University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy
flowchart I[University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (31)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Analysis of the Ro-vibronic Structure of N2 in the 91.6 nm Region
- Pioneer 10 Lyman Alpha Data and Very Local Interstellar Medium (VLISM) Neutral Hydrogen Density
- Overview of the SDO Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Comparisons of Solar EUV Irradiance Variations from Measurements, Models and GUVI Terrestrial Far Ultraviolet Dayglow Observations
- High-Temperature Ultrahigh-Resolution Absorption Cross Section Measurements of O2 in the 91.1-91.8 nm Region
- Vibrational Distributions in the A<SUP>3</SUP>Σ <SUP>+</SUP><SUB>u</SUB> and A'<SUP>3</SUP>Δ<SUB>u</SUB> States of O<SUB>2</SUB> in the MLT Nightglow: Results from Astronomical Sky Spectra
- Measurements of Rotational Line f¡VValues of N2 in the 83.4 and 91.7 nm Regions: High-Resolution, High-Temperature
- Comparing the Measured N2 Lyman-Birge-Hopfield (LBH) Band Brightness in the Dayglow With Model Calculations: Investigating the Importance of Cascading as a Source of Excitation.
- EUV-VUV Photolysis of CO and CO+H2O+NH3 Icy Systems at 10 K
- Search for Heliospheric Time-dependence in Pioneer 10 Heliospheric Lyman Alpha Glow Data
- The Rovibronic Line f-Values of N2 in the 91.6 nm Region: High-Resolution, High-Temperature
- Fluorescence Excitation Function Produced Through Photoexcitation of the Rydberg States b, cn, and o3 of N2 in the 80-100 nm Region
- Photolysis Study of Cosmic Ices and Proposed Reflectance Measurements
- Predissociation Study of N2 in the 80-100 nm Region by Fluorescence Spectrometry
- Solar He II 30.4 nm Pulsation Frequency Spectrum
- Solar wind structures associated with multiday Helium-3 rich periods of solar energetic particles
- Predissociation in the Coupled c4'(0) and b'(1) states of N2 - Rotational-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometry
- Study of Solar He II 30.4 nm Pulsations
- Degradation-Free Spectrometers for Solar EUV Measurements: A Progress Report
- A Preliminary comparison of the Flares as seen by SDO-EVE-ESP and GOES XRS
- Degradation-Free Spectrometers for Solar Extreme Ultraviolet Irradiance Measurements: a Progress Report
- First Results from the EUV SpectroPhotometer (ESP) on the SDO Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- First principles thermal elasticity of crystals: quasiharmonic theory in the limit of isotropic thermal pressure
- SOHO/CELIAS Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) Absolute Solar EUV Irradiance Measurements Spanning Two Solar Minima (Invited)
- The N2 and NI Emissions in the VUV Region: A Low Temperature Study
- Degradation Free Spectrometers for Solar EUV Measurements
- Rotational-Resolved Fluorescence Spectrometry of N2 - The Effects of Predissociation and Temperature
- VUV Photolysis of CO Ices with a Tunable Light Source
- Absolute Solar EUV Irradiance Measurements Obtained on NASA Sounding Rocket Flights 36.286 (23 June 2012) and 36.263 (24 July 2012) For Comparison with Solar EUV Irradiance Measurements from the EUV Spectrophotometer (ESP) Onboard the SDO/EVE and with the Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) Onboard the SOHO/CELIAS
- New Results of VUV Photo-process study of CO ice
- Solar Cycle Variations in the Solar Interior