Utah State University, Space Dynamics Laboratory
flowchart I[Utah State University, Space Dynamics Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (169)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Study of Atmospheric Gravity Waves Using Coordinated Radar and Optical Measurements at Middle Latitude
- In-situ Electrodynamics Over Sprite Producing Storms
- Space-time and Spectral Structures of Sprite Halos Obtained from High-speed Photometric and Imaging Observations
- An Overview and Science Results from the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- Atomic Oxygen Depletion Measurements in a Diffuse Aurora
- Dynasonde Measurements of Ionospheric Meteor Effects
- Early Results from Stratospheric Balloon Experiment to Study Red Sprites
- Potential Ionospheric Studies from the International Space Station Using the Floating Potential Measurement Unit
- An Overview Of The SABER Experiment And Science Results
- Next Generation Plasma Impedance Probe Instrumentation Technique
- Observation and Modeling of Ionospheric Dynamics During Major Solar Flares
- Strong Electric Fields from Positive Lightning Strokes in the Stratosphere: Implications for Sprites
- FIRST - The Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere Project
- Hemispheric Differences and Evolution of the Cold Summer Mesopause Observed by the SABER Experiment on the TIMED Satellite
- In-Situ Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the MLT Region: The ATOX Resonance Fluorescence/Absorption sensor
- Global statistics of OH layer heights and double layers from SABER limb measurements of OH Meinel emission at 1.6 and 2.0 μm.
- In-Situ Measurements of Atomic Oxygen in the MALT Region: The ATOX Resonance Fluorescence/Absorption sensor
- In-situ observations of intermediate layers in the night time ionosphere
- The role of small satellites in aeronomy
- AL and Dst Predictions with the Real-Time WINDMI Model
- Advances in the design and performance of Langmuir probes and Plasma Impedance Probes built at Utah State University
- Compact Hadamard-Transform Time-of-flight Mass Spectrometer
- Comparison of GUVI 135.6nm OI radiance observations with outputs from global atmospheric models
- Effect of Interplanetary Shocks on AL and Dst Indices
- Impedance Probe Analysis of Ionospheric Plasma Properties Using a Finite Difference Time Domain Model
- MATADOR: Mars Atmosphere Tempeature And Density Orbiting Radiometer
- Space Weather Prediction Using a Hybrid Physics/Black-box Model
- The Development of a Neutral Particle Detector for Observations of the Thermosphere
- The Development of an Electron Beam Generator to Probe Connections between the Earth's Magnetosphere and Ionosphere
- Calibration of a Three Wavelength Lidar for Size Discriminated Ambient Particulate Measurement
- Determination of Absolute Plasma Electron Density and Electron Neutral Collision Frequency from Plasma Impedance Probe Measurements.
- Evaluation of Solar-Wind Magnetosphere Coupling Functions Using the WINDMI Model
- GUVI limb observations of the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- New Instrumentation for Characterizing the Moon as a Radiometric Standard for Space-based Radiometry
- Oxygen Diffusion Measurements in Unsaturated Porous Media on the International Space Station
- Phase Change Material Development and Space Qualification for Long Term IR Sensor Calibration Stability
- Aerodynamic Influence on Plama Impedance Probe Measurements in Sounding Rocket Missions
- Assessment of the Geodetic and Color Accuracy of Multi-Pass Airborne/Mobile Lidar Data
- Characterization of a Highly Emissive 10- to 100-Micron Blackbody
- CrIS EDR Validation Assessment Model: test case study using IASI and AIRS retrievals
- Dayside Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Solar Wind Driven Dynamics
- Experimental and Simulation Support for CLARREO Infrared Metrology
- Prediction of AL and Dst Indices from ACE Measurements Using Hybrid Physics/Black-Box Techniques
- Re-Calibration of Temperature Sensors Using Phase Change Cells
- Real-Time WINDMI Predictions of Geomagnetic Storm and Substorms
- The NASA STORMS Sub-Payload electric field observations
- A Milestone in Commercial Space Weather: USTAR Center for Space Weather
- Cross-Track Infrared Sounder Science Data Record Pre-launch Calibration and On-Orbit Validation Plans
- DUst Sounder and Temperature Imager Experiment (DUSTIE)
- Development of a Falling Sphere Technique for E-region Wind Measurements
- Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)
- Electric Field Wire Boom System and instrument for CubeSats
- Experimental and Theoretical Characterization of the ANDE Wind and Temperature Spectrometer (WATS)
- Heat Flow Probe for Lunar and Planetary Missions
- Mesospheric OH Airglow Zonal Trends and Periodicities Observed from SABER
- Monte-Carlo Modeling of BB Emissivity and Its Monitoring Techniques in Support of the CLARREO Mission
- Options for a Geostationary Science Demonstration Mission (GSDM)
- Versatile Langmuir Probe for Outer Planet Missions
- A New Focus Lens for Improved Energy Resolution in the Wind and Temperature Spectrometer
- ACRIM III Radiometer Cavity Reflectance at a Variety of Wavelengths across the Solar Spectrum
- Advancements in Understanding Auroral Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling from Infrared Remote Sensing
- Design and Analysis of a Getter-Based Vacuum Pumping System for a Rocket-Borne Mass Spectrometer
- Digital Array Gas Correlation Radiometry (DAGR): A New Approach to Passively Sensing the Planetary Boundary Layer
- Doppler Modulated Gas Correlation: A Leap in Temperature Sounding from Low Earth Orbit
- Expected performance of the Plasma Diagnostic Instrumentation on DICE
- Global, real-time ionosphere specification for end-user communication and navigation products
- Iridium NEXT: A Global access for your sensor needs
- Long-term Observations of Winds and Waves over Bear Lake Observatory
- The ISS as a Launch Platform for Phenomena of Interest
- Toward the Validation of Depth-Averaged Three Dimensional, Rans Steady-State Simulations of Fluvial Flows at Natural Scale
- A New Mass Spectrometer for Upper Atmospheric Measurements in the Auroral Region
- Auroral Spatial Structures Probe sounding rocket mission
- GEOScan: A Geoscience Facility from Space
- Global Observations from a Constellation of Small Satellites
- Imaging Dispersive Energy Analyzer (IDEA) for Ionosphere-Thermosphere Measurements
- Infrared Cavity Radiometer Reflectometry in Support of Total Solar Irradiance Instruments
- Photoelectrons as a tool to evaluate solar EUV and XUV model irradiance spectra
- Spectral effects of light-emitting diodes on plant growth and development: The importance of green and blue light
- Substitution of Ionosonde Data for GPS TEC Data in GAIM-GM: A Regional Study
- The GLO Instrument
- The International Space Station as a Launch Platform for CubeSats to Study Space Weather
- Comprehensive Comparison of an Ionospheric Data Assimilation Model and the International Reference Ionosphere
- DICE Mission Design, Development, and Implementation: Success and Challenges
- Exploring High-Latitude Electric Field Variability With the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Mission
- Extrapolating the Results of DICE to Constellation CubeSat Missions for Space Science
- First Temperature Observations with the USU Very Large Rayleigh Lidar: An Examination of Mesopause Temperatures
- GRIPS - The Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder
- Magnetic Field Observations from the Dynamic Ionosphere CubeSat Experiment (DICE)
- NIST Infrared Blackbody Calibration Support for Climate Change Research
- Na lidar Investigation of gravity wave forcing and its effects on tidal variability in mesopause region by nocturnal zonal momentum flux measurement and full-diurnal cycle lidar observations at Logan, UT (42N, 118W)
- Oxygen Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) Sensor for Thermospheric Temperature Monitoring from a CubeSat Platform
- Plasma density observations from the Dynamic Ionosphere Cubesat Experiment (DICE)
- Problems associated with overlaying empirical particle precipitation and plasma convection patterns
- Solar and Space Physics Science Enabled by Pico and Nano Satellites
- The Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (ATMS): First Year On-Orbit
- The Split-field Etalon Doppler Imager (SEDI) - A Compact Thermosphere Wind Profiler
- Wintertime Distributed Ozone Measurement in Utah's Uintah Basin during UBWOS 2012
- A Rocket-Borne Axially Sampling Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Investigation of the Upper Atmosphere
- Application of a Backwards Lagrangian Stochastic Model to Estimate Particulate Matter Emissions from Lidar Data
- Doubling of Ion Up-flow for Ion Outflow Calculations
- Field Tests of a Gas-Filter Imaging Radiometer for Methane, CH4,: A Prototype for Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder, GRIPS
- High-Resolution Infra-Red Imaging Studies of Mesospheric Gravity Waves (Invited)
- Making every gram count - Big measurements from tiny platforms (Invited)
- Mid-latitude Rayleigh-Mie-Raman Lidar for Observations from 15 to 120 km
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Temperatures in the Mid-Latitude Mesosphere During Sudden Stratospheric Warmings as Determined from Rayleigh Lidar Data
- The Auroral Spatial Structures Probe: Exploring Small-Scale High-Latitude Electric Field Variability
- The Geostationary Remote Infrared Pollution Sounder (GRIPS)
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- A Lidar for the Region from the Stratosphere to the Thermosphere
- CELiS (Compact Eyesafe Lidar System), a portable 1.5 μm elastic lidar system for rapid aerosol concentration measurement: Part 1, Instrument Design and Operation
- CELiS (Compact Eyesafe Lidar System), a portable 1.5 μm elastic lidar system for rapid aerosol concentration measurement: Part 2, Retrieval of Particulate Matter Concentration
- Constellation of CubeSats for Realtime Ionospheric E-field Measurements for Global Space Weather
- Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) in Alberta: A New Remote Sensing Tool for Wide Area Measurement of Particulates, CO2, and CH4 Emissions from Energy Extraction and Production Sites
- Effects of Major Sudden Stratospheric Warmings Identified in Midlatitude Mesospheric Rayleigh-Scatter Lidar Temperatures
- First Results from a New Rigid Falling Sphere Probe to Measure Winds, Density, and Temperature in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites
- Middle Atmosphere Sounder and Thermal Emission Radiometer - Master
- Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb CubeSat Experiment
- Periodically Launched, Dedicated CubeSats/SmallSats for Space Situational Awareness Through NASA Communications Networks
- The Calibration of a Large Number of Scientific Instruments for the Auroral Spatial Structures Probe Sub-Orbital Mission.
- The Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) CubeSat Observatory and the Characterization of Cloud Properties
- Topside Ionospheric Sounder for CubeSats
- A Low Noise, High QE, Large Format CCD Camera System for the NASA MIGHTI Instrument
- Analysis of the Downward Directed Far-infrared Radiances Measured by the FIRST Instrument at Table Mountain
- Design and Characterization of the CCD Detector Assemblies for ICON FUV
- Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiance Spectra Measured by FIRST at Cerro Toco, Chile
- Electronic Microchannel Plate Particle Detector Design for a CubeSat Time-of-Flight Reflectron Mass Spectrometer
- Hosting a Fourier Transform Spectrometer (FTS) on CubeSat Spacecraft Platforms for Global Measurements of Three-Dimensional Winds
- The Hyper-Angular Rainbow Polarimeter (HARP) CubeSat Observatory and the Characterization of Cloud Properties
- The Michelson Interferometer for Global High-resolution Thermospheric Imaging (MIGHTI): Final Instrument Design and Update on Integration and Test of the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Optical Profiling of the Atmospheric Limb (OPAL) CubeSat Experiment
- Advancing Low Latitude Aeronomy with the Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission
- Analyzer for Thermospheric Mixing on Space Station (ATMoSS)
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD) Mission - A New Approach to Ultraviolet Remote Sensing of Earth's Space Environment
- Global-scale Observations of the Limb and Disk (GOLD): Science Implementation
- Measured and Modeled Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiances in Very Dry Environments and Calibration Requirements for Future Experiments
- Results of Pre-launch Calibration and Planned On-orbit Operations for MIGHTI, the Thermsopheric Wind and Temperature Instrument on the Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON)
- The Ionospheric Connection Explorer (ICON) : Mission Design and Planning
- AFRL Field Campaign to study oblique HF propagation
- Adding Spatially Correlated Noise to a Median Ionosphere
- SunRISE Mission Concept Step 2 Study Status
- The Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): Quantifying the Impact of Gravity Waves on the Edge of Space
- Mesospheric Density Climatology from Rayleigh Scatter Lidar above ALO-USU
- Pre-Launch Stray Light Characterization of the Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS-2) Instrument
- The First Space-based Radio Interferometer for Solar and Space Physics: The SunRISE Mission Concept
- The ICON Far Ultra-Violet Imager
- The NOAA-20 CrIS SDR Validated Product
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- Deployment of diagnostic instruments and detection of artificial ionosphere irregularities during Arecibo HF campaigns
- Implementation of the Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- Progress in the Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE): A NASA Mission of Opportunity for Global Gravity Wave Investigations
- The Kiritimati Equatorial Ionospheric Observatory (KEIO) Project Update
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Concept
- Tracking Polar Cap Patches in a Reconstructed Ionosphere Obtained from Ground and Space Based Observations
- Developing the NASA Atmospheric Waves Experiment (AWE)
- How Empirical Models Continue to be Useful for Space Environment Modeling
- SunRISE Mission Implementation
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission
- Leveraging Natural and Anthropogenic HF Noise as an Ionospheric Sounder
- PyHydroQC: A Python Package for Automating and Streamlining Aquatic Sensor Data Post Processing
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) - Project Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE) Mission Overview
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)The SunRISE Spacecraft
- HF Absorption Predictions Using a Physics-Based Model of the D Region During the Solar Flares and Solar Proton Events of 4-17 September 2017
- NICEcube: The Nitric oxide Infrared Cooling Emissions Cubesat
- Reconstructing Polar Cap Patch Airglow Intensities using Three-Dimensional Ionospheres Obtained from Data Assimilation Models
- The Sun Radio Interferometer Space Experiment (SunRISE)
- Toward Assimilation of Airglow Observations into Ionospheric Models: Inferring F-Region Height from Convection Information