University of Texas, Austin, Department of Geological Sciences
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Collapse and Melting in a Confined Orogenic Belt: Preliminary Results From the Neoproterozoic Araçuaí Belt of Eastern Brazil
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Colorado Plateau - Rio Grande Rift - Great Plains Transect Using Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Environmental Impacts of Class A Foam
- Evidence for Methane Escape from the Free Gas Zone on the Blake Ridge
- Ferroan Dolomite Mineralization by Iron-Reducing Bacteria
- Mantle Seismic Structure beneath the Colorado Plateau, Rio Grande Rift and Great Plains from Seismic Tomography.
- Organic Sulfur Gas Production in Sulfidic Caves
- Seismic Evidence for Strong Chemical Heterogeneity at the Core Mantle Boundary as the Source of Hot Spot Volcanism
- The Strontium Isotope Composition of Fossil Hackberry Seed Carbonate and Tooth Enamel as a Potential Record of Soil Erosion
- The seismic structure of the upper mantle beneath the northwestern United States
- Variations of Ocean Bottom Pressure: A Study with Satellite Altimetry and OGCMs
- An Airborne Radioglaciological Survey of Iceberg B15a on November 23, 2001
- Cross-Disciplinary Geological Research Using High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography
- Depleted Peridotites of Macquarie Island, an Uplifted Section of In-situ Oceanic Crust
- Extension Along the Australian-Pacific Transpressional Transform Plate Boundary Near Macquarie Island
- Geothermal Flux, Basal Melt Rates, and Subglacial Lakes in Central East Antarctica
- Global Sea-Level Versus Local Control of Middle-Miocene to Recent Sequences on a Current-Swept Divergent Margin: Offshore Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Late Quaternary Incisions and Related Shallow Subsurface Stratigraphy on the New Jersey Mid-Outer Shelf: Preliminary Results from Ultra-High Resolution Chirp Sonar Images - Part I
- Late Quaternary Incisions and Related Shallow Subsurface Stratigraphy on the New Jersey Mid-Outer Shelf: Preliminary Results from Ultra-High Resolution Chirp Sonar Images - Part II
- Mantle Dynamics Beneath the Rio Grande Rift and Colorado Plateau.
- Melt Volatile Contents in Basalts From Lathrop Wells and Red Cone, Yucca Mountain Region (SW Nevada): Insights From Glass Inclusions
- Monitoring the Hydrologic Cycle for Geodesy at the IERS GGFC Hydrology Bureau
- Observations and Rock Analyses in a Kumano Mud Volcano in Nankai Accretionary Prism
- Paleomagnetic Results From the Natal Belt, South Africa
- Seismic Structure of the Lithosphere in the Southwestern United States Using Receiver Functions
- Terrestrial Analogs of Martian Radar Targets From the Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- UT-CT: A National Resource for Applications of High-Resolution X-ray Computed Tomography in the Geological Sciences
- Underthrusting at the Hjort Trench, Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary: Incipient Subduction?
- Very focused expulsion of pore fluid along the western Nankai accreionary complex detected by closely-spaced heat flow measurements
- Visualization and Quantification of Three-Dimensional Porosity Variation and Anisotropy in Altered Igneous Rocks from Deep-Sea Drilling
- Wave propagation in heterogeneous media by a least-squares one-way operator
- A Coral Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- A Different Look at Gateways - Australian/Antarctic and Drake Passage
- A Science Foundation for Orbital Subsurface Radar Sounding of Jupiter's Icy Moons
- A Stable Isotope Study of Runoff Processes in a Semi-arid Shrubland
- Active Heave-Compensated Coring On The New Jersey Shelf
- Airborne Radar Sounding Studies of a Subglacial "Lake" Near South Pole Station, Antarctica
- Amphibole Reaction Rims in Response to Decompression compared to Heating: An Experimental Approach
- Argon isotopes as recorders of magmatic processes
- Assessing the Impact of Land Use on Groundwater Recharge in the Southern High Plains
- Basal Water Flow, Melt and Accumulation in the Dome C "Lake District", Antarctica, Using Airborne Radar Profiling of Bed Echo Character and Internal Layering.
- Basement blocks and basin inversion structures mapped using reprocessed Gulfrex 2D seismic data, Caribbean-South American oblique collisional zone
- Bransfield Basin and Cordilleran Orogenesis
- Calcium Isotope Systematics During Development of the Domestic Chicken (Gallus gallus)
- Cataclysms and Catastrophes: A Case Study of Improving K-12 Science Education Through a University Partnership
- Climate Change Imprint in Spatial Patterns of Dune Fields
- Constraints on Mantle Flow Through Joint Inversions of Seismic and Geodynamic Data
- Constructing a dynamically and geologically consistent hypothesis for the initiation of Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction
- Convection Beneath the Rio Grande Rift and Surrounding Regions Deduced From Tomographic Seismic Images
- Convergence history, topography, and early structural evolution of an obliquely convergent oceanic plate boundary: central and southern Macquarie Ridge Complex, Southwest Pacific
- Delineation of Free Convection Pathways in a Heterogeneous Low-permeability Unit
- Echo Source Discrimination in Airborne Radar Sounding Data From the Dry Valleys, Antarctica, for Mars Analog Studies
- Enigmatic Shallow Subsurface Stratigraphy on the New Jersey Mid-Outer Shelf: Catastrophic Erosion or Diagenesis?
- Eruption Dynamics and Conduit Processes of the Circa 240 A.D. KS1 Eruption of Ksudach Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia
- Evaluating Climate, Vegetation, and Soil Controls on Groundwater Recharge Using Unsaturated Flow Modeling
- Experimental Constraints on the Magma Chamber Conditions and Degassing of Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on the Source of Groundwater to Lower Kane Cave, Wyoming
- Geomorphologic comparisons of shallowly buried, dendritic drainage systems on the outer New Jersey shelf with modern fluvial and estuarine analogs
- Geophysical Characterization and Monitoring for the Frio Pilot Test
- Global Pb Isotopic Signatures: Implications for Precambrian Mantle Reservoirs
- Inversion of Airborne Gravity Data over Subglacial Lakes in East Antarctica
- Joint tomographic inversion of body and surface waves for upper mantle structure
- Late Pleistocene Depositional Environments of the New Jersey Continental Shelf: Foraminiferal Evidence
- Lithospheric and Upper Mantle Structure of the Rio Grande Rift: Implications for Pure Shear Extension
- Long-Term Monitoring of Post-Aquifer Flushing With Cyclodextrin
- Low Velocity Zone atop the 410 km Seismic Discontinuity in the Northwestern US
- Mapping a Pre-Last Glacial Maximum Paleo-Seafloor and Shelf-Slope Sediment Wedges beneath the New Jersey shelf
- Navajo Garnetites and Rock-Water Interactions in the Mantle
- New Airborne Radar Sounding Approaches for Quantifying Basal Reflection and Scattering, With Application to Ice Stream C (and Whillans Ice Stream), West Antarctica
- New Methods for Enhancing Subglacial Morphology From Airborne Radar Sounding With Implications for Uplift History and Glaciation Between the Transantarctic Mountain Front and the South Pole, Antarctica
- Petrology of Holocene Caldera-Forming Eruptions at Ksudach, Kamchatka
- Phase Equilibria and Kinetic Crystallization Experiments on the Inyo Domes Rhyolite
- Quantifying Climate Model Parameter Uncertainties
- REE Zoning in Garnet as a Record of Pressure Changes During Growth
- REE and Trace-Element Diffusivities in Garnet Determined From Resorption-Induced Stranded Diffusion Profiles
- Remotely Induced Eruptions: the Caldera-Forming Eruption of Fisher Volcano
- Role of Vegetation in Controlling Water Balance at the Land-Atmosphere Interface in Water Limited Ecosystems
- Search for Far-Side Deep Moonquakes: Progress Report II
- Seasonal Water Usage by Juniperus Ashei: Assessment With Stable Isotopes of Hydrogen and Oxygen
- Sedimentology and Age Control of Late Quaternary New Jersey Shelf Deposits
- Terrestrial Radar Sounding Studies of Thermal, Compositional and Structural Interfaces Analogous to Those Hypothesized for Europa's Icy Mantle
- Terrestrial Water Storage Variations From GRACE: Estimation, Validation and Uncertainty
- The Geochemical Behavior and Transport Characteristics of Xenoestrogens
- The Significance of Cross-Bedded Surge Deposits
- A Model Perspective on Factors Influencing the Stability Characteristics of the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation During the Last Glacial Cycle
- A revised inventory of Antarctic subglacial lakes
- Assessment of GRACE Time-Variable Gravity Observables: A New Filtering Technique to Enhance Signal Spatial Resolutions
- BOLIVAR and GULFREX MCS Data Constrain Closure of the Grenada Backarc Basin During Oblique Collision Between the Lesser Antilles Arc System and Northern South America
- Bubble nucleation in highly viscous silicate melts during instantaneous decompression from high pressure
- Characterizing Subglacial Interfaces With Airborne Radar Sounding Techniques
- Comparison of Holocene With Coseismic Vertical Deformation Accompanying the Great 1 April 2007 Solomon Islands Megathrust Rupture
- Continental Water Storage Changes From GRACE And GLDAS
- Deep Moonquakes: Remaining Problems
- Detection of subglacial lakes in airborne radar sounding data from East Antarctica.
- Distributed Energy-Balance Models at the Surface of the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Estimation of Gas-hydrate Saturation at the Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon
- Global Oil: Relax, the End Is Not Near
- High-resolution regional recovery and validation of GRACE hydrological signals
- Impact of Land use Change From Natural to Agricultural Ecosystems on Groundwater Recharge
- Implementation of Waveform Digitization In A Small Footprint, Airborne Lidar Topographic Mapping System
- Influence of Cumulative Boundary-Normal Convergence on Topography and Thrust Fault Development in Oceanic Lithosphere: The Australian-Pacific Plate Boundary South of New Zealand Since 10.9 Ma
- Investigating the crustal elements of the central Antarctic Plate (ICECAP): How long-range aerogeophysics is critical to understanding the evolution of the East Antarctic ice sheet
- Learning Activities Developed at The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics Using Ocean Drilling Science, Technology and Data
- Modes of normal faulting and mantle exhumation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. To what extent could they apply to ocean continent transitions ?
- Monitoring Soil Moisture in Saline Soils using Neutron Probe, Time Domain Reflectometry, and Heat Dissipation Sensor Measurements
- Non-equilibrium <SUP>18</SUP>O and ^{13}C Enrichments in Modern Speleothems
- Observations of Extremely Thin Continental Crust: Paradoxes and Implications
- One-way Wavefield Extrapolation in Riemannian Coordinates
- Plate Kinematic Model and Resulting Evolution of Oceanic Transform Fault Tectonics Adjacent to the Macquarie Triple Junction, SW Pacific
- Predictions From Numerical Models of Continental Extension Using Ductile Failure.
- Preliminary Electron Density Reconstruction of April 2002 Geomagnetic Storms
- Radar Sounding Studies of Cracks at the Base of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Rapid Kinematic and Tectonic Variations Along the 1400-km-long Australia-Woodlark Plate Boundary Zone, Papua New Guinea and Woodlark Basin
- River Basin Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration Using GRACE and Other Observations
- Scotia Arc Kinematics From GPS Geodesy
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Pacific as Reconstructed from the Skeletal Geochemistry of a Tricentennial Coral from New Caledonia
- Seismic facies analysis of shallowly buried channels, New Jersey continental shelf: understanding late Quaternary paleoenvironments during the last transgression
- Select, High-Resolution Windows Into Sub-Centennial-Scale Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Between 7 and 12 ka
- Sensitivity of Groundwater Recharge to Variations of Climate, Soils, and Vegetation Based on Unsaturated-Flow Modeling
- Statistical Inversion for Quantifying Uncertainties in Climate Prediction
- Structure and Stratigraphy of the Barbados Accretionary Prism and the Tobago Forearc Basin
- Subglacial Geology of the Southern Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica, From Airborne Radar Sounding
- Tectonics Of Eastern Offshore Trinidad Based On Integration Of BOLIVAR 2D Seismic Lines With Industry 3D Seismic Surveys
- Testing Mantle Flow Models with Joint Seismic-Geodynamic Inversions
- Texas Teacher at Sea on the BOLIVAR Project Geophysical Cruise
- The Effects of Vegetation Canopy Processes on Snow Surface Energy and Mass Balances
- The Precambrian of the Kalahari Craton: Apparent Polar Wander Segments, not a Path
- The University of Texas Science and Engineering Apprentice Program as a Model for an REU Site
- Two Types of Compaction Bands in Aztec Sandstone at Valley of Fire, NV
- UTIG's Contributions to Seismology in K-12 Classrooms
- Unique Aspects of Proposed San Antonio/Guadalupe Hydrologic Observatory in Texas
- Upper Mantle P and S Velocity Structure Beneath Eastern Mexico Derived Through Waveform Inversion
- Variations in Eruptive Dynamics and Magma Withdrawal During the Caldera V Eruption of Ksudach Volcano, Kamchatka
- A Mechanism for Thinning the Continental Lithosphere at Magma-Poor Margins.
- A Re-evaluation of the Magnetostratigraphy of the Gold Hill Loess, Interior Alaska
- Airborne Radar Sounding: A Survey of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
- Amazon and Mississippi River Basin Discharge Estimated From GRACE and a Land-Atmosphere Water Balance
- Analyses on the factors influencing stable isotopes in precipitation in the southwestern China
- Anatomy Of An Actively Evolving Foreland Basin Inferred From Bolivar Project 2D Seismic Lines And Merged 3D Seismic Volumes, Columbus Basin, Eastern Offshore Trinidad.
- Assessing the Practicality and Viability of Basalt Vesicle Paleoaltimetry in Solving Regional Tectonic Problems in the Basin and Range
- BOLIVAR Project: A New Model for Grenada and Tobago Basin Evolution
- Buoyancy Distribution Around Ice Sheet Grounding Zones in the Western Amundsen Sea Embayment, Antarctica: Results from the AGASEA Survey
- Calibration of a Monthly Water Table-Runoff Scheme Representing Spatial Aggregation of Major Runoff Processes in Humid Watersheds of Illinois
- Challenges to Airborne and Orbital Radar Sounding in the Presence of Surface Clutter: Lessons Learned (so far) from the Dry Valleys of Antarctica
- Comparison of GLAS and Small-Footprint, Airborne Topographic Lidar Waveform Data From Non-homogeneous Landcover in Central Texas
- Comparison of New Airborne Gravity Results and GRACE Anomalies in the Thwaites Glacier Catchment of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
- Constraints on Lithospheric Rheology From Fault Displacement Rate Histories and Numerical Experiments
- Constraints on the Interpretation of S-to-P Receiver Functions
- Cooling Induced Variations in Crystallization of a Basaltic Pumice From Shishaldin Volcano, Alaska
- Crustal and Upper--Mantle Structure of Eastern Turkey From S--Wave Receiver Functions
- Distribution of Hypocenters in a Deep Moonquake Nest - A Reevaluation with an Expanded Event List
- Experimental Constraints on the Development of Permeability in Bubbly Magma
- Identifying Salinity Sources and Quantifying Salinity Loads Along Two Texas Streams Using Stream-axis Airborne EM and Focused Hydrochemistry
- Impact of Deep Mantle Dynamics on the North American Continent
- Impacts of the Shift from Natural to Agricultural Ecosystems Archived in Unsaturated and Saturated Zone Systems in the Southern High Plains, USA
- Integration of Physical and Chemical Data to Assess Impacts of Changes from Natural to Agricultural Ecosystems on Subsurface Flow and Transport in Semiarid Regions
- Intergration of Hyperspectral data with Airborne and Ground-based Lidar for Paleocave Mapping in the Franklin Mountains of El Paso, Texas
- International Geoscience Workforce Trends: More Challenges for Federal Agencies
- Intracrystalline Diffusivities of REE, Y, V, and Cr in Garnet at 700 - 900 °C
- Late Pleistocene magmatic evolution of Tacana volcano, Mexico-Guatemala.
- Late Quaternary seismic stratigraphy and structure of the western insular shelf margin of Puerto Rico
- Lithium Isotopic Compositions of Lavas From Samoan and Austral Volcanic Chains: Constraints on the Source Components of Mantle Reservoirs
- Long-term Magma Recharge Recorded in 87Sr/86Sr Zonation in Plagioclase Phenocrysts, El Chichon, Mexico
- Lunar subsurface investigated from correlation of seismic noise
- Mapping Coastal Wetlands Using EM and Airborne Lidar: a Texas Example
- Maximum likelihood resampling of noisy, spatially correlated data
- Monitoring Iceberg B15a With Airborne Radar Sounding
- Multiple Glacial Advance and Retreat Cycles Preserved in Yakutat Bay, Southern Alaska: Potential for Constraining Cordilleran Ice Sheet and Southern Alaskan Climate Histories
- NSF GK-12 Fellows as Mentors for K-12 Teachers Participating in Field Research Experiences
- New Boundary Conditions for Ice Sheet Modeling of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment from a Multi-Instrumented Airborne Geophysical Survey of the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
- Numerical Analysis of Coupled Water, Vapor and Heat Transport in the Vadose Zone using HYDRUS
- Numerical Simulations of Faulting and Magmatism at Ridges Illustrates Conditions for Oceanic Detachment Faults
- Petrological and Experimental Constraints on the Recent Magma Plumbing System at Okmok Volcano, Alaska, USA
- Potential Mobilization of Arsenic and Other Solutes in the Vadose Zone through Land Use Change in the Southern High Plains, USA
- Preliminary Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring Interpretation on 2-D Seismic Reflection Profiles From R/V Maurice Ewing 2005 Survey.
- Pull-Apart vs. Subduction Rollback Mechanisms For The Cenozoic Formation Of Bohai Basin, Eastern China
- Relative contribution of climate variability and vegetation phenology to biogenic emissions: Results from regional study in Texas, USA
- Research-infused K-12 Science at the "Uttermost Part of the Earth:" An NSF GK-12 Fellow's Perspective
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Tropical Pacific Since 1679 AD Derived From Coral Skeletal Geochemistry
- Sensitivity of biogenic emission estimates to uncertainties in land-cover datasets: An example from Texas, USA
- The Frio Brine Pilot Experiment Managing CO2 Sequestration in a Brine Formation
- The Geologic and Geochemical Setting of Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
- The detection and validation of sub-ice water systems through coupled airborne radar/lidar investigations
- Transferring Knowledge Gained From a Field Experience in Tierra del Fuego, the Uttermost Part of the Earth, to Central Texas Science Classrooms
- Use of High-Resolution Precipitation Products Derived from the Weather Research and Forecasting Model to Drive GIS-Based Hydrological Flood Inundation Modeling; Effects of Rainfall Error on Flood Accuracy
- Weather and mass balance in the ablation zone of the Taylor Glacier, Antarctica
- A 1400-Year Record of Sea-Surface Temperature Variability From the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- A Global Optimization Based Seismic Waveform Inversion for Crust and Upper Mantle Structure Beneath China
- A New Model for Conducting Large-Scale Aerogeophysical Studies in Antarctica Through International Collaboration
- A Reservoir of Natural Perchlorate in Unsaturated Zones of Arid and Semi-Arid Regions, Southwestern USA
- CO2 Sequestration in the Permian Basin SACROC Northern Platform, Site of 35 Years of CO2 Injection
- Characterization of Anthropogenic Land Subsidence, its Relation to Fault System Geometry, and Their Consequences for Water Table Position in the El Paso, Texas Area Using InSAR and Gravity
- Colorado Plateau Crust and Upper Mantle Structure: Implications for Uplift Mechanisms
- Comparing and interpreting three-dimensional fabric results, Henry Mountains porphyry, Utah, U.S.A.
- Comparison of Seasonal Water Storage Variations with Terrestrial Water Storage from the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) Over the High Plains Aquifer
- Constraining the Dynamics of the Earth's Deep Mantle Using Seismic, Geodynamic and Mineral Physics Data
- Deformation band formation as coupled mechanical and chemical processes
- Detailed Image of the African Superplume Density Field and the Dynamical Implications
- Detrital Record of Rapid Neogene Exhumation in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- ENSO and PDO Impacts on Precipitation in Southern and Central US: Spatial Distribution and Predictions Validity
- Estimating Seasonal to Interannual Groundwater Variability Using GRACE
- Experiments on Substrate Erosion via Subcritical Turbidity Currents
- Field Exploration Science for a Return to the Moon
- First Results for the TBB/CERTO Beacon Experiment on FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC
- GRACE's spatial aliasing error
- Geographic Variations in Tidal Control of Deep Moonquake Nests
- Glacial climate driven sedimentation overwhelms tectonics in the battle for control of margin architecture: Southeast Alaska, St. Elias Orogeny
- HLY0602: An integrated geophysical and geological study of the western Canada Basin
- Identification and Classification of Mass Transport Complexes in Offshore Trinidad/Venezuela and Their Potential Anthropogenic Impact as Tsunamigenic Hazards
- Impact of carbon storage on shallow ground water and pressure-controlled regional capacity for brine aquifers
- Impacts of Land-Use Changes on Water Resources Archived in Unsaturated Zone Tracer Profiles, Southern High Plains, USA
- Improving land-surface model hydrology: Is an explicit aquifer model better than a deeper soil profile?
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Mantle Plumes and the Distribution of Lithium Isotopes Among Earth's Reservoirs
- Localized deformation zones in the offshore leading edge of the Yakutat microplate, Gulf of Alaska
- Multi-Channel Seismic Images of Neogene Rifting in the Northern Mona Passage Between Puerto Rico and Hispaniola
- Multiphysics modeling of processes along sediment-water interfaces: towards fundamental understanding and mechanistic predictions
- My Experience as a Student Participant in the Institute for Geophysics/Huston-Tillotson University Geodiversity Project
- New Constraints on the HIMU Source from Helium and Neon Isotopic Compositions of Basalts from the Cook-Austral Islands
- On the Accuracy of Noble Gas Temperatures From the Last Glacial Maximum
- Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins: Results From the Frio Brine Test, Texas, USA
- Receiver function study of a seismic array across the western Weihe graben, the southern boundary of the Ordos
- Reconstructing 20th Century SST Variability in the Southwest Pacific: A Replication Study Using Multiple Coral Sr/Ca Records From New Caledonia
- Regional flow system delineation in arid karstic basins with sparse hydrogeologic data: Cuatro Cienegas Basin, Coahuila, Mexico
- Reservoir Ages Of The Glacial Black Sea - Evolution and Implications
- Results from NICLAKES Survey of Active Faulting Beneath Lake Managua,Central American Volcanic arc
- Ridge Reorientation Mechanisms and Tectonic Processes Along the Macquarie Ridge Complex Portion of the Australia-Pacific Plate Boundary
- Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool in the Pre-Industrial Period
- Sea-level Control of Alluvial Grade: Morphodynamics and Experimental Modeling
- Seismic Component of the STEEP Project, Alaska: Results of the Second Field Season
- Seismological, Geological and Geomorphic Aspects of Arc Segmentation and Their Relation to Subducting Bathymetric Features in the Solomon Island Arc, SW Pacific Ocean
- Solving for Efficiency or Decision Criteria: When the Non-unique Nature of Solutions Becomes a Benefit
- Subglacial Geology of the Thwaites Glacier Catchment, West Antarctica: Airborne Gravity Reduction and Inversion
- The Crustal Structure Beneath The Onset Region Of Kamb Ice Stream, West Antarctica, From Joint Interpretation Of Airborne Gravity And Magnetic Data
- The Need &Utility of Creating a Global Lunar Seismic Network
- The Tectonics and the Strength of the San Andreas Fault
- The UTIG/HTU Geodiversity Project—Reflections and Future Directions
- The relationship between shape and drag of triangular bedforms: a numerical simulation study
- Trace Elements in Phenocryst Phases as a Record of Volatile Exsolution and Migration?: Mount St. Helens 2004-2005
- Velocity Structure of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle Beneath Canada by Inversion of S, SP, SsPmP, and Shear-coupled PL waveforms
- A Test for Past Ice Flow in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits Based on Observed Radar Stratigraphy
- An Overview of MARSIS and SHARAD Radar Sounding Observations of the Polar Deposits of Mars
- Analysis of hyperspectral and lidar data: Remote optical mineralogy and fracture identification
- Asymmetrical Growth of Footwall Topography in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru: Implications for Normal Fault Control on Landscape Evolution
- Broad zone of structural uplift beneath the Chicxulub impact structure
- CHIRP seismic reflection study of falling-stage (forced regressive) sediment wedges on the New Jersey outer continental shelf
- Characterizing Turbidity Current Flow Conditions From Turbidite Grain Size Distributions, Capistrano Formation, San Clemente, CA
- Chlorine and Potassium Flux Into the Mantle via Subduction of Oceanic Crust: Constraints From Melt Inclusions in HIMU Lavas
- Comparison of Holocene With Coseismic Vertical Deformation Accompanying the Great 1 April 2007 Solomon Islands Megathrust Rupture
- Comparison of Terrestrial Water Storage Variations from GRACE With In-Situ Soil Moisture and Groundwater Level Measurements in Semiarid Irrigated Systems: Case Study High Plains Aquifer, USA
- Constraints on Lithospheric Enrichment and Crustal Contamination in the Central Rio Grande Rift: Evidence From Basaltic Melt Inclusions
- Constructional canyons built by sheet-like turbidity currents: Observations from offshore Brunei Darussalam
- Coseismic vertical deformation during the great 2007 Solomon Islands megathrust rupture
- Crustal structure beneath Southwestern Mexico
- Decadal to Centennial Variability of Erosion Rates in a Rapidly Degrading Channel Network
- Decadal-scale Climate Variability in the Gulf of Mexico During the Past 3000 Years
- Deep Mantle Dynamics under the North American Continent Drives Localised Flow and Stress Below the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Edge-driven convection along the Colorado Plateau - Great Basin Transition: Implications for the morphology and dynamics of the Plateau
- Effects of A Weak Crustal Layer in a Transtensional Pull-Apart Basin: Results from a Scaled Physical Modeling Study
- Environmental controls on methanogen viability in the hydrothermal waters of the El Tatio geyser field, Chile.
- Evidence for the Dynamical Origin of Ordered Channel Networks Driven by Subsurface Flow
- Flow and anomalous transport through a three-dimensional pore
- Formation and maintenance of bifurcations by avulsion
- Fractal Heterogeneities in Sonic Logs and Low Frequency Scattering Attenuation
- Fresh water forcing hypothesis of abrupt climate change: A test of consistency with sea level reconstructions
- Full waveform seismic inversion: Prospects for scaling to petaflops computers
- Glacier Dominated Shelf Stratigraphy Interpreted From High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiles Within the Yakutat Sea Valley Region, Gulf of Alaska
- Groundwater Recharge Evaluation in Semi-Arid Northeast Mexico in Response to Projected Climate Change
- High Resolution Modelling of Convective Flow in the Sublithospheric Mantle Below the African Plate
- Holocene Paleoecology of the Western Tenere Desert, Niger, Africa
- Hydrological Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, New Mexico Using ýElectromagnetic Soundings
- Imaging the Asymmetric Chicxulub Impact Crater and Plans for Drilling
- Improved statistical characterization of particle-size distributions in sand-bedded rivers
- Internal Structure of the North Polar Layered Deposits on Mars From SHARAD Observations
- Investigation Into the Origin of Submarine Channelized Deposits Found on the Continental Shelf of Southern Alaska
- Late Pleistocene/Holocene paleoclimate reconstruction and eruptive history of Central American volcanoes from lake bottom sediments of Lake Nicaragua
- Long term storage of explosively erupted magma at Nevado de Toluca volcano, Mexico
- Lower Mississippi River: A Mixed Bedrock-alluvial Channel
- Mantle Convection and the Recent Geological Evolution of the Southwestern United States
- Millennial-scale deep ocean ventilation and sea-surface variability during the last four glacial cycles: a new assessment for the Northern Hemisphere ice-sheet growth
- Modes of normal faulting and mantle exhumation at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges. To what extent could they apply to ocean continent transitions ?
- Natural Arsenic Mobilization by Counterion Effect, Ogallala Aquifer, Southern High Plains, Texas, USA
- New Insights into Gemina Lingula of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- Observations of Extremely Thin Continental Crust: Paradoxes and Implications
- Partitioning of Water Discharge by Distributary Channels in the Prograding, Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana, USA
- Perchlorate Mobilization Related to Land Use Change in the Southern High Plains, USA
- Point Pattern Analysis of Star-Dune Fields
- Power-law Scaling of Fracture Aperture Sizes in Otherwise-Undeformed Foreland Basin Sandstone: An Example From the Cozzette Sandstone, Piceance Basin, Colorado
- Pre-eruptive Storage Conditions and Volatile Contents of Basaltic Plinian Eruptions: Are They Unusual?
- Predicted Impacts of Future Climate Change and Land-Use Change on Surface Ozone in the Houston Area
- Predictions From Numerical Models of Continental Extension Using Ductile Failure.
- Preliminary Evaluation of Sensible Heat Flux Measurements From a Large Aperture Scintillometer Using Lysimetric Data
- Radar Imaging of Europa's Subsurface Properties and Processes: The View from Earth
- Radar Stratigraphy of Ice on Earth and Mars: What are we Missing? An Evaluation of Multiple Radars and Processing Techniques.
- Radar Subsurface Sounding Over the Putative Frozen Sea in Cerberus Palus, Mars
- Representing groundwater dynamics in climate models and its impacts on climate modeling
- Results From the SHARAD Sounding Radar Experiment at Mars
- SHARAD radar stratigraphy of the Martian North Pole
- Scotia Arc Kinematics From GPS Geodesy
- Seasonal Ice Acceleration Near the Greenland Ice Sheet Margin
- Shear Wave Splitting and Mantle Flow beneath The Colorado Plateau and the Colorado Plateau-Great Basin Transition
- Shear-wave splitting and mantle dynamics beneath the Rivera and Cocos subduction zone
- Soil and vegetation parameter estimation using chemical and physical unsaturated zone data
- Storage of Explosive versus Effusive Rhyolite Magma at the Yellowstone Volcanic Center
- Subduction Along the South Caribbean Deformed Belt: Age of Initiation and Backthrust Origin
- Subduction Stability: Lithospheric Strength and Roll-back
- Taking the superconducting gravimeter to the field for hydrologic and other investigations
- The Apollo Seismic Data, Recent Re-analyses, and What's Next
- The Dynamics of Magma Chamber Processes at Popocatepetl Volcano, as Recorded by Plagioclase Phenocrysts
- The Elephants' Graveyard: Constraints from Mantle Plumes on the Fate of Subducted Slabs and Implications for the Style of Mantle Convection
- The TXESS Revolution: A Partnership to Advance Earth and Space Science in Texas
- The influence of seal thickness and rate of pressure buildup on CO2 migration and sequestration
- The seismic structure of the Rivera subduction zone
- Turbulent dynamics and pyroclastic flow generation during the Mount St. Helens May 18th, 1980 eruption
- Two Types of Compaction Bands in Aztec Sandstone at Valley of Fire, NV
- Understanding processes in streambeds with reductive models and high-resolution data
- Unsaturated Zone Nitrate beneath Natural and Agricultural Ecosystems in a Semiarid Region, Southern High Plains, USA
- Uplift and deformation of the Kumano forearc basin: Preliminary results from Nankai Trough 3D seismic imaging offshore Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Upper-crustal velocity structure along 150 km of the Mendeleev Ridge from tomographic inversion of long-offset refraction data collected during HLY0602
- Variation of initial Th-230/Th-232 and limits of high precision U-Th dating of shallow-water corals
- Xenoliths From Isla Isabel, Nayarit, Mexico: The Nature of the Upper Mantle Underneath the Western Part of the Mexican Volcanic Belt
- 1-D model of bedform-field pattern growth through bedform interactions
- A Comparison of Compression Behavior of Mudrock Core Samples from the Nankai Margin, SW Japan and the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- A Metaserpentinite and Related Xenoliths From the Colorado Plateau: Implications for the Mantle Wedge During Low-angle Subduction
- A Study on the Generation and Preservation of Shallow Overpressures and the Effects on the Slope Instability in the Ursa Basin, deepwater Gulf of Mexico
- Basal Conditions for Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers Determined using Satellite and Airborne Data
- Cause of Deep Moonquakes
- Chronicles from the End of the Word: the Holocene climate variability in Tierra del Fuego
- Compression of single-crystal magnesium oxide to 118 GPa and a ruby pressure gauge for helium pressure media
- Coral-based climate reconstructions from a massive Porites coral from a mid-Pacific shallowly submerged atoll: Sabine Bank (Vanuatu)
- Crustal Structure and Deformation of the Yakutat Microplate: New Insights From STEEP Marine Seismic Reflection Data
- Crustal Structure of the Yakutat Microplate: Constraints from STEEP Wide-angle Seismic Data
- Crustal and Mantle Structure of the Jalisco Block of western Mexico from Surface Wave Tomography
- Diversity of Archaeal Consortia in an Arsenic-Rich Hydrothermal System
- Do Plinian Eruptions of Mafic Magma Require Fast Ascent Rates?
- Dynamics of the Low-Level Westerly Jet Over West Africa
- Evaluating the Effect of Coral Topography on the Climate Signal in Porites spp.
- Evaporation-induced free convection beneath wind-tidal flats
- Evolution of a Temperate Glaciated Shelf: Insights From the Bering Trough Region, Gulf of Alaska
- Exhumation and brittle to ductile deformation of the Suckling-Dayman core complex along an active microplate boundary, eastern Papua New Guinea
- Experimental Constraints on Non-Equilibrium Degassing of Bubbly Magmas
- Extracting the local hydrological contribution to the gravity signal in Strasbourg (France)
- Extreme Crustal Thinning in a Transtensional Setting (Bay of Biscay - Western Pyrenees): from Observations to Modelling
- Fe-Ti oxide inclusions in natural and synthetic (Fex, Mg1-x)2 SiO4 olivines
- Fluvial Transport of Gravel in Debris Flow Cut Channels
- Groundwater Depletion versus Soil Salinization in Irrigated Agriculture in Semiarid Southern High Plains, Texas
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- High Resolution Modelling of Mantle Convective Flow Below the North American Plate.
- Holocene Atlantic Freshwater Redistribution and the Intensification of the South American Monsoon
- Huge Erratic Boulders in Tonga Deposited by a Prehistoric Tsunami
- Impacts of Climate Variability and Change on Water Quality
- Inter-Colony Fidelity of Sr/Ca Variability in the Massive Caribbean Coral Siderastrea siderea: a Sub-Fossil Example
- Inter-Decadal to Multi-Decadal Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Southwest Tropical Pacific Since AD 1648
- Kumano Forearc Basin Uplift and Megasplay Fault Development: 3D Seismic Images of Nankai Margin off Kii Peninsula, Japan
- Late Cenozoic Temporal Evolution of North American Dynamic Topography
- Late Pleistocene Estuarine Channel-Fill Sediments on the New Jersey Shelf: Response to Glacio-eustatic Sea Level Rise
- Late Quaternary Activity and Seismogenic Potential of the Gonave Microplate: Plantain Garden Strike-Slip Fault Zone of Eastern Jamaica
- Late Quaternary Activity and Seismogenic Potential of the Gonave microplate: South Coast Fault Zone of Southern Jamaica
- Laurentide Ice Sheet Retreat and Meltwater Discharge during the Early Holocene
- Locating hyperextended passive margins based on plate reconstructions and limits of oceanic crust derived from potential fields data.
- Mud Rheology and Wave Dissipation on a Shallow Muddy Shelf
- New Images of Margin Structure within the 2004 Indonesian Great Earthquake Rupture Area: Preliminary Results from the Northern Extent of the CRUST Seismic Experiment
- Non-uniqueness of Porphyroblast CSDs
- Northern African and Indian Precipitation at the end of the 21st Century: An Integrated Application of Regional and Global Climate Models
- Oceanic corrugated surfaces and the strength of the axial lithosphere at slow spreading ridges
- Paleogeography, Paleo-drainage Systems, and Tectonic Reconstructions of Eocene Northern South America Constrained by U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology
- Petrophysically Determined Lithofacies at the Nankai Trough Accretionary Prism: NanTroSEIZE, IODP Expedition 314
- Pockmarks, Western Ross Sea, Antarctica and Mendeleev Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean: Recent and/or Prevalent?
- Pre-eruptive conditions of the ~31 ka rhyolitic magma of Tlaloc volcano, Sierra Nevada Volcanic Range, Central Mexico
- Predicting early dolomitization: outcrop-based numerical simulations of carbonate diagenesis by free-convecting brines
- Prediction of lateral hyporheic flux in meandering rivers
- Preliminary results of numerical investigations at SECARB Cranfield, MS field test site
- Pyroclastic Density Current Stratification during the 18 May 1980 Eruption of Mount St. Helens
- Radar evidence for ice in lobate debris aprons in the mid- latitudes of Mars
- Rapid Microplate Rotations at the Transition From Subduction to Collision
- Reversible Channel Growth by Subsurface Flow
- Role of Growth Faulting in the Quaternary Development of Mississippi-River Delta
- Role of the mantle exhumation channel in the formation of ultramafic seafloor
- Routing Application for Parallel computatIon of Discharge
- Sea Surface Temperature from the Western Pacific Warm Pool (Misima Island, Papua New Guinea) using the Geochemistry of Modern and Pre-industrial Corals
- Seismic Attribute and Logging Data Correlation at IODP NanTroSEIZE Sites C0001, C0002, and C0004
- Seismic and bathymetric evidence for four different episodes of iceberg scouring on the New Jersey outer shelf: possible correlation to Heinrich events
- Sensible Heat Flux Measurements Using a Large Aperture Scintillometer Over Irrigated Cotton
- Sensing turbulent flow and heat transport in a cave conduit
- Siliciclastic Progradation Within a Neogene Carbonate Passive Margin - Northern Carnarvon Basin of the Northwest Shelf of Australia
- Spatial distribution of arsenic in the Texas Gulf Coastal Aquifer System and inferences regarding hydrogeochemical controls
- Structural evolution in accretionary prism toe revealed by magnetic fabric analysis: NanTroSEIZE Expedition 316, Sites C0006 and C0007
- Structure of Hengchun Peninsula and Adjacent Offshore Areas: Implications for the Development of Taiwan
- Subsurface Structure of Planum Boreum on Mars from Shallow Radar (SHARAD) Soundings
- The 'Unreasonable Effectiveness' of Stratigraphic and Geomorphic Experiments
- The 2005 Amazon drought as measured by GRACE and estimated by climate models
- The boreal springtime formation of the Somali Jet: dynamics of its seasonal evolution and diurnal cycle
- The semi-diurnal tide in Hudson Strait: a resonant channel oscillation
- Thermobarometry of Clinopyroxenes From Yapoah Crater and the Chichinautzin Volcanic Field: Implications for Crystallization Depths and Magma Mixing
- Transition zone S velocity structure beneath the East Pacific Rise
- Use of a Coupled Atmosphere/Vegetation Regional Climate Model for Studying Abrupt Climate Change: Green Sahara, Brown Amazon, and Atmospheric Jet Dynamics
- Volatile Changes in Magma Related to Magma Evolution: Influences From Magma Mixing, Crustal Assimilation, and Crystallization
- Waterfall erosion, rock toppling, and the formation of amphitheater-headed canyons in fractured rock
- Wave-Turbulence-Sediment Dynamics on the Atchafalaya Shelf, Louisiana, USA
- A Parameter Space Exploration of Subduction Geometries
- A Progress Report on the TeXas Earth and Space Science (TXESS) Revolution
- A Satellite-based Approach to Evaluate the Impact of Land Use Change on Recharge Rates in the Southern High Plains
- A method to translate between short-term fluvial processes on deltas and bulk volumes of channel and overbank deposits in the stratigraphic record
- A scanning-XRF record of Lake Bosumtwi sediments: Implications for West African Monsoon variability over the past 500 kyr
- A seismic study of potential tsunami sources in Kingston Harbor, Jamaica
- An Experimental Study of Pore Pressure in Fine Grained Retrogressive Subaqueous Landslides
- An analogue model for subglacial hydrology (Invited)
- Analysis of Recent Earthquakes in the Ft. Worth Basin near Dallas, Texas
- Bubble Nucleation in Hydrous Magmas: The Impact of Melt Composition, Water Content, and Temperature
- CO2 release experiment in the shallow subsurface at the Brackenridge Field Laboratory and numerical modeling
- Caribean climate since 1469: a coral perspective on seasonal, multidecadal and centennial variability
- Changes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Observations from Spaceborne and Airborne Laser Altimeters
- Climate Sensitivity, a Historical Survey
- Constraining denitrification in permeable wave-influenced marine sediment using linked hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modeling
- Contamination by Arsenate in Oxidizing Groundwater, Southern Gulf Coast Aquifer System, Texas
- Continental crust spreading: a process for synextensional creation of continental crust inferred from analysis of the evolution of Death Valley
- Contributions of climate and dynamics to mass wastage and accumulation zone thinning of Eklutna Glacier, Alaska
- Convective CO2 dissolution: Analog experiments and direct numerical simulations
- Correlating lake drainage and ice velocity near the margin of the Greenland ice sheet
- Crustal Structure of the Yakutat Microplate: New Parameters for Understanding the Evolution of the Chugach-St.Elias Orogeny
- Decoupling allogenic and autogenic processes in experimental stratigraphy
- Deep Seismic Imaging of a Transition Zone from Subduction to Collision Offshore Southwest Taiwan
- Deep-seated mantle anomalies and the dynamic impact on the African continent (Invited)
- Development and Application of A Coupled Land-Atmosphere Modeling Framework with Multi-Physics Options
- Do Different Massive Corals from the Same Reef Record the Same Climate Signal? A Test from the Dry Tortugas, Florida Keys
- Downhole Hydrologic Testing in the Kumano Basin and Underlying Sediments: Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Dynamic models of a Taiwan-like orogeny
- Dynamic residence time distributions of sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones
- Earth's Decelerating Tectonic Plates (Invited)
- Effect of Scintillometer Height on Structure Parameter of the Refractive Index of Air Measurements
- Effects of inertia and directionality on flow and transport in a rough asymmetric fracture (Invited)
- Evaluating the Significance of Subglacial Lakes in the Context of an Ice Sheet Water Model
- Exhumation history of the Northern Andes from the Cenozoic syn-tectonic sedimentary fill of the Middle Magdalena Valley Basin, Colombia
- Experimental investigation of the temperature dependence of polycrystalline ice strength and resistance to low-velocity impacts with application to Titan
- Failure Caused by Breaching in Subaqueous Sand
- Flow Conditions of Thwaites Glacier for the Past ~1000 Years Using Radar-detected Internal Layer Patterns
- How is crust thinned in an oblique environment: the example of Bay of Biscay-Western Pyrenees?
- Hydraulic Fracture Measurements at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- Implications for differences in LWD resistivity measurements in NanTroSEIZE boreholes within the Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan
- Implications of garnet resorption for the Lu-Hf garnet geochronometer: Makhevinekh Lake Pluton aureole, Labrador
- Incised bifurcations and uneven radial distribution of channel incision in the Wax Lake Delta, USA
- Inferring Glacial Dynamics From Temperate Glacimarine Grounding-Line Deposits
- Influence of convective structure and entrainment on transport of CO to the upper troposphere over tropical continents as determined by A-Train Observations
- Integration of offshore seismic data, exploration wells, and onland outcrops as constraints on the tectonics and uplift age of metamorphic core complexes, eastern Papua New Guinea
- Intraplate shearing and basin deformation in the Pacific Plate as a result of the Yakutat Block collision with North America
- Laboratory measurements of ice tensile strength dependence on density and concentration of silicate and polymer impurities at low temperatures
- Late Miocene to Recent inversion of the Aure rift, eastern Papua New Guinea: A consequence of transpression along the Owen-Stanley fault zone
- Lithospheric Structure Beneath the Eastern Edge of the Rio Grande Rift
- Mechanical interactions between bubbles in experimentally decompressed H2O-saturated rhyolite melts
- Mechanisms for crustal thinning along the ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- Melt-Bubble Surface Tension in Hydrous Magmas and the Effects of Alkalinity, Temperature, and Water Content
- Modeling the morphodynamics of the lower Mississippi River as a quasi-bedrock river (Invited)
- Models of Slow Slip Event Using a 3D Membrane Lithosphere Perturbed by Shear Fractures
- Morphologic expression of the accretion process in the SW margin of the Pacific of Colombia interpreted by means bathymetric high-resolution data
- Multi-sourced, 3D geometric characterization of volcanogenic karst features: Integrating lidar, sonar, and geophysical datasets (Invited)
- NanTroSEIZE in 3-D: Creating a Virtual Research Experience in Undergraduate Geoscience Courses
- Neogene Basin Evolution Along the Northern Flank of the Papuan Peninsula, Goodenough Bay, Eastern Papua New Guinea
- New Insights into the Spiral Troughs of the Northern Polar Layered Deposits, Mars from SHARAD Observations
- New insights into accretionary prism development and deformation in the pre-arc-continent-collision transition zone offshore Taiwan
- Offshore Transport of Sediment During Cyclonic Storms: Hurricane Ike (2008), Texas Gulf Coast, USA
- Orogenic Response to Augmented Erosion Associated with Northern Hemisphere Glaciation: The St. Elias Orogen of Alaska
- Os-isotope variations in Lena Trough peridotites, Arctic Ocean: Constraints on continental lithosphere or asthenospheric mantle origin and the generation and preservation of chemically depleted domains in the convecting mantle
- Overview and early highlights of the TAIGER project marine, active-source seismic program (Invited)
- Partitioning of Terrestrial ET Variability in the CAM4/CLM4 Climate Model, Contributions to Trends over the Last Two Decades, and Sensitivity to Parameterization Changes
- Partitioning sand transport between branches of channel bifurcations in deep rivers: Implications for river-diversion structures and land building in southern Louisiana
- Pattern formation in magma dynamics: The oscillatory instability
- Pedestal crater deposits as seen by SHARAD
- Petroleum Science and Technology Institute with the TeXas Earth and Space Science (TXESS) Revolution
- Photosynthetic discrimination drives seasonal variations in the δ13C value of soil-respired CO2 in mixed C3-C4 ecosystems from central New Mexico
- Potential for the slow growing coral Diploastrea heliopora to yield multi-century Western Pacific Warm Pool climate records
- Radar Evidence For Past Ice Flow on Gemina Lingula in the North Polar Layered Deposits
- Rapid, episodic gas migration into the South Hydrate Ridge gas hydrate field inferred from 4D seismic imaging
- Rate and δ13C values of CO2 produced during short-term online incubation experiments indicate two different processes with distinct carbon sources
- Reading river response to climate change from hyperpycnal-plume deposits
- Reconstructing African topography over the past 30 Myrs with high-resolution tomography-based convection modelling
- Reconstructing Paleo-Rainfall in the Western Tropical Pacific: Developing Speleothem Proxies
- River network routing in all rivers of the Texas Gulf
- Sediment flux in the gravel-sand transition of the Fraser River
- Seismic anisotropy of the Rio Grande Rift and surrounding regions
- Seismic characteristics of lower Kumano Basin in the Nankai Trough
- Seismic structure of the Nicaraguan convergent margin by travel time tomographic inversion of wide-angle seismic data in the area of the 1992 Nicaragua slow earthquake
- Seismic velocity structure of the Eurasian margin of the southern Taiwan Strait
- Soil-Gas Identification of Environmental Factors Affecting CO2 Concentrations Beneath a Playa Wetland: Implications for Soil-Gas Monitoring at Carbon Storage Sites
- Structural geology of cuttings and cores recovered from below the Kumano forearc basin, Nankai accretionary margin of Japan: Expedition 319 of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP)
- Superconducting gravimeter measurements for land surface model assessment
- Supply-Limited Bedforms in a Gravel-Sand Transition
- Tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology of strike-slip faults in Jamaica: Implications for distribution of strain and seismic hazard along the southern edge of the Gonave microplate
- The Effects of Orographic Precipitation and Lithology on River Profiles in the Kohala Region of the Big Island, Hawaii
- The Importance of Insolation on the Temperature Variations for the Past 80 kyr in the Chinese Loess Plateau
- The SHARAD Sounding Radar Explores Mars (Invited)
- The dependence of bedrock erodibility on rock material properties: is tensile strength enough?
- The effect of flood events on the partitioning of labile and refractory carbon in the Missouri-Mississippi River system
- The fabric of Mass Transport Deposits in the Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico
- Thick Consolidated Sediments Allow Rupture to Reach the Trench During December 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Great Earthquake
- Towards a comprehensive geophysical coverage of a test Glacier; example from various surveys during field campaigns over the Astrolabe outlet Glacier, East Antarctica
- Transition zone S velocity structure beneath the East Pacific Rise
- Uplift patterns of reef terraces and sedimentary rocks constrain tectonic models for metamorphic core complexes in eastern Papua New Guinea
- Using swath bathymetry as an a priori constraint in a 3D full wavefield tomographic inversion of seismic data across oceanic crust
- Variations in grounding line position on the Gould and Siple Coasts, West Antarctica, over the last 1000 years
- 3D Vp and Vs Lithospheric Structures under the Taiwan Orogen: TAIGER project
- 3D mapping and sedimentary analysis of extensive tsunami deposits near Tokachi, Hokkaido, Japan
- A Comparison of Long-Period SKS Datasets And What They Reveal About 1D Outer Core Structure
- A Snapshot of Climate Variability at Tahiti 9.5 ka using a Fossil Coral from IODP Expedition 310
- A characterization of the lability of particulate organic matter in the lower Mississippi-Atchafalaya River System: An application of a programmed temperature pyrolysis/combustion system
- A first approximation of sand distribution and provenance on the Canterbury Shelf, New Zealand - implications for across shelf vs. along shelf transport based on sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 317
- A physical model of ice sheet response to changes in subglacial hydrology
- About the link between an earlier NAMS retreat and a delayed SAMS onset during the recent decades
- Along-Strike Variation in the Signature of Contourite Deposition: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Along-strike variations in extension from the Woodlark spreading center to mainland Papua New Guinea: New constraints from offshore seismic reflection and well data
- An integrated radar and seismic analysis of basal roughness beneath upper Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Architecture of Deposits Formed in a Tectonically Generated Tidal Strait, Eocene Ager Basin, South Central Pyrenees, Spain
- Are scale detrital zircon age spectra from modern sands representative of their catchment sources? : An empirical test from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Beyond Clutter: Long-Wavelength Topographic Effects on Subsurface Interface Geometries Derived from Orbital Radar Sounding Data
- Bighorns Arch Seismic Experiment (BASE): Amplitude Response to Different Seismic Charge Configurations
- Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolitic Magmas Saturated With Mixed Volatiles
- Carbon uptake in low dissolved inorganic carbon environments: the effect of limited carbon availability on photosynthetic organisms in thermal waters
- Cenozoic North American Drainage Basin Evolution, Sediment Yield, and Accumulation in the Gulf of Mexico Basin
- Chlorine Stable Isotope Composition of Altered Oceanic Crust: Empirical and Experimental Results
- Climate Literacy Initiatives as part of the TXESS (TeXas Earth and Space Science) Revolution Program
- Climate Modeling with a Million CPUs
- Collision to subduction transitions play a fundamental role in the kinematics of marginal terranes: contemporary examples from the western Pacific (Invited)
- Correlating High Resolution Radar Reflectors with Visible Layering of the Polar Layered Deposits, Mars
- Correlation of Lithology to Sequence Stratigraphy: Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
- Crust and Mantle Structure Beneath the Colorado Plateau (Invited)
- Crustal Structure of the Yakutat Microplate: New Constraints for Understanding the Evolution of Subduction and Collision in southern Alaska
- Crustal structure across the Central American Volcanic Arc in Costa Rica from TICO-CAVA seismic refraction data
- Dawn: Testing Paradigms by Exploring Dichotomies
- Density Structure of a High-Bulk Modulus Chemical Piles (Invited)
- Detection and characterization of local to regional groundwater inputs to rivers, lakes and oceans with electrical imaging (Invited)
- Diffusion of REEs and Other Trivalent Cations in Garnet: New Data on Rates and Mechanism
- Diversion of Sediment from Russell Fiord by Ice-marginal and Marine Processes, Hubbard Glacier: Implications for Calculating Sediment Yield and Denudation Rates
- ENSO Variability during the Little Ice Age from the Perspective of a Long Coral Record from the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- Elasticity of hcp-Fe in the Earth's Inner Core
- Electronic Spin and Valence States of Iron in Lower-Mantle Perovskite and Post-Perovskite
- Episodic tremor and slip along the Rivera and Cocos subduction zones of southern Mexico
- Evaluation of SEBS for Deriving Land Surface Energy Fluxes with MODIS Data in a Semiarid Region
- Evidence for Decadal Variation in Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration between 1982 and 2002
- Evidence for seismic strengthening and climate influence in creation of an anomalously large slope failure, Aleutian-Yakutat margin, Gulf of Alaska
- Evidence for two discrete fluid-flow regimes below Hydrate Ridge from 3D heat-flow modeling
- Evolving ice fronts and surface speeds in the Amundsen Sea Embayment between 1972-2010
- Experimentally derived model to predict permeability behavior of mudstones
- Extracting complex subglacial water dynamics through tight coupling of flow models to airborne radar sounding and satellite altimetry
- Extraction of Dissolved Gaseous Hydrocarbons from Brine at an Engineered CO2 Injection, Cranfield, Mississippi
- Finding High Resolution Records of Continent-Ocean Climate Change in the High Arctic: AN Exploratory Study of the Colville Delta Region
- From slow to ultra-slow: Does spreading rate affect seafloor roughness and crustal thickness?
- Genesis of Basement-Cored Foreland Arches: Insights from the EarthScope Bighorn Project
- Geometry and deformation history of the New Madrid seismic zone fault system, Central U.S. from high-resolution marine seismic reflection data, and implications for intraplate deformation
- Granular controls on periodicity of stick-slip events: kinematics and force-chains in an experimental fault
- High-resolution modelling and error analysis of late-Cenozoic African topography driven by mantle convection
- Hyporheic Flow and Heat Transport Within a Bed-to-Bank Transect of a Large Regulated River: Colorado River, Austin, TX
- Impact of Irrigated Agroecosystems on Groundwater Resources in the US High Plains and North China Plain
- Influence of Changing Hydrology on Pedogenic Calcite Precipitation in Vertisols, Dance Bayou, Brazoria County, Tx: Implications for Estimating Paleoatmospheric PCO2
- Integrating turbulent flow, biogeochemical, and poromechanical processes in rippled coastal sediment (Invited)
- Investigation of Magnetospheric Conditions During Periodic Substorm Events with a Nonlinear Dynamical Model
- Investigation of muddy seafloor response to energetic waves on the Louisiana Shelf
- Investigation of the crustal structure of the Manilla subduction zone offshore southern Taiwan using multi-channel seismic reflection and wide-angle refraction data
- Iron-Rich Perovskite and Post-Perovskite in the Lower Mantle (Invited)
- Links between acceleration, melting, and supraglacial lake drainage at the western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Marine Geophysical Surveying Along the Hubbard Glacier Terminus, Southeast Alaska
- Melting in migmatites associated with sub-grain boundaries in quartz
- Miocene Shelf-Edge Deltas and their Influence on Deepwater Slope Morphology, Northwest Shelf of Australia
- Multi-Instrumental Measurement of Bedload Transport and Turbulent Resuspension over Lateral Sand Bars in the Lower Mississippi River
- Natural radio emission of Jupiter as interferences for radar investigations of the icy satellites of Jupiter
- Nevada Monitoring System to Assess Climate Variability and Change
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2010 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- New Insights into the Basin and Swell Dynamics of Africa Driven by Whole-Mantle Convection (Invited)
- New constraints on the structure and dynamics of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet from the joint IPY/Ice Bridge ICECAP aerogeophysical project
- New insights into deglacial climate variability in tropical South America from molecular fossil and isotopic indicators in Lake Titicaca
- Observations of Ionospheric Features over the Anatolian Plateau
- Ocean crustal fault rocks and the chemo-mechanical record of hydrothermal fluid flow
- Organized Chaos at Europa?
- Particle size distribution in micro-shear bands from NanTroSEIZE drilling of the Nankai accretionary prism, Japan
- Pervasive post-Eocene faulting and folding in unconsolidated sediments of the Mississippi River, Central U.S. as imaged by high-resolution CHIRP seismic data
- Planum Boreum Basal Unit Topography and its Influence on Surface Structures
- Project REPONS: Offshore Faults, Tectonic Deformation and Turbidite Record in Response to the January 12 2010 Earthquake, Haiti
- Properties of the Deep-Mantle Ferropericlase Across the Spin Crossover (Invited)
- Putting the Biology Back in Astrobiology: Defining Key Habitat Parameters with EJSM
- Quantifying the fluvial autogenic processes: Tank Experiments
- Rainfall Variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone as Reconstructed from a Speleothem Record (1670-2005) from Vanuatu
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
- Relative permeability estimates from differences in LWD resistivity measurements in NanTroSEIZE boreholes, Offshore Japan
- Results from an onshore/offshore seismic transect of southern Taiwan
- Role of synextensional magmatism in evolution of Death Valley, California
- Sedimentary and provenance record of the Cianzo basin, Eastern Cordillera, NW Argentina: Implications for transition from postrift subsidence to Cenozoic Andean shortening
- Seismic imaging of the Middle American Trench offshore Costa Rica: Impact of bending-related faulting on upper mantle serpentinization
- Seismic velocity estimation by joint inversion of P & S receiver function, waveform fitting, and surface wave dispersion
- Seismogenic Fault Geometry of 2010 Mw 7.1 Solomon Islands Earthquake
- Sibinal Pumice eruption, an example of transition from sub-Plinian to Plinian eruptive style at Tacaná Volcanic Complex, México-Guatemala
- Spreading and dissolution of CO2 in horizontal aquifers: theory and experiments
- Stable isotope records of convection variability in the West Pacific Warm Pool from fast-growing stalagmites
- Storage and eruption of large volumes of rhyolite lava: Example from Solfatara Plateau, Yellowstone Caldera
- Subduction of very rugged seafloor topography imposes stronger interplate coupling and elevated mean stress levels at the Western Solomon Islands forearc
- Subduction-to-Strike-Slip-Transition in the Southeastern Caribbean Imaged Using Deeply-Penetrating Seismic Reflection Lines and Tomography
- Tales from the South (and West) Pacific in the Common Era: A Climate Proxy Perspective (Invited)
- Tectonomorphic evolution of the Eastern Cordillera fold-thrust belt, Colombia: New insights based on apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometers
- Terrestrial Carbon Inputs from the Colville River to Simpson Lagoon, Alaska
- The Cl Isotope Composition of the Moon as evidence for an Anhydrous Mantle (Invited)
- The Ganymede Interior, Surface, and Magnetosphere Observer (GISMO) Mission Concept
- The Influence of Climate, Lithology and Subsidence on the Transient Evolution of Hawaiian River Channels
- The Relationship of Sediment Dilation And Pore Pressure Dissipation to Slope Failure Styles During Breaching
- The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
- The role of different grain shapes in modifying intra-pore flow and transport phenomena
- The uncertainty of atmospheric CO2 estimates made using the paleosol carbonate CO2 barometer
- The use of deep moonquakes for constraining the internal structure of the Moon
- Three Dimensional Geometries of Bank-attached Bar-forms in Sinuous Submarine Channels
- Two-phase gravity currents in geological CO2 storage
- Understanding gas distribution beneath Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon: combining high-resolution 3D seismic data with various 2D seismic profiles acquired at different frequencies
- Understanding the influence of supraglacial lakes in Greenland using surface-based geophysics and a physical model. (Invited)
- Using delta-front bathymetry to understand river delta progradation
- Utilization of time series airborne LiDAR to quantify patterns of deposition and erosion across dune-dune interactions at White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Variation in Biofilm Stability with Decreasing pH Affects Porous Medium Hydraulic Properties
- Virtual Research Expeditions along Plate Margins: Examples from an Online Oceanography Course
- Volatile (H2O, CO2, F, Cl, S) Budgets and Their Evolution in Explosively Erupted Magmas: Insights from 23 ky of eruptions of Popocatepetl Volcano, Mexico
- WINDMI-Magfield: A Dynamical magnetospheric magnetic field model
- Water Conservation: A Tool to Build Understanding, Service and Awareness about Natural Resources Linda Ruiz McCall, Katherine K. Ellins, and Bridget Cameron
- Water Exploration: An Online High School Water Resource Education Program
- Water Scarcity within the Context of Climate Change and Land Use Change and Linkages to Food Production in Semiarid Regions (Invited)
- Where were Arctic Alaska and Beringia during the Cretaceous?
- Width of late Quaternary deformation of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden strike-slip fault zone in Haiti and the Jamaica Passage and implications for accumulated stress
- 2010 and 1997 Earthquakes near Alice, Texas: Were They Induced by Petroleum Production?
- A Coral-based Reconstruction of Sea Surface Salinity at Sabine Bank, Vanuatu from 2007 to 1843 CE
- A Pragmatic Path to Investigating Europa's Habitability
- A Review of Global Terrestrial Evapotranspiration: Observation, Modeling, Climatology, and Climatic Variability
- A field study of coherent flow structures over low angle dunes: Fraser Estuary, British Columbia
- A model simulation of leaf physiological feedbacks on evapotranspiration and climate
- A unified quantitative framework for studying large-scale disturbances and their dynamic impact on terrestrial ecosystems
- Activation of the Inner Continental Shelf Following the Great Mississippi/Atchafalaya River Flood of 2011
- Airborne geophysical investigations of basal conditions at flow transitions of outlet glaciers on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Alleged Leakage of CO2 from the Weyburn-Midale CO2 Monitoring and Storage Project: Preliminary Findings from Implementation of the IPAC-CO2 Incident Response Protocol
- An organic geochemical investigation into lipid distribution at Imperial Geyser, Yellowstone National Park
- Anomalous transport in the framework of chromatographic theory
- Automatic Processing of Antarctic POLENET GPS Data
- Basal drag pattern and grounding line sensitivity of the ice flow of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Basement Control of Sediment Routing in the Gulf of Alaska
- Blue holes: Windows into chemical and physical hydrogeologic processes in karst of modern carbonate platforms
- Bottom-simulating reflector variability at the Costa Rica subduction zone and corresponding heat flow model
- Bringing Field Geology to a High School Audience: Connecting to the Next Generation of Scientific Minds through Science Olympiad
- Carbon in karst: investigating sources, transport and isotopic fractionation to better inform the interpretation of speleothem climate records of central Texas caves
- Carbon sequestration in saline aquifers connected to EOR fields: Modelling implications
- Cement fracture surface alteration in reactive-transport experiments; Implications for time-dependent flux of CO<SUB>2</SUB> along leaky wellbores
- Challenges in Developing Coupled Earth System Model Data Assimilation
- Characterizing Reactive Flow Paths in Fractured Cement
- Closing the Water Balance for Arid Soils - First Results from a Large Lysimeter Study
- Combined A-Train CALIOP and MLS Observations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds and Atmospheric Composition
- Combined effects of global warming and an Atlantic meridional overturning circulation shutdown on West African and European climate
- Common Scientific Challenges in Carbon Sequestration and Geothermal Energy Systems
- Comparison of analytical and CFD solution-derived flow and transport properties within discrete 2D fractures
- Compressional wave velocity of Fe-Si Alloys in Earth's Core
- Connection between Mature Stages of Deep Convection and the Vertical Transport of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere
- Constraints on the timing and tectonic setting of mantle metasomatism beneath the Colorado Plateau and Rio Grande rift
- Crustal structure of Northeast China from Ambient noise tomography using the NECESSArray
- Data Flow Infrastructure Initiative (DFII): Coupling Inventory Practices and Data collection Technology to Enhance Research Productivity and Information Access
- Deformation of "stable" continental interiors by mantle convection: Implications for intraplate stress in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Detailed Surface Structure in High-Resolution Bathymetry and Backscatter from the CRISP 3D Seismic Experiment, Offshore Costa Rica
- Development of a Radiation Damage and Annealing Model for the Zircon (U-Th)/He Thermochronometer
- Differing chemical weathering conditions in meltwater catchments of western Greenland
- Douglas Knob, Yellowstone Caldera: Pre-eruptive storage conditions and eruption dynamics of an obsidian lava dome
- Drought in the High Plains: Deciphering the role of spring climatic conditions on summer precipitation
- Dynamic Ice-Water Interactions Form Europa's Chaos Terrains
- ENSO Variability at Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly
- Eagle Pass Jr. High Seismology Team: Strategies for Engaging Middle School "At-Risk" Students in Authentic Research
- Effective Use of Natural CO2-RICH Systems for Stakeholder Communication: CO2FACTS.ORG
- Effects of Discrete Basal Recharge by Moulins on Subglacial Hydrology
- Effects of fracture reactivation and diagenesis on fracture network evolution: Cambrian Eriboll Formation, NW Scotland
- Effects of potential vorticity on sediment transport and deposition at river mouths
- Effects of the Yakutat terrane collision with North America on the neighboring Pacific plate
- Effects of urbanization on groundwater evolution in an urbanizing watershed
- Elasticity of Hydrous Ringwoodite in Earth's Transition Zone
- Elasticity of Pyrope at High Pressures and Temperatures by Brillouin Scattering and X-ray Diffraction
- Electronic Spin Transition of Iron in Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicate Phase D at High Pressure
- Engaging Middle School Students in Authentic Research based on a summer research cruise
- Englacial Drainage Systems in Himalayan Debris-covered Glaciers, and Implications for Supraglacial Lake Evolution
- Error Propagation Model in Validating Moderate Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Data Using Fine Resolution Data: Analysis and Case Study
- Evaluating models of metamorphic core complex formation through detailed microstructural analysis of mylonites: A case study from the Buckskin-Rawhide Mountains, west-central Arizona
- Evaluating paleotsunami deposit models using flume experiments
- Experimental Analysis of Autostratigraphic Controls in Foreland Basins
- Experimental assessment of the influence of bedforms on coupled hyporheic flow and heat transport
- Exploring Subglacial Lake Connectivity via Groundwater Aquifers in the Dome C Region, East Antarctica
- Forest Recovery After a Massive Ice Storm in China: Findings from the Application of a Unified Quantitative Framework for Studying Impacts of Large-scale Disturbances
- Friction and stress coupling on the subduction interfaces
- Fully-coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of surface deformation measurements for the monitoring of geological CO2 storage
- GRACE data for hydrology: where can we push interpretation?
- Geometric controls on large volume mid-crustal magma chambers and magma evolution zones: A 3-D modeling approach
- Girltalk: Energy, Climate and Water in the 21ST Century
- Global and arctic mean sea level variations observed by GRACE with the optimum ocean kernel
- Groundwater flow and heat transport dynamics across an intertidal zone
- Growth, Failure, and Erosion of Submarine Channel Levees on the Upper Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico
- High-resolution topographic change detection of an active earthflow using airborne and terrestrial LiDAR, Mill Gulch, California
- Hydrologic and temperature variability at Lake Titicaca over the past 50,000 years
- Hydrothermal and tectonic processes recorded in fault rocks from the upper oceanic crust
- IRD evidence for Heinrich Events H1 and H2 on the NJ Margin
- Impacts of Past Land Use Changes on Water Resources: An Analog for Assessing Effects of Proposed Bioenergy Crops
- Influence of pre-seasonal conditions on late wet season arrival and its implications to predictive understanding of the droughts over southern Amazonia
- Injection-induced overpressure dissipation in a layered system during geological CO2 storage
- Insights into the nature of radar attenuation through impure ice from broadband dielectric spectroscopy of polar ice cores
- Integrating Delta Building Physics & Economics: Optimizing the Scale of Engineered Avulsions in the Mississippi River Delta
- Integrative computational tools for interpreting thermochronometric data: Application to the Colombian Eastern Cordillera
- Intense groundwater circulation and heat flow near a volcanic lake: Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Interactions of Growth-faulting with Incised Valleys and Channels on the Late Miocene to Recent Mississippi River Delta, LA
- Interannual- to multicentiennial-scale variability in the West African Monsoon during the Eemian
- Interpretation of Sub-resolution Bedform and Subglacial Hydrologic Network Geometries from Radar Echo Specularity: Application to Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Interpreting summertime speedup of the Greenland ice sheet in the context of borehole observations of the subglacial hydraulic system
- Land Surface Data Assimilation: DART and CLM
- Late Holocene Paleo-Uplift Events at the Tapion Restraining Bend in Haiti: Implications for Earthquake Recurrence in the Vicinity of the 2010 Rupture Zone
- Latest Pleistocene Sediment Wedge on the New Jersey Outer Continental Shelf - Forced Regressive Paleo-Hudson Delta?
- Linking the enigmatic surface of the African continent with mantle dynamics
- Mantle convection-driven variable uplift of the eastern US: A mechanism for late-Cenozoic rejuvenation of topography.
- Mineral Physics Research on Earth's Core and UTeach Outreach Activities at UT Austin
- Mineralogical Controls on Microbial Diversity in a Sulfuric Acid Karst System
- Moho Depth of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Multi-Decadal Rainfall Variability under the South Pacific Convergence Zone from 1570-2005
- Multi-stage melting history of the depleted mantle recorded in major element-Os isotope variations of abyssal peridotites and ocean island xenoliths
- Multi-temporal remote sensing analysis of salars in El Loa Province, Chile: Implications for water resource management
- Multibeam and CHIRP sonar imaging of sand ridge morphology and basal stratigraphy on the inner shelf offshore Panama City, Florida
- New Frontiers in Ocean Exploration: The 2011 E/V NAUTILUS Field Season
- New insights in the Pakitsoq Region of the Greenland Ice Sheet from Borehole Optical Televiewer measurements of in-situ ice properties: stratigraphy, englacial features, and the potential for optical identification of the Wisconsin-Holocene transition
- Nitrate in Arid Basin Groundwater: How Historical Trends in Water Quality, Pumping Practices, and Land Use Inform our Understanding of Flow in these Systems
- Nutrient cycling in dune-induced hyporheic exchange of reactive solutes
- Observations and Modeling of Grounding Line Basal Crevasses: Connections between Surface Speed, Topography and Crevasse Morphology
- Oceanic core complex development at the ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- Oligocene Provenance, Drainage Morphology, and Topography of the Nevadaplano
- Oxygen isotope evidence for retrogression of Franciscan eclogites by sediment derived fluids during subduction and exhumation, Ring Mountain, Tiburon, California
- Oxygen isotope relationships between rainfall, dripwater and speleothem calcite from Westcave, central Texas, USA: Possible implications for paleoclimate study
- P-T-t Paths and Tectonic History of Low-T Blueschists from the Franciscan Mélange, San Simeon, California
- P-wave Velocity Structure in the Lowermost 600 km of the Mantle beneath Western Pacific Inferred from Travel Times and Amplitudes Observed with NECESSArray
- P-wave tomography of Northeastern China observed with NECESSArray
- Pacific large-low-shear-velocity province bounded by an extensive high-velocity anomaly observed with NECESSArray
- Permeability and compressibility of resedimented Gulf of Mexico mudrock
- Plumes clustering around thermo-chemical structures with steep edges
- Preliminary interpretation of the major fault zones responsible for the earthquakes that triggered sand liquefaction in southern Mississippi embayment Central U.S. from high-resolution marine seismic reflection data
- Process-Based Approach to Carbon Storage Leakage Detection Using Soil Gas Monitoring: Lessons from Natural and Industrial Analogues
- Pulse-drainage-induced surface acceleration near Jakobshavn Isbrae: water availability from supraglacial lakes
- Radar attenuation within the Antarctic ice sheet: spatial patterns and sensitivity to boundary conditions
- Receiver Function Study of the Upper Mantle Discontinuities beneath Northeast China: Evidence for Local Mantle Upwelling Beneath the Songliao Basin
- Refraction Interferometry and Free-surface Multiples for Large-offset OBS Data
- Regional tectonic context, timing, and intrusion mechanism of gneiss domes, eastern Papua New Guinea, from offshore seismic reflection and well data
- Replicated Stalagmite Records of Rainfall Variability in the Solomon Islands since the Little Ice Age
- Research Advances on Radiation Transfer Modeling and Inversion for Multi-scale Land Surface Remote Sensing
- Results of trench perpendicular wide angle seismic transects across the Manila subduction zone offshore southern Taiwan
- Retroarc foreland basin evolution during Paleogene shortening, northern Altiplano plateau, southern Peru
- Reversal in Migration of Gravel-Sand Transition
- Rising Above the Storm: DIG TEXAS
- Sea ice variability in the North Pacific since the LGM: new insights from molecular geochemistry
- Seismic Structure Around the 660 km Discontinuity
- Seismic evidence for upwelling of asthenosphere beneath Northeast China from S wave tomography
- Seismic structure of sediments and basement of the Yakutat Terrane offshore southern Alaska from a combined OBS and MCS tomography inversion
- Snap-off of supercritical CO2 within circular and noncircular pores
- Sound Velocity of Fe in Earth's Inner Core
- Sound Velocity of Metals Under Extreme Conditions by Picoseconds Acoustics in Diamond Anvils Cell
- Southwest U.S. Paleoclimate Over the Past 30,000 Years: Insights from Speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Growth Rate Time Series
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of melt water delivery to the bed of the Greenland ice sheet
- Spherulites and cooling histories of obsidian lavas, Yellowstone Caldera
- Spin and Valence States of Iron in Lower-Mantle Minerals
- Spin transition of iron in deep-mantle ferromagnesite
- Stress-Induced Permeability Anisotropy of Resedimented Boston Blue Clay
- Surface ocean temperature variability in the southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE
- Surface wave and shear wave velocity structure beneath Kekexili area in northern Tibet
- Tectonics of Vesta: Indication of Spin-up and Reorientation?
- The Colville River Delta as a Natural Recorder of Historical Changes in Organic Carbon Sources: Linkages with Climate Change
- The Cooling History of Obsidian Lavas as Recorded by Compositional Gradients Surrounding Spherulites
- The Dynamic Geometry of the lower Trinity River, Texas
- The EarthLabs Approach to Curriculum and Professional Development: Earth Science Education in the 21st Century
- The East Pacific Rise: An Active Not Passive Spreading System
- The Influence of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Functions on the estimation of Dst Index
- The Influence of Subglacial Hydrology on Ice Stream Velocity in a Physical Model
- The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
- The Value of GRACE Data in Improving, Assessing and Evaluating Land Surface and Climate Models
- The West Andaman fault as a strain partitioning structure in the Sumatran forearc
- The depth profiling of attenuation structure of the western hemisphere of the inner core by analyzing NECESSArray data
- The effects of the 2010 flood on the composition and abundance of the terrestrial organic matter in sediments along the inner-shelf off the Changjiang Estuary, China
- The formation of experimental step-pools in relation to sediment size distribution and transport slope
- The gap between ice-penetrating radar observations and the boundary conditions used in ice-sheet models
- The impact of river water intrusion on trace metal cycling in karst aquifers: an example from the Floridan aquifer system at Madison Blue Spring, Florida
- The importance of dilation strength in determining the dynamics of dilative slope failure
- The old and the new: the use of classical regional groundwater flow models to address problems of the future (Invited)
- Thermal considerations in inferring frictional heating from vitrinite reflectance and implications for shallow coseismic slip within the Nankai Subduction Zone
- Three-dimensional analysis of vesicle and crystal fragment textures in pumice using high-resolution X-ray CT: Textural evidence of eruptive processes
- Tidal response of the subterranean estuary revealed by electrical resistivity imaging
- Timing of deformation and rapid subsidence in the northern Altiplano, Peru: Insights from detrital zircon geochronology of the Ayaviri hinterland basin
- Toward the resolution of microscopic seasonal variations in slow growing speleothems by ELA-ICP-MS
- Towards an accurate regional projection of future climate: An improved dynamical downscaling method with GCM bias corrections
- Transient bedrock channel evolution across a precipitation gradient: A case study from Kohala, Hawaii.
- Transition Fault and the Yakutat-Pacific-North American Triple Junction
- Transport process of species from tropical upper troposphere to lower stratosphere
- U-Pb and <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar isotopic evidence for coeval Neogene pluton emplacement and fault-induced exhumation in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Understanding the Energy, Water and Carbon Cycles Using an Innovative Land Surface Model with Multi-Parameterization Options
- Upper Mantle Structure and the 660-km Discontinuity beneath Japan Sea and its adjacent Areas Determined from Waveform Triplication data
- Upper-mantle Tomography with Array Analysis of Triplicated P-arrivals Observed by NECESSArray
- Using GRACE Satellites to Monitor Water Depletion in the Tigris Euphrates River Basins
- Using MODFLOW with CFP to understand conduit-matrix exchange in a karst aquifer during flooding
- Using MODIS Skin Temperature to Assess Urban Heat Island Effect and Biosphere-Atmosphere-Land Interactions
- Using radio-echo sounding for the correlation of ice cores: an application to the Dome C-Vostok traverse, East Antarctica
- Variation in Hydraulic Conductivity with Decreasing pH in a Biologically-Clogged Porous Medium
- Water and Sand Transport Pathways Through the Delta Front, Wax Lake delta, USA
- δ<SUP>13</SUP>C values of CO<SUB>2</SUB> respired during incubation of C3-derived soil organic matter: Refining the paleosol carbonate CO<SUB>2</SUB> barometer
- 500,000 years of vegetation change in western tropical Africa
- A 12,000-Year-Long, Annually-Resolved Varve Record Spanning the Last Interglacial from Lake Bosumtwi, Southern Ghana
- A Stochastic Newton MCMC method with applications to ice sheet inverse problems
- A Two-year Survey Comparing Earthquake Activity and Injection Well Locations in the Barnett Shale, Texas
- A dense, intersecting array of normal faults on the outer shelf off Southern Costa Rica, associated with subducting Quepos ridge
- A network-based analysis of delta morphology and ecology: An example from Wax Lake Delta
- A novel method of basal crevasse height estimation and subsequent rifting
- A ten-year record of supraglacial lake evolution and rapid drainage in West Greenland
- Accounting for long alpha-particle stopping distances in (U-Th-Sm)/He geochronology: 3D modeling of diffusion, zoning, implantation, and abrasion
- Age Constraints and Growth/Retreat History of Planum Boreum, Mars from a 3-D Analysis of SHARAD Radar Data Combined with Modeling
- Age spectra of riverine POC - does variability within or between river basins have a larger impact on POC age distributions?
- Airborne geophysical investigation of basal conditions at flow transitions of 16 Greenland Ice Sheet outlet glaciers
- Application of halogen concentration and chlorine stable isotopes to decipher the fluid evolution during a regional metasomatic event (Bamble Sector, SE Norway)
- Applications of electrical resistivity imaging for characterizing groundwater-surface water interactions from local to regional scales
- Are amphitheater headed canyons indicative of a particular formative process?
- Assessing Potential Impacts of CO2 Leakage on Shallow Groundwater Quality in the SECARB Phase III Early Test site Using Single-well Push-Pull Tests
- Assessing seasonal temperature variability from Mg/Ca and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in Globigerinoides ruber from the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Assessment of moulin head variations and subglacial conduit connectivity in the Greenland ablation zone
- Betting with single forams: Uncertainty constraints on El Niño Southern Oscillation reconstructions using individual foraminiferal analyses
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Bounds on fault strength based on simulation of "rider block" structures emerging from brittle lithosphere extension
- Carbonate mineral dissolution and the impacts of flood water exchange between conduit and matrix
- Caterpillar-like flow of the Greenland Ice Sheet: observations of basal control on ice motion
- Cenozoic crustal shortening and thickening contributions to Andean orogenesis: Preliminary results from structural mapping in the southern Peruvian Andes
- Centennial- to millennial-scale variability of surface ocean temperature and salinity in the Northern Gulf of Mexico during the late Holocene
- Changing Nitrate Concentrations in Arid Basin Aquifers- How Anthropogenic and Natural Processes Affect Water Quality and Availability in Trans-Pecos, TX
- Changing amounts and sources of moisture to the U.S. southwest in response to global climate change
- Chlorine isotope geochemistry of hydrothermally altered oceanic crust: Mineralogical controls and experimental constraints
- Cinder Pool's Sulfur Chemistry: Implications for the Origin of Life in Hydrothermal Environments
- Climate-dependent sediment production: numerical modeling and field observations of variable grain size distributions from heterogeneous hillslope weathering of fractured basalt flows, Kohala Peninsula, Hawaii
- Cloud Fraction Variations from 2000 to 2011: Cosmic Rays or ENSO?
- Coherent Flow Structures and Suspension Events over Low-angle Dunes: Fraser River, Canada
- Compositional and Ionic-Size Controls on the Diffusion of Divalent Cations in Garnet: Insights from Atomistic Simulations
- Computing flow in mapped rivers of the United States using national datasets
- Conditional simulation of Thwaites Glacier bed topography for flow models: Incorporating inhomogeneous statistics and channelized morphology
- Construction of high-resolution trace element time-series in slow growth speleothems by LA-ICP-MS: Importance of parameter optimization and oriented band fabric imagery
- Continuing Investigation of Structures of the Accretionary Wedge off Aceh Province, Sumatra, using 2D MCS and Multibeam Bathymetric Data
- Controls on Extreme Droughts and Adaptation Strategies in Semiarid Regions
- Coupled diffusion of lithium and yttrium (+HREE) in garnet
- Crustal structure beneath NE China from ambient noise tomography of NECESSArray
- Crustal structure beneath NE China imaged by NECESSArray receiver function data
- CryoSat-2 validation in East Antarctica: ASIRAS, ALS and in situ data analysis over Law Dome and Totten Glacier
- Decadal Modulation of ENSO and Linkages to Pacific Decadal Variability: Analysis of a 1300-year CCSM4 Control Simulation
- Decadal variability in Gulf of Mexico sea surface temperatures since 1734 CE
- Decadal-Scale Rainfall Variability in Guam over the Common Era
- Deep Structure of the Yakutat Terrane, Southern Alaska
- Developing Age Models to Utilize High Arctic Coastal Sediments for Paleoclimate Research: Results from the Colville Delta and Simpson Lagoon, Alaska
- Distributary Channel Evolution in Two Phases: Increased Asymmetry during Floods, Multiple Channel Extension during Low Flow
- Distribution of contemporary crustal deformation and mechanisms for extension in the Woodlark Rift: insights from GPS
- Distribution of long-term Quaternary Deformation and Correlation with Pre-existing Tectonic Structures in the Central US
- Dynamics of sinuosity-driven hyporheic zones: the effects of hydraulic and biogeochemical timescales
- Dynamics of trapped nonwetting phase droplet under seismic stimulation in constricted pores
- ENSO variability in the western tropical Pacific during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> and 14<SUP>th</SUP> centuries: preliminary results from a ~700 year coral
- Effects of fault-controlled CO2 alteration on mineralogical and geomechanical properties of reservoir and seal rocks, Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah
- Electronic spin transitions of iron in the lower-mantle: potential implications to deep-mantle geophysics and geochemistry
- Eruption dynamics of high silica rhyolites inferred from pyroxene and feldspar microlites
- Estimation of Terrestrial COS Uptake From a Global Carbon Cycle Model (CLM-4.0)
- Europan Ocean Dynamics Inferred from Surface Geology
- Evaluating transience of a potential geothermal heat flux anomaly beneath a tributary ice stream of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Evidence for heterogeneous (and possibly transient) geothermal flux beneath the Ross-Amundsen ice divide of the West Antarctic ice sheet
- Evolution of Hydraulic Roughness During Early Stages of Conduit Growth: Effects on Conduit Enlargement Rates
- Examining variability in preserved topography of linear dunes on a salt substrate
- Exchange flow through multiple porous media
- Experimental assessment of the influence of bedforms and sediment size on coupled hyporheic flow and heat transport
- Feedbacks Between Numerical and Analytical Models in Hydrogeology
- Felt reports and intensity maps for two M4.8 Texas earthquakes: 17 May 2012 near Timpson and 20 October 2011 near Fashing
- Field Observation and Numerical Modeling of Bed-Material Transport Dynamics in the Lower Mississippi River
- Flat-slab subduction, orogenesis, intraplate deformation, and glacial erosion in southern Alaska: A tectonic-glacial progression from STEEP
- Formation of texturally equilibrated pores: is salt always a hydrocarbon seal?
- Fully-coupled hydrogeophysical inversion of time-series surface deformation and well pressure measurements
- Genesis and Evolution of a Mid-shelf, Storm-built Sand Ridge, New Jersey Shelf, USA
- Geometric aeolian dune crest migration model
- Geometry of the Paleo-Nueces River Incised-Valley, Corpus Christi Bay, Texas as it Relates to Quaternary Sea Level History
- Global Sea-level Changes Revealed in the Sediments of the Canterbury Basin, New Zealand: IODP Expedition 317
- Halogen Chemistry and Stable Cl Isotope Composition of Thermal Springs in the Cascade Arc
- History of Deformation Along the Meeman-Shelby Fault near Memphis, Tennessee
- How Climate Science Lost the Internet - and How We Can Win it Back Again
- Hyperbolic theory for pH-dependent adsorption in reactive transport in porous media
- Hyporheic Exchange Flows and Biogeochemical Patterns near a Meandering Stream: East Fork of the Jemez River, Valles Caldera National Preserve, New Mexico
- Impact of Parameterized Lee Wave Drag on the Energy Budget of an Eddying Global Ocean Model
- Impact of Reservoirs on GRACE Water Storage Estimates, Implications for Tigris-Euphrates and other regions
- Improving Drought Predictability for Application to Water Resources Management in Texas
- In Situ Observational Constraints on GIA in Antarctica
- Insolation and Abrupt Climate Change Effects on the Western Pacific Maritime Monsoon
- Integrated experiments and modeling of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-CO<SUB>2</SUB> degassing during magma ascent.
- Interactive and Participatory Decision Support: Linking Cyberinfrastructure, Multi-Touch Interfaces, and Substantive Dialogue for Geothermal Systems
- Intercalibration of multiple thermochonometric systems at the Little Devil's Postpile contact aureole
- Inversion of basal boundary conditions for a thermomechanically coupled nonlinear Stokes ice sheet model
- Investigating ENSO Variability in the mid-Holocene using a Fossil Coral from the South Pacific
- Investigating the Feasibility of Traveltime Tomography for Monitoring CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Laboratory experiments for defining scaling relations between rock material properties and rock resistance to erosion
- Large-eddy Simulation of Boundary Layer Flow over Desert Sand Dune Structures
- Late Cenozoic basin evolution and fold-thrust deformation in the southern Central Andes: Initial constraints from synorogenic deposits of the Precordillera, Argentina
- Latitudinal variation of sedimentation and erosion rates from Patagonia and Antarctic Peninsula tidewater glaciers (46°-65° S)
- Lithospheric drips beneath the SE edge of the Tibetan Plateau Imaged by finite frequency tomography
- Long-lasting Science Returns from the Apollo Heat Flow Experiments
- Magmatic storage conditions along the Mono Craters chain, Eastern California
- Mantle hydration at the Middle America Trench: Constraints from seismic anisotropy
- Mantle versus Crustal Contributions to the Cenozoic Sierra Madre Occidental Silicic LIP, Mexico: Insights from ɛHf and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in Zircon
- Metamorphic crystallization kinetics quantified through space and time
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Gas Dynamics in High-Arctic Permafrost Polygons
- Middle East Rainfall Variability during the Common Era
- Milestones in arc-continent collision evolution: The transition from intra-oceanic subduction to incipient collision
- Modeling of Compositional Effects of Foam Assisted CO2 Storage Processes
- Monitoring Water Storage Changes using Satellite and Ground-based Data in Texas in Response to the 2011 Drought
- Natural heterogeneity and evolving geochemistry of Lower Tuscaloosa Formation brine in response to continuing CO2 injection at Cranfield EOR site, Mississippi, USA
- Nature of the Mantle Sources and Bearing on Tectonic Evolution in the West Antarctic Rift System
- New Insights into the Relationships Between Consolidation and Pore Structure of Carbonate Mud
- New insights into the carbon isotope composition of speleothem calcite from vegetation, soil, and subsurface processes
- Newly discovered abundant fluid seep indicators off southern Costa Rica, imaged from overlapping multibeam swaths and 3D seismic data
- Noise filtering and surface detection techniques for IceBridge photon counting lidar data over Antarctica
- Observational tests of the K-Profile Parameterization as implemented in the MITgcm
- Observations of subglacial water pressure and velocity in the ablation region of Greenland.
- Observed Decadal Variations of the Zonal Mean Hygropause
- Oceanic-style Subduction Controls Late Cenozoic Deformation of the Northern Pamir and Alai
- Orbital detectability of thermal signatures associated with active formation of 'chaos terrain' on Europa
- Organic Carbon Delivery to a High Arctic Watershed over the Late Holocene: Insights from Plant Biomarkers and Compound Specific δ13C and Δ14C Measurements
- Oxygen isotope zoning in garnets from Franciscan eclogite blocks: evidence for rock-buffered fluid interaction in the mantle wedge
- Paleogene Topography and Drainage Morphology across Nevada: Evidence from Depositional Systems, Sediment Provenance, and δD of Ancient Waters in Volcanic Glass
- Petrogenesis of Franciscan Complex and Coast Range Ophiolite Serpentinites in northern California
- Physicochemical and Biological Zonation of High Temperature Silica and Arsenic-Rich Streams at El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Pore fluid pressure detection within the plate boundary fault interface of the Costa Rica convergent margin using AVO attributes
- Pore pressure within dipping aquifers in overpressured basins
- Post-failure Transport Behavior and Deposit Morphology in Subaqueous Mudflow Experiments: Interpreting Failure Process from Morphology
- Prediction of hydraulic diffusivity in marine mudstones through resedimentation experiments
- Promoting seismology education through collaboration between university research scientists and school teachers
- Quantifying and understanding the uncertainty of atmospheric CO2 concentrations determined from calcic paleosols
- Radiostratigraphy of the Greenland ice sheet from the 2009-2012 Operation IceBridge surveys
- Real-Time System for Water Modeling and Management
- Receiver function images of the mantle transition zone beneath NE China: new constraints on intraplate volcanism, deep subduction and their potential link
- Regional patterns of surface wind change over the tropical Indo-Pacific: Evidence of the Walker circulation slowdown
- Relationships between the internal stratigraphy and ice flow of the Greenland ice sheet
- Remote Measurements of American River Morphology Elucidate Downstream Hydraulics and River-Groundwater Interactions
- Rheology of Two-Phase Systems
- Role of intra-pore eddies and angularity of diverging-converging pores in Darcy to Forchheimer flow regimes
- Seafloor morphology and high-energy processes, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
- Seasonal Subglacial Hydrological Evolution of a Greenland Tidewater Glacier
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Aerosol Extinction Profile and Type Distribution from CALIPSO 5-year Observations
- Seismic evidence for possible lithospheric drips beneath the Greater Xiang'an Range by NECESSArray
- Seismic evidence for upwelling of a mantle plume beneath Northeast China from S wave tomography
- Shear-wave anisotropy beneath Northeast China observed by the NECESSArray
- Shock and Rarefaction Waves in a Heterogeneous Mantle
- Sidewall crystallization and saturation front formation in silicic magma chambers
- Simultaneous long- and short-term slow slip events at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand: Implications for processes that control slow slip event occurrence, duration, and migration
- Sound Velocities of the Transition Zone Minerals
- Source-to-sink cycling of aeolian sediment in the north polar region of Mars
- South Pole ice stream temporal and spatial evolution in the last glacial cycle
- Spatial and temporal relationships between slip, tectonic tremor, and triggered earthquakes during the 2010-2011 SSE sequence in the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand
- Spatial variation and azimuthal anisotropy of the Rayleigh phase velocity beneath Northeast China revealed by ambient noise eikonal tomography: results and implications
- Speleological Investigation of Englacial Drainage Systems: Progress and Prospects
- Statistical Analysis of Depth Connectivity within Single Thread Meandering Riverine Systems
- Statistical characterization of bedform morphology in the Fraser Estuary, British Columbia, Canada
- Stochastic Time-lapse Seismic Inversion with a Hybrid Starting Model and Double-difference Data
- Subglacial channel evolution observed in western Greenland from moulin water level and GPS-derived surface velocities
- Tectonic Control on Deposition and Evolution of the Baranof Fan, Gulf of Alaska
- Tectonic Origin of the 1899 Yakutat Bay Earthquakes, Alaska, and Insights into Future Hazards
- The Dawn Mission & Asteroid Mappers: The Impact of Crowd-Sourced Crater Counting
- The Dynamics of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms with the WINDMI model
- The Effect of Mesophyll Conductance on Gross Primary Production: Global Simulations with a Land Surface Model
- The Formation of a Retroarc Fold-Thrust Belt by the Closure and Inversion of a Back-Arc Basin; Patagonian-Fuegian Fold-Thrust Belt, Chile
- The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): Success in logging, sampling and instrumenting the megathrust in the region of large slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- The May 17th, 2012 M4.8 earthquake near Timpson, east Texas: Was it natural or was it induced?
- The Power and Pleasure of Visual Arts in Exploring Remote Environments
- The Serpentinites from the Coastal Cordillera of South-Central Chile - A Preliminary Report
- The coevolution of bed roughness, grain clustering, surface armoring, hydraulic roughness, and sediment transport rate in experimental coarse alluvial channels: implications for long-term effects of gravel augmentation
- The impact of different soil texture datasets on soil moisture and evapotranspiration simulated by CLM4
- The signature of devolatisation: excess <SUP>40</SUP>Ar in high pressure rocks
- Theory for dynamic dispersion in Poiseuille and Hagen-Poiseuille flow
- Tidal Propagation in a Branching Tidal Estuary
- Time lapse seismic signal analysis for Cranfield, MS, EOR and CCS site
- Time-lapse surface seismic data registration and inversion for CO2 sequestration at Cranfield
- Toward a three-century reconstruction of climate variability from a slow-growing coral in the Western Province, Solomon Islands
- Tracer Partitioning in Two-Phase Flow
- Transient pressure-pulse decay permeability measurements in the Barnett shale
- Two styles of faulting associated with metamorphic core complexes: Importance of initial crustal configuration and mid-crustal flow
- Upper Mantle Qβ Structure beneath the East Pacific Rise from Shear Wave Triplicated Waveforms
- Using Analytical and Numerical Modeling to Assess the Utility of Groundwater Monitoring Parameters at Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage Sites
- Volcanic Stratigraphy and Geochemistry of the Soufrière Volcanic Centre, Saint Lucia with Implications for Volcanic Hazards
- Weakly-rotating Convective Dynamos: Application to Uranus and Neptune
- Why should we care? Awakening Middle and High School students to the reality of climate change
- Widespread Mega-Pockmarks Imaged Along the Western Edge of the Cocos Ridge
- 3D neutron and X-ray imaging of diamondiferous eclogites, Siberia: Evidence for the secondary origin of diamonds
- A Bedmap2 Toolbox for Matlab
- A Convenient Smoothly-Continuous Basis Function for Interpolation on Unstructured Triangular Grids: Application to Inversion of Geodetic Data for Forces, Strains and Velocities
- A Rock Physics Based Seismic Interpretation for a Deltaic Shaly Sand Reservoir from Surface Seismic and Wireline Log Data
- A constitutive relationship between mean and local eolian dune migration
- A dynamo explanation of Mercury's anomalous magnetic field (Invited)
- A numerical study of turbulent flow over complex aeolian dune fields: the White Sands National Monument
- A preliminary evaluation of an O2/CO2 based eddy covariance theory at Missouri AmeriFlux site
- A replicated record of multi-centennial climate variability in the northern Gulf of Mexico spanning the last 4.4 kyrs from paired δ18O and Mg/Ca in G. ruber
- A sediment trap-based study of the stable isotopic differences between two morphotypes of the planktic foraminifer, Globigerinoides ruber (white) in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- A spatial and vertical comparison of coral Sr/Ca variations and growth rates in Montastraea faveolata colonies in Veracruz, Mexico
- Accelerated thermokarst formation in the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Aeolian Dune Deformation in a Multi-Directional Wind Regime, White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Assessing the effect of adding interactive modeling to the geoscience curriculum
- Azimuthal Distribution of the Seismic Noise Source Energy Inverted from Phase Velocity Asymmetries Obtained by Ambient Noise Interferometry: A Case Study in Northeast China
- Bayesian Uncertainty of Thwaites Glacier Catchment Radar Stratigraphy
- Beyond classical nucleation theory of bubble nucleation during explosive volcanic eruptions (Invited)
- Borneo cave dripwater isotope timeseries resolve the 2009-2012 ENSO cycle
- Building a delta: Interactions between water, sediment, and vegetation in an experimental system
- Capillary effects on gas hydrate three-phase stability in marine sediments
- Challenging the assumptions of Lu-Hf dating in spinel-peridotites
- Characterizing coarse bedload transport during floods with RFID and accelerometer tracers, in-stream RFID antennas and HEC-RAS modeling
- Characterizing heterogeneous coastal groundwater pathways using multi-scale onshore-to-offshore electrical resistivity surveys
- Characterizing the Alpine Fault Strike Slip System Using a Novel Method for Analyzing GPS Data
- Combining seismic and geochemical constraints on magmatic processes in the Aleutian arc (Invited)
- Combining seismic tomography and crustal plate reconstructions to better understand the origin of the Caribbean and the history of its subduction zones (Invited)
- Comparison of Spring and Cave Drip Water in Westcave Preserve, Central Texas May Reveal Epikarst CO<SUB>2</SUB> Degassing
- Constraints on subduction processes from the anisotropic signature of hydrous minerals (Invited)
- Controls on groundwater dynamics and root zone aeration of a coastal fluvial delta island, Wax Lake, Louisiana
- Controls on iron isotopic fractionation in igneous rocks
- Convective invigoration and lifecycle enhancement by Aerosols-Cloud Field Couple over the Tropical Region using the A-Train and ISCCP Satellites Datasets
- Correlation of borehole and seismic data in the Gulf of Alaska through synthetic seismograms: Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 341
- Correlations between vegetation and island geomorphology in the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana
- DIG Texas Blueprints - Pathways for Teaching a Rigorous Earth Science Course
- Data de- and redimensioning for optimized brokering access
- Deformation and seismic anisotropy of silicate post-perovskite in the Earth's lowermost mantle
- Desert Amplification of Greenhouse Gas Warming
- Determination of the full elastic moduli of single crystals using shear-wave velocities by Brillouin spectroscopy
- Development of West African Rainy Seasons (Invited)
- Diagnosing the Role of Transpiration in the Transition from Dry to Wet Season Over the Amazon Using Satellite Observations
- Discriminating secondary from primary water in volcanic glass using thermogravimetric analysis
- Drought Vulnerability of Thermoelectric Generation using Texas as a Case Study
- Early Pleistocene to Holocene glacial activity along the southern Alaska continental shelf inferred from the sedimentary record in the northern Gulf of Alaska - preliminary results
- Effect of Dihedral Angle and Porosity on Percolating-Sealing Capacity of Texturally Equilibrated Rock Salt
- Effect of polymineralic crustal composition on deformation processes
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Ferropericlase across the Spin Transition of Iron Investigated by Brillouin and Impulsive Spectroscopies
- Enhancing Europa surface characterization with ice penetrating radar: A Comparative study in Antarctica
- Error characterization of the coupled land surface-radiative transfer models for snow passive microwave radiance assimilation
- Estimating Layer Dielectric Properties in the Martian NPLD using SHARAD data
- Europa's shallow subsurface: lakes, layers and life? (Invited)
- Evidence of the Timing and Rate of Uplift of Central Peruvian Andes from Deuterium Isotopes in Volcanic Glass
- Evolution and Impacts of a New Inlet Formed in Fire Island National Park by Superstorm Sandy (Invited)
- Exchange flow with geological heterogeneity
- Experimental Constraints on the Bishop Tuff Magma Body
- Experimental Study of Convective Dissolution of Carbon Dioxide in Heterogeneous Media
- Exploring controls on valley spacing in higher order fluvial channels with the CHILD Model
- Exploring the tecto-sedimentary history of the lower Kumano basin: insights from 3D seismic analysis
- Extent and effect of fault-controlled CO2 alteration on reservoir and seal rocks and implications for geomechanical failure at Crystal Geyser, Green River, Utah
- Fluid Budgets Along the Northern Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand: the Effect of a Subducting Seamount on Fluid Pressure
- Fluids escape in subduction zones: new constraints from 3-D microtomography data
- Flume experiments on the effects of buried wood debris on delta processes and sediment exhumation during a partial, stepped dam removal
- Frictional Properties of Oceanic Materials
- From subduction processes to volcanic unrest: unraveling domino effects at Lake Taupo caldera, New Zealand (Invited)
- GPS observations of glacial isostatic adjustment into the Antarctic Interior
- Geochemical reactivity in the mixing zone of a coastal salt lake and its effect on microbialite formation, Lake Clifton, Western Australia
- Geologic Structure at the Curiosity Field Site from Stereo Topography (Invited)
- Global atmospheric downward longwave radiation at the surface from ground-based observations, satellite retrievals, and reanalyses
- Global carbon cycle impact from improved plant nitrogen cycle in CLM
- Granular and semi-brittle descriptions of slip and creep
- Groundwater-seawater Mixing in Intertidal and Subtidal Sediment Overlying Areas of Focused Discharge
- Helium enrichment during convective carbon dioxide dissolution
- Heterovalent substitutions in garnet and their implications for diffusion of Y+REEs and alkalis (Invited)
- How unusual is the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century within the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool?
- Hydrological controls on methylmercury flux from an intertidal salt marsh
- Imaging Evidence for Hubbard Glacier Advances and Retreats since the Last Glacial Maximum in Disenchantment and Yakutat Bays, Alaska
- Immersive, hands-on, team-based geophysical education at the University of Texas Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
- Impact of Hurricane Sandy on the Shoreface and Inner Shelf, Offshore Long Island: Evidence for Ravinement?
- Impact of hydrogeological and geomechanical properties on surface uplift at a CO2 injection site: Parameter estimation and uncertainty quantification
- Impact of moisture flux convergence and soil moisture on precipitation: a case study for southern U.S. with implications for the globe
- Improved Geothermal Heat Flux Estimates for East Antarctic Subglacial Basins from Groundwater Modeling and Geophysical Observations
- Induced Earthquakes Are Not All Alike: Examples from Texas Since 2008 (Invited)
- Insolation and Abrupt Climate Change Effects on the Western Pacific Maritime Monsoon
- Integrating Real-time, Real-world Geoscience Experiences into Classroom Instruction with EarthLabs and the JOIDES Resolution
- Integrating nitrogen dynamics into the Noah-MP land surface model for environmental prediction
- Interplay between climatic and tectonic processes in the St. Elias foreland, southern Alaska: Evolution of a glaciated convergent margin since the mid-Pleistocene
- Investigating Climate Science Misconceptions Using a Teacher Professional Development Workshop Registration Survey
- Investigating ENSO Variability in the mid-Holocene using a Fossil Coral from the South Pacific
- Investigating the effect of high-angle normal faulting on unroofing histories of Cordilleran metamorphic core complexes, using apatite fission-track and apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- Investigation of Quaternary slip rates along the Banning strand of the southern San Andreas Fault near San Gorgonio Pass
- Joint seismic and geodynamic evidence for a long-lived, stable mantle upwelling under the East Pacific Rise
- Large short- and long-term Hikurangi margin, New Zealand SSEs in 2013, and possible triggering of moderate to large seismicity during the SSEs
- Late Cenozoic exhumation and timing of the deformation front of the Kashmir Himalayas from U-Th/(He) thermochronometry
- Lg Attenuation in Northeast China Using the NECESSArray
- Linking mantle dynamics, plate tectonics and surface processes in the active plate boundary zones of eastern New Guinea (Invited)
- Major along-strike variations in stick-slip to aseismic creep at the Hikurangi subduction interface, New Zealand: implications for controls on subduction megathrust slip behavior (Invited)
- Mass Transport Properties in the Matrix of the Barnett Shale
- Measuring and modeling ancient meteoric water in volcanic glass, with application to the paleotopography of the US Cordilleran hinterland
- Mega-pockmarks surrounding IODP Site U1414: Insights from the CRISP 3D seismic survey
- Mesoproterozoic Australo-Antarctic tectonics; a new model from ICECAP data
- Methane hydrate destabilization sensitivity to physical complexity and initial conditions in a numerical model
- Microscopic and macroscopic assessment of the emplacement of obsidian lavas
- Neptune and Triton: A Study in Future Exploration
- New mapping and structural constraints on the Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault system, southeast Alaska
- New tools for integrative thermochronology, and their application to the Colombian Eastern Cordillera
- Offshore observations of aftershocks following the January 5th 2013 Mw 7.5 Queen Charlotte-Fairweather fault earthquake, southeast Alaska
- One Dimensional Advancing Solidification Front in the Hydrate System
- Origin of metamorphic core complexes and detachment faults
- Permeabilities of Subduction Zone Sediments
- Physical and Geochemical Controls on the Structure and Function of Microbial Mat Communities at El Tatio Geyser Field, Chile
- Planetary surface roughness derived from ice penetrating radar data: Method and concept validation in Antarctica
- Plumes and Drips Beneath Northeast China and the Western United States (Invited)
- Postseismic Deformation Associated with Recent New Zealand Earthquakes
- Preliminary Experimental Examination Of Controls On Methane Expulsion During Melting Of Natural Gas Hydrate Systems
- Preliminary analysis of temperate glacial shelf-crossing troughs and associated trough-mouth fans in southeast Alaska
- Preliminary low-T thermochronology of basement rocks and cover sequences in NE Australia
- Provenance of the lower Miocene of the Gulf of Mexico from detrital zircon double dating
- Provenance of the upper Miocene-Pliocene red clay deposits of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Provenance study conflict Miocene eolian deposit in central China
- Quantity and quality of runoff reduction and recharge enhancement from constructed rain gardens and vegetated retention ponds in Austin, Texas
- Radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Relating tortuosity and permeability in the Niobrara Formation
- Repeat airborne LiDAR reveals the sensitivity of erosion and deposition patterns to bed topography and grain size distributions, Henry Mountains, Utah
- Revealing Hidden Deformation Sources in New Zealand: a Novel Inversion of GPS Data for Non-Prescriptive Physics-Based Surface Forces and High-Precision Strain Rates
- Revised Estimates of Hikurangi Slow Slip Using FEM-Generated Green's Functions
- Rock Physics Modeling to Constrain Petrophysical Properties in the Productive Zone of the Marcellus Shale, WV from Wireline Log Data
- SHARAD Detection of Subsurface Interfaces in Southern-Central Utopia Planitia
- Salinity structure of a tidal freshwater ecosystem under multiple tidal conditions, Mission River, TX, USA
- Sand on the move: Post Hurricane Sandy analysis of the coastal sediment budget and bedform migration at Jones Inlet, Long Island, NY
- Sea surface temperature variability in the Gulf of Mexico from 1734-2008 CE: A reconstruction using cross-dated Sr/Ca records from the coral Siderastrea siderea
- Seasonal variations in the carbon isotope composition of soil-respired CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the dominance of root/rhizsophere respiration in desert soils (Invited)
- Seismic Site Characterization through Joint Modeling of Complementary Data Functionals, with Applications to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
- Seismic constraints on mantle hydration during subduction: Mariana versus Middle America Trench
- Seismic observations from a Yakutat eddy in the northern Gulf of Alaska
- Seismic velocity structure of the Taiwan mountain belt along TAIGER transect T5
- Seismic velocity structure of the crust and upper mantle beneath the Texas-Gulf of Mexico margin from joint inversion of Ps and Sp receiver functions and surface wave dispersion
- Shipboard Paleomagnetic Records from IODP Expedition 341 (Southern Alaska Margin) and Their Potential for Chronostratigraphy
- Short, Sharp, Tropical Magnetic Inclination Excursions: Comparison Between Pleistocene Lavas from Hawaii and Late Campanian (~C33R/33N) Scaglia Rossa Limestone of Italy
- Signals of dynamic coupling between mantle and lithosphere beneath the axis of the East Pacific Rise
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of San Carlos Olivine in the Earth's Mantle
- Sound velocities of bcc-Fe and Fe0.85Si0.15 alloy at high pressure and temperature
- Soupy surface muds: a probable Sandy storm horizon with a potential source fingerprint
- Stochastic and cyclic deposition of multiple subannual laminae in an urban lake (Twin Lake, Golden Valley, Minnesota, USA)
- Subglacial sedimentary basin characterization of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica via applied aerogeophysical inverse methods
- Syn-rift volcanism and seafloor-spreading in the northern Gulf of Mexico: results from the GUMBO marine seismic refraction project
- Synthesis of remote sensing LAI for benchmark of global land surface models
- Testing the Bistable Topographic State Hypothesis on a Rapidly Prograding Coastal Fluvial Delta
- The 800-meter Long Road to Jaramillo and Other Paleomagnetic Observations from IODP Expedition 341(Southern Alaska Margin) (Invited)
- The Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary unit in the Gulf of Mexico: Large-scale oceanic basin response to the Chicxulub impact
- The Effects of Wildfire on Soil Moisture Dynamics
- The Impact of Neogene Climate and Tectonics on Sediment Dispersal and Accumulation on a Glaciated Continental Margin: IODP Expedition 341 Southern Alaska
- The effects of diurnal temperature variations on nitrogen dynamics in bedform induced hyporheic zones
- The old and the new: the use of classical regional groundwater flow models to address problems of the future (Invited)
- The soil-water balance simulations of a grassland in response to CO2, rainfall, and biodiversity manipulations at BioCON
- The tidal slug test: estimating intertidal sediment hydraulic conductivity twice-per-tide from passive monitoring of shallow piezometers
- Thermodynamic state of hydrate-bearing sediments on continental margins around the world
- Thick subsurface water ice in Arcadia Planitia, Mars
- Totten Glacier, East Antarctica: How has ocean access to the ice shelf cavity shaped local elevation change patterns?
- Towards a global GRACE basin-scale database
- Transition from Subduction to Strike-Slip in the Southeast Caribbean: Effects on Lithospheric Structures and Overlying Basin Evolution
- Transition zone structure beneath NE China from 3D waveform modelling: Subduction related plumes
- Understanding environmental controls on the hydrodynamics of a river delta's interdistributary islands
- Use of South American Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS) to Assess Impacts of Biofuel Expansion on Water Resources in Brazil
- Using Next Generation Science Standards to Strengthen Existing Climate Curriculum Modules
- Validation of a Parcel-Based Reduced-Complexity Model for River Delta Formation (Invited)
- Variation in hydraulic conductivity with decreasing pH in a biologically-clogged porous medium (Invited)
- Visualizing the internal structure of subaqueous, high-concentration sediment-laden flows: implication of rheology to flow structure
- Water cycling between rivers and aquifers throughout the Mississippi River network and their control on nitrogen export
- Water-Shale interactions in bench-top and high pressure/high temperature autoclave experiments: Identifying geochemical reaction controlling flow back water chemistry
- Weak Faults, Yet Strong Middle Crust
- (Fe, Al)-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- A High-Resolution Dynamic Approach to Identifying and Characterizing Slow Slip and Subduction Locking Processes in Cascadia
- A Southwest Pacific Coral Perspective on ENSO Variability: Precessional Forcing vs. Internal Variability
- Aftershock source properties of events following the 2013 Craig Earthquake: new evidence for structural heterogeneity on the northern Queen Charlotte Fault
- Airborne Gravity Analysis of Hypothesized Subglacial Volcanic Edifice in West Antarctica
- Airborne geophysical survey of ice caps in the Queen Elizabeth Islands, Arctic Canada
- An Ice Sheet Model Initialization Procedure for Smooth Coupling with Climate Forcing
- An Initial AUV Investigation of the Morainal Bank and Ice-Proximal Submarine Processes of the Advancing Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Biofuel Expansion and Water Resources in the Ivinhema Basin
- CESM cloud feedback: connections to the storm tracks and tropical circulation
- Centennial-scale winter climate variability over the last two millennia in the northern Gulf of Mexico based on paired δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Mg/Ca in Globorotalia truncatulinoides
- Characterizing Englacial Attenuation and Grounding Zone Geometry Using Airborne Radar Sounding
- Constraining Mantle Heterogeneities with Joint Inversions of Seismic, Geodynamic, and Mineral Physics Data
- Could Ecosystem Change over Amazonia Influence Climate over North America?
- Coulomb stress variations associated with slow slip, tectonic tremor, and seismicity along the northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Creep Events and Shear Localization in a Polyphase Material: Insight into the Brittle-Ductile Transition
- Crustal deformation in the Western Solomon Islands revealed by GPS observation and D_InSAR during 2009 - 2013
- Deciphering the Transitional Tectonics of the Southern Alaska Margin Through Gulf Sedimentology and Geophysics: IODP Expedition 341
- Degassing of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts during Magma Ascent and Lava Emplacement
- Delocalization of Deformation in a Polymineralic Material
- Detrital zircon U-Pb and (U-Th)/He double-dating of Upper Cretaceous-Cenozoic Zagros foreland basin strata in the Kurdistan Region of northern Iraq
- Drought Resilience of Water Supplies for Shale Gas Extraction and Related Power Generation in Texas
- East Antarctic land-ice/ocean networks: progress and questions
- Effects of Flat Slab Subduction on Andean Thrust Kinematics and Foreland Basin Evolution in Western Argentina
- Efforts to Find, Recover and Restore "A National Treasure", The Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP) Data Set
- Elasticity of Single-Crystal Ferropericlase across the Spin Transition in the Lower Mantle
- Electronic Spin and Valence States of Iron in the Lower-Mantle Silicate Perovskite
- Environmental and ice volume changes based on seismic stratigraphy in Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary results from NBP1402
- Evolution of Subaerial Coastal Fluvial Delta Island Topography into Multiple Stable States Under Influence of Vegetation and Stochastic Hydrology
- Exploring crystallization kinetics in natural rhyolitic melts using high resolution CT imagery of spherulites
- First-principles Simulations and the Criticality of Calving Glaciers
- Force Required to Breakup a Continent: Implications on Rifting Localization and Migration
- GPS Measurements of Crustal Motion Indicate 3D GIA Models are Needed to Understand Antarctic Ice Mass Change
- GPS Measurements of Interseismic,Coseismic, and Postseismic Deformation in Puysegur Subduction Zone, New Zealand
- Geological Influences on Bedrock Topography and East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin
- High-resolution Deglacial to Holocene paleoceanographic records from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica: Preliminary foraminifer-based results from NBP14-02
- Holocene Sedimentary Record of Unusual Primary Productivity, Dalton Polynya, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Hydrological Changes in the Climate System from Leaf Responsesto Increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Hydrological shifts in seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in southwest tropical Pacific since 1649 CE
- Ice Stream Slip Triggered by Distant Earthquakes
- Increasing Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Induced Seismicity in the Bakken: Much Ado about Almost Nothing
- Investigations into the Factors Controlling Estimates of Slip During Slow Slip Events: Lessons Learned from the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Kinetics of Bubble Generation in Mafic Enclaves
- McMurdo Ice Shelf Sounding and Radar Statistical Reconnaissance at 60-MHz: Brine Infiltration Extent and Surface Properties
- Modes of continental extension in a lithospheric wedge
- Monitoring the exchanges of water, solids, and solutes between channels and islands of Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana: Key to defining the resiliency of this coastal environment
- NBP14-02: The Sabrina Coast Marine Record of Ocean-Cryosphere Dynamics
- Natural spherulite crystallization kinetics in rhyolitic melts
- On the Onset of the Rainy Season in Amazonia: WHAT the Observations Show, and Why the Biases in Climate Models?
- On the Revealing Firsthand Probing of Ocean-Ice-Atmosphere Interactions off Sabrina Coast During NBP1402
- Oxygen isotope homogeneity and trace element variations in glass within 250-79 ka Central Plateau Member rhyolite lavas from the Yellowstone Volcanic System
- Postseismic Slip Inferred from Repeating Earthquakes Following the 2012 Mw 7.6 Nicoya Earthquake in Costa Rica
- Pre-glacial, Early Glacial, and Ice Sheet Stratigraphy Cored During NBP1402, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctic Margin
- Punctuated upper-crustal shortening, exhumation, and basin subsidence during flat-slab subduction in southern Peru
- Quake clamps down on slow slip at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand
- Quantifying the Flow Kinematics of Debris-Covered Glaciers with Repeat Airborne LiDAR and Photogrammetry
- Quantitative morphologic analysis of the Gulf of Alaska Yakutat margin: evidence for recent trough mouth fan growth
- Replicating and calibrating Haitian microatoll coral Sr/Ca variations to build confidence in sea surface temperature reconstructions
- Role of Neogene Exhumation and Sedimentation on Critical-Wedge Kinematics in the Zagros Orogenic Belt, Northeastern Iraq, Kurdistan
- Runoff Routing Beneath Marine-terminating Glaciers in Central West Greenland
- Screening for Dissolved Methane in Groundwater Across Texas Shale Plays
- Seismic Stratigraphy of Ice Sheet Advance-Retreat Cycles on the Sabrina Coast Continental Shelf, East Antarctica
- Seismic Tremor Reveals Subglacial Discharge at Tidewater Glaciers
- Seismic and Geodynamic Constraints on Compositional Heterogeneity in the Lower Mantle: Implications for Deeply-Rooted Hot Upwellings Under the African and Pacific Plates
- Single-Crystal Elasticity of Iron-Bearing Bridgemanite in the Lower Mantle
- Spin and Structural Transitions of Ferromagnesite in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Testing geodynamic models for surface uplift of the central Andean plateau through volcanic glass paleoaltimetry and basin analysis in southern Peru
- The Colorado Plateau Coring Project (CPCP): A Continuous Cored Record of Triassic Continental Environmental Change in Western North America
- The Evolution of Methane Vents That Pierce the Hydrate Stability Zone in the World's Oceans
- The Ocean's Role in Outlet Glacier Variability: A Case Study from Uummannaq, Greenland
- The Sedimentology of Pyroclastic Flow Lift-Off: The 18 May 1980 Mt. St. Helens Singe Zone Deposit
- The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
- The Western Solomons Forearc: Independent Inner and Outer Forearc Paleo-Uplift Histories and Relationship to Megathrust Rupture
- The effect of bed topography on modeled grounding line migration in a conditional simulation of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- The geomorphic and sedimentary record of past subglacial water outbursts, Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- The use of airborne radar reflectometry to establish snow/firn density distribution on Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic: A path to understanding complex heterogeneous internal layering patterns
- Thermotectonic Evolution of the Archean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia: Insights into Gondwana Amalgmation and Breakup
- Transient crustal deformation due to slow slip observed on ocean bottom pressure recorders in the Hikurangi margin
- Transient seafloor venting from methane hydrate dissociation on continental slopes
- Understanding North Texas Seismicity: A Joint Analysis of Seismic Data and 3D Pore Pressure Modeling
- Unidirectionally migrating deep-water channels: Architectural styles and flow processes
- Updated mapping and seismic reflection data processing along the Queen Charlotte fault system, southeast Alaska
- Use of GRACE Satellites to Assess Trends in Groundwater Storage Globally
- Using Idealized GCM Simulations to Reconstruct and Interpret Past Precipitation Change
- Varied Spatial Response of the SPCZ on Multi-decadal Timescales over the past 500 Years
- Vertical migration of gas through fractures due to salinity-buffered hydrate formation within the hydrate stability zone
- Was the Timpson, Texas, M4.8 event induced by fluid injection?
- What Forced Holocene Millennial-Scale Variability? A Tale from the Western Tropical Pacific
- Where Should We Look for Clues to Resolve the Physical Mechanism Causing Deep Earthquakes? Consider: Deep Moonquakes, and Isolated Deep Earthquakes
- a Process-Based Drought Early Warning Indicator for Supporting State Drought Mitigation Decision
- (Sample) Size Matters: Defining Error in Planktic Foraminiferal Isotope Measurement
- (U-Th)/He and U-Pb double dating constraints on the interplay between thrust deformation and basin development, Sevier foreland basin, Utah
- 6.5 Years of Slow Slip Events in Cascadia: A Catalogue of SSE Surface Expressions, Interface Slip Distributions, Event Magnitudes and Relationship to Tremor.
- A New Look at the Bathymetric and Potential-Field Structure of the Cayman Trough via CaySEIS
- A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Ancient Martian Deltas: Evidence for Shallow and Deep Standing Bodies of Water
- Andean Basin Evolution Associated with Hybrid Thick- and Thin-Skinned Deformation in the Malargüe Fold-Thrust Belt, Western Argentina
- Annual Greenland accumulation derived from airborne radar and comparisons to modeled and in situ data
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage using GRACE Satellites and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Assessment of High-school Students Engaged in the EarthLabs Climate Modules using the Climate Concept Inventory
- Assessment of Paleozoic terrane accretion along the southern central Andes using detrital zircon geochronology
- Axial Seamount - Under the hood of the volcano machine.
- Benchmarking Accumulation Rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet using its Shallow Radiostratigraphy
- Can We Mitigate Climate Extremes using Managed Aquifer Recharge: Case Studies California Central Valley and South-Central Arizona, USA
- Cenozoic Evolution of the Eastern Colombian Andes: a New Perspective from Thermokinematic Modeling and Quantitative Detrital Geochronology
- Cenozoic foreland basin evolution during Andean shortening in the Malargüe region of western Argentina (35°S)
- Centennial-scale links between Atlantic Ocean dynamics and hydroclimate over the last 4400 years: Insights from the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Characterization of Connectivity between Fractures and Nano-pores in Shale Using Gas Adsorption Analysis
- Collaboration Among Educators: An Essential Step in Unifying STEM Teaching Resources.
- Compared sub-bottom profile interpretation in fjords of King George Island and Danco Coast, Antarctica
- Comparison of Water Demand for Hydraulic Fracturing relative to Energy Production in Major U.S. Shale Oil Plays
- Comparison of streamflow prediction skills from NOAH-MP/RAPID, VIC/RAPID and SWAT toward an ensemble flood forecasting framework over large scales
- Constraining Dust Content in Individual Martian NPLD Layers Using SHARAD Data
- Controls on interannual and seasonal terminus velocity and position of Yahtse Glacier in SE Alaska
- Crustal shortening and structural architecture of the Interandean and Subandean zones of southern Bolivia (21°S): Constraints from a new balanced cross section
- Deconstructing interdecadal climate variability using a network of paleoclimate proxy records
- Deformation at the Australia-Pacific Boundary in the North Island of New Zealand: Comparison of 20 Years of GPS-recorded Average Deformation With 6.5 Years Time Series of SSEs and Transients
- Deformation, Stress, and Pore Fluid Pressure in an Evolving Supra-salt Basin: A Finite-element Modeling
- Degassing of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts: Quantifying Bubble Nucleation and Growth in the 2005-06 East Pacific Rise Lava
- Depleted δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Values in Salt Dome Cap Rock Organic Matter and Implications for Microbial Metabolism and Fixation
- Depositional Record of the Bagua Basin, Northern Peru: Implications for Climate and Tectonic Evolution of Tropical South America
- Detrital Zircon Provenance Record of Pre-Andean to Modern Tectonics in the Northern Andes: Examples from Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia
- Dielectric Signatures of Annealing in Glacier Ice
- Dispatches from the Trench: Insights into the Complex Relationship Between the Short-Term Elastic Earthquake Cycle and Longer-Term Permanent Tectonic Deformation from the Coral Record at Ranongga, Western Solomons
- Dissolved methane occurrences in aquifers in the footprint of Texas shale plays and their controls
- Does Scale Matter? The Role of Vegetation in Controlling Morphodynamics in Large- and Small-Scale Delta Experiments
- Drought Impacts on Reservoir Storage and Hydro-electricity Production in Southeastern Brazil
- Early Cenozoic Shortening and Foreland Basin Sedimentation in the Marañon Fold-thrust Belt, Central Peruvian Andes
- Earthtech, Dig-Texas and Upward Bound: Outreach to At-Risk Students with Interdisciplinary STEM Activities
- Ecological Turnover of Shallow Water Carbonate Producers Following the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Effect of Subducting Slabs in Global Shear Wave Tomography
- Effects of isolated drainage on the seasonal evolution of the Greenland subglacial hydrologic system
- Empirical relationships of homogeneous bubble nucleation, growth and coalescence in rhyolitic melt
- Evidence for Global Biogeochemical Changes During the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
- Evolution of Abnormally Low Pressure at Bravo Dome and its Implications for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS)
- Experimental Dissociation of Methane Hydrates Through Depressurization
- Experimental demonstration of a semi-brittle origin for crustal strain transients
- Exploring Linkages Between Gulf of Mexico Sea Surface Conditions and North American Hydroclimate during the Holocene
- Extension of the Mid- to Lower Crust with Orogenic Inheritance: Examples from the Death Valley Region (Western US), and the Mauleon Basin (Southwestern France).
- Foraminifer- and diatom-based paleoceanographic study of Holocene sediments from the Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Freshwater Wetland Habitat Loss and Fragmentation: Implications for Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation
- Geochemical Interaction of Middle Bakken Reservoir Rock and CO<SUB>2</SUB> during CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Based Fracturing
- Geodynamic constraints on deep-mantle buoyancy: Implications for thermochemical structure of LLSVP and large-scale upwellings under the Pacific Ocean.
- Global analysis of approaches for deriving total water storage changes from GRACE satellites and implications for groundwater storage change estimation
- Hands-on Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Instruction at the University of Texas
- Heterogeneous Heat Flow and Groundwater Effects on East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics
- High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
- Holocene Formation of Heald Sand Bank on the East Texas Inner Continental Shelf
- Identifying the Sources of Methane in Shallow Groundwaters in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas through Noble Gas Signatures
- Importance of Preserving Raw Data
- Increased Ocean Access to Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- Interseismic, coseismic, postseismic, and slow slip event deformation above a shallow subduction thrust in the western Solomon Islands
- Investigating Rainfall Variability in the South Pacific Convergence Zone using the Geochemistry of Stalagmites from the Solomon Islands
- Investigating the hydrological origins of Blood Falls - geomicrobiological insights into a briny subglacial Antarctic aquifer
- Investigating the possibility of East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS-derived observations of horizontal motion
- Laboratory batch experiments and geochemical modelling of water-rock-supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> reactions in Southern San Joaquin Valley, California oil field sediments: Implications for future carbon capture and sequestration projects.
- Late Cretaceous-Cenozoic Evolution of the Central Andean Foreland Basin System in the Eastern Cordillera to Subandean Zone, Southern Bolivia
- Liquid-Filled Channels On Titan
- Local Earthquake Velocity and Attenuation Tomography of the Jalisco, Mexico Region
- MCSDSS: A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Merging Geoscience Information with Natural User Interfaces, Preference Ranking, and Interactive Data Utilities
- Margin Architecture and Sediment Flux as Controls on Submarine Fan Development: Tectonic-Climate Interactions in the Gulf of Alaska
- Methane Hydrate Formation in a Saturated, Coarse-Grained Sample through the Induction of a Propagating Gas Front
- Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate
- Modeling long- and short-term slow slip events and their interaction with large earthquakes along the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Mud-laden Gravity Flows - The fun of mixing clays…
- Multi-species Coral Sr/Ca-Based Sea-Surface Temperature Reconstruction Using Orbicella faveolata and Siderastrea siderea from Dry Tortugas National Park, FL
- New Observations of Seismic Group Velocities in the Western Solomon Islands from Cross-Correlation of Ambient Seismic Noise
- New Views of East Antarctica- from Columbia to Gondwana
- Obliquity and Precession in the Quaternary: Analyzing Climate Responses Using Single-Forcing GCM Simulations and Bayesian Model-Proxy Comparison
- Observations of Dynamic Changes at an Advancing Tidewater Glacier: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland's Outlet Glacial Fjords
- Origin and Distribution of the Post KPG Carbonate Debris Flow and Consequent Slope Readjustment in DeSoto Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
- Parameterization of the Lorentz to Coriolis Force Ratio in Planetary Dynamos
- Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
- Preliminary Depositional and Provenance Records of Mesozoic Basin Evolution and Cenozoic Shortening in the High Andes, La Ramada Fold-Thrust Belt, Southern-Central Andes (32-33°S)
- Preliminary Results on the Mechanics of the Active Mai'iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Woodlark Rift, SE Papua New Guinea
- Present-day groundwater recharge estimation in parts of the Indian Sub-Continent
- Probing iron spin state by optical absorption in laser-heated diamond anvil cell
- Provenance record of Paleogene exhumation and Laramide basin evolution along the southern Rocky Mountain front
- REASON for Europa
- Radar-Assisted Mapping of Massive Ice in Western Utopia Planitia, Mars: Degradational Mechanisms and Implications for Surface Evolution
- Rates and Mechanisms of Erosion Generating a Wave-Cut Platform at Sargent Beach, Texas, USA
- Reconciling Subglacial Drainage Patterns on the Western Greenland Ice Sheet
- Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Regional Deformation of the Southern Puna Plateau, Central Andes, Recorded by Basin Evolution and Bedrock Exhumation History
- Response of shallow-water carbonates and reef systems to the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event (183 Ma) on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Slovenia)
- Resurrecting Legacy Code Using Ontosoft Knowledge-Sharing and Digital Object Management to Revitalize and Reproduce Software for Groundwater Management Research
- Revised Interseismic Coupling Models for the North Island, New Zealand, Using FEM-Derived Green's Functions
- Revisiting the 1899 Earthquakes of Yakutat Bay, Alaska Using New and Existing Geophysical Data
- Role of Soils in Hydrologic Response to Climate Extremes and Land Use Change
- Satellite Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveals Drought Onset Mechanisms: Insights from Two Contrasting Extreme Events
- Scale up the influence of aerosols on deep convection derived from GoAmazon/CHUVA measurement to Amazon basin.
- Science Objectives and Site Selection Criteria for a Human Mission to Mars
- Seafloor Changes Offshore Northern Sumatra from 1997-2009 Bathymetric Data
- Seafloor Geodetic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer Investigation of Shallow Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Sedimentary Records of Shelf Edge Glaciation: A Young Trough-Mouth Fan on the Gulf of Alaska Yakutat Margin
- Seismic Stratigraphy Of The Sabrina Coast Shelf, East Antarctica: History Of Late Paleogene To Early Neogene Glacial Evolution
- Seismic refraction data constrain along-axis structure of the Mid-Cayman spreading center
- Seismic structure of ultra-slow spreading crust formed at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea
- Shortening Record in the Central Andean Plateau of Southern Peru: Basement Inversion, Thin-skinned Thrusting, and Geomorphic Response
- Simulations of Carbon Dioxide Storage and Methane Production from Guest Molecule Exchange of Hydrates Using Reactive Transport Modeling and Gibbs Energy Minimization
- Source of moist air for the Asian summer monsoon lower stratosphere
- Spatial Change in the Geometry and Kinematics of the Trinity River, TX, USA, Defining the Morphodynamics of the Fluvial Coastal Zone
- Spatio-temporal Variability in the Glacier-Ocean Boundary in Central West Greenland
- Stretching and thinning factors viewed through numerical models of continental extension and rifting
- Sulfate-dependent Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane as a Generation Mechanism for Calcite Cap Rock in Gulf Coast Salt Domes
- Sunlight Mediated Seasonality in Canopy Structure and Photosynthetic Activity of Amazonian Rainforests
- Supporting Ngss-Congruent Instruction in Earth & Space Science Through Educator Implementation and Feedback: Refining the Dig Texas Blueprints
- Surface Reflectometry and Ionosphere Sounding from the Radar for Europa Assessment and Sounding: Ocean to Near-surface (REASON)
- Surface and Basal Roughness in Radar Sounding Data: Obstacle and Opportunity
- Testing New Proxies for Photosymbiosis in the Fossil Record
- The EarthLabs Climate Series: Approaching Climate Literacy From Multiple Contexts
- The Evolution of the Surveyor Fan and Channel System, Gulf of Alaska based on Core-Log-Seismic Integration at IODP Site U1417
- The Global Record of the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event: Perspectives from the Eastern Panthalassic Ocean
- The Paleogene Evolution of the Cordilleran Hinterland
- The Subglacial Access and Fast Ice Research Experiment - SAFIRE - on Store Glacier, West Greenland
- The relationship between seismicity and wastewater injection in Johnson County, TX
- The role of continental arc magmatism in driving long-term climate change
- The use of airborne radar reflectometry to characterize near-surface snow/firn stratigraphy on Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic: A path to identifying refrozen melt layers
- The δ<SUP>13</SUP>C evolution of cave drip water along discreet flow paths in a central Texas cave: Quantifying kinetic isotope fractionation factors
- Topographic evidence of True Polar Wander on Enceladus
- Tracing natural gas transport into shallow groundwater using dissolved nitrogen and alkane chemistry in Parker County, Texas
- Tracing the thermal evolution of continental lithosphere through depth-dependent extension
- U-Pb geochronology of modern river sands from the flat-slab segment of the southern central Andes, Argentina, 29-31°S: Implications for Neogene foreland and hinterland basin evolution
- Understanding Europa's Ice Shell and Subsurface Water Through Terestrial Analogs for Flyby Radar Sounding
- Using SMAP data to improve drought early warning over the US Great Plains
- Variability of subglacial discharge recorded with thermal infrared timelapse of a tidewater glacier, West Greenland
- Vertical forearc tectonic displacements offer insights into underlying interplate thrust zone processes: 10<SUP>4</SUP>-10<SUP>5</SUP> yr uplift/subsidence cycles in Southwest Pacific arcs may represent recoverable plastic deformation that is often falsely attributed to other causes
- Virtual array beamforming of GPS TEC observations of co-seismic ionospheric disturbances near the Geomagnetic South Pole triggered by teleseismic megathrusts
- Wide-Angle Refraction Tomographic Inversion of Mid Cayman Spreading Center and its Oceanic Core Complex, CaySEIS Experiment
- A 80-Year Long Coral-Based Temperature Reconstruction for the Last Interglacial from Northern Hispaniola
- A Coral-based Reconstruction of Interannual Climate Variability at Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly (950-1250 CE)
- A Multiproxy Record of the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in Shallow-Water Carbonates from the Dinaric Carbonate Platform, Slovenia
- Abnormal Elasticity of Single-Crystal Magnesiosiderite across the Spin Transition in Earth's Lower Mantle
- Accumulation rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet over the past millennium from shallow airborne radar sounding
- Alongshore Distribution of Washover Deposits: Hurrcane Ike and the Texas Coast, 2008
- An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Apparent Temperature-Redox Trends in the Bishop Tuff: A Result of Rapid Growth of Fe-Ti Oxides Under Constant Temperature/Redox State Conditions
- Assessing Drought Impacts on Water Storage Changes from New GRACE Mascons Solutions and Regional Groundwater Modeling in the Central Valley of California
- Authigenic Carbonate Fans from Lower Jurassic Marine Shales (Alberta, Canada)
- Big Data Processing for a Central Texas Groundwater Case Study
- Calving Geometry of Thwaites Glacier Linked to Semi-brittle Ice Dynamics
- Capillary controls on brine percolation in rock salt
- Characterizing Late Quaternary Paleochannel System Evolution on the East Texas Continental Shelf
- Characterizing near-surface firn from the scattered signal component of glacier surface reflections detected in airborne radio-echo sounding measurements
- Cold rocks make more melt: Numerical models of melt generation during continental extension
- Comparison of Flood Inundation Mapping Techniques between Different Modeling Approaches and Satellite Imagery
- Comparison of Total Water Storage Anomalies from Global Hydrologic and Land Surface Models and New GRACE Satellite Solutions
- Connecting the Seismic Cycle to the Long-Term Topographic Evolution at Convergent Margins
- Constraining past seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and temperature records developed from foraminiferal geochemistry
- Coral Microatolls on the Western Solomons Forearc Reveal Multiple Cycles of Small Amounts of Vertical Elastic Strain Accumulation and Aseismic Release Culminating in Coseismic Rupture and a Large Uplift on 1 April 2007
- Coupled Reactive Transport of Salinity and Protons
- Coupling flow and deformation in evolving salt basins
- Cross-Instrument Radar Sounding Synthesis: Characterizing Basal Conditions Across the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Crustal Seismic Velocity Models of Texas
- Crustal motion measurements from the POLENET Antarctic Network: comparisons with glacial isostatic adjustment models
- Curricular Design for Intelligent Systems in Geosciences Using Urban Groundwater Studies.
- Dating Paleogene Subduction in the Alborán Domain (Alpujárride Complex, S. Spain)
- Deep-Water Resedimented Carbonate Exploration Play Types: Controls and Models
- Delineating Concealed Faults within Cogdell Oil Field via Earthquake Detection
- Detection of Shallow Slow Slip events on the Northern Hikurangi Margin using Ocean Bottom Pressure Recorders
- Dissociation of Laboratory-Synthesized Methane Hydrate in Coarse-Grained Sediments by Slow Depressurization
- Earthquake Clustering on Normal Faults: Insight from Rate-and-State Friction Models
- Earthquake Tidal Triggering Associated with the 2015 Eruption of Axial Seamount
- East Antarctic ice mass loss as an explanation for GPS observations of horizontal bedrock motion
- Effective and Accurate Colormap Selection
- Ellenburger wastewater injection and seismicity in North Texas
- Englacial layer mapping correlation and consistency techniques: an example from airborne ice penetrating radar profiles in West Antarctica
- Evolution of under-pressure in Bravo Dome and its implications for geological carbon storage
- Extreme April 2016 temperatures in Mainland Southeast Asia caused by El Niño and exacerbated by global warming
- From Forecast Hydrology to Real-Time Inundation Mapping at Continental Scale
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- GeoFORCE Alaska: Four-Year Field Program Brings Rural Alaskan High School Students into the STEM Pipeline
- Global Assessment of New GRACE Mascons Solutions for Hydrologic Applications
- How Connecting Sediment Transport Between Environments Solves First-Order Questions Regarding Construction of the Land- and Seascape Recorded by the Permian Brushy Canyon Fm., West Texas, USA
- Image Classification Workflow Using Machine Learning Methods
- Imaging hydrothermal roots along the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge using elastic full waveform inversion.
- Insights Into Ice-Ocean Interactions on Earth and Europa
- Interior Dynamics of Giant Planets: The Competing Influences of Rotation, Magnetic Fields, and Buoyancy
- Layer 2A in 70 Ma Old Oceanic Crust: Velocity Analysis in the Western South Atlantic Ocean
- Lower Mantle S-wave Velocity Model under the Western United States
- Mechanical Constraints on Normal Fault Strength and Evolution From Long-Term and Secular Numerical Modeling of Core Complexes.
- Mechanics of fold-and-thrust belt systems based on geomechanical modeling
- Mesozoic of the Gulf Mexico Basin: New Data, New Concepts, and New Plays in the Onshore and Offshore Gulf of Mexico
- Metamorphic heterogeneity and transient rheology of the deep subduction interface: Insights from meta-mafic blueschists and eclogites exposed on Syros Island, Greece
- Metastability of Subducted Slabs in the Mantle Transition Zone: A Collaborative Geodynamic, Petrologic, and Seismological Approach
- Methane Sources and Migration Mechanisms in the Shallow Trinity Aquifer in Parker and Hood Counties, Texas - a Noble Gas Analysis
- Middle-late Miocene siliciclastic influx on the Australian Northwest Shelf: origins and potential links to global events
- Miocene Current-Modified Submarine Fans
- Miocene-to-Recent sediment routing in the SW Japan forearc: implications for margin evolution
- Model for the Evolution of an Oceanic Core Complex and its Hydrothermal Vent on the Ultraslow-Spreading Mid Cayman Spreading Center
- Modeling Calcite-Water Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Cave Calcites
- Near Surface Water on Europa?
- Near-field observations of an offshore Mw 6.0 subduction thrust earthquake from an integrated seafloor and sub-seafloor borehole monitoring network at the Nankai Trough
- Nitrogen-assisted Three-phase Equilibrium in Hydrate Systems Composed of Water, Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Nitrogen
- Obsidian Pyroclasts: Where Do They Come From and What Can They Tell Us?
- Oceanographic Influences on Ice Shelves and Drainage in the Amundsen Sea
- Optimizing Water Management for Collocated Conventional and Unconventional Reservoirs
- Orogenic inheritance in Death Valley region, western US Basin and Range: implications for Neogene crustal extension.
- Overview of the Mechanics of the Active Mai'iu Low Angle Normal Fault (Dayman Dome), Southeastern Papua New Guinea
- Partitioning of noble gases during multi-phase flow in porous media
- Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne Ratio
- Pore Capture in Shales Due to Pervasive Micro-fracturing
- Predicting homogeneous bubble nucleation rates
- Quantifying wave propagation in finely stratified elastic media
- Quaternary subsidence of the Oahu Coastal Plain, Hawaiian Islands
- Radiative conductivity and abundance of post-perovskite in D''
- Rapid shut-off and burial of slope channel-levee systems: new imaging and analysis of the Rio Grande submarine fan
- Re-evaluation of P-T paths across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust
- Recovery of Missing Apollo Lunar ALSEP Data
- Reinterpreting the Crystal Cave speleothem record with statistics, climate models, and proxy system models
- Revealing the crustal architecture of the least understood composite craton on Earth: East Antarctica
- Runout distance and dynamic pressure of pyroclastic density currents: Evidence from 18 May 1980 blast surge of Mount St. Helens
- Sediment and Vegetation Controls on Delta Channel Networks
- Sediment transport processes in the Gulf of Alaska: a morphological analysis of channel and fan sedimentary features
- Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of the Yoakum/Lavaca Canyon System, South Texas, USA
- Seismic reflection imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate from ridge to trench: new constraints on the distribution of faulting and evolution of the crust prior to subduction
- Site Assessment of a New State-Wide Seismic Network in Texas (TexNet)
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Hydraulic Fracturing Water Use and Water Produced with Shale Gas in the U.S.
- Splay Fault Branching from the Hikurangi Subduction Shear Zone: Implications for Slow Slip and Fluid Flow
- Stratal Control Volumes and Stratal Control Trajectories: A New Method to Constrain, Understand and Reconcile Results from Stratigraphic Outcrop Analysis, Subsurface Analysis and Analogue and Numerical Modelling
- Stress, deformation and failure associated with salt-sheet emplacement
- Structure and early evolution of the northern Gulf of Mexico: constraints from marine seismic refraction data
- Sub-seasonal pressure, geometry and sediment transport changes observed in subglacial channels from the analysis of seismic ground motion
- Surface Density, Roughness, and Brine Infiltration Observed with Airborne Radar Statistical Reconnaissance at The McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- TX2016SLAB: a P and S Velocity Mantle Model Starting from 3-D Slab
- Tectonic Reversal of the New Hebrides Forearc Recorded by Fossil Coral Terraces on Araki, Solomon Islands
- The Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in the Western Interior US and Gulf of Mexico: Decoupled Black Shale Deposition and Carbon Isotope Excursion
- The Inside Scoop: Intermodel comparison of englacial layers in the central West Antarctic Ice Sheet and how simulations compare to the real deal
- The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics' Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course: A Hand-On Education Approach to Applied Geophysics
- The coarse- to fine-grained boundary beneath the New England Mud Patch: evidence from seismic and core data for an abrupt post-transgressive change in hydrologic regime on the continental shelf
- The deglacial history of the North American Monsoon in leaf wax proxy records and model simulations
- Topographic Modulation of Ice-Ocean Interactions
- Trade winds drive pronounced seasonality in vadose zone carbonate chemistry in a tropical Western Pacific island karst site
- Transient solute transport with sorption in Poiseuille flow
- Translation and rotation of small crustal blocks in the southernmost Atlantic-Weddell Sea region prior to seafloor spreading: in search of a mechanism
- Un-roofing of mantle at the ultra-slow Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea: constraints from wide-angle data and Vp/Vs ratios
- Variability in retreat rates and roughness of a sea-cliff at Sargent Beach, Texas
- Viscosity and Structure of a Late Lunar Magma Ocean Liquid: Implications for the Purity of Ferroan Anorthosites and the Dynamics of a Crystallizing Magma Ocean
- Water sustainability assessment in Brazilian sugarcane expansion area
- Western North Pacific Monsoon Variability since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Western tropical Pacific hydroclimate across four glacial cycles
- Zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometric constraints on the exhumation of <SUP>187</SUP>Os enriched Lesser Himalayan strata of northwest India and implications for Cenozoic seawater chemistry
- 3-D subduction dynamics in the western Pacific: Mantle pressure, plate kinematics, and dynamic topography.
- 3D Seismic Stratigraphic Analysis of Gas Hydrate Bearing Turbidite Channel-Overbank System in Northern Gulf of Mexico
- A First Layered Crustal Velocity Model for the Western Solomon Islands: Inversion of Measured Group Velocity of Surface Waves using Ambient Noise Cross-Correlation
- A Hands-on Approach to Teaching Geophysics through the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course in the Gulf of Mexico.
- A New Framework For The Evolution of Terrestrial Planets: Bi-stability, Stochastic Effects, and the Non-Uniqueness of Tectonic States
- A Possible Late Paleocene-Early Eocene Ocean Acidification Event Recoded in the Adriatic Carbonate Platform
- A distributed, mobile-immobile domain transport model based on local mass transfer with recirculation zones
- ADMAP-2: The second generation Antarctic crustal magnetic anomaly map.
- Amphibole Fractional Crystallization and Delamination in Arc Roots: Implications for the `Missing' Nb Reservoir in the Earth
- An Outflow Event on the Left Side of Harvey: Erosion of Barrier Sand and Seaward Transport Through Aransas Pass
- An experimental assessment of the quartz-in-epidote barometer
- Apollo Passive Seismic Experiments: lunar data in SEED format
- Back-barrier Topographic Control on the Morphology of Hurricane Harvey Washover Deposits
- Barnett Shale or Strawn Group: Identifying the Source of Stray Gas through Noble Gases in the Trinity Aquifer, North-Central Texas
- Basin-Scale Hydrogeological Modeling of the Fort Worth Basin Ellenburger Group for Pore Pressure Characterization
- Boreal Tree Light- and Water-Use: Asynchronous, Diverging, yet Complementary
- Broadening the interpretive framework of deepwater deposits: 3D characterization of outcrop scale bedforms within supercritical dominated slope deposits of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, Late-Miocene Gulf of California
- Carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of coral-associated nitrogen in rugose corals of the Middle Devonian, implications for paleoecology and paleoceanography.
- Catalog of offshore seismicity in Cascadia: Insights into the regional distribution of microseismicity and its relation to subduction processes
- Characterization of Fractures in the Chicxulub Peak Ring: Preliminary Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Characterization of the Long-term Subsurface Warming Observed at the Apollo 15 and 17 Sites Utilizing the Newly Restored Heat Flow Experiment Data from 1975 to 1977
- Climate Variability and Siliciclastic Deposition on a Carbonate Margin - Neogene of the Northwest Shelf of Australia
- Consistent link between Indian Ocean climate variability and mean state across past and future climates
- Constraining Basal Conditions across the Amundsen Sea Embayment of West Antarctica using a Synthesis of the PASIN and HiCARS Radar Sounding Data
- Constraining Canyon Incision Driven by Lake Overflow Floods on Early Mars
- Continuous Shear Wave Signals from around a Subducted Seamount Following 2014 Mw 6.8 Slow-slip Event in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin Offshore New Zealand
- Convection and Dynamo Action in Ice Giant Dynamo Models with Electrical Conductivity Stratification
- Core-Log-Seismic investigations of the Surveyor Fan and Channel system during the Pleistocene; IODP Exp. 341
- Coupling Aeolian Stratigraphic Architecture to Paleo-Boundary Conditions: The Scour-Fill Dominated Jurassic Page Sandstone
- Deep Sediment Subduction Controls Subduction Plate Speeds
- Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities Shaped by the Chicxulub Impactor
- Defining conditions of garnet growth across the central and southern Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- Delta-like deposition at the distal part of a natural levee: How is sand transported on natural levees?
- Detailed seismic velocity structure of the ultra-slow spread crust at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center from travel-time tomography and synthetic seismograms
- Detecting frontal ablation processes from direct observations of submarine terminus morphology
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian Sediment Transport and Tectonics, Southwestern Kansas and Northwestern Arkansas
- Development and Evaluation of an Integrated Hydrological Modeling Framework for Monitoring and Understanding Floods and Droughts
- Development of a Shallow Decollement Along the South-Central Chile Margin from 2D Seismic Reflection Data
- Directly measuring melt at a vertical face tidewater glacier: is it possible?
- Dynamic Triggering of Microseismicity in the North Island of New Zealand following the Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake
- Dynamic data analysis of climate and recharge conditions over time in the Edwards Aquifer, Texas
- Effects of Variable Surface Temperatures on the Dynamics of Convection within Enceladus' Ice Shell
- Elasticity of the Earth's Lower Mantle Minerals at High Pressures: Implications to Understanding Seismic Observations of the Deep Mantle
- Electrical and thermal conductivity of Fe-C alloy at high pressure: implications for effects of carbon on the geodynamo of the Earth's core
- Environmental and ecological upheval in shallow marine systems during the Early Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian)
- Exhumation of the Black Mountains in Death Valley, California, with new thermochronometric data from the Badwater Turtleback
- Exploring Ocean-World Habitability within the Planned Europa Clipper Mission
- Exploring the Hydrothermal System in the Chicxulub Crater and Implications for the Early Evolution of Life on Earth
- Exploring the dynamic links between microbial ecology and redox state of the hyporheic zone: insight from flume experiments
- Exploring the effect of East Antarctic ice mass loss on GIA-induced horizontal bedrock motions
- Extensive Sediment Subduction along the South-Central Chile Margin and its Role in the Maule and Valdivia Megathrust Earthquakes
- First Vertical Land Movement Estimates on South Georgia Island: An Impact Study on Sea Level Change from Tide Gauge and Satellite Altimetry Measurements
- Fossil Coral Records of ENSO during the Last Glacial Period
- From lakes to sand seas: a record of early Mars climate change explored in northern Gale crater, Mars
- GEOS S2S-2_1: The GMAO new high resolution Seasonal Prediction System
- Gas and Liquid Permeability Measurements in Wolfcamp Samples
- Geo-Thermochronometric Insights on the Cycladic Basement and Cycladic Blueschist Unit Contact in the Southern Cyclades, Ios Island, Greece
- Geophysical Investigations of Hypersaline Subglacial Water Systems in the Canadian Arctic: A Planetary Analog
- Geoscience Through the Lens of Art: a collaborative course of science and art for undergraduates of various disciplines
- Glacially-derived overpressure in the northeastern Alaskan subduction zone: combined tomographic and morphometric analysis of shallow sediments on the Yakutat shelf and slope, Gulf of Alaska
- Global Synthesis of Common Era Hydroclimate using Water Isotope Proxies from Multiple Archives: First Results from the PAGES Iso2k Project
- Global investigation of isolated deep earthquakes
- Groundwater Dynamics and Export from Active Layer Aquifers Overlying Permafrost
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Downstream Transport of Water, Heat, and Solutes in a Hydropeaked River
- Heat Transport In The Streambed Of A Large Regulated River.
- High Resolution Vertical Seismic Profile from the Chicxulub IODP/ICDP Expedition 364 Borehole: Wave Speeds and Seismic Reflectivity.
- Highly siderophile elements and Os isotope signatures in the K-Pg transition of the Chicxulub peak-ring rocks
- How did Earth not End up like Venus?
- Hydrodynamic Trait Coordination and Cost-Benefit Tradeoffs throughout the Isohydric-Anisohydric Continuum in Trees
- Hysteresis in connectivity of core-forming melts
- IODP-ICDP Expedition 364: Drilling the Chicxulub impact crater to understand planetary evolution and mass extinction
- Ice Penetrating Radar Reveals Spatially Variable Features in Basal Channel under the Nansen Ice Shelf, Terra Nova Bay, Antarctica
- Ichnofabrics and Facies in the Paleocene of Chicxulub: A Record of the Recovery of Life Post-Impact
- Impact of lithospheric rheology on surface topography
- Implications of vegetation hydraulic capacitance as an indicator of water stress and drought recovery
- Improving the Velocity Structure in the Delaware Basin of West Texas for Seismicity Monitoring
- Influence of Waves and Tides on Upper Slope Turbidity Currents and their Deposits: An Outcrop and Laboratory Study
- Intensified Indian Ocean climate variability during the Last Glacial Maximum
- Intra-grain Common Pb Correction and Detrital Apatite U-Pb Dating via LA-ICPMS Depth Profiling
- Inundation and draining of the Trinity River floodplain associated with extreme precipitation from Hurricane Harvey, east Texas, USA
- Investigating the Capabilities of Ground Penetrating Radar for Imaging Shallow Experimental Fractures
- Land Use Induced Hydroclimatic Variability Over Large Deforested Areas in Southern Amazon Rainforest
- Late Guadalupian evolution of the Delaware Basin: insights from stable isotope and trace element geochemistry
- Length Scales and Types of Heterogeneities Along the Deep Subduction Interface: Insights From an Exhumed Subduction Complex on Syros Island, Greece
- Linkages between orogenic plateau build-up, fold-thrust shortening, and foreland basin evolution in the Zagros (NW Iran)
- Linking Calving Behavior and Iceberg Distributions in Greenland Fjords
- Linking Incoming Plate Faulting and Intermediate Depth Seismicity
- Linking carbon and hydrologic fluxes in the critical zone: Observations from high-frequency monitoring of a weathered bedrock vadose zone
- Magnetospheric Science at Uranus and Neptune
- Mantle plumes and hotspot geochemistry
- Mantle sources for Central Atlantic Magmatic Province basalts from Hf isotopes
- Matlab Geochemistry: An open source geochemistry solver based on MRST
- Mesozoic-Early Cenozoic Retroarc Basin Evolution in Response to Changing Tectonic Regimes, Southern Central Andes
- Methane Recycling During Burial of Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments
- Microstructural controls on the viscoplasticity of Carbopol, and possible applications to shale deformation studies
- Mineralogy of Nicobar Fan turbidites (IODP Leg 362): Himalayan provenance and diagenetic control.
- Modeling Thermal Transport and Surface Deformation on Europa using Realistic Rheologies
- Multi-scale mantle structure underneath the Americas from a new tomographic model of seismic shear velocity
- Multiscale pore structure and constitutive models of fine-grained rocks
- Networks of Interacting Processes: Relationships Between Drivers and Deltaic Variables to Understand Water and Sediment Transport in Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana
- New Insights Into Valley Formation and Preservation: Geophysical Imaging of the Offshore Trinity River Paleovalley
- New Methods of Determining Two-Phase CO<SUB>2</SUB> Relative Permeability and Temperature and Pressure Dependence of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Relative Permeability in Water-Wet Rocks
- New Zircon U-Pb Age Constrain of the Origin of Devil's River Uplift (SW Texas) and Insights into the Late Proterozoic and Paleozoic Evolution of the Southern Margin of Laurentia
- On mass transport in magmatic porosity waves
- Orbital and Rover-based Exploration of Perseverance Valley, Endeavour Crater, Mars
- Origin of sulfur for elemental sulfur concentration in salt dome cap rocks, Gulf Coast Basin, USA
- Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Meteoric Water Across an Elevation Gradient in Southern Peru
- Parameterization of L-, C- and X-band Radiometer-based Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm Using In-situ Validation Sites
- Patterns and signatures characterizing the partitioning of precipitation into evapotranspiration and runoff in land surface parameterizations
- Phase and flow behavior of mixed gas hydrate systems during gas injection
- Phase transition behavior of sediment transport at the sand-mud interface, across scales from flumes to the large rivers
- Poroelastic response to megathrust earthquakes: A look at the 2012 Mw 7.6 Costa Rican event
- Prediction of rainfall anomalies during the dry to wet transition season over the Southern Amazonia using machine learning tools
- Provenance and geochronological insights into Late Cretaceous-Paleogene foreland basin development in the Subandean Zone and Oriente Basin of Ecuador
- Provenance of Miocene Hinterland Basins in Ecuador: Implications for the Growth of Topographic Barriers in the Northern Andes
- Quantitative degassing of gas hydrate-bearing pressure cores from Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Rainfall Type as a Dominant Control of the Isotopic Composition of Precipitation in the South Central United States
- Reactive transport in a partially molten system with binary solid solution
- Reconstructing Tropical Southwest Pacific Climate Variability and Mean State Changes at Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly using Geochemical Proxies from Corals
- Reconstructing paleo-discharge from geometries of fluvial sinuous ridges on Earth and Mars
- Recovery and Restoration of Apollo Data - An Update
- Remote Characterization of Ice Shelf Surface and Basal Processes: Examples from East Antarctica
- Remote Sensing of Surface Soil Moisture using Semi-Concurrent Radar and Radiometer Observations
- Return to the Strangelove Ocean?: Preliminary results of carbon and oxygenisotope compositions of post-impact sediments, IODP Expedition 364 "Chicxulub Impact Crater"
- Salinity information in coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records
- Sand transport, shear stress, and the building of a delta
- Scaling up Planetary Dynamo Modeling to Massively Parallel Computing Systems: The Rayleigh Code at ALCF
- Scroll bar growth on the coastal Trinity River, TX, USA
- Sea Level Rise Drove Enhanced Coastal Erosion following the Last Glacial Maximum, Southern California, U.S.A.
- Seasonally-resolved trace element concentrations in stalagmites from a shallow cave in New Mexico
- Sedimentological Characterization of a Deepwater Methane Hydrate Reservoir in Green Canyon 955, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Segmentation-less Digital Rock Physics
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Seismic waves triggering slow slip event on the pressure gauge records in the Hikurangi subducting margin
- Shock pressure estimation in basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact crater using cathodoluminescence spectroscopy of quartz
- Slab flattening and exhumation of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia
- Soil Gas Dynamics and Microbial Activity in the Unsaturated Zone of a Regulated River
- Solutal Convection in Porous Media
- Spatial and temporal dependencies of structure II to structure I methane hydrate transformation in porous media under moderate pressure and temperature conditions
- Submarine Landslide Hazards Offshore Southern Alaska: Seismic Strengthening Versus Rapid Sedimentation
- Surface and basal ice shelf mass balance processes of the Southern McMurdo Ice Shelf determined through radar statistical reconnaissance
- Systematic Lithologic Calibration of Neogene Mass-Transport Deposits Seismic Character in Mississippi Canyon of the Northern Gulf of Mexico, USA.
- TexNet seismic network performance and reported seismicity in West Texas
- The Effect of Semi-Brittle Rheology on the Seismicity at the Subduction Interface: Coseismic and Aseismic Events
- The Effects of Different Scales of Topographic Variation on Shallow Groundwater Flow in an Arctic Watershed
- The Impact of Continental Configuration on Global Response to Large Igneous Province Eruptions
- The Mechanics of Peak-Ring Impact Crater Formation from the IODP-ICDP Expedition 364
- The Nicobar Fan and sediment provenance: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 362, NE Indian Ocean
- The Role of Basal Channels in Ice Shelf Calving.
- The Role of Priming in the Development of Stable and Radioactive Carbon Isotope Profiles of Soil Organic Matter
- The Sensitivity of Joint Inversions of Seismic and Geodynamic Data to Mantle Viscosity
- The Tectonic Evolution of the Central Andean Plateau and Geodynamic Implications for the Growth of Plateaus
- The genetic source and timing of hydrocarbon formation in gas hydrate reservoirs in Green Canyon, Block GC955
- The influence of tectonic inheritance on crustal extension style following failed subduction of continental crust: applications to metamorphic core complexes in Papua New Guinea
- The role of fluid mobility in the development of shale weathering profiles: Direct observations from a vadose zone monitoring system
- The role of rock moisture on regulating hydrologic and solute fluxes in the critical zone
- The subglacial roughness of Antarctica: Analogs, interpretation and implications for ice thickness uncertainities
- Three-dimensional S-wave tomography under Axial Seamount
- Tracking Channel Behavior of the Rio Grande River, Texas, USA: Backstepping Avulsions and Coastal Bend Cutoffs
- Transitioning from Faculty-Led Lecture to Student-Centered Field Learning Facilitated by Near-Peer Mentors: Preliminary Findings from the GeoFORCE/ STEMFORCE Program.
- UT-GOM2-1: Prospecting, Drilling and Sampling a Coarse-Grained Hydrate Reservoir in Green Canyon 955, the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
- Universal Linear Scaling of Permeability and Time for Heterogeneous Fracture Dissolution
- Unravelling the Formation and Exhumation of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit and Basement in the Southern Aegean, Sikinos Island, Greece
- Unusual Physical Properties of the Chicxulub Crater Peak Ring: Results from IODP/ICDP Expedition 364
- Uranus and Neptune: internal heat flow
- Variability in radar returns from Martian debris-covered glaciers attributed to surface debris layer roughness and composition: implications for the regional distribution of massive subsurface ice and near-surface pore-filling ice.
- Vp/Vs Ratio of Juan de Fuca Plate Sediments Along the Cascadia Deformation Front From Analysis of Controlled-Source Multi-Component OBS Records
- Water Issues Associated with Increasing Unconventional Oil Production in the Permian Basin
- 2.5D Controlled-source Electromagnetic Inversion using Very Fast Simulated Annealing
- 3D Structural and Kinematic Model of the Delaware Basin and Surrounding Structural Blocks for Application in Understanding Recent Seismicity
- A Graph-Theoretic Approach for Population Transport on River Networks
- A Model of Shale Weathering at the Eel River-CZO Constrained by High Resolution Spatiotemporal Observations of Solute and Gas Profiles Across the Vadose Zone
- A New Estimate of Marine Ice Accretion Under Amery Ice Shelf
- A universal visco-inertial flow model in geologic porous media
- Accumulation of arsenic in dynamic iron oxide barriers due to river stage oscillations: a multiphysics modeling analysis
- Advancements with SpATIaL: Semi-Automatic glacier Terminus Inventory from Landsat
- Alluvial Fan Aggradation and Incision in the Southwestern USA is Controlled by a Climatic Threshold
- An ensemble approach for science verification and validation of REASON radar studies of Europa
- Analysis of Present-Day Horizontal Crustal Motions in West Antarctica
- Analysis of the effects of dam releases on bank storage fluid and solute exchange through linked longitudinal in-stream and transverse groundwater models
- Assessing the Impacts of a Changing Climate in the Southern Great Plains
- Availability of high magnitude streamflows for potential storage to mitigate floods in Texas
- Basal Magma Ocean Dynamo as the Origin of the Ancient Lunar Magnetic Field
- Basin-Scale Hydrogeological Modeling of the Fort Worth Basin Ellenburger Group for Pore Pressure Characterization
- Bayesian inversion of heterogeneous aquifer properties from GPS andInSAR data using poroelastic subsurface models
- Bed roughness as a control on the drainage of subglacial water
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Beyond isohydricity: a whole-plant approach to understanding hydraulic strategy
- Borehole stress indicators across the Hikurangi Subduction Margin: Preliminary insights from IODP Expedition 372
- Brittle-Ductile Deformation and Fault Slip Behavior of a Shallow Subduction Thrust, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Broken Foreland Basins and Their Connections to Flat-Slab Subduction, Crustal Inheritance, Climate, and Erosional Dynamics
- Can trees record impacts of urban growth on watersheds?
- Central Texas Hydroclimate Response to the Bølling Deglacial Rapid Warming Event: Perspectives from Cave Monitoring, High-Resolution Speleothem Imaging and Isotopic Analysis
- Changes in Photosynthetic Microbial Communities in a 'Pink' Soda Bay in the Chicxulub Crater after the K/Pg Extinction
- Channel-levee hosted hydrate accumulation controlled by a faulted anticline: Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
- Chicxulub Impact Crater: Mapping Suevite, Impact Melt Rock, and the Peak Ring Using Full-Waveform Tomography Images
- Coastal impacts from far field storms - Evidence from Eleuthera, The Bahamas
- Comparison of the Water Footprints of California and Texas.
- Concentrated basal melt under Antarctic Ice Shelves
- Connecting shallow and deep slow-slip-events with geologic observations and an elastic-viscoplastic solution
- Constraining the deformation history of the frontal wedge of Hikurangi Subduction Margin with analog modeling and bedding trends from borehole logging of IODP Expedition 372
- Continental Scale Patterns of Seismic Anisotropy from more than a Decade of Shear Wave Splitting Measurements in Antarctica
- Continental and Local-Scale Responses of Tropical Rainfall to Precessional Forcing
- Controls on megathrust earthquake recurrence inferred from friction modeling and seismic imaging
- Controls on the sedimentation and morphology of an oxbow lake along the Trinity River, Texas, USA
- Convection and Deformation in Thin Shells of Icy Satellites Affected by Surface Temperature Variations
- Cordilleran evolution along western South America recorded by detrital zircon U-Pb and Hf isotopes in the southern Central Andes
- Crustal architecture of the composite East Antarctic craton between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land
- Crustal structure of the Puysegur Trench from SISIE ocean-bottom seismic refraction data
- Crustal structure of the northern Hikurangi margin and Bay of Plenty from marine seismic reflection imaging and double-sided onshore-offshore seismic tomography
- Deciphering the exhumation history of the crystalline core of the Himalayas: new insight from garnet-bearing assemblages
- Deglacial to Holocene Circumpolar Deep Water influence over the Sabrina Coast continental shelf, East Antarctica
- Determining the Link between Hydraulic Properties of Arctic Tundra Soils and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar Deformation Measurements
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on the Timing, Pace, and Drivers of Exhumation in the Hinterland of the North American Cordillera
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era climate variability.
- Development of a flexible modeling framework for representing soil-plant continuum in the E3SM global land model
- Downward oxidant transport through Europa's ice shell in porosity waves
- Dynamics of Ecosystem-Scale Water Use Efficiency as a Product of Plant Hydraulic Strategy
- Eagle Ford Shale - a Compartmentalized Reservoir? Insights from a Noble Gas Study
- Early results from SISIE - South Island Subduction Initiation Experiment - in the context of recent drilling and geodynamic models
- Effective Stress Law for Permeability in Low Permeability Mudrocks
- Effects of Grain Interlocking on the Threshold of Motion in Gravel-bed Rivers
- Elastic moduli and physical properties of fault rock and protolith associated with SSEs at the Northern Hikurangi margin, NZ
- Elasticity of (Al,Fe)-bearing bridgmanite at high pressure: Implications to seismic observations of the Earth's lower manlte
- Elasticity of Silica across the Post-stishovite Transition: Implications for Seismic Heterogeneities of Subducted Slabs in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Engaging high school students from underrepresented minorities in the geosciences through graduate student-led, challenge-based learning
- Estimation of continental scale vertical crustal velocities using GPS and GRACE
- Evaluating Cumulative Water Risks from Shale Oil Production: Permian Basin Case Study
- Evidence for globally enhanced microbial activity during the immediate aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary impact
- Experimental Study of Microlite Crystallization During Magma Ascent
- Exploring the Range of Reconstructed Plate Tectonic Motions Within Global Geodynamic Constraints
- Extremely long duration of ground motion arising from sedimentary structures above slow slip areas of the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Facies Characterization of the 2014-2015 Holuhraun Lava Flow Field from Remote Sensing Data and Field Observations
- Fire dynamics following the K/Pg mass extinction informed by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and stable isotopes
- Flip-Flop Detachments To Volcanic Spreading At The Ultraslow Southwest Indian Ridge: How Does The Plate Boundary Respond To Along-Axis Changes In Melt Supply ?
- Forecasting the Daily Hydrological Extremes using Machine Learning methods; Insights from GRACE and Altimetry data
- Formation of Lithology-Dependent Hydrate Distribution by Capillary-Controlled Gas Flow Sourced from Faults
- Fracture Characterization and Measurements of Granitic Core of the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- Frictional behavior of incoming sediment in the Hikurangi subduction zone at in-situ PT conditions
- From Distributary to Tributary: Coastal Drainage Network Position and Morphometry Are Set by Depositional Processes
- From Rifting to Subduction: Evidence for the Role of Past Tectonics Influencing Subduction Initiation at the Puysegur Trench, New Zealand
- Geochemical Constraints on Fluid-Rock Reactions, Fluid Sources, and Flow Pathways Along the IODP Expedition 375 Transect; Northern Hikurangi Margin
- Geomorphic Influence on Canopy Structure in Eldorado Valley, Nevada
- Geoscience Teacher Leader Criteria: Developing a New Standard for Pedagogical Excellence
- Global Analysis on Performance of Hydrological models in Simulating Basin Water Storage Changes relative to GRACE Observations
- Grainflow Thickness: Surface Process to Subsurface Record
- Gravity Modeling of Crustal Thickness and Lithospheric Structure of the Puysegur Trench, South Island, New Zealand: Insights into Subduction Initiation
- Ground motion and its ocean bottom amplification in subduction zones
- Groundwater flow and exchange across the land surface explain carbon export patterns in a continuous permafrost watershed
- Helium Diffusion Kinetics of Shocked Zircon from the Chicxulub Impact Crater
- High saturation of methane hydrate in a coarse-grained reservoir in the northern Gulf of Mexico from quantitative depressurization of pressure cores
- Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolitic Melt: Experimental Confirmation of Predictions from Nucleation Theory
- How Well Can We Model Seasonal Variations in Land Water Storage Globally?
- How to make detachment faults at melt-starved mid-ocean ridges that have a very thick axial lithosphere?
- Hydrologic regulation of vadose zone oxygen dynamics in fractured bedrock
- Imbroglio by an Inferno: The IS-GEO Hawaii Workshop and ad hoc sensor network session
- Impact of spring-associated riparian vegetation on channel morphology and sediment distribution in ephemeral dryland channels: Henry Mountains, Utah, USA
- Improvements in gender parity but not representation among Asian American geoscience PhD graduates
- Interplay Between Deformation and Proximal Foreland Sedimentation in the Late Cretaceous Sevier Orogenic Belt
- Investigation of hyporheic exchange in channels with high Froude Number flows: the importance of free surface water elevation changes
- Isotopically Light Carbon (δ<SUP>13</SUP>C -31 to -24 ‰) in the Mantle by at Least 3.2 Ga: Insights from Carbonado Diamond
- Last Glacial Maximum and Deglacial Corals Drilled at Huon Peninsula, Vanuatu, and Solomon Islands: Comparison and Implications for Paleosea-Level Records
- Late Cenozoic evolution of the Nicobar Fan - Insights from U-Pb-Hf in Zircon
- Linking Deposits to Flows: Using a Detailed Characterization of Upstream Accreting Deepwater Deposits to Paleogeography and Paleoflow Properties
- Local Perspectives on ENSO Variability 2300 BP and now: Evidence from two Short-Lived Intertidal Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Low productivity aftershock sequences in Oklahoma are correlated with rapid induced seismicity mitigation and abrupt reduction in wastewater disposal rates
- Magnetic Fabrics and Properties of Impactites and Basement Beneath the Peak Ring of Chicxulub Crater - IODP-ICDP Expedition 364
- Magnetic fabrics of deformed soft sediments at the deformation front of the Hikurangi subduction margin
- Mantle structure and dynamics under the continuous United States inferred from tomographic imaging of radially anisotropic shear velocity
- Mapping Redox Potentials in River Bed Sediment using Open Circuit Microbial Fuel Cells: An Evaluation.
- Mapping Volcanic Ejecta Using Airborne Ice-Penetrating Radar in Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica
- Mapping the methane hydrate phase boundary using a sapphire cell
- Measuring and Modeling Disequilibrium Gravel Transport and Threshold Evolution During Natural Floods
- Microbial versus thermochemical methane oxidation-coupled sulfate reduction in salt dome environments of the Gulf Coast USA: Insights from clumped isotope geochemistry
- Microstructural observations of quartz from the basement rocks of the Chicxulub impact structure and shock pressure estimation
- Modeling High-Resolution Pressure-Temperature Paths Across the Himalayan Main Central Thrust (Central Nepal): Implications for the Dynamics of Collision
- Morphology of Fault Scarps Associated With Subduction Initiation at the Puysegur Trench
- Moving Beyond the Tip of the Iceberg: What We Can Learn from Subsurface Imagery
- Multi-Instrument Synthesis of Radar Sounding Observations of the Thwaites Glacier and Pine Island Glacier Catchments, West Antarctica
- Multi-platform observations of dust storm activity over Southwestern United States: Long-term trend, climate drivers and societal impacts
- New insights from an airborne geophysical survey over the hypersaline subglacial lakes beneath Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic
- Occurrence and fractionation of light hydrocarbons in the gas-hydrate bearing sediments of IODP Site U1517, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Ocean World and Martian Subglacial Lake Exploration Technology: How close are we to Viable Flight Vehicles?
- Onset Time of Possibly-Induced Seismicity in the Delaware Basin, West Texas
- Optimizing Reuse of Produced Water from Oil and Gas Extraction in the U.S.
- Paleobathymetric Reconstructions of the Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain During the Latest Paleocene and Earliest Eocene
- Paradox of water-depth-dependent TOC in fine-grained lake deposit
- Permeability, compression behavior, and lateral stress ratio of hydrate-bearing siltstone from UT-GOM2-1 pressure core (GC 955—northern Gulf of Mexico): Initial Results
- Perpetual hyporheic motion (and reaction): a glimpse into dynamic coupled physical and biogeochemical processes in hyporheic zones
- Physical controls on carbonate shelf profiles: an example from the Permian Seven Rivers Formation, NM
- Plate tectonic cycling modulates Earth's <SUP>3</SUP>He/<SUP>22</SUP>Ne ratio
- Pore-scale CH<SUB>4</SUB>-C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6</SUB> hydrate formation and dissociation under relevant pressure-temperature conditions of natural reservoirs
- Pore-scale methane hydrate formation under pressure and temperature conditions of natural reservoirs
- Porosity and Permeability in Wolfcamp Lithofacies at Delaware Basin, West Texas
- Predictability of variable arctic soil hydraulic and thermal properties, and implications of such variability on future thaw
- Quantifying Spatial Patterns of Hyporheic Exchange in a Floodplain Meander System via High-Resolution Hydrogeologic, Geochemical and Geophysical Observations
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage in permafrost river floodplains
- REASON For Europa: Data products and algorithms
- Raman spectroscopy of calcite-group minerals
- Ray-based Tomography and Acoustic Full Waveform inversion with the Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm
- Reassessing the surface roughness of Europa using Galileo stereo images.
- Reconstruction of the Gulf of Mexico Paleogeography just prior to the end of Cretaceous Chicxulub Impact
- Relationships Between Olivine LPO and Deformation Conditions in Naturally Deformed Rocks and Implications for Mantle Seismic Anisotropy
- Response of Gas Hydrate Systems to Subduction-Zone Processes on the Northern Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Revisiting the giant Ruatoria Debris Flow on the Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand: results from IODP Expeditions 372 and 375, Site U1520.
- Role of Strain-Dependent Weakening Memory on the Style of Mantle Convection and Plate Boundary Stability
- Salinity reversal and water freshening in the Eagle Ford Shale
- Seafloor Overthrusting Creates Ductilely Deformed Fault Rocks in Marine Sediments at the Hikurangi Margin: Implications for Fault Zone Evolution and Mechanics at IODP Site U1518
- Sediment Provenance and Depositional History of the Nicobar Fan (Bengal Depositional System) from IODP Expedition 362: Detrital Zircon Geochronology, Apatite Thermochronometry, Sand Petrography and Heavy-Mineral Results
- Sedimentation in Response to Glacial Retreat in Icy Bay from Late Holocene to Present.
- Seismic Layer 2A: Constraints and Controls on the Evolution of the Porous Upper Oceanic Crust in the South Atlantic from 0-70 Ma
- Serpentinized mantle exhumation versus magmatic accretion at ultraslow spreading rates: constraints from seismic data and Vp/Vs ratios, Mid-Cayman Spreading Centre, Caribbean Sea
- Short- and Long-term Deformation Styles on an Active Low-angle Normal Fault: Mai'iu Fault, Papua New Guinea
- Signatures of Brittle Deformation in a Shallow Fault in the Hikurangi Subduction Margin
- Single crystal elasticity of ice VII
- Sinuous track of the flexural bulge in the eastern Himalayas and Bengal Basin from multiple loads on a variable rigidity plate, an explanation for the Barind and Madhupur Pleistocene uplands
- Slab Behavior beneath Eastern Asia from Full Waveform Inversion
- Stable isotopes in oaks reveal progressive unexpected shift toward isotopically lighter rock moisture source during summer dry out of the critical zone
- Static and Time-Dependent Inversions of Slow Slip at the Hikurangi Subduction Zone, New Zealand, Using Numerical Green's Functions
- Structure, physical characteristics and fault slip behaviors along the southern Hikurangi subduction zone derived from seismic full waveform imaging.
- Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Southern and Central Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- The Effect of H<SUB>2</SUB>O on the Anomalous Velocities of Rhyolitic Glasses up to 3 GPa
- The Impact on Seasonal Forecasts of GMAO's Higher Resolution Seasonal Prediction and Data Assimilation System
- The Role of Multi-sensor Land Data Assimilation in Runoff and Streamflow Estimation
- The Thermomechanical Evolution of Extended Lithosphere: Inheritance, Depth-Dependent Thinning and Detachment Faults.
- The University of Texas Institute for Geophysics Marine Geology and Geophysics Field Course
- The bathymetric and subglacial hydrological context for basal melting of the West Ice Shelf in East Antarctica
- The causes and consequences of a temporally variable threshold for motion for fluvial bedload transport
- The dynamic hyporheic microbiome: a flume investigation into hyporheic microbial community response to surface channel flow perturbations
- The evolution of the hydration state of the Juan de Fuca plate from Ridge to Trench offshore Washington State
- The recovery of the deep biosphere at the Chicxulub impact crater
- Tracking AOM through TOC and Elemental S: Implications for Methane Charge in Gulf of Mexico Marine Sediments
- Tracking the Sources and Processes of Urban Development Effects on Stream Water Evolution in Austin, TX
- Transfer Learning for Seismic Phase Picking on Different Geographic Regions
- Transport Properties of Fe at Earth's Core Conditions: Agreement between Experiment and Theory
- Tree-Level Recovery from Hydraulic Stress: Insights from Experiments and Hydrodynamic Models
- Trees use deep rock moisture, yet the xylem of their stable isotopes do not fully record this moisture source
- Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science: Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2)
- Update on Powell Research Group Study Integrating GRACE Satellite Data, Regional Groundwater Models, and In-Situ Data to Assess Water Storage Changes in Major Aquifers in the U.S.
- Upper Mantle Heterogeneity Revealed in Central and Eastern West Antarctica from P and S Body Wave Tomography
- Using Data and Models to Quantify Uncertainties in Coral Reconstructions: Implications for Paleo-ENSO Variability
- Using Managed Aquifer Recharge to Cope with Climate Extremes and Change in the Western U.S.
- Using X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) to Estimate Hydrate Saturation in Sediment Cores from Green Canyon 955, Gulf of Mexico
- Using radar sounding to detect grounding line positions with evidence of modern grounding line retreat in East Antarctica
- Utilizing GPS to investigate past ice mass change in the Ross Sea region, Antarctica
- Validating a full-waveform inversion velocity model at the north Hikurangi subduction margin using IODP drilling data
- What is the role of SSE in triggering future earthquakes? An example from the 2016 Kaikoura Mw7.8 earthquake
- What's rate got to do with it?: Oceanic core complex evolution and serpentinized mantle exhumation at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- Who has benefitted from outreach in the geosciences?
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- X-ray micro-CT observation of methane hydrate growth and dissociation in sandy sediments
- Xenolith constraints on deformation conditions and mechanisms in the lower mantle lithosphere
- Zircon U-Pb Depth Profiling at an Impact Site: Extracting Basement and Impact Ages at the Chicxulub Peak Ring
- 3D Seismic images of double BSRs at the northern Hikurangi margin and the implications for subduction processes
- 3D seismic investigation of sedimentation and deformation in the Tuaheni Basin, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- A 3D Gravity Inversion of the Puysegur Trench, New Zealand, with Insights into Subduction Initiation
- A Geophysical Investigation to Image the Critical Zone Architecture in a High Andean Puna Grassland
- A Novel Way to Estimate Wave Speeds of Extraterrestrial Rocks
- A reactive transport framework for the co-evolution of rhizodeposition and mineral weathering below soil
- A validated numerical model for the growth and resorption of bubbles in magma
- An Expanded Record of Ediacaran Chemostratigraphy from the Windermere Supergroup, Cariboo Mountains, British Columbia, Canada
- An analysis of produced water of the Delaware Basin Wolfcamp Formation
- Analysis of the Same Data Set Using Different Approaches to Characterize Seismicity in Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas.
- Analysis of the controlling factors of dust low frequency variability
- Anatomy of the Nankai subduction zone.
- Anomalous Elasticity of Dry and Hydrous Rhyolitic Glasses up to 3 GPa
- Arid Coastal Deposits and the Phanerozoic Record of Marine Carbonate Chemistry
- Assessing the Reliability of GRACE-derived Groundwater Storage using Ground-based Monitoring and Regional and Global Modeling in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Association of hydraulic stimulation with seismicity in Texas
- Basal sediment accretion along the south central Chile margin and implications for megathrust processes and great earthquakes
- Basin-Scale Hydrogeological Modeling of the Fort Worth Basin Ellenburger Group for Pore Pressure Characterization
- Bayesian Framework for Geodetic Characterization of Lateral Aquifer Heterogeneity
- Below-ground structural and ecohydrological feedbacks across disturbance severity gradients
- Boulder-driven hyporheic exchange
- Can a Fluid Phase Impact the Stress Distribution in a Granular Media?
- Can we observe depth-variable iceberg melt rates?
- Cancellation of the precessional cycle in δ<SUP>18</SUP>O records during the Early Pleistocene
- Challenges with Using Flood Water for Managed Aquifer Recharge for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Texas
- Changing Volatile Contents Just Prior to Super-Eruptions: Evidence from the Upper Bandelier Tuff, Valles Caldera, New Mexico
- Characteristics on Fault coupling in the Western Solomon Islands based on GPS observations and PS-DInSAR
- Characterizing Dynamic Pressure Variations from Tree Damage Resulting from the 18 May 1980 Pyroclastic Density Current of Mount St. Helens
- Characterizing lithospheric mantle using xenoliths in alkaline basalts from southern Vietnam: implications for mantle dynamics during extrusion tectonics
- Climate-driven erosion and sedimentation in Asia during the Late Cenozoic
- Coastal River Morphodynamic Response to Sea-Level Rise Recorded in Offshore Stratigraphy: A New Look at the Trinity Incised Valley in the Gulf of Mexico
- Coherent underplating vs. subduction channel melange mixing along the deep subduction interface: insights from thermobarometry and geochronology on exhumed subduction complexes
- Consolidating Geodetic Observation of Land and Sea Level Changes around South Georgia Island
- Constraining the tectono-thermal evolution of the Egyptian Red Sea margin: linking observations from the proximal to the hyperextended rift domain
- Construction of the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia: Insights from the sedimentary record
- Continental-scale land surface multi-parameterization inter-comparison experiments
- Controls of carbonate slope morphology on mixed siliciclastic and carbonate basinal sedimentation, Delaware Basin, southeast New Mexico and west Texas, USA
- Controls on the Riverbed Thermal Regime of a Large Regulated River Subjected to Daily Flow Variations
- Correlating seafloor gradient with morphology of bedforms from the terminal lobe of a submarine channel in abyssal Gulf of Mexico
- Crustal structures along the accretionary wedge of the Manila subduction zone: implications for the rupture propagation and sediments accretion
- Decoding Cenozoic Tectonics in Patagonia, the Scotia Sea, and the Antarctic Peninsula from New Seismic Tomography
- Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges hidden beneath the ice around the coast of Antarctica
- Deformation of Brittle Clasts in a Viscous Matrix: Implications on Deformation Dynamics
- Detecting Increasing El Niño-Southern Oscillation Intensity in Coastal Peru at 400 BCE Compared to the mid-Holocene Using Short-lived Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Detection of Near-Surface Frozen Brines at Europa: Radar Investigation of a Canadian Arctic Analog
- Determining an Optimal Window Size for Accurate Curie Depth Measurements in Antarctica
- Develop the Plant Hydrodynamics in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Developing a Catalog of Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand
- Development and evaluation of Proxy Surrogate Reconstructions as a tool for characterizing Common Era AMOC variability.
- Development and use of garnet-based high-resolution P-T-t paths to constrain the dynamics of Himalayan orogenesis
- Differentiating Subglacial Drainage Patterns through the Depolarization of Airborne Radar Sounding Measurements
- Direct measurements of ice sheet meltwater runoff in Inglefield Land, northwest Greenland
- Direct observations of submarine melt and subsurface geometry at a tidewater glacier
- Discrepancy between estimated sediment delivery to floodplains and measured deposition on natural levees of the Trinity River, Texas, USA
- Effect of contrasting strength from inherited crustal fabric on the development of the Northeastern Canadian margin
- Effects of Mixing Brittle and Ductile Material on The Slip Behavior of Finite Thickness Fault Zone
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging Reveals Thawed Substrate Beneath and Across an Entire Arctic Lagoon within Continuous Permafrost
- Electrical and thermal conductivity of Fe alloys at Earth's core conditions and the evolution of the geodynamo
- Enhanced North American ENSO teleconnection during the Little Ice Age revealed by Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- Enhanced images and new models of the Wilkes Subglacial Basin help constrain the variability in geological boundary conditions for the East Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Episodic Fluid Expulsion From Gas- and Hydrate-Bearing Sands in the Terrebonne Basin, Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Estimating Carbon Flux During Continental Rifting In The Mesozoic And Cenozoic
- Estimating Soil Organic Carbon in the Active Layer of the Arctic Foothills Using Spaceborne InSAR Surface Deformation Data
- Evidence for post-eruptive modification of Li-isotopes and water content in olivine and clinopyroxene phenocrysts from Austral Islands basalts during cooling of lava flows
- Far-Field Interactions Between a River and an Aquifer Due to Regulated and Natural Floods
- Flash droughts identification in a typical arid region: A case study in the Loess Plateau, China
- Fluid residence time modulates Li isotope transport during silicate weathering
- Fluvial Kinematics Predict Submarine-Channel Evolution in the Gulf of Mexico
- Formation of Dense Pyroclasts by Sintering of Ash Particles During the Pre-climactic Eruptions of Mt. Pinatubo in 1991
- From the deep …: Recharge of the impact-induced cryomagma beneath Occator crater by the upwelling of deep mantle brines
- Full coupling of flow and reactive transport in streams and hyporheic zones: when and where does it matter?
- Full waveform inversion with a gradient based Markov chain Monte Carlo method and uncertainties quantification, application on Axial seamount
- Gas Transport Under Far-From (Capillary) Equilibrium Conditions: Topological Dependencies, Feedbacks, and Mechanical Couplings
- Glacially-derived overpressure in the Bering Trough region, offshore southern Alaska: Velocity-porosity analysis of shallow sediments
- Global constraints on run-off depths from open- and closed-basin paleolakes on Mars
- Groundwater Discharge in the Lagoons of Alaskan Beaufort Sea
- Groundwater and surface water interactions in the Valles Caldera Watershed, New Mexico: an evaluation of water chemistry sensitivity to precipitation variability
- Hele-Shaw experiments and phase-field modeling of weak viscoplastic materials
- High-Pressure Elasticity of (Al,Fe)-bearing Bridgmanite: Implications to Lower-Mantle Geophysics and Geochemistry
- Holocene to recent sediment transport on the Sabrina Coast: Grain-size analysis via laser diffraction
- How do detachment faults root into the deep lithosphere at magma-starved mid-ocean ridges?
- How far away can a rapidly draining supraglacial lake induce a crevasse?
- How past changes in El Niño could inform its future
- How sediment connectivity influences gravel transportability and bedrock erodibility
- Hydroclimate Changes in the Southern Great Plains since the Last Glacial Maximum: the Role of the Low-Level Jet
- Hydrogeological Modeling and Pore Pressure Characterization of Delaware Mountain Group in the Delaware Basin, Texas and New Mexico
- ICECAP's contribution to NASA's Operation IceBridge in East Antarctica
- Identification, explanation and quantification of the hydrologically important components of an Andean Watershed
- Imaging the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Imaging the source region of potentially induced earthquakes in the Eagle Ford region of Texas with ambient noise tomography and receiver functions.
- Impact of ENSO-like Tropical Pacific Decadal Variability on the Relative Frequency of El Niño and La Niña
- Impact-Driven Mobilization of Deep Crustal Brines on Dwarf Planet Ceres
- Impacts of climate versus human intervention on water storage changes based on GRACE satellites in major U.S. aquifers
- Implementation Science in Action: Streamlining the Links between Data, Models, and Cyberinfrastructure for Resiliency
- In search of New Zealand's hidden faults: towards a high resolution velocity field from InSAR and GPS observations
- Influence of tree water content in the zero-flow maximum temperature difference: A theoretical and experimental approach.
- Insights into rock deformation from observations of the Chicxulub impact crater: Impact bulking, role of cohesion, and contrasts with tectonic plate boundary faults
- Integrated Airborne Geophysics Survey over a Newly-discovered Subglacial Lake in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Investigating Hillslope Self-Similarity: Field Observations of Weathering Profiles Across a Sequence of Repeating Ridges and Valleys
- Investigating Ice Surface Elevations Derived from Laser and Radar-sounding Measurements Over Devon Ice Cap, Canadian Arctic
- Laterally-mixed versus temporally-segregated origins for mixed systems: Contemporaneous icehouse sedimentation on the Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian-Missourian) Sacramento shelf
- Linking Paleomagnetism and Petrographic Observations to Long-lived Hydrothermal Activity at the Chicxulub Crater
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes Accompany Deep Slow-Slip beneath the North Island of New-Zealand
- Making pumice: a post-fragmentation process?
- Managed Aquifer Recharge as a drought mitigation strategy for the California Central Valley
- Mantle structure and dynamics under the continuous United States inferred from tomographic imaging of radially anisotropic shear velocity.
- Measuring the Effect of Urbanization on Water Use by Trees in Riparian Settings
- Mechanisms Generating Fluid Overpressure at the Trench of Subduction Zones and Implications for Megathrust Weakening.
- Mega-hyporheic zones: Interfacial exchange induced by compound megadunes in a tidal environment
- Methane, Monsoons, and Modulation of Millennial-scale Climate
- Microseismic Evidence for Episodic Fluid Release from Subducting Oceanic Crust Associated with Slow Slip in the Northern Hikurangi
- Mineralogical and geochronological analyses of Nicobar Fan turbidites (IODP Leg 362): is deposition tectonics or climate-controlled?
- Mini-batch Least-Squares Reverse Time Migration In A Deep Learning Framework
- Mixed-Mode Seismic Slip and Aseismic Creep on a Highly Active Low-Angle Normal Fault System in Papua New Guinea
- Modeling Injection Induced Stress Changes in the Fort Worth Basin
- Modeling of convective carbon dioxide dissolution in porous media: from pore to Darcy scale
- Morainal bank evolution and fjord infilling during a tidewater glacier stillstand, on seasonal to decadal timescales
- Multi-Daly Isotope Measurements by MC-ICP-MS
- Multi-Decadal assessment of water storage changes in the Tigris-Euphrates basin using remote sensing, hydrological models, and monitoring data
- New magnetic and gravity views of Precambrian and Pan-African age crustal features between the Shackleton Range and Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica
- On how episodic sediment supply influences channel stability, bed surface structures, and the threshold for sediment entrainment in an aggrading gravel-bed river
- Petrophysical properties of the GC 955 Gulf of Mexico hydrate reservoir inferred from reconstituted sediments: implications for hydrate formation
- Plastic Yielding and Tectonic Regimes in Thin Ice Shells: Effects of Latitudinal Surface Temperature Variations
- Pore-scale study of spontaneous imbibition in fractured rocks using the lattice Boltzmann method
- Potential Beneficial Uses of Produced Water from Unconventional Shale Plays in the U.S.
- Potential of Sulfidated Iron (Oxides) to Abiotically Reduce Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater
- Predictability of El Niño Duration Based on the Onset Timing
- Predictable Soil Stratigraphy of the Upper Thawed Layer in Permafrost Terrain Controls Hydrological Flows and Dynamics
- Properties of Accreted Ices on Icy Ocean Worlds as Fingerprints of Sub-Ice Oceans
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage due to bank erosion in permafrost-dominated river floodplains
- Quantifying the timing and source of baseflow into the tidally fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
- Quantifying water storage capacity in, and dry season water yield from Bofedales, Andean Wetlands
- Rapid experimental determination of magmatic phase equilibria: coordinating a volcanic crisis response protocol
- Recent Deformation of Old Ocean Crust
- Recurring and triggered slow slip events near the trench along the Nankai subduction thrust documented by offshore borehole observatories
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a Holistic Representation of River Corridors from Headwaters to the Ocean
- Refining Active Source Seismic Refraction Field Configurations for Applications in Critical Zone Studies
- Relating the Fluvial Avulsion Process to Channel-belt Stratigraphic Architecture: An example from the Cretaceous Cedar Mountain Formation, Utah
- Resolving Resurgence: A Reassessment of Resurgence Timescales using High-Precision <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology at the Valles Caldera, northern New Mexico, USA
- Role of pore channel geometry and inertia on length-scales for transition of non-Fickian to Fickian solute transport phenomenon at pore-scale
- SHARAD Altimetry on Mars: Towards an improved, global digital terrain model
- Sea level projections using ice sheet model based on RCP scenarios at David Glacier, East Antarctica
- Seasonal Variability of Basal Melt under the Nansen Ice Shelf, Antarctica
- Seismic velocity structure of upper oceanic crust in the western South Atlantic from full-waveform modeling
- Sensing the Endgame for Callisto's Ocean
- Single-crystal Elasticity of Silica across the Post-stishovite Transition: Implications for Detecting the Seismic Scatterers in the Mid-lower Mantle
- Single-crystal refinement of (Fe,Al)-bearing bridgmanite structure at high pressure
- Slow Magma Ascent in Explosive Eruptions: Implications of Feldspar Microlite Formation in Cleetwood and Llao Rock Eruptions, Crater Lake, USA
- South Atlantic Transect Site Survey Data in Support of IODP Expeditions 390 and 393
- Structure of slow-spread Australian oceanic crust at the Puysegur Trench, New Zealand: Preliminary results from SISIE ocean-bottom seismic and streamer refraction data
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): The Concept and Progress on a Major Publication Venture
- Subduction of rough seafloor facilitates sediment underplating beneath a low velocity prism
- Subduction shear zone morphology and exhumation dynamics: Insights from peak Pressure-Temperature conditions and timing of subduction on Syros Island, Greece
- Superconducting Gravity Observations at McDonald Geodetic Observatory
- The Challenge of Providing Safe Water to All in a World of Climate Change
- The Contribution of Hyporheic Respiration to Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Inland Waters in the Continental United States
- The Effects of Stream Organic Matter on Respiration in the Hyporheic Zones: An Experimental Study
- The Europa Clipper: Science and Mission
- The Evolution of Student Engagement, Interest and Perception of Geoscience During Challenge-Based Courses: Insights from the GeoFORCE Texas Program
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- The age of ice exposed along the northern margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The birth of bubbles by spinodal decomposition: Solving the tiny bubble paradox
- The competing effects of inertial losses and fracture dilation on the permeability of fractured rocks
- The current tectonic setting of South Georgia Island based on GPS geodetic and marine seismic reflection data.
- The interior structure and thermal state of Venus: what we can learn from future missions
- The potential of Texas Mud Blanket sediment cores for investigating modern and ancient storm deposits
- The role of basal channels and fractures in the stability of ice bodies in Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica
- The role of groundwater dynamics on carbon export from continuous permafrost watersheds
- The upper limit on magma decompression rate from bubble number density
- Thermal histories of k-feldspar from granites located in the central and northern Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for regional extension
- Towards the inclusion of osmotic potential in plant hydrodynamics models to capture mangrove forest responses to changing climate
- Tracking Urban Development Impacts on Austin, Texas, Area Watersheds Using Endmember Elemental (F<SUP>-</SUP>, Cl<SUP>-</SUP>) and Isotopic (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) Tools
- Tree-level hydraulic stress: insights from long-term measurements of sap-flow and tree-water storage
- Two-year Predictions of ENSO Event Duration During 1954-2015
- Unconventional play produced water: a geochemical journey across Texas
- Understanding the Early-Holocene to Present Lower Mississippi River Avulsion Patterns Since the Last Glacial Maximum: A 'Backdirt' Curve?
- Using X-ray Computed Tomography (XCT) to Estimate Hydrate Saturation in Sediment Cores from UT-GOM2-1 H005, Green Canyon 955
- Variations in Soil <SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr, and its Influence on Stream Water Geochemical Evolution in Eight Rapidly Urbanizing Watersheds in Austin, TX
- Vegetation prior to and during onset of East Antarctic glaciation: High resolution palynological insights from Sabrina Coast, East Antarctica
- Water Concentration in Single-Crystal (Al,Fe)-bearing Bridgmanite and its Possible Implications for the Dehydration Melting below 660 km Depth
- What can we expect from multi-sensor data assimilation for hydrological simulation?
- Workflow for Developing Spatially Resolved Production Outlooks in an Unconventional Play: Case Study, Bakken Play, United States
- Zircon U/Pb and (U-Th)/He double dating to constrain the thermal evolution of Chicxulub impact crater
- A Global Analysis and Comparison of River Delta Channel Kinematics Using Satellite Imagery
- A Statewide Evaluation of Excess Water Availability for Aquifer Storage and Recovery Projects or Aquifer Recharge Projects in Texas
- A multi-site high-resolution study of rainfall isotopic variability in Hurricane Harvey, 2017
- A new view of interseismic coupling at the Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand, utilizing GNSS and InSAR data
- Accelerated target-oriented least-squares reverse time migration using optimal mini-batches of shots
- Active source refraction tomography using a reversible jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach.
- Advances in plate tectonics: interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the separation of continents and initiation of subduction zones at GeoPRISMS primary sites
- Altimetry from Planetary Radar Sounders
- Aluminum Effects on Elastic and Vibrational Properties across the Post-stishovite Transition
- An Investigation of Oxygen Fugacity in Ocean Island Basalts
- Antarctic Network - Polar Earth Observing Network: Achievements from Ten Years of Autonomous Measurements
- Application of Deep Learning Techniques to Ice Sheet Surface and Bed Interface Detection
- Assessing groundwater quality impacts of capturing high magnitude flows for managed aquifer recharge
- Asteroid Thermal Evolution with Fragmentation and Reassembly into a Rubble Pile
- Bubble nucleation during explosive eruptions starts in the magma chamber
- Challenges on Mercury's interior structure
- Characterization of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5a aeolianite deposits following the Last Interglacial Highstand (LIG) using remote sensing imagery and field investigations across the Western Atlantic
- Combining physics-based modeling and machine learning for GRACE satellite data fusion and reconstruction
- Comparing different methods for measurement of geothermal heat flux in East Antarctica
- Coriolis effect entombed in Pleistocene Bahamian dune fields
- Coupled brittle and chemical processes at the bedrock-sediment interface: significance for flow and energy resources
- Data Imputation, Scaling, and Homogenization (DISH): Drought and Employment Nexus
- Dependence of Convective Dynamo Action on Bulk Electrical Conductivity
- Determining Local Mesh Resolution for Accurate Modeling of River-Floodplain Connectivity
- Detrital zircon U-Pb-He double dating constraints on Laramide hinterland magmatism, tectonism, exhumation, and sediment routing - insights from the Tornillo Basin, West Texas
- Diagenetic degradation of paleoenvironmental signals in magnetic susceptibility in sediments from the northern Bay of Bengal (IODP Expedition 353)
- Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth?
- Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events: Dynamics and Multiyear Predictability
- Décollement initiation at the Cascadia Subduction Zone from Full-Waveform Inversion
- Elastic hardening upon approaching hydrogen-bond symmetrization in high-pressure ice polymorphs: experiments and calculations
- Elasticity of sing-crystal phase E at high pressure and temperature
- Established geoscience education strategies to support geoconservation initiatives in East Portland, Jamaica.
- Estimating soil moisture in the active layer of the Arctic Foothills using spaceborne InSAR surface deformation data
- Evaluating the influence of wood water content under no flow conditions for trees among isohydric and anisohydric species.
- Evaluation of hydrometeorological forecast skill during Hurricane Harvey (2017)
- Exploring Paleo-environmental Controls on Preserved Coastal Dune Morphology using an Aeolian Surface Model: Insights from The Bahamas and Turks and Caicos Islands
- Exploring the Spatial Patterns of Delta Morphodynamics on Mars and Titan
- Focused Free Gas Flow Forms Concentrated Methane Hydrate in Coarse-Grained Layers in Geological Systems
- Forecast-Informed Reservoir Operations in Texas: what will it take to say "yes"?
- Fossil coral reconstructions of El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability during Heinrich Stadial 1 and the Younger Dryas
- Geochemistry as a Tool for Magnetic Induction, Gravity, and Seismology in Icy Ocean Worlds
- Geomorphic Controls on Shrub Canopy Volume and Spacing of Creosote Bush in Northern Mojave Desert, USA
- Geomorphic Expression of Last Interglacial Maximum Reef Complexes of the Florida Keys: New Insights from LiDAR Data
- Global Analysis of Daily and Monthly GRACE data for Flood Prediction
- Grounding Line Retreat Observed in the Eastern Totten Glacier Grounding Zone with DInSAR
- Groundwater filling times for large impact basins on early Mars and implications for the onset of post impact hydrothermal systems
- High-Pressure Experimental Study of Tetragonal CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB>-Pervoskite to 200 GPa
- How Safe are United States Public Water Supply Systems?
- How limited belowground water storage can shield forests from drought
- Ice-ocean exchange processes in the Jovian and Saturnian satellites
- Iceberg Calving Events Driven by Submarine Ice Morphology at LeConte Glacier, Alaska
- Impact of 1-Bit Sampling of Radar Sounding Data for Deep Space Applications: Demonstration at Mars and Implications for Europa
- Importance of local uplift rates for the creation of marine platforms and terraces built by repeated sea-level occupations
- Improved Joint Seismic-Geodynamic Tomography: Effects of Topography at Discontinuities in the Transition Zone on Mantle Heterogeneity and Convection-Related Observables
- Improving Estimates of Horizontal Crustal Motions in Polar Environments
- InSAR Reveals Significant Ground Deformation in the Samail Ophiolite in Oman
- Insight Into Erosion and Lake-Filling Process from Crater Rim Fluvial Breaches on Mars
- Integrated modeling and observations of ice wedge degradation and thermokarst pool expansion
- Investigating the depositional environment of sedimentary fan features on Mars using orbital stratigraphy
- Investigating the influence of mid- to late-Holocene loading on horizontal ANET GPS motions in the Ross Sea Region, Antarctica
- Kinematic Evolution of a Deep-Water Channel-Levee System, Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- Longshore Transport-Driven Accretionary Growth of Carbonate Islands: Holocene and Pleistocene Examples from the Lucayan Archipelago
- Low-Fequency Earthquakes Accompany Deep-Slow Slip beneath the North Island of New Zealand
- Measurements of Seismic Wave Attenuation in Bubbly Liquids: Wiged Mechanism
- Mid-Ocean Ridge Mantle Heterogeneity: Insights from the 8°20' N Near-Axis Seamount Chain
- Modeling memory in gravel bed rivers: consideration of a discharge-dependent threshold for motion
- Modification of the halogen budget of the North American lithospheric mantle from subduction
- Morphometric Expression of Carbonate Factory Response to Gradients Across a Regional Oceanographic Energy Transition: an Example from the Bahamas-Caicos Archipelago
- Multi-Scale Understanding and Modeling of Plant Hydraulics
- Multi-physics Facilitates Advancements in Land-Atmosphere Interaction
- Multi-sample thermal history inversion in HeFTy along a structural profile using time-depth modeling: application to the Argentine Frontal Cordillera (29-33°S)
- Multibeam and Airborne Lidar Bathymetry for Morphometrics of the Caicos Platform Carbonate Shelf Margin, BWI
- Multiple Daly Isotope Measurements on the Nu Plasma 3 MC-ICP-MS
- New data on the stick-slip mechanics of seismogenic faults from rotary shear experiments
- New study targets modelling crust and lithosphere heterogeneity in the Wilkes Subglacial Basin of East Antarctica
- Nitrogen cycling beneath the soil: bioavailable nitrogen dynamics in a bedrock rhizosphere
- Non-stationary response of South Indian hydroclimate to orbital forcing during Marine Isotope Stage 9
- Observations of weathering and deep roots exposed by a rockfall from a limestone cut bank on the Pedernales River, TX, USA
- Ocean bottom seismological observation of slow earthquake activity in the northern part of the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand
- Opportunities to invest in groundwater-fed irrigation Sub-Saharan Africa - A regional assessment under alternative energy solutions
- P-wave velocity structure of the northern Hikurangi margin from travel time tomography
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Permeability measurement and prediction in samples from the Wolfcamp Fm. (Delaware Basin), West Texas
- Physical Records of Ocean Acidification in the Geological Record
- Predicting the Duration of El Niño and La Niña Events during 1954-2015
- Preliminary Hydrogeological Modeling of Deep Injection in the Delaware Basin for Pore Pressure Characterization with Application to Induced Seismicity
- Preliminary results from GRACE/GRACE-FO 5-day mascon solutions from CSR
- Progress with a network of Siderastrea siderea corals yields insights into past climate of the Inter-America Sea
- Projected Landscape Impacts from Fossil and Renewable Energy Development in the Permian Basin, TX, USA
- Quantifying High-Frequency Lacustrine Sedimentation Patterns using Publicly Available Data
- Quantifying precipitation, aridity, and runoff-producing timescales using paleolakes on early Mars
- Quantifying the distributions of channel geometry and channel belt properties for single-thread and braided rivers
- Reach-scale controls on local deposition: modeling river natural levees as internal deltas
- Reconciling simulated and coral-inferred changes in El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability during the Holocene
- Relative Impacts of Climate Extremes and Irrigation Water Use on Water Storage in Major Aquifers based on GRACE Satellite Data
- Respiration in a shale rhizosphere dominated by deep root respiration, not oxidation of petrogenic organic carbon
- River sand detrital geo-thermochronology record contrasting thermal histories across the Pyrenees of Spain and France
- Riverine transport of terrestrial organic carbon in permafrost-dominated floodplains
- Role of Basalt Alteration on Slip Behavior at the Hikurangi Subduction Zone
- Seismic imaging of the internal workings of Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge.
- Sintered Pumice Aggregates: A Window into Primary Magmatic Fragmentation
- Spatial Variation in Bedrock Weathering Under a sequence of ridges and valleys in the Great Valley Sequence of Northern California revealed through geophysics and deep drilling
- Structural petrology and petrochronology record subduction, underplating, and return flow in the Cycladic Blueschist Unit exposed on Syros Island, Greece
- Subduction Top to Bottom 2 (ST2B-2): A Major Publication Venture Celebrating Twenty Years of Subduction Zone Science
- Subsurface Water Ice Mapping (Swim) Project: Characterizing the Inventory of Nonpolar Ice on Mars
- Teaching Python for Geoscience Research with Jupyter Notebooks
- The Influence of Mid-20<SUP>th</SUP> to Mid-21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Shifts in the Geographic Distribution of Aerosol Emissions on Their Climate Efficacy
- The development of East Antarctic ocean simulation with a focus on the Totten Glacier.
- The hydraulic capacitance of biomass: opportunities and challenges in observation and modeling
- The impact of splay fault initiation and evolution on the stress state in subduction-accretion complexes
- The impact on the runout distance of pyroclastic density currents by density stratification
- Tracing Bank Storage and Hyporheic Exchange Dynamics using <SUP>222</SUP>Rn:A Virtual Test
- Tracking Barrier Island Response to Early Holocene Sea-level Rise: High Resolution Study of Estuarine Sediments in the Trinity River Paleovalley
- Transition in Force Balance during Puysegur Subduction Initiation: Three-dimensional Gravity and Dynamic Models
- Tropical Pacific decadal variability and ENSO modulation: Role of stochastic atmospheric forcing from the extratropics
- Unraveling the Slip Behavior and Evolution of the Mai'iu-Goodenough Detachment Fault System by Integrating Multi-timescale Datasets with Novel Coral Paleoseismological Evidence
- Unraveling the pre-subduction stratigraphy and tectonometamorphic evolution of deeply subducted and exhumed rocks using zircon U-Pb geochronology
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy of Antarctica from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis
- Upper-plate controls on megathrust slip behaviour: Comparing the Hikurangi and Nankai subduction zones
- Using X-Ray Computed Tomography to Image Apollo Drive Tube 73002
- Vertical Land Movements and Sea Level Changes on South Georgia, South Atlantic Ocean: Results from seven Years of Geodetic and Oceanographic Observations on a Remote Island
- What Can the Brune-type Stress Drops of Ridgecrest Aftershocks Tell Us About the Mainshock Rupture?
- When strike-slip comes first: Strain partitioning insights from the Puysegur subduction zone
- A comprehensive model of crustal thickness and Vp/Vs ratio of Western Canada
- A new bathymetry surrounding and beneath the West Ice Shelf in East Antarctica
- A widespread subglacial hydrology system detected by airborne geophysics survey in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Acoustic characterization of processes occurring at tidewater glaciers via active and passive multi-channel underwater acoustic recordings
- Analytical Solutions for Melt Percolation in Ice Masses and a Pathway to Ice Lens Formation
- Collaborative Sea-Level Science on NASAs Science Managed Cloud Environment: Toward an Earth Information System
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Complex Stratigraphy on the Incoming Plate at the N. Hikurangi Margin From 3D Seismic Data
- Deep-Water Circulation in the Southern Gulf of Mexico at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition
- Effect of lithological heterogeneities on shallow slow slip events: An example from the northern Hikurangi margin, New Zealand
- Englacial stratigraphy over a newly discovered widespread subglacial hydrology system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica
- Experimental Insights into Melt Influenced Fault Behavior
- Field Observations Reveal Short Moulin Life Spans On The Pakitsoq Region On The Greenland Ice Sheet
- Forward-Inverse Modeling of Earthquake Cycle Deformation
- Frictional and Lithological Controls on Shallow Slow Slip at the Northern Hikurangi Margin
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What causes some faults to slip in major earthquakes, while others appear to creep and/or undergo episodic slow slip?
- Illuminating the Cascadia Subduction Zone with ultra-long offset Multi-Channel Seismic and Ocean Bottom Seismometer data: Overview on the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21).
- Improving the Accessibility of the Apollo Passive Seismic Data: Archiving at the PDS and IRIS
- In-situ U-Pb apatite ages for diabase dikes from the Chicxulub basement Direct timing constraints on Late Jurassic Yucatan margin synrift magmatism and Gulf of Mexico opening
- Incoming sediment properties at the Cascadia subduction zone constrained by active source seismic data
- Investigating Potential Dynamic Backstop Splay Faulting in the Cascadia Accretionary Wedge Using New Seismic Reflection Images from the CAscadia Seismic Imaging Experiment 2021 (CASIE21)
- Investigating a subglacial hydrological transition near the grounding zone of Totten Glacier, East Antarctica
- METEOR - The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agencys Gravity Meter Loan Program
- Modeling the Ecosystem Services Impacts of Renewable Energy Development Via a Risk Assessment Framework
- Observational evidence for depth-dependent, geometry-dependent iceberg melt rates using ApRES, remote sensing, and in situ hydrography
- Ocean-Ice or Ice-Ocean? Exploring the Seasonal Interplay Between Iceberg Calving, Submarine Melt, and Terminus Morphology at a Tidewater Glacier
- Predicting CO2 Gravity-Driven Drainage Saturation using Machine Learning
- Revisit a dense nodal array monitored cluster in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin using machine-learning based detection (LOC-FLOW)
- Seamount Subduction Along the Northern Hikurangi Margin Inferred from 3D Seismic Imaging
- The structural and morphological evolution of transpressive systems: insights from analog modeling
- Time-resolved, 20-year, contrasting glacier response to ocean forcing
- A new plate boundary born as another dies: The influence of the Nootka Fault Zone segmenting subduction processes along the northern Cascadia margin
- Aero-geophysical constraints on the crustal structure of the western margin of the Aurora Subglacial Basin, East Antarctica
- Application of the Double-Difference Relocation Method to Acoustic Emission Events in High-Pressure Deformation Experiments
- Assessing the Habitability of UT-0F30 for the Process of Terraforming
- CASIE21-OBS: Acquisition of a Controlled-Source Marine Wide-Angle Seismic Refraction/Reflection Dataset Across the Cascadia Margin
- Cassini RSS Bistatic Observations of Titan's seas: new insights into their composition and roughness
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Consolidation behavior of sediments along the Eastern Aleutian subduction zone: Implications for the evolution of physical properties and overpressure beneath the megathrust
- Developing a Code of Conduct at The University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Geophysics (UTIG) - Alternative Approaches, Measures of Success, and Open Questions
- Erratic Noise Suppression in Receiver Function Imaging
- Examining sediment consolidation state and hydrothermal circulation at and near buried seamounts on the Cascadia Margin and its relation to earthquake generation
- Exploring the Habitat of Slow and Fast Earthquakes in and around the Guerrero Seismic Gap off the Pacific Coast of Mexico using New Active Source Seismic Data
- Fluids at slow slip megathrust zone supplied by consolidation of clay-rich, volcaniclastic subducting upper crust
- Geologic controls on subglacial thermal conditions and old ice preservation from a COLDEX perspective - insights from East Antarctic airborne geophysical surveying
- Impacts of Microstructural Heterogeneity on CO2 Capillary Trapping in Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Laboratory earthquake forecasting using elastic wave properties and machine learning
- Least-squares migration imaging of receiver functions
- Magma-poor rifted margin evolution from rift to drift: a synthesis of numerical modeling and seismic experiments from the Deep Ivory Coast Basin
- Mapping Potentially Active Cascadia Splay Faults using CASIE21 Seismic Reflection Imaging
- Massive Submarine Landslides Imaged Offshore Southern Oregon
- Morphology and sediments of the subaqueous Colville River Delta (Alaska)
- Multi-Dimensional Reconstruction of SS Precursors and Its Application in High-Resolution Mantle Transition Zone Imaging
- Northern Cascadia Subduction Termination and Plate Boundary Amplitude Variations from Marine Seismic Data
- Radar Backscatter: Insights into Composition, Roughness, and Topography at the Dragonfly Landing Site on Titan
- Relationship between ultra-low frictional healing and shallow slow slip at the northern Hikurangi margin
- Sharing geoscience's distinct legacy of broadening participation at the Second National Conference
- The COLDEX regional aerogeophysical survey for oldest ice core candidate site selection: plans for 2022/23
- The PULSE Network: Building an Earthquake Catalogue to Further Understand SSEs on the Hikurangi Subduction Zone
- Thickness of Salt Layers Precipitated from Sills in Europa's Shallow Subsurface
- Using Planetary Radar Sounders as Solar Observatories: Characterisation of type-III bursts with SHARAD and MARSIS
- Variations in Subduction Bending-Related Normal Faulting of the Incoming Juan de Fuca Plate Along the Cascadia Margin
- Working from the ground up - initiating a new code of conduct for improved inclusion
- a rift in space and time: honoring the legacy of the first national conference
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Bécel
- A. F. Arnulf
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Alejandro Cardona
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Andrew Gase
- Anja Rutishauser
- Antoine Lucas
- Ashraf Rateb
- B. A. Keisling
- B. Boston
- B. D. Loomis
- B. M. Carpenter
- Baptiste Cecconi
- Benchun Duan
- Brooke Medley
- C. A. Williams
- Camilla Cattania
- Celia Trunz
- Chad A. Greene
- Chris Marone
- Christa D. Peters‐Lidard
- Christian Kienholz
- Christine F. Dow
- Christopher Gerekos
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Claudio Faccenna
- Clay Wood
- D. A. Young
- D. D. Blankenship
- D. E. Lalich
- D. J. Shillington
- D. Lizarralde
- D. M. Saffer
- D. P. Winebrenner
- D. Schutt
- Dan Barker
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- David A. Sutherland
- Denis Felikson
- Duo Li
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- E. Brook
- Emily Eidam
- Emily Warren‐Smith
- Erin C. Pettit
- Ethan Conrad
- Fangxue Zhang
- Felicity McCormack
- Fiona J. Clubb
- G. A. Catania
- Gabriela Fernández‐Viejo
- Gregory F. Moore
- H. C. Watson
- H. J. Gilbert
- H. J. Van Avendonk
- Hailun Ni
- Hanchao Jian
- J. M. Amundson
- J. P. Canales
- J. P. Mullen
- J. Z. Mejia
- Jaap H. Nienhuis
- Jacques Rivière
- Jamin S. Greenbaum
- Jason M. Soderblom
- Jeffrey P. Severinghaus
- Jingchuan Wang
- John Paden
- John W. Goodge
- Jonathan D. Nash
- Jonathan J. Fortney
- Junle Jiang
- Justin Quinn
- K. M. Soderlund
- Keith W. Nicholls
- Kevin Shionalyn
- Kimihiro Mochizuki
- Knut Christianson
- Konstantinos Soukis
- Kristin Poinar
- Kurt D. Retherford
- L. E. Bonnefoy
- Laura Wallace
- Lauren C. Andrews
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Lupei Zhu
- M. A. Hesse
- M. D. Covington
- M. J. Croteau
- M. L. Rilee
- M. P. Panning
- M. R. Koutnik
- M. R. Nedimović
- Marco Zannoni
- Martha K. Savage
- Matt J. Ikari
- Meng Li
- Michele L. Cooke
- Michelle K. Lee
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- N. L. Bangs
- N. Lapusta
- Natalie S. Wolfenbarger
- Nathaniel C. Miller
- Nicholas Holschuh
- Nicola Tisato
- Nina Stark
- P. Elósegui
- P. H. Reiff
- P. Miller
- P. Segall
- Pascal Audet
- Patricia Standring
- Pierre Romanet
- Prithvi Thakur
- R. Forsberg
- R. H. Jackson
- R. Noschese
- R. Orosei
- Ralph D. Lorenz
- Riccardo Reitano
- Richard I. Cullather
- Roland Bürgmann
- Rowan C. Martindale
- Ryosuke Ando
- Ryuta Arai
- S. Han
- S. Rodríguez
- S. Vance
- Sam Christian
- Samuel Birch
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shannon MacKenzie
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shuai Yan
- Shuichi Kodaira
- Sietze J. de Graaff
- Simone Puel
- Srisharan Shreedharan
- Sylvain Barbot
- T. C. Bartholomaus
- T. D. van Ommen
- T. Neumann
- T. W. Becker
- Tanner Acquisto
- Tony Yu
- V. M. Cruz‐Atienza
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Valerio Poggiali
- Valère Lambert
- Victor C. Tsai
- W. Dietrich
- Wei Wei
- Whitney M. Behr
- Yajing Liu
- Yanbin Wang
- Yihe Huang
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yoshihiro Ito
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yunfeng Chen
- Yuyun Yang