University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A proposed decomposition approach for remediation design with multiple management periods
- Anomalous Carbon Isotope Fractionations in Hydrate-Bearing Sediments from the Gulf of Mexico: Are Bacteria to be Blamed?
- Estimation of Depth-Area Relationships Using Radar-Rainfall Data
- Forearc and Backarc Basalts of the Garibaldi Lake-Cheakamus Valley Areas, Southwestern British Columbia
- Zinc Adsorption on Fe(II)/Fe(III) Substates Produced by Microbial Reduction of High-Surface-Area Goethite, Medium-Surface-Area Goethite and Lepidocrocite
- Extensional Evolution of West Antarctica: Lithospheric Conditions and Processes
- Extracting ENSO Records From Speleothems: A new Initiative in the South Pacific
- Geochemical Characterization Using Geophysical Data and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Groundwater Remediation System Design
- Multiple Pore Region Model of Uranium(VI) Reductive Immobilization in Structured Subsurface Media
- Optimization Modeling to Guide Field Data Collection
- Rare Earth and HFSE Constraints on Basalt Source Regions and Melting Conditions in the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Northern Cascadia Subduction System
- Relative Importance of Dispersive and Diffusional Processes in Aquifers Containing a Connected High-conductivity Network: Assessment of the Relative Conductivity Peclet Number Criterion
- Wilson Cycles and Strong Orogenic Belts: The Influence of the Paleozoic Ouachita Orogen on Mesozoic Opening of the Gulf of Mexico
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System and its role in hydrologic observatories
- Deciphering a Duplex: an Example From the Western Nepal Himalaya
- Framework for Numerical Simulation of Bacterial Fe(III) Oxide Reduction in Circumneutral Soil and Sedimentary Environments
- Hydraulic conductivity dependency of biodegradation of fuel hydrocarbon contaminants in a natural attenuation field site
- Modeling Seawater Intrusion in a Coastal Aquifer System for Effective Management
- Sr-Pb isotopic studies of primitive and near-primitive basaltic magmas, Garibaldi volcanic belt, northern Cascadia subduction system
- Thermodynamic Versus Surface Area Control of Microbial Fe(III) Oxide Reduction Kinetics
- Adapting Industry Multiple Attenuation Techniques to Crustal-Scale Marine Seismic Surveys
- Climate Change Recorded in Aragonite Speleothems from Central Alabama
- Comparative adsorption of arsenic, boron, chromium, molybdenum and selenium on fresh and weathered fly ash.
- Emplacement and Growth of Serpentinite Seamounts on the Mariana Forearc
- Entrainment of Meltwaters in Hyperpycnal Flows During Deglaciation Superfloods in the Gulf of Mexico: Implications for Freshwater Outflows in the Climate System
- Evaluation of a Chemical Fixation Technique for Remediation of Soils Contaminated with Arsenic Trioxide
- Numerical Simulation of Field-Scale Transport and Biogeochemical Reactions Using a Particle-Based Method
- Olivine and Chromian Spinel in Primitive and Near-Primitive Garibaldi Belt lavas: Implications for Sub-arc Mantle Sources in the 'Hot' Northern Cascadia Subduction System
- Records of Rainfall and ENSO in the South Pacific From Speleothem Growth Bands
- Remote Sensing of Spring Streams on Alaska's North Slope
- Thermal History of an Oceanic Core Complex, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity 2.6 Myr Off-Axis
- A Millennial Record of Rainfall And ENSO Variability in Stalagmites From a Mid-Ocean Island in the South Pacific
- Behavior of Fluid Mobile Elements Across hot Subduction Zone: Insights from Along-Strike B, As, Sb and Cs Systematics in Mafic Lavas from the Garibaldi Volcanic Belt, Northern Cascadia Subduction System.
- Design and Implementation of an Evaluation Methodology for the NASA Faculty Fellowship Program (NFFP)
- Field-Scale Hydraulic Conductivity (K) and Mass Transfer at the MADE Site in Columbus, Mississippi: A Review and Continuing Studies
- Gas-Phase Diffusive Tracer Test for the In-situ Measurement of Tortuosity in the Vadose Zone
- Geophysical Constraints on Contaminant Transport Modeling in Highly Heterogeneous Aquifers
- Imaging the Subducting Pacific Plate Beneath the Mariana Forearc
- Leaching Behaviors of Five Arsenic-Contaminated Soils
- Poroelastic Coupling of the Recent M9 and M8.7 Earthquakes in the Sumatra-Andaman Subduction Zone
- Rates of Metamorphic and Tectonic Processes Derived From Garnet Chemistry and Phase Diagrams
- Seasonal Variation in Upwelling Recorded in Peruvian Mollusks: Implications for Reservoir Correction Estimates.
- Sustainable Management of Groundwater Resources: A Case Study from the North China Plain
- The Role of the Flux Aircraft in Bottom-Up Scaling in the Bondville Intensive Campaign 2005
- Biomass Burning and Pollution Aerosol Over North America: Organic Components and Their influence on Spectral Optical Properties and Humidification Response
- Coseismic Deformation of the M9 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake: Accounting for Tectonic Structure via FEMs
- Field Characterization of Small-scale Preferential Flow Paths in a Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Hot and Cold: Complex Biochemical Processes in a Mud Volcano Setting on the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Imprints of Catastrophic Cyclones in Trace Element Records (Mg, Na, S, P) of Tropical Stalagmites
- Inter-rifting Deformation in an Extensional Rift Segment; the Northern Volcanic Zone, Iceland
- Pore-scale Characterization of Immiscible-Liquid Distribution in a Natural Carbonate-Karst Soil Using Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Predicting Water Quality Problems Associated with Coal Fly Ash Disposal Facilities Using a Trace Element Partitioning Study
- Rift Mechanics in Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea---Brittle Extension, Total Extension, Subsidence, and Crustal Volume Balances
- The Extent of Salt Water Intrusion, Southern Baldwin County, Alabama
- The Transition from Continental Rifting to Seafloor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin
- Validating the MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF)/Albedo
- A Practical Methodology To Estimate The Fracture Spacing In A Dual-porosity Model From Discrete Fracture Networks
- An Investigation of Gulf of Mexico Donax variabilis as a Potential Paleoclimate Proxy
- Comparison of Models Used to Evaluate Mass Removal and Mass Flux Reduction
- Designing a Geologically Satisfying Model of the 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake
- Evolution of Deformation, Pore Pressure, and Coulomb Stress Following the M9 Sumatra- Andaman Earthquake.
- Improving Regional Estimates of Carbon Exchange through a New Method of Analyzing Aircraft Flux Data
- Last Deglaciation Events (16.1-11.4 cal-Ka) Recorded in a Speleothem from DeSoto Caverns, Alabama, U.S.A.
- New Constraints on plate motions in the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea: Can Euler pole kinematics be used to predict continental extension?
- New Observations on the Complex Interplay Between Normal Faulting and Metamorphic Core Complex Formation at the Rifting-to-Spreading Transition in the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Radiocarbon In Mollusk Shells As Proxy For Peruvian Upwelling: Modern Pre-Bomb Reservoir Effect Correction
- Results from SCS Profiling of the Sumatra accretionary prism: insights into tsnamigenesis
- Teaching marine geology and geophysics: Examples of exercises based around high quality seismic reflection data, well data, and other marine geophysical data from the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
- Thermal History of an Oceanic Core Complex, Atlantis Bank, Southwest Indian Ridge: Evidence for Hydrothermal Activity 2.6 Myr Off-Axis
- Thinning Factors and Crustal Thicknesses at the Propagating Tip of Sea-floor Spreading in the Woodlark Basin
- A Geophysical Characterization of the Orogenic Rifting to Seafloor Spreading Transition in Western Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
- A Preliminary Assessment of the Effects of River Water Dynamics and Chemistry on Uranium Fate and Transport at the Hanford 300A Site
- Aqueous Geochemistry of Lake Tuscaloosa, West-Central Alabama, USA: Drought Response
- Chemical Fixation of Trace Elements in Coal Fly Ash using Ferrous Sulfate Treatment
- Crustal Thickness and Continental Lithosphere Thinning Factors for the Woodlark Basin From Gravity Inversions
- Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Flux Using an Open-Path Gas Analyzer
- Effect of Enhanced-Solubilization Agents on Dissolution and Mass Flux from Uniformly Distributed Immiscible-Liquid Trichloroethene (TCE) in Homogeneous Porous Media
- Evaluation of the Origin and Fate of Nitrate in the Aquifer System of Southern Baldwin County, Alabama Using Multi-isotopic Data
- Phospholipid Fatty Acid Analysis: Past, Present and Future
- Quantifying Light, Medium, and Heavy Crude Oil Distribution in Homogeneous Porous Media
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Stalagmite δ18O Variability Records of ENSO-Controlled Rainfall From Niue Island, South Pacific
- A New Method for Rapid, High-Resolution Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity: Application to Solute Transport at the MADE Site
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentration at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability of Enterococci Concentrations at Santa Monica Municipal Pier, California
- Comparison of Three Modeling Approaches for Predicting Net Ecosystem Productivity in Slash Pine Plantation in North-Central FL
- Controls on the architecture of the Himalayan thrust belt, NW India
- Depth Dependent Lithosphere Thinning at the Rifting to Spreading Transition in the Woodlark Ocean Basin, Western Pacific
- Ecosystem biogeochemical function and services in an urbanizing desert region
- Effects of transient flow and water chemistry on U(VI) transport
- Finite Element Models for the deformation of the Askja volcanic complex and rift segment, Iceland
- Geodetic Measurements and Mechanical Models of Cyclic Deformation at Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Geodetic Measurements and Numerical Models of Rifting in Northern Iceland for 1993-1999
- Investigation of subsurface tracer transport using a high-resolution model of fluvial aquifer heterogeneity
- MARGINS mini-lessons: A tour of the Mariana Subduction System (Invited)
- Modeling Field-Scale Uranium Reactive Transport in Physically and Chemically Heterogeneous Media (Invited)
- Multivariate Analysis of Multi-tracer and Climatological Data in an Urbanizing, Drought-impacted Watershed
- Phosphate-Based Mineralization of Arsenic in Contaminated Soil: A Potential Remediation Method for Soil and Groundwater
- Plate boundaries in the Woodlark Basin and Solomon Sea Region, Papua New Guinea
- Rheologic and structural controls on the deformation of Okmok Volcano, Alaska: FEMs, InSAR, and ambient noise tomography
- Seasonal Differences in the CO2 Exchange of a Short-Hydroperiod Florida Everglades Marsh
- Solar Variability Controls on Rainfall in the Last Millennia: Evidence from a Highly Resolved Stalagmite Record from DeSoto Caverns (USA)
- Sustainability of Water Resources in Arid Ecosystems: A View from Hei River Basin, China (Invited)
- Sustainable Water Resources in Semiarid Agroecosystems
- Upper crustal shortening and forward modeling of the Himalayan fold thrust belt along the Budhi-Gandaki River, central Nepal
- Using finite element modeling (FEM) to investigate a complex inter-eruptive deformation pattern observed at Hekla volcano, Iceland
- A High-Resolution Record of Hydroclimate Changes in the Last Three Millennia from a Stalagmite at DeSoto Caverns (Alabama, USA)
- A Holistic Assessment of the Sustainability of Groundwater Resources in the North China Plain
- A comparison of geochemical data across skeletal growth features in Stylasterid corals
- Ambient Tremor, But No Triggered Tremor at the Northern Costa Rica Subduction Zone
- Calibrating nonlinear volcano deformation source parameters in FEMs: The pinned mesh perturbation method. (Invited)
- Composition of Microbial Communities in Blount Springs, Alabama and Assessment of their Chemolithotrophic Capabilities
- Connecting the African Superplume to the Anomalous Upper Mantle beneath East Africa and Western Arabia: Results from Adaptively Parameterized P-wave Tomography
- Crustal Structure of the Gamburtsev Mountains, East Antarctica, from S-wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Derivation of Environmental Signals from Chemically Altered Speleothems: Initial Study
- Effect of Various Enhanced-Solubilization Agents on Multi-Component Immiscible Liquid Dissolution and Mass Flux in Homogeneous Porous Media
- Fate of terrestrial DOC within stream biofilm communities: a stable isotope approach (Invited)
- Geodetic measurements and models of rifting in Northern Iceland for 1993-1998 (Invited)
- Hydroclimate Events Revealed by a 4,300 Year Record of δ18O and δ13C Variability in a Speleothem from DeSoto Caverns (Alabama, USA)
- Impacts of a Large and Intense Tundra Wildfire on the Hydrological Export of Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus
- Importance of Considering Intraborehole Flow in Solute Transport Modeling under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Long-lived sediment dispersal pathways of the U.S. Cordillera in southwest Montana: Evidence from Paleogene intermontane basin deposits and relationship to regional structure
- Mesh parameterization opens the door to FEM-based inverse methods for estimating nonlinear source parameters of volcano deformation
- Monitoring the structure of Hekla Volcano, Iceland, with a temporary seismic network
- Nitrate Discharge to Coastal Waters in Response to Variable-Density Groundwater Flow
- Numerical models of coseismic slip and strain energy release along listric thrust faults: Application to the 2008 Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake
- Sources and Composition of Dissolved Organic Matter in Headwater Streams Draining Watersheds with Different Land Uses in the York River Estuary
- The Response of Extratropical Westerlies to Climate Change (31.9-11.3 ka) Revealed by a Speleothem from DeSoto Caverns, Alabama (USA)
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of Groundwater Ages and Implications for Sustainable Groundwater Management in the Ordos Basin, Northwest China
- Trends and Numerical Simulation of Land Subsidence Caused by Groundwater Exploitation in the North China Plain
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, East Antarctica via Body-Wave Tomography
- Water Scarcity within the Context of Climate Change and Land Use Change and Linkages to Food Production in Semiarid Regions (Invited)
- A High-Resolution Record of Rainfall Variability During the Past Three Millennia from a Stalagmite at DeSoto Caverns (Alabama, USA)
- A Test of Fidelity from Century-Long Instrumental and Stalagmite Proxy Climate Records from Niue Island, South Pacific
- A new look at the structure of the Antarctic continent from P wave travel times and adaptively parameterized tomography
- An Overview of Groundwater Governance and Management in China
- Coseismic deformation of the 2011 M9 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake inverted from geodetic data using finite element models: Implications for tsunami genesis and poroelastic stress-coupling
- Engaging Students in GeoPRISMS Science Planning: Preparing the Leaders of Tomorrow
- Enhanced-Solubilization of a Multi-Component Immiscible Liquid Source Zone within an Intermediate-scale Flow Cell System
- Evaluation of Heat as a Tracer in a Forced-Gradient Test at the MADE Site
- Experimental microcosm study of the effects of Deepwater Horizon MC-252 oil on the geochemistry and microbiology of Gulf Coast sediment
- Finite element modelling of co-seismic deformation of the Longmenshan thrust belt associated with 2008 M=8 Sichuan earthquake
- Fluid Geochemistry of Blount Springs (Blount County, Alabama): Implications for the resident microbial communities
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- Garnet Sm-Nd and Zircon U-Pb Ages Track Pluton Emplacement, Granulite Facies Metamorphism, Partial Melting, and Extension in the Lower Crust, Fiordland New Zealand
- Geodetic Measurements and Numerical Modeling of the Deformation Cycle for Okmok Volcano, Alaska: 1993-2008
- Geophysical Characterization for Potential Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in the Black Warrior Basin of Alabama
- Identifying Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Middle Reach of the Heihe River Using a Distributed Temperature Sensor
- Impact of Deepwater Horizon Oil Contamination on the Aqueous Geochemistry of Salt Marsh Sediment/Seawater Microcosms
- Long-term Effects of Ethanol Addition on Denitrification At The Uranium Mill Tailing Site In Monument Valley, Arizona
- Low Latency Sensor Web Integration of Seismic Tomography, InSAR, and Deformation Models
- Magma accumulation, migration and structure of spreading segments in Iceland - inferences from geophysical data and FEM models
- Measuring and Modelling the Carbon Balance of Pinus palustris Savannas
- Microbial community analysis of an Alabama coastal salt marsh impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Nonlinear estimation of geometric parameters in finite element models of volcano deformation: Application to the 1997 eruption of Okmok volcano, Alaska.
- Numerical simulations of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami generation, propagation and coastal impact : comparison to field observations, with sensitivity analysis to co-seismic source parameters, model type and resolution
- Paleosurface temperature constraints from low latitude Late Neoproterozoic sand wedges
- Pore-scale Investigation of Surfactant Induced Mobilization for the Remediation of LNAPL
- Poroelastic Coupling of the Zipingpu Reservoir and the 2008 Mw7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake, China
- Pretty Lights and Glowing Rocks: Using Lasers Pointers to Demonstrate Optical Phenomena
- Quantifying wind blown landscapes using time-series airborne LiDAR at White Sands Dune Field, New Mexico
- Receiver functions from west Antarctica; crust and mantle properties from POLENET
- Roughness controls patterns of sediment transport, vegetation and groundwater in a desert dune field
- Seasonality of primary and secondary production in an Arctic river
- Seismic Velocity Structure of Harrat Lunayyir, Northwestern Saudi Arabia
- Sub-Grid Reactive Diffusion and Apparent Uranyl Adsorption/Desorption Rates
- The 11 March 2011 Tohoku-Oki (Japan) Megathrust Event: FEM models of Coseismic and Postseismic deformation captured by DInSAR and GPS Data
- Upper Mantle Structure Beneath the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains & East Antarctica from Body-Wave Tomography
- Uranium Biomineralization by Natural Microbial Phosphatase Activities in the Subsurface
- Using linear inverse methods and finite element models to characterize fissure opening indicated by deformation measured using InSAR from the 2000 eruption of Hekla volcano, Iceland
- Utilizing Major Element and Age Zoning in Garnet as a Tool for Evaluating the Scale of Equilibrium in Metamorphic Rocks
- A High-Resolution ENSO-Driven Rainfall Record Derived From an Exceptionally Fast Growing Stalagmite From Niue Island (South Pacific)
- A High-Resolution Record of a Mid Holocene Rapid Hydroclimate Shift From a Stalagmite at DeSoto Caverns (Alabama, USA)
- A distributed analysis of Human impact on global sediment dynamics
- An Integrated Study of Ecological and Hydrological Processes in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Assessment of Climate Driven Trends and Noise of Long-Term Rainfall δ<SUP>18</SUP>O/δD Time-Series and Implications on Paleoclimate Interpretations
- Dissolution of Trichloroethene (TCE) from a Simple Multi-Component NAPL System
- Effects of Watershed Land Use on Sources and Diagenetic Status of Particulate Organic Matter in Temperate Headwater Streams
- Effects of permafrost on groundwater constituent fluxes via submarine groundwater discharge in high latitude coastal environments
- Environmental Litigation and the Role of Climate Scientists
- Estimates of Crustal Structure in Antarctica from S-Wave Receiver Functions
- Facies variability in the post-Marinoan cap carbonate Nuccaleena Formation on the Stuart Shelf, South Australia
- Feedbacks between roughness and boundary-layer aerodynamics control desert dune field evolution
- High Resolution Time-Series Analysis of Paleo-Climate Proxies Archived in an Actively Forming Stalagmite from Niue Island, South Pacific
- Impact of river-lake-groundwater interaction on boundless carbon cycle in continental basin
- Modeling of the Tohoku-oki 2011 tsunami coastal hazard: effects of a mixed co-seismic and seabed failure source
- Morphology and formation of the upwind margin at White Sands Dune Field
- On Meltwater Megafloods and Rainfall Phase Changes: Decoding the Sea-Air Coupling During the Last Deglaciation
- Pervasive aeolian activity along Curiosity's traverse in Gale Crater on Mars
- Quantitative analysis of volcano deformation FEM domain parameters-A guide for modelers
- Seasonal Changes in Cave Atmosphere Ventilation and its Effect on High-Resolution Proxies Archived in Speleothems: A Case Study From DeSoto Caverns, Alabama (USA)
- Source-to-sink cycling of aeolian sediment in the north polar region of Mars
- The Impact of Water Diversion on Groundwater Resources in an Inland River Basin
- Understanding Sources and Fate of Nitrate in a Highly Developed Aquifer System
- Video analysis of Aeolian streamers
- Water Quality Monitoring and Assessment in Northern New Jersey Watershed, USA
- Water Status of Arctic Tundra Plants During the Winter-Spring Transition
- A spatial scaling relationship for soil moisture in a semiarid landscape, using spatial scaling relationships for pedology
- Anthropogenic effects on global riverine sediment and water discharge - a spatially explicit analysis
- Are Longitudinal Patterns of Bacterial Community Composition and Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Linked Across a River Continuum? (Invited)
- Atmospheric fate and transport of fine volcanic ash: Does particle shape matter?
- Basin evolution, organization of faulting and the distribution of displacement within the Gulf of Corinth rift
- Comprehensive Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle within East and West Antarctica Based on S-wave Receiver Functions
- Constraints on Phanerozoic paleotemperature and seawater oxygen isotope evolution from the carbonate clumped isotope compositions of Late Paleozoic marine fossils (Invited)
- Developing a statistical model for locating bedrock shoal habitat to aid in understanding naturally occurring denitrification processes in a mid-sized river
- Drought in Paleo and Future Streamflow: North Platte River Basin (Colorado & Wyoming, USA)
- Ecosystem Respiration Rates of Arctic Tundra Mesocosms in Response to Cold-Season Temperatures
- Geochemical and Textural Evidence for Transitions in Degassing Regimes at Merapi Volcano, Java, Indonesia
- Glacier Area and Mass Variability in the Wind River Range (Wyoming, USA): 2006 to 2012
- Near real-time monitoring of surface deformation at Long Valley Caldera, California (Invited)
- On the use of tree growth anomalies to detect North Atlantic tropical cyclone activity 1707-2010, Florida Keys, U.S.A
- Pore-scale Recovery of Crude Oil from Porous Media During Surfactant-induced Remediation
- Predicting the Affects of Climate Change on Evapotranspiration and Agricultural Productivity of Semi-arid Basins
- Role of the Western Anatolia Shear Zone (WASZ) in Neotectonics Evolution of the Western Anatolia Extended Terrain, Turkey
- Seasonality of Tropical Dry Forests and its Sensitivity to Climate Change
- Wave field decomposition of volcanic tremor at Pacaya Volcano, Guatemala
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N as a Potential Paleoenvironmental Proxy for Nitrogen Loading in Chesapeake Bay
- Alteration of Tephra Conductivity Resulting From Secondary Pyroclast Disaggregation
- An Analysis of the Vulnerability of Global Drinking Water Access to Climate-related Hazards
- Arctic River Discharge and Sediment Loads --- an Overview
- Biogeochemical Heterogeneity in Mars Analog Soils from the Atacama Desert
- Clumped isotope thermometry in deeply buried sedimentary carbonates: The effects of C-O bond reordering and recrystallization
- Continental rifting in the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea: A comparison of different estimates of extension at the rifting-spreading transition.
- Denitrification Related to Geomorphic Process in Large Rivers
- Dissemination of satellite-based river discharge and flood data
- Evidence for Seasonal Pulses of Riverine Phytoplankton as a Carbon Subsidy Driving Whole System Metabolism
- Finding Crustal Thickness in the Northern Transantarctic Mountains and Wilkes Subglacial Basin Using S-Wave Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities.
- Fly Ash as a Time Marker for Anthropocene Alluvial Sedimentation
- Global-scale simulation of river-floodplain water and sediment exchange within a riverine modeling framework
- Hydrologic Drought Reconstruction Potential in the Southeast US
- Hydrological and land-use controls of watershed exports of DOM and nutrients in a large arid river basin of Western China
- Identifying Anomality in Precipitation Processes
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the MARGINS-GeoPRISMS Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum: An Overview
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Part I: Introducing Seismic Interpretation and Isostasy Principles Using Gulf of California Examples
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Part II: Introducing Euler Poles Using Baja-North America Relative Plate Motion Across the Gulf of California
- Influence of hydroperiod on aquatic primary productivity between short- and long-hydroperiod Florida Everglades marshes
- Investigating the Crust and Upper Mantle of Antarctica based on S-Wave Receiver Functions Deployed in Ice Stations
- Laboratory Studies of Ice Nucleation on Volcanic Ash
- Novel, In-situ NAPL Modification Technique for Persistent Source Zone Control and Remediation
- Preservation of carbonate clumped isotopes in sedimentary paleoclimate archives
- Rate Limited Diffusion and Dissolution of Multicomponent Nonaqueous Phase Liquids (NAPLs) and Effects on Mass Discharge in Groundwater
- Reconstruction of the Depositional Environments of the Devonian Chattanooga Shale in northeastern Alabama
- Relating Snowpack and Snowmelt in Weather Modified Watersheds
- River Network Uncertainty and Coastal Morphodynamics in the Mekong Delta: Model Validation and Sensitivity to Fluvial Fluxes
- Scaling Forest Management Practices in Earth System Models: Case Study of Southeast and Pacific Northwest Forests
- Simulating Plant Water Stress and Phenology in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests: Plant Hydraulics and Trait-Driven Trade-Offs
- The Dynamics of Mercury Speciation and Transport at a Central California Coastal Lagoon
- Threshold Frequency Estimation for the Russian River, CA
- Variations in Pyroclast Porosity: The 2010 Gunung Merapi Eruption
- A Methodology for Forecasting Damage & Economic Consequences to Floods: Building on the National Flood Interoperability Experiment (NFIE)
- A Threshold Continuum for Aeolian Sand Transport
- Alternations in burial and exhumation along the Selimiye (Kayabükü) shear zone in the Menderes Massif from detailed garnet pressure-temperature paths
- An Application of Advanced Ensemble Streamflow Prediction Methods to Assess Potential Impacts of the 2015 - 2016 ENSO Event over the Colorado River Basin
- Calculation of Decompression Rates for the Initial Explosive Phase of the 2010 Merapi Eruption
- Coupling Landform Evolution and Soil Pedogenesis - Initial Results From the SSSPAM5D Model
- Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Hellenic and Cyprus Subduction Zones from Gravity Data Modelling
- Crustal development of the eastern Tibetan Plateau preceding and post India-Asia continent-continent collision: Insights from terrestrial 'redbed' basins in the Yidun Arc Terrane
- Dating High Temperature Mineral Fabrics in Lower Crustal Granulite Facies Rocks
- Developing a Decision Support System for Flood Response: NIMS/ICS Fundamentals
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Dissolved Organic Matter in Impacted Streams and Rivers: Challenges and Future Research Directions
- Distribution and Recovery of Crude Oil in Various Types of Porous Media and Heterogeneity Configurations
- Energy for Water Utilization in China and Policy Implications for Integrated Planning
- Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing
- From Parched to Pouring: Can the 2015 - 2016 El Niño Event Bring Drought Relief to California and the Western U.S.
- Gap-filling methods to impute eddy covariance flux data by preserving variance.
- Global suspended sediment and water discharge dynamics between 1960 and 2010: Continental trends and intra-basin sensitivity
- High Resolution Hydrologic Variability During ENSO Events in Modern, Mid-Holocene and Last Interglacial Periods Discerned from Coupled Isotope Time-Series in the Giant Clam T. gigas from the Raised Coral Reefs in Huon Pen., Papua New-Guinea
- Influence of bed armoring and clusters on bed-load transport - Experiments and Stochastic model analysis
- Mega-fire Recovery in Dry Conifer Forests of the Interior West
- Metabolic Response of Dungeness Crab Larvae Exposed to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Hypoxia
- Modeling Arsenic Mobilization in a Riverbank Aquifer under the Influence of Tidally Fluctuating River and Irrigation Pumping
- Multi-basin, Multi-sector Drought Economic Impact Model in Python: Development and Applications
- On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data
- Quantifying Arsenic Leaching from Soils Using a Fractional-Derivative Model
- Regional oxygen reduction and denitrification rates, San Joaquin Valley, USA
- Sclerochronological analysis of Saxidomus gigantea: Implications for reconstructing past seasonality and sea ice extent in the Northern Pacific Ocean
- Seasonal Streamflow Reconstructions of the Choctawhatchee River (AL-USA)
- Spatial Variation in the Sources of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in a Large Arid River Basin, Northwestern China
- Sustained Water Quality Impacts in Marine Environments Due to Mechanical Milling of Volcanic Deposits
- The evolution of Phanerozoic seawater - Isotope paleothermometry finds consensus on Early Paleozoic warmth and constant seawater δ<SUP>18</SUP>O
- Tree ring anatomical variability as an indicator for large-magnitude spring flooding in the Lower Mississippi Basin
- Utilizing Present-Day Stable Water Isotopes to Improve Paleoclimate Records from the Southeast (USA)
- Variation in Quantity, Source and Bioreactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter in Streams Draining Watersheds along a Gradient of Agricultural Land Use
- δ<SUP>15</SUP>N as a proxy for historic anthropogenic nitrogen loading in Charleston Harbor, SC, USA
- δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Analysis in Tree Rings of Pterocarpus angolensis Growing in Zimbabwe
- 2015-16 ENSO, Precipitation, and the Ridiculously Resilient Ridge
- A Comparison of Continental Extension Estimates Across the Margins of the Woodlark Basin, Papua New Guinea
- A numerical analyzes on how climate change affects riverine flooding
- A reference model for crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica
- Capturing Scale-Dependent Dispersion in Saturated Soils using both Local and Nonlocal Transport Models
- Changes in the Spatial Nature of Heat Waves Over North America
- Comparison of Flood Inundation Mapping Techniques between Different Modeling Approaches and Satellite Imagery
- Comparison of physical and semi-empirical hydraulic models for flood inundation mapping
- Deep-Water Resedimented Carbonate Exploration Play Types: Controls and Models
- Depositional and Immersion-Mode Ice Nucleation of Fine-Grained Volcanic Ash Samples
- Determining the Upper Mantle Seismic Structure beneath the Northern Transantarctic Mountains from Regional P- and S-wave Tomography
- Effects of volcanic deposit disaggregation on exposed water composition
- Evaluating spatial patterns of a distributed hydrological model forced by polarimetric radar based quantitative precipitation estimation
- Examining seismicity patterns in the 2010 M 8.8 Maule rupture zone.
- Fractional order Darcy law for fluid flow through porous media
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Ground-Truthing a Next Generation Snow Radar
- HF/VHF Dual-Frequency Sounding of Temperate and Fast-flowing Glaciers
- Impacts of human behavior heterogeneity on the benefits of probabilistic flood warnings
- In Situ NAPL Modification for Contaminant Source-Zone Passivation, Mass Flux Reduction, and Remediation
- Kinematic Analysis of the Almora Klippe: Testing Tectonic Models of the Himalayan Thrust Belt
- Kinematic Modeling of Central Nepal: Thermochronometer Cooling Ages as a Constraint for Balanced Cross Sections
- Mapping Tropical Forest Mosaics with C- and L-band SAR: First Results from Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
- Miocene exhumation of the Indus-Yarlung Suture Zone in NW India: An insight into the controls of tectonics and climate
- Monitoring Trends in Productivity to Identify Vulnerable Ecosystems: Measuring Ecosystem Condition and Drought Resistance Across California Ecosystems
- Oceanographic Influences on Ice Shelves and Drainage in the Amundsen Sea
- Parameter Uncertainty Analysis Using Monte Carlo Simulations for a Regional-Scale Groundwater Model
- Preservation of Primary Carbonate Clumped Isotope Compositions: Insights from Fossil Brachiopod Calcite
- Progress towards the use of publicly available data networks to conduct cross-scale historical reconstructions of carbon dynamics in US Drylands
- Review and Application of Time Nonlocal Transport Models to Capture Solute Retention
- Routine Mapping of the Snow Depth Distribution on Sea Ice
- Seasonal Carbon Fluxes and Emissions in Forested Stands and Lawns Along an Urban to Rural Gradient Near the Cub Hill Tower, Baltimore, MD.
- Sediment production potential of different rock types: the global Erosivity Index
- Seismic Signals Recorded During Artificial and Natural Karst Recharge Events
- Size-Selective Modes of Aeolian Transport on Earth and Mars
- The 2015-2016 El Niño and Alabama-Mississippi Hydrologic Response
- The 2015-2016 El Niño: Impacts to the Lower Colorado River Basin
- The Influence of Frontal and Lateral Ramps in Fold Thrust Belts on Structural Architecture and Erosion
- The Role of Grain Size and Shape on the Electrical Conductivity of Volcanic Ash
- Time-Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equation (tFADE) to Quantify Aqueous Phase Contaminant Elution from a Trichloroethene (TCE) NAPL Source Zone in Sand Columns
- Trends and shift changes in the SWE in the western US
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy Beneath the Northern Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica from PKS, SKS, and SKKS Splitting Analysis
- A Review of Tectonic Models and Analytical Data from Almora-Dadeldhura Klippe, Northwest India and Far Western Nepal.
- A SIMS Study of Sulfur Isotopes of Accessory Pyrites Associated with Barites from Methane Cold Seeps in the Gulf of Mexico
- Adaptively Parameterized Tomography of the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone
- Arctic Oases? - River Aufeis Maintain Perennial Groundwater Habitat in the Arctic
- Assessment of Methods to Determine Tree Ring Response to Large Magnitude Mississippi River Floods
- Building a viable decollement geometry for the Central Nepal Himalaya through integrating surface geology, thermochronology and data from the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
- Characterization of inclusions in terrestrial impact formed zircon: Constraining the formation conditions of Hadean zircon from Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Climatic and anthropogenic controls on Mississippi River floods: a multi-proxy palaeoflood approach
- Comparing National Water Model Inundation Predictions with Hydrodynamic Modeling
- Comparison of Radiocarbon Ages of Sediments, Plants, and Shells From Coastal Lakes in North Florida
- Crustal Thickening History of Southern Tibet Revealed with Titanium-in-Quartz Barometry, Zircon Ti-thermometry, and Zircon U-Pb geochronology
- Crustal velocity structure of the Northern Victoria Land, Antarctica, from ambient seismic noise tomography
- Defining conditions of garnet growth across the central and southern Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- Depositional characteristics of the Indus Group in the India-Asia collision zone, northwest India
- Dissolved organic matter spiraling in a forested stream across hydrological regimes and chemical compositional characteristics
- Does Avicennia germinans expansion alter salt marsh nitrogen removal capacity?
- Effect of photodegradation and biodegradation on the concentration and composition of dissolved organic matter in diverse waterbodies
- Effects of small-scale hydrogeologic heterogeneity on submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) dynamics in river dominated estuaries: example of Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Evaluating Microstructure Preservation using Scanning Electron Microscopy in an Extinct Bivalve, Lahillia larseni
- Examining the role of SGD on the nitrogen budget of the fourth largest estuary in the USA, Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Exhumation of the Black Mountains in Death Valley, California, with new thermochronometric data from the Badwater Turtleback
- Exploring Chondrule and CAI Rims Using Micro- and Nano-Scale Petrological and Compositional Analysis
- Full Waveform Adjoint Seismic Tomography of the Antarctic Plate
- Global Bedload Flux Modeling and Analysis in Large Rivers
- Grid vs Mesh: The case of Hyper-resolution Modeling in Urban Landscapes
- Groundwater Source Identification Using Backward Fractional-Derivative Models
- Hydrologic classification of rivers based on cluster analysis of dimensionless hydrologic signatures: Applications for environmental instream flows
- Impact of Legacy Surface Mining on Water Quality in the Lake Harris Watershed, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama.
- Integrating invasive grasses into carbon cycle projections: Cogongrass spread in southern pine forests
- Investigating Ultra-low Velocity Zones beneath the Southwestern Pacific
- Is groundwater discharge the dominant source of nutrients to Alabama estuaries and will it keep impacting these waters for the foreseeable future?
- Lithospheric Structure and Dynamic Topography of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau: Insights from Gravity Model
- Lithospheric Structure and Isostasy of Central Andes: Implication for plate Coupling
- Mass Transfer Behavior of Perfluorinated Chemicals in Saturated Clay-rich Sands: A Laboratory-based Study on Fate and Transport in Groundwater and Sediments
- Metamorphic ages constrain the timing and nature of heat flow into the lower crust of a magmatic arc, Fiordland New Zealand
- Model Projections of Future Fluvial Sediment Delivery to Major Deltas Under Environmental Change
- Multi-decadal Decline of Southeast United States Streamflow
- Nitrogen Isotope Analyses in Mollusk Shell: Applications to Environmental Sciences and Archaeology.
- Paleohighs and Paleolows in the Basement Rocks of the Eastern Gulf of Mexico
- Predicting Disturbance-driven Impacts on Ecosystem Services in Coastal Wetlands
- Quantification of Functional Marker Genes for Denitrifying Microbial Populations in the Chandeleur Islands Impacted by the 2010 Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill
- Quantifying Mass Transfer Processes in Groundwater as a Function of Molecular Structure Variation for Multicomponent NAPL Sources
- Rapid-response flood mapping during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria by the Global Flood Partnership (GFP)
- Repeating ice-earthquakes beneath David Glacier from the 2012-2015 TAMNNET array
- Revisiting the PLUMBER Experiments from a Process-Diagnostics Perspective
- Runoff thresholds and land-to-marine ecosystem connectivity in a dry tropical setting: St. John, US Virgin Islands
- Seismic Structure of the Antarctic Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Unearthed by Full Waveform Adjoint Tomography
- Seismic and thermal structure of the crust and uppermost mantle beneath Antarctica from inversion of multiple seismic datasets
- Snow Water Equivalent Variations across the western United States and its relation to of El Niño Southern Oscillation
- Spatially explicit modeling of particulate nutrient flux in Large global rivers
- Structural Evolution of central part of the Tuzgolu (Salt Lake) Basin, Central Anatolia, Turkey
- Surface discharge of raw wastewater among unsewered homes in central Alabama
- Temporal scaling and spatial statistical analyses of groundwater level fluctuations
- Testing seasonality of the Late Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway with stable isotope analysis of ammonites (Baculites)
- The Effect of Volcanic Ash Composition on Ice Nucleation Affinity
- The Future of Drought in the Southeastern U.S.: Projections from downscaled CMIP5 models
- The impact of bathymetry input on flood simulations
- Tropical Cyclones as a Driver of Global Sediment Flux
- Upscaling Non-Fickian Transport in Discrete Fracture Characterizations Using Fractional Advection-Dispersion Equations
- Using Public Input to Create a Better Online Flood Mapping Framework
- Using thermochonology to validate a balanced cross section along the Karnali River, far-western Nepal
- Variations in Volcanic Ash Electrical Conductivity as a Function of Grain Size Distribution, Water Content, and Temperature
- Whole-stream metabolism of a perennial spring-fed aufeis field in Alaska, with coincident surface and subsurface flow
- 1,4-Dioxane Co-Contaminant Mixture Cosolvency Impacts on Trichloroethene Dissolution in Groundwater and Sorption to Aquifer Materials
- A Global partnership for flood risk reduction
- A comprehensive understanding of how inundation changes ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange in a coastal freshwater wetland
- A soft computing approach based on the atmospheric and geophysical information to rescale remotely sensed satellite soil moisture data
- Accelerating rates of Arctic carbon cycling revealed by long-term atmospheric CO2 measurements
- Activations of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP) during 2018 Response to Major Global Flooding Events
- Application of multivariate statistics to geochemical and precipitation data to evaluate dissolved organic matter-trace element variability in a Coastal Bay
- Archetypical pathways of deforestation and population displacement caused by large-scale land acquisitions in Cambodia
- Arctic aufeis fields host the large hyporheic zones that serve as winter oases
- Assessing Socio-Environmental Factors for a Childhood Leukemia Cluster in Cleburne County, Alabama
- Assessing pluvial flash flood hazard in southeast US (SEUS)
- Assessing the influence of hydroclimatic variables on flash flood occurrence over the CONUS using D-Vine Copula
- Assessment of groundwater susceptibility using three-dimensional transient indexes
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part I: Evaluating the National Water Model's baseflow and deep percolation estimation in the Northern High Plains
- Baseflow Estimation in the National Water Model, Part II: Alternative Non-Linear Reservoir Functions for Improving Hydrograph Forecasts
- Bridging Science to Science Policy - Why it Matters with Geologic Energy Research
- Calibrating a Terrestrial Hydrology Model for Process-Realism
- Cenozoic Post-Collisional Extension in Western Turkey
- Compound hazards threaten energy infrastructure in California
- Continental scale drought risk assessment: Integrating vulnerability, hazard, and exposure
- Controls on deformation and sedimentation in the intra-cratonic eastern Gulf of Mexico
- Do natural pore water nutrient fluxes outcompete anthropogenic fluxes in an impacted estuary? A lesson learned from Mobile Bay, Alabama
- Drought and Food-Energy-Water-Security Nexus: A Bayesian framework assessment of food insecurity in Middle East
- Drought in the Southeastern U.S. - future outlooks
- Drought recovery in terrestrial and riverine ecosystems of the CONUS: Considering vegetation productivity and water quality
- ELF/VLF Waves Generated using Narrow and Broad HF Heating Beams
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on a Distributed Hydrologic Model through Dynamical Forcings: Flood Extent and Depth in Low Gradient Watersheds
- Enhanced National Water Model predictions based on ensemble data assimilation and high performance computing
- Evaluation of stream restoration strategies for urban residential watersheds by coupling riparian and aquatic ecosystem modeling
- Flood Inundation Mapping and Analysis Using Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of Emergency Response and Forecasting
- Fractal nature of groundwater level fluctuations under the influence of riparian zone vegetation water use and river stage variations
- Future Probability of Hurricanes and their Uncertainties Across the South and East Coast of the US from Bayesian Perspective
- Geochemical constraints on evolving 1.36-1.1 Ga intraplate and volcanic arc regimes in the Konkiep Terrane, Namaqua-Natal orogenic belt, SW Namibia
- Global CO2 Flux Models with Machine Learning: Sensitivity Analysis
- Global River Slope (GloRS) a new geospatial dataset for riverine modeling and analysis
- Granite Geochemistry Constrains Major Crustal Thickening and Uplift in Southern Tibet to between 45 and 30Ma
- High Frequency Communications Response to Solar Activity of September 2017 as Observed by Amateur Radio Networks
- Identifying Controls on and Potential Solutions to Stormwater Flooding on the University of Alabama Campus
- Imaging Slab Detachment within the Western Hellenic Subduction Zone
- Impact of a Normal Fault on the Geochemical Composition of the Urban Aquifer Underlying San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
- Incorporating Realistic Channel Geometry Data to Improve Continental-Scale Flood Forecasts with the National Water Model
- Influence of coastal morphology on river discharge division and tidal energy transport at tidal junctions in the Kapuas River, Indonesia
- Integrating thermochronometric and geologic data to develop a new structural model for large-magnitude extension in central Death Valley, CA
- Investigating Ultra-low Velocity Zones in the Southern Hemisphere Using ScP Waveforms
- Is Microstructural Variability in Giant Clams (T. gigas) Controlled by Periodicity in Solar Irradiance?
- Isostasy of Eastern Tibet Plateau
- Lithospheric Structure and Plate Locking Mechanism of the Central Andes Subduction: Combined Modelling of Satellite and Terrestrial Gravity Data
- Local Perspectives on ENSO Variability 2300 BP and now: Evidence from two Short-Lived Intertidal Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Long Term Interannual Variability of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Growth Rate Trends over the Southern Great Plains
- Love wave Tomography of Antarctica from Ambient Noise Data
- Machine Learning for Carbon Monitoring
- Mantle transition zone beneath West Antarctica: Expanded mapping in previously unstudied region
- Mapping the Spatial Distribution of Dark Ice and Ice Algae with Sentinel-3 Imagery over Southwest Greenland
- Marie Tharp: Discoverer of the Rift Valley of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Inventor of Marine Cartography
- Maximum entropy production reveals differences in resilience to drought from variations in energy use efficiency across sites in a longleaf pine savanna
- Mercury's Core Field: Beyond the Offset Axial Dipole
- Microseismicity detection across the Antarctic continent
- Morphological Evolution of Global River Deltas and Associated Flood Vulnerability
- Post-Collisional Lithospheric Structure and Isostasy of Eastern Anatolia: Implication for Delamination and Asthenospheric Underplating
- Potential for Reconstruction of Summer Streamflow Using False Rings in Taxodium distichum
- Relative impacts of hydrologic changes due to climate and landuse/landcover on water supply management systems
- Remotely sensed geodiversity for identifying and predicting biodiverse landscapes
- Revisiting the Evidence for a Hadean-Eoarchean Dynamo
- Rising Arsenic Concentrations in an Intensively Pumped Aquifer, Independence Basin, Central Mexico
- Role of Climate Change in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Riverine Water Discharge and Suspended Sediment Fluxes at a Global Scale
- Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research - International Leadership for the 'Continent for Science'
- Source, Composition, and Biodegradability of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Parlung Zangbo River in Southern Tibet, China
- Southeast U.S. Streamflow Drought Variability: Past, Present and Future
- Spatio-temporal Analysis of Snow Cover Variations in the Upper Rio Grande Basin Using MODIS Snow Products and In Situ Data (2002-2017)
- Statistical and probability analysis of surface water and groundwater time series in theLake Tuscaloosa Watershed, Alabama
- Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Southern and Central Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- The Collapse of Marshes and Loss of the Nitrogen Removal Capacity Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystems: biogeochemical implications on the downstream estuaries
- The Different Responses of Arctic Terrestrial and Aquatic Food Webs to Long-term Nutrient Additions
- The Effect of Black Mangrove Expansion on Salt Marsh Nitrogen Removal Capacity
- The Future of US Forest Function Under Changing Climate, Disturbance, and Forest Management
- Toward Quantifying the Influence of Hurricanes on Generating Turbidity Currents in the Gulf of Mexico: A Multi-model Workflow
- Tropical temperatures during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Early Eocene Climatic Optimum from Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- U-Th Ages of Uplifted Older Coral-Reef Terraces (MIS7 to MIS11) at Huon Peninsula, Papua New-Guinea
- Understanding the Transient Changes in Freshwater Lens Volumes in Island Aquifers
- Using MODIS imagery to map coastal floods from Hurricane Irene
- Using NASA and NOAA satellite data to improve volcanic ash plume modeling for impact-based decision support
- A Machine Learning Approach for Data Assimilation into Terrestrial Hydrology Models
- A New approach, Adaptive Multi-rate Mass Transfer, to Upscale Regional-scale Transport under Transient Flow Conditions
- A distributed-domain coupling model to explore river-aquifer hydrologic exchange and hydrograph tailing behavior
- A global view of the interaction of sea-level rise and tidal flooding
- An Alternative Hurricane Hazard Indicator
- Analysis of Sentinel-3 SAR Altimetry Waveform Retracking Algorithms for Deriving Temporally Consistent Water Levels over Inland Lakes
- Application of a modified DRASTIC method to create a temporal Aquifer Recharge Potential Map for Alabama
- Applications of emerging technologies in climate downscaling and hydrologic modeling for water resources monitoring, planning and management
- Atlantic Ocean Sea Surface Temperatures and Southeast United States Streamflow Variability
- Bayesian estimation of a parsimonious wetland hydrology model with remote sensing data
- Bedload flux modeling in large global rivers: controlling parameters and model sensitivity
- Capturing Inundation Dynamics of Small Forested Wetlands at High Spatial and Temporal Resolution for Improved Estimation of Methane Fluxes
- Challenges for Appropriate Characterization of Tropical Cyclone Hazard
- Characterizing extreme floods on the middle Tennessee River, Alabama (USA) using a paleoflood chronology
- Chemical Alteration of Volcanic Ash Due to Simulated Lightning
- Community Based Research to Help Identify a Connection between Geology and Groundwater Contamination to Elevated Cancer Rates in Fruithurst, Alabama
- Comparison of Agent-Enhanced Flushing for the Recovery of Crude Oil from Saturated Porous Media via Pore-Scale and Interfacial Experiments
- Competing Influence of Compositional Variability and Metamorphism on Strain Localization in a Lower-Crustal, Transpressional Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure beneath the Wilkes and Aurora Subglacial Basins, East Antarctica from Full-Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography.
- Declining water resources in Alabama and Mississippi, as identified by the GRACE satellites
- Detecting Climate-Stress Induced Forest Mortality Before the Canonical Symptoms Appear
- Detecting Increasing El Niño-Southern Oscillation Intensity in Coastal Peru at 400 BCE Compared to the mid-Holocene Using Short-lived Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Detecting the homogeneous regions for real-time flood inundation mapping using rating curve similarity
- Developing a Virtual Subsurface Data Framework: Transforming DOE's EDX data lake using ML/NLP
- Event-based prediction of flash flood property damages using machine learning
- Examining the Differences between U.S. Gulf Coastal Residents' Estimations of Sea Level Rise in 2050 and Scientific Projections
- Expanding The Weather Ready Nation Initiative Through Diverse Partnerships in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Communities Across Alabama
- Expanding Ultra-low Velocity Zone Investigations in the Southern Hemisphere using Seismic Data from Antarctica
- Extensional dynamics of the Menderes Massif, western Turkey
- Extreme events and C dynamics across the Florida Everglades
- Fire on the Mountain: Total War in the Maya Lowlands
- Flash Floods in the Southeast US: From Pattern Recognition to Risk Assessment
- Forgotten Interactions: Missing Link in the Ecohydrologic Prediction Puzzle
- Fractional-derivative models for nutrient uptake and heavy metal dynamics in streams
- Geochemical Evidence of Cyclic Marine Anoxia in Response to Astronomical Forcing during the end-Frasnian (Late Devonian) Mass Extinctions
- Granites, Rhyolites, Magma Generation, and Crustal Thickness in southern Tibet
- Groundwater Exploitation Scenarios Optimization Based on Land Subsidence Control in Beijing Plain, China
- Heat-stress mortality risk aggravated by climate change to hit poorest nations the hardest
- Hyper Resolution Modeling of Urban Flooding
- Implications of Giant Ooids for the Carbonate Chemistry of Early Triassic Oceans
- Improved tree selection leads to greater carbon capture in a young pine cellulosic biofuel stand.
- Improving Global Precipitation Estimation by Fusing Gauge Observations, Remote Sensing and Reanalysis Datasets
- Increasing Late-season Drought Impacts on Forest Productivity due to Mesophication in the Eastern US Forests
- Industry and Academic Collaboration to Advance Adoption of Machine Learning Hydrology
- Influence of Siliciclastic Turbidites on the Evolution of a Latest Permian to Late Triassic Isolated Carbonate Platform in the Nanpanjiang Basin of South China
- Insights into Past Changes in Thwaites Glacier from High-Resolution Sea-Floor Geophysical Data Obtained Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle
- Investigation of the Impacts of Drought Severity on Ecosystem Water-Use Efficiency and Drought Recovery across the Contiguous United States
- Isolating the Signal of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Climate Change on Riverine Water Discharge and Suspended Sediment Dynamics at a Global Scale
- Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed using HamSCI Amateur Radio, SuperDARN, and GNSS TEC
- Large-Scale Rainfall-Runoff Modeling using the Long Short-Term Memory Network
- Large-scale land acquisitions catalyze commodity frontier expansion in Argentina's Dry Chaco
- Learning to Assimilate - Machine Learning Based Data Assimilation for Operational Hydrology Forecasts
- Legacy of the Storm: Paleo-perspective on tropical cyclone activity along the northern Gulf of Mexico region and associated impacts on ecosystem health
- Leucogranite zircon: An analogue for Hadean zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Leveraging the Community WRF-Hydro Modeling System via Multivariate Assimilation of Satellite Soil Moisture and Streamflow observations
- Linking Statistical and Hydrodynamic Modeling to Map and Communicate Compound Coastal Flood Hazards
- Lithospheric structure of eastern Tibetan plateau from terrestrial and satellite gravity data modeling: implication for asthenospheric underplating
- Localized High-Latitude Inversion of GRACE Level-1 Data Using Slepian Functions
- Mercury's Large-Scale Non-Axisymmetric Internal Field from MESSENGER Data
- Moving data "rocks" out of hard places: adapting and innovating data science tools to improve geoscience analytics
- Multivariate Assimilation of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration into Noah-MP Land Surface Model
- Multivariate Data Assimilation with Machine Learning for Streamflow Modeling
- National Water Model Channel Geometry: Using a new Dockerized Job Scheduler for NWM Parametrization
- On the Composition and Structure of Human Kidney Stone Nano-layers at Atomic Scale
- Physically-Based Machine Learning for Hydrological Modeling
- Plant Hydraulics Enhances Atmospheric Moisture Stress but Mutes Soil Moisture Stress on Transpiration
- Pore-scale Investigation of Heavy Crude Oil Trapping and Removal During Surfactant-Enhanced Remediation
- Progress on Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Streamflow Forecasting and Applications: Opportunities and Challenges
- Quantifying fate and transport of nitrate in saturated soil systems using fractional-derivative model with reaction
- Quantifying the timing and source of baseflow into the tidally fluctuating Meghna River, Bangladesh
- Remote Sensing of Shoreline Migration in Large River Deltas for Delta Morphology Change Analysis
- Runoff Identification and Delimitation in Discharge Series Using Forward and Backward Moving Averages
- Southeastern United States Interstate Streams and a Changing Climate: A Paleo Perspective
- Spatial and temporal variations in groundwater contributing area of forested wetlands
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Heat Waves Across the United States
- Spatiotemporal variability of ice algal blooms in southwest Greenland and its impact on bare ice albedo based on MERIS and MODIS satellite observations
- Structural Evolution of the Mississippi Embayment: Thermochronology of Igneous Dykes and Sills in East-Central Arkansas
- The Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0) for Improved Remote Sensing Analysis of Coastal Flooding
- The History, Challenges, and Achievements of Passive Broadband Seismic Investigations in Antarctica
- The Landscape Hydrologic Capacitance Hypothesis: Exploring hydrogeomorphic and hydroclimatic drivers of wetlandscape hydrology
- The Spatiotemporal Patterns of National-scale Drought Awareness
- The efficiency of land formation for 10,000 river deltas
- The impact of nutrient loading on carbon sequestration and nitrogen removal capacity in a saltmarsh dominated by Juncus romerianus and Spartina alterniflora collocated at the same elevation
- Thermal histories of k-feldspar from granites located in the central and northern Menderes Massif, western Turkey: Implications for regional extension
- Three-dimensional Geophysical Imaging of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite Valley, California
- Toward Global Terrestrial Hydrology with Theory Guided Machine Learning
- Toward a Universal and Scalable Data Assimilation in Hydrology
- Trans-Atlantic Paleoflood Frequency and Magnitude in the Common Era: When, where, and why do extreme floods occur?
- Upscaling of Regional Scale Transport Under Transient Conditions
- Using Ground-Based and Satellite Sensors to Quantify the Convection Within a Volcanic Plume
- Utilizing Anatomical Anomalies in Taxodium distichum to reconstruct Tropical Cyclone Activity along the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Volcanic Lightning Evidence in Ashfall Deposits: Intra-Cloud or Cloud-to-Ground Discharges?
- You are a Voice for Science
- 500 Years of Tropical Cyclone Precipitation Variability Along the Gulf Coast: Multidecadal Patterns, Trends, and Climate Connections
- A Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by High Frequency Amateur Radio Networks.
- A Multi-dimensional and Integrated Socio-Environmental Vulnerability Assessment in Coastal Systems
- A New Deep Learning Method for Crop Yield Forecasting
- A Tale of Two Cores: Investigating the Impact of Alluvial Flood Deposition on Flood Frequency and Magnitude Reconstruction
- An Apprehensive Analysis of Twitter Data for Disaster Management: A Case Study of Hurricane Harvey
- Anthropogenic Modifications of Global River Delta Plains and their impact on Riverine Sediment Fluxes
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Beyond Flood Extent: Augmenting Near-real-time Remote Sensing with Water Depth and Impact Assessment Tools
- Can Irrigation Mitigate Drought Impacts on Crop Yields in Deep South?
- Carbon Cycle Recovery After the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction: a Terrestrial Perspective
- Carbon Uptake Efficiency Across Wetland Ecosystems in the Florida Everglades
- Changes of Microbial Communities in Response to Marine Environmental Volatility through the Late Devonian Mass Extinctions
- Chaos Blocks on Europa: An Analysis of Orientation and Size Distributions
- Characterizing Crustal and Upper Mantle Structure in East Antarctica with Full-Waveform Ambient Noise Tomography.
- Coccolith clumped isotopes suggest a more modest Miocene North Atlantic polar amplification
- Comparing a Machine-Learning Based Model of Benthic, Marine Mass Accumulation with Fluvial Sediment Flux into the Global Oceans
- Compound Coastal Hazards Risk Modeling and Communication is Challenging!
- Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis of HEC-RAS 2D for Flood Inundation Mapping
- Crayfish Connections: Integrating Ecology and Hydrogeology in a Prairie Floodplain Using Burrowing Crayfish Distribution
- Development and Optimization of Airborne FMCW Radar for High-Resolution Snow Depth Measurements
- Dissolved Organic Matter Sources from Soil Horizons with Varying Hydrology and Distance from Wetland Edge
- Ditching nutrients: Roadside drainage networks are hotspots for coastal nitrogen removal
- Eastern Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability 400-200 BCE: perspectives from a dual-archive approach.
- Enhancing drought monitoring using an Evolutionary satellite data assimilation
- Extensional Tectonics from Rifting to Oceanic Basin Formation: Questions and Challenges
- Fractional-Derivative Models for Non-Fickian Transport in a Single Fracture, Parallel Fractures, and Discrete Fracture Networks
- Google Earth Engine Implementation of the Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET-GEE) for Rapid and Large Scale Flood Analysis
- HamSCI: Ionospheric Climatology Over a Complete Solar Cycle Observed Using Amateur Radio Contact Data
- Harnessing Data and Models to Characterize Hurricane Hazard, Enhance Flash Flood Modeling and Conduct Place-based Assessment of Socio-Economic Vulnerability
- Hurricane Harvey (2017) revealed local social vulnerabilityand risk perception of hurricanes
- HydroMind - An Interactive AI-aided Tool for Hydrology Literature
- Impacts of 21<SUP>st </SUP>Century Climate Change on Riverine Water Discharge and Suspended Sediment Fluxes at a Global Scale
- Investigating African Mantle Structure with Adaptively Parameterized P-wave Tomography
- Local Magnetic Field Power Spectra from Local Data
- Modeling an impact-generated Hadean felsic crust
- Multivariate Assimilation of Satellite-derived Soil Moisture and Evapotranspiration for Drought Monitoring in the CONUS
- Near Real Time One-kilometer SMOPS Soil Moisture and Its Potential Applications
- Near-Surface Geophysical Tomography of the Royal Arches Meadow Rock Avalanche in Yosemite Valley, California.
- On the Possibility of Predicting Fresh Submarine Groundwater Discharge Using Global-Scale Datasets of Hydrogeologically Influential Variables Through Regression Modelling and Darcy Velocity Calculations
- Operational near real-time system for evaluating continental-scale hydrologic prediction at the time scale of individual events
- Persistent Meltwater Discharge from Thwaites Glacier Recorded in Offshore Sediments.
- Plant hydraulics: a key for appropriate accounting of evapotranspiration in a warmer world
- Post-Processing the U.S. National Water Model with a Long Short-Term Memory Network
- Prediction in Data Scarce Regions: A Novel Clustering and Classification Method for Simulation of Earth and Environmental Systems
- Provenance characterization of Carboniferous sedimentary rocks in the Appalachian foreland basin, Alabama, USA
- Quantifying Snow Depth Variability within an Airborne FM-CW Snow Radar Footprint
- Remote Sensing of Record-Setting Floods of Spring 2019 in the Central United States
- Removal of lead from saturated porous media using nano-hydroxyapatite under various environmental factors: Laboratory experiments and stochastic modeling
- Scale-Inclusive Micro-Memory Anomalies of Gas Flow and Diffusion in Naturally Fractured Shale Formations
- Sensitivity of Urban Flood Simulations to Stormwater Infrastructure and Soil Infiltration
- Spatio-temporal patterns of irrigation adoption and water use in Alabama
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Tropical storms and drought amelioration in the CONUS
- Ultra-Wideband Radar for Drone-based Soil Moisture Measurements
- 1,100-year reconstruction of baseflow, indicates that high baseflow extremes are decreasing for the Santee River, South Carolina, USA.
- A Calibration-Free Groundwater Module for Improving Predictions of Low Flows
- A Comparison of Methane Fluxes in Short- Versus Long-hydroperiod Freshwater Marsh in the Florida Everglades
- A Comprehensive Block-Level Socio-Economic Vulnerability Assessment of Hydroclimatic Hazards over the Contiguous US
- A Globally Representative Framework for Irrigation Adoption Factors and Geography with an Application to Alabama, United States
- A multi-dimensional pattern recognition approach using deep learning for precipitation data fusion
- Accounting for Uncertainties in Compound Flood Hazard Assessment with Data Assimilation
- Accounting for hydrologic uncertainties for reliable flood inundation mapping: the merit of data assimilation
- Advancing STEM Education by Promoting Water Literacy in K-12 Education
- Amateur Radio Communications as a Novel Sensor of Large Scale Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- An Aquifer Recharge Potential Map of Alabama
- An Enhanced Noah-MP for Nextgen: Modularization and Implementation of the Basic Model Interface
- Analysis Of Drinking Water Security Risks Due To Cascading Pressures On Deteriorating Water Infrastructure
- Analyzing flood frequency using multi-sensor satellite data: a global approach
- Anomalous Transport in Vugular Porous Media with Embedded Fluid-Filled Cavities
- Application of Deep Learning to Estimate Mean River Cross-Sectional Depth
- Applying Machine Learning and Earth Observations to Model Urban Water System Reliability, Resilience, and Vulnerability
- Archives of the Extreme: Building multi-proxy records to characterize tropical cyclone activity and environmental impacts in the northern Gulf of Mexico
- Arctic River Integrated Observations through Synoptic Sampling (RIOS): Aquatic Networks Reveal Ecosystem Export of Carbon and Nutrients in Permafrost Watersheds
- Are canonical relations to partition evapotranspiration valid for managed systems?
- Assessing the Fate and Transport Mechanisms of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Groundwater using Laboratory-scale Experiments and a Cost-effective Analytical Technique
- Assessment of Data Driven Models for Soil Moisture Estimation Benchmarked against a Diagnostic Equation.
- Assessment of Preservation and Isotopic Records in Ammonite Aptychi
- Attack Detection of Water Distribution Systems using Artificial Intelligence.
- Beyond Flood Extent: Augmenting (Remote Sensing) Flood Maps with the new Floodwater Depth Estimation Tool (FwDET v2.0)
- Changes in Tropical Cyclone Rainfall Driven by Volcanism over the Last 500 Years
- Characterization of Unsaturated Soil Parameters using a Novel Laboratory Method
- Climate, land cover, human activity, and their interactive effects on dissolved organic matter composition: evidence from a large-scale lake study across climatically and economically different regions
- Climatology of Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Observed by HamSCI Amateur Radio with Connections to Geospace and Neutral Atmospheric Sources.
- Constructing the SWOT Mission Prior Discharge Database and Assessing its Discharge Components
- Construction of the High-Taper Lesser Himalayan-Subhimalayan Thrust Belt: The Primary Driver of Himalayan Thickening and High Elevations Since 15 Ma
- Deep learning for the Next Generation U.S. National Water Model
- Defining the Main Central Thrust in the Hazara-Kashmir Syntaxis, Northern Pakistan: Evidence from New Isotopic Data
- Detrital Provenance Study of Campanian and Maastrichtian Age Sediments from the Alabama, Gulf Coast
- Developing Reusable and Reproducible Water Science Modeling Workflows in Community Data Repositories
- Development of a Continental Scale Coastal Flood Model Using a Sub-Setting Approach.
- Devonian wildfire record synthesis: Famennian Wildfire Explosion and implications for flora and paleoclimate
- Documenting Fulgurite Formation During Rocket-Triggered Lightning
- Drivers of Vertical, Horizontal, and Longitudinal Hydrologic Connectivity in a Non-Perennial Coastal Plain Stream
- Dynamic Attributes in Deep Learning Rainfall-Runoff Models to Address Non-Stationarity
- Evaluating the performance of long short-term memory (LSTM) modeling for predicting streamflow in subcatchments of differing size and hydrologic characteristics in Reynolds Creek, Idaho
- Examining the Ecological Processes Influencing the Assembly of Molecules into Organic Matter Assemblages
- Exploring the Potential Benefits of Agricultural Water Markets in Deep South, USA
- False Rings in Baldcypress Contain Clues of Past Hurricanes in the Southeastern United States
- Food, Energy, and Water Nexus in Coastal Communities on the Gulf of Mexico
- Forward vs. Inverse Methods for Using Near-Real-Time Streamflow Observation Data in Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Geophysical Investigation of a Late Mississippian Platform Mound using Time-Domain Induced Polarization
- Going with the Flow - Analyzing the impact of failing septic systems on the storm-driven transport of sediment-associated fecal microbes
- High-resolution garnet pressure-temperature paths from the Menderes Massif metamorphic core complex, Western Turkey: Implications for extensional driving forces
- Hydrologic connectivity, biodiversity, and restoration in a Coastal Plain floodplain
- Hydrology Research Articles Are Becoming More Interdisciplinary
- Hydrology and geomorphology of Mount St Helens debris avalanche ponds influence the ecology of colonizing amphibian species
- Hydrostratigraphic Modeling of the Lower Mississippi-Gulf Region
- Identifying Climate-System Drivers, Impacts, and Thresholds to Rainfed Wheat Productivity in Potohar, Pakistan: A Multi-Model Approach
- Impact of Climate Change and Saltwater Intrusion on Chlorinated Byproducts
- Impact of transition of rain-fed to irrigation-fed agriculture on water use and availability in the CONUS
- Implementation of open source geospatial web applications for integrated groundwater management in Southeastern US
- Improving National Water Model Streamflow Performance Through Parameter Calibration
- Improving the Spatio-Temporal Predictions of Groundwater Recharge Fluxes using Remote Sensing Based Soil Moisture
- Inundation Duration and Extent Affect Methane Flux Rates and Scaling for Forested Mineral Soil Wetlands
- Inundation characteristics of geographically isolated wetlands
- Investigating Mantle Influence on Surface Geology in Africa with Adaptively Parameterized P-wave Tomography
- Investigating the Metamorphic History of the Menderes Massif (Western Turkey) Using Electron Backscatter Diffraction
- Land Use Legacies and Riparian Wetlands Influence Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in Two Low-Gradient, Headwater Streams
- Large Scale Extensional Tectonics in the Basin and Ranges USA and Western Anatolia, Turkey
- Lightning-induced redox reactions of five common minerals within andesite volcanic ash
- Linking Arbitrary Hydrologic and Hydraulic Models and Process Modules into a Single Prediction Runtime Using the Basic Model Interface: A Domain Science Perspective
- Lithofacies Modeling Utilizing Generative Adversarial Networks and Geostatistics
- Lithofacies Modeling to Investigate Hydrostratigraphy of Regional Aquifer Systems in Louisiana and Southwestern Mississippi, USA
- Long-Term Environmental Consequences and Fate of the Oil Residues Found along Alabamas Beaches after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on the Gulf of Mexico
- Mapping the Status of Potable Groundwater Supply in the Southeastern US
- Microfossil fingerprints of glacial stability: Using diatoms and foraminifera to reconstruct the history of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- New detailed bathymetry data from Amundsen Sea continental shelf reveal more comprehensive paleo ice flow pattern
- New kinematic model for the tectonic evolution of the Himalayan thrust belt in northern Pakistan: implications for continuity of tectonostratigraphy and the Main Central thrust
- Next Generation National Water Model: Strategy and Preliminary Performance of Initial Model Formulations
- OWPHydroTools: Python-based Tools for Retrieving and Evaluating National Water Model Streamflow Simulations
- Obtaining daily root zone soil moisture using a calibration-free approach
- Perception is Everything: Revisiting paleoflood hydrological concepts for alluvial rivers.
- Pore-scale Mobilization and Trapping Effects of Crude-Oil/Tetrachloroethene NAPL Mixtures in Saturated Porous Media During Surfactant Flushing
- Potential Impact of Landcover Change by Post-wildfire on the 2012 MIDUS Flash Drought
- Provenance of Mississippian - Pennsylvanian sandstone units in the Black Warrior and southern Appalachian foreland basins, USA
- Quantifying the performance of a machine learning surrogate model for CO2 saturation and pressure forecasts for dedicated CO2 storage.
- Rapid Coastal Flood Mapping with SAR data Using Random Forest Technique
- Re-usable Data Adapters for Cloud-Ready Hydrologic Data
- Real-time probabilistic flood inundation mapping using multivariate Data Assimilation
- Reconstructing the MIS 2 Pascagoula-Biloxi Paleovalley and Associated Valley-Fill in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Reducing a Stream Networks Horton-Strahler Stream Order Improves the Skill of Flood Inundation Maps from Height Above Nearest Drainage Method
- Representing global soil erosion and sediment flux in Earth System Models
- Response of Coastal Systems within the Escatawpa MIS 2 Incised Valley to Holocene Sea-level Rise in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Roads, Deforestation, and the Evolution of a Narco-Trafficking Economy in Eastern Honduras
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Global River Delta Shoreline Mobility and their Relationship to Fluvial Sediment Fluxes
- Scope and Impacts of Onsite and Decentralized Wastewater Inequities Throughout the U.S.
- Seasonal Changes in Subsurface Hydrology Influence Nutrient Cycling in a Salt Marsh
- Seasonal Precipitation is a Hydrologic Driver of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Removal
- Sensitivity of corn and soybean yields to climatic variables and fertilizer application rates across US: A non-parametric elasticity analysis
- Sizing up Chaos: An Investigation of Chaos Block Size Distributions on Europa, Pluto, and Mars at the Regional Scale
- Solutions to Wastewater Challenges in Underserved Communities of the Rural U.S.: Technical, Practical and Regulatory Considerations
- The Drying Regimes of Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams
- The Early Career Climate Network Preparing the Next Generation of Climate Scientists
- The Effect of Storm and Storm Surge on Groundwater Quality Along Coastal Alabama
- The Effects of Deforestation on Suspended Sediment in the Amazon River Basin
- The First Implementation of the NWMs Total Water Forecasting Capability
- The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework: Open Source, Standards Based, Community Accessible, Model Interoperability for Large Scale Water Prediction
- The effects of flow intermittency and groundwater-surface water exchange on stream biogeochemistry in a non-perennial prairie stream
- Toward a Better Understanding of Cordilleran Batholiths: The Metamorphic History of the Coast Mountains Batholith, Stikine River Area, Alaska and British Columbia
- Towards Mapping Clandestine Infrastructure in Central Americas protected areas affected by narco-trafficking using Multi-sensor Data Fusion and Deep Learning
- Towards a Multivariate Hurricane Hazard Characterization for Enhanced Preparedness in Vulnerable Communities
- Translating water science for environmental security
- Tree-Ring Reconstructions of the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint (ACF) River System
- Trends and Drivers of Bedload and Suspended Sediment Fluxes in Global Rivers
- Ultra-low Velocity Zone Structure at Southern Latitudes based on PcP Waveforms and Historical Interstation Pattern Referencing
- Using Remote Sensing of Fluvial Sediment for the Development of a New Reservoir Trapping Algorithm within a Global Sediment Model
- Utilizing Tree Ring Chronologies to Reconstruct Paleo Streamflow: A Case Study at the Alabama-Florida State Border
- Wastewater Strategies and Cost-Effective Technologies to Address Rural, Underserved Communities in the Alabama Black Belt
- Water Use From An Intensively Managed Loblolly Pine Plantation: Implications Of Silviculturally-Enhanced Tree Growth On Stand Evapotranspiration
- Wetland Dynamics and Morphological Changes due to Hurricane-induced Sediment Deposition
- What we can learn in the kitchen sink: an example from garnet granulite
- A Comprehensive Block-Level Socio-Economic-Infrastructural Vulnerability Assessment of Natural Hazards over the Conterminous US
- A Global Veneer of Subducted Materials along the Earth's Core-Mantle Boundary
- A benchmark data for daily groundwater recharge in the US using the Water Table Fluctuation Method
- A deep learning-based emulator for flood forecasting in coastal areas
- A novel statistical approach for tropical cyclone-driven compound flood forecasting
- Adaptation Strategies for Corn Yield under Climate Change in Deep South, USA
- Adaptively Parameterized P- and S-wave Tomography in Africa: Assessing Deep Mantle Influence on Surface Geology
- Advanced flood inundation modeling skills: Improved boundary conditioning and its interconnection with model parameters
- Advancing quantitative paleoflood hydrologic methods for extreme flood reconstruction in alluvial rivers
- Airborne UWB FMCW radars for snow depth measurements in densely vegetated areas
- Anomalous Transport and Trapping in Vesicular Rocks
- Arctic Stream Networks are Sensitive Sentinels of Environmental Change in the Permafrost Zone.
- Assessing evapotranspiration partitioning from land surface models across varied ecosystems
- Assessment of Climate Change Induced Risks to Water Availability Using the Budyko Framework
- Automated Decision Support for Model Selection in the Nextgen National Water Model
- Baldcypress False Ring Formation Linked to Summer Hydroclimatic Extremes in the Southeastern United States
- Blinded by the Light: Seasonal Sensitivity of Arctic River Carbon to Photo- and Biodegradation
- Bubbles & Burrows: Characterizing Fracture Behavior of Marine Sediments Via Bubble Injection
- Building a dynamic middleware framework to couple 2D ocean circulation models to the National Water Model
- CIROH Facilitates Research Community Engagement with the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Calibrating Hydrological Models in the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework using a Prototype Model Agnostic Calibration Capability
- Climate, Hydrologic, and Systems Modeling to Assess Water Supply Vulnerability to Climate Change
- Coevolution of extreme sea levels and sea-level rise
- Comparison of Automated Seismic Event Detection Approaches in East Antarctica
- Comparison of Manual and Machine Learning Assisted HF Amateur Radio LSTID Observations
- Constraining mountain streamflow constituents by integrating citizen scientist acquired geochemical samples and Sentinel-1 SAR wet snow time series for the Shimshal catchment in the Karakoram Mountains of Pakistan
- Coupling coastal and hydrologic models through the first coastal Basic Model Interface in the Next Generation National Water Model Framework in low gradient coastal regions of Galveston Bay, Texas, USA
- Creating a More Transparent Graduate School Application Process By Boosting Self-Efficacy Among Workshop Participants
- Current and Future State of the Gulf of Mexico's Food, Energy, and Water Nexus
- Data Assimilation of USGS Streamflow Data in the Nextgen Framework
- Data Driven Approaches for Estimating River Channel Geometry over the Continental United States
- Deep Learning-based Models for Estimating River Channel Width
- Deep learning-based uncertainty characterization of precipitation forcing in a hydrologic data assimilation framework
- Demographic and Data Bias in North Carolina Well Water Testing
- Design implications of non-stationarity in compound coastal extremes
- Developing Typologies of River Silicon Seasonality Across Biomes to Understand Controls on Changing Exports.
- Developing an Interdisciplinary Graduate Course to Combine Deep Learning with Process-Based Models
- Development of A Compound Flood Modeling System for the COASTAL Act Program
- Did Microbial Carbonate Flourish When Skeletal Metazoans and Algae were in Low Abundance in the Aftermath of the End-Permian Extinction?
- Diverse farmer behaviors lead to complex food-water-energy interactions
- Does Management Reinforce or Mitigate Climate Change Driven Shifts in Forest Function? Integrating Management in Ensemble Vegetation Modeling
- Dynamic Response of Estuarine Systems to Dredging Protocols and Sea Level Rise
- Early Holocene/Late Pleistocene Paleoshoreline Reconstruction in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Evaluating Discharge Estimation and Surface Water Mapping Methods on Derived Flood Boundaries
- Evaluation of a Total Water Level Forecasting Capability for the National Water Model (NWM) V3.0
- Evaporative stress of urban forests across Continental United States
- Exploring Impacts of Model Calibration Strategies on Regionalization within the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Extensional Tectonics from Continental Breakup to Formation of Oceanic Basins: A review
- Fast Flood Mapping with Synthetic Aperture Radar Data Using Google Earth Engine
- Flood Modeling For Risk-Informed Decision-Making Under Deep Uncertainty
- Generative Adversarial Network for Real-time Drought Monitoring
- Grounding-Zone Retreat and Marine Sediment Transport from Holocene to Present along Thwaites Glacier in the Eastern Amundsen Sea
- Hemispherical Symmetry between Mid-Latitude Ionospheric Electron Density and Magnetospheric Quasi-Static Poynting Flux
- Holocene Ice Loss in the Amundsen Sea Embayment Linked to Tropical Pacific Warming
- How Are Mid-Crustal Rocks Exhumed in the Far Western Nepal Himalaya? Evaluating Mechanisms for Mass Transfer
- How does drought intensity and duration impact hydroelectricity generation?
- Identification of Hot Moments of Nutrient Processing in Coastal Systems Using High Frequency Sensors
- Identifying extreme flood drivers during abrupt shifts in climate using field-based investigations and numerical modeling in the Tennessee River Basin, USA
- Implications of Microbial Taxonomic Turnover Along an Elevation Gradient on Greenhouse Gases
- Integrating Successive Depressional Wetlands into a Catchment-scale Picture: Connectivity and Flow Paths
- Integrating multi-scale observations, machine learning and systems modeling for coastal Monitoring, Assessment, and Prediction (Coast-MAP) in the context of multiple stresses
- Interactions of Climatic Extremes and Land Subsidence Impacts Around the World
- Interactive Deep-Learning Modeling of Snow Water Equivalent Through Application of The National Snow Model With Geoweaver.
- Investigating Hydrobiogeochemical Drivers of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling
- Investigating controls on Larsen Ice Shelf retreat from a multidecadal satellite data record and ice shelf modeling experiments
- Investigating the Inundation Effect on Carbon Balance of an Everglades Freshwater Wetland: A Combination of Field Observations and Mesocosm Experiments
- Land Use Land Cover Hydrologic Performance of the National Water Model Retrospective
- Large Scale Prediction of Channel Roughness Coefficient Using Machine Learning
- Linking oxygen regimes to flow regimes in non-perennial streams
- Long Short-Term Memory Networks to Explore the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Surface and Subsurface Water Sources in Alabama State
- Machine Learning-Driven Temporal Downscaling of Groundwater Recharge Estimates to Obtain Event-Based Response
- Micromechanical Investigation of Hydrophobic Particle Surface Modifiers Effects on Raindrop Splash and Erosion
- Modeling Groundwater Resources in Coastal Plain of Alabama: From Sustainability to Vulnerability
- Modeling Spatiotemporal Patterns of Land Use / Land Cover Change in Central Malawi Using a Neural Network Model
- Modeling and Analysis of Sediment Trapping Efficiency of Large Dams using Remote Sensing
- Past Floods recorded in Alabama estuaries: A record of extremes from the Mid Holocene to Common Era
- Patterns of Segmentation in the East Antarctic Lithosphere from Full-waveform Inversion and Long-period Ambient Noise Tomography
- Physics-informed Machine Learning for Estimation of Spatially-distributed Sea Level Rise Rates and their Associated High Tide Flooding
- Polar Impact: A Field Work Survival Guide for All
- Polar Impact: Working to Illustrate, Support, and Promote Diversity in the Polar Community
- Potential Evapotranspiration Module Parameter Sensitivity Evaluation within the Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework
- Preliminary Results of Chronostratigraphy of Early Paleogene Terrestrial Sedimentary Section in Eastern Montana
- Preparing for Future Floods: Leveraging Remotely Sensed Data, Modeling, and Social Science Information in a Multilayer Network Approach
- Rain-fed to Irrigation-fed Transition of Cropped Agriculture may Enhance Urban-Rural Water Conflict
- Rapid Flood Extent Mapping for the Houston Metropolis
- Recent advances in modeling basin to global scale fluvial sediment and its anthropogenic drivers
- Reconstructing Tropical Cyclone Precipitation through Oxygen Isotope Ratios in Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum)
- Relative to What? Assessing Recovery of Blue Carbon Storage in Gulf of Mexico Tidal Marshes Relative to Different Reference Types
- Revisiting Constraints on Ganymede's Dynamo from Spacecraft Magnetic Field Data
- Revisiting the Power-Law Function as a Model for Concentration-Discharge Relationships
- Role of Climate Variability on Total Corn Production
- Seasonal Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology
- Seasonal and tidal forcing control salt marsh porewater nitrate dynamics in a Mediterranean system
- Sediment Response to Deforestation in the Amazon River Basin
- Sedimentary Record of Pre-Satellite Retreat of Pine Island Glacier, Amundsen Sea, Antarctica
- Sensitivity of Water Use Efficiency Parameterizations on Flux Variance Similarity-based Partitioning of Evapotranspiration
- Should recovery of nitrogen removal in restored and constructed marshes be compared to natural marshes or the degraded ecosystems they replace?
- Siliceous Microfossil Responses to the Cretaceous-Paleogene Mass Extinction Event from Seymour and Vega Islands, Antarctic Peninsula
- Simulating Suspended Sediment in Large U.S. Rivers combining Artificial Intelligence and Earth System modeling approaches
- Stable Instability: Exploring the role of Arctic stream-lake chains on watershed-scale carbon and nutrients
- Subcatchment Spatiotemporal Solute Trends in a Wetland-Dominated Catchment in Michigan, USA
- Temporal Progression and Recession at Near Weekly Interval of Seasonal Snow Cover: An Assessment from 2000-21 for the Hindu Kush Himalayas
- The Impact of Atlantic Tropical Storms on Agricultural Droughts in the United States
- The Impact of Fertilizer Amount on Water Footprint of Corn in Nebraska
- The NOAA Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework Hydrofabric: Version 1.0
- The National Snow Model: Full Stack Open-Source Machine Learning Snow Water Equivalent Inference Model
- Timing and response of coastal systems within the northern Gulf of Mexico to changes in sea level during the late Pleistocene - Holocene
- Toward A Universal Portrayal of Extreme Events: Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk
- Towards Enhancing Coastal Resilience by Using Social Media Data during Hurricanes
- Transient Signal Detection Using GNSS Measurements of the Active Volcano Ol Doinyo Lengai, Tanzania
- Transient uniaxial creep of frozen soil quantified by fractional and fractal derivative models
- Using Antarctic Seismic Data to Assess Ultra-low Velocity Zones beneath the Southern Hemisphere
- Using Paleotempestology and Barrier Island Geomorphology to Characterize Tropical Cyclone Activity During the Late Holocene Along the Northern Gulf Coast of the United States
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- A. L. Dugger
- A. N. Price
- A. Nyblade
- A. Visser
- A. W. Wood
- Adam D. Sproson
- Adam S. Wymore
- Adnan Rajib
- Alain Plattner
- Alastair G C Graham
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alex J. Webster
- Alexandre Martinez
- Ali Abdolali
- Amir AghaKouchak
- Amir Mazrooei
- Amy J. Burgin
- Aneseh Alborzi
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anthony Fuentes
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Anuska Narayanan
- Arial J. Shogren
- Austin Raney
- Behzad Mortazavi
- Benjamin W. Abbott
- Beth Tellman
- Betsy M. Summers
- Bhavna Arora
- Brian Avant
- C. A. Love
- C. Nathan Jones
- Carlos A. Oroza
- Celso M. Ferreira
- Chaopeng Shen
- Christian Che‐Castaldo
- Christine R. Rollinson
- Courtenay Strong
- D. S. Stamps
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David F. Muñoz
- Diane M. McKnight
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Drew Taylor
- Dustin W. Kincaid
- E. A. Meselhe
- E. C. Seybold
- E. Emry
- E. G. Thomas
- Ebrahim Hamidi
- Edward J. Garnero
- Ehsan Foroumandi
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth J. Catlos
- Emilio Grande
- Emily Deardorff
- Erin Leonard
- Ethan T. Coon
- F. O. Nitsche
- Farshid Vahedifard
- Feras Abushakra
- Fernando Aristizabal
- Frank T.-C. Tsai
- G. W. Perry
- Georgios Boumis
- Gregory Petrochenkov
- Gregory Starr
- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
- H. E. Edens
- Hamed Moftakhari
- Hamid Moradkhani
- Hanqin Tian
- Henok Kefelegn
- Henry W. Loescher
- Hong Yi Li
- Hossein Gholizadeh
- Hsi-Pin Ma
- Iman Mallakpour
- J. A. O’Donnell
- J. B. Baker
- J. M. Ruohoniemi
- J. Michael Johnson
- J.J. Coenen
- Jacob D. Hosen
- James D. Kirkham
- Jan Erik Arndt
- Jasmeet Judge
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jennifer S. Lund
- Jessie K. Pearl
- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- John C. Hammond
- Jonathan Frame
- Jonghun Kam
- Joshua C. Bregy
- Julia S. Wellner
- Juliana D’Andrilli
- Julien Malard
- Junbin Zhao
- Junehyeong Park
- Justin T. Maxwell
- K. J. Van Meter
- K. S. Jennings
- K.J. Jankowski
- Karen J. Heeter
- Karsten Gohl
- Kate A. Brauman
- Keighobad Jafarzadegan
- Kelly Hogan
- Kelly L. Hondula
- Kelly M. Dorgan
- Kenneth Ekpetere
- Kimberly Genareau
- Kristen L. Underwood
- Kyle T. Mandli
- L. A. Stearns
- L. E. Webb
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Laurie S. Huning
- Leigh G. Terry
- Lienne R. Sethna
- Lisa Davis
- M. A. Zimmer
- Mark Elliott
- Marshall J. Styczinski
- Mary Braza
- Matthew D. Therrell
- Md Abdullah Al Mehedi
- Mesfin Mekonnen
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael Durand
- Mingming Li
- Motasem S. Abualqumboz
- Mukesh Kumar
- Muntasir Raihan Rahman
- N. A. Frissell
- N. Frazier
- Naota Hanasaki
- Nathan Moodie
- Nishani Moragoda
- P. D. Brooks
- P. J. Erickson
- Pamela Weisenhorn
- Paola Passalacqua
- Peirong Lin
- Peyman Abbaszadeh
- Pradeep Wagle
- Pragnaditya Malakar
- Prasad Gogineni
- Pushpendra Raghav
- Qian Wu
- R. Pappalardo
- R. Patrick Bixler
- R. R. Forster
- Rebecca L. Hale
- Rebecca Totten Minzoni
- Richard B. Alley
- Robert D Larter
- Ruth C. Heindel
- Ryan C. Johnson
- S. D. Peckham
- S. E. Hansen
- S. M. Howell
- S. P. Coss
- S. R. Kaeppler
- S. Silvestro
- S. Vance
- Saeed Moghimi
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Sean P. Long
- Sebastijan Mrak
- Seth E. Younger
- Shufen Pan
- Shujie Wang
- Sparkle L. Malone
- Stephen Plont
- T. Pavelsky
- T. Woods
- Thomas Y. Chen
- Tian Zhou
- Tsun Fung Au
- W Joel Schiffer
- W. D. D. P. Welivitiya
- Wanyun Shao
- William H. McDowell
- Won Sang Lee
- Yong Zhang
- Yūsuke Yokoyama
- Zeli Tan
- Zhenduo Zhu
- Zhigang Peng
- Zihao Bian