott J. Goetz
- Shaoyang Li
- Susan M. Natali
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- T. C. Bartholomaus
- Temuulen Tsagaan Sankey
- Thomas E. Gill
- Tiegan Hobbs
- Torben R. Christensen
- Umakant Mishra
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Vanessa L. Lougheed
- Vernon R. Morris
- Victoria Scholl
- William D. Barnhart
- Xinguang He
- Xiwu Zhan
- Yuxuan Wang
- Zachary M. Labe
- Zhendong Zhang
- Zhigang Peng