Crustal and Lower Lithospheric Structure of the TESZ Between Precambrian and Paleozoic Platforms in the Central Europe from POLONAISE'97 Seismic Profiles
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Listed Authors
Guterch, A. Grad, M. Keller, G. R. Thybo, H. Polonaise Working Group,.
Listed Institutions
University of Texas at El Paso Department of Geological Science, 500 West University, El Paso, Tx 79968 ; University of Texas at El Paso Department of Geological Science, 500 West University, El Paso, Tx 79968 ; University of Texas at El Paso Department of Geological Science, 500 West University, El Paso, Tx 79968 University of Texas at El Paso Department of Geological Science, 500 West University, El Paso, Tx 79968 ; University of Texas at El Paso Department of Geological Science, 500 West University, El Paso, Tx 79968 ;
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