Utah State University, Center for Atmospheric and Space Science
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Global 3-D Kalman Filter for Ionospheric Data Assimilation in GAIM
- Altitude Variation of Average Daytime Disturbance Winds in the Middle and Lower Thermosphere Measured by WINDII
- CEDAR High Latitude Plasma Structures (HLPS): A Modeler's Viewpoint
- Defining Structure in Tongues of Ionization
- Determination of Ionospheric High-Latitude Drivers for GAIM Using DMSP Data
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Ionospheric Impact of Magnetospheric Ring Current Polarization Electric Fields
- Mid-Latitude Mesospheric Temperature Climatology above a Lidar Site in the Rocky Mountains
- Model Study of Magnetic Disturbances During Substorms
- Modeling the low latitude thermosphere and ionosphere
- On the Determination of the Global Neutral Wind Field Using TEC Observations
- Precision Determination of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Connectivity Using Radar Detection of Ionization Patches Produced by Energetic Electron Beams
- Structuring of full plasma patches in the high latitude with realistic drives
- Three-Dimensional Velocity Structure of the Polar Wind
- Wavelet Analysis and Possible Geophysical Applications
- Will Data Assimilation Techniques Open a New Frontier for Aeronomy?
- A Modeling Study of the Ionospheric Response to SAPS
- A Physics-Based Kalman Filter for the Ionosphere in GAIM
- Aeronomy: From Exploration to Data Assimilation
- Aeronomy: From Exploration to Data Assimilation
- Aeronomy: From Exploration to Data Assimilation
- Data Assimilation Into Physics-Based Models Via Kalman Filters
- Effect of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles on the Thermosphere
- Ground-Based Measurements of Mesosphere Temperature and Gravity Wave Structure as Part of the TIMED-CEDAR Collaborative Program
- Ionospheric Sensitivity to Different Representations of EUV Spectra
- Low Latitude Ionospheric Storm Time Electric Fields
- On Using the Weimer Statistical Model for Real-Time Ionospheric Specifications and Forecasts
- Penetration Electric Field Observations and Modeling in the Pre-Noon Mid-Latitude Ionosphere
- Potential Ionospheric Studies from the International Space Station Using the Floating Potential Measurement Unit
- Resolving MIT Electrodynamic Processes by Analyzing GEC Data Streams
- Seasonal and Solar Activity Dependence of the Generalized Polar Wind with Low-Altitude Auroral Ion Energization
- Structuring of full plasma patches in the high latitude with realistic drives-continued.
- Study of the Polar Cap Potential Under Conditions of Large Solar Wind Ram Pressures
- The Analysis of TEC Data From the TOPES/Poseidon Mission
- The Closure of the Hall Currents During Substorms and Its Ground Magnetic Effects
- 3-D Dynamic Behavior of Generalized Polar Wind
- Active Role of the Ionosphere in M-I Coupling
- Climatology of nighttime mid and low latitude upper thermospheric disturbance winds measured by WINDII
- Comparison of 30 Day Continuous EISCAT Svalbard ISR Data with an Ionospheric Model Driven by SuperDARN Convection Patterns
- Comparison of DMSP SSIES Density and Temperature Measurements With Ground-Based Incoherent Scatter Radar Data
- Comparison of IRI-2001 With TOPEX TEC Measurements
- Comparison of TIMED/SABER non-LTE temperature retrivals with ground based mesospheric temperature mapper measurements
- Effect of the Theta Aurora on the Polar Thermosphere
- Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)
- Hazards of Coupling Models of Different Physical and Regional Properties: Sun-Earth EUV Link
- High resolution three-dimensional simulations of structuring of polar cap patches
- Investigating sprite energetics over Brazil in association with small/frontal storms
- Observation and Modeling of Ionospheric Dynamics During Major Solar Flares
- Observation and Modeling of Mesospheric Frontal Events, Bores, and Nonlinear Waves
- On the Effect of Modified High-Latitude Drivers (Convection and Precipitation) on the Ionospheric Plasma Density Distribution
- The Advantages of Cheap, Connected, and Plentiful GNSS Observations
- The Neutral Polar Wind
- The USU GAIM Data Assimilation Model for the Ionosphere
- Towards a Predictive Model of Low Latitude Ionospheric Space Weather
- 3-D Neutral Polar Wind Model
- An earlier lidar observation of a noctilucent cloud above Logan, Utah Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Utah State University
- Assimilated Low Latitude Ionosphere Variability During the First CAWSES Space Wether Campaign
- Comparison Between GAIM and LLIONS in the Jicamarca Low Latitude Sector During the First CAWSES Space Weather Campaign
- Comparison of DMSP F13 Cross-Track Ion Drift Velocities With AMIE Results
- Data Availability and its Effect on the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Model
- Day-to-Day Variability of the F-layer at Sunrise
- Equatorial F-Region Zonal Plasma Drifts Over Jicamarca During Quiet and Disturbed Conditions
- Ionospheric Prompt Penetration Electric Fields: Comparison of First-principle Solutions With Observations
- Lidar-derived, long-term trends and variability in the mid-latitude middle atmosphere
- Mesospheric Inversion Layers above Utah State University
- Multi-instrument Observations of the Development of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly and Links to Scintillation
- On the Sensitivity of Total Electron Content (TEC) to Upper Atmospheric/Ionospheric Parameters
- Rayleigh-Lidar Observations of Mesospheric Mid-latitude Density Climatology Above Utah State University
- Relative Abundance and Escape Flux Composition During Storm Time: 3-D Model
- Seasonal and Solar-Cycle Variation of Polar Cap Patches
- Simultaneous TIMED/SABER and Ground-Based Measurements of the Semi-annual Oscillation in Mesospheric Temperatures
- Studies in Equatorial Anomaly Morphology from 2002-03 GUVI Data
- The Dynamics of a Double-Layer Along an Auroral Field Line: An Improved Model
- The Maunder Minimum Ionosphere
- Three-Dimensional Evolution of the Equatorial Ionospheric Rayleigh-Taylor Instability in Combined Vertical and Zonal Drifts
- USU GAIM: An Operational Data Assimilation Model of the Ionosphere
- USU GAIM: Validation of the Ionospheric Forecasting Model (IFM) Using the TOPEX TEC Measurements
- Validation of the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Model of the Ionosphere
- Active Roles of the Ionosphere in the Electrodynamic M-I Coupling
- Aeronomy: Challenges of Data Assimilation
- Can Wavelet Analysis Provide an Automated Technique to Create the Dst Index?
- Comparison of Nighttime UV Radiances Obtained From the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Model With Limb Scan Observations From the LORAAS and SSULI Instruments
- Coordinated Imaging and Lidar measurements of Noctilucent Cloud Dynamics over Poker Flat, Alaska, August 2005.
- Estimation of the High-Latitude Topside Heat Flux Using DMSP In Situ Plasma Densities
- Global statistics of OH layer heights and double layers from SABER limb measurements of OH Meinel emission at 1.6 and 2.0 μm.
- Infrared Imaging of Transient Luminous Events (1 - 1.5 micron) Over the Mid-Western US and Comparison With Their Visible Wavelength Signatures
- Initializing the TING model with the GAIM electron densities during a geomagnetic storm
- Ionospheric Indices Based on GPS TEC
- Low Latitude Ionospheric Electric Fields During Large Magnetic Storms
- Mesoscale Ionosphere-Thermosphere Structures and Consequences for the Magnetosphere
- Mid-Latitude Thermosphere-Ionosphere Storm Response: An Aeronomy Frontier
- Probability Distributions of Wavelet Coefficients of the Ground-Based Magnetometer Data for Storm and Quiet Times
- Submillisecond Video and Electromagnetic Observations of Sprite Development and Structure
- The Longitudinal Dependence of the Mid-Latitude ionospheric Effect of Large Geomagnetic Storms
- Thermospheric Response to Ion Heating in the Dayside Cusp
- Three-Dimensional Simulation of High-Latitude Ionospheric Neutral and Ion Outflows During Magnetic Storm Conditions, and Northward Turnings of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- A Physics-Based Kalman Filter Electrodynamics Model for the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- An Ionospheric Metric Study Using Operational Models
- An assessment study of the wavelet-based index of magnetic storm activity (WISA) and its comparison to the Dst index
- Characteristics of Short-Period Wavelike Features near 90 km Altitude From Airglow and Lidar Observations Over Maui
- Climatology of Geomagnetic Storm-Induced Disturbance Winds in the Nighttime Upper Thermosphere Measured by Ground-Based Fabry-Perot Interferometers in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres
- Continual Initialization of The TING Model with GAIM Electron Densities: Ionospheric Effects on The Thermosphere
- Day-to-Day Variability in the Post-Sunrise F-Layer at Millstone Hill During Three Month- Long ISR Campaigns
- Investigating Gravity Wave Characteristics and Their Association With Thermospheric Depletions over Brazil
- Investigating Mesospheric Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Events Using Coordinated Imaging, Na Lidar, and Meteor Radar Data Over Maui, Hawaii
- Investigating short-period ripple events imaged simultaneously in the OH and O2 nightglow emissions near the mesopause over Maui, Hawaii.
- Ion and Neutral Atom Outflow Structure in the High-Latitude Ionosphere
- Ionospheric/Thermospheric Variability At Middle Latitudes Obtained From The Global Assimilation Of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) Model
- Mid-Latitude Measurements of Mesospheric Bore Events and Their Association With Temperature Inversion Layers
- Spatial Correlations of Day-to-Day Ionospheric Total Electron Content Variability Obtained from Ground-Based GPS
- Storm-Time Dynamic Response of High-Latitude Plasma Outflow: A 3-D mac-PIC Model
- Strengths and Limitations of Data Assimilation Models
- Supersonic Flow in the High-Latitude Thermosphere
- The Operational USU GAIM Model
- Cross-Wavelet Spectrum Analysis of the Ring Currents Using Magnetic Records from Multiple Low-Latitude Stations
- Doppler Ducting of Quasi-Ripple Wave Events in the Mesospheric OH and O2 Airglow Emissions
- IFM-Modeled Response of the High-Latitude Ionosphere to Auroral Dynamics Based on Auroral Observations Acquired with the Visible Imaging System(VIS) on the Polar Spacecraft
- Ionospheric Longitude Storm Dependence Upon the Magnitude of the Earth's Magnetic Field
- Longitudinal Variability of Low-Latitude Total Electron Content: Tidal Influences
- Modeling Suspersonic Flow in the High-Latitude Thermosphere
- Monte Carlo vs. Transport Equations' Description of Outflowing Fully-Ionized Ionospheric Plasma
- Multi-Instrument Measurements of Noctilucent Clouds in Coordination with the AIM Satellite
- Neutral Density Holes, Patches, Fountains, and Jets in the Earth's Upper Atmosphere
- Ozone Gravitywave Observations from the AIM Satellite
- Pulsating Ion and Neutral Polar Winds
- Satellite Studies of Quiet and Disturbed Equatorial Vertical Plasma Drifts
- Specification of Ionospheric Dynamics at Low- and Mid-Latitude Using the Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM) Model
- Sprite Halos and Associated Lightning Characteristics over South America
- Stormtime Electric Fields at High-Equatorial Latitudes as Observed by the Magnetometers, Incoherent-Scatter Radar and Satellite
- Study of the Effects of Auroral Substorms on the Low-Latitude Currents
- Testing Conventional Assumptions for High-Latitude Electrodynamics by Using a Self- Consistent M-I Coupling Model
- The CHAMP data base of Equatorial Spread-F magnetic signatures
- The Effect of Downward Electron Heat Flow and Electron Cooling Processes in the High- Latitude Ionosphere
- The Role of Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling
- Using PFISR to Enable High-Latitude Modeling to Separate Climate and Weather in Ionospheric Variability Studies
- Very Active Sprite-Producing Thunderstorms Observed Over Argentina and Brazil
- Characterizing Lightning-Driven Negative Transient Luminous Events Over an Intense South American Storm
- Comparison of Satellite and Ground-based Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Dissipation Mechanisms for Ducted Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Doppler Ducting Measurements of Short-Period Gravity Waves and Mesospheric Bores in OH and O2 Airglow Emissions
- Heating Events in the Polar Ionosphere-Thermosphere During the IPY
- Investigating Gravity Waves Measured by CIPS/AIM in the Northern/Southern Summer Polar Mesosphere
- Ionospheric Dynamics at Low Latitudes Obtained From the USU Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model (GAIM-FP)
- Longitudinal variability in PMC structures observed from the CIPS experiment on the AIM spacecraft: Impact on PMC occurrence frequency and brightness.
- Low Latitude Ionospheric Electrodynamic Effects Near Solar Minima
- Lower Atmospheric Gravity Wave Impacts on the Thermosphere
- Modeling the ionosphere in the IPY with the FLIP model
- Neutral Wind and Plasma Drift Effects on the Nighttime TEC Variability
- Observational evidence of sudden stratospheric warming effects on the equatorial ionospheric electric fields
- Radar and Optical Measurements of Equatorial Plasma Depletions
- Simultaneous Observations of NLC From Space and From Ground.
- Statistical Wavelet Analysis and Index Development of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Current System Observed by Terrestrial Magnetometers
- Storm-Time Mid-Latitude Dayside TEC Enhancements: Longitudinal Dependence
- The Operational USU GAIM Model
- Wave Coupling Between the Lower and Upper Atmospheres
- A Milestone in Commercial Space Weather: USTAR Center for Space Weather
- Climatology of plasmaspheric TEC obtained from Jason-1
- Dayside Mid-Latitude F-Region Enhancements During Small or Moderate Geomagnetic Disturbances
- Empirical Models of Equatorial Storm-Time Electric Fields
- Equatorial plasma irregularities: Solar cycle dependence and longitudinal variation of local time distribution
- Estimation of Sq variation by means of multiresolution and principal component analyses
- Generation of Traveling Atmospheric Disturbances During a Pulsating Geomagnetic Storm
- Gravity Waves Propagation and Momentum Flux in the Mesopause
- High Latitude M-I Coupling during the Current Solar Minimum: Observations with PFISR
- Hybrid Description of Outflowing Ionospheric Plasma: A Monte Carlo/n-Moment Transport Equations Model
- Investigating monochromatic wave events in the summer polar mesosphere
- Ion and Neutral Outflows in the Polar Cap and Auroral Oval (Invited)
- Non-Equatorial Ionospheric Gradients (Invited)
- Observation and modeling of Na density and OH airglow temperature and intensity perturbations by a gravity wave approaching a critical level
- Operational Space Weather Models: Trials, Tribulations and Rewards
- Recent Advances in Ionospheric Modeling Using the USU GAIM Data Assimilation Models
- Storm-Time Ion Velocity Distributions in the Generalized Polar Wind
- Study of the Topside Ionosphere Using Radio Occultation Data
- The Andes Lidar Observatory (ALO) at Cerro Pachon, Chile, first light
- The Upper Atmosphere During the Current Solar Minimum (Invited)
- Tidal signatures in thermospheric and ionospheric quantities (Invited)
- Unusual spikes in high latitude ion temperature
- A Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model for the High-Latitude Ionosphere: Importance of Data Assimilation Technique in Determining the Model Drivers
- CEDAR Electrodynamics Thermosphere Ionosphere (ETI) Challenge for Systematic Assessment of Ionospheric Models
- Cusp/polar cap dynamics challenge science and communications/GNSS (Invited)
- Equatorial-PRIMO (Problems Related to Ionospheric Models and Observations)
- Evolution of an ''Ice-void'' in a NLC-display Observed from the Ground
- Heliophysics
- Ionospheric Sensitivity to SDO-EVE Spectral Variability (Invited)
- Joint Investigation of Mesospheric Gravity Wave Characteristics and Dynamics over South Pole Station (90°S) during the Austral Winter 2010
- Long-Term Space Weather Forecasting: Parameters and Accuracy Needed for the Ionosphere/Thermosphere
- Long-term Observations of Winds and Waves over Bear Lake Observatory
- Low Latitude Ionospheric Dynamics: Specifications Using a Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model (Invited)
- Modeling Waves in the Thermosphere
- Morphology and Causes of the Weddell Sea Anomaly
- Nonlinear airglow signatures of ducted gravity waves in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere
- Possibility and Demonstrations of 27 Day Ionospheric Forecasting
- Short Term Variability in the Electrodynamics of the Equatorial Ionosphere
- Study of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Ring Current Variability during Storm and Quiet Times Using Wavelet Analysis and Ground-Based Magnetic Data from Multiple Stations
- The ISS as a Launch Platform for Phenomena of Interest
- The sub-Brunt-Väisälä period oscillations in the ionospheric total electron content and the red 630.0 nm line intensity under the influence of short-period AGW
- Thermosphere-Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling and Mass Outflow - the Thermosphere/Ionosphere Perspective (Invited)
- Uncertainty Associated with Modeling the Global Ionosphere
- A Storm-Time F-Region Density Enhancement Feature Predicted by the TDIM/HEIDI Model
- A comparison of the morphology of instability features seen at the Andes Lidar Observatory with those observed over Maui
- Coupling of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere System via Charge Exchange Reactions
- Effects of Season and Solar Cycle on Storm-Time Behavior of the Generalized Polar Wind
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Climatology at Low and Mid-Latitude During Solar Minimum Obtained From the GAIM-Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model (GAIM-FP)
- Ionospheric Change and Solar EUV Irradiance
- Magnetic reconnection heating of cusp and polar thermosphere
- Simultaneous Mesospheric Gravity Wave Observations and OH (3,1) Rotational Temperature Measurements over South Pole, Antarctica
- Studying the Space Weather Features of the High-Latitude Ionosphere by Using a Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model and Observational Data from Ground Magnetometer Arrays
- Substitution of Ionosonde Data for GPS TEC Data in GAIM-GM: A Regional Study
- Systematic Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during the 2006 AGU Storm
- Systematic Climatology Assessment of Ionosphere/Thermosphere Models during November 2007 to February 2008
- The Ionospheric Evening Anomalies: Recent Observations and Modeling
- 8/9 February 2012 SDO-EVE and Arecibo ISR Ionospheric Capaign
- A reassessment of the PRIMO recommendations for adjustments to mid-latitude ionospheric models
- Atmospheric gravity waves observed in OH airglow images from 78°N
- Comprehensive Comparison of an Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model and the International Reference Ionosphere
- Effects of high-latitude drivers on Ionosphere/Thermosphere parameters
- Ensemble Modeling with Data Assimilation Models: A New Strategy for Space Weather Science, Specifications and Forecasts
- First Temperature Observations with the USU Very Large Rayleigh Lidar: An Examination of Mesopause Temperatures
- Global Impacts of Ionosphere-Plasmasphere Charge Exchange on the Thermosphere
- High-latitude patches development using a physics-based data assimilation model and data from ground magnetometer arrays
- Investigating asymmetries in mesospheric gravity wave propagation at high-latitudes
- Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Magnetosphere Coupling at Mid-Latitudes
- Ionosphere/Thermosphere Morphology at Low and Mid-Latitudes Obtained From the GAIM-Physics-Based Data Assimilation Model (GAIM-FP)
- Longitudinal variation of thermospheric neutral winds and composition and their effects on the F region electron density distribution
- Low Latitude Ionospheric Zonal Plasma Drifts Measured by C/NOFS During the 2008-2011 Solar Minimum
- Multi-Week Near-Continuous Imager Observations of Waves in the Mesopause Region over the South Pole
- Problems associated with overlaying empirical particle precipitation and plasma convection patterns
- Space Weather Forecasting: An Enigma
- Studying the space weather variability of the high-latitude ionosphere by using a physics-based data assimilation model
- The New Era in Operational Forecasting
- The lifecycle of instability features over Cerro Pachon as measured on March 24 2012
- Why Thermospheric Density/Drag Should Double Over the Cusp
- 3-D Dynamic PIC Model of the Generalized Polar Wind as Applied to a GEM Focus Group
- A Review of Experimental Studies of High-Latitude Heater-Induced Irregularities (Invited)
- Data Assimilation Model for the Thermospheric Neutral Winds at Mid- and Low-Latitudes and Its Use for Ionosphere-Thermosphere Studies
- Improved Hybrid Monte Carlo/n-Moment Transport Equations Model for the Polar Wind
- Mid-latitude Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar for Observations from 15 to 120 km
- New Advances in Observations Around the Turbopause
- Quiet-Time Variability of Equatorial Nighttime Plasma Irregularities (Invited)
- Reviewing the Mechanisms Underlying the Pre-reversal Enhancement of the Vertical Plasma Drift in the Low Latitude Ionosphere
- Solar Extreme Ultraviolet and X-ray Irradiance Measurements for Thermosphere and Ionosphere Studies (Invited)
- Using a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) to Study the Ionosphere-Thermosphere-Electrodynamics System
- A Lidar for the Region from the Stratosphere to the Thermosphere
- Thermospheric Gravity Wave Characteristics Obtained Using the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar
- Comparing the O+ and H+ Escape Fluxes from Fluid and Particle-in-Cell Solutions of the Polar Wind
- Comparison Between the Integrated Ion Outflow Fluxes from the North and South Hemispheres Under Sustained Geomagnetically Active Conditions
- Data-Model and Inter-Model Comparisons of the GEM Outflow Events Using the Space Weather Modeling Framework
- Ionospheric Storm Reconstruction with a Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) of Data Assimilation Models: High Latitude Dynamics
- A Flux-Corrected Transport Based Hydrodynamic Model for the Plasmasphere Refilling Problem following Geomagnetic Storms
- A Global Data Assimilation Study of Substorms
- A Plasma Trajectory Back-Tracing Tool Based on SuperDARN Convection Patterns
- Challenges in Specifying and Predicting Space Weather
- Common-volume temperature measurements from Rayleigh-scatter and Na resonance lidars at Utah State University (41.74º N, 111.81º W)
- F-Region Neutral Winds Obtained from the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM).
- Inferring Polar Ion Outflows from Topside Ionograms
- Multimodel Ensemble Prediction System (MEPS) investigation of storm time variance characteristics across models and time
- We conduct a numerical simulation on the summer time Na density behavior in the mid-latitude E region that is modulated by tidal and gravity waves. The results reveal that large amplitude atmospheric waves change the Na variation in E region considerably. The vertical wind component of the large amplitude tidal wave can extend the Na layer above 120 km.
- Estimation of F-Region Neutral Winds using the Thermospheric Wind Assimilation Model (TWAM)
- Diurnal Variability of Earth's Dynamic Cusps
- The Space Physics and Aeronomy Curricula in the Physics Department at Utah State University
- A New Model that Determines Impact of SEP Events on HF Communications
- The Use of Normalized TEC Variations for Ionospheric Model Evaluations: Overview and Initial Result
- Toward Assimilation of Airglow Observations into Ionospheric Models: Inferring F-Region Height from Convection Information
- Using Juliusruh Ionosonde f0F2 to Validate TDIM Ionospheric Simulations Driven By a GNSS TEC-Servo