Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Collaboration in Support of LBA Science and Data Exchange: Beija-flor and EOS-WEBSTER
- A Model-Based Assessment of the Physiological Potential of Vegetation Response to Environmental Changes and Implications for the North America Carbon Sink
- Aircraft Eddy Covariance Measurements of Regional CO2 Fluxes in Arctic Alaska
- Biogeochemical Reactions and Mineralogical Characteristics in an Iron Reactive Barrier at the Oak Ridge Y-12 Site
- Biometric and Eddy-covariance Based Estimates of Ecosystem Carbon Storage in Five Eastern North American Deciduous Forests.
- Enhanced Dissolution of Iron Oxides by Biogenic H<SUB>2</SUB>S Produced by a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium
- FLUXNET: Distribution of a Global Network of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers and their Role in Validating Models and Remote Sensing Products
- Fatty Acids and Stable Carbon Isotopes of a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium: Implications for Carbon Cycling in Organic-Rich Marine Sediments
- Linkage of Mineral Precipitation to the Development of Heterogeneity in Permeable Reactive Barrier: a Field Column Study
- Model Simulations of CO2 Transport Using Assimilated Meteorological Fields
- Modeling and Analysis of the Water Cycle: Seasonal and Event Variability at the Walnut River Research Watershed
- Sea Surface Heat Flux in the north Tropical Atlantic and mineral aerosol distribution
- Sensitivity of Modeled Net Ecosystem Exchange to Uncertainty in Initial Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Stable Isotope Analysis of a 12 M.Y. Record of Soil Carbonates in the Southern Rio Grande Rift
- Structure and Chemistry of Grain Boundaries in Deformed, Olivine + Basalt and Partially Molten Lherzolite Aggregates: Evidence of Melt-free Grain Boundaries
- Surface Charge and Ion Sorption Properties of Titanium Dioxide
- Using Rising Limb Analysis to Estimate Uptake of Reactive Solutes in Advective and Transient Storage Sub-compartments of Stream Ecosystems
- A "Make-A-Difference" Experiment to Assess the Value of ARM Data in Carbon Cycle Models
- A framework for continuous monitoring of the biosphere at multiple scales
- An Analytical Method for Predicting Soil Moisture from Rainfall Observations
- Atmospheric Iron Flux and Surface Chlorophyll at South Atlantic Ocean: A Case Study Near Patagonia
- Carbon Accumulation and Microbial Community Structure in Reclaimed Mine Soils
- Climate Change Doesn't Just Happen
- Condensed Layer Ion Positions at the Rutile(110)-Water Interface with High Brilliance X-rays
- Distributed Datamining for NASA/NOAA databases
- Electro-enhanced Permeable Reactive Barrier : Optimal Design of PRB System With External Current for Effective TCE Removal From Groundwater
- Evaluation of Microbial Communities in Soil Using a Mixed Functional and Phylogenetic Array
- Grain Boundary Chemistry in Mantle Rocks
- Improving Satellite-Based LAI and FPAR Predictions With Simple Site-Specific Parameterizations
- In-situ Microbial Cultivation in a South African Gold Mine
- Isotopic Fractionation in Magnetite-Catalyzed Hydrothermal Carbon Dioxide Reduction Processes
- Metal Reduction and Mineral Formation by an Alkaliphilic Fe(III)-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from an Alkaline Leachate Pond
- Metal Reduction and Mineral formation by a Psychrotolerant Fe(III)-Reducing Bacterium Isolated from an Iron-Rich Waters near a Hydrothermal Vent
- New Features of Rescaled Range Analysis of the Running Sandpile With Applications to Geophysical Systems
- Partitioning of Soil Respiration Sources Using <SUP>14</SUP>C-Enriched Leaf Litter and Roots in a Temperate Forest, Oak Ridge, TN
- Patterns in Stream Respiration and Primary Production Along a Gradient of Upland Soil and Vegetation Disturbance
- Radiative effects of volcanic aerosols and clouds on terrestrial photosynthesis
- Re-Thinking the Contradictions of Soil Moisture Spatial Variability
- Refinements in the Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Fossil-Fuel CO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions Data
- Sorption of Zn(II) and Co(II) on Rutile Surfaces from 25 to 250 Degrees Centigrade by pH Titrations: Impact of X-Ray Standing Wave (XSW) and EXAFS Studies on Electrical Double Layer Models.
- TEM Study of Intergranular Fluid Distributions in Rocks at a Nanometer Scale
- Temperature Acclimation of Terrestrial Ecosystem Respiration and Implications for Global Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- The Ramifications of Meddling with Systems Governed by Self-organized Critical Dynamics
- The Utility of in situ X-ray Standing Wave Measurements to Help Constrain Surface Complexation Models
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- U.S.{/}South African Undergraduate Education and Research Workshops
- Using Clustering to Establish Climate Regimes from PCM Output
- A Novel Method for Analyzing and Interpreting GCM Results Using Clustered Climate Regimes
- An inverse method for estimating the spatial variability of soil textures from observed soil moisture fields
- Characterizing and Filling Data Gaps in ARM Measurements for Carbon Models
- Data Supporting the Validation of MODIS Land Products
- Earth System Grid II (ESG): Turning Climate Model Datasets Into Community Resources
- Elution of Nitrate at the NABIR Field Research Center, Oak Ridge Reservation, Oak Ridge, TN
- Equilibrium Grain Boundary Segregation in Mantle Rocks: Grain Boundaries as Reservoirs of Incompatible Elements
- Estimating Hydrogeological Zonation Using High-resolution Geophysical Data and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Estimation of CO2 exchange at regional scales using spatial correlations of flux fields
- Exacerbation of Atmospheric Mercury Emissions From Substrates by Atmospheric Oxidants
- Experimental Investigation of Reaction and Fluid Transport in Dolomite Rock
- FLUXNET: A Global Network of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers
- Gas Hydrate Nucleation Processes
- High Resolution River Routing in the CCSM2 Climate System Model
- Implications of Using Corn Stalks as a Biofuel Source: A Joint ARS and DOE Project
- Influence of Mn Ion on the Iron Biomineralization by an Iron-reducing Bacterium
- Modeling Intra-seasonal to Interannual Variability of Precipitation Over Central America
- Multiscale Heterogeneity and Solute Transport Model Parameter Uncertainty Study for a Fractured Low-Level Nuclear Waste Disposal Site in the Eastern United States
- Nanoindentation Creep of Quartz, Olivine, and Calcite, with Implications for Rate and State Friction Laws
- Quantifying Reemission Of Mercury From Terrestrial And Aquatic Systems Using Stable Isotopes: Results From The Experimental Lakes Area METAALICUS Study
- Quantifying Representation and Using Representation Weights to Interpolate Flux Tower Measurements across the United States
- Rapid decomposition of labile soil organic matter inputs obscures sensitivity of heterotrophic respiration to temperature: A model analysis.
- Signatures of Self-Organized Criticality as System Forcing Changes
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns in Carbon Emissions to the Atmosphere
- Sulfur Isotopic Compositions in Pyrrhotite Grains From the Los Angeles Meteorite
- Temperature Acclimation in the Terrestrial Biosphere and Implications for Global Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- Towards First Principles Spin Dynamics Calculations of the Magnetic Structure of Materials
- A Preliminary Examination of Monthly Consumption Patterns of Petroleum in European Countries
- A strategy for global phenological observatories
- An Updated Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB>Inventory in the Atlantic Ocean
- Analysis of a Micro-Pumping Test Conducted Within a Saprolitic Aquifer
- Assimilating carbon flux data to a soil carbon model to estimate pool sizes and their associated turnover time
- CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Temperature, and Soil Moisture Interactions Affect NDVI and Reproductive Phenology in Old-Field Plant Communities
- Coupled Hydrology and Uranium Geochemistry of the Hanford Caliche Layer
- Evidence of Shifted Soil Moisture Sensitivity of Soil Respiration Under Warming in a Tallgrass Prairie
- Fossil-Fuel-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions at Monthly Resolution for the Countries of the North American Carbon Program
- Global Fire Patterns and Trends from ENSO Events Estimated Using an Enhanced Ecosystem Model
- Influence of Protons on Fe-Mg Interdiffusion in Olivine
- LA-MC-ICPMS Determination of Copper Isotope Ratios in Turquoise from the Southwestern United States.
- Mercury Concentrations in Coastal and Inland Snow In Arctic Alaska
- Numerical Simulation of Field-Scale Transport and Biogeochemical Reactions Using a Particle-Based Method
- Quantitative Flux Ecoregions for AmeriFlux Using MODIS
- Research Experience for Undergraduates: an International Program Enhancing Interdisciplinary Learning
- Scaling up a Conceptual Model of Matrix Diffusion from Laboratory to Field
- Stable Cl And O Isotope Ratios Of Anthropogenic And Natural Perchlorates
- The Influence of Biospheric Temperature Acclimation and Choice of Temperature Response Function on Feedbacks in Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Models
- Unraveling the Fate and Transport of SrEDTA-2 and Sr+2 in Hanford Sediments
- Use of Microarray-based Genomic Technologies for Assessing Microbial Community Composition and Dynamics in Contaminated Groundwater
- A Novel Approach to Estimate the Distribution of Reducible Iron Within Different Pore Fractions of Structured Media.
- A Reaction-based Diagonalization Approach to Modeling Surface Water Quality
- Acclimation of Leaf Respiration to Temperature Change and Implications for Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- Archiving Terrestrial Biogeochemistry Models
- Biogenic and Stable Isotopic Evidence for Holocene Stability of the Larsen-B Ice Shelf
- Coupled Global-Regional Climate Model Simulations of Future Changes in Hydrology over Central America
- Cu2+ as a Probe for Nanomineral Surface Chemistry
- Developing Bottom-Up Estimates of Net Carbon Flux Using Survey Data, Remote Sensing, and Economic Modeling: A Case Study for Agricultural Lands in the U.S. Mid-Continental Region
- Development of a Domain Map for Nodes of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Drought Influence on a Missouri Oak-Hickory Forest Ecosystem
- Ecosystem and Societal Consequences of Ocean versus Atmosphere Carbon Storage
- Effects of Climate Change on Autotrophic Microbial Communities in Lake Qinghai on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Effects of Clouds and Aerosols on Vegetation - Atmosphere Flux Exchanges
- Elucidating Geochemical and Biogeochemical U(VI) Reduction Via Soil Sterilization at Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Estimating Net CO2 Emissions From Agricultural Lime Applied to Soils in the U.S.
- Estimating Soil Erosion and Carbon Mineralization by Rainfall Erosion for Select Management Practices in Corn-based Cropping Rotations: A Case Study for Iowa
- Field Characterization of Reservoir Flow Paths Using Miscible and Immiscible Tracer Tests
- Fossil-Fuel-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions for China at Monthly Resolution
- Gas-Water-Rock Interactions in Saline Aquifers Following CO2 Injection: Results From Frio Formation, Texas, USA
- High-resolution simulation of the global climate and Asian monsoon at 6000 years BP
- Interpretation of Perfluorocarbon Tracer Data Collected During the Frio Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Test
- Lateral Flow of Carbon From U.S. Agricultural Lands: Carbon Uptake, Consumption, and Respiration
- Magnetic Characteristics of Metal-doped Magnetite Nanoparticles Produced by Thermoanaerobacter Ethanolicus
- Modeling in-situ uranium(VI) bioreduction at Oak Ridge, TN
- More frequent cloud-free sky and less surface solar radiation in China from 1955-2000
- Multi-Year Dynamics of Upland-Oak Forest Organic Horizons: Observations Based on a Unique 14C-Tracer and a Mechanistic Model
- Non-linear Feedbacks in the Future Hydrologic Cycle
- Phase-space dissimilarity measures for industrial and biomedical applications
- Potential Impacts of Aerosol-Land-Atmosphere Interaction on the Indian Monsoonal Rainfall Characteristics
- Preliminary Results from the C4MIP Phase 1 Simulations Using the CCSM3-CLM3-CASA' Coupled Model
- Quantifying Representativeness Importance Values for AmeriFlux Sites
- Remote Sensing Products for Regional Carbon Studies
- The Dynamics of SOC Systems with Diffusion
- The Respiration-to-Photosynthesis Ratio of Intact Forests Exposed to Elevated CO2 concentration
- Tracer Test Analysis Using a Bayesian Geostatistical Inverse Approach to Solve for Transfer Functions
- Virtual Simulator: An infrastructure for design and performance-prediction of massively parallel codes
- A Simple Model for Groundwater Fluctuations in Response to Precipitation
- An experimental study of the serpentine cycle: The hydration of dunite.
- Assessing The Effectiveness Of Soil Carbon Sequestration In North America
- Challenges facing missions by drilling into permafrost on Mars
- Comparison of Anthropogenic CO2, NOx, and CO Emissions: Exploiting a Synergy Between Air Quality and Carbon Cycle Studies
- Contaminant Transport with Time-Dependent DNAPL Source Dissolution Kinetics and Biodecay: Effects of Partial Mass Removal, Flow Reduction and Enhanced Biodecay
- Do Changes in CO2, Temperature, and Precipitation Interact to Affect net Ecosystem Exchange in an old Field Ecosystem?
- Fossil-Fuel CO2 Emissions at Various Spatial and Temporal Scales
- High-resolution Climate Simulation of the Last Glacial Maximum
- Just add Salt: Salinity-Induced Hydrate Dissociation as a Possible Source for Atmospheric Methane on Mars
- Lanthanide-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles Using a New Mixed Precursor Method by Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus
- Methanol Stimulated Uranium Reduction: Does Community Heterogeneity Matter?
- Microbial Community Responses to Nitrate-Indifferent Uranium Bioreduction
- Mission Design Concept for in Situ Characterization of Saturnian Atmospheric Composition
- Modelling the Production and Transport of DOM in Soils, Making use of 14C
- Monthly Global Emissions of Anthropogenic CO2: Atmospheric CO2 Transport Calculations Based on NASA Data Assimilation
- Multivariate Geographic Clustering as a Basis for Ecoregionalization in the Environmental Sciences
- NACP Data Center for Modeling and Synthesis
- New approaches for extreme value analysis in large-scale geospatial-temporal data with applications to observed and climate-model simlulated precipitation in South America
- Potential Effects of Increasing Aerosols on Solar Radiation, Atmospheric Stability and Precipitation in China
- Potential Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins: Results From the Frio Brine Test, Texas, USA
- Preliminary Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C- LAMP)
- Quantification and visualization of the human impacts of anticipated precipitation extremes in South America
- Recrystallization Processes in Natural and Experimental Marbles: SANS and USANS Analysis
- Removing Noise From Satellite Time Series Data Significantly Improves Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Model Performance
- Responses of Energy use to Climate Change: A Climate Modeling Study
- Simulating Carbon Sequestration With Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks
- Spatially Explicit Full Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Accounting for the Midwestern and Continental US: Modeling and Decision Support for Carbon Management
- The DADDI Project: Delivering a Working Prototype for Arctic Coastal Data
- The NASA DAACs Support Earth Science Users' Data Needs
- A Cluster Analysis Approach to Comparing Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Observations with General Circulation Model (GCM) Results
- A Geochemical Reaction Model for Titration of Contaminated Soil and Groundwater at the Oak Ridge Reservation
- A Pre-NACP Assessment of the North American Terrestrial Carbon Sink
- A new Differential Equation for Anomalous Diffusion with Potential Applications to Nonlinear Space Plasmas
- A novel approach to inferring real temperature sensitivity and soil carbon dynamics from soil respiration measurements
- Analysis of Changes in Biochemical Composition Under Free-Air CO2 enrichment by 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: Leaf Litter, Roots, and Soils From Oak Ridge
- Assimilation of AmeriFlux Data in Two Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Models: Are Ecosystem- Scale Parameters Temporally and Spatially Coherent?
- Changes in Soil Carbon and Nitrogen in a Multi-factor Climate Change Experiment on Constructed Old-Fields
- Creating and Accessing the Global Fluxnet Data Set
- Data Discovery, Access, and Delivery Architecture for Arctic Coastal Process Data from the International Polar Year
- Development of Cyberinfrastructure to Support the USA National Phenology Network
- Discovery and Access to ARM Data from Statistical Views of Measurement Results: A new View Into a Long-term Data Collection
- Do Extreme Climatic Events Drive Ecosystem Water Flux Under Elevated CO2 in a Temperate Forest?
- Effect of fCO2 on the Diffusion of C and O in Calcite at 700 °C, 100 MPa
- Efficient Heat and Mass Transfer Formulations for Oil Shale Retorting
- Environmental Proteomic Analysis in a Contaminated Aquifer: From Column to Field- Scale
- Evaluating the Capacity of Global CO2 Flux and Atmospheric Transport Models to Incorporate New Satellite Observations
- Evolution of the Microbial Community Structure and Iron Reduction Rate in a Column Biostimulation Experiment During the Transition From Iron to Sulfate Reduction
- Examining the Role of Nitrogen Cycling in the Terrestrial Response to CO2, Climate, and Nitrogen Deposition
- Experimental Investigation of the Dissolution and Alteration of Olivine at Low Temperatures and Pressures
- FLUXNET: Data from a Global Network of Eddy-Covariance Flux Towers
- Formation of Massive Hydrate From the Accumulation of Free CH4 gas in Sediments
- Highly-selective and Regenerable Ion Exchange for Perchlorate Remediation, Recovery, and Environmental Forensics
- Hydraulic control for manipulating subsurface conditions for in situ experiments of uranium(VI) bioremediation
- Impacts, Salinity, and Climate Change: Global-Scale Triggers for Hydrate Dissociation
- Initial Results From an Integrated Terrestrial Carbon Model for North America: Constraining Process Models with Experiments and Measurements
- Isotopic Discrimination of Perchlorate Sources in Ground Water
- Measurement of Relative Permeability Using Single-Step Transient Flow Centrifuge Experiments
- Mercury- Distributed Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access System
- Micro-Scanning Electron Microscope and X-ray Spectrometer for Planetary Exploration
- Modeling and Synthesis Support for the North American Carbon Program
- Modelling Plant and Soil Nitrogen Feedbacks Affecting Forest Carbon Gain at High CO2
- Multivariate Dependence Estimation in Geophysics
- Natural Microbial Assemblages Reflect Distinct Organismal and Functional Partitioning
- ORNL DAAC MODIS Land Product Subsets
- ORNL DAAC WebGIS: A Web-based GIS System for Visualizing and Distributing Biogeochemical and Ecological Datasets
- Potential of VIIRS Data for Regional Monitoring of Gypsy Moth Defoliation: Implications for Forest Threat Early Warning System
- Results from the CCSM Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP)
- Seasonally Varying Leaf Area for Climate and Carbon Models from Assimilation of Satellite Reflectance data into a Dynamical Leaf Model
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- Transitioning from Corn to Switchgrass in the US Great Plains: Implications for Climate and Water Resource
- Transport of Nanoparticles in Heterogeneous Systems: Methodology and Applications
- Using a dynamical systems approach to characterize climate for physical interpretation and comparison of models to observations
- Variability in the Mass and Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Fossil-Fuel-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions for the Countries of the North American Carbon Program
- A Description of the Global, Monthly, Fossil-Fuel Carbon Dioxide Time Series Based on National Estimates
- A Fractional Differential Kinetic Equation and Applications to Modelling Bursts in Turbulent Nonlinear Space Plasmas
- A New National MODIS-Derived Phenology Data Set Every 16 Days, 2002 through 2006
- An Evaluation of Microbial Community Structure and Function in Mercury Contaminated Stream Sediments
- Biomolecular Aspects of Mercury Transformations
- Can Earthworm "mix up" Soil Carbon Budgets in Temperate Forests Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide?
- Carbon cycling in fine roots of several mature forests: results using either locally-derived or bomb-derived radiocarbon enrichment
- Comparing the Interannual Variability of Forward and Inverse Models
- Comparison of Global Model Results from the Carbon-Land Model Intercomparison Project (C-LAMP) with Free-Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment (FACE) Manipulation Experiments
- Comparison of Two Mercury Contaminated Surface Water Bodies
- Competition between plants and microbes for available mineral nitrogen resources: evaluation against experimental results and consequences for carbon-climate feedbacks
- Current activity in the exchange of environmental data between the United States and the Russian Federation
- Disturbance history and nitrogen cycle controls on ecosystem response to increased CO2 and climate change
- Enhancing Monitoring of Recharge-Related Environmental Remediation Processes Using Time-Lapse Seismic Refraction
- Estimates of terrestrial carbon cycle model parameters by assimilation of FLUXNET data: Do parameter variations cause bias in regional flux estimates?
- Estimation of the interannual variation of CO2 exchange between North American terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere using the simulation model GTEC
- Evidence of impact material and the extinction of the mega-fauna 12,900 years ago
- Exploring the Role of Plant Genetics to Enhance Soil Carbon Sequestration in Hybrid Poplar Plantations
- Extreme climate event trends: The data mining and evaluation of the A1FI scenario for 2000-2100
- Global warming impacts on regional hydrology and water resources
- Impacts of Current and Previous Land Use on Greenhouse Gas Fluxes for Biofuel Cropping Systems
- In Situ Bioreduction of Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer: Overview of Results from the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado
- Is the Interannual Variability of NEE Controlled by Dryness?
- Litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: Estimation methods and environmental controls
- Long-term Experimental Networks for Stream Ecosystem Studies: the Lotic Intersite Nitrogen Experiment (LINX) and the Stream Experimental and Observatory Network (STREON) Component of the National Ecological Observatory Network
- Long-term ecological impacts of springtime extreme temperature fluctuations
- MAST-DC Support for North American Carbon Program Interim Syntheses
- Mercury: An Example of Effective Software Reuse for Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access
- Modeling Nitrogen Leaching With A Biogeochemical Model Coupled With Soil Hydrology Model
- Modeling the Effects of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes on Denitrification and Stream Nitrogen Losses in River Networks
- Nanoscale Phase Stability Reversal During the Nucleation and Growth of Titanium Oxide Minerals
- Nitrogen Attenuation of Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Response to Global Environmental Change
- Nitrogen Limitation is Reducing the Enhancement of NPP by Elevated CO2 in a Deciduous Forest
- Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Multi-scale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface
- On the properties and limitations of magnetic reconnection in Hall MHD
- Optimizing Land use Decisions Under Future Bioenergy Scenarios
- Product Dissociation Pathways in MerB Catalysis: A Molecular Dynamics Study
- Prognostic Fire Algorithm in CLM-CN
- Proteogenomic Analysis of Geobacter Populations in a low Nutrient Contaminated Aquifer Under Stimulated Conditions.
- Reflex Project: Using Model-Data Fusion to Characterize Confidence in Analyzes and Forecasts of Terrestrial C Dynamics
- Reproducible Crystallite Size of Mono-Dispersed and Scalable Biologically Produced Metal-Substituted Nanometer-Sized Magnetites
- Results of the North American Carbon Program (NACP) Site Model-Data Comparison (MDC) project
- Roles of Dissolved Organic Matter in Aqueous Speciation of Hg(II) and CH3Hg+ in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Soil Carbon Sequestration - Science for Enhancement and Implementation
- Stochastic Inversion of Seismic Refraction Data With Borehole Depth Constraints for Watershed-scale Characterization of Aquifer Geometry
- The Flow Dimension and Aquifer Heterogeneity: Field evidence and Numerical Analyses
- The Influence of Kinetics on the Formation of Complexes Between Mercury and Dissolved Organic Matter
- Thermophiles as Candidate Iron-Reducing Bacteria For the Putative Biogenetic Magnetite in Banded Iron Formations
- Transient Simulation of Climate Evolution over the Last 21,000 years (TraCE-21,000): First Results
- Trends in mean and extreme rainfall in South Florida and their correlations with sea surface temperature anomalies
- Uncertainty in carbon, climate and nutrient interactions following human disturbance in simulating terrestrial greenhouse-gas exchange with the atmosphere
- Using High-Resolution, Surface Time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography to Characterize and Monitor Subsurface Hydrological Processes
- Using blackmail, bribery, and guilt to address the tragedy of the virtual intellectual commons
- A Biophysical Modeling Framework for Assessing the Environmental Impact of Biofuel Production
- A Protocol for Retrospective Remote-Sensing-based Ecological Monitoring of Rangelands
- A new approach to generating research-quality phenology data: The USA National Phenology Monitoring System
- Advances in simulating hydrologic processes in the Community Land Model version 4.0 (Invited)
- An International Land-Biosphere Model Benchmarking Activity for the IPCC Fifth Assessment Report (AR5)
- An overview of the North American Carbon Program Site-Level Interim Synthesis Results (Invited)
- Assimilating AmeriFlux Site Data into the Community Land Model with Carbon-Nitrogen Coupling via the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Atmospheric CO2 simulation inside GEOS-5: Data mining, evaluation and treaty verification
- Can Granger causality delineate natural versus anthropogenic drivers of climate change from global-average multivariate time series?
- Carbon cycling at a temperate evergreen forest: a comparison of three ecosystem-model data assimilation systems at Howland, ME (Invited)
- Characterization of climate indices in models and observations using Hurst Exponent and Reyni Entropy Techniques
- Comparison of Regional Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Atmospheric Inversions and Inventories in the Mid-Continent Intensive
- Comparison of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics at Four Temperate Deciduous Forests with Physical Fractionation and Radiocarbon Measurements
- Comparison of biogeochemical models to simulate uranium (VI) bio-reduction under sulfate reduction conditions (Invited)
- Complex networks as a tool of choice for improving the science of climate extremes and reducing uncertainty in their projections
- Data extraction tool and colocation database for satellite and model product evaluation (Invited)
- DataONE: Enabling Data-Intensive Biological and Environmental Research through Cyberinfrastructure
- Defining the Data Citation Problem in the DataNet Context
- Estimating Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Sources and Sinks in the Mid-Continent Intensive using Inventories and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Estimating Net Primary Production for Croplands Using Advanced Wide Field Sensor (AWiFS) Time Series Data
- Estimating changes in soil organic carbon consistently from field to continental scales (Invited)
- Evaluating Climate Models: Should We Use Weather or Climate Observations?
- Flow Alteration and Chemical Reduction: Air Stripping to Lessen Subsurface Discharges of Mercury to Surface Water
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- High Resolution River Routing in the Community Climate System Model
- How Important is Spatial Resolution: Case Studies at 48, 12, and 4 km for the U.S., Latin America, and Southern Asia
- How uncertainty in gap-filled meteorological input forcing at eddy covariance sites impacts modeled carbon and energy flux (Invited)
- Human Response to Emergency Warning
- In Situ Immobilization of Uranium in Structured Porous Media (Invited)
- In situ Bioreduction of Uranium (VI) in Groundwater and Sediments with Edible Oil as the Electron Donor
- Influence of dynamic land use and land cover change on simulated global terrestrial carbon and nitrogen cycles, climate-carbon cycle feedbacks, and interactions with rising CO2 and anthropogenic nitrogen deposition
- Integration of Observations and Modeling Results in the North American Carbon Program (Invited)
- Intensification of Droughts in a Warming Environment: Trends, Uncertainties and Possible Impacts
- Interactions among elevated CO2, root litter diversity and decomposition
- Jacobian-Free Newton-Krylov Methods and Physics-based Preconditioning for Problems in Computational Geophysics (Invited)
- Knowledge discovery and nonlinear modeling can complement climate model simulations for predictive insights about climate extremes and their impacts
- Mercury: Reusable software application for Metadata Management, Data Discovery and Access
- Meso-Scale Clathrate Experiments: Effect of Grain Size on Formation Pathways
- Modeling the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Net Ecosystem Exchange of Agroecosystems of the Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign Region during 2000-2008
- Modelling the Burstiness of Complex Space Plasmas Using Linear Fractional Stable Motion
- Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of CO2 Hydrate as a Function of Pressure
- Next Generation Data Model for Phenology Observations
- Optimisation modelling predicts leaf trait variation and response to elevated CO2
- Preliminary Results from a High Resolution 0.1° Global Coupled Ocean-Ice Simulation
- Quantifying the Impact of Mountain Pine Beetle Disturbances on Forest Carbon Pools and Fluxes in the Western US using the NCAR Community Land Model
- Reconciliation of Carbon Dioxide Flux Estimates from Atmospheric Inversions and Inventories in the Mid-Continent Intensive
- Reservoir fluid and gas chemistry during CO2 injection at the Cranfield field, Mississippi, USA
- Risk Formulations versus Comprehensive Uncertainty Characterizations for Climate Extremes and their Impacts
- SimWIND: A Geospatial Infrastructure Model for Wind Energy Production and Transmission
- Simulating Subsurface Reactive Flows on Ultrascale Computers with PFLOTRAN
- Simulations of Vegetation Impacts on Arctic Climate
- Size-resolved Parameterization of Primary Organic Carbon in Fresh Marine Aerosols
- Spatial Data Access Tool: Enable visualization and access of geospatial data using OGC services and Google Earth
- The USA-NPN Information Management System: A tool in support of phenological assessments
- The effect of anthropogenic emissions corrections on the seasonal cycle of atmospheric CO2
- The role of terrestrial vegetation in mercury deposition: fate of stable mercury isotopes applied to upland and wetland forest canopies during the METAALICUS experiment (Invited)
- Toward A National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances Using Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology
- Towards better-constrained assessments of the carbon balance of North America in the 21st Century: a comparison of recent model and inventory-based estimates
- Transient Climate Simulation of Last Deglaciation in CCSM3 (Invited)
- Trends in fire emissions over the 20th century as simulated by a fire model within CLM-CN
- Uniting Mandelbrot’s Noah and Joseph Effects in Toy Models of Natural Hazard Time Series
- Using Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) CO2 observations to improve inverse modeling estimates of carbon fluxes
- Web and Web Services based tool that provides Subsets and Visualization of MODIS land products to facilitate land validation and field site characterization
- A Comparative Study of Vegetation Phenology Using MODIS and AmeriFlux Data
- A Software Prototype For Accessing Large Climate Simulation Data Through Digital Globe Interface
- A comparison of coupled biogeophysical and biogeochemical dynamics across a precipitation gradient in Oregon using data assimilation
- ARM Data sets for the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
- Advancing Climate Change and Impacts Science Through Climate Informatics
- America's Climate Choices: Adapting to the Impacts of Climate Change (Invited)
- An Observational and Computational Variable Tagging System for Climate Change Informatics
- Best Practices for Preparing Interoperable Geospatial Data
- Carbon sequestration through wood burial and storage: practical potential and policy considerations (Invited)
- Challenges and opportunities of mercury remediation in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee (Invited)
- Climate Change Experiments in Arctic Ecosystems: Scientific Strategy and Design Criteria
- Climate Impacts on US Energy Infrastructure: A New High Resolution Model, Policy Implications and Feedbacks
- Climate controls of terrestrial carbon sequestration
- Comparison of caprock pore networks which potentially will be impacted by carbon sequestration projects
- Complex Networks Reveal Persistent Global / Regional Structure and Predictive Information Content in Climate Data
- Compound-specific Sorption of Dissolved Organic Carbon on Soil Minerals
- Controls on the speed of spring: challenges for terrestrial carbon cycle models
- Coupled Modeling of Hydrogeochemical and Electrical Resistivity Data for Exploring the Impact of Recharge on Subsurface Contamination
- Deployment of an Ecosystem Warming Prototype at the Fairbanks Permafrost Experiment Station
- Desert dust and anthropogenic aerosol interactions in the Community Climate System Model coupled-carbon-climate model
- Earth System Modeling of Ozone, Methane, and DMS
- Ecosystem metabolism and nutrient cycling linkages in stream ecosystems: a synthesis from studies at multiple temporal and spatial scales
- Effect of climate change on water resources of the Upper Indus River
- Enabling Interoperability and Servicing Multiple User Segments Through Web Services, Standards, and Data Tools
- Enhancing The Recognition, Reusability, And Transparency Of Scientific Data Using Digital Object Identifiers
- Evaluating Projected Changes in Mean Processes, Extreme Events, and their Spatio-Temporal Dependence Structures
- Evaluating Spruce Peatland Responses Under Climatic and Environmental Change Using a Replicated In Situ Field Manipulation
- Evaluating predictability in nonlinear climate systems using the Mount Pinatubo eruption
- Evaluation of Heat Induced Methane Release from Methane Hydrates
- Exploring the Potential of Large Scale Distributed Modeling of Snow Accumulation and Melt on GPUs
- Geospatiotemporal Data Mining of Remotely Sensed Phenology for Unsupervised Forest Threat Detection
- Global high resolution atmospheric CO2 simulation with 1x1 km surface fluxes and coupled (Eulerian/Lagrangian) model
- Hysteresis of Soil Point Water Retention Functions Determined by Neutron Radiography
- Impacts of Land Use Change, Nitrogen Deposition and Nitrogen Fertilizers on Carbon and Nitrogen Stocks of Plants and Soils
- Improving Scientific Metadata Interoperability And Data Discoverability using OAI-PMH
- Increasing the availability and usability of terrestrial ecology data through geospatial Web services and visualization tools (Invited)
- Intensification of hot extremes in the United States in the next three decades (Invited)
- Inverse modeling of CO2 sources and sinks using a combination of satellite and flask observations
- Long-term Science Data Curation Using a Digital Object Model and Open-Source Frameworks
- MODIS tools for land validation, field site characterization, data intensive science and classroom education
- Massively parallel multiple interacting continua formulation for modeling flow in fractured porous media using the subsurface reactive flow and transport code PFLOTRAN
- Model for Predicting Passage of Invasive Fish Species Through Culverts
- Modeling Joint Climate and Bioenergy Policies: Challenges of integrating economic and environmental data. (Invited)
- Molecular Behavior CO2 and CO2-H2O Mixtures at Interfaces
- Monthly Anthropogenic CO2 fluxes: Impacts on the atmospheric CO2 seasonal cycle and implications for models of the terrestrial biosphere
- NACP Synthesis: Evaluating modeled carbon state and flux variables against multiple observational constraints (Invited)
- Natural organic matter influences the dissolution and stability of reduced technetium(IV) and uranium(IV)
- Near-term, high-resolution, ensemble projections of regional climate (Invited)
- North American Carbon Balance: Results from the Regional Synthesis Project of the North America Carbon Program (Invited)
- North American Carbon Program (NACP) Interim Synthesis Project: Regional Forward Model Intercomparision (Invited)
- Observations of CO2 and CH4 enhancements over large point sources using GOSAT
- Observed 20th Century Desert Dust Variability: Impact on Climate and Biogeochemistry (Invited)
- On the Temporal Correlation Between Photosynthesis and Soil Respiration: Reconciling Lags and Observations
- On the influence of the height of expanding shrub vegetation on boreal climate
- Production and physicochemical evolution of size-resolved marine aerosol in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model: Implications for oxidation processes, radiative transfer, and climate
- Quantification of Biosphere and Anthropogenic CO2 using WRF-VPRM Mesoscale Transport and Biosphere Models
- Radioisotope tracer approach for understanding the impacts of global change-induced pedoturbation on soil C dynamics
- Remote sensing evaluation of CLMCN GPP
- Research needs and current approaches for a global carbon monitoring system: Monitoring requirements, synthesis of existing data streams, and emissions verification (Invited)
- Resolving the Effects of Complex Topography on Regional Climate and Climate Change: The Need for Very High Spatial Resolution
- Root architecture impacts on root decomposition rates in switchgrass
- Sensitivity of modeled carbon pools and fluxes to biases in reanalysis meteorology forcing data
- Simulation of in situ uranium bioremediation with slow-release organic amendment injection
- South Asian summer monsoon: Role of Plateau heating revisited
- TThe role of nitrogen availability in land-atmosphere interactions: a systematic evaluation of carbon-nitrogen coupling in a global land surface model using plot-level nitrogen fertilization experiments
- The Distribution of Soil Phosphorus in Terrestrial Ecosystems
- The USA National Phenology Network's Model for Collaborative Data Generation and Dissemination
- The Wind ENergy Data and Information (WENDI) Gateway: New Information and Analysis Tools for Wind Energy Stakeholders
- The global carbon budget and its operationalization
- The impact of bark beetle outbreaks on carbon cycling in the western US from 1997 to 2009
- The impact of climate, CO2, nitrogen deposition and land use change on contemporary global river flow
- The possibility of persisting cold spells in a warming environment
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Uncertainty and extremes analysis to evaluate dynamical downscaling of climate models
- Water Research within the SPRUCE Experiment, a Large-Scale Study of Climate Change Effects on a Northern Peatland
- What is in the flask? Going beyond inventories
- 'Uncertainty explosion' in 21st century Greenland temperature change - implications for sea level rise
- 21st Century Changes in Regional Species Transport Due to Climate Change in RCP 4.5 and 8.5 Scenarios
- A Case Study in Leveraging Major Science at Low Cost: Development of Large Scale Birkeland Currents Determined from AMPERE
- A Generic Metadata Editor Supporting System Using Drupal CMS
- A Statistical Methodology for Detecting and Monitoring Change in Forest Ecosystems Using Remotely Sensed Imagery
- A unified quantitative framework for studying large-scale disturbances and their dynamic impact on terrestrial ecosystems
- Accuracy of spatial and temporal averaging of acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) moving boat measurements
- AmeriFlux Site and Data Exploration System
- An Early Warning System for Identification and Monitoring of Disturbances to Forest Ecosystems
- An Ontology for Uncertainty in Climate Change Projections
- An assessment of the carbon balance of Arctic tundra: Comparisons among observations, process models, and atmospheric inversions
- An integrated terrestrial carbon cycle model for optimal prediction of carbon exchange over North America
- Analysis of Daily-Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations on Flow Variability Metrics Considering Subdaily to Seasonal Timescales
- Assessing variability in belowground carbon for CMIP-5 models
- Belowground carbon sources and fine root turnover times using <SUP>13</SUP>C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- Biogeochemical Modeling of In Situ U(VI) Reduction and Immobilization with Emulsified Vegetable Oil as the Electron Donor at a Field Site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee
- Biological and Physico-chemical Processes of Soil Organic Matter Cycling in Diverse Soils
- Building a global high resolution atmosphere climate simulation capability
- Can increased nitrogen uptake at elevated CO2 be explained by an hypothesis of optimal root function?
- Can your data come to my lab to play?
- Causes of spring vegetation growth in the northern mid-high latitudes from 1982 to 2004
- Characterization And Modeling Of Microbial Carbon Metabolism In Thawing Permafrost
- Characterization of U(VI) reduction in contaminated sediments with slow-degrading electron donor source
- Comparative evaluation of the IPCC AR5 CMIP5 versus the AR4 CMIP3 model ensembles for regional precipitation and their extremes over South America
- Computational data sciences for assessment and prediction of climate extremes
- Coupled Interpretation of Geoelectrical Surveying Results in Environmental Site Investigations
- DataONE: A Distributed Earth Science Data Network
- DataONE: Preserving Data and Enabling Data-Intensive Biological and Environmental Research
- Direct and Semi-direct Effects of Aerosol on the Climate System
- Discovery of Dynamic Dipoles Using Graph Based Representation of Climate Data
- Dynamically downscaled simulations of the north Georgia flood of 2009 under different land-use scenarios
- ESDORA: A Data Archive Infrastructure Using Digital Object Model and Open Source Frameworks
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Effect of spatially and temporally variable recharge on subsurface reactive transport of contaminants at Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge site
- Enhanced Oxidation of Fe(II) by Natural Organic Matter: the Dynamics of Fe Under Suboxic Conditions
- Estimating cropland NPP using national crop inventory and MODIS derived crop specific parameters
- Evaluating and improving land surface model predictions using site-level observations
- Evaluating predictability in nonlinear climate systems using the Mount Pinatubo eruption
- Evaluation of Pore Networks in Caprocks at Geologic Storage Sites: A Combined Study using High Temperature and Pressure Reaction Experiments, Small Angle Neutron Scattering, and Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Experimental Results of Hydrate Reservoir Destabilization Through Heating
- Feedbacks between climate, fire severity, and differential permafrost degradation in Alaskan black spruce forests - implications for carbon cycling
- Field- and Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of Uranium Sequestration: The Role of Sulfur and Iron Species
- Forest Recovery After a Massive Ice Storm in China: Findings from the Application of a Unified Quantitative Framework for Studying Impacts of Large-scale Disturbances
- Gas flux dynamics in high arctic permafrost polygon and ice wedge active layer soil; microbial feedback implications
- Geochemical controls on the fate of Nitroaromatic compounds in soils from Operational ranges
- High-resolution, parallel, continental ice sheet modelling using nonlinearly consistent solution algorithms
- Impact of freeze-and-thaw on solute migration and structure of arctic soils by neutron tomography
- Improving Estimates of CO2 using the WRF-VPRM Biosphere and Transport Model over the Midwest USA
- Incorporating 3-D Subsurface Hydrologic Processes within the Community Land Surface Model (CLM): Coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Influence of prognostic land use on 21st century climate prediction
- Influence of redox processes and organic carbon on mercury and methylmercury cycling in East Fork Poplar Creek, Tennessee, USA
- Injection of Emulsified Vegetable Oil for Long-Term Bioreduction of Uranium
- Interactions of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Porous Silica and Montmorillonite Clay
- Inverse modeling of the regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in 2009-2010 with GOSAT observations
- Investigation of the Properties of Pore-Confined Supercritical CO2 by Vibrating Tube and Gravimetric Adsorption Methods
- Is Basin Averaging Enough? Understanding The Atlantic Sea Surface Temperature - Tropical Cyclone Relationship
- Islandora A Flexible Drupal-Based Virtual Research Environment
- Land-Use in Climate Models: Lessons, Limitations, and Challenges for the Future
- Mapping Agricultural Land-Use Change in the US: Biofuel scenarios from 2000-2030
- Microbial Activity in Active and Upper Permafrost Layers in Axel Heiberg Island
- Microbial Dynamics During a Temporal Sequence of Bioreduction Stimulated by Emulsified Vegetable Oil
- Microbial response to modified precipitation patterns in tallgrass prairie soil: molecular mechanisms, activity rates and organic matter dynamics
- Modeling the Impacts of Disturbances on Carbon Dynamics Over Large Regions
- Mutli-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - A Systematic Approach for Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Flux Estimates
- Nanometer to Centimeter Scale Analysis and Modeling of Pore Structures
- Near-term acceleration of hydroclimatic change in the western U.S
- Neutron Imaging Reveals Internal Plant Hydraulic Dynamics
- Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment: Quantification and prediction of coupled processes in the terrestrial Arctic system
- One stop shop for all your Scientific Data
- Organo-Mineral Interaction on the Adsorption Hysteresis, Transport and Vulnerability of Soil Organic Carbon
- Overview of Recent Progress at Oak Ridge National Laboratory toward Next Generation Land Components of Earth System Models
- Pattern Detection and Extreme Value Analysis on Large Climate Data
- Phenology on Drupal
- Phosphorus Dynamics During Litter and Soil Decomposition: Development of a P Cycle Component for CLM
- Plant Litter to Mineral Soil Sinks: Tracking Carbon Flux into Soil Sinks in Temperate Broadleaf Forests in the Eastern US with Radiocarbon
- Post-glacial ocean acidification and the decline of reefal microbial crusts
- Precipitation extremes with climate variability and change
- Preservation of Earth Science Data History with Digital Content Repository Technology
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Reconstructions of Upper Green River Basin (Wyoming) Snowpack Using Pacific Ocean Climatic Variability
- Recovery of community genomes to assess subsurface metabolic potential: exploiting the capacity of next generation sequencing-based metagenomics
- Regional and local greenhouse gas and reactive atmospheric chemistry and the evolving physical climate system
- Regional-Scale Forcing and Feedbacks from Alternative Scenarios of Global-Scale Land Use Change
- River Inflow Characteristics for Hydrokinetic Energy Conversion
- Runoff of the 20th and 21st centuries Simulated by CESM1
- Scale dependency in dynamical downscaling of extreme climate events over complex topography
- Seasonal variability in nitrate and phosphate uptake kinetics in a forested headwater stream using pulse nutrient additions
- Semantic technologies improving the recall and precision of the Mercury metadata search engine
- Short and Long Term Impacts of Forest Bioenergy Production on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- Soil Aggregate Dynamics: A Mechanistic Model
- Structure and Thermodynamics of Carbon Dioxide Sorption in Silica Pores from Experiments and Computer Models
- Studying Uncertainties in Climate-Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks in the Northern High Latitudes using a Flexible Earth System Modeling Framework
- The HIAPER Pole-to-Pole Observations (HIPPO) Public Data Archive at CDIAC: Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas Data
- The Impact of the Ocean Sulfur Cycle on Climate using the Community Earth System Model
- The land use-climate change-energy nexus
- The response of African easterly waves and associated precipitation to enhanced radiative forcing
- The temperature sensitivity of biome respiration and dryness
- Turbulence Effects of Axial Flow Hydrokinetic Turbines
- Typical Lignocellulose-degrading Enzymes: a Synthesis of Kinetic Properties
- Unconventional Impacts from Unconventional Hydropower Devices: The Environmental Effects of Noise, Electromagnetic Fields, and other Stressors
- Updates on AmeriFlux Network Data Activities
- Upper Colorado River and Great Basin Streamflow and Snowpack Forecasting using Pacific Oceanic-Atmospheric Variability
- Using Land Surface Phenology as the Basis for a National Early Warning System for Forest Disturbances
- Using historical data to constrain long term carbon dynamics in land surface models: processes and data
- iGlobe: Interactive Visualization and Analysis Framework for Geospatial Data
- A Hydrologic Model Calibration Exercise for Regional Climate Change Impact Assessment of the Conterminous U.S
- A synthesis of thermokarst and thermo-erosion process rates
- Active layer and permafrost thermal regimes in ice wedge polygon dominated regions of Alaska
- Addressing the pasture anomaly: how uncertainty in historical pasture data leads to divergence of atmospheric CO2 in Earth System Models
- Advancing coupled human-earth system models: The integrated Earth System Model Project
- An Efficient Sparse-Grid-Based Bayesian Method for Uncertainty Analysis in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling
- Analysis and Intercomparison of CMIP5 Models Using Clustered Climate Regimes
- Annual cycle of whole-system isoprene fluxes from an oak-dominated forest
- Application of Neutron imaging in pore structure of hydrated wellbore cement: comparison of hydration of H20 with D2O based Portland cements
- Arctic Black Carbon Initiative: Reducing Emissions of Black Carbon from Power & Industry in Russia
- Association between permafrost degradation and soil greenhouse gas fluxes in the Alaskan Arctic
- Biogeochemistry of forested watersheds in the Southeastern U.S. prior to conversion to short-rotation pine for bioenergy
- Block Preconditioners for Fully Implicit Atmospheric Climate Simulation in CAM-SE
- Capacity of US Forests to Maintain Existing Carbon Sequestration will be affected by Changes in Forest Disturbances and to a greater extent, the Economic and Societal Influences on Forest Management and Land Use
- Carbon flux estimation for Siberia by inverse modeling constrained by aircraft and tower CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements
- Changes in Drought Characteristics of the 21st Century CMIP5 Climate Projection
- Characterization and Modeling Of Microbial Carbon Metabolism In Thawing Permafrost
- Climatic Drivers of Upper Colorado River Basin Dendrochronologic and Hydrologic Datasets
- Climatic and Edaphic Controls Over Root Decomposition and C Transfer to Soil
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Community Land Model (CLM) Assessment on Simulating and Analyzing Water, Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Arctic Coastal Tundra at Barrow, Alaska
- Comparative Metagenomic Analysis Of Microbial Communities From Active Layer And Permafrost After Short-Term Thaw
- Controls on Mercury Transport from Forested Headwater Catchments in Shenandoah National Park and Beyond
- Convergence of the effect of root hydraulic functioning and root hydraulic redistribution on ecosystem water and carbon balance across divergent forest ecosystems
- Data Standardization for Carbon Cycle Modeling: Lessons Learned
- Data assimilation as a tool for model development
- Developing an Enzyme Mediated Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition Model
- Differential priming of soil carbon driven by soil depth and root impacts on carbon lability
- Distributed data discovery, access and visualization services to Improve Data Interoperability across different data holdings
- Do high-resolution global models add value to climate model predictions? Results from a cluster analysis
- Dynamics and impacts of fine-scale climate change: greenhouse forcing, heat-waves, and corn price volatility in the United States
- ESGF: Wrangling Big Science Data with an Elastic Federation
- Ecological consequences of climate extremes: a perfect-deficit approach
- Ecosystem carbon storage capacity as affected by disturbance regimes: a general theoretical model
- Effects of Natural Dust and Sulfate on Atmospheric Circulation and Radiation in CESM1: Comparison of Prescribed v. Interactive Emissions Schemes
- Effects of Rock Type and Geologic Process on the Structure and Evolution of Nano, Meso and Micro-Scale Porosity: A (U)SANS, SEM/BSE Analysis
- Environmental Controls of Ecosystem Evapotranspiration (ET): Why generalized ET models do not work for forests?
- Estimation of Terrestrial COS Uptake From a Global Carbon Cycle Model (CLM-4.0)
- Evaluating Climate Predictability Signals in Response to Forcing: Mount Pinatubo as a Case Study
- Evaluating carbon dioxide variability in the Community Earth System Model against atmospheric observations
- Evaluating soil carbon in global climate models: benchmarking, future projections, and model drivers
- Fine root carbon: sources and turnover by diameter class and root order using 13C tracer at the conclusion of a long-term FACE experiment
- Flow Variability Analysis on the Differences between Daily Peaking and Run-of-River Dam Operations: A look at Daily versus Subdaily data
- ForWarn Forest Disturbance Change Detection System Provides a Weekly Snapshot of US Forest Conditions to Aid Forest Managers
- ForWarn: A Cross-Cutting Forest Resource Management and Decision Support System Providing the Capacity to Identify and Track Forest Disturbances Nationally
- Forest carbon response to management scenarios intended to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce fire impacts in the US West Coast region
- Fossil-Fuel C02 Emissions Database and Exploration System
- Global latitudinal-asymmetric vegetation growth trends and their driving mechanisms over the past three decades
- Greenhouse gases balances in the terrestrial ecosystems of North America: patterns and contributions of individual gases to the radiative forcing of the atmosphere
- High Resolution Characterization of Heterogeneous Arctic Tundra Subsurface Properties using a Multiscale Bayesian Fusion Approach with Geophysical Datasets
- High-resolution Global Crop Simulation Design and Implementation for Sustainability and Climate Change Analysis
- Horizontal And Vertical Profiling Of Microbial Communities Across Landscape Features At NGEE Site, Barrow, AK
- How a new uncertainty estimate of global carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuel consumption affects our understanding of the source/sink nature of the terrestrial biosphere
- Hydration of Rhyolitic Glasses: Comparison Between High- and Low-Temperature Processes
- Hydroclimatic Controls over Global Variations in Phenology and Carbon Flux
- Identifying active methane-oxidizers in thawed Arctic permafrost by proteomics
- Imaging active layer and permafrost variability in the Arctic using electromagnetic induction data
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Imputation of Continuous Tree Suitability over the Continental United States from Sparse Measurements Using Associative Clustering
- Increasing access to terrestrial ecology and remote sensing (MODIS) data through Web services and visualization tools
- Influence of differences in current GOSAT X<SUB>CO<SUB>2</SUB></SUB> products on surface flux estimation
- Influence of human-climate system feedbacks on predicted 21st century land use/land cover trajectories, fossil fuel emissions, and climate change
- Interactive effects of changing climate, increasing atmospheric CO2, nitrogen deposition and disturbance on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in Oregon forests
- Investigation of the structure and stability of SnO<SUB>2</SUB> nanocrystal and its surface-bound water
- Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes and concentrations from an oak dominated forest in the Ozarks (Missouri)
- Lessons learned in deploying a cloud-based knowledge platform for the Earth Science Information Partners Federation (ESIP)
- Linking vegetation composition to geomorphic units in a polygonal tundra landscape: a framework for improving estimates of plant functional type coverage in ecosystem models
- Metadata Creation, Management and Search System for your Scientific Data
- Microbial and Mineral Controls on Soil Organic Carbon Decomposition: Testing the MEND Model with Data from Lab Incubations
- Microbial mediators of carbon fate in thawing permafrost: connecting microbial activity to geochemistry across an in situ thaw gradient
- Model Synthesis of Data from Free-Air CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments
- Modeling the effects of fire severity on soil organic horizons and forest composition in Interior Alaska
- Modeling von Karman vortex shedding in cylinder wake to examine energetic coherent motions on hydrokinetic turbines
- Molecular Visualization of Methane - Carbon Dioxide Solid Solution in Gas Hydrates by High Resolution Neutron Powder Diffraction
- Monitoring Ecosystem Dynamics Ecosystem Using Hyperspectral Reflectance and a Robotic Tram System in Barrow Alaska
- Monitoring Freeze Thaw Transitions in Arctic Soils using Complex Resistivity Method
- Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project - A Systematic Approach for Evaluating Land-Atmosphere Flux Estimates
- Nano-scale structure of Geofluids in Porous Silica and Montmorillonite Clay
- Neutron imaging of root water uptake, transport and hydraulic redistribution
- Next Generation Carbon-Nitrogen Dynamics Model
- Nucleation and growth of minerals: Atomic-, meso- and pore-scale perspectives
- ONEMercury: Towards Automatic Annotation of Earth Science Metadata
- ParCAT: A Parallel Climate Analysis Toolkit
- Passive scalar statistics and its dependence on Lagrangian coherent structures in stochastic flows
- Permafrost degradation and organic layer thickening over a climate gradient in a discontinuous permafrost region
- Photosynthetic Characterization of Plant Functional Types from Coastal Tundra to Improve Representation of the Arctic in Earth System Models
- Production and Adaptation Assessments of Agricultural Crops under Climate Change in the Southeastern United States
- Progress Towards Coupled Simulation of Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Processes and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Using the Community Models PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Prospects for projecting the impact of Earth system processes on Integrated Assessment
- Recent advances in high pressure neutron scattering at the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> flux estimates based on GOSAT and ground-based observations
- Scaling Process Studies and Observations in the Arctic for Improved Climate Predictability
- Scaling of hydrologic flows due to polygonal ground features in Arctic ecosystem
- Seasonal patterns of photosynthetic capacity: photoperiodic control and its carbon cycling implications
- Service-Oriented Approach to Coupling Earth System Models and Modeling Frameworks
- Simulating CO2 and CH4 production and consumption from incubated permafrost soils: how important are the microbial mechanisms
- Simulating Soil Warming on a Permafrost Ecosystem in Fairbanks, Alaska
- Site Characterization at a Tidal Energy Site in the East River, NY (usa)
- South Asian Summer Monsoon in CMIP5 GCMs
- Spatiotemporal pattern of CLM4 simulated evapotranspiration in response to multifactor environmental changes
- Surrogate-Based Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Models in Presence of High Dimensional, Dependent Inputs and Multimodal Outputs
- Switchgrass cultivars differentially affect soil carbon stabilization
- The Alaska Integrated Ecosystem Model: An Interdisciplinary Tool to Assess the Responses of Natural Resources in Alaska to Climate Change
- The ESGF Software Stack: a Configurable and Extensible Framework for Enabling Access to Geospatial Data
- The Effect of Mesophyll Conductance on Gross Primary Production: Global Simulations with a Land Surface Model
- The HIPPO Project Archive: Carbon Cycle and Greenhouse Gas Data
- The Impacts of Permafrost Thaw on Land-Atmosphere Greenhouse Gas Exchange in Recent Decades over the Northern High Latitudes
- The Role of Atmospheric Rivers in Linking Weather Extremes: East Asian Cold Surge and High Impact Precipitation over the West Coast U. S
- The Science Data Enterprise: What Might the Future Look Like?
- The State of Land Surface Model Uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic
- The Unified North American Soil Map and Its Implication on the Soil Organic Carbon Stock in North America
- The role of phosphorus dynamics in tropical forests - a modeling study using CLM-CNP
- The seasonal cycle of terrestrial fluorescence and its relationship to global primary productivity (GPP)
- Towards a next generation of eddy covariance technologies
- Using Neutron Scattering to Understand How Porosity opens in Weathering Rocks to Form Regolith
- Vulnerability of Agriculture to Climate Change as Revealed by Relationships between Simulated Crop Yield and Climate Change Indices
- Water quality within biofuel production landscape: Integrating flow paths, residence time distribution and mixing dynamics in the stream side management zone
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- Whole Hillslope Irrigation Reveals Differential Interflow Behavior of Dye Tracers, Conservative Solutes and Nutrients
- 21st Century Precipitation Changes Across Varying Temporal Scales
- A multi-scale approach to representing tundra permafrost dynamics in a coupled climate system model (Invited)
- A preliminary evaluation of an O2/CO2 based eddy covariance theory at Missouri AmeriFlux site
- A systems approach to understanding subarctic critical zone changes in a warming climate (Invited)
- Advantages of estimating parameters of photosynthesis model by fitting A-Ci curves at multiple subsaturating light intensities
- AmeriFlux Network Data Activities: updates, progress and plans
- An Adaptable Seismic Data Format for Modern Scientific Workflows
- An Atmospheric CH4 Sink in the High Arctic and its Implication for Global Warming
- An update to the Surface Ocean CO<SUB>2</SUB> Atlas (SOCAT)
- Applying Differential Transforms and ADER to Multi-Dimensional Atmospheric Transport and Non-Linear Dynamics
- Automated Detection and Annotation of Disturbance in Eastern Forests
- Biogeochemical controls on microbial CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> production in interstitial area polygon soils from the Barrow Environmental Observatory
- Block preconditioners for fully implicit atmospheric climate simulations in CAM-SE
- CO2 and CH4 Net Carbon Flux from a high-carbon peatland in Northern Minnesota: Plot scale observations of the Shrub, forb, Sphagnum and microbial community
- CO2 and CH4 Production from Arctic Tundra Polygons: A Comparative Assessment of Temperature Sensitivity and Geochemical Controls
- CO2 environments under extreme mineral confinement: Simulation challenges, molecular-based insights, and implications on macroscopic modeling
- Can Methane Fluxes from Wetland and Biomass Burning Explain Global Methane Anomalies?
- Characterizing subsurface controls on the Arctic ecosystem carbon cycling across scales using geophysical, in-situ and remote sensing datasets
- Chemical and spectroscopic analyses of organic matter transformation in warming tundra soils
- Chlorite reactivity and contribution to flow path modifications under conditions relevant for CO2 sequestration
- Climate Change Vulnerability of Agro-Ecosystems: Does socio-economic factors matters?
- Climate Forcing Across Multiple Scales and Landscape Types within the Arctic Tundra Ecosystem
- Climatic and Edaphic Effects on the Turnover and Composition of Mineral-Associated Soil Organic Matter in Temperate Deciduous Forests
- Committed Vulnerability to Extreme Weather Events in the United States (Invited)
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient and water limited mature woodland
- Computation and volume rendering of large-scale EOF coherent modes in rotating turbulent flow data
- Connecting PhenoCam Sites with the ORNL DAAC MODIS Global Subsetting and Visualization Tool
- Data Discovery of Big and Diverse Climate Change Datasets - Options, Practices and Challenges
- Detection and attribution of vegetation growth change in China during the last thirty years
- Development and application of a benchmarking system for land models (Invited)
- Development and testing the hydrological dynamics of vegetated wetland for CLM
- Development of Nested Socioeconomic Storylines for Climate Change IAV Applications (Invited)
- Development of a Process-Rich Modeling Framework for Arctic Ecohydrology Using the Open-Source PFLOTRAN and CLM models
- Digital Object Identifiers (DOI's) usage and adoption in U.S Geological Survey (USGS)
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Cycling and Transformation Dynamics in A Northern Forested Peatland
- Effect of Model Resolution on the Simulation of South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Effect of Plant Uptake on Perchlorate Isotopic Composition
- Effects of increasing forest plantation area and management practices on carbon storage and water use in the United States
- Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and the Sensitivity of Simulated Crop Yield to Variability in Climate
- Elevated temperature alters carbon cycling in a model microbial community
- Empirical Mining of Large Data Sets Already Helps to Solve Practical Ecological Problems; A Panoply of Working Examples (Invited)
- Enabling multi-disciplinary climate science through the application of GIS and high-resolution spatial data
- Evaluating high resolution climate model predictability and skill in response to the Mount Pinatubo eruption
- Facilitating Scientific Research through Workflows and Provenance on the DataONE Cyberinfrastructure (Invited)
- From wetlands to sauropods (?) and cold seeps: New perspectives on methane cycling in the Phanerozoic (Invited)
- Geochemical characterization of Arctic tundra and implications for organic matter degradation
- Global Impacts of atmospheric nitrogen enrichment on carbon fluxes and storage in terrestrial biosphere
- Global Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Calibration for an Ecosystem Carbon Model
- Global Tree Range Shifts Under Forecasts from Two Alternative GCMs Using Two Future Scenarios
- Global net land carbon sink: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Global soil organic carbon dynamics as estimated by multi-terrestrial ecosystem models and field observations
- Ground-level spectral signatures for vegetation at polygonal tundra sites in Barrow, Alaska
- High pressure behavior of phlogopite using neutron diffraction and first principle simulations
- Historical and future hydrologic response to glacier recession in the Cordillera Real, Bolivia
- Humification and vertical stratification of organic matter transformations in the peat column at the SPRUCE site, Marcell Experimental Forest
- Impact of Large-Scale Climate Extremes on Biospheric Carbon Fluxes: An Intercomparison Based on MsTMIP Data
- Implementation of Data Citations and Persistent Identifiers at the ORNL DAAC
- Improved Climate Prediction through a System Level Understanding of Arctic Terrestrial Ecosystems: Next Generation Ecosystem Experiments (NGEE-Arctic)*
- Including Microbial Acclimation in Carbon Cycle Models: Letting Data Guide Model Development (Invited)
- Integrate Data into Scientific Workflows for Terrestrial Biosphere Model Evaluation through Brokers
- Integrated metagenomics and field measurements of polygon features at the NGEE-Arctic Barrow site
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Inverse Energy Cascades in Rotating Turbulence
- Land-atmosphere exchange of CH4 in Barrow, Alaska: Contributions of Methanogens and Methanotrophy
- Land-atmosphere interactions in the high-resolution regional climate ensemble projections over the United States
- Landscape Characterization for the Identification of Environmental Gradients in the Tropics
- Leaves are just the tip of the iceberg: A review of plant roots in Arctic tundra
- Lessons from forest FACE experiments provide guidance for Amazon-FACE science plan (Invited)
- Metagenomics Reveals Microbial Community Composition And Function With Depth In Arctic Permafrost Cores
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Modeled change in carbon balance between 1970-2100 of a polygonal arctic tundra ecosystem near Barrow, Alaska
- Modeling Active Layer and Permafrost Dynamics of Ice Wedge Polygon Dominated Arctic Ecosystems
- Modeling of N2O emissions from soils in terrestrial ecosystems
- Modeling post-fire vegetation succession and its effect on permafrost vulnerability and carbon balance
- Modeling the unmeasurable: scaling soil physiology from microns to meters and seconds to centuries (Invited)
- Monitoring Reservoir Storage in South Asia from Satellite Remote Sensing
- NASA's Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment: A large-scale study of environmental change in Western North America and its implications for ecological systems and society
- Non-diffusive Transport of Heat in the Solar Transition Region
- Nutrient regulation of the tropical carbon cycle response to environmental change (Invited)
- Observation Platforms and Data Streams of the Arctic Next Generation Ecosystem Experiment (NGEE-Arctic)
- Open-Source Development of the Petascale Reactive Flow and Transport Code PFLOTRAN
- Parallel Geospatial Data Management for Multi-Scale Environmental Data Analysis on GPUs
- Paramagnetic interactions in <SUP>31</SUP>P NMR spectroscopy as a probe for short-range order/disorder of flux-grown rare earth element orthophosphate (monazite/xenotime) solid solutions
- Past and Future Stability of Deep Peatland Carbon Stocks: Assessing the Nature and Fate of Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Peatland (Invited)
- Photosynthesis, Earth System Models and the Arctic
- Plant Community Composition and Nitrogen Stocks across Complex Polygonal Landscapes on the North Slope of Alaska
- Potential impacts of intensive cellulosic biofuel production on water quality and quantity in the Upper Coast Plain, US
- Probing the Hydrogen Sublattice of FeHx with High-Pressure Neutron Diffraction
- Production and Adaptation Assessments of Agricultural Crops under Climate Change in Southeastern United States
- Quantifying the amount of root-derived carbon retained in soil at 4 temperate deciduous forests
- Refining the Resolution of Future Energy-Water Projection through High Performance Computing (Invited)
- Relationship between Mineralogy and Porosity in Subsurface Formations Relevant to Geologic CO2 Sequestration
- Representation of Dormant and Active Microbial Dynamics for Ecosystem Modeling
- Roles of mesophyll conductance and plant functional diversities in tropical photosynthesis
- SPRUCE experiment data infrastructure
- Scientific Uncertainty is Information: The Case of Climate Change (Invited)
- Scientific Workflows + Provenance = Better (Meta-)Data Management
- Seasonal dynamics of plant available nutrients in a polygonal tundra landscape
- Seismic Window Selection and Misfit Measurements for Global Adjoint Tomography
- Semi-automated Data Set Submission Work Flow for Archival with the ORNL DAAC
- Sparse Recovery Analysis of High-Resolution Climate Data
- Spatial and Spectral Characterization, Mapping, and 3D Reconstructing of Ice-wedge Polygons Using High Resolution LiDAR Data
- Spectral characterization of disturbance gradients in permafrost landscapes using ground-based remote sensing and satellite imagery: Initial results from the central Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Synthesis of remote sensing LAI for benchmark of global land surface models
- Terrestrial Occurrence of Perchlorate and the Relationship to Nitrate in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (Invited)
- The AmeriFlux Network--looking to 2014
- The Role Of Disturbance In Driving Carbon Dynamics Across The North American Boreal Forest In Recent Decades
- The Role of Explicitly Modeling Bryophytes in Simulating Carbon Exchange and Permafrost Dynamics of an Arctic Coastal Tundra at Barrow, Alaska
- The causes and consequences of deeper rooting distributions under elevated [CO2]: Improved understanding of root-soil interactions from a Free-Air CO2 Enrichment experiment in a sweetgum plantation (Invited)
- The fate of permafrost soil carbon under saturated conditions (Invited)
- Theoretical analysis of the global land carbon cycle: what determines the trajectory of future carbon uptake?
- Unified Science Information Model for SoilSCAPE using the Mercury Metadata Search System
- Variable conductivity and embolism in roots, trunks and branches of tree species growing under future atmospheric CO2 concentration (DUKE FACE site): impacts on whole-plant hydraulic performance and carbon assimilation
- Variations in Multiscale (nano to mm) Porosity in the Eagle Ford Shale as a Function of Maturity through the Oil Window
- Vegetation turnover and nitrogen feedback drive temperate forest carbon sequestration in response to elevated CO[2]. A multi-model structural analysis
- Water-Organic-Rock Reactions Recorded in Pores in Shales from the Marcellus and Rose Hill Formations (Invited)
- 30 Years of Forest Change in the Eastern United States Highlands
- A Few Examples of Novel Behavior of Turbulence in the Presence of Waves: Intermittency, Helicity and Dual Energy Cascades in Geophysical Flows
- A Global Classification of Contemporary Fire Regimes
- A Multi-satellite Remote Sensing Product of Reservoir Storage, Elevation, and Surface Area in South Asia
- A Smart Sensor Network for near Real Time Data Quality Flagging and Archiving of Environmental Data
- A Worldwide Analysis of Spatiotemporal Changes in Water Balance-based Evapotranspiration from 1982 to 2009
- A mechanistic nitrogen limitation model for CLM(ED)
- Above-belowground Carbon Allocation in Earth System Models
- Accelerating the connection between experiments and models: The FACE-MDS experience
- Application of Cavity-ring Down Spectroscopy to Quantify NH<SUB>3</SUB> Fluxes from Fertilizer Application in the Midwestern U.S.
- Arctic Climate Forcing Observations to Improve Earth System Models: Measurements at High Frequency, Fine Spatial Resolution, and Climatically Relevant Spatial Scales with the use of the Recently Deployed NGEE-Arctic Tram
- Assessing the long-term performance of terrestrial ecosystem models in northeastern United States: linking model structure and output
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Automated Data Submission for the Data Center
- Biogeochemical Controls on Microbial CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Production in Polygonal Soils From the Barrow Environmental Observatory
- Biogeophysical controls on land-atmosphere fluxes in the Community Earth System Model
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Carbon Release from Melting Arctic Permafrost on the North Slope, AK: <SUP>12</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations and Fluxes, and Their Relationship to Methane and Methane Isotope Concentrations Measured in August 2013
- Challenges to large-scale simulations of permafrost freeze-thaw dynamics
- Changes in Landscape-level Carbon Balance of an Arctic Coastal Plain Tundra Ecosystem Between 1970-2100, in Response to Projected Climate Change
- Climate Change and the Permafrost Carbon Feedback
- Climate change impacts on reservoir inflow in the United States
- Data Management Challenges for Airborne NASA Earth Venture Sub-Orbital (EVS-1) Investigations
- Data Mining Approach for Evaluating Vegetation Dynamics in Earth System Models (ESMs) Using Satellite Remote Sensing Products
- Data Quality Assurance and Control for AmeriFlux Network at CDIAC, ORNL
- Data Recipes -- How-To Guides for better Supporting Data Users
- Data System Architectures: Recent Experiences from Data Intensive Projects
- Department of Energy's Virtual Lab Infrastructure for Integrated Earth System Science Data
- Detecting and Tracking Shifts in National Vegetation Composition,Including Donors and Recipients, Across the MODIS Era
- Development of a Coordinated National Soil Moisture Network: A Pilot Study
- Diagnosing the connections between western US extreme precipitation and remote forcing
- Differences in satellite CO<SUB>2</SUB> data coverage and their influence on regional flux constraints
- Do high-resolution global climate models simulate climate extremes better? A validation.
- Dynamic Downslope Travel Distance Modeling: Interflow Modeling from Bottom of Slope Upwards
- Dynamics of global vegetation biomass simulated by the integrated Earth System Model
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage: Practical constraints and real-world possibilities
- Effects of Temperature and Substrate Availability on Methanotrophy in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes
- Elucidating effects of atmospheric deposition and peat decomposition processes on mercury accumulation rates in a northern Minnesota peatland over last 10,000 cal years
- Enabling Extreme Scale Earth Science Applications at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility
- Estimating Atmospheric NH<SUB>3</SUB> Exchange in the Midwestern U.S. using SURFATM-NH3
- Estimating Ionosphere Conductance on Global Spatial Scales
- Estimating Model Probabilities using Thermodynamic Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Evaluation of the Community Land Model simulated carbon and water fluxes against observations over ChinaFLUX sites
- Evidence for A Weakening Relationship between Interannual Temperature Variability and Northern Vegetation Activity
- Explicitly Synchronizing Soil Water and Carbon Nitrogen Reactive Transport Using CLM-PFLOTRAN: Does Sequential or Synchronized Implementing of Soil Processes Matter to Soil C Stocks?
- Flux Observations of Carbon from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL): Using Advances in Spectroscopy, Turbulent Wind Measurements, and Small, Commercial Aircraft to Create Eddy Covariance Flux Maps from the Air.
- From Land Use to Land Cover: Restoring the Afforestation Signal in a Coupled Integrated Assessment - Earth System Model and the Implications for CMIP5 RCP Simulations
- Functional Unit Testing: An Idea for Evaluating Ideas in Terrestrial Biogeochemistry
- Geochemical drivers of organic matter decomposition in the active layer of Arctic tundra
- Gridded Uncertainty Maps of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions: A New Data Product
- Hierarchical Acceleration of Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Computationally Expensive Simulations in Reservoir Modeling
- Higher Methane Emissions in Regions of Sea Ice Retreat
- Hippo Experiment Data Access and Subseting System
- Identification of a c-Type Cytochrome Specific for Manganese Dioxide (MnO<SUB>2</SUB>) Reduction in Anaeromyxobacter dehalogenans Strain 2CP-C
- Impact of Mesophyll Diffusion on Estimated Global Land CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization
- Implications of Fine-Scale Geochemical Depth Trends in the Active Layer of a Continuous Permafrost Landscape near Barrow, Alaska
- Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth System Models
- Increased Extreme Hydrological Events and Decreased Water Supply Availability for the Southwestern United States Projected by Mid-Century
- Increasing the multiscale/multiphysics capability of CAM-SE using implicit time integration and GPU accelerators
- Influence of Phosphorus Cycle Coupling on Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Insights from intercomparison of microbial and conventional soil models
- Integration of Measurements and Models Across Spatial Scales for Improved Process Understanding in Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems
- Inter-Comparison of In-Situ Sensors for Land Surface Temperature Measurements
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Interflow Moving over Leaky Impeding Layers: How Far Can We Expect It to Go?
- Investigating the biogeophysical impacts of land cover change on future climate
- Isotopic Identification of Nitrate Sources and Cycling in Arctic Tundra Active Layer Soils and Permafrost
- Landscape Characterization and RepresentativenessAnalysis for Understanding Sampling Network Coverage
- Large-scale anisotropy in stably stratified rotating flows
- Linking Inundation Patterns and Dynamics in a Permafrost Landscape to Hydrologic, Thermal, Biogeochemical and Ecosystem Processes
- Linking watershed terrain and hydrology to soil chemical properties, microbial communities and impacts on soil organic C in a humid mid-latitude forested watershed
- Low-Altitude CH<SUB>4</SUB> and δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4 </SUB>spatial Heterogeneity over the Northern Slope of Alaska
- Making Carbon Emissions Remotely Sensible: Flux Observations of Carbon from an Airborne Laboratory (FOCAL), its Near-Surface Survey of Carbon Gases and Isotopologues on Alaska's North Slope
- Mapping plant functional type distributions in Arctic ecosystems using WorldView-2 satellite imagery and unsupervised clustering
- Measurement of Bi-Directional Ammonia Exchange Above a Maize Canopy in the Midwestern United States
- Measures of Microbial Biomass for Soil Carbon Decomposition Models
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Molecular profiling of permafrost soil organic carbon composition and degradation
- Multilevel Monte Carlo Method with Application to Uncertainty Quantification in Reservoir Simulation
- Multiple independent constraints help resolve net ecosystem carbon exchange under nutrient limitation
- Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Clustering: A Framework for Integrating Disparate Data to Understand Network Representativeness and Scaling Up Sparse Ecosystem Measurements
- NH<SUB>3</SUB> Emission from Fertilizer Application: A Collaborative Study in the Midwestern U.S.
- Net Carbon Uptake Has Increased through Warming-Induced Changes in Temperate Forest Phenology
- New Remote Sensing Methods for Labeling Disturbance Agents in Appalachian Forests
- Parameter Estimation in High-Dimensional Climate Models
- Pathways and transformations of dissolved methane and dissolved inorganic carbon in Arctic tundra soils: Evidence from analysis of stable isotopes
- Predicting/Extrapolating Active Layer Thickness Using Statistical Learning from Remotely-Sensed High-resolution Data in Arctic Permafrost Landscapes: Improved parameterization of Ice-wedge polygons from LiDAR/WorldView-2 derived metrics
- Predominant Environmental Factors Controlling and Predicting Phenological Seasonality Across the CONUS over the Last Decade
- Projection of Climate Change Impacts on Watershed Storage and Hydropower Generation
- Quantifying the effect size of changing environmental controls on carbon release from permafrost-affected soils
- Relating the Bulk Richardson Number (Ri<SUB>B</SUB>) to Monin-Obukhov Stability (z/L)
- Remote sensing to inform Plant Functional Type (PFT) distributions in the Community Land Model
- Representing Microbial Dormancy in Soil Decomposition Models Improves Model Performance and Reveals Key Ecosystem Controls on Microbial Activity
- SPRUCE Deep Peat Heating Manipulations: in situ Methods to Characterize the Response of Deep Peat to Warming
- Simulating North American Heat Waves and Large scale Weather Regimes in climate models: Circulation Characteristics and synoptic-scale activity
- Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization with Flexible Soil and Microbial C:N Ratios
- Sonic Anemometer Vertical Wind Speed Measurement Errors
- Sources of Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog: Preliminary 14C Results from the SPRUCE Site.
- Spectral Characteristics of Vegetation Functional Traits across a Range of Thaw Gradients on Alaska's Seward Peninsula
- Structure and Thermal Behavior of CO<SUB>2</SUB>-IV at 18 GPa from 300-625 K
- Surface-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange from an Arctic Wetland
- Testing Predictive Skill of Groundwater Flow and Transport Simulations
- The Development and Application of a Harmonized Burned Area Data Set for North America to Assess the Effects of Fire Disturbance on the Continental Carbon Budget
- The Effect of Moderate Rotation on Stratified Turbulence
- The Impact of Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on Plant Production Responses to Drought: A Model-Data Comparison at Four US FACE Sites.
- The Influence of Tropical Air-Sea Interaction on the Climate Impact of Aerosols: A Hierarchical Modeling Approach
- The National Extreme Events Data and Research Center (NEED)
- The New Online Metadata Editor for Generating Structured Metadata
- The Role of Remote Sensing in Modeling Landscape Change and Its Associated Carbon Cycle Impacts Across Terrestrial Arctic Ecosystems
- The Unified North American Soil Map and Its Implication on the Soil Organic Carbon Stock in North America
- The role of advanced reactive surface area characterization in improving predictions of mineral reaction rates
- Topographic controls on scaling of hydrologic and thermal processes in polygonal ground features of an Arctic ecosystem: A case study using idealized non-isothermal surface-subsurface simulations
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- USGS Science Data Catalog - Open Data Advances or Declines
- Ultra high-resolution ensemble projections of the near-term climate change over the U.S.
- Unsupervised Land Cover Change Detection Using Biweekly Modis Ndvi Data
- Upscaling plot-scale methane flux to a eddy covariance tower domain in Barrow, AK: integrating in-situ data with a microbial functional group-based model
- Using Neutron Diffraction to Determine the Low-Temperature Behavior of Pb<SUP>2+</SUP> in Lead Feldspar
- Using TimeSync and a New Statistical Method to Validate a Forest Disturbance Model
- Using geomorphology to map plant community distribution in complex polygonal tundra landscapes
- Version 5 of Forecasts; Forecasts of Climate-Associated Shifts in Tree Species
- Water and Solute Connectivity in Northern Peatlands of Minnesota; Assessing How Hydrological Connectivity Affects Solute Yields from Peatland Catchments and Responds to Climate Change
- Water quality response after two years of short-rotation pine management for bioenergy in the southeastern U.S.
- A Multi-Year Comparison of No-Till Versus Conventional-Till Effects on the Carbon Balance in a Corn/Soybean Agro-Ecosystem Using Eddy Covariance
- A New Data Product: Gridded Uncertainty Maps of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide Emissions
- A Study of Mercury Methylation Genetics: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of hgcAB in Pure Culture
- A global scale mechanistic model of the photosynthetic capacity
- A simplified, data-constrained approach to estimate the permafrost carbon-climate feedback: The PCN Incubation-Panarctic Thermal (PInc-PanTher) Scaling Approach
- Agile based "Semi-"Automated Data ingest process : ORNL DAAC example
- An Integrated Modeling Framework for Probable Maximum Precipitation and Flood
- An Integrated Observational and Model Synthesis Approach to Examine Dominant Environmental Controls on Active Layer Thickness
- Assessing Ecosystem Drought Response in CLM 4.5 Using Site-Level Flux and Carbon-Isotope Measurements: Results From a Pacific Northwest Coniferous Forest
- Assessing Model Treatment of Drought Legacy Effects in the Amazon
- Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Six US Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments.
- Biogeochemical and biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest
- Building Confidence in the Community Ice Sheet Model (CISM) with LIVVkit, the Land Ice Validation and Verification Toolkit
- Challenges for Data Archival Centers in Evolving Environmental Sciences
- Change in Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency Over the Last Three Decades
- Characterizing biotic and abiotic properties of landscape and their implications for ecohydrological processes across scales
- Comparing Amazon Basin CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from an atmospheric inversion with TRENDY biosphere models
- Competing ecosystem model hypotheses for the CO<SUB>2</SUB> response of a nutrient- and water-limited mature Eucalypt woodland (EucFACE)
- Computational Performance of an OpenMP-enabled, MPI-enabled and GPU-accelerated Two-dimensional Flood Model
- Confronting the Global Climate Response to Black Carbon Aerosols with its Uncertainty
- Constructing Virtual Forest Scenes for Assessment of Sub-pixel Vegetation Structure From Imaging Spectroscopy
- Could 4 degrees warming change Arctic tundra from carbon sink to carbon source?
- Data Management Challenges for Airborne NASA Earth Venture Sub-Orbital Investigations
- Design and Application of a Community Land Benchmarking System for Earth System Models
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Drivers and Estimates of Terrain Suitability for Active Layer Detachment Slides and Retrogressive Thaw Slumps in the Brooks Range and Foothills of Northwest Alaska, USA
- Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO<SUB>2</SUB>, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America
- Ecosystem composition changes over the past millennium: model simulations and comparison with paleoecological observations
- Effect of Internal Aperture Variability on Tracer Transport in Large Discrete Fracture Networks (DFN)
- Effects of Spatial N nutrient mobility relevant to plants, soils and microtopograhy on plant growth and soil organic matter accumulation by using coupled CLM-PFLOTRAN biogeochemical model in an Area in NGEE-Arctic Intensive Study Sites, Barrow, AK.
- Enabling the Usability of Earth Science Data Products and Services by Evaluating, Describing, and Improving Data Quality throughout the Data Lifecycle
- Evaluating CMIP5 Models' Representation of Oceanic Drivers of North African Climate
- Evaluation of Advanced Reactive Surface Area Estimates for Improved Prediction of Mineral Reaction Rates in Porous Media
- Evaluation of Vegetation Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern High-Latitudes
- Evaluation of two decomposition schemes in Earth System Models against LIDET, C14 observations and global soil carbon maps
- Exchange of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mature Corn Canopy
- Exploring Model Complexity for Column Experiments Using Model Selection Criteria
- Facilitated cell export and desorption of methylmercury by anaerobic bacteria
- Field Observations and Numerical Modeling of the Thermal Effects of Groundwater Flow Through a Subarctic Fen
- Fine-resolution Modeling of Urban-Energy Systems' Water Footprint in River Networks
- Food Security Hotspots in India under Changing Climate and Growing Populatio
- Four decades of modeling methane cycling in terrestrial ecosystems: Where we are heading?
- From the Nano- to the Formation Scale: Accessible Reactive Surface Area in a CO<SUB>2</SUB> Saline Reservoir
- Future of Plant Functional Types in Terrestrial Biosphere Models
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Process Identification under Model Uncertainty
- Headwater Streams in Porous Landscapes - What's the contributing area?
- Hg Isotopes Reveal Importance of In-Stream Processing and Legacy Inputs in East Fork Poplar Creek, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA.
- Holocene Carbon Accumulation Rates in the SPRUCE Bog Prior to Warming and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Treatment
- Impact of extreme climate events on European Biome carbon sequestration
- Implementation of a canopy air space scheme into the Community Land Model
- Implicit Time Stepping and Preconditioning for Atmospheric Dynamics in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Improving the assessment of the State of the Carbon Cycle in North America by integrating inventory- and process- based approaches: A case study for Canada
- Improving the representation of Arctic photosynthesis in Earth system models
- In-situ Data Analysis Framework for ACME Land Simulations
- Increased Extreme Hydrological Events and Decreased Water Supply Availability for the Southwestern United States Projected by Mid-Century
- Indicators for Assessing Climate Change Resilience Resulting from Emplacement of Green Infrastructure Projects Across an Urban Landscape
- Influence of Injection Mode on Transport Properties in Kilometer-Scale Three-Dimensional Discrete Fracture Networks
- Influence of the Tussock Growth Form on Arctic Ecosystem Carbon Stocks
- Integrated Framework for an Urban Climate Adaptation Tool
- Investigating redox processes under diffusive and advective flow conditions using a coupled omics and synchrotron approach
- Investigating the Connection between hgcA and Mercury Methylation Rates in the Environment
- Isotopic and Geochemical Fingerprinting of a Polygonal Arctic Ecosystem
- Just-in-time Time Data Analytics and Visualization of Climate Simulations using the Bellerophon Framework
- Landscape Characterization of Arctic Ecosystems Using Data Mining Algorithms and Large Geospatial Datasets
- Linking Belowground Plant Traits With Ecosystem Processes: A Multi-Biome Perspective
- Mapping Vegetation Canopy Structure and Distribution for Great Smoky Mountains National Park Using LiDAR
- Mapping man-made CO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions using satellite-observed nighttime lights
- Metabolic Interfaces of Mercury Methylation Proteins in Desulfovibrio sp. ND132
- Methane Flux Measurements from a Low Flying Aircraft: What they tell us about Regional Heterogeneity in Carbon Flux over the North Slope of Alaska
- Methane Oxidation in Arctic Soils from High- and Flat-Centered Polygons
- Microbial Community Response to Carbon Substrate Amendment in Mercury Impacted Sediments: Implications on Microbial Methylation of Mercury.
- Microbial Interactions with Natural Organic Matter Extracted from the Oak Ridge FRC
- Model-experiment interaction to improve representation of phosphorus limitation in land models
- Modeling Coniferous Canopy Structure over Extensive Areas for Ray Tracing Simulations: Scaling from the Leaf to the Stand Level
- Modeling Urban Energy Savings Scenarios using Earth System Microclimate and Urban Morphology
- Multi-Model Framework for Investigating Potential Climate Change Impacts on Interdependent Critical Infrastructure
- Multi-scale Evidence of Large CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Emissions from Permafrost During Spring Thaw in Northern Alaska
- Multiphase Flow Characterization Using Simultaneous High Resolution Neutron and X-Ray Imaging
- Near-term Intensification of the Hydrological Cycle in the United States
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Nonlinear Solver Approaches for the Diffusive Wave Approximation to the Shallow Water Equations
- Observed Oceanic and Terrestrial Drivers of North African Climate
- Observing the Arctic Carbon Feedback: Regional scale methane flux measurements over the Alaskan North Slope using airplane flux observations and in situ measurements of δ<SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>4</SUB>.
- Post-Fire Evapotranspiration and Net Ecosystem Exchange over A Semi-Arid Grassland in Arizona
- Production of Excess CO<SUB>2</SUB> relative to methane in peatlands: a new H<SUB>2</SUB> sink
- Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry within the Community Land Model
- Robust Representation of Integrated Surface-subsurface Hydrology at Watershed Scales
- Satellite Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Reveals Drought Onset Mechanisms: Insights from Two Contrasting Extreme Events
- Scalable Algorithms for Global Scale Remote Sensing Applications
- Scalable Algorithms for Unsupervised Classification and Anomaly Detection in Large Geospatiotemporal Data Sets
- Sensitivity of Extreme Hydrological Events to Spatial Resolution of Climate Forcings using a Macro-Scale Hydrologic Model
- Sensitivity of Regional Hydropower Generation to the Projected Changes in Future Watershed Hydrology
- Sensitivity of land surface modeling to parameters: An uncertainty quantification method applied to the Community Land Model
- Sensitivity of reservoir storage and outflow to climate change in a water-limited river basin
- Simulating Photosynthetic <SUP>13</SUP>C Fractionation at a Western Subalpine Forest for Seasonal and Multi-Decadal Time Periods with the Community Land Model (CLM 4.5)
- Site Specific Probable Maximum Precipitation Estimates and Professional Judgement
- Socio-ecological Typologies for Understanding Adaptive Capacity of a Region to Natural Disasters
- Sources of Below-Ground Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog and the Influence of Heating Manipulations.
- Sparse Polynomial Chaos Surrogate for ACME Land Model via Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing
- Strategies to Quantify and Decrease Mercury Bioavailability and Methylation Potential in the Aquatic Environment
- Summer 2015 Extremes over South Asia within the Historical Perspective
- Susceptibility of Permafrost Soil Organic Carbon under Warming Climate
- Synchrony and Divergence in Stream Metabolism across the Continental United States
- Temperature Effects on Microbial CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production in Permafrost-Affected Soils From the Barrow Environmental Observatory
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- Testing hypotheses of hydrologic alteration beyond ecological thresholds
- The Contribution of Soils to North America's Current and Future Climate
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The Distribution and Abundance of Mercury Methylating Microorganisms in Mid-Atlantic Wetlands
- The Influence of Historical Land Use and Land Cover Change Assumptions, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fertilization, and Nitrogen Deposition on Global Carbon Balance in an Earth System Model
- The Stability of Peatland Carbon Stores to Global Change: Evidence for Enhanced Methane and Carbon Dioxide Production
- The State of the Carbon Cycle: Ten Years On
- The Temporal Evolution of Changes in Carbon Storage in the Northern Permafrost Region Simulated by Carbon Cycle Models between 2010 and 2300: Implications for Atmospheric Carbon Dynamics
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- Thermokarst terrain: pan-Arctic distribution and soil carbon vulnerability
- Thinkers and Doers: Strategies for Communicating Science
- Toolbox for Urban Mobility Simulation: High Resolution Population Dynamics for Global Cities
- Towards a New Assessment of Urban Areas from Local to Global Scales
- Uncertainty in Estimation of Bioenergy Induced Lulc Change: Development of a New Change Detection Technique.
- Using Distributed, Integrated Hydrological Models to Simulate Water Balance Changes at the Hillslope and Catchment Scale Due to Fire Disturbances
- Using Neutrons to Study Fluid-Rock Interactions in Shales
- Validation of Modelled Ice Dynamics of the Greenland Ice Sheet using Historical Forcing
- Waveform- and Terrestrial Lidar Assessment of the Usual (Structural) Suspects in a Forest Canopy
- dfnWorks: A HPC Workflow for Discrete Fracture Network Modeling with Subsurface Flow and Transport Applications
- "Small" data in a big data world: archiving terrestrial ecology data at ORNL DAAC
- A Cloud-based Infrastructure and Architecture for Environmental System Research
- A Flexible Socioeconomic Scenarios Framework for the Study of Plausible Arctic Futures
- A Framework for Multi-Scale, Multi-Disciplinary Arctic Terrestrial Field Research Design, Nomenclature and Data Management
- A Mixed-dimensional Model for the Simulation of Soil Thermal Hydrology in Polygonal Tundra
- A Polar Approach for Defining a Spatially-Explicit "Phenological Year" and Quantifying the Degree and Date of Seasonality for Existing Vegetation Across the United States
- A Synthesis of Thermokarst and Thermo-Erosion Rates in Northern Permafrost Regions
- A White Beam Far-field Neutron Interferometer for Multi-scale Resolution of Porosity
- A comparison of three lake models in simulating lake effect snowfall over the U.S. Great Lakes Region
- A metadata reporting framework for standardization and synthesis of ecohydrological field observations
- A terrestrial lidar assessment of climate change impacts on forest structure
- Advancing User Supports with Structured How-To Knowledge Base for Earth Science Data
- Advancing a Model-Validated Statistical Method for Decomposing the Key Oceanic Drivers of Observed Regional Climate Variability and Evaluating Model Performance: Focus on North African Rainfall in CESM
- Aircraft-Based Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Nitrous Oxide over the Alaskan North Slope
- Alternative Turbulence-Based Surface Similarity Scaling with a variable von Karman coefficient
- An efficient adaptive sampling strategy for global surrogate modeling with applications in multiphase flow simulation
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Distributions Across Weather Systems: Results from the Summer 2016 ACT-America Field Campaign
- Better Earth system prediction through improved representation of land processes in the Arctic: Connecting observation, experimentation, and modeling in North American Arctic tundra ecosystems
- Can CLM4-Crop Accurately Simulate the Long-term Carbon Budget Across Agricultural Sites?
- Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Data and Services at the Goddard EarthSciences Data Information and Services Center (GES DISC)
- Carbon-climate-human interactions in an integrated human-Earth system model
- Characterizing Low Molecular Weight Organic Matter in Arctic Polygonal Tundra Soils to Identify Biogeochemical Hotspots Using a Dual-Separation, High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Approach
- Chemical and Isotopic Characterization of Surface Water and Active Layer Pore Water in a Tundra Landscape, Barrow, Alaska, USA
- Coastal Wetland Carbon Sequestration in a Warmer Climate
- Combined Neutron and X-Ray Radiographic/Tomographic Analysis of Dissolution Limestones under Acidic Conditions
- Determining Scale-dependent Patterns in Spatial and Temporal Datasets
- Developing convolutional neural networks for measuring climate change opinions from social media data
- Development of Climate Adaptation Tool in Collaboration with City and County Stakeholders
- Development of a tropical ecological forecasting strategy for ENSO based on the ACME modeling framework
- Development of an Integrated DHSVM-Flood2D-GPU modeling framework - A Case Study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin
- Drought Response and Recovery: How Good Are Terrestrial Biosphere Models?
- Early and late season warming affects nitrogen dynamics in a polygonal tundra landscape: Analyses using ecosys and NGEE-Arctic observations in Barrow, Alaska
- Earth Adventure: Virtual Globe-based Suborbital Atmospheric Greenhouse Gases Exploration
- Ecological carbon sequestration via wood harvest and storage (WHS): Can it be a viable climate and energy strategy?
- Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Semiarid Southwestern North America: A Synthesis of Multi-Year Flux Site Observations and its Comparison with Estimates from Terrestrial Biome Models and Remote Sensing
- Effects of Climate Warming on Organic Carbon Degradation and Methylmercury Production in an Arctic Tundra Soil
- Effects of Mycorrhizae on Carbon Cycling in Response to Extreme Drought
- Effects of Whole-Ecosystem Warming on Porewater Chemistry and Hydrology in a Northern Peatland
- Effects on Environmental and Socioeconomic Sustainability of Producing Ethanol from Perennial Grasses
- Efficiency and flexibility using implicit methods within atmosphere dycores
- Enhancing Next-generation Earth Systems Models by Integrating Earth System Modeling, Data Analytics, and Agent-based Modeling
- Estimating potential damping of cryoturbation on permafrost carbon emissions using a perturbed parameters approach in a land surface model
- Evaluating an Explicitly Coupled 3-D Soil Thermal-Hydrology and Carbon Nitrogen Reactive Transport Land Surface Model - CLM-PFLOTRAN
- Evaluating the need for integrated land use and land cover analysis for robust assessment of carbon-related climate adaptation and mitigation strategies
- Evaluation of DeNitrification DeComposition Model to Estimate Ammonia Fluxes from Chemical Fertilizer Application
- Evaluation of Probable Maximum Precipitation and Flood under Climate Change in the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Exploring Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization for ARM Data Discovery Using NoSQL Technologies
- Exploring the Potential for Sustainable Future Bioenergy Production in the Arkansas-White-Red River Basin
- Functional Unit Testing in the Investigation of Black Spruce Foliar Dark Respiration
- Future needs and strategies for coupled permafrost and terrestrial hydrology simulations
- Gas Shale Capillary Pressure - Saturation Relations Determined using a Water Activity Meter
- Global Parameter Optimization of CLM4.5 Using Sparse-Grid Based Surrogates
- Global synthesis and simulation of forest harvest impacts on soil methane fluxes
- Greening of the Earth and its Drivers
- Human-induced greening of the northern extratropical land surface
- Impacts of future changes in weather condition on U.S. transportation
- Improved Understanding of Methane Dynamics in Alaskan Tundra Ecosystems and a Temperate Peatland Ecosystem by Integrating Observational Data with the CLM-Microbe Model
- Indian Monsoon Precipitation in CMIP5: The role of tropical convection in biases and inter-model spread
- Innovative, Yet Familiar Tools to Access USGS Earth Science Data
- Integrated Multi-Scale, Multi-Disciplinary Arctic Terrestrial Observations and Experiments to Improve Earth System Models
- Integrating "Omics" Data Into A Biogeochemical Model: A New Model Scheme To Predict Climate Feedbacks From Microbial Function In Tropical Ecosystems
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Intelligent earthquake data processing for global adjoint tomography
- Interactions between Natural Organic Matter and Native Microbes in the Oak Ridge FRC Groundwater
- Interlinkages between Carbon and Water Residence Times in Peat
- Interoperability Across the Stewardship Spectrum in the DataONE Repository Federation
- Isotopic and Chemical Identification of Hydrological Pathways in a Watershed Underlain by Shallow Discontinuous Permafrost
- Key Process Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Dynamics: Comparing Multiple Model Structures and Observational Meta-analysis
- LIVVkit 2: An extensible land ice verification and validation toolkit for comparing observations and models?
- Land-Use Change and the Billion Ton 2016 Resource Assessment: Understanding the Effects of Land Management on Environmental Indicators
- Local Plant Physiological Responses to Increasing CO<SUB>2</SUB> Contribute to a Zonally Asymmetric Pattern of Precipitation Change over Tropical Forests
- Making Steppingstones out of Stumbling Blocks: A New Bayesian Model Evidence Estimator with Application to Groundwater Model Selection
- Making connections to translate climate research into effective action
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Microbial Community Response to Warming and Correlations to Organic Carbon Degradation in an Arctic Tundra Soil
- Microbial responses to experimental warming in a peatland forest ecosystem
- Modeling biogeochemical responses of vegetation to ENSO: comparison and analysis on subgrid PFT patches
- NOAA's operational path forward: Developing the Coyote UASonde
- Near Real-time Ecological Forecasting of Peatland Responses to Warming and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Treatment through EcoPAD-SPRUCE
- New Estimates of Land Use Intensity of Potential Bioethanol Production in the U.S.A.
- New Tools to Document and Manage Data/Metadata: Example NGEE Arctic and UrbIS
- New approaches in cataloging and distributing multi-dimensional scientific data: Federal Data Repositories example
- Next-Generation Climate Modeling Science Challenges for Simulation, Workflow and Analysis Systems
- Next-generation soil decomposition models: representing ecological process complexity across scales
- Non-stationarity of climate extremes: Natural variability and Anthropogenic forcings
- Overview of the 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report Process, results and next steps
- Quantifying the impacts of parametric uncertainty at FLUXNET sites in the ACME land model
- Quantifying the importance of model-to-model variability in integrated assessments of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century climate
- Real-time Social Media Data Analytics for Situational Awareness of the Electric Grid
- Representing carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus interaction in the ACME Land Model v1: model development and global benchmarking
- Results of the Greenland Ice Sheet Model Initialisation Experiments ISMIP6 - initMIP-Greenland
- Scalable Algorithms for Clustering Large Geospatiotemporal Data Sets on Manycore Architectures
- Seasonal Responses of Terrestrial Ecosystem Water-use Efficiency to Climate Change
- Sensitivity of Hydrologic Extremes to Spatial Resolution of Meteorological Forcings: A Case Study of the Conterminous United States
- Simulating the Cranfield Geological Carbon Sequestration Project with High-Resolution Static Models and an Accurate Equation of State
- Single crystal neutron diffraction of hydrous wadsleyite and the reason of sensitivity difference for hydration between upper and lower mantle transition zones
- Soil moisture drives microbial controls on carbon decomposition in two subtropical forests
- Soil respiration, microbial biomass and exoenzyme activity in switchgrass stands under nitrogen fertilization management and climate warming.
- State of the Carbon Cycle of North America: Overarching Findings
- Structure and thermodynamics of Cr-Fe hydroxide solid solutions
- Systematic errors in South Asian monsoon precipitation: Analysis of CMIP5 and global variable resolution simulations
- The Implications of Growing Bioenergy Crops on Water Resources, Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics
- The Nitrate Inventory of Unsaturated Soils at the Barrow Environmental Observatory: Current Conditions and Potential Future Trajectories
- The Search for Efficiency in Arboreal Ray Tracing Applications
- The challenge of establishing decomposition functional types to estimate heterotrophic respiration at large scales
- The climate response to vertically redistributed black carbon aerosols in CAM4 using CALIPSO measurements
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- Tipping a SPRUCE tree over - how extreme heat and desiccation may push southern boreal species beyond their capacity
- Toward Multi-Model Frameworks Addressing Multi-Sector Dynamics, Risks, and Resiliency
- Towards a Fundamental Understanding of the Evolution of Porosity and Permeability During Mineral Nucleation and Growth
- USGS Science Data Life Cycle Tools - Lessons Learned in moving to the Cloud
- Uncertainty Quantification of Extratropical Forest Biomass in CMIP5 Models over the Northern Hemisphere
- Understanding the Representativeness of FLUXNET for Upscaling Carbon Flux from Eddy Covariance Measurements
- Urban Typologies: Towards an ORNL Urban Information System (UrbIS)
- Urban-Climate Adaptation Tool: Optimizing Green Infrastructure
- Use of Dynamic Time Warping and Network Based Techniques for Mapping Trends and Patterns in Vegetation Using MODIS Data.
- Use of Energy Preserving Empirical Mode Decomposition to Determine Trends in Simulated Precipitation and Temperature from a High Resolution Ensemble of Climate Models over the Contiguous U.S.
- Using In Situ Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements from a Low Flying Aircraft in the Arctic to Measure Regional Methane Fluxes.
- Using Satellite- and Ground-Based Simulators to Evaluate the US DOE Climate Model (ACME) Simulated Clouds
- Vegetation-rainfall feedbacks across the Sahel: a combined observational and modeling study
- Water Migration and Swelling in Bentonite Quantified using Neutron Radiography
- Water Quantity and Water Quality Impacts of Intensive Woody Biomass Feedstock Production in the Southeastern US.
- Weighted Iterative Bayesian Compressive Sensing (WIBCS) for High Dimensional Polynomial Surrogate Construction
- A Mixed-dimensional Model for Determining the Impact of Permafrost Polygonal Ground Degradation on Arctic Hydrology.
- A Monte Carlo Ray Tracing Model to Improve Simulations of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Radiative Transfer
- A Soil Service Index: a method for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soil resources
- A better way of representing stem area index in two-big-leaf models: the application and impact on canopy integration of leaf nitrogen content
- A large-scale simulation of climate change effects on flood regime - A case study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin
- A mechanistic diagnosis of the simulation of soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux of the ACME Land Model
- A microbial biogeochemistry network for soil carbon and nitrogen cycling and methane flux: model structure and application to Asia
- A multi-model assessment of terrestrial biosphere model data needs
- A numerical study of the effect of irrigation on land-atmosphere interactions in a spring wheat cropland in India using a coupled atmosphere-crop growth dynamics model
- A scaling law for the mixing efficiency in weakly rotating unforced stratified turbulence in the atmosphere and the oceans based on the slowing down of energy transfer to the small scales because of waves
- A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica's volcanoes
- Acclimation of methane production weakens ecosystem response to climate warming in a northern peatland
- Advancements in Large-Scale Data/Metadata Management for Scientific Data.
- Agile Data Curation Case Studies Leading to the Identification and Development of Data Curation Design Patterns
- Ambient ionization mass spectrometry imaging for characterizing plant-microbe interactions using liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA)
- An Indicator Approach to Assessing Benefits of Carbon Sequestration and Other Ecosystem Services
- An Mobility Typology of US Cities
- Application of urban neighborhoods in understanding of local level electricity consumption patterns
- Applying ILAMB to data from several generations of the Community Land Model to assess the relative contribution of model improvements and forcing uncertainty to model-data agreement
- Architected Geomaterials Constructed from Synthetic Minerals for Geological Research
- Assessing the effect of marginal water use efficiency on water use of loblolly pine and sweetgum in ambient and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> conditions
- Assessing the optimality of ASHRAE climate zones using high resolution meteorological data sets
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Belowground Plant Dynamics Across an Arctic Landscape
- Beyond Population Distribution: Enhancing Sociocultural Resolution from Remote Sensing
- Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems
- Building a Trustworthy Environmental Science Data Repository: Lessons Learned from the ORNL DAAC
- Building confidence and credibility amid growing model and computing complexity
- Can Earth System Model Provide Reasonable Natural Runoff Estimates to Support Water Management Studies?
- Carbon Cycle Extremes in the 22nd and 23rd Century and Attribution to Climate Drivers
- Carbon Fluxes at the AmazonFACE Research Site
- Challenging terrestrial biosphere models with data from the long-term multifactor Prairie Heating and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment experiment
- Changes in Land Cover and Terrestrial Biogeochemistry in the US: Key Findings from the Climate Science Special Report (CSSR)
- Changes in Severe Weather Characteristics in Response to Increase in Radiative Forcing by Mid 21st Century
- Characterization And Partitioning Of CH<SUB>4</SUB> And CO<SUB>2</SUB> Eddy Flux Data Measured at NGEE-Arctic Sites
- Characterizing moisture sources over Mediterranean Basin in a Regional Earth System Model
- Choices Matter, but How Do We Model Them?
- Collaboration During the NASA ABoVE Airborne SAR Campaign: Sampling Strategies Used by NGEE Arctic and Other Partners in Alaska and Western Canada
- Collaborative, Rapid Mapping of Water Extents During Hurricane Harvey Using Optical and Radar Satellite Sensors
- Comparison and Correlation of Subsurface Media Properties Reflected in Both Extracted Soil Pore Water From Sectioned Cores and Homogenized Groundwater From Monitoring Wells
- Complex Contact Angles Calculated from Capillary Rise Measurements on Rock Fracture Faces
- Controls on Methanogenesis in Organic-Rich Anaerobic Environments
- Current and Future Impacts of Wildfires on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> and Public Health in Colorado
- Data and Geocomputation: Time Critical Mission Support for the 2017 Hurricane Season
- Data and Workflow Management Challenges in Global Adjoint Tomography
- Data rescue of NASA First ISLSCP (International Satellite Land Surface Climatology Project) Field Experiment (FIFE) aerial observations
- Deep Neural Network Emulation of a High-Order, WENO-Limited, Space-Time Reconstruction
- Detecting Recent Changes in the Arctic-Boreal Carbon Sink Using Satellite Remote Sensing, Flux Tower Data and Biophysical Models
- Developing the remote sensing-based water environmental model for monitoring alpine river water environment over Plateau cold zone
- Development of A Mississippi River Alluvial Aquifer Groundwater Model
- Development of a Cloud Resolving Model for Heterogeneous Supercomputers
- Development of a Suite of Analytical Tools for Energy and Water Infrastructure Knowledge Discovery
- Differential effects of fine root morphology on water dynamics in the root-soil interface
- Digging Deeper: Development and evaluation of an untargeted metabolomics approach to identify biogeochemical hotspots with depth and by vegetation type in Arctic tundra soils
- Distinct findings from the steady-state analysis of a microbial model with time-invariant or seasonal driving forces
- Distributed HUC-based modeling with SUMMA for ensemble streamflow forecasting over large regional domains.
- Divergent patterns of experimental and model derived variables of tundra ecosystem carbon exchange in response to arctic warming
- Do state-of-the-art CMIP5 ESMs accurately represent observed vegetation-rainfall feedbacks? Focus on the Sahel
- Drought resilience across ecologically dominant species: An experiment-model integration approach
- Dynamics of nonreactive solute transport in the permafrost environment
- EcoPAD, an interactive platform for near real-time ecological forecasting by assimilating data into model
- Ecophysiology at SPRUCE: Impacts of whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on leaf-level photosynthesis and respiration of two ericaceous shrubs in a boreal peatland
- Ecosystem structure and function in the SPRUCE chambers at fine resolution
- Effect of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Soil Nitrogen Reactive Transport in a Polygonal Arctic Tundra Ecosystem at Barrow AK Using 3-D Coupled ALM-PFLOTRAN
- Effects of ENSO-induced extremes on terrestrial ecosystems
- Effects of Topography-based Subgrid Structures on Land Surface Modeling
- Effects of Unsaturated Microtopography on Nitrate Concentrations in Tundra Ecosystems: Examples from Polygonal Terrain and Degraded Peat Plateaus
- Effects of soil dry-wet cycles and nitrogen fertilization on soil nitrous oxide emission: Simulation using the DNDC model
- Efficient Data-Worth Analysis Using a Multilevel Monte Carlo Method Applied in Oil Reservoir Simulations
- Embedded Model Error Representation and Propagation in Climate Models
- Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models
- Emulating RRTMG Radiation with Deep Neural Networks for the Accelerated Model for Climate and Energy
- Energy-Water Modeling and Impacts at Urban and Infrastructure Scales
- Energy-Water Nexus Knowledge Discovery Framework
- Enhanced simulations of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> production in permafrost-affected soils address soil moisture controls on anaerobic decomposition
- Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms
- Evaluating mercury bioaccumulation rates in fish using mark-recapture techniques
- Evaluating the Terrestrial Biogeochemical Responses and Feedbacks of Stratospheric Geoengineering Strategies
- Evaluation of Multiple Mechanistic Hypotheses of Leaf Photosynthesis and Stomatal Conductance against Diurnal and Seasonal Data from Two Contrasting Panamanian Tropical Forests
- Evaluation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) for Weather and Climate using the Multi-testbed approach
- Examining Challenges Related to the Production of Actionable Climate Knowledge for Adaptation Decision-Making: A Focus on Climate Knowledge System Producers
- Experiences and lessons learned from creating a generalized workflow for data publication of field campaign datasets
- Exploring the Validity of Modeled Surface Mass Balance Over Greenland With LIVVkit 2.1
- Exploring tropical forest vegetation dynamics using the FATES model
- Fine-Root Production in an Amazon Rain Forest: Deep Roots are an Important Component of Net Primary Productivity
- From the inside-out: Retrospectives on a metadata improvement process to advance the discoverability of NASÁs earth science data
- Fully automatic time-window selection using machine learning for global adjoint tomography
- Future flood risk in the tropics as measured by changes in extreme runoff intensity is strongly influenced by plant-physiological responses to rising CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Geoscience Meets Social Science: A Flexible Data Driven Approach for Developing High Resolution Population Datasets at Global Scale
- High Arctic Nitrous Oxide Emissions Found on Large Spatial Scales
- How do the methodological choices of your climate change study affect your results? A hydrologic case study across the Pacific Northwest
- How does whole ecosystem warming of a peatland affect methane production and consumption?
- Hurricane Harvey Riverine Flooding: Part 1 - Reconstruction of Hurricane Harvey Flooding for Harris County, TX using a GPU-accelerated 2D flood model for post-flood hazard analysis
- Hydro-Biogeochemical Variability in an Arctic Catchment with Discontinuous permafrost
- Impacts of short-term heatwaves on sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence(SiF) in temperate tree species
- Implications of Uncertainty in Fossil Fuel Emissions for Terrestrial Ecosystem Modeling
- Improving Permafrost Hydrology Prediction Through Data-Model Integration
- Improving simulated long-term responses of vegetation to temperature and precipitation extremes using the ACME land model
- Improving simulated spatial distribution of productivity and biomass in Amazon forests using the ACME land model
- In situ Low-temperature Pair Distribution Function (PDF) Analysis of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Hydrates
- Increased transpiration and plant water stress in a black spruce bog exposed to whole ecosystem warming
- Influences of Moisture Regimes and Functional Plant Types on Nutrient Cycling in Permafrost Regions
- Information Quality as a Foundation for User Trustworthiness of Earth Science Data.
- Insights from Modeling the Integrated Climate, Biogeochemical Cycles, Human Activities and Their Interactions in the ACME Earth System Model
- Integration of research infrastructures and ecosystem models toward development of predictive ecology
- Inter-comparison of Flux-Gradient and Relaxed Eddy Accumulation Methods for Measuring Ammonia Flux Above a Corn Canopy in Central Illinois, USA
- Investigating the processes of ammonia exchanges between the atmosphere and a corn canopy following Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) fertilization with urease inhibitor NBPT
- Iron cycling under oscillatory redox conditions: from observations to processes
- Knowledge to Action - Understanding Natural Hazards-Induced Power Outage Scenarios for Actionable Disaster Responses
- Large Scale Analysis of Geospatial Data with Dask and XArray
- Large scale meteorological patterns and moisture sources during precipitation extremes over South Asia
- Large-scale, high-performance and cloud-enabled multi-model analytics experiments in the context of the Earth System Grid Federation
- Learning from Past Classification Errors: Exploring Methods for Improving the Performance of a Deep Learning-based Building Extraction Model through Quantitative Analysis of Commission Errors for Optimal Sample Selection
- Low apparent quantum yield in Arctic plants suggests that terrestrial biosphere models will over estimate carbon assimilation at high latitudes
- Machine Learning Techniques for Global Sensitivity Analysis in Climate Models
- Methane Carbon Isotopic Composition Reveals Changing Production Pathways Across a Gradient of Permafrost Thaw
- Methane eddy covariance flux measurements from a low flying aircraft: Bridging the scale gap between local and regional emissions estimates
- Mineral Precipitation in Fractures: Multiscale Imaging and Geochemical Modeling
- Modeling Urban Energy Savings Scenarios Using Earth System Microclimate and Urban Morphology
- Modeling drivers of discontinuous permafrost on a hillslope transect using climatological data from Nome, Alaska
- Modeling hydrological controls on vegetation distribution across topography in Seward Peninsula, Alaska
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Capabilities for Robust Data-Model Integration
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Reveals the Key Processes Influencing Modelled CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reponse Of Leaf-Scale Photosynthesis
- Nano- to Formation-Scale Estimates of Mineral-Specific Reactive Surface Area
- Near real time/low latency data collection for climate warming manipulations and an elevated CO2 SPRUCE experiment
- Neutron Dark-field Tomography of Westerly Granite
- New Tools to Document and Manage Data/Metadata: Example NGEE Arctic and ARM
- Nitrate and Moisture Content of Broad Permafrost Landscape Features in the Barrow Peninsula: Predicting Evolving NO<SUB>3</SUB> Concentrations in a Changing Arctic
- Nonlinear Interactions between Climate and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Drivers of Terrestrial and Marine Carbon Cycle Changes
- OCO-2 advances photosynthesis observation from space via solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- On the Representation of Subgrid Microtopography Effects in Process-based Hydrologic Models
- Peatland Woody Plant Growth Responses to Warming and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Southern-boreal Raised Bog Ecosystem
- Plant traits and trait-based vegetation modeling in the Arctic
- Population Density Modeling for Diverse Land Use Classes: Creating a National Dasymetric Worker Population Model
- Predicting Changes in Arctic Tundra Vegetation: Towards an Understanding of Plant Trait Uncertainty
- Predicting the trajectories and intensities of hurricanes by applying machine learning techniques
- Rapid changes in the permafrost soil carbon pool in response to warming
- Recent Carbon Cycle Dynamics in an Ombrotrophic Peatland: Implications From Warming and eCO<SUB>2</SUB> Treatments and the Role of Vegetation Layers in the Flux of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Recommended GIS Analysis Methods for Global Gridded Population Data
- Regulation of C:N:P stoichiometry of microbes and soil organic matter by optimizing enzyme allocation: an omics-informed model study
- Remote SST Forcing and Local Land-Atmosphere Moisture Coupling as Drivers of Amazon Temperature and Carbon Cycle Variability
- Representing Northern Peatland Hydrology and Biogeochemistry with ALM Land Surface Model
- Residence-time framework for modeling multicomponent reactive transport in stream hyporheic zones
- Revamping EAGLE-I and experiences during Hurricanes Harvey and Irma
- Robust changes in the socio-climate risk over CONUS by mid 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Scoring Methods in the International Land Benchmarking (ILAMB) Package
- Seasonal and Downslope Changes in the Pore Water Geochemistry of Tundra Soils Near Nome, Alaska
- Sensitivity of Shallow Convection in Large-Eddy Simulations to Forcing Datasets Across a Range of Days: Examining Results from the DOE LASSO Projec
- Soil Carbon Residence Time in the Arctic - Potential Drivers of Past and Future Change
- Soil Minerals Affect Extracellular Enzyme Activities in Cold and Warm Environments
- Spatially and seasonally asymmetric responses of Amazon forests to El Niño
- Spatio-Temporal Variability of Urban Heat Island and Urban Mobility
- Spatiotemporal Analysis of Corn Phenoregions in the Continental United States
- System Architecture Development for Energy and Water Infrastructure Data Management and Geovisual Analytics
- Temperature sensitivity differences with depth and season between carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling enzyme activities in an ombrotrophic peatland system
- The Effect of Experimental Weathering on the Multiscale Pore Structure of Granites: A (U)SANS, Imaging Analysis
- The Effects of Ecoregion Dynamics on Agroregions for Permanent Crops in the Continental US Under Future Climate Change Scenarios
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: A Scientific Basis for Policy and Management Decisions
- The World Spatiotemporal Analytics and Mapping Project (WSTAMP): Discovering, Exploring, and Mapping Spatiotemporal Patterns Across Heterogenous Space-Time Data
- The contribution of fine roots to peatland stability under changing environmental conditions
- The influence of current and future climate on the spatial distribution of coccidioidomycosis in the southwestern United States
- The origin of soil organic matter controls its composition and bioreactivity across a mesic boreal forest latitudinal gradient
- Thermal Acclimation of Photosynthesis and Respiration Differ Across Mature Conifer Species in a Boreal Forest Peatland
- Thermotolerance and Photosystem II Behaviour in Co-occuring Temperate Tree Species Exposed to Short-term Extreme Heat Waves
- Time-Series Similarity Analysis of Satellite Derived Data to Understand Changes in Forest Biomass.
- Toward a standardized soil carbon database platform in the US Critical Zone Observatory Network
- Towards a Web-Enabled Geovisualization and Analytics Platform for the Energy and Water Nexus
- Tracking Seasonal and Diurnal Photosynthesis and Plant Water Status in Maize Using SIF, Eddy Covariance Fluxes, PAM Fluorescence and Gas Exchange
- Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems
- Transport of Perfluorocarbon Tracers in the Cranfield Geological Carbon Sequestration Project
- Tundra ecosystem respiration is dominated by recent C inputs, masking contributions from old and more decomposed substrates
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Uncertainty in Earth System Models: Benchmarks for Ocean Model Performance and Validation
- Understanding patterns of vegetation structure and distribution across Great Smoky Mountains National Park using LiDAR and meteorology data
- Understanding the Relative Importance of Vertical and Horizontal Flow in Ice-Wedge Polygon Landscapes Using Tracers
- Unique Observations in Hurricane Maria (2017) using the Coyote Uncrewed Aircraft System (UAS)
- Using Dynamic Time Warping and Data Forensics to Examine Tradeoffs among Land-Energy-Water Networks Across the Conterminous United States
- Using Linear and Non-Linear Temporal Adjustments to Align Multiple Phenology Curves, Making Vegetation Status and Health Directly Comparable
- Using Social Media Derived Information to Reduce Ambiguity in Parcel Data
- Variability of soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux in a semi-arid grassland in Arizona
- Variance decomposition shows the importance of human-climate feedbacks in the Earth system
- Varieties of Dioptase: Their Magnetic Structure and Collective Excitations
- Verification and Enhancement of VIIRS Day-Night Band Power Outage Detection Product
- Visualising Earth's Mantle based on Global Adjoint Tomography
- Warnings and Human Response in the Oroville Dam Crisis, February 2017
- Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands
- Welcoming All in the Field, Into the Field
- Working with Decision Makers to Improve Energy-Water System Resiliency in the Lower Hudson River Basin
- pH controls over methanogenesis and iron reduction along soil depth profile in Arctic tundra
- A Comparative Evaluation of Precipitation Areal Reduction Factor Variability across the Conterminous United States
- A Framework for Testing Plant Allocation and Reactive Transport Hypotheses
- A Large-scale Warming Experiment Reveals Changes to Stream Flow and Solute Concentrations in a Northern Peatland Ecosystem
- A Machine Learning Approach to Estimate Multi-Aerosol Mixing State Metrics at a Global Scale in Earth System Models
- A NOAA Surface Energy Observation Network for Improving Climate and Weather Forecasting
- A Novel Approach to Quantifying the Drivers of Alternate Carbon Allocation Strategies in a Temperate, Deciduous Tree Species
- A Reusability Assessment of Recommended Software Solutions for Improving the Quality of Earth Science Data Products and Services
- A global typological framework for mapping neighborhood variation using machine learning and remote sensing.
- A multi-scale approach to improved simulation of agroecosystem response to climate in the Midwestern United States
- A tale of two clusters: Working with lots of weather radar data bridging research and operations.
- Abundance and diversity of hgcA<SUP>+</SUP> microbes in salt marsh soils - relationships to MeHg and salinity
- Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging to Estimate Vegetation Indices During the Land - Atmosphere Feedback Experiment
- Amazon rainforest responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> hinge on plant phosphorus use and acquisition: model-based hypotheses for the AmazonFACE experiment.
- An integrated data platform for retrieval, analytics, and visualization of MODIS & VIIRS land products
- Anomaly detection in Energy-Water Nexus
- Assessing Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks
- Assessing spectral-element seismic wave propagation on current HPC architectures
- Assessing the Effects of Thermodynamic Parameter Uncertainty in Mercury Aqueous Speciation Modeling
- Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America: A multi-year airborne mission to study fluxes and transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> across the eastern United States
- Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales
- Balancing Open Science and Individual Data Privacy in the Earth Sciences
- Bayesian Framework for Structural Uncertainty Estimation of Land Models
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Benefits of Integrating Elements of Data Engineering in Undergraduate STEM Education
- Big Data Analytics to Enable Integrated Research of Biodiversity and Climate Datasets in the Amazon Basin
- Biochemical Factors Controlling the Kinetics of Bacterial Mercury Methylation
- Brucite at high pressures
- Can cities save us? Evaluating cities role in global climate
- Carbon Cycle Science Data and Services at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Distributed Active Archive Center (ORNL DAAC)
- Characterizing rooting depth distribution and nitrogen acquisition by dominant tundra plant species
- Closing the gaps between data availability and data usability: Lessons from the ORNL DAAC Soil Moisture Visualizer
- Combining soil flux and soil gas profiles to constrain CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission pathways in a Northern peatland - a data-model fusion study
- Comparing approaches to modelling radionuclide transport in brittle fault zones
- Comprehensive Modeling of Structural, Solubility, and Chemical Trapping of Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Deep Brine Formations
- Conservation management of Midwestern maize/soybean agroecosystems may reverse soil carbon losses
- Considering Coasts: Adapting Terrestrial Models to Characterize Coastal Habitats
- Contribution of Tropical Forests to the Changes of Global Land Carbon Sink
- Core values: large-scale analysis of environmental constraints on microbial community assembly, activity, and dispersal in groundwater and sediment from a contaminated subsurface aquifer.
- Creating and Connecting Champions for Diversity in the Geosciences: Hearts of GOLD
- Data Management within the ABoVE Campaign
- Data Quality Recommendations for Data Producers and Distributors: Outcomes from the NASA ESDSWG Data Quality Working Group
- Dealing with Structural and Parametric Uncertainty in an Earth System Model
- Designing observation networks using Earth System Models to reduce uncertainty in regional carbon fluxes
- Developing Opportunities to Automate Updates on Population Modeling Efforts for Refugee Camps
- Developing a Regional-scale Photosynthetic Carbon Flux Estimation Framework using Atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide Measurements and a Geostatistical Inverse Modeling Approach
- Differential effects of warming and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration and microbial dynamics in switchgrass croplands
- Diurnal Dynamics of SIF, Photosynthesis and Plant Water Status in Maize
- Early season mapping of Corn and Soybeans in the US Midwest
- EarthInsights: Parallel Clustering of Large Earth Science Datasets on the Summit Supercomputer
- Effect of Stream Channel Anisotropy on the Spatial Interpolation of Streambed Characterization Data
- Effects of permafrost thaw and changes in soil moisture on CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes in Alaskan upland tundra
- Effects of temperature on natural organic matter reduction in a northern Minnesota peatland experiencing whole ecosystem warming
- Efficiencies in Data Publication: Experiences from an Ecological Data Archive
- Efficient Surrogate Modeling Methods to Advance Model-Data Integration
- Empirical Characterization of Fire Regimes Across the Globe
- Ensemble-based Probabilistic Flood Maps for Probable Maximum Flood
- Estimation of polygonal tundra soil properties by coupled inversion of ERT and hydrothermal data
- Evaluating Daymet Continental-Scale Gridded Daily Precipitation Estimates Using Gauge Networks, Radar Products, and Reanalysis Datasets
- Evaluating Uncertainties in Marine Biogeochemical Models: Benchmarking Aerosol Precursors
- Evaluating a Microbial Functional Group-based Model to Explain Greenhouse Gas Productions and Consumptions from Puerto Rican Tropical Forest Soils
- Evaluation of a multilevel turbulence closure model for shallow lakes against other models
- Evapotranspiration measurements using a new fast-response relative humidity probe
- Examining Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in an Experimentally Warmed Northern Ombrotrophic Peat Bog
- Exploiting Model Structure for Global Sensitivity Analysis in E3SM Land Model
- Exploring Earth's interior in collaborative immersive VR environments
- Exploring the interactions between thermal hydrology, soil structure, and dynamic topography in warming polygonal tundra
- Fusing Land Use Data and Population Density Estimates for High Resolution Population Modeling: LandScan HD
- Future of the North American Carbon Cycle
- Geomorphic feedbacks enhance the stability of high-centered polygons
- Glimpsing the Future: Boreal Peatland Ecophysiology under Whole-Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2
- Global Adjoint Tomography - New Generation Earth Mantle Model
- Global carbon-14 observations constrain rates of soil organic matter decomposition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Growth, Cover, and Productivity of Sphagnum Decline Sharply with Experimental Warming in a Forested Peatland
- High-resolution modeling of Hurricane Harvey Flooding for Harris County, TX using a calibrated GPU-accelerated 2D Flood Model
- How do Whole-Ecosystem Warming and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Affect Peatland Methane Production?
- ISOSCELES: Data Driven Sampling for Efficient Convolutional Neural Network Training
- Image Classification of Urban Neighborhoods Using Textural Features
- Impact of Changes in Anthropogenic Forcing on the Terrestrial Carbon Budget through the Year 2300
- Impacts of Elevated CO2 and Whole Ecosystem Warming on Photosynthesis and Respiration of Two Ericaceous Shrubs in a Northern Peatland
- Impacts of microtopography on the evolution of polygonal tundra hydrology in a warming climate
- Improving the Representation of Subgrid Topographic Effects in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- In quest of calibration density and consistency in hydrologic modeling: distributed parameter calibration against streamflow characteristics
- Inclusion of Ancillary Data for Systematic Selection of Training Data for Convolutional Neural Networks
- Incorporating Trait Distributions into Land Surface Models
- Insights Into Modeling Earth's Water Cycle From Superparameterized-E3SM Simulations
- Institutions Matter
- Integrating environmental metabolomics and proteomics to describe changes in carbon decomposition resulting in increased greenhouse gas flux under whole ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) experimental site
- Integrating multiple top-down and bottom-up approaches to evaluate the tropical land sink response to El-Niño in 2015/16
- Investigating the Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Human Intervention on the Water Cycle Using Integrated Earth System Model (iESM)
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Land use and land cover distribution is a primary determinant of global carbon cycle projections and regional temperature projections
- Landscape structure and heterogeneity controls on ecohydrological processes in Arctic tundra ecosystem
- Leaf to Landscape Scale Remote Sensing of Arctic Vegetation Structure and Function
- Linear variation of dissipation efficiency in rotating stratified turbulence
- Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
- Machine Learning techniques to evaluate reproducibility of climate model simulations on hybrid architectures.
- Measurements of nitrogen and carbon fluxes over coastal salt marsh ecosystem in the northeastern U.S. using eddy covariance systems
- Modeling the role of preferential snow accumulation in through talik development and hillslope groundwater flow in a transitional permafrost landscape
- Modelling radionuclide transport in Brittle Fault Zones using a particle-based downscaling approach
- Modern Scientific Data Management Practices: ARM Data Center Example
- Monitoring Power Restoration Using Satellite Imagery and Social Vulnerability
- Mulitscale Pore Structure from Neutron Dark-field Tomography
- Network Analysis of Localized Spatial-Temporal Drought Patterns
- New National Percent Greenup Completion Departure Maps Show Deviations in the Seasonal Progression of Vegetation Timing Every 8 Days
- Oceanic drivers for tropical terrestrial carbon cycle and extreme
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Parallel K-means Clustering of Geospatiotemporal Data Sets Using Manycore CPU Architectures
- Past and Current State of the Arctic Eddy Covariance Network
- Pathways to High Resolution Simulation of Land Surface Processes in Arctic Region: A Case Study on C & N Cycles Using PFLOTRAN Coupled E<SUP>3</SUP>SM Land Model (ELM)
- Peatland Woody Vegetation Growth Response to Warming and Implications for Ecosystem Carbon Gain or Loss
- Phenological improvement of ELM and its feedbacks to terrestrial hydrological cycle
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Electricity Generation in Texas
- Progress Toward Sub-Micron U-Pb Zircon Dating on the NanoSIMS 50L
- Pushing beyond current limits on Nd-isotope ratio measurement precision
- Quantifying Cold Season Soil CO2 Emissions in Alaska and Northwest Canada
- Quantifying Fine-root Branching Response to Experimental Ecosystem Warming Utilizing Image Analysis Software
- Quantifying the individual and combined impacts of urbanization and changing climate on hydrological processes - a case study of two adjacent basins in Texas
- R Shiny for encouraging data discovery and download: best practices
- Rapid Permafrost Collapse Spurs Changes in Methane Oxidation
- Real-time Neutron Radiographic and X-Ray Tomographic Analysis of Acid Dissolution of Limestone
- Reanalysis of Woody Encroachment of US Drylands with Finer Resolution MODIS LST
- Resolution Sensitivity of Tropical Cyclone-genesis and Lifecycle in a Global Climate Model
- Seasonal and diurnal asymmetrical variations of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence revealed by high-resolution measurements in a central US forest
- Sensitivity of energy, water, and nutrient cycles to microtopographical parameters in ELM_SPRUCE
- Shift in Seasonal Climate Patterns Likely to Impact Residential Energy Consumption in the United States
- Significant Permafrost Nitrous Oxide Emissions Observed on a Regional Scale
- Simulating potential effects of conservation tillage on cropland soil organic carbon and greenhouse gas emissions in the Conterminous US during 1979-2015
- Simulation of calcite dissolution at the pore scale using OpenFOAM
- Simultaneous neutron and X-ray time resolved tomography of water and reacting flows in geological materials
- Software for Ice Sheet Model Validation Using Recently Available and Extensible Datasets
- Soil Carbon Response to Climate Warming - Using Functional Benchmarks to Evaluate Model Projections of Soil Carbon Dynamics in a Changing World
- Soil pH Controls on Anaerobic Microbial Activity and Organic Carbon Transformations in Arctic Polygon Tundra
- Soil warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> effects on CH<SUB>4</SUB> production pathways and homoacetogenesis in a northern Minnesota peatland
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Soil Pore Water Chemistry and Stable Isotopes at Tropical Three Hillslopes: El Yunque National Forest, Puerto Rico
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Carbon Management Experiences and Opportunities
- State of the Carbon Cycle in North America: Key Findings from Assessing a Decade of Science, Decisions, and Management Impacts
- Stimulation of anaerobic organic matter decomposition by subsurface organic N addition in tundra soils
- Storage mechanisms of water into ringwoodite
- Subsurface seismic structure beneath the Black Hills region
- Surface temperature variation induced by the LAI change in Arctic Tundra
- Temperature Response of Foliar Dark Respiration and Consequences for the Stand Carbon Budget
- Temporal Variance in Arctic Polygonal Ground Surface Water Sources
- The Effects of Copper on Mercury Methylation by Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
- The Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems: Problems and Solutions
- The SOCCR2 Architecture: What did over 200 minds across government, academic and private institutions assess across North America? Why and How We Did It.
- The influence of vegetation on shallow soil and air temperature coupling: a Pan-Arctic data synthesis
- The persistence of root carbon in soil: data and modeling gaps
- The social dimensions of the carbon cycle: progress and challenges
- Toward the Predictive Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Production in High Latitude Peatlands
- Tracer Characterization of Baseflow Hyporheic Zone Exchange, Solute Transport, and Rate-Limited Mass Transfer in East Fork Poplar Creek, Tennessee, USA
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- Understanding Controls on Arctic Soil Moisture Using In-Situ Soil Moisture and Thaw Depth Observations and Airborne SAR Data at Barrow and Seward Peninsulas, Alaska
- Upscaling Strategies for Quantitative Modeling of Soil Microbial Metagenomics in a Biogeochemical Model
- Upscaling decomposition kinetics from enzyme to ecosystem: Developing a kinetic parameter database for metagenomics-informed soil biogeochemical models
- Using field scale ET estimated with high spatiotemporal resolution remote sensing data to study impact of tile drainage on evapotranspiration
- Using the US Climate Reference Network to Improve Gridded Soil Moisture Products over the Conterminous US
- Visualizing Experimental Whole-Ecosystem Warming Treatments on Vegetation and Ecosystem Phenology at the SPRUCE Experiment
- Warmer temperature affects the capacity of fine-root production to recover after a hurricane event in a tropical rain forest in Puerto Rico
- Water, Water Everywhere. . . Quantifying the Impact of Sea-Level Rise Using Dasymetric Population Distribution and Deep-Learning Building Detection
- What We See Versus What We Know: Detecting Slum Locations Through Satellite Imagery Analysis and Primary Source Research in the City of Johannesburg
- What drives phosphatase activity in tropical forests - a modeling study using E3SM Land Model
- What the People are Within, the Buildings Express Without: Understanding Facility-Use Variability on a Global Scale
- A Client-side Web Application for Visualizing Massive Regional Mobility Data Collected from Real-time Traffic Sensors
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A Primal-Dual Approach for Joint Inversion of Seismic and Gravity Data: Gaining Insight Into the 3D Geophysical Structure of Colombia
- A Scalable Modeling Framework for the Sustainability of the Global Crop Supply Chain focusing on U.S.-China Interactions
- A Watershed-based Assessment of Precipitation Areal Reduction Factors in the Ohio River Basin
- A benchmark problem set for the simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces
- A multivariate analysis of the risk of concurrent precipitation extremes across multiple regions
- A semi-implicit barotropic mode solver for the MPAS-Ocean
- Accelerating cloud and radiation schemes within the Unified Model for CPU-GPU based high-performance computing systems
- Advancing Access to Global Flood Modeling and Alerting using the PDC DisasterAWARE Platform and Remote Sensing Technologies
- Airborne Data Visualizer: A Generalizable Web Application for Visual Exploration Of Greenhouse And Trace Gas Concentrations Observed From Aircraft
- An Unrecognized Greenhouse Gas Emissions Feedback Loop: Nitrous Oxide Inhibits Microbial Methane Production
- Anaerobic Metabolism of Dichloromethane: Implications for Current and Early Earth Microbial Communities.
- Assessing Dynamic Vegetation Model Parameter Uncertainty across Alaskan Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Assessing Human Security with Remote Sensing and GeoAI
- Assessing the global carbon cycle in CMIP5 and CMIP6 using ILAMB benchmarking
- Assessment of Sustainable Biomass through Forest Restoration
- Atmospheric ammonia measurements over a coastal salt marsh ecosystem along the Mid-Atlantic U.S.
- Attribution of Diurnal Temperature Range Trends to Radiative and Physiological Effects of Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
- Automatic seismic phase picking using machine learning for the EGS Collab project
- Biogeographical constraints on a tussock forming sedge and its impact on near surface Arctic carbon stocks
- Building a better super-parameterized model: Unleashing the CRM
- Calibration and Propagation of Model Structural Error for E3SM Land Model
- Change Detection using Deep Learning Approach with Object-based Image Analysis
- Changes in Hydroclimatic Characteristics of River Basins in the U.S over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- Characterizing Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> Across Polygonal Tundra: A Multi-Scale Approach
- Choosing a Numerical Method for a Terrestrial Dynamical Core
- Classifying kudzu using high-resolution multispectral and Lidar data
- Cloud resolving climate modeling on upcoming Exascale computers
- Considering carbon costs of plant phosphorus acquisition in Earth System Models
- Constraining methane emission pathways via model structure selection and parameter estimation with flux and concentration data in a northern peatland
- Controls on fine-root trait variation and implications for defining Root Functional Types
- Data Products and Services for Biodiversity Monitoring from the ORNL DAAC
- Decadal biomass increment is stimulated by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-enrichment in early-succession woody ecosystems
- Deep Neural Networks for Detection of Hydrometeors from ARM Radars
- Degradation of Adsorbed BPA by Oxidized Manganese Species
- Designing sustainable future land-energy-water infrastructures for cities
- Development of watershed-based large-domain modeling to support monitoring, prediction and water management applications
- Developments in Daymet Continental-Scale Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature Estimates Evaluating Data Fusion Techniques to Improve Precipitation Occurrence and Amount
- Diagnosing Climate-Carbon Cycle Feedbacks Constrained by ILAMB
- Discretizing the Geochemical and Microbiological Contributions of Mercury Methylation Potential in Sediments
- Does Urban Population Predict Urban Imperviousness?
- Dynamic interactions between methanogenesis and microbial iron reductions drive carbon release from Arctic tundra
- Dynamics of proton in brucite (Mg(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>)
- E3SM Land Model (ELM) in Arctic Region: Changing of Thermal-Hydrology and Biogeochemistry Coupling from Climate Scale to Community-level Ecosystems
- Earth greening and terrestrial water cycle change
- Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
- Effect of fluid properties on contact angles in the eagle ford shale measured with spontaneous imbibition
- Enabling Collaborative Research During ABoVE Through Coordinated Data Management
- Enhancing the FAIRness of Carbon Monitoring System Data
- Evaluating Integrated Surface/Subsurface Permafrost Thermal Hydrology Models Against Field Data in Polygonal Tundra
- Evaluating key uncertainties in ocean carbon cycle processes within CMIP6 models using the International Ocean Model Benchmarking package (IOMB)
- Evaluating model uncertainties in daily to seasonal carbon, water and energy cycling across a latitudinal transect using a combination of ensemble analysis and benchmarking
- Evaluating the Effects of Forecast Lead Time on Streamflow and Inundation Predictions in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas through Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulics Models
- Evaluating the surface mass balance from E3SM with LIVVkit 3.0
- Evaluation of Nutrient Allocation Hypotheses in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Evolution of Grain Shapes by Dissolution: A Comparison of Pore-Scale Simulations and Microfluidic Experiments
- Exploiting Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Earth and Environmental System Science
- Exploring climate change effects on water flow dynamics in a snow-dominated watershed using a physically based integrated model
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil moisture derived from airborne SAR in watersheds near Nome and in Utguiavik, Alaska
- Fast permeability estimation for sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks by 3D Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with uncertainty quantification
- Fine Root and Mycorrhizal Trait Adjustments to the Environment
- From Plot to Pixel: Scaling up Vegetation Spectral and Biophysical Properties using Ecotypes in Western Alaska
- Full implementation of matrix approach to biogeochemistry module of Community Land Model version 5 (CLM5)
- Generating high-resolution precipitation data using advanced machine learning at the basin scale
- Global Adjoint Tomography - Model GLAD-M25
- High-Temperature Stability of Aqueous Foams for Potential Waterless Hydrofracking Application in Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS)
- High-resolution Modeling of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in the Columbia River Subbasin at the Hanford Reach
- How Healthy Are Our Streams?: A Case Study for the Tennessee River Basin
- Hybrid energy module for environmental science experiments and studies
- Hydraulic Control of Carbon Dioxide and Water Fluxes at the Ecosystem Scale
- Impacts of subgrid topographic heterogeneity in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Impacts of urban densification on neighborhood heat wave resilience
- Improving Mesoscale Convective System Simulation Fidelity with Superparameterization
- Improving the representation of Arctic ecosystem responses to climate change in an Earth system model through multi-scale integration of observations, experiments, and simulations.
- Influence of Living Plant Roots and Mycorrhizal Hyphae on Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- Influences of Hillslope Biogeochemistry on Anaerobic Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in a Tundra Watershed
- Integrating Earth Observation Data with Socio-Economic Data to Understand the Relationship Between Urban Heat Islands and Social Vulnerability
- Integrating Human Dynamics Into Flood Risk Management Models
- Integrating saltmarsh vegetation dynamics, hydrology, and biogeochemistry with the ELM-PFLOTRAN interface
- Inverse and Bidirectional Cascades of energy and helicity in Fluid and Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: A Brief Review
- Investigating drought-induced tree mortality using remotely sensed ET data in a temperate forest in the Central US
- IoT Sensors and Their Pathway to HPC
- Isotopic and high resolution analytical techniques to investigate the stability of peat soils across gradients in latitude and altitude
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Large-scale intermittency, instabilities and mixing in stratified flows
- Learning-based Inversion-free Model-data Integration to Advance Ecosystem Model Prediction
- Leveraging model-generated hypotheses and cross-network observations to understand biome- to global-scale controls on soil organic matter stocks
- Leveraging multi-network data to elucidate the controls of root input to soil carbon
- Linking dissipation, anisotropy and intermittency in rotating stratified turbulence at the threshold of linear shear instabilities
- Long-term observations of energy, water vapor and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes over a temperate deciduous forest in Tennessee
- Long-term observations of fine-root, stem, and leaf phenology across 13 diverse and model-relevant temperate tree species
- Making MODIS data accessible: ORNL DAAC's experience in providing data tools and services for MODIS land products
- Mapping Arctic Vegetation using Hyperspectral Airborne Remote Sensing Data
- Markov chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation for testing multiple hypotheses of the drivers of seasonality in Sphagnum gross primary production
- Mercury Isotope Exchange Kinetics and Implications for Stable Isotope Tracer Studies
- Mercury Methylation in Lake Michigan Sand Dunes
- Metadata for Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Data
- Methylmercury Degradation by Methanotrophs and its Environmental Implications
- Microbial functional diversity mitigates projected soil carbon loss in response to climate change
- Microbial growth dynamics form a poor link between litter quality and mineral-associated organic matter formation
- Mineral Precipitation in Porous Media: Ion Transport Coupled with Crystal Nucleation and Growth
- Modeling of climate change induced flood risk in the Conasauga River Basin
- Modeling the Impacts of Hyporheic Zone Heterogeneity on Mass Exchange and Solute Transport in East Fork Poplar Creek, Tennessee, USA
- Modern, microservices based web-applications for accessing atmospheric data: ARM Data Center Example
- Monitoring the Pulse of our Planet: Towards the 100 Trillion Pixel Challenge
- Monte-Carlo simulations to study the influence of measurement uncertainty on overland flow using a parallel shallow flow code within the Kokkos framework
- Multi-hypothesis Representation of Leaf Level Photosynthesis Reveals the Sources of Variation in Terrestrial Biosphere Model Representation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Assimilation
- Multi-model, Multi-resolution Hydroclimate Projections and Associated Uncertainties: A Case Study for the Alabama-Coosa-Tallapoosa River Basin in the Southeastern United States
- Multi-year incubation experiments boost confidence in model projections of long-term soil carbon dynamics
- Multiscale representation of stream hyporheic-zone processes at catchment scales
- Multitenant Web Applications for Managing Data Across Multiple Projects at ORNL, Example: NGEE-Arctic, ARM, and Mercury Critical Interfaces Science Focus Area
- MyWorkspace: a framework to integrate geospatial data into reproducible, shareable, citable, and analysis-ready bundles
- NASA ESDIS Standards Office
- New Voices: Communication for Diversity and Public Engagement in Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
- Nitrogen uptake and allocation by an arctic grass: Impact of short-term warming on key functional plant traits
- Observing and Modeling the Seasonal Profile of Leaf Area for a Mid-western No-till Corn/Soybean Ecosystem.
- Ombrotrophic Peatland Responses to Warming and Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for Ecosystem Carbon Exchange, Productivity and Greenhouse Gas Production after 3-Years of Manipulation
- Oscillating Redox Conditions Controlled Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Wet Tropical Forest Soils
- Photoperiod effects on spring leaf out of deciduous forests
- Physics-informed Recurrent Neural Network Surrogates for E3SM Land Model
- Plant Stoichiometry Traits in Earth System Land Model and Their Impacts on Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycle
- Porosity Estimates and Clay Mineralogy of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Shale, Mid Continent, United States of America
- Preparing the Exascale Energy Earth System Model (E3SM) for Exascale Computing Platforms
- Probabilistic Sea Level Projections from Ice Sheet and Earth System Models (ProSPect)
- Projected Changes in the Terrestrial and Oceanic Regulators of Climate Variability Across Sub-Saharan Africa
- Quantifying dry deposition of ammonia and ammonium to Narragansett Bay using a Relaxed Eddy Accumulation sampling technique
- Quantifying uncertainty in E3SM land surface model predictions using surrogate modeling approaches
- Reconstruction of metagenome-assembled genomes from past and extant microbial populations in ancient Siberian permafrost
- Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models
- Reporting Populations at Risk Through Building Occupancy
- Representing small-scale heterogeneity in simulated radionuclide transport through brittle fault zones
- Response of Simulated Foliar Dark Respiration to Long-Term Temperature Change
- Root-soil interactions throughout the soil column at forested sites in Puerto Rico differing in soil phosphorus and the implications for linking root function with root distribution in models
- Sea Level Rise Impacts to the Built Environment and the Resulting Population Dynamics
- Seeking the best-fit microbial parameters via model calibrations: site-specific single dataset or cross-site multiple datasets?
- Shift towards intense and widespread precipitation events over the United States by mid 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Simulating Arctic Vegetation Types Across Ecological Gradients in the E3SM Land Model
- Soil CO2 flux in the permafrost zone: New insight from a year-round chamber network in Alaska and Canada
- Strategies for Integrating Orbital, Airborne, and in Situ Data: Extending a Soil Moisture Visualizer to Visualize Permafrost Data
- Streamflow in the Columbia River Basin: Quantifying changes over the period 1951-2008 and determining the drivers of those changes
- Taking regional atmospheric inversions to the next level: Lessons from the ACT-America mission
- Terrestrial biogeochemical feedbacks to a geoengineered climate
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The International Soil Modeling Consortium (ISMC) - New Opportunities for Advancing Data and Modeling of Soil Systems
- The Temperature Dependence of Plasmaspheric Ion Composition
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The genetic basis for anaerobic metabolism of dichloromethane
- The seasonal dynamics of gross primary production and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence in U.S. semi-arid grasslands
- Trace gas effluxes at night - the virtual chamber statistical methodology.
- Trait-Specific Seasonal Shifts in Tropical Tree Water Use and Soil Water Extraction Patterns in the Central Amazon
- Uncertainty Quantification for E3SM Land Component using Low-Rank Surrogate Models
- Understanding the connectivity of hydrologic model processes through an information theory approach
- Understanding the vulnerability of at-risk population and infrastructure interdependency during natural hazards using open source data
- Understanding water intercalation in layered silicates
- Unveiling Mercury Competitive Binding and Exchange Reactions within Natural Organic Matter and Mixed Organic Ligands using a Stepwise Reduction Approach
- Use of Riemann solvers and high-performance computing for 2D hydraulic and morphodynamic numerical simulations
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- Using Temporal "Rubber-Sheeting" to Match an Annual Phenological Profile to a Reference Profile for Direct Comparison of Vegetation Status and Health
- Viromes from Northern Minnesota Reveal Peatland Habitat Endemism of Globally Distributed Viral Populations
- Virtual and Augmented Reality for Visualization of Big Data: Examples from Deep Earth to Subsurface
- Warming increases plant-available nutrients in the SPRUCE bog
- Water Science Objectives and Water Budget Quantification in the SPRUCE Experiment
- Whole Ecosystem Warming Induces Physiological Stress and Tree Mortality in a Boreal Bog Ecosystem
- <SUB>Urban Scaling as Validation for Predictions of Imperviousness from Population</SUB>
- A GPU-ready, Massively Parallel Ultra-scale E3SM Land Model Development on Summit
- A Novel Unmanned Surface Vehicle-Sensor Platform for Mapping Water Quality in Streams and Rivers in the Agricultural Midwest
- A broadly applicable biophysical model of photosynthesis and its application for SIF remote sensing
- AI for Pattern Discovery can meet the needs of Environmental Science
- Addressing Technical Debt in Long Term Archives
- An Empirical Approach for Statistically Delineating Shared Global Fire Regimes
- An automated approach to flood detection through a threshold based method and machine learning using Sentinel-1A/B SAR data
- An intercomparison of ground-based land surface temperature measurements
- Analyzing the Effect of Climate Change on Extreme Flood Events in the Mississippi River Basin
- Assessing the Impact of Hurricane Sandy on Mobility Patterns in New York City across Scales
- Assessment of Compound Coastal-Riverine Flooding Risks Under Climate Change along the U.S. Coasts
- Autoplot Scripting using Jython and GitLab for Research Applications
- Beyond Flood Extent: Augmenting Near-real-time Remote Sensing with Water Depth and Impact Assessment Tools
- Biome- to global-scale controls over soil carbon storage: divergence in observations and process-based models
- Carbon cycle warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> responses in a northern temperate bog: a modeling study using ELM_SPRUCE
- Catchment Controls on Solute Exports in a Small Headwater Catchment Underlain with Discontinuous Permafrost
- Climatic and edaphic influences of manganese and carbon interactions in plants and soils across biomes in the US
- Coastal Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment Due to Coincident Occurrence of Tropical Cyclone-Induced Surge and Precipitation
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Combining data-driven machine-learning and process-based models for streamflow simulation: Preliminary results from the ExaSheds project
- Comparison of Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing and Mobile High-Sensitivity Temperature Probes for Stream and Hyporheic Zone Characterization
- Compound Drought and Heatwaves at a Global Scale: The Role of Natural Climate Variability
- Creating a Safe, Secure, Open, and Inclusive Project: Lessons from NGEE Arctic
- Deep Learning Enhanced Seismic Catalog for Oklahoma
- Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Extremes in Net Biome Productivity from 1850 through 2100
- Developing a Gridded Upscaled Soil Moisture Dataset Using Sparse in situ Observations
- Dimensionality Reduction and Physics-Informed Recurrent Neural Networks for Climate Land Models
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers: Reduced Model with Functional Groups
- Divergent hydraulic responses to dry season water limitation for canopy dominant species in an Eastern Amazon Rainforest
- Dynamic Likelihood Filter: A Data Assimilation Scheme that Exploits Hyperbolicity in Wave Problems to Propagate Observations
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Dynamics of Fungal and Bacterial Biomass Carbon in Natural Ecosystems: Site-level Applications of the CLM-Microbe Model
- Earth Observation (EO) based critical infrastructure exposure models and flood forecasting techniques for risk monitoring and management for the city of Vadodara, India
- Effects of Subgrid Topography on Simulations of Land Surface Processes in an Earth System Model
- Enabling ecosystem insights by integrating GEDI data with other NASA Earth observation products
- Encouraging Collaborative Research During ABoVE Through Coordinated Data Management
- Estimating Future Surface Water Availability with Reservoir Evaporation and Hydrological Drought Considered under CMIP6 Scenarios
- Evaluating Future Hydrological Drought under A Changing Climate using A Reservoir Storage Drought Index in the United States
- Evaluating the influence of wood water content under no flow conditions for trees among isohydric and anisohydric species.
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- ExaSheds: Advancing Watershed System Science using Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Extreme-Scale Simulation
- Examining adaptation to climate change in the water use patterns of boreal bog trees
- Examining the Economic and Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Using Earth Observation Data
- Factors influencing hydrogeochemistry in two permafrost watersheds in the Seward Peninsula, Alaska, USA
- Generating high-resolution estimates of precipitation at the watershed scale using machine learning
- Global evaluation of ELM v1 and the role of the phosphorus cycle and non-structural carbon in the historical terrestrial carbon balance
- Have Land Surface and Carbon Cycle Processes in Earth System Models Improved Over Time?
- Historical Streamflow Reanalysis at the National Scale using Hierarchical Routing and Data Assimilation
- How Does Whole-Ecosystem Warming Alter Plant Fine-Root and Fungal Mycelium Dynamics in a Boreal Peat Bog?
- How does photosynthetic response to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> compare at the leaf and canopy scales? A case study with Eucalyptus saligna saplings grown in whole-tree chambers
- HydroSAR: A Cloud-based SAR Data Analysis Service to Monitor Hydrological Disasters and their Impact on Population and Agriculture
- HydroSource: A National Water-Energy digital platform for Hydropower Data Accessibility and Use
- Hydrologic effects of leaf regulation strategies in the Amazonian headwater system
- Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland
- Hyperresolution Hydrology on Full River Basins: Addressing Challenges in Machine Architectures and Data Integration
- Identifying polygonal ground in arctic regions using GLCM texture features for support vector machine classification
- Impacts of including global vegetation demography and dynamic plant competition in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Improvements in Daymet Continental-Scale Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature Estimates
- Improving Parameter Inferences in a Multiscale Model for Transport in Stream Corridors
- Incorporating functional diversity into the Energy Land Model (ELM) substantially influences terrestrial carbon uptake
- Inspection of Subsurface Critical Infrastructure using a Phased Array 5G system
- Intensified Modular Solar Desalination toward Zero Liquid Discharge
- Investigating Microbial Phosphorus Acquisition in the Presence of Iron across a Permafrost Thaw Gradient in Abisko Sweden.
- Kinematics and mass flux contribution of migrating multi-scale bedforms
- LIS-Hydro: Authoritative Source for OCONUS Hydro-Intelligence
- Land Model Testbed: Accelerating Development, Benchmarking and Analysis of Land Surface Models
- Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository
- Low-Rank Tensor Network Approximations for Earth System Models
- MIDA, a software system to facilitate Model-Independent Data Assimilation and ecological forecasting
- Machine-Learning Discovery of Signature Atmospheric Flow Patterns in Complex Terrain
- Making superparameterization flexible for low cloud feedback analysis by focusing turbulence-permitting resolution where it matters most with geographic parallel load balancing
- Matrix MIP to trace uncertainty in predicting land carbon dynamics
- Metal-Ligand Interactions Influence Mercury Transformations in Metabolically-Active Transient Storage Zones
- Method Comparison for Hyporheic Zone Transport Model Parameter Estimation using Tracer Tests Conducted in East Fork Poplar Creek, Tennessee, USA
- Microbial respiration and temperature effects shape the in situ belowground CO<SUB>2</SUB> efflux of the root-soil microbiome of 8 temperate hardwood tree species.
- Model Resolution Sensitivity of the Simulation of NAO and ENSO teleconnections to Precipitation Extremes
- Modeling Interactions of Iron Reduction, Methanogenesis, and Organic Matter Degradation in Permafrost Soils
- Modeling Methane Emissions in Anaerobic Microsites Along a Catena in Puerto Rico
- Modeling Methane Emissions in an Amazonian Palm Swamp Peatland with the E3SM Land Model
- Multi-model Future Hydroclimate Projections using Downscaled CMIP6 over the Conterminous United States
- New Approaches to Handling Stiff Acoustic Modes in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework (MMF) Cloud Resolving Model (CRM)
- Nitrogen and Phosphorus Cycling in an Ombrotrophic Bog: A Foundation for Understanding Ecosystem Responses to Warming
- On surface fluxes at night - Application of the virtual chamber approach to ammonia flux measurements above a corn canopy in central Illinois
- Overland flow connectivity states in Lower Triangle Region, East River, Colorado
- Phosphorus bioavailability as a function of increasing permafrost thaw and surface ponding in Abisko, Sweden
- Photosynthesis and Phenology Parameter Optimization Alleviates Terrestrial Biosphere Model Underestimate of Net CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Interannual Variability at Semiarid Sites
- Photosynthetic acclimation to whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two peatland shrub species: implications for ecosystem modeling
- Plant Exudate-Soil Interactions Linked to Delayed Mineralization of Subsurface C Stores After 3 Years of Experimental Warming.
- Plant hydraulics: A theory-rich but data-poor field
- Post-fire erosion: implications for persistence of pyrogenic carbon in soil
- Potential Hydraulic and Power Effects of Hydrokinetic Turbines Deployed Within Hydropower Tailrace Channels
- Progress towards accelerating Unified Model on hybrid multi-core systems: Porting CASIM and SOCRATES to GPU
- Quantifying Precipitation, Streamflow, and Floodplain Forecasting Skills during Extreme Weather Events in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas
- Quantifying drivers of uncertainty in land model predictions at global scales using machine learning
- Quantifying the drivers and predictability of seasonal changes in African fire
- Quantitative multi-factor characterization of ecological vulnerability in the Mount Elgon ecosystem
- Rapid Flood Severity Classification and Alerting for the Spring 2020 Africa Floods: A Case Study
- Rapid Incorporation of Plant-derived Lipids into Soil Organic Matter in Response to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Warming in a Spruce-dominated Ombrotrophic Bog
- Reconstructed Multi-Moment Constrained Volume (RMCV) Schemes for Transport using ADER Time Discretizations
- Requirements of Data Portal for Atmospheric Data Measurement in the Brazilian context
- Response and recovery of tropical forests after cyclone disturbance
- Seasonal patterns of gross primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence over the northern land
- Silica Nanopores: Density and Thickness of the adsorbed water films and uptake of salt solutions
- Simulated and Observed Spatiotemporal Variations of Warming Caused Earlier Snow Melting in Northern High-Latitude Regions
- Spectral analysis of groundwater-surface water connectivity and its controls over timescales of minutes to years
- Statistical Characterization of Hyporheic Zone Properties Over Three Years
- Streamflow Predictions in Data-Scarce Basins using Bayesian and Physics-Informed Machine Learning Models
- Substantial increase in the frequency, intensity and extent of El Nino driven concurrent droughts with warming
- Subsurface Permeability Estimation using Deep Neural Networks
- The Community Land Model (CLM5) Parameter Perturbation Ensemble Project: Towards Comprehensive Understanding of Parametric Uncertainty on the Global Terrestrial Carbon Cycle
- The contribution of hydraulic redistribution to transpiration in the humid tropics
- The hydraulic capacitance of biomass: opportunities and challenges in observation and modeling
- The responses of spring phenology to temperature and photoperiod
- The role of snow timing in permafrost degradation
- Time-lags Between Canopy Photosynthesis and Soil Respiration in a Temperate Deciduous Forest
- Towards Developing Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reuse of Digital Data Quality Information
- Towards a deep learned subgrid-scale surrogate model for stratified turbulence from high-resolution simulation data
- Towards the Development of An Operational Hydrodynamic Flood Simulation Capability - A Multi-GPU TRITON Framework
- Triose phosphate limitation of photosynthesis: an unnecessary complexity in terrestrial biosphere models
- Tropical Indian Ocean Mediates ENSO Influence Over Central Southwest Asia During the Wet Season
- Tropical forest vulnerability to ENSO induced extremes in a changing climate
- Understanding and Managing Harmful Algal Bloom in West Florida Shelf using E3SM Earth System Model
- Understanding phenology of diverse tropical vegetation using high spatio-temporal resolution remote sensing
- Understanding the Patterns and Drivers of Arctic Tundra Plant Communities
- Urban Inequalities: measurement and characterization using infrastructure as a lens
- Vegetation regulation of warming impacts on belowground C cycling and methane emission in a temperate peatland
- Warming effects and biogeochemical drivers on methylmercury production in Arctic soils
- Water Risk for the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Water Stable Isotopes of Peatland Catchments: Toward a Better Understanding of Water Budgets in the Marcell Experimental Forest, MN
- A data-model intercomparison of the carbon-phosphorus interaction under elevated CO2 in a mature forest ecosystem (EucFACE)
- A deep learned subgrid-scale surrogate model for cloud-like flows from high-resolution simulation data
- A framework for flood detection and alerting for Vadodara to mitigate impacts on critical infrastructure and reduce economic losses
- Accessibility, Usability, and Visualization of HydroSource Data for River Basin-Scale Decision Making
- An Environmental Justice Lens for Measuring Neighborhood Scale Vulnerability
- An Urban Informatics-based Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Approach for the Smart Mobility and Environmental Management
- An accessible, data-driven approach for robust regional calibration of the Forest Vegetation Simulator for improved stand structure and carbon density modeling
- An adaptive adversarial domain adaptation approach for corn yield prediction
- An analytical understanding of model uncertainty using matrix approach
- An integrated hydrology and reactive transport model for the simulation of watershed systems
- Analysis of the Impact of Physics Representation on Permafrost Modeling
- Applying FAIR and TRUST Principles to Support the Earth Science Community at the Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center DAAC
- Assessing Hydropower Potential in National Water Conduits: Challenges and Opportunities
- Challenges and recent achievements in applying complex channel geometry in Saint-Venant simulation of large-scale river networks
- Combining new advances in modeling dynamic vegetation and nutrient competition to improve boreal forest predictions to changing climate
- Community Data Standards for More Reusable Data in Earth and Environmental Science
- Competitive exchange reactions between divalent metal ions (Cu2+, Zn2+, Ca2+) and Hg(II) bound to organic ligands and natural organic matter
- Comprehensive model evaluation to maximize utility to model developers, scientists and stakeholders: Towards Coordinated Model Evaluation Capabilities
- Confronting the water potential information gap
- Constraints and Drivers of Aqueous Fluxes of Pyrogenic Carbon from Terrestrial to Aquatic Systems
- Decreases in plant carbon use efficiency under whole ecosystem warming and no significant effect with carbon dioxide enrichment within a northern peatland ecosystem
- Deep Feature Extraction for Unsupervised Learning of Geophysical Datasets
- Detecting changes in permafrost active layer thickness from baseflow recession
- Development of Observation-based Global Multi-layer Soil Moisture Products for 1970 to 2016
- Development of a Biodynamic Model for Methylmercury Bioaccumulation Based on Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film (DGT) Passive Samplers
- Development of a Deep Learning Surrogate Model in the TRITON Inundation Modeling Framework
- Dissemination of Global Surface Water Mapping from SAR and Optical Data to Global Stakeholders
- Ecological and genomic response of soil microbiomes to wildfire: linking fundamental community assembly processes to ecosystem function
- Ecologically novel wildfires impact carbon and nitrogen cycling processes over a decade after disturbance: a tale of two ecosystems
- Effects of meteorological and ecological disturbances on tropical vegetation phenology
- Encouraging Collaborative Research During ABoVE Through Coordinated Data Management
- Enhancing Operational Flexibility of Integrated Nepalese Power System through Pumped-storage Hydropower
- Enhancing the FAIRness of Hydropower Data through the HydroSource Digital Platform
- Estimating ecosystem respiration and its components through a new modeling approach in the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)
- Evaluating Future Reservoir Evaporation Losses from CMIP6-Based Projections in the Conterminous United States
- Evaluating the Potential Impacts from Climate Change on Compound Flooding at a Coastal Watershed
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Evaluation and Parametric Sensitivity of the Nutrient Enabled Ecosystem Model FATES-ELM at a Tropical Testbed
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Assisted Reservoir Operation Models for Long-Term Water Management Simulation
- Evaluation of energy and water storage of conventional hydropower fleet in the U.S. under climate change
- Evaluation of the CMIP models with the International Ocean Model Benchmark tool: Rates of contemporary ocean carbon uptake linked with vertical temperature gradients and transport to the ocean interior
- Examining the effects of warming and elevated CO2 on a northern peatland using ELM-SPRUCE
- Exploring Natural Climate Solutions: Could flux towers be useful at industrial scales?
- Exploring Spatially Distributed Deep Learning Models for Global Gravitational Mapping
- From storylines to anthologies Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts
- Functional Tensor Network Approximations for E3SM Land Model
- Future warming and drying during the summer fire season in the northern hemisphere predicted by CMIP6 models
- GeoAI and Open Data for Time Critical Mission Support
- Geomorphic and Hydrodynamic Impacts on Sediment Transport on the Inner Louisiana Shelf
- High Fidelity Digital Twins of Urban Systems as Components in Earth System Digital Twins
- High-resolution Forcing Driven Offline ELM Snow Processing and Comparing to Observations in Two Alaska Tundra Regions
- Hit twice by the curse of dimensionality: spatio-temporal land model calibration using Karhunen-Loeve and sparse polynomial chaos expansions
- Homotopy Sampling, with an Application to Particle Filters
- How may the choice of downscaling techniques and meteorological reference observations affect future hydroclimate projections?
- How to Estimate Photosynthesis from Solar-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF)? Building the Physiological Foundation Utilizing Extensive Leaf-level Measurements across Diverse Plant Biomes and Environments
- Hurricane Michael: remote sensing-based assessment of vegetation damage, severity and recovery
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Illuminating Seismic Structures in Iberia Using a Deep Learning Seismic Phase Detector
- Impacts of topography-based subgrids with downscaling of atmospheric forcing and land surface heterogeneity on land surface processes
- Implementation and Analysis of Performance Portable Programming Models for cloud resolving GPU-enabled climate modeling
- Improved discovery through recommendations and tagging of Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) data
- Improving Urban Form Predictions to Improve Urban Microclimate Models.
- Improving land model predictions through parameter calibration enabled by machine learning
- Improving the E3SM Land Model Simulations of Carbon Fluxes for an Amazonian Palm Swamp Peatland
- Improving the Representation of the Hydro-biogeochemical Function of Stream Corridors Using Observation-informed Multiscale Modeling
- Informing Nature-based Climate Solutions with the best-available science: a research agenda for the land-atmosphere flux community
- Integrating Redox and Soil Geochemical Interactions with Carbon Cycling in a Land Surface Model
- International Community Guidelines for Sharing and Reusing Quality Information of Individual Earth Science Datasets
- Investigating Variability in the Intensity, Direction, and Spatial Distribution of Carbon Cycle Extremes and Attribution to Climate Drivers Using Observations and CMIP6 Earth System Models.
- Investigating the Impact of Climate Change on Extreme Flood Conditions Across the Mississippi River Basin
- Key parameters under varying phosphorus supply and temperature in the nutrient-enabled land surface model ELM-FATES
- Lagging Response of Belowground Functional Traits to Environmental Cues in a Mature Amazonian Tropical Rainforest
- Legacy of microbial composition matters in simulating climate-driven litter decomposition
- Linking water and oxygen availability to biogeochemical redox cycling and carbon release in Arctic soils
- Looking under the hood: benchmarking soil organic matter pool distributions at the global-scale
- Loss of twenty percent of global wetlands since 1700 estimated by soil drainage reconstruction
- Machine learning for red tide prediction in the Gulf of Mexico along the West Florida Shelf
- Modeling Salinity and Flooding Impacts on Methane Production across Submerging Deltaic Wetlands
- Modeling the yield, biogenic emissions, and soil carbon sequestration outcomes of Brassica carinata grown in the southeastern US as a winter cash crop and sustainable aviation fuel feedstock
- Monitoring Wide Area Power Outages During Winter Storm Uri Using Night-Time Light Imagery
- Multi-model ensemble does not fill the gaps in sparse wetland methane observations
- Multi-year incubation experiments boost confidence in model projections of long-term soil carbon dynamics
- Natural Vegetation Responses in Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G6 Experiments
- Optimal Resolution Urban Terrain Inputs to Microclimate Modeling for Local Climate Decision Support
- Partitioning net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 using Solar-Induced chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF)
- Performance Portability Efforts for the Portable Atmosphere Model (PAM) in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model - Multi-scale Modeling Framework (E3SM-MMF)
- Plant Oxidative Ratio Values are Invariant Under Simulated Climate Change in a Boreal Peatland Ecosystem
- Potential Ecological Impacts of Climate Intervention with Solar Radiation Modification
- Probabilistic flood hazard assessment of multi-mechanism floods using a computationally tractable Bayesian-motivated approach
- Quantifying Soil Percolation Dynamics & Biogeochemical Transport in Tropical Soils near Manaus, Brazil
- Relationship Between Socioeconomic Factors and the Built Environment of a City: A Case Study of Las Vegas, Nevada
- Representing coastal wetland vegetation responses to salinity in Earth system models
- Response of peatland water table recession to extreme drought: Experimental results and historical analysis, Marcell Experimental Forest, Northern Minnesota
- Simulation of Cold Processes in the CMIP6 Land-Historical Simulations
- Soil Carbon-climate Feedback during 21st Century
- Sorbent-Based Technology for Mercury Remediation in a Freshwater Aquatic System
- Spectroscopic investigation of manganese and carbon transformation during litter decomposition
- Structure-preserving, high-order and oscillation-limited transport operators
- Studies of hurricane disturbance and recovery in Puerto Rico using ELM-FATES
- Surface-wave relocation of remote moderate-to-large magnitude earthquakes along the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Taming root systems heterogeneity to reduce Earth System Model uncertainty
- The Climate Feedback of Potential Photosynthetic Efficiency: A Meta-Analysis Utilizing SIF
- The Detection of Indigenous Sterane Biomarkers in an Immature Jurassic Sediment using ToF-SIMS Mass Spectrometry Imaging
- The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Meteorological Forcing on Watershed Hydrological Responses
- The Next Generation Water Resources Modeling Framework: Open Source, Standards Based, Community Accessible, Model Interoperability for Large Scale Water Prediction
- The Relationship Between Tropical Cyclone Translation Speeds and Aerosol Concentration
- The Role of Ester Sulfate and Organic Disulfide in Mercury Methylation in Ombrotrophic Peat Soils
- The Role of Terrestrial Phosphorus Limitation in Carbon Cycle-Climate Feedbacks
- The global vulnerability of plant xylem
- The mycorrhizal associated nutrient economy hypothesis: New formulations, context dependencies and research needs
- Thermodynamic Drivers of Precipitation Variability over the Arabian Peninsula
- Time and the Value of Data: One Aspect of Changing Data Sharing Behaviors
- Toward more mechanistic representations of biogeochemical processes in river networks: Implementation and demonstration of a multiscale model
- Understanding limitations in generalizability and performance across two process guided deep learning architectures for predicting stream temperature
- Unpacking the Drivers of Diurnal Dynamics of Sun-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence (SIF): Canopy Structure, Plant Physiology, Instrument Configuration and Retrieval Methods
- Upscaling Soil Organic Carbon Measurements from NEON Terrestrial Sites to CONUS using a Multivariate Quantitative Method
- Using Multi-Task Learning to Isolate the Response of Western US Precipitation During ENSO Events
- What can we learn from multiple watershed models and observations?
- Whole-Ecosystem Warming of a Boreal Peatland Decreases Microbial Diversity and Stimulates Methane Production from Plant Metabolites
- Wildfire Classification using PETSc-based Support Vector Machines on Distributed-Memory GPU-based Parallel Computers
- Wood water content influences sap flux estimations under water limited conditions in a deciduous forest in Michigan
- A Differentiable Ecosystem Modeling Framework for Highly Efficient Forward and Inverse Problems
- A machine learning-based, direct prediction framework for timely forecasting of CO2 plume migration
- A multiscale model for representing transport in river basins with unsteady flow
- A new paradigm in photosynthesis modeling
- A novel modeling framework to understand the fate and transport of salts in sanitary sewer systems
- Accounting Uncertainties is Crucial to Improving Multipurpose Reservoir Management
- Analysis Ready and Cloud-optimized Data Formats for NASA Airborne Facility Instruments
- Application-specific model selection and model weighting of global climate models with application to regional environmental management of red tide
- Applying Sensor Networks and Design Interconnectivity to Further Understanding and Modeling of Coastal Ecosystem Response to Global Change: A Journey into Developing Design Interconnectivity Among Six Coastal Experiments
- Artificial Intelligence for Exploring Climate Change Mitigation Strategies and Advancing Earth System Prediction
- Artificial light at night: an under-appreciated effect on plant phenology in urban areas
- Assessing Hydropower Trend and Variability in a Changing Climate and Energy Landscape
- Assessing the feasibility of a spaceborne 3D lightning observing concept
- Automated high-resolution characterization of the shoreline environment: Elevation, bathymetry, and spectral mapping
- Automating integration of observations and experiments in the E3SM land model
- Basin-scale investigations of topographic influence on permafrost thaw in ice wedge-affected landscapes
- Big World / Small World: Nested subgrids bring Earth-system land models alive
- Bridging Community Initiatives, Aligning Goals, and Fostering Collaboration Through the Development of Science Enabling Centers
- Canopy Randomness and Stem Size Effects on the Sediment-Water-Air Interfacial Transfer in Vegetated Flows
- Characterizing development/retrofit projects using existing non-powered infrastructure
- Climate Change Impacts on the Natural World
- Climate Threats to Ecosystem Services from Reservoirs
- Climate and Water Risk to the Bulk Power System: Asset to Grid Impacts
- Coastal Observations, Mechanisms, and Predictions Across Systems and Scales - Field, Measurements, and Experiments (COMPASS-FME)
- Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories
- Compound flood hazard assessment using a Bayesian framework
- Continental-Scale Changes in Discharge of the Mississippi River Basin in Response to Future Hydroclimate Projections
- Controls on Carbon Release from Arctic Thermokarst Landscapes: Changing Redox Conditions Driven by Soil Saturation and Drainage
- Coordinated Data Management to Encourage Collaborative Research During the NASA ABoVE Campaign
- Coupled Process Simulations Indicate that Subsidence Will Accelerate Permafrost Thaw and Lead to Drier Tundra
- Crediting Blue Carbon Lateral Fluxes: Measurement and Prediction of Flux Rates
- Critical Evaluation of the Neoma MC-ICP-MS for Actinide Isotopic Measurements
- Data and Computing Ecosystem Based on Scientific User Needs: A Use Case from the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Program
- Deep Feature Extraction Methods and Clustering of Geophysical Datasets
- Deriving a Solubility Map of Soil Organic Carbon over the Contiguous U.S.
- Disparities in Observed vs Modeled Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Using a Continentally Distributed Dataset
- Dissemination of Global Flood Information Through NASA Disasters Program Global Initiative for Flood Forecasting and Alerting (GIFFT)
- Dissolved Pyrogenic Carbon: Constraints and Drivers in the Soil System
- Dominant source of uncertainty in CLM simulations of hydrological signatures: a CONUS-scale comparison between forcing and parametric uncertainty
- Drivers of Soil Respiration Partitioning in a Seasonally Dry Mid-Latitude Forest
- Drought Susceptibility and Response Across Different Vegetation Types in California
- ESGF2: Building the Next Generation Earth System Grid Federation
- Ecophysiological Impacts of Long-term Whole Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2 on a Forested Boreal Bog
- Ecosystem Services from Partially-harvested Riparian Buffers
- Effect of Dry and Wet Annealing on the Mechanical Properties of Limestones
- Effects of Climate Change on US Federal Hydropower Generation - CMIP6-based Assessment with Focus on Understanding the Uncertainty
- Emerging Frontiers in Environmental Leaf Gas Exchange Studies Integrating CO2, H2O, O2, and Isoprene Fluxes with Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Techniques
- Enabling Actionable Insights of Climate & Water Risk to the Bulk Power System Through an Interactive Visualization Tool
- Enhancing the FAIRness of Airborne Atmospheric Composition Data: Lessons Learned from Two NASA Earth Venture Suborbital Missions
- Estimating Leaf Area Index of Peatland Conifers Using Terrestrial Lidar and a Voxel-Based Method
- Estimating Socio-Economic Characteristics of Urban Mobile Home Park Communities and Their Vulnerability to Heatwaves
- Evaluating future changes in electricity demand over the southeastern United States using a set of high-resolution climate projections
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions
- Evolution of Fire Activities in a Geoengineered Climate
- Expanding Hydropower Generation Using Hydrokinetic Turbines in Tailrace Channels: A Feasibility and Site Optimization Study
- Experimental Warming and Elevated CO2 Jointly Affect Conifer Reproduction in a Boreal Bog Ecosystem
- Exploiting Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Earth and Environmental System Science
- Exploring Interpretability and Performance of an Attention-based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Network for Rainfall-runoff Modeling
- Exploring a Novel Model Conceptualization for Watershed-scale Permafrost Simulation
- Exploring the Benefits of Machine Learning: Improving Stormflow Predictions using Long Short-Term Memory Networks
- Exposure, Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in Mid-Atlantic Stream Food Webs
- Flood risk to power generation in the United States
- Flooding events and groundwater redox dynamics of coastal ecosystems
- Forest Structure and Progressive Nitrogen Limitation in Duke and Oak Ridge FACE Experiments Simulated with ELM-FATES-CNP
- Generating Subkilometer Urban Morphological Feature Inputs for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Global-Scale AI for Gravity Prediction
- Heat Wave Predictions with Dynamical and Statistical Downscaling Methods
- How do different nitrogen acquisition strategies of mycorrhizal fungi affect soil carbon cycling? A model-based assessment.
- How does the extratropical forest land-atmosphere coupling of energy and water change under elevated CO2 and warming?
- How soil microbial properties change in the transitional layer between organic and mineral soil in the Arctic tundra
- HydroSource Data Explorer: Custom Data Analysis and Visualization for Hydropower
- Hydropower's Role in the Future Decarbonized Bulk Power System under Climate Change Constraints
- Identifying the Hydrometeorological Decision Factors Influencing Reservoir Releases over the Upper Colorado Region using a Long Short-Term Memory Network
- Impact of a northward migration of the ITCZ on terrestrial ecosystem function in North Africa
- Impacts of Climate Intervention on Sulfur Deposition with CMIP6 Model Outputs
- Improved Representation of Surface and Subsurface Drainage Networks in Integrated Hydrology Models for Managed Watersheds
- Incorporating Uncertainty in Building Occupancy Estimates Derived from Location-Based Services Data.
- Incorporation of Microbial Communities into Reactive Transport Modeling of Nitrogen in Subsurface Systems under Rainfall Perturbations
- Insights from Dayflow: A Spatiotemporally Continuous Historical Streamflow Reanalysis Dataset for the Conterminous United States
- Integrating Earth Observation and Census Data to Address Equitable Access to Urban Heat Stress Mitigation Strategies
- Integrating omics, machine learning, and process-based land surface model to predict environmental feedbacks of microbial functions and its implication for soil carbon emission
- Interactions Between Organic Carbon and Synthetic Manganese and Iron Oxides in Acidic Forest Soil
- Interactive Effects of Nitrogen and Manganese Availability and Temperature on Losses of Carbon and Nitrogen from Leaves
- Inundation Caused by Rising Water Levels in the Great Lakes Drives Hydraulic Dysfunction in Coastal Trees
- Investigating the integrated effects of intermittent inundation and rainfall on carbon cycling dynamics at the coastal terrestrial-aquatic interface.
- Iron concentrations and speciation across a soil moisture and soil pH gradient in the arctic tundra and its impact on phosphate availability
- Lessons Learned by the ORNL DAAC about Airborne and Field Data across nearly 30 years of Archival, Distribution, and User Support
- Leveraging HydroSource data to facilitate socially conscious decision-making in the hydropower community
- Leveraging Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Images and GEDI Observations to Estimate Above Ground Biomass in Costa Rica
- Litter Transformation During Decomposition as a Function of Warming and Manganese Addition
- Low Flow Characteristics For Regulated And Unregulated Streams In North Carolina And Prediction Using Climate Signals
- Machine Learning (ML) Applications for Metadata Automation
- Machine learned surrogate model for subgrid-scale turbulence effects in supercell flows using the miniWeatherML app
- Machine learning-based observation-constrained global wildfire projections
- Making Dataset Quality Information FAIR - Supporting Open-Source Science and Enhancing (re)Use and Trustworthiness of Scientific Data
- Model performance of high flow events using a heterogeneous land surface configuration
- Modeling of Climate Feedbacks of Light-Dependent Photophysical and Photochemical Reactions and their Implication for Terrestrial Carbon Assimilation: Global Analysis Using the Community Land Model
- Molecular Observation Networks for Enhancing Ecosystem Modeling
- Monitoring Air, Train, and Vehicle Traffic Using Seismic and Acoustic Data
- Multi-satellite Precipitation Estimates Can Improve Irrigation Water Decisions
- MultiSector Urban Dynamics are a Critical Part of Climate Solutions
- New Insights into the Tightly Coupled Social Fabric of the Built Environment
- New Observations of Intermediate-Duration Downward Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes
- Observations of Multiple TGF-producing Storms at the Telescope Array in Utah
- One Growing Season of Warming Increases Soil Nutrient Availability but Not Plant Nitrogen Uptake: Insight Into Belowground Dynamics of Arctic Ecosystems
- Opportunities for using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Address Hydrological Grand Challenges
- Photosynthesis phenology, as defined by solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence, is overestimated by vegetation indices in the extratropical Northern Hemisphere
- Predicting crop yields using satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence without ground calibration
- Predicting the trajectory of ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 and phosphorus fertilization at EucFACE
- Prolonged Drought in a Mediterranean EcoRegion Suppresses Wildfire Impacts on Hydrology
- Promoting Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Across the Earth Science Information Community
- Quantification of Environmental Drivers Underlying the Changes in Urban Vegetation Using Machine Learning
- Quantification of the Bedrock-Through-Canopy Controls on Subsurface Thermal and Hydrological Regimes Across an Arctic Watershed in a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- Quantifying Extremes in Net Biospheric Production and Attribution to Compound Climate Drivers
- Quantifying Watershed-Scale Heterogeneity of Soil Thermal Regimes across a Discontinuous Permafrost Environment
- RamSat: A mentor's view of STEM success built on NASA's Cubesat Launch Initiative
- Rapid Organic-Matter Decomposition in Response to Whole-Ecosystem Warming in an Ombrotrophic Peatland
- Rapid denitrification of N-contaminated groundwater in a low-gradient blackwater stream
- Re-Certification of the IRMM-183-187 Series of Uranium Nitrate Solution Reference Materials
- Redox Conditions Vary with Depth in Arctic Tundra Surface Soils
- Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession
- Relative Importance of Subgrid Scale Heterogeneity of Land Surface Properties and Atmospheric Forcing to Improve Earth System Model Simulations
- Resilience Assessment of Urban Road Network with Flood Damage using Remote Sensing Data
- Response of wetland ecosystems to increasing frequency of atmospheric fronts
- Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance
- Scalable Wildfire Classification Using Distributed Memory Parallel, GPU-enabled Support Vector Machines
- Shallow or deep? Belowground nitrogen acquisition strategies of dominant tundra plant species
- Shifts in Global Teleconnections on Arabian Peninsula Precipitation
- Shifts in belowground processes along a forest edge transition
- Simulating Coastal Wetland Hydro-Biogeochemistry in a Land Surface Model: Tidal Flows, Redox Dynamics, and Vegetation Interactions
- Simulating Methane Production in Inter-tidal Wetlands Using PFLOTRAN
- Simulating Operation Behaviors of Cascade Reservoirs Using Physics-Based Machine Learning Models: A Case Study for Gunnison River Basin
- Six Years of Experimental Manipulations at SPRUCE: Consequences for Nutrient cycling in Vegetation, Water & Peat
- Soil and Stem Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes of an Amazonian Palm Peatland
- Spatiotemporal Heterogeneity of Methane Emissions in Peruvian Amazonian Peatlands: A Modeling Approach
- Stayin' Alive: Linking Plant Available Water and Sourcing Depths to Ecohydrological Water Fluxes in Neotropical Forests
- Substituting Sentinel-3 OLCI for MODIS NDVI, Converting Historical MODIS into Synthetic Sentinel-3, and Generating National Days Early/Late Phenology Timing Maps
- Successes And Vision For Open Earth Sciences
- Surface Instabilities during Mineral Precipitation in Reactive Flow
- The Application of Remote Sensing Data, Analytical Models, and a Decision Support System to Monitor, Alert and Respond to Flood, Landslide and Wildfire Hazards Around the Globe
- The RhizoChip: a synthetic soil habitat for characterizing plant-microbe-soil interactions
- Towards the development of a high-resolution historical flood inundation reanalysis dataset for the conterminous United States
- Towards trustworthy machine learning workflow for mapping gravity anomaly: Preliminary exploration of XAI
- Tracking Littoral Area Variability in Multi-purpose Reservoirs through Remote Sensing: Implications for GHG Emissions
- Transient Storage Model Parameter Optimization Using the Simulated Annealing Method
- Traversing and Synthesizing Fragmented Ecological Observations across Global Networks and Databases
- Trends and Drivers of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Hydropower Reservoirs in the Southeastern US
- Uncertainty Quantification of Machine Learning Models to Improve Streamflow Prediction in Changing Climate and Environmental Conditions
- Uncertainty quantification of machine learning-based permeability estimation from rock images
- Uncertainty, Error and Anomalies in ML models of Remote Sensing Data
- Understanding Microbial Structure and Cross-kingdom Interactions in Response to Urbanization Across Aquatic Ecosystem Gradients.
- Understanding the Climate Impact of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume (AACP) in Hydrating the Lower Stratosphere.
- Upscaling soil organic carbon measurements at the continental scale by multivariate clustering analysis and machine learning
- Using Bayesian Model Averaging to Develop an Observationally Constrained Ensemble of Downscaled Earth System Models to Support the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment
- Using Machine Learning to Aid in the Interpretation of MS Imaging Datasets: Multimodal Analysis of a Geologic Sample Containing Organic Molecular Biosignatures
- Using Statistical Learning Methods to Accelerate Model Parameter Sensitivity Experiments
- Warming or Cooling? The Impact of Extreme Summer Rainfall on Permafrost Soils
- Wet carbon monitoring with remote sensing: a review of the knowledge and needs
- Where and when is including underflow important for representing denitrification in the hyporheic zone?
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. W. Wood
- Abhishekh Srivastava
- Abigail L. S. Swann
- Adam Collins
- Adam S. Ward
- Adam Terando
- Adrienne B. Keller
- Adrienne Wootten
- Ahmad A. Tavakoly
- Ahmad Jan
- Ahmed S. Elshall
- Alan K. Knapp
- Alan M. Rhoades
- Alan Robock
- Alexander Johs
- Alexander Y. Sun
- Alexandra Hamm
- Alison M. Hoyt
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Amy Goldman
- Anders Ahlström
- Andrew Frampton
- Ankur R. Desai
- Anping Chen
- Anthony J. Stewart
- Anthony P. Walker
- Ashley K. Lang
- Ashley M. Matheny
- Auroop R. Ganguly
- Avni Malhotra
- Bandana Kar
- Baohua Gu
- Baptiste Dafflon
- Belinda E. Medlyn
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Ben Kravitz
- Benjamin N. Sulman
- Benjamin Poulter
- Benjamin R. K. Runkle
- Benjamin T. Manard
- Bharat Sharma
- Bin Wang
- Bo Gao
- Boris Faybishenko
- Brandy M. Toner
- Brent D. Newman
- Brett Bass
- Brian Avant
- Bruce E. Wilson
- Bryce E. Harrop
- C. Rhett Jackson
- C. Y. Chang
- Carl C. Trettin
- Carl P. J. Mitchell
- Carlotta Brunetti
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- Caroline Pierce
- Catherine Mitchell
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles D. Koven
- Charles J. Ammon
- Charuleka Varadharajan
- Chen Wang
- Chengping Chai
- Cheryl S. Harrison
- Chia Ping Huang Yang
- Chien‐Yung Tseng
- Chonggang Xu
- Chris Derksen
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- Chunyan Li
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- D. M. Ricciuto
- Dalia Kirschbaum
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- Daniel S. Goll
- Daniel T. Roman
- Daniele Visioni
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- Dipankar Dwivedi
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- Efrén López‐Blanco
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- Elizabeth Agee
- Elizabeth Herndon
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Emily Robles
- Enqing Hou
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric J. Ward
- Eric M. Pierce
- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
- Erin C. Berns-Herrboldt
- Erin Rooney
- Ethan T. Coon
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Evan A. Thaler
- Evan W. Osborne
- Fabien Kenig
- Fausto Machado‐Silva
- Fenghui Yuan
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- Fianna O’Brien
- Flavio Lehner
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- Forrest M. Hoffman
- François Primeau
- Fulden Batıbeniz
- G. Keppel‐Aleks
- Gabriel Pérez
- Ganesh R. Ghimire
- Gang Zhao
- Gangsheng Wang
- Gavin McNicol
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- German Vargas G.
- Grant M. Domke
- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
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- Hadi Heidari
- Hannah J. Rubin
- Haowen Xu
- Helen Weierbach
- Helga do Rosário Gomes
- Hinsby Cadillo‐Quiroz
- Hisham Eldardiry
- Hong Yi Li
- Hongxiang Yan
- Huikyo Lee
- Huilin Gao
- Inke Forbrich
- J. C. Rowland
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- J. David Moulton
- J. David Neelin
- J. K. Shuman
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- J. Stelling
- J. Theodore Peña
- J. Wang
- James C. Stegen
- James R. Holmquist
- James T. Randerson
- Jared Willard
- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeeban Panthi
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- Jennifer Wei
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- Jiafu Mao
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- Joan E. Ball-Damerow
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- Jocelyn M. Lavallee
- John W. Nielsen‐Gammon
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- Jonathan Frame
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- Joyeeta Bhattacharya
- Julie D. Jastrow
- Junye Wang
- Jürgen Knauer
- K. F. Tiampo
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- Kaiyu Guan
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- Kenton A. Rod
- Kevin D. Kroeger
- Khachik Sargsyan
- Kim Ely
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kristen Butler
- Kristin Boye
- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kuang‐Yu Chang
- Kurt C. Solander
- Kyle G. Pressel
- Kyle S. Hemes
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lara M. Kueppers
- Laura Castañeda‐Gómez
- Lawrence M. Anovitz
- Lawrence Mudryk
- Lesley Wyborn
- Lianhong Gu
- Lifen Jiang
- Lin Meng
- Linsey Passarella
- Lisamarie Windham‐Myers
- Lola Fatoyinbo
- M. A. Stanley
- M. E. Gonneea
- M. E. Litvak
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- M. G. Cooper
- M. Newcomer
- M. S. Torn
- M. Tzortziou
- Maegen Simmonds
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- Malak M. Tfaily
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Manil Maskey
- Marc Simard
- Marcelo M. F. Saba
- Marielle Saunois
- Mario Morales-Hernández
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- Matthew R. Norman
- Matthias M. Boer
- Maxwell Grover
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- Melanie A. Mayes
- Michael A. Brunke
- Michael N. Weintraub
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- Ming Ye
- Mingjie Shi
- Mingkai Jiang
- Mingwu Fan
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- Muralikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Meena
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- Nicholas D. Ward
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- Nicole D. Jackson
- O. E. Bronson Messer
- Osamu Miyawaki
- Oscar J. Valverde‐Barrantes
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- P. R. Krehbiel
- Pamela Weisenhorn
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- Patrick M. Reed
- Patrick Neri
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- Peishi Jiang
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- Phuong Thu Le
- Pin Shuai
- Ping Chang
- Qing Zhu
- R. Abney
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- Ricardo J. Eloy Alves
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- Robert Crystal‐Ornelas
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- Robert R. Downs
- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Rose Abramoff
- Roy L. Rich
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- S. Topp
- S. Uhlemann
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Sarah M. Stough
- Sarat Sreepathi
- Sasha Ames
- Saubhagya Singh Rathore
- Scott DeNeale
- Sean W. Fleming
- Sergi Molins
- Shawn P. Serbin
- Sheila F. Murphy
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Simone Tilmes
- Siyan Liu
- Siyang Jian
- Solomon Ehosioke
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- Sophia LaFond‐Hudson
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- Stephen D. Sebestyen
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- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven J. Hall
- Stuart Cohen
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Susan S. Hubbard
- Susana Custódio
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Susanne Wiesner
- Sylvain Fiolleau
- Teamrat A. Ghezzehei
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- Tian Zhou
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- Timothy J. Lang
- Timothy R. Ginn
- Umakant Mishra
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- Weiwei Fu
- Wenwei Xu
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- William R. Wieder
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