University of Kansas
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- University of Kansas, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- (U-Th)/He Geochronology of Zircon Using Nd-YAG Laser Heating
- Factors Influencing the Mobility of Microorganisms in a Small-Scale Injection and Recovery Test Performed in a Sandy Aquifer
- Ferroan Dolomite Mineralization by Iron-Reducing Bacteria
- Mass Fluxes Attending the Palagonitization of Sideromelane in Hyaloclastites From the HSDP-2 Core Hole
- Numerical Simulation of Ground-Water Salinization in the Arkansas River Corridor, Southwest Kansas
- Toward A 3-D Picture of Hydraulic Conductivity With Multilevel Slug Tests
- A High-resolution Digital ice Thickness map of Jakobshaven Isbrae, Greenland
- Crustal Density as a Control on the Location and Timing of Mafic Volcanic Eruptions in an Extensional Setting
- Effect of Non-Instantaneous Release of Air Pressure on Pneumatic Slug Tests
- Implementation and compatibility of a North American Volcanic and Plutonic rock database (NAVDAT)
- Mass balance attending gel palagonitization of hyaloclastites in the HSDP 2 Phase 1 core
- A High Speed, Long-Range Mobile Communications Link for use in Polar Regions
- Comparison of U-series ages with (U-Th)/He apatite ages at Damavand Volcano, Iran
- Formation And Exhumation Of High Pressure Metamorphic Rocks From Oman: New Constraints From U-Pb Dating Of Zircon And Rutile
- Geophysical Techniques Applied to a Stream-Aquifer System
- Heterogeneity and Stream-Aquifer Interaction in an Unconsolidated Aquifer
- Neotectonics of the Panamint Valley fault zone: Active slip on a low-angle normal fault system
- Results of an Iridium-Based Data Communication System Providing Internet Access to Polar Expeditions
- Surface Penetrating Radar Simulations for Jupiter`s Icy Moons
- The Prototype Interactive Ground-water Tutor: A New Tool for Computer Assisted Instruction in Secondary and Undergraduate-level Earth and Environmental Science Education
- Velocity change and ice discharge from Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers
- Web-based Tools for Educators: Outreach Activities of the Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) Project
- A Climate Driven Speleothem Stable Isotope Model
- Assessing Impacts of Land Use Change on Carbon Dynamics via Soil Organic Matter Distribution and Stable Isotopic Composition
- Auroral and Non-auroral X-ray Emissions from Jupiter: A Comparative View
- Building an Integrated View of Antarctica Using Products from the Radarsat Antarctic Mapping Project
- Building the EarthChem System for Advanced Data Management in Igneous Geochemistry
- Chandra Observations of Soft X-ray Emissions from Earth and Jupiter
- Considerations for a Radar System to Detect an Ocean Underneath the Icy Shell of Europa
- Continental Collision Model Development: Example from Kohistan, NW Himalayas
- Delineating Hydraulic Conductivity with Direct Push Electrical Conductivity and High-Resolution Slug Testing
- Detrital Record of Phanerozoic Tectonics in Iran: Evidence From U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
- GAMBIT--Gamburtsev Aerogeophysical Mapping of Bedrock and Ice Targets During IPY
- Gravity Study of the Fish Lake Valley Area, Nevada.
- INMS Observations of Titan's Upper Atmosphere on 26 OCT 2004
- Measuring a Small Hydraulic Gradient in the Presence of Noise
- Monitoring Playa Hydrology using LANDSAT Imagery
- Processing Ultra-Shallow Reflection Data in Areas with Laterally Varying Velocities
- Stable Isotopic Records of the Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Consequences of mid-Cretaceous (Aptian-Albian) Oceanic Anoxic Events
- The Curious Decoupling of Magmatism and Plate Tectonics During the Cenozoic in Western North America: Insight From the NAVDAT Database
- Towards the Quantitative Characterization of Fractures Using GPR
- Trace metal mobility and microbial community structure in tropical soils: examples from adjacent forest and grassland ecosystems
- Ultra Wideband Radar Mapping of Near Surface Internal Layers: Systems, Results and Analysis
- Understanding the Causes of Mid-Cretaceous Warming: Implications of Terrestrial Carbonate Isotope Data on Latent Heat Transport and Methane Fluxes During the Albian
- δ <SUP>13</SUP>C and δ <SUP>15</SUP>N Values of Soil Organic Matter Over Drought and Non-drought Affected Elevation Gradients in Ethiopia: Calibrating for Environmental Reconstruction
- 3-D Autojuggie: Automating Deployment of Two-Dimensional Geophone Arrays for Efficient Ultra-Shallow Seismic-Reflection Surveys
- Characterizing High-Resolution Aquifer Heterogeneities Using Borehole Radar and Multi-Level Point Velocity Probes
- EarthChem: International Collaboration for Solid Earth Geochemistry in Geoinformatics
- Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity: Hydraulic Tomography and High-Resolution Slug Tests
- Evaluation of NEXRAD Precipitation Estimates for the Missouri River Basin using Daily Raingage Data
- Geochemical and Textural Investigation of an Archean Paleosol, South Roberts Pit, Steep Rock Area, Ontario, Canada
- Glaciers and Ice Sheets Mapping Orbiter
- Gravity Study of the Queen Valley Pull-Apart Basin, Western Nevada
- High-Resolution Paleotempestology: Proxy Models for Reconstructing Interannual-Decadal Variations in Pre-Historic Tropical Cyclone Frequency and Intensity
- Ideas on the Cenozoic Evolution of the Colorado Plateau Mantle Based on Geophysical Observations, Mantle Xenoliths, Magmatic Patterns, and Rock Uplift and Exhumation
- Initiation of Convective Precipitation in Complex Terrain Under Reduced Moisture Conditions
- Polar Gateways to Exploration of Icy Worlds in the Solar System
- (U-Th)/He Apatite Age Data From the Inyo Mountains, California: Implications for the Timing of Extension and Dextral Slip Rates Along the Western Boundary of the Basin Range Province/Eastern California Shear Zone
- Controls on Biogeochemical Cycling in a Turfgrass Ecosystem
- DOC Cycling in Ancient Tropical Lake Matano
- Electromagnetic Scattering Model Performance Assessment of the Global Ice Sheet Mapping Orbiter Concept
- Episodic Mio-Pliocene rifting in south-central Tibet. Thermochronometric constraints from the Xainza rift
- Exhumation of the Shillong Plateau and its Influence on Himalayan Tectonics
- Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with aerogeophysical surveys during the IPY
- GeoFrame Walker Lane: Overview, Rationale, and Objectives
- Geometry and Kinematics of the Lopukangri Fault System: Implications for Internal Deformation of the Tibetan Plateau
- Ground Penetrating Radar Imaging of the Emigrant Peak Fault Zone and Alluvial Fan
- Hydraulic Tomography Using Oscillatory Pressure Waves
- Increasing Groundwater CO2 and Other Solutes Under Tallgrass Prairie, Northeastern Kansas, USA
- Magnetite (U-Th)/He dating and its application to basalt geochronology
- March 2006 Arctic AMSR-E sea ice validation campaign: Coordinated in-situ, aircraft, and satellite measurements
- Methanobactin-Promoted Dissolution of Cu-Substituted Borosilicate Glass
- Microbial Weathering of Peridotites by a Tropical Cyanobacterial Mat
- Mobile Line-of-Sight Radio Propagation Modeling for Polar Regions
- Nucleation and Precipitation of Low-Temperature Dolomite by Methanogens
- Radar Sounding of Jacobshavn and Other Outlet Glaciers
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier Changes in West Greenland From Multispectral ASTER Imagery
- Sea Ice Thickness Measurements by a Wideband Penetrating Radar
- Shallow Seismic Reflection Study of Recently Active Fault Scarps, Mina Deflection, Western Nevada
- Spatial Scaling of Water and Energy Fluxes in a Tall-Grass Prairie
- Spatial and Temporal Strain Distribution Along the Central Red Sea Rift - A Study of the Hamd-Jizil Basin in Saudi Arabia
- Strategies for Exposure Dating Coarse Alluvium Strain Markers
- Subglacial topographic effects on the geothermal heat flux of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Ice-bed Interface
- Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Impacts of an Aptian-Albian Carbon Cycle Perturbation
- The Development of an Uninhabited Aircraft System for Remote Sensing in the Cryosphere
- The EarthChem Deep Lithosphere Dataset: Digital Access to Mantle Xenolith Petrological Data
- The Longgur-Shan Detachment System, west central Tibet: An Example of an Active Low- Angle Normal Fault?
- The West Salton Detachment Fault, Salton Trough, California: a Primary Low-Angle Normal Fault in an Evolving Dextral Wrench Zone
- The fate of Pb during dissimilatory iron reduction
- Thermochronological investigation of the timing of rifting and rift segmentation in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt
- Thermochronometric Constraints on Long-Term Landscape Evolution in the Grand Canyon Region, Arizona.
- Thermochronometric Constraints on the Timing and Geometry of Extensional Faulting in the Whipple and Iron Mountains, Colorado River Extensional Corridor
- Timing of Cenozoic E-W Extension in the Tangra Yum Co-Kung Co Rift, south-central Tibet
- Which is Better: NEXRAD or Gage?
- A Laboratory Tank Experiment to Investigate the Effects of Microbial Growth on Water Flow and GPR Wave Propagation
- A need for more realistic ice-sheet models
- Advancing Active Source Seismic Methods for Exploration of the Cryosphere
- Array Processing for Radar Clutter Reduction and Imaging of Ice-Bed Interface
- Assessment of the rutile (U-Th)/He thermochronometry on the KTB drill hole, Germany
- Community-Based Development of Standards for Geochemical and Geochronological Data
- Crustal geothermal controls on ice sheet dynamics of Greenland
- Development of Genetic Occurrence Models for Geothermal Prospecting
- Development of a Next Generation Polar Multidisciplinary Airborne Imaging System for the International Polar Year 2007-2009
- Do Zircon age Spectra Record Magmatic Cyclicity at Soufrière (Saint Lucia, Lesser Antilles)?
- Exhumation and Uplift of the Shillong Plateau and its Influence on the Eastern Himalayas: new Constraints From Apatite and Zircon (U-Th-[Sm])/He and Apatite Fission Track Analyses
- Fault Slip Partitioning in the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane Belt: Pliocene to Late Pleistocene Contraction Across the Mina Deflection
- Field and Laboratory Investigations of Enhanced Biological Activity Influencing Groundwater Velocity and Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
- Global MHD studies of Titan's interaction
- He diffusion and (U-Th)/He thermochronometry of rutile
- Hydraulic Tomography Study Involving the Singular Value Decomposition Method
- Investigation of the Impacts of Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture on Convective Precipitation in the Central Plains
- Microbial Biomass and Community Structure of a Stromatolite from an Acid Mine Drainage System in Western Indiana
- Near-Surface Seismic Reflection and GPR Imaging of the Active Emigrant Peak Fault, Fish Lake Valley, NV
- Observations From Fieldwork and (U-Th)/He Thermochronologic Study of the Central Arabian Flank of the Red Sea Rift System
- Precision Satellite Orbit Derived Total Density
- Questioning the Sedimentary Paradigm for Granites
- Rapid Late Miocene Exhumation in the Central Alps, Constrained by (U-Th)/He and Fission Track Thermochronology
- Relating GPR Signal Response to Fracture Fluid Salinity
- Results From the SHARAD Sounding Radar Experiment at Mars
- Structural Observations From the Tangra Yum Co, Lunggar Shan, and Lopu-Kangri Rift Systems, Southern Tibet
- Temperate Ice Depth Sounding Radar (TIDSoR)
- Titan's magnetospheric interaction
- U/Pb Rutile Dating in Granulite-Facies Rocks by LA-ICP-MS
- VEIL: A New Frontiers Class Mission Concept for Exploring Venus
- Variation in Scintillometer and Eddy Tower Footprints and Implications for the Validation of Satellite Derived Energy Fluxes in Heterogeneous Terrain
- A calving law for ice sheet models; Investigating the role of surface melt on dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers
- Active Orogen Parallel Strike-Slip Faulting in the Lower Dolpa Region, Northwest Nepal: Implications for Expansion of the Himalayan Arc
- Assessing Precipitation Flux in Low Layer Clouds Using Doppler Radars.
- Characterization of Deep Internal Layers and Basal Conditions Around the WAIS Divide Drill Site by Surface-Based Radar
- Constraint on Basal Conditions in the Onset Region of Jakobshavn Isbrae, Greenland, through Seismic Amplitude Variation with Offset (AVO) Analysis
- Density Variations Observable by Precision Satellite Orbits
- Distribution of Warm Season Precipitating Storms in the Southern Great Plains
- EarthChem and SESAR: Data Resources and Interoperability for EarthScope Cyberinfrastructure
- East Greenland Glacier Dynamics: An Interdisciplinary Study of Helheim Glacier
- Evidence of Seismic Anisotropy Detected on Jakobshavn Glacier
- Fault Mechanics and Active Strain Along the Garlock Fault in SE California
- Fine Root Responses to Soil Warming at Harvard Forest: Seasonal and Long-term Effects
- Firn and Shallow Ice Profiling at Jakobshavn Glacier Using Dispersed Seismic Surface Waves
- GPR-Measured Tracer Breakthrough in a Sandstone Bedding-Plane Fracture
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for IPCC 5th Assessment
- High Recurrence Rate of Paleotsunamis in Southeastern Sri Lanka
- Hydraulic Tomography Using A Sinusoidal Signal To Characterize Aquifer Hydraulic Conductivity
- Hydrothermal Alteration of Hyaloclastites Adjacent to Sill-Like Intrusives in the HSDP 3-km Core Hole.
- Ice Sheet Roughness Estimation Based on Impulse Responses Acquired in the Global Ice Sheet Mapping Orbiter Mission
- Ice Stream Shear Margin Basal Melting, West Antarctica
- Long-Term Exposure of Tropical Soils to Pressure Treated Lumber, Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Impacts on Soil Metal Mobility and Microbial Community Structure
- Neotectonics of the Lopukangri Fault System Using Remote-Sensing Observations
- New Constraints on Late Pleistocene - Holocene Slip Rates and Seismic Behavior Along the Panamint Valley Fault Zone, Eastern California
- New Constraints on the Timing and Magnitude of Deformation and Basin Exhumation in the Eastern Cordillera of NW Argentina.
- Radar Sounding of Fast-Flowing Glaciers
- Reconstructing the history of major Greenland glaciers since the Little Ice Age
- Responses of Plant Respiration to Pleistocene Changes in Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations
- Simple Scaling Relationships of Coalescence Processing Obtained From Simulations of Trade Cumulus
- Small County: Development of a Virtual Environment for Instruction in Geological Characterization of Petroleum Reservoirs
- Soil Warming and Carbon Release: Varying Patterns of Organic Matter Breakdown Across Five Ecosystems
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Snow Accumulation From Radio Echo Eounding, Summit, Greenland
- Teaching the Principles of Geomicrobiology and the Process of Experimental Research
- Temperate Ice Depth-Sounding Radar
- The methane cycle in tropical Lake Matano: An analogue for Precambrian methane cycling?
- Using HSDP Samples to Evaluate the Staudigel et al. Model of Euendolithic Microbial Alteration of Marine Basalt Glass: A Peek at the Unseen Majority
- Using Magnetic Remanence Parameters to Reconstruct Past Precipitation From Buried Soils.
- A Multi-Scale Information Theory Approach to Assess Spatial-Temporal Variability in Daily Precipitation and Temperature
- A field test of the rolling hinge model: Example from the Lunggar extensional system
- AGAP: Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with Aerogeophysical Surveys during the IPY
- Assessment of the uncertainty budget in Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) characterization of the Happy Canyon fault scarp, Panamint Valley, southeastern California
- Automatic Ice Thickness Estimation from Polar Subsurface Radar Imagery
- Building an Interactive Educational Exercise Using the Open-Source Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- Characterizing Mafic, Clay, and Carbonate Components found in MRO/CRISM Images in Libya Montes, Mars, using Advances in Automated Gaussian Modeling of Spectral Features
- Connecting Scientists with K-12 Educators to Confront Climate Change in the Classroom: An Effective Teacher Professional Development Model
- Density Variations Observable by Precision Satellite Orbits from CHAMP and GRACE
- Development of the EarthChem Geochronology and Thermochronology database: Collaboration of the EarthChem and EARTHTIME efforts
- EarthChem: Next Developments to Meet New Demands (Invited)
- Energetics of Titan’s Ionosphere: Model and Cassini Data Comparisons
- Environmental controls on calving events in Greenland
- Erosion-driven environmental degradation in Tigray, Ethiopia
- Geochemistry and alteration patterns in the early Mesozoic Cordilleran arc and arc-related rocks: evidence for sources of detritus in continental successions
- Geodetic observations of short-time-scale changes in glacier flow at Helheim and Kangerdlugssuaq Glaciers, East Greenland
- Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the Period 1500-2100 for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Ice, Ice, Baby: A Program for Sustained, Classroom-Based K-8 Teacher Professional Development
- In-situ U/Pb rutile dating by LA-ICP-MS: 208Pb correction and prospects for thermochronological applications
- Interannual physiological responses of glacial trees to changes in atmospheric [CO2] since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Interoperability of Databases in the Cyberinfrastructure for Geochemistry: Identifying and Retrieving Related Records Between LEPR and EarthChem
- Investigating subglacial landscapes and crustal structure of the Gamburtsev Province in East Antarctica with the aid of new airborne gravity data
- Kinematics of the Himalayan arc from GPS geodesy and structural geology
- Late Pleistocene Slip Rates Along the Panamint Valley Fault Zone, Eastern California
- New Aerogeophysical exploration of the Gamburtsev Province (East Antarctica)
- New Quaternary slip-rate estimates for the central Garlock fault in SE California - Evidence for large transient slip-rates
- Nonlinear Ecosystem Responses to Variable Precipitation Timing and Magnitude Using a Low-dimensional Modeling Framework
- Ocean tides modulation of flow at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, observed using GPS
- Potential for Biomarkers in Phyllosilicate-bearing Rocks at Mawrth Vallis, Mars
- Preliminary Analysis of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Morphology from AGAP Airborne Radar Data
- Preliminary neotectonic shortening rates across the eastern Foothills of the Colombian Andes: Examples from the Yopal region of the Llanos basin
- Process-Response Numerical Modeling in Carbonate Systems - Current Status and Importance (Invited)
- Radar Reflectivity Changes of Rock Surfaces due to Thermally-Activated Charge Carriers: Contributing to the Understanding of the Magellan Venus Radar Reflectivity Data
- Reconstruction of Greenland Ice Sheet Changes from Laser Altimetry Measurements
- Response of Benthic Macroinvertebrate Communities to Increases in Sediment Supply from Dam Removal
- Role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier instability: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier (Invited)
- Structural and Temporal Evolution of the Chinese Pamir Constrained Along two Orogen Perpendicular Transects
- Subglacial lake outburst floods and Antarctic ice dynamics (Invited)
- Surface Melt and its Effect on Helheim Glacier Dynamics
- Swath Measurements of Ice Sheet Bottom Topography and Radar Reflectivity
- Tectonic development of the SW Arabian Plate margin within the central Arabian flank of the Red Sea rift system
- Terrestrial LiDAR Measurements on a Large East Greenland Outlet Glacier
- The East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (Invited)
- The Impact of Data Density on Interpolation Methods Used to Develop a Digital Elevation Model of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains in East Antarctica
- The mid-Cretaceous water-bearer revisited: Quantification of a greenhouse hydrologic cycle in the Americas
- Three-dimensional visualization of the Jakobshavn Isbrae catchment region
- Timing and Style of Deformation in the Floresta Massif, Axial Eastern Cordillera, Colombia
- Tracking the influence of global change on soil organic C: opportunities and challenges
- Using Seismic Anisotropy to Detect Mean Ice Crystal Orientation in the Jakobshavn Glacier
- View of the MIS 2—MIS 1 transition from paleosol archives within loess of the North American central Great Plains
- Zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometry in the KTB drill hole, Germany - Implications for He diffusion in zircon
- 3D Imaging Radar for Deep Ice Core Site Selection
- A Glacier Bed DEM for Jakobshavns Trough as Input for Dynamic Ice Sheet Models
- A Global Average Titan Dayside Ionosphere Model: Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Airborne and terrestrial lidar imaging and analysis of the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture
- Alternatives to Dam Building: Deindustrialization and the Redevelopment of Waterways in the Northeast During the Twentieth Century
- An Assessment of the AMSR-E Snow Depth on Sea Ice Algorithm Using the March 2006 Arctic Field Campaign Aircraft Measurements
- An Ultra Wide-Band Radar Altimeter for Ice Sheet Surface Elevation and Snow Cover Over Sea Ice Measurement
- An implicit particle filter for large dimensional data assimilation problems
- An integrated radar and seismic analysis of basal roughness beneath upper Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Apatite (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry as an innovative Geothermal Exploration Tool - A case study from the Wassuk Range, Hawthorne, Nevada
- Atmospheric Density Corrections Estimated from Fitted Drag Coefficients
- Comparing surface and mid-troposphere CO2 concentration and fluxes from central U.S. grasslands
- Constraining Late Cretaceous Terrestrial High-Latitude Water Using Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Pedogenic Siderite and Dinosaur Tooth Enamel: A Multi-proxy Approach
- Contrasts between urban and rural climate under climate change scenarios (Invited)
- Damming of Russell Fiord by Tidewater Hubbard Glacier, Alaska: Role of Subglacial Meltwater in Preventing Closure in 2010
- Elucidating GPR Response to Biological Activity: Field and Laboratory Experiments
- Flow Characteristics of Tidewater Glaciers in Greenland and Alaska using Ground-Based LiDAR
- GPS measurements of flow variations at a large Greenland outlet glacier due to ocean tidal forcing
- Glacier melting in a stratified ocean: Observations from outlet glaciers in Greenland (Invited)
- Greater absolute rates of N2O production and consumption with soil warming dwarf variations in denitrification enzyme temperature sensitivities across seasons
- High resolution, long term reconstruction of surface evolution in northwestern Greenland for investigating dynamic glacier behavior
- Information theory approaches to scaling of land-atmosphere interactions (Invited)
- Inter-annual and intra-seasonal flow variability of Hubbard Glacier - an advancing tidewater glacier in SE Alaska
- Investigating role of ice-ocean interaction on glacier dynamic: Results from numerical modeling applied to Petermann Glacier
- Late Cenozoic N-S shortening across the central Garlock fault in Pilot Knob Valley, California - Implications for structural and kinematic relations with the Panamint Valley fault system
- Late Miocene - Pliocene rifting in west-central Tibet: Evidence from (U-Th)/He thermochronology of the North Lunggar Rift
- Linking Trace Element Characteristics to U-Pb Ages of Accessory Minerals by In-Situ Analyses: Metamorphic Zircon Growth and Modification (Invited)
- Mapping Pine Island Glacier's Sub-ice Cavity with Airborne Gravimetry
- New Aerogeophysical Insights Into the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Enigma
- New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community (Invited)
- Observations of subtidal circulation variability in Sermilik Fjord, Greenland, and its impact on ice-ocean interactions
- Onset of oblique extension in south-central Tibet by 15 Ma: implications for diachronous extension of the Tibetan Plateau
- Persistent and Pervasive Basal Freeze-on: Implications for the Preservation of the Oldest Ice
- Preliminary Structural and Thermochronological Observations from the South Lunggar Rift, Western Tibet
- Quantifying the influence of melt on velocity variations at a large Greenland outlet glacier
- Radar surveys of snow depth over Arctic sea ice during Operation IceBridge (Invited)
- Soil Carbon Change During Fifty Years of Old-Field Forest Development
- Stable-Isotope Perspectives on Holocene Environmental Change at Archaeological Sites in the Middle Tanana Valley, Interior Alaska
- Stress-Activated Electromagnetic Emission and Reflection from Gabbro and Gabbro-Diorite
- Tectonomorphic evolution of the Eastern Cordillera fold-thrust belt, Colombia: New insights based on apatite and zircon (U-Th)/He thermochronometers
- Terrestrial LiDAR analyses of coseismic surface deformation from the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapa Earthquake (Invited)
- The CReSIS Radar Suite for Measurements of the Ice Sheets and Sea Ice during Operation Ice Bridge
- The Effect of Prairie Fires on the Magnetic Properties of Modern Soils at Konza Prairie, Kansas
- The Global Hydrologic Cycle Contribution to Polar Warmth During the mid-Cretaceous Revealed by Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Pedogenic Carbonates (Invited)
- The role of vegetation fraction on the thermodynamics of the land surface
- Time-lapse photography yields new insights into Greenland outlet glacier dynamics (Invited)
- Uncertainty Associated with Harmonization of Global Land-Use Scenarios for the 5th IPCC Assessment
- Warming, nitrogen availability and site variation interact to govern soil microbial substrate choice and CO2 release along a boreal forest transect
- What Was the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Cretaceous Arctic Precipitation?
- Wideband radar for airborne measurements of snow thickness on sea ice
- a New High-Resolution Chronology of Megadrought Following the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and Little Ice Age in the Central Great Plains, USA
- 3D Imaging Radar for Deep Ice Core Site Selection
- A 75 ka Stalagmite Paleoclimate Record from Northern Venezuela
- A Multiple thermochronometer approach reveals post 12Ma tectonic activity in the foreland basin of the Northern Alps
- A Soft X-Ray Imager for the Earth's Magnetosphere
- Accumulation rates across Pine Island and Thwaites Glaciers, West Antarctica
- Active Folding of the Tame Anticline, Eastern Foothills, Colombian Andes
- Active Structures in the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen: Relationship between pre-existing structures, igneous activity, and modern deformation rates.
- Assessing GPR Signal Polarization for 3D Imaging of Fracture Flow Channels
- Assessing coseismic slip variation with terrestrial lidar scans of the 4 April 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah surface rupture
- Assessing the Geographical and Climate Space Distributions of Extreme Weather Events
- Assessing the Implications of Changing Extreme Value Distributions of Weather on Carbon and Water Cycling in Grasslands
- Calibration of low-grade metamorphic indicators with low-T thermochronometers: A test case from the western U.S
- Collaboration of EarthChem and EARTHTIME to Develop a Geochronology and Thermochronology Database
- CryoSat Validation Experiment (CryoVEx) 2011 Radar Penetration Study
- Derivation and Validation of Snow Depth over Arctic Sea Ice by Integrating Snow Radar, Airborne Topographic Mapper, and In-Situ Measurement Data from the Greenland 2009 IceBridge Campaign
- Early Cretaceous pCO2 changes estimated from a calcrete succession in the North American foreland basin, Utah, USA
- Effects of climate change on the intensity and frequency of hot spells in northeastern Spain during the 21st century
- Evolution of Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka with Implications for Arc Pluton Growth
- Ground-based measurements on Austfonna, Svalbard, for validation of the CryoSat-2 SIRAL data
- Improved Characterization of the Jakobshavn Isbræ Catchment Region through Analysis of Radar Depth Sounder Data
- Interannual physiological and growth responses of glacial Juniperus to changes in atmospheric [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Interpretation of water-well hydrographs: New insights from an old "tool"
- Joint Seismic and Radar Analysis of the Subglacial Environment of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Late Miocene - Pliocene development of the North Lunggar Rift: Implications for the onset of strike-slip faulting and constrictional strain in central Tibet
- Leaf δ15N as a temporal integrator of nitrogen-cycling processes at the Mojave Desert FACE experiment
- Maximizing data holdings and data documentation with a hierarchical system for sample-based geochemical data
- Mineralization of organic matter with warming in boreal forest soils is influenced by nitrogen dynamics
- Morphostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy, and Evolution of Alluvial Terraces Within the Kansas River Valley, Kansas, USA
- Near surface water layer discovered within the Greenland Ice Sheet during winter conditions from firn cores, ground based radar, and Operation IceBridge radars
- New Chronologies of Dune Activation Extracted from the Central Great Plains
- Part 2: (U-Th)/He data from the Kung Co rift-Middle to Late Miocene Extremely Rapid Exhumation, Southern Tibet
- Preliminary results from a regional climate modeling framework for investigating North American climate extremes
- Primary Ion Production Rates in Titan's Ionosphere
- Quantification of the temperature sensitivity of three substrate-enzyme pairings of soil-ecological relevance
- Quaternary N-S shortening across the Garlock fault in Pilot Knob Valley, California
- Rapid dynamic thinning events during 1985-2010 on Upernavik Isstrøm, West Greenland
- Release of AGAP Aerogeophysical Data through the Integrated Earth Data Applications Facility
- Revised mass budget of hot spots in Greenland and Antarctica using IceBridge and other data
- Seismic and Gravity Investigation of the Eastern Boundary of the Santo Domingo Basin, Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Slab Rollback and Subduction Erosion Model for the North Pamir - Alai Intracontinental Subduction Zone
- Temporal Scales of Mid-Tropospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>, Precipitation, and Vegetation Phenology in the US Great Plains
- The Mars Global Subsurface Sounder: A Mission Optimized for the Volatile and Geologic Characterization of the Martian Subsurface
- The Qaidam Basin and Northern Tibetan Plateau as Dust Sources for the Chinese Loess Plateau, Determined by U-Pb Detrital Zircon Provenance
- The gap between ice-penetrating radar observations and the boundary conditions used in ice-sheet models
- The influence of methane seeps on the paleoecology and geochemistry of the Western Interior Seaway of North America: evidence from C and Sr isotopes in well-preserved shells of a seep fauna from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Pierre Shale
- The spatial and temporal shifts of biofuel production in the ecosystem-level carbon and water dynamics in the central plains of US
- Time Periods of Unusual Density Behavior Observed by GRACE and CHAMP
- Time-series of scarp modification on the 2010 El Mayor-Cucapah earthquake rupture from repeat terrestial LiDAR surveys
- To live or to die? Evidence of variable drivers of wood d13C reveal different responses to disturbance in co-occurring oaks
- Tomographic Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity with a Sinusoidal Signal
- Trace elemental nano-imaging of monazite and zircon using synchrotron radiation induced XRF: new insights into polyphase evolution
- Urban modeling over Houston in support of SIMMER
- δ<SUP>37</SUP>Cl and δ<SUP>81</SUP>Br fractionation during evaporation in the Alkaline Lakes Region, Sand Hills, Nebraska
- A Global Digital Database and Atlas of Quaternary Dune Fields and Sand Seas
- A New 1064 nm Ground-Based LiDAR Instrument for Quantifying Dynamic Glacier Processes; First Results From Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- A comparison of age-depth scales derived from shallow ice cores and an FMCW radar in West Antarctica
- Active low-angle (?) normal faulting along the North Lunggar rift, western Tibet
- Advancing Long Tail Data Capture and Access Through Trusted, Community-Driven Data Services at the IEDA Data Facility
- Airborne radar surveys of snow depth over Antarctic sea ice during Operation IceBridge
- Assessing bioturbation using micromorphology and biosilicate evidence: A case study of the early-Holocene Brady Soil, central Great Plains, USA
- Assessing the impacts of changing precipitation and temperature extremes on the current and future ecohydrology of grassland ecosystems
- Automatic Near Surface Estimation from Radar Imagery
- Cassini INMS Observations of Ions and Neutrals in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Coastal Adaptation: The Case of Ocean Beach, San Francisco
- Comparison between historical yield and soybean crop EVI values using correlation map
- Crustal uplift due to ice mass variability on Upernavik Isstroem, west Greenland
- Evaluating a Thermodynamically Based Metric of Sustainability
- Field GPR Monitoring of Flow Channeling in Fractured Rock
- Field Measurement of Fracture/Matrix Heat Exchange using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing
- Fracture Detection in Alluvial Fan Deposits Using Near-Surface Seismic Reflection Techniques
- Growth and Stability of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Recorded in the Landscape of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains
- How quickly do earthquakes get locked in the landscape? One year of erosion on El Mayor-Cucapah rupture scarps imaged by repeat terrestrial lidar scans
- Impacts of altered agricultural land cover patterns on carbon and water cycling in the central plains of the U.S
- Implicit particle filters and applications
- Improved assessment of P-T paths from combined Zr-in-rutile thermometry and major phase element zoning: An example from UHT granulites of the Gruf Complex, Central Alps
- Investigating Greenland Ice Sheet response to external forcing from laser altimetry record (1993-2011)
- Last Glacial Maximum Development of Parna Dunes in Panhandle Oklahoma, USA
- Late Cenozoic sedimentation in Pilot Knob Valley, California
- Late Permian Forest Composition And Climate Revealed From High-Resolution Carbon Isotopes In Fossil Tree Rings
- Linking Cretaceous Continental Climate Change and Ocean Anoxic Events: Evidence from the Xiagou Formation of Gansu Province, China
- Magmatic Activity and Crustal Melting During Orogenesis: Laser-ablation U-Pb Geochronology of Dike and Leucosome Generations in Granulites of the Gruf Complex, Central Alps
- Microbial biofilms control economic metal mobility in an acid-sulfate hydrothermal system
- Multi-Frequency Airborne Radar Measurements of Outlet Glaciers and Ice Streams
- Multichannel Coherent Radar Depth Sounder/Imager Data Products Over the Greenland Ice Sheet as Part of NASA's 2012 Arctic IceBridge Campaign
- Multiple indices of soil nitrogen status and temperature regulate microbial C allocation to CO<SUB>2</SUB>, substrate choices, and contributions to SOM
- New, High-Resolution Spatio-Temporal Accumulation Rate Measurements and Their Validation of Climate Models and Implication for the Recent Sea-Level Contribution from West Antarctica
- Spatial and Temporal Complexities of Current Great Plains Dunefield Chronological Data
- Subglacial Dynamics of Northeast Greenland - Results from Observations of Refrozen Basal Ice and Large-Scale Modelling
- Teaching about time by understanding Geologic Time Scales: The Geological Society of America Geologic Time Scale and its history
- Temperature effects on microbial respiration assessed with CO2-exchange and continuous culture techniques
- Temperature sensitivity of organic substrate decay varies with pH
- The Impact of Temporal Aggregation of Land Surface Temperature Data for Urban Heat Island Monitoring
- The Paleoclimatic Record of Pedogenic Siderites: Validation by Modern Process Studies and New Applications to the Cretaceous Arctic
- The relationship between ice velocity and bed topography on Byrd Glacier, Antarctica
- Tracking Spatial and Temporal Changes in the Discontinuous Permafrost Zone using Multi-Resolution Analysis
- Use of Persistent Identifiers to link Heterogeneous Data Systems in the Integrated Earth Data Applications (IEDA) Facility
- Variation in 20th Century Weather Extremes as a function of Biome
- Warming Alters the Routing of Labile and Slower-Turnover Carbon Through Distinct Microbial Groups in Boreal Forest Organic Soils
- A High-Resolution Stalagmite Holocene Paleoclimate Record from Northern Venezuela with Insights into the Timing and Duration of the 8.2 ka Event
- A collaborative characterization of North American grasslands and rangelands: climate, ecohydrology and carbon sink-source dynamics
- A warmer climate induces greater temperature sensitivity in boreal forest organic horizon soil respiration
- Are There Spatial or Temporal Patterns to Holocene Explosive Eruptions in the Aleutian Archipelago? A Work in Progress
- Are boreal forest soil losses balanced by increased inputs along a climate transect?
- Boreal forest soil erosion and soil-atmosphere carbon exchange
- Can we use remotely sensed land surface temperatures to evaluate and improve model simulations of the urban heat island?
- Constraining the recent mass balance of Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers, West Antarctica with airborne observations of snow accumulation (Invited)
- Constriction and Pliocene acceleration of east-west extension in the North Lunggar rift region of west-central Tibet
- DataONE - Supporting Scientific Analysis for the Long Term
- Destabilization of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Diagnosing time scales of flux tower-model agreement as a function of environmental regime
- Effects of temperature and substrate stoichiometry on microbial specific respiration rate, carbon use efficiency, and 13C fractionation
- Evidence for xylem adaptations to drought in ancient Cordaites of the Carboniferous
- Examining the Physical Drivers of Photosynthetic Temperature Sensitivity Within a Sub-alpine Mixed Conifer Forest
- Facing the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains: What other ranges do they look like?
- Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon within Soils across a Boreal Forest Ecosystem Latitudinal Transect
- Fusion of multi-sensor surface elevation data for a better characterization of rapidly changing outlet glaciers in Greenland
- Geomorphic Response to Flat Slab Subduction along the Eastern Foothills of the Colombian Andes
- Geostatistical Procedures for Developing Three-Dimensional Aquifer Models from Drillers' Logs
- Global imaging of solar wind-magnospheric coupling through soft X-rays
- IMPACT: Integrated Modeling of Perturbations in Atmospheres for Conjunction Tracking
- Impact of prairie management on turbulent transport of carbon and water fluxes during drought
- Increased temperature sensitivity of carbon turnover is not observed in boreal forest soil pools from a warmer climate (Invited)
- Insights from preliminary modeling and observational evaluation of a precipitating continental cumulus event observed during the MC3E field campaign
- Interactive effects of temperature and exo-enzyme age on substrate decay vary between C- and N-acquiring enzymes (Invited)
- Investigating the mechanisms of surface-bound functional groups in overcoming kinetic barriers to the precipitation of ordered dolomite at low temperature (Invited)
- Leveraging Industry-Standard Metadata to Populate a Semantic Registry Suitable for the Model Web
- Linking microbial exo-enzyme production to biomass stoichiometry, resource availability and soil respiration
- Linking the Annual Variation of Snow Radar-derived Accumulation in West Antarctica to Long-term Automatic Weather Station Measurements
- Microbial Biomass Distribution and Compositional Changes Associated with a Warmer Climate in Boreal Forest Soils
- Microbial nitrogen metabolism: response to warming and resource supply
- Modeling Urban Systems in an Earth System Model (Invited)
- Monitoring Tidewater Glacier Processes Using A Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Comparative Results From Helheim Glacier Southeast Greenland and Hubbard Glacier Southeast Alaska
- Monitoring fjord circulation using iceberg-mounted GPS as real-time drifters
- New Radiocarbon Dates on Upper Mid-West Proboscideans: Determining Date Robustness
- Provenance of the upper Miocene-Pliocene red clay deposits of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Quantifying and interpreting the changes in forces during the major retreat of Kangerlussuaq Glacier in South-East Greenland using a 2D force balance analysis
- Question of uncertainty : Transitioning from hurricanes to the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in coastal Louisiana
- Radiostratigraphy of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Remote Detection of Urban Intensity for Climate Change Impact Assessments
- Solar cycle modulation of Titan's ionosphere
- The Cassini Radio Science Observations of the Enceladus Plasma Cloud
- The Relationship Between Lower Tropospheric Stability and Marine Stratiform Cloudiness From Seasonal to Daily Time Scales
- Titan's plasma environment and ionosphere during the T85/T42/T32 magnetosheath encounters (Invited)
- Using GRACE measurements of time variable gravity, elevation changes from ICESat, OIB and ENVISAT and surface mass balance outputs from RACMO to improve ice mass balance estimates
- A new artificial recharge approach using direct push wells for aquifer storage and recovery in near-surface aquifers: A case study in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas
- An Empirical Approach to Modeling Ion Production Rates in Titan's Nightside Ionosphere
- Assessing the Impact of Landscape Evolution on Carbon Dynamics: A Coupled Physically-Based Modelling Approach
- Basal Melt Under the Interior of the Greenland Ice Sheet: Comparison of Models, Deep Ice Cores, and Radar Observations
- Boreal forest soil nitrous oxide production and consumption responds positively to temperature and a warmer climate
- Boundary Conditions for Aeolian Activity in North American Dune Fields
- Building Interactive Visualizations for Geochronological Data
- Case Study in the Santa Susana Mountains: Observing Discontinuities Using Non-invasive Surface Wave Methods
- Continuous Monitoring of Greenland Outlet Glaciers Using an Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning System: Design, Development and Testing at Helheim Glacier
- Controls on Helheim Glacier calving rates from 2001-2014
- DECADE Web Portal: Integrating MaGa, EarthChem and GVP Will Further Our Knowledge on Earth Degassing
- Decoupling of U-Pb and Trace Element Behavior of Rutile During High-temperature Metamorphism
- Determining Firn Compaction Rates Using Repeat-Track Radar Surveys in West Antarctica and Greenland
- Discriminating Sediment Supply versus Accommodation Controls on Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, central Utah using Detrital Double Dating
- Disentangling Climate and Land-use Impacts on Grassland Carbon and Water Fluxes
- Effects of altered soil moisture on respiratory quotient in the Edwards Plateau
- Elucidating the effects of dam restoration on hydrologic patterns in streams and tributaries
- Evaluation of Warm-Rain Microphysical Parameterizations in Cloudy Boundary Layer Transitions
- Evolutionary History Underlies Plant Physiological Responses to Global Change Since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Fracture Flow Channel Imaging Using Cross-Polarized GPR Signals
- GETSI Project: Using geodetic data to each about changes in ice mass and sea level in introductory courses
- Geochemical effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection on produced water chemistry at an enhanced oil recovery site in the Permian Basin of northwest Texas, USA: Preliminary geochemical and Li isotope results
- Guiding Empirical and Theoretical Explorations of Organic Matter Decay By Synthesizing Temperature Responses of Enzyme Kinetics, Microbes, and Isotope Fluxes
- Hydrostratigraphic Drilling Record Assessment (HyDRA): Assessing the Consistency and Quantitative Utility of Water Well Drillers' Logs
- IEDA Thesaurus: A Controlled Vocabulary for IEDA Systems to Advance Integration
- IEDA: Making Small Data BIG Through Interdisciplinary Partnerships Among Long-tail Domains
- Implicit sampling for data assimilation
- Implicit sampling for parameter estimation
- In situ rutile petrochronology: texture-related T, Paleoproterozoic inheritance and a Pan-African overprint in the oldest subduction-related eclogites, Usagaran Orogen, Tanzania
- Investigation of Urban Heat Stress from Satellite Atmospheric Profiles
- Ion and Electron Sensor Observations on Photoelectrons and Coma Development at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Land-Atmosphere Coupling Investigated Across Scales
- LiDAR and IFSAR-Based Flood Inundation Model Estimates for Flood-Prone Areas of Afghanistan
- Limitations of polynomial chaos in Bayesian parameter estimation
- New Ca-Tims and La-Icp Analyses of GJ-1, Plesovice, and FC1 Reference Materials
- Ocean and Atmosphere Forcing of Larsen Ice Shelf Thinning
- Oceanic forcing of Helheim Glacier, Greenland: a 5 years synthesis
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN: A Link to the Extended Exosphere of Mars
- Petrogenetic connections between volcanic rocks and intrusive suites in the California arc - toward an integrated model for upper-crustal magma system evolution
- Processing time-series point clouds to reveal strain conditions of the Helheim Glacier terminus and its adjacent mélange
- Quantifying Quaternary Deformation in the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes Using Cosmogenic Nuclide Geochronology and Fluvial Geomorphology
- Radar Detections of Buried Supraglacial Lakes Across the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Runoff Routing Beneath Marine-terminating Glaciers in Central West Greenland
- Seismic Tremor Reveals Subglacial Discharge at Tidewater Glaciers
- Shining a light on the Deep and Dark: complementary seismic and radar measurements of glacier beds
- Spatial Variability in Surface Elevation Changes of Central-West Greenland Outlet Glaciers
- Testing Predictive Skill of Groundwater Flow and Transport Simulations
- The Challenges for Persistence with Two-Year College Student Transfers and How One Survey Attempts to Identify Pathways of Success for Geoscience Students
- The Greenland Ice Sheet in Three Dimensions
- The Interplay of Regolith Evolution and Watershed Hydrodynamics on Shale Weathering Fluxes
- The Ocean's Role in Outlet Glacier Variability: A Case Study from Uummannaq, Greenland
- The Role of Cold Pools in Mesoscale Organization of Shallow Cumulus and Congestus
- The Rosetta Ion and Electron Sensor (IES) Measurement of the Development of Pickup Ions from Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- The Structure of Titan's Ionosphere from 10 Years of Cassini Measurements: Solar Cycle and Saturn Local Time Dependence
- The precipitation of keV energetic oxygen ions at Mars and their effects during the comet Siding Spring approach
- Thermal Expansion of Fluorapatite-Chlorapatite Solid Solutions
- Tidewater Glacier Velocities from Repeat Ground-Based Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Time for Ecosystem and Geoscientists to Hybridize their Sciences
- Two-Phase Development of the Nevadaplano, Western Nevada and Southern California, from Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- UAS-Based Radar Sounding of Ice
- Understanding the Role of Interannual Variability and Momentum Transfer on Wind Energy
- Understanding the Role of Wind in Reducing the Surface Mass Balance Estimates over East Antarctica
- Urban Landscape Metrics for Climate and Sustainability Assessments
- Using Icebergs to Constrain Fjord Circulation and Link to Glacier Dynamics
- Velocity and Energy Distributions of Water Group Ion Around the Enceladus Plume
- A novel approach to improving the reconstruction of bed elevation with special consideration of bathymetry at the ice/ocean interface of the Greenland ice sheet
- A synthesis of the thermal state of the bed of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Advanced Cyberinfrastructure for Geochronology as a Collaborative Endeavor: A Decade of Progress, A Decade of Plans
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Passive Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Observing Subsurface Discontinuities
- Aging Reservoirs in a Changing Climate: Examining Storage Loss of Large Reservoirs and Variability of Sedimentation Rate in a Dominant Cropland Region
- Allocation changes buffer CO<SUB>2</SUB> effect on tree growth since the last ice age
- Alteration of Basalt and Hyaloclastite in the Project Hotspot MHC-2 Core with Some Comparison to Hyaloclastites of the Hawaii Scientific Drilling Program #2 (HSDP) Core
- Beauty and the beast: Some perspectives on efficient model analysis, surrogate models, and the future of modeling
- Bed topography of Jakobshavn Isbræ, Greenland from high-resolution gravity data
- Benchmarking Accumulation Rates across the Greenland Ice Sheet using its Shallow Radiostratigraphy
- Boron isotopes at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
- Calculating Freshwater Input from Iceberg Melt in Greenlandic Fjords by Combining <em>I</em>n Situ Observations of Iceberg Movement with High Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Can we predict the response of large sand bed rivers to changes in flow and sediment supply? The case of the Missouri River.
- Characterizing Observations of Cometary Electrons with Kappa Distributions
- Characterizing the potential for fault reactivation related to CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection through subsurface structural mapping and stress field analysis, Wellington Field, Sumner County, KS
- Community-based Approaches to Improving Accuracy, Precision, and Reproducibility in U-Pb and U-Th Geochronology
- Complex terrain in the Critical Zone: How topography drives ecohydrological patterns of soil and plant carbon exchange in a semiarid mountainous system
- Development of Structural Geology and Tectonics Data System with Field and Lab Interface
- Discriminating Sediment Supply Versus Accommodation Controls on Late Cretaceous Foreland Basin Stratigraphic Architecture in the Book Cliffs, Central Utah Using Double Dating
- Effects of Fire on Net Radiation and Evapotranspiration in a Mature Forest Plot in Para State, Eastern Brazilian Amazon
- Effects of temperature on microbial transformation of organic matter - comparing stories told by purified enzyme assays, chemostat experiments and soils
- Electron Energetics in the Martian Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with MAVEN Data
- Estimating stream discharge from a Himalayan Glacier using coupled satellite sensor data
- Geologic evidence of a leaky Antarctic Ice Sheet: Tracking meltwater influence on ice-sheet retreat in the Ross Sea, Antarctica since the Last Glacial Maximum
- Gravity and Seismic Investigations of the Northern Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico
- Groundwater flux characterization using distributed temperature sensing: Separating advection from thermal conduction
- High-resolution, terrestrial radar velocity observations and model results reveal a strong bed at stable, tidewater Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
- Holocene to Neogene tectonics in central Washington: assessing seismic hazards from the geomorphic, geologic, and paleoseismic record of the Yakima Folds
- How Direct Flux Measurements Can Improve Infiltration Estimates in Ephemeral Streams
- Impact of Dynamical Downscaling on Model Representation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength
- Impacts of drought, woody encroachment, and gap-filling technique on estimated land-atmosphere coupling strength and scale
- Incorporating Geodetic Data in Introductory Geoscience Classrooms through UNAVCO's GETSI "Ice Mass and Sea Level Changes" Module
- Investigating the Response of Greenland Outlet Glaciers to Perturbations Using a 1D Flowline Model
- Long- and short-term temperature responses of microbially-mediated boreal soil organic matter transformations
- Long-term Autonomous Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using a Long-Range Terrestrial LiDAR Scanner; Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Modeling Subglacial Meltwater Plumes across Greenland's Outlet Glaciers: Implications for Ice-Ocean Coupling in a Warming Climate
- Modeling experiments on the deceleration and reactivation of Kangerlussuup Sermusa, West Greenland
- Non-Linear Dynamics Approach to Assessing Woody-Encroachment in Grasslands
- Observational constraint of drizzle properties and processes in large-eddy simulations from two models with size-resolved microphysics
- Observations of Dynamic Changes at an Advancing Tidewater Glacier: Hubbard Glacier, Southeast Alaska
- Observed Spatial and Temporal Variability of Subglacial Discharge-Driven Plumes in Greenland's Outlet Glacial Fjords
- Overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results
- Oxygen Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN Outside the Martian Bow Shock
- Patterns of Rapid Deceleration Observed at Two Tidewater Outlet Glaciers in West Greenland
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from the Martian atmosphere: new insights from MAVEN
- Pickup Ions in the Plasma Environments of Mars, Comets, and Enceladus
- Prediction of Water-level Changes and Water Use in the High Plains Aquifer from Radar Precipitation
- RPC-IES observations of the development and variability of plasma interaction regions near 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Radar-Inference of the Basal Properties and Englacial Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Recurring, year-round, icequakes at a Greenland tidewater glacier
- Relaxation Time Distribution (RTD) of Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) data from environmental studies
- Remote Sensing of Snow-covered Sea Ice with Ultra-wideband Airborne Radars
- Response of Different Antarctic Outlet Glacier Types to Perturbations at Their Boundaries
- Science-Grade Observing Systems as Process Observatories: Mapping and Understanding Nonlinearity and Multiscale Memory with Models and Observations
- Seismic Imaging of Sub-Glacial Sediments at Jakobshavn Isbræ and NEEM Greenland
- Solar Ionizing Radiation at Mars: Predictions vs. MAVEN Observations
- Spatial Elevation Changes Observed at Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland, and Comparison with Kangerlussuaq Glacier and Jakobshavn Isbræ
- Spatio-temporal Variability in the Glacier-Ocean Boundary in Central West Greenland
- Stability measures in arid ecosystems
- Teaching Freshmen About Water, Energy, Food, the Environment, and Public Policy in an Interactive Classroom
- The Dependence on Topography of the Influence of Soil Erosion and Deposition on the Carbon Cycle at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory
- The Role of Sea Level Rise and in Situ Carbonate Accumulation on the Morphodynamic Evolution of a Carbonate Tidal Channel. The Case of the Bahamas Islands.
- Understanding How Nested Reaction Fronts under Watersheds Impact Flow, Transport, and Geomorphological Evolution: the Shale Hills Example
- Understanding Land-Atmosphere Coupling and its Predictability at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Understanding the Concentration-Discharge Relationship of Chloride and Magnesium in Shale Hills Using RT-Flux-PIHM
- Understanding the land-atmospheric interaction in drought forecast from CFSv2 for the 2011 Texas and 2012 Upper Midwest US droughts
- Using WITCH to determine the factors that govern shale weathering and solute fluxes in the Critical Zone
- Variability of subglacial discharge recorded with thermal infrared timelapse of a tidewater glacier, West Greenland
- Variations in Titan's Ionospheric Densities over a 10 Year Time Period of the Cassini Mission
- <p>Structural diversity of water-limited savanna and ecosystem response to climatological variability
- 3D Imaging and Automated Ice Bottom Tracking of Canadian Arctic Archipelago Ice Sounding Data
- A Multi-scale Diagnostic Framework for Investigating Temporal Variability in Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- A modern soil carbon stock baseline for the conterminous United States
- A statistical approach to estimating the geothermal heat flux in Greenland using the global heat flow dataset, ice sheet modeling, and ice core data
- Adjacent fjords and glaciers respond differently to ice sheet surface melt in West Greenland
- An Integrated Assessment of Basal Scattering and Topographic Roughness Information Derived from Greenland Radar-Sounding Data
- Assessing the Impacts of Fire on Water-Use Efficiency in Grasslands in Eastern Kansas Combining Satellite and Eddy Covariance Data
- Bed Degradation and Sediment Export from the Missouri River after Dam Construction and River Training: Significance to Lower Mississippi River Sediment Loads
- Bed Topography of Jakobshavn Isbræ and Helheim Glacier, Greenland from High-Resolution Gravity Data Combined with Other Observations
- Biomass-C specific temperature responses of microbial C transformations reveal consistency regardless of microbial community structure across diverse timescales of inquiry
- Building a Cloud-based Global Snow Observatory
- Bulk Soil Organic Matter d<SUP>2</SUP>H as a Precipitation Proxy
- Climate Process Team "Representing calving and iceberg dynamics in global climate models"
- Climate Warming Can Increase Soil Carbon Fluxes Without Decreasing Soil Carbon Stocks in Boreal Forests
- Cometary Electron Heating Driven by Solar Wind Interaction with the Coma
- Connecting the U-Th and U-Pb Chronometers: New Algorithms and Applications
- Continuous Pressure and Temperature Monitoring in Lower Arbuckle Saline Aquifer in Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas - Response to the M5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
- Controls on Seasonal Terminus Positions at Central West Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Cross-Instrument Radar Sounding Synthesis: Characterizing Basal Conditions Across the Amundsen Sea Embayment
- Data assimilation with improved prior models
- Densified Stream Measurement Network Modeling at Continental and Local Scales
- Dependence of Photochemical Escape of Oxygen at Mars on Solar Radiation and Solar Wind Interaction
- Different formulations of microbial respiratory losses and microbial efficiency have pronounced short and long term consequences for soil C dynamics and soil respiration
- Ecological Methods Reveal New Microfossil Signals of Cyclone Activity in a Tropical Reef Setting
- Examining the Role of Local Climate Zones in Urban Heat Island Assessment Using Remotely-Sensed Data
- Exploring Nested Reaction Fronts to Understand How Oxygen Cracks Rocks, Carbonic and Sulfuric Acids Dissolve Rocks, and Water Transports Rocks during Weathering
- GPR Phase Response to Fracture Saline Tracers
- GPR for detecting buried animal bones in controlled sandbox experiments
- Geophysical monitoring of organic contaminants in sediments
- Glacier geometry sets inland thinning limits around Greenland
- Ground-Truthing a Next Generation Snow Radar
- Groundwater residence time and aquifer recharge in mutilayered, semi-confined and faulted aquifer systems using environmental tracers
- HF/VHF Dual-Frequency Sounding of Temperate and Fast-flowing Glaciers
- High-Resolution Tidewater Glacier Monitoring Using Automated Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR; Year One Results, Helheim Glacier, Southeast Greenland
- Hydrogeochemical Synchrony Drives Chemostatic Behavior in Stream Chemistry
- Identification of biogeochemical hot spots using time-lapse hydrogeophysics
- Increased electron pressure as possible origin of magnetic field dropouts observed by RPC-MAG of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Integrating Geomorphic and Social Dynamics in the Analysis of Anthropogenic Landforms: Examining Landscape Evolution of Terrain Modified by Agricultural Terracing
- Integrating models that depend on variable data
- Interoperability Across the Stewardship Spectrum in the DataONE Repository Federation
- Interpreting δ<SUP>15</SUP>N in Soil Profiles: Insights From the N-Isotopes of Amino Acids
- Investigating glacier stability and grounding line migration under variable bed slopes, using a 1-D flowline model
- Investigating near-glacier circulation and plume theory with high-resolution fjord surveys in West Greenland
- Large basal crevasses as a proxy for historic subglacial flooding events on Byrd Glacier
- Local processes and regional patterns - Interpreting a multi-decadal altimetry record of Greenland Ice Sheet changes
- MAVEN observations of electron temperatures in the dayside ionosphere at Mars
- Martian Electron Density and Temperatures Below 200 km as a Function of Solar Irradiance Input
- Modeling the Impact of Fjord-glacier Geometry on Subglacial Plume, Wind, and Tidally-forced Circulation in Outlet Glacier Fjords
- Monitoring the Increase in Seismicity in South-Central Kansas
- Mountain-Front or Mountain-Block Recharge? Unravelling the Origin of Water in Basin Aquifers
- New Developments in ET_Redux Algorithms and Software for LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology
- Numerical Simulation of Missouri River Bed Evolution Downstream of Gavins Point Dam
- Observation of the March 17, 2016 Solar Storm in the Inner Magnetosphere by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Instrument.
- Photochemical escape of oxygen from Mars: constraints from MAVEN in situ measurements
- Plasma Environment Around Comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko at its Perihelion
- Probing the Martian Exosphere and Neutral Escape Using Pickup Ions Measured by MAVEN
- Projecting Soil Feedbacks to Atmospheric CO2 Following Erosion and Deposition on Centennial Timescales in Two Contrasting Forests: A Study of Critical Zone-Atmosphere Exchange
- Quantification of Petrophysical Properties and Their Correlations with Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Spectral Induced Polarization Responses in Carbonate
- Quantifying the Uncertainties of MODIS GPP and ET Products under Different Land Cover Types across North America
- RBSPICE Observations of the March 17, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
- Rapid Turnover and Minimal Accretion of Mineral Soil Carbon During 60-Years of Pine Forest Growth on Previously Cultivated Land
- Relating isotopic composition of precipitation to atmospheric patterns and local moisture recycling
- Routine Mapping of the Snow Depth Distribution on Sea Ice
- Sediment Mixing in the Holocene and Late Wisconsin Mississippi Source-To System Using Detrital Zircons
- Statistical observations of martian 20-30 eV photoelectrons by MAVEN/SWEA
- Strabo: An App and Database for Structural Geology and Tectonics Data
- The Konza Prairie, Northeast Kansas, USA: The hydrologic evolution of a merokast landscape
- The Shallow-to-Deep Transition in Convective Clouds During GoAmazon 2014/5
- The covariability of North American land-atmosphere coupling strength and rainfall characteristics in reanalyses
- Topographic Modulation of Ice-Ocean Interactions
- Understanding identifiability as a crucial step in uncertainty assessment
- Unexpected Diurnal Variations in Electron Temperature in the Mars Ionosphere
- Unique Elevation Change Pattern Observed Over Shear Zones at Similarly Behaving Outlet Glaciers in SE Greenland
- Using Isotopic Age of Water as a Constraint on Model Identification at a Critical Zone Observatory
- Using Large-Eddy Simulation to Explore Microphysical Precursor Conditions for Precipitation Initiation in Marine Stratocumulus
- Using the Geochron Database for Data Preservation and Exploration of Geothermal Resources
- Using the Landlab toolkit to evaluate and compare alternative geomorphic and hydrologic model formulations
- Utility of Satellite Remote Sensing for Land-Atmosphere Coupling and Drought Metrics
- "Analysis of Van Allen Probes lapping data using Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)"
- A Coupled Community-Level Assessment of Social and Physical Vulnerability to Hurricane Disasters
- A Nuclear Waste Management Cost Model for Policy Analysis
- A Single Deformed Bow Shock for Titan-Saturn System
- A Systematic Procedure to Describe Shale Gas Permeability Evolution during the Production Process
- A new earthquake monitoring method? Change in shear-wave anisotropy as a tool to monitor induced seismicity in Kansas and Oklahoma
- A varied subglacial landscape under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Accessing National Water Model Output for Research and Application: An R package
- Activities, Animations, and Online Tools to Enable Undergraduate Student Learning of Geohazards, Climate Change, and Water Resources
- Agricultural Intensification in the Brazilian Agricultural-Forest Frontier: Land Use Responses to Development and Conservation Policy
- Allogenic and Autogenic Signals in the Detrital Zircon U-Pb Record of the Deep-Sea Bengal Fan
- An All Sky Instantaneous Shortwave Solar Radiation Model for Mountainous Terrain
- An Investigation of Land-Atmosphere Coupling from Local to Regional Scales
- Assessing Water-use Relationships in a Perennial Kernza Field
- Assessment of attenuation processes in a chlorinated ethene plume by use of stream bed Passive Flux Meters, streambed Point Velocity Probes and contaminant mass balances
- Beta Testing StraboSpot: Perspectives on mobile field mapping and data collection
- Can Runoff Responses be Used to Predict Aquatic Biogeochemical Fluxes from Boreal Forest Ecosystems?
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Characterization of Nanoscale Gas Transport in Shale Formations
- Credit where credit is due: indexing and exposing data citations in international data repository networks
- DataONE: Gateway to Earth and Environmental Data Repositories
- Desert and groundwater dynamics of the Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, southeast Utah
- Detecting frontal ablation processes from direct observations of submarine terminus morphology
- Determining pore size distribution in oomoldic carbonate using NMR and SIP joint inversion
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian Sediment Transport and Tectonics, Southwestern Kansas and Northwestern Arkansas
- Developing Community-Focused Solutions using a Food-Energy-Water Calculator, with Initial Application to Western Kansas
- Deviations of Atmospheric Coastal Flow from the Open-channel Hydraulics Analogy
- Direct push injection logging for high resolution characterization of low permeability zones
- Elucidating the development of the basal Tertiary unconformity from a synthesis of regional thermochronologic data
- Endmembers of Ice Shelf Melt
- Environmental System Science Data Infrastructure for a Virtual Ecosystem (ESS-DIVE) - A New U.S. DOE Data Archive
- Evaluating Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange With A New Point Measurement Device
- Fate of ice grains in Saturn's ionosphere
- Field Testing of an In-well Point Velocity Probe for the Rapid Characterization of Groundwater Velocity
- Flow of Energy through the Inner Magnetosphere during the March 17, 2015 solar storm as observed by the Van Allen Probes Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- Formulating qualitative features using interactive visualization for analysis of multivariate spatiotemporal data
- From the Classroom to the Field: Intervention Training to Address Sexual Harassment in the Geosciences
- Ground-Penetrating Radar Study of Fort Morgan Peninsula Holocene Beach Ridges as Sea-level Indicators
- IEDA Integrated Services: Improving the User Experience for Interdisciplinary Earth Science Research
- Iceberg distribution around the Greenland Ice Sheet from Sentinel-1 imagery
- Illuminating pathways of forest nutrient provision: relative release from soil mineral and organic pools
- Importance of Ambipolar Electric Field in the Ion Loss from Mars- Results from a Multi-fluid MHD Model with the Electron Pressure Equation Included
- Importing, Working With, and Sharing Microstructural Data in the StraboSpot Digital Data System, Including an Example Dataset from the Pilbara Craton, Western Australia.
- Interactive Ice Sheet Flowline Model for High School and College Students
- Investigating surface chemistry-controlled dolomite precipitation in saline, alkaline, and dilute waters
- Investigating textural controls on Archie's porosity exponent using process-based, pore-scale modelling
- Investigating the Sustainability of Perennial Agriculture
- Juno/JEDI observations of energetic particles in Jupiter's polar magnetosphere
- Landcover Classification Using Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
- Let's Make Data Count
- Linking Calving Behavior and Iceberg Distributions in Greenland Fjords
- MAVEN Pickup Ion Constraints on Mars Neutral Escape
- Modeling of Jovian Auroral Polar Ion and Proton Precipitation
- Numerical Simulation of Electrical Properties of Carbonate Reservoir Rocks Using µCT Images
- Perennial flow through convergent hillslopes explains chemodynamic solute behavior in a shale headwater catchment
- Possible linkage between supernovae, increased terrestrial lightning, and wildfire activity in the Late Miocene and Early Pleistocene
- Pressure Balance and Plasma Transport in the Topside Ionosphere of Mars
- Satellite Derived Seafloor Bathymetry and Habitat Mapping on a Shallow Carbonate Platform: Campeche Bank, México.
- Saturn's Ionosphere: Cassini/INMS In Situ Measurements and Model Comparisons
- Seismic Reservoir Characterization for Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> EOR at the Mississippian Reservoir in South-Central Kansas
- Soil Bulk Density by Soil Type, Land Use and Data Source: Putting the Error in SOC Estimates
- Soil weathering agents are limited where deep tree roots are removed, even after decades of forest regeneration
- Surface Elevation Change of Transantarctic Outlet Glaciers using Historical Aerial Imagery and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry
- Tectonic Evolution of the Izmir Ankara Suture Zone in Northwest Turkey Using Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Zircon Lu-Hf Isotopic Tracers
- The 230Th correction is the 1st priority for accurate dates of young zircons: U/Th partitioning experiments and measurements
- The Effects of Assimilating Various Data into General Circulation Models on Model Output Density
- The Impact of Land-Atmosphere Coupling on the 2017 Northern Great Plains Drought
- Three summers of high-resolution, high-accuracy velocity data of Helheim Glacier, as measured by an automated terrestrial LiDAR scanner: methods, challenges, and applications
- Triassic North American paleodrainage networks and sediment dispersal of the Chinle Formation: A quantitative approach utilizing detrital zircons
- Upper crustal extension of Tibet and the High Himalaya - Implications for landscape development, the internally drained Tibetan plateau, and the Yarlung-Tsangpo River
- Using local climate zone classifications to assess the influence of urban morphology on the urban heat island effect
- A Novel Algorithm for Deriving Volcanic Eruption Ages from U-Pb Zircon Dates
- A large impact crater beneath the ice in northwest Greenland
- A low permeability extension of Hydraulic Profiling Tool: challenges and solutions
- ADVANCEGeo Partnership: Building a Sustainable Toolkit for Bystander Intervention Training to Improve Workplace Climate
- ADVANCEGeo: Building partnerships to transform workplace climate
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Automated shear-wave analysis of earthquakes in Sumner county, south-central Kansas reveals temporal anisotropy changes
- BedMachine Antarctica v1: a new subglacial bed topography and ocean bathymetry dataset of Antarctica combining mass conservation, gravity inversion and streamline diffusion
- Carbon isotopes reveal signals of the Anthropocene in soil carbon pools deep within the critical zone
- Centering Native Voices within Atmospheric Sciences: An Inquiry into Opportunities and Challenges Experienced by Native Students and Junior Scholars
- Continuous Terrestrial LiDAR data of Helheim Glacier to quantify ice-ocean interactions
- Data Management Skillbuilding Hub: Community Created Materials for Students and Educators
- Data assimilation with stochastic reduced models quantifying model error
- Data re-use: Tools for producing and displaying data provenance across DataONE repositories
- DataONE on the web: Using and JSON-LD to enhance data search and access
- Deriving Neutral Density Profiles of the Mars Atmosphere from MAVEN/SEP Measurements of Scorpuis-X1 X-ray Occultations
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on the Timing, Pace, and Drivers of Exhumation in the Hinterland of the North American Cordillera
- Development of climate-dependent pedotransfer functions for predicting soil hydraulic properties
- Evolution of porosity and permeability during carbonate precipitation
- Facilitating and Improving Environmental Research Data Repository Interoperability
- Farm Land Assessment Using Deep Fully Convolutional Neural Networks
- Fingerprints of Climate Change in the Detrital-Zircon U-Pb Record of the Deep-Sea Bengal Fan?
- Forecasting effects of climate and land use on terrestrial water dynamics, soil development, and biogeochemical cycling
- Foreshock Electron Impact Ionization at Mars: Consequence on Neutral Exosphere
- Growing an Interoperable Network of Trusted Repositories through DataONE
- High-Latitude environments in a warming world—Examining floristic diversity and changes across the Permian-Triassic Boundary
- High-Resolution Characterization of Aquifer Structure Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements
- Human resilience to geological hazards and climatological unrest in the Islands of Four Mountains, Aleutian Arc, Alaska
- Ice Crystal Orientation Fabric Determined from Polarimetric Ice-Penetrating Radar Interferometry
- Ice shelf shear margins and sub-ice-shelf channels: Investigating stability impacts on Pine Island Glacier
- Improving the precision and accuracy of ion counter TIMS and MC-ICPMS measurements using a hierarchical Bayesian approach: Beam interpolation revisited
- Influence of Asymmetries in the Magnetic Draping Pattern at Titan on the Emission of Energetic Neutral Atoms
- Inverting topography for landscape evolution model process representation
- Jupiter X-Ray Aurora: Evidence from Juno
- Linking Miocene-Pliocene Provenance Signals of the Ancestral Brahmaputra River of the Indo-Burman Ranges with Associated Deepwater Deposits of the Bengal and Nicobar Fans
- Linking the U-Th and U-Pb Chronometers: Utilizing Mass Spectrometry and New Age Equation Algorithms
- Linking the presence and function of denitrification genes to whole river estimates of denitrification in response to a large-scale nitrogen enrichment of the Kansas River (USA)
- Magnetospheres of the Outer Planets: Auroral X-Ray Emission
- Make Data Count by Shifting the Culture of Data Publication and Citation through Reproducible Data Papers
- Make Data Count: Data as a First-Class Research Output
- Making agriculture sustainable using local renewable energy
- Midlatitude Oceanic Cloud Precipitation Properties as Sampled By the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Observatory
- Modeling Economic and Behavioral Drivers of Agricultural Conservation Actions in the Minnesota River Basin and Coupled Human-Natural Policy Scenarios
- Monitoring of the enzyme induced calcite precipitates simultaneously with spectral induced polarization and bender elementtechnique
- MoonDB: Maximizing the Scientific Impact of Lunar Sample Data
- Multi-Model Optimization of Field and In-Channel Management Actions in Agricultural Watersheds to Reduce Nitrate, Phosphorus, and Sediment Loads
- New Detrital Zircon Analytical Techniques: Insights from the Sevier Foreland Basin System and the Salt Wash Member of the Jurassic Morrison Formation.
- Nitrate Removal in a Phreatic Karst Conduit: Estimating Nitrification and Denitrification Rates using Stable Isotopes and Numerical Modeling
- Nuclear magnetic resonance signals of unsaturated clay sediments
- Optimizing Wetland Restoration in River Networks for Nitrate Removal
- Patterns in soil organic carbon deficit across the Conterminous US
- Plasma Flow in Saturn's Equatorial Ionosphere as Observed by Cassini
- Post-Collisional Deformation of the Anatolian Orogeny, Turkey: Insights from Geochronology and Sedimentology of the Saricakaya Basin, Western Anatolia
- Potential enhancement of relative phosphorus limitation in a warming world: Rising temperatures may not promote bioavailability of organic matter-derived phosphorus in soils
- Probing Ion Precipitation at Jupiter's Poles Through Dynamic X-ray Spectra
- Quantifying Tidewater Glacier Surface Displacements Using Autonomous Multi-Temporal Terrestrial LiDAR Scanning; Helheim Glacier Greenland
- Raman spectroscopy of calcite-group minerals
- Rapid alterations in continental-scale soil macroporosity driven by climate
- Rapid shifts in soil hydraulic properties induced by decadal-scale precipitation change
- Saturn's ionosphere and D ring electrodynamic interaction using RPWS/LP measurements from the Cassini Grand Finale
- Spatio-Temporal Patterns of Albedo and the Responses to Canopy Fraction, Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature in the Greater Kansas City Area
- StraboSpot System for Collecting and Sharing Field and Laboratory Data
- Subglacial bed topography using machine learning and geostatistical analysis applied to 2D and 3D radar sounding
- The Relative Sensitivity of Forest Productivity to Landscape Position vs. Microtopography
- The evolution of a large glacier surge of Vavilov Ice Cap, Severnaya Zemlya, since 2013
- Tidal Pumping as a Driver of Diagenetic Processes in Coastal Systems of Puerto Rico and Saudi Arabia.
- Topographic controls on marine-terminating glacier dynamic response in Greenland
- Tree carbon investments and soil phosphorus dividends: How do rooting systems maximize P acquisition while being thrifty with their carbon?
- USAPECS: a national ECS network in the global context
- Using Raman Spectroscopy to Determine an Ore Mineral's Economic Value
- Zoogeomorphic Structures as Water-Level Indicators in Coastal Settings
- 60-Year Surface Elevation Changes of Major Transantarctic Mountain Outlet Glaciers
- A Multi-Geophysical Study of an Old Stream Valley at Kaiwi Coast (O'ahu, Hawai'i), using Ambient Noise Surface Wave Tomography and Self-Potential Data
- Active subglacial water storage detected at Helheim Glacier, southeast Greenland, through detailed elevation reconstruction
- An Open Source Tool For Test and Evaluation of Dataset Publishing
- Analysis of the Temperature Dependency of NMR Signals for Clays under Various Saturation and Salinity Conditions
- Analytical Investigations of Permeability for Ultra-Tight Reservoir Rock Based on BET Adsorption Isotherm
- Anthropogenic Declines in Deep Roots Constrain Deep Soil Organic Carbon Forms and Fluxes
- Application of sedaDNA to Differentiate Between Ancient Arctic Material Cultural Traditions
- Aptian-Albian clumped isotopes from the Xiagou and Zhonggou Formations, northwest China: Cool summer temperatures and regional shifts in hydrologic cycle
- Assessing Ancient Plant Community Shifts in Response to Climate and [CO<SUB>2</SUB>] Change through aDNA Metabarcoding of Packrat Fecal Pellets
- Automated iceberg detection around the Greenland Ice Sheet: bimonthly results from 2016 to 2018
- Automating iceberg detection in Greenland using deep learning on high to moderate-resolution optical imagery
- Basal Conditions under Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica, using IceBridge Radar Data and Models
- Beyond Bibliographic Citation: Provenance and Dependency Metadata for Complex Research Objects
- Characterizing the variability and co-variability of the microphysical properties of marine boundary layer clouds: In situ measurements from ACE-ENA and implication for climate models
- Constraining geochemical and microbiological controls on mineralization and morphology of calcifying microbial mats on the southwest shore of Puerto Rico.
- Deep glacial troughs and stabilizing ridges hidden beneath the ice around the coast of Antarctica
- Deep learning of Tornado Disaster Scenes using Unmanned-Aerial-Vehicle (UAV) Images
- Development of a High-Resolution Site Characterization and Dynamic Monitoring Approach Using the Point Velocity Probe Suite of Tools
- Direct and indirect impacts of basal channels on ice-shelf stability
- Disentangling Fire and Climate Impacts on Water and Carbon Cycling in Grasslands
- Do we need to account for dynamic changes in subsurface plumbing to project blue water stocks and fluxes?
- Effects of carbonate dissolution on NMR and spectral induced polarization spectra
- Evaluating Use of Water and Renewable Energy in Agricultural Areas: A Coupled Simulation of DSSAT and Agent-Based Modeling
- Evaluation of subsiding cloud shells in sheared environments and associated impacts on entrainment/detrainment
- Evidence for Recent Dextral Slip along the Western Nepal Fault System in northwest Nepal
- Exploring the Impact of Classroom Space Design on Student Attitudes and Success: A Case Study of an Active Learning Organic Chemistry Course
- Factors Governing Cloud Growth and Entrainment Rates in Shallow Cumulus and Congestus During GoAmazon 2014/2015
- Farming for human health and a smaller dead zone: How agricultural conservation practices, climate change, and subsurface drainage intensification affect nitrate loads in Iowa
- Fast permeability estimation for sandstone and carbonate reservoir rocks by 3D Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network with uncertainty quantification
- First evapotranspiration results from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission
- Glacier weather vs glacier climate: At what scale do we need to parameterize calving?
- How does hydrologic connectivity on hillslopes mantled by soils with shrink-swell properties respond to changing precipitation patterns?
- How does the conversion of a restored prairie to a perennial cropping system affect the carbon and water fluxes?
- Hydrogeophysical investigations of merokarst aquifers in the Flint Hills, Kansas
- Identifying disturbed watersheds using 20 years of MODIS data and Google Earth Engine
- Impact of Seasonal Variabilities and Synoptic Conditions on Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Properties over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Improved water distribution estimation in merokarst system using surface and borehole nuclear magnetic resonance
- Intelligent Science for Involving Stakeholders in Making Agriculture Sustainable using Local Renewable Energy
- Interactive Ice Sheet Flowline Model Designed for Education and Research
- Investigating the Relationship Between Iceberg Calving and Terminus Velocity at Helheim Glacier from Two Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners
- Karst Void Detection by Full-waveform Inversion of Borehole Sonic Zero Offset Data
- Leveraging soil geochemistry and soil carbon dynamics at the Critical Zone and Ecosystem Observatory at Nivolet, Gran Paradiso National Park, Italy to project future alpine ecosystem functioning
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Collisional Ionosphere of Mars
- Make Data Count and PARSEC: Two efforts Towards Data Usage Metrics Standardization
- Measuring actinide partitioning in zircon to improve the <SUP>230</SUP>Th correction for <SUP>206</SUP>Pb/<SUP>238</SUP>U dates
- Modeling Ionospheric Densities and Flows in Crustal and Draped Magnetic Fields at Mars
- Modelling the effects of climate-responsive soil parameters on continental-scale hydrologic stores and fluxes in the Community Land Model (CLM) 5.0
- Monitoring Calcium Carbonate Cementation Dynamics on Aragonite Using Geophysical Methods at Column Scale
- Monitoring Seismicity near a CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration Site in Kansas
- Multi-Scale Analyses on the Advance of Dissociation Front in Gas Hydrate Reservoirs
- Optimal Transport for Assessing Nitrate Source and Pathway Connectivity in a Human-Disturbed Watershed
- Paleoceanographic change across the Western Interior Seaway during the onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Pervasive subglacial brines could explain discrepancies in Greenland geophysical data
- Physics-informed Machine Learning for Probabilistic Space Weather Modeling and Forecasting: Thermosphere and Satellite Drag
- Potential of the Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence to Enhance Earthquake Activity along Low-Angle Detachment Faults in Panamint and Searles Valley, California
- Quantification of Sub-Shelf Melt Rates and the Effects on Basal Crevasse Propagation along Tidewater Glaciers in Northern Greenland
- Radio-echo sounding of Crary Ice Rise reveals abundant marine ice in former ice shelf rifts and basal crevasses
- Reimagining the Program Application Process as a Recruitment Strategy for Geoscience Research and Career Opportunities
- Rethinking the Development of the Piedmont Uplands of Southeastern North America: Pleistocene Age Colluvium and Organic-Rich Sediments Dating from Early MIS 3 to MIS 5
- Rocking the Small Screens: Challenges and Adventures of The Geology Project's Video Content
- Rooting Depths Change on a Global Scale in the Anthropocene
- Saturn's Ionosphere in Light of Cassini Measurements
- Seasonal prediction potential for springtime dustiness in the U.S.
- Slip tendency on cryptic faults in the Patterson Storage Site, a proposed CO<SUB>2</SUB> repository in SW Kansas: Quantifying potential injection-induced seismicity hazards
- Spatial variability of public health vulnerabilities: Interactions between climate, the built environment, and social determinants of health
- Species richness and phylogenetic diversity as predictors of productivity across a diversity manipulation experiment
- Specific yield in regional groundwater modeling: pitfalls, implications, and solutions
- Structural and Sedimentological evolution of the Çankiri Basin: Implications for Early-Middle Miocene Plateau Development During Protracted Paleogene Intercontinental Collision in Central Anatolia (Turkey)
- Supporting Ecologists in Data Management Best Practices: Lessons from DataONE and NCEAS
- Synoptic and Cloud Regimes Over the Amazon Basin: Perspectives From the GoAmazon2014/5 Campaign
- The 3D Inversion of Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Data for Groundwater Exploration
- The Accuracy of Height above the Nearest Drainage (HAND) for Mapping the Potential Extent of Inundation
- The Discover framework for domain knowledge supported analysis and interactive visualization of multivariate spatial-temporal data sets
- The Geology Project: Multilingual Geoscience Content By Multilingual Geoscientists
- The M7.1 and 6.4 Ridgecrest Earthquakes on the Airport Lake Fault Connect Owens Valley to the Garlock Fault
- The Need for Semantically Rich Notions of "Taxa" for Interoperability in Biodiversity Informatics
- The cyclic response of flexural isostasy to sea-level changes on continental-scale deltas
- The importance and challenge of thresholds in calibrating landscape evolution models
- Understanding the Impact of Vegetation Dynamic in the Noah-MP Land Surface Model over C3/C4 Grasslands
- Using High Frequency Sensor Data to Assess Watershed Water Quality Vulnerability to Changes in Precipitation Magnitude and Frequency
- Variation in soil redox conditions with land use across the Kansas precipitation gradient.
- Variations in Amazonian forest canopy structure and light environments across environmental and disturbance gradients
- A sedimentary basin record of multi-phase continental collision in western Anatolia
- Active Deformation and its Topographic Expression in the High Himalaya of West Nepal
- Alteration of crustal magnetic fields at Mars by currents induced by the solar wind interaction
- Bed Roughness Impact on Streaming Ice-Flow Persistence
- Bi-monthly iceberg and sea-ice distributions used to estimate freshwater flux in Southeast Greenland fjords
- Bridging the precision gap in zircon <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>230</SUP>Th and <SUP>238</SUP>U-<SUP>206</SUP>Pb ages between 100 and 350 ka: Development of a coupled ID-TIMS and ID-MC-ICPMS zircon dating technique
- Centering Native Voices within Earth Sciences: An Inquiry into Opportunities and Challenges Experienced by Native Students, Early-Career Scholars and Scientists
- Characterization of stream intermittency using real-time water sensors, time-lapse cameras, and multi-stage samplers to understand the biogeochemical implications of stream intermittency in Buck Creek, KS (USA)
- Characterizing Glaciers in the Koshi River Basin, High Mountain Asia
- Climate Change and Food-Energy-Water Systems in Arid Regions: Dynamics and Economics Simulated Using FEWCalc and DSSAT
- Climate Modifies the Influence of Fine-Scale Topography and Landscape Position on Forest Productivity
- Comparisons of Ice Sheet Model Inversions with Basal Reflectivity from Airborne Radar for Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica
- Do small magnitude, anthropogenic earthquakes induce pore pressure changes in the subsurface?
- Ensemble Forecasting of Long-Term Erosion at a Hazardous Waste Site
- Evaluating Chemical Mechanisms to Improve Understanding of Ozone Formation in Urban Regions
- Evaluating the likelihood of flow reactivation at the sticky-spot of Whillans Ice Stream using ICESat-2 and swath radar topography
- Evaluating water distribution in unsaturated zone using nuclear magnetic resonance
- Evidence for Stepwise North to South Growth of the Cenozoic Central Anatolian Plateau (Turkey)
- Evidence plant phylogenetic dispersion increases soil respiration in a biodiversity manipulation experiment
- Examining Dissolution Procedure Effects on Trace and Rare Earth Element Concentrations and U-Pb Ages in Conodonts
- Foraminiferal calcium isotope response to carbon cycle perturbations: comparison of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
- High-Frequency Sensing of Sediment Hysteresis to Understand Storm Event Dynamics Across an Urbanization Gradient
- High-frequency sensing of nitrate to improve numerical model performance: insights from an extensively modeled spring
- Historical hypsometry analysis of the Dotson and Crosson Ice Shelves using trimetrogon aerial imagery with structure-from-motion processing techniques
- Hysteresis Analysis of Turbidity and Nitrate Dynamics in Two Agricultural Watersheds Within the Mississippi Basin of Midwestern United States
- Impact of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation and Mississippi River Discharge Anomalies on Gulf of Mexico Sea-Level Anomalies and Land Loss Rates in the Mississippi Delta
- Impacts of Precipitation Rate and Land Use on the Contribution of Groundwater Discharge to Streamflow Under Current and Past Conditions
- Improved Hydrological Modeling in the Black Hills of South Dakota from Airborne Snow Depth Retrievals
- Improving pedotransfer functions: A new framework to predict soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Insights Into Helheim Glacier Terminus Dynamics Through Integration of Two Autonomous Terrestrial LiDAR Scanners, 2015 - 2019
- Integration of the Searles Valley, Panamint Valley, and Hunter Mountain faults from low-temperature thermochronology
- Interactions between shallow clouds and their environment in sheared flows
- LGBTQ+ Geoscientists: A Diverse Community United by Common Experiences and Challenges
- Late Cretaceous to Eocene exhumation history of the Sierra Nevada Range from low-temperature thermochronology
- Life Detection in Gypsum-Rich Environments: Lessons for Space Exploration
- Lower crustal magma supply amplification: A key concept for silicic magma production
- MHD momentum balance in the induced magnetic field at Mars using MAVEN data.
- Magnetic Reconnection in the Ionosphere of Mars: The Role of Collisions
- Melting at the Grounding Zone of Thwaites Glacier Observed by Icefin
- Modeling linkages between erosion and connectivity in an urbanizing landscape: a coupled sensing, geomorphometric, and field assessment approach
- Modelling Land-Use and Land-Cover Impacts on Soil Organic Carbon, Soil Texture, and Bulk Density over a Global Range of Environments
- Mélange variability around Greenland yields insights into calving dynamics and conditions that favor mélange formation
- Novel Geophysical Approach to Investigate Calcite Precipitation's Dependency on Fluid Properties
- Pore-scale hydrodynamics evolution within carbonate rock during CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection and sequestration
- Properties and evolution of open cellular convection over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Publishing to the DataONE Network of Repositories for Improved Discovery, Assessment, and Interoperability
- Quantifying Snow Depth Variability within an Airborne FM-CW Snow Radar Footprint
- Recent Surface Ruptures of the Western Nepal Fault System: Active Oblique-Slip in the High Himalaya from Talphi to Tripurakot
- Responses of Critical Zone Soil Processes to Climate: A Meta Analysis
- Rooting Abundance Governs How Soil Organic C Promotes Soil Aggregation Across a Steep Precipitation Gradient
- S to P converted waves in very local induced earthquakes used to improve earthquake location
- SET HASDM Database available to the research community as the new density benchmark
- Sediment Source Assessment along an Urban to Rural Transition using Plutonium Isotopes and Sediment Fingerprint Modeling
- Slow Slip Events at the Hikurangi Subduction Margin, New Zealand, from 2006 to 2017
- Soil nitrogen and phosphorus pools and fluxes along a boreal forest climate transect suggest potential limits on warming-enhanced nutrient availability
- Spatial Patterns of Submarine Melt and Basal Crevasse Growth on Greenland Ice Tongues
- Spectral induced polarization and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance responses of Ca<SUP>2+</SUP>-smectites and Na<SUP>+</SUP>-smectites
- Subsurface structure controls water transit time, carbon transformation, and carbonate weathering at the hillslope scale
- The Dependence of Geophysical Response on Initial Pore-Network Geometry during Carbonate Precipitation and Dissolution
- The Geology Project and the 2019-2020 Puerto Rico Seismic Sequence: Science Communication Techniques, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
- The Google Earth GeoEd Video Library (GEGVL): Building a Place-based Geoscience Educational Video Library using Google Earth
- The Impact of Using G3D-UW Cumulus Scheme on NU-WRF Soil Moisture-Precipitation Feedback During a Drought Evolution in Central US
- Understanding the role of energy fluxes in shaping the seasonal patterns of ABL heights and cloud dynamics for select AmeriFlux sites across the United States
- Using Machine Learning to identify drivers of heterogeneous behavior in Greenland outlet glaciers
- Using Remote Sensing to Characterize Change in Planetary-Analog Brine Environments
- Utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) to Detect Paleontological Features in Ash Beds
- Vertical Dependence of Horizontal Variation of Cloud Microphysics: Observations from the ACE-ENA field campaign and implications for warm rain simulation in climate models
- Walker and Syers in the critical zone: Integrating successional dynamics and soil development
- iSamples (Internet of Samples): Cyberinfrastructure to Support Transdisciplinary Use of Natural History Material Samples
- A Bayesian Investigation of the Spatial Variability of Pediatric Asthma in the Kansas City Metro Area: Modelling the Interactions of Climatic, Environmental, and Social Systems
- A novel method for predicting rapid changes in soil structure and hydraulic conductivity
- A time-dependent catalog of episodic tremor and slow slip in Cascadia
- Active Faulting in the High Himalaya of West Nepal: Quaternary Slip Rates Along the Western Nepal Fault System
- Active Faulting, Seismicity and Their Relationship With Megathrust Ramps and Inherited Structures in Western Nepal: Insights From a Three-Dimensional Model
- Active Surface Uplift of the Gangdese Range, Southern Tibet
- Adaptable economies: How plants maximize C for P exchange across soil conditions
- Analyzing the role of surface energy fluxes in determining the seasonal patterns of atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) heights at various ecosystems across the United States
- Assessing Causal Relationships in Agricultural Soil and Water Management from Observational Satellite Data
- Assimilation of Satellite Data for Predicting CyanoHABs in Kansas
- Atmospheric Escape Rates from Mars If It Orbited an M Dwarf Star
- Best practices for building a more inclusive glaciology through
- Can Geologically Instantaneous, Event-Scale Processes Exert Basin-Scale Influence on Sediment Dispersal Patterns and the Long-Term Stratigraphic Record?
- Changing Soil Communities in the Arctic: Impact of Disturbance Induced Permafrost Thaw on Microbial Communities
- Classification of glaciers in Koshi River Basin, Nepal using machine learning algorithms and clustering techniques
- Controls on circum-Antarctic grounding line sinuosity
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Cross-Margin Filtering of Source Signals How Himalayan Erosion is Recorded in the Bengal Delta
- Depth- and time-dependent responses of soil organic carbon observed by repeated sampling over 60 years of reforestation and ecological succession
- Distinct Seasonal Surface Velocity Patterns between Lake-terminating and Land-terminating glaciers in Langtang, Nepal
- Distribution and motion of icebergs in a proglacial melange: weekly observations from 2020 at Helheim Glacier, East Greenland
- Energetic Auroral Ion Precipitation and X-Ray Emission at Jupiter Quantitative Linkage
- Evaluating and Improving Urban VOC Chemistry in Los Angeles using WRF-chem
- Evaluating the efficacy of the ADVANCEGeo bystander intervention training program to improve workplace climate
- FEWtures: Building Rural Economies, Reducing Carbon, and Supplying Food for the Future
- Feasibility of Raman Optical Activity for In Situ Exploration of Europa and Ocean Worlds
- Federated global data discovery via the open DataONE network using
- Flow regimes and alternate stable states in a non-perennial river
- Glaciir Modeling in Education
- Groundwater-crop interactions: How shallow groundwater affects yield and how groundwater management can close the yield gap
- Heavy Ions Observed In Situ in the Topside, Equatorial Jovian Ionosphere
- High-Frequency Sensing of Specific Conductance to Understand Transport Mechanisms Across an Urbanization Gradient
- How Does Glacier Geometry Dictate Calving Style? An Analysis of Helheim Glacier Using Two Autonomous Terrestrial Laser Scanners
- I do not belong: The ADVANCEGeo Partnerships workplace climate survey of earth and space scientists
- Iceberg Calving and Meltwater Drainage Observed in High Spatial and Temporal Resolution at Helheim Glacier, Greenland
- Iceberg distributions along Greenland Fjords, 2017 - 2020
- Identifying Nonlinear Change in Non-perennial Streamflow
- Identifying hostile workplace conditions associated with negative experiences that disproportionately affect minoritized groups in ecological, earth and spaces sciences
- Illuminating microbial vs. biochemical mechanisms influencing the temperature sensitivity of soil exoenzymes: consequences for soil elemental stoichiometry
- Impact of Tibetan lake outburst floods on erosion, morphology, and sedimentary record of the eastern Himalaya from source to sink
- Increasing Retention of Minoritized Genders in the Cryospheric Sciences
- Inserting Authentic Research into Introductory Level Geology Courses Using a Research Cycle Framework
- Internet of Samples: Creating and Mapping Controlled Vocabularies for Specimen Type, Material Type, and Sampled Feature
- Investigating native H2 generation by alteration of Fe-rich olivine within Precambrian granitoid crust through HREM
- Land Use Impacts on Dynamic Sediment Connectivity Across an Urbanizing Region
- Land Use Impacts on the Development of Cyanotoxins and Taste-and-Odor Compounds in Benthic Algae Mats
- Long-term Research and Monitoring at Sleepers River Research Watershed, Vermont USA
- Mantle processes related to the explosive-effusive transition during the last eruptive cycle at Kilauea (Hawaii)
- Mapping icebergs in melange using ICEYE imagery
- Megathrust Heterogeneity, Crustal Accretion, and a Topographic Embayment in Western Nepal Himalaya: Insights from the Inversion of Thermochronological Data
- Modeling Hydrogeologic Fluxes and Their Impact on Natural and Human Systems
- Modeling Resilience for Sustainable Food, Energy, and Water Systems
- Multiple methods tell time in Ediacaran Oman
- Neotectonics of the Rift-Bounding Toro-Bunyoro Fault, Albertine Graben (Uganda), Western Branch of the East African Rift System
- Open Polar Radar Software and Services to Standardize Radar Echograms and Integrate into a Geospatial Database
- Paleoseismic Excavations Across a Releasing Bend of the Western Nepal Fault System Reveal Previously Undocumented Earthquakes.
- Plant community composition has divergent effects on carbon lost and gained from diversity
- Precipitation and Pumping Relationships: A Simple Approach to Assess the Effectiveness of Groundwater Conservation Measures
- Principle informed infrastructure: Implementation at DataONE and through MetacatUI
- Progress on Understanding the Influence of Planetary Magnetic Fields on Atmospheric Escape Rates
- Quantification of time-varying aquifer responses to adoption of low-pressure irrigation technology
- Quantifying Streamflow Depletion for Science-Based Water Management: Challenges and Emerging Approaches
- Roots as Agents of Rapid Soil Structural Change in the Anthropocene
- Seasonal Changes in Subsurface Hydrology Influence Nutrient Cycling in a Salt Marsh
- Seasonal Precipitation is a Hydrologic Driver of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Removal
- Shallow Cumulus Spatial Structure and Cloud-Edge Mixing Properties in Sheared Flows
- Simulating the Hydrologic Effects of Aquifer-wide Adoption of Efficient Irrigation Technologies
- Small-scale magnetic structure in the induced Martian ionosphere
- Spatial and Temporal Basal Melt Patterns Beneath Ice Shelves in North Greenland
- StraboMicro: An application for sharing and contextualizing micro-scale geologic data
- Stream chemistry response to external perturbations at Sleepers River
- Strike-Slip Faulting in the Cascadia Backarc: Documentation of Dextral Activity on the Tumalo Fault, Sisters Fault Zone, Central Oregon, USA
- Structural hillslope connectivity modulates hydrologic extremes and benefits
- Terrestrial Water Storage Regime and Its Response to Climate Change in the Endorheic Tibetan Plateau
- The Capability of SMAP for Understanding Drought Mechanisms
- The DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- The Drying Regimes of Non-Perennial Rivers and Streams
- The Effect of Nitrogen Chemistry on Photochemical Escape of Oxygen from Mars
- The Role of Fire on Water and Carbon Cycling Across Two Contrasting Terra Firme Amazonian Forests
- The Sentinel GreenReport Application using Google Earth Engine
- The Surface Response to Cenozoic Drip Tectonics in Central Anatolia
- The effects of flow intermittency and groundwater-surface water exchange on stream biogeochemistry in a non-perennial prairie stream
- The predominant control of hydroclimatic conditions on carbon and weathering fluxes at the hillslope scale
- Tidal forcing influences on biochemical processes in a salt marsh
- Tracking long term lake area and volume variation in the endorheic Tibetan Plateau using Landsat imagery and digital terrain model
- Transitioning to perennial agricultural systems: Climate and land-use impacts on the water and carbon cycling
- Understanding the Physical Mechanisms Governing the Variability of Liquid Water in Stratocumulus using Large-Eddy Simulation and In-Situ Observations
- Using Geophysics to Understand the Past: Case Study of a Ground-penetrating Radar Survey at Valencia Cemetery in Topeka, Kansas
- Utilizing Deformation Along the Western Nepal Fault System to Characterize the Initiation, Kinematics, and Development of a Splay Fault in a Thrust Wedge
- Weather whiplash across Kansas: Quantification of changes in spatial and temporal trends
- When and where do top-down processes govern critical zone structure and feedback to influence climate?
- Why Critical Zone (CZ) science needs team science: insights from the big data CZ network cluster
- A temporal analysis of iceberg distribution in Greenland fjords: 2017 - 2021
- Accumulation of Road Salt in a Calcareous Fen: Kampoosa Bog, Western Massachusetts
- Advances of the DRIAR Project: Dry-Rifting In the Albertine-Rhino Graben, Uganda
- An Overview of Recent Injection Induced Seismicity in the Central and Eastern United States
- An Updated Episodic Tremor and Slip Catalog for Cascadia
- Assessing terrestrial-aquatic microbiome connectivity in non-perennial streams
- Atmospheric lifetime for a hypothetical Mars-sized planet orbiting Barnard's Star
- Benchmarking deep learning model estimates of hydrologic pathway contribution to streams and springs using conceptual and physically-based models
- Broadening and evaluating "broader impacts" in cryospheric and polar sciences proposals and research
- Building the Aquatic Intermittency effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS) network to enable understanding of how intermittent flow impacts water quality and stream microbiomes
- Calving Rate vs Iceberg Drift Rate: Disentangling Iceberg Distributions in Greenland Fjords
- Can sedimentation pause marine-ice-sheet retreat over retrograde slopes? A case study on Pine Island Trough
- Categorization of material sample type across research domains
- Characterizing Bed Roughness on a Deglaciated Continental Margin and its Impact on Past Streaming Ice Flow
- Coupling High-frequency Sensing and 2-d Numerical Modelling to Analyze Nitrate Dynamics in a Large River
- Creating a More Transparent Graduate School Application Process By Boosting Self-Efficacy Among Workshop Participants
- CryoCommunity: On the need for strategic goals to guide EDI efforts across the polar sciences
- Data Assimilation of USGS Streamflow Data in the Nextgen Framework
- Deep and Persistent Biogeochemical Consequences of Land Use Change in the Anthropocene as Illuminated by C and O Isotopes of Soil CO2
- Detectable Tremor Signal on GNSS Stations Suggest Deep Short-term Slow Slip in the Manawatu Region, New Zealand
- Did Microbial Carbonate Flourish When Skeletal Metazoans and Algae were in Low Abundance in the Aftermath of the End-Permian Extinction?
- Distributions of Dreissena in Lakes Michigan and Ontario indicate optimal zones for colonization
- Does Iceberg Configuration Impact the Behavior of Helheim Glacier's Ice Mélange?
- Drivers and pathways of carbon and nitrogen in soil and streams: insights from the Sleepers River Research Watershed in Vermont
- Empowering research communities to make their Samples FAIR
- Equity, Diversity, and Community: Opportunities for Critical Zone Science and Education
- Evaluating confined aquifer storage loss using geodesy, in-situ data and models
- Expanding accessibility in 3 dimensions by printing Kansas fossil toolkits for K-12 classrooms
- Experimental study of the effects of mussel aggregation characteristics on total suspended solid uptake by modeled freshwater North American mussels
- Exploring dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the environment during periods of rapid cloud-clearing over the southeast Atlantic in a high-resolution mesoscale model
- Exploring the Hydrodynamics of North American Freshwater Mussel Beds in a Recirculating Flume
- Extent of Biofuel Expansion in Northeastern Kansas based on its Impact on Water Quality
- Field mapping and structural analysis of an active oblique splay fault system within a subaerial thrust wedge: A case study of the Talphi segment along the Western Nepal Fault System in western Nepal Himalaya.
- Flow directions and velocities of subsurface water in a Mediterranean salt marsh system constrained by isotope tracing
- Food, Energy, Water, the Environment, and Public Policy - Opportunities, Tradeoffs, and Analysis using ABM and ML
- Fourier Analysis of Magnetic Fields in the Ionosphere of Mars
- From Soils to Streams: Connecting Terrestrial Carbon Transformation, Chemical Weathering, and Solute Export Across Hydrological Regimes
- High Mountain Asia Glacier Sensitivity and Transient Response to Climate Change
- Hunting for hints of streamflow depletion in hydrographs
- Hybrid simulations of small and meso-scale magnetic structures in the Martian ionosphere.
- Hydrogeochemistry and Geothermometry of the Hot Springs Along the Magma-poor Western branch of the East African Rift System
- Hydrologic connectivity: a management frontier for water quality conservation
- Identification of Hot Moments of Nutrient Processing in Coastal Systems Using High Frequency Sensors
- Influence of the Joint Variability of Liquid Water and Cloud Droplet Concentration on Area-Mean Autoconversion Rates in Large-Eddy Simulations of Stratocumulus
- Internet of Samples : Metadata Enhancement for Material Type and Specimen Type
- Investigating Hydrobiogeochemical Drivers of Salt Marsh Nitrogen Cycling
- Land Use Change Impacts on Dynamic Sediment Connectivity in an Urbanizing Region
- Leveraging Catchment Attributes to Explain Patterns of Concentration-Discharge Relationships Across the Contiguous United States
- Linking oxygen regimes to flow regimes in non-perennial streams
- Long-term Variations in Daytime and Nighttime Dust activities Over the Dust belt of North Africa, the Middle East, and Asia in the Early 21st Century
- Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Liquid Water Path Diurnal and Seasonal Variations in the Southeast Pacific and Southeast Atlantic
- Modelling Earthquake Deformation Along the Indo-Burma Locked Megathrust Zone From A Hypothetical Event Scenario
- Modelling Ion Transport along Crustal Field Lines at Mars
- New Slip Rates Along the Garlock Fault Zone During the Mid-Pleistocene and Pliocene from Provenance of Fanglomerate Deposits
- Open Water-Emergent Vegetation Interface Influences Hydro-biogeochemical Dynamics
- Quantifying Streambank Sediment in the Upper Cedar Watershed: Insights from Integrating Multispectral Aerial Imagery and Long-term Monitoring Dataset
- Quantifying the Impact of Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves on the East Pacific ITCZ during Boreal Spring
- Quaternary History and Evolution of the Western Nepal Fault System; Splay Fault Maturity in an Active Fold and Thrust Belt
- Seasonal Terrestrial Freshwater Inputs Impact Salt Marsh Hydrology
- Seasonal and tidal forcing control salt marsh porewater nitrate dynamics in a Mediterranean system
- Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon and Chemical Weathering Dynamics to Variations in Landcover, Lithology, and Aspect in High Elevation Montane Systems
- Short-term Prediction of Drought Evolution using SMAP
- Spatial-temporal Capability of IMERG Gridded Precipitation Dataset for Estimating Probable Maximum Precipitation
- Stream DOC and DIC Response to Climate and Acidification Disturbances at Sleepers River
- Strike-Slip Faulting in the Cascadia Backarc: Neotectonic Mapping and IRSL Geochronology Reveal Normal-Oblique Dextral Slip Rates Along the Active Tumalo Fault, Sisters Fault Zone, Central Oregon, USA
- Subsurface soil organic carbon persistence and opportunities to overcome transport limitations
- Temperature Dependence of Uranium and Thorium Partitioning in Igneous Zircons
- Temporal Diversity within Cretaceous Methane Seeps, Great Valley Group, Central California
- The APECS Polar Earth Observation Database
- The Buildup to a Supereruption: Application of a Dual ID-TIMS and ID-ICPMS U-230Th-Pb Zircon Dating Technique to the 340 ka Whakamaru Supereruption, Central Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
- The Geomorphology and Paleoseismology of the Dhorpatan Fault of the Western Nepal Fault System
- The IEDA2 Facility - Harmonizing FAIR Sample (Meta)Data for VGP Research
- Towards Generalizable Groundwater Withdrawal Predictions: How Much Data Do We Need?
- Transitioning to Low-Carbon, Productive, Prosperous Agricultural Communities: The Opportunities of Locally Powered, Locally Produced Green Ammonia
- Understanding Climatic and Anthropogenic Interactions on Organic Carbon Accumulation Rates in an Inland Lake
- Understanding the impacts of subgrid cloud property variations on warm rain simulations in climate models based on satellite observations, in situ measurements and large-eddy simulations
- Understanding the microphysical control and spatial-temporal variability of warm rain probability using CloudSat and MODIS observations
- Using HVSR to Assess Seismic Site Effects in Oregon's Tualatin Basin
- Using seismic data to understand Rift Evolution in Magma Poor Rifts. An example of the Albertine Rift.
- X-ray Luminous Supernovae: Effects on Earth-like Atmospheres, Climate, and Habitability
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. D. Kendall
- A. Farrish
- A. Glocer
- A. N. Price
- A. Visser
- A. W. Merkel
- A. W. Rollins
- Aaron N. Koop
- Adam M. Forte
- Admin Husic
- Alan D. Rooney
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alejandro N. Flores
- Alessandro Frigeri
- Alexander D. Lusk
- Alexander Michalek
- Alexander Robel
- Ali Rahmati
- Allan Lerner
- Allison Mattheis
- Amber E. Budden
- Amy J. Burgin
- Anders Eriksson
- Andreas Möller
- Asmeret Asefaw Berhe
- Aya Nakayama
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. R. Parizek
- Bhavna Arora
- Billy Williams
- Bing Pu
- Brandee Carlson
- Breanna Rivera Waterman
- Brian C. Thomas
- Brian D. Fields
- Brian McDonald
- Bruno Basso
- C. A. Williams
- C. Carr
- C. J. Gleason
- C. J. van der Veen
- C. Nathan Jones
- C. W. Brown
- C. Warneke
- Celia Trunz
- Cheryl Gansecki
- Chi Zhang
- Christine L. Dolph
- Claire Baffaut
- Clay Campbell
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- D. G. Chandler
- D. G. Keeler
- D. S. Stamps
- Daniel D. Mongovin
- Daniel F. Stöckli
- Daniel Markewitz
- David Brain
- David Mechem
- David Whipp
- Dipankar Dwivedi
- Dustin M. Schroeder
- Dustin W. Kincaid
- E. C. Apel
- E. C. Seybold
- E. Marín-Spiotta
- Elias Odelstad
- Emilio Grande
- Emma L. Aronson
- Emmanuel A. Njinju
- Eric Beamesderfer
- Eric Kansa
- Eric Kirby
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Estella A. Atekwana
- F. Allegrini
- F. Bagenal
- Fidel Costa
- Folarin Kolawole
- Fouzia Fahrin
- Franciszek Hasiuk
- François Leblanc
- G. A. Catania
- G. J. Frost
- Gaisheng Liu
- Georg Rümpker
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Gökçe Üstünışık
- H. R. Barnard
- Hang Wen
- Havala O. T. Pye
- Hong Cui
- Hoori Ajami
- Howard W. Reeves
- Ian R. Brunton
- J. B. Gilman
- J. Douglas Walker
- J. E. P. Connerney
- J. N. Bassis
- J. Peischl
- J. Z. Mejia
- Jacob Zora-Oni Tindan
- James J. Butler
- Jiawei Li
- Jillian M. Deines
- Joel E. Saylor
- John C. Gosse
- John C. Hammond
- John Deck
- John Kunze
- John Paden
- Jon Chorover
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Joseph A. Santanello
- Julia Perdrial
- K. A. Lang
- K. L. Riverman
- K. Seki
- Kamini Singha
- Kanak Kanti Kar
- Karen B. Gran
- Kari M. Cooper
- Karin A. Block-Cora
- Katherine Garcia‐Sage
- Katie Murenbeeld
- Kendra J. Lynn
- Kenneth Ekpetere
- Kerstin Lehnert
- Kevin A. Ryan
- Kimberly A. Novick
- Knut Christianson
- Kristen L. Underwood
- Kristin Poinar
- Kyle Compare
- L. A. Stearns
- L. A. Ward
- L. Andersson
- L. M. Kistler
- Lauren M. Simkins
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Li Li
- Lin Ding
- Liuming Wang
- Lizz Ultee
- Lucia Profeta
- Lydia H. Zeglin
- Lígia F. T. de Souza
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. D. Lebsock
- M. R. Brudzinski
- Maral Khodadadi
- Mark D. Rowe
- Martin Rubin
- Mats Holmström
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Megan Mueller
- Mehmet Evren Soylu
- Meredith G. Hastings
- Michael Diamond
- Mikael Witte
- Motasem S. Abualqumboz
- N. Jackson
- N. R. Schnepf
- N. Sergis
- Naoki Terada
- Nathaniel A. Brunsell
- Noah John Phillips
- Noah McLean
- O. Hamil
- Olaf Eisen
- P. Elósegui
- P. W. Valek
- Paige M. Hansen
- Pamela L. Sullivan
- Paola Passalacqua
- Patrick Belmont
- Peter H. Barry
- Peter Slaughter
- Qinjian Jin
- R. C. Cohen
- R. J. Strangeway
- R. Orosei
- R. R. Forster
- R. S. Hornbrook
- R. Sincavage
- R. W. Ebert
- R. Wilson
- Randolph T. Williams
- Ravindra Duddu
- Rebecca L. Hale
- Rebecca Snyder
- Rebecca T. Barnes
- Richard B. Alley
- Robert Evans
- Robin Ramstad
- Ryan G. Smith
- Ryoya Sakata
- S. A. Ledvina
- S. Anandakrishnan
- S. J. Bolton
- S. L. Goodbred
- S. Melton
- S. O’Neel
- S.M. Richard
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Sarah Lambart
- Sarah Ramdeen
- Sayantan Majumdar
- Scott D. Hamshaw
- Se Jong Cho
- Sean Howard
- Shannon L. Fasola
- Sharon A. Billings
- Sherrie Wang
- Shotaro Sakai
- Siddharth Shankar
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Steven P. Loheide
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sungwook Wi
- Suoya Fan
- Susan E. Ziegler
- Susannah Morey
- Suzan van der Lee
- T. E. Cravens
- Thiago Dias dos Santos
- Thomas J. Glose
- Thomas Shea
- Tirthankar Roy
- Tom A. Jordan
- V. Dols
- V. Lakshmi
- W. K. Peterson
- W. S. Kurth
- Wei Ji Leong
- William D. Harcourt
- William Farmer
- Xi Zhang
- Xingong Li
- Xiquan Dong
- Yangang Liu
- Yoshifumi Futaana
- Zhibo Zhang