Iowa State University
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Bed-Deformation Experiment Beneath Engabreen, Norway
- A Laboratory Scale Vortex Generator for Simulation of Martian Dust Devils.
- Effects of a Revised Cumulus Parameterization Scheme on CCM3 Simulations of the North American Monsoon
- Friction at the bed of Engabreen, Norway
- Measuring Subsurface Water Fluxes Using a Heat Pulse Sensor
- Nonlinearity at California Generic Soil Sites From Modeling Recent Strong Motion Data
- Stick-Slip Deformation of Sediment due to Cyclic Dilatant Hardening
- Use of Regional Climate Model Output for Hydrologic Simulations
- Visual Data Mining of Large, Multivariate Space-Time Data
- Bed-Deformation Experiments Beneath a Temperate Glacier
- Comparison of Inter- and Intra-Model Variability of Precipitation in Nested Regional Climate Models
- Empirical Corrections for Basin Effects in Stochastic Ground-Motion Prediction
- Modeling Hydrologic Variables and Terrain Features for Strategically Locating Riparian Buffers and Wetlands
- Modulation of Calcium Oxalate Crystallization by Proteins and Small Molecules Investigated by In Situ Atomic Force Microscopy
- Motion of a Temperate Glacier Over Hard and Soft Beds: Subglacial Experiments at Engabreen, Norway
- Properties of Vertical Ground Motions
- Sedimentary Sulfur Variability in Lake Sediments of the Bogota Basin as Evidence for Orbital Forcing of Rainfall Patterns in the Tropical Andes
- Stochastic Finite Fault Modeling of Strong Ground Motions From the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Vortex Threshold: Experimental Results at Martian Atmospheric Pressures
- 500,000-year History of Fluvial Discharge into the Caribbean Sea as Revealed by Elemental Geochemical Analysis of ODP Site 999A
- Capillary-Physics Mechanism of Elastic-Wave Mobilization of Residual Oil
- Improving Water Quality With Conservation Buffers
- Oxygen and Carbon Stable Isotope and Sr:Ca Records in Outer and Middle Microstructural Layers of Bivalve Shells (Mercenaria campechiensis)
- Percolation- and Effective Medium-Based Models of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- Production and Dietary Uptake of PUFA by Piezophilic Bacteria, Implications for Marine Biogeochemistry
- The Coastal Stratocumulus Imposed Perturbation Experiment: Discerning aerosol indirect effects in stratocumulus clouds using imposed aerosol forcing
- The Orocopia-Pelona Schist Terrane, southern California and southwest Arizona: A Calibrated Target for Crustal Seismic Anisotropy Studies
- Uncertainties in regional climate: intercomparison and evaluation of simulations of present and future climate in California
- Using News Media Databases (LexisNexis) To Identify Relevant Topics For Introductory Earth Science Classes
- Vortex Dust Flux: Experimental Results Comparing Terrestrial and Martian Cases
- A Nitrogen Budget Model as an Indicator Of Leachable Nitrogen Under Agricultural Catchments
- Analyses of Student Learning in Global Change
- Atmospheric Modeling Over the Mackenzie, Kuparuk and Lena Watersheds: A Contribution to the NSF ARCSS Freshwater Initiative
- Clast Plowing as a Potential Flow Instability for Soft-bedded Glaciers
- Crop phenology feedback on climate over central US in a regional climate model
- Debris-Bed Friction of Hard-Bedded Glaciers
- Determining Sliding Velocity and Shear-Strain Magnitude From Basal Sediments of Past Ice Sheets
- Dust Devils: Experimental Results for Vortex Sediment Flux
- Elastic Waves Push Residual Organic Fluids From Saturated Rock
- Impacts of Mixed Physics on Ensemble Spread in Warm-Season Rainfall Forecasts
- Microbial Community Structure of the Japan Trench Cold Seeps Sediment Determined by Phospholipid Analysis
- Multiple approaches to studying pore connectivity in rock matrices
- Streamflow Simulations for the Mississippi River Basin Based on Ensemble Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Using Controlled Landslide Initiation Experiments to Test Limit-Equilibrium Analyses of Slope Stability
- Assessing the Effects of Land use Change on Southwest Florida Estuaries Using Stable Isotopes of Organic Carbon
- Belowground Water Dynamics Under Contrasting Annual and Perennial Plant Communities in an Agriculturally-Dominated Landscape
- CHRONOS's Paleontological-Stratigraphic Interval Construction and Analysis Tool (PSICAT)
- CHRONOS: Data Syndication and Semantics for the Geosciences
- CHRONOS: Geoinformatics Platform for Global Geosciences
- Chemolithoautotrophy and its Relation to Magnetism and Biomineralization in Marine Magnetotactic Bacteria
- CoreWall: A Scalable Interactive Tool for Visual Core Description, Data Visualization, and Stratigraphic Correlation
- Dust Devils on Earth and Mars: Comparison of Field and Laboratory Results for Sediment Flux
- Effects of Water-Pressure Fluctuations on Glacial Erosion: a Quarrying Experiment Beneath Engabreen, Norway
- Fractionation of Carbon Isotopes in Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids by A Piezophilic Bacterium Moritella Japonica DSK1
- Frictional properties of gouge generated during the 2004-2005 lava dome extrusion at Mount St. Helens and implications for seismicity
- Frontier Lecture in Hydrological Science: Advancing Hydrological Investigations by Addressing Some Challenges Posed by Dynamic Surface Soil Properties
- Impacts of integrated crop-livestock systems on nitrogen dynamics and soil erosion
- Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Tuff under Episodic Flow Conditions
- Soils and the CUAHSI Vision and Beyond
- 18O and 2H Stable Isotopic Enrichment of Ice from a Debris Band on Storglaciären
- A ground reference site for detailed studies of remote sensing of soil moisture
- A new U/Pb date for the basal Meishucun section and implications for the age of the Cambrian explosion
- Experiences with the Application of Services Oriented Approaches to the Federation of Heterogeneous Geologic Data Resources
- Hydrologic Triggering of Shallow Landslides in a Field-scale Flume
- Isotope Transport and Exchange within the Coso Geothermal System
- Microbial Diversity of Cold-Seep Sediments in Sagami Bay, Japan as Determined by 16S rDNA and Lipid Analyses
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- Sensitivity of Carbon Budgets in the Continental U.S. to Soil Moisture in a Regional Ecosystem-Climate Coupled Model
- The Potential for Application of a Physically-based Snow Model in Hydrologic Forecasting
- Theory of vibratory mobilization and break-up of non-wetting fluids entrapped in pore constrictions
- A High-Temporal and Spatial Resolution Soil Moisture and Soil Temperature Network In Iowa Using Wireless Links
- A laboratory apparatus to measure clast-bed contact forces
- An Improved Force-Restore Method for Soil Temperature Prediction
- Analysis of Temporal Changes in Daily Precipitation Intensities
- CHRONOS's Examples of Application of Standards to REST Services
- Chemical Structures of Kerogen and Their Changes During Thermal Evolution Investigated by Advanced Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy
- Coso Hot Springs: A Condensate Fed Geothermal Feature
- Coupled Biodiversity And Climate Evolution Through The Phanerozoic Eon
- Downscaling ENSO Events in Nested Regional Climate Models
- Effects of Crop Rotation, N Management, Tillage, and Controlled Drainage on nitrate-N Loss in Drain Flow
- Influence of a frozen glacier margin on sediment transport: measurements and modeling
- Large Errors in Electron Microprobe Analysis of Laphamite due to Uncertainties in ZAF Correction Parameters
- Leaf wetness distributions in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape
- Microbial Biomass and Community Structure of a Stromatolite from an Acid Mine Drainage System in Western Indiana
- Modeling of Local and Regional Soil Carbon Balance under Various Agricultural Managements
- Performance and Probabilistic Verification of Regional Parameter Estimates for Conceptual Rainfall-runoff Models
- Quantitative Analysis of the Break-up of Non-Wetting Viscous Fluids in Constricted Capillary Channels
- Simulations of the Synoptic Climatology of Extreme Precipitation for Current and Future Climates
- Soil-Water Evaporation Dynamics Determined From Soil Sensible Heat Transfer Measurements
- Testing the bed-deformation hypothesis using magnetic fabrics of tills sheared experimentally and subglacially
- Trends in US Surface Winds Over the Last Quarter of the 20C: Observations and Model Results
- A Modeling Approach for Flash Flood Forecasting for Small Watersheds in Iowa
- Dew Frequency, Duration, Amount, and Distribution in Corn and Soybean During SMEX05
- Fault Slip Velocities Inferred from the Spectra of Ground Motions
- Frictional Slip Resistance at Glacier Beds due to Rock Debris
- Frozen margin dynamics at Storglaciaren, Sweden
- Geophysical Study of Cyclone Canyon Graben, Canyonlands National Park, Utah: Sediment Depth and Structural Implications
- Incorporating Radiation Inputs into an Operational Snow Model: A Bayesian Model Averaging Approach
- Introducing Space Physics: Using Online Data and Simulation Resources in an Undergraduate Physics Lab Examining the Magnetopause
- Mesoscale Fossil Diversity and Ecosystem Modeling in the Cenozoic
- Microbial Communities in Biofilms of an Acid Mine Drainage Site Determined by Phospholipid Analysis
- Multi-RCM ensemble downscaling of global seasonal forecasts (MRED)
- Pleistocene Submarine Groundwater Discharge Along the Atlantic Continental Shelf, New England: The Role of Ice Sheets
- Preliminary Analysis of Wind Speed Simulations over the US Produced by Regional Climate Models
- Regional Parameter Sensitivity and Uncertainty Estimates for the NWS SACramento Soil Moisture Accounting Model (SAC-SMA)
- Tectonic setting of magmatism in an arc and retroarc crustal section in southern California
- Theoretical and Computational-Fluid-Dynamics Description of the Break-up of Non-wetting Fluids in Pore Constrictions
- Trends in wind climates over the contiguous US: Implications for the wind energy resource
- Verification of National Weather Service Hydrologic Forecasts for the Upper Mississippi River Basin for 2006-2008
- An Exploration of Distributed Leaf Wetness and Dew Detection Using Inexpensive Radios
- An Integrated Uncertainty Analysis and Ensemble-based Data Assimilation Framework for Operational Snow Predictions
- An Optimal Soil Moisture Sampling Scheme for Scaling and Remote Sensing Validation
- Analyses of Methanobactin, a Novel Copper-Binding Compound, or Chalkophore, from Methanotrophs
- Core-Annular Flow in Capillary Tubes: Theory, Simulations, and Experiment
- Downscaling Ensemble Seasonal Forecasts of a Strong El Niño
- Interaction of turbine-generated turbulence with agricultural crops: Conceptual framework and preliminary results
- Investigation into the Horizontal Spatial Variability of Dew at Field-Scale
- Long-Term Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Model Constraints on Magnitudes and Driving Forces for Passive Margins
- Monsoon Depression: Formation mechanism, propagation property, water vapor budget, and its impact on the interannual variation of the northeast Indian monsoon rainfall (Invited)
- Passive Microwave Observations of Soil Moisture and Dew in Soil Moisture Experiments 2005 (SMEX05)
- Relative Roles of Convection Closure, Trigger Condition and Convective Momentum Transport in GCM Simulations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Seasonal Hydrologic Trends in Iowa Watersheds Over the Last Half of the 20th Century
- Temporal Evolution of Soil moisture Spatial Patterns at Field Scale across Multiple Seasons
- The Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) (Invited)
- The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Status and results
- Uncertainty in SMAP Soil Moisture Measurements Caused by Dew
- Using CAPE to partition cloud matter feedback from convective parameterization
- What’s Needed from Climate Modeling to Advance Actionable Science for Water Utilities?
- - and Cross-Polarization 13C NMR Evidence of Alterations in Molecular Composition of Humic Substances Following Afforestation with Eucalypt in Distinct Brazilian Biomes
- A comparison between shell-based δ13C values from an extratropical setting (Gulf of Maine, USA) and atmospheric δ13C values for intervals of the last millennium: insights on regional hydrography and carbon dynamics
- An Experimental Study of Ice-Bed Separation during Sliding over a Hard Bed (Invited)
- An integrated uncertainty analysis and data assimilation approach for improved streamflow predictions
- Annually resolved oceanic carbon dynamics in the temperate North Atlantic during recent centuries
- Ar-Ar Age Distributions of Glacially Derived Hornblende Grains in the Eastern Weddell Sea
- Carbon Burial in Inland Waters
- Covering Climate Change in Wikipedia
- Design of a WRF Ensemble for Improved Wind Forecasts at Turbine Height
- Developing a snow modeling approach for flood forecasting at the Iowa Flood Center
- Dry season foliar fog uptake, reverse sapflow, and nighttime transpiration in the tropical montane cloud forests of Mexico
- Ecohydrological implications of shallow water uptake by plants in a seasonal tropical montane cloud forest (Invited)
- Effect of wind turbine wakes on cropland surface fluxes in the US Great Plains during a Nocturnal Low Level Jet
- Effectiveness of Perennial Vegetation Strips in Reducing Runoff in Annual Crop Production Systems
- Effects of overcast and foggy conditions on transpiration rates of Pinus patula trees along a chronosequence within the cloud belt of the Sierra Madre Oriental, central Veracruz, Mexico
- Ensemble Downscaling of Winter Seasonal Forecasts: The MRED Project
- Evaluation of Subgrid Cloud Variability and Its Parameterization for GCM Radiation Calculation Using Year-Long CRM Simulations
- Evaluation of an energy balance snow model with MODIS albedo for predicting spring runoff in mountainous watersheds
- Glacier Seismicity and Basal Sliding: Field Experiments at Engabreen, Norway
- How Different are SMOS Morning and Evening Observations?
- Ice-Sheet Aquifer Interactions within the midcontinent, USA: Implications for CO2 Sequestration (Invited)
- Linking Glaciation and Groundwater on Greenland: Implications for Subsurface Porefluid Chemistry and Sea-Level Rise
- Multi-Scale Modeling of Riverine Ecosystems and Responses of Fish Populations in the Context of Global Climate Change and Predictive Uncertainty
- New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community (Invited)
- Origin of Periodic, Transverse Moraines of the Des Moines Lobe Ice Stream, Iowa
- Post-pyrite transition in SiO2
- Quantifying the metabolic contribution to δ13C of shell carbonate of Arctica islandica: an experimental calibration
- Regional, Extreme Daily Precipitation in NARCCAP Simulations
- Sensitivity of Midwest Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation to Grid Spacing and Cloud Spectrum Characteristics in NASA GEOS-5
- Snowpack Estimates Improve Water Resources Climate-Change Adaptation Strategies
- Soil, Water, and Greenhouse-gas Impacts of Alternative Biomass Cropping Systems
- Stick-slip Motion of Whillans Ice Stream: Experimental Constraints on Till Frictional Behavior (Invited)
- The Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX): A Framework for Mitigation and Adaptation Information (Invited)
- Thickness of Residual Wetting Film in Liquid-Liquid Displacement in Capillary Channels
- Wind and flux measurements in a windfarm co-located with agricultural production (Invited)
- Allometric Relationships in Soybean to Estimate the Effect of Vegetation on Microwave Remote Sensing
- Changes in Precipitation Intensity under Global Warming for the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Coherent hydrographic changes in the North Atlantic during the last millennium: insights from marine radiocarbon reservoir ages
- Direct Pore-Level Observation of Permeability Increase by Seismic Waves
- Distribution and Intensity of Extreme Winter Precipitation in Seasonal Forecasts
- Ensemble Downscaling of Winter Seasonal Forecasts over the United States
- Evaluating root zone water quality impacts associated with various biomass production systems across landscape positions
- Extreme Daily Precipitation in North American Climate Simulations: Scales, Processes and Changes
- Field evidence for control of quarrying by rock bridges in jointed bedrock
- Freshwater methane emissions versus the continental carbon sink
- High frequency and wavenumber ocean-ice-atmosphere coupling in the Regional Arctic Climate Model
- Implications of a quarrying theory for glacial landscape evolution models (Invited)
- Index-based Crop Insurance for Climate Adaptation in the Developing World
- Initiation of Massive Landsliding through Progressive Strength Reduction in Volcanoes
- Interaction between moist physics, cumulus parameterization and GCM grid spacing in simulations of midlatitude mesoscale convective systems
- Modeling Coupled Feedback Processes in Arctic Climate Using Ice-Ocean and Fully Coupled Regional Climate Models
- Modeling the Arctic Atmosphere with the Regional Arctic Climate Model (RACM)
- Nitrogen Losses in Runoff from Row-cropped Watersheds: Environmental Benefits of Native Prairie Filter Strips
- Opportunities for Reducing Nitrate Export from Drainage Systems through In-field Nitrogen Management, Cropping Practices, and Drainage Design and Management
- Origin of Subglacial Debris-bed Friction
- Pore structure and chemical diffusion in the Barnett Shale
- Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture and the Effects of Biomass as it Pertains to COSMOS
- Replacing climatological potential evapotranspiration estimates with dynamic satellite-based observations in operational hydrologic prediction models
- Retrieving Latent Heat Vertical Structure Using Precipitation and Cloud Profiles
- Simulation of Extreme Surface Winds by Regional Climate Models in the NARCCAP Archive
- Spatial and temporal patterns of hydrologic connectivity between upland landscapes and stream networks (Invited)
- Surface and Subglacial Measurements of a "Spring Event" at Engabreen, Norway
- The Effects of Spectral Nudging on Arctic Temperature and Precipitation Extremes as Produced by the Pan-Arctic WRF
- Use of NARCCAP Data to Develop a "Typical Meteorological Year" to Incorporate Climate Change into Building Design
- Using tropical archives of precipitation isotopic composition to assess the credibility of projected regional precipitation changes
- Verification of Advances in a Coupled Snow-runoff Modeling Framework for Operational Streamflow Forecasts
- Assessing the hydrologic impacts of drainage systems in Iowa using a physically based, coupled surface water/groundwater model
- Bioclogging and Biocementation in Construction of Water Pond in Sand
- CWEX-10/11: Overview of Results From the First Two Crop/Wind-Energy Experiments
- Changes in current and future NARCCAP-simulated precipitation intensity over the continental United States
- Clogging and Cementation Caused by Calcium or Iron Biogrouts
- Comparisons of Evening and Morning SMOS Passes Over the Midwest United States
- Constraints on the factors controlling <SUP>13</SUP>C-<SUP>18</SUP>O bond abundances in biologically precipitated carbonates from measurements of marine calcifiers cultured at variable temperature, pH, and salinity
- Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail
- Detection of Subsurface Defects in Levees in Correlation to Weather Conditions Utilizing Ground Penetrating Radar
- Dynamics of trapped nonwetting phase droplet under seismic stimulation in constricted pores
- Effects of Land Use Change on C-N cycling: Microbes Matter.
- Elastic-Wave Propagation in Porous Media Saturated With two Fluids
- Evaluating Snow Data Assimilation Framework for Streamflow Forecasting Applications Using Hindcast Verification
- Evaluation of surface energy and carbon fluxes within a large wind farm during the CWEX-10/11 Crop Wind-energy EXperiments
- Fungal Functioning In A Pine Forest: Evidence From A <SUP>15</SUP>N-Labeled Global Change Experiment
- Gas Recovery in Fractured Barnett Shale
- Hydrological Model for Predicting In-stream E. coli concentrations
- Identifying SNOW17 model parameters from MODIS and NOHRSC products for use in streamflow prediction models
- Investigation of a Northern Gulf of Mexico brain coral, Diploria strigosa, for Climate Reconstructions
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Pore Structure in Natural Rock
- Nanopores and Tortuous Pathways in the Barnett Shale
- On Prediction and Predictability of the Arctic Climate System
- Pore-to-Grain Upscaling of Intragranular Diffusion
- Precipitation Intensity in Downscaled Seasonal Forecasts
- Predicting Soil Biological and Physical Properties Using Hydrological Properties
- Projections of Water-Cycle Change: Uncertainty and Utility.
- Relationships among carbon inputs, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and soil carbon storage in a monoculture corn ecosystem
- Salmonella and fecal indicator bacteria in tile waters draining poultry litter application fields in central Iowa
- Satellite-derived potential evapotranspiration for distributed hydrologic runoff modeling
- Sea Surface Conditions during Marine Isotope Stages 12 to 10 at Navarin Canyon in the Bering Sea (IODP Site U1345)
- Seismicity and Subglacial Hydrological Processes During Early Melt Season, Engabreen, Norway
- Sensitivity of the Regional Arctic System Model surface climate to ice-ocean state
- The Regional Arctic System Model: Successes, Challenges and Opportunities
- Theoretical electron scattering amplitudes and spin polarizations. Electron energies 100 to 1500 eV Part II. Be, N, O, Al, Cl, V, Co, Cu, As, Nb, Ag, Sn, Sb, I, and Ta targets
- Use of NARCCAP data to characterize regional climate uncertainty in the impact of global climate change on large river fish population: Missouri River sturgeon example
- Using a satellite-based potential ET product for operational hydrologic forecasting
- A multiproxy reconstruction of Hebridean Shelf Sea spring sea surface temperatures from 1805-2010 (Invited)
- Assessing the Impact of Climatic Variability and Change on Maize Production in the Midwestern USA
- Assessing the impacts of extended drought conditions and global warming on groundwater resources in Iowa
- COSMOS Sensors in Agricultural Ecosystems: Accounting for Rapid Changes in Biomass in Order to Monitor Root Zone Water
- Calving events near the terminus of Thwaites Glacier, Antarctica (Invited)
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Constitutive Models for Debris-bearing Ice Layers
- Does Biot's Theory Have Predictive Power?
- Dynamical Downscaling over the CORDEX North America Domain
- Ecosystem scale measurements of biomass water using cosmic-ray neutrons
- Evaluation of Long-term Agroecosystem Management on Changes in Subsurface vs. Surface Soil Carbon Fractions and Dynamics
- Evaluation of MODIS, Epan and DAYMET-derived Potential Evapotranspiration Products in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Experimental Testing of Glacier Sliding Laws
- First Annually Resolved Marine Temperature Series For The Last 1000 Years From The North Atlantic
- First-principles models of equilibrium tellurium isotope fractionation
- Geospatial Assessment of Long-Term Sustainability of Biomass Feedstock Supplies: Erosion, Soil Biomass Accumulation, Greenhouse Gasses
- Imaging basal conditions using naturally occurring seismic emissions
- Implications of a quarrying theory for glacial landscape evolution models (Invited)
- In-stream Escherichia coli Modeling
- Investigating high concentrations of three greenhouse gases in the Los Angeles Basin and San Bernardino Valley
- LiDAR-derived topographic indices to inform sampling and mapping of soil moisture at the plot to field scale
- Modeling Arctic Climate with a Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Multiple Approaches to Characterizing Nano-Pore Structure of Barnett Shale
- Nitrous oxide emissions from intensively managed agroecosystems: the role of carbon inputs (Invited)
- Numerical simulations of the flow of the Rhine Glacier, Swiss Alps, at the Last Glacial Maximum
- Overdeepening development in a glacial landscape evolution model with quarrying
- Photochemical Flocculation of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter (tDOM) and Iron: Mechanisms and Geochemical Implications
- Physical Representation and Observational Constraint of Convection, Clouds and Radiation Processes in the Global Climate Simulations
- Pore Accessibility and Connectivity of Mineral and Kerogen Phases for Shales
- Pore Accessibility and Molecular Size: A Percolation Approach
- Productivity, ventilation and oxygenation in the north-central Bering Sea during the last deglaciation
- SOSlope 3D: implementing root reinforcement and preferential flow in slope stability modeling
- Satellite-scale Estimates of the "b Parameter" Relating Vegetation Water Content and SMOS Optical Thickness
- Temporal and spatial variation of surface reaction rates in porous media: Applications to silicate weathering
- The Development of North America CORDEX
- Towards Improved Modeling of the Hydrologic Cycle in Streamflow Prediction Models Through Satellite Remote Sensing Applications
- US Food Security and Climate Change: Mid-Century Projections of Commodity Crop Production by the IMPACT Model
- Use of NARCCAP Model Projections to Develop a Future Typical Meteorological Year and Estimate the Impact of a Changing Climate on Building Energy Consumption
- Using Cosmic-rays to Evaluate Estimates of Root-zone Soil Water from an Agro-ecosystem Model at a Field Site with a Shallow Water Table
- Wake Characteristics of a Single Turbine During the CWEX-10/11 Crop Wind-Energy EXperiments
- A Physically Based Surface/ Subsurface Flow Model to Assess the Impacts of Climate Change Extremes on the Hydrology of an Upper Midwest U.S. Watershed
- A comparison of water use and water-use-efficiency of maize and biomass sorghum in the rain-fed, Midwestern, US.
- Carbon availability structures microbial community composition and function in soil aggregate fractions
- Changes in Intense Rainfall Events over the Central United States in AOGCM-Driven Regional Climate Model Simulations
- Comparisons of multiple isotope systems in the aragonitic shells of cultured Arctica islandica clams
- Cover crops as a gateway to greater conservation in Iowa?: Integrating crop models, field trials, economics and farmer perspectives regarding soil resilience in light of climate change
- Denitrification 'Woodchip' Bioreactors for Productive and Sustainable Agricultural Systems
- Different responses to the 2011 drought between native- and exotic-dominated experimental communities in Texas
- Elemental and Isotopic Incorporation into the Aragonitic Shells of Arctica Islandica: Insights from Temperature Controlled Experiments
- Examples of the Influence of Turbine Wakes on Downwind Power Output, Surface Wind Speed, Turbulence and Flow Convergence in Large Wind Farms
- Extreme Daily Precipitation in North American Climate Simulations: Scales and Processes
- Foram Farming in the Mid-Continent: Culturing Low-Mg Benthic Foraminifera to Calibrate the Mg/Ca Paleothermometer
- How to Establish the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: An Example from NARCCAP
- Integration of Petrophysical Methods and 3D Printing Technology to Replicate Reservoir Pore Systems
- Interpreting Gas Production Decline Curves By Combining Geometry and Topology
- Intersections of downscaling, the ethics of climate services, and regional research grand challenges.
- Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene Sea Ice Decline in the Bering and Chukchi Seas: a Comparison of Diatom-, IP25-, and Grain Size-Based Sea Ice Proxies
- Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 on the Umnak Plateau, Bering Sea (IODP Site U1339): Using diatom taxonomy, grain size and nitrogen isotopic composition of marine sediments as proxies for primary productivity and sea ice extent
- Non-linear feedbacks affecting sea ice deformation in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM)
- Northern Hemisphere sea-ice cover during the Holocene - proxy data reconstruction and modelling
- Petrogenetic connections between volcanic rocks and intrusive suites in the California arc - toward an integrated model for upper-crustal magma system evolution
- Phosphorus and Nitrogen Co-Limit Global Grassland Productivity
- Recreational demand for clean water: Evidence from geotagged photographs by visitors to lakes
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Advance Understanding and Prediction of Arctic Climate Change at Process Scales
- Simulation of Arctic Climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to Atmospheric Processes
- Small-Scale Variations in Melt of the Debris-Covered Emmons Glacier, Mount Rainier, USA
- Steep Decline and Low Hydrocarbon Recovery in Fractured Shale: What and Why?
- Sudden intrusion of corrosive bottom water into the South Atlantic during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
- Testing Mercury Porosimetry with 3D Printed Porosity Models
- The Future Potential of Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol with respect to Land Availability and Climate Change
- The Use of Cover Crops as Climate-Smart Management in Midwest Cropping Systems
- WRF-ARW Physics Parameterizations Influence on Mesoscale Convective System (MCS) Forecasts and Development of Process-Oriented Verification for WRF-ARW Output
- Why is SMOS Drier than the South Fork In-situ Soil Moisture Network?
- Wind Turbine Wake Variability in a Large Wind Farm, Observed by Scanning Lidar
- A Comparison of Methods for Determining the Stream Depletion Rate for a Radial Collector Well
- A Model of Drumlin Growth at Múlajökull, Iceland
- Analysis of 2010-2014 Ground-Level Ozone at Trinidad Head, CA
- Assimilation of AMSR-E snow water equivalent data in a spatially-lumped snow model
- Candidate perennial bioenergy grasses have a higher albedo than annual row crops
- Carbon Farming as a Carbon Negative Technology
- Classification and Analysis of Four Types of Elevated Nocturnal Convective Initiation During Summer 2015
- Comparing the water-use-efficiency of maize and biomass sorghum grown in the rain-fed, Midwestern US.
- Controls on Soil and Stream Nitrogen Cycling in a Mountain-to-Urban Watershed
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Does model structure limit the use of satellite data as hydrologic forcing for distributed operational models?
- Dynamical Circulation Regimes and Temperature Extremes in the Contemporary and 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century Arctic
- Effects of spatial orientation of prairie vegetation in an agricultural landscape on curve number values
- Establishing the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: The Example of NARCCAP
- Estimation of Pre-industrial Nitrous Oxide Emission from the Terrestrial Biosphere
- Evapotranspiration Estimates in the Mountain West Utilizing Multi-platform Remote Sensing
- Examining the impact of land cover change for biofuel production on the Midwestern U.S. hydroclimate using a regional climate model.
- Experimental demonstration of a semi-brittle origin for crustal strain transients
- Experimental study of glacier slip over a deformable bed
- Impacts of climate change on corn yield and the length of corn growing season in U.S. Corn Belt
- Integrated Modeling of the Human-Natural System to Improve Local Water Management and Planning
- Iron Redox Dynamics in Humid Tropical Forest Soils: Carbon Stabilization vs. Degradation?
- Multi-year Droughts and Pluvials over the Southwestern U.S. and Associated Circulations
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Optimization of the Leading Penetrator for the HAIV/NIAC Mission Concept
- Optimizing water management practices for enhancing rice production and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in Asia: The food-water-climate nexus approach
- Physical characteristics of drumlins, with implications for their formation, at an active drumlin field, Múlajökull, Iceland
- Placing Bounds on Extreme Temperature Response of Maize to Improve Crop Model Intercomparison
- Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): A Tool to Address the U.S. Priorities and Advance Capabilities for Arctic Climate Modeling and Prediction
- Salting our Freshwater: A Macrosystems Study of Global Chloride Patterns and Trends in Lakes
- Simulation of Arctic climate with the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM): Sensitivity to atmospheric processes
- Soil Water Improvements with the Long Term Use of a Winter Rye Cover Crop
- The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Ecohydrological Model Circa 2015: Global Application Trends, Insights and Issues
- The full budget of greenhouse gases in the terrestrial biosphere: From global C project to global GHG project
- Translating Climate Projections for Bridge Engineering
- Wetland Restoration as a Tool for Peak Flow Mitigation: Combining Watershed Scale Modeling with a Genetic Algorithm Approach.
- Widespread, Very Heavy Precipitation Events in Contemporary and Scenario Summer Climates from NARCCAP Simulations
- a Monthly-Resolved Oxygen Isotopic Time Series from a Pristine Fossil Caribbean Coral Supports Modern ENSO Conditions at the Miocene/pliocene Boundary
- A Quantitative Proxy for Sea-Ice Based on Diatoms: A Cautionary Tale.
- A Tropical Paradox - High Mercury Deposition, but Low Mercury Bioaccumulation in Northeastern Puerto Rico
- A fully coupled transient thermomechanical ice-flow/permafrost model of the Rhine Glacier, Switzerland: effects of permafrost on basal conditions
- Analysis of in situ resources for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiments in 2015 and 2016
- Beyond the NAO: Dynamics and Precipitation Implications of the Azores High Since AD 800
- Changes in grassland plant composition explain 2011 drought-triggered legacy effects
- Characteristics of Cloud Systems over the Tibetan Plateau and East China during Boreal Summer
- Comparison of flow and transport experiments on 3D printed 'rocks' with direct numerical simulations
- Coupling of North Pacific Productivity, Beringian Precipitation, and Antarctic Bottom Water Formation: an Atmospheric Link?
- Cover crop root, shoot, and rhizodeposit contributions to soil carbon in a no- till corn bioenergy cropping system
- Detrital Zircon U-Pb and Hf Results from the Swakane Gneiss and Pelona-Orocopia-Rand Schists: Mechanisms of Sediment Incorporation into Arc Systems and Implications for Margin-Parallel Translation
- Dissolved inorganic carbon isotope signatures in ferruginous lakes: new insights into ancient carbonate isotope excursions
- Evaluation of Atmosphere-Land-Sea Ice-Ocean Interface Processes in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM1.0)
- Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote Sensing in a Semi-arid Region
- From Paris to Iowa and Back: Global Temperature Targets, Agricultural Impacts, and Producer Response
- Geomanetically Induced Currents (GIC) calculation, impact assessment on transmission system and validation using 3-D earth conductivity tensors and GIC measurements.
- Global Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Soils: Magnitude and Uncertainties Associated with Input Data and Model Parameters
- Global Urban Mapping and Modeling for Sustainable Urban Development
- Horsing Around with Climate: Effect of Technology-Driven Landuse Change on Extreme Precipitation
- Impact of Diverse Hydrologic Pathways, 3D Failure Geometries, and Unsaturated Soil Suctions on Shallow Landsliding
- Improving Seasonal Crop Monitoring and Forecasting for Soybean and Corn in Iowa
- Insights into the development of drumlin formation using ground-penetrating radar
- Iron Redox Dynamics From Surface to Bedrock in a Deep Tropical Forest Soil: a New Conceptual Model
- Measurements of Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Turbulence Outside and Within a Wind Farm from a Network of Surface Flux Stations and a Tall Tower Network
- Measuring and Modeling Root Distribution and Root Reinforcement in Forested Slopes for Slope Stability Calculations
- Modeling Tsunami Run-Up and Draw-Down on the Beach
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and Sample Results
- Paleoceanographic Synthesis of Abrupt Sea Ice and Temperature Changes in the Subarctic Pacific and Marginal Seas through the Past 20,000 Years
- Persistent Urban Impacts on Surface Water Quality Mediated by Stormwater Recharge
- Physical Models of a Locked-to-Creeping Transition Along a Strike-Slip Fault: Comparison with the San Andreas Fault System in Central California
- Plant-soil-microbe interactions regulating soil C storage
- Power-Production Diagnostic Tools for Low-Density Wind Farms with Applications to Wake Steering
- Progressive Formation of Drumlins within the Múlajökull active Drumlin Field, Iceland
- Reducing conditions can alter the source of respired carbon and stimulate decomposition in mineral soils
- SOSlope: a new slope stability model for vegetated hillslopes
- Sensitivity of Arctic Climate in the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM) to Atmospheric Processes
- Shifted hot spots and nutrient imbalance in global fertilizer use for agriculture production in the past half century
- Soil moisture drives microbial controls on carbon decomposition in two subtropical forests
- The hydrology of water repellent soils
- Translating Extreme Precipitation Data from Climate Change Projections into Resilient Engineering Applications
- Unusual Metasomatic Rocks Associated With Subducted Mantle Peridotite in the Orocopia Schist at Cemetery Ridge, Southwest Arizona
- Variability in sea ice extent and primary productivity at IODP Site U1339 (Umnak Plateau, Bering Sea) during Marine Isotope Stage 11: a multi-proxy approach
- Vegetation Water Content (VWC) dynamics in during SMAPVEX16
- 3D Printing Berea Sandstone: Applying a New Tool to a Classic Reservoir Rock Analog
- A Coupled Community-Level Assessment of Social and Physical Vulnerability to Hurricane Disasters
- A Multi-Biomarker Biogeochemical Investigation of a Permafrost Core from Interior Alaska Dating to 40,000 Years Before Present: Insight Into Millenial-Scale Carbon Accumulation and Degradation Status
- A Skilful Marine Sclerochronological Network Based Reconstruction of North Atlantic Subpolar Gyre Dynamics
- An innovative approach for Predicting Farmers' Adaptive Behavior at the Large Watershed Scale: Implications for Water Quality and Crop Yields
- Application of a MODIS Soil Moisture-Evapotranspiration (MOD-SMET) Model to Evaluate Landscape and Hydrologic Recovery after the High Park Fire in Colorado, USA
- Biological and climate controls on North Atlantic marine carbon dynamics over the last millennium: Insights from an absolutely-dated shell based record from the North Icelandic Shelf
- Carbon Mineralization Can Be Sustained or Even Stimulated under Fluctuating Redox Conditions in Tropical and Temperate Soils
- Crystal Structure Predictions Using Adaptive Genetic Algorithm and Motif Search methods
- Decoupling of lignin and total litter decomposition across North American forest soils: a phenomenon to reconcile old and new paradigms of soil organic matter?
- Dirt: Integrating Scientific and Local Knowledge to Support Global Land Management
- Effect of Technology Driven Agricultural Land Use Change on Regional Hydroclimate
- Environmental Impacts of Large Scale Biochar Application Through Spatial Modeling
- Global Climate Models for the Classroom: The Educational Impact of Student Work with a Key Tool of Climate Scientists
- Greater soil carbon accumulation in deeper soils in native- than in exotic-dominated grassland plantings in the southern Plains
- Heterogeneous benefits of precision nitrogen management over the Midwestern US: evidence from 1,000 fields derived by satellite imagery and crop modeling
- High-Frequency Nitrous Oxide Dynamics in an Ephemeral Agricultural Wetland
- Historical Agricultural Nitrogen Fertilizer Management in the Contiguous United States during 1850-2015.
- Historical cropland expansion and abandonment in the continental U.S. during 1850 to 2016
- Human-Robot Teaming for Hydrologic Data Gathering at Multiple Scales
- Increased resiliency and activity of microbial mediated carbon cycling enzymes in diversified bioenergy cropping systems
- Microbial Ecology of Soil Aggregation in Agroecosystems
- Modern Analogs for Prehistoric El Niño Variability: Evidence from two Short-Lived Bivalve Species, Donax obesulus and Mesodesma donacium
- NA-CORDEX: Overview and New Results
- Proposed Grand Challenges in Geoscience Education Research: Articulating a Community Research Agenda
- Recognizing and exploring the right questions with climate data: An example of better understanding ENSO in climate projections
- Soil pH Errors Propagation from Measurements to Spatial Predictions - Cost Benefit Analysis and Risk Assessment Implications for Practitioners and Modelers
- The Regional Climate Model Evaluation System: A Systematic Evaluation Of CORDEX Simulations Using Obs4MIPs
- The overwhelming role of soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions in net greenhouse gas balance of the U.S. Corn Belt: Modeling estimate of nitrogen fertilizer impacts
- Using Public Input to Create a Better Online Flood Mapping Framework
- Using Watershed Models and Human Behavioral Analyses to identify Management Options to Reduce Lake Erie's Harmful Algal Blooms
- Vegetation Water Content Mapping for Agricultural Regions in SMAPVEX16
- A Multi-Proxy Approach to Reconstructing Surface Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Dynamics in the Last 250 Years
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on direct air capture, carbon mineralization, and carbon sequestration
- A Research Agenda for Carbon Dioxide Removal and Reliable Sequestration: a focus on terrestrial technologies
- A deeper look at the relationship between root carbon pools and the vertical distribution of the soil carbon pool
- Beyond integrated datasets: using biogeophysical modeling and techniques from Shakespeare to foster more adaptive social systems
- Bivalve proxy records from coastal northern Norway: Evidence for increasing sea surface temperatures and persistent multidecadal variability since the Little Ice Age
- Can 1-D Crop Models Predict Shallow Water Table Dynamics in the Long Term?
- Carbon-dioxide removals through land management - challenges and constraints to multi-Gt scale-up
- Challenges in Determining Most Likely Future Urban Hot Temperature Extremes by Mid-Century for the Central U.S.
- Communicating climate information that engages a community's knowledge and values
- Comparing Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models Using a Low-Level Jet Metric
- Comparing output from L-band Satellites and Crop Models in the US Corn Belt
- Contributions of Iron to Peatland Carbon Stabilization and Losses Under a Warming Climate
- Data-driven Forecasting Techniques for Harmful Algal Bloom in Western Lake Erie
- Data-driven uncertainty in estimating carbon emission due to land use and cover changes across the conterminous U.S.
- Depth-profile laser-ablation split-stream ICP-MS analysis of metamorphic zircon rims from the Orocopia Schist: Implications for the chronology of erosion and underplating during flat-slab subduction.
- Designing Bioenergy Production Landscapes Using Integrated Ecosystem-Economic Models
- Developing a City Building Energy Use Model (CityBEUM) for mitigating energy use under climate change and urbanization
- Dominant Iceberg Transport of Terrigenous Coarse Sand at Site 918, Southeastern Greenland Margin, with Increases in the Relative Importance of Sea Ice During Low IRD Times
- Dynamic pore volumes and hydraulic properties in a tilled soil
- Dynamical environment and microphysical characteristics of the convective clouds over the Tibetan Plateau in boreal summer
- Dynamics of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes from Cropped Wetlands Under Corn-Soybean Cultivation
- Dynamics of soil mineral-associated carbon under nitrogen enrichment controlled by microbial activity and geochemistry
- Effects of Spatial Resolution on a Distributed Hydrologic Model through Dynamical Forcings: Flood Extent and Depth in Low Gradient Watersheds
- Electromagnetic Geophysical Mapping of a Stream Channel in a Tropical Montane Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Evaluation of Fluoride Exposure on Human Health in Highly Exposed Population of Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Extreme Sub-daily Winter Precipitation vs. Model Resolution in the Upper Mississippi River Valley
- Force Distribution in a Two-Phase Medium During Simple Shear
- Global soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions since the pre-industrial era estimated by an ensemble of Terrestrial Biosphere Models: Magnitude, attribution and uncertainty
- Identifying Precipitation Regimes in China Using Model-based Clustering of Spatial Functional Data
- Impact of drying-rewetting cycles on nitrate removal rates in woodchip bioreactors
- Increasing accumulation of soil organic matter in mangrove forests could indicate greater-than-expected resilience to sea-level rise and enhance the ongoing carbon sink capacity
- Integrating NOAA-National Water Model Forecasting Capabilities with Statewide and Local Drought Planning for Enhanced Decision Support and Drought Mitigation
- Ion Microprobe Depth Profile Analysis of Micron-Scale Metamorphic Rims on Detrital Zircons from the Pelona Orocopia Rand Schist
- Land Cover Classification for Soil Conservation Assessment Based on Remote Sensing, Deep Learning and Simulation Modeling
- Large-Scale Experimental Shear of Temperate Ice
- Local Perspectives on ENSO Variability 2300 BP and now: Evidence from two Short-Lived Intertidal Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Measuring Mass Fluxes of Nutrients to a First-Order Stream within a Pristine Mountain Rainforest in Costa Rica
- Mechanisms of Meteorological Drought over São Paulo, Brazil
- Microwave Attenuation in a Maize Canopy in Relation to Vegetation Water Column Density
- Modeling Economic and Behavioral Drivers of Agricultural Conservation Actions in the Minnesota River Basin and Coupled Human-Natural Policy Scenarios
- Modeling uncertainty in agricultural soil N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions across the continental US
- Phenological improvement of ELM and its feedbacks to terrestrial hydrological cycle
- Rheologic Control on Slip Dynamics in Semi-Brittle Analog Experiments
- Risk of hospitalization for asthma associated with changes in timing of spring onset
- Sliding rule for glacier slip with cavities over a 3D bed
- Spatial-Temporal Imputation of LandSat Data to Produce Biweekly Time Series of Surface Water Area for the National Resources Inventory Survey
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of NH<SUB>3</SUB> Volatilization Loss from Synthetic Fertilizer Uses in the U.S. from 1900 to 2015
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Two Cereal Crops in the United States
- Spectral Characteristics of the Castleguard Glacier Forefield, Alberta, CA
- Streamflow Responses to Runoff and Shallow Groundwater Fluctuations within Two Nested Watersheds in Costa Rica
- Tall Tower Measurements of Cropland Humidity Profile Extremes Within Natural and Wind Farm Boundary Layers
- Testing bulk properties powder-based 3D-printed models: Tips for Artisanal Rock Physicists
- The Fourth National Climate Assessment: Midwest
- Tracking fast-evolving Nitrogen budgets in crop production on a national scale
- Trends in Warm Season Extreme Precipitation over the Central United States in an Ensemble of Regional Climate Simulations
- Understanding phenology response to urbanization using high resolution satellite observations
- Using Stability Indices to Evaluate the Potential for Arctic Convective Weather under Future Climates
- Worldview AR: An Interactive Augmented Reality Prototype for NASA Earth Observing Satellite Imagery
- A Cloud-Resolving model study of cloud seasonal variations over the Tibetan Plateau and the East Asia monsoon regions
- A High-Resolution, Mutiproxy Record of Climate, Vegetation, and Fire History at the Southern Limit of the Temperate Tallgrass Prairie, USA
- An Experimental Study of Subglacial Debris-Bed Friction During Basal Slip
- Can a Fluid Phase Impact the Stress Distribution in a Granular Media?
- Comprehensive Investigation and Health Implication of Fluoride Exposure in Groundwater in Parts of Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh, India
- Constraining a brittle creep flow law using physical experiments
- Deformation of Brittle Clasts in a Viscous Matrix: Implications on Deformation Dynamics
- Detecting Increasing El Niño-Southern Oscillation Intensity in Coastal Peru at 400 BCE Compared to the mid-Holocene Using Short-lived Bivalves Mesodesma donacium and Donax obesulus
- Determining the role of iron in cyanoHABs and photosynthesis in Midwestern lakes
- Developing a Protocol to Generate Soil Profiles for Regional Modeling in Environments with Shallow Water Tables
- Drivers and Barriers of Infrastructure Adaptation: An Analysis of Stakeholder Perspectives Working with Rural Alaska Communities
- Effect of Rupture Acceleration/Deceleration on the Generation of High Frequency Radiation During Faulting
- Effects of drying and rewetting cycles on respiration and greenhouse gas emissions in saturated ligneous substrate
- Evaluating the effects of the Renewable Fuel Standard on Water Quality: An Integrated Ecosystem-Economic Assessment
- Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms for Estimation of Soil Organic Matter
- Exploring Object-Based CNN Architecture for Land Cover Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Data
- Half-century history of crop nitrogen budget and nitrogen use efficiency in the conterminous United States: Variations over time, space and crop types
- Human and climate impacts on hydrologic changes in an agricultural landscape
- Informing ocean acidification management through paleoceanographic proxy reconstruction of historical Gulf of Maine pH baselines
- Lunar Formation via Streaming Instability
- Methylmercury Degradation by Methanotrophs and its Environmental Implications
- Microbial Metagenomic Evidence on Increased Bacterial Pathogenicity in Bioremediation Microbial Consortium Agents Selectively Enriched by Toxic Chemicals
- Modeling crop biomass accumulation at a SMAP satellite pixel scale in an Iowa Watershed
- Modeling the Productivity of Biomass Sorghum in the Rain-Fed United States
- Monitoring annual dynamics of urban landscape and vegetation phenology in the conterminous United States using the full archive of Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
- Photoperiod effects on spring leaf out of deciduous forests
- Policy-driven revegetation is depleting terrestrial water storage in Mu Us Sandland and its surrounding areas of China's Loess Plateau
- Process-based Models as a Gap Filling Method for Eddy Covariance Measurements of Net Ecosystem CO<SUB>2</SUB> Exchange: A Case Study for the Perennial Grass Miscanthus
- Pulses, Folding and Faulting: What Can a Structural Perspective on the Shonkin Sag Laccolith Tell Us About Shallow Magma Emplacement?
- Rain or Shine: Changes in Water and Mass Fluxes of a Pristine Watershed in Response to Rainfall Events and Regional Drought
- Sliding relations for hard-bedded glacier slip with cavities over topography based on high-resolution DEMs
- Soil Organic Matter Molecular Composition Reveals Tradeoffs in Mechanisms of C Persistence Among Ecosystems in the NEON Network
- Towards a Validation of Total Turbulence Energy Conservation in Stable Stratification
- Understanding Sources of Model Uncertainty Through Diagnostic Characteristics of the Great Plains Low-Level Jet
- Urbanization from 1985 to 2100 and its impacts on urban heat islands in the Jing-Jin-Ji region of China
- Using a multi-method approach to quantify the spatial extent and hydrologic and water quality effects of subsurface tile drainage at local and regional scales
- A multi-century history of North Pacific SSTs from annual growth increments in the bivalve Panopea generosa
- A spatiotemporal gap-filling method for building a seamless MODIS land surface temperature dataset
- An agent-based framework for high-resolution modeling domestic water use under urbanization and climate change
- Building Model Capability in Simulating Spatiotemporal Variations of Hydrology and Nitrogen Loading across Scales
- Carbon cycle warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> responses in a northern temperate bog: a modeling study using ELM_SPRUCE
- Characterizing urban building energy consumption in a high spatiotemporal resolution using a City Building Energy Use Model (CityBEUM) for mitigation strategies under climate change
- Eastern Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation variability 400-200 BCE: perspectives from a dual-archive approach.
- Ecological restoration impact on total terrestrial water storage
- Ecosystem and Atmosphere Water and Carbon Exchanges at the Extremes
- Evaluating Five-Day Precipitation Events for the Contiguous U.S. in Contemporary and Scenario Climates using Object-Oriented Analysis
- Evaluating Multi-Year Drought Events for the Contiguous U.S. in Contemporary and Scenario Climates using Object-Oriented Analysis
- Exploring the Use of DSCOVR/EPIC Satellite Observations to Monitor Vegetation Phenology
- Food web structure mediates ecosystem resilience in response to storm event pulses of nutrient loading
- Forecast Flood Inundation Mapping at Continental Scale from National Water Model River Discharges
- GHG mitigation potentials in the U.S. Corn-Soybean cropping system: Promises and threats from genetically engineered crops, weed resistance and tillage practices
- Greenhouse gas dynamics in shallow aquatic ecosystems in response to a pulse nutrient addition
- High-Resolution Detection and Attribution for Extreme Precipitation over the Contiguous United States
- How climate model ITCZ biases depend on weather: case studies in the east Pacific Ocean
- How do grassland ecosystems respond to long-term N enrichment? Meta-data analysis of global nitrogen addition experiments and data-model inter-comparison.
- How the Slow Propagation of Wing Cracks Can Control Creep
- Microbial biogeochemistry and nutrient limitations in cryoconite hole sediments across the Taylor Dry Valley, Antarctica
- Modeling the Impact of Urban Land Expansion on Building Energy Use
- Observation of COVID-19's Impact on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentration as a Result of Independence Day Fireworks
- Off-Fault Deformation Due to Changes in Slip Dynamics on the San Andreas Fault: An Experimental Approach
- Paleoceanographic proxy reconstructions of Gulf of Maine pH: Coupling research and undergraduate learning goals in response to COVID-19.
- Predicting the impacts of intensifying heavy precipitation on nitrogen loading to the Gulf of Mexico during the 21st Century
- Projected changes in ENSO modulation of TC activity in global climate models
- Reframing the Microcystin Problem - a Biogeochemical Cycling Approach
- Relationship between Himalayan topography, crustal viscosity, and channel flow
- Sensitivity of sub-daily extreme winter precipitation to model resolution
- Sensitivity of the Effective Viscosity of Temperate Ice to its Water Content
- Spatiotemporal Complexity of Internal Phosphorus Loading in Reservoirs
- The Impact of Climate Variability and Land Management Practices on Water Quality in Iowa at the Watershed Scale
- The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information
- The nitrogen cycle across topography: insights from natural abundance nitrate isotopes
- The responses of spring phenology to temperature and photoperiod
- The role of surface dynamics in boreal spring submonthly eastern Pacific ITCZ shifts
- TouchTerrain: A Web App to Easily Make 3D-Printable Terrain Models
- Transient response of glacier slip to velocity or effective stress perturbations
- USDA Climate Change Indicators for Agriculture: A New Framework for Understanding Climate Risks and Impacts to U.S. Agriculture.
- Urban environmental changes and its implications in the coupled human-nature system
- Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool to Evaluate the Performance of Dynamically Downscaled Regional Climate Models
- Utilizing continental hydrothermal systems as a record of ancient precipitation oxygen isotopes: examples from the Miocene San Juan Mountains
- Variations in Hard-Bedded Topography Beneath Glaciers
- Wetland water level projected to control 21<SUP>st</SUP> century carbon and warming source/sink behavior at a temperate wetland
- 11-Year Study of Cropping System Influence on Subsurface Drainage Flow in Central Iowa
- A Permeameter for Temperate Ice: First Results on Permeability Sensitivity to Grain Size
- An evaluation of the impact of water use on hydrological processes in the Haihe River basin
- Anthropogenic and Meteorological Contributions to the 2021 Pacific Northwest Heatwave
- Characterization of Nano-Scale Mineral Dust Aerosols by Single Particle Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
- Combining nitrogen isotopes and redox proxies strengthens paleoenvironmental interpretations: examples from Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth sediments
- Combining shell-based isotope records with numerical model simulations to investigate the time of emergence of widespread warming of the western North Atlantic shelf
- Cost effective solutions to improve water quality in intensively managed agricultural landscapes prioritize wetlands and other near-channel approaches
- Coupling Discrete Element and Lattice Boltzmann Methods to Simulate Grain Comminution in Wet Ring Shear Experiments
- Crop Insurance, Fertilizer Use and Crop Yields
- Cropped Depressions: Sources or Sinks of Leached Nutrients in Tile-Drained Agricultural Soils?
- Dependence of Submonthly ITCZ Events on Near-surface Moist Thermodynamics
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Approaches to Short- and Long-Lived Climate Forcers
- Detection and Attribution of Regional Precipitation Change with Granger Causality: Overcoming Limited Observations, Modeling Uncertainty, and Large Internal Variability
- Differing Evolutions of Flow and Moisture Bias in a Climate Model and Their Influences on Weather Extremes
- Distributed Water and Wastewater Infrastructure System for Climate Change Adaption: A Case Study in the City of Lumberton, NC
- Dual effects of iron on lignin decomposition: A case study from data-model fusion
- Effects of heterogeneity on inferred stress directions using borehole breakout and hydraulic fracture orientations: A physical modeling approach
- Evaluating Southern Portuguese Hydroclimate from Highly Resolved Speleothem Records
- Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Insights into the Relationship between ENSO and Tropical Cyclone Genesis
- Flash Droughts Impacting Agriculture in Contemporary and Future Scenario Climates
- Heavy Precipitation Events Influencing Missouri River Flooding in Contemporary and Scenario Climate
- How Scale and Scaling Matter in the Pursuit of Ecosystem Services in the Bioeconomy with a FEW Examples.
- How does the spatial distribution of GPS stations influence calculations of strain rate patterns?
- Impacts of land use and climate change on hydrological processes and ecosystem productivity in Chinas Yellow River Basin
- Improving Crop Yield Simulation by Better Representing the Dynamic Crop Growth Processes and Management Practices
- Integrated systems modeling for sustainable Food-Energy-Water nexus under multi-factor global changes: Innovative comparison between Yellow River and Mississippi River Basins
- Integrating NEON soil lab incubation and neural network into SOM decomposition modeling
- Land surface effects on shear balance of squall lines
- Long-term nutrient loading and its effect on N:P stoichiometry at the land-ocean continuum along the Mississippi River Basin
- Mapping Urban Building Anthropogenic Heat at High Spatial and Temporal Resolutions
- Modeling Field Workable Days in the United States Corn Belt, How Workability Patterns Have Changed Over Time and May Change in the Future
- Modeling shallow water table at scale and impacts on soil and crop processes
- Modelling nutrient reduction strategies to reduce nitrate loading in tile-drained agricultural catchments
- Multispecies foraminifera reconstruction of the Eastern Equatorial Pacific thermocline during the Holocene and last glacial interval
- New scalings for the ascending and descending branch positions of the solsticial Hadley cells in planetary atmospheres including Titan
- Nitrous oxide emissions from drainage-impaired agricultural soils challenge climate sustainability in the US Corn Belt
- Ocean Interaction and the Intensity Evolution of Two High-Impact Super Typhoons: Hagibis (2019) and Haiyan (2013)
- Physical Modeling of a Creeping-to-Locked Transition in Strike-Slip Fault Behavior: Implications for Off-Fault Deformation in the San Andreas Fault System, Central California
- Plausibility of lengthening crop maturity as a climate adaptation strategy in maize
- Process-based Hydrologic Modeling of the Cedar River Watershed using NLDAS and Stochastically Transposed Storms as Forcing Data
- Quantifying Soil Respiration and its Carbon Isotope Ratios to Predict Nitrate Removal from Saturated Riparian Buffers
- Quantifying precipitation-based daily ITCZ states in TRMM
- Reconstructing postglacial hydrologic and environmental change in the eastern Kenai Peninsula lowlands using proxy data and mass balance modeling
- Reconstruction of the main modes of variability of the North Atlantic in the past 600 years using a collection of paleo proxy data
- Reevaluating The Particulate Organic Matter (POM) And Mineral-Associated Organic Matter (MAOM) Dichotomy
- Separating the Effects of Stand Age and Interannual Variability on Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange: Data-Model Fusion in Loblolly Pine
- Should the b-parameter be constant across the U.S. Corn Belt? Using a crop model methodology to improve SMAP VOD estimates of crop water through an analysis of b-parameter values.
- Significant Metal-Bound Organic Carbon Across Hydrologically Diverse Peatlands
- Soil Block Mesocosms: A New Approach for Quantifying Nitrate Leaching and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Maize Cropping Systems
- Spatial Variation in Drivers of Carbon Fluxes for Energy Sorghum
- Spatial variations and temporal dynamics of agricultural nutrient budget: A high-resolution national database for the contiguous United States during 1970-2019
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- The Impact of Matrix Rheology on Stress Concentration in Embedded Brittle Clasts
- The Influence of Ocean Coupling on Simulated and Projected Tropical Cyclone Precipitation in the HighResMIPPRIMAVERA Simulations
- The Moon formation via Streaming Instability
- The impacts of agricultural activities on riverine nitrogen footprint of grain crop production in the Mississippi Atchafalaya River Basin, USA
- Using Cross-Scale Data to Constrain an Agro-Ecosystem Model to Produce Estimates of Miscanthus Production at a Field-Scale
- Validation of Three Microwave Satellite and Three Reanalysis Soil Moisture Products in the U.S. Corn Belt Considering the Periods when Farmers Make Key Management Decisions Driven by Crop Development Stages
- Yield Impacts from Precipitation Extremes: Accounting for Shallow Groundwater in the US Corn Belt
- "Flipping" a Course: Is It Worth It? A Multiyear Analysis of Interactive and Student-Centered Pedagogy in an Introductory Physical Geology Course
- A Dynamic, In-Season Crop Canopy Parameter Optimization Approach With Assimilated Hyperspectral Images Reduces Model Error.
- A High-Resolution Regional Climate Model Framework for Projecting Future Change in Historically Impactful Extreme Weather Events (Invited)
- A Spatiotemporal Data Fusion Framework for Creating 1-km Hourly Land Surface Temperature
- A precisely-dated, composite stalagmite record of Indian summer monsoon variability from Siddha Baba cave, central Nepal
- A roadmap to bridge the information gap for water reuse in small US communities
- Advancing the planting date and implementing cover crops to reduce N2O emissions from US soybean crops
- An Integrated Assessment Framework to Evaluate Conservation Practices' Environmental and Economic Benefits: A case for three Central Iowa watersheds.
- An investigation of miscanthus production as potential climate-smart agricultural practice in fields that flood frequently
- Annual variability of carbon exchanges over the bioenergy crops and standard row crops
- Artificial light at night: an under-appreciated effect on plant phenology in urban areas
- Case studies of double and northern hemisphere east Pacific ITCZs: Impacts of boundary layer depth and free troposphere momentum mixing
- Combing Biophysical Approaches to Resolve Carbon and Nitrogen Fluxes in Bioenergy Cropping Systems.
- Common Era Hydroclimate Variability in the Central Tropical Pacific
- Contrasting Responses of Atlantic and Pacific Tropical Cyclone Activity to Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- Crop residue decomposition under current and future climate scenarios
- DIYnamics: An Active Learning, Scalable Climate Sciences Teaching Platform
- Decision-Relevant Climate Storylines from Object-Oriented Analysis
- Developing 1-km Seamless Global Datasets of Daily Maximum and Minimum Land Surface and Air Temperatures
- Disparities in Observed vs Modeled Soil Nitrogen Mineralization Using a Continentally Distributed Dataset
- Diversified Cropping Systems Do Not Necessarily Increase Soil Organic Carbon
- Dynamics of soil N2O emission intensity in the US croplands
- Effects of biological nitrification inhibitor on microbial methane oxidation
- Evaluating a Two-Stage Roadside Ditch Design to Improve Environmental Performance using 2D Modeling in HEC-RAS
- Exploring Building Cooling Energy Use and Anthropogenic Heat Emissions under Heat Waves
- Follow the Water: Using Sub-Field Hydrologic Variation to Inform Climate-Smart Agricultural Practices
- Four-century land use and land cover change in the United States
- From Classroom to Career: Building a Culture of Access for Geoscientists with Disabilities.
- Future Projections of the El Niño - Southern Oscillation in CMIP6: Influence of Climate Model Bias
- Geochemical and Fungal Controls Over Decomposition of Lignin, Litter, and Soil Organic Carbon at the Continental Scale
- Half century crop-specific manure management history in the contiguous United States: manure nitrogen and phosphorus application rate, timing, and method
- Heterogeneous Response of City-level Building Energy Use to Future Climate Change, Socioeconomic Development, and Power Sector Decarbonization
- How Climate Change and Perennial Bioenergy Might Alter the Future of Water Quality in Iowa at the Watershed Scale
- How Rapidly Does Reestablishment of Perennial Vegetation on Historically Cropped Soil Contribute to Increased SOC Availability?
- How Well Cen We Predict Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Common Nitrogen Measurements? A Mesocosm Test
- Implementation and Evaluation of Reproductive Heat Stress in an Agroecosystem Model
- Implications of Climate Change Mitigation and Socioeconomic Development on the US Electric Power Sector
- Improving the Design of Saturated Riparian Buffers to Reduce Nitrate Export from Farmland
- Improving the Urban Subgrid Building Energy Parameterization in the Community Terrestrial System Model
- Influence of African Easterly Wave Suppression on Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity in a Convection-Permitting Model
- Integrated Surface-Subsurface Modeling of Farmed Potholes
- Integrating Social Equity into the Food, Energy, Water Systems Nexus
- Integrating the roles of lignin and soil geochemical properties to improve the prediction accuracy of organic matter decomposition in NEON soils
- More Thinking Results in More Learning: The Measured Effect of a Personal Response System Used as a Formative Assessment Tool in an Introductory Meteorology Course
- Observing Vegetation Stress With Diurnal Variation in SMAP Polarization Index in Central Iowa Cropland
- Oceanographic Variability in the Rapidly Warming Coastal Mid-Atlantic (USA) over the last 200 years: Insights from Shell-Based Geochemistry and Growth Histories
- Perceptions of Tap Water Quality Among Alaska Native Communities
- Projected Changes in Extreme River-flow in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Quantification of net greenhouse gases emissions from U.S. croplands using data-model integration
- Quantify Carbonate Directly (Rather Than Removing it) When Measuring Soil Organic Carbon
- Quantifying the Impact of Convectively Coupled Tropical Waves on the East Pacific ITCZ during Boreal Spring
- Quantifying the Impacts of Tile Drainage on Cropland Evapotranspiration in The Midwest USA: Comparisons between Process-based and Satellite-based Modeling
- Random Forest modification for multivariate categorical data imputation
- Reconstructing Temperature Variability in the Mid-Atlantic Bight Over the Last 150 Years Using Clam Shell Oxygen Isotopes and High-Resolution Ocean Models
- Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices
- Resolving Puzzles of the Deep-Focus Earthquake Mechanism Based on Plastic Strain-Induced Olivine-Spinel Transformation and Transformation-Induced Plasticity
- Short- and Long-term Precipitation Events Influencing Missouri River Flooding in Contemporary and Scenario Climate
- Spatially explicit downscaling and projection of population
- Strain-Induced Phase Transformations under High Pressure: Four-Scale Theory, Experiments, and Phenomena
- Strong contribution of anthropogenic heat to surface urban heat island in low latitude regions of China
- Temperature and pH Effects on Growth of Four Commercially-Important Bivalve Species
- The El Niño-Southern Oscillation-Tropical Cyclone Relationship in a Statistical-Dynamical Downscaling Model
- The Influence of ENSO on Future Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Activity
- Tropical Cyclone Frequency: The Role of Seeds and the Large-Scale Environment (Invited)
- Understanding Near-Surface Dynamics and Air-Sea Interactions in Subseasonal ITCZ Variability Over the East Pacific Using ERA5 Reanalysis
- Understanding urban plant phenology for sustainable cities and planet
- Use of Improved Nutrient Practices in Maize-based Agroecosystems Alter Allocation between Leaching and Denitrification Loss Pathways
- Using Cross-Scale Data to Constrain an Agro-Ecosystem Model to Produce Estimates of Miscanthus Production at a Field-Scale
- Viability of Using a Photoionization Detector for Mobile Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) Monitoring
- Water Regulation Contributes to the Sustainable Development of Water Resources in the Haihe River Basin
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alan D. Wanamaker
- Albert Kong
- Alejandro Gonzalez
- Alex Hall
- Alyssa R. Atwood
- Andy VanLoocke
- Ankit Barik
- Asko Noormets
- B. J. Dalzell
- B. K. Hornbuckle
- B. Williams
- Benjamin W. Johnson
- Bo Cheng
- Bryan D. Emmett
- C. Karamperidou
- Caroline C. Ummenhofer
- Chaoqun Lü
- Charles S. Hopkinson
- Chenghao Wang
- Chia‐Ying Lee
- Chris R. Rehmann
- Christina M. Patricola
- Christine L. Dolph
- Cinzia Cervato
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Cuijuan Liao
- Dafeng Hui
- Dan Fu
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David P. Gillikin
- Derrick Kwadwo Danso
- Dubravko Justić
- Elizabeth C Sibert
- Emily Bercos‐Hickey
- Enqing Hou
- Fouzia Fahrin
- Gabriele Morra
- Haleigh Summers
- Hanqin Tian
- Huancui Hu
- Huanping Huang
- Héctor Alejandro Inda Díaz
- I. I. Lin
- Iam-Fei Pun
- J. M. Aurnou
- Jacqueline E. Reber
- James Doss‐Gollin
- Janet Reyna
- Jeongdae Im
- Jerry F McManus
- Jessica L. Conroy
- Jiafu Mao
- Jillian M. Deines
- Jin‐Yi Yu
- Jon M. Wells
- Jonathan A. Czuba
- Jonathan L. Mitchell
- Juan M. Lora
- Julia Szinai
- Jun A. Zhang
- Jun Wang
- K. H. Kilbourne
- K. J. Kreutz
- Kaiyu Guan
- Karen B. Gran
- Keith E. Schilling
- Kristopher B. Karnauskas
- L. C. Bowling
- L. M. Swenson
- L. Ruby Leung
- Lianhong Gu
- Lifen Jiang
- Lin Meng
- Lori Abendroth
- Loulou C. Dickey
- Luoye Chen
- M. Nakajima
- M. R. Osburn
- Marian Muste
- Mark D. Risser
- Marlos Góes
- Melanie J. Leng
- Melissa Bukovsky
- Michael H. Cosh
- Michael Person
- Michael Wehner
- Michele L. Cooke
- Mingfei Chen
- Naomi Goldenson
- Nathan Erickson
- Neal Graham
- Neal R. Iverson
- Nicholas P. McKay
- Nicolás Velásquez
- Nina M. Whitney
- P. A. Ullrich
- Paraskevi Io Ioannidi
- Patrick Belmont
- Peiyu Cao
- Peter O’Brien
- Ping Chang
- Robert B. Jackson
- Robert F. Rogers
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Sara C. Pryor
- Sarah Titus
- Se Jong Cho
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shufen Pan
- Simona Bordoni
- Stephen C. Hart
- Stephen D. Sebestyen
- Steven E. Lohrenz
- Steven J. Hall
- Susan Hill
- T. A. O’Brien
- Wei Ren
- William A. White
- William D. Collins
- William J. Gutowski
- Xiangnan Zhou
- Xiaodong Chen
- Xin‐Zhong Liang
- Xuecao Li
- Yanan You
- Yiqi Luo
- Yue Qin
- Yuyu Zhou
- Zhe Feng
- Zhiyong Yang
- Zhuonan Wang
- Zihao Bian