University of Southern California
flowchart I[University of Southern California] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1794)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (256)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of Southern California, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A 160,000-Year Record of Tropical Climate Variability From Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
- Absence of the large ice-cap instability in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model of the Neoproterozoic
- An Observational Test of the Optimally-Oriented Plane Hypothesis
- Basin structure of the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys and geometry of the Northridge and San Fernando faults as determined from the Los Angeles Region Seismic Experiment, Phase II (LARSE II)
- Bio-Optical Modeling of Primary Production on Regional Scales: The Bermuda BioOptics Project (BBOP)
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Jupiter's Auroral Variability
- Crustal Structure Across the Northridge Earthquake Region Using Wide-Angle Seismic Profiling along the LARSE II Transect
- Deep structure in the region of the San Fernando and Santa Clarita Valleys, southern California, from LARSE II seismic imaging, earthquake relocation, and magnetic modeling -- a progress report
- Detachment Faulting in the Western Basin and Range: New Geometric, Thermal, and Temporal Constraints From the Bare Mountain Region in Southwestern Nevada
- FEATURED PRESENTATION: The Magnitude and Temporal and Phasing of Tropical Temperature Signals During the Quaternary
- Formation of the Kodiak Batholith: a Consequence of Spreading Ridge Subduction
- Full Three-Dimensional Seismic Structure of the Mantle Beneath Southwestern Pacific Ocean
- Full Three-Dimensional Tomography Experiments in the Western Pacific Region
- High-Resolution Seismic Imaging of Quaternary Faults and Deformation in the Los Angeles Region
- Interpretation of Refraction Data From the San Fernando Valley Sedimentary Basin
- New Near-Source Tsunami Field Data for the April 1, 1946 Aleutian Earthquake, Alaska
- Pioneer 10 Lyman Alpha Data and Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM) Neutral Hydrogen Density
- Predictability of the Lagrangian Motion in the Upper Ocean
- Preliminary Simulation Results of the 23 June, 2001 Peruvian Tsunami
- Revisiting the Tidal Activation of Seismicity With a Damage Mechanics and Friction Point of View
- Statistical Distribution of Leucocratic Melts in the Swakane Terrane, North Cascades Crystalline Core, WA: Implications for Melt Transport and Collection in Deep Crust
- Stress Accumulation and Observations of Accelerating Seismicity Before Large Earthquakes
- The Evolution of Regional Seismicity Between Large Earthquakes
- The Southern California Fault Activity Database
- The nature of ``small-scale'' convection in the presence of plate tectonics
- Variations in Total Solar and Spectral Irradiance During Solar Cycle 23
- A Damage Rheology Model Based on Continuum Mechanics and Irreversible Thermodynamics
- A seismic dislocation model for tne 1946 Aleutian tsunami in the far-field
- Active Deformation at Canyonlands National Park: Distribution of Displacement Across Grabens Using InSAR
- Apparent Stress Scaling Relations for Mining-Induced Seismicity
- Array Analysis of Surface Waves for High-Resolution Tomography: Preliminary Results
- Biomarkers: d13C and d15N Distribution Tightly Coupled to Nutrient Dynamics and Viral Lysing in a Microbial Mat From Death Valley, California
- Deductive Coordination of Multiple Geospatial Knowledge Sources
- Does Differential Diffusion of Light Stable Isotopes Significantly Influence Their Pore Water Profiles?
- Fertilizing the Ocean Deserts During the LGM: Is There Evidence for Increased Paleoproductivity and Redfield Decoupling in the Glacial Tropical/Subtropical World Ocean?
- Full Three-Dimensional Approach: Seismic Structure of the Mantle Beneath Western Pacific Using 3-D Fréchet Kernels
- High Exhumation Rates Based on Fission-Track Data From Western Bhutan Himalaya
- Integrating EarthScope Research and Education on a National Scale
- Investigation of Nucleation Bursts During the Pittsburgh Air Quality Study
- Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Periods in Eastern China as Read from the Speleothem Records
- Moving Closer to EarthScope: A Major New Initiative for the Earth Sciences*
- On the use of Historic Atmosphere-Lake-Level Relationships for Reconstructing Stable Oxygen Isotope-Based Paleohydrology in Southern CA.
- Post 2 Ma Cooling and Denudation Patterns Along the Marsyandi Drainage in the Central Nepalese Himalaya From Apatite Fission Track and (U-Th)/He Analyses
- Preliminary Modeling of Tsunami Waves Generated by the Earthquake of 9 September 2002 Offshore of Northern Papua New Guinea
- Regional Characterization of Metropolitan Areas in Japan for Strong Ground Motion Evaluation
- Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Northeastern Pacific During the Past 600 Years-a Perspective on the 20th Century Climate Record
- Statistical analysis of slab-window related plutons: The Sanak-Baranof belt of southern Alaska
- Strain rates during pluton emplacement: Extremely rapid host rock deformation or aureole displacement at background strain rates?
- Targets for Earthscope (USArray) in Southern California: Mid-Crustal Decollements Beneath the Transverse Ranges
- The Global Climatic Effect of Opening the Equatorial Atlantic Gateway in the mid-Cretaceous
- The Impact of GPS TEC Data on the Global Assimilative Ionosphere Model (GAIM)
- The Martian Surface As Seen by the 2001 Mars Odyssey Thermal Emission Imaging System Experiment
- The Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Porewater Nitrate from Bering Sea Sediments
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory: A web-based system for modeling multi-scale earthquake processes
- Timing the Initiation of Extension Along the Shanxi Rift, China, With Implications for the Cenozoic Tectonics of Asia
- Tsunami Generation From the Santa Catalina Island Restraining Bend Offshore of Los Angeles, California
- 1992-2002: Perspective on a decade of tsunami field surveys
- A Geoscience Grid: The SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME)
- A Holocene Sediment Record From Lake Elsinore, Southern California: Evidence for Relative Lake Level Change and the Onset of ENSO.
- A System for Evaluating Earthquake Driven Stress Changes in the Los Angeles Region.
- Assimilation of Space-Based Ultraviolet Data Into a Recursive Global Ionospheric Model
- Asymmetric Structural Properties Across the San Jacinto Fault, Anza and the San Andreas Fault, Gorman: A Possible Indication of Preferred Rupture Direction
- Building A Collaborative And Distributed E&O Program For EarthScope
- Distribution of Displacement Across Canyonlands Grabens Using GPS and InSAR
- Evidence for Self-Similar, Triangular Slip Distributions on Earthquake Faults, and Implications on Fault and Earthquake Mechanics
- Fault and Rift evolution - All Features Great and Small
- Field Survey of the 30 December 2002 Stromboli Tsunami
- Latest Development of Real-Time Strong-Motion Monitoring System in Taiwan
- Linked space physics models for operational ionospheric forecasting
- Low Temperature Thermochronology From the SAFOD Pilot Hole: Constraining the Thermal History With Apatite Fission-Track and (U-Th)/He Analyses
- Millennial and Centennial Variability of the California Current System During the Holocene Recorded in Santa Barbara Basin
- NEES Tsunami "Product" Example : Standards and Guidelines for Construction of Coastal Structures.
- OpenSHA: Community Tools for Seismic Hazard Analysis
- Post-Seismic Deformation from Geodetic Observations Following the 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Progress on Earthquake Rapid Reporting and Early Warning Systems in Taiwan
- Pyrite Framboids: A Possible Biosignature For the Study of Ancient Sediments
- Rapid opening of the Asal rift in Afar observed with radar interferometry
- SCEC CFM - A WWW Accessible Community Fault model for Southern California
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Data and Metadata Management Issues
- SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - Seismic Hazard Analysis Applications and Infrastructure
- Seismic Structure of the Mantle Beneath Western Pacific Using 3D Fréchet Kernels
- Seismic Structure of the San Fernando and Antelope Valleys, Southern California: Results From LARSE II Refraction, Industry Reflection, and Oil-Test Well Data
- Slip Surfaces in Fault Breccia From the Sierra Madre Fault Zone: Geometry and Mechanical Implications
- Some Programs Should Not Run on Laptops - Providing Programmatic Access to Applications Via Web Services
- T waves from the 1998 Papua New Guinea earthquake and its aftershocks: Timing the tsunamigenic slump
- The Biosignatures of Controlled Bbiomineralization of Pyrite From Fe<SUP>2+</SUP> and H<SUB>2</SUB>S by Thiomonas sp.
- The Electronic Encyclopedia of Earthquakes
- The Preliminary Estimates of Tsunami Risk Zones for the Coast of Marmara Sea
- The Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- The international Solid Earth Virtual Research Observatory (iSERVO) institute seed project
- Tracer Transport in the Atmosphere
- Tsunami Hazards From Strike-Slip Earthquakes
- Tsunami Inundation Mapping for the State of California
- Using Digital Topography to Differentiate Erosionally Exhumed and Tectonically Active Mountains Fronts
- Using Geowall to Promote Undergraduate Research
- Witnessing a Revolution in Ionospheric Remote Sensing
- X-ray Microprobe Investigations of Elemental Distributions and Concentrations at Mineral-Microbe Interfaces
- A Modified Method for Saline Lake Calcite Isotope Analysis: Application to a Study of Climate Change over 200,000 Years in Death Valley, California.
- A high-throughput, high-resolution spectrometer for mapping the heliopause and 3-D Solar Wind using He+ 30.4nm
- Age Offsets of the Matuyama-Brunhes Polarity Transition in Records From the Atlantic: Lock-in Depth Variations or Site Dependent Field Behavior?
- Application of FACTS as a tool for modeling, archiving and sharing tsunami simulation results.
- Building the Southern California Earthquake Center
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn H<SUB>2</SUB> Dayglow Emission
- Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Initial Observations of Saturn
- Cyberinfrastructure for the Unified Study of Earth Structure and Earthquake Sources in Complex Geologic Environments
- Depth-Dependent Low-Velocity Structure of the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD Drilling Site at Parkfield from Fault-Zone Seismic Waves
- Detecting Benthic Megafauna in Underwater Video
- Distribution of seismicity perpendicular to strike-slip faults in Southern California
- Earthquake Education in Prime Time
- Engaging Students in Earthquake Science
- High-resolution imaging of the deep structure of the Bear Valley section of the San Andreas Fault with joint analysis of fault-zone head waves and direct P arrivals
- Holocene Sedimentation In The Southern Gulf Of California And Its Climatic Implications
- Imaging Three-Dimensional Heliosphere in EUV with Ultra-High Spectral Resolution
- Implications of Cassini UVIS Observations of Neutral Gas in the Saturn Magnetosphere
- Investigating the Influence of Atmospheric Changes on the Variability of the North Pacific Using a Fully Coupled GCM
- Kinematics of the 1975 Kalapana, Hawaii Earthquake
- Low-Velocity Damaged Structure on the San Andreas Fault at Seismogenic Depths near the SAFOD Drilling Site, Parkfield, CA from Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Mantle Anisotropy Below the Northern Apennines From RETREAT Seismic Data
- Mass Transport by Heliospheric Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Microbial Distributions Through Pore Water Geochemical Gradients: How Well do Contemporary Organism Genomes Track Their Environment?
- Non-Linear Internal Tides Move Cool sub-Surface Waters From the mid-Shelf to the Beach
- Numerical Models of Subduction to Collision in Taiwan.
- Oceanographic Influences in the Variability Of δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ <SUP>18</SUP>O in Benthic and Planktonic Foraminiferal From the Gulf of California
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment: the Seaside, Oregon Pilot Study
- Pulverized Fault Zone Rocks Along the Mojave Section of the San Andreas Fault: Distribution and Mechanical Significance
- QuakeTables: The Fault Database for QuakeSim
- Quantifying Tsunami Impact on Structures
- Quantifying tsunami risk at the Pisco, Peru LNG terminal project
- Radium Isotopes as an Indicator of Microbial Activity in a Deep Aquifer at Memphis, Tennessee, USA
- Radium and Radon as Tracers of Ground Water Flow Into Upper Newport Bay, CA
- SOSA: A tool for seismogram retrieval and analysis.
- Searching for Biosignatures in Pyrite Framboids
- Seismic imaging of the 1923 Kanto Earthquake Source Area on the subducting Philippine Sea plate, in Japan
- Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Summer Internship Programs
- The International Solid Earth Research Virtual Observatory
- The Pretorious fault, Mponeng mine, South Africa: A site selected for the establishment of a natural earthquake laboratory
- The SCEC Community Modeling Environment (SCEC/CME) - An Overview of its Architecture and Current Capabilities
- The SCEC TeraShake Earthquake Simulation
- The SCEC/UseIT Intern Program: Creating Open-Source Visualization Software Using Diverse Resources
- The effect of rising atmospheric oxygen on carbon and sulfur isotope anomalies recorded in the Neoproterozoic Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, USA
- Tidal Bores as AN Analog for Tsunamis?
- Titan solar reflection and emission properties in the EUV/FUV
- Tsunami Hazards in San Francisco Bay
- USC/JPL GAIM: A Real-Time Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model
- Ultraviolet Observations of Icy Saturnian Satellites from Cassini
- Using 3D Interactive Visualizations In Teacher Workshops
- Volcano-tectonic deformation at Mount Shasta and Medicine Lake volcanoes, northern California, from GPS: 1996-2004
- Wave Transformation and Undertow Over a Barred Beach
- A 2000-year geologic slip-rate for the North Anatolian fault using cosmogenic 36Cl dating
- A Closer Look at High Frequency Bursts Observed During the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- A Laboratory Investigation of Off-Fault Damage: Effects on Rupture Velocity
- A Lithospheric Refraction/Reflection/Teleseismic Model of LARSE Line 2: Thrusting of the Santa Monica Mountains-San Fernando Valley Block Beneath the Central Transverse Ranges, Southern California
- Airborne Laser Swath Mapping as a Tool to Study Active Deformation Along the Death Valley Fault Zone, California
- An Earthquake Source Ontology for Seismic Hazard Analysis and Ground Motion Simulation
- Biomarkers of a Low-Latitude Neoproterozoic Glaciation
- Cassini UltraViolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) Observations of Enceladus' Plume
- Combined Active and Passive Seismology to Study Continental Collision; Central South Island of New Zealand
- Comparison of GPS Data From the Ventura Basin, California to Interseismic Three-Dimensional Mechanical Models
- Comparison of Recent Cassini UVIS Observations of Saturn H2 Dayglow Emission
- Crustal Structure in and Around the Miura Peninsula, Japan, Using an Off-Line Seismographic Array
- DataFinder: Using Ontologies and Reasoning to Enhance Metadata Search
- Drilling Across Active Faults in Deep Mines in South Africa for Monitoring Earthquake Processes in the Near-Field
- Dynamic Rupture on a Bimaterial Interface Governed by Slip-weakening Friction
- Effect of Liquid Films on the Convective Drying of Porous Materials
- Effects of elasticity on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability: implications for large-scale geodynamics.
- Extending Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis to Portfolio and Regional Loss Estimation: A San Francisco Bay Area Example
- Extending the High-Resolution Global Climate Record in Santa Barbara Basin: Developing a More Continuous Composite Section from Overlapping Cores
- Field Survey of the effects of the 26 December 2004 and 28 March 2005 Tsunamis and Earthquakes in Indonesia
- Geophysical Exploration of the Alpine Fault Zone (New Zealand) and Evidence for High Fluid Pressure.
- Global Measurements of BrO, HCHO, and CHOCHO from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS Aura
- High-Resolution Imaging of the Deep Structure of the Bear Valley Section of the San Andreas Fault With Joint Analysis of Fault-Zone Head and Direct P Wave Arrivals
- Ideas on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Colorado Plateau Mantle Based on Geophysical Observations, Mantle Xenoliths, Magmatic Patterns, and Rock Uplift and Exhumation
- Imaging the three-dimensional solar wind flow in EUV
- Innovative Interstellar Explorer (I2E)
- Interaction of Pacific and Philippine Sea Plates From Vp, Vs Tomography Under Kanto, Japan
- Linking Nano-Scale Patterns of 15N and 13C Metabolism to Bacterial Morphology with Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Lithosphere-Scale Modeling of the Taiwan Orogeny
- Observations of Saturn's Atmosphere and Auroras by Cassini UVIS and VIMS
- On Nucleation Properties and Spatio-Temporal Slip Evolution of Simulated Seismicity
- Particle-scale processes associated with shear localization in granular materials
- Patterns of Co-seismic Crustal Strain Release Associated With Different Earthquake Sizes Imaged by a Tensor Summation Method
- Photosynthesis via Mineral Fluorescence in Harsh UV Radiation Environments
- Possible Solar Forcing of Late Holocene Indian Monsoon Rainfall
- Potentially Pulverized Granites along the Garlock Fault: An analysis into their Physical and Chemical Properties
- SCEC/CME CyberShake: Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis Using 3D Seismic Waveform Modeling
- Sea surface temperature variability in the Southern Gulf of California: A 400 planktonic foraminifera high-resolution record.
- Sedimentological Evidence From Baldwin Lake (Southern CA, USA) for Mid-Wisconsin Hemispheric Climate Variability
- Seismic Evidence for Rock Damage and Healing on the San Andreas Fault Associated with the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Seismicity rate vs. distance from strike-slip faults in southern California
- Somalia field survey of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
- Southern California Earthquake Center/Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (SCEC/UseIT): Towards the Next Generation of Internship
- Stochastic Description of Seismic Anisotropy in the Lithosphere and Upper Mantle
- TeraShake-2: Next Steps
- The Branching Pattern of Low-Velocity Structure on the San Andreas Fault near the SAFOD Site at Parkfield from Fault-Zone Guided Waves
- The First Cassini UVIS Stellar Occultation of the Saturn Atmosphere
- The High Altitude Sunlit Titan Ionosphere
- The SCEC Community Modeling Environment(SCEC/CME): A Collaboratory for Seismic Hazard Analysis
- 3D Finite Amplitude Folding: Implications for the Stress Evolution During Crustal and Lithospheric Deformation
- A Kinetic Study of the Heterogeneous Reaction of Deliquesced NaCl Particles with Gaseous Nitric Acid Using Novel Experimental Approach.
- A new Technique for Creating Three-Dimensional Interseismic Mechanical Models in Regions of Interacting Non-planar Faults: Application to the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins, California
- Adsorption Hysteresis and its Effect on CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
- Biogeochemical Carbon Cycling in Ultrabasic Reducing Springs in Sonoma County, CA
- Biomineralogy and Morphology of the Marine Iron-oxidizing Bacterium Mariprofundus ferrooxydans
- Borehole and High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Evidence for Holocene Activity on the Compton Blind-Thrust Fault, Los Angeles Basin, California
- Buoyancy modification in chemically heterogeneous lithosphere and relation to Cenozoic rock uplift of the Colorado Plateau, western US
- Calculating the Probability of Strong Ground Motions Using 3D Seismic Waveform Modeling - SCEC CyberShake
- Changing Melt-Migration Geometries with Crustal Depth: an Example From the Eastern Transverse Ranges.
- Characterization of Coseismic Strain Patterns Inferred From ~180,000 Focal Mechanisms in Southern California
- Circulation and Properties of Deep and Bottom Water in Cascadia Basin and Adjacent Areas
- Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Constraints on seismicity around strike-slip faults; implications for spatial predictability
- Does the new paleoseismological evidence from the Carrizo Plain section of the San Andreas Fault indicate abnormally high late Holocene slip rates?
- Dynamic Triggering of Microearthquakes by P- and S-waves from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Elevated CO2 Effects on Mercury Content of Forest Soils
- Far-field tsunami risk from mega-thrust earthquakes in the Indian Ocean
- Foraminiferal U/Ca and 234U/238U as a Proxy for Paleo-Surface Water pCO2 in the Ocean
- Global Heliosphere Imaging in EUV
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Relative Paleointensity from the Chilean Margin (ODP Site 1233)
- Identifying Pulverized Rocks At The Macro Scale Using Thermal Remote Sensing, A Test Case From The Mojave Section Of The San-Andreas Fault
- Implications of Voyager 1 Observations for ENA Production in the Heliosheath
- Imprint of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy onto Mantle Shear-Wave Splits: Calibrated Tests using Numerical Simulation
- Insights Into the Geometries and Mechanics of Active Folding Above Blind-Thrust Faults From Discrete Element Models
- JPL/USC GAIM: Using COSMIC Occultations in a Real-Time Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model
- Low-Velocity Zone on the San Andreas Fault, Parkfield, and its Co-seismic Damage and Post-mainshock Healing in the 2004 M6 Earthquake
- Mantle flow under the western United States from shear wave splitting
- Mega-thrust and Intra-slab Earthquakes Beneath Tokyo Metropolitan Area
- Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Extinct Hydrothermal Chimneys at East Pacific Rise: Spatially-Resolved Chemical and Mineralogical Approaches
- NanoSIMS Analyses of Mo Indicate Nitrogenase Activity and Help Solve a N and C Fixation Puzzle in a Marine Cyanobacterium
- Net Tectonic Rotation in the Footwall of an Extensional Core Complex (Sierra Mazatan, Mexico)
- Nucleation and arrest properties of instabilities in rate-and-state earthquake cycle simulations
- Ocean Literacy: Tools for Scientists and Educators to use in the Development of Education and Outreach Programs About the Ocean
- On Basin Scale Wind-Driven Circulation in the Black sea
- On the robustness and resolving power of stress inversions based on focal mechanisms or slickenside data in the presence of complex fault geometry
- Optimization and Scalability of an Large-scale Earthquake Simulation Application
- Paleomagnetic Field Variability During Times of Low Global-Scale Paleointensity
- Paleomagnetism and Rock Magnetism of Postglacial Carbonates From the Tahiti Coral Reef
- Rotational Ground Motions Radiated by Vibrating Structures
- SCEC Earthworks: A TeraGrid Science Gateway
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Southern California Earthquake Center--Virtual Display of Objects (SCEC-VDO): An Earthquake Research and Education Tool
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of Fault Zone Architecture Throughout the Seismogenic Crust
- Survey of the July 17, 2006 Central Javan tsunami reveals 21m runup heights
- The Geodynamics of Continental Lithosphere Entering a Subduction Zone
- The Nature of Crustal Seismic Anisotropy: Constraints From Field and Rock Physics Observations
- The San Andreas Transform System and the Tectonics of California: An Alternative Approach
- The Southern California Earthquake Center/Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (SCEC/UseIT) Internship Program
- The scientific value of 4D visualizations
- Time-series studies of hydrothermal flux following the EPR 9N 2006 Eruption.
- Tracking Down Batholith Construction Through Time Using Lobes From The Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, CA.
- Ultrabasic Spring Geomicrobiology of the Cedars Peridotite
- Using 40Ar/39Ar Thermochronology to Track the Thermal Evolution of the Tuolumne Batholith, Sierra Nevada, CA
- Using SCEC Computational Platforms to Advance Seismic Hazard Research
- Visualization of Time-Varying Strain Green Tensors
- Will Ge Ever be an Effective Proxy for Earth Chemistry or Climate? Insights from Ge Isotopes and Diatom Ge/Si Ratios
- A Pre-NACP Assessment of the North American Terrestrial Carbon Sink
- Across-shore Eddy Transport off Central California
- Applying Ra isotopes to measure water exchange rates in permeable sediments
- Biogeochemical Cycling of Iron Isotopes at Loihi Seamount
- Calico Fault Structure Determined Using Traveltime Data from Seismicity and Explosions
- Carbon Sequestration Through Ocean Iron Fertilization: A Proposed Large-scale Demonstration
- Chemical Transformation of CaCO3 Particles by Heterogeneous Reaction with HNO3: Kinetic Measurements over a Wide Range of Humidity
- Coeval Intrusion and Batholith-Wide Mingling in the Gobi-Tienshan Intrusive Complex, Southern Mongolia
- Comparing two earthquake predictability evaluation approaches: Molchan error trajectory and likelihood
- Complex Faulting in the Pacific-North America Transform Offshore Southern California And Implications on Plate Boundary Tectonics and Tsunamigenesis
- CyberShake 2007: Update on Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Calculations for Southern California
- Damage asymmetry from hydro-geomorphic signals along the trifurcation area of the San- Jacinto Fault
- Deciphering Life in Young Ocean Crust: Development and Testing of Methods for Subsurface Microbial Observatories and In-Situ Incubations
- Design, Implementation, and Status of the CSEP Testing Center at SCEC
- Development of the CISN Earthquake Early Warning Web Site: Establishing a Basis for Comparison of Algorithms
- Dinitrogen Gas Production From Epi- and Endolithic Basalt Communities at Loihi Seamount: A New Challenge for the Marine Nitrogen Budget
- Dynamic triggering of high-frequency bursts by strong motions during the 2004 Parkfield earthquake sequence
- Dynamics of a Magma Chamber: Insights Into Time and Length Scales of Internal Processes in the Tuolumne Batholith, CA
- Efficient, Non-Intrusive Stochastic Approaches for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
- Energy Partition During In-plane Dynamic Rupture on a Frictional Interface
- Evaluating Thermoelastic Strain as an Earthquake Trigger
- Evidence for Two New Paleomagnetic Field Excursions ~2,500 and ~12,500 Years Ago from the South Pacific Ocean Region (Tahiti)
- Foraminiferal Ecology and Stable Isotope Geochemistry of Methane Seeps in Monterey Bay, California
- Hardware, Software, and Policies of the CSEP Testing Center at SCEC
- Holocene oceanography and climate recorded in laminated sediments of the southern Gulf of California, Mexico
- Hydrodynamic Simulations of Far-Field Tsunami Risk in the Indian Ocean, with Special Emphasis on Africa
- IT Tools for Teachers and Scientists, Created by Undergraduate Researchers
- Iron oxidation and biomineralization by Mariprofundus ferrooxydans, a deep-sea microaerophilic lithoautotroph
- Laboratory and Simulation Investigation of Gas Adsorption, Transport, and Carbon Sequestration in Coal
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Kinetic Isotope Effect During Snow Crystal Formation
- LiDAR Acquisition for the GeoEarthScope Community
- Light- and Heavy-Duty Vehicle Emission Factors of PM Species Based on Freeway Measurements and Comparison With Tunnel and Dynamometer Studies
- Low frequency climate variability in the Caribbean: what proxy reconstructions tell us
- Mapping PetaSHA Applications to TeraGrid Architectures
- Micron-scale resolution of sulfur cycling in a microbial mat
- Mineral Precipitation in Porous Media: Laboratory Diffusion Experiments as Analogues for Concretion Formation in Utah and on Mars
- Numerical Models of Subduction to Collision in Taiwan.
- Observation and modeling of thermoelastic strain in Parkfield borehole strainmeter records
- Ontology-based Information Management in QuakeSim
- Optimization of DNA Extraction from Deep-sea Basalt
- Paleoseismology and Geomorphology of the Northern Calico Fault: Testing for Temporally Variable Slip Rate and Earthquake Clustering
- Particulate Organic Carbon and Iron Speciation within Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Plumes
- Pegasus: Providing Computation Management for Earth Science Applications
- Pore-Filling Ice Diffusively Derived From Atmospheric Water Vapor Under Mars Conditions
- Probabilistic Completeness Studies of the INGV Seismic Network in Italy
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment for California from Distant Sources
- Properties and Composition of Size Fractionated Indoor, Outdoor, and Personal Particulate Matter in Retirement Homes of the Los Angeles Basin
- Pulverized Tejon Lookout Granite: Attempts at Placing Constraints on the Processes
- QuakeML: XML for Seismological Data Exchange and Resource Metadata Description
- Real-time Characterization of Particle-bound Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Ambient Aerosols and From Motor-Vehicles Exhausts
- Redox and Recharge Controls on Sub-Surface Radium-Isotope Mobility.
- Secondary Iron Mineral Formation by Shewanellae Using Different Carbon Sources
- Simulations of Stress Drops for Evolving Seismicity on a Heterogeneous Fault in an Elastic Half-space
- Size and Longevity of Magma Chambers in the Tuolumne Batholith: A Comparison of Thermal Modeling and Cooling Thermochronology
- Spatial Variation and Source Characterization of Size Fractionated Particulate Matter in Long Beach
- Spatial and Temporal Characterization of the Portuguese Bend Landslide, California, Using InSAR
- Structural Analysis of the Exhumed SEMP Fault Zone, Austria: Towards an Understanding of the Mechanics of Shear Zone Localization
- The 2007 Bengkulu Earthquake Series in the Context of Mega-Ruptures off South Sumatra
- The Indian Monsoon Variability during the Holocene: New Speleothem Records from the Core Monsoon Zone of India
- The Influence of Declustering on Seismicity Rate Change Estimations
- The Influence of Sodium Methanesulfonate on Hygroscopic and Reactive Properties of NaCl Particles
- The SCEC Petascale Cyberfacility for Physics-based Seismic Hazard Analysis (PetaSHA): Accelerating SCEC Research Using High Performance Computing
- The Southern Alps Orogen, South Island, New Zealand
- The impact of hydrothermally-sourced Fe on ocean biogeochemistry: new investigations from the East Pacific Rise, 9-10°N.
- Time Variability in Cenozoic Reconstructions of Mantle Heat Flow: Plate Tectonic Cycles and Implications for Earth's Thermal Evolution
- Tsunami Hazard Assessment and Inundation Maps for Crescent City
- Tsunami Hazard in Crescent City, California from Kuril Islands earthquakes
- Use of U and Th Decay-Series Disequilibrium to Characterize Geothermal Systems: An Example from the Coso Geothermal System
- Use of dependence probabilities to detect near-fault bias in earthquake triggering
- Vesicomyid Clams Alter Biogeochemical Processes at Pacific Methane Seeps
- Visualizing Single Cell Biology: Nanosims Studies of Carbon and Nitrogen Metabolism in Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria
- "Anisotropy Architecture" and its Importance for Crustal Strength and Seismic Imaging in Tilted arc Crustal Sections
- 13 Years of SOHO/CELIAS/SEM Calibrated Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiance Data
- A Global Probability-based Magnitude of Completeness (PMC) Study
- A comprehensive approach to seismic anisotropy as a tool to understand the origin and dynamics of the asthenosphere
- A silica budget reveals much about how bacteria might regulate the formation of silica stromatolites in YNP Hot Springs
- A tale of TWO excursions (Mono Lake and Laschamp) recorded in sediments of Pyramid Lake, Nevada
- A three-dimensional study of fault zone architecture: Results from the SEMP fault system, Austria.
- Alteration of Oceanic Nitrification Under Elevated Carbon Dioxide Concentrations
- Bacterial Diversity in Deep Sea Hydrothermal Environments as Determined by Massively Parallel Pyrosequencing
- CSEP Earthquake Forecast Testing Center for Japan
- Characterization of Natural Mixed-Layer Illite/Smectite and Physical Mixtures of Illite and Smectite Using TIR and VNIR Spectroscopy: Are Mixed-Layer Clays on Mars?
- Chemical and Physical Characteristics of Pulverized Granitic Rock Adjacent to the San Andreas, Garlock and San Jacinto Faults: Implications for Earthquake Physics
- Comparisons of corner frequencies and strain-drops from P and S waves generated by earthquakes along the Karadere-Düzce branch of the North Anatolian fault
- Constancy of Strain Release Rates Along the North Anatolian fault
- Constraints on the tectonics of the San Andreas Transform system from geodetic and seismotectonic data
- Coulomb Stress Interactions Among Earthquakes in the Gorda Deformation Zone, the San Andreas, Mendocino Fracture Zone, and Cascadia Megathrust
- Depth Localization of Seismicity on Strike-Slip Faults in California
- Did Lake Elsinore's Stormy Affair End, or Just Change, in the Mid-Holocene?
- Distribution of Seismicity Across Strike-Slip Faults in California
- Earth's Deep Biosphere and Life in the Solar System
- Earthquake early warning in California: Evaluating Hardware and Software
- Evidence for Two New Magnetic Field Excursions (11,000 and 13,000 Cal Yrs BP) from sediments of the Tahiti Coral Reef (Maraa tract)
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Extending the CISN Earthquake Early Warning (EEW) Web Site into the CISN EEW Testing Center
- Fe(II) maxima are coincident with the secondary nitrite maxima in the three major oxygen minimum zones.
- Full-3D Waveform Tomography for the Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Structure on the San Andreas Fault Zone in Parkfield Area
- Generation of Plate Tectonics From Spherical, Visco-plastic Convection Models
- High Sedimentation Rate Paleomagnetic Records for the Last 70 kyrs From the Chilean Margin (ODP Sites 1233, 1234, 1235)
- High-Frequency Bursts - Triggered or "Driven" by Strong Motion?
- In-situ Detection of Squalane in Sedimentary Organic Matter Using Monoclonal Antibodies
- Incorporating and reporting uncertainties in fault slip rates
- Instrument correction for 6DOF seismic sensors
- Iron Isotope Systematics in Hydrothermal Plume Fall-out at EPR 9°50' N
- Iron(II) Intercomparison in Baja California Sub-Oxic Zone
- JPL/USC GAIM: Validating COSMIC and Ground-Based GPS Assimilation Results to Estimate Ionospheric Electron Densities
- Kinetic and energetic limitations on the distribution of microbes in the deep subsurface oceanic crust
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Calcite Precipitation and Isotope Fractionation
- Linking microbial ultrastructure and physiology to iron depositional processes in deep sea hydrothermal environments
- Mafic-Felsic Magma Interactions in an Enclave Mega-Plume, Gobi-Tienshan Intrusive Complex, Southern Mongolia
- Microbial Diversity of Hydrothermal Vent Neutrally-Buoyant Plume Particles From 9 North, East Pacific Rise, After a Major Tectonic Event in 2005-2006
- Microbial Observatories Designed to Assess the Basaltic Ocean Crust Deep Biosphere
- Multimillion to billion atom simulations of nanosystems under extreme conditions
- Network of Research Infrastructures for European Seismology (NERIES) - Web Portal Developments for Interactive Access to Earthquake Data on a European Scale
- New Maximum Tsunami Inundation Maps for Use by Local Emergency Planners in the State of California, USA
- New Perspective on the Little Ice Age in South America
- Non-modal analysis of the onset of density-driven convection in porous media: Effect of medium heterogeneity
- Northern and southern hemispheric climate records from the western tropical Pacific during MIS3
- Numerical Model for the Effect of Off-Fault Damage on Dynamic Rupture
- Probabilistic Seismic Network Completeness Studies Around the World
- Rates of Extension Along the Fish Lake Valley Fault and Transtensional Deformation in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- SCEC Earthquake System Science Using High Performance Computing
- Searching for 3D wave-propagation effects in southern California
- Seasonal Distributions of Inorganic and Organic Nutrients on the Louisiana Continental Shelf and Implications for Nutrient Limitation and Hypoxia Formation
- Seismic Signature of Fault-Opening Motion
- ShakeOut Simulations---Verification
- ShakeOut-D: Ground Motion Estimates Using an Ensemble of Large Earthquakes on the Southern San Andreas Fault With Spontaneous Rupture Propagation
- Simulating Earthquakes for Science and Society: Earthquake Visualizations Ideal for use in Science Communication and Education
- Stochastic Collocation Method for Three-dimensional Groundwater Flow
- THE GREAT SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SHAKEOUT: Earthquake Science for 22 Million People
- Tera3D: A Tera-Scale Full-3D Waveform Tomography (F3DT) in Southern California
- Testing Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for use in Microbial-Influenced Systems
- The Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- The Effect of Asymmetric Damage on Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation With Mismatch in Bulk Elasticity
- The Effect of Asymmetric Damage on Dynamic Shear Rupture Propagation With no Mismatch in Bulk Elasticity
- The SCEC-USGS 3D Rupture Dynamics Code Comparison Exercise
- The isotopic composition of fixed nitrogen species in precipitation at Bermuda: Implications for the atmosphere and ocean
- Time-Series Study of Post-Eruption Vent-Fluxes: EPR 9 50N
- Tracking Paleostrain in Arcs Using Magmatic Fabrics in Well-dated Plutons: An Example From the Tuolumne Batholith and Surrounding Plutons, Central Sierra Nevada, California
- Tsunami Hazards in San Diego Bay, California
- A New Perspective on the Hydroclimatic Variability of Northern South America during the Little Ice Age
- A New Tour Design Technique to Enable an Enceladus Orbiter
- A comparison of bacterial communities in deep terrestrial and deep sub-seafloor biospheres (Invited)
- A stochastic collocation based Kalman Filter for history matching
- ARkStorm: A West Coast Storm Scenario
- Analysis of ENA Intensities and Spectra (0.6 to 55 keV) from the Nose and Tail Regions of the Heliosheath: Observations from IBEX and Cassini/INCA
- Analysis of Water Conflicts across Natural and Societal Boundaries: Integration of Quantitative Modeling and Qualitative Reasoning
- Bacterial community composition in hydrothermal plume environments is heterogeneous and distinct
- Blogging from North Pond
- CISN ShakeAlert - Towards a Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System for California
- CISN ShakeAlert: Specification of the Prototype Earthquake Early Warning System
- CISN ShakeAlert: Three Years of Comparative Real-Time Earthquake Early Warning Testing in California
- Calculating CyberShake Map 1.0 on Shared Open Science High Performance Computing Resources
- Climate Change Explorer
- Comparison of Interstellar Boundary Explorer Observations with 3-D Global Heliospheric Models
- Coulomb stress interactions among large earthquakes in the Gorda deformation zone, Mendocino fracture zone, Cascadia megathrust, and northernmost San Andreas fault
- Determining the concentration and distribution of arsenic deposits in rock matrices and porous media by X-ray difference microtomography
- Developing Performance Measures for the CISN Earthquake Early Warning Testing Center
- Development Of New Databases For Tsunami Hazard Analysis In California
- Direct Experimental Assessment of Microbial Activity in North Pond Sediments
- Dynamic rupture on a frictional interface with off-fault damage
- Earthquake Education and Public Information Centers: A Collaboration Between the Earthquake Country Alliance and Free-Choice Learning Institutions in California
- Field Survey and Preliminary Analysis of the September 29, 2009 Tsunami on Upolu and Manono Islands, Samoa (Invited)
- Frequency-Magnitude Study Down To Magnitude -4.4 For Induced Seismicity Recorded At Mponeng Deep Gold Mine, South Africa
- From Data-Sharing to Model-Sharing: SCEC and the Development of Earthquake System Science (Invited)
- Global Structure of the Heliosphere in the Interstellar Magnetic Field
- Heterogeneity spectrum inversion from a stochastic analysis of global surface-wave delay-time data
- Influence of subsurface fluid flow on porewater chemical distributions at North Pond
- Initial waves from submarine landslides
- Integrated biogeochemistry of mid-ocean ridge hydrothermal plumes (Invited)
- Investigating the effects of high pressure upon the selective enrichment of bacteria from deep-sea sediments: Results from Loihi Seamount
- Laser Absorption Biosignatures On Mars And Earth
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Isotope Fractionation During Snow Crystal Growth in Clouds
- Mantle Heterogeneity: Length Scales and Correlations
- Modeling and Upscaling of Heterogeneous Porous Media, and Simulation of Multiphase Fluid Flow Therein: Applications of Wavelet Transformations (Invited)
- Molecular Insights into Plant-Microbial Processes and Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems
- North Pond: Evidence of upward supply of oxygen to deeply buried sediments from the basaltic basement
- Particle size distributions, microstructures and chemistry of fault rocks in a shallow borehole adjacent to the San Andreas Fault near Little Rock, CA
- Physical Processes in the Heliospheric Interface Region and their Implications for ENA Images
- Pick-up ions, the termination shock, and energetic neutral atoms (Invited)
- Prospective testing of Coulomb short-term earthquake forecasts
- QuakeSim: Increasing Utility of Spacebourne and Ground-based Earthquake Fault Data
- Reconnaissance Survey of the 29 September 2009 Tsunami on Tutuila Island, American Samoa
- Reflection and Neutralization of Solar Wind Ions from the Moon: IBEX Observations
- Report of the International Commission on Earthquake Forecasting for Civil Protection (Invited)
- Role of hydrated mantle in the production of trench-parallel shear wave splitting signals
- Structures and Spectral Variations of the Outer Heliosphere in the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom Sky Maps
- Subsurface microbial observatories deployed in young ocean crust
- TWINS Observations of Oxygen ENA Flux
- The Character of Brunhes-Chron Paleomagnetic Secular Variation at High Latitudes: Results from IODP Expedition 323-Bering Sea (Invited)
- The Great California ShakeOut: Science-Based Preparedness Advocacy
- The Importance of Non-Thermal Pressures in the Heliosheath: Towards New Methods of Analysis
- The Pelagics Habitat Analysis Module (PHAM): Decision Support Tools for Pelagic Fisheries
- The Solid Earth Research and Teaching Environment, a new software framework to share research tools in the classroom and across disciplines
- The elastic energy of damaged rocks
- The geometry of slip surfaces in the hanging-wall of the Sierra Madre fault, La-Canada, California
- The past, present and future of tsunami field surveys post-Samoa, 2009
- Time Variations of the ENA Flux Observed by IBEX: Is the Outer Heliosphere Evolving?
- Translation of IBEX-measured ENA fluxes to the outer heliosphere
- Tsunami Forecast Progress Five Years After Indonesian Disaster
- Undergraduate Studies in Earthquake Information Technology (UseIT): Preparing Students for the Twenty-First Century Work Force via a Multidisciplinary and Collaborative Learning Experience
- Vertical coherency of heterogeneity in the Earth's mantle constrained from a comprehensive set of global seismic data
- Precipitation trends in California: Rainfall is becoming wetter with heavier rain events
- A Critical Appraisal of Uncertainty Challenges in Climate Change (Invited)
- A unifying phase diagram for the dynamics of sheared solids and granular materials (Invited)
- Accounting for downscaling and model uncertainties in examining the impacts of climate change on hydrological systems
- An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Asymmetric Earthquake Rupture Propagation Caused by Off-Fault Fracture Damage
- Analysis of microseismicity using fuzzy logic and fractals for fracture network characterization
- Ballistic Blocks Surrounding Kilauea's Caldera
- Bayesian analysis of afterchock decay rates
- Comparison of Radon-222 and satellite-wind-based estimates of gas exchange in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific ocean
- Coulomb static stress interactions between simulated M>7 earthquakes and major faults in Southern California
- Deformation associated with the 2010 Sierra El Mayor earthquake from GPS and InSAR
- Development and evaluation of a high-resolution aerosol optical depth product for the southern California region during the October 2007 wildfires
- Episodic Tremor and Slip on a Frictional Interface with Critical Zero Weakening in Elastic Solid
- Experimental Study of Exospheric Hydrogen Atom Distributions by Lyman-alpha Detectors on the TWINS Mission
- Export POC flux calculated from 234Th measurements, sediment traps and O2 supersaturation in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific
- Geochronology and Structural Studies in the Northern Ritter Range: Implications for the Tectonic History of Mesozoic Sierra Nevada Arc
- Heliospheric energetic neutral atom intensities at 1 AU derived from global fitting of the IBEX-HI data set
- Impact of Recent Voyager, IBEX, and Cassini Results on Science and Strategy for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- Initial waves from submarine landslides
- Integrating LiDAR Data into Earth Science Education
- Isotope simulation for 140 years with Reanalysis atmospheric and its comparison with climate proxy data
- Isotopic analysis of bulk, LMW, and HMW DON d15N indicates recycled nitrogen release from marine DON
- Mapping mineralogical phase transformations from global seismic data
- Microbial borehole observatories deployed within the oceanic crust: Design considerations and initial results from long-term colonization experiments (Invited)
- Net Community and Gross Photosynthetic Production Rates in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, as Determined from O2/AR Ratios and Triple Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Dissolved O2
- Nitrification-coupled denitrification in sediment of the eastern Bering Sea shelf leads to 15N-enrichment of fixed N in shelf waters
- Nonlinear analytical solution for landslide generated tsunamis
- North-vergent thrust faults in accreted oceanic sediments and arc volcanics, Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Inner Mongolia
- Observations and Modeling of the 27 February 2010 Tsunami in Chile
- Off-fault Yielding During Dynamic Ruptures: Distribution and Orientations
- Physicochemical and Toxicological Characteristics of Semi-volatile Components of Atmospheric Aerosols in an Urban Environment
- Pliocene-Pleistocene paleo-productivity changes in the Bering Sea: results from IODP Expedition 323 (Invited)
- QuakeSim Computational Infrastructure for Integrating DESDynI and UAVSAR Data into Earthquake Models (Invited)
- QuakeTables: A Federated Ontology-Based Database System for Geoscience
- SCEC VShaker Project: Visualization of Steel Building Response To Ground Motion Time Histories
- Seismic Velocity Structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone from Double-Difference Tomography and Expected Distribution of Head Waves
- Separation of the IBEX Ribbon from the Globally Distributed Energetic Neutral Atom Flux
- Shaping the Mediterranean mobile belt by small scale convection (Invited)
- Short-term earthquake forecasting using early aftershock statistics
- Siderophore production in high iron environments
- Solar Radiation Output Indices of Importance for Exospheric Properties
- Source Inversion Validation: Quantifying Uncertainties in Earthquake Source Inversions
- The Circularity and Stability of the IBEX Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) Ribbon
- The High Pressure Electronic Spin Transition in Iron: Impacts upon Mantle Mixing
- The SCEC-USGS Dynamic Earthquake Rupture Code Verification Exercise: Regular and Extreme Ground Motion
- The ``Adopt A Microbe'' project: Web-based interactive education connected with scientific ocean drilling
- Trapped seismic fault zone energy recorded by a high-rate GPS station
- Tsunami focusing
- 2011 Japan tsunami current and flow velocity measurements from survivor videos using LiDAR
- 3D velocity imaging of Hikurangi subduction beneath the Wellington region, New Zealand
- A Dynamic Damage Mechanics Source Model for Explosions in Crystalline Rock
- A High-Spatial-Resolution, Localized MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Product for Use in Air Quality Exposure Assessment During Large Wildfire Smoke Events
- A Micromechanics Based Constitutive Model For Brittle Failure at High Strain Rates
- A New Vision of Science and Strategy for an Interstellar Probe Mission
- A Scientific Workflow Used as a Computational Tool to Assess the Response of the Californian San Joaquin River to Flow Restoration Efforts
- An Earthquake Rupture Forecast Inversion Applied to Fault Systems in California
- An Oceanographic Decision Support System for Scientific Field Experiments
- An overview of CORK borehole observatory microbiology experimentation techniques
- Application of high-resolution passive seismic tomographic inversion and estimating reservoir properties
- Approaches for investigating conductive bacterial nanowires and biogeophysical implications in redox transition zones
- Autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial activity in sediments underlying the ultra-oligotrophic South Pacific Gyre
- CISN ShakeAlert: Delivering test warnings for California earthquakes
- Comparison of Strong Currents and Impacts on the California (USA) Maritime Communities from the 2010 Chile and 2011 Japan Teletsunamis
- Development of ShakeAlert Performance Evaluation Software
- Drying of porous media in the presence of gravity: Experimental Results and Pore Network Modeling
- Economic Impact Analyses of Interdisciplinary Multi-hazard Scenarios: ShakeOut and ARkStorm
- Exploring the Linkage of Sea Surface Temperature Variability on Three Spatial Scales
- Extracellular Electron Transfer and Survival Strategies in Acid Mine Drainage Impacted Soils
- Fast Ensemble Kalman Filter for Model Calibration with Streamline-Assisted Pseudo Forecasts
- Fault structure, damage and acoustic emission characteristics
- Field survey and preliminary modeling of the 2011 Tohoku tsunami at Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
- Fluid Sampling from Oceanic Borehole Observatories: Design and Methods for CORK Activities (1990-2010)
- Ground Motion Prediction Equations for data recorded in the immediate vicinity of the San Jacinto fault zone
- Heating up Climate Literacy Education: Understanding Teachers' and Students' Motivational and Affective Response to Climate Change
- High-Latitude Field Morphologies of Brunhes Excursions and Reversal
- Identifying fault heterogeneity through mapping spatial anomalies in acoustic emission statistics
- In Search of Biomarkers for Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria (FeOB)
- In Situ Data Processing With Workflow-based Embedded Cyberinfrastructure (emCI)
- Long- and short-lived nuclide constraints on the recent evolution of permafrost soils
- Lowering the Barriers to Integrative Aquatic Ecosystem Science: Semantic Provenance, Open Linked Data, and Workflows
- Metagenomic insights into Fe(II)-oxidizing Zetaproteobacteria from a biomat at Loi'hi, Hawai'i
- Microbiology of Low Temperature Seafloor Deposits Along a Geochemical Gradient in Lau Basin
- Mineralogy and inorganic chemistry of naturally occurring biogenic iron oxyhydroxides: Spectroscopic evidence of thermal maturation
- Morphology and scaling characteristics of propagating drying fronts in porous media delineated by neutron radiography
- New Carbon Source From Microbial Degradation of Pre-Production Resin Pellets from the North Pacific Gyre
- New developments and applicability of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP) testing framework
- Observations, Analysis and Modeling of the Tohoku Tsunami in the Far-Field: US West Coast and New Zealand
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the late Cenozoic Qaidam Basin, China
- Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in California
- Probing in the Dark: Preliminary Results from the Dark Energy Biosphere Investigative Tool (DEBI-T), IODP 336
- QuakeSim: a Web Service Environment for Productive Investigations with Earth Surface Sensor Data
- Re-Organization of the Mediterranean-Middle East System: Exploring the Deep Mantle Contribution
- Relations between properties of seismicity and regional heat flow in California
- Ridge-flank crustal microbiology investigated with long-term borehole observatories
- SCEC UCVM - Unified California Velocity Model
- SPEEDY-IER: development of a simplified atmospheric GCM with isotope physics
- Seasonal Variations of the Exosphere as Observed by Lyman-alpha Detectors on the TWINS Mission
- Semantic Workflows and Provenance
- Sparse Geologic Dictionaries for Identification of Subsurface Heterogeneity: A New Inverse Modeling Perspective
- Spatial performance of RegEM climate field reconstruction techniques in a realistic pseudoproxy context
- Telling the Story of Ridge Flank Research to all Ages and Audiences
- The Chile tsunami of 27 February 2010: Field survey and modeling
- The QuakeTables UAVSAR Repository - Delivering RPI Products to Geo-Science Applications
- Using Gaussian Graphical Models to Infer Past Climates
- Whistler Turbulence Cascade: Three-Dimensional Particle-In Simulations
- 2011 Tohoku tsunami video and TLS based measurements: hydrographs, currents, inundation flow velocities, and ship tracks
- An Experimental and Theoretical Study of Fracture Patterns Generated by Underground Explosions
- Analysis of impact of heterogeneity at landscape level in retrieval of soil moisture from low-frequency radars
- Automatic Detections of P and S Phases using Singular Value Decomposition Analysis
- Biological, chemical, electrochemical, and photochemical fractionation of Fe isotopes
- Characterization of the microbial community in a legacy borehole in the igneous ocean crust
- Charging of Basic Structural Shapes in a Simulated Lunar Environment
- Classification of Forest Regrowth Stage using Polarimetric Decomposition and Foliage Projective Cover
- Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability: Recent Developments and Extensions
- Comparative Genomics of the Ubiquitous, Hydrocarbon-degrading Genus Marinobacter
- CyberShake: Broadband Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Southern California
- Deep Rotary-Ultrasonic Core Drill for Exploration of Europa and Enceladus
- Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail
- Diversity of microbial communities in ocean crust below ancient hotspot seamounts along the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Earthquake Forecasting as a System-Science Problem
- Energetic Neutral Atom Imaging - The Next Step
- Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Science, Specifications and Forecasts
- Estimating Aquifer Heterogeneity from CO2 Sequestration Monitoring Measurements with the Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Experiments versus modeling of buoyant drying of porous media
- Exploring Metabolic Activities of Deeply Buried Microbial Communities in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Open Ocean Gyres
- First observed variations of the exosphere during geomagnetic storms
- Getting Double the Work Done with Half the Effort: Provenance and Metadata with Semantic Workflows
- Ground Experiments and Modeling Studies of Dust Charging
- Ground Simulations of Near-Surface Plasma Field and Charging at the Lunar Terminator
- Identification of a membrane cytochrome c from neutrophilic, iron-oxidizing Mariprofundus ferrooxydans, strain PV-1
- Importance of large-scale bathymetry features on 2011 Tohoku tsunami waveforms through comparison of simulations with the spatially dense ALBACORE OBS array data
- Incorporating Micro-Mechanics Based Damage Models into Earthquake Rupture Simulations
- Interstellar Helium Atom Flux Halo
- Investigating the Deep Biosphere using Downhole Measurements, North Pond, IODP Expedition 336
- Involving Minority High School Students in Cutting Edge Research through C-DEBI, an NSF-National Science and Technology Center
- LAD/TWINS observations of the neutral H-geocorona during increasing solar activity conditions
- Lessons of L'Aquila for Operational Earthquake Forecasting
- Linking hydrothermal plume geochemistry with deep-sea microbial community structure along the Eastern Lau Spreading Center
- Maritime Tsunami Hazard Assessment in California
- Metagenomic Classification and Characterization Marine Actinobacteria from the Gulf of Maine without Representative Genomes
- Metagenomic and Phylogenetic Analysis of Deep-Sea Ferromanganese Nodules from the South Pacific Gyre
- Migration of CO2 in Saline Aquifers: The Role of Counter-Current Flow
- Mineral-Association and Activity of Bacteria and Archaea in the Deep Subsurface South Pacific Gyre Sediment
- Molecular Characterization of Water Column Microbial Populations within the Northern Gulf of Mexico Hypoxic Zone
- NI, NII, OI and OII Emissions Produced Through Photoexcitation of N2 and O2
- Overland Tsunami Flow through Complex Topography
- Oxygen consumption in subseafloor basaltic crust
- Plasma Interactions and Charging on the Lunar Surface: Modeling and Ground Tests
- Plate Scale Sub-seafloor Fluid Circulation: The Tale of Two Endmembers, Juan de Fuca Ridge and North Pond
- Quantifying the impacts of global disasters
- Re-Defining the Subsurface Biosphere: Characterization of Fungal Populations from Energy Limited Deep Marine Subsurface Sediments
- Results of SO222; Pore fluid chemistry of the Kumano Basin mud volcanoes, Japan
- SPEEDY-IER: development and validation of a simplified atmospheric GCM with water isotope physics
- Seismic scatterer distribution beneath the Wellington region, southernmost part of New Zealand's North Island
- Site-specific Ground-Motion Predictions for Earthquake Early Warning in the LA Basin using CyberShake Simulations
- Sparse Solution of High-Dimensional Model Calibration Inverse Problems under Uncertainty in Prior Structural Connectivity
- Structural Architecture and Evolutionary Plate-Boundary Processes along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- The Redfield Ratio over the Past 70 Million Years
- The Soil Moisture Active Passive Mission: Geophysical Products and Algorithm Development
- The Southern Oscillation, Hypoxia, and the Eastern Pacific Tuna Fishery
- Time Lapse Stress and Rock Property Profiling using Microseismic Data: A Case Study at NW Geysers
- Tsunami Amplification due to Focusing
- Tsunami Inundation Modeling in Constructed Environments: A Physical and Numerical Comparison of Free-Surface Elevation, Velocity, and Momentum Flux
- Tsunami Propagation Database for the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas
- Tsunami simulations for plausible mega-thrust events originating along the Hellenic Arc and Cyprian Arc in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea
- Two easy pieces on integrating observations and mechanics of earthquake faults
- USGS SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Potential Impacts to the U.S. West Coast from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- Updates on Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment in California
- Waveform cross-correlation and relocations for seismic events in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Wetlands Soil Wetness from PALSAR Time-Series
- Whistler Turbulence Cascade at Variable Beta: Three-Dimensional Particle-In-Cell Simulations
- Workflow Management of the SCEC Computational Platforms for Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Analysis
- A Comparison of Microbial Communities from Deep Igneous Crust
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic Secular Variation during MIS 7-10 between the Bering Sea (IODP Ex. 323) and North Atlantic Ocean (ODP Leg 172): Implications for the space/time pattern of field and environmental variability (Invited)
- A Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System to Specify Ionospheric Storms
- A New Creep Instability at Intermediate Homologous Temperatures with Application to Slow Earthquakes and Non-Volcanic Tremor
- Adaptive Conditioning of Multiple-Point Geostatistical Facies Simulation to Flow Data with Facies Probability Maps
- An Update on the Activities of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Anelastic Attenuation and Elastic Scattering of Seismic Waves in the Los Angeles Region
- Applications of Earth Observations for Fisheries Management: An analysis of socioeconomic benefits
- Assessment of Nearshore Hazard due to Tsunami-Induced Currents (Invited)
- Bacterial and Archaeal Community Dynamics at CO2-RICH Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Vents (panarea, Italy)
- CISN Testing Center ShakeAlert Performance Summaries
- Clumped Isotopes, trace elements, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O of stromatolites from the Laney Member of the Green River Formation (Eocene): Implications for paleoenvironments during the Eocene Climatic Optimum
- Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku earthquake: influence of 3-D plate structure around Japan
- Craton Formation: What Happens After Oceans Close
- Crustal anisotropy near the Wilzetta fault during the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma earthquake sequence
- Deep subsurface microbiology of 64-71 million year old inactive seamounts along the Louisville Seamount Chain
- Delving into the Deep Biosphere
- Developing Hydrogeological Site Characterization Strategies based on Human Health Risk
- Dynamics of 3-D thermo-mechanical subduction with an overriding plate
- Earthquake source tensor inversion with the gCAP method and 3D Green's functions
- Effective Teacher Practice on the Plausibility of Human-Induced Climate Change
- Effects of aerosols versus meteorology on cloud microphysical properties: a statistical investigation using global climate models and satellite observations
- Effects of heterogeneous attenuation on correlation functions of ambient seismic noise
- Efficient seismic traveltime calculations in 3D anisotropic earth media possessing full heterogeneity in elastic tensor symmetry and arbitrary tilt
- Examining Deep Subsurface Sulfate Reducing Bacterial Diversity to Test Spatial and Temporal Biogeography
- Exploring Undergraduate Engagement With The Consequences of Climate Change
- Flow Kinematics and Lagrangian Mixing Dynamics in a Darcy Scale Heterogeneous Porous Medium
- Fluorescence Produced Through Photoexcitation of Atmospheric N2 and O2
- Forecasting the Rupture Directivity of Large Earthquakes
- Hydraulic Fracturing and the Environment
- Identifying induced seismicity in active tectonic regions: A case study of the San Joaquin Basin, California
- In-Situ Lithospheric Rheology Measurement Using Isostatic Response and Geophysical State
- Incorporating Student Activities into Climate Change Education
- Increasing the collected energy and reducing the water requirements in salt-gradient solar ponds
- Inferring climate variability from skewed proxy records
- Integrating shear velocity observations of the Hudson Bay
- Interplay between subsurface structural heterogeneity and multi-species reactive transport in human health risk predictions
- Investigation of Exosphere Variations by Lyman-alpha Detectors on the TWINS Mission
- Laboratory and Numerical Studies of Regolith Surface Charging at the Lunar Terminator
- Low Velocity Zones along the San Jacinto Fault, Southern California, inferred from Local Earthquakes
- Microbial Ecology of a Regional Flow System: Deep, Aerobic, Fractured Rock Aquifers of the US Basin and Range (Invited)
- Microbial community structure as a reflection of the distribution and speciation of iron within North Pond Sediments
- Observations of erosion and damage along barrier islands following Hurricane Sandy
- Overview of the Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast Version 3 (UCERF3) Time-Independent Model
- Particle-in-cell simulations of whistler turbulence: A review (Invited)
- Physical erosion and nitrogen export from mountain forests: Isotopic insight on nutrient loss (Invited)
- Predicting CO2 Plume Evolution during Geologic Storage with Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Promoting Scientific Thinking and Conceptual Change about Alternative Explanations of Climate Change and Other Controversial Socio-scientific Topics
- Quantifying Uncertainty in Wetland Change Mapping for Alaska: Part I - Uncertainty in Input SAR Data
- Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations at the Petascale (Invited)
- Real-time Automatic Detectors of P and S Waves Using Singular Values Decomposition
- Refining the interpretation of hydroclimate proxies via the integration of a new, efficient isotope-enabled AGM and proxy system modeling: a comparative study
- Reservoir Characterization using geostatistical and numerical modeling in GIS with noble gas geochemistry
- Role of lithospheric rheology on dynamic topography and uplift rate
- Rupture Synchronicity in Complex Fault Systems
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Economic Impacts and Resilience
- Semantic Workflows and Provenance-Aware Software (Invited)
- SoilSCAPE in-Situ Observations of Soil Moisture for SMAP Validation: Pushing the Envelopes of Spatial Coverage and Energy Efficiency in Sparse Wireless Sensor Networks (Invited)
- Spatial Representativeness of Flux Tower Sites: A Comparison Between Tower and Aircraft Eddy-Covariance Fluxes
- Study on Landscape Freeze/Thaw Classification and its Spatial Scale Effects using Satellite L-band radar observations over Alaska
- Subsurface Flow Model Calibration under Uncertain Geologic Scenarios with Adaptive Sparse Reconstruction Techniques
- Testing atmospheric and tidal earthquake triggering
- The Dynamical Character of the Holocene Paleomagnetic Field: Evidence from the North America Region
- The Importance of Fault System Connectivity for Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis (Invited)
- The November 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma Earthquake: Induced or Triggered?
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: Improving Resilience for California from a Plausible M9 Earthquake near the Alaska Peninsula
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: A Collaborative Open-Source Software Package for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The Solomon Islands tsunami of 6 February 2013 field survey in the Santa Cruz Islands
- The Whistler Anisotropy Instability and the Inverse Cascade of Short-Wavelength Turbulence
- The elevation and growth of mountain belts: the Apennines, the Atlas, and the Alps (Invited)
- Timing of high-pressure metamorphism in the Nevado-Filabride Complex of the Betic Cordillera, Spain: implications for subduction in the Western Mediterranean
- Tropical African vegetation change during the early Pliocene
- Two-dimensional seismic velocity models of southern Taiwan from TAIGER transects
- Unified Science Information Model for SoilSCAPE using the Mercury Metadata Search System
- Unraveling the tectonic history of northwest Africa: Insights from shear-wave splitting, receiver functions, and geodynamic modeling
- Using Airborne Microwave Remotely Sensed Root-Zone Soil Moisture and Flux Measurements to Improve Regional Predictions of Carbon Fluxes in a Terrestrial Biosphere Model
- Using Remote Sensing to Quantify Roof Albedo in Seven California Cities
- Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) to Study the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- Weak Faults, Yet Strong Middle Crust
- Wetlands Maps of Central Canada based on L-band SAR Imagery
- 227Ac in the Deep South Pacific along the Peru-Tahiti GEOTRACES Transect
- A Micromechanical Damage Mechanics Model for the Seismic Coupling of Underground Nuclear Explosions
- A Modeling Framework for Optimal Computational Resource Allocation Estimation: Considering the Trade-offs between Physical Resolutions, Uncertainty and Computational Costs
- A Multimodel Ensemble Data Assimilation Approach to Specify Ionospheric Weather
- A New Approach to Reconstruct Ancient Bottom Water Oxygen Levels
- A Probabilistic Model of Chronological Errors in Layer-Counted Climate Proxies
- A Proxy System Modeling Toolbox for Comparing Water Isotope Observations to Simulations
- A high resolution seismic reflection image for the oceanic LAB (Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary), beneath southern North Island, New Zealand
- A novel approach to model hydraulic and electrical conductivity in fractal porous media
- A probabilistic assessment of waste water injection induced seismicity in central California
- Active microbial community structure of deep subsurface sediments within Baltic Sea Basin
- Age of Terrestrial Biomarkers in Fluvial Transit Across the Andes-Amazon Reveal Timescales of Carbon Storage and Turnover
- Analysis of a New Marlborough Fault System Lidar Dataset: The Wairau and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Analysis of high-resolution lidar digital topographic data along the Marlborough Fault System: The Awatere and Clarence faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Assessment of Nearshore Hazard due to Tsunami-Induced Currents
- Basin-Scale Transport of Hydrothermal Iron, Manganese and Aluminum Across the Eastern South Pacific
- Basin-Specific Variations in the Thermal Aging of Oceanic Asthenosphere
- Bioenergetic and Geobiological Possibilities of Methanotrophy on Mars
- Body-wave Attenuation in the South-Central Region of the Gulf of California, México
- By How Much Can Physics-Based Earthquake Simulations Reduce the Uncertainties in Ground Motion Predictions?
- Carbon associated nitrate (CAN) in the Ediacaran Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California and links to the Shuram negative carbon isotope excursion
- Carbon fixation in oceanic crust: Does it happen, and is it important?
- Carbonate "Clumped" Isotope Determination of Seawater Temperature During the End-Triassic Extinction Event
- Central Asian Paleoclimatology (Lake Karakul, Pamir) of the last 30,000 Years
- Characterization of Hydraulically Induced Fractures from Monitoring and Production Data Using Ensemble Kalman Filtering
- Characterization of Mining Induced Seismic Events Around Deep Level Mining Excavations in South Africa Using High-Precision Underground Monitoring
- Characterizing mechanisms of extracellular electron transport in sulfur and iron-oxidizing electrochemically active bacteria isolated from marine sediments
- Climate Regime Controls Fluvial Evacuation of Sediment Mobilized by Large Earthquakes
- Correlation between Induced Seismic Events and Hydraulic Fracturing activities in California
- Coseismic deformation due to the 2011 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake: influence of 3-D elastic heterogeneity
- Crustal And Lithospheric Thickness Variation Across Alaska In Advance Of Earthscope Transportable Array
- Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Produced by Rock Fabric Terranes in the Taiwan Central Range Deformational Orogen: Integrative Study Combining Rock Physics, Structural Geology, and Passive/Active-Source Seismology
- Development of a Standardized Methodology for the Use of COSI-Corr Sub-Pixel Image Correlation to Determine Surface Deformation Patterns in Large Magnitude Earthquakes.
- Disentangling the complexity of nitrous oxide cycling in coastal sediments: Results from a novel multi-isotope approach
- Disruption of the PV-PPV Phase Transition by a Dome-like Upwelling Beneath Alaska
- Distinguishing Ice from Snow for Melt Modeling Using Daily Observations from MODIS
- Distribution of iron(II) along the US GEOTRACES Eastern Pacific Zonal Transect
- Dust Effects on Surface Charging in Plasmas: Laboratory and Numerical Investigations
- ESP Toolbox: A Computational Framework for Precise, Scale-Independent Analysis of Bulk Elastic and Seismic Properties
- Electron and Ion Heating By Whistler Turbulence: Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Energy and power limits for microbial activity
- Environmental Magnetic Signature Of Late Quaternary Climate and Paleoceanography in the Bering Sea
- Environmental and bioenergetic constraints on the synthesis of biomass
- Exploring Genomic Diversity Using Metagenomics of Deep-Sea Subsurface Microbes from the Louisville Seamount and the South Pacific Gyre
- Fault-Zone Maturity Defines Maximum Earthquake Magnitude
- Finite-frequency sensitivity of seismic waves in three-dimensional fault zone models
- Fluctuations in Anoxia and the Depth of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Thermocline Inferred from a 2000 Year Sediment Record of Water-Column Denitrification Off Baja California.
- Fluvial Tufa Evidence of Late Pleistocene Wet Intervals from Santa Barbara, Southern California
- Forecasting Ionospheric Space Weather Due To High Speed Streams
- Forward and Inverse Cascades of Whistler Turbulence: Three-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulations
- Full-3D Tomography of the Crustal Structure in Southern California Using Earthquake Seismograms and Ambient-Noise Correlagrams
- Geomorphic Control on Mineral and Fluid Residence Times and Implications for the Hydrochemistry of Weathering
- Germanium as a Critical Zone proxy: δ<SUP>74</SUP>Ge and Ge/Si in waters from the Peruvian Andes and Amazon
- Glacial/Interglacial to Millennial-Scale Environmental Variability Over the Last 400,000 Years (OIS 1-10) as Recorded in Deep-Sea Sediments of the Bering Sea
- Group Sparsity Regularization for Calibration of SubsurfaceFlow Models under Geologic Uncertainty
- Holocene Abrupt Climate Change Over NW Iran: The Hand That Rocked The Cradle Of Civilization?
- Holocene Full-Vector Secular Variation from African Lakes
- Homogenization of Heterogeneous Elastic Materials with Applications to Seismic Anisotropy
- Hydrogen Isotope Biogeochemistry of Plant Biomarkers in Tropical Trees from the Andes to Amazon
- Imaging pockets and conduits of low velocity material beneath the lithosphere of the Atlas Mountains of Morocco: links to volcanism and orogenesis
- Imaging the internal structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone with high Frequency noise
- Influence of climate change and marine chemistry on ecological shifts following the Triassic/Jurassic mass extinction
- Insights into Microbial Mats and Possible Stromatolite Formation from Little Hot Creek, California
- Inter-Comparison between July 24, 2014 EUV Data from NASA Sounding Rocket 36.289 and Concurrent Measurements from Orbital Solar Observatories
- Investigating the Vertical Distribution and Source Attribution of Black Carbon over the Pacific Ocean
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- It Takes Two to Tango: The Timing of the India -Eurasia Collision and the Origin of the Super-Fast India-Eurasia Convergence Rates.
- Large-Scale Physical Modelling of Complex Tsunami-Generated Currents
- Large-scale fractionation of lithium isotopes during continental weathering and erosion: Insights from the Amazon River basin
- Lipids biomarkers of the deep terrestrial subsurface biosphere
- Lithospheric Deformation Along the Southern and Western Suture Zones of the Wyoming Province
- Lithospheric Shear Velocity and Discontinuity Structure of Hudson Bay from S-to-P Receiver Functions and Jointly Inverted P-to-S Receiver Functions and Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities.
- MLDs, LABs, and Moho's, Oh My! Using Geodynamical Models to Guide Interpretations of Geophysical Observations
- Measurement of Black Carbon, Particle Number and Mass, and Lung-Deposited Surface Area Emission Factors from in-Use Locomotive
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Microstructures of pulverized granitoids from the San Andreas Fault near Little Rock, CA
- Mixing-Scale Dependent Effective Dispersion for Solute Transport in Spatially Heterogeneous Flows
- Moball-Buoy Network: A Near-Real-Time Ground-Truth Distributed Monitoring System to Map Ice, Weather, Chemical Species, and Radiations, in the Arctic
- Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) for the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- Near-Melting Condition of the Inner Core Boundary Revealed from Antipodal Seismic Waves
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Methane at Sites of Active Continental Serpentinization
- Nitrite isotope dynamics in coastal sediments: An intricate link between nitrogen and oxygen cycling
- Nitrous Oxide Production and Fluxes from Coastal Sediments under Varying Environmental Conditions
- Numerical Prediction of Tsunami-Induced Sediment Transport in the Harbor
- Observations at a San Jacinto Fault Zone site (Sage Brush Flat) Using a Nodal Seismic High Frequency Array
- Oceanic oxygen in a warming climate: mechanisms, patterns, and timescales
- Operational earthquake forecasting in California: A prototype system combining UCERF3 and CyberShake
- Optimizing CyberShake Seismic Hazard Workflows for Large HPC Resources
- Origin of Azimuthal Seismic Anisotropy in Oceanic Plates and Mantle
- Overriding plate thickness control on subducting slab curvature
- Overview of Hydrographic Data From the GEOTRACES EPZT Cruise
- Paleoclimate Sampling as a Sensor Placement Problem
- Physics-based Multi-resolution Radar-Radiometer Soil Moisture Estimation within the SMAP Mission Framework
- Probabilistic Human Health Risk Assessment of Chemical Mixtures: Hydro-Toxicological Interactions and Controlling Factors
- Quaternary Deformation of Sumba, Indonesia: Evidence from Carbonate Terraces
- REU Programs at Field Research Stations Offer Unique Advantages that may Enhance Retention of Students in STEM Fields.
- Recent Developments within the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Refining the Magnitude of the Shallow Slip Deficit
- Retrospective Evaluation of Earthquake Forecasts during the 2010-12 Canterbury, New Zealand, Earthquake Sequence
- Robust Quantification of Earthquake Clustering: Overcoming the Artifacts of Catalog Errors
- SHERLOC: Scanning Habitable Environments With Raman & Luminescence for Organics & Chemicals, an Investigation for 2020
- Satellite Remote Sensing of Inundated Wetlands: Data Record Assembly and Cross-Product Comparison
- Sediment transport in the aftermath of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: constraints from landslide mapping, photo-sieving and reservoir accumulation
- Shifts in Microbial Community Structure with Changes in Cathodic Potential in Marine Sediment Microcosms
- Simulating Prehistoric Mid-Latitude Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation using IsoGSM
- Simulating carbon flows in Amazonian rainforests: how intensive C-cycle data can help to reduce vegetation model uncertainty
- Simulating drought impacts on energy balance in an Amazonian rainforest
- Soil Active Layer Freeze/Thaw Detection Using Combined L- and P-Band Radar Remote Sensing
- Sparse Geologic Dictionaries for Flexible and Low-Rank Subsurface Flow Model Calibration: Field Applications
- Spatially Resolved Chemical Imaging for Biosignature Analysis: Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Examples
- Stochastic Descriptions of Small-Scale, Near-Surface Velocity Variations in the Los Angeles Basin for Modeling Earthquake Ground Motions
- Stomatal Density Influences Leaf Water and Leaf Wax D/H Values in Arabidopsis
- Study of Ionospheric Storms Using Global Assimilative Ionospheric Models
- Subduction-Driven Recycling of Continental Margin Lithosphere
- Subseafloor nitrogen redox processes at Loihi Seamount, Hawai
- Systematic receiver function analysis of the Moho geometry in the southern California plate-boundary region
- The ACI-REF Program: Empowering Prospective Computational Researchers
- The Climate Continuum in a Global Multi-proxy Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Common Era
- The Dynamic Response of Marine Life to Extreme Temperature and Low Oxygen Events Following the End-Permian Mass Extinction.
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Influence of 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Climate Change on the Isotopic Composition of Atmospheric Moisture and How it Relates to Past Hydrological Changes
- The Paleoclimate Uncertainty Cascade: Tracking Proxy Errors Via Proxy System Models.
- The Record of Collision and Accretion in the History of a Convergent Margin
- The SAFRR Tsunami Scenario: from Publication to Implementation
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: A Collaborative Open-Source Software Package for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The SoilSCAPE Network Multiscale In-situ Soil Moisture Measurements: Innovations in Network Design and Approaches to Upscaling in Support of SMAP
- The speciation of particulate iron in the Peruvian Oxygen Minimum Zone
- The vulnerability of the Amazon forest to drier climate: results from an individual-based ecosystem model (ED-2.2)
- Toward a New Assessment of the Environmental Impacts of the Younger Toba Super Eruption
- Tracking Fluctuations of Oxygen Minimum Zones: A High-Resolution Study of δ<SUP>15</SUP>N<SUB>sed </SUB>and Biogenic Silica in Laminated Sediments from the Gulf of California and the California Borderland
- Tropical Pacific Forcing of Late-Holocene Hydrologic Variability in the Coastal Southwest United States
- UCVM: Open Source Software for Understanding and Delivering 3D Velocity Models
- Understanding the Development and Stabilization of Mn(III) Intermediates during Microbial Manganese Reduction
- Unexpected Consequences: Gold Mining in Peru and Trace Metal Mobilization
- Updates in SDO/EVE/EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) Data Processing and Inter-comparison of Calibrated ESP Irradiances with Measurements from Other On-orbit EUV Instrumentation
- Using Fault-Zone Trapped Waves from Teleseismic Earthquakes to Document Deep Structure of the Calico Fault in Mojave Desert
- Using aircraft eddy-covariance measurements to examine the spatial heterogeneity of CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange above three temperate forests
- Variations of Crustal Anisotropy along the San Jacinto Fault Zone, Southern California
- Varied Spatial Response of the SPCZ on Multi-decadal Timescales over the past 500 Years
- Were Semi-Arid Areas Wetter or Drier during the Pliocene?
- Wetland Maps of Central Canada based on L-band SAR Imagery
- What Forced Holocene Millennial-Scale Variability? A Tale from the Western Tropical Pacific
- When Boundary Layers Collide: Plumes v. Subduction Zones
- A Brittle-Ductile Transition Preserved in the Sierra Crest Shear Zone, Sierra Nevada, CA: a Natural Laboratory for Examining Rheologically-Controlled Brittle and Ductile Deformation Partitioning
- A Data-based Error Analysis for Cross-Correlations of Ambient Seismic Noise in Frequency Domain
- A Large Scale Automatic Earthquake Location Catalog in the San Jacinto Fault Zone Area Using An Improved Shear-Wave Detection Algorithm
- A Method to Monitor Seasonal Inundation States Using High Resolution ALOS PALSAR ScanSAR Observations in Alaksa
- A New Kinetic Simulation Model with Self-Consistent Calculation of Regolith Layer Charging for Moon-Plasma Interactions
- A Stable Isotope Study of Fluid-Rock Interactions in the Saddlebag Lake Roof Pendant, Sierra Nevada, California
- Active Region Soft X-Ray Spectra as Observed Using Sounding Rocket Measurements from the Solar Aspect Monitor (SAM), - a Modified SDO/EVE Instrument
- Advanced Soil Moisture Network Technologies; Developments in Collecting in situ Measurements for Remote Sensing Missions
- Advancing Capabilities for Understanding the Earth System Through Intelligent Systems, the NSF Perspective
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- Amphibole Thermometry and a Comparison of Results from Plutonic and Volcanic Systems
- An Exhumed Strike-Slip Duplex Formed at the Seismogenic Base of the Crust
- An efficient climate model with water isotope physics: NEEMY
- Analyzing the role of the permeability heterogeneous structure in developing vorticity in porous media
- Application of Effective Medium Theory to the Three-Dimensional Heterogeneity of Mantle Anisotropy
- Archaeal Viruses Contribute to the Novel Viral Assemblage Inhabiting Oceanic, Basalt-Hosted Deep Subsurface Crustal Fluids
- Assessing Precipitation Isotope Variations during Atmospheric River Events to Reveal Dominant Atmospheric/Hydrologic Processes
- Assessment of dissolved Pb concentration and isotopic composition in surface waters of the modern global ocean
- Biogeochemical Insights into B-Vitamins in the Coastal Marine Sediments of San Pedro Basin, CA
- Changes in solute chemistry of Yangtze headwaters following the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: Does seismicity influence silicate weathering fluxes?
- Characterization of the San Jacinto Fault Zone Northwest of the Trifurcation Area from Earthquake Data Recorded by a Dense Linear Array
- Characterizing Landslide and River Bed Sediments Grain Size after a Large Earthquake with Insight into Post-earthquake Sediment Dynamics
- Climate Dynamics from Fusing Proxies and Models
- Community Benchmarking of Tsunami-Induced Nearshore Current Models
- Comparing Vesta's Surface Roughness to the Moon Using Bistatic Radar Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Constraining the bulk Dust to Ice Ratio and Compressive Strength for Comet Churyumov Gerasimenko Using CONSERT Radar Observations
- Constraints on the Nature of the G-Boundary in Subducting Oceanic Lithosphere, Based on High Frequency (14 Hz) Seismic Reflection Data
- Controls on the Evolution of River Channel Morphology on Volcanic Islands
- Coseismic Slip Variation and the Intimate Link with Fault Structure
- Coseismic landslides associated with the 2015 Gorkha earthquake sequence in Nepal
- Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data: Lessons Learned from the Quake-Catcher Network
- Crustal Thickness Across Alaska via Ps Receiver Functions and Gravity Data and Comparison to Lithospheric Structure
- D Fluid Deformation and Mixing via a Continuous Time Random Walk
- Data Assimilation-Based SST Reconstruction from Coral δ<SUP>18</SUP>Ο Records
- Detecting Volatiles Deep in the Lunar Regolith
- Diffusive Transfer of Oxygen From Seamount Basaltic Crust Into Overlying Sediments: an Example From the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone, Equatorial Pacific Ocean
- Discriminating Characteristics of Tectonic and Human-Induced Seismicity
- Early Triassic alternative ecological states driven by anoxia, hyperthermals, and erosional pulses following the end-Permian mass extinction
- Earthquake-Driven Erosion and Mountain Building
- Earthquake-triggered increase in biospheric carbon export from a mountain belt: Insight from the 2008 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake
- Ecosystem Diversity and Heterogeneity Determine the Resilience of the Amazon to Climate Change
- Effects of Regional Topography and Spacecraft Observation Geometry on Surface Soil Moisture Estimation Accuracies
- Effects of Urban Land Forcing on Local and Downwind Air Quality, a Case Study for East Asia
- Episodic continental arc volcanism, tectonism and erosion recorded in stratigraphy and detrital zircon geochronology
- Erosion of Organic Carbon from Permafrost Zones in the Arctic as a Geological Carbon Dioxide Sink
- Estimating Size-Resolved Surface Particulate Matter Concentrations Using MISR High-Resolution Size-Fractionated Aerosol Optical Depth
- Evidence of buried paleodrainage in the Wahiba Sands, Oman: New perspective in understanding paleorecharge in the Southern Arabian Peninsula
- Examining early-diagenetic processes as a chief sink for carbonate in the aftermath of the Triassic-Jurassic crisis: Hettangian concretions of Muller Canyon, NV, USA
- Exospheric hydrogen density estimates from absorption dips in GOES solar irradiance measurements
- Experimental Concepts for Testing Seismic Hazard Models
- Exploring Microbial Life in Oxic Sediments Underlying Oligotrophic Ocean Gyres
- Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
- First Results from The Last Millennium Climate Reanalysis Project
- Floodplain Modulation of Solute Fluxes from Mountainous Regions: the Amazonian Madre de Dios River Case Study
- Formation of continental crust in a temporally linked arc magma system from 5 to 30 km depth: ~ 90 Ma plutonism in the Cascades Crystalline Core composite arc section
- Fragility of Floating Docks for Small Craft Marinas
- Full source tensor inversions of San Jacinto fault zone earthquakes using 3D Green's functions with the gCAP method
- Harmful Algal Bloom Hotspots Really Are Hot: A Case Study from Monterey Bay, California
- Highly variable structure along the Banda arc imaged by ambient noise tomography
- Holocene constraints on simulated tropical Pacific climate
- How Much Can the Total Aleatory Variability of Empirical Ground Motion Prediction Equations Be Reduced Using Physics-Based Earthquake Simulations?
- Hydrocarbon Reservoir Prediction Using Bi-Gaussian S Transform Based Time-Frequency Analysis Approach
- Impact of Temporally Variable and Uniform Pumping Regimes on Contaminant Transport in Heterogeneous Aquifers
- In-Situ Incubation of Iron-Sulfide Mineral in Seawater Reveals Colonization by Iron-Oxidizing Gammaproteobacteria and Zetaproteobacteria.
- Incremental Holocene slip rates from the Hope fault at Hossack Station, Marlborough fault zone, South Island, New Zealand
- Induced earthquake magnitudes are as large as (statistically) expected
- Indus-wide C<SUB>4</SUB> expansion between 7-6 Ma: an IODP Expedition 355 discovery
- Insight from Genomics on Biogeochemical Cycles in a Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System
- Insights into Low-frequency Climate Dynamics from a Surface Temperature Reconstruction Spanning the Last 2,000 Years
- Insights into Methane Formation Temperatures, Biogenic Methanogenesis, and Natural Methane Emissions from Clumped Isotopes
- Investigating marine microbe/metal interactions with LC-ICPMS-ESIMS
- Investigating the Effects of "Cool" Solar Reflective Pavements on California Climate
- It might take three: proxy system models as the missing link between proxies and climate models, and their potential for paleoclimate data assimilation
- Kinematics of the Hellenic Trench System from Earthquake Seismology and Field Observations
- Leaf Wax δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Varies with Elevation in the Peruvian Andes and Western Amazonia
- Lidar and Luminescence Dating Analysis of Latest Pleistocene-Holocene Slip Rates on the Awatere fault at Saxton River, South Island, New Zealand
- Lithospheric structure of the Sea of Japan from surface wave tomography
- Local slope, hillslope length and upslope unstable area as 1<SUP>st</SUP> order controls on co-seismic landslide hazard.
- MISR Satellite Observations of Aerosol Types Affecting Human Health
- Macrofaunal Biodiversity Response to Natural Gradients of Multiple Stressors on Continental Margins
- Magma volumes and storage in the middle crust
- Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat
- Mantle Dynamics of Australia-Banda Arc Collision as Inferred from Shear Wave Splitting Analysis of Teleseismic and Local Slab Events
- Measuring Engagement with the Potential Consequences of Climate Change
- Modeling Soil Pore Oxygen in Restored Wetlands
- Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications
- Multi-Scale Ionospheric Responses to the St. Patrick's Day Storm (2015) Studied Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System and GPS Data
- Near-Field Imaging Based on High Resolution Focal Spot Properties
- Near-field and far field effects of elastic structure of Japan on the slip distribution of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake
- New Tsunami Response, Mitigation, and Recovery Planning "Playbooks" for California (USA) Maritime Communities
- Numerical Studies of Dust Distribution around Small Asteroids
- Observations and Implications of Fault-Zone Trapped Waves From the 2014 M6 South Napa Earthquake, California
- Oxic and Anoxic Regions of Subseafloor Sediment
- P-band Radar Retrieval of Root-Zone Soil Moisture: AirMOSS Methodology, Progress, and Improvements
- Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of ~40ka stromatolites from the ancient Lake Lahontan, Nevada, USA
- Parametric studies of ion and electron heating by whistler turbulence: three dimensional Particle-In-Cell simulations
- Physical and Chemical Variations During Episodic Behavior of Mesozoic Cordilleran Arcs
- Primary Ediacaran Ooid Formation Texture Changes as an Indicator of Shifts in Local Shallow-Sea Chemistry: Exploring Diagenetic Effects on Preservation of Carbonate Associated Nitrate in the Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, California
- Quantifying Numerical Model Accuracy and Variability
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Recovery of Carbonate Ecosystems Following the End-Triassic Mass Extinction: Insights from Mercury Anomalies and Their Relationship to the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
- Reflectance Spectra of the Juneau Icefield
- Relating Transient Seismicity to Episodes of Deep Creep at Parkfield CA
- Revisiting the Climate Impacts of Cool Roofs around the Globe Using an Earth System Model
- Roadmap for an EArth Defense Initiative (READI)
- SAFRR Tsunami Scenarios and USGS-NTHMP Collaboration
- SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Product Validation using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- SMAP Validation Experiment 2015 (SMAPVEX15)
- Satellite-Supported Modeling of the Relationships between Urban Heat Island and Land Use/Cover Changes
- Scaling of Maximum Observed Magnitudes with Geometrical and Stress Properties of Strike-Slip Faults
- Schlieren-bound Magmatic Structures Formed by the Unmixing of Granitic Magmas: A Case Study from Pothole Dome, Sierra Nevada
- Seasonal advection of Pacific Equatorial Water alters oxygen and pH in the Southern California Bight
- Seismogenic response to fluid injection operations in Oklahoma and California: Implications for crustal stresses
- Shear Wave Generation by Explosions in Anisotropic Crystalline Rock
- Soft X-Ray (1-7 nm) Solar Spectrometer based on novel Nanowriter Electron-Beam Nanofabrication Technology
- Standardizing Organic Carbon Measurements for Modern and Geologic Timescales
- Structural Cross Section of the South Fork Mountain Schist, Franciscan Subduction Complex, Northern California Coast Ranges
- Supercycles and Synchronization Signatures in Synthetic Seismic Sequences
- Temperature- and stress-dependent rheologic structure beneath Japan inferred from postseismic displacements following the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake
- Temporal correlation of U. S. Great Basin lake sediments below the Mono Lake Excursion using paleomagnetic secular variation
- The AirMOSS Level 4 Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- The Computable Catchment: An executable document for model-data software sharing, reproducibility and interactive visualization
- The Fluid Evolution of a Ductile-To Dextral Shear Zone in the Central Sierra Nevada, California
- The Interdependence of Plate Coupling Processes, Subduction Rate, and Asthenospheric Pressure Drop across Subducting Slabs
- The Li isotope composition of modern biogenic carbonates
- The PAGES 2k Global Multiproxy Database for Temperature Reconstructions of the Common Era
- The Reduction of Friction in Long Runout Landslides as an Emergent Phenomenon.
- The Role of Snow Cover in Affecting Pan-Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw and Carbon Dynamics
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Erosion Rate in the Southern Central Range of Taiwan
- The State of the Carbon Cycle: Ten Years On
- The climate continuum revisited
- The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects
- The dynamics of double slab subduction from numerical and semi-analytic models
- The effect of reservoir geometry, injection and production parameters and permeability structure on induced seismicity
- The impact of exospheric neutral dynamics on ring current decay
- The role of internal variability in prolonging the California drought
- Three-Dimensional Vp Imaging Across the Interseismically Locked Southern Hikurangi Margin, Wellington, New Zealand
- Timing of Carbon isotope excursions during the late Triassic and early Jurassic
- Towards Environmental Microbial Analysis with Deep UV fluorescence and Raman Spectroscopy
- UCVM: An Open Source Software Package for Querying and Visualizing 3D Velocity Models
- UV-Excited Fluorescence of Rocks in Gale Crater, Mars
- Upscaling of Large-Scale Transport in Spatially Heterogeneous Porous Media Using Wavelet Transformation
- Upscaling sparse, irregularly spaced in situ soil moisture measurements for calibration and validation of SMAP soil moisture products
- Using CyberShake Workflows to Manage Big Seismic Hazard Data on Large-Scale Open-Science HPC Resources
- Using soil oxygen sensors to inform understanding of soil greenhouse gas dynamics
- Variation in Magnitude of Differential Stress Across an Exhumed Continental-scale Thrust Zone
- Velocity contrast and 10km vertical Moho offset across the Denali fault from double-difference tomography and fault zone head wave analysis
- Western tropical Pacific hydrology as inferred from northern Borneo speleothems: interannual to orbital-scale variability
- Wide Angle Seismic Imaging of (serpentinite ?) Fault Zones that Pass Through the Moho in a - Foreland Basin Setting
- <SUP>13</SUP>C Tracer Insights into Biogenic Calcite Dissolution Kinetics
- A New Richards' Equation-Based AirMOSS Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm
- A Probabilistic Approach to Injection-Induced Seismicity Assessment for Different Reservoir Types and Pressure-Diffusion Models
- A Probabilistic and Observation Based Methodology to Estimate Small Craft Harbor Vulnerability to Tsunami Events
- A Spatiotemporal Clustering Model for the Third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast (UCERF3-ETAS) - Toward an Operational Earthquake Forecast
- A Systematic Investigation of Hydraulic Connectivity in Heterogeneous Porous Media and its Impact on Transport Dynamics
- A synthesis of isotope ratios in precipitation from an assimilation of GNIP observations in a climate model
- Active subsurface cellular function in the Baltic Sea Basin, IODP Exp 347
- Aftershock Forecasting: Recent Developments and Lessons from the 2016 M5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma, Earthquake
- Apparent Attenuation at High Frequencies in Southern California
- Archiving Legacy Images from International Tsunami Science Team (ITST) Surveys, 1946 - 2013
- Assessing Atmospheric and Oceanographic Influences on ITCZ Position and Intensity over the Last Millennium from the Proxy Record
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessing the Biological Contribution to Mineralized Cap Formation in the Little Hot Creek Hot Spring System
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Assessment of empty microbial sheaths in sediment stabilization, Catalina Harbor, California
- CSEP Evaluations of 24-Hour Earthquake Forecasting Models for California: New Results and Ensemble Models
- Calcite Dissolution Kinetics
- Characteristics and performance of L-band radar-based soil moisture retrievals using Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) synthetic aperture radar observations
- Characteristics of Drainage Divide Migration through Coseismic and Storm-Triggered Landslides
- Characterizing permafrost active layer dynamics and sensitivity to landscape spatial heterogeneity: A case study in Alaska
- Climatic consequences of adopting drought tolerant vegetation over Los Angeles as a response to California drought
- Comparison of Observed and Predicted Models of Type 1 AGN
- Comparison of observed and modeled natural and anthropogenic aerosols over Earth's land ice, investigating radiative impacts of light absorbing impurities on ice and snow
- Connecting medieval megadroughts and surface climate in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Connecting polar research to NGSS STEM classroom lessons
- Constraints on Fault Damage Zone Properties and Normal Modes from a Dense Linear Array Deployment along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Cosmochemical implications of CONSERT permittivity characterization of 67P/CG
- Coupled Evolution of Earthquakes and Faults in a Continuum Damage-Breakage Model
- Coupled Flow and Geomechanical Study of Intraplate Seismicity in the New Madrid Seismic Zone
- Coupled Flow and Geomechanics Modeling of Slow Earthquakes: Application to Slow Slip Events (SSE) in the Guerrero Gap, Mexico
- Coupling of Equatorial Pacific Mean Climate State and ENSO Variability during the Holocene: Evidence from a High-Resolution Borneo Speleothem Record
- Dating Paleogene Subduction in the Alborán Domain (Alpujárride Complex, S. Spain)
- Dynamic Modeling of Potential Earthquake Rupture Paths through Cajon Pass, Southern California
- Earthquake Declustering via a Nearest-Neighbor Approach in Space-Time-Magnitude Domain
- Earthquake-driven erosion of organic carbon at the eastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau
- Effects of hydraulic property variations on hyporheic exchange induced by dune-like bedforms
- Eikonal Tomography of the Southern California Plate Boundary Region
- Electrode Cultivation and Interfacial Electron Transport in Subsurface Microorganisms
- Electron current in the boundary layer of a mini-magnetosphere above a lunar magnetic anomaly
- Estimating amplitude uncertainty for normalized ambient seismic noise cross-correlation with examples from southern California
- Expanding CyberShake Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Calculations to Central California
- Flavins in Marine Sediments: A Potentially Ubiquitous Intermediary In Microbial Electron Transfer
- Floodplain dynamics control the age distribution of organic carbon in large rivers
- Forecasting Space Weather in the Upper Atmosphere: From Science to Prediction
- Full Waveform Misfit Kernels for Fault Zone Seismic Waves in the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Genomic evidence for the Wood-Ljungdahl pathway for carbon fixation in warm basaltic ocean crust
- Get People Talking: Sharing Tsunami Science Beyond the Web
- Global perspectives on oxidative weathering of organic carbon in sedimentary rocks
- Hg concentrations from Late Triassic and Early Jurassic sedimentary rocks: first order similarities and second order depositional and diagenetic controls
- High vs Low Latitude Sources and Sinks of CO<SUB>2</SUB> During the Last Deglaciation
- How does forest productivity influence river export of plant wax?
- How does the 2010 El Mayor - Cucapah Earthquake Rupture Connect to the Southern California Plate Boundary Fault System
- Hydrothermal Plume Activity at Teahitia Seamount: Re-Awakening of the Society Islands Hot-Spot?
- Imaging Grating Spectrometer (I-GRASP) for Solar Soft X-Ray Spectral Measurements in Critically Under-Observed 0.5 - 7 nm Spectral Range
- Improving Solar Soft X-Ray (SXR) Irradiance Results from Broadband Photometers with New SXR Spectral Measurements from a CubeSat
- Incorporating the effects of age uncertainty derived from benthic d18O alignment into paleoceanographic data compilations
- Incremental slip rate and paleoseismic data from the eastern Hope fault, New Zealand: the Hossack and Green Burn sites
- Inner Core Anisotropy: Can Seismic Observations be Reconciled with Ab Initio Calculations of Elasticity?
- Internal Structure of the San Jacinto Fault Zone at Blackburn Canyon from a Dense Linear Deployment across the Fault
- Inverse Problem for 3D coupled Flow-Geomechanics Models and Induced Seismicity: Application to Subsurface Characterization and Seismicity Forecasting in Geologic CO2 Storage
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstruction with a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: High Latitude Dynamics
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstructions with a Multimodel Ensemble Prdiction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: Mid and Low Latitude Dynamics
- Is the Vincent fault in southern California the Laramide subduction zone megathrust?
- Landslide mobility and connectivity with fluvial networks during earthquakes
- Last Millennium External Forcing Undetectable in Coral Records of Central Pacific Climate
- Late Miocene Hydrological Change in the Indus River Catchment
- LiPD and CSciBox: A Case Study in Why Data Standards are Important for Paleoscience
- Living Between A Rock And A Hard Place: New Insights On The Crustal Deep Biosphere
- Maximum earthquake magnitudes along different sections of the North Anatolian fault zone
- Maybe Some Big Ground Shakes One Hundred Years Ago in a Big State Near the Ocean Were Caused by People
- Measuring slip in paleoearthquakes using high-resolution aerial lidar data: Combined analysis of the Wairau, Awatere, Clarence, and Hope faults, South Island, New Zealand
- Metagenomic Assessment of a Dynamic Microbial Population from Subseafloor Aquifer Fluids in the Cold, Oxygenated Crust
- Metatranscriptomic analysis of marine Thaumarchaea suggests intra-phylum variability in in situ heterotrophic carbon and nitrogen metabolim
- Microbial Composition and Preliminary Age of Ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Mixing as a Driver of Temporal Variations in River Hydrochemistry: Concentration-runoff Dynamics in the Andes-Amazon
- Modeling the effects of free-living marine bacterial community composition on heterotrophic remineralization rates and biogeochemical carbon cycling
- Monitoring Bioclimatic Indicators in Southwest Alaska National Parks
- Monitoring Regional Changes in Alaskan Carbon Fluxes and Underlying Biophysical Processes Using In Situ Observations, Models and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of Electron and Ion Dissipation by Whistler Turbulence: Variations with Electron β
- Partitioning the effects of Global Warming on the Hydrological Cycle with Stable Isotopes in Water Vapor
- Post Rendez-vous Dielectric 3D Modelling of Comet 67P/CG Using the Rosetta's CONSERT and VIRTIS Instruments Observations
- Potential Impacts of Urban Land Expansion on Asian Outflows of Air Pollutants
- Preliminary Earth System Modeling (cGENIE) of Paired Organic and Inorganic Carbon Isotope Records to Investigate Carbon Cycle Behavior During the Triassic-Jurassic Transition
- Probing the lower mantle composition and thermal structure: Insights from D``
- Projections of Climate Change Effects on Global Atmospheric River Landfalls
- Quantifying Near-Field Deformation of Large Magnitude Strike-Slip Earthquakes using Optical Image Correlation: Implications for Empirical Earthquake Scaling Laws and Safeguarding the Built Environment
- Quantifying a Total Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Signal using Low-Cost VOC Sensors in an Effort to Help Communities Learn More About their Air Quality
- Radial anisotropy from ambient noise tomography in the Central Andes
- Recent Achievements of the Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability
- Recovery collapse coincident with ongoing carbon cycle perturbations following the Permian-Triassic mass extinction
- Refined methodology for stress inversions of earthquake focal mechanisms
- Regional Mapping of Permafrost Active Layer Properties Using P-Band AirMOSS and L-Band UAVSAR Time-Series Observations in Alaska
- Reinterpreting the Crystal Cave speleothem record with statistics, climate models, and proxy system models
- Retrieval and Validation of Reflections from Ambient Noise Green's Functions Using Synthetic Ground Motions and Active Source Experiment Results
- Revisiting the Climate Impacts of Cool Roofs around the Globe Using an Earth System Model
- SCEC-VDO: A New 3-Dimensional Visualization and Movie Making Software for Earth Science Data
- SEQUENCING of TSUNAMI WAVES: Why the first wave is not always the largest?
- Security Implications of Induced Earthquakes
- Similar microbial communities found on two distant seafloor basalts
- Simulation Based Earthquake Forecasting with RSQSim
- Social Media: Gateway to Public Preparedness and Understanding of GeoHazards
- Soil Organic Carbon Transport in Headwater Tributaries of the Amazon River Traced by Branched GDGTs
- Solute Concentration at a Pumping Well in Non-Gaussian Random Aquifers under Time-Varying Operational Schedules
- Solute Transport Dynamics in a Large Hyporheic Corridor System
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Spatial-temporal variations of seismic noise and their relation to wind, rivers, and basins in central Alaska
- Stochastic Analysis of Environmental Performance Metrics in Geological Formations with Evolving Scales of Heterogeneity
- Tectonic Control of the Acid and Alkalinity Budgets of Chemical Weathering
- Temperature and Oxygenation of the Shallow Tethys During the End-Triassic Extinction Event.
- Temperature-Stress Profile Across an Exhumed Caledonian Shear Zone, NW Scotland
- Temporal Changes of Surface Elevation and Velocity of Taku Glacier, Juneau Icefield
- Testing the Millennial-Scale Holocene Solar-Climate Connection in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
- The Biogenicity of Carbonate/Silica Structures in Little Hot Creek: Tenants and Builders
- The Fair in Unfair Quantum Ground-state Sampling
- The Geoscience Paper of the Future: Best Practices for Documenting and Sharing Research from Data to Software to Provenance
- The Global Tsunami Model (GTM)
- The IS-GEO RCN: Fostering Collaborations for Intelligent Systems Research to Support Geosciences
- The Influence of Cloud Feedbacks on Glacial-Interglacial Variations in Climate
- The Relative Abundances of Resolved <SUP>12</SUP>CH<SUB>2</SUB>D<SUB>2</SUB> and <SUP>13</SUP>CH<SUB>3</SUB>D and Mechanisms Controlling Isotopic Bond Ordering in Abiotic and Biotic Methane Gases
- The Role of Orbital Variability on the Distribution of Water Isotopes in the Quaternary
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The Simulation of Far-Field Ground Motions from Explosions in Rock with Fracture Anisotropy
- The Tsunami Generated by the October 17<SUP>th</SUP>, 2015 Taan Fjord landslide
- The Water-Use Implications of a Changing Power Sector
- The distribution of landslides caused by the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- The effect of heated vapor-phase acidification on organic carbon concentrations and isotopic values in geologic rock samples
- The geologic record of slow earthquakes in the South Fork Mountain Schist, northern California Coast Ranges
- Theoretical Constraints on Properties of Dynamic Ruptures Implied by Pulverized Fault Zone Rocks
- Theoretical limits on detection and analysis of small earthquakes
- Tomographic Mantle Structure of the Eastern Caribbean: Slab Ponding & the Interplay between Rollback, Lithospheric Tearing, and Collision
- Towards Detailed Characterization of Spatio-temporal Variations in Stress Parameters along the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Towards reliable automated estimates of earthquake source properties from body wave spectra
- Tracing oxidative weathering from the Andes to the lowland Amazon Basin using dissoved rhenium
- Tsunami hazard in the Western United States
- UCVM: From Supercomputers to Laptops, Querying and Visualizing 3D Seismic Velocity Models
- Understanding Volatile Occurrence on Vesta Using Bistatic Radar and GRaND Observations by the Dawn Mission
- Verification and Validation of High-Frequency (f<SUB>max</SUB> = 5 Hz) Ground Motion Simulations of the 2014 M 5.1 La Habra, California, earthquake
- Verification of Regression-Based Upscaling Technique for Calibration/Validation of Space-Based Soil Moisture Products with Sparse In-Situ Data
- Water for Energy: Quantifying Water Use in the United States Energy Economy as of 2014
- Were the 1952 Kern County and 1933 Long Beach, California, Earthquakes Induced?
- Western tropical Pacific hydroclimate across four glacial cycles
- A Life Cycle Based Approach to Multi-Hazard Risk Assessment
- A Naturally-Calibrated Flow Law for Quartz
- A Simple Spring-Mass-Dashpot Model for Slow Earthquakes on a Viscous Fault
- A dynamic microbial community with high functional redundancy inhabits the cold, oxic subseafloor aquifer
- ASPIRE: Active Societal Participation in Research and Education
- Air-quality implications of widespread adoption of cool roofs on ozone and particulate matter in southern California
- Ambient Noise Tomography at Regional and Local Scales in Southern California using Rayleigh Wave Phase Dispersion and Ellipticity
- Analysis of the Coupled Influence of Hydraulic Conductivity and Porosity Heterogeneity on Probabilistic Risk Analysis
- Analysis of the physical properties of black carbon coatings from near-road to remote aging scales
- Analyzing surface features on icy satellites using a new two-layer analogue model
- Are Physics-Based Simulators Ready for Prime Time? Comparisons of RSQSim with UCERF3 and Observations.
- Assimilating Flow Data into Complex Multiple-Point Statistical Facies Models Using Pilot Points Method
- Attenuation Tomography at High Frequencies in Southern California
- Bottom Boundary Layer Forced by Finite Amplitude Long and Short Surface Waves Motions
- Catalog of offshore seismicity in Cascadia: Insights into the regional distribution of microseismicity and its relation to subduction processes
- Challenges in Specifying and Predicting Space Weather
- Characterizing soil moisture and snow cover effects on boreal-arctic soil freeze/thaw dynamics and cold-season carbon emissions
- Characterizing vertical heterogeneity of permafrost soils in support of ABoVE radar retrievals
- Chemolithoautotrophy in a shallow-sea hydrothermal system, Milos Island, Greece
- Chronostratigraphic framework for the late Miocene interval of IODP Exp. 355 Site U1457: timing of the C3-C4 transition
- Combining geophysical techniques to measure soil moisture in permafrost regions
- Conditional Probabilities of Large Earthquake Sequences in California from the Physics-based Rupture Simulator RSQSim
- Connectivity ranking of heterogeneous random conductivity models
- Constraining Silicate Weathering Processes in an Active Volcanic Complex: Implications for the Long-term Carbon Cycle
- Cryogenic Irradiation of Bacillus Atrophaeus spores to understand microbial survival on Icy Bodies
- CubeSat Nighttime Earth Observations
- CyberShake Physics-Based PSHA in Central California
- Damage Zone Resonance: Observation and Analytical Fitting of Fault Zone Trapped Wave Normal Modes Using Large-N Near-fault Seismic Arrays
- Debris flows associated with the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake in Nepal
- Deformation Partitioning: The Missing Link Between Outcrop-Scale Observations And Orogen-Scale Processes
- Deployment Considerations for Low-cost Air Quality Sensor Networks; Examining Spatial Variability of Gas-Phase Pollutants Around a Building in Los Angeles
- Detection of Organic Matter in Greenland Ice Cores by Deep-UV Fluorescence
- Digging Deep: Is Lunar Mantle Excavated Around the Imbrium Basin?
- Earthquake Preparedness and Education: A Collective Impact Approach to Improving Awareness and Resiliency
- Effect of Nearshore Islands on Tsunami Inundation in Shadow Zones
- Estimating background denudation rates and delivery of landslide sediment from a time series of <SUP>10</SUP>Be concentrations in landslide dominated basins in the southern Central Range of Taiwan
- Estimation of vegetation structure using SAR and LiDAR data in support of ABoVE subsurface retrievals over arctic-boreal zones in Alaska and Canada
- Evaluating sourcing and fluvial integration of plant wax biomarkers from the Peruvian Andes to Amazonian lowlands
- Evolution of Continental Environments and Chemical Weathering in the Western Himalayan Foreland Basin since 11 Ma
- Exploring Groundwater origin for theater-headed valleys on the walls of Ius Chasma based on geomorphological analogy to the Saharan Plateaus
- Formulating qualitative features using interactive visualization for analysis of multivariate spatiotemporal data
- From the Outside Looking In - Looking Back at Our Heliosphere in Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Gas Production Within Stromatolites Across the Archean: Evidence For Ancient Microbial Metabolisms
- Genomic Evidence of Chemotrophic Metabolisms in Deep-Dwelling Chloroflexi Conferred by Ancient Horizontal Gene Transfer Events
- Geobiological Comparisons of Preservation Potential within Hypersaline Mineral-Microbe Systems
- Geochemical Sources of Energy for Chemolithoautotrophic Metabolisms in Global Hydrothermal Ecosystems
- Geodetic Imaging and Tsunami Modeling of the 2017 Coupled Landslide-Tsunami Event in Karrat Fjord, West Greenland.
- Geothermal influences on the abyssal ocean
- Germanium Isotopes - the Global Budget and Paleoceanographic Potential
- Groundwater Dynamics in Fossil Fractured Carbonate Aquifers in Eastern Arabian Peninsula
- H/V spectral ratio tomography at Groningen Gas Field
- High-resolution integration of water, energy, and climate models to assess electricity grid vulnerabilities to climate change
- Immersive Interaction, Manipulation and Analysis of Large 3D Datasets for Planetary and Earth Sciences
- Impact of convective activity on precipitation δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in isotope-enabled models
- Increased Internal Atmospheric Variability Contributed to the Persistence of the California Drought Through the 2015/16 El Niño
- Increasing Resilience Through Engagement In Sea Level Rise Community Science Initiatives.
- Integral Transform Solution for Scalar Transport in Obstructed Shear Flows
- Integration of Remote Sensing and Geophysical Applications for Delineation of Geological Structures: Implication for Water Resources in Egypt
- Investigating relationships between the air temperature urban heat island effect and land use characteristics in the Los Angeles basin using high density observations and mobile transects
- Investigating the influence of photocatalytic cool wall adoption on meteorology and air quality in the Los Angeles basin
- Is Recent Warming Unprecedented in the Common Era? Insights from PAGES2k data and the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- Kinetic Alfven turbulence: Electron and ion heating by particle-in-cell simulations
- Landslide and Tsunami in Karrat Fjord, Greenland, 2017; the Event, the Response and the Future
- Landslide-driven drainage divide migration and quantifying progress toward topographic steady state
- Leveraging Subsidence in Permafrost with Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness (ReSALT) Products
- LinkedEarth and 21<SUP>st</SUP> century paleoclimatology: reducing data friction through standard development
- Machine Learning and Deep Learning Models to Predict Runoff Water Quantity and Quality
- Magma addition rates in continental arcs: New methods of calculation and global implications
- Measuring changes in surface elevation and velocity using GPS on Taku Glacier, Alaska
- Mercury anomalies as a proxy for large igneous province volicanism and effects on the carbon cycle in a U-Pb age-constrained section spanning the end-Triassic mass extinction, Levanto, Peru
- Microbes, Minerals and Electrodes at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (SURF): Electrochemistry 4100 ft below the surface.
- Minearl associated microbial communities from The Cedars, associate with specific geological features
- Necromass as a source of energy to microorganisms in marine sediments.
- OntoSoft: A Software Registry for Geosciences
- Organic carbon and microbial activity in marine sediments on a global scale
- Overview of an REU program: A case study in gender parity, ethnic diversity, and community college students
- Passive Signals from Aggressive Methods: The Origin and Implications of Organic Material in a Carbonate Stromatolite
- Pattern-Based Inverse Modeling for Characterization of Subsurface Flow Models with Complex Geologic Heterogeneity
- Peak Metamorphic Temperature Profile across Eastern Belt Franciscan, Northern California Coast Ranges
- Performance Evaluation of EnKF-based Hydrogeological Site Characterization using Color Coherent Vectors
- Polar Domain Discovery with Sparkler
- Poroelastic Modeling as a Proof of Concept for Modular Representation of Coupled Geophysical Processes
- Quantifying 3D Deformation in the 14 November 2016 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand Earthquake Using COSI-Corr Optical Satellite Image Correlation
- Quantifying the Sensitivity of the Production of Environmental Externalities to Market-Based Interventions in the Power Sector
- Quantifying the Variation in Shear Zone Character with Depth: a Case Study from the Simplon Shear Zone, Central Alps
- Radial ooids from Great Salt Lake (Utah) as paleoenvironmental archives: Insights from radiocarbon chronology and stable isotopes
- SHERLOC on Mars 2020
- Seasonal and high-resolution variability in hydrochemistry of the Andes-Amazon
- Seismic Hazard Analysis on a Complex, Interconnected Fault Network
- Seismic imaging of the southern California plate-boundary around the South-Central Transverse Ranges using double-difference tomography
- Semi-automatic Data Integration using Karma
- Spatial and temporal heterogeneity of microbial life in artificial landscapes
- Stochastic Representations of Seismic Anisotropy: Verification of Effective Media Models and Application to the Continental Crust
- Tectonic Control on Landsliding in the Nepal Himalaya Revealed by the 2015 Gorkha Earthquake
- Teleseismic P-wave tomography of the Sunda-Banda Arc subduction zone
- The Climate Response to Explosive Volcanism in the Last Millennium Reanalysis
- The Effects of Fracture Anisotropy on the Damage Pattern and Seismic Radiation from a Chemical Explosion in a Granite Quarry
- The Impact of Continental Configuration on Global Response to Large Igneous Province Eruptions
- The Impacts of Urbanization on Meteorology and Air Quality in the Los Angeles Basin
- The PMC-Turbo Balloon Mission to Study Gravity Waves and Turbulence through High-Resolution Imaging of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- The SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Framework for Distributing and Querying Seismic Velocity Models
- Trends and variability in the Hadley circulation over the Last Millennium from the proxy record
- Tsunami vs Infragravity Surge: Statistics and Physical Character of Extreme Runup
- Understanding the d18O Response to Precession in the South Asian Monsoon Region
- Using Deep UV Raman Spectroscopy to Identify In Situ Microbial Activity
- A Comparison of Viral Populations Inhabiting Atlantic and Pacific Oceanic Crustal Fluids
- A Geospatial Assessment of the Water Consumed and Withdrawn for US Fossil Fuel Production
- A Model for the Initiation, Evolution, and Controls on Seismic Behavior of the Garlock Fault, California
- A SCEC CyberShake Physics-Based Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Model for Northern California
- A change in silicic acid concentrations across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary? A look from δ<SUP>30</SUP>Si of sponge spicules via SIMS
- AI in geosciences: progress, challenges, and opportunities.
- Along-strike variations in the Hikurangi Subduction zone: land-based seismic observations during the 2017-2018 SHIRE seismic onshore-offshore imaging project
- Assessing air quality co-benefits and penalties of urban heat mitigation strategies in the Los Angeles Basin
- Automated Machine Learning as a Service for the Earth Sciences
- Autonomous Moisture Continuum Sensing Network:Intelligent and Energy Efficient in situ Wireless Sensor Networks in Support of Earth Sciences
- Biogeochemical Sulfur Cycling in Hypersaline Mono Lake Sediments
- Broadening Geosciences Preparedness through a Cross-Campus Experiential Partnership
- Characterizing Planetary Surface Roughness and Potential Volatile Presence Using Opportunistic Orbital Bistatic Radar Observations
- Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of temperature variability
- Climatic and tectonic controls of erosion in the eastern end of Himalaya
- Clumped isotope systematics in lacustrine and fluvial carbonates: A tool for paleoclimate, paleohydrology, and paleoaltimetry
- Consideration of Stress Induced Permeability Changes Within a Poroelastic Model Framework for Induced and Triggered Seismicity
- Constraining Moho depth and velocity contrast beneath Northeast China using regional Sp phase
- Convolutional Neural Networks For Downscaling SMAP Radiometer Brightness Temperature Observations With High-Resolution Radar
- Crustal structure of the northern Hikurangi margin and Bay of Plenty from marine seismic reflection imaging and double-sided onshore-offshore seismic tomography
- Cyber Literacy for GIScience: Toward Formalizing Geospatial Computing Education
- Deep learning for satellite data-driven assessment and forecasting of particulate pollution over South Korea
- Deep-UV fluorescence and Raman instrumentation for organic detection in subsurface environments
- Designing Topic Specific Crawls: Comparing Algorithm Performance
- Detection and Classification of Weak Signals in Continuous Seismic Waveforms
- Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on an Arid Island in the N. Pacific
- Developing a modelling framework to characterize sensitivity of soil freezing processes to snow cover changes and active layer dynamics in Arctic Alaska
- Digital Bedrock Geology Compilation of the Central Sierra Nevada, Eastern California
- Dynamic Rupture and Source Properties in a Damage-Breakage Rheology Model
- Earthquake and emergent correlated noise detection from a dense seismic deployment on the San Jacinto fault zone
- Eikonal Tomography of the Southern California Plate Boundary Region
- Empowering Scientists, Media, and the Public to Stimulate Interest, Action, and Results: What Do We Know and What Don't We Know?
- Energization Mechanisms Leading to Vertical Ion Transport in Jupiter's Auroral Region Ionosphere
- Estimating the water usage of the US energy system within the context of change
- Event-driven controls on channel form in the Nepal Himalaya: Competition and cooperation between debris flows and glacial outburst floods
- Extending for Science Data Discovery
- Extreme Fault Connectivity and What It Means for Seismic Hazard Models
- Facilitating transdisciplinary interaction in Coastal California: Results from a longitudinal study
- Field survey of the 28 September 2018 Sulawesi tsunami
- Fieldwork as a rite of passage: Its implications for diversity in the geosciences
- Focused Pulse of Rapid Erosion in Central Nepal Related to Himalayan Fault Motion
- Focused recharge of fossil waters into fractured carbonate aquifers in the Eastern Sahara along deep-seated faults: Geochemical and geophysical constraints
- Fully Nonergodic Ground Motion Models in Central California Using NGA-West2 and SCEC CyberShake Datasets
- Fully Physics-Based PSHA: Coupling RSQSim with Deterministic Ground Motion Simulations
- Ge/Si Biogeochemistry in North Pacific Sediments
- Geochemical and Genomic Characterization of a Microbially-Mediated Dynamic Sulfur Cycle in Santa Paula Creek, CA
- Geochemistry of Large, Low Shear-Wave Velocity Provinces in the Lower Mantle Inferred from Nd and Pb Isotopes in Oceanic Hotspots
- High P-Wave Speeds in the Upper Mantle and Their Possible Association with Super Plumes
- High resolution satellite imagery allows for temporal perspective on landslide rate following the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB>7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal
- High resolution topographic datasets derived from stereo satellite images: bridging the gap between high and low resolution digital elevation models for geomorphic applications
- High-resolution Distribution and Interannual Dynamics of Permafrost Active Layer Thickness in the Alaskan Arctic Retrieved from P-band Radar
- How to Detect Water in the Mantle Wedge of a Subduction Zone Using Seismic Anisotropy.
- Hypabyssal Intrusions Capturing the Physical Development of an Upper-Crustal Magma Plumbing System and Links Between Magma Chambers and Volcanism: From Map to Mineral Scale
- Immersive Coastal Hydrodynamic Simulation
- Implications of Forecasting Thermosphere-Ionosphere Conditions After Initiation of an Eruptive Solar Event
- In-Situ Calcite Dissolution Rates Across a Transect of the N. Pacific and a Comparison with the Dissolution Mechanisms and Temperature Dependence Determined in the Lab
- Incorporation of Landslide Tsunamis in Multi-Source Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- Informative space-time-magnitude-mechanism features of earthquakes in southern California
- Integrating Models Through Knowledge-Powered Data and Process Composition
- International Post-Tsunami Survey for Tsunami Palu-Donggala (ITST-Palu)
- Investigation of Laminae Formation in Eocene Green River Formation Stromatolites Through Combined Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Petrography
- IoT-Hub: A new cloud data-platform for monitoring and analyzing IoT
- Joint analysis of seismic, geologic, resistivity and topographic data collected within the San Jacinto fault zone trifurcation area near Anza, California
- Landscape response to transient extreme erosion rates
- Landslides triggered during the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal reveal non-linearity of topographic controls
- Large Underplated Structures along the Southern Hikurangi Margin: Preliminary Results from the SHIRE Seismic Imaging Experiment
- Large Vessel and Debris Transport due to Tsunami-Induced Currents
- Large eddy simulation of tsunami-induced turbulent coherent structures in a 3D wave basin
- Leveraging Different Gas-Phase Air Quality Sensors to Better Understand Sources of Hydrocarbons in Los Angeles
- Links between Mountain Building and Non-Steady State, Heterogeneous Orogenic Crustal Development at Multiple Scales: Insights from the Cretaceous Central Sierra Nevada Arc Flare Up and Bench Canyon Shear Zone
- Lithium Isotope Compositions of Recent and Fossilized Cenozoic Brachiopods
- Long-term GPS Glacier Monitoring of the Juneau Icefield, Alaska and British Columbia, Canada
- Low frequency behavior of organic soil for a multi-phase study of a permafrost soil dielectric model
- Low-frequency earthquakes describe the slow slip that drives them
- MISR and AirMSPI Observations of Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- Mapping transition zone topography beneath China by migration of ScS reverberations.
- Mio-Pliocene Variations of the Indian Monsoon Recorded in the Bengal Fan (IODP Exp354)
- Modeling the effects of topography on earthquake ground motion in Seattle, Washington
- Multi-scale study of ground motion coherence in Piñon Flats Observatory
- New Insight Into the Seismicity of the Western Alps from Automated Analysis of Dense Linear Array Data
- Numerical simulations of stress variations with depth in a model for the San Jacinto fault zone
- Olivine LPO development and seismic anisotropy induced by back-arc spreading
- OntoSoft: A Semantic Model Catalog to Support Comparison and Reuse
- Optimization of Data Functionals for Full-3D Tomography
- PMC-Turbo: Imaging Polar Mesospheric Clouds from a Stratospheric Balloon Platform
- Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences: ASPIRE (Active Societal Participation in Research and Education)
- Permafrost Variability over the Northern Hemisphere Based on the MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- Planets in the Milky Way: Their Occurrence and Their Characteristics
- Present-day Uplift of the European Alps: Mechanisms and Relative Contributions
- Probabilities of Earthquakes in the San Andreas Fault System: Estimations from RSQSim Simulations
- Profile representation of permafrost active layer properties in support of radar retrievals
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage in permafrost river floodplains
- Reassessing the surface roughness of Europa using Galileo stereo images.
- Recovering highly detailed, 3D patterns of surface deformation resulting from the 2016 M<SUB>W</SUB> 7.8 Kaikoura, New Zealand earthquake from optical satellite stereo image correlation
- Resolving the Dichotomy Between Surface and Subsurface Structural Elements on Comet 67P Using CONSERT and OSIRIS Observations Onboard the Rosetta Mission
- Scale dependent topographic control of landslide frequency-size statistics
- Scientific workflows, reproducibility and uncertainty quantification in the paleogeosciences
- Seasonal Modulation of Deep Slow-slip and Earthquakes on the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Seismic investigation of the 2010-2011 volcanic unrest in Marie Byrd Land, West Antarctica
- Single station tectonic tremor detection using the Mexican National Seismological Service permanent stations
- Source-specific air pollution derived from speciated ground- and space-based observations, and its role on adverse birth outcomes in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- Spatial and Socioeconomic Distributions of Electricity-temperature Sensitivities in the Los Angeles Metropolitan Region
- Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Microbial Sulfur Cycling During the Onset of Meromixis in Mono Lake, California
- Stability/Instability of Sediment-Hosted Marine Hydrothermal Carbon Reservoirs, an Unquantified Feedback on Earth's Past and Future Climate
- Subduction structure of the Hikurangi Plateau, from travel-time inversion of OBS data, offshore of the Wellington region, the southern North Island, New Zealand
- Supporting paleoclimate research with the FAIR principle: lessons from LinkedEarth
- Systematic Detection of Long-term Microearthquakes Around the 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquake
- Tectonomagmatic histories of western South America and southern Africa
- The Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability version 2.0 (CSEP2.0): New Developments in Earthquake Forecasting and Testing Capabilities
- The Effect of Fracture Damage on the Seismic Moment of an Explosion: Comparing Results from an Inversion with Explicit Calculations of the Stress Glut
- The Late Cretaceous, migrating Jack Main intrusive complex, central Sierra Nevada, CA: Mapping as a powerful tool for unraveling magmatic histories
- The Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA): From Aerosol Optical Depth from Space to Near-Surface Particulate Matter
- The NASA CYGNSS SmallSat Constellation
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The SCEC Software Ecosystem for Earthquake System Science Research
- The Snow Data System at NASA JPL
- The interpretation of speleothem δ<SUP>18</SUP>O in the Asian Monsoon regions: Insights from an isotope-enabled model
- Trace Element Distribution and Mobility in Naturally-deformed Quartz
- Transfer Learning for Seismic Phase Picking on Different Geographic Regions
- Transformation of ancient organic carbon in exposed organic-rich black shale of the Monterey Formation, Naples Beach, CA
- Tropical soil fertility increases leaf turnover, not greenness
- Tsunami Generation From Coseismic Deformation During the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.5 Palu Earthquake
- Tsunami Propagation Around Offshore Islands
- Uncertainty of Black Carbon Distribution and Related Radiative Forcing Involved in Cloud Processes
- Understanding Injection-induced Seismicity Effects of Fault Damage Zones: Beyond Poroelastic Models
- Upper Mantle Seismic Anisotropy as a Constraint for Mantle Flow and Continental Dynamics of the North American Plate
- Using Energetic Neutral Atoms to study the structure of the Outer Heliosphere from Vantage Points Several Hundred AU from the Sun
- Using Remote Sensing Data to Assess the Influence of Environmental Conditions on Seasonal Influenza Across the US
- Using remote sensing to estimate exposures to flaring from unconventional oil and gas operations
- What we do and don't know about the 2018 Palu Tsunami - A future plan
- A Coupled SPH-Shallow Water Hydrodynamic Modelling Approach for Landslide Generated Tsunami Hazard Assessment
- A Multiscale Seismic Deployment with 463 Sensors Following the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence in Eastern CA
- A Story of California's Seismic Hazards: Studying Historical and Simulated Earthquakes Through Geovisualization Platforms
- A Tale of Two LIP-Induced Hyperthermals: Coupled Atmospheric and Hydrologic Changes During the end-Triassic extinction (ETE) and Toarcian OAE (T-OAE)
- A focal mechanism catalog for Southern California derived with deep learning algorithms
- A novel sulfur catabolism 'missing in nature'
- An atomic scale study on carbonic anhydrase enhanced calcite dissolution: mechanisms and implications for the ocean carbonate cycle
- Arc-arc collision and its effects on current seismic hazard in central Honshu, Japan
- Assessing the Effects of Hydrogeological and Engineered Complexities in Probabilistic Risk Analysis
- Astrobiology Learning Progressions: a Tool for Scientists and Educators to Plan and Conduct Education and Outreach
- Beyond the research experience: Implementing career development initiatives in an REU
- Biomarker evidence for ecological and environmental stress across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary at the Levanto section in Northern Peru
- Characterizing Speciated Particulate Matter over the California Central Valley with AERONET and MISR Aerosol Products
- China's Environmental Protection Tax and its Reforms impacts on Sectoral and Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution Emissions
- Classifying emergent and impulsive signals in continuous seismic waveforms
- Community-based Participatory Research in the Geosciences as a Mechanism for Broadening Participation
- Constraining the Seismicity Associated to the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault Zone, Southern Chile and Argentina (52-55ºS)
- Convolutional Neural Network for Subsurface Flow Prediction
- Cyanophage Dynamics at the San Pedro Ocean Time Series: Generalists, Specialists, and One-shot-wonders
- Damage Zone Resonance: Observation and Analytical Fitting of Fault Zone Trapped Wave Normal Modes Using Dense Near-fault Seismic Array
- Debris flows generated from co- and post-seismic landslides in the Nepal Himalaya
- Detecting High Conductivity Channels in Heterogeneous Porous Media Using an Iterative Sampling Strategy
- Deterioration in Coastal Biodiversity Associated to Degradation Submarine Springs in the Peninsula of Qatar
- Developing a User Interface for the Processing and Analysis of Planetary Radio Science Data: Implications for Orbital Forward-Scatter Bistatic Radar Observations of Planetary Surfaces
- Dusty Spacesuit Charging/Arcing in Plasma: Implications for Astronaut Safety at the Lunar Terminator and Far-Side
- Earthquake cycles in fault-bend folds
- Effect of poroplasticity on geomechanical stability of a faulted reservoir under production
- Emerging tools and techniques for taking advantage of remote sensing imagery to understand the landslide hazard cascade
- Enhancement of Permafrost Soil Properties Estimation for Organic-Rich Arctic Soils Using P-Band Radar
- Estimating long-term husbandry hydrogen sulfide exposure from satellite ammonia observations: A new epidemiological tool
- Evaluating Simulation-Based Earthquake Forecasts with Examples from UCERF3-ETAS
- Evolution of Marine Calcifiers, Earth System Response to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Release, and Mass Extinctions
- Factors influencing the spatial distribution of soil moisture derived from airborne SAR in watersheds near Nome and in Utguiavik, Alaska
- Failure to alert? Exploring perceptions of ShakeAlert during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- Fault Continuity and Rupture Branching of the West Napa Fault Resulting from the 2014 Mw 6.0 South Napa Earthquake, Inferred by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Fault-normal rupture displacement gradients and the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence of 2019
- Field constraints from the Amazon basin reveal a rapid rate constant for oxidation of rock-derived organic carbon
- Freight Trains as a Powerful Seismic Noise Source for Monitoring Active Faults
- Generative Adversarial Networks for Calibration and Uncertainty Quantification of Complex Subsurface Flow Models
- Genomic characterization of uncultivated Actinobacterial acetogens
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- Ground-level methane emissions in Los Angeles: low cost air quality sensor network and relation to urban oil drilling
- Hertz-Mindlin Theory of Contacting Grains and the Effective-Medium Approximation for the Permeability of Deforming Porous Media
- Hot springs disturbances induced by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Identifying potentially vulnerable communities to extreme heat events by characterizing air conditioning penetration patterns in the Southern California region
- Imaging and monitoring temporal changes of shallow seismic velocities at the Garner Valley near Anza, California, followingthe M7.2 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake
- Impact of the Coupled Effect of Viscous Fingering and Subsurface Heterogeneity on Solute Transport
- Impacts of Adopting Solar Reflective Cool Surfaces on Climate and Air Pollution from Urban to Global Scales
- Implications of Multiple Magmatic Fabrics Reflecting Strains Caused by Local Flow and by Regional Stresses of Crystal Mushes in the Tuolumne Intrusive Complex, Sierra Nevada, CA
- Initial wide-angle seismic results from the Seismogenesis at Hikurangi Integrated Research Experiment (SHIRE), North Island, New Zealand
- Integration of MAIA Satellite-derived Aerosol Properties, Geospatial and Meteorological Data, and Surface-based Pollution Measurements to Map Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- Inversion for the Higher-Degree Moment Tensors of the 2016 Mw7.8 Kaikoura Earthquake
- Investigating the origin and biogenicity of spheroidal carbonate particles within an Argentinean Puna plateau travertine system
- Investigation of Interannual Trends in the Surface Urban Heat Island in Los Angeles County and its Association with Real-world Land Surface Changes Using Observations, Models, and Machine Learning
- Jurassic structural evolution of the King Creek area, southern Ritter Range, Sierra Nevada, CA
- King Tides Result in Episodic Cross-Contamination of a California Coastline With Cyanobacterial and Algal Toxins
- Lessons from Taan Fiord and Lituya Bay: is Alaska's Grewingk Lake poised for catastrophe?
- Long-period earthquake ground motions in the Los Angeles basin
- Low-Frequency Earthquakes Accompany Deep Slow-Slip beneath the North Island of New-Zealand
- MINT: An intelligent interface for understanding the impacts of climate change on hydrological, agricultural and economic systems
- Measurements to Determine Mixing State of Black Carbon Emitted From the 2017/2018 California Wildfires and Urban Los Angeles
- Metagenomic Exploration of the Mono Lake Water Column: How Microbes Thrive despite High Salt and Arsenic Concentrations
- Microbial Succession in Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, CA
- Microbial life in oceanic crust
- Natural Asymmetric 4 and 6-cycle Seismic Observables from Transverse Isotropic (TI) Media: the Role of the Fifth TI Parameter for Future Seismic Analysis Methods
- Near-source field survey of the 22 December 2018 Anak Krakatau tsunami in the Sunda Strait
- New Advances in CyberShake PSHA Models
- New Capabilities of the SCEC Unified Community Velocity Model (UCVM) Software Framework
- Next Generation Seismic Hazard Models in California
- Numerical Simulation of Tsunami Run-Ups in the Pacific Coast of Mexico Based On Non-Uniform K<SUP>-2</SUP> Slip Distributions
- Numerical Simulations of Stress Variations with Depth in a Model for the San Jacinto Fault Zone
- Observation of Gravity Wave Breaking and Vortex Ring Formation at the Mesopause with PMC-Turbo
- On the cusp of a tear: Continental subduction in the Banda Arc
- Operational earthquake forecasting during the M6.4 Searles Valley and M7.1 Ridgecrest sequence using the UCERF3-ETAS model—evaluation and lessons learned
- Phase-equilibria Evidence for the Bachmann-Bergantz Model of Granitic Melt Segregation: Tests from the Guadalupe Igneous Complex, California
- Planning for a Pragmatic Interstellar Probe: Requirements, Desirements, Realities
- Potential applications of SMAP brightness temperature to improve permafrost monitoring in Arctic tundra area
- Predicting the distance to system-scale failure throughout dynamic in situ X-ray tomography experiments
- Pseudo-prospective Evaluation of Aftershock Forecasts during the Ridgecrest sequence
- Quantifying organic carbon mobilization and storage due to bank erosion in permafrost-dominated river floodplains
- Radar Remote Sensing in Hyper-Arid Areas: Challenges and Opportunities in Understanding Deserts Responses to Environmental Drivers
- Reacting CO<SUB>2</SUB> and limestone to alkalize the ocean and sequester Anthropogenic CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Reactivity of riverine organic carbon from chemical fractionation and ramped pyrolysis oxidation
- Recent Progress and Development in Energy Efficient and Smart in situ Wireless Sensor Networks: SoilSCAPE
- Refining the use of cold-water coral as a proxy for past marine nitrogen cycling through culture experiments with Balanophyllia elegans
- Remotely Sensed Active Layer Thickness and Soil Moisture using Airborne L-band and P-band Radar
- Resilience of Groundwater Systems in the Presence of Bisphenol A under Uncertainty
- Resilient Remediation under Climate Change: Application of machine learning-based In situ Groundwater Monitoring and Reactive Transport Modeling
- Resolving the life cycle water consequences of U.S. coal-fired electricity: A challenge of data availability, spatial attribution, and consumer accountability
- Response of chemical weathering and hillslope hydrology along an exhumation gradient in central Nepal: new insights from transit time tracers and groundwater chemistry
- Satellite-derived PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Composition and Its Differential Effects on Children's Respiratory Health
- Schlieren-Bound Magmatic Structures Record Local Flow-Sorting Events in Multi-Scale and Spatially Heterogeneous Magma Mush Mixing Bowls
- Seismic Moment Tensors of Explosions in Anisotropic Fractured Rock
- Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Natural Faults: The FaultScan Project
- Seismic characterization of the Critical Zone in the Nepal Himalaya: a regional perspective
- Shear Wave Anisotropy, Mantle Flow, and Structure of the South Cocos Plate, Mexico.
- Simultaneous retrieval of soil moisture profiles and permafrost active layer thickness using P-band polarimetric backscatter and seasonal subsidence derived from L-band interferometry
- Stability, Seasonality, and Red Queen-Like Dynamics in a 5-YEAR Virome from the San Pedro Ocean Time Series
- Subduction of rough seafloor facilitates sediment underplating beneath a low velocity prism
- Sulfur Comproportionation and Sulfur Disproportionation in the Karst of Frasassi, Italy?
- Sulfur and oxygen isotopes in riverine sulfate reveal redox recycling of sulfur across the Andes and Amazon transition
- Surface rupturing and triggered slip on nearby faults from the Ridgecrest earthquakes revealed by InSAR
- Targeted Postseismic Observations of the M6.4 and M7.1 Ruptures of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence
- The Importance of Understanding Surface Roughness for Human Exploration of the Moon: Volatile Mapping and Assessing Surface Trafficability
- The Madre de Dios River basin of Peru: a catchment observatory across scales covering the Andes-Amazon mountain-to-floodplain transition
- The NASA CYGNSS Small Satellite Constellation
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The Th/U cycle in serpentinites
- The distribution of microseismicity correlates closely with velocity structure in the San Jacinto fault-zone region of Southern California
- The first three days of the 2019 Ridgecrest earthquake sequence
- The power of microbial life in marine sediments
- The role of coupled processes in the abrupt termination of the last glaciations
- The transient and intermittent nature of slow slip
- Three-dimensional scattering dominated attenuation models for P and S waves of the southern California crust
- Towards a Sustainable Urban Water Supply: Analyzing the Energy and Emissions Trade-offs of Los Angeles's Shifting Water Supply Portfolio
- Tsunami Generation due to Supershear Earthquakes: A Case Study
- Twentieth Century Black Carbon and Dust Deposition on South Cascade Glacier, Washington State, USA as Reconstructed from a 158 m Long Ice Core
- Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia's coal-driven air pollution crisis and its role on adverse birth outcomes
- Uncertainty quantification in aerosol properties retrieved by optimal estimation: a testbed using General Retrieval of Aerosol and Surface Properties (GRASP)
- Uranium isotope constraints on weathering depth and implications for uplift-driven atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> drawdown
- Validation of Broadband Ground Motion from Dynamic Rupture Simulations: towards better characterizing seismic hazard for engineering applications
- Variational Auto-Encoders for Low-Rank Parameterization and Calibration of Subsurface Flow Models
- Was there a Meghalayan outside of Meghalaya? Insights from a speleothem coherency analysis.
- autoTS: Automated Machine Learning for Time Series Analysis
- A Dynamic Deep Learning Model for Performance Prediction and Fault Detection in Geothermal Power Plants
- A Multiscale Study of Sorption and Mass Transfer in Shale using Helium and Argon
- A New Model for Ionospheric Total Electron Content: the Impact of Solar Flux Proxies and Indices
- A Random Forest Based Spatiotemporal Regression Model for the Impact of Greenspace on Childhood Academic Performance.
- A map of inner core scatterers from beamforming the LASA array
- A new approach for two-phase rock typing: Evaluation with pore network simulations
- A unified framework for quantitative interdisciplinary flood risk assessment
- An Equitable Exchange
- Analysis of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) over the Seward Peninsula using Machine Learning Techniques
- Artificial intelligence in the paleogeosciences: progress, challenges, and opportunities
- Assessing the Textural Properties of Hyper-Arid Areas in the VHF Range in Support of Radar Probing of Shallow Aquifers
- Assessing the influence of freshwater consumption priorities on zero-carbon electricity planning: A case of Senate Bill 100 compliance in California
- Assessment of remotely-sensed canopy measurements for mapping soil nutrient deficiencies in Mexico croplands
- Assessment of the NASA MERRA-2 Climate Reanalysis and ESA CCI Satellite Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Products Over the Contiguous United States
- Assimilating Multicycle Rupture Simulations into Probabilistic Forecasting Models
- Black Carbon Emissions from In-Use Harbor Craft in Southern California
- Bringing the lab to the field: The benefits and pitfalls of spatially and temporally distributed in situ data for scientific reasoning
- Building CyberLiteracy Through Interactive Lessons: Design, Development, and Deployment of Jupyter Notebooks for Geospatial Computing Education
- CAL THRIVES - A California Toolkit for Heat Resiliency in Underserved Populations
- California reviews non-traditional tsunami sources as analogies for future statewide tsunami hazard analyses
- Centaur Environment and Surface Activity Measurement Experiment (Cesame)
- Compound Extreme Heat and COVID-19 Risks in the United States
- Concurrent tremor and slip associated with the thermal boundary of the seismogenic zone
- Cooling our Homes with the Sun: Exploring Precooling Strategies to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Democratizing Safety During an Earthquake: Multi-Disciplinary Spatial Optimization for Defining Evacuation Centers with Fair Access in L.A. County
- Depth-dependent and temporal evolution of magma addition rates and geochemical compositions in the plutonic record of continental arc crustal sections
- Detailed traveltime tomography and seismicity around the 2019 M7.1 Ridgecrest, CA, earthquake using dense rapid-response seismic data
- Developing Map-Based Web Interfaces to Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Community Models
- Developing a User Interface for the Processing and Analysis of Deep Space Network Planetary Radio Science Data
- Distinct spatial patterns of tidal and dynamic triggering at the Coso geothermal field
- Distributed Spacecraft with Heuristic Intelligence to Enable Logistical Decisions (D-SHIELD) for Soil Moisture Monitoring
- Effects of Shallow Velocity Reductions on Three-Dimensional Propagation of Seismic Waves
- Efficient Data Assimilation with Latent-Space Representations for Subsurface Flow Systems
- Electricity Customers as Batteries? Exploring the Demand-Side Management Strategies to Balance Solar Energy
- Empirical model for estimating hydraulic properties of the organic-rich arctic permafrost soils
- Enhancing CyberShake Simulations for Engineering Applications
- Entirely Inactive or Ineffectively Activated? Stimulating Deep Continental Subsurface Microorganisms in a Calorimeter
- Environmental Triggering of Seismicity in California
- Estimating permafrost thickness in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta using LIDAR
- Evaluation of Remote-Sensing Architectures using the Virtual Constellation Engine
- Evidence for Fe-Ti Oxide Enrichment in the Lunar Subsurface from the LRO Mini-RF Observations
- Evidence for high porosity in the top few meters of Asteroid Ceres' desiccated regolith
- Examining the role of Fe-cycling in microbial mat lithification and stromatolite abundance through Earth history
- Exploring changes to ocean oxygenation and seafloor ecosystems in Southern California Borderlands through the Holocene
- Forecasting daily reference evapotranspiration using the wavelet-Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) approach
- Geoweaver: Connecting Dots for Artificial Intelligence in Geoscience
- How Alaska's Barry Arm Can Help Us Prepare for Climate Change Hazards
- How Applicable are Existing Flow Laws to the Granitic Continental Crust?
- How Do Near-Surface Strength Characteristics Vary Over Landscape Scales? A Case Study Using Geotechnical Field Methods and a Back-Analysis of Earthquake Triggered Landslides.
- Improved calibration of absolute InSAR deformation estimates in support of permafrost active layer retrievals
- Inherited lithospheric structures control arc-continent collisional heterogeneity
- Initial Ambient Noise Tomography above a region of Slow-Slip, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand
- Initiation and Propagation Phases of Northern Cascadia Episodic Tremor and Slip Events
- Inversion of Teleseismic Waveforms for Higher-Degree Moment Tensors of Complex Ruptures
- Inverting temporal velocity changes at SAFOD from cross-well active source seismic data using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach
- Latent-Space Inversion (LSI) for Subsurface Flow Model Calibration with Physics-Informed Autoencoding
- Leveraging big data to inform better policy responses to climate change and extreme heat events
- Looking at the Bigger Picture: Photoproducts of Pyruvic Acid
- Machine learning for the assessment of socio-economic impacts of geophysical hazards
- Maps of Active Layer Thickness in Northern Alaska via Upscaling of P-band SAR Retrievals
- Measurements of the Impacts of Neighborhood Scale Cool Pavement Deployments on Albedo, Temperatures, and Pedestrian Thermal Comfort in the Greater Los Angeles Area
- Microbial biosignatures in the lower oceanic crust at Atlantis Bank, Indian Ocean
- Modeling Lunar Water Formation Induced by Micrometeorite Impacts
- Modeling Mobility Patterns Uncertainty of Twitter Feeds During an Earthquake Using Spatio-Temporal Point Process Models
- Modeling of Shale Formations and Computing Their Effective Properties
- Modelling forest vertical structure by SAR-LiDAR data fusion in the arctic-boreal zone
- Mountain building and critical zone development: the interplay of rock fracturing and mineral weathering in the rapidly exhuming High Himalaya, central Nepal
- Multi-Agent Multi-Scale Observations of Soil Moisture via Spctor: Sensing Policy Controller and Optimizer
- Multi-fault rupture plausibility inferences from a deterministic earthquake simulator
- Multiphysics Proxy Modeling for Risk Assessment during CCS
- New Comprehensive Tsunami Mitigation Strategies for California
- OLI-DRFS: Retrievals of Dust Radiative in Snow from Landsat-8
- Observations and modeling of Secondary Instabilities and Billows in Kelvin-Helmholtz Instabilities
- P-wave velocity structure of the northern Hikurangi margin from travel time tomography
- Particle-in-cell Simulations of Kinetic Range Plasma Turbulence: Does Microinstability Growth Lead to Intermittency?
- Persistence of seismicity at fault bends along the Main Himalayan Thrust
- Phase Transitions and Condensation in Tight Porous Materials
- Potential of full-polarimetric P-band SAR in characterizing subsurface soil profile in Arctic tundra
- Predicting changes in Southern California's residential electricity consumption due to urban warming using machine learning models
- Predicting gas and hydrate presence on the U.S. Atlantic margin using geospatial machine learning
- Progress Towards a Pragmatic Interstellar Probe
- PyCSEP: An Open-Source Toolkit for Evaluating Earthquake Forecast Models
- Recurrent Neural Networks for Predicting the Dynamic Response of Geothermal Reservoirs from Monitoring Data
- Regional seismic velocity models for Southern California based on travel time tomography with Poisson Voronoi cells parameterization
- Reimagining Meaningful Research Experiences Through Remote Mentoring
- Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle with the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS)
- Role of Barnett Production and Flow-Geomechanical Coupling on Stress Migration and Fault Stability in the 2013-2014 Azle Earthquake Sequence
- SIHLA , a Mission of Opportunity to L1 to Map H Lyman Alpha Emissions from the Heliopause, the Interplanetary Medium, the Earth's Geocorona and Comets
- Seismic Anisotropy Provides Insight Into Upper Mantle Flow and its Relationship to Subduction of the Cocos Plate in Southern Mexico
- Seismicity in the Upper Plate of the Northern Chilean Offshore Forearc: Evidence of Splay Fault around the Mejillones Peninsula
- Signals of the Serengeti: how do four carbon isotopic proxies for C4 grasslands compare?
- Signature of supershear transition in natural earthquakes
- Source Spectra of Intermediate-depth and Deep Earthquakes in the Tonga Subduction Zone
- Spatial Ensembling of Land Cover Models
- Spatial and Seasonal Variations of Aerosol Loading and Aerosol Types over South Asia Using Several Satellite-based Datasets
- Spatio-Temporal Colocation Causality Analysis of Injected Water and Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Spectra-semblance-based rupture directivity estimation: Application to earthquakes in California
- Storage Capacity, Sorption and Mass Transfer in Shale
- Subsurface Rupture Zones along Multiple Faults during the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Inferred by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Surface fractures nearby the Ridgecrest earthquakes: what can we learn on the regional stress and fault properties?
- Teaching Hands-on Science Experiments during COVID-19 Pandemic - Lesson learned from the USC Young Scientists Program
- The ARMAS validated, global aerospace radiation environment monitoring system becomes operational
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The use of satellite observations to assess multiple airborne exposures experienced by military personnel deployed in Southwest Asia
- Total Regional Economic Losses from Major Water Supply Disruptions in Los Angeles Complete Invited Paper 767028
- Tsunami generation due to supershear earthquakes: a case study
- Uncertainty budgets for credible science can be computed
- Upper-plate controls on megathrust slip behaviour: Comparing the Hikurangi and Nankai subduction zones
- Use of Roughness and Profile Curvature to Develop an Approximate Age-dating Method for Submarine Landslides Offshore California, Using High Resolution Bathymetry for Landslides in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Cruz Basin
- Volcano-induced ENSO occurrences: an integrated assessment using targeted paleoclimate data assimilation experiments.
- What can deep sea hydrothermal vent mineral alteration tell us about chemolithotrophic microbes?
- Wildfire, permafrost, and vegetation interactions in a discontinuous permafrost region revealed by dual-frequency airborne radar observations
- A Generalized Linear Elastic Net Regression to Model Impacts of Environmental and Demographic Factors on Childhood Academic Performance
- A Method to Evaluate the Degree of Bleaching of IRSL Signals in Feldspar: The 3ET Method
- A New Depth to Lacustrine Paleothermometry: Applying Brillouin Thermometry as a Novel Tool for Resolving the Temperature, Depth, and Seasonal Biases in the Evaporite Record of Holocene/Pleistocene Searles Lake, California
- A Refined Comprehensive Earthquake Focal Mechanism Catalog for Southern California Derived with Deep Learning Algorithms
- A Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Simulating Bimolecular Reactions in the Subsurface Environments.
- A continental forearc serpentinite diapir with deep origins: Elemental signatures of a mantle wedge protolith and slab-derived fluids at New Idria, California
- ARMAS radiation monitoring first results from the surface to LEO
- Achieving peak load and CO2 emissions reductions by aligning AC usage with solar energy availability through residential precooling strategies
- Active Layer Thickness as a Function of Soil Water Content in Alaska and Canada
- Active Learning for Well Control Optimization with Surrogate Models
- Air Quality Impacts of Urban Tree Planting in Southern California
- Air Quality and Public Health Co-benefit of 100% Renewable Energy Adoption Pathways in Los Angeles
- Ambient noise tomography of the southern San Andreas fault using data recorded by dense fault zone array
- An initial map of scatterers in the inner core
- An overview of SHERLOC Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy results obtained during Perseverances Green Zone Campaign at Jezero crater, Mars
- Anatomy of Strike Slip Fault Tsunami genesis
- Annual Trends of Soil Moisture and Rainfall in Qatar from 1982 to 2019
- Automatic Detection and Classification of Rock Microstructures through Machine Learning
- Bifurcations at the Stability Transition of Earthquake Faulting
- Building machine learning models to predict residential electricity use in Southern California
- Catchment structure controls young water fractions across the tropical Andes mountains and Amazon floodplain
- Characterizing patterns of residential AC ownership across Southern California in the context of urban warming
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Coseismic fault-propagation folding on the Sulaiman Fold and Thrust belt
- Coupled Geochemical-Sedimentological Depositional History of the Pleistocene/Holocene Lacustrine Sediments from Evaporite Core SLAPP-SRLS17, Searles Lake, California
- Crack-like and pulse-like ruptures, seismic swarms, and tremorgenic slow-slip events in velocity-weakening, thermally-strengthening faults
- Data-driven discovery of governing differential equations for hydrologic systems utilizing stochastic optimization
- EO-Based Technologies for Economic Modeling: Application to COVID-19
- Earthquake clustering and localization of seismicity before large earthquakes
- Effect of River-Seawater Mixing on Silica Concentrations in Almirante Bay, Panama
- Effects of source configuration and heterogeneity on mixing in 2D and 3D porous media
- Establishing a U/Th-based age model for the >200 kyr SLAPP core, Searles Valley, CA
- Forecasting global geophysical states using a deep learning model for Spacecraft constellation scheduling and planning
- Forest classification using airborne SAR and Lidar data in interior Alaska
- Fracture network localization preceding catastrophic failure
- Heat Mitigation Strategy Impacts on Thermal Comfort and Local Temperature at the Micrometeorological Scale
- Holocene Salinity Variations in Great Salt Lake, Utah: Application & Calibration of the ACE Salinity Proxy
- Identifying the Fingerprints of Early Pliocene-like Sea Surface Temperature Gradients with an Isotope-Enabled General Circulation Model
- Improving and assessing luminescence chronological approaches for the determination of slip rate and in paleoseismology
- Integration of in situ Wireless Sensor Networks and UAVs for Soil Moisture Mapping
- Interdisciplinary conversations on climate modeling and the built environment
- Investigating the Global Distribution, Metabolic Potential, and Adaptation Strategies of the Cosmopolitan Genera Halomonas and Marinobacter
- Iron Speciation in Airborne Particulate Matter From Urban Locations and Implications for Human Health
- Large Lithospheric Velocity Variations Across the Northern Canadian Cordillera Imaged by Ambient Noise Tomography
- Late Holocene filling of the Taroko Gorge (Liwu River) in eastern Taiwan and its geomorphic implications
- Long-base seismic interferometry reveals a hidden slow slip near the Anza seismic gap, CA
- Measuring the Degree of Strain localization along Coseismic Surface Ruptures Using Optical Image Correlation: Implications for Understanding Fault Mechanics and Displacement Hazard
- Measuring the temperature impacts and albedo change of neighborhood-scale cool pavement deployments in the Los Angeles area
- Metagenomic Investigation into 300 Years of Cyanobium Population Dynamics in Mono Lake
- MicroCT as a tool to improve the accuracy of cosmogenic 3He exposure dating in magnetite
- Microbial energy usage in marine sediments rates, limits and activity levels
- Monitoring fault zones using freight trains, a case study in southern California
- Mountain Building and the Critical Zone: A Detailed Look at Chemical Weathering and Critical Zone Architecture in the Rapidly Exhuming High Himalaya, Central Nepal Using Observations from an 80m Borehole
- Non-uniform slope distributions can explain the decoupling of erosion rates and average slope angles in threshold hillslope landscapes
- Observational inferences of anthropogenic and biogenic CO2 emissions in San Francisco Bay Area
- Organic carbon burial by river meandering offsets bank-erosion carbon fluxes in discontinuous permafrost
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Fault-Leakage Reduced-Order Model Development
- Potential Satellite Monitoring of Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra from SMAP
- Production-induced subsidence and seismicity under large strain deformation: A Groningen field study
- Proxy-model comparison for Late Eocene and early Oligocene conditions around the margins of Antarctica
- Quantification of Fault Leakage Dynamics in the Presence of Fault Rupture Based on Leakage Magnitude and Dip Angle
- Ready to Proceed: The Interstellar Probe Mission Concept Study
- Regional-Scale Soil Carbon Mapping: A Case Study from the East River, Colorado, USA
- Relationship of in-slab events with episodic tremor and slip and detection of updip slow slip near the locked megathrust in the Nankai subduction
- Remote Sensing Surface Mineralogy and Foliar Metal Content to Discern Contaminant Sources Across Heterogeneous Landscapes
- Rise and fall of the Tibetan plateau
- Satellite Formation Flying for Surface Topography and Vegetation (STV) Mapping: The Distributed Aperture Radar Tomographic Sensors (DARTS)
- Sediments in man-made reservoirs of western India preserve records of regional rainfall variability
- Seismic Imaging of the Mw 7.1 Ridgecrest Earthquake Rupture Zone From Data Recorded by Dense Linear Arrays
- Seismo-Geodetic Investigations of Subsurface Properties of the Southern San Andreas Fault
- Seismological Observation of Earths Oscillating Inner Core
- Shaking with a Chance of Warning
- Simulating the Impact of Agile, Heterogeneous, Distributed Spacecraft with Intelligent Scheduling (D-SHIELD) to reduce global Soil Moisture Uncertainty
- Sorption Hysteresis and Mass Transfer in Shale under Variable Net Stress
- StereoBit on the SpaceCube Mini
- Stormflow drives rock-derived nutrient loss from tropical forest ecosystem on terra firme fluvial terrace in Amazonia
- Subsurface Damage Zones of the Matured San Andreas Fault at Parkfield and the Sinistral Faults at Ridgecrest in the Eastern California Shear Zone Characterized by Fault-Zone Trapped Waves
- Subsurface seismic properties across the southern San Andreas Fault in the Thousand Palms Canyon based on train-generated seismic waveforms
- Supershear shock front contributions to the Palu bay tsunami following the Mw 7.5 Sulawesi earthquake
- Surface versus subsurface flow: Using paired resistivity tomography and water isotopes to understand the hydrologic response to wildfire in the San Gabriel Mountains, USA
- Tectonics climate coupling in the Himalaya from the perspective of extreme events
- The Effects of Impact Angle on Lunar Water Retention by Micrometeoroid Impact
- The SCEC Broadband Platform: Open-Source Software for Strong Ground Motion Simulation and Validation
- The orographic influence on storm variability, extreme rainfall characteristics and rainfall-triggered landsliding in the central Nepalese Himalaya
- The scale dependence of permeability: Effects of pore-throat size distribution and pore connectivity
- Tremor and Slow Slip Reflect Deformation During Underplating of Thick Trench Sediment Sequences: a Structural Geology Perspective
- Trends in Firewise USA: Grassroots Engagement in a Wildfire Mitigation Program in California
- Tsunami Mitigation Re-Imagined: Community- and Project-Level Tsunami Mitigation Strategies through the California Seismic Hazard Mapping Act
- UPb Dates From Dynamically Recrystallized Titanite Directly Constrain Timing of Crystal-Plastic Deformation
- Understanding Downslope Changes in Soil Strength: In-situ Robotic Measurements Reveal Mechanical Properties Along a Soil Catena
- Understanding Human Decision Making in Robot-Assisted Field Data Collection
- Use of Roughness and Profile Curvature to Develop an Approximate Age-dating Method for Submarine Landslides Offshore California, Using High Resolution Bathymetry for Landslides in the Santa Barbara Channel and Santa Cruz Basin
- Using Containers to Develop and Distribute SCEC Research Software
- Using smart meter data to classify patterns of residential electricity usage across disparate demographic groups and climate zones
- Verification and Validation of the Broadband CyberShake Platform
- Weaving Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion into Geoscience Education
- What Drives Atlantic Hurricane Activity in the Last Millennium?
- A High-Spatial Resolution Analysis of Heat Stress in the Los Angeles Region Using WRF
- A New Dielectric Imaging Station for Characterizing the Microwave Behavior of Permafrost Active Layer Organic Soil
- A rate-, state-, and temperature-dependent friction law with competing healing mechanisms
- An Integrated Remote Sensing, Geophysical and Stable Isotope Approach for Groundwater Assessment in the northern area of the Western Desert, Egypt.
- An environmental magnetic study of the Carboniferous-Permian lower Cutler Beds, San Juan County, Utah: Loess-paleosol couplets in the western Pangean paleotropics
- An initial map of fine-scale heterogeneity in the Earth's inner core
- Anticipating SWOT Water and Wetland Phenomenology using airborne Ka-band SAR from AirSWOT
- Assessment of atmospheric transport error in Los Angeles using Radon-222 measurements
- Bayesian Inversion for Spatially Variable Fault Frictional Properties and Mantle Rheology Using Postseismic Geodetic Measurements
- Biogeochemical Origins and Timing of Laminations in Mono Lake Sediments
- Biomarker climate reconstruction of the past two glacial cycles at Bear Lake (UT/ID)
- Building Resilience through Community-led Practices: Learning from the Hazard Motivated Relocation and Resettlement of Informal Communities in Puerto Rico
- Combined Effects of Sources of Disorder and Source Zone Configuration on Scalar Transport
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Diverse Metabolic Potential within Ectothiorhodospiraceae in Extreme Environments: a Case Study in the Hypersaline, Alkaline Mono Lake, California
- Comparison of Observed and Simulated Ground Motions in the Los Angeles Basin
- Complex inner core motion from LASA, ILAR, and YKA recordings
- Constraining Urban CO2 Emissions Using BEACO2N
- Critical Invariant Galton-Watson Branching Process for Earthquake Occurrence
- Daily and seasonal variations of shallow seismic velocities in southern California from analysis of H/V ratios and autocorrelations of seismic waveforms
- Depth-dependent variation of proportionality between stress drop and slip, with implications for estimating megathrust earthquake source parameters
- Detecting high-frequency anthropogenic seismic sources for seismic velocity monitoring
- Detection of Fault Zone Head Waves and the Fault Interface Imaging in the Xianshuihe-Anninghe Fault Zone (Eastern Tibetan Plateau)
- Developing High Spatiotemporal Resolution Estimates of Rainwater Harvesting Potential in Water Scarce Areas: a Case of Los Angeles
- Diverse Utility of SWOT Water Extent, Elevation, and Backscatter Measurements
- Emerging tools and techniques for surface topography change related to land-surface processes and hazard cascade
- Evidence of melt accumulation beneath Yellowstone Caldera from full-waveform inversion
- Evolution of the real area of contact at the laboratory scale during fully dynamic seismic cycles
- Examining How Various Heat Metrics Influence Residential Cooling Demand and the Vulnerability of Populations to Urban Warming
- Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Gas Storage and Transport in Shales using Pressure Pulse Decay Data
- Exploring errors in simulated aerosol activation using self-organizing maps
- Forest Flows - Data Fusion of Remote Sensing and Real Time Terrestrial Data for Identifying and Quantifying the Drivers of Forest Hydrological Processes across Different Scales
- Fracture network localization in intact and damaged Westerly granite during triaxial compression with fluids
- Frequency Dispersion in Depth-Integrated Wave Models Through Machine Learning Surrogates
- How do the internal dynamics of sedimentary systems affect organic carbon burial and environmental signal preservation?
- Human-robot teaming for real-time data foraging decisions
- Hydrogeological Control on Aquifer-Climate Interaction in Major U.S. Aquifers
- Hydromechanical Model Shows that Pockmarks in the Chatham Rise-Bounty Trough May Have Released Significant Volumes of Geologic CO2 During the Last Glacial Termination
- Identify Surfaces on Sub-Neptunes in the JWST Era
- Impacts of Hydrometeorological Factors on Forecasting Soil Moisture Via Remote Sensing Observations and Deep Learning - A Quinquennial Study
- Impacts of Satellite Reentry on Atmospheric Composition in the Era of Mega-Constellations: Molecular Dynamics Simulations
- Inter-ocean glacial-interglacial variability in Antarctic Intermediate Water circulation
- Investigating Reduced Dimensional Variability in Aerosol-Cloud Parameters
- Investigating the Impacts of Anthropogenic Heat on the Climate of Los Angeles
- Large Lakes During Warmer and Wetter Pliocene in Southwestern North America
- Long-range Noise Correlation Modeling for Seismic Velocity Monitoring of Fault Zones.
- Low-Altitude Airborne SAR Radiometric Calibration for Soil Moisture Retrieval in Forest Flows
- Mapping Surface Organic Soil Properties in Arctic Tundra using C-band SAR data
- Marginal Emissions Factors for MultiSector Demand-Side Management: A California ISO Case Study
- Massive erosion, bedrock incision, and fluvial aggradation during the 2021 Melamchi flood in the Himalayan Mountains of central Nepal
- Multi-decadal variability in past millennium North Atlantic tropical cyclone frequency inferred from sediment cores
- Offshore California Submarine Landslide Inventory and Database for Tsunami Hazard Analysis
- Organic carbon burial in the Bengal Fan and late Cenozoic cooling: chicken or egg?
- Permafrost Degradation in the Koyukuk River System and the Timescale Dependence of Sulfur-Carbon-Climate Feedbacks
- Peter Gary's picture of short-wavelength plasma turbulence
- Petronet: a Petrology and High-Temperature Geochemistry Community Built Within AN Antiracist and Inclusive Framework
- Phase Equilibria of Ultramafic-Rich and Sediment-Rich Mélange Lithologies in Cold to Hot Subduction Zones - Implications for Deep Nitrogen Cycling
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Fault-Leakage Reduced-Order Modeling
- Physics-based Algorithm for Radar Retrieval of Subsurface Geophysical Parameters in Permafrost Active Layer Soil
- Post-Seismic Heal of Fault Zones Damaged during the 1992 M7.3 Landers, 1999 M7.1 Hector Mine and 2004 M6 Parkfield Earthquakes in California
- Preliminary Findings From a Small-Scale Field Trial of Coastal Enhanced Weathering with Olivine in NY, USA
- Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes
- Quantifying the uncertainty and error retrievals between field methods for deriving fractional ground cover in arid lands
- Remote Sensing by CYGNSS for Terrestrial Hydrology and Ecosystems
- Remotely Sensed Retrievals for Fractional Abundance of Quartz and Feldspar to Assess the Influence on Radiative Forcing in Earth System Models
- Respiration driven dissolution of marine carbonates and implications for the marine carbonate record
- Revisiting an Emergent Constraint on Climate Sensitivity from Global Temperature Variability using Paleoclimate Data
- Sensitivity of Erosion-rate in Permafrost Landscapes to Changing Climatic and Environmental Conditions Based on Lake Sediments from Northwestern Alaska
- Spatial Relationships between Microbes and Minerals in Incipient Carbonate Dendrolitic Microbialites, Little Hot Creek, CA
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of abrupt change in tropical African forests over the last 21kyrs
- Synergy or Conflict: Characterizing Urban Ozone Sensitivity to Increased Urban Tree Cover Under an Aggressive Renewable Energy Adoption Scenario
- Temperature Sensitivity of Peaking Time and Behavior of Individual Electricity Users in Southern California
- The Northeast Dip of the Southern San Andreas Fault from Space Geodetic and Seismic Imaging
- The role of extreme events on tectonic and climate coupling in mountain belts
- Timing and Size of Great and Giant Chilean Earthquakes Controlled by Lithological Changes Along the Subduction Megathrust
- U.S. Geological Survey Tsunami Sources Powell Center Working Group: Cascadia Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Meeting Summary
- Using Legged Robots as Soil Rheometers: Understanding the Mechanical Behaviors of Granular Mixtures Related to Robotic Kinematics
- Utilizing multiple-frequency SAR observations for monitoring hydrological and ecological characteristics: A study of UAVSAR and AirSWOT airborne data from ABoVE
- We won't be fooled again
- Wrench Tectonics in Eastern China
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Allam
- A. B. Jost
- A. Baltay
- A. Cocoros
- A. J. Chadwick
- A. Joshua West
- A. M. Rymer
- A. R. Kovscek
- A. Steele
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Albert J. Kettner
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Ananya Mallik
- Anastasia Piliouras
- Anastasia Yanchilina
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andreas Fichtner
- Andrew D. Gronewold
- Andrew D. Parsekian
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Armin Sorooshian
- Ayan Santos Fleischmann
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Baoning Wu
- Baptiste Rousset
- Behnam Jafarpour
- Behzad Ghanbarian
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin J. Tully
- Birendra Jha
- Bistra Dilkina
- Brandi Carrier
- Brian McDonald
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- C. M. Lisse
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. W. D. Milliner
- Cailey Condit
- Camilla Cattania
- Carla Braitenberg
- Carlos Pérez García‐Pando
- Carolina Giorgetti
- Chad W. Thackeray
- Charles E. Miller
- Chris Marone
- Christian France‐Lanord
- Christopher Moore
- Christopher S. Ruf
- Cristiano Collettini
- Cristina G. Wilson
- D. A. Okaya
- D. D. Oglesby
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. Schutt
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Daniel L. Johnson
- Dar A. Roberts
- Dara Entekhabi
- David K. Hutchinson
- David McGee
- David R. Thompson
- Deepa Mele Veedu
- Dimitra Koutroumpa
- Dmitry Nicolsky
- Dong L. Wu
- Duo Li
- E. Cardarelli
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Wallace
- E. S. Cochran
- Ed Rhodes
- Egill Hauksson
- Eitan Shelef
- Elisabeth L. Sikes
- Elizabeth Hoy
- Elliot A. Jagniecki
- Emily H. G. Cooperdock
- Erika Rader
- Etienne Fluet‐Chouinard
- Eugénie Euskirchen
- Eva L. Scheller
- Ewan Crosbie
- F. L. Vernon
- Feifei Qian
- Felipe P. J. de Barros
- Florent Brenguier
- Francisco Ochoa
- François Renard
- G. B. Crew
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel A. Vecchi
- George Ban-Weiss
- Gregory S. Okin
- Guanning Pang
- Guoliang Li
- Guy Schumann
- H. Fichtner
- Haoran Meng
- Heidi Houston
- Hongrui Qiu
- Ilya Zaliapin
- J. C. Rowland
- J. I. Moses
- J. K. Saunders
- J. M. Warren
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Platt
- J. R. Patton
- J. T. Freymueller
- James Hollingsworth
- James Paul Mason
- Jenny Suckale
- Jessica E. Tierney
- Jessica McBeck
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jiaqi Li
- Jida Wang
- Jinwoo Im
- Joaquín Julve
- John B. Nowak
- John E. Vidale
- John S. Kimball
- John W. Williams
- Joseph Ko
- Joseph Wang
- Joshua J. Roering
- Joshua M. Feinberg
- José P. Ferreira
- Julien Emile‐Geay
- Junle Jiang
- Jun’ichi Fukuda
- Justin Wilgus
- K. F. Tiampo
- K. H. Williford
- K. J. Ryan
- K.K. Mullane
- Kate Maher
- Kazumasa Ohno
- Keith D. Koper
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kirk F. Townsend
- Korbinian Sager
- Kristi Chadwick
- L. A. Ward
- L. C. Smith
- L. W. Beegle
- Laurence G. Miller
- Lifeng Wang
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Ravine
- M. Bzowski
- M. Limon
- M. M. Scuderi
- M. M. Weng
- M. Moreno
- M. Myers
- M. Sultan
- Mara Freilich
- Marco Dentz
- Mark A. Torres
- Meng Li
- Min Chen
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- Muhammad Sahimi
- Muhammad Tahir Javed
- N. Lapusta
- N. M. Mahowald
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nathalie F. Goodkin
- Nicholas P. McKay
- P. J. Maechling
- P. Segall
- P. Vahmani
- Pascal Audet
- Patrick Lynett
- Peggy A. O’Day
- Pierre Boué
- Pierre Romanet
- Pieter‐Ewald Share
- Po‐Lun Ma
- Preston C. Kemeny
- Prithvi Thakur
- R. A. Yingst
- R. C. Aster
- R. C. Cohen
- R. D. Catchings
- R. G. West
- R. L. McNutt
- R. W. Porritt
- Rachel T. So
- Renato K. Braghiere
- Richard H. Chen
- Richard H. Moore
- Robert F. Wimmer‐Schweingruber
- Robert Graves
- Robert Green
- Robert Holder
- Robert Zinke
- Roger C. Wiens
- Ron Miller
- Ross Maguire
- Ruzbeh Akbar
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. E. Minson
- S. Kita
- S. M. Clegg
- S. Vance
- S. W. Cooley
- Saif Aati
- Sally F. McGill
- Sam J. Silva
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Sarah J. Ivory
- Saro Meguerdijian
- Scott Knapp
- Seth G. John
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Steve Cropper
- Steve P. Lund
- Suguru Yabe
- Sylvain Barbot
- Sylvia Dee
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. Taira
- Theodore T. Tsotsis
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Umakant Mishra
- Valier Galy
- Valère Lambert
- W. Kent Tobiska
- Wei Wang
- Wenchang Yang
- Xi Zhang
- Xinting Yu
- Yajing Liu
- Yasuhito Narita
- Yehuda Ben‐Zion
- Yevgeniy Kovchegov
- Yi Hou
- Yifang Cheng
- Yige Zhang
- Yihe Huang
- Yijian Zhou
- Yixiao Sheng
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yonghoon Choi
- Yoseline Angel
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Yosuke Aoki
- Yuri Fialko
- Yuyun Yang
- Zachary E. Ross