University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota
flowchart I[University of Saint Thomas, Minnesota] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (53)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- Using Gamma ray and Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) to Evaluate Elemental Sequences in Cap-carbonates and Cap-like Carbonates of the Death Valley Region
- The Delta Box: a Table-top Glimpse Into Sequence Stratigraphy
- The Earth's Record of Climate: A focused-topic introductory course in paleoclimatology
- Sedimentary Response to Arc-Continent Collision, Permian, Southern Mongolia
- A Novel Field Apparatus for Conducting Linked Geochemical-Microbiological Experiments in Shallow Sediments
- An Integrated Approach to Determine Ground-water Surface Water Flux in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System at the Norman Landfill Research Site, Oklahoma
- Aqueous Iron-Sulfide Clusters in Variably Saturated Soil Systems: Implications for Iron Cycling and Fluid Flow
- An Integrated Approach to Quantify Groundwater - Surface Water Interactions: the Norman Research Site, Oklahoma
- Quantifying Linkages between Biogeochemical Processes in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System Using Multivariate Statistics and HP1
- A New Approach to Address Complexities in Single-Well Push-Pull Test Data: Application of a Multi-Species Reactive Transport Model to Estimate Biogeochemical Rates
- An Emerging Ethic of Responsibility: A Case Study for Engaging the Public
- Can we use redox sensitive elements to indicate past stable state transitions? Preliminary results from three shallow lakes
- Effects of small-scale, high-frequency ocean variability on surface material transport in the coastal ocean
- Evidence of linked biogeochemical and hydrological processes in homogeneous and layered vadose zone systems
- Hydrological Perturbations Drive Biogeochemical Processes in Experimental Soil Columns from the Norman Landfill Site
- Rates of BTEX Biodegradation under Nitrate Reducing Conditions in Wetland Sediments Impacted by Contaminated Groundwater
- The changing trophic status of shallow Minnesota lakes: evidence from stable isotopic and biological proxies
- Computational Modeling of Probe Dynamics to Improve Ocean heat Content Measurements
- Preliminary Fluid Drag Calculations for Expendable Bathythermograph Devices
- Scientists Shaping the Discussion
- Spatio-temporal evolution of biogeochemical processes at a landfill site
- The Climate Science Rapid Response Team - A Model for Science Communication
- A long-term perspective on anthropogenic activities and management strategies in a prairie wetland
- Detailed Debunking of Denial
- Environmental Litigation and the Role of Climate Scientists
- Filling the Knowledge Gap that Exists Between the Public and Its Leaders and Climate Science Experts
- Navigating Negative Conversations in Climate Change
- Upscaling Geochemical and Hydrologic Parameters using a Novel Depth Fragmented Approach
- Experiments Evaluating the Interaction between Deformable Substrates and Prograding Clinoforms
- Experiments evaluating subsidence generated within a subaqueous deformable substrate due to varying differential sediment loading patterns
- Modeling Sudden Stratospheric Warming Events Using the Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Electrodynamics (IPE) Model
- Tephra Deposits in Lake Mead Miocene Sediments: Characteristics, Chronology, and Sources
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Interventions Based on Cognitive Science Research
- Determining the Location and Magnitude of Basin and Range and Laramide Faulting, Southern Nevada
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Part I: Introducing Seismic Interpretation and Isostasy Principles Using Gulf of California Examples
- Incorporating Cutting Edge Scientific Results from the Margins-Geoprisms Program into the Undergraduate Curriculum, Rupturing Continental Lithosphere Part II: Introducing Euler Poles Using Baja-North America Relative Plate Motion Across the Gulf of California
- Transforming Spatial Reasoning Skills in the Upper-Level Undergraduate Geoscience Classroom Through Curricular Materials Informed by Cognitive Science Research
- Teaching Spatial Thinking in Undergraduate Geology Courses Using Tools and Strategies from Cognitive Science Research
- Improved estimates of ocean heat content from 1960-2015
- Investigating Timing of Slip along N-S Extensional Faults in the Modi Khola and Marsyandi Valleys, Annapurna Himalaya, Nepal
- Piping Plover Habitat Loss at the Nature Conservancy's John E. Williams Preserve, Central North Dakota: an Interdisciplinary Study of Alkaline Prairie Pothole Glacial Lakes, Groundwater, Gravel Beaches and Vegetation Encroachment
- Are recent hurricane (Harvey, Irma, Maria) disasters natural?
- Measurements of soil, surface water, and groundwater CO2 concentration variability within Earth's critical zone: low-cost, long-term, high-temporal resolution monitoring
- The Historical Context of the 2017 Hurricane Season's Ocean Warmth
- An Investigation of Holocene Microbial Microstructures from Sediments in Lower Pahranagat Lake, Nevada
- Historical Inventory and Lidar-Based Mapping of Landslides in the Minneapolis-St. Paul Metro Area, Minnesota
- Neotectonic Fault Reactivation and Landscape Rejuvenation on Norway's Post-glacial Rifted Margin
- Strontium and uranium isotopes from lacustrine carbonates as a paleohydrologic tracer in arid wetlands: An example from the Pahranagat Valley, Nevada
- The Climate Science Rapid Response Team - A Effective Model for Engaging Media and Policymakers
- Using Drainage Area Power-Law Relationships to Remotely Test for River Capture
- Increase in the rate of ocean warming
- Improved estimates of changes in upper ocean salinity and the water cycle