A Common Approach to Atmospheric Radar Data from Eiscat and the US Geospace Observatories within the Coopeus Project

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Listed Authors
Tjulin, A.
Erickson, P. J.
Häggström, I.
Enell, C. F. T.
van Eyken, A. P.
Rideout, B.
Lind, F. D.
McCrea, I.
Heinselman, C. J.
Mann, I.
Listed Institutions
EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden
MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, United States
EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden
EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden
SRI International Menlo Park, Menlo Park, CA, United States
MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, United States
MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, United States
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot, United Kingdom
EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden
EISCAT Scientific Association, Kiruna, Sweden

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