Study of dolomite dissolution at various temperatures - Evidence for the formation of nanocrystalline secondary phases at dolomite surface and influence on dolomite interactions with other minerals

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Listed Authors
Debure, M.
Andreazza, P.
Grangeon, S.
Lerouge, C.
Montes-Hernandez, G.
Tournassat, C.
Listed Institutions
BRGM, French Geological Survey, ORLEANS, France
ICMN - UMR 7374 CNRS - Université d'Orléans, ORLEANS, France
BRGM, French Geological Survey, ORLEANS, France
BRGM, French Geological Survey, ORLEANS, France
Institut des Sciences de la Terre (IsTERRE), UJF-Grenoble 1 / CNRS-INSU, Grenoble, France
Andra, Châtenay-Malabry, France
BRGM, French Geological Survey, Orléans, France

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