University of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Field Assessment of Direct-Push Technology for Hydraulic Characterization of Unconsolidated Formations
- Direct-push-installed, gas-driven mini-pumps for discrete-point groundwater sampling: A new in-situ approach to long-term monitoring
- Numerical Simulation of Ground-Water Salinization in the Arkansas River Corridor, Southwest Kansas
- Toward A 3-D Picture of Hydraulic Conductivity With Multilevel Slug Tests
- 3-D Waveguide Effects of Topographical Structural Variation on Full Waveform Propagation: 3-D Finite Difference Modeling Comparisons with Field Data From Yuma Proving Ground, Arizona
- A design for the geoinformatics system
- Paleosecular Variation, Geochronology, and Magnetic Mineralogy of Pleistocene Igneous Rocks of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean
- Field Comparison of Direct-Push Approaches for Determination of K-Profiles
- Geophysical Techniques Applied to a Stream-Aquifer System
- Heterogeneity and Stream-Aquifer Interaction in an Unconsolidated Aquifer
- Hydraulic Tomography and the Impact of A Priori Information: An Alluvial Aquifer Field Example
- The Prototype Interactive Ground-water Tutor: A New Tool for Computer Assisted Instruction in Secondary and Undergraduate-level Earth and Environmental Science Education
- Delineating Hydraulic Conductivity with Direct Push Electrical Conductivity and High-Resolution Slug Testing
- Direct-Push Cross-Hole Slug Tests: A New Tool for Hydraulic Characterization of Aquifers
- Hydrologic Observatory for the Republican River Basin/High Plains Aquifer: A Barometer for Global Climate Change
- In-Situ Determination of Specific Yield Using Soil Moisture and Water Level Changes in the Riparian Zone of the Arkansas River, Kansas.
- Use of Nitrogen-15 Isotope Method in Soils and Ground Water to Determine Potential Nitrogen Sources Affecting a Municipal Water Supply in Kansas, USA
- An Assessment of the Vulnerability of Native Phreatophytes to Replacement by Invasive Species in a Mid-Continent Riparian Setting
- CHRONOS: Data Syndication and Semantics for the Geosciences
- CHRONOS: Geoinformatics Platform for Global Geosciences
- Diurnal Water Table Fluctuations: An Underutilized Indicator of Ground-water Consumption by Plants
- Experiences with the Application of Services Oriented Approaches to the Federation of Heterogeneous Geologic Data Resources
- Field Characterization of Small-scale Preferential Flow Paths in a Highly Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Focused Recharge in a Semi-arid Riparian Zone
- Soil Erosion and the Carbon Cycle: Perspectives From the Mississippi River Basin
- Taking Legislators to the Field: Communicating with Policy Makers about Natural Resource Issues
- Terrestrial Paleoclimatic Impacts of an Aptian-Albian Carbon Cycle Perturbation
- The Prototype Plume Busters Software: A New Tool for Exploring Issues Related to Environmental Policy in Undergraduate-level Earth and Environmental Science Courses
- A field assessment of high resolution aquifer characterization based on hydraulic tomography with cross-hole slug tests
- Advancing Active Source Seismic Methods for Exploration of the Cryosphere
- Analytical Solutions for Examining Spatial Variations in Evapotranspiration-Driven Fluctuations in the Water Table in Vegetated Riparian Zones
- Regularized Inversion of Tomographic Pumping Tests Incorporating Geophysical Data Through Smoothing Splines
- Firn and Shallow Ice Profiling at Jakobshavn Glacier Using Dispersed Seismic Surface Waves
- Site Characterization Using Well Responses to Natural Stimuli: Examples From the Larned Research Site
- Small County: Development of a Virtual Environment for Instruction in Geological Characterization of Petroleum Reservoirs
- The Direct-Push Permeameter for High-Resolution Characterization of Spatial Variations in Hydraulic Conductivity: Optimal Zonation Analysis
- A New Method for Rapid, High-Resolution Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity: Application to Solute Transport at the MADE Site
- Building an Interactive Educational Exercise Using the Open-Source Eclipse Rich Client Platform
- Direct-Push Methods for High-Resolution Characterization of Hydraulic Conductivity (Invited)
- Geostatistical Simulation of Centimeter-Scale Hydraulic Conductivity Estimates from Direct-Push Logging at the MADE Site
- Groundwater Management Innovations in the High Plains Aquifer, USA: A possible path towards sustainability? (Invited)
- Hydrostratigraphic Analysis of the MADE Site Using Full-resolution 3D GPR and Direct-Push K Data
- Modeling slug tests in unconfined aquifers with both oscillatory and overdamped responses, and with low-K and high-K skin effects
- The impacts of groundwater over-abstraction on the environment
- The mid-Cretaceous water-bearer revisited: Quantification of a greenhouse hydrologic cycle in the Americas
- Water-Level Responses to Barometric-Pressure Fluctuations in Wells in Semi-Confined Aquifers
- A Geoelectrically-Monitored Tracer Test At The Macrodispersion Experiment (MADE) Site In Columbus, Mississippi
- Comparative Geostatistical Analysis of Flowmeter and Direct-Push Hydraulic Conductivity Profiles at the MADE Site
- Constraining Late Cretaceous Terrestrial High-Latitude Water Using Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Pedogenic Siderite and Dinosaur Tooth Enamel: A Multi-proxy Approach
- Field Demonstration of Slim-hole Borehole Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Logging Tool for Groundwater Investigations
- Full-resolution 3D GPR and Direct-Push K Data Reveal Distinct Hydrostratigraphic Zones at the MADE Site
- Influence of Changing Hydrology on Pedogenic Calcite Precipitation in Vertisols, Dance Bayou, Brazoria County, Tx: Implications for Estimating Paleoatmospheric PCO2
- Integration of High-resolution GPR and Direct-Push Methods: Subsurface Imaging of the Highly Heterogeneous MADE Site (Invited)
- The Global Hydrologic Cycle Contribution to Polar Warmth During the mid-Cretaceous Revealed by Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Pedogenic Carbonates (Invited)
- What Was the Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Cretaceous Arctic Precipitation?
- 3D Conditional Fractal Simulation of Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site
- A Long-term Reach-Scale Monitoring Network for Riparian Evapotranspiration, Rock Creek, Kansas
- A Modified Approach for Direct-Push Hydraulic Profiling in Formations of Moderate to High Hydraulic Conductivity
- A New Thermal Method for High-resolution Aquifer Characterization
- Advantages of using multichannel analysis of Love waves (MALW) in determining near-surface shear-wave velocity
- Early Cretaceous pCO2 changes estimated from a calcrete succession in the North American foreland basin, Utah, USA
- Geochemical and mineralogical characterization of the Arbuckle aquifer with laboratory flow cell experiments under supercritical conditions: Implications for CO2 sequestration
- Interpretation of water-well hydrographs: New insights from an old "tool"
- Modeling CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifer and Depleted Oil Reservoirs to Evaluate Regional CO2 Sequestration Potential of Ozark Plateau Aquifer System, South-Central Kansas
- Statistical Modeling of Hydraulic Conductivity Fields
- The Evolution of Groundwater Management Paradigms in Kansas, USA
- Tomographic Characterization of Aquifer Heterogeneity with a Sinusoidal Signal
- Adaptive Integration of Auxiliary Information into Inverse Problems: Application to Direct-Push Hydraulic Profiling
- Analysis of synthetic seismograms for the detection of voids using the surface-wave backscatter-analysis technique
- In Situ Sonic and Laboratory Utrasonic Velocity Measurements: Analysis and Modeling for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in a Saline Aquifer
- Insights from Modelling the Spatial Dependence Structure of Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site Using Spatial Copulas
- Linking Cretaceous Continental Climate Change and Ocean Anoxic Events: Evidence from the Xiagou Formation of Gansu Province, China
- Multi-method determination of continuous 2D velocity profiles from the surface to 1 km
- Quantifying and Valuing Potential Climate Change Impacts on Coral Reefs in the United States
- The Neogene Ogallala Formation in Southwestern Kansas and Northeastern New Mexico: Preliminary Magnetostratigraphic Analyses for the High Plains-Ogallala Drilling Program
- The Paleoclimatic Record of Pedogenic Siderites: Validation by Modern Process Studies and New Applications to the Cretaceous Arctic
- A Simple, First-Order Approach for Assessing Aquifer Response to Anthropogenic and Climatic Stresses: New Insights into the Future of the High Plains Aquifer in Kansas
- Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and its Relation to Carbon Cycle Perturbations During Ocean Anoxic Event 1d: A High Resolution Record From Dispersed Plant Cuticle
- Climate Change and Sustainability for the High Plains Aquifer: Quantifying Impacts to Water, Soil, and Crop Yields (Invited)
- Comparison of Riparian Evapotranspiration Estimated Using Raman LIDAR and Water Balance Based Estimates from a Soil Moisture Sensor Network
- Dynamic Simulation of Pilot Scale CO2 Injection in the Arbuckle Saline Aquifer at Wellington Field in Southern Kansas
- Field comparison of selected methods for vertical soil water content profiling
- Geochemical and Mineralogical Investigation for Carbon Capture and Storage, Within the Arbuckle Aquifer, Kansas
- Numerical Comparison of Artificial Recharge by Small-diameter Wells to Common Systems
- Using improved technology for widespread application of a geological carbon sequestration study
- Why High-Resolution Characterization Matters: 3D Transport Simulations at the MADE Site
- A new artificial recharge approach using direct push wells for aquifer storage and recovery in near-surface aquifers: A case study in the Lower Republican River basin, Kansas
- Assessing the value of different data sets and modeling schemes for flow and transport simulations
- Changes in CO<SUB>2</SUB> during OAE1d: A Comparison to Other Carbon Cycle Perturbations of the Mesozoic
- Evaluation of clumped isotope paleotemperatures across carbon isotope excursions from lacustrine strata of the Aptian Xiagou Formation, China
- Hydrostratigraphic Drilling Record Assessment (HyDRA): Assessing the Consistency and Quantitative Utility of Water Well Drillers' Logs
- Implications of Prospective Climate Change for Groundwater Recharge in the Western United States
- Near Surface Seismic Reflection Imaging: Great Potential Under Critical Eye
- Two-Phase Development of the Nevadaplano, Western Nevada and Southern California, from Low-Temperature Thermochronology
- A New Approach for Assessing Aquifer Sustainability and the Impact of Proposed Management Actions
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Passive Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) for Observing Subsurface Discontinuities
- Groundwater flux characterization using distributed temperature sensing: Separating advection from thermal conduction
- Prediction of Water-level Changes and Water Use in the High Plains Aquifer from Radar Precipitation
- A Sustainability Index for Assessment and Management of Aquifers Supporting Irrigated Agriculture
- Continuous Pressure and Temperature Monitoring in Lower Arbuckle Saline Aquifer in Wellington Field, Sumner County, Kansas - Response to the M5.8 Pawnee Earthquake
- Monitoring the Increase in Seismicity in South-Central Kansas
- New Developments in ET_Redux Algorithms and Software for LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology
- Strabo: An App and Database for Structural Geology and Tectonics Data
- The Konza Prairie, Northeast Kansas, USA: The hydrologic evolution of a merokast landscape
- Using the Geochron Database for Data Preservation and Exploration of Geothermal Resources
- A major challenge for modeling conservation-based water use reductions in aquifers supporting irrigated agriculture: The specific yield quandary
- A new earthquake monitoring method? Change in shear-wave anisotropy as a tool to monitor induced seismicity in Kansas and Oklahoma
- Comparison of Multivariate Spatial Dependence Structures of DPIL and Flowmeter Hydraulic Conductivity Data Sets at the MADE Site
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on Late Mississippian-Early Pennsylvanian Sediment Transport and Tectonics, Southwestern Kansas and Northwestern Arkansas
- Direct push injection logging for high resolution characterization of low permeability zones
- Elucidating the development of the basal Tertiary unconformity from a synthesis of regional thermochronologic data
- Evaluation of Stakeholder-Driven Groundwater Management through Integrated Modeling and Remote Sensing in the US High Plains Aquifer
- Geochemical and hydrological characterization of shallow aquifer water following a nearby deep CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in Wellington, Kansas
- Modeling the Proterozoic Basement's Effective Stress Field, Assessing Fault Reactivation Potential Related to Increased Fluid Pressures, and Improved 3D Structural Interpretation of Faulting within Wellington and Anson-Bates Fields, Sumner County, Kansas
- Property Grids for the Kansas High Plains Aquifer from Water Well Drillers' Logs
- Seismic Reservoir Characterization for Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> EOR at the Mississippian Reservoir in South-Central Kansas
- A low permeability extension of Hydraulic Profiling Tool: challenges and solutions
- Automated shear-wave analysis of earthquakes in Sumner county, south-central Kansas reveals temporal anisotropy changes
- Constraining Eocene to Miocene Sediment Transport from East Asia to Taiwan through Detrital Zircon Provenance Analysis of the Huagang Formation, East China Sea Shelf Basin
- Detrital Zircon Geo- and Thermochronologic Constraints on the Timing, Pace, and Drivers of Exhumation in the Hinterland of the North American Cordillera
- Evaluating controls on US midcontinent seismicity through modeling of wastewater injection into the Arbuckle Group aquifer
- High-Resolution Characterization of Aquifer Structure Using Direct Groundwater Velocity Measurements
- Including Multiple Types of Information Measured at Non-Colocated Locations for Simulation of One Spatially Distributed Variable - Hydraulic Conductivity at the MADE Site
- Interplay between pore pressure and poroelastic stress induces US midcontinent seismicity
- The hour is late, but all is not lost: Striving for sustainability of the High Plains aquifer in Kansas
- An Integrated Seal Analysis for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in the Patterson Field at Southwest Kansas
- Assessment of NMR logging for estimating hydraulic conductivity in glacial aquifers
- Assessment of the Deep Plumbing of the Truth or Consequences Geothermal System using Magnetotelluric Surveys, Groundwater Residence Time Tracers, and Hydrologic Modeling.
- Catchment critical zone controls on groundwater contributions to surface water chemistry variability
- Coupled high frequency sensor network and environmental tracers to quantify subsurface nitrate transport to a coastal estuary
- Effects of rain on snow events on runoff generation and nutrient export from forested and agricultural catchments in northern Vermont
- Event-scale riverine loading of nitrogen and phosphorus: Impacts of land use, seasonality, and antecedent conditions on N:P export ratios
- Exploiting an Underutilized Trove of Agrohydrology Information: Interpretation of Hydrographs from Aquifers Supporting Irrigated Agriculture
- Monitoring Seismicity near a CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sequestration Site in Kansas
- Non-Gaussian simulation: including multiple types of information at non-colocated locations
- On the joint inversion of seismic waveforms and gravimetric anomalies - Application to the Pyrenees
- Quantifying the environmental flow response time to groundwater pumping using analytical depletion functions
- Resolving space-time strain paths of the Panamint and Cottonwood mountains, eastern California, through bedrock and detrital thermochronology
- Specific yield in regional groundwater modeling: pitfalls, implications, and solutions
- Spring Snowmelt: a 'Hot Moment' for Soil Denitrification in Riparian Areas?
- Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: A decade of research and education on coupled carbon and water cycles in snow-dominated watersheds
- Using remotely piloted aircrafts to evaluate potato water stress in Central Wisconsin
- Critical Zone network cluster research: Using Big Data approaches to assess ecohydrological resilience across scales
- Do small magnitude, anthropogenic earthquakes induce pore pressure changes in the subsurface?
- Groundwater-Driven Intermittency Regimes in a Seventh-Order Intermittent River
- How high to fly? Evaluating different elevations for mapping evapotranspiration from remotely piloted aircrafts
- Integrating Remote Sensing and Machine Learning for Groundwater Withdrawal Estimation in Arizona
- Projecting the long-term effectiveness of groundwater conservation initiatives: A western Kansas case study
- Stackable Stratigraphy: Building Stratigraphic Models from Seismic and Tops Data
- The Sheridan-6 Local Enhanced Management Area: An Ongoing Experiment in Groundwater Conservation
- TouchTerrain: A Web App to Easily Make 3D-Printable Terrain Models
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Using high spatiotemporal nitrate measurements to assess nutrient transport and transformations at the terrestrial-marine interface of a tidal watershed
- Expanding accessibility in 3 dimensions by printing Kansas fossil toolkits for K-12 classrooms