UMass Amherst
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Global Paleoclimate Observing System to Complement GCOS and GOOS
- Brittle Strain Localization and Thrust Fault Geometry Within Thrust-Cored Folds: Causative Principal Stresses and Insights From Coulomb Stress Change
- Changing Moisture Sources Over the Last 300,000 Years in Oman (Southern Arabia): Evidence From Speleothem Fluid Inclusions
- Deformation Sequence, Bereghinya Planitia, Venus
- Exploring the Tuolumne River:An Interactive CD ROM on Fluvial Processes
- Holocene Records of Paleosecular Variation From the Arctic: Ellesmere Island Lakes and a Core North of Iceland (MD99-2269)
- Isotopic and Nb Correlations in Hawaiian Lavas: Evidence for a Ubiquitous Refractory Plume Component?
- Late Pleistocene Lake Level History in Patagonia: Lake Cardiel \(49\°S\)
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Fluid Diffusive Motion
- Long-term Solar Forcing of the Arctic Oscillation/North Atlantic Oscillation
- Magma Chamber Processes Within Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Based on Petrology of Recent Summit Lavas
- Mass Balance and Area Changes of two High Arctic Plateau Ice Caps, 1959-2001
- Optimization Models for Managing Stream/Aquifer Interactions
- Porewater geochemical evidence for fluid flow in Miocene Peri-platform Sediments of the Marion Plateau, Leg 194 Ocean Drilling Program
- Sedimentological Investigation of the Paleoclimate Record From Core PG1351, El'gygytgyn Crater Lake, NE Russia
- Simulating the Climatic Controls on Oxygen-18 in Tropical Andean ice Cores
- Snapshots From a Tertiary Subduction Factory: Metamorphic Fluids From Fault Zones of the Low-Grade Shimanto Accretionary Prism of Southwest Japan
- Snowflake Troctolite and Other Experimental Delights in Melts of the Kiglapait Lower Zone
- Strontium Isotope Ratios (<SUP>87</SUP>Sr/<SUP>86</SUP>Sr) as Tracers for Recharge Areas, Groundwater Movement and Mixing in an Arid Coastal Region of the Sultanate of Oman
- The Lake El'gygytgyn sediment core - a 300ka climate record of the terrestrial Arctic
- The Moho as a Dynamic Boundary: The Southern Rocky Mountain Region as an Example
- Tors, Eustatic Shorelines, and Mammoths: Evidence Against Ice Sheets on Wrangel Island, East Siberian/Chukchi Seas
- A Dynamic Model of Hysteretic Elastic Sysytems
- A Re-appraisal of Olivine Sorting and Accumulation in Hawaiian Magmas.
- A Reconstruction of Humidity Changes for the Last 8000 Years, Yukon Territory, Canada
- A speleothem record of changes in tropical convection in the Indian Ocean during the last glacial period
- An Interior View of the Springerville Volcanic Field, AZ Magma Plumbing System
- Antarctic Ice and Sediment Flux in the Oligocene Simulated by a Climate-Ice Sheet-Sediment Model
- Bacterial Disproportionation of Elemental Sulfur in Marine Sediments Amplified by a Seafloor Fuel Cell
- Biostimulation of Metal-Reducing Microbes at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site
- Coupled Climate-Ice Sheet Simulations of the Early Cenozoic History of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Deglacial and Holocene Records of Climate Change in the Tropics from Lake Sediments, Cordillera de Merida, Venezuela
- Extremely Rapid Crystal Fractionation During Episodes 30-31 of the Pu`u O`o Eruption: Implications for Magma Chamber Processes
- High Exhumation Rates Based on Fission-Track Data From Western Bhutan Himalaya
- Holocene ITCZ Migration Recorded in Stalagmites from Southern Oman
- Interactions of Geobacter with Insoluble Fe(III) and Mn(IV) Oxides
- Mechanical Analysis of Fault Interaction in the Puente Hills Region, Los Angeles Basin, California
- On Dynamic Nonlinear Elasticity and Small Strain
- Partitioning of Seismogenic Strain in the Offshore Costa Rica Forearc
- Proxy-Based Reconstruction of Surface Temperature Variations in Past Centuries
- Reconstruction of River Outflow, Vegetation Dymanics and Fire History of the Amazon Basin for the Last 40ka.
- Sedimentological Evidence For The Last Interglacial (Sensu Lato) From El'gygytgyn Crater Lake
- The ACE (Antarctic Climate Evolution) Research Initiative
- Thermal--Stochastic Properties of Hysteretic Elastic System
- Work Balance within Active Fault Systems
- A Geochemical Study of Magmatic Processes and Evolution along the Submarine Southwest Rift zone of Mauna Loa Volcano, Hawaii
- A model for carbon and oxygen isotope co-variation in closed lakes based on study of Lake Junin, Peru
- Active Microbial Methane Production and Organic Matter Degradation in a Devonian Black Shale
- Altitude Controlled Balloons for Atmospheric Research
- An ∼1500 year history of El Niño Southern Oscillation rainfall anomalies and land use for the Isthmus of Panama from speleothem calcite
- Analysis of Biogeochemistry of Acid-Mine Drainage at Rowe, Massachusetts
- Ancient Organic Matter Sources to the Hudson-Mohawk River System: Implications of Riverine Transport of Ancient Organic Matter for the Global Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle
- Anomalous Thermal Relaxation Induced by the Granular Composition of Berea Sandstone
- Beringian Sea Level and Marine Climate History: Investigations into Regional & Global Impacts
- Changes in Atmospheric 14C Between 55 and 42 ky BP Recorded in a Stalagmite From Socotra Island, Indian Ocean
- Estimating peak last-interglacial warmth in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Geochemical Short Circuits: How Recycled Ancient Organic Matter Impacts the Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle
- Holocene ITCZ Migration Recorded in Stalagmites From Oman (Southern Arabia)
- Hydrologic Variability During the Last 10,000 Years in the Tropical Andes
- Insolation-Driven Changes in Aridity Within the Amazon Basin Over the Last 40,000 Years
- Isotopic Study of the Mauna Loa Southwest Rift Mile High Section: Hawaiian Mantle Plume Components
- Large incised channels on the Chukchi Shelf provide new constraints on onshore drainage: Implications for tectonic and climatic evolution of NW Alaska
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulations of Pulsed Field Gradient Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Modeling of the Early Cenozoic History of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Numerous Submarine Radial Vents Revealed on Mauna Loa Volcano
- Organic Matter Isotopic Analyses from Chukchi Sea Sediments: New Constraints on the Late Quaternary Sea Level History of Beringia
- Radial Features around Irnini Mons, Venus: Implications for Timing of Regional Compression
- Successful Completion of Pre-Site Survey for Deep Drilling at El'gygytgyn Crater Lake
- Timing of Magmatism and Metamorphism in the Lower Crust Beneath the Colorado Plateau From Coupled U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotopic Analysis of Zircon From Xenoliths
- Using Three-dimensional Mechanical Models of the Los Angeles Basin, California, to Validate Tectonic Boundary Conditions and Locate Unrecognized Secondary Faults
- What can we Learn From Small Non-Recoverable Strains at Plate Boundaries?
- Wrinkles on the Crust of Venus
- An annually resolved 2500 yr long record of rain events in a polar desert
- Black Shale: A Source of Dissolved Organic Matter in Natural Waters
- Characterizing Stream-Aquifer Interaction at an Acid Mine Drainage Site
- Chironomid δ ^{18}O and \delta$D as Paleoclimate Proxies: Progress and Puzzles
- Contaminant Transport Hydrology Of Surface/Ground Water Interactions
- Deglaciation to Holocene Sea-ice History Over Navarin and Pervenets Canyons of the Northern Bering Sea Using Diatoms and Alkenones
- Elemental and Isotopic Constraints on the Late Glacial-Holocene Transgression and Paleoceanography of the Chukchi Sea
- Evidence for a Direct Link Between Solar Variability and Holocene Climate in the Southwest USA
- Ferrous/Ferric Ratios in 1984 Mauna Loa Lavas: A Contribution to Understanding the Oxidation State of Hawaiian Magmas
- Holocene Sun-Monsoon Linkage Recorded in Stalagmites From Oman
- Interactions between Antarctic Sea Ice, Ice Sheets, and Climate Through the Cenozoic
- Late-Quaternary Glacial History of the Venezuelan Andes
- Nonlinear Soil Response Induced in Situ by an Active Source at Garner Valley
- Ocean Circulation and Gateway Closures During the Late Miocene (~13-5 Ma)
- Oriented Exsolution of Fe-Ti Oxides in Augite from the Kiglapait Intrusion
- Paleomagnetic Directions and 40Ar/39Ar Ages From Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex, Chilean Andes: Lava Record of a Matuyama-Brunhes Precursor?
- Preliminary Microwave Palaeointensity Results From the Tatara-San Pedro Volcanic Complex, Chile - Intensity Variation Through the Matuyama-Brunhes Transition?
- Regional Atmospheric Circulation Change in the North Pacific During the Holocene Inferred from Lacustrine Carbonate Oxygen Isotopes, Yukon Territory, Canada
- Regional Response of Central Beringian Climate to Circumarctic Ice Sheets and Orbital Parameters Since the Last Interglaciation: Model-Data Comparisons
- Sedimentation in Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeastern Siberia, During the Past Three Climate Cycles
- Solar and Volcanic Modulation of Little Ice Age Climate in the Tropical Andes, Venezuela
- Stable Isotopes in Precipitation and the South American Summer Monsoon - Observations and Model Results
- Structural and Temporal Requirements for Geomagnetic Field Reversal Deduced From 40Ar/39Ar Dated Lava Flows
- Surface Vector Velocity Estimates and Gulf Stream Observations From the UMass Dual Beam Interferometer
- Testing 3D fault configuration in the northern Los Angeles basin, California via patterns of rock uplift the since 2.9 Ma
- The Significance of Late Quaternary Mass Movement Events for the Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Sediment Records from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
- Young Prehistoric Kilauea Lava Flows From Uwekahuna Bluff, Hawaii: Mixed Source or Hybrid Magmas?
- A Comparison of Excimer Laser Microprobe (U-Th)/He and Conventional Laser-Heating (U-Th)/He Thermochronometry
- A Coupled Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf/Sediment Model Applied to Antarctica: Forced and Unforced Variations.
- A Record of Changes in the Indian Monsoon From ~29 ka to 11 ka Based on a Stalagmite from Socotra Island, Yemen
- A new Mantle Source Tapped During Episode 55 of the Pu'u O'o Eruption From Kilauea Volcano
- Abrupt Shifts in the Position of the North Magnetic Pole From Arctic lake Sediments: Relationship to Archeomagnetic Jerks
- Comparison of GPS Data From the Ventura Basin, California to Interseismic Three-Dimensional Mechanical Models
- Design of a meso-scale poly-axial testing device for examining the role of anisotropic stress on fluid flow in fractured rock
- Endurance: The rewards and challenges of landing a spacecraft on Europa
- Field Mapping and Fracture Characterization Techniques Predict Groundwater Preferential Flow Paths in Fractured Bedrock Aquifers, Nashoba Terrane, MA
- Field-based Constraints on Lower Crustal Flow From the World's Largest Exposure of Lower Continental Crust, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada
- Flow Banding in Rhyolites: A Manifestation of Water Concentration Heterogeneity in the Melt?
- Glacier Recession on Kilimanjaro: Complexity and Spatial Variability in Climatic Forcing
- Global Climate Model Scenarios for Precipitation in North America
- Holocene ITCZ and Indian Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in Stalagmites From Oman and Yemen (Socotra)
- Late Holocene Variability of Rainfall and the El Niño Southern Oscillation from a Costa Rican Speleothem
- Measurements of Active Chlorine in the Antarctic Ozone Hole: 1986 to 2005
- Mechanics of thrust fault development within accretionary wedges.
- Midge-Inferred Temperatures from Three Interglacial Periods in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
- Millennial Climate Variability in Tropical South America
- Multi-Decadal to Millennial Scale Holocene Hydrologic Variation in the Southern Hemisphere Tropics of South America
- North Pacific Atmospheric Circulation Change and Effective Moisture Variability in the Yukon Territory, Canada
- Orbitally Paced Sedimentary Cycles from the Lower Oligocene Antarctic Margin as a Record of Ice Sheet Variability: a Comparison of Field Data and Simulated Ice Sheet Behavior
- Oxidation State of Iron in Feldspars from Felsic to Intermediate Volcanic Rocks as an Indicator of Magma Oxygen Fugacity
- Persistence of ENSO-Like Climate Variability Throughout the Holocene
- Possible Antarctic Forcing Over Amazon Basin Climate During The LGIT
- Quantifying the Micromechanical Effects of Variable Cement in Porous Media
- Quantitative imaging of magnetic nanoparticles using off-axis electron holography
- Rethinking The Cenozoic Record of Ice Volume: A Modeling Perspective on the Relative Contributions of Southern and Northern Hemispheres
- School of Rock: An Ocean-going, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers
- Seismic Hazard Estimates of the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins Using Three-Dimensional Mechanical Models of Active Faulting
- Speleothem Paleorainfall Records from the Isthmus of Panama: Tropical Forcing or Response to the Extratropics?
- Synoptic Analysis of 2000-2005 Significant Snowfall Events on Mt. Kilimanjaro
- The Svalbard REU Program: A High-Latitude Undergraduate Research Program in Glacial, Fluvial and Marine Processes Relevant to Arctic Climate Change
- Three-Dimensional Structural and Hydrologic Evolution of Sant Corneli Anticline, a Fault-Cored Fold in the Central Spanish Pyrenees
- Water Concentrations and Distribution in Evolving Melts as Suggested by Melt Inclusions and Matrix Glasses
- A Coupled Ice-sheet/Ice-shelf/Sediment Model Applied to a Marine-margin Flowline: Patterns of Sediment Deposits
- A Geostatistical Approach to Watershed Sources of Aged Riverine Organic Matter to the Hudson-Mohawk River System
- A new Technique for Creating Three-Dimensional Interseismic Mechanical Models in Regions of Interacting Non-planar Faults: Application to the Los Angeles and Ventura Basins, California
- Adapting RegCM3 to the South Polar region: Results from a 10-year nested simulation.
- Changes In Atmospheric Circulation And Paleoprecipitation In Subtropical Brazil During The Late Quaternary
- Characterizing fractured crystalline bedrock aquifers using discrete fracture networks in the Nashoba Terrane, Eastern Massachusetts
- Construction of the Devonian bimodal Gouldsboro pluton via multiple intrusion, coastal Maine, USA
- Deep Subsurface Biodegradation of Sedimentary Organic Matter in a Methane-Rich Shale Gas Reservoir
- Development of the High-Altitude Imaging Wind and Rain Airborne Profiler (HIWRAP)
- Dissimilatory Iron Reduction in Microorganisms Growing Near 100 C
- East African Soil Erosion Recorded in a 300 Year old Coral Colony From Kenya
- Elevational Gradients of Temperature and Atmospheric Moisture on Kilimanjaro, Tanzania
- Evidence of an active ENSO, PDO, and AMO during the mid- Holocene from a Costa Rican speleothem
- Experimental chlorine stable isotope fractionation of perchlorate respiring bacteria
- Holocene Hydrologic Changes in the Tropical Pacific
- Holocene Multi-Decadal to Millennial-Scale Hydrologic Variability on the South American Altiplano
- Holocene Sedimentation Recorded in Varved Sediments in Saanich Inlet, British Columbia
- Joint rotation in non-cylindrical folds: do fractures in the field always reflect their initial orientations?
- Large Variations of Atmospheric 14C Associated With Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles 10- 13
- Large Woody Debris Characteristics of Maine Rivers: Its Frequency, Geometry, and Role In Sediment Storage
- Late Pleistocene Stalagmite Record Of Atmospheric Circulation And Soil Processes In The Brazilian Subtropics
- Living Rocks in Connecticut River Headwaters: Ferromanganese Stromatolites
- Magnetic Properties of Anorthosites: Possible Source Rocks for Planetary Magnetic Anomalies
- Micromechanical Effects of Cement on Deformation of Porous Granular Media: Example from the San Gregorio Fault, California and Laboratory Studies
- Northern Hemisphere Glaciation in the Early Cenozoic?
- Not Just the 8.2 event: Dynamic Early Holocene Climate in Arctic Canada
- Partitioning and Aerobic Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Vapors in Soil from a Weathered Petroleum Spill Site
- Pb Isotope Systematics in Oceanic Island Basalts: What do Linear Pb-Pb Trends Tell us About the Plume Source?
- Proxy-Based Reconstructions of Past Hemispheric and Global Mean Surface Temperature Variations
- Rapid Mantle Source Variations During the Latest Episode of Kilauea's Prolonged Pu'u O'o Eruption, Hawaii
- Rapid Passage of a Small-Scale Mantle Heterogeneity Through the Melting Regions of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Volcanoes
- Revised Late Neogene Mid-Latitude Planktic Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy for the Northwest Pacific (Shatsky Rise), ODP Leg 198
- Simulating Climate Change in Central America Using PRECIS Regional Modeling System
- The Mechanics of Coulomb Wedges: Comparison Between a Numerical Model (Boundary Element Method) and a Sand-Box Experiment.
- The Oxidation State of Hawaiian Magmas: The Ongoing (1983 - 2006) Kilauea Eruption
- The View from the Isthmus: Central American paleoclimates on millennial to multidecadal time scales
- 4500 Years of Annual Sediment Accumulation Recorded in Lower Murray Lake in the Canadian High Arctic
- A Speleothem Record of Tropical Moisture Transport
- A Three-Dimensional Numerical Investigation of San Andreas Fault Configuration Through the San Gorgonio Pass
- Analytical Aspects of EPMA for Trace Element Analysis in Complex Accessory Minerals
- Antarctic Climate-Cryosphere Response to Extreme Orbital Forcing During Marine Isotope Stage 31
- Assessment of 21st Century Climate Change Projections in the Tropical Andes
- Building Formal and Informal Partnerships Through a Land-Based, Hands-on Research Expedition for Earth and Ocean Science Teachers
- Central American rainfall variations since 100 ka and moisture delivery to Greenland
- Climate Change in Tropical East Africa: Combining High-Altitude Measurements, Proxy Records and Numerical Modeling
- Closure of the Indonesian Seaway during the middle to late Miocene (13.2-5.8 Ma): Early history of the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- Constraining the Timescales of Sediment Sequestration Associated With Large Woody Debris Using Cosmogenic Beryllium-7
- Determining Water Fluxes Across Surface Water/Groundwater Interfaces Using Temperature Data and Numerical Models
- Drought in the Western US and Floods in China: Pacific Response to Global Warming
- Effects of Material Heterogeneity on Interseismic and Geologic Deformation Southern California Sedimentary Basins
- Evaluation of the Effects of Cementation on Specific Storage of Granular Porous Media Using Discrete Element Models
- Geophysical monitoring of microbial activity during stimulated subsurface bioremediation
- Improved EPMA Trace Element Accuracy Using a Matrix Iterated Quantitative Blank Correction
- Lack of Correlated Isotopic and Compositional Variations in Mauna Loa Lavas: A Serious Problem for Pyroxenite/Eclogite Plume Source Models
- Long-range transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the eastern Asian continent to Kanazawa, Japan with Asian dust
- Megadunes and Geologic Maps of Snow/Firn of East Antarctica: Implications for Major Climatic Change, Accumulation Rates, Ice Flowage, and Bedrock Structures
- Novel Stable Isotope Methods for Assessing Changes in Seasonality of Precipitation from Sediments of Ombrotrophic Peatlands
- Organic Matter Production And Preservation During Transgression And Highstand Of The Niobrara Cyclothem, Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
- Paleohydrologic controls on methanogenesis in organic-rich saline aquifers
- Quantifying INSAR Temporal Decorrelation and its impact on estimation of vegetation structure
- Reconstructing Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation From High Arctic Sediments
- Regional Arctic and Hemispheric Teleconnections expressed in the paleoenvironmental record of El'gygytgyn Lake, NE Russia
- Revised stratigraphy, timing, and amplitude of the middle Miocene eustatic sea-level fall recorded on the Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194)
- SAR, InSAR and Lidar studies for measuring vegetation structure over the Harvard Forest
- Secular Variation and Paleomagnetic Studies of Southern Patagonian Plateau Lavas, 46S to 52S, Argentina
- Sulfur Isotopes as Indicators of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Processes Influencing Field Scale Uranium Bioremediation
- Teaching rapid climate change using examples from the geologic record - a discovery-based learning module for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Th-U-total Pb Geochronology of Authigenic Monazite Near the top of the Sturtian-Marinoan Interglacial, Adelaide Rift Complex, South Australia
- The Evolution of Water Concentration in Rhyolitic Lava Flows During Emplacement and Solidification and Effects on Development of Flow Textures
- The Influence of Salinity, Growth Rate and Temperature on D/H Fractionation in Algal Lipids from Culture and Field Studies
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- The role of electron microprobe mapping and dating in tectonic geochronology
- Tracking the Petrogenetic and Rheological Evolution of Continental Lower Crust Through Time With Monazite
- Tropical Pacific Hydrologic Changes During the Last 1,000 Years from Lipid D/H Ratios in Lake and Ocean Sediments
- 1,340 year long Late Holocene stalagmite stable isotope records from the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico
- A Lower Threshold for North Atlantic ice Rafting in the Late Pliocene Than the Late Pleistocene in Response to Low-slung Slippery ice Sheets?
- A speleothem-based high resolution reconstruction of climate in Southeastern Brazil over the past 4000 y
- Abundance and Distribution of Hydrothermal Chimneys and Mounds on the Endeavour Ridge Determined by 1-m Resolution AUV Multibeam Mapping Surveys
- Age Determination for Deep-Sea Cores: Inquiry-based Learning with Authentic Scientific Ocean Drilling Data
- Amino Acid Geochronology as an Independent Test of Numerical Dating Methods Applied to Loess Deposits in Southeastern Europe and Central Asia
- Analog and Numerical Investigations into the Complexity of the San Andreas Fault through the San Gorgonio Knot
- Application of fallout radionuclides as indicators of eco-geomorphic adjustments to dams
- Climatic forcing of West Antarctic Ice Sheet variability on orbital timescales
- Constructing Knowledge of Marine Sediments in Introductory Geology and Oceanography Courses Using DSDP, ODP, and IODP Data
- Deep and Ultra-deep Underground Observatory for In Situ Stress, Fluids, and Life
- Effect of Electron Capacitance on Geobacter Growth and Metal Reduction in Subsurface
- Enhancing the Attenuation of Acid-Mine Drainage at Davis Mine, Rowe, Massachusetts via Installation of a Permeable Reactive Barrier.
- Experimental Study of the Roles of Mechanical and Hydrologic Properties in the Initiation of Natural Hydraulic Fractures
- Geologic Slip Rates and Interseismic Deformation in the Ventura Region, Southern California
- High Arctic Temperature Variations During the Past Five Millennia: a Varve Based Record From Lower Murray Lake, Nunavut, Canada
- Humans in Biogeophysical Models: Colonial Period Human-Environment Interactions in the Northeastern United States
- IPY STEM Polar Connections Links Teachers with the Global Relevance of the High Latitudes
- Impact of the Greenland Ice Sheet on Northern Hemispheric Glacial-Interglacial Cycles
- In Situ Bioreduction of Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer: Overview of Results from the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado
- Insights into changes in precipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Integration of Genome-Scale Metabolic Nodels of Iron-Reducing Bacteria With Subsurface Flow and Geochemical Reactive Transport Models
- Kinematically Coupled Strike-Slip and Normal Faults in the Lake Mead Strike-Slip Fault System, Southeast Nevada
- Magmatic Processes at Kilauea Volcano Revealed by the Puu Oo Eruption
- Microstructural Evidence for Seismic Rupture, Post-seismic Creep, and Fluid Transport in the Frictional-to-Viscous Transition, Norumbega Fault System, Maine, USA
- Mid- to late-Holocene NAO-type variability and the impacts of climate change on Paleo- Eskimo and Norse occupation in West Greenland based on lacustrine alkenones and compound-specific hydrogen isotopes
- Milestones and Lacunae in Quaternary Paleoclimatology
- Miocene Glacio-eustasy and Carbonate Sequences on the Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia: Inferences from Distal Slope Records
- Modeling West Antarctic Ice Sheet Growth and Retreat Through the Last 5 Million Years
- New Style Geologic Map of Mostly Later Holocene and Recent Features of the Greater South Pole Basin
- Ozone and Temperature Trends in the Upper Stratosphere at Five Stations of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change
- Perspectives from Meteorological Measurements on High Elevation Ice Caps in the Topical Andes
- Projections of Future Changes in Precipitation for Central America Using PRECIS Regional Climate Model
- Radar Analyses of Space-Time Variability of Rainfall for Extreme Flood-Producing Storms in an Urban Environment
- Rapid Temporal Geochemical and Isotopic Variations of Tephra From the Ongoing 2008 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Relating Phylogeny to Alkenone Distributions in Lacustrine Alkenone-Producing Haptophytes: Implications for Continental Paleotemperature Reconstructions
- Revealing Climate Change of the Recent Past From Glacier Shrinkage on Kilimanjaro
- Speleothem records of changes in tropical hydrology during the Holocene
- Synchronous Western North American and Polar Abrupt Climate Events
- Synthesizing US Colonial Climate: Available Data and a "Proxy Adjustment" Method
- Tectonic and Volcanic Character of the Endeavour Ridge Axis From 1-m Resolution AUV Multibeam Mapping Surveys
- The Recent Prehistoric Geochemical Evolution of Summit Lavas From Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- The last 850 millennia recorded at the Stari Slankamen loess-paleosol sequence: revised chronostratigraphy and long-term environmental trends
- The structure of Kilauea's magmatic plumbing system: a geochemical perspective from historical rift lavas (1790-1980 A.D.)
- Towards Understanding Patterns of Climate Change in Past Centuries
- Using Benthic Foraminiferal Oxygen Isotope Data from DSDP and ODP Sediment Cores as a Framework for Climate Change Connections in Introductory Geology and Oceanography Courses
- Using Multi-Model Ensemble Methods to Assess Climate Change Impacts on Water Management Throughout the State of Washington, USA
- Why Drill Here? Teaching to Build Student Understanding of the Role Sediment Cores from Polar Regions play in Interpreting Climate Change
- 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of submarine Mauna Loa volcano, Hawaii
- A 5,000 year alkenone-based temperature reconstruction from the High Arctic (Lower Murray Lake, Nunavut Canada)
- A Conceptual Hydrogeologic Model of the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- A Data-Driven Study of the Climatic and Hydrogeologic Factors Influencing Water Table Fluctuations in the Northeast United States
- A preliminary result of stress orientation obtained from drilling induced tensile fractures and borehole breakouts at Site C0009 of Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- A quantitative high-resolution summer temperature reconstruction back to AD 850 based on sedimentary pigments from Laguna Aculeo, Central Chile
- A speleothem record of climate variability over the last millennium in the northern Wasatch Mountains, southeast Idaho
- Alkenone-based decadal scale temperature reconstruction of the late Holocene from Kongressvatnet, Svalbard
- Arctic Environmental Change Recorded In Lake Sediments from Baffin Island, Canada: The Past Century Compared With the Past 200,000 Years
- Bulk and compound-specific isotopic signatures of carbon cycling and anoxia at Lake El'gygytgyn
- Climate forcings of changes in paleoprecipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- DUSEL and the future of deep terrestrial microbiology (Invited)
- Deep Drilling 2009 at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia: Success and Recovery of a Continuous 3.6 Myr Arctic Paleoclimate Record
- Defining Lithological Units by Cuttings, Core and Logging Data at Site C0009A in the Nankai Trough, Japan: IODP Expedition 319
- Developing a biomarker-based proxy of sea ice extent and duration in the Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Diatom Assemblages Preserved During Intervals of Peak Warmth Inferred in Sediment Cores from Lake El’gygytgyn, Siberia: Implications for Paleoenvironmental Reconstructions from the Lake
- Direct Measurements of Hydrothermal Heat Output at Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Downhole Hydrologic Testing in the Kumano Basin and Underlying Sediments: Results from NanTroSEIZE Expedition 319
- Ecohydrology of Deep Fractured Rocks at Homestake DUSEL
- Experimental evidence for hydrologic and mechanical controls on formation of hydraulic fractures in quartz-rich sandstone and siltstone
- Fjord floor landforms and processes at the termini of Kongsvegen and Kronebreen Glaciers, Svalbard
- Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea and Comparisons with UARS and Aura MLS Measurements
- High-resolution inorganic geochemistry of high arctic Lake Elgygytgyn/NE Siberia over the last 340ka
- Holocene Arctic climate variability: forcing, proxies and relationship to lower latitude climate (Invited)
- Hydraulic Fracture Measurements at Site C0009 of IODP Expedition 319, NanTroSEIZE
- Ice Volume at the Eocene-Oligocene Transition Predicted from Restoration of West Antarctic Topography
- In situ stress and deformation patterns across the Nankai Kumano basin and forearc: Results from IODP Expedition 319
- Layer-cake vs. fruit-cake stratigraphy of megadune-related snows of East Antarctica
- Magnitude and timing of orbitally paced Antarctic ice sheet variations through the Pliocene and Pleistocene
- Mechanisms for Incorporation of Hydrogen in and on the Lunar Surface
- Modeling the Growth of Hyperthermophiles in Deep-sea Hydrothermal Diffuse Fluids and Sulfide Deposits
- Molecular Diversity and Activity of Methanogens in the Subseafloor at Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents of the Pacific Ocean (Invited)
- Monazite and allanite U-Th-Pb vs mica 39Ar-40Ar ages in equilibrated metasediments: closure behavior and closure temperatures
- Nantucket, Ma. Climate Protection Action Plan: A Public Outreach Strategy
- Natural and Accelerated in situ Bioremediation of Metals and Radionuclides: Progress in Mechanistic Understanding and Monitoring Methods (Invited)
- Polar terrestrial ecosystems, permafrost, and extreme warm paleoclimate dynamics (Invited)
- Pore-scale investigation of microbial growth and reactive transport
- Pre-Cumulus zoning, Residual Porosity, and Impermeable Barriers in Igneous Cumulates
- Probabilistic Assessment of Climate Risk to Water Supply Reliability
- Probability Distributions for Offshore Wind Speeds
- Productivity response to the PETM in the North Atlantic and South Indian Ocean
- Quantifying net microbial metabolism in the sub-seafloor using the chemical composition of adjacent hot and warm vent fluids
- Rapid Temporal Geochemical and Isotopic Variations of Tephra From the Ongoing 2008-2009 Summit Eruption of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii
- Reconstructing Holocene climate variability of northwestern Norway based on geochemical analysis of two lacustrine records from the Lofoten Islands
- Regional Hydrological Response to Climate Change in Mexico and Central America
- Resetting Monazite Dates by Fluid Moderated Coupled Dissolution-Reprecipitation
- Response of the Antarctic Ice Sheet to increased ice-shelf oceanic melting
- Secular Stress Accumulation, Coulomb Stress Changes, and Clock Changes on Los Angeles Regional Faults: Preliminary Results
- Sedimentation in Lake Elgygytgyn, NE Russia, during the past 340.000 years
- Spatial and Temporal Sampling Strategies Using High-Resolution Atmospheric Chemistry Model Data: Application for a Time-Resolved Tropospheric Chemistry Mission Study
- Stress and Pore Pressure Measurement in IODP Riser Drilling: An Example from Expedition 319, Kumano Basin offshore SW Honshu, Japan
- The Holocene lipid biomarker record of climate and hydrological change at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- The Impact of Mass Movement Events on the Pelagic Sediment Record in Lake Elgygytgyn, NE Russia
- The Role of Local to Large Scale Meteorological Processes in the Development of Pollution Events in East Texas: Implications for a Geostationary Chemistry Mission
- The emerging lipid biomarker record of environmental change at Lake El’gygytgyn, NE Russia
- Thresholds for Greenland Ice Sheet Variability on Orbital and Longer Timescales
- Tracing Multi-Scale Climate Change at Low Latitude from Glacier Shrinkage
- Transferring ANDRILL Research on Antarctic Cenozoic Climate Change into the Classroom: Teaching Exercises that build Student Skills and Content Knowledge
- Water and Carbon Dioxide Preserved in Crystals of the Deccan Basalts
- ‘Building Core Knowledge - Reconstructing Earth History’: Transforming Undergraduate Instruction by Bringing Ocean Drilling Science on Earth History and Global Climate Change into the Classroom (Invited)
- A 5,000 year alkenone-based temperature record from Lower Murray Lake reveals a distinct Medieval Warm Period in the Canadian High Arctic
- A reach-scale study of dam-induced hyporheic exchange: controlling mechanisms and effects, Deerfield River, Massachusetts
- Alkenone paleothermometry in lakes of the Lofoten Archipelago, Northwestern Norway: A new calibration from in situ measurements
- Analysis of Ground Water Flow and Deformation in the Vicinity of DUSEL Homestake
- Angle-of-Arrival Fluctuations of Light Propagating through the Intermittent Nocturnal Atmospheric Surface Layer
- Application-dependent Probability Distributions for Offshore Wind Speeds
- Assessing Climate Risks on the Investment Plans in the Niger River Basin, West Africa
- Assessing changes to South African maize production areas in 2055 using empirical and process-based crop models
- Biodiversity of the Deep-Sea Benthic Fauna in the Sangihe-Talaud Region, Indonesia: Observations from the INDEX-SATAL 2010 Expedition
- Characteristics and paleoenvironmental significance of lacustrine sediments in the El'gygytgyn drill core
- Characterizing Water Flux at Till/Bedrock Interfaces in the Glaciated Northeastern US
- Climate change impacts on water resources in tropical mountain regions: an Andean perspective (Invited)
- Compilation of regional ground water monitoring data to investigate 60 years of ground water dynamics in New England
- Constraining hurricane-induced flooding over the last 2000 years using preserved overwash deposits from a Florida sinkhole
- Dating Shearing and Exhumation in the Eastern Adriondack Mountains: Integrating Monazite into Microstructural and Petrologic Studies
- Deciphering the Geochronological Framework of Serbian Loess Using Amino Acid Stratigraphy
- Decision Scaling to Aid the development of a dynamic regulation plan for the Upper Great Lakes
- Diatom Surface Sediment Assemblages from the Bering Sea Shelf: a Tossed Salad or Faithful Recorder of 50 Years of Environmental Change?
- Evolution of Kilauea Volcano's shallow magmatic plumbing system: a geochemical perspective from historical rift lavas (1790-present)
- Evolution of modern eukaryotes in the context of Cryogenian geochemical, tectonic and climatic changes (Invited)
- Exploring Organic Matter Sources Through δ13C Depletion of Lipid Biomarkers at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia
- First Microbial Community Assessment of Borehole Fluids from the Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory (DUSEL)
- Fossil evidence for life in post-Sturtian cap carbonates of the Rasthof Formation, northern Namibia
- Glacial-interglacial variability of the Greenland Ice Sheet in the Pliocene
- Greenland's early glacial history in the context of late Cenozoic global cooling (Invited)
- Holocene and Late Pleistocene Climate Change in the Peruvian Altiplano
- Holocene climate and vegetation changes revealed by lipid biomarkers from a peat and sediment sequence on Nightingale Island, central South Atlantic
- How Vulnerable is Perennial Sea Ice? Insights from Earth's Late Cenozoic Natural Experiments (Invited)
- Hyperthermals and orbitally paced permafrost soil organic carbon dynamics
- Hysteresis in Cenozoic East Antarctic ice sheet variations: model-dependent or real?
- INDEX - A New United States and Republic of Indonesia Partnership For Exploration of Indonesia's Seas: 2010 Initial Results Overview
- INDEX SATAL Expedition 2010, a discovery of deep sea potentials
- Initial Results of a Rock Magnetic Study from Core LZ-1029, Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeast Siberia
- Initial Results on the Pliocene and Quaternary Evolution of the Western Arctic from the Deep Drilling in 2008/09 at Lake Elgygytgyn, Chukotka (Invited)
- Intensification of hydrological process in permafrost regions and correlation with ecological processes from multi-sensor satellite observations and in-situ measurements
- Investigating the Role of Hydromechanical Coupling on Flow Systems in a Shallow Fractured Rock Aquifer
- Late-Quaternary Speleothem Records from the Balkan Peninsula - Potential, Objectives and First Results
- Magnetic Anomalies and Rock Magnetic Properties Related to Deep Crustal Rocks of the Athabasca Granulite Terrane, Northern Canada
- McMurdo Dry Valleys Climate Response to Plio-Pleistocene Warm Interglacial Climate Forcing
- Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Oman
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Quaternary Evolution of the Beringian Arctic from Deep Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka: initial results (Invited)
- Milankovitch-paced Termination II in a Nevada speleothem
- Modeling the growth and constraints of thermophiles and biogeochemical processes in deep-sea hydrothermal environments (Invited)
- New Estimates of the Timing and Magnitude of Early to Middle Miocene Eustasy based on Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastic Sequences from the Marion Plateau (ODP Leg 194)
- New insights from old mud: Compound-specific isotopic evidence of paleoenvironmental and hydrological change at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- Pliocene and Quaternary climate evolution of the high Western Arctic derived from initial geochemistry and FTIRS data of the Lake El`gygytgyn sediments, NE Siberia
- Plume indications from hydrothermal activity on Kawio Barat Submarine Volcano, Sangihe Talaud Sea, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Progress toward accurate high spatial resolution actinide analysis by EPMA
- Projected changes in phenological indices for North America using NARCCAP data
- Relating Major Silicates and Monazite Growth in Metamorphic Rocks: Application to the Upper Granite Gorge (Grand Canyon, USA)
- Relational analysis of remote sensing structure derived from lidar and SAR measurements compared to ground measurements at the Harvard Forest
- Searching for Eustasy in Pliocene Sea-Level Records (Invited)
- Simulating the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets in the mid-Pliocene warm period - An ice sheet model intercomparison project
- Skaergaard Liquidus Temperatures and the Frailty of Plagioclase Thermometry
- South Pole Fault Zone, 900 km long and almost through the pole
- Stratospheric ClO at Scott Base, Antarctica, March-November 2009
- Teaching About CO2 as a Climate Regulator During the Phanerozoic and Today
- Temporal trends in mercury deposition and possible remobilization from ponds and coves connected to the Connecticut River
- The Magmatic Origin and Evolution of the Oxnadalur Volcanic Complex in Northern Iceland
- The Urbino Summer School in Paleoclimatology: Investing in the future of paleoclimatology
- The evolution of water concentration during the March 28-29 1875 eruption of Askja volcano, Iceland
- Tidal Impacts on Sediment and Associated Mercury Storage in the Lower Connecticut River Floodplain
- Tropical cyclone activity and western North Atlantic stratification over the last millennia and potential connections (Invited)
- Tubular microfossils from the Sturtian cap carbonates of the Rasthof Formation
- Understanding the Deep Earth: Slabs, Drips, Plumes and More - An On the Cutting Edge Workshop
- Use of an Instrumented Mini-Well Matrix to Document Hydraulic and Transport Fluctuations in the Hyporheic Zone
- Video Observations by Telepresence Reveal Two Types of Hydrothermal Venting on Kawio Barat Seamount
- Water in Nominally Anhydrous Deep Crustal Minerals: Facilitators of Deformation and Partial Melting
- Why Wet Kaolin can be used as a Crustal Analog and its Application to Fault Evolution at Restraining Bends
- A 120 ka record of reconstructed paleoprecipitation signals at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia derived from compound-specific δD analysis of terrestrial biomarkers
- A 13 and 35 GHz Interferometer for Hydrologic, Cryospheric and Vegetation Applications
- A 5 Ma ocean history of the Bering Sea, observed through diatoms
- A Late-Quaternary stalagmite record from Vernjikica Cave, Carpatho-Balkans, Serbia
- A simple inverse method for deducing the large-scale distribution of basal sliding coefficients below the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- A statistical framework to test the significance of hydrologic alteration under future climate scenarios
- Accuracy of biomass estimates from radar and lidar over temperate forests
- Age, Episodicity and Migration of Hydrothermal Activity within the Axial Valley, Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- An Alternative Approach to Estimating the Geothermal Potential of an Area: Applications to the Northeast and Elsewhere
- Arctic Interglacial Warmth - can Beringian paleoclimate records inform us concerning the transition we are now in?
- Assessing the Impacts of the First Five Years of School of Rock On-Board and On-Shore Professional Development Program for Educators: Lessons for Other Teacher Professional Development Programs
- Assessing the Sensitivity of a Reservoir Management System Under Plausible Assumptions About Future Climate Over Seasons to Decades
- Basalt catalyzed carbonate precipitation reactions using carbon dioxide at low temperatures and low pressures
- Bioprospecting of Evaporative Lakes for Development of a Novel Paleo-aridity Metric
- Challenging EMP trace element analysis in monazite: example from low-Th authigenic monazite
- Character, Location, and Implications of Volatiles in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in the 2.6 Fehr Granite, Northern Saskatchewan
- Collapse of the western North America climate dipole during the MCA and LIA
- Connecting top down and bottom up methods for characterizing VOC emissions from petrochemical facilities
- Consequences of Selfgravitation and Crustal Response for IODP 318 Wilkes Land Glacial History Interpretations
- Constraining flooding conditions for early historic and prehistoric hurricanes from resultant deposits preserved in Florida sinkholes
- Damage Zones and Microcrack Formation Associated with Laboratory Produced Extension Fractures
- Deglaciation, lake ontogeny and organic carbon cycling in SW Greenland lakes
- Direct evidence for Antarctic Ice-Sheet variability across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary climate transition
- Discovery of Nascent Vents and Recent Colonization Associated with(Re)activated Hydrothermal Vent Fields by the GALREX 2011 Expedition on the Galápagos Rift
- Dynamic Reservoir Management with Real Options Risk Hedging as a Robust Adaptation to Nonstationary Climate
- Education in Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage
- Effects of Exsolution Lamellae on Magnetic Properties of Crustal Rocks and Contributions to Remanent Magnetic Anomalies
- Examining Geothermal Potential Utilizing a Non-traditional Approach: Case Studies from the New England Region
- From School of Rock to Building Core Knowledge: Teaching about Cenozoic climate change with data and case studies from the primary literature
- Future Changes in the South Asian Summer Monsoon: An Analysis of the CMIP3 Multi-Model Projections
- GALREX 2011: Initial Results of the 2011 NOAA Ocean Exploration Cruise to the Galápagos Rift Using Interactive Telepresence Technology
- Greenland Ice Sheet response to mid-Pliocene summer Arctic sea ice-free conditions
- Hands-on earth science with students at schools for the Deaf
- Heterogeneity within a deep crustal strike-slip shear zone with implications for lower crustal flow, Athabasca granulite terrane, western Canadian Shield
- Holocene temperature history at the west Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments
- How does damage affect rupture propagation across a fault stepover?
- How model dependent are ice sheet predictions for past warm periods? Results from the Pliocene Ice Sheet Modelling Intercomparison Project (PLISMIP)
- Hydrogen isotope composition of dry season atmospheric water vapor on Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Impacts of acetate biostimulation for uranium bioreduction on aqueous arsenic geochemistry
- Importance of Melt Weakening, Rheological Heterogeneity, and Strain Partitioning in Exhumed Sections of Deep Continental Crust
- Insect-Based Holocene (and Last Interglacial?) Paleothermometry from the E and NW Greenland Ice Sheet Margins: A Fly's-Eye View of Warmth on Greenland
- Late Holocene Climate and Environmental Changes: Disentangling Natural and Anthropogenic Signals in Lake Lilandsvatnet (NW Norway)
- Long-term rise of the Water Table in the Northeast US: Climate Variability, Land-Use Change, or Angry Beavers?
- Magmatic architecture of Kilauea's rift zones: A geochemical perspective from historical lavas (1790 A.D. to present)
- Magnetic Characteristics of the Lower Crust: Examples from the Chipman Tonalite, Chipman Dikes, and Fehr Granite, Athabasca Granulite Terrane, Northern Canada
- Major Holocene Climatic Cycle Recorded in Snow Stratigraphy of the East Antarctic Plateau
- Management Strategies for Transition to Sustainable Agricultural Irrigation
- Mass movement deposits in the 3.6 Ma sediment record of Lake El'gygytgyn, Chukotka, NE Russia: Classification, distribution and preliminary interpretation
- Metamorphism, metasomatism, retrogression: the common control on isotope transport
- Micromechanical Modeling for the Deformation of Sand with Non-coaxiality Between Stress and Material Axes
- Modern Process Studies in Kongsfjord, Svalbard: Arctic Geoscience Research Experience for U.S. Undergraduates (Svalbard REU)
- Modern influences on simulated Andean rainfall δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and application to a Holocene speleothem record
- New Criteria for Water Resource System Evaluation under nonstationarity
- Nocturnal Air Seiches in the Arizona Meteor Crater
- Paleohydrology of tropical South America and paleoceanography of the tropical Atlantic as deduced from two new sediment cores on the Brazilian continental slope
- Past and Future Vulnerability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to Surface Ice-Shelf Melt
- Permeability, Fracture Clusters, and Stress State:Implications for Mine-based Studies of EcoHydrology
- Pliocene and Quaternary climate evolution of the Beringian Arctic reconstructed from new geochemical and biological data of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- Progress Toward Understanding of Coupled Microbiology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrogeology Controls on Subsurface Mobility of Uranium
- Quantifying the Relationship between Sea Ice Concentration, Insolation, and the Molecular Fossil IP<SUB>25</SUB>: an Example from the Bering and Chukchi Seas
- Re-Analysis of Ground-Based Microwave ClO Measurements from Mauna Kea, 1992-2010
- Real-Time Observations of Several Powerful Tornadoes by the USArray Transportable Array Network
- Rock Magnetic Properties of Lake El'gygytgyn: Implications for Paleoclimatic Reconstruction
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Sensitivity of the South American Summer Monsoon to high latitude temperature changes during the Last Glacial period
- Severe Weather Case Studies from the USArray Transportable Array Network
- Simulating a Mars mission for the identification of samples of high mineralogical interest using a portable imaging spectrometer
- Soil Moisture Thresholds: A Control on the timing of Bedrock Recharge in the Northeast US?
- South African maize production scenarios for 2055 using a combined empirical and process-based model approach
- Speleothem records of changes in the South American Summer Monsoon during MIS stages 5 and 6
- Sustainable Water Management in the Major Basins of South Asia
- The Cora Lake Shear Zone, an Exhumed Deep Crustal Lithotectonic Discontinuity, Western Churchill Province, Canada
- The Work of Fault Generation in the Laboratory
- The onset of Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation: understanding relative sea-level changes - model and field data comparison
- Using Pneumatics to Perform Laboratory Hydraulic Conductivity Tests on Gravel with Underdamped Responses
- Western Arctic Vulnerability to Warming over the past 3.6 Myr: Lessons from sediments drilled at Lake El'gygytgyn, Western Beringia
- 2.8 Million Years of Arctic Climate Change from Deep Drilling at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- A Decision Framework for Assessing Hydrologic Ecosystem Services
- A Tropical Speleothem Record of Glacial Inception, the South American Summer Monsoon from 125 to 115 ka
- A multiple-proxy approach to understanding rapid Holocene climate change in Southeast Greenland
- A semiparametric multivariate and multi-site weather generator with a low-frequency variability component for use in bottom-up, risk-based climate change assessments
- Abrupt Greenland Ice Sheet runoff and sea water temperature changes since 1821, recorded by coralline algae
- Abrupt Transitions in Climate Throughout the Holocene from a Lake Sediment Record in se Greenland
- Analysis of varying spatial resolution on GCM simulation skill in the contiguous United States
- Antarctic Ice Sheet variability in the Plio-Pleistocene, its impact on the Southern Ocean and teleconnections to distant latitudes
- Characterization of Minerals of Geochronological Interest by EPMA and Atom Probe Tomography
- Climate Risks on Water and Agriculture in the Indus Basin of Pakistan
- Color Reflectance Spectroscopy and Sedimentological Analysis from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Siberia during Marine Isotope Stages 8 - 12
- Communicating Climate Risk through Bottom up Approaches
- Comparison of Numerical Model Estimates of Carbon Fluxes Across Northern Eurasia
- Controls on the rate and location of crevassing icequakes at Yahtse Glacier, Alaska
- Decision-based climate analysis for vulnerability assessment and adaptation planning
- Do hurricanes leave unique sedimentological records in floodplain settings? Connecticut River, Tropical Storm Irene and past flood events
- Dynamic Digital Maps as Vehicles for Distributing Digital Geologic Maps and Embedded Analytical Data and Multimedia
- Estimation of Forest Structure from SRTM correlation data
- Evolution of Fault Efficiency at Restraining Bends within Wet Kaolin Analog Experiments
- Evolving Deformation Style and Rheology During Transpressive Segmentation and Uplift of Continental Lower Crust
- Garnet-Forming Reactions in Felsic Orthogneiss: Implications for Progressive Strengthening and Densification of the Lower Continental Crust
- Geochemical and isotopic time series of oil deposited in Barataria Bay and on Grand Isle, Louisiana, after the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Glacial-interglacial continental temperature variability in the Beringian Arctic: the MBT/CBT record of Lake El'gygytgyn
- Hartree-Fock values of energies, interaction constants, and atomic properties for excited states with p <SUP>N</SUP> configurations of the negative ions, neutral atoms, and first positive ions from boron to bromine
- Heat Production as a Tool in Geothermal Exploration
- High-resolution record of Early to Middle Miocene climate variability from Site 1195, Marion Plateau, NE Queensland margin
- Hydrogeochemical, Stable Isotopes and Hydrology of Fogo Volcano Perched Aquifers: São Miguel Island, Azores (Portugal)
- Hydrogeologic controls on baseflow temperature distributions: Implications for stream temperature response to climate variability
- Identifying the dominant thermal controls in a small salmonid-bearing creek with DTS and LDCA
- Lessons learned from four years of actively using River Forecast Center Ensemble Streamflow Predictions to inform reservoir management
- Magnetic investigation of the mid-Holocene aged coastal lake Heimerdalsvatnet in the Lofoten Islands, northern Norway
- Magnetism of the Lower Crust: Observations from the Athabasca Granulite Terrain, Northern Canada
- Mid- to Late Holocene Indian Ocean Monsoon variability recorded in four speleothems from Socotra Island, Yemen
- Mid-Holocene climate transition in the Arctic: a database of multicentennial quality climate proxy data from 6 to 2 ka
- Mild Little Ice Age and unprecedented recent warmth in an 1800-year lake sediment record from Svalbard
- Millennial scale Record of Terrestrial Pliocene-Pleistocene warmth from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia: What does it mean for Greenland's Ice Sheet history?
- Miocene History of the East Antarctic Ice-sheet Inferred from the Eustatic and Paleoceanographic Record of The Marion Plateau, Northeastern Australia (ODP Leg 194)
- Ocean-atmosphere forcing of South American tropical paleoclimate, LGM to present
- Pore-scale simulation of microbial growth using a genome-scale metabolic model: Implications for Darcy-scale reactive transport
- Projected Climate Impacts to South African Maize and Wheat Production in 2055: a Comparison of Empirical and Mechanistic Modeling Approaches
- Sea Surface Conditions during Marine Isotope Stages 12 to 10 at Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1345)
- Sedimentological constraints to the spatio-temporal evolution of the first Cenozoic Antarctic glaciation
- Solidification of Trapped Liquid in Rocks and Crystals
- South American Monsoon variability during the past 2,000 years from stable isotopic proxies and model simulations
- Structural setting and magnetic properties of pseudotachylyte in a deep crustal shear zone, western Canadian shield
- Temperature-forced century-scale collapses of Northern Hemisphere Monsoons
- Testing restoration-based fracture prediction methods using field studies of fracturing in syn-tectonic strata
- The Cora Lake Shear Zone: Strain Localization in an Ultramylonitic, Deep Crustal Shear Zone, Athabasca Granulite Terrain, Western Churchill Province, Canada
- The Gale Crater Mound in a Regional Geologic Setting
- The Work Budget of Rough Faults
- The implementation of a modernized Dynamic Digital Map on Gale Crater, Mars
- The influence of complex fault geometry on uplift patterns in the Coachella Valley and Mecca Hills of Southern California
- Using the Work of Fault Generation in the Laboratory to Predict Fault Evolution
- Variability in precipitation in a watershed in the altiplano, Peru and modes of variation
- a Coupled GCM Comparison of Marine Isotope Stages 1, 5e, 11c and 31 IN Relation to Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- A Test of Climate Change Refugia in Montane Meadow Systems
- A comprehensive view of the seismic structure of the Cascadia subduction zone from the spreading center to the backarc
- A high-resolution lake sediment record of glacier activity from SE Greenland defines abrupt Holocene cooling events
- A two-stage climate adaptation framework for improving irrigation planning in the Niger River Basin
- Analog Modeling of Restraining Bends: A Study of Strike-Slip Fault Evolution
- Assessment of GDGTs as paleotemperature proxies in a series of lacustrine sediments from southwestern Greenland
- Basal conditions and ice dynamics inferred from radar-derived internal stratigraphy of the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream
- Bias-corrections on regional climate simulations over the northeastern United States
- Changes in Fish Habitat And Demography Following Dam Removal in a Headwater Catchment: Linking Geomorphic, Hydrologic, and Ecological Controls
- Changes in the carbon cycle of northern Eurasia simulated by process models
- ChronRater: A simple approach to assessing the accuracy of age models from Holocene sediment cores
- Classic Maya civilization collapse associated with reduction in tropical cyclone activity
- Climate Variability vs Trend Effects on Water Resources in the Northeastern United States
- Climate and land use change in an Andean watershed: An NDVI analysis for the years 1985 to 2010
- Considering uncertainty in climate change projections through a new decision-centric approach to global change impact assessment on water resources tested in a Pennsylvania watershed
- Current and future carbon export by the Connecticut River: using streamflow data archives and rating curves to model annual and seasonal constituent loads under future discharge scenarios
- Dehydrating a granulite: The behavior of H<SUB>2</SUB>O and CO<SUB>2</SUB> during high-pressure metamorphism
- Development and sustainability of NSF-funded climate change education efforts: lessons learned and strategies used to develop the Reconstructing Earth's Climate History (REaCH) curriculum (Invited)
- Drivers of Millennial-Scale Change in the 3.6 Myr record from Lake El'gygytgyn, Western Beringia (Invited)
- Energetic and hydrogen limitations of thermophilic and hyperthermophilic methanogens
- Evaluating Forecasts in Reservoir Operations: The Role of Reforecast Products
- Exploring Robust and Resilient Pathways to Water Security (Invited)
- Exploring the effect of spatial disaggregation of conceptual hydrologic models for improved flow forecasting
- Future Visions of the Brahmaputra - Establishing Hydrologic Baseline and Water Resources Context
- Future scenarios of urbanization and its effects on water quantity and quality in three New England watersheds
- How do hydrodynamics in the critical zone relate to stream temperature distribution?
- Hydrologic and hydrogeologic controls on the inter-annual variability of stream baseflow in the Northeast US
- Insect-Based Holocene (and Last Interglacial?) Paleothermometry from the E and NW Greenland Ice Sheet Margins: A Fly's-Eye View of Warmth on Greenland
- Investigating the impacts of climate change on stream temperature in the Northeast US
- Investigating the use of paired U<SUP>k'</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> and TEX<SUB>86</SUB> measurements to reconstruct past sea surface and subsurface (thermocline) temperatures (Invited)
- Labile Compounds in Plant Litter Reduce the Sensitivity of Decomposition to Warming and Altered Precipitation
- Late Eocene Hydrological Conditions on the Antarctic Peninsula
- Late Quaternary Provenance and Flow Regime Reconstruction through Sedimentologic and Geochemical Evidence from the Bering/Chukchi Seas
- Lipid-based reconstruction of sea ice and sea surface temperatures for the last deglacial and Holocene in the Beringian Gateway
- Magma rheology and eruption style at Volcán Fuego, Guatemala
- Magnetostratigraphy and Paleomagnetism of the Palm Spring and Mecca Formations, Mecca Hills, CA: spatial variation of vertical axis rotation in the Coachella Valley
- Massive icebergs & freshening of the subtropical North Atlantic
- Mechanical insights into tectonic reorganization of the southern San Andreas fault system at ca. 1.1-1.5 Ma
- Modeling Drastic Ice Retreat in Antarctic Subglacial Basins
- Modeling the drift of massive icebergs to the subtropical North Atlantic
- Neoarchean metamorphism recorded in high-precision Sm-Nd isotope systematics of garnets from the Jack Hills (Western Australia)
- Nitrous Acid: Intercomparison of techniques and Implications of measurements for photochemistry
- North Pacific Origins of Northern Hemisphere Glaciations: The View from the Kuroshio Extension
- Pacific sea-surface temperature, convective intensity, and atmospheric water vapor ?D over tropical Andean glaciers
- Peatland Structural Controls on Spring Distribution
- Plio-Pleistocene changes in the vegetation of central North Africa
- Pliocene Climate variability at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Arctic Russia, western Beringia
- Pliocene retreat of Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet margins (Invited)
- Population persistence of stream fish in response to environmental change: integrating data and models across space
- Pseudotachylytes of the Deep Crust: Examples from a Granulite-Facies Shear Zone
- Quaternary Arctic Climate Change of the past 2.8 Ma as reconstructed from sediments of Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia (Invited)
- Remanent and Induced Magnetic Anomalies over the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion: Effects from Crystal Fractionation and Magma Recharge
- Remnants of Melt Pools and Melt Films Associated with Dewatering of Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in Lower Crustal Granite
- Resolving Past Antarctic Ice Sheet Behaviour in a High CO2 World: ANDRILL's Integrated Data and Modeling Studies in the Ross Sea Region
- Response of foraminiferal assemblages to cyclical climatic perturbations associated with the Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE 2) in the Western Interior Sea
- South American Summer Monsoon variability over the Late Pleistocene: a proxy perspective (Invited)
- Southern ocean winds during past (and future) warm periods and their affect on Agulhas Leakage and the Atlantic Merdional Overturning Circulation
- Spatial Variation of the Impacts of Climate Change and Population Growth on Water Resources in the Apalachicola-Chattahoochee-Flint River Basin
- Strike-slip fault propagation and linkage via work optimization with application to the San Jacinto fault, California
- Student Experiences: the 2013 Cascadia Initiative Expedition Team's Apply to Sail Program
- Sub-micron geochronology by EPMA
- Synchronous inter-hemispheric alpine glacier advances during the Antarctic Cold Reversal
- The Interactive Effects of Atmospheric N Deposition and Climate Change on a Subalpine Lake
- The Northeast Climate Science Center
- The Paradox of Consistency in the Major Element Compositions of Mauna Loa Magmas Over Time
- The effect of orbital forcing on Polar Climate
- The impact of polar mesoscale storms on northeast Atlantic ocean circulation (Invited)
- The integrated effects of future climate and hydrologic uncertainty on sustainable flood risk management
- The modeled relationship between sea level and atmospheric CO2 on geological timescales
- Transport pathways of nitrogen and phosphorus in tile-drained cranberry farms
- Water, Society and the future of water resources research (Invited)
- Weathering and solute transport to the Salar de Atacama, northern Chile
- 900 Ma Pole from the Bjerkreim-Sokndal Layered Intrusion, Rogaland Igneous Complex, Norway: Where Was Baltica in the Early Neoproterozoic?
- A 30 Myr record of retrograde metamorphism and multiple generations of monazite and garnet in western MA revealed by coordinated LASS and EPMA
- A Metagenomic Perspective on Changes to Nutrient-cycling Genes Following Forest-to-agriculture Conversion in the Amazon Basin
- A Social Science Guide for Communication on Climate Change
- A field comparison of techniques to quantify surface water - groundwater interactions
- A new dynamic fluid-kinetic model for plasma transport in the plasmasphere
- Acidic Alteration Environments on Mars and Implications for Habitability
- Advances in Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing to Identify the Mixing of Waters
- Arctic Temperature and Moisture Variability Associated with the Pliocene M2 Glacial Event from Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia
- Assessing Locations of Energy Transfer/Deposit in the Ionosphere-Thermosphere System
- Assessing the Climate Change Impact on Snow-Glacier Melting Dominated Basins in the Greater Himalaya Region Using a Distributed Glacio-Hydrologic Model
- Assessment of Model Estimates of Land-Atmosphere CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange Across Northern Eurasia
- Can vertical compaction within wedges promote accretion by backthrusts?
- Characterizing Air Toxics from Oil Field Operations in Los Angeles
- Comparison of Floc Growth and Stability in Four Estuarine Clay Simulations
- Concentrations and export of phosphorus during the cranberry harvest flood
- Distribution of Water in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals during Metamorphic Reactions
- Eccentricity Forcing and Preconditioning of the Super Interglacials
- Ecological Decision Scaling: A Framework For Incorporating Ecological Principles in Water Management Decision Making
- Effects of Privately Owned Land Management Practices on Biogeochemical Cycling
- Effects of Strike-Slip Fault Segmentation on Earthquake Energy and Seismic Hazard
- Emplacement and fluctuations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet across the Eocene-Oligocene transition
- Estimating solute loads from a small, urban watershed using a semiparametric regression approach
- Evaluating National Weather Service Seasonal Forecast Products in Reservoir Operation Case Studies
- Evidence for Elevational-Dependent Warming (edw) and the Underlying Mechanisms Driving Edw
- Evolution of Continental Lower Crust Recorded By an Exhumed Deep Crustal Intracontinental Shear Zone
- First steps toward development of a stable isotope forward model for tropical ice cores: cold air incursions and snow days at Quelccaya Ice Cap, Peru
- Gaining Precision and Accuracy on Microprobe Trace Element Analysis with the Multipoint Background Method
- Geochemical Characteristics of Typhoon - and Tsunami - Induced Deposits from Western Kyushu Islands
- Heat tracing as a tool for locating and quantifying hydrological hot spots and hot moments that impact surface water and groundwater quality
- Holocene Paleomagnetic Secular Variation and Paleointensity: Influence of High Latitude Flux Lobes on the Tangent Cylinder
- Holocene Temperature Reconstructions from Arctic Lakes based on Alkenone Paleothermometry and Non-Destructive Scanning Techniques
- Inferring the Properties of Ices on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) Measurements
- Inferring the Thermal and Electrical Properties of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Continuum Measurements of the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO)
- Integrative sensing and prediction of urban water for sustainable cities (iSPUW)
- Intercomparison of the Wetchimp-Wsl Wetland Methane Models over West Siberia: How Well Can We Simulate High-Latitude Wetland Methane Emissions?
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- Ionospheric Ion Upflows Associated with the Alfven Wave Heating
- Laboratory and Field Measurements of the Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of NO<SUB>x</SUB>
- Large-Ensemble Modeling of Past Variations in West Antarctic Embayments
- Large-Scale Mapping and Monitoring of Terrestrial Ecosystems with the NISAR Mission
- Large-scale Explosive Silicic Volcanic Eruptions in Maine, USA: Where, When, and Why
- Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene Sea Ice Decline in the Bering and Chukchi Seas: a Comparison of Diatom-, IP25-, and Grain Size-Based Sea Ice Proxies
- Linking soil DOC production rates and transport processes from landscapes to sub-basin scales
- Magnitude, Rates and Sources of Sea-level Rise Associated with Past Polar Ice-sheet Retreat
- Managing the financial risk of low water levels in Great Lakes with index-based contracts
- Mercury Speciation and Trophic Magnification Slopes in Giant Salamander Larvae from the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Microwave Radiometer Technology Acceleration Mission (MiRaTA): Advancing Weather Remote Sensing with Nanosatellites
- Millennial-scale temperature variability during Marine Isotope Stages 19 and 31 in the continental Arctic
- NASA's NI-SAR Observing Strategy and Data Availability for Agricultural Monitoring and Assessment
- On the Spatial Homogeneity of the H2O Coma of 67P/C.-G. at 3.9-3.5 AU as Seen from MIRO
- Paleoenvironmental records from newly recovered sediment cores at the southeast margin of the Salar de Atacama, Chile
- Paleotempestological chronology developed from gas ion source AMS analysis of carbonates determined through real-time Bayesian statistical approach
- Plio-Pleistocene Temperature Variability in the Terrestrial Arctic: Insights from Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers
- Preparing for uncertainty: toward managing fluvial geomorphic assessment of Massachusetts rivers
- Reactive transport model of growth and methane production by high-temperature methanogens in hydrothermal regions of the subseafloor
- Reconstructing Hydroclimate Changes During the Holocene using Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotope Records from the Norwegian Arctic
- Redox State of Iron in Lunar Glasses using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis
- Regional Collaborations to Combat Climate Change: The Climate Science Centers as Strategies for Climate Adaptation
- Repeat-pass InSAR processing for Vegetation Height Calculation: Theory and a validated example
- SWOT Data Assimilation for Operational Reservoir Management on the Upper Niger River Basin
- Snow Impurities on Central Asian Glaciers: Mineral Dust, Organic & Elemental Carbon
- Spatial and temporal long-term variation of environmental isotopes composition of precipitation and climate change in Azores Archipelago (Portugal)
- Spring Hydrology Determines Summer Net Carbon Uptake in Northern Ecosystems
- Testing Massive Arctic Sea Ice Export as a Trigger for Abrupt Climate Change
- The Decrease of Snow Occurrence Under Future Warming over the Eastern United States
- The Effects of Climate Model Similarity on Local, Risk-Based Adaptation Planning
- The Effects of Variations in El Niño and La Niña Patterns on World Food Markets
- The evolving energy of propagating strike-slip fault segments
- The high Sea Level History of Beringia and its correspondence with Super Interglacials and Warm Pliocene at Lake El'gygytgyn, NE Russia - Links to Antarctica
- The use of distributed temperature sensing technology for monitoring wildland fire intensity and distribution.
- Using CRISM and THEMIS to characterize high thermal inertia terrains in the northern Hellas region of Mars
- Using a Coupled Surface water/ Groundwater Model to Study Heat as a Tracer in Three Dimensions
- What Happens when Sea Ice Retreats, Peatlands Form, and a Landbridge Drowns? A Molecular View of the Last Deglacial from the Pacific-Arctic Gateway
- What is driving the change in vegetation productivity in northern Eurasia?
- (Sample) Size Matters: Defining Error in Planktic Foraminiferal Isotope Measurement
- A Dynamic Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Miocene and Pliocene: Resolving a Classic Model-Data Paradox
- A New Instrument for Magnetic Imaging of Rock Slabs at the Hand-Sample Scale
- A Satellite Driven Real-time Forecasting Platform in the Upper Zambezi Basin: A Multi-model Comparison
- A comparison of thermal infrared to fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing for evaluation of groundwater discharge to surface water
- Advancing the cyberinfrastructure for sustaining high resolution, real-time streamflow and flood forecasts at a national scale
- Agulhas Leakage changes in the Pliocene as a modulator of AMOC strength
- Antarctic Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variations During the Early to Mid-Miocene
- Automatic Whole-Spectrum Matching Techniques for Identification of Pure and Mixed Minerals using Raman Spectroscopy
- Chaotic Convection in CAM
- Characterization and Quantification of Uncertainty in the NARCCAP Regional Climate Model Ensemble and Application to Impacts on Water Systems
- Combining local lithofacies and global geochemical signals to test the acidification hypothesis for the onset of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 in the U.S. Western Interior Basin
- Constraining the Antarctic contribution to interglacial sea-level rise
- Correlating Flight Behavior and Radar Measurements for Species Based Classification of Bird Radar Echoes for Wind Energy Site Assessment
- Could massive Arctic sea ice export to the North Atlantic be the real cause of abrupt climate change during the last deglaciation?
- Decadal-resolution early Holocene temperature and precipitation reconstruction near Disko Bugt, western Greenland
- Designing Flood Management Systems for Joint Economic and Ecological Robustness
- Development and field deployment of an instrument to measure ozone production rates in the troposphere
- Effects of Sorption Temperature on Soil Organic Matter and Iron Oxide Interactions
- Evaluating Options for Improving California's Drought Resilience
- Examining the Mid- Brunhes Event in the Terrestrial Arctic: an Organic Geochemical Record from Lake El'gygytgyn, Russia
- Fault connectivity, distributed shortening, and impacts on geologic- geodetic slip rate discrepancies in the central Mojave Desert, California
- Geology, Geochronology, and EarthScope: The EarthScope AGeS Program and a new idea for a 4D Earth Initiative
- Geometry of the southern San Andreas fault and its implications for seismic hazard
- Guidelines for Groundwater Governance in California: A Framework for Evaluation of Local Options
- HO<SUB>x</SUB> Radical Chemistry in an Indiana Forest Environment: Measurement and Model Comparison
- Holocene Climate Change in Arctic Canada and Greenland
- Holocene temperature shifts around Greenland: Paleolimnological approaches to quantifying past warmth and documenting its consequences
- How Fault Geometry Affects Dynamic Rupture Models of Earthquakes in San Gorgonio Pass, CA
- Hydraulic Implications of Different Megaflood Canyon Incision Models
- Improved Understanding of the Photosynthetic Response of Seven Rice Genotypes with Different Drought Sensitivity using Light and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Response Curves
- Improving Coastal Flood Risk Assessments for the Northeastern United States: New York City to Boston
- Informing Groundwater Policy In The Indus Basin In Pakistan Using A Physically-Based Groundwater Model
- Interaction between Carbon Nanotubes and Aromatic Hydrocarbon-degrading Microbes and its Effect on Carbon Nanotubes Transformation
- Is the Hawaiian Archipelago dominantly Loa-trend?
- Lacustrine records of continental climate in northwest Greenland through the Holocene and Last Interglacial
- Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene Temperature Reconstructions from Paleolakes of the West Turkana and North Awash Basins, East Africa
- Leaf Wax Hydrogen Isotopes Provide Insight into Hydrologic Changes During the Little Ice Age on Svalbard
- Lessons Learned from Applications of a Climate Change Decision Tree toWater System Projects in Kenya and Nepal
- Long-term Monitoring of Ecological and Geomorphic Adjustments to Dam Removal in an Upland Mesic Catchment
- Maps of Secondary Slip Structures within Fault Steps & Mechanical Models of their Development and Influence on Multifault Earthquake Ruptures
- Mass Loading at the Magnetopause through the Plasmaspheric Plume
- Mercury Speciation and Bioaccumulation In Riparian and Upland Food Webs of the White Mountains Region, New Hampshire, USA
- Model-Paleodata analysis of an orbitally driven mechanism for the onset of the warmest interglacials like MIS 11, 31, 49 etc.
- Modeling Releasing Steps of Strike-Slip Fault Systems: Implications for Conflicting Estimates of Long-Term Slip Rates
- Modeling of past and future variations of the Antarctic Ice Sheet with Large Ensembles.
- Modular modeling system for building distributed hydrologic models with a user-friendly software package
- Multi-Target Calibration with a VIC Hydrologic Model: Impacts of Climate Change and Risk Assessment in the Colorado River Basin
- Multi-proxy evidence for oceanographic changes in the Southern Ocean during the lead-up to the Oligocene/Miocene Boundary (Mi-1 Event)
- Near-Channel Sources and Sinks along a Mountainous Stream: Establishing the Controls and Time Scales of the Lateral Transfer of Sediment and Carbon
- New Approaches to Characterizing Fe(III) Bioreduction by Hyperthermophiles: Combining Physiological Potential with Mineral Spectroscopies
- New insights into the geochemistry of the Critical Zone in rapidly uplifting mountains (Southern Alps, New Zealand)
- New methods in hydrologic modeling and decision support for culvert flood risk under climate change
- OH radical reactivity in an Indiana Forest: Measurements and model comparisons
- Organic Geochemical Reconstructions from Lake El'gygytgyn, Northeast Arctic Siberia, Constrain Arctic Temperature and Hydrologic Change Across the Pliocene-Pleistocene Transition
- Peroxy Radical Measurements during the IRRONIC Field Project by C<SUB>2</SUB>H<SUB>6 </SUB>- NO Chemical Amplification
- Power of Streams and Power of Management: How Community and Fluvial Science Work Together for Massachusetts Rivers
- Predicting the Evolution of Faulting in Accretionary Prisms with Work Optimization: Insights from Numerical Simulations of Analog Experiments
- Predicting the evolution of the extensional step-over in the San Pablo bay area with work optimization
- Response of deformation patterns to reorganizations of the southern San Andreas fault system since ca. 1.5 Ma
- Robustness-based evaluation of long-term river basin planning under climate change
- Sea Level During Past Warm Periods - Unraveling Interactions Between Climate, Ice, Crust, and Mantle
- Seasonal Streamflow Forecasts for African Basins
- Sedimentary Records of the Paleohurricane Activity in the Bahamas
- Seeking Signs of Life in Nili Patera with Icelandic Sinter Field Exploration.
- Shear wave velocity structure in the lithosphere and asthenosphere across the Southern California continent and Pacific plate margin using inversion of Rayleigh wave data from the ALBACORE project.
- Simulating a Dynamic Antarctic Ice Sheet in the Early to Middle Miocene
- Subtropical iceberg scours: Tracking the path of meltwater in the deglacial North Atlantic
- Subtropical versus subpolar freshwater routing: The pathways of icebergs and meltwater in the North Atlantic during deglaciation
- The Nucleus and Coma of Comet 67P/C-G at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths as seen by MIRO
- The Role of Snow Cover in Affecting Pan-Arctic Soil Freeze/Thaw and Carbon Dynamics
- The development of a glacio-hydrologic model in the river basin context: Applicability for climate change risk assessment
- The impact of dynamic topography change on Antarctic Ice Sheet stability during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- The intersection of climate, tectonic uplift, and regional groundwater flow in the central Andean Plateau: Insight from the accumulation of the massive evaporite deposit in the Salar de Atacama, Chile
- The present and future of using InSAR to estimate SWE
- Timing of Deformation in the Central Metasedimentary Belt Boundary Thrust Zone (CMBbtz), southern Ontario, Canada, from Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite
- Trends in Plio-Pleistocene southwest Pacific stable isotope stratigraphy: Implications for orbital forcing of ice sheets and mid-Pliocene sea level estimates
- Using present-day patterns of interseismic coupling to model the C.E. 1707 Hōei earthquake and simulate tsunami inundation of Lake Ryuuoo in the Bungo Channel, southwestern Japan
- WAIS-ting Away Again in East Antarctica: Sirius-ly Searching for that Lost Shaker of Diatoms
- Whillans Ice Stream from UpB to WGZ: Siliceous Microfossils, Palynomorphs, and Biomarker Evidence of Sub-glacial Processes and Ice Stream History
- Will the Arctic Land Surface become Wetter or Drier in Response to a Warming Climate
- 150 kyr History of Arctic Black Carbon Deposition Recorded by Paired Ice Core and Sediment Core Records from Lake El'gygytgyn and NEEM
- A Permian pole from Paleoproterozoic Gneisses of the Lofoten Islands, Norway??
- A bottom-up robust optimization framework for identifying river basin development pathways under deep climate uncertainty
- A new U.S.-Canada Collaboration to build SWOT Calibration/Validation and Science Capacity for Northern Rivers and Wetlands
- A pan-Arctic Assessment of Hydraulic Geometry
- A user-friendly software package to ease the use of VIC hydrologic model for practitioners
- Abrupt Early Holocene Hydroclimate and Temperature Responses to Freshwater Forcing in Baffin Bay Drove Rapid Ice Sheet Change
- Alkenone-based reconstructions show four-phase Holocene temperature history for Arctic Svalbard
- An Isotopic Perspective into the Magmatic Evolution and Architecture of the Rift Zones of Kīlauea Volcano
- Beyond clay - using selective extractions to improve predictions of soil carbon content
- Characterization of climate model errors over North America using the NARCCAP RCM, CMIP5-AMIP and Transpose-AMIP experiments
- Characterizing Regional and Transient Groundwater Storage in Order to Address Water Balance Discrepancies in Salar de Atacama Basin, Chile.
- Climate Change Impacts on Biogenic Emissions in the Central Hardwoods
- Climate Change Impacts on Transportation; Groundwater Elevation, Road Performance, and Robust Adaptation
- Comparison of PALSAR-2 Interferometric Estimates of Snow Water Equivalent, Airborne Snow Observatory Snow Depths, and Results from a Distributed Energy Balance Snow Model (iSnobal)
- Contextualizing Water Budgets of Closed Basins in Arid Climates Through Integrated Physical Hydrologic and Hydrochemical Modeling: Clayton Valley, Nevada
- Core-top Analysis of Lipid-based Sea Surface Temperature Proxies from the California Borderlands
- Deep-Sea Carbonate Accumulation and Surface Ocean Saturation State in the Aftermath of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
- Development of extensional step overs within anisotropic systems: Implications for the Rodgers Creek-Hayward fault network
- Disequilibrium Vapor Bubble Formation in Olivine-hosted Melt Inclusions: How Much CO<SUB>2</SUB> is Really in There?
- ENSO variability of Quelccaya Ice Cap δ<SUP>18</SUP>O driven by monsoon control of vapor isotope ratios
- Eemian and Holocene interglacial climate in northwest Greenland inferred from insect assemblages, lipid δ<SUP>2</SUP>H, and chitin δ<SUP>18</SUP>O preserved in lake sediments
- Effective Decision Maker-Scientist Engagement:Climate Change Vulnerability Analysis of California's Water System to Using Decision Scaling.
- Evaluating the performance of real-time streamflow forecasting using multi-satellite precipitation products in the Upper Zambezi, Africa
- Exploiting Synoptic-Scale Climate Processes to Develop Nonstationary, Probabilistic Flood Hazard Projections
- Forward Modeling of Oxygen Isotope Variability in Tropical Andean Ice Cores
- Forward to the Future: Estimating River Discharge with McFLI
- Imprint of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Western Canadian High-Arctic climate
- Including stage-dependent roughness coefficient in algorithms to estimate river discharge from remotely sensed water elevation, width, and slope
- Indonesian Throughflow drove Australian climate from humid Pliocene to arid Pleistocene
- Informing Regional Water-Energy-Food Nexus with System Analysis and Interactive Visualizations
- Iron Redox Dynamics From Surface to Bedrock in a Deep Tropical Forest Soil: a New Conceptual Model
- Isoprene Nitrate Chemistry in a Mixed Coniferous/Deciduous Forest during the 2016 PROPHET-AMOS Summer Field Study
- Leaf wax biomarker reconstruction of Early Pleistocene hydrological variation during hominin evolution in West Turkana, Kenya
- Lessons learned from Applications of a Decision Tree for Confronting Climate Change Uncertainty - the Short Term and the Long Term
- Magmatic Mapping: A Suggested Methodology And Results From The Springerville Volcanic Field, East-Central Arizona, USA
- Mapping and Modeling Meltwater Drainage of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Mercury speciation in terrestrial biota from coastal and inland food webs in California: A provisional model
- Methanogenic H<SUB>2</SUB> syntrophy among thermophiles: a model of metabolism, adaptation and survival in the subsurface
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene sea surface temperature history of the NW Australian Shelf
- Model design for predicting extreme precipitation event impacts on water quality in a water supply reservoir
- Modeling Antarctic Ice Sheet retreat in warm climates: a historical perspective.
- Modeling non-stationary flood magnitude and frequency in West Africa using a hierarchical Bayesian framework conditioned on large-scale atmospheric processes
- New Constraints on the Timing of Deformation in the Maberly Shear Zone, Southern Ontario, Canada from Electron Microprobe Dating of Monazite
- Observed Seasonal Trends of Hydrogen Isotopes in Environmental Water and Sedimentary Leaf Waxes in Temperate Ecosystems: Implications for Interpreting Leaf Wax Paleoclimate Records
- Onset of Major Antarctic Ice-Sheet Retreat Driven by Extensive Surface Melt
- Paleoclimatology Supports Physics: Our Energy Choices Will Have Large and Long-Lasting Consequences for Climate and Ecosystems
- Peroxy Radical Measurements during PROPHET-AMOS 2016
- Plio-Pleistocene Sea Surface Temperature Variability As Measured by Different Proxies - A Cautionary Tale
- Porosity and water ice content of the sub-surface material in the Imhotep region of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko constrained with the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) observations
- Post-LGM Retreat History in Ross Sea Reflects Changing Controls on Marine Ice Sheet Behavior
- Quantifying Third-Party Impacts and Environmental Externalities from a Cap-And-Trade System for Groundwater Management
- Quantifying and tracing sediment mobilized during the 20<SUP>th</SUP> century in the South River watershed, western Massachusetts
- Re-introduction of large woody debris to New England rivers by Tropical Storm Irene
- Representation of diffusion controlled carbon stabilization in reactive transport models
- Seasonal Variability of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>, BC, and PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Chemical Characteristics at Busy Roadways in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- Shoreline-Crossing Shear-Velocity Structure of the Juan de Fuca Plate and Cascadia Subduction Zone from Surface Waves and Receiver Functions
- Skill Analysis of Seasonal Hydrologic Streamflow Forecasting for the Upper Zambezi, Africa
- Soil Minerals: AN Overlooked Mediator of Plant-Microbe Competition for Organic Nitrogen in the Rhizosphere
- Source-to-Sink Methods by Hyperspectral Imaging: a Case Study of the Laminated Sediments of Lake Linné (Svalbard).
- Sub-seasonal Evaluation of East African Rainfall for Improved Hydrologic Forecasting
- Surface water hydrology and the Greenland Ice Sheet
- The Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 (OAE2) in the Western Interior US and Gulf of Mexico: Decoupled Black Shale Deposition and Carbon Isotope Excursion
- The Island of Amsterdamøya: a key site for studying past climate in the Arctic Archipelago of Svalbard
- The Massachusetts Water Isotope Mapping Project: An Integrated Precipitation, Surface Water, and Ground Water IsoScape for Improved Understanding of Hydrologic Processes
- The Roles of Tectonics and Climate in Driving Erosion Rates in the Eastern Himalaya
- The pace of arc volcanism
- The relationship between humans and climate across the North Atlantic: what can lacustrine biomarkers tell us?
- Using Deformation Models of the Southern San Andreas Fault System to Investigate the Seismic Record of Off-fault Deformation
- Volatiles in Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and Melt Inclusions in Icelandic Basalts: Variations Over Space and Time
- Water Resilience by Design: A water infrastructure planning framework for developing sustainable water management strategies
- When Does Choice of Downscaling Method Matter in Decision Making? A Case Study with Maple Syrup Production
- iSPUW: integrated sensing and prediction of urban water for sustainable cities
- 800,000 Years of Arctic Climate Variability: Insights from Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia
- A Deep Learning Approach to LIBS Spectroscopy for Planetary Applications
- A High-Resolution Reconstruction of Late-Holocene Relative Sea Level in Rhode Island, USA
- A Micro and Mesocosm Approach to Understanding the Response of Branched GDGTs to Environmental Perturbation
- A Web-based Tool for Transparent, Collaborative Urban Water System Planning for Monterrey, Mexico
- A framework for human-hydrologic system model development integrating hydrology and water management: application to the Cutzamala water system in Mexico
- AirSWOT flights and field campaigns for the 2017 Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
- Amphibious Shear Velocity Structure of the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- An operational ensemble prediction system for catchment rainfall over eastern Africa spanning multiple temporal and spatial scales
- Analysis of regional natural flow for evaluation of flood risk according to RCP climate change scenarios
- Arctic System Science: Meeting Earth System and Social Impact Challenges through Integrative Approaches and Synthesis
- Assessing the Global Climate Response to Freshwater Forcing from the Antarctic Ice Sheet Under Future Climate Scenarios
- Astronomical Pacing of Relative Sea Level through OAE2 from the Expanded SH#1 Core, Southern Utah
- Astronomical forcing of Arctic climate during the Mid-Pleistocene: Insights from Lake El'gygytgyn, Russia
- Bedrock Canyons Carved by the Largest Known Floods on Earth and Mars
- Biogenic iron oxide transformation by hyperthermophiles: spectral and physiological potentials
- Calibration Transfer in LIBS and Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Applications
- Climate influence on Susquehanna River streamflow dynamics
- Collaboration During the NASA ABoVE Airborne SAR Campaign: Sampling Strategies Used by NGEE Arctic and Other Partners in Alaska and Western Canada
- Collision Effects on the Field-Aligned Propagation From the Magnetosphere to the Ionosphere
- Conflicting hydropower development and aquatic ecosystem conservation in Bhutan
- Correlation of Crustal Structures and Seismicity Patterns in Northern Appalachians
- Crustal layering and gravity highs in the Midcontinent of North America - implications for the formation of the Illinois Basin
- Dayside Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling and Prompt Response of Low-Latitude/Equatorial Ionosphere
- Deglacial climate modulated by the storage and release of Arctic sea ice
- Designing Freshwater Resilience for the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Disentangling the Roles of Atmospheric and Oceanic Forcing on the Last Deglaciation of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Dynamic Models of Earthquake Rupture along branch faults of the Eastern San Gorgonio Pass Region in CA using Complex Fault Structure
- Early Holocene hydroclimate of Baffin Bay: Understanding the interplay between abrupt climate change events and ice sheet fluctuations
- Effect of Climate Change and Transaction Costs on Performance of a Groundwater Market
- Efficient design based on perturbed parameter ensembles to identify plausible and diverse variants of a model for climate change projections
- Elevation-dependent cooling caused by volcanic eruptions during last millennium
- Environmental Nanoscience: Turning Outreach Activities into a College Freshman Seminar
- Evaluating Fire Risk in the Northeastern United States in the Past, Present, and Future
- Evaluating Hydrologic Transience in Watershed Delineation, Numerical Modeling and Solute Transport in the Great Basin. Clayton Valley, Nevada
- Evaluation of non-stationarity of floods in the Northeastern and Upper Midwest United States
- Examining cross-equatorial precipitation variability in the western Indian Ocean using stalagmites from Madagascar
- Exploring Evidence of Land Surface Dynamics of River Basin Development in East Africa
- Extracting Prior Distributions from a Large Dataset of In-Situ Measurements to Support SWOT-based Estimation of River Discharge
- Extraction of Pn seismic signals from air-gun shots recorded by the Cascadia Amphibious seismic experiment
- Future projection of design storms using a GCM-informed weather generator
- Generation of large-scale forest height and disturbance maps through the fusion of NISAR and GEDI along with TanDEM-X/L
- Graduate student driven efforts to increase diversity of department lecture series
- Grain-size analysis and sediment dynamics of hurricane-induced event beds in a coastal New England pond
- Holistic uncertainty analysis in river basin modeling for climate vulnerability assessment
- Holocene and Last Interglacial climate of the Faroe Islands from sedimentary leaf wax hydrogen isotopes
- Hydrothermal Alteration and Seawater Exchange at Surtsey Volcano, Iceland: New results from 1979 Surtsey Drill Core.
- Improving Water Balance Estimation in the Nile by Combining Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modelling: a Template for Ungauged Basins
- Large Scale Morphological Changes in the Hapi Region on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Late Neogene Orbitally-Forced Sea Surface Temperature Variability in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific as Measured by U<SUP>k'</SUP><SUB>37</SUB> and TEX<SUB>86 </SUB>
- Lithospheric Structure of the Eastern North American Margin Resolved by Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis
- Long term fault system reorganization of convergent and strike-slip systems
- Manganese Driven Carbon Oxidation along Oxic-Anoxic Interfaces in Forest Soils
- Mechanisms of microbial destabilization of soil C shifts over decades of warming
- Mid-Pliocene to Early Pleistocene land and sea surface temperature history of NW Australia based on organic geochemical proxies
- Minimum and Maximum Potential Contributions to Future Sea Level Rise from Polar Ice Sheets
- Modeling the imprint of Milankovitch cycles on early Pleistocene ice volume
- Monitoring terrestrial dissolved organic carbon export at land-water interfaces using remote sensing
- Nested hyper-resolution modeling of urban areas for the National Water Model - The Dallas-Fort Worth Testbed
- New Cloud and Precipitation Research Avenues Enabled by low-cost Phased-array Radar Technology
- Off-fault seismicity suggests creep below 10 km on the northern San Jacinto Fault
- Oh Magadi! Interpreting isoGDGTs and n-alkanes in a saline tropical lake: Lake Magadi, Kenya
- Physical basis for a thick ice shelf in the Arctic Basin during the penultimate glacial maximum
- Planning for Sea Level Rise: An AGU Talk in the Form of a Co-Production Experiment Exploring Recent Science
- Predicting tidal marsh survival or submergence to sea-level rise using Holocene data
- Projections of Flood Risk using Credible Climate Signals in the Ohio River Basin
- Quantifying human behavior uncertainties in a coupled agent-based model for water resources management
- Quantifying uncertainty in future floods and drought conditions in the Northeastern United States using regionally downscaled climate projections
- Rapid Swings between Greenhouse and Icehouse Climate States near the Oligocene - Miocene Boundary
- Reconciliation of Antarctic marine and terrestrial geologic records: climate and ice-sheet variability in the mid-Miocene
- Records of Triassic volcanism in Pangean Great Lakes, and implications for reconstructing the distal effects of Large Igneous Provinces
- Recovery of Methane Consumption by Secondary Forests in the Amazon River Basin
- Relative Sea Level, Tidal Range, and Extreme Water Levels in Boston Harbor from 1825 to 2016
- Remote sensing estimation of terrestrially derived colored dissolved organic matterinput to the Arctic Ocean
- Root-driven Weathering Impacts on Mineral-Organic Associations in Deep Soil
- Sedimentary Geochemical and Palynological Evidence of Late-Holocene Paleoenvironmental Change from Baradères Bay, Haiti
- Sedimentary Reconstructions of Tropical Cyclone Activity over the Past 1500 Years from Blue Holes in the Caribbean
- Simple model of melange and its influence on rapid ice retreat in a large-scale Antarctic ice sheet model.
- Spatial and Temporal Mapping of Distributed Surface and Groundwater Stable Isotopes Enables New insights into Hydrologic Processes Operating at the Catchment Scale
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Slip Partitioning During Oblique Convergence Experiments
- Stress management skills in the subsurface: H<SUB>2</SUB> stress on thermophilic heterotrophs and methanogens
- Survival in the hot subsurface: Hydrogen stress on hyperthermophilic heterotrophs and methanogens
- The Impact of Climate Change on New York City's Coastal Flood Hazard: Increasing Flood Heights from the Pre-Industrial to 2300 CE
- The potential bioavailability of mineral-associated organic nitrogen in the rhizosphere.
- The spatial extent of agriculturally-induced topsoil removal in the Midwestern United States
- Time Scavengers: a Website for the Public to Learn about Climate Change and Evolution Through the Experiences of Scientists
- Timing of Indonesian Gateway Restriction Between 4.0 and 2.8 Ma and its Impact on Indian Ocean Surface Waters Based on Calcareous Nannoplankton Assemblages
- Too Warm, Two Poles: Super Interglacial Teleconnections and Possible Dual Pole Ice Sheet Stability
- Towards Mountains without Permanent Snow and Ice - Impacts and Challenges for Adaptation
- Updated Estimates of Glacier Mass Change for Western North America
- Use of C- and L-band SAR Dense Time Series for Crop Classification over Multiple Landscapes
- Use of Time-Series L-band Data for Estimating Forest Biomass and Landcover Change
- Using Deep Learning to Assess Future Flood Magnitude and Frequency in the Semi-arid and Snowmelt-dominated Missouri River Headwater Catchments
- Workshop initial report: Expanding the geoscience pipeline by connecting educators with early career IODP scientists
- A Continuous 100 Thousand-year Stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O Record from the Yucatan Peninsula: Implications for Caribbean Hydroclimate on Orbital and Millennial Timescales.
- A Decision Support System for Seasonal Hydropower Planning in East Africa Using Remote Sensing and Ensemble Forecasts
- A Deep Learning Framework for Vegetation Management for Electrical Utilities Using Multispectral High-Resolution Satellite Imagery
- A Scientific Basis for Water Management: Toward a shared analytical framework
- A comparison of the hydrogen isotopic composition of plant leaf wax n-alkanes and n-alkanoic acids from Lake El'gygytgyn (Russia) during the past 125,000 years
- A multi-scale modeling framework for targeted hydrologic observations
- A new mentoring forum for deaf and hard-of-hearing academics
- A quantitative reconstruction of rainfall from stalagmite δ<SUP>18</SUP>O during the last glacial interval: implications for paleo-rainfall reconstruction and Caribbean hydroclimate
- A remote-sensing estimate of organic-rich topsoil erosion in the corn belt region of the midwestern United States
- Abundance of 5- and 6-methyl Branched Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers (brGDGTs) at Lake 578 in Southern Greenland: Insights into Past Temperature Reconstruction
- Across the Great Divide: The Flow-to-Fracture Transition and the Future of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Alkenone and DNA biomarkers elucidate diverse Isochrysidales community in Narragansett Bay (RI, USA): Implications for coastal alkenone paleothermometry
- Annual grain-size variability in three varved High-Arctic lakes
- Assessing Lateral Variations in the Mineralogical Stratigraphy of Mt. Sharp: Linking Rover and Orbital Observations
- Assessing the response of sea ice, ocean circulation, and climate to projected increases in Antarctic Ice Sheet melt
- BRIDGE: a student-led effort to increase the diversity of speakers invited to campus
- Bedrock incision in the Channeled Scablands by megafloods during and prior to the Last Glacial Maximum
- Big data-based indentation to evaluate elasticity and fracture behavior of shales
- Biomarker Records of Late Pliocene Aridity from Southeastern Africa
- Characterizing the anthropogenic aquifer in the vadose zone between cranberries and wetland
- Choosing the future of Antarctica: a perspective looking back from 2070
- Climate Change Risks Faced by the California Central Valley Water Resource System
- Climatic Thresholds for Widespread Ice Shelf Hydrofracturing and Ice Cliff Calving In Antarctica: Implications for Future Sea Level Rise
- Combining UAV and Surface Observations for Rapid Discharge Estimation and SWOT Validation in Remote Areas
- Combining big-data remote sensing, AMHG, and river routing to estimate daily discharge over an entire river network: a SWOT template
- Comparing Measured and Simulated Exposure Histories of Central Greenland during the Pleistocene using Northern Hemisphere Proxy Records
- Concurrent defoliation and drought alter near-term carbon, water, and energy exchange and recovery trajectories in forests
- Constraining the Megaflood Discharge Responsible for the Formation of Grand Coulee: Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington, USA
- Continental margin processes in the Neoarchean: insights from the Angikuni Lake, Nunavut, Canada
- Continuous Simulations over the Last 34 Million Years with a Coupled Antarctic Ice Sheet and Sediment Model
- Cyber Literacy for GIScience: Toward Formalizing Geospatial Computing Education
- Depth distributions of major velocity discontinuities beneath eastern North America with Ps converted waves
- Distribution and Sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Sediments and Catchment Soils from Sebago Lake, Maine (ME)
- Does bare-ice subsurface water storage explain over-prediction of Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone runoff and ice surface lowering by climate models?
- Drought and Crop Nowcast and Forecast in NASA SERVIR Hubs
- Early Pleistocene temperature history of Paleolake Lorenyang, West Turkana Basin (Kenya)
- Effects of Fog Deposition on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation in Coastal Food Webs
- Effects of Rheology on the Spatial and Temporal Variations in Deformation within Oblique Strike-Slip Systems
- Effects of landcover, soil property and temperature on DOC in inland waters
- Evaluating Fire Risk using the Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) in the Northeastern United States under Future Climate Scenarios
- Evaluating Impact of Differential Climate Change in California through a Spatially and Temporally Disaggregated Weather Generator
- Evaluating Impacts of Dam Removals on Downstream Tidal Wetlands
- Evaluating the Reconstruction of Beach Morphology from a Web Camera
- Evidence of Fluvially-derived Sediment During the Kamikaze Typhoons near Nagasaki, Japan
- Evolving magnetic and material properties of 50-year-old basaltic tuff, SUSTAIN drilling project, Surtsey volcano, Iceland
- Exploring surface meltwater classification techniques from multispectral imagery over the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- GDGT distributions in Lake El'gygytgyn (Far East Russia) sediments during and since the Pliocene
- High-Resolution Hydrologic Forecasting for Very Large Urban Areas
- How Model Coupling Influences the Perceived Vulnerabilities of Connected Energy-Water Systems
- How does topography and river-floodplain connectivity influence flooding processes?
- Ice Cliffs: A Region Primed for Enhanced Flow or Failure?
- Identifying Causative Atmospheric Mechanisms of Extreme Floods across the United States
- Identifying a set of plausible GCMs for regional climate change studies. Case study: Northeastern U.S.
- Immediate Risk and Long-Term Failure: Planning for the Future of Mexico City's Water
- Impact of Land Use on the DOM Composition in Different Seasons in a Subtropical River Flowing through the Region Undergoing Rapid Urbanization
- Improving the representation of infrastructure in a Human-Hydrologic Modeling System
- Incorporation of Modern Web-based Workflows to Improve Researcher-Utility Collaboration in Water Resources Planning: an Example from San Francisco
- Insights into Kilauea's Magmatic Plumbing System from the Leilani 2018 Eruption
- Integrated Multi Scale Multi Sector Modeling - Poster Presentations
- Interglacial Intensity with Orbital Pre-conditioning Links Polar Ice Sheet Sensitivity to Warming
- Magmatic mapping: Providing the temporal link between lava flow chemistry, volume, petrogenesis and the mantle at the edge of the Colorado Plateau
- Magnetosphere-ionosphere Energy Transport and Dissipation: 2-D Collisional MHD Simulation Results
- Mapping Remanent and Induced Magnetic Sources from the Km to Micron-scale
- Mapping Snow Depth From Ka-band Interferometry
- Mentoring opportunities for graduate students through STEM SEAS
- Microbes' EnergyStar Ratings Matter: Causes and Consequences of Being the Most (and Least) Efficient Bacteria on the Block
- Microbial carbon efficiency but not soil physical protection creates a negative climate feedback over long-term warming
- Millennial-scale Pluvial Events during the Last Glacial Period in Madagascar Coincide with Antarctic Isotope Maxima
- Mobile monitoring of air pollution in Philadelphia neighborhoods
- Modeling Energy-Water Dynamics and Regional Interactions in a Multi-Model Framework
- Modeling Short-term Ice sheet - Sea level - Solid Earth Interactions within a Glacial-cycle Timescale Simulation
- Modification of lithospheric structure via subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting: Preliminary results from the SEISConn broadband experiment, Connecticut, USA
- Nested hyper-resolution modeling for the National Water Model - The Dallas-Fort Worth Testbed
- Neural Network Radiative Transfer for Imaging Spectroscopy
- Oceanographic variability across the mid-Pleistocene Transition at the Agulhas Plateau
- Orbital-scale controls on Plio-Pleistocene African climate
- Paleoceanographic History of the Kuroshio Current Extension Across the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period
- Penetration of the electric field from polar latitudes to the equatorial ionosphere
- Performance Evaluation and Field Deployment of a Novel Vocus PTR-TOF for Quantification, Identification, and Apportionment of Gaseous Air Pollutants
- Perturbed parameters ensembles of idealized experiments to understand the impact of parametric uncertainty on model performance and response to climate change
- Plant phenologic controls on soil respiration response to pulse wetting events in an alpine meadow, East River, CO, USA
- Process Units River corridor Evaluation (PURE)—a modular, process-based methodology for high resolution, regional scale river corridor delineation
- Projected future changes and uncertainties in extreme precipitation events in the northeastern U.S.
- Quality analysis of high frequency air-gun shot seismic recording in the Juan de Fuca plate
- Quantifying the Information Content of Global Imaging Spectroscopy
- Reading The Record of Melting Events Using Compositional Mapping and In-Situ Geochronology, Adirondack Mountains, New York, U.S.A.
- Reconstructing Holocene Glacier and Climate Fluctuations from Lake Sediments in Vårfluesjøen, Northern Spitsbergen
- Recording magma ascent: punctuated crystallization during a crustal journey preserved in the Atascosa Lookout lava flow, Atascosa Mountains, Southern Arizona, USA
- Resolving physical, chemical and biological drivers of C loss due to soil warming
- Response of ancient inherited structures to new seismic sequence: insides the central Apennines.
- Revisiting the tectonic uplift history of Barbados: implications for sea level reconstructions
- Salt marsh ecosystem restructuring enhances elevation resilience and carbon storage during accelerating relative sea-level rise
- Simulating the Propagation and Linkage of Cracks at the Onset of Failure Using Work Optimization
- Solar and wind energy potential, variability and complementarity with the water infrastructure in New England
- Spatio-temporal Variations of CDOM in Shallow Inland Waters from a Semi-analytical Inversion of Landsat-8
- Spatiotemporal Trends in Annual High Water Extremes in the Gulf of Maine
- Statistical Emulation of Ice-Sheet Model Simulations to Estimate Uncertainty in Future Antarctic Sea-Level Contributions
- Storm Impacts on Estuarine Marshes
- Surface Water Detection and Elevation Retrieval from AirSWOT Airborne Ka-band Radar Interferometry
- Synchronous Early Holocene Summer Hydroclimate Variability Throughout the Eastern North American Arctic Driven by Changes in Poleward Moisture Transport
- Talking the talk AND walking the walk: UMass Geosciences' community-based efforts to increase diversity and inclusivity through improved department climate
- Tectonic influence on lithium brine genesis at Salar de Atacama, Chile.
- Temporal and spatial trends in air quality in Beijing during 2001-2017
- The Cause and Effect of Slab Segmentation in the Aleutian-Alaska Subduction System
- The International Soil Radiocarbon Database (ISRaD): A new resource for the synthesis of soil radiocarbon data across scales.
- The JECAM SAR Inter-Comparison Experiment: Comparing agriculture classification results utilizing a well-established operational decision tree methodology incorporating a variety of C-band SAR and optical imagery applied to 13 worldwide, diverse agriculture systems.
- The Last Gasp of the Rogaland Igneous Province, Norway: A Paleopole for the 920 Ma Tellnes Intrusion
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- The impact of floating ice on sea level estimates across multiple glacial cycles
- The role of microbial diversity on soil carbon use efficiency
- The role of rain-on-snow in historical and future hydrologic extremes across the conterminous U.S.
- The role of strike-slip fault geometry and damage on segmented fault slip
- The role of the Western Interior Seaway in the development of Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Time Scavengers: A Website to Disseminate Climate Change and Evolutionary Principles to Increase Public Literacy
- Title: Dynamics of Sediment Transport Through a River Bifurcation
- Translational Invasion Ecology
- Transmission of Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Variability from Precipitation to Dripwater at Rio Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula: Implications for Speleothem Rainfall Reconstruction.
- UMass Amherst's Chancellor Randolph W. Bromery: His Invaluable Work for STEM, Black Studies, and an Inclusive Educational System in the United States
- Using leaf wax δD and δ<SUP>13</SUP>C to reconstruct Holocene and Last Interglacial paleohydrology in the Faroe Islands
- Validation and application of Natural Gamma Radiation (NGR)-based proxies to IODP Site U1463 for reconstructing Miocene-Pleistocene changes in NW Australian continental aridity
- Water: Fourth U.S. National Climate Assessment (NCA4) Volume 2, Chapter 3
- What are the differences between 4.2ka and 8.2ka climate events?
- Winding down the Chicxulub impact: The transition from impactites to normal marine sedimentation
- <SUP>Unprecedented Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet</SUP>
- A 3.6 Ma branched GDGT temperature reconstruction from Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia
- A 3D Shear Wave Velocity Model of the Entire South American Subduction Margin: Preliminary Results with Full-wave Ambient Noise Tomography
- A Machine-learning Approach to Dam Hazard Classification
- A Palaeoproterozoic metamorphic amphibolite to granulite facies transition in Vesteralen, northern Norway, or a tectonic boundary? Insights from magnetic data.
- A Pliocene history of poleward heat transport through the Leeuwin Current.
- A data assimilation framework for generating space-time continuous SWOT river discharge products
- A hysteresis pattern in Amazon convection during the last deglacial
- A new vision of Antarctic surface melt: high-resolution observations from active and passive microwave satellites
- Addressing Intermittent Water Supply in Mexico City through Optimal Household Water Portfolios
- Airborne Arctic-Boreal Water Surface Elevation Observations from AirSWOT Ka-band InSAR and LVIS LiDAR
- An Analytical Framework for Water-Electricity Resilience Planning in the U.S.
- Antarctic Ice Sheet - Climate Feedbacks Under High Future Carbon Emissions
- Antarctic ice and Sangamon (Last Interglacial) sea level: What have we learned?
- Are Model Errors and Uncertainty Adequately Characterized in River Basin Planning Models?
- Assessing Climate Change Impact on System-wide Water Allocation Trade-offs for California's San Joaquin River System
- Assessing Social Vulnerability and Hydrological Risk in Massachusetts
- Assessing the affinity and selectivity of DOM towards metal ions across redox environments
- Assessment of PMIP3 model Simulations of Megadroughts over Eastern China during the Last Millennium
- BRiDGE: Enhancing lecture series with broader impacts and mentoring opportunities
- Better Together: A Story of Co-production Between the USA National Phenology Network and Invasive Species Managers
- Beyond the "lollipop" - roots as dynamic participants in root-microbe-mineral interactions
- Boreal Wetland Mapping by UAV to Upscale Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Changing Characteristics of Runoff and Freshwater Export From Watersheds Draining Northern Alaska
- Characteristics and mechanisms of decadal to centennial megadrought events over the eastern Asia during the Holocene
- Chemical Complexity Matters: Differential Mobilization of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter Driven by Functionally Distinct Compounds Released from Roots
- Combining Agriculture with Solar Energy for Food, Energy, and Water Benefits: Lessons Learned from 25 Field Studies of the DOE InSPIRE Project
- Comparing Long-Term Flood Projection Approaches in United States River Basins
- Comparing discharge estimates in high-order Arctic rivers derived solely from optical CubeSat, Landsat, and Sentinel-2 data
- Concentration-discharge relationships of dissolved rhenium in Alpine catchments reveal its use as a tracer of oxidative weathering
- Constraining Remotely-Sensed River Discharge Estimation Using Reach-Scale Geomorphology
- Crustal structure beneath southern New England: Influences of subduction, terrane accretion, and rifting
- Decadal variability of Asian winter monsoon shaped by the eleven-year solar
- Developing Chronologies of Mass Accumulation Rates in Lakes from the Northeastern United States
- Did Drought Cause the Abandonment of Norse Settlements in Southern Greenland in 1450 AD? New Evidence from Lake Sediments
- Dimension-Reduced Transient Groundwater Model Emulation for Robust Simulation/Optimization
- ECoGSS: A student-led departmental symposium integrating research and critical discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Efficacy of Last Interglacial Estimates for Constraining Probabilistic Projections of Future Antarctic Sea Level Contributions
- Elucidating the fate of mineral-organic associations in transient microenvironments at the root-soil interface
- Engaging the Public Through Featuring Diverse and International Scientists on a Science Outreach Website
- Enzymes, iron or manganese? Drivers of organic matter decomposition in forest soils
- Evaluating Strike-Slip Fault Evolution with laboratory experiments and 2D Convolutional Neural Networks
- Evaluating existing water infrastructure as a storage solution to the renewable energy penetration in New England.
- Expected contribution of SWOT to estimates of global river discharge
- Explicit channel routing of supraglacial meltwater to assess channel incision, lake filling, and moulin injection: bringing big-data terrestrial hydrology to the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Frequent flooding caused by floodplain geomorphology
- How Adequate the Frequency of Spaceborne Water Elevation Sampling is for Accurate Global Surface Water Assessment?
- How Well Can We Estimate River Discharge Based on the Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) Mission Observations? The Ungaged Basin Scenario.
- How do strength anisotropy and heterogeneity control fracture propagation, and corresponding energy budgets and stress-strain evolution?
- How the Wind and Waves of STEMSEAS Voyage towards a Diverse Scientific Experience
- Hydrogeochemistry variability in fresh water flux to the Gulf of Alaska: Analysis of two contrasting coastal glacial watersheds
- Impact of Heterogeneity on the Sensitivity and Stability of Brine-to-Freshwater Interfaces in Density-driven Flow Systems
- In the line of fire: Consequences of human-ignited wildfires to homes in the U.S. (1992-2015)
- In-situ profiling of spatiotemporal dissolved organic matter dynamics in the rhizosphere
- Incorporating land-surface energy budgets into subsurface heat transport: An approach to explain deep-seated sub-surface cooling in an arid environment
- Inferring Holocene climate change in northern North America using an improved paleo-climate model based on chironomid (Diptera: Chironomidae) assemblages identified with increased taxonomic resolution
- Influence of Hydroclimatic Variability on River Discharge Across a Spectrum of Southcentral Alaskan Watersheds Varying in Glacial Coverage
- Integrating satellite optical images into operational global flood forecasting systems for better predictions
- Intensity-duration-frequency analysis of energy supply droughts from renewable energy sources across an Alpine transect
- Investigation of Gross Nitrogen Transformation Rates in a Series of Wetlands Under Different Management Regimes
- Investigation of climate, terrestrial ecosystems, and aquatic productivity during the past 1,500 years from the Lake Sibinacocha watershed, Peruvian Andes
- Latitudinal Migrations of the Subtropical Front at the Agulhas Plateau across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
- Learning from the past: what paleo ice extents can tell us about the future
- Lithologic sources and release mechanisms for lithium: significance in the formation of lithium-enriched closed-basin brines
- Long term vulnerability assessment platform to support climate-informed decision in water resources planning for Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System
- Managing Vulnerability of Mexico City's Water Supply
- Measurement of Water Surface Elevations: Advances in Validation Measurements for the NASA SWOT Mission
- Meltwater export from the Greenland Ice Sheet observed during winter
- Modeling 2.7 Million years of Greenland ice sheet fluctuations using high Arctic temperature reconstructions
- Modeling Northern Hemispheric ice sheet dynamics, sea level change and solid Earth deformation through the last glacial cycle.
- Multi-source Remote Sensing of Arctic-Boreal Surface Water
- NISAR UAVSAR AM-PM Campaign: An evaluation of UAVSAR L-Band Radar Over Agricultural and Forested Areas for Crop Identification and Biomass Estimation
- Navigating local governance choices for the future sustainability of California's groundwater
- Orbital-scale dynamics of Arctic temperature variability across the Pleistocene at Lake El'gygytgyn, Siberia
- Orbital-scale record of Ross Sea ocean temperatures across the Miocene Climatic Optimum and Middle Miocene Climate Transition
- Paleoceanographic change across the Western Interior Seaway during the onset of Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2
- Perturbed parameters ensembles of idealized experiments to learn about the behavior of a climate model.
- Physical protection enhances acclimation of microbial efficiency to chronic soil warming
- Potential for operationalizing a hydro-agricultural modeling and information system: Lessons from Mekong and Eastern Africa regional applications
- Quantifying erosion caused by catastrophic outburst floods: Channeled Scablands, eastern Washington, USA
- Quantifying rates of agriculturally-induced soil erosion in the Midwestern U.S.
- Quaternary Paleoceanography of the Ross Sea, Antarctica based on Benthic and Planktic Foraminifera (Site U1523)
- RO<SUB>x</SUB> Radical Chemistry in a Forested Environment during PROPHET-AMOS 2016: Measurements, Model Comparisons, and Radical Budgets
- Rapid River Discharge Estimation from Pressure Transducer Arrays in the Peace-Athabasca Delta, Canada
- Rapid Tidal Marsh Development in Response to Anthropogenic Shoreline - Hudson River Estuary
- Reducing barriers for geoscientists with physical disabilities: A case study by scientists with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
- Remanent-Controlled Negative Magnetic Anomaly Associated with the Garsaknatt Intrusion, Rogaland Igneous Complex, Norway
- Revealing Paleo-Groundwater and Interbasin Flow as Fundamental to Water and Mineral Resource Sustainability on the Arid Altiplano-Puna Plateau
- Robust Assessment of Adaptation Options for the Hetch Hetchy Regional Water System in the Face of Climate and Tectonic Risks
- Rocking the Small Screens: Challenges and Adventures of The Geology Project's Video Content
- STEMSEAS: Student Perspectives on Addressing Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in the Geosciences through Field Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- Seasonal flooding impacts on mineral-organic associations regulate carbon export from subalpine floodplains
- Seasonal hydrogeochemical variability of water and solute fluxes to subarctic high-latitude coastal ecosystems across a gradient of ice to rain dominated watersheds
- Sediment Transport Dynamics on a Channelized Floodplain at Various Flows
- Seismic Characteristics of the Crust and Mantle Lithosphere in the Eastern North American Margin Revealed from Full-wave Ambient Noise Tomography
- Seismic structures of the crust and upper mantle in New Zealand from full-wave ambient noise tomography
- Shale as a Source of Organic Carbon in Floodplain Sediments of a Mountainous Watershed
- Simulations of Northern Hemispheric Quaternary glacial-interglacial cycles with a coupled ice sheet-lake-sediment model
- Source-to-sink observations of recent flood deposits in New England lakes
- Spring Mission: Surface Exploration with a Miniaturized Scanning Electron Microscope.
- Summer westerly jet during the mid-Holocene: a multi model study
- Temporal and spatial statistical analysis of children's blood lead exposures in Australian oldest lead mining town of Broken Hill
- Testing the capabilities of cubesats for operational flood mapping
- The #SafeAtWork Campaign: a graduate student effort to end sexual violence in STEM
- The Atlantic multidecadal variability and its impact on Svalbard climate: insights from Linnevatnet varve record
- The Cosmogenic <SUP>3</SUP>He Production Rate in Ilmenite and Redistribution of Spallation-Produced <SUP>3</SUP>He in Fine-Grained Minerals
- The Geology Project: Multilingual Geoscience Content By Multilingual Geoscientists
- The Mind Hears blog provides a mentoring forum for deaf and hard-of-hearing academics
- The Onset of Slip Partitioning under Oblique-Convergence
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- The Uncertainty and Sensitivity of Long-Term Urban Water Demand Forecasts: how wrong can you be?
- The Water-Energy-Environment Nexus and Climate Change: A Framework for Multi-Basin Planning
- The factors regulating soil respiration in response to wetting events: A three-parameter model analysis of existing incubation studies
- The human imprint on modern forest fire
- The impact of the 4.2kyr event in the Indian Ocean basin: major drying or insignificant event?
- Towards a holistic process for climate change risk assessment of hydropower projects
- Tracing water masses in high-resolution Pliocene Southern Ocean simulations
- Understanding the Regional Implications of Drought on Rice Yields over the Lower Mekong Region
- Using artificial neural networks to quantify erosion by mega-floods and the implications for paleoflood discharge reconstruction
- Variation of the Crustal Thickness Beneath the Southwestern United States Using P-wave Receiver Functions
- Water Budget of the Indus River Basin between 2002 and 2015
- Weathering Regimes and Lithium Isotope Signals of Mineral Dissolution and Precipitation: A Reactive Transport Perspective
- 2000 years of annually resolved hydroclimatic changes at Linnevatnet Lake, Svalbard
- A Deep Learning Approach to the Forecasting of Ground Magnetic Field Perturbations at High and Mid-Latitudes
- A Machine Learning Approach for Prediction of Surface Water Quality Vulnerabilities of American Rivers under Climate Change
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A Process-based Stream Network Model for Predicting CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations and Fluxes
- A Societal Consensus for Adaptation - What Will It Take?
- A global framework for SWOT discharge
- Accounting for dynamic feedbacks between demand, the price of water and climate in the estimation of financial risk for water utilities
- Analyzing climate justice implications of the Paris Agreement by combining future global climate and sea level modeling data with interdisciplinary research
- Anticipate and Adapt: protecting natural resources under extreme rainfall
- Application of the Hillslope River Routing (HRR) terrestrial hydrology routing model to the Northwest Greenland Ice Sheet surface and proglacial zone
- Applications of Modern Portfolio Theory Risk Metrics to the Electrical Grid
- Assessing sustainable soil loss by quantifying natural erosion rates in agricultural landscapes of the Midwestern U.S.
- Assessment of 19<SUP>th</SUP> and 20<SUP>th</SUP> century lake and air temperature history in the Peruvian high Andes using biomarkers and lake energy balance modeling
- Assessment of Nutrients in the Wachusett Reservoir Watershed: An Investigation of Land Use Contributions and Trends
- Boulder deposits on Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: Evidence of tsunami or storm?
- Building CyberLiteracy Through Interactive Lessons: Design, Development, and Deployment of Jupyter Notebooks for Geospatial Computing Education
- Can science be a neutral? Lessons and reflections from water resources planning in Mexico City
- Carbon Dioxide and Tectonic Controls on Antarctic Climate and Ice-Sheet Evolution in the Mid-Miocene: a model-data integration
- Carbon isotopes record lake water anoxia and methanogenesis under warm and cold climate conditions at Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia
- Characterizing Glaciers in the Koshi River Basin, High Mountain Asia
- Co-Production of Knowledge and the delicate dance of physical and cultural distance to overcome.
- Combined influences from internal variability and external forcings on megadrought events over the eastern China
- Combining big-data remote sensing and global hydrologic modelling improves daily discharge estimates across an entire large watershed
- Comparing Flood Projection Approaches Across Hydro-Climatologically Diverse United States River Basins
- Comparison of Social Vulnerability and Flood Risks in Massachusetts
- Conflict and Coalitions in Managing Uncertainty in a Megacity
- Controls on stream corridor N<SUB>2</SUB>O yields during hyporheic zone denitrification
- Critical Risk Indicators (CRIs) for the electric power grid: A survey and discussion of interconnected effects
- Detecting Soil Moisture under Temperate Forest Canopies: SMAP Validation Experiment 2019-2021 (SMAPVEX19-21)
- Developing a new biodiversity risk indicator based on finance metrics
- Drought Characteristics and the Impact of Land Cover/Land Use Change in the Lower Mekong Basin
- Earthcasting: Geomorphic prediction for society
- East African Climate Variability Through a Major Faunal Transition at 550 to 250 ka: Preliminary Evidence from Organic Geochemical Proxies
- Evaluating the robustness of NISAR's cropland algorithm to time of observation, observing mode and dithering
- Evaluation of time-dependent features in the Ecosystems UAVSAR interferometric data from NISAR's AM/PM campaign
- Evergreen needle magnetization as a proxy for particulate matter pollution in Salt Lake City, UT: spatial and temporal trends
- Exploring Human Water Use and Water Allocation Algorithms in Hydrologic Models
- Exploring the potential of sedimentary lipid biomarkers combined with novel hyperspectral imaging techniques: regional paleoclimate variability inferred from southern Greenland lake sediments
- Failure ages of ancient rock avalanches in the Intermountain Seismic Belt of northern Utah
- From Frog to Forest Conservation: Identifying Climate-Refugia for At-Risk Species in the Southern Sierra Nevada Forest
- Geology of the V-18 Lachesis Tessera Quadrangle: Evaluating how geologic maps could help us pick landing sites on Venus
- Glacial isostatic adjustment directed incision of the Channeled Scabland by ice-age megafloods
- Greenland ice sheet meltwater export from a land terminating glacier 2008-2019
- High-Resolution Biomarker Proxy Records of Arctic Climate Change During the Mid-Pleistocene Transition from Lake El'gygytgyn (Far East Russia)
- Identifying Opportunities to Electrify Diesel-Powered Irrigation Pumps Using Remote Sensing Data in Ethiopia
- Identifying and forecasting biodiversity `tipping points'
- Impacts of the SWOT mission's unique space-time sampling in the context of hydrologic model calibration
- Impacts of urbanization on flood inundation during Hurricane Harvey
- Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current dynamics in the Plio-Pleistocene
- Influence of tropical cyclones rain on the δ<SUP>18</SUP>O drip water composition at Río Secreto Cave in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico.
- Integrating oceanographic surveys and stream runoff observations to estimate seasonal variation in freshwater content within a high latitude glacier fed estuary
- Interannual Changes of the Upper Indus Basin Hydrological Cycle
- Intraseasonal Hydroclimate Variability in the Yucatán Peninsula During the Maya Terminal Classic Period: A Proxy Record of Paleo-MJO?
- LGBTQ+ Scientists and Allies in the Agronomy, Crop, and Soil Science Societies: Sharing Stories and Enacting Change
- Laboratory Testing Of Mineral Detection And Abundance Algorithms With Visible-Short Wave Infrared Imaging Spectrometer Data
- Lake/reservoir controls on evasion of inland water CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and implications for remote sensing of network-scale CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emissions
- Mangrove Mortality after Hurricane Maria
- Mechanisms of Anthropogenic Tidal Marsh Development in the Hudson River
- Microbial metagenomic responses to long-term warming vary in different soil aggregates
- NOM Corona of Silver Nanoparticles: Sulfidation-Induced Changes in Molecular Composition
- Near-annually resolved records of northern Bahamian hurricane activity during the Common Era: Emerging patterns and implications
- Network Investment for Resilience: Modeling the Water Supply Network of Mexico City
- Network analysis of integrated mass spectrometry and genetic data provides new insights on microbial carbohydrate and lignin transformations resulting from long-term experimental warming.
- Observations and Chemical Transport Model simulations of Ozone, Trace Gases and Meteorological Variables over Ross Island, Antarctica (78S,167E) during the 2019 Austral Spring and Summer.
- Perspectives on teaching climate science to first year undergraduate students by integrating sociopolitical contexts of climate change
- Pliocene Record of Relative Paleointensity from IODP Site U1396 in the Caribbean Sea: Chronostratigraphic and Paleogeomagnetic Opportunities.
- Predicting anthropogenic soil organic carbon redistribution in the Midwestern United States
- Probing coupled processes in the laboratory from pore scale to whole core scale
- Quantifying outburst flood incision of bedrock canyons by coupling erosion, discharge, and sediment transport
- Quantifying the geomorphic work of outburst floods
- Quantifying the magnitude of historical anthropogenic soil loss in the Midwestern United States
- Reconstructing summer water temperature from a southern Greenland lake over the Common Era: a site-specific calibration for brGDGTs
- Refugia from Climate Change: Emerging Concepts and Applications
- Relationship of Grain Size to Slope in Bimodally Sourced Beaches
- Remote observations in changing locations: what can 40 years of satellite data tell us about the future of pan-Arctic streamflow?
- Remote sensing of river discharge: where are we now, and where are we going?
- Reservoir Infilling Following Hurricane María in Puerto Rico Relative to Background Rates of Deposition
- Revealing the Hidden Diversity of Terrestrial Giant Viruses
- Salt Precipitation Along a Brine-To Interface as a Reactive Hydraulic Barrier in Arid Aquifers
- Sedimentary ancient DNA and molecular evidence for pre-Norse occupation of the Faroe Islands
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Simulating crack growth and coalescence from distributed flaws
- Spatiotemporal redox dynamics regulate mineral and metabolic constraints on carbon export from floodplain soils
- Temporal and Spatial Changes in Organic Matter Thermodynamics across Globally-Distributed River Corridors
- The Fate of Mineral-Organic Associations Within Functionally Distinct Rhizosphere Microenvironments
- The Geology Project and the 2019-2020 Puerto Rico Seismic Sequence: Science Communication Techniques, Challenges, and Lessons Learned
- The Growing Centrality of China in the Global Financial System
- The Mind Hears provides a mutual-mentoring forum for deaf and hard-of-hearing academics
- Toward an integrated modeling framework to assess water system vulnerability to short-term shocks in combination with climate and demand change
- Uncertainty in future change of the Antarctic Ice Sheet forced by climate models
- Urbanizing the floodplain: Global changes of imperviousness in flood-prone areas
- Using Remote Sensing to Determine the Effects of Winter Water Level Drawdowns on Cyanobacteria Concentrations
- Using cosmogenic <SUP>10</SUP>Be in detrital quartz to quantify erosion rates in the Des Moines Lobe region of Iowa
- Using crystal textures and compositional zoning to investigate magma storage and transport timescales across tectonic settings
- Using information-theory to investigate climate stress test and top-down realization ensembles: an application for long-term vulnerability assessment
- Using mechanical models, interseismic focal mechanisms, GPS velocities, and long-term slip rates to constrain the geometry of the southern Big Bend of San Andreas fault, California
- Using thermal infrared sensing from a UAV/UAS to identify groundwater inflows and guide freshwater wetland restoration
- What can we learn from existing satellites about Arctic river discharge: a new 30-year reanalysis
- A Multi-Sensor Cloud-based Framework to Characterize Winter Water Level Drawdown of Lakes and Reservoirs in Northeast United States
- A Process Based Stream Network Model for Predicting CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes at High Resolution
- A Seasonal US Atlas of Stopover Locations for Nocturnal Bird Migration: Hotspots and Drivers
- Accumulated Puu Oo Magma Fed the Voluminous 2018 Rift Eruption of Kilauea Volcano: Evidence from Lava Chemistry
- Alliance Building Offshore to Advance Resilience and Diversity: the All-ABOARD model
- An abrupt temperature and hydroclimate transition in eastern Africa during Termination V ( 430 ka)
- Analyzing Stakeholder Engagement in the CFEWS (Climate-induced extremes on the linked Food, Energy, Water System) Research Framework
- Assessment of CMIP6 model performance over Antarctica to help constrain sea-level rise projections: process-based evaluation and bias correction
- Assimilation of satellite data in a hydrological model to improve the water level estimation in winter drawdown lakes, Massachusetts
- Classification of glaciers in Koshi River Basin, Nepal using machine learning algorithms and clustering techniques
- Climate Change Assessment on Turbidity and Total Organic Carbon in the Water Supply System
- Combining Optical Imagery and Altimetry to Test SWOT Discharge Algorithms
- Confluence: An open-source framework for SWOT discharge estimation and value-added products
- Constraining Pacific Antarctic Circumpolar Current dynamics across the Plio-Pleistocene using organic geochemical biomarker proxies from IODP Expedition 383 Site U1540
- Controls on the hydrologic response of arid high Andean lagoon complexes following extreme precipitation events
- Divergent mangrove responses to multiple human activities in Puerto Rico
- Does photomineralization of dissolved organics matter in temperate inland waters?
- Evaluating Federal Allocation for Flood Mitigation Funding in the United States
- Evaluating the Efficacy of Floodplain Restoration for Improving Water Quality in an Urbanized, Post-Glacial Watershed, Amherst, MA
- Evaluating the relationship between floodplain complexity and channel avulsion: evidence from the Devonian Catskill Formation, north-central Pennsylvania, USA
- Evaluation of Satellite and Reanalysis Data for Simulating Streamflow in Glacierized Catchments in the Himalayas
- Exploring the Efficacy of Seasonal Forecasts of Crop Yields for Agriculture Sustainability
- Fifteen centuries of past annual fluvial inflows recorded in the varved sediments of Grand Lake, Labrador, Canada
- Filling in the Discontinuous Global River Gauge Record Using Satellite Observations.
- Forecasting soil loss across the US Corn Belt
- Gas Exchange in Large Rivers Controlled by Largest Turbulent Eddies: Implications for Remotely Sensing Gas Exchange via SWOT
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: How do Lithospheric Layers and Asthenosphere Interact, and What are Their Rheological Properties as a Function of Depth?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What are the transient rheologies of Earths lithosphere over the spectrum of deformation timescales, from milliseconds to tens of millions of years?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What causes some faults to slip in major earthquakes, while others appear to creep and/or undergo episodic slow slip?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What is the Absolute Stress in the Lithosphere and Below?
- Great Unsolved Questions in Tectonophysics: What physics governs fault networks? Can models make non-retrospective predictions that can be supported and/or falsified with near-future observations?
- Great unsolved questions in Tectonophysics: What is the role of inelastic off-fault deformation in the fault life cycle?
- High seasonal variability in branched GDGT concentrations and distributions in settling particulate matter from Basin Pond, Maine, Northeastern USA
- High-resolution ice-sheet modeling to reconcile abrupt mid-Holocene terrestrial thinning with earlier marine grounding-line retreat
- How does global river width change with time?
- Human Migration in the North Atlantic: Re-evaluating Timing and Environmental Consequences
- Hydroclimate variability of the glacial Yucatan Peninsula from speleothem stable isotopes
- Hydrological Influence on the Variation of Terrestrial Gravity Field in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil
- Identification of Volcanoes in the Lachesis Tessera Quadrangle (V-18), Venus.
- Implications of Model Uncertainty on Predicting the Benefits of Irrigation Investments
- Increasing Freshwater and Dissolved Organic Carbon Flows to Northwest Alaskas Elson Lagoon
- Initiating new efforts to track and improve DEI within the Department of Geosciences at UMass Amherst
- Invasive aquatic vegetation modulates sediment transport and trapping in freshwater tidal wetlands in the Hudson River
- Investigating Antarctic Ice Sheet Feedbacks with Coupled Ice Sheet and Climate Models
- Investigation of hydroclimate shifts around 1000 CE in the high Peruvian Andes
- Lessons learned from the AGU EPSP URGE pod on how to structure an equitable, inclusive, and safe committee space
- Lithospheric formation and evolution of eastern North American continent
- Log-Gaussian Cox Process Modeling of Large Spatial Lightning Data using Spectral and Laplace Approximations
- Long-lived Pliocene to Present Lacustrine Hydroclimate Record from Clayton Valley, NV
- Manganese Availability Controls Microbial-Mediated Organic Matter Degradation Across Redox Interfaces
- Mapping of Above Ground Biomass and scaling analysis using in-situ and L-band SAR data in the Great Slave Lake region
- Modeling Extreme Flows and Parameter Regionalization using Machine Learning
- Modeling the Impacts of Brine Extraction and Freshwater Withdrawals on Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in Salar Systems
- Modification of crust and mantle lithosphere beneath the southern part of the eastern North American passive margin
- Nitrogen Gas Emissions from Shale Critical Zone Environments
- Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Northern New England Lake Sediments: Preliminary Results and Implications for Recent Anthropogenic Impacts
- Novel Indicators of Biodiversity Status Based on Financial Portfolio Metrics
- Oceanic and Atmospheric drivers of exceptional land warming in the northeastern United States
- Paleoclimatological Analysis of an 8500 Year-Long Sediment Core from Baie des Baraderes, Haiti
- Palynological and Geochemical Analyses of the Chicxulub Impact Crater, IODP Expedition 364: A PETM Record from the Southern Gulf of Mexico
- Partitioning early Holocene North American v. Antarctic ice melt from high-resolution reconstructions of sea-level rise and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling
- Pleistocene megaflood discharge in upper Grand Coulee, Channeled Scabland, USA
- Predicting Flood Flows in the Northeast United States with Machine Learning
- Predicting Roadway Flood Severity Based on Waze Traffic Alerts Using Machine Learning
- Prediction of Off-Fault Deformation from Experimental Strike-slip Fault Structures using the Convolutional Neural Networks
- Preliminary results for Lakeflow, an algorithm to improve SWOT flow-law parameters through integrating river-lake mass conservation
- Quantifying Natural Soil Erosion Rates in Agricultural Landscapes of the Midwestern U.S. to Promote Sustainable Soil Management
- Reconciling dynamic WAIS retreat during past warm periods with stable cold-polar landforms in the McMurdo Dry Valleys
- Reconstructing Glacial Indian Ocean Hydroclimate from a Madagascan Speleothem
- Refining the age model for 1.3 Ma Lake Malawi drill core using luminescence dating
- Robust Project Design amidst Climate Change Concerns in Africa
- Role of Hydroelectric Power on Electricity Price and Storage Capacity for the Independent System Operator in New England
- Salt Marsh Response to Rapid Sea Level Rise after Barrier Breach
- Sea Level Rise, Climate Justice, and the Paris Agreement
- Seasonal water storage and evapotranspiration partitioning controls on the relationship between continental moisture recycling and precipitation deuterium excess
- Shifting mineral and metabolic constraints regulate dissolved organic matter export from floodplain soils
- Simulated riverbed response to post-wildfire debris flow input in river networks
- Spatial and Temporal Trends in Evergreen Needle Magnetization in Salt Lake City, UT: Development of a Robust Proxy for Particulate Matter Pollution
- Sticky Roots Change Rhizodeposition Quality and Quantity Leading to Variable Disruption of Mineral-Organic Associations
- Sticky Roots: Plants and microbes poised to attack mineral-associated organic matter
- Stream transport and substrate controls on nitrous oxide yields from hyporheic zone denitrification
- The Importance of Lake Littoral Zones to Arctic-Boreal Methane Emissions
- The Influence of Drainage Divide Migration on Soil Production and Chemical Weathering Rates, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- The clay sulfate transition at Mawrth Vallis and implications for changes in the geochemical environment and climate
- Three-dimensional Variation of the Slab Geometry within the South American Subduction System
- Towards Remote River Discharge Prediction Using Machine Learning and Satellite Observations under Data Scarcity
- Towards continental-scale transport modeling of drainage network CO2 evasion
- URGE Pod Outcomes for the AGU EPSP Section
- Unlocking the Secrets Held by Organic Carbon Deposited within Speleothems: A Test Case in Northwestern Madagascar
- Western U.S. precipitation seasonality in the Cenozoic
- Whats my age again? New constraints from zoned Sm-Nd garnet geochronology on the subduction history of UHP Dora-Maira whiteschists, Italy
- A 1,800-year Air Temperature Record from the Tropical Andean Highlands based on Branched GDGTs from Lake Chacacocha, Peru
- A Hybrid Analog Offline EnKF for Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
- A Hydrological Modeling Framework for Assessing Winter Drawdown Lakes Management
- A Kinematic and Morphometric Analysis of Restraining Bends in the Eastern California Shear Zone
- A comparison of foraminiferal and diatom-based transfer function estimates of coseismic subsidence during the 1700 CE earthquake along the Oregon and California coasts
- A global framework for SWOT discharge with examples from the Ohio River
- A promising high-resolution sedimentary archive of past temperature variability from Peary Land, northern Greenland
- Adapting Water Supply Systems to Climate Variability and Change - An evaluation framework for Santa Cruz, California
- An Improved X and Ku Band SWE Retrieval Algorithm and Validation Analysis Using Airborne Data
- An integrated framework for monitoring and seasonal forecasting of drought and crop yield for water and agricultural resources management
- An updated understanding of global rivers from a new global river discharge reanalysis product: implications for SWOT mission
- Antarctic Ice-Sheet Meltwater Reduces Climate Sensitivity and Transient Warming through the Sea-Surface Temperature Pattern Effect
- Anticipated Continental-Scale River Gas Exchange Dynamics: How will SWOT Inform River CO2 Modeling?
- Applications of Machine Learning and Physical, Hydrologic Modeling for Estimating 7-Day 10-Year Low Flows for Climate Altered Futures in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic United States
- Assessing the flow variability of headwater streams in High Mountain Asia using satellite remote sensing
- Characterizing Caribbean Hydroclimate Variability across the Last Deglacial: Insights from High-Resolution Speleothem Records
- Compositionally Diverse Alkalic Volcanism Along the Emperor Seamount Chain
- Constraining the amplitude of Antarctic Ice Sheet change during warm intervals of the Pliocene
- Crustal Thickness Variations in Alaska and Northwestern Canada Revealed by P-wave Receiver Functions
- Disentangling the spatial drivers of late-Holocene tropical cyclone frequency variability across the North Atlantic using high-resolution sedimentary archives
- Drainage network reorganization in landscapes buried by glacial deposits
- Drinking Water Supply Reservoir Water Quality Responses to Changes in Management Practices and Strategies
- East Antarctic Ice Sheet variability during the middle Miocene Climate Transition captured in drill cores from the Friis Hills, Transantarctic Mountains.
- Ecological forecasting of ponderosa pine forest biomass in the Interior West US
- Economic Evaluation of Water Resources Projects under Climate Change Uncertainty: Demonstration for Investment in Lesotho
- Ensemble Approach for Drought Monitoring and Forecasting in Southeast Asia with Mekong Drought Crop Watch Tool
- Evaluating Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) credibility for climate change impact assessment studies
- Evaluating the Temporal Robustness of NISAR's Cropland Mapping over a Stable and a Planting-Prevented Agricultural Region
- Exploring Heterogeneity-Scale Modeling of Urban Water Systems for Identification of Resilient, Equitable Water System Investment Portfolios
- Exploring the Efficacy of Seasonal Climate Forecasts on Crop Yields for Agriculture Sustainability
- Extreme Flooding Events in Svalbard Regulated by Scandinavian Blocking
- Flood risk and uncertainty: Prospects and Pragmatism for management and reduction
- Formation and modification of the continental lower crust in eastern North America revealed by an integrative analysis of seismic tomographic models, teleseismic receiver functions, and Airy isostatic models
- From Classroom to Career: Building a Culture of Access for Geoscientists with Disabilities.
- Future Climate Projections Using Fully Coupled Ice Sheet and Global Climate Models
- Glacial isostatic adjustment as a director of ice-age megaflood incision in the Channeled Scabland
- Globally Mapping Arctic Beaded Streams with Computer Vision and Planet Imagery
- Groundwater Connectivity Controls on Carbon Dioxide Fluxes in a Snowmelt Dominated Headwater Stream
- Hierarchical Weather Generators: A Comparison of Different Design Structures on Precipitation Simulation Performance
- Hydrological extremes shift controls and pathways of carbon loss from floodplain soils
- Hyphosphere Interactions Mediate Soil Biogeochemistry and Biotic Resilience to Moisture Limitation
- Impacts of Changing Climate and Glacially Driven Base Level on an Upper Mississippi River Tributary During the Most Recent Glacial-post-Glacial Transition
- Improving extreme weather generation and spatial variability of weather generators based on resampling using the Direct Sampling algorithm
- Investigating Caribbean hydroclimate variability on orbital and millennial timescales using a 100 thousand-year stalagmite δ18O record from the Yucatan Peninsula
- Investigating Thermal Adaptation of Soil Microbial Growth Traits in Warming Soils
- Label-free multiphoton imaging of microbes in root, mineral, and soil matrices with time-gated coherent Raman, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and adaptive optics
- Leaf Wax Isotope Records of Paleohydrology in the Western US from the Pliocene to present
- Loading Rate Influence on Restraining Bend Evolution
- Mission Ready - Global Snow Water Equivalent from Space
- Modeling Avian Seasonal Stopover Distributions Across the Contiguous United States Using Weather Surveillance Radar Data
- Monitoring CONUS River Sediment Concentration Through Landsat, Sentinel, and MODIS Satellite Sensor Fusion
- Morphology of the Ares Vallis Region on Mars, and Implications for Canyon Formation
- Nutrient and Water Availability Modulate the Destabilization of Mineral-Associated Organic Matter in the Rhizosphere
- One Model to Rule Them All: A Ubiquitous Data Modeling Approach to Improved Temporal-Spatial Learning of Physics Guided Machine Learning Models in Hydrology
- Optimization of soil parameters in the hydrological model and its impact assessment in agricultural drought estimation
- Paleo-Discharge Implications of a Waterfall Plunge Pool Origin for Rock Basins in the Channeled Scabland
- Plan for Assessing SWOT Discharge Accuracy
- Plant viral infection modulates the destabilization of mineral-associated organic matter in the rhizosphere
- Pleistocene Foraminifera of the Ross Sea Continental Slope and Rise, IODP Exp. 374
- Predicting Off-fault Deformation Using Convolutional Neural Networks Trained On Experimental Strike-Slip Faults
- Process-based Blue Carbon Mapping in the Northeastern US Tidal Marshes Using Optical Remote Sensing
- Proxy-Model Comparison for the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in Southern High Latitudes
- Reconstructing 47 kyr of Hydrological Change in the South-East Pacific using Terrestrial Sediment Cores from Rapa Nui (Easter Island)
- Seeing River Futures: Moving from uncertainty analysis towards predictive science
- Simultaneous remote sensing of river discharge and suspended sediment on the Sagavanirktok River, Alaska.
- Stable Strontium Isotope (δ88Sr) Constraints on Nicaraguan Arc Subduction Fluxes and Carbonate Recycling
- Structural Belt in the Lachesis Tessera Quadrangle (V-18), Venus: Implications for Crustal Properties
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Prediction of River Flow for India's Cauvery, Narmada, and Yamuna River Basins: Improving Predictability using a Multi-Scale Dynamical-Statistical Hybrid Approach
- Temporal analysis of C-band InSAR decorrelation for canopy height mapping over dry forests and tropical savannas
- The Effects of Pre-Stress Assumptions on Dynamic Rupture with Complex Fault Geometry in the San Gorgonio Pass, California, Region
- The Impact of Crop Rotation on Crop Attributes Detection Using Sentinel-1A Observations
- The extending Ocean Drilling Pursuits (eODP) Project: Synthesizing Scientific Ocean Drilling Data
- The impact of glacial isostatic adjustment on Antarctic ice loss and global sea levels in the coming centuries
- The value of high-resolution soil moisture for water resources applications
- Tracer-based insights into groundwater and in-stream carbon dioxide sources in a mountainous first order stream
- Tracking an ongoing river avulsion with satellite remote sensing and field measurements
- Tracking dynamic wetland vegetation communities after a flood event with airborne AVIRIS-NG, UAVSAR, UAV LiDAR, and PlanetScope data in Peace-Athabasca Delta
- URG-Futures - A Stakeholder-Driven Tool to Evaluate Climate Adaptation Options for the Upper Rio Grande River Basin
- URG-Futures: A Stakeholder-Driven Water Resources Model for Climate Adaptation Planning in the Upper Rio Grande Basin
- Unprecedented Vulnerability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet
- Upscaling a High-Resolution Reactive Transport Model for Predicting Inland Water CO2 Concentrations and Fluxes Across the Continental United States
- Using Blue Wavelengths to Estimate Snow Cover from Cloud-Free, High-Resolution Commercial Satellite Imagery
- Using Paired Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Cosmogenic Nuclide 10Be Dating to Understand Changes in Erosion Rate within a Fill-Cut Terrace Sequence: Whitewater River, Southeastern Minnesota, USA
- Validating SMAP Soil Moisture and Vegetation Optical Depth in Forests: Summary of Activities in 2022
- Warm Water Incursions and Water Mass Changes on the Ross Sea Shelf (Antarctica) During the Plio-Pleistocene Based on Foraminifera from IODP Exp 374
- Watershed DOC Uptake Occurs Almost Entirely in Lakes and Reservoirs: A New Model for Connected River, Lake and Reservoir DOC Cycling
- Weathering regimes and lithium isotopes: A reactive transport perspective
- What Is Safe? How Decision-Makers Evaluate EDCs and Make Determinations That Are Health Protective
- Why we need to crip the classroom (and the lab and the field...)
- Wildfire response to glacial-interglacial environmental variability inferred from molecular proxies at Lake El'gygytgyn, Far East Russia
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Gannet Hallar
- A. J. Pietruszka
- A. Nyblade
- Aaron Berg
- Abhijeet Abhishek
- Adam J. Burgasser
- Adriaan M. Dokter
- Ambarish V. Karmalkar
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Ana P. Barros
- Andreas Colliander
- Andrew D. Wickert
- Andrew J. Fraass
- Angelica Tarpanelli
- Anna Ruth W. Halberstadt
- Antoine Gagnon‐Poiré
- Aron Stubbins
- Augusto Getirana
- B. A. Keisling
- B. E. Rosenheim
- B. L. Konecky
- Baptiste François
- Benjamin H. Tiger
- Bo Wang
- Brendon Quirk
- Brian R. Jicha
- Brian Saccardi
- Brian Yellen
- C. Anderson
- C. J. Gleason
- C. Kyriakopoulos
- C. R. Lawrence
- C. R. Riesselman
- C. W. Brown
- C.A. Alvarez Zarikian
- Chang Huang
- Chao Wang
- Chaopeng Shen
- Charles Kuhn
- Chinedum Eluwa
- Christian Che‐Castaldo
- Christine E. Hatch
- Christine Hatté
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher M. Lowery
- Christopher M. Moy
- Christopher W. Kinsley
- Cinzia Cervato
- Cong Li
- Courtney L. Wagner
- Craig Brinkerhoff
- Cédric H. David
- D. D. Oglesby
- D. F. Boutt
- D. L. Buczkowski
- D. L. Roth
- D. M. Peteet
- Daniel E. Ibarra
- Dara Entekhabi
- David Butman
- David K. Hutchinson
- David McGee
- David Pollard
- David S. Matteson
- Diego Melgar
- Donald J. Wuebbles
- Dongmei Feng
- Dorothy J. Merritts
- Dorothy K. Hall
- Douglas A. Wiens
- E. D. Kyzivat
- E. J. Wallace
- Edward Kim
- Efthymios I. Nikolopoulos
- Ehsan Jalilvand
- Elisabeth Dietze
- Elizabeth C Sibert
- Elizabeth H. Altenau
- Elizabeth H. Madden
- Ellen Jorgensen
- Emily Eidam
- Eoin L. Brodie
- Eric Barefoot
- Eunsang Cho
- Evan A. Thaler
- Fabio Florindo
- Fenix Garcia‐Tigreros
- Frances Griswold
- Frank Lamy
- François Lapointe
- G. Ricker
- Gabriela Serrato Marks
- Geoffrey M. Henebry
- George H. Allen
- Gisela Winckler
- Gurjeet Singh
- Hadi Heidari
- Haiying Gao
- Hanna Elston
- Hannah Baranes
- Hans‐Peter Marshall
- Harvey M. Kelsey
- Hima J. Hassenruck‐Gudipati
- Isaac J. Larsen
- J. A. Grant
- J. L. Bishop
- Jabari C. Jones
- Jacob D. Hosen
- James L. Garrison
- Jeffrey Kwang
- Jennifer L. Druhan
- Jeremy K. Caves Rugenstein
- Jessica V. Fayne
- Jida Wang
- Jocelyn A. Sessa
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Jonathan C. Lewis
- Julianne Davis
- K. M. Hill
- Kathryn Lawson
- Katie Jamson
- Katrina E. Bennett
- Kayleigh M. Harvey
- Kelly McKeon
- Kimberly P. Wickland
- Konstantinos M. Andreadis
- Kristine M. Larson
- Kyle C. Armour
- Kyle G. Horton
- L. A. Stearns
- L. C. Smith
- L. L. Bourgeau-Chavez
- L. S. Sklar
- Laura Duncanson
- Laura Wallace
- Liang Ning
- Lili Lei
- Lisa Luna
- Luciana Fenoglio-Marc
- M. S. Raleigh
- Malak M. Tfaily
- Marco Keiluweit
- Mathias Vuille
- Matthew Sturm
- Mei-Ling E. Feng
- Merritt E. Harlan
- Michael A. Goldstein
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael Durand
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael P. Lamb
- Michele L. Cooke
- Mohammad J. Tourian
- N. M. Gasparini
- Natalie J. Burls
- Nick Scroxton
- P. A. Raymond
- P. I. Matos-Llavona
- Patrick A. Ray
- Patrick Belmont
- Paul Bates
- Paul Siqueira
- Peter C. Lippert
- Peter K. Weber
- Phillip H. Larson
- Pierre Francus
- Qian Yu
- R. H. Levy
- R. Mark Leckie
- R. P. Callahan
- Raymond S. Bradley
- Renato Prata de Moraes Frasson
- Richard B. Alley
- Robert C. Witter
- Robert G. M. Spencer
- Robert G. Striegl
- Robert M. DeConto
- Robert Mahon
- Robert McKay
- Robert W. Dudley
- Robin R. Dawson
- Roland Bürgmann
- Ryan M. Riggs
- Rémi Cousin
- S. A. Margulis
- S. P. Coss
- S. R. David
- S. R. Hemming
- Safat Sikder
- Sarah J. Feakins
- Sean P. S. Gulick
- Shaina Sadai
- Shanan E. Peters
- Shaoda Liu
- Sharon A. Wilson
- Sherlynette Pérez Castro
- Shuai Zhang
- Sidharth Misra
- Simon Kraatz
- Simon L. Pendleton
- Simon Yueh
- Stephen R. Meyers
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Sungwook Wi
- T. Pavelsky
- Tamara Pico
- Taylor Maavara
- Theodore Langhorst
- Timothy J. Bralower
- Tobias Schneider
- Tony Payne
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- Tripti Bhattacharya
- Ty Samo
- Tyler Kukla
- V. Schulte-Pelkum
- Victor C. Tsai
- W. Daniels
- W. Rockwell Geyer
- Wenxiu Teng
- Whitney M. Behr
- Xiao Yang
- Xin Sun
- Xingchen Wang
- Zhengyu Liu
- Zhengyu Xia