Bureau de Recherches Geologique National, France
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A batch adsorption study on bentonite clay Pertinence to transport modeling?
- Iron Isotope Variations in Natural Aqueous Systems: Further Clues to Fractionation Mechanisms
- Subaerial Chalk Cliff Failures on the English Channel Coast, Based on Field Data From Recent Collapses
- Tracking tectonism with terraces: new methods, new insights in the Gulf of Evvia, central Greece
- 3D non-Planar Finite Difference Dynamic Rupture: Application to the Landers Earthquake
- Full waveform elastic inversion in a space frequency domain formulation: a powerful geotechnical tool for superficial reconstruction
- Measuring fold growth and crustal shortening: a case study from northern Tien Shan
- Multi-scale dynamic rupture simulation on fractal patch model
- Seismological Constraints on the Magmato-tectonic Behavior of the Asal-Ghoubbet Rift (Afar Depression, Republic of Djibouti) Since the Last 1978-Rifting Episode
- Topographic Signature of a Subduction and Collision Zone: Uplift Pattern from Marine Terraces and Delta Sequences along the Calabrian Ridge, South Italy (CAT SCAN Project)
- Vertical Tectonics in the Calabria-Apennine Arc-Continent Collision Orogen from Geomorphic Features (CATSCAN Project)
- 2D Elastic Full Waveform Inversion in a space frequency domain formulation: application to near surface areas characterization
- Fan deltas, coastal terraces and the uplift of Calabria: The Neogene evolution of the Crati/Sibari basins
- Li Concentration and Isotopic Composition of River Waters in NE France
- Nitrogen Isotopes: Tracers of Origin and Processes Affecting PM10 in the Atmosphere of Paris
- Rupture propagation and seismic energy radiation along fault surfaces of fractal characteristics
- Multi-isotope approach: a tool to better constrain both sources and processes affecting NO3 pollution in watersheds
- Numerical modelling of hydrothermal convection within a permeable mineralized zone: application to orogenic gold mineralization in Ghana
- Understanding carbon isotope behaviour during combustion processes: a pre-requisite to using d13C in the field of air pollution.
- Hydrodynamics and Geochemical Modelling of CO2 Injection at the K12B Gas Field
- Introducing tectonically and thermo-mechanically realistic lithosphere in the models of plume head -lithosphere interactions (PLI) including intra-continental plate boundaries.
- A Hybrid FDM-BIEM Approach for Dynamic Rupture Simulation
- Assessment of the Uplift Rate in the Calabrian Peninsula: Dating Deltaic Foresets by Luminescence
- Behaviour of Sr, Ca, Nd and Li Isotopes During Granite Weathering: the Margeride Massif, France
- Complexity in earthquake sequences controlled by multi-scale heterogeneity in fault fracture energy
- Dependency of near-field ground motions on the structural maturity of the broken faults
- Effect of fault geometry on earthquake rupture migration induced by fluid injection
- ISONITRATE demonstration project: How isotopic monitoring can improve management of nitrate pollution in water
- Late Quaternary uplift and coastal landscape evolution in northern Calabria
- Lithium Isotopes in Geothermal Fluids from Iceland
- Mapping deformation field prior to an Earthquake:InSAR Observations 1993-2004 before the Mw 6.0 Parkfield Event.
- Modelling VLP sources for the 25 September 2007 Ruapehu eruption
- Surface and tectonic consequences of plume-lithosphere interactions in continents: insights from modelling approach based on realistic representation of lithosphere.
- The Cd and Zn Isotope Compositions of PM10 in the Atmosphere of Paris: New Tools for Discrimination and Tracking of the Origin of Metallic Pollution
- A homogenized model for solute dispersion in unsaturated double-porosity medium: numerical and experimental applications
- A transient hybrid model for karst aquifer characterization
- Atmospheric dust contribution to budget of U-series nuclides in weathering profiles. The Mount Cameroon volcano
- Boron and Lithium isotopic signatures in rivers as proxies of silicate weathering regimes : the example of the Mackenzie river system, Canada (Invited)
- Evolving metasomatic agent in the North Andean subduction, deduced from magma composition of the long-lived Pichincha volcanic complex (Ecuador)
- Hydroacoustic monitoring of a salt cavity: analysis of precursory events of the collapse
- Inner structure of the Marquesas Island constrained by new gravity measurements
- Modeling the impact of the nitrate contamination on groundwater at the groundwater body scale : The Geer basin case study (Invited)
- Modeling the non-standard behaviors observed during the tracer test at Soultz-sous-Forêts (France)
- OneGeology: Making the World’s Geological Map Data Accessible Online
- Prediction of surface tension of monovalent aqueous electrolytic solutions at high salinity
- Sediment fluxes in French rivers: Is hillslope erosion the dominant sources?
- Three dimensional surface slip partitioning of the Sichuan earthquake from Synthetic Aperture Radar
- 3D Geomodeling of the Venezuelan Andes
- Advancing Interdisciplinary Approaches for Research and Applications for Forestry, Biodiversity and Drought
- Anomalous Gold Deposit Along se Europe Tethysian Margin: a Signature of Return-Induced Upper Mantle Flow around Hellenic Slab Edges
- Application of the Orogenic Float Model for the Structural Evolution of the Venezuelan Andes
- Biogeochemical dynamics of pollutants in Insitu groundwater remediation systems
- Chemical, multi-isotopic (Li-B-Sr-U-H-O) and thermal characterization of Triassic formation waters from the Paris Basin (France)
- Heterogeneities and interconnections in groundwater: Coupled B, and Li isotope variations in a large aquifer system (Eocene sand aquifer, south western France)
- Impact of land use on weathering rates in Guadeloupe, Caribbean islands
- Investigating the impact of global climatic and landuse changes on groundwater resources in hard rock areas of South India
- Large sedimentary aquifer system and sustainable management: investigations of hydrogeological and geochemical variations in Eocene sand aquifer, south western France
- Large sedimentary aquifer systems functioning. Constraints by classical isotopic and chemical tools, and REE in the Eocene sand aquifer, SW France
- Lithium isotopes and water/rock interactions: Clues from low and high temperature hydrosystems
- Microbial respiration and dissolution precipitation reactions of minerals: thermo-kinetics and reactive transport modelling
- Multi-Isotopic (o, H, Sr, Li) Tracing of the Fluxes Involved in the Water Status of a Peatland (la Sauvetat, Massif Central, France)
- Numerical Experiments on the Thermal Structure of Deep Subducted Lithosphere: Deformation Regimes, Associated Thermal Anomalies and Comparison with Present-Day Seismic Imprints
- Slip-length scaling and near-field ground motions of large earthquakes partly depend on segmentation and maturity of broken faults
- Spatiotemporal evolution of surface creep in the Parkfield region of the San Andreas Fault (1993-2004) from Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Tectonics at the Transition from Subduction to Collision at the Calabrian Arc
- The stable isotope compositions of mercury in atmospheric particles (PM10) from Paris (France) and vicinity
- Tracking atmospheric sulphur pollution from the study of Racomitrium lanuginosum mosses in Iceland: A multi-isotope approach (δ34S, 206Pb/204Pb, δ13C and δ15N)
- A new view of the lead isotopic soil landscape at the European continental scale
- Automatic picking and localization of rockfalls from their seismic signature : application to the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion
- CO2 injection modeling in large scale heterogeneous aquifers
- Chemical weathering of granitic rock: experiments and Pb-Li isotopes tracing
- Comparison of shallow aquifer and soil gas monitoring approaches for detecting CO2 leakage at a natural analogue site in France
- Examining the Ability of Sequential Data Assimilation Methods to Accurately Quantify the Uncertainty in Hydrologic Forecasting
- From extension to compression: the example of the Bay of Biscay-Western Pyrenees
- High-order Finite-Element Seismic Wave Propagation Modeling with MPI on a large GPU Cluster
- Impacts of fluvial sedimentary heterogeneities on CO2 storage performance
- Interpretation of an airborne geophysical survey in southern Paris Basin: towards a lithological cartography, key tool for the management of shrinking/swelling clay problems
- Isotope tracing (δ15N & δ18O of NO3; δ11B) of diffuse pollution sources in complex aquifer systems
- Modeling Strong Ground Motions of the 2004 Mw 6.3 Les Saintes Earthquake Using Hybrid Green's Functions
- Multi-scale heterogeneity of the 2011 Great Tohoku-oki Earthquake from dynamic simulations
- New Multi-HAzard and MulTi-RIsk Assessment MethodS for Europe (MATRIX): A research program towards mitigating multiple hazards and risks in Europe
- Quantification and modeling of nitrate consumption, and nitrous oxide and nitrite production during push-pull tracer tests
- Salt tectonics and crustal tectonics along the Eastern Sardinian margin, Western Tyrrhenian: New insights from the " METYSS 1 " cruise
- Source and mobility of Rare Earth Elements in a sedimentary aquifer system: Aquitaine basin (Southern France)
- Tectonic inheritance and crustal thickening of the Tibetan crust in the Longmen Shan area : Highlights for the origin and the evolution of the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau
- The application of Anthropogenic Gadolinium as a tracer in ground and surface water: examples from France and the Netherlands
- The distribution of the lanthanum anomaly in the Dutch branches of the Rhine River
- U Isotope Systematics on Groundwaters from Southwestern France : Mixing Processes and Residence Times
- Analogue of Caldera Dynamics: the Controlled Salt Cavern Collapse
- Automatic identification, localisation and volume estimation of rockfalls occurring in the Dolomieu crater, Piton de la Fournaise volcano, la Réunion Island
- Ca isotopes in the Ebro River Basin: mixing and lithological tracer
- Central West African crust investigation through modeling of GOCE gravity and tensor components
- Characterization of interactions between sub-surface compartments and a deep sub-vertical aquifer in crystalline basement (St-Brice en Coglès, French Brittany)
- Coordination and Governance of OneGeology: Lessons learned in developing a global data infrastructure
- Dissolved load transport in the Ebro River Basin (Spain): Impact of main lithologies and role of tributaries
- Drinking water supply and mineralized groundwaters in the Aquitaine Basin (SW France): hydrodynamic and geochemical processes of acquisition of the mineralization
- Earth's non-hydrostatic gravity gradients from GOCE
- Flow velocity impact on biofilm development in subsurface environments - A laboratory experiment
- Geothermal resources in Martinique (Lesser Antilles): new insight of geochemical isotopic tools
- Historical seismicity and dynamic rupture process of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Hydrogeochemistry of the surface waters of the Ebro River Basin (Spain): a view through Li-B-Sr isotopes
- Hydrothermal convection beneath an inclined basement-sediment interface : application to the Rhine graben and its Soultz-sous-Forêts temperature anomaly
- Lithium and carbon isotopes in river catchment: combined tracers to constrain chemical weathering processes
- Multisclae heterogeneity of the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake by inversion
- Pb isotope systematics in volcanic river system: Constraints about weathering processes
- Pb-Zn-Cd-Hg multi isotopic characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
- Porphyry copper deposits distribution along the western Tethyan and Andean subductions: insights from a paleogeographic approach
- Simulation of Directional Dependency of H/V Spectral Ratios of Microtremors Casued by Lateral Heterogeneity
- UNDERSTANDING HARD ROCK HYDROGEOLOGY THROUGH AN EXPERIMENTAL HYDROGEOLOGICAL PARK IN SOUTH INDIA: Site development and investigations on the major role of the fractured zone in crystalline aquifers
- Using a series of satellite methods to assess land subsidence in Alexandria
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulation Across a Complex Fault System: the Mw7.0, 2010, Haiti Earthquake
- Analysis of one year time-lapse electrical data to unravel hydrological processes acting on a clayey landslide
- Application of End-Member Mixing Analysis to karst hydrogeology
- Characterization of the role of heterogeneous advection and diffusion on transport in weathered and fractured granite
- Filling the gap between geophysics and geotechnics in landslide process understanding: a data fusion methodology to integrate multi-source information in hydro-mechanical modeling
- Geochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater origins in a Mediterranean karst system (southern France)
- Getting saturated hydraulic conductivity from surface Ground-Penetrating Radar measurements inside a ring infiltrometer
- Hydrochemical Impacts of CO2 Leakage on Fresh Groundwater: a Field Scale Experiment
- Is Land Subsidence Increasing the Exposure to Sea Level Rise in Alexandria, Egypt? (Invited)
- Li-Zn-Pb multi isotopic characterization of the Loire River Basin, France
- Limits, complementarity and improvement of Advanced SAR Interferometry monitoring of anthropogenic subsidence/uplift due to long term CO2 storage
- Monitoring and near-real time forecasting of landslide surface displacements using continuous GNSS observations and a combined statistical-mechanical model: the service of the French Landslide Observatory - OMIV. (Invited)
- Monitoring the bio-stimulation of hydrocarbon-contaminated soils by measurements of soil electrical properties, and CO2 content and its 13C/12C isotopic signature
- Relations Between Tectonics and Sedimentation Along the East-Sardinian Margin (tyrrhenian Sea) : from Rifting to Reactivation
- Seismic microzoning in the metropolitan area of Port - au-Prince - complexity of the subsoil
- Soil Moisture Dynamics in the Shallow Subsurface Near the Land/Atmospheric Interface- Challenges and New Research Approaches (Invited)
- The European FP7 ULTimateCO2 project: A comprehensive approach to study the long term fate of CO2 geological storage sites
- Verification test for classical volcano-seismological problems by spectral element method (SEM)
- Z-Earth: 4D topography from space combining short-baseline stereo and lidar
- 3D Dynamic Rupture Simulations Across Interacting Faults: the Mw7.0, 2010, Haiti Earthquake
- A method to assess the ranking importance of uncertainties of residual and dissolution trapping of CO2 on a large-scale storage site
- Direct and indirect indicators to identify potential leakage of contaminants associated with unconventional oil and gas development based on conceptual geochemical and isotopic monitoring approaches
- Distances Between 3D Models Based on Topological Characterization of Reservoir Rocks: Application to CO2 Storage in Fluvial Reservoirs
- Emerge - A Python environment for the modeling of subsurface transfers
- Hydrological Dynamics, Fire History and Carbon Accumulation in the Last Millennium in Western Siberia Reconstructed from a High Resolution Ombrotrophic Peat Archive
- Hydrological and Hydrochemical Characterization of Fault Zones in Crystalline Media: Implications for Groundwater Fluxes
- Integrated Multidisciplinary Fault Observation in Marmara Through MARSite
- Lower Cambrian-Ediacaran Paleogeography and True Polar Wander with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton
- Petrological mapping of a Low Velocity Zone (LVZ) induced by CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O-bearing incipient melts
- Post-Rift Compressional Deformation on the Passive Margin of a young Mediterranean Backarc Basin (Eastern Sardinian Margin, Tyrrhenian Sea)
- Reactive transport modeling to quantify trace element release into fresh groundwater in case of CO<SUB>2</SUB> leak from deep geological storage.
- Rifting and Post-Rift Reactivation of The Eastern Sardinian Margin (Western Tyrrhenian Back-Arc Basin) Evidenced by the Messinian Salinity Crisis Markers and Salt Tectonics
- Seismic Microzoning of Cap-Haïtien: Effects of Lithological Site and Liquefaction
- The ghost component of the mass balances at the Critical Zone scale: the chemical reactivity of immobile water
- Zinc and Its Isotopes in the Loire River Basin, France
- Analysis of U-series Nuclides and in situ Be in a Weathering Profile from the Strengbach Catchment (Vosges Massif, France)
- Cu-Zn-Pb multi isotopic characterization of a small watershed (Loire river basin, France)
- Groundwater Quality and Quantity in a Coastal Aquifer Under High Human Pressure: Understand the Aquifer Functioning and the Social Perception of Water Use for a Better Water Management. Example of Recife (PE, Brazil)
- Identifying sources, formation pathways and geological controls of methane in shallow groundwater above unconventional natural gas plays in Alberta, Canada
- Impact of Channel-like Erosion Patterns on the Frequency-Magnitude Distribution of Earthquakes
- Impacts of Climate Change and of Anthropisation on Water Resources: from the Risk Assessment to Adaptation, the Case of the Seine Basin (including Paris, France)
- Influence of surface conductivity and Reynolds number on the zeta potential of calcite
- Integrated multidisciplinary fault observation in Marmara Through MARSite - Project Achievements
- Lead isotopes tracing the life cycle of a catchment: From source rock via weathering to human impact
- Management of groundwater in-situ bioremediation system using reactive transport modelling under parametric uncertainty: field scale application
- Modelling the Complex Conductivity of Charged Porous Media using The Grain Polarization Model
- New Peak Temperature Constraints Using RSCM Geothermometry on Lucia Subterrane in Franciscan Complex (California, USA): Detection of Thermal Anomalies in Gold-Bearing Quartz Veins Surrounding.
- Paleogeographic Evolution of the Late Neoproterozoic and Early Phanerozoic with New Paleomagnetic Constraints from West African Craton
- Rapid kinematic finite-fault inversion for an Mw 7+ scenario earthquake in the Marmara Sea: An uncertainty study
- Study of dolomite dissolution at various temperatures - Evidence for the formation of nanocrystalline secondary phases at dolomite surface and influence on dolomite interactions with other minerals
- Tracing Waste Water with Li isotopes
- Tracing the Origins and Processes of Groundwater Salinization in Coastal Aquifers with a Multi-isotopes Approach. Example of Recife, Northeast of Brazil
- Uranium(VI) Diffusion in Sodium-Montmorillonite at Alkaline pH Conditions
- A comparative study of ground motion hybrid simulations and the modified NGA ground motion predictive equations for directivity and its application to the the Marmara Sea region (Turkey)
- Bounding probabilistic sea-level rise projections under the IPCC constraints
- Cosmochemical implications of CONSERT permittivity characterization of 67P/CG
- Extracting the Volcanic Ash Plume Elevation Model (PEM) from Landsat-8. Application to the 2014 Holuhraun (Iceland) Eruption
- Framing 100-year overflowing and overtopping marine submersion hazard resulting from the propagation of 100-year joint hydrodynamic conditions
- Geodynamics of melting in the Asthenosphere
- How Historical Information Can Improve Extreme Value Analysis of Coastal Water Levels
- Investigation of the mineralogy and the sorption mechanism of Ni, Cu, Co and Mo by turbostratic phyllomanganates of Mn-nodules from the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean using XAS
- Location of eastern Mediterranean hot springs induced by mantle heat flow due to slab roll-back and tearing
- Multi isotopic characterization (Li-Cu-Zn-Pb) of waste waters pollution in a small watershed (Loire River basin, France)
- Numerical Simulations of Potential Gravitational Collapses of the La Soufrière de Guadeloupe Lava Dome (Lesser Antilles)
- Selenium extraction: development on extraction chromatographic resins compatible with Diffusive Gradient in Thin film (DGT)
- Sustainable management of transboundary water resources (Belgium/France): Characterization and modelling of the Carboniferous aquifer
- Synergetic use of Sentinel-1 and 2 to improve agro-hydrological modeling. Results of groundwater pumping estimates in south-India and nitrogen excess in south-west of France
- The degassing of magma and planetary redox dynamics
- Thermal Anomaly Engendered by the Emplacement of AN Au-DEPOSIT: Example from the Franciscan Complex
- What Can We Learn About Karst Aquifer Heterogeneity From Pumping Tests
- Architecture of ductile-type passive margins: Geological constraints from the inverted Cretaceous basin of the North-Pyrenean Zone (`Chaînons Béarnais', Western Pyrenees)
- Baseline Geochemistry of Natural Occurring Methane and Saline Groundwater in an Area of Unconventional Shale Gas Development Through Time
- Formation of Mg-aluminosilicates During Early Diagenesis of Carbonate Sediments in the Volcanic Crater Lake of Dziani Dzaha (Mayotte - Indian Ocean)
- Frictional heating processes during laboratory earthquakes
- Microbial Life Driving Low-Temperature Basalt Alteration in the Subsurface: Decoupling Abiotic Processes from Biologically-Mediated Rock Alteration
- Monitoring the change of coastal zones from space
- On the Role of Subduction Dynamics on Emplacement of Metamorphic Core Complexes and Geothermal Systems
- Physical and Hydrological Meaning of the Spectral Information from Hydrodynamic Signals at Karst Springs
- Post-Metamorphic Thermal Anomaly across the Nacimiento Block, Central California: a Hydrothermal Overprint?
- Quantifying Water-Rock Interactions during Hydraulic Fracturing from the Analysis of Flowback Water
- Reactive transport at the pore-scale: Geological Labs on Chip studies (GLoCs) for CO<SUB>2</SUB> storage in saline aquifers
- Shales and geological waste repositories: from microstructure description to macro-scale properties
- Spectral Induced Polarization of Low-pH Concrete. Influence of the Electrical Double Layer and Pore Size
- Toward standardization of slow earthquake catalog -Development of database website-
- A unified approach to quantify uncertainties in sea level projections
- Carbonatite-Alkaline Magma Immiscibility Conducing to Carbonatite REE Enrichment
- Criticality of Self-similar Earthquake Rupture Propagation against Energetic Barrier
- Dating of West African planation surfaces thanks to paleomagnetic approaches
- Deep Water Circulations and Deep Weathering Processes in the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory.
- Dynamic rupture simulation of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel (Chile) earthquake
- Evaluation of metal mobility in contaminated sediments using a sequential chemical extraction procedure and a multi-isotopic approach (Zn and Cu)
- Fractionation of Lithium isotopes during granite weathering revealed in waters, saprolites, soils and sediments (Massif Central, France)
- High-Temperature Metamorphism Highlighted by RSCM Geothermometry
- Integrating ambiguity and decision-makers' risk perception within probabilistic assessments of future coastal flooding: an extra-probabilistic approach
- Linking the Informative Content of Spring Flow Time Series to Physical Properties of Karst Aquifers
- Lithium extraction from natural brines and salars - thermodynamic modeling of electrolytic systems and the evaporative sequences
- Lithium isotopes: an innovative tool for the characterization of Lithium resources, clues from Li-rich brines and pegmatites field studies
- Muon Survey Tomography Based On Micromegas Detectors For Unreachable Sites Technology (MUST<SUP>2</SUP>). Principles, Experimental Results And Overlook
- OGC Standards and Working Groups for geoscience
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- OneGeology; a mechanism for collaboration on global platforms and initiatives for interoperable subsurface data
- Origin and fate of thermal fluids at a hot spot volcano (Piton des Neiges, La Réunion) from major, trace elements and O-H-C-Sr isotopes of hot springs
- Recharge heterogeneity at the catchment scale in fractured crystalline rock aquifers
- Reconstructing soil erosion rates and sediment sources during the Anthropocene in ponds and lakes draining contrasted cultivated catchments (Loire River, France)
- Shorecasts: a novel approach to shoreline prediction and modelling
- Simulating sea-level rise impacts on shoreline change along a wave-dominated embayed beach with the LX-Shore model
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of soil erosion across different landscapes
- Structural and Microbial Constraints of FeIII Oxides Submitted to Dissimilatory Iron Reduction
- The Impact of Waves on Future Changes in Extreme Sea Levels at Coastal Sites with Sandy Beaches
- The Role of Melt Composition on Aqueous Fluid vs. Silicate Melt Partitioning of Bromine in Magmas
- Underestimated wave contribution to sea level change and rise at the coast
- A Toolbox for the Accurate Detection of the Sources of Fugitive Methane Associated with Development of Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources
- A benchmark problem set for the simulation of mineral dissolution at the pore scale with evolving fluid-solid interfaces
- A wavelet-based method to map swelling clays coupling the ground displacement and the surface soil moisture acquired by Sentinel-1 and SMOS satellites. Application at a gas storage site in Southwestern France (Lussagnet).
- Adapting Landscape Mosaics Of Mediterranean Rainfed Agrosystems For A Sustainable Management Of Crop Production, Water And Soil Resources: The ALMIRA Project
- Benchmark of multiple geophysics tools to study the voids in the upper levels of a decommissioned iron mine
- Birth of a large volcano offshore Mayotte through lithosphere-scale rifting
- Can induced polarization be used to monitor hydrocarbon plume flow in soils?
- Characterisation and numerical simulation of submarine slope instabilities offshore PetiteTerre (Mayotte) in the context of the on-going seismo-volcanic crisis.
- Characterization and modeling of lahars in the Prêcheur river, Martinique.
- Chemical weathering of a granitic watershed: coupling Lithium isotopes and Reactive Transport Modeling
- Coastal flood: a composite method for past events characterisation providing insights in past, present and future hazards
- Combining foresight, local knowledge and land use change modeling to anticipate future landscape services at the catchment scale
- Community based management of natural resource: lessons lernt from groundwater and fisheries management in France
- Comparing pore network modelling and an analytical flux averaging approach to determine the effective excess charge density for streaming potential generation in porous media
- Contribution of dynamics of cascading to the earthquake statistics: Dependency of b-value on fault properties and stress in the multiscale circular patch model
- Coupled Modeling of Hydro-Sedimentary Transfer Processes and Socio-Economic Dynamics Evaluating Public Policies to Control Runoff and Erosion: Case Study in Normandy (France)
- Dating of weathering surfaces in French Guiana using the (U-Th-Sm)/He method to determine ages of supergene iron oxides and oxyhydroxides
- Designing Collective Sustainable Groundwater Abstraction Rules: A Participatory Approach to Enhance Groundwater User's Acceptance and Compliance
- Detecting Seismicity Rate Variation Using ETAS Model for Induced Seismicity
- Early Development and Growth of a Deep Seafloor Volcano : Preliminary Results from the MAYOBS Cruises.
- Experimental characterization of clays using spectral induced polarization
- Fracture controlled permeability of ultramafic basement aquifers; consequences for responsible water management
- Framework for high-end estimates of sea-level rise for stakeholder applications
- Geophysical Imaging for the Petrophysical Properties Characterization of a Limestone Heterogeneous Vadose Zone - Beauce Aquifer (France)
- High-Resolution Onboard Manual Locations of Mayotte Seismicity since March 2019, Using Local Land and Seafloor Stations
- How waves slow down the amplification of extreme water levels due to sea-level rise
- Hydrogeochemical investigation of gold in surface waters by the use of integrative and passive samplers: proof of concept
- Increased extreme coastal water levels due to the combined action of storm surges and wind-waves
- Likely and High-End Impacts of Regional Sea-Level Rise on European Sandy Coasts under Business as Usual Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Low-end probabilistic sea-level projections
- Mechanism for the Formation of the Jurassic Large Granite Province in SE China
- Modelling spectral induced polarization of clays and quartz sand
- Numerical modelling: a tool for Managed Aquifer Recharge and Saturated Aquifer Treatment in coastal area.
- On the use of magnetic properties to study soil hydrocarbon biodegradation
- Paleo-Thermal Gradients Distribution across AN Inverted Hyper-Thinned Rift : Example of the Mauleon Basin (western Pyrenees - France)
- Petrological and Geochemical Characterization of the Lava from the 2018-2019 Mayotte Eruption: First Results
- Quantification of sediment export from two contrasted catchments of the Mayotte Island: a multi-scale observatory to fight against soil erosion and siltation of the lagoon in Mayotte Island
- Recharge processes in karst aquifers inferred from dissolved gases - impact of the vadose zone
- Seismicity in Far Western Nepal reveals flats and ramps along the Main Himalayan Thrust
- The 2018-2019 Mayotte Seismic Crisis: Evidence of an upper Mantle Rifting Event ?
- The 2018-2019 seismo-volcanic crisis east of Mayotte, Comoros islands: first months of seismicity and deformation observations
- The Eastern Sardinian Margin: From Rifting to Hyper-extension and Post-rift Reactivation in a Backarc Setting
- The Mayotte Seismo-Volcanic Crisis: Characterizing a Reactivated Volcanic Ridge from the Upper Slope to the Abyssal Plain Using Multibeam Batymetry and Backscatter Data.
- The Role of Mineral Reactivity in Promoting CO2 Degassing in Low Seismicity Areas
- Thermal Evolution of the Aquitaine Basin (France). New Constraints from an Analytical and Modeling Approach.
- Towards a deep understanding of the seismic response of the Mexico City Valley: A study based on diverse spectral ratios and numerical simulations
- Unravelling the role of large-scale climate variability and of the mean sea level in the high-percentile sea levels time evolution: a Bayesian statistical approach
- Using DGT passive samplers and mass spectrometry to determine Cu and Sr isotopic signature of groundwaters
- Water pumping in mantle shear zones: From field observations to experimental evidence
- Waves and sea-level rise induced flooding in the Maldives.
- 2019 Seismicity clusters structure of Mayotte volcano-tectonic crisis
- Biogeochemistry for critical mineral resources exploration: examples from the Beauvoir (Li-Ta-Sn-Be) and La Bosse (W) deposits (France).
- Birth of a large volcanic edifice through lithosphere-scale dyking offshore Mayotte (Indian Ocean)
- COYOTES Project (comoros & Mayotte: Volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity)
- Experimental clay characterization using spectral induced polarization
- Fiber Optic and Hydrogeological Sensors for the Monitoring of Mass and Heat Transfers Through the Vadose Zone of a Cenozoic Limestone Aquifer (beauce, ORLÉANS, France)
- High-end scenarios of sea-level rise for coastal risk-averse stakeholders
- LoopStructural 1.0: Time aware geological modelling
- Mantle xenoliths-bearing phonolites feeding the active volcanic ridge of Mayotte (Comoros archipelago, Mozambique Channel)
- Mercury as a proxy for enhanced volcanism across the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
- Operational estimation of landslide runout: comparison of empirical and numerical methodologies.
- Reserve and resource assessment of Li-rich geothermal brines in Europe
- Seismo-tectonic analysis of the ongoing Mayotte crisis suggesting reactivation of a caldera structure below the Moho
- The 2018-2020 seismo-volcanic crisis, east of Mayotte, Comoros islands: in-depth study of poorly instrumented first months of crisis
- The 2018-Ongoing Submarine Eruption of Mayotte: Syn-Eruptive Magma Degassing Imaged by Textural Monitoring
- The 2018-ongoing Mayotte submarine eruption: magma migration imaged by petrological monitoring
- The effect of structural data distributions on 3D fold geometries
- Uranium Surface Speciation in Clay-Rich Barrier Systems
- Acoustic Plumes of the 2019 Mayotte Submarine Volcanic Eruption
- Constraints on past climate and geomorphological evolution through laterite dating
- Earth Observations for Monitoring Marine Coastal Hazards and Their Drivers
- Hydrogeophysical characterization and determination of petrophysical and hydrodynamic parameters at the O-ZNS observatory of the vadose zone.
- Large-Scale Climate Drivers of the Low-Frequency Variability of Groundwater Levels in Northern France
- Modeling of the stress perturbation revealed by the seismotectonic analysis of the seismic swarm closest to Mayotte Island during the 2018-to-present volcano-tectonic event
- Results from the SEFASILS Experiment: Evidence for Mantle Exhumation in the Ligurian basin
- Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel Earthquake. From Kinematic Rupture Inversion to Rupture Dynamics.
- The Evolution of 3D Geological Modeling at BRGM (French Geological Survey)
- The North Evia Gulf Rift System in Central Greece: An Asymmetric Rift in the North Anatolian Fault Prolongation (WATER Project)
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Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Anne Lemoine
- Bastien Dieppois
- Carla Scalabrin
- Cédric Twardzik
- Delphine Allier
- E. Heggy
- E. J. Fielding
- E. Klein
- Fabien Paquet
- Gonéri Le Cozannet
- Hideo Aochi
- Isabelle Thinon
- Junle Jiang
- M. Simons
- Marc Dumont
- Marc Peruzzetto
- Matthieu Fournier
- Olivier Averbuch
- Pablo Poulain
- Pauline Kessouri
- Pietro Teatini
- Romain Hemelsdaël
- Zacharie Duputel