Utah State University
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- Utah State University, Center for Atmospheric and Space Science
- Utah State University, Space Dynamics Laboratory
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Measurement Capability Using the CEDAR Mesospheric Temperature Mapper
- A Sediment Transport Model for Incising Gullies Based On Upland Topographic Controls
- Application of Lattice Boltzmann Method to Simulation of Liquid-Vapor Interfacial Configuration in Angular Pores
- Atmospheric Trace Species at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks: Preliminary Field Measurements From the Western States Visibility Assessment Program, July/August 2001
- Fault Architecture and Local Structure at the Northern end of the Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, and Their Relationship to Surface Displacement From the 9-21-99 Earthquake
- High Resolution Three Dimensional Water Vapor Fields for Estimating Spatially Distributed Evapotranspiration Over A Riparian Corridor From a Scanning Raman Lidar
- Hydraulic Functions for Swelling Soils: Clay Fabric Hydration and Flow in Textural Pore Space
- Hydrometric and geochemical evidence of runoff generation mechanisms at the hillslope scale in the semi-arid Dry Creek watershed, Idaho.
- In Situ Water Retention Characteristic Measurements Using Reference Porous Media
- Intermittent Flow Regimes in Unsaturated Fractured Porous Media
- Methods of Using Detailed, Small-Scale Data to Calibrate Reach-Scale GIS Data in Order to Detect Changes Caused by Individual Floods in a Debris Fan-Dominated River
- Moisture-dependent unsaturated stormflow in a semi-arid watershed, Boise, Idaho
- National Geospatial Datasets for Hydrology
- Pressure-Water Content Relations for a Sandy, Granitic Soil Under Field and Laboratory Conditions
- Quantification of Long-Term Trends in Sand Storage at Site-Specific and Reach Scales in Grand Canyon National Park
- Quantifying Rock Uplift and Erosion on the Colorado Plateau-Weighing the Roles of Laramide Uplift, Isostatic Rebound, and Post-Laramide Epeirogeny
- Soil and Atmospheric CO2 Exchanges in Great Basin Plant Communities
- Spatially Distributed Snowmelt Modeling with the Utah Energy Balance Snowmelt Model
- Strategies and Techniques Measuring Historical Channel Change by Integrating Spatially-Robust Data with Detailed Site Measurements, Green River and Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- The Role of Complexity in the Prediction of Contaminant Transport in a Fractured Rock Vadose Zone
- Tributary Debris-flow and Stream-Flow Interaction with the Main Stem Green River in Desolation and Gray Canyons, East-central Utah
- Unsaturated Flow Through Fractured and Nonwelded Tuff
- Use of Morphology-based Gravel Budgets to Anticipate the Locations of Channel Instability on the Lower Duchesne River, Utah
- A Large-Scale Experiment to Determine the Effectiveness of Controlled Floods and Tamarisk Removal in Rehabilitating the Green River, Dinosaur National Monument, Colorado
- A Quantitative Image Processing Approach to GUVI Observations of the Equatorial Arcs.
- A Simple Method for Measuring Soil Redistribution on Hillslopes
- An Historical Approach for Specifying Restoration Flow Regimes for the Duchesne River, Utah
- Atomic Oxygen Depletion Measurements in a Diffuse Aurora
- Coarse Resolution Vegetation Phenology Modeling
- Control of Unsaturated Soil Moisture Dynamics on Hillslope Hydrologic Connectivity
- Data Visualization Tools and Techniques developed for the TIMED/GUVI Instrument
- Dayside auroras during storms of April 2002: TIMED/GUVI observations
- Down-Flow Physical Attributes of Long Lava Flows on Five Planetary Surfaces
- Down-flow Geomorphometric Analysis and Rheological Modeling of Long Lava Flows on Five Planetary Surfaces
- Evolution of fault structure and composition at the base of the seismogenic zone
- Exploiting Web-Based Systems to Provide Interactive Interpretation, Access and Display of Far Ultraviolet Data from the Global Ultraviolet Imager (GUVI) on TIMED
- Fault Zone Characteristics and Deformation Mechanisms of Porous, Non-welded Bishop Tuff
- Finite Difference Time Domain Simulations of an Impedance Probe
- Forcing of 1982-1997 Ecosystem Water and Carbon Fluxes in the Conterminous United States: Relative Influence of Vegetation Structure and Phenology Versus Climate
- Geometric Evolution of the Sanyi/Chelungpu Fault and the Effects of Ramps on Fault Structure
- Glacial-Interglacial Climatic Controls on Hillslope Processes and Linkages to Fluvial Systems in the Weathering-Limited Landscape of Eastern Grand Canyon
- Global Ultaviolet Imager (GUVI): on-Orbit Performance and Initial Results
- Historical analysis of the 1884 Bear Lake earthquake, northern Utah and southern Idaho: Slip on Basin and Range faults
- Historigraphical analysis of the 1857 Ft. Tejon earthquake, San Andreas Fault, California: Preliminary results
- In Situ Measurement of Permeability in the Vicinity of Faulted Nonwelded Bishop Tuff, Bishop, CA
- Interactions of fluid and gas movement and faulting in the Colorado Plateau, southeastern Utah
- Investigating stream longitudinal geomorphic variability and hyporheic exchange residence time distribution using a groundwater flow model
- Late Stage MORB Volcanism at the Cuesta Ridge Ophiolite Remnant: Evidence for Ridge Collision or Back-arc Basin Spreading?
- Mathematical Modeling and In-Situ Measurements of Soil CO2/O2 Flux Dynamics
- Modeling, Calibration, and Sensitivity Analysis of Coupled Land-Surface Models
- Non-Unique Transmissivity Field Calibration and Predictive Transport Modeling
- Overview of the SDO Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE)
- Potential Ionospheric Studies from the International Space Station Using the Floating Potential Measurement Unit
- Radar Measurement of Water Content Dynamics Over Bare and Vegetated Soil Surfaces
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Substorm Activity
- Seasonal Variation of Thermospheric Composition as Measured by TIMED/GUVI
- Sprite 2002 Campaign in Brazil
- Support Vector Machines (SVMs) Approximation of Flow and Transport Models in Initial Groundwater Contamination Detection Monitoring Network Design
- Surface Layer Flux Processes During Cloud Intermittency and Advection above a Middle Rio Grande Riparian Forest, New Mexico
- Terrestrial Observation and Prediction System: Integration of satellite and surface weather observations with ecosystem models
- The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Density Depletions Observed by GUVI
- The Western States Visibility Assessment Program: Diurnal and Seasonal Measurements of Halocarbons, Nonmethane Hydrocarbons and Oxygenated Hydrocarbons at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- The Western States Visibility Assessment Program: Diurnal and Seasonal Measurements of TSP, PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, CO, SO<SUB>2</SUB>, NO<SUB>x</SUB>, and O<SUB>3</SUB> at Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- The significance of discharge in the replenishment of sand bar deposits along the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon
- Thermospheric Composition: GUVI Observations of O/N2
- Thermospheric and Ionospheric Response to the Solar Flares of April 2002 as Observed by the TIMED Global UltraViolet Imager (GUVI)
- Trace Elements in Aerosol over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- Validation of the GUVI Auroral Radiance Measurements Using the UARS/PEM Instrument
- A Comparison of Fluvial Geomorphic Structure, Transient Storage Residence Time Distributions, and Nitrate Cycling Along a Gradient of Impacted Streams In and Around Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming
- A Sequential Sounding Rocket Flight Through Nighttime Midlatitude Plasma Layers
- A modeling study on the effects of vegetation and disturbances on episodic sediment delivery
- Alternate Energy from the Desert
- An Objective Method for the Intercomparison of Terrain Stability Models
- An Online Module on Rainfall Runoff Processes
- An Scheme for Application of Non-Uniform Grid Scales for Land Surface Modeling
- Are Lake-connected Streams Different in Ways Other Than the Connection? Implications for Studies of Stream-Lake Interactions in the Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho.
- Atomic Oxygen Depletion Observations in a Diffuse Aurora
- Automatic Detection of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in GUVI Data
- Basaltic Volcanism of the Bruneau-Jarbidge Eruptive Center and its Surroundings, Southwest Idaho: Chemical Evidence for Multiple Mantle Sources.
- Biospheric Monitoring and Ecological Forecasting using EOS/MODIS data, ecosystem modeling, planning and scheduling technologies
- Calibration and application of a distributed land surface model for a semi-arid basin using remotely sensed data
- Channel Responses to Fluctuations in Water and Sediment Supply on the Lower Duchesne River, Utah
- Characterization of Soil Moisture Variability Along a Hillslope in a Semiarid Catchment, Dry Creek Watershed, Boise, Idaho
- Chemical Stratigraphy of Basalts From the 5000' Borehole NPR-E/WO-2, Eastern Snake River Plain, Idaho: Evidence for Mixed Asthenosphere-Lithosphere Sources.
- Controls on Gross Process Rates in Terrestrial Ecosystems: A Literature Synthesis
- Detrital zircon provenance analysis of Oligocene sandstone in the eastern Xorkol basin and its implications for the magnitude of displacement along the eastern Altyn Tagh fault
- Effects of Tropical Forest Conversion on Hydrologic Response: Process Implications for Potable Water and Sediment Budgets in Karstic Uplands
- Estimating the Neutral Atmospheric Forcing Using Data Assimilation
- Evaluation of the Noah Land-surface Model for Semi-arid Sites in the Southwestern United States
- Examination of Exhumed Faults in the Western San Bernardino Mountains, Southern California: Implications for Fault Mechanics, Earthquake Rupture, and Slip Evolution
- High Resolution Evaporative Fluxes Over Corn and Soybean Crops from Lidar
- Imaging depth-of-thaw beneath arctic streams using ground-penetrating radar
- Interplanetary-Ionospheric Coupling: The 6 November 2001 Magnetic Storm Event
- Is the Profile of the Colorado River in the Colorado Plateau in Equilibrium With Bedrock?
- Next Generation Plasma Impedance Probe Instrumentation Technique
- Numerical Modeling of Regional Windblown Dust in the Pacific Northwest:Incorporation of an Improved Dust Emission Model
- Observations of vehicle charging in dusty plasma
- One-Dimensional Sediment Transport and Turbulence
- Pollution Sources Over the Grand Canyon and Canyonlands National Parks
- Probably Approximately Optimal (PAO) Algorithm for Feature Subset Selection: Theory and Application in Canal Management Problem of Diversion Predictions
- Reliability of Groundwater Flow Models of the Hyporheic Zone of Small Mountain Streams
- Search for Thermospheric Composition Changes in the Morning Sector near Local Midnight in Association with Intense Substorm Activity
- Seasonal and spatial patterns in water quality: the importance of the geomorphic template
- Simulation of Lidar System Performance in Terrestrial Mapping Applications
- Slip localization on narrow surfaces within exhumed fault zones: implications for earthquake rupture processes and seismic energy budgets
- Stratospheric Observations of X-rays Near a Thunderstorm
- Stream-Upland Connections and the Effects of Stream Discharge on Transient Storage Processes
- Surface flux processes and evolution of characteristic eddy scales above a young Middle Rio Grande forest
- Temperature Patterns and Cooling Through a Short Step-Pool Reach in a Headwater Stream, Dry Creek, Idaho
- The GLOBE ONE campaign: a learning community approach for integrated science investigations
- The Role of Dry Soil Connectivity Barriers on Hillslope-Stream Connections
- Using Fill Terraces and Multiple Dating Techniques to Calculate Incision Rates for Grand Canyon
- Water Quality Assessment: Statistical Versus Classification Approach
- Watershed and mainstem river linkage on the Green River, Desolation and Gray Canyons, East-Central Utah
- Wavelet analysis of the hydrologic effects of Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona
- A Quantitative and Objective Procedure for Evaluation of Distributed Hydrologic and Hydrometeorological Models
- A strategy for global phenological observatories
- An Analytical Framework for Predicting the Downstream Geomorphic Effects of Dams on Rivers
- An Assessment Of Meso-Scale Hydraulic And Vegetation Characteristics Of The Middle Rio Grande River Using High Resolution Multispectral Airborne Imagery
- An Automated Correction Technique for Weighing Type Bucket Rain Gauge Measurements
- Aquifer Vulnerability to Arsenic contamination in the Conterminous United States: Health Risks and Economic Implications
- Calibration of the Plasma Impedance Probe for the EQUIS II Sounding Rocket Campaign.
- Characterizing Brittle Deformation, Damage Parameters, and Clay Composition in Fault Zones: Insights From the Chelungpu and Mozumi Faults
- Combined States and Parameters Estimation in Transient Groundwater Modeling by the Simulated Based Particle Filtering
- Complexities Involved in One-Dimensional Infiltration Models for Predicting the Soil Moisture Content for a Hillslope
- Cross-Sectional And Longitudinal Uncertainty Propagation In Drinking Water Risk Assessment
- Elevation controls on timing and quantity of water yield from a semi-arid catchment
- Estimating Model Parameter Uncertainty Using A Distribution Oriented Approach and a Similarity Measure
- Global and Seasonal Distributions of Mesospheric OH Emissions from SABER
- In-Situ Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the MLT Region: The ATOX Resonance Fluorescence/Absorption sensor
- Increasing Temperatures in Mountainous Regions of the Western United States and Effects on Insect Outbreaks
- Investigation of a `Wall' Wave Event Using Airglow and Na Wind/Temperature Lidar Measurements
- Knowledge Discovery in Hydrologic Data: a Framework for Simulation and Prediction
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Permeability in Statistically Reconstructed Three-Dimensional Pore Structures
- Lidar Measurement of Boundary Layer Evolution to Determine Sensible Heat Fluxes
- Long-term Hydrologic Observatories and Water Resource Sustainability: Opportunities for Conjunctive Social and Biophysical Research on Flexible Water Management
- Magnetostratigraphy and Rotation of Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks in the San Jacinto Fault zone, Western Salton Trough, CA.
- Microstrutural analyses of an exhumed part of the San Andreas fault near the SAFOD site, California
- Numerical Modeling of the Dynamics and Composition of a Nighttime Intermediate Layer
- Observations of Density and Electron neutral collision frequency in the nighttime E-region during the E-winds Campaign
- Proposed Great Salt Lake Basin Hydrologic Observatory
- Risk-Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Atrazine In Drinking Water From Agricultural Activities
- Seasonal Evolution of Hyporheic Zones in Arctic Tundra Streams, North Slope, Alaska
- Sediment Studies Refute EIS Hypothesis, While Most Fundamental Process Questions Remain Unanswered: An Update on Experiments in Grand Canyon
- Serpentinized Peridotites of the Stonyford Volcanic Complex: Melt Depletions and Enrichments in a Fore-arc Mantle Wedge.
- Students Engaged in Climate Change Research Through Vegetation Phenology Studies
- Studies in Equatorial Anomaly Morphology from 2002-03 GUVI Data
- The Medusa Sea Floor Monitoring System
- The Restoration Response Function as an Organizing Tool for Evaluating Success of River Management Programs
- The impact of the selective logging in the energy-water and carbon exchange processes using optimization algorithms on the SiB2 model over a tropical forest.
- Time lapse imaging of thaw-bulb development beneath arctic streams using ground-penetrating radar
- Variations in the Characteristics of Craters of the Moon Lava Flows from Vent to Termination: Remotely Sensed Spectra and Field Observations
- Vehicle Charging on the 29.036 and 29.037 Rockets of the EQUIS II Campaign.
- A Framework for the Calibration of a Spatially Distributed Hydrologic Model Using Multiple Streamgage Locations
- A New Method for Determination of Most Likely Initiation Points and the Evaluation of Digital Terrain Model Scale in Terrain Stability Mapping
- Air Entrapment, Soil Water Retention and Distributed Hydrologic Response in a Semi Arid Catchment
- An EUV Photometer for tomographic observations of the ionosphere
- Application of Electromagnetic Induction Sensors for Mapping the Subsurface in Small Watersheds.
- Can Wavelet Analysis Provide an Automated Technique to Create the Dst Index?
- Characterizing subsurface active-layer permafrost beneath arctic streams using 3D ground-penetrating radar
- Comparison of Sediment-Transport and Bar-Response Results From the 1996 and 2004 Controlled-Flood Experiments on the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Constraining Rooting Depths in Tropical Rainforests Using Satellite Data and Ecosystem Modeling
- Control of the Equatorial Ionospheric Morphology by Atmospheric Tides: TIMED GUVI and IMAGE FUV Observations
- DEELUMINOS: Electromagnetic Energy Deposition in the Upper Atmosphere Signaled by Sprites and Other Transient Luminous Events
- Data Collection Methodology For Dynamic Temperature Modeling, Testing, and Corroboration
- Day Side Observations of the Equatorial Anomaly
- Development of a Domain Map for Nodes of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)
- Effect of Morphology and Permafrost on Hyporheic Dynamics in Two Tundra Streams on the North Slope of Alaska
- Elemental and Stable Isotope Chemistry of Cuttings and Core Samples From SAFOD Drill Hole
- Ensemble Approach to Establish the Effect of Data Uncertainty on Parameter Uncertainty within Multi-objective Parameter Estimation Frameworks
- High Releases From Glen Canyon Dam Cause Short-term Eddy-bar Aggradation if Timed to Coincide With Significant Input of Sediment From Tributaries
- Ideas on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Colorado Plateau Mantle Based on Geophysical Observations, Mantle Xenoliths, Magmatic Patterns, and Rock Uplift and Exhumation
- In-Situ Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the MALT Region: The ATOX Resonance Fluorescence/Absorption sensor
- In-situ observations of intermediate layers in the night time ionosphere
- Influence of Glen Canyon Dam on Fine-Sediment Storage in the Colorado River in Marble Canyon, Arizona
- LIDAR Investigation Of The 2004 Niigata Ken Chuetsu, Japan, Earthquake
- Landscape Characteristics and Variations in Longitudinal Stream Flow Contribution in two Headwater Semi-Arid Mountain Watersheds
- Lithologic Characterization of the Deep Portion of the SAFOD Drillhole
- Magnetosphere Ionosphere Atmosphere Coupling at Altitudes Below 250 km.
- Modeling of the Water Balance of a Small Mountainous Catchment
- Modeling shear flow and postsunset stability in the equatorial F region ionosphere
- Modeling the Dynamics of the Great Salt Lake as an Integrator of Regional Hydrologic and Climate Processes?
- Multi-Objective Calibration and Sensitivity Analysis of a Distributed Model using Similarity Measures
- Multi-sensor analysis of changing growing season dynamics across northwest North America since 1998
- Multiobjective Ambient Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Design
- Observations of non-maxwellian plasma in the bottom-type scattering layer precursor to equatorial spread F
- Parameter estimation using Multiobjective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO)
- Patterns of Fluvial Incision and Deposition Related to Climate Change Along the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona
- Physical and Mechanical Properties of the Mozumi Fault, Japan: Petrophysics of a Fine-Grained Fault Zone
- Predicting Hydrologic Flow Regime for Biological Assessment at Ungauged Basins in the Western United States.
- Probability Distributions of Wavelet Coefficients of the Ground-Based Magnetometer Data for Storm and Quiet Times
- Rotation of Plio-Pleistocene Sedimentary Rocks in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Satellite monitoring of land surface phenology using phenoregions
- Soil moisture patterns and streamflow source areas in semi-arid catchment
- Source and Significance of the Sedimentary Rocks in the SAFOD Borehole: Preliminary Analysis
- Structural and Lithologic Characterization of the SAFOD Pilot Hole and Phase One Main Hole
- Sustainable Water Resource Management Considering Population Growth and Land Use Changes
- Terrace Records of Quaternary Incision and Relationships Between Hillslope Erosion and Main Channel Processes in Central Idaho
- The Effect of Anthropogenic Disturbance in the Ecohydrology of Pinyon Juniper Woodlands with Soil Biocrust
- The analysis of the trends in hydro-climatic parameters of a mountainous catchment in the western United States
- The role of small satellites in aeronomy
- Travertine in western Grand Canyon: paleoclimatically driven aggradation and incision directly dated by U-Series
- User Needs for a Community Hydrologic Information System
- Using an Integrated, Remote-Sensing Methodology to Evaluate the Effects of Dam Operations on Fine-Grained Sediment Storage and Sand Bar Restoration in Marble Canyon
- A Case Study: Effects of Constructed Secondary Channels and Groundwater on Water Temperature in a Restored Gaining River in Northern Utah
- A Community Data Model for Hydrologic Observations
- A Tool to Analyze Environmental Impacts of Forest Roads on Forest Watersheds
- A controlled experiment to evaluate the impact of summer research experiences on attitudes towards science in high school aged students
- Advancing the physical basis of depletion curves to improve curve estimation and snowmelt modeling
- An assessment study of the wavelet-based index of magnetic storm activity (WISA) and its comparison to the Dst index
- Atmospheric tomography using a rotating field of view sensor
- Bark Beetle Outbreaks Increase Fire Probability in Western United States Forests
- Binational Dilemmas: the Contrasting Challenges for Environmental Management and Restoration of the Colorado River and Rio Grande
- CUAHSI Hydrologic Information Systems
- Characterization of fault rock compositions, alteration mineral assemblages, and preliminary implications for fluid-rock interaction in the San Andreas Fault system at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Characterizing Different Sources of Uncertainty Using Parameter Estimation and Statistical Learning Methods
- Chronostratigraphy of the Fish Creek-Vallecito Basin, SW Salton Trough: A High-Fidelity Record of Slip on the West Salton Detachment Fault and Subsidence in its Upper Plate
- Combined Geophysical Approach to Characterizing Subsurface Flow-paths in the Reynolds Creek Watershed
- Compact Hadamard-Transform Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer
- Conceptual Model for Selenium Cycling in the Great Salt Lake
- Conditional Generation of Monthly Precipitation
- Continuous Field Vegetation Classification of a Sagebrush (Artemesia spp.) Dominated Ecosystem Using High Spatial-Resolution Multi-spectral Satellite Imagery
- Coupling of Hydrological Models to Assess the Impacts of Changes in Surface and Subsurface Water Extraction on Stream Flows
- Develop a Continental-scale Measure of Gross Primary Production by Combining MODIS and AmeriFlux Data through Support Vector Machine
- Episodic sediment transport caused by flow disruption at stream flow diversions
- Evaluating the Potential of Tributary Restoration to Increase the Overall Survival of Salmon
- Evaluating the Suitability of CPTEC Reanalysis Data Over the LBA Study Area as Atmospheric Forcing for use in SALDAS and Regional Parameter Optimization Studies
- Evolution of Rotations in the Fish Creek Vallecito Basin, Western Salton Trough, CA
- Generating Distributed Forcing Fields for Spatial Hydrologic Modeling
- Geochemistry of Central Snake River Plain Basalts From Camas Prairie to Glenns Ferry, Southern Idaho
- Gleaning Rheology from Lithospheric Flexural Strength
- Hadean Crustal Processes and the Transition to Phanerozoic-style Plate Tectonics
- Heat-Pulse-Based Water Flux Probes for Near-Surface Infiltration Determination in Hydrology
- Hydrologic scenarios for floodplain building in a vertically accreting, suspended sediment river
- In-situ Analysis of Hydraulic and Petrophysica Properties of a Strike-slip Fault
- Inorganic Contaminant Concentrations and Body Condition in Wintering Waterfowl from Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Integration of Socio-Economic Measures in Benefit-Cost Analysis for Groundwater Remediation
- Interannual Behavior of the OH Meinel Emission Profiles Determined From SABER Limb Measurements at 1.6- and 2.0-Microns
- Interpreting 250m Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Vegetation Indices in the Colorado Plateau, USA
- Land surface phenology in eastern United States watersheds: relationship between remote sensing metrics, stream chemistry, snow cover, and leaf and bird phenology
- Layered Plant-Growth Media for Optimizing Gaseous, Liquid and Nutrient Requirements: Modeling, Design and Monitoring
- Lidar return data vs. ground-based topographic and vegetation structure surveys in riparian habitats of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon.
- Little Bear River Test-Bed: Tools for Environmental Observatory Design and Implementation
- Meteorological Aspects of TLE-producing Thunderstorms Over Northeastern Argentina: Two Case Studies
- Microbial contents of soil from fire pits
- Modeled flexural response to erosion in the Colorado Plateau: Implications for Laramide and post-Laramide rock uplift processes
- Modeling Soil Depth Based Upon Topographic and Lanscape Attributes
- Neogene Palynology of the Snake River Plain: Climate Change and Volcanic Effects.
- Post-seismic deformation of Andaman Islands since the 2004 earthquake
- Predicting Spatial Distribution of Soil Texture With Electromagnetic Induction Mapping in Small Watersheds
- Prediction of the onset of greenness from historical satellite and climate data in California
- Preliminary Analysis of IR Cloudtop Temperatures of Sprite Producing Storms over Argentina Observed from Brazil, and Comparison with US Case Study
- Radiogenic Isotope Constraints on Plume - Lithosphere Interaction Beneath the Snake River Plain
- Relations Between Elevation and Stable Isotope Composition of Newly Fallen Snow in the Northern Wasatch Mountain Range of Utah.
- Remote Sensing as a Tool to Track Algal Blooms in the Great Salt Lake, Utah, USA
- Results of Elemental, Stable Isotope, Organic Matter, and Fission-track Analyses of SAFOD Drill-hole Cuttings and Core Material
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Scientific Drilling in the Snake River Plain: Past, Present, and Future
- Seasonal and Spatial Distributions of Ambient Ammonia in the Cache Valley of Northern Utah and Southeastern Idahoinser
- Soil Moisture Modeling Using Two Energy Balance Approaches with Thermal Infrared Satellite Inputs
- Spatial Variability of Carbon and Water Vapor Flux on Wheat and Abandoned Lands Estimated Using Mobile Eddy Covariance Towers
- Spatiostatistical downscaling of soil moisture in an assimilation framework
- Statistical Comparison of Drastic and Ordinal Logistic Regression for Shallow Aquifers Over Conterminous USA
- Strategies for Exposure Dating Coarse Alluvium Strain Markers
- Temporal variability of the MLTI region observed through five years of SABER and TIMED
- Terrestrial ecosystem nowcasts and forecasts for North America
- The Basin-and-Range Province (BRP): a key GeoFrame transect in progress
- The Current Distribution of a Dipole Antenna in Magnetized Plasma and Its Effect on RF Plasma Probe Diagnostic Techniques
- The Development of a Neutral Particle Detector for Observations of the Thermosphere
- The Development of an Electron Beam Generator to Probe Connections between the Earth's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- The Urban Heat Island Effect - Implications for Leaf Phenology
- The West Salton Detachment Fault, Salton Trough, California: a Primary Low-Angle Normal Fault in an Evolving Dextral Wrench Zone
- Tracing Lithospheric Structure Using Flexural Rigidity in South America: Implications for Intra-Continental Deformation and Subduction Geometry.
- Two-Zone Solute and Temperature Transport Model Formulation, Data Collection, and Calibration for Quantifying Hyporheic Interaction
- Use of Elastic Lidar to Examine the Dynamics of Plume Dispersion from an Agricultural Facility
- Water Content Determination in Small Watersheds: Sensors for Distributed Networks and Geophysical Approaches.
- 2-D water flux using a penta-probe heat-pulse sensor: laboratory experiment and numerical evaluation
- A Comparison of the Soil Bioload of Mars Analog Sites Using a Novel Life Detection Instrument.
- A Conceptual Framework for Post-Project Assessment Applied to the Provo River Restoration Project, Utah
- A tale of two rivers: channel adjustments to restorative floods in the Green River in Dinosaur N.M. as compared to those in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon N.P.
- An approach for strategic, targeted prioritization of streamside restoration
- Assimilation of Consanguineous Mafic Intrutions: Layered Crustal Sill Complexes as Reactive Filters for Continental Basalts
- Calibration of a Three Wavelength Lidar for Size Discriminated Ambient Particulate Measurement
- Channel Reconfiguration Impacts on Solute Transient Storage Dynamics in the Provo River, Utah
- Classification of Watersheds for Bioassessment Based on Hydrological Variables
- Climatic Controls on Leaf Nitrogen Content and Implications for Biochemical Modeling.
- Column Water Vapor Retrieval Method and Observations Associated With the SAM Sensor
- Constraining spatial patterns and secular trends of springtime phenology with contrasting models based on plant phenology gardens and carbon dioxide flux networks
- Coupled inverse geochemical and microbial reactive transport models in porous media
- Coupling annual and decadal patterns of sediment flux with channel morphology in gravel- bedded mountain streams
- Cross-Wavelet Spectrum Analysis of the Ring Currents Using Magnetic Records from Multiple Low-Latitude Stations
- Crustal Structure and Tectono-Magmatic Processes of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain System From Gravity-Density Measurements and Strength Models Employing Seismic Constraints
- Data Collection for Dynamic Temperature Modeling in High-Gradient Mountain Streams
- Deformation of Sedimentary Rock Across the San Andreas Fault Zone: Mesoscale and Microscale Structures Displayed in Core From SAFOD
- Deployment and Evaluation of an Observations Data Model
- Derivation of temperature and density from Langmuir probe observations with a small surface-to-probe area ratio
- Effective Elastic Thickness Variations Along the Andean Margin and Their Relationship to Subduction Geometry
- Effects of Cloudiness on the Daily and Annual Radiation Balance: Elaboration on the Shartwave and Longwave Radiation
- Evaluation of Two New Models of Net Radiometers and Comparison to a Model to Predict Net Radiation
- Exploring Soils and Ecohydrological Structure in Small Watersheds Using Electromagnetic Induction.
- Hierarchical Data Assimilation for Multiple Source Uncertainty Estimation
- Hybrid Kriging Cubic Spline Interpolation Algorithm for Display of Global Airglow Measurements
- IR Temperature Characteristics of a Prolific TLE Producing Storm in South America Observed During a Sprite Campaign in Brazil
- Insights About Channel Width Controls Based on Channel Narrowing Below Dams
- Large-scale Dynamics of Noctilucent Clouds Over Alaska, 2005
- Late Pleistocene-Holocene Faulting History Along the Northern El Carrizal Fault, Baja California Sur, Mexico: Earthquake Recurrence at a Persistently Active Rifted Margin
- Lidar Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds in Conjunction with an AIM Overflight
- Little Bear River Test-Bed: Tools for Environmental Observatory Design and Implementation
- Modeling The Water Table In The Middle Rio Grande River Riparian Corridor
- Numerical Modeling of Unsaturated Flows in Variable Gravity During Parabolic Flight
- Oxygen Diffusion Measurements in Unsaturated Porous Media on the International Space Station
- Relating Streamflow Recession to Soil and Watershed Properties
- Sensitivity of the seasonal snowcover to warming climate trends in a snow dominated semi- arid mountain basin
- Separating Water Content Changes and Soil Texture Using Electromagnetic Induction Soil Imaging
- Soil Moisture Patterns on Conifer and Aspen Hillslopes in an Alpine Catchment of Northern Utah
- Study of the Effects of Auroral Substorms on the Low-Latitude Currents
- Terrain and forest shelter effects on snowcover energetics, patterns of snow deposition, snowmelt and runoff over a semi-arid mountain catchment
- The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere Mission: Overview and Early Results
- The Role of Observer Variation in Determining Rosgen Stream Types in Northeastern Oregon Mountain Streams
- The WATERS Network Conceptual Design
- Three years of post seismic deformation in Central Andaman Islands
- Toward a Next Generation of Isostatic Analysis
- Winter Upper Mesosphere Interannual Variability Determined from TIMED/SABER Measurements
- A Comparison of an ensemble method with a complexity based method in streamflow prediction using a nearest neighbor predictor: finite sample size performance for different basin sizes
- A Miniaturized Plasma Impedance Probe For Ionospheric Absolute Electron Density and Electron-Neutral Collision Frequency Measurements
- A Parsimonious Energy Balance Snowmelt Model and its use in Spatially Distributed Modeling
- Accessing and Sharing Data Using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- An Approach to Modeling the Water Balance Sensitivity to Landscape Vegetation Changes
- Applicability of Partially Observed Runoff Data in Parameter Calibration
- Applying Biophysical Principles to the Measurement of Canopy Stomatal Conductance
- Arroyo Cut and Fill record from Kanab Creek, southern Utah
- Assessment of the Geodetic and Color Accuracy of Multi-Pass Airborne/Mobile Lidar Data
- Challenges and Limitations of Estimating Sediment Routing in a Coarse Bed Braided River
- Chronostratigraphy of Holocene alluvium in eastern Grand Canyon: Correlatable terraces or local paleoflood sequences?
- Comparison of Approaches used to Characterize Stream Water-Groundwater Exchange
- Comparison of Soil Moisture Patterns Between Conifer and Aspen Hillslopes in Northern Utah in Low and Average Precipitation Years
- Constraints and inferences of conditions of seismic slip from analyses of exhumed faults
- Continued Post Seismic Deformation of Andaman Islands
- Current and Future Development of the Operational Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Data- and parameter-induced uncertainty estimation for Land Surface Models. A SiB3 case study in the LBA domain
- Designing a Hydro-Economic Collaborative Computer Decision Support System: Approaches, Best Practices, Lessons Learned, and Future Trends
- Early Neoproterozoic Ocean Chemistry: Fe-S Systematics from the Chuar Group
- Ecosystem Feedbacks to Climate Change in California: Integrated Climate Forcing from Vegetation Redistribution, Using a New Regional Climate Model Configuration
- Effect of Solar Radiation on Fiber Optic Cables Used in Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Applications
- Effect of net spinning caddisfly (Trichoptera: Stenopsyche marmorata) on channel bed stability in a small stream, northern Japan
- Estimating Shortwave Solar Radiation Using Net Radiation and Meteorological Measurements
- Evaluating the use of Streamflow Regime for Predicting Taxonomic Composition for use in Bioassessment
- From Channel to Floodplain: Geomorphic Transformation of the Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region of Texas, Chihuahua, and Coahuila
- Generalized Methods for Terrain-based Flow Analysis of Digital Elevation Models
- Geophysical Characterization of Inactive Mine Tailings: A First Step for Economical Design of Vegetative Covers
- Geophysical and Geological Examination of Rock Properties at the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), Parkfield, California
- How much do we understand the structure and evolution of the Salton Trough?
- Hyporheic Denitrification in an Upland Agricultural Stream: a 15N Tracer Study
- Implications of tomographic reconstruction algorithms on instrumentation for observing the night time ionospheric air glow
- In-situ LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Pyroxene in the Peridotite Section of the Coast Range Ophiolite: Diverse Trace Element Compositions and Cryptic Garnet Field Melting in the Cordilleran Mantle Wedge
- Intercomparison, interpretation, and assessment of spring phenology in North America estimated from remote sensing for 1982 to 2006
- Internet Mapping Services Facilitate Distribution and Analysis of Sediment Movement and Storage Changes of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Intriguing observations of elevated temperatures around double-layer Sporadic- E
- Investigating the potential of using tree-ring records and river-dammed lake sediments to reconstruct paleohydrology in the Virgin River watershed, southern Utah: Initial observations and results
- Modeling Soil Depth Based Upon Topographic and Land Cover Attributes to Improve Models of Hydrological Response
- Multi-scale Modeling of Energy Balance Fluxes in a Dense Tamarisk Riparian Forest
- Observations of the Day to Night transition of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetostratigraphy of Late Cenozoic Sedimentary Rocks in the Western Salton Trough, CA
- Parameterizing Conductive Energy Fluxes and the Internal Energy Balance of a Snowpack: Inferences from Frequency Analysis of Snow Temperature Time Series
- Petrogenesis of Mafic Volcanic Rocks from the Pribilof Islands, Alaska, by Melting of Metasomatically Enriched Depleted Lithosphere, Crystallization Differentiation, and Magma Mixing
- Process-based reference conditions: An alternative approach for managed river systems
- Project Hotspot - The Snake River Scientific Drilling Project - Investigating the Interactions of Mantle Plumes and Continental Lithosphere
- Reconciling Holocene Alluvial Records in Buckskin Wash, Utah--Where do Arroyo Cycles end and Paleofloods Begin?
- Results from a Comprehensive Rocket Investigation of Mid-Latitude Spread F
- Scaling Sap Flow Results Over Wide Areas Using High-Resolution Aerial Multispectral Digital Imaging, Leaf Area Index (LAI) and MODIS Satellite Imagery in Saltcedar Stands on the Lower Colorado River
- Scrutiny of a Diamictite to Cap-Carbonate Contact: Neoproterozoic Scout Mountain Member, Pocatello Formation, Idaho
- Seismic Slip on an Oblique Detachment Fault at Low Angles
- Sensors, Cyberinfrastructure, and Examination of Hydrologic and Hydrochemical Response in the Little Bear River Observatory Test Bed
- Something Old, Something New: EarthScope, Heat Flow and Gravity Too
- Stable Isotope Data of Veins From the 2007 SAFOD Core
- Statistical Wavelet Analysis and Index Development of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Current System Observed by Terrestrial Magnetometers
- Structure and composition of the San Andreas Fault in central California: Recent results from SAFOD sample analyses
- The NASA STORMS Sub-Payload electric field observations
- The Ordered Evolution of the Eastern North American Lithosphere Mantle: Pb, Nd, Sr and Hf Isotope Constraints
- Toward Improved Calibration of Hydrologic Models: Multi-objective Analysis of Streamflow and SWE Modeling Errors in Mountainous Regions
- Towards an Improved Algorithm for Estimating Freeze-Thaw Dates of a High Latitude Lake Using Texture Analysis of SAR Images
- Using spatial and temporal changes in bed-sediment grain size to trace sand transport: results of 30,000 bed-sediment grain-size measurements from Grand Canyon between 2000 and 2008
- Water Management in Cache County, Utah
- A Hybrid Approach for Estimating Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing (HET)
- A Morphodynamic Routing Model of the Maple River, Minnesota (Invited)
- A Pair of Puzzles in EarthScope TA-Derived Crustal Structure
- A Protocol for Retrospective Remote-Sensing-based Ecological Monitoring of Rangelands
- A “mesh” of crossing faults: Fault networks of southern California
- Airglow Depletion Zonal Velocities over Ascension Island
- An Integrated Geochemical and Isotopic Model for Late Proterozoic to Recent Super-Continent Dispersal Associated with Large Igneous Provinces (LIPS) of Eastern North America
- Analysis of the 2007 year CIR Events using the WINDMI Model: Energy Distribution and Ring Current Evolution
- Andaman post-seismic deformation observations: An update
- Application of Phase Change Cells as Temperature Reference for Blackbody Thermometry
- Artificial Intelligence Methods: Choice of algorithms, their complexity, and appropriateness within the context of hydrology and water resources. (Invited)
- Calibration and Validation of WRF 3.0-CLM3.5 in Snowpack Simulations
- Channel Narrowing and Channel Reset: Effects of a Large Flood on the Vegetated, Narrowing Rio Grande
- Characterizing the morphological complexity of North American beaver (Castor canadensis) habitats using ground-based LiDAR
- Colorado Plateau rock strength, exhumation, and river knickzones - spatial datasets relating erodability to topographic metrics
- Cross-Validation of Suspended Sediment Concentrations Derived from Satellite Imagery and Numerical Modeling of the 1997 New Year's Flood on the Feather River, CA
- CubeSat Constellations for Measurements of High Latitude Energy Input
- Design of a High Accuracy Blackbody for CLARREO
- Development of a Dynamical Magnetosphere Model by Coupling the WINDMI Plasma Physics Model to an Analytical Magnetospheric Magnetic Field Configuration
- Effect of data uncertainty on parameter estimation and model complexity using high-density regions of bootstrapped likelihood and Bayesian measures of complexity and fit
- Effective elastic thickness of Africa and its relationship to other proxies for lithospheric structure and surface tectonics
- Effects of Water Rights and Other Factors on Water Management by Farmers
- Estimation of Sq variation by means of multiresolution and principal component analyses
- Evaluating the Role of Small Impoundments in Legacy Sediment Storage
- Evaluation of Fault Zone Structure and Properties at Depth, with Insights into Deformation and Alteration of the San Andreas Fault at SAFOD
- Evaluation of the Newly Coupled WRF3-CLM3.5 with AOGCM Forcing
- Expected Performance of double probe instrumentation on CubeSats
- Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of the ANDE Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS)
- Exploring Soil Properties through Electromagnetic Sensor-based Complex Dielectric Permittivity
- FTIR Evidence of Changes in Carbon Associated with Hydrophobicity in Wildfire Affected Soils Treated with Elevated Temperature, Acid Snow Melt, or UV-Light
- From Snow to Rain: Assessing streamflow sensitivity to changes in climate using a hydrologic model for the Salmon River Basin, Idaho
- Halo Observations from the Ground and from Space: Further Checks on the Sprite Polarity Paradox
- Heliophysics Science
- Hybrid Description of Outflowing Ionospheric Plasma: A Monte Carlo/n-Moment Transport Equations Model
- Hydrologic Change during the Colonial Era of the United States: Beavers and the Energy Cost of Impoundments (Invited)
- Hydrologic Terrain Processing Using Parallel Computing
- INRA Constellation of Experimental Watersheds: Cyberinfrastructure to Support Publication of Water Resources Data
- Impact of Irrigation on Local Climate over Northwestern China
- Implications of Geomorphic Change on Salmonid Habitat Using a Narrow-Beam Terrestrial-Aquatic Lidar and DEM Uncertainty Accounting
- Implications of contamination and surface area ratios for Langmuir probe diagnostics on CubeSats
- Introducing the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System Desktop Application (HydroDesktop) and Open Development Community
- Investigating the Physical State of the western U.S. Upper Mantle Using a Multi-Disciplinary Approach (Invited)
- Investigation of bar formation on a reconfigured gravel-bed river
- Labile Dissolved Organic Carbon Availability Controls Hyporheic Denitrification: a 15N Tracer Study
- Managing water and salinity with desalination, conveyance, conservation, waste-water treatment and reuse to counteract climate variability in Gaza
- Material properties of Franciscan mélange and fault rock lithologies at SAFOD: Implications for fault zone processes along the central creeping segment of the San Andreas Fault
- Mesospheric OH Airglow Zonal Trends and Periodicities Observed from SABER
- Moment Calculations for Low Energy Ions in Jupiter's Magnetotail from NASA’s NEW HORIZONS Misson
- New Topographic Attributes Derived Using Enhanced Terrain Analysis
- Numerical Evaluation of Heat Pulse Technology for Estimation of Evaporation Rates from a Subsurface Drying Front
- Prediction of water surface elevation of Great Salt Lake using Support Vector Machine
- Quaternary climate change and hillslope processes: What can we learn from alluvial fans?
- Real-Time Forecasting Of Streamflow And Water Loss/Gain In A River System By Using A Robust Multivariate Bayesian Regression Model
- Reliability of Approaches Used to Quantify Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions
- Rio Grande Rift GPS Measurements 2006-2009
- Root Zone Soil Moisture Forecasting Using Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines
- Scale-dependent geomorphic responses to active restoration and implications for cutthroat trout
- Sharing Hydrologic Data with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System (Invited)
- Spatial patterns of hydro-social metrics in the Northeastern United States from the Colonial Era through the Industrial Revolution (1600-1920)
- Study of the Ring Current Variability with the Use of Ground-Based Magnetometer Measurements and New Statistical Technique: Preliminary Results
- Supra-subduction zone (SSZ) ophiolites: the Fore-arc connection (Invited)
- The NPOESS Crosstrack Infrared Sounder (CrIS) and Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS) as a Companion to the New Generation AIRS/AMSU and IASI/AMSU Sounder Suites
- The Relationship Between Seasonal Pattern of Photosynthetic Parameters and Plant Phenology
- The creation and evacuation of a large-volume sediment bar in a coastal ephemeral stream, NW Israel
- The dynamic feedbacks between channel changes in the Colorado River Basin and the rapid invasion of Tamarisk
- The effect of in-line lakes on stream dissolved organic matter (DOM) in oligotrophic mountain systems
- Time-lapse Characterization of Soil Moisture---A First Step towards Linking Soil and Vegetation Heterogeneity
- Versatile Langmuir Probe for Outer Planet Missions
- A Geodynamic Template for Super-Continent Dispersal Based on CAMP Geochemical and Isotopic Signatures From the Culpepper Basin of Virginia
- A Statistical Nighttime Analysis of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- A Study of High Frequency Water Quality Observations in the Little Bear River Utah, USA (Invited)
- A lidar-derived evaluation of watershed-scale large woody debris sources and recruitment mechanisms: coastal Maine, USA
- A role for crustal silica in mountain-building and rifting
- Aglite: A 3-wavelength lidar system for Assessment of Agricultural Air Quality, Whole Facility Emission Rates and Fluxes
- An Open Source Platform for Earth Science Research and Applications
- Andaman post-seismic deformation observations: An update
- Assesment of Vegetation Photosynthesis Model (vpm) in a Temperate Climate Condition Using Modis Data
- Assessment of Remotely Sensed Land Surface Phenology Data for North America: Inter-comparison and Forecasting
- CIPS/AIM Observation of Polar Mesospheric Cloud Structures and NOGAPS-ALPHA Analysis of the Environment in Which These Structures Form
- Can complementary methods reliably estimate evapotranspiration in semi-arid regions?
- Characteristics of gravity waves in the summer polar mesosphere and their dynamical effects on polar mesospheric clouds (Invited)
- Closure of sediment budgets: tractable task or elusive goal?
- Controls on Hyporheic Nitrate Removal: Assessing Transport and Substrate Limitations with 15N Tracer Studies (Invited)
- Development and Implementation of a Bayesian Model for Sediment Transport in Fluvial Systems
- Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data
- Differences in the amount and stability of SOC under aspen and conifer forests in Northern Utah
- Estimation of Evapotraspiration of Tamarisk using Energy Balance Models with High Resolution Airborne Imagery and LIDAR Data
- Evidence for the evacuation of fine sediment and fine gravel of the Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam
- Expected performance of the Plasma Diagnostic Instrumentation on DICE
- Fluid-Mobile Element Enrichment in the Mantle Wedge of Subduction Zones: A View From the Coast Range Ophiolite, California
- High-Resolution WRF-Chem Simulations of Particulate Matter Emitted By Different Agriculture Tillage under Different Weather Conditions Using
- Historic evidence for a link between riparian vegetation and bank erosion in the context of instream habitat restoration
- HydroDesktop: An Open Source GIS-Based Platform for Hydrologic Data Discovery, Visualization, and Analysis
- Hydrologic controls on the development of equilibrium soil depths
- Hydrological Model Output Space and Prediction Uncertainty
- Investigating Source to Sink Processes with Cosmogenic 10Be Concentrations in Multiple Alluvial Grain Sizes
- Investigation of Magnetospheric Conditions During Periodic Substorm Events with a Nonlinear Dynamical Model
- Long-term Observations of Winds and Waves over Bear Lake Observatory
- Low-Dimensional Dynamical Model of the Solar Wind Driven Magnetopause
- Magnetopause surface waves triggered by a rotating IMF with the global MHD SWMF/BAT-S-RUS model
- Measurements of Ion Drifts and Thermospheric Neutral Winds at the Jicamarca Radio Observatory
- Mid-Latitude Dayside Ionospheric Response to Storm-Time Electric Fields
- Monthly-mean Tidal Perturbations of Na Density and Vertical Wind based on Full-Diurnal-Cycle Na Lidar Observations
- Petrology, Geochemistry, and Geodynamics of the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain Hotspot: Implications for Supercontinent Dispersal (Invited)
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate spectral and temporal variations of solar EUV and XUV irradiance models over solar rotation and solar cycle time scales
- Precipitation in the Intermountain Region simulated by the NARCCAP regional climate models
- Quantifying Stream Habitat: Relative Effort Versus Quality of Competing Remote Sensing & Ground-Based Survey Techniques
- Quantifying sediment dynamics over century and event timescales with Beryllium-10 and Lead-210
- Raising the Dead without a Red Sea-Dead Sea Canal? A hydro-economic-institutional analysis
- Rapid 3-dimensional channel adjustments on the disequilibrium Rio Grande in the Big Bend region
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms
- Regional Climate Simulations with WRF: Application of a Regression Model to Correct Biases in CCSM Forcing Data
- Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States
- Rock Properties and Internal Structure of the San Andreas Fault near ~ 3 km Depth in the SAFOD Borehole Based on Meso- to Micro-scale Analyses of Phase III whole rock core
- SABER OH Mesospheric Airglow Emissions
- San Andreas Structural Interpretation: Merging Geophysical and Geological Data at SAFOD and Vicinity
- Scintillometer-based estimates of sensible heat flux over row oriented vineyard trees
- Seasonal Dependence of Equatorial Electrodynamic Effects During Stratospheric Warming Periods
- Space-Time-Isotopic Trends of Snake River Plain Basalts
- Study of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Ring Current Variability during Storm and Quiet Times Using Wavelet Analysis and Ground-Based Magnetic Data from Multiple Stations
- The Changing Geomorphic Template of Native Fish Habitat of the Lower San Rafael River, Utah
- The Effect of Groundwater Availability and Quality on Water Consumption of Tamarisk
- The Geomorphic Effectiveness of a Woody Shrub
- The HydroServer Platform for Sharing Hydrologic Data
- The importance of downstream bed surface coarsening in predicting the wave of incision in response to a sudden base level drop at the mouth of a river: the Holocene Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA
- Topographic Analyses of Reaches of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon Reveal Focused Locations of Fine-Sediment Accumulation and Evacuation
- Toward Federated Security and Data Access Control within a Services Oriented Architecture for Publishing Hydrologic Data
- Tracking Phragmites Australis Expansion in Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge using AggieAir Aircraft Data
- Types and Variability of In-Channel and Bank Storage in Beaded Arctic Streams
- Uncertainty Evaluation and Appropriate Distribution for the RDHM in the Rockies
- Use of Airborne and Ground-based LiDaR in Geomorphic Change Detection (Invited)
- Use of Wireline Logs to Estimate Strength of Cap Rock Lithologies
- Using OSL dating to quantify rates of Earth surface processes
- WINDMI-Magfield: A Dynamical magnetospheric magnetic field model
- A Comparative Distributed Evaluation of the NWS-RDHM using Shape Matching and Traditional Measures with In Situ and Remotely Sensed Information
- A Landscape Similarity Index: Multitemporal Remote Sensing and Multidimensional Scaling to Track Changes on Big Sagebrush Ecological Sites
- A Methodological Intercomparison of Topographic and Aerial Photographic Habitat Survey Techniques
- A New Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmospheric Measurements in the Auroral Region
- A systematic approach for increasing parameter certainty in a spatially distributed temperature and solute model using multi-objective evolutionary optimization
- Advancements of Climate Modeling and Forecasts for the Contingent United States
- Advancing an Information Model for Environmental Observations
- Analysis of Microhabitat Use for Two Trout Species Using a Combination of Remote Sensing and Passive Integrated transponder Tags
- Applying modern measurements of Pleistocene loads to model lithospheric rheology
- Automatic geomorphic feature extraction from lidar in flat and engineered landscapes
- Climatology of terdiurnal tide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere from TIMED SABER/TIDI, ground-based sodium lidar and NCAR TIME-GCM model
- Combining Natural Tracers to Identify Flow Paths in Arctic Beaded Streams
- Comparison of Two Machine Learning Regression Approaches (Multivariate Relevance Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network) Coupled with Wavelet Decomposition to Forecast Monthly Streamflow in Peru
- Constraining the dynamical behavior of the western US lithosphere through computational modeling: Evidence that lower crustal flow plays a significant role in load accommodation
- Data Impact of the DMSP F18 SSULI UV Data on the Operational GAIM Model
- Description and Stable Isotope Record of Newly Discovered Neoproterozoic (CRYOGENIAN?) Tube Structures, Northern Utah
- Discrete brittle to distributed shearing; Results from analysis of the deep portions of the Cajon Pass Drill Hole
- Dst Prediction from CIR Events During 2008 Using Synthesized Signals Derived From SOHO, STEREO, and ACE Observations
- Effects of Surfactants on Cryptosporidium parvum Mobility in Agricultural Soils from Illinois and Utah
- Elevated Wintertime Ozone in Utah's Uinta Basin
- Engaging Undergraduates in Innovative Science Outreach
- Enhancing Access to Drought Information Using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- Estimating Heat Flow of Thermal Features in Yellowstone National Park Using Airborne Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Estimation of Aboveground Biomass at a High Spatial Resolution Using an Extensive Data Record of Satellite Derived Metrics: A Case Study with California
- ForCaMF - Decision Support for Landscape-Level Forest Carbon Management
- Fracture behavior across interfaces
- Global Thermospheric Temperature Response to Geomagnetic Storms
- Heliophysics
- Holocene climate-dynamics of the Colorado River in Grand Canyon-a record built by centennial paleoflood variations superimposed upon millennial cycles of grade change
- Human Amplified Natural Change: An approach for vulnerability assessment and mitigation planning
- Hydraulic and Vegetative Models of Historic Environmental Conditions Isolate the Role of Riparian Vegetation in Inducing Channel Change
- Hypothesis-testing proposed control of strain weakening by crustal quartz abundance
- Integrated Field Analyses of Thermal Springs
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Mesospheric Short-period Gravity Wave Propagation
- Interplay of Kelvin Helmholtz (KH) and Tearing mode Instability during High Speed Stream (HSS) Events
- Investigating Seasonal Oscillations in Mesospheric Temperatures at Low and Mid-latitudes
- Investigating Sediment Source to Sink Processes in a Post-Orogenic Landscape
- Investigating gravity waves and mesospheric temperature variability over the Andes Mountains
- Ionosphere-related products for communication and navigation
- Linking Above and Belowground Soil and Vegetation Spatial Patterns using Eco-Geophysical Approaches
- Linking Morphodynamic Response with Sediment Mass Balance: Issues of Scale, Geomorphic Setting, and Sampling Design
- Local to Global Scale Time Series Analysis of US Dryland Degradation Using Landsat, AVHRR, and MODIS
- Modeling Stochastic Energy and Water Consumption to Manage Residential Water Uses
- Modeling snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies: A model inter-comparison study
- Morphodynamic Modeling of Gravel Bed Rivers: a Step-Length Based Approach
- Morphodynamic Response of the Unregulated Yampa River at Deerlodge to the 2011 Flood
- Na lidar investigation of sporadic Na layer and its correlation with sporadic E layer detected by ionosonde
- Near-continuous suspended sediment monitoring of the Rio Grande using multi-frequency acoustic instrumentation in Big Bend National Park, USA
- Nighttime variability in the thermosphere forced from below: Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) simulations
- OSL dating without sand lenses: Late Pleistocene alluvial fan aggradation in the Lost River Range, Idaho
- Observations of gravity waves and ozone structures near the stratopause from the CIPS instrument
- Overview of the Southern Andes - ANtarctic GRavity wave InitiAtive (SAANGRIA)
- Paleoseismicity along a low-angle normal fault: Evidence from the Salton Trough, CA, USA
- Partitioning Evaporation and Infiltration Processes with an Array of Multifunction Heat Pulse Probes
- Plume-Lithosphere Interaction beneath the Snake River Plain, Idaho: Constraints from Pb, Sr, Nd, and Hf Isotopes
- Possible Pre-Cryogenian Eutrophication Event Recorded In ~770-742 Ma Strata Of The Uinta Mountain Group, Utah, USA
- Preliminary Fracture Description from Core, Lithological Logs, and Borehole Geophysical Data in Slimhole Wells Drilled for Project Hotspot: the Snake River Geothermal Drilling Project
- Project Hotspot: Mineral chemistry of high-MgO basalts from the Kimama core, Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho
- Project Hotspot: Subsurface Stratigraphy and Petrologic Evolution of Snake River Plain Basalts from Kimama Core
- Quantifying the Spatial and Seasonal Hydrodynamics of Subsurface Soil Salinity and Selenium Mobilization in the Pariette Watershed, Uintah Basin, UT
- SEBAL-based Daily Actual Evapotranspiration Forecasting using Wavelets Decomposition Analysis and Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines
- Scaled Solutions of Richards' Equation for Infiltration and Drainage Considering Dissimilar Soils
- Sediment sources and transport pathways in the Root River
- Seismic imaging through volcanic rocks of the Snake River Plain, Idaho for the ICDP Project Hotspot
- Spectral effects of light-emitting diodes on plant growth and development: The importance of green and blue light
- The CUAHSI Community Hydrologic Information System
- The Influence of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling Functions on the estimation of Dst Index
- The International Space Station as a Launch Platform for CubeSats to Study Space Weather
- The Relative Importance of Inserting TIN Topographic Breaklines in DEM Creation
- The Storm Time Energy and Dynamics Explorers
- The influence of sediment supply on bar-pool morphology in a laboratory meander
- Thermal Fluid and Fault Interactions at the Intersection of Two Faults, Agua Caliente, California
- Three-dimensional numerical simulation of point bar growth in a field-scale experimental meander bend
- Uncertainty Analysis of in situ Ocean Color Radiometry for the Vicarious Calibration of Ocean Color Satellite Sensors
- Understanding the Contribution of Glacier and Snowmelt in the Himalaya using a Spatially-Distributed Energy Balance Model and Remotely Sensed Data: Implications for Water Security in the Himalayas
- Unexpected Delivery of Meteoric <SUP>10</SUP>Be to Critical Zone Soils, Front Range, Colorado
- Untangling Geomorphic Processes in the Grand Canyon with Topographic Time Series from Hybrid Surveys
- Using Relevance Vector Machines Approach for Prediction of Total Suspended Solids and Turbidity to Sustain Water Quality
- Validation of the Land Cover Dynamics Product from MODIS with Field Data and MERIS Derived Phenology Estimates over North America
- Water Year Classification in a Non-stationary Climate
- Western U.S. Annual Steamflow: Correlations with Major Climate Indices and Increasing Trends Since 1912
- 2.5D modelling of a horizontal electric dipole using Finite Difference method with non-uniform grids and preconditioned sparse matrices
- A 50-year natural experiment: The impact of non-native riparian vegetation on an unregulated canyon-bound river
- A Framework for Incorporating Hydroclimate Variability in Regulated Rivers: Implications for Hydropower Relicensing in California's Yuba River
- A Hybrid Wavelet-Machine Learning Approach for Short- and Long-Term Streamflow Forecasting in Western U.S. by Using Local and Global Climate Patterns
- A Methodological Intercomparison of the Relative Quality and Cost of Topographic Survey Techniques in Streams
- A One-Dimensional Physically-Based Lake Model for Weather and Climate Studies
- A stochastic framework for estimating changes in storage from repeat DEMs
- Adjusting Wavelet-based Multiresolution Analysis Boundary Conditions for Robust Long-term Streamflow Forecasting Model
- An Examination of Trends and Patterns of Ecologically important streamflow variables in association with climate change predictions
- Assessing the Effects of Water Right Purchases on Stream Temperatures and Fish Habitat
- Basaltic Volcanism of the Snake River Volcanic Province
- Bayesian Belief Networks Approach for Modeling Irrigation Behavior
- Characterization of Brittle Structures in Basalts of the Central and Western Snake River Plain, Idaho with Evidence and Implications for Fracture Connectivity in Boreholes with High Thermal Gradients
- Cheap and Cheerful Stream Restoration - An Example of System Wide Woody Addition Treatment
- Chicken or Egg? Resolving the Relative Roles of Non-Native Vegetation Invasion and Changing Flow Regime in Channel Narrowing and Planform Simplification of Large Rivers of the American Southwest
- Chronostratigraphy of Kitchen Corral Wash, southern UT: Insights into Arroyo Aggradation and Entrenchment Events
- Climatic Responses of Tropical Ecosystems Control Variations in Atmospheric CO2 Growth Rates
- Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models in Low Solar Flux Conditions for the CCMC CEDAR Challenge
- Combining data from multiple sources using the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System
- Comparison of NLDAS Weather Forcing Data with Ground-based Measurements in Irrigated Areas of Utah
- Cost-equity considerations in salinity control in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Determining Key Heat Fluxes Necessary for Instream Temperature Predictions
- Diagnosing current land surface models' ability to represent snowpack evolution in complex terrain and forested Central Rockies
- Dynamic Agricultural Land Unit Profile Database Generation using Landsat Time Series Images
- Emissions Inventory for the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah, Winter 2012
- Emissions from oil and natural gas operations in northeastern Utah
- Exploring High-Latitude Electric Field Variability With the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Mission
- Extrapolating the Results of DICE to Constellation CubeSat Missions for Space Science
- Framework for Assessing Dynamism and Persistence of Eddy-Sandbar Complexes in the Grand Canyon
- GEOScan: A GEOScience Facility From Space
- Geomorphic Analysis Supporting Restoration of the Walker River, Nevada
- Geothermal Systems In The Snake River Plain Idaho Characterized By The Hotspot Project
- Glacial Events Spanning the Last Glacial Cycle in the Southern Alps, New Zealand
- Global Specification of the Post-Sunset Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Grand Canyon as a universally accessible virtual field trip for intro Geoscience classes using geo-referenced mobile game technology
- Gravity wave dynamics determined using combined sodium lidar and Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper measurements in the Arctic mesosphere
- Holocene Arroyo Records in Southern Utah: A balance between Climate Forcing and Geomorphic Thresholds
- Integrating remote sensing data with WRF for improved simulations of oasis effects on local weather processes over an arid region in northwestern China
- Interaction of Sublithospheric Mantle with a Complex Continental Lithosphere: Radiogenic Isotope Constraints
- Investigating Propagation of Short-period Gravity Waves at High Altitudes Utilizing Re-analysis and Ray Tracing Models
- Is Global Warming enhancing ENSO precursors in the Western North Pacific?
- Is Hazardous Waste Injection into Basal Aquifers a Good Idea?
- Linkages of fluvial terrace formation and geometry to Milankovitch-scale climate change revealed by the chronostratigraphy of the Colorado River above Moab, UT, and regional correlations
- Linking Temporal and Spatial Variability of Millennial and Decadal-Scale Sediment Yield to Aquatic Habitat in the Columbia River Watershed
- Measuring Water Level Fluctuations of two Connected Wetlands in the Dominican Republic Using InSAR
- Measuring and Characterizing Sky Brightness over the Nighttime in Tucson and Surrounding Observatory Mountaintops
- Modeling Natural Stream Nutrient Concentrations from Landscape Predictors
- Modeling and Prediction of Snow Cover over the Tibetan Plateau
- Modeling and Prediction of the North American Monsoon Using an Improved Regional Climate Model
- Modeling the Capacity of Riverscapes to Support Dam-Building Beaver
- Multi-Technique Measurements and Modeling of Storm-Enhanced Densities during a Moderate Magnetic Storm on 3-4 August 2010: Connections to Low and High Latitudes
- Multiple Peaks in SABER Mesospheric OH Emission Altitude Profiles
- Multiple deformation mechanisms operating at seismogenic depths: Tectonic pseudotachylyte and associated deformation from the central Sierra Nevada, California
- Multivariate Regression Analysis of Winter Ozone Events in the Uinta Basin of Eastern Utah, USA
- Na lidar Investigation of gravity wave forcing and its effects on tidal variability in mesopause region by nocturnal zonal momentum flux measurement and full-diurnal cycle lidar observations at Logan, UT (42N, 118W)
- ONEMercury: Towards Automatic Annotation of Earth Science Metadata
- OSL dating of Glacial Sediments from New Zealand and Olympic Mountains: Using Stratigraphy to our Advantage
- Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of Glacial Outwash Spanning the Last Glacial Cycle on the Western Olympic Peninsula, Washington, USA
- Optimizing the Dammed: water supply losses and fish habitat gains from dam removal in California
- Predicting differential vulnerabilities of stream and river temperatures to climate change
- Production of NOx and other precursors of ozone formation in the Uinta Basin
- Project Hotspot: Temporal Compositional Variation in Basalts of the Kimama Core and Implications for Magma Source Evolution, Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho
- Promoting Academic Physicists, Their Students, and Their Research through Library Partnerships
- Reach-Averaged Sediment Transport Model for the Walker River, Nevada
- Reflectance Data Processing of High Resolution Multispectral Data Acquired with an Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicle AggieairTM
- River-Based Experiential Learning: the Bear River Fellows Program
- Seasonal Correlations between Irrigation-Mobilized Salts and Selenium in Utah's Pariette Watershed Soils
- Sharp landscape features and their role in predictive hydrology and geomorphology
- Shrubby Reed-Mustard Habitat: Parent Material, Soil, and Landscape Characteristics
- Solar and Space Physics Science Enabled by Pico and Nano Satellites
- Source and Crystallization Characteristics of Basalts in the Kimama core: Project Hotspot Snake River Scientific Drilling Project, Idaho
- Spatial Distribution of Ozone Precursors in the Uinta Basin
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Distributions of Western Streamflow Conditioned on Climate Indices
- Statistical Study of the Storm-Time Thermosphere Temperature
- Supporting Roles of Heat Transport in Transient Storage Modeling
- Survey of Rural Areas in the Western United States with the Potential to form Winter Ozone
- System Modeling to Improve the Hydro-Ecological Performance of Diked Wetlands
- The Colorado Plateau is a decaying landscape where erosion is decoupled from topography and most proposed tectonic drivers
- The Dynamics of Geomagnetic Storms and Substorms with the WINDMI model
- The Effect of the Anionic Surfactant Aerosol-80 on the Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts through Soil
- The Essential Terrestrial Variables (ETV's) in Support of a National Framework for Numerical Watershed Prediction
- The Hydrothermal System at the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River: Exposed and Hidden
- The ICDP Hotspot Scientific Drilling Program: Overview of geophysical logging and seismic imaging through basaltic and rhyolitic volcanic deposits
- The Tony Grove Karst Region in Northern Utah: From Cave Sediments to Fluvial Geomorphology
- The role of beaver in shaping steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat complexity and thermal refugia in a central Oregon stream
- The temperature of the western U.S. lithosphere
- Toward a Rapid Synthesis of Field and Desktop Data for Classifying Streams in the Pacific Northwest: Guiding the Sampling and Management of Salmonid Habitat
- Updated glacial chronology of the South Fork Hoh River valley, Olympic Peninsula, Washington through detailed stratigraphy and OSL dating
- Using NLDAS weather forcing data on remote sensing of evapotranspiration using a two source energy balance model
- Using stream sediment lithology to explore the roles of abrasion and channel network structure in shaping downstream sediment yields
- Wavelet-based Evapotranspiration Forecasts
- Wintertime Distributed Ozone Measurement in Utah's Uintah Basin during UBWOS 2012
- Wintertime Methane and Non-Methane Hydrocarbon Measurements Utah's Uintah Basin
- A Low-Cost CubeSat Mission for Space Weather Forecasting
- A Miniature Sweeping Impedance Probe for Ionospheric Plasma Diagnostics
- A Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System to Specify Ionospheric Storms
- Adaptable Web Modules to Stimulate Active Learning in Engineering Hydrology using Data and Model Simulations of Three Regional Hydrologic Systems
- An open-source wireless sensor stack: from Arduino to SDI-12 to Water One Flow
- Anticipating U.S. severe droughts - A NASA NEWS initiative on extremes
- Application of a Backwards Lagrangian Stochastic Model to Estimate Particulate Matter Emissions from Lidar Data
- Archaeological Geophysics at the San Marcos Pueblo, New Mexico, USA
- Assessment of Water Availability Impact on Wetland Management using Multi-temporal Landsat Images and Bayesian-based Learning Machines
- Automated Derivation of Fish Habitat, Geomorphic Units & Transition Zones from Topography (Invited)
- Better budgeting by redundancy, context, and coupling of coarse and fine sediment dynamics (Invited)
- Building a Coupled Kinetic Framework for the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Polar Wind-Superthermal Electron System
- Carbonate reactions in a natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir, Green River, Utah, USA
- Characterization of Elastic Properties in Basalts of the Western Snake River Plain, Idaho: a Mechanostratigraphic Analysis of a Potential Geothermal Reservoir
- Coherence between Great Basin precipitation and low frequency Pacific Ocean variability in CMIP5
- Comparisons of the low-cost in-situ MESA plasma sensor with C/NOFS and GAIM plasma density/temperature data
- Constructing a near-continuous suspended-sediment budget using acoustic instrumentation on the Rio Grande in Big Bend National Park, USA
- Coupled Effects of Vadose Zone Hydrodynamics and Anionic Surfactant Aerosol-22 on the Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum in Soil
- Coupled stream and population dynamics: Modeling the role beaver (Castor canadensis) play in generating juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat
- Determination of Summertime VOC Emission Rates from Produced Water Ponds in the Uintah Basin
- Downscaling U.S. public opinion about climate change and the 'Six Americas' to states, cities, and counties
- Drilling a ';super-volcano': volcanology of the proximal rhyolitic volcanic succession in the HOTSPOT deep drill hole, Idaho, Yellowstone hot-spot track
- Emissions of Methane and Other Hydrocarbons Due to Wellbore Leaks
- Exploring Gravity Wave Dynamics and Predictability in DeepWave (Invited)
- Fault plane segmentation revealed by slow slip events at Kilauea Volcano, Hawai';i
- Heliophysics
- High Resolution X-ray CMT Imaging of Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> in Porous Media: Experimental Challenges, Solutions, and Results
- High-Resolution Infra-Red Imaging Studies of Mesospheric Gravity Waves (Invited)
- High-resolution x-ray tomography imaging of supercritical CO2: Investigating capillary trapping under reservoir conditions and addressing wettability alteration
- How is Physical Depositional Setting Related to Silica Chemistry in the Platte River, USA?
- HydroShare: An online, collaborative environment for the sharing of hydrologic data and models (Invited)
- HydroShare: Applying professional software engineering to a new NSF-funded large software project
- Implications of Transient Deformation in the Northern Basin and Range, Western United States
- Improved Hybrid Monte Carlo/n-Moment Transport Equations Model for the Polar Wind
- In-Situ Lithospheric Rheology Measurement Using Isostatic Response and Geophysical State
- Incorporating Climate Change in Flow Regime Alteration Studies in Hydropower Licensing
- Influence of Beaver Dams on Channel Complexity, Hydrology, and Temperature Regime in a Mountainous Stream
- Insights Into CO<SUB>2</SUB> And Solute Transport Gained From Field And Numerical Studies Of Natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reservoir At St John's Dome
- Integration of Landsat-based disturbance maps in the Landscape Change Monitoring System (LCMS)
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Studies Using the GAIM-Physics-Based Data Assimilation Models (Invited)
- Is There a Relationship Between Basal Reservoir Injection and Induced Seismicity? (Invited)
- Isotopic hysteresis in detrital cosmogenic nuclide-derived denudation rate studies (Invited)
- Kinetic Framework for the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Polar Wind System: A UnifiedApproach for Studying Hot and Cold Plasma Interactions
- Mapping a Mesospheric Arctic Gravity Wave Ducting Environment using measurements from lidar and the Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper
- Mapping bathymetry in a large meandering river above and below a significant sediment input
- Mapping of forest disturbance magnitudes across the US National Forest System
- Mass Spectrometer Sounding of the Turbopause Region on Commercial Vehicles
- Meteorological and Topographic Conditions in the Wintertime Uintah Basin Leading to High Ozone Concentrations
- Microstructural Evolution During Strain Localization in an Active Syn-Convergent Normal Fault: Cordillera Blanca Detachment, Peru
- Modeling Climate Change Effects on Stream Temperatures in Regulated Rivers
- Multi-Instrument Observations of a Mesospheric Self-Accelerating and Breaking Gravity Wave Event
- NOAA Introduces its First-Generation Reference Evapotranspiration Product
- Neighborhood Socio-Ecohydrology along a Gradient of Urbanization
- New Techniques and Metrics for Describing Rivers Using High Resolution Digital Elevation Models
- Optimal irrigation water allocation for a center pivot using remotely sensed data
- Petroleum Source Rock Maturation Data Constrain Predictions of Natural Hydrocarbon Seepage into the Atmosphere
- PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Potential use of duckweed based anaerobic digester effluent as a feed source for heterotrophic growth of micro-algae
- Project HOTSPOT: Borehole geophysics log interpretation from the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Project Hotspot: Linear accumulation rates of late Cenozoic basalt at Kimama, Idaho, and implications for crustal strain and subsidence rates of the central Snake River Plain
- Project PoSSUM: Polar Suborbital Science in the Upper Mesosphere
- Quantification of Impervious Surfaces Along the Wasatch Front, Utah: AN Object-Based Image Analysis Approach to Identifying AN Indicator for Wetland Stress
- Quantifying geomorphic change and characterizing uncertainty in repeat aerial lidar over an enormous area: Blue Earth County, MN
- Quantifying uncertainty in morphologically-derived bedload transport rates for large braided rivers: insights from high-resolution, high-frequency digital elevation model differencing
- Radiogenic isotopic constraints from the Project Hotspot Kimama core: implications for Hotspot-controlled lithosphere interactions beneath the Snake River Plain
- Reactive fluid transport in CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoir caprocks: constraints from scientific drilling of a natural CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoir
- Rhyolites in the Kimberly Drill Core, Project Hotspot: First Intracaldera Ignimbrite from the Central Snake River Plain, Idaho?
- Sensitivity of Ionosphere/Thermosphere to different high-latitude drivers
- Separating local topography from snow effects on momentum roughness in mountain regions
- Simultaneous Observations of the Phase-Locked Two Day Wave at Adelaide and Cerro Pachon
- Spatial Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimation and Forecasting Using the METRIC Evapotranspiration Product and Multivariate Relevance Vector Machines
- Spatially-explicit techniques for earth surface characterization using multi-source and multi-temporal laser scanning data (Invited)
- Statistical Characteristics of Polar Mesospheric Gravity Waves Observed Over Alaska
- Storm-Time Meridional Wind Perturbations in the Equatorial Thermosphere
- Streamflow characterization using functional data analysis of the Potomac River
- Study of Global Storm Time Energy Transport in the Lower Thermosphere using SABER Temperatures
- Surface-Water Exchanges for Streams Entering Lakes Compared with Shoreline Exchanges in General
- Temperatures in the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings as Determined from Rayleigh Lidar Data
- Terminator field-aligned current system: A new finding from model-assimilated data set (MADS)
- The Auroral Spatial Structures Probe: Exploring Small-Scale High-Latitude Electric Field Variability
- The Lower Sevier River Basin Crop Monitor and Forecast Decision Support System: Exploiting Landsat Imagery to Provide Continuous Information to Farmers and Water Managers
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- The Role of Elevated PCO2 on Selenate and Selenite Sorption to and Desorption from Calcareous Soils and Carbonate Minerals
- The Sensitivity of Sediment Path-Lengths to Channel Morphology: Results from Physical Models of Braided Rivers
- The Tony Grove Karst Region in Northern Utah: From Cave Sediments to Fluvial Geomorphology
- The neutral wind in ionospheric modeling: the month-long ISR campaign at Millstone Hill, October 2002
- The role of spatially variable stream hydraulics in reach scale, one-dimensional solute predictions
- The temperature of the western United States lithosphere and areas of likely mantle compositional variations
- Use of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery to Estimate Chlorophyll and Plant Nitrogen in Oats (Avena sativa)
- Using Multiple Data Types in the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Models
- Using Net Energy Intake models to predict and evaluate the benefits of stream restoration to improve juvenile steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat
- Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States
- Vertical and Horizontal Measurements of Ambient Ozone over a Gas and Oil Production Area using a UAV Platform
- Wintertime Emissions from Produced Water Ponds
- a Standardized Approach to Topographic Data Processing and Workflow Management
- A Dataset of Rock Strength Along the Mixed Bedrock-alluvial Colorado River-Quantifying a Fundamental Control in Geomorphology
- A Lidar for the Region from the Stratosphere to the Thermosphere
- A Multimodel Ensemble Data Assimilation Approach to Specify Ionospheric Weather
- A Relational Model for Simulation Data to Promote Interdisciplinary Collaboration
- A University-Level Curriculum in Climate Change for SE Asia and the Asian Pacific
- A Web Module to Teach Hydrology Using Problem Based Learning in the Context of Designing a Flood Detention Basin
- A comparison of post-wildfire geomorphic response over annual and millennial time scales
- A coordinated study of 1-h gravity wave propagating from Logan to Boulder using two Na Doppler lidars and a temperature mapper
- An Empirical Approach to Predicting Effects of Climate Change on Stream Water Chemistry
- Application of the Viterbi Algorithm in Hidden Markov Models for Exploring Irrigation Decision Series
- Assesing Ecohydrological Impacts of Forest Disturbance using Open Source Software
- Assessing the Effects of Water Rights Purchases on Dissolved Oxygen, Stream Temperatures, and Fish Habitat
- Assessment of Modeling Capability for Reproducing Storm Impacts on TEC
- Comprehensive Modeling of Postseismic Slip and Viscoelastic Flow After the 2004 and 2012 Indian Ocean Earthquakes
- Constellation of CubeSats for Realtime Ionospheric E-field Measurements for Global Space Weather
- Contribution of the North Atlantic Subtropical High to Regional Climate Model (RCM) Skill in Simulating Southeastern United States Summer Precipitation
- Cross Comparison of Electron Density and Electron Temperature Observations from the DICE CubeSat Langmuir Probes and the Millstone Hill Incoherent Scatter Radar.
- Crustal Geothermal Properties and Evidence of Laramide Thermal Perturbation of the Western United States
- DEEPWAVE Initial Investigation of Mesospheric Gravity Wave Signatures Generated by Variable Orographic Forcing Over Lauder Station (45°S). New Zealand
- Dam Breach Release of Non-Cohesive Sediments: Channel Response and Recovery Rates
- Data Services in Support of High Performance Computing-Based Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Data-Model Comparisons of the October, 2002 Event Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Deep Propagation of Mountain Waves Observed During the DEEPWAVE Field Program
- Deepwave2014; Observing Gravity Waves from the Troposphere to the Mesosphere
- Design of Miniaturized Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmosphere Density Measurements
- Development of an Information Exchange format for the Observations Data Model version 2 using OGC Observations and Measures
- Dynamic base level and deterministic climate forcing as a possible explanation for transience in bedrock river incision rates
- Early Season Goose Grazing Has a Greater Effect Than Advancement of the Growing Season on Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland of Western Alaska
- Ecological Response to Extreme Flow Events in Streams and Rivers: Implications of Climate Change for Aquatic Biodiversity
- Equatorial Post-Sunset Plasma Irregularities As Seen from the Swarm Constellation Mission
- Estimating Snow and Glacier Melt in a Himalayan Watershed Using an Energy Balance Snow and Glacier Melt Model
- Estimation of Spatially Distributed Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing and a Relevance Vector Machine
- Evaluating Midlatitude Fall-off Dependencies of the High Latitude Convection Pattern
- Evaluating Observational Methods to Quantify Snow Duration under Diverse Forest Canopies
- Evapotranspiration estimates using remote sensing in a tropical forest in Brazil
- Evidence at Mesospheric Altitude of Deeply Propagating Atmospheric Gravity Waves Created by Orographic Forcing over the Auckland Islands (50.5ºS) During the Deepwave Project
- Evolution of Fine-Grained Channel Margin Deposits behind Large Woody Debris in an Experimental Gravel-Bed Flume
- Exploring Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- First Results from a New Rigid Falling Sphere Probe to Measure Winds, Density, and Temperature in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Flow Channel and Velocity Shear Impacts on the Thermoshperic CUSP, with Associated Neutral Upwelling
- From Correlations to Causes: Transient Energy Injection into the Polar Thermosphere
- From Sewers to Salix and Tailpipes to Typha: Riparian Plants Reflect Anthropogenic Nitrogen Sources Across Montane to Urban Gradients
- Future consequences of the strengthening of the ENSO-ENSO precursors association
- Geotherms and Thermal Parameters from the Curie Depth Constrained Solutions of the One-Dimensional Steady-State Heat-Flow Equation: A New Method and Its Applicability
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Heat Budget Monitoring in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- How Uncertainties in the Neutral Wind Affect Ionospheric Modeling
- ICI-III sounding rocket investigation of a Reversed flow event seen by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar
- Impact of X-Class Flares on the Polar Ionosphere
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Production on Winter Ozone Pollution in the Uintah Basin Using Model Source Apportionment
- Implementation of Cyberinfrastructure and Data Management Workflow for a Large-Scale Sensor Network
- Implementation of a High-Altitude Balloon Payload to Study Thermospheric Wind Speeds through Redline Airglow Emissions of Atomic Oxygen at 630 nm via a Split-field Etalon Doppler Imager Utilizing a Fabry-Perot Interferometer.
- Improving Regional Climate Modeling of the North American Monsoon Through Physically Consistent Bias Corrected CCSM4 Output
- Improving the Community Land Model (version 4) Regional Snowpack Predictions in the Western United States Using High Resolution Forcing Data
- Information Requirements for Integrating Spatially Discrete, Feature-Based Earth Observations
- Integrating Water, Actors, and Structure to Study Socio-Hydro-Ecological Systems
- Intercomparison of Remote Sensing Models for Estimating Actual Daily and Seasonal Evapotranspiration
- Investigating Mesospheric Gravity Wave Dynamics Over McMurdo Station, Antarctica (77° S)
- Investigating Seasonal Gravity Wave Activity in the Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Investigation of Gravity Wave Forcing Events and Conditions Giving Rise to Deep Wave Propagation into the MLT Region
- Ionospheric Studies From Low to Sub-Auroral Latitudes Using Geomagnetic Conjugate All-Sky Imagers and Satellite Data
- Irrigation Dynamics and Tactics - Developing a Sustainable and Profitable Irrigation Strategy for Agricultural Areas
- Key stream/sediment exchanges of water and heat near stream mouths
- Kinetic Framework for the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Plasmasphere-Polar Wind System: Modeling Ion Outflow
- Large-scale atmospheric conditions during DEEPWAVE-NZ
- Large-scale gravity wave influences on the propagation of short-period gravity waves to higher altitudes
- Leaf Tissue C:N and Soil N are Modified by Growing Season and Goose Grazing Phenology in a Sub-Arctic Coastal Wetland of Western Alaska
- Luminescence Chronology for the Formation of Glacial Lake Calgary, Southern Alberta, Canada: Age Constraints for the Initiation of the Late Pleistocene Retreat of the Laurentide Ice Sheet from its Western Margin
- MAST-1D, a Model to Route Sediment and Tracers in Channel-Floodplain Complexes
- Mantle Water Fugacity is the Dominant Factor in Total Strength and Stability/Mobility of Continental Lithosphere
- Modeling Study of Winter Ozone Pollution in Uintah Basin: A Case Study of January 15-31 in 2013 Using WRF-CAMx.
- Multi-Probe Observations of Equatorial F Region Plassma Irregularities
- Multiclass relevance vector machine classification to explore annual and seasonal dynamics of an Invasive reed
- Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) for the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- Mystery of Polar Inertia-gravity Waves: An Observational Study Combining Lidar, Radar and Airglow Imager at McMurdo/Scott Base (77.8°S, 166.7°E)
- Neotectonics and structure of the Himalayan deformation front in the Kashmir Himalaya, India: Implication in defining what controls a blind thrust front in an active fold-thrust belt
- Observations of Gravity Wave Package Dissipation during its Upward Propagation in the Mesopause region.
- Online Chapmann Layer Calculator for Simulating the Ionosphere with Undergraduate and Graduate Students
- Opportunities in Heliophysics
- Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb CubeSat Experiment
- Organo-mineral interactions promote greater soil organic carbon stability under aspen in semi-arid montane forests in Utah
- Partitioning of Total Dissolved Salts, Boron and Selenium in Pariette Wetland Water, Sediments and Benthic Organisms
- Periodically Launched, Dedicated CubeSats/SmallSats for Space Situational Awareness Through NASA Communications Networks
- Promoting Scientist Communications Through Graduate Summer School in Heliophysics and Space Physics
- Prototype Operational Advances for Atmospheric Radiation Dose Rate Specification
- Qualification and Testing of Quantum Cascade Lasers for Harsh Environments
- Quantifying Walker River stream temperature variability using distributed temperature sensing data
- Quantifying uncertainty and variability in sediment yield estimates in Le Sueur River Basin
- Recent Changes in ENSO Precurosors and Climate Impacts - a Look at California
- Recent Progress in Understanding the Sodium Nightglow D<SUB>2</SUB>/D<SUB>1</SUB> Ratio, and Future Prospects for Measuring the Mesopause [O]/[O<SUB>2</SUB>] Ratio
- Response of Stream Biodiversity to Increasing Salinization
- Scientific Highlights from the Swarm Electric Field Instruments
- Sediment budgeting and restoration planning in a heterogeneous landscape, the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota.
- Sensitivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone to land surface processes and vegetation distributions in California
- Simulating black carbon and dust in snow and their climatic impact over Eurasia
- Skill of Global Climate Models in Capturing Dependence of Great Basin Precipitation on Pacific Modes of Variability
- Snow Water Equivalent Reconstruction Using FIA Tree Ring Data
- Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Applicability on Nutrients Loadings Prediction in Mountainous Lower Bear Malad River (LBMR) Watershed, Utah.
- Spatial and Temporal Variability in Dominant Heat Fluxes in Arctic Rivers
- Statistical Signature of Deep-seated Landslides
- Stochastic Modeling of Carbon Photo-mineralization along Arctic Rivers
- Study of Ionospheric Storms Using Global Assimilative Ionospheric Models
- Study of Thermosphere Temperature Response to Geomagnetic Storms
- Sudden Stratospheric Warming Effects over L1 Scintillation at Low Latitude During Quiet and Magnetically Disturbed Periods
- Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions
- The ANGWIN Antarctic Research Program: First Results on Coordinated Trans-Antarctic Gravity Wave Measurements
- The Calibration of a Large Number of Scientific Instruments for the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission.
- The Cascade of Non-Stationarity
- The National Science Foundation's Coupling, Energetics and Dynamics of Atmospheric Regions (CEDAR) Student Community
- The Physical and Biochemical Alteration of the Platte River by Phragmites australis, an Invasive Species of Wetland Grass
- The USU-GAIM Data Assimilation Models for Ionospheric Specifications and Forecasts
- The Ups and Downs of Rhizosphere Resource Exchange
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- The influence of sediment supply on arroyo cut-fill dynamics: a preliminary dataset of catchment averaged erosion rates calculated from in-situ <SUP>10</SUP>Be
- Thermospheric Gravity Wave Characteristics Obtained Using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Topographic Signatures of Meandering Rivers with Differences in Outer Bank Cohesion
- Topside Ionospheric Sounder for CubeSats
- USArray Receiver Function Imaging of Multiple-Layer Crustal Structure of the Contiguous United States
- Uncertainties of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury Measurements: How to Move Forward?
- Use of High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery to Estimate Soil and Plant Nitrogen in Oats (Avena sativa)
- Using Landsat to Diagnose Trends in Disturbance Magnitude Across the National Forest System
- Using a Physically-based Model to Examine the Potential Effects of Climate Change on Ecologically Relevant Aspects of Streamflow Regime
- A Network-Based Approach for Modeling Water, Sediment, and Nutrient Dynamics: Guiding Watershed Management Through a Systems Perspective
- Accessing near real-time data for use in global data assimilation models
- Achieving Peak Flow and Sediment Loading Reductions through Increased Water Storage in the Le Sueur Watershed, Minnesota: A Modeling Approach
- Addressing scale dependence in roughness and morphometric statistics derived from point cloud data.
- Advances in the Two Source Energy Balance (TSEB) model using very high resolution remote sensing data in vineyards
- Advancing Collaboration through Hydrologic Data and Model Sharing
- Amplification and Damping of Environmental Signals in Intensively Managed Landscapes
- An Efficient and Imperfect Model for Gravel-Bed Braided River Morphodynamics: Numerical Simulations as Exploratory Tools
- An open-source software platform for data management, visualisation, model building and model sharing in water, energy and other resource modelling domains.
- Analysis of Historical and CMIP5 Projections of Multi-decadal Climatic Variation and Implications for Ecosystem Management on the Colorado Plateau
- Application of the Budyko Framework and the Complementary Relationship to Estimate Evapotranspiration.
- Assessing Changes in Water Chemistry Along the Mountain to Urban Gradient
- Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission Preliminary Results
- Boron in Pariette Wetland Sediments, Aquatic Vegetation & Benthic Organisms
- Bringing Grand Canyon to the College Campus: Assessment of Student Learning in the Geosciences Through Virtual Field Trip Games for Mobile Smart-Devices
- Carbonyl Emissions From Oil and Gas Production Facilities
- Causes for the Onset and Stability of Flat Slabs and Associated Overriding Plate Deformation Inferred from Numerical Thermo-Mechanical Models
- Character and Implications of a Newly Identified Creeping Strand of the San Andreas fault NE of Salton Sea, Southern California
- Clearing your Desk! Software and Data Services for Collaborative Web Based GIS Analysis
- Climate and Humans as Amplifiers of Hydro-Ecologic Change: Science and Policy Implications for Intensively Managed Landscapes
- Cold and wet at the roots of U.S. Cordilleran high elevation
- Collaborative Sharing of Multidimensional Space-time Data Using HydroShare
- Comparison of Coincident Rayleigh-Scatter and Sodium Resonance Lidar Temperature Measurements from the Mesosphere-Lower-Thermosphere Region
- Critical Layers, Breaking, and Secondary Gravity Wave Generation in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Observed During the DEEPWAVE Campaign
- Data and model integration for hydrologic applications
- Data-Model and Inter-Model Comparisons of the GEM Outflow Events Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Developing an Approach to Prioritize River Restoration using Data Extracted from Flood Risk Information System Databases.
- Distribution of lithium in the Cordilleran Mantle wedge
- Don't Fence Me In: Free Meanders in a Confined River Valley
- Earlier growing seasons and changes in migration timing influence carbon uptake and plant production in Arctic coastal wetlands
- Ecosystem Responses To Plant Phenology Across Scales And Trophic Levels
- Effectiveness of SWAT in characterizing the watershed hydrology in the snowy-mountainous Lower Bear Malad River (LBMR) watershed in Box Elder County, Utah
- Electro-Optical Payloads and CubeSat Missions for Earth and Space Science
- Electronic Microchannel Plate Particle Detector Design for a CubeSat Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer
- Emissions from Produced Water Treatment Ponds, Uintah Basin, Utah, USA
- Enhancements to TauDEM to support Rapid Watershed Delineation Services
- Equatorial and Low-Latitude Ionospheric Response to the Extreme Space Weather Event of March 2015, in the Brazilian Sector.
- Equipment Management for Sensor Networks: Linking Physical Infrastructure and Actions to Observational Data
- Estimation of VOC emissions from produced-water treatment ponds in Uintah Basin oil and gas field using modeling techniques
- Estimation of cold plasma outflow during geomagnetic storms
- Exploring new refinements to estimation of T<SUB>e</SUB> and mass loading
- Exploring the dynamic and chemical mechanisms of the formation of high altitude sporadic Na event by model
- FTE driven dynamics of the F-region cusp ionosphere
- Fire and Fish: Using Radiocarbon And Stratigraphy To Discern The Impact Of Wildfire On Fish Metapopulations
- First High Time Resolution FPI Observations of the Daytime Thermosphere During the Eclipse Over Svalbard on 20<SUP>th</SUP> March 2015
- Fluid-rock Interaction and Episodic Fluid Flow within the Hurricane Fault-zone
- Fluvial Record of Active Deformation Along the Canyon River Fault in the Wynoochee River Valley, WA
- From Hype to an Operational Tool: Efforts to Establish a Long-Term Monitoring Protocol of Alluvial Sandbars using 'Structure-from-Motion' Photogrammetry
- Geochemistry of the Bonin Fore-arc Volcanic Sequence: Results from IODP Expedition 352
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- Gravity Wave Predictability and Dynamics in Deepwave
- Hematite (U-Th)/He and Apatite Fission-track Dating Constrain Paleofluid Circulation in Faults: An Example from Gower Peninsula Fissure Fills, Wales
- High resolution channel geometry from repeat aerial imagery
- Hot, Fast Faults: Evidence for High-Temperature Slip on Exhumed Faults, and Insights into Seismic Slip Processes
- How are River Discharge - Suspended Sediment Relations Influenced by Watershed and Channel-Floodplain Morphology?
- Humic Substances-dependent Aggregation and Transport of Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles in Porous Media at Different pHs and Ionic Strengths
- Hydrocarbons Emissions Due to Wellbore and other Subsurface Leakage in the Uintah Basin, Utah
- Hydrograph structure informed calibration in the frequency domain with time localization
- Identifying vegetation's influence on multi-scale fluvial processes based on plant trait adaptations
- Impacts of Geomagnetic storms on the mid-latitude mesosphere and lower thermosphere observed by a Na lidar and TIMED/GUVI
- Implementation of a High-Altitude Balloon Payload to Study Thermospheric Wind Speeds through Redline Airglow Emissions of Atomic Oxygen at 630 nm via a Split-field Etalon Doppler Imager Utilizing a Fabry-Perot Interferometer.
- Increasing climate extremes under global warming - What is the driving force?
- Integrating hematite (U-Th)/He dating, microtextural analysis, and thermomechanical modeling to date seismic slip
- Integration of bio- and geoscience data with the ODM2 standards and software ecosystem for the CZOData and BiG CZ Data projects
- Interpreting Hydraulic Conditions from Morphology, Sedimentology, and Grain Size of Sand Bars in the Colorado River in Grand Canyon
- Inverted Apatite (U-Th)/He and Fission-track Dates from the Rae craton, Baffin Island, Canada and Implications for Apatite Radiation Damage-He Diffusivity Models
- Investigation of Hyporheic Thermal Flux and Downstream Attenuation Driven by Hydropeaking in the Colorado River, Austin, Texas
- Lunar tidal effects during the 2013 stratospheric sudden warming as simulated by the TIME-GCM
- Mantle to Surface Fluid Transfer Above a Flat Slab Subduction Zone: Isotopic Evidence from Hot Springs in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Mesospheric Mountain Wave Breaking and Oceanic Wave Signatures During DEEPWAVE
- Mesospheric Response to Strong and Weak Orographic Forcing During the DEEPWAVE Project
- Mica Mountain Muscovite: A New Silicate Hydrogen Isotope Standard Reference Material
- Microwave Signatures of Inundation Area
- Mid-Late Holocene Arroyo Stratigraphy in Southern Utah; Balance between Climate Forcing and Geomorphic Thresholds
- Millennial-scale hard rock erosion rates deduced from luminescence-depth profiles
- Model Sharing and Collaboration using HydroShare
- Model and Parameter Discretization Impacts on Estimated ASR Recovery Efficiency
- Modeling channel-floodplain hydrologic connectivity under non-stationary conditions
- Modeling the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System for Space Weather Specifications, Forecasts and Applications
- Monthly Climatology of Thermospheric Zonal and Meridional Winds Obtained from a Kalman Filter Model
- Multi-Scale Ionospheric Responses to the St. Patrick's Day Storm (2015) Studied Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System and GPS Data
- MyShake - A smartphone app to detect earthquake
- Near-Channel Sediment Sources Now Dominate in Many Agricultural Landscapes: The Emergence of River-Network Models to Guide Watershed Management
- New Insights into the Tectonics of the Midcontintent of U.S.A. from EarthScope USArray Seismic, Gravity, Magnetic and Heat Flow Datasets
- Novel Measurement and Monitoring Approaches for Surface and Near-Surface Soil Moisture
- Observations of a Breakdown of a Mountain Wave Near 84 km Altitude Over Cerro Pachon Chile from the Andes Lidar Observatory
- Patterns and Processes of Width Adjustment to Increased Streamflows in Semi-Alluvial Rivers
- Processes of paleoarroyo aggradation in Kanab Creek, southern Utah
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management and Disturbances in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE) by linking inventory data, remote sensing and carbon modeling
- Quantitative Evaluation of Ionosphere Models for Reproducing Regional TEC During Geomagnetic Storms
- Rainfall Microwave Spectral Atoms: A New Class of Bayesian Algorithms for Passive Retrieval
- Reduced complexity model to simulate reductions in sediment delivery from a agricultural watershed in southern Minnesota
- Relative sea level and coastal environments in arctic Alaska during Marine Isotope Stage 5
- Resolving Extreme Rainfall from Space: A New Class of Algorithms for Precipitation Retrieval and Data Fusion/Assimilation with Emphasis on Extremes over Complex Terrain and Coastal Areas
- River Incision and Knickpoints on the Flank of the Yellowstone Hotspot — Alpine Canyon of the Snake River, Wyoming
- Rock Content Influence on Soil Hydraulic Properties
- SSZ Ophiolite Peridotites as Analogues for Supra-Subduction Zone Mantle
- Sediment Supply Versus Local Hydraulic Controls on Sediment Transport and Storage in the Rio Grande in the Big Bend Region
- Sediment fingerprinting with long- and short-lived radionuclide tracers in the Root River watershed, southeastern Minnesota
- Smartphone MEMS accelerometers and earthquake early warning
- Source Evolution After Subduction Initiation as Recorded in the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Fore-arc Crust
- Stormtime Ionospheric Outflow Effects in Global Multi-Fluid MHD
- Structural analysis characterization of permeability pathways across reservoir-seal interface - South-Eastern Utah; Results from integrated sedimentological, structural, and geochemical studies.
- Structural analysis of the Cordillera Blanca detachment: Geometry, kinematics and fault rocks
- Structural and Geochemical Characterization of Fault-related Deformation in the Northeastern Block of the Southern San Andreas Fault, Mecca Hills, Southern California
- Structural, Geochemical, and Thermal Evolution of the Southen San Andreas and Parallel Subsidiary Faults in the Mecca Hills, Southern California
- Sub-arctic Wetland Greenhouse Gases (CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> & N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Emissions are Driven by Interactions of Environmental Controls and Herbivore Grazers
- Surface response of blind thrust shown from high resolution topographic data and updated geochronology at Wheeler Ridge, CA
- Terminator field-aligned current system: Its dependencies on solar, seasonal, and geomagnetic conditions
- Texas floods, El Nino and climate change - 2015
- The Auroral Spatial Structures Probe: magnetic and electric field measurements during an active aurora at fine spatial and temporal scales
- The Ecohydrology of Kruger National Park: What 220,000 Tracer Injections Can Tell Us
- The Missing Solar Irradiance Spectrum: 1 to 7 nm
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- The Polar Cap Tongue of Ionization: A survey of GPS TEC mappings from 2000 to 2014
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission
- TopCAT and PySESA: Open-source software tools for point cloud decimation, roughness analyses, and quantitative description of terrestrial surfaces
- Toward a Calibration-Free Model for Optical Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture
- Two-layer Crustal Structure of the Contiguous United States from Joint Inversion of USArray Receiver Functions and Gravity
- Use of UAS Remote Sensing Data (AggieAir) to Estimate Crop ET at High Spatial Resolution
- Use of UAS to Support Management in Precision Agriculture: The AggieAir Experience
- Verifying the new luminescence surface-exposure dating technique--rock falls in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Vertical variations in the turbulent structure over vineyards
- Water Tectonics: Evidence That Hydration Plays a Role in Tectonism
- Water Temperature Controls in Arctic Basins
- Web-Based Data Visualization and Analysis using HydroShare and the Open Source Tethys Platform
- Who is in the Driver's Seat? Millennial-Scale Records of Wildfire in the Western USA Reveal a Complex Interplay of Climate, Fire, and Vegetation
- Wind Erosion Potential of Lacustrine and Alluvial Soils Before and After Disturbance in the Eastern Great Basin, USA: Estimating Threshold Friction Velocity Using Easier-to-Measure Soil Properties
- - to Late-Holocene Fire History, Vegetation, and Climate Change in the Grand Staircase Region of the Colorado Plateau, Southwest Utah
- <SUP>187</SUP>Os/<SUP>188</SUP>Os of boninites from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana forearc, IODP Exp 352
- A Comprehensive Laboratory Study to Improve Ground Truth Calibration of Remotely Sensed Near-Surface Soil Moisture
- A Multi-Stream, Multi-Ion Hydrodynamic Model for Plasmasphere Refilling Following Geomagnetic Storms
- A New Richards' Equation-Based AirMOSS Soil Moisture Retrieval Algorithm
- A Novel Optical Model for Remote Sensing of Near-Surface Soil Moisture
- A Spatiotemporal Analysis of Extreme Heat Vulnerability Across the United States using Geospatial Techniques
- A tale of phenocrysts: trace element contents of boninites and forearc basalts from IODP Expedition 352
- Active folding of fluvial terraces across a `blind' Himalayan deformation front in the Kashmir Himalaya, northwest India.
- An Extensible, Modular Architecture Coupling HydroShare and Tethys Platform to Deploy Water Science Web Apps
- An open source web interface for linking models to infrastructure system databases
- Application of Unmanned Aerial Systems in Spatial Downscaling of Landsat VIR imageries of Agricultural Fields
- Assimilation of Satellite Precipitation and Soil Moisture Data into a Coupled Land-Atmosphere Model
- Auroral Oval "Images" in GPS TEC Maps
- Bridging Hydroinformatics Services Between HydroShare and SWATShare
- Channel Steepness and Longitudinal Profile Evaluation Along the Northern California Coast
- Characterizing 2-D snow stratigraphy in forests based on high-resolution snow penetrometry
- Climatic and physiological effects on leaf and tree-ring stable isotopes in California redwoods
- Connecting Soil Water to Groundwater to Streams: Understanding Controls of Nitrate Losses from a Dryland Agricultural Landscape in the Upper Missouri River Watershed
- Coordinated Ground-Based and AIM Satellite Measurements of Mesospheric and Stratospheric Waves over South America
- Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology
- Data and Models as Social Objects in the HydroShare System for Collaboration in the Hydrology Community and Beyond
- Day-to-Day Changes of Thermospheric Zonal and Meridonal Winds Obtained from a Data Assimilation Model
- Deep Orographic Gravity Wave Dynamics over Subantarctic Islands as Observed and Modeled during the Deep Propagating Gravity Wave Experiment (DEEPWAVE)
- Defining the Space Atmosphere Interaction Region (SAIR)
- Developing a Sediment Budget for the Upper Elk River Watershed, Northwestern California: Do Natural or Anthropogenic Sources Dominate?
- Development of Efficient Trace Element Quantification Methods in Carbonate Rocks
- Dynamic Collaboration Infrastructure for Hydrologic Science
- Effects of 27-day averaged tidal forcing on the thermosphere-ionosphere as examined by the TIEGCM
- Effects of In-stream Mixing on Photo-mineralization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Arctic Rivers
- Effects of Season and Solar Cycle on Ionospheric Plasma Outflow During Geomagnetic Storms as Modeled by the Generalized Polar Wind Model
- Effects of the Altitude Variations of the Equatorial Vertical Drifts on the Ionospheric Dynamics
- Electrodynamics of High Resolution Waves in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System - Impacts on the Ionospheric Borrom-Side Profile
- Estimating the Natural Flow Regime of the Rio Grande
- Evaluation of Modeling Schemes to Estimate Evapotranspiration and Root Zone Soil Water Content over Vineyard using a Scintillometer and Remotely Sensed Surface Energy Balance
- Evidence of spectrally broad Gravity Wave packet propagation and dispersion in the mesopause region observed by the Na lidar and Mesospheric Temperature Mapper above Logan, Utah
- Fire suppression has led to greater drought-sensitivity in dry conifer forests: tree-ring carbon isotope evidence from Central Oregon
- From Forecast Hydrology to Real-Time Inundation Mapping at Continental Scale
- From Hype to an Operational Tool: Efforts to Establish a Long-Term Monitoring Protocol of Alluvial Sandbars using `Structure-from-Motion' Photogrammetry
- Gravity Waves in the Presence of Shear during DEEPWAVE
- Greenhouse Gas (CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> & N<SUB>2</SUB>O) Feedbacks are Regulated by Phenological Changes in Herbivore-Vegetation Interactions in Alaskan Coastal Tundra
- Groundwater Controls on DOC Transport to Arctic Streams and Rivers
- Heat flux dynamics in low Arctic rivers
- How to Recognize and Distinguish Low-Latitude Ionospheric Storms Disturbances Produced by TIDs or PPEFs During Geomagnetic Storms
- Human and Climate Amplified Rapid River Bluff Erosion: an Application of Terrestrial-Based Structure-from-Motion and Time-Lapse Photogrammetry in the Midwestern USA
- HydroShare for iUTAH: Collaborative Publication, Interoperability, and Reuse of Hydrologic Data and Models for a Large, Interdisciplinary Water Research Project
- Insights into the Quaternary tectonics of the Yellowstone hotspot from a terrace record along the Hoback and Snake rivers.
- Inter-hemispheric Comparison of Ionospheric Processes at Sub-auroral Latitudes
- Inundation Retrieval Using Passive Microwave Observations
- Investigating the 90-day oscillations using ground-based, satellite and TIME-GCM model simulation data
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstruction with a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: High Latitude Dynamics
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstructions with a Multimodel Ensemble Prdiction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: Mid and Low Latitude Dynamics
- Large-Scale Control of the Arabian Sea Summer Monsoon Inversion and Low Clouds: A New Perspective
- Mesospheric Temperature Measurements over Scandinavia During the Gravity Wave Life Cycle Campaign (GW-LCYCLE)
- Model My Watershed and BiG CZ Data Portal: Interactive geospatial analysis and hydrological modeling web applications that leverage the Amazon cloud for scientists, resource managers and students
- Modeling Potential Surface and Shallow Groundwater Storage Provided by Beaver Ponds Across Watersheds
- Moho Temperature and Compositional Controls on Lithospheric Bending Strength in the Western United States
- Monitoring And Modeling Environmental Water Quality To Support Environmental Water Purchase Decision-making
- Monthly Paleostreamflow Reconstruction from Annual Dendrochronologies for Water Systems Analysis
- Mountain Waves Observed by Lidar above New Zealand and Northern Scandinavia
- Multi-Probe Studies of the Equatorial Nighttime Ionosphere During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- Multipoint Observations of an Active Auroral Arc by a Sub-Orbital Sounding Rocket Mission
- Near-optimal alternative generation using modified hit-and-run sampling for non-linear, non-convex problems
- New AMISR-14 observations of equatorial F-region irregularities: June solstice events
- Nontropospheric excitation of a ring-like gravity wave observed by several instruments operating at Cerro Pachon, Chile.
- Numerical Modeling of Coupled Heat Transport and Liquid Water and Water Vapor Flow in Geothermally Heated Ground at Norris Geyser Basin
- Open source hardware solutions for low-cost, do-it-yourself environmental monitoring, citizen science, and STEM education
- Optimizing Barrier Removal to Restore Connectivity in Utah's Weber Basin
- Persistent Urban Impacts on Surface Water Quality Mediated by Stormwater Recharge
- Physiological response curves reveal differences among season advancement and timing of grazing experimental treatments in a coastal Alaskan wetland
- Quantification of BMPs Selection and Spatial Placement Impact on Water Quality Controlling Plans in Lower Bear River Watershed, Utah
- Quantifying Carbon Consequences of Recent Land Management, Disturbances and Subsequent Forest Recovery in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystems (GYE)
- Quantifying Thermal Variability with Prolonged Drought in Nevada's Walker River
- Recreational-Grade Sidescan Sonar: Transforming a Low-Cost Leisure Gadget into a High Resolution Riverbed Remote Sensing Tool
- Regulation of leaf-gas exchange strategies of woody plants under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Representing heterogeneous snow accumulation and melt in snowmelt models
- Response of a fixed sinuous channel to a doubling of sediment supply
- Sharing models as social objects through HydroShare
- Small-Scale Gravity Wave Generation, Propagation, and Instability Dynamics in the Presence of Tides and Inertia Gravity Waves
- Social Water Science Data: Dimensions, Data Management, and Visualization
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Unburned Areas within Fire Perimeters in the Northwestern United States from 1984 to 2014
- Stormwater Management Effects on Ecosystem Services: A Literature Review
- Stream Flow Prediction and Flood Mapping in the Hindu Kush-Himalaya with the ICIMOD Water Resources App Portal (IWRAP)
- Student-Centered Modules to Support Active Learning in Hydrology: Development Experiences and Users' Perspectives
- Super Soaker: A Sounding Rocket Mission to Study Transport, Chemistry, and Energetics of Water in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere and Implications for Polar Mesospheric Cloud Occurrence
- Surfactant-Induced Changes of Water Flow and Solute Transport in Soils
- Time Continuous Measurements of Cusp Upwelling Event Confirmed by Satellite Pass Through Drag Doubling
- Timescale bias in measuring river migration rate
- Utah's Mobile Earth Science Outreach Vehicle
- (De)coupled zircon metamictization, radiation damage, and He diffusivity
- A Flux-Corrected Transport Based Hydrodynamic Model for the Plasmasphere Refilling Problem following Geomagnetic Storms
- A Plasma Trajectory Back-Tracing Tool Based on SuperDARN Convection Patterns
- A Program to Prepare Graduate Students for Careers in Climate Adaptation Science
- A Study on the Effects of Spatial Scale on Snow Process in Hyper-Resolution Hydrological Modelling over Mountainous Areas
- A statistical survey of heat input parameters into the cusp thermosphere
- Advancing the Implementation of Hydrologic Models as Web-based Applications
- Assessing Subjectivity in Sensor Data Post Processing via a Controlled Experiment
- Building infrastructure to prevent disasters like Hurricane Maria
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Challenges in Specifying and Predicting Space Weather
- Channel Width Change as a Potential Sediment Source, Minnesota River Basin
- Characterization of Organic Matter Sources within a Matrix of Land Use in Northeast Utah
- Circuitous to single thread: post-dam geomorphic transformation of the Colorado River in its delta
- Classification Scheme for Centuries of Reconstructed Streamflow Droughts in Water Resources Planning
- Comparing Effects of Forestland conversion to Tea Farming on Soil Quality Indices
- Comparisons of Measurements and Modeling of Solar Eclipse Effects on VLF Transmissions
- Coupling MAST-1D, a sediment routing model for channel-floodplain complexes, with channel migration relationships to predict reach-averaged river morphodynamics. Preliminary results
- Cyberinfrastructure to Support Collaborative and Reproducible Computational Hydrologic Modeling
- Data Quality Control: Challenges, Methods, and Solutions from an Eco-Hydrologic Instrumentation Network
- Emergence of nutrient limitation in tropical dry forests: hypotheses from simulation models
- EnviroDIY ModularSensors: A Library to give Environmental Sensors a Common Interface of Functions for use with Arduino-Compatible Dataloggers
- Evaluation of different shadow detection and restoration methods and their impact on vegetation indices using UAV high-resolution imageries over vineyards
- Evapotranspiration Power Law in Self-Organized and Human-Managed Ecosystems
- Expanding Upon the MEMS Framework: How Temperature Impacts Organo-Mineral Interactions
- F-Region Neutral Winds Obtained from the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM).
- Fish and fire: Post-wildfire sediment dynamics and implications for the viability of trout populations
- GeoTrust Hub: A Platform For Sharing And Reproducing Geoscience Applications
- Geomorphic Change Induced by 100 years of Flow Alteration on the Diamond Fork River, Central Utah
- Geomorphic Unit Tool (GUT): Applications of Fluvial Mapping
- Geomorphic versus land use controls on suspended sediment rating curves
- Groundwater Dynamics and Export from Active Layer Aquifers Overlying Permafrost
- Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions and Downstream Transport of Water, Heat, and Solutes in a Hydropeaked River
- Heat Transport In The Streambed Of A Large Regulated River.
- How and in Which way Space Weather Changed the Ionospheric Irregularities Occurrence During the St. Patricḱs Storm
- HydroShare: A Platform for Collaborative Data and Model Sharing in Hydrology
- Identifying Spatiotemporal Changes In Irrigated Area Across Southwestern Michigan, USA, Using Remote Sensing and Climate Data
- Incorporating Social System Dynamics into the Food-Energy-Water System Resilience-Sustainability Modeling Process
- Inferring Polar Ion Outflows from Topside Ionograms
- Influence of the Institutional Structure of Surface Water Rights on Agricultural Production in the Central Valley
- Integrated Analysis of Flow, Form, and Function for River Management and Design Testing
- Integrating hydrologic modeling web services with online data sharing to prepare, store, and execute models in hydrology
- Intra-basin variability in lateral flow and runoff generation over continuous permafrost
- Investigating mesospheric mountain wave characteristics over New Zealand during DEEPWAVE
- Long-term carbon exclusion alters soil microbial function but not community structure across forests of contrasting productivity
- Low Cost, Open-Source, and Low-Power: But What to Do with the Data?
- Lowering the barriers to computational modeling of Earth's surface: coupling Jupyter Notebooks with Landlab, HydroShare, and CyberGIS for research and education.
- Measured and modeled evidence for a two-fold increase in water use efficiency at an old-growth forest site in the Pacific Northwest
- Model My Watershed: A high-performance cloud application for public engagement, watershed modeling and conservation decision support
- Modeling and Analysis of the D-region Response to the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse
- Mud, models, and managers: Reaching consensus on a watershed strategy for sediment load reduction
- Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) investigation of storm time variance characteristics across models and time
- New Physical Algorithms for Downscaling SMAP Soil Moisture
- Optical Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration
- Quantifying small-scale spatio-temporal variability of snow stratigraphy in forests based on high-resolution snow penetrometry
- Quantifying the Spatio-temporal Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Carbon Storage Using Repeat Lidar Surveys and Multispectral Satellite Imagery
- Questioning the Origin of the Great Salt Lake "Microbialites"
- Radiation damage-He diffusivity models applied to deep-time thermochronology: Zircon and titanite (U-Th)/He datasets from cratonic settings
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture: A Comparison of Optical and Thermal Methods
- Revisiting the 1993 historical extreme precipitation and damaging flood event in Central Nepal
- Satellite Based Analysis of Wood Biomass and Fuelwood Sustainability in Senegal: Developing Approaches for Long-Term Monitoring in the SERVIR-West Africa Region
- Scarcity of Fresh Water Resources in the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh
- Soil Gas Dynamics and Microbial Activity in the Unsaturated Zone of a Regulated River
- Spectral Momentum Flux of Multi-Scale Mountain Wave Events
- Strategies to Move From Conceptual Models to Quantifying Resilience in FEW Systems
- The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): Quantifying the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Edge of Space
- The Effects of Different Scales of Topographic Variation on Shallow Groundwater Flow in an Arctic Watershed
- The HydroShare Collaborative Repository for the Hydrology Community
- The PMC-Turbo Balloon Mission to Study Gravity Waves and Turbulence through High-Resolution Imaging of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- The Relationship between Ionospheric Slab Thickness and the Peak Density Height, h<SUB>m</SUB>F<SUB>2</SUB>
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT): A Multinational Science Mission using a CubeSat
- The Snake River Plain Volcanic Province: Insights from Project Hotspot
- The Urban Watershed as a Transformer of DOM Chemistry
- The characteristic pitch angle distributions of 1 eV to 600 keV protons near the equator based on Van Allen Probes observations
- The influence of the surface roughness parameterization on remote sensing-based estimates of evapotranspiration from vineyards
- Turbulent water vapor exchanges and two source energy balance model estimated fluxes of heterogeneous vineyard canopies
- Using zircon (U-Th)/He damage-diffusivity patterns to quantify detachment-related basement exhumation in the Mecca Hills, CA
- Validation of SMAP Root Zone Soil Moisture Estimates with Improved Cosmic-Ray Neutron Probe Observations
- We conduct a numerical simulation on the summer time Na density behavior in the mid-latitude E region that is modulated by tidal and gravity waves. The results reveal that large amplitude atmospheric waves change the Na variation in E region considerably. The vertical wind component of the large amplitude tidal wave can extend the Na layer above 120 km.
- Wintertime Ambient Ammonia Concentrations in Northern Utah's Urban Valleys
- A Dynamic River Temperature Model for the Colorado River within Grand Canyon
- A New Unmanned Aircraft System-Assisted Optical Trapezoid Model for Soil Moisture Assessment
- A better seasonal predictability of circum-Indian Ocean region with westward shift of ENSO teleconnection
- A numerical study of the middle-latitude neutral temperature and wind responses to geomagnetic storms in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region
- An Evaluation of Historical Trends in New Mexico Beef Production in Relation with Water, Energy, and Economic Shocks.
- An enhanced representation of forest cover for distributed hydrologic modeling based on national-scale forest monitoring data, remote sensing, and biophysical variables in a statistical learning algorithm
- Analysis of the effects of dam releases on bank storage fluid and solute exchange through linked longitudinal in-stream and transverse groundwater models
- Analyzing California Reference Streamflow with the Seasonally-based Functional Flows Calculator
- Aquatic Habitat as Performance Criteria in Water Resources Systems Models
- Assessing Fire Trends, Economic Effects, and Adaptive Management Strategies in the Intermountain West
- Assessing effects of the choice of meteorological forcing datasets and downscaling methods on distributed snow simulations in a mountainous catchment
- Assessment and Enhancement of National Water Model Height above Nearest Drainage Flood Inundation Mapping Using Planet CubeSat for the 2017 Bear River Flood Event
- Assessment of Landsat Harmonized sUAS Reflectance Products Using Point Spread Function (PSF) on Vegetation Indices (VIs) and Evapotranspiration (ET) Using the Two-Source Energy Balance (TSEB) Model
- Below canopy radiation divergence in a vineyard - implications on inter-row surface energy balance
- Beyond the 1984 perspective: western wildfire and water security
- CWSI derived from Landsat 8 thermal imagery as an affordable alternative to high resolution imagery for irrigation management in California vineyards
- Changes in climate similarly influence recent streamflow trends in natural and human-modified watersheds
- Characterization of Spatial Heterogeneity in River Temperatures in a Tundra River Using Thermal Infrared Imagery
- Cliffs care about climate change - the Pleistocene evolution of the Book Cliffs escarpment in central Utah.
- Climate Impacts on Agricultural Water Demand in the Ganges Delta of Bangladesh
- Comparison of Intra-Annual Tree-Ring Δ<SUP>13</SUP>C in Live and Dead Ponderosa Pine Following the 2012-2015 "California Drought" to Assess Differences in Physiological Response to Climate Variability and Drought Stress
- Comparisons of Aerial and Ground-based Infrared Leak Detection Camera Surveys at Oil and Gas Wells
- Connections Between Hydrothermal System Geochemistry and Microbiology: Traversing Tectonic Boundaries in the South-Central Peruvian Andes
- Creating Transformative Partnerships and Experiences to Foster Science that is Useful and Used
- Data Streams, Model Workflows, and Educational Pipelines for Hydrologic Sciences
- Data-model integration to develop a knowledge landscape map for improved prediction
- Disturbance and recovery at multiple temporal scales - Diamond Fork River, Utah
- Earthcasting: Geomorphic Prediction for Society
- Effects of post-wildfire changes in hydrology and sediment transport on fish habitat across western United States
- Equatorial disturbance dynamo plasma drifts and neutral winds over Jicamarca
- Estimation of F-Region Neutral Winds using the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM)
- Evaluating Sediment Rating Curves in Rivers Draining Redwood Forests to Investigate Trends in Sediment Production and Transport
- Evapotranspiration and Energy Balance of Irrigated Urban Turfgrass
- Examining the link between MSTIDs and ionospheric plasma density enhancements with petitSat, an upcoming 6U CubeSat mission
- Fusion of satellite and UAV imagery and big data for smarter farming
- GRAPEX: A Project Integrating Ground, Aerial and Satellite Observations for Improved Water Management of Vineyards
- Generation of Low-δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Silicic Magma by Cannibalization of Hydrothermally Altered Rhyolite and Granite Precursors: The Kimberly Rhyolite, Yellowstone Hotspot Track, Idaho
- Geomorphic unit diversity in restored rivers: how important is riparian woodland?
- Grain-size controls on sand storage in rivers
- Groundwater flow and exchange across the land surface explain carbon export patterns in a continuous permafrost watershed
- HydroLearn: A online platform for developing and sharing of active learning resources in hydrology and water resources engineering
- HydroShare tools and recommended practices for sharing and publishing data and models in support of collaborative reproducible research
- Hydrologic regime influences on the style of riffle-pool, plane bed, and step-pool sequences
- Illustrating Hydroshare's Functionality for Supporting FAIR Data Principles through an Example Use Case and Reproducibility Workshop
- Imaging Mountain Waves Over the Andes
- Impacts of Climatic Variability on Hay and Cattle Production in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Improving classification of humid-region irrigation using the red-edge band of Sentinel-2: Comparing irrigated and non-irrigated corn and soy in southwestern Michigan
- Incorporating Social System Dynamics in the Columbia River Basin: Food-Energy-Water Resilience and Sustainability Modeling in the Yakima River Basin
- Integrating satellite and climate data to predict wheat yield in Australia using machine learning approaches
- Intercomparison of the vertical structure of turbulence over vineyards under non-advective and advective conditions
- International Collaborative Studies of Atmospheric Waves Using an Advanced Mesospheric Temperature Mapper
- Investigation of an unusual quasi-stationary frontal gravity-wave
- Investigations of Impacts of VOC Emissions from Produced Water Disposal Facilities on Winter Ozone Pollution in the Uintah Basin Using Modeling Source Apportionment Techniques
- Ionospheric Disturbances During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Linking high temporal resolution flux-based sediment budgets with channel change: Establishing morphological meaning to measurements of sediment flux
- Linking models of human behaviour and climate alters projected climate change
- Localization of seismic and aseismic strain in hematite vein-fault mirror pairs
- Measuring Replicability to Promote Reproducibility in Hydrology
- Mechanisms underlying production stability in temperate deciduous forests
- Mesospheric Density Climatology from Rayleigh Scatter Lidar above ALO-USU
- Methane and Non-methane Hydrocarbon Emissions from Natural Gas Well Pad Soils
- Monitoring Vineyard Water Use and Vine Stress using Thermal-Based Satellite Remote Sensing for Improved and Sustainable Water Management
- Multi-Model Optimization of Field and In-Channel Management Actions in Agricultural Watersheds to Reduce Nitrate, Phosphorus, and Sediment Loads
- Multivariate Metrics to Quantify Co-occurring Extremes Resulting from the Dipole Circulation Pattern
- Nanotextural and nanochemical constraints on the role of heat in development of crystalline-hosted, silica-rich fault mirrors in the Wasatch fault damage zone, Utah, USA
- Net effects of early phenology, increased cloud cover, and altered timing of plant animal-interactions dampen climate change impacts on net ecosystem exchange of C in a coastal Alaska wetland
- Nutrient Constraints on Carbon Cycling in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest
- Observations of small-scale GWs and spectra using high-resolution Na mixing ratios in the MLT
- On the Contributions of Photolysis Reactions to the Bottom Side Mesospheric Na Layer Variations.
- Operational data provenance and cybersecurity for anticipatory disaster planning
- Overcoming Nutrient Limitation: Will Phosphorus Availability Constrain Global Plant Production Under Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>?
- Perpetual hyporheic motion (and reaction): a glimpse into dynamic coupled physical and biogeochemical processes in hyporheic zones
- Persulfate Activation and Enhanced Degradation of 1,4-Dioxane in Water Using Manganese Amendment for In Situ Chemical Oxidation
- Pixel Resolution Sensitivity Analysis for the Estimation of Evapotranspiration Using the Two Source Energy Balance Model and sUAS Imagery under Agricultural Complex Canopy Environments
- Predictability of variable arctic soil hydraulic and thermal properties, and implications of such variability on future thaw
- Predicting Channel Forms From Remote Sensing Data: A Multi-tiered Machine Learning Framework
- Preliminary investigations into fluid inclusion chemistry, orientation, and entrapment conditions during mylonitization of the Cordillera Blanca Detachment Fault
- Quaternary Slip History of the Central Sierra Madre Fault, Southern California
- Rapid Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Properties using Shortwave Infrared Imaging
- Sciunits: Reusable Research Objects
- Space weather model improvements with a MultimodelEnsemble Prediction System (MEPS)
- Stable isotope geochemistry of volatiles in thermal springs along the transition from amagmatic flat-slab subduction to the magmatic arc in the Peruvian Andes
- Stream-centric methods for determining groundwater contributions in karst mountain watersheds
- The Development of Sharable pySUMMA Simulation Environment using Singularity on HydroShare
- The Different Responses of Arctic Terrestrial and Aquatic Food Webs to Long-term Nutrient Additions
- The Eastside Type N Riparian Effectiveness Project (ENREP): A New Interdisciplinary Study to Assess the Effects of Forest Practices in the Interior Pacific Northwest, USA
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment, Chapter 25: Southwest
- The SAIR: An Atmosphere's First Line of Defense Against Intense Stellar XUV Fluxes
- The effects of nutrient fertilization on belowground allocation in tropical dry forests: linking results from a model and an experiment
- Thermomechanical evolution of experimentally-derived hematite slip surfaces
- Three Dimensional Aseismic Creep Deformation from Differencing of Structure from Motion and LiDAR High Resolution Topography on the San Andreas Fault, California
- Time-serial data cubes of NDVI for monitoring and analysis of plant phenology at regional to global scales
- Timescale Dependence in River Channel Migration Measurements
- Toward Earthquake System Science: In-Situ Physical State from Geophysical Properties
- Towards Earthquake System Science: Constraining Basal Mantle Stress Partitioning Within the Lithosphere and Crust
- Tropical dry forest's responses to drought depend upon soil nutrient availability and plant community composition
- Understanding vineyards stress physiology from the leaf to the canopy: How do we accurately measure and scale 'true' ground observations?
- Using a Multiproxy Tree Ring Approach to Examine the Effects of Environmental Change on Eastern U.S. Forests.
- Volatile Organic Compound Atmospheric Emissions from Produced Water Evaporation Ponds
- Web Based Tools for Reproducible Preparation and Execution of an Energy Balance Snowmelt Model
- 1993-2015 Climatology and changes of extreme precipitation events in Taiwan based on weather types
- A 4.8 Myr geomorphic record of fluvial landscape evolution in the Fortymile River basin (Alaska and Yukon)
- A comprehensive analysis of model outputs characterizes and compares machine-learning-enabled classification of rivers in seven distinct regions of California (USA)
- A drift-free climate prediction system using ocean assimilation approach in the Community Earth System Model
- A functional flows approach for developing environmental flow standards in California
- Advances in the HydroShare Community Platform Enabling the Integration of Water Data in Support of Hydrologic Research
- Assessing Social Vulnerability and Hydrological Risk in Massachusetts
- Assessment and Calibration of the WRF-Hydro National Water Model Configuration for a Snowmelt Dominated Watershed in a Mountain Karst Region
- Assessment of High-Resolution Daily Evapotranspiration Models Using Instantaneous sUAS ET in Grapevine Vineyards
- Balancing Irrigator Demand with Conservation through Physics and Extension
- Canopy Structure-Carbon Sequestration Relationships in Plantation and Naturally Regenerated Red Pine
- Catchment Research in the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research program: North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Comparing Traditional Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration with Eddy-Covariance and Satellite-Based Modeling in a Drip Irrigated Vineyard
- Comparing approaches to measuring time- and frequency-dependent seismic phase variations for coda wave interferometry
- Comparison of Meteorological-Chemistry Coupled Online Versus Offline Models in Simulating High Winter Ozone Episode in the Uintah Basin - Utah, USA.
- Comparison of Results from Hydrodynamic and Kinetic Models for the Plasmasphere Refilling Problem following a Geomagnetic Storm
- Constraining Elastic Properties of Fault Damage Zones: A Case Study of the Shallow San Andreas Fault at Elizabeth Lake, Southern California.
- Continental-scale Projection of Future Douglas-fir Growth from Tree Rings: Testing the Limits of Space-for-Time Substitution
- Controls on Summer Stream Temperature Patterns in Irrigation-Depleted Streams
- Controls on channel width and depth in alluvial rivers
- Controls on the Riverbed Thermal Regime of a Large Regulated River Subjected to Daily Flow Variations
- Coupling biomarker thermal maturity with K-Ar dating to assess the earthquake slip history of the central San Andreas fault
- Detecting Agricultural Drainage Ditch System in Low Relief Land: A Heterogeneous Filtering Approach
- Differences in Niche Space between Migratory and Resident Ungulates- Predicting Migratory and Resident Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) Behavior through Remotely Sensed Plant Phenology, Snow, and Landcover
- Educating Students in Experimental Space Physics and Heliophysics
- Effects of Climate Forcing Uncertainty on Snow Modeling and Streamflow Prediction in a Mountainous Karst Watershed
- Enabling Collaborative Numerical Modeling in Hydrology using Knowledge Infrastructure
- Estimation of Surface Water Flux from SMAP/SMOS Soil Moisture Retrievals
- Evaluating ET Partitioning in Vineyards from a Two-source Energy Balance Model using Land Surface Temperature from Canopy to Field Scale Resolutions
- Evidence for accelerated climate-driven weathering and sulfate export in high alpine environments
- Extending the Mesospheric Density Climatology from Rayleigh Scatter Lidar above ALO-USU into the Lower Thermosphere
- Extreme floods in Peru during early 2017
- Fault Core Analysis of the Upper Seismic-Aseismic Transition Zone in the Western San Gabriel Fault, California
- Fish, farms, and low flows: Quantifying management tradeoffs for multiple stakeholders in Idaho's Henry's Fork watershed
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- Fluid residence time modulates Li isotope transport during silicate weathering
- Food, Energy, and Water: Resilience and the Governance in Multi-Scale, Multi-Region, Multi-Actor Settings
- Functional traits predict climate distributions of species and ecosystems across the California Floristic Province
- Getting closer to Landsat: Advances from the GRAPEX Project in the Application of UAVs for High-Resolution Evapotranspiration
- Human Health and Economic Costs of Air Pollution in Utah: An Expert Assessment
- Hybrid physically-based and deep learning modeling of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed
- HydroLearn: An online platform for collaborative development and sharing of active-learning resources in hydrology education
- IODP Expeditions 366 and 352: Subduction Initiation Peridotites and Boninite Genesis
- Impacts of Energetic Neutral Particles due to Charge Exchange Reactions in the Ionosphere/Plasmasphere Raining Down on the Thermosphere
- Improving 3D Density Estimation With Coupled Seismic and Gravity Inversion
- Improving WRF/CMAQ Model Performance using Satellite Data Assimilation Technique for the Uintah Basin - Utah, USA
- Improving storm water and ASR application to fulfill turf irrigation demand
- Incorporation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Point Cloud Product into Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Models and Yield Estimation in Grapevine Vineyards
- Influence of Rotation on the Dynamics of Ellipsoidal Particles
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Modeling Systems for Local Flood Prediction and Risk Assessment
- Integration of Socio-Cultural-Environmental Data in the Columbia River Basin: Food-Energy-Water Resilience Assessment
- Interaction of multiple resources in controlling dryland soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> exchange with the atmosphere
- Investigation hydrologic responses to rain-on-snow events in the western United States
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Activities in the International Community Coordinated Modeling Center (iCCMC) Space Weather Modeling Capabilities Assessment Effort
- Izu-Bonin forearc tectonics subsequent to Pacific Plate subduction initiation: resolving a 15 Ma hiatus enigma
- Lessons on Water Use Efficiency from Water Vapor and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux observations over Vineyards Across the Californian Mediterranean Climate Gradient
- Leveraging crowdsourced traffic data to detect the risk of urban pluvial flash flooding along streets
- Lithospheric-scale and Upper-crustal-scale Geometry and Kinematics of the Taiwan Arc-continent Collision
- Litterfall inputs drive patterns of soil nitrogen heterogeneity in a diverse tropical forest
- Mapping wood deposits across the Mackenzie River Delta: Towards an understanding of delta-scale transport processes
- Modeling of the Photoelectron Space-Energy Distribution Based on a Contemporary Coupled Photon-Electron Transport Approach
- Modelling the Dispersal of Tephra by a Volcanic Plume using Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS).
- Multi-instrument observation of neutral atmosphere response to the 2019 total solar eclipse at Andes Lidar Observatory in Northern Chile
- Observations of oxidized mercury in the U.S. Intermountain West using a modified dual-channel analyzer and automated calibration system
- Ocean Impacts on Australian Interannual to Decadal Precipitation Variability
- Paleoflood Hydrology on the lower Green River, upper Colorado River Basin, USA
- Paleotopometry indicated by cosmogenic nuclides at depth
- Pareto optimality and compromise for environmental water allocations
- Partitioning a mass-balance sediment budget by sand-size classes to understand where, when, and why channel change occurs
- Performance of Miniaturized Langmuir, Electric Field, and Impedance probe Instruments for CubeSats
- Polar Cap Patches and the Tongue of Ionization on 16 July 2017
- Predictable Soil Stratigraphy of the Upper Thawed Layer in Permafrost Terrain Controls Hydrological Flows and Dynamics
- Progress in the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): A NASA Mission of Opportunity for Global Gravity Wave Investigations
- Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Technique for Measurement of Thermospheric Neutral Densities
- Recent changes in seasonal snow and alpine glaciers in the Columbia River Basin, Canada
- Reducing uncertainty in estimating rare flood events using paleoflood analyses: Insights from an investigation near Stillhouse Hollow Dam, Texas
- Resolution improvement of co-seismic velocity change monitoring in the 2004 Parkfield earthquake using the ambient seismic field
- Self-Maintained Riffle-Pool Couplets are Less Abundant than Expected Across California's Diverse River Systems
- Setting limits with limited information: A catchment-scale modeling framework to evaluate distributed human - ecological water management tradeoffs
- Simulating Downstream Impacts from Synthetic Sediment Pulses in the Nisqually River, WA Using a Lagrangian, Bed-material Sediment Transport Model
- Soil Moisture Regulates Microbial Carbon-use Efficiency in Soils of Different Textures
- Spatiotemporal patterns in precipitation-net primary productivity relationships vary with vegetation type
- Storm-time Ionospheric Electrodynamics During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Stream canopy influences timing of annual maximum water temperature
- Stronger influence of growth rate than severity of drought stress on mortality of large ponderosa pines during the 2012-2015 California drought event
- Structural Framework of the Camas Prairie Geothermal System, Southcentral Idaho
- Supporting Student Learning and International Science Through a Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience Focused on Recovered Mafic Volcanic Rocks from Recent IODP Drilling Expeditions
- Synthesis model development in the context of management decision support system
- Systematic Relaxation of Geomorphic Features: Application on the South East Queensland Dune Fields, Australia
- Temporal variations of large scale vertical wind perturbations in the lower thermosphere revealed by Na lidar
- The GRIDS Instrument for the petitSat Mission
- The SPORT Mission and an Ad-Hoc Constellation in the Mid and Low-Latitude Ionosphere
- The Space Physics and Aeronomy Curricula in the Physics Department at Utah State University
- The dominant environmental driver of leaf water stable isotope enrichment differs for <SUP>2</SUP>H compared to <SUP>18</SUP>O
- The role of groundwater dynamics on carbon export from continuous permafrost watersheds
- The role of unregulated floods in maintaining channel complexity in regulated rivers: Case study from the Green River in Canyonlands National Park, Utah
- Tipping the scale: Coupling statistical scaling and geomorphic classification models to extend high-resolution ecohydraulic analysis to the network scale
- Topside Equatorial Vertical Ionospheric Plasma Drifts over Jicamarca
- Transforming student projects into publishable research: a case study with 6 undergraduates and the EPA's national assessment of water quality
- Understanding Natural Streamflow with the Seasonal Flow Detection Algorithm
- Understanding the Sources of the Mid-latitude Storm Positive Phase: A Case Study of 16 July 2017
- Using Naturally Occurring Tracers to Quantify Components of Urban and Agricultural Streamflow
- Variability of Ionospheric Storm-Time electric Fields
- Water Stress Index (cwsi) of Rice IR 71706 via Calibrated Canopy Thermography in the Molina, Peru
- petitSat - A 6U CubeSat to examine the link between MSTIDS and ionospheric plasma density enhancements
- 3D thermokinematic modeling of a large thermochronologic dataset from the Pyrenees Mountains: Strategies and lessons of using Pecube in inversion mode
- A Compact Digital Implementation of an Impedance Probe
- A multi-million-year record of vegetation and ice-cover in the basal sediment from the Camp Century ice core, northwestern Greenland
- A quantitative description of the fractal dimension of topography across scales reveals the scale at which erosion processes fade away in the face of tectonics.
- An assessment of the Strengths and Limitations of the National Water Model Snow Representation against In-Situ Measurements, Remote Sensing Products, and Assimilated Data
- An open-source scoping model to generate adaptive policies to manage the Colorado River for uncertain future hydrologic, demand, and ecosystem conditions
- Applying Machine Learning Technique for Winter Ozone Forecasting in the Uintah Basin
- Assessing tradeoffs in the sustainability and resilience of a FEW system with a demonstration in the Columbia River Basin
- Balancing Competing Water Needs in an Unregulated Seasonal Watershed Subject to Distributed Diversion Pressures
- Calibration of the SPORT Langmuir and Electric Field Probes and SPICE Modeling
- Carbon Stored as Large Wood in the Mackenzie River Delta, Northwest Territories, Canada
- Cloud software for enabling community-oriented integrated hydrologic modeling
- Collisional effects on the lower hybrid drift wave inside the reconnecting current sheet of a laboratory plasma
- Comparison of Social Vulnerability and Flood Risks in Massachusetts
- Connecting the dots: building a sediment-ecological connectivity framework to link tributary erosion to downstream floodplain forest establishment in a large river network
- Controls on Boulder Incipient Motion in an "Auto-naturalized" Constructed Step-pool River, Carmel River, California
- Controls on Post-fire Debris Flow Grain Sizes Across the Intermountain West
- Developing Top-down Emission Inventory for Volatile Organic Compounds in the Uinta Basin based on Ground-based Measurements and TROPOMI Sentinel-5P Satellite Products.
- Developing the NASA Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE)
- Do Headwater Lakes Moderate Downstream Temperature Response to Forest Harvesting?
- Effects of Root Exudation on Soil Carbon Formation and Loss: Insights from Artificial Root-Soil Systems
- Emissions of reactive organics from oil and gas-related combustion sources
- Enhancements in Plasma Density Over the Eia Crest Region during Post-Sunset Hours in Geomagnetically Quiet Periods
- Environmental tradeoffs of dams in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Estimating vineyard water use with remote sensing: Lessons learned from the GRAPEX project
- Examination of Miracle Spring Precipitation under the warmer climate in Colorado River Basin
- Fishing for the Big Picture: Aquatic Habitat Representation at Large Spatial Scales
- Geomorphic covariance analysis of thirty ephemeral streams in the South coast of California, USA.
- Grapevine Leaf Area Index Estimation with Machine Learning and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Information
- Hindsight is 20/20 for the 2012-2015 California drought: Tree-rings forecasted widespread forest mortality decades prior to the event
- Improvements to a Dual Channel Atmospheric Mercury Measurement System and Development of Methods to Characterize Oxidized Mercury Emitting Permeation Tubes Using a GC/MS
- Incremental slip rates of the Puente-Hills blind-thrust fault based on analysis of back-limb folding: Implications for seismic hazards in the Los Angeles region and structural evolution of fault-related folds
- Influence of Spatial Heterogeneity in Evapotranspiration Modeling at Natural Areas Using sUAS High Resolution Data
- Integrating LiDAR measurements of canopy structure, forest inventory data, and a simple forest dynamics model to understand fundamental drivers of forest canopy structure
- Intelligent Earth: Diffusion of Geoscience Research and Cyberinfrastructure innovations with authentic data and computational tasks
- Intensification of the East Asian summer monsoon lifecycle based on observation and CMIP6
- Long-term increase in atmospheric stagnant conditions over northeast Asia and the role of greenhouse gases-driven warming
- Low Latitude Plasma Bubble Growth Rates During the September 2017 Geomagnetic Storm
- Mantle-to-Surface Fluid Transit Times Estimated from Helium Isotopes in Thermal Springs above the Peruvian Flat Slab: Implications for Tectonic Controls during Flat Slab-to-Lithosphere Fluid Transfer
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Modeling sources of magnetospheric plasma during storms and substorms
- Multiple dating techniques to determine transient knickpoint propagation, terrace formation, and incision of the Allegheny Plateau, Youghiogheny River, Ohiopyle, PA.
- Near-surface structure and mechanical properties of shallow seismogenic faults: Implications for ground-motion simulations
- New winds and temperature observations across turbopause ( 100-120 km) by the upgraded Na lidar at Utah State University.
- Observing the 2019 Southern Hemisphere Sudden Stratospheric Warming over Antarctica using ground-based and satellite measurements
- On Lessons Drawn: Prediction In Geomorphology
- Predicting roadway flood susceptibility using crowdsourced traffic data
- Quantifying ecologically relevant changes in streamflow patterns in response to climate change
- Responding to Extreme Heat in the Time of COVID-19: Results from a three-wave U.S. national survey
- Restoring Diverse Ecosystem Services for Lake Urmia, Iran: Moving Beyond a Uniform Target Lake Level
- Results from Virtual Hackathon for Co-development and Sharing of Authentic Learning Modules in Hydrology and Water Resources
- River sand detrital geo-thermochronology record contrasting thermal histories across the Pyrenees of Spain and France
- Seasonal Forecasting of Sea Level Anomalies in a Multi-model Prediction Framework
- Simulated sediment-pulse dynamics in a gravel-bedded mountain river
- Simulations of wintertime ozone in the Upper Green River Basin, Wyoming, using WRF-Chem
- Statistical Characterization of Hyporheic Zone Properties Over Three Years
- The Effect of the Sesan 2 Dam and High/Low Flow Regimes in the Limnology of the 3S System in Cambodia
- The Impacts of Abrupt Climate Change Events on Human Paleo-demography in the Great Basin
- The Scintillation Prediction Observations Research Task (SPORT) Mission: Science CONOPS
- The contrast in MCS environments between spring and summer over the U.S. Great Plains
- The spatial structure and origin of trace metals and biological material in dust in the Salt Lake Valley, UT, USA
- Tiny flying box: A study of upper sky things very close and very far away from each other.
- Tracking Pleistocene transient incision using Colorado River terraces across the Canyonlands district of the Colorado Plateau, Utah
- Tracking erosion and sediment transport using luminescence measurements from river sands in extensional and contractional basin systems
- Unraveling thermochronometric signatures of mineralization, deformation, and exhumation with hematite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry and thermal history modeling: an example from the Wasatch fault zone, northeastern UT, USA
- Validation of the SAFER ET model using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2 images over commercial vineyards in California
- Water availability for cannabis in northern California: intersections of climate, policy and public discourse
- A New Method to Estimate Sensible Heat Flux from Wavelet Analysis of Semi-high Frequency Radiometric Canopy Temperature
- A New OH Airglow Imager at the Poker Flat Research Range for the Study of Gravity Waves, Instabilities, and Breaking.
- Active Faulting in the High Himalaya of West Nepal: Quaternary Slip Rates Along the Western Nepal Fault System
- Advancing Open and Reproducible Water Data Science by Integrating Data Analytics with an Online Data Repository
- Ambient mercury observations in wildfire plumes at two Western U.S. sites using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- An Assessment of Potential Severe Droughts in the Colorado River Basin by Considering the Observed Flows, Tree-Ring Reconstructions, and Climate Change
- Analyzing the Multi-scale Heterogeneity of Wood Depositional Environments in the Mackenzie River Delta
- Applying Riverscape Health Principles and Remote Assessment Techniques to Characterize Physical and Biological Conditions and Recovery Potential
- Aspirations for, and Realities of, Publishing and Sharing Water Information in HydroShare
- Assessing the Significance of Hysteresis in Novel Porous Plant Growth Media
- Assessing the impacts of uncertainties from satellite Leaf Area Index on water use monitoring in California vineyards
- Burial and exhumation of the New England Avalon terrane coincident with Alleghanian orogenesis and continental breakup documented with zircon and apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronometry
- Carbon accounting of ponderosa pine forests across the interior western U. S. based on tree-ring and forest inventory data
- Cause and consequences of atmospheric microplastics
- Community modeling: supporting large-domain water resources modeling through an open-source model configuration toolbox
- Comparing Lithospheric Thermal Models from Seismic Fields
- Comparison of Methods for the Measurement of Gaseous Oxidized Mercury
- Complex Flow Dynamics at the West Crack breach of the Great Salt Lake: Insights about formation of the salinity-driven gravity current using CFD
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Data Integration and Coupled Modeling to Guide Water Management Decisions in the Colorado River Basin
- Defining the Reach Scale of a Mountain River from High-resolution Hydraulic Geometry.
- Distinguishing multi-decadal, quasi-periodic autogenic processes from external forcings in deltaic stratigraphy
- Diurnal variations of sporadic sodium layers observed by lidar at Yanqing station
- Drought severity determines productivity loss in grasslands globally
- Emissions of 70 Organic Compounds From Oil Well Sources
- Enabling the Free Flow of Water Data, Revisited: This is Harder Than We Thought
- Enhanced Forest Ecosystem Monitoring for Carbon Accounting and Climate Mitigation: the Case for Adding Tree Rings to North American's National Forest Inventories
- Enhanced jet stream waviness induced by suppressed tropical Pacific convection during boreal summer
- Evaluating Latest Holocene Glacier Variability in the South-Central Chilean Andes using the Open Global Glacier Model (OGGM)
- Evaluation of OpenET DisALEXI and Ensemble ET over the State of California
- Evidence for protracted fault-hosted hydrothermal circulation and high topography during synconvergent extension in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flux Partitioning methods for water vapor and carbon dioxide
- Fault Zone Processes Revealed by UAVSAR: Distributed San Andreas Fault Deformation Above a Shallow Locking Depth
- From Macro to Micro: Shallow Fault Processes of the San Gabriel Fault, CA with Geochemistry and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Mapping of Fault-related Rocks in Drill Core
- From Mantle to Surface in the Absence of Magmatism: Mantle Gases in Peruvian Hot Springs and Implications for Volatile Cycling in Flat-Slab Subduction Zones
- From the foreland and backarc thrust belts to the mantle transition zone: Multi-scale retrodeformable transect of the active 90mm/y Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Global emissions of atmospheric microplastics revealed from inverse modelling
- Green stormwater infrastructure as socio-ecological systems: Uncovering the scale-dependence of benefit distribution
- Heavy Metals in Dust From the Shrinking Great Salt Lake: Where Do They Come From and Where Do They Go?
- High Resolution 3-D Imaging of Mesospheric Sodium(Na) Layer Utilizing a Novel Multilayer ICCD Imagerand a Na Lidar
- Highly variable post-wildfire streamflow response across monitored contiguous watersheds
- Hydrological intensification is poised to increase uncertainty for water resources management
- Identifying key geomorphic parameters characterizing ecohydraulic responses of river channels using River Builder
- Impact of Metasomatism on Colorado Plateau Lower Crustal density: Insights from Xenoliths from the Moses Rock and Mule Ear Diatremes, Navajo Volcanic Field
- Impacts of cold ionospheric ions in magnetic reconnection at the Earths magnetopause and magnetotail
- Implementing a Remote Sensing Data-based Evapotranspiration Toolkit for Real-Time Irrigation Scheduling in California vineyards: Performance and Limitations.
- In hot deserts, drought is a stronger regulator of biogeochemistry over the short-term than physical disturbance
- Inferring spatiotemporal precipitation-discharge patterns of a snow dominated mountainous karst watershed using a hybrid physically based and deep learning modeling approach
- Integrating science and art to improve water resources education for the general public
- Large Mammal Responses to a Novel Sensory Pollutant Across Urban-Wildland Gradients
- Leveraging LIDAR, Machine Learning, and Citizen-Science for Low-Cost, High-Resolution Snow-Depth Estimation.
- Lidar Observations of Thermosphere-Ionosphere Nickel (TINi) Layers in the Altitude Range of 100-120 km with Very High Densities
- Low NOX and High Organics Emissions from Oilfield Engines
- Maximizing Twitter Content to Inspire Engagement: Analysis of the International Ocean Discovery Programs 20182020 Accounts
- Meeting the Needs of Interdisciplinary Critical Zone Scientists by Leveraging and Linking Existing Domain Repositories
- Microscale record of seismicity in hematite fault mirrors from the Rio Grande Rift
- Modeled influence of lithology, fluid volume, and vertical permeation of metasomatic fluids on isostatic uplift of the Colorado Plateau
- Modeling the Climate-Water-Food Nexus in Utah
- National Water Model Reanalysis Snow Outputs versus Ground Observations
- New Luminescence Ages, Provenance Data, and Ice-Sheet Modelling from the Camp Century Subglacial Sediment: Implications for the Glacial History of Northwestern Greenland
- Observations of high oxidized mercury from Storm Peak Laboratory using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- Obtaining Absolute Neutral Densities in the Mesosphere from Rayleigh-Scatter LIDAR Using AN Optimal Estimation Method
- Organic Contaminants in Airborne Dust of the Great Salt Lake
- Over dispersion of zircon crystallization ages in the Cordillera Blanca batholith, Central Peru: Lead loss or prolonged magmatism and protracted crystallization?
- Photo-enhancement of the degradation of two current-use pesticides in simulated sunlight by Arctic dissolved organic matter
- Pore Space Dynamics and Oxygen Concentration in Containerized Porous Media
- Predicting Salinity-driven Complex Flow at the breach of the Great Salt Lake using Deep Neural Network
- Predictive models of post-wildfire debris flow volume and grain size distribution
- PyHydroQC: A Python Package for Automating and Streamlining Aquatic Sensor Data Post Processing
- Reimagining Riverscapes: Insights from the Valley Bottom Extraction Tool
- River Styling the Entire Mississippi River Basin Using Nationally Available Data to Instill Appreciation of Riverscape Diversity
- Rock or roll?: Disentangling the impacts of local rock-uplift and upstream sediment supply on controlling river channel morphology in rapidly uplifting southern Taiwan.
- Science in Societies: An International Survey of Over 200 Jurisdictions Using Sea Level Rise Projections in Adaptation Planning
- Season of Grazing Interacts with Soil Texture, Selecting for Cover of Biocrust Morphogroups
- Seasonal Changes in Surface Water Concentrations of Historic and Current-Use Brominated Flame Retardants in an Arctic Lake
- Sediment source fingerprinting as an aid to large-scale landscape conservation and restoration: a review for its application within the Mississippi River Basin
- Simulated riverbed response to post-wildfire debris flow input in river networks
- Spatial Variability of Inter-row and Sub-canopy Measurements of Incident Solar Radiation within Vineyards
- Standardizing Porous Media for Electromagnetic Water Content Sensor Evaluation, Calibration and Validation
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Study of electron heating associated with lower hybrid drift waves during guide field reconnection
- Temperature Tides Across the Mid-latitude Summer Turbopause Measured by a Sodium Lidar and MIGHTI/ICON
- Temperature and Lapse Rate Sensitivity of Modeled Neoglacial Ice Extent in Queshque Velley, Peru ( 10S)
- Temporal and Spatial Variability of Quiet Time Thermospheric Neutral Winds Obtained from Satellite Observations
- Temporal variability in oxidized mercury from a continental mountaintop site using an improved dual-channel measurement system
- Terrestrial and Aquatic Controls on the Movement of Material Transported Hydrologically Across Vast Arctic River Basins
- Texture or Tonnage? Sand River Response to Changes in Sediment Supply
- The Changing Risk of Compound Heat-Wet Extremes
- The Effects of Different Hydrograph Shapes on Flooding-Induced Respiration in Riparian-Hyporheic Zones
- The Gothic Dome: Kilometer-scale Miocene Exhumation in Colorados Elk and West Elk Mountains
- The Importance of a Null Model for Identifying Change in Alluvial River Channels
- The Role of Volatiles and Melts in Lithospheric Strength and Long-Term Stability
- The Use of Normalized TEC Variations for Ionospheric Model Evaluations: Overview and Initial Result
- The compensatory CO2 Fertilization and Stomatal Closure Effects on Runoff Projections in the western United States
- The effect of prompt penetration electric fields on plasma bubble occurrence
- Towards Correcting Broadened Doppler Spectra Measured Using Airborne Cloud Radars
- Tree rings improve growth and yield predictions of a forest management tool
- Turbulence Drives Hyporheic Exchange and Fine Particle Deposition across the Entire Riverbed Surface.
- Understanding Alaska & Arctic winter snow projections based on stabilized warming scenarios
- Was the 16th century temperature-fire-drought nexus foreshadowing for the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem?
- Water Balance Estimates of Evapotranspiration for Ground-Truthing Satellite Derivations of Grapevines Water Use
- What can hematite textures and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry tell us about fault mechanics in the shallow crust?
- Wiggles in Width: Insights into alluvial channel dynamics from variability in high-resolution downstream hydraulic geometry
- Wildfire Erosion and Sedimentation Toolkit (WEST) for predicting post-wildfire erosion and sediment delivery
- petitSat - a 6U CubeSat to examine plasma density enhancements in the ionosphere
- A convergence approach to the drying Great Salt Lake
- A social-ecological-technological systems approach to understanding microplastic pollution at the river basin scale
- AI-Based Streamflow Prediction in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Multimodal Spatiotemporal Data
- Aboveground Plant-Herbivore Interactions Drive Root Decomposition in the Sub-Arctic
- An exploration of variability in bankfull river width
- An interactive web interface to compare the LOcalized Constructed Analogs 2 (LOCA2) with its precursor and CMIP6
- Analyzing Near Channel Inputs to Suspended Sediment Concentration
- Anomalous Electric Field Perturbations In Pre- and Post-Midnight Hours over the Low Latitude Ionosphere During a Minor Geomagnetic Storm
- Archetypal River Corridor Terrain Models for Various Channel Types
- Are headwater-dependent lakes the early warning system for climate change, and can we still adapt to avoid collapse?
- Assessing the vulnerability of the Juneau Icefield to atmospheric warming
- Assessment of Potential Future Streamflow Scenarios for Long-Term Planning in the Colorado River Basin
- Asynchrony among satellite metrics of photosynthetic phenology across the boreal domain
- Bed Texture Response to Supply Change in Sand-Bed Rivers: Implications to Channel Change
- Changes in Dust Emissions from the Shrinking Great Salt Lake and Effects on Regional Air Quality
- Characterizing Dust From National Wind Erosion Network Sites Using Isotopic Fingerprinting, Mineralogy, and Major and Trace Element Chemistry
- Characterizing the Variabilities in the Mesospheric Gravity Waves over the Scandinavian Region as a part of the MesoS2d Project
- Climate Change May Have Boosted "Precipitation Roller Coaster" in the Western United States
- Climate Regulates the Consequences of Drought and Physical Disturbance for Dryland Ecosystem Structure and Function
- Constraining Silicate Weathering During the Middle Eocene Climatic Optimum (MECO) Using the Ge/Si Ratio of Siliceous Microfossils
- Control of flow hydrograph sequencing on modeling debris-flow routing in river networks
- Controls on Sediment Connectivity in Fluvial Networks Impacted by Wildfire Across Utah
- CyberGIS-Jupyter for Water - An Open Geospatial Computing Platform for Collaborative Water Research
- Data Assimilation of USGS Streamflow Data in the Nextgen Framework
- Demonstrating the Use of Beam Broadening-Corrected Doppler Spectra Measured Using an Airborne Cloud Radar During the CSET (Cloud System Evolution in the Trades) Field Campaign
- Dendrochronology Reveals the Response of a Riparian Forest to Water Management Policies in an Arid Basin
- Development and Validation of an Ionospheric TEC-ServoAlgorithm to Generate Local Vertical Drifts in the Ionosphere
- Ecological forecasting of ponderosa pine forest biomass in the Interior West US
- Ecosystem Carbon Flux Responses to Local Climate and Management in Irrigated Vineyards
- Empowering Hydrology and Water Resources Educators to Collaboratively Develop Open-Access, Open-Source Authentic Learning Modules
- Estimating Evapotranspiration using Wavelet Analysis of Semi-High Frequency Water Vapor Tracers Time Series
- Estimating evapotranspiration for crop breeding at the plot scale using energy balance and crop coefficients
- Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Urban Turfgrass Using High-Resolution Multispectral Imagery for the Two-Source Energy Balance Model
- Evaluating the National Water Model's Evapotranspiration Representation through Comparison to OpenET
- Evaluating the transport of wildfire-induced pyrogenic nutrients in a grassland-shrub dominant watershed using a high-res numerical model
- Exploring almond, water, and climate linkages with the Tree Remote sensing of Evapotranspiration eXperiment (T-REX)
- First observations of equatorial ionospheric electric fields driven by storm-time rapidly recurrent magnetospheric substorms
- Goose Herbivory Controls Greenhouse Gas Fluxes by Altering Soil Conditions in Sub-Arctic Wetlands
- How Fast Do Submarine Fans Grow? Insights From The Quaternary Golo Fans, Offshore Corsica
- Identifying a Critical Threshold in Temporal Variability of Fluvial Suspended Sediment Concentration at a Point in the Water Column with a LISST-SL2
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Glacially Driven Base Level on an Upper Mississippi River Tributary During the Most Recent Glacial-post-Glacial Transition
- Investigating Large Winds and Shears Near the Turbopause Region and Their Correlation with the Small-Scale Waves in the Upper Mesosphere
- Lithospheric Thermal Models from Seismic Fields
- Litter Quality and Quantity: Untangling Herbivore Effects on Carbon Cycling
- Mapping the Changing Landscape of Fitness for Large Mammals in the American West
- Modifying the Salinity Driven Exchange Flow through the Breach in the Causeway of the Great Salt Lake for Adaptive Management under Changing Climate
- Monthly Variation of Thermospheric Neutral Winds
- Multiyear Seasonal Precipitation, Temperature Assessment and Forecasting using ARIMA Forecast Model: A Case Study of Upper Dudh Koshi Basin, Nepal
- Nighttime Airglow and Ionospheric Variability from All-Sky Imager and Ionosonde Data at Midlatitudes
- Observed Hydro-Geomorphic Impacts from Compounding Watershed Disturbances: Wildfire, Monsoons, and Debris Flows
- Organic Carbon Hysteresis Patterns During High Flow Events in a Small Mountain Stream
- Predicting Salinity-driven Exchange Flow at the Great Salt Lake, UT using Machine-Learning in conjunction with Physics-based model
- Quantification of the Role of Urbanization in Changing the Rainfall Associated with Tropical Cyclones affecting Charlotte, North Carolina
- Quantifying Downstream Variability in Bankfull Width from Digital Elevation Models
- Quaternary History and Evolution of the Western Nepal Fault System; Splay Fault Maturity in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt
- Reconstruction of Streamflow in the Yampa River, CO Using Tree Rings of Riparian Cottonwoods and High-Elevation Conifers
- Rethinking data collection for quantifying end uses of water: the impact of data temporal resolution
- River Response to the 2009 Typhoon Morakot Dictated by Tectonic History, Landscape Steepness
- Satellite-based, wide-coverage probing data and numerical simulations, a conjoint paradigm to advance the understanding of space weather and low-latitude ionospheric phenomenology
- Sediment Provenance and Encoding of Geomorphic Processes in a Pleistocene Fan-Delta Driven by Periodic Exogenic Forcings
- Spatial and Temporal Correlations in Thermospheric Zonal Winds Near Dawn and Dusk
- Spectral Analysis of the Turbulent Flow over a California Vineyard under Non-advective and Advective Conditions
- Streamflow Responds Variably to Forest Cover Change in the Western US: A Large-Sample Hydrology Analysis Combining Forest Inventory and Hydro-Climatic Data
- Supra-permafrost groundwater's contribution to stream flow and organic matter chemistry in the Arctic: estimation using combined mechanistic and statistical approaches
- The Effect of Prompt Penetration Electric Fields on Plasma Bubble Growth Rates
- The Effects of Riverbed Properties on Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes
- The subglacial sediment from the Camp Century ice core: a unique in-situ paleoclimate archive from northwest Greenland
- Three Programs that Give Graduate Students Skills and Experience in Community Science
- Tools for Advancing Open Data Science and Analytics for Water
- Toward Assimilation of Airglow Observations into Ionospheric Models: Inferring F-Region Height from Convection Information
- Using Juliusruh Ionosonde f0F2 to Validate TDIM Ionospheric Simulations Driven By a GNSS TEC-Servo
- Using Paired Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Dating to Understand Changes in Erosion Rate within a Fill-Cut Terrace Sequence: Whitewater River, Southeastern Minnesota, USA
- Using Planktic Foraminifera to Determine Tropical Atlantic Temperature and Hydrologic Shifts During the PETM
- Volatile and Melt State Fingerprints in In-Situ Rheology
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Gannet Hallar
- A. Glocer
- A. J. Coster
- A. J. Halford
- A. Kumar
- A. W. Wood
- A. Z. Csank
- Aaron I. Packman
- Adnan Rajib
- Adriane R. Lam
- Alan J. Hidy
- Alan K. Knapp
- Alex Hall
- Alfonso F. Torres-Rúa
- Ali Jalali
- Anders Eriksson
- Andrea Donnellan
- Andrew Alt
- Andrew Bennett
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew J. Christ
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Anthony M. Castronova
- Ayman Nassar
- B. A. Keisling
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. Lavraud
- B. Udall
- Bart Nijssen
- Bethany T. Neilson
- Brian J. Yanites
- Bryan G. Mark
- Bryce A. Mihalevich
- C. Hain
- C. M. De Nardin
- C. R. Englert
- C. R. Martinis
- Camilo J. Bastidas Pacheco
- Carl Phillips
- Carlos A. Oroza
- Carolus J. Schrijver
- Char‐Shine Liu
- Christine L. Dolph
- Christoph K. Thomas
- Christopher B. Marsh
- Christopher F. Lee
- Claire Masteller
- Clarke DeLisle
- Coleman Hiett
- Colin A. Shaw
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Connie A. Woodhouse
- D. Feldman
- D. Horns
- D. J. Jerolmack
- D. M. Peteet
- D. Schutt
- Daniel K. Jones
- Daniel P. Ames
- Daniel T. Myers
- Darren L. Ficklin
- David G. Tarboton
- David Gochis
- David R. Bowling
- Dennis L. Newell
- Diptiranjan Rout
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Edwin Saavedra Cifuentes
- Elie Bou‐Zeid
- Elizabeth K. Thomas
- Ellen Alexander
- Ellen Wohl
- Eric Barefoot
- Eric J. Steig
- G. B. Pasternack
- G. D. Reeves
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gabriele Villarini
- George W. Kling
- Gregory J. Wagner
- Gregory T. Carling
- Guo Yue Niu
- Guotao Yang
- H. Tran
- Heejun Chang
- Homa Salehabadi
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Huancui Hu
- Huikyo Lee
- Irene Garousi‐Nejad
- Isaac J. Larsen
- J. Badgeley
- J. C. Rowland
- J. D. Huba
- J. D. Huba
- J. J. Sojka
- J. Klenzing
- J. M. C. Plane
- J. Wroten
- Jabari C. Jones
- Jaclyn S. Baughman
- Jan Boll
- Janice Brahney
- Jason F. Smith
- Jay P. Zarnetske
- Jay Parker
- Jeffery S. Horsburgh
- Jennifer J. Guerard
- Jingyi Chen
- Joerg M. Schaefer
- John C. Gosse
- John T. Abatzoglou
- John T. Kemper
- Jonas Sousasantos
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Jonathan Jara-Almonte
- Jonathan M. Friedman
- Jongsoo Yoo
- Jordyn M. Wolfand
- Joshua H. Viers
- Julia Szinai
- Julie C. Fosdick
- K. H. Mahan
- K. Homola
- K. Zawdie
- Karen B. Gran
- Karen J. Heeter
- Katharina Methner
- Katrina Bossert
- Keir Soderberg
- Kenneth Ekpetere
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kevin M. Smith
- Kevin Wheeler
- Khaled Ghannam
- Kieran Dunne
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Kimberly J. Hageman
- Kuldeep Pandey
- L. M. Kistler
- L. Ruby Leung
- Levan Lomidze
- Lisa Grant Ludwig
- Louise Slater
- Luis A. Navarro
- M. Bayani Cardenas
- M. H. Stevens
- M. Limon
- M. Roby
- M. Skiles
- Manuel Pichardo Marcano
- Margaret Odlum
- Martha C. Anderson
- Martyn P. Clark
- María Mar Alsina
- Masaaki Yamada
- Mats André
- Matthew P. Dannenberg
- Melinda D. Smith
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael J. Taylor
- Michael Negale
- Michael Stemkovski
- Mike Blum
- Molly A. Blakowski
- Motasem S. Abualqumboz
- N. M. Mahowald
- Naomi Goldenson
- Natalie Kramer
- Nathan J. Lyons
- Neelarun Mukherjee
- Neil Carter
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nikolaos Evangeliou
- Nikolaos Paschalidis
- Nima Madani
- Noelle K. Patterson
- Nurit Agam
- Osvaldo E. Sala
- P. A. Ullrich
- Patrick Ball
- Patrick Belmont
- Paul Cornils Knutz
- Philipp Köhler
- Phillip H. Larson
- Pin Shuai
- Qinghua Ding
- R. J. Sica
- R. Schumer
- Rainer Volkamer
- Raymond M. Lee
- Rebecca M. Flowers
- Richard P. Phillips
- Roger Bilham
- Rui Cheng
- Russell Doughty
- S. A. Fuselier
- S. K. Vines
- S. L. Jones
- S. R. David
- S. R. Hemming
- Sara A. Goeking
- Sara C. Pryor
- Sara L. Rathburn
- Sarah E. Null
- Sarah M. Aarons
- Sasha C. Reed
- Scott B. Jones
- Scott L. Collins
- Se Jong Cho
- Sergio Toledo‐Redondo
- Seth Lyman
- Shai Arnon
- Shantanab Debchoudhury
- Shaowen Wang
- Shervan Gharari
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Simona Francalanci
- Stefanie Brachfeld
- Stefano Lanzoni
- Stephen B. Ferencz
- Stephen P. Good
- Subir Mandal
- Suoya Fan
- T. E. Moore
- T. J. Immel
- Talia G. Anderson
- Tao Yuan
- Tianfang Xu
- Troy S. Magney
- Tyler A. Grambling
- Upmanu Lall
- V. N. Coffey
- Virendra P. Ghate
- W. Fox
- W. P. Kustas
- W. Y. Li
- Wei Zhang
- William A. White
- William J. Gutowski
- William K. Smith
- Wouter Knoben
- Wuhu Feng
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xingyuan Chen
- Xubin Zeng
- Yanghui Kang
- Yoshimitsu Chikamoto
- Yucheng Zhao
- Yunhao Xun
- Yôko Ôta
- Zhe Feng
- Zhengyu Liu
- Zhi Li
- Zoe Pierrat