Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
flowchart I[Rutherford Appleton Laboratory] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (251)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (46)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Active Region EUV Intensities, Magnetic Flux and Coronal Heating
- Public Involvement, Multi-Million Member Ensembles and Systematic Uncertainty Analysis
- Energetic particle observations with RAPID/Cluster
- Investigation of Energetic Electrons in the Geotail using Cluster RAPID IES
- Plasmasheet Motions in the Distant Magnetotail Determined by 4-Point Ion Measurements: RAPID/Cluster
- Polar/Cammice Investigation of Storm Time Ring Current Asymmetry
- Applications of Neutron Diffraction Measurements in the Characterization of the Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Geological Materials
- CLUSTER Observation of the Dynamics of Ionospheric O+ and H+ Ions in the Mid-Tail
- Cluster Observations of the Magnetopause: Magnetosheath Transition, Dynamics and Current Structures
- Cluster-Polar Simultaneous Observations of Energetic Particles in the Plasma Sheet - Evidence for Radiation Belt Leakage?
- Dynamism or Disorder at High Pressures?
- Estimates of magnetotail reconnection rate based on IMAGE FUV and EISCAT measurements
- In-situ Single-Crystal Neutron Diffraction on Hydrogen Related High-Pressure Compounds at High-Pressure
- MAGRITTE / SPECTRE : the Solar Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) aboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory
- Neutron Diffraction Measurements of Changes in Strain Partitioning Between the Phases During Plastic Yielding in Two Phase Composites
- Neutron Diffraction Study of Silicate Perovskites
- New ionic structures observed in the equatorial Ring Current during CLUSTER perigee passes
- Observations of Storm-Time Ion Injection and Loss Processes in the Ring Current
- Polar Upstream of the Bow Shock
- Properties, Structure and Dynamics of the Exterior Cusp Under Northward IMF, Cluster Multi Event Analysis
- Temperature and Abundance Variations of an Active Region in Three Solar Rotations
- Transformation Behaviour of Cummingtonite: a Neutron Diffraction Study
- Analysing structures and interfaces using spatially-distributed data
- Cluster Observations During a Slow Crossing of the Duskside LLBL and Conjugate Observations in the Topside Ionosphere with FAST
- Cluster Observations of Electromagnetic Waves in the Vicinity of a Reconnection X-Line at the High-Latitude Magnetopause
- Dilution of the Antarctic Ozone Hole Into Southern Midlatitudes (1998--2000)
- Energetic Particles Upstream From the Earth's Bow Shock: Multipoint Observations by Cluster and Polar
- Low Frequency Waves in the Magnetosheath as Seen by Cluster
- Mo;ecular Modeling of Biogenic Manganese Oxides Using ab Initio Density Functional Theory
- Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Diffusion in a Silica Melt
- Multi-spacecraft observations of the structure and motion of field-aligned cusp currents under strong IMF B<SUB>X</SUB> and B<SUB>Y</SUB> conditions
- Observations Of High-Energy Electrons In The Magnetotail Using The Rapid-Ies Instrument On Cluster
- Probabilistic Climate Forecasting
- Spectroscopic and thermal properties of minerals from density-functional perturbation theory
- Stellar Variability Studies with SMEI
- The D-CIXS X-Ray Spectrometer, And Its Capabilities For Lunar Science
- The magnetopause transition: Cluster observations
- X-ray Emission From Planets Venus and Mars: Theoretical Model and Numerical Simulations
- a Cluster Investigation of the Occurrence and Causes of Reconnection in the Very Near-Earth Tail (x > -19Re)
- Drift of Auroral Absorption and Ionospheric Convection
- Initial Cassini Plasma Observations at Saturn
- Latest Results from the DCIXS X-ray spectrometer on the SMART-1 ESA mission to the Moon
- On the Generation of Enhanced Sunward Convection and Transpolar Aurora in the High-Latitude Ionosphere by Magnetic Merging
- Reconstruction of flux transfer events from Cluster data
- Rolled-up Kelvin-Helmholtz vortices at the flank magnetopause and their implications for the formation of the low-latitude boundary layer
- STEREO HI - From CMEs to Near Earth Objects: a Unique View of the Heliosphere
- Structure, Properties, and Reactions of Biogenic Manganese Oxides Predicted by Density Functional Theory.
- Studies of Diffusion, Atomic Hopping Frequency and Site Residence Times in Molten SiO2 by Molecular Dynamics
- The Boundary Layer in Transition: Structural Dependence On IMF Orientation
- A survey of energetic electrons in the Earth's magnetotail
- Cluster/RAPID-IIMS Observations of Energetic Ions Upstream of the Earth's Bowshock
- Comparison of Plasma Velocities derived by the EISCAT Svalbard Radar and the SuperDARN Network
- Evolution of a staircase ion signature observed by Cluster in the polar cusp
- Hybrid Simulations of Coronal Mass Ejection Shock Structures
- Lightning-induced intensification of the ionospheric sporadic E layer
- Magnetic field fluctuations in the cusp studied with CLUSTER data : evidence of intermittency
- Observing the Solar atmosphere with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer on Solar B
- Polar Crossing and Upstream of the Magnetopause and Bow Shock
- RAL Low-Cost Ionosonde System
- Response to a Simulated Reduction in Thermohaline Circulation in a Large Ensemble of General Circulation Models
- The Mobility of Organic Contaminants in Water and Clays
- Using DOUBLE STAR and CLUSTER Synoptic Observations to Test Global MHD Simulations of the Large-scale Topology of the Dayside Merging Region
- Characterization of Polar Stratospheric Cloud-Producing Mountain Waves using Thermal Radiance Imagery from the Advanced Microwave Sounding Unit (AMSU-A)
- Cluster Observations of Plasma Flow Reversal in the Magnetotail During a Substorm
- Cluster observations of two sources of magnetosheath ions in the mid-altitude polar cusp
- Feature Types' as an Integration Bridge in the Climate Sciences
- GALEON Phase 2: Testing Gateways Between Formal Standard Interfaces and Existing Community Standard Client/server Implementations
- Geoeffectiveness of Extreme Solar Winds
- Growth of large electric fields at the outer edge of the outer radiation belt
- Heliosphere Impact on Geospace - Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research During the IPY Years
- In situ neutron and X-ray diffraction studies of magnesium silicate glasses at high pressure:
- Large-scale topology of magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause
- Long-term Changes in Ionospheric F-layer Characteristics
- Mode Identification of Terrestrial Foreshock ULF Waves Observed by Cluster
- Nonlinear processes in the foreshock turbulence
- Powder Neutron Diffraction Study of the Thermal Expansion of Mirabilite, Na2SO4.10H2O
- Response of the Global Ionosphere to CME Events
- Sea Surface Temperature Records from the Along-Track Scanning Radiometers
- Standards Challenges in the Climate Sciences
- The North-south Structure of a Flux Rope From Cluster Observations
- The SECCHI Experiment on the STEREO Mission
- The effect of lightning on the ionospheric sporadic E layer
- An enhancement of the ionospheric sporadic E layer in response to negative polarity cloud-to- ground lightning
- Atmospheric Electricity Measurements on the Proposed European Venus Explorer Mission
- Breakdown of the Frozen-in Condition in the Earth's Magnetotail
- Comparison of Auroral and Inner CPS in situ Measurements During an Expansive Phase Onset
- Cusp particle precipitation before and after an abrupt change of direction of the IMF
- DUE GlobAEROSOL - A multi-instrument satellite aerosol product
- Highlights and Conclusions of the Unidata OGC Interoperability Day
- In situ diffraction studies of magnesium silicate liquids and glasses under extremes of temperature and pressure.
- Initial Experimental Results of a Laboratory Mini-Magnetosphere for Astronaut Protection
- Integrating Cluster Data into the VO Infrastructure
- Large-scale Reconnection at the Dayside Magnetopause: Results from Global Simulations
- Lessons Learned in Heliophysics Data Description: Discussion of the Development and Use of the SPASE Data Model
- Nature's Semiconductors: Electronic Structure of Biogenic Manganese Oxides
- STEREO SECCHI Observations of Space Debris: Are They Associated with S/WAVES Dust Detections?
- Solar effects at Earth as observed by the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers
- The CF Conventions: Governance and Community Issues in Establishing Standards for Representing Climate, Forecast, and Observational Data
- Cluster and Double Star Multipoint Observations of a Plasma Bubble
- Delivering CF-netCDF Coverages via Standard Protocols: a WCS Extension Standard
- Density and Magnetic Field Structure in the Plasmasphere: Comparison Between CLUSTER Data and Models
- Integration and Co-Development of the MCM and IUPAC Databases: Providing Kinetic Data and Mechanisms to the Atmospheric Community
- Ion Energy Steps Observed by Cluster Multi-point Mission in the Polar Cusp: Similarity and Differences
- Nickel Sorption to Bacteriogenic Manganese Oxides: Insights from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory
- Self - Organization of Zonal Flows Driven by Drift Mode Turulence in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas
- The structure of high pressure structure of magnesium silicate liquids: insight from in situ diffraction studies.
- Uptake of Amines on Acidic Particles: Using Laser Raman Tweezers to Monitor Size and Composition
- Use of multi-point analysis and modelling to address cross-scale coupling in space plasmas: lessons from Cluster
- A statistical survey of electron temperature enhancements in heater modulated polar mesospheric summer echoes at EISCAT
- Addressing Science Use Cases with HELIO
- Cluster observations of ion dispersion discontinuities in the polar cusp
- Energetic electrons response to ULF waves induced by interplanetary shocks in the outer radiation belt
- Geometric Triangulation of Imaging Observations to Track CMEs Continuously Out to 1 AU (Invited)
- Global Simulations of the Response of the Cusp to Rapid Northward Turnings of the IMF
- Global scale-invariance of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in solar wind turbulence as seen by CLUSTER
- Hydroxyl radical oxidation of glucose in aqueous aerosol studied in single levitated droplets by laser Raman tweezers
- On the Stable Ground State of Mackinawite
- Quantifying the sensitivity of aerosol optical depths retrieved from MSG SEVIRI to a priori data
- Scale-invariance and Anisotropy of small-scale magnetic fluctuations in solar wind turbulence as seen by CLUSTER
- Spatial and Temporal aspects of magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Statistic study on global shape of dayside magnetopause reconnection X line: based on Cluster & TC1 observations
- The kinetics of hydroxyl radical oxidation of a stearic acid monolayer as a proxy for a cloud droplet organic film. A neutron reflectivity study
- Cluster Active Archive: lessons learnt
- Kelvin Helmholtz driven vortices on the dayside magnetopause- single spacecraft detection using Double star 1
- Spectroscopic and DFT evidence for itinerant magnetism in mackinawite (tetragonal FeS)
- The occurrence and characteristics of high-latitude ion outflows observed with the EISCAT incoherent scatter radars and the FAST spacecraft
- A Web-Based Validation Tool for GEWEX
- A survey of KHI activity at the magnetopause
- Heliospheric Observations of STEREO-Directed Events in 2008-2010: Lessons for Future Observations
- On the effect of heavy ions on magnetopause reconnection
- The Polar Cusp Observed by Cluster Under Constant Imf-Bz Southward
- The first STEREO multi-event: Numerical simulation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) launched on August 1, 2010
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Double cusp encounter by Cluster: double cusp or motion of the cusp?
- Electron Source Associated with Dipolarization at the Outer Boundary of the Radiation Belts
- Energy transfer at the magnetopause: Cluster observations combined with GUMICS-4 global MHD simulation results
- FTE formation on the dayside magnetopause responding to the southward turning of IMF and 3D features of FTE flux ropes
- From Muons to the Moon; the Role of Particle Physics and Lunar Tides in Monitoring Geostorage of Carbon Dioxide
- Inner plasma structure of the low latitude reconnection layer
- Method for inferring the axis-orientation of cylindrical flux rope or plasmoid based on single-point measurement
- Multi-mission conjunction to probe the spatial and temporal aspects of the magnetopause boundary layer formation under northward IMF
- Profile of strong magnetic field By component in magnetotail current sheets
- THEMIS observation of 3-D multiple X-line reconnection at the magnetopause
- Challenges and potential solutions for the connection of ESPAS, IUGONET and ISDC
- Cluster Observations of Ion Dispersions near the Exterior Cusp
- ESPAS: the European e-science platform to access near-Earth space data (Invited)
- Ground-based support for the Juno Earth Fly-by (Invited)
- Inter-University Upper Atmosphere Global Observation Network (IUGONET) Metadata Database and Its Interoperability
- Ring Current Morphology and the Influence of FACs
- A Common Approach to Atmospheric Radar Data from Eiscat and the US Geospace Observatories within the Coopeus Project
- A complicated evolution of a newly created Polar Cap Ionization Patch
- Coordinated Coverage of the Ring Current, Cusp and Adjacent FACs with Cluster and Swarm
- Earth's polar cap ionization patches lead to ion upflow
- Instant: An Innovative L5 Small Mission Concept for Coordinated Science with Solar Orbiter and Solar Probe Plus
- Miniature Magnetized Shocks from Plasma Collision with Minimagnetospheres
- Neutron Diffraction of Aqueous Tetramethylammonium Chloride (TMA) Solutions and TMA Intercalated Swelling Clays Under Burial Conditions
- Ontology of Space Physics for e-Science Applications Based on ISO 19156
- Strategic Science to Address Current and Future Space Weather Needs
- The Cluster Science Archive and its relevance for multi-missions data analysis
- The HELCATS Project: Characterising the Evolution of Coronal Mass Ejections Observed During Solar Cycle 24
- Tropospheric Ozone Profile Retrievals Combining TIR, UV And Visible Spectra
- Using IPS Magnetic Modeling to Determine Bz
- Vision for the Future of Lws TR&T
- 3D Analysis of Remote-Sensed Heliospheric Data for Space Weather Forecasting
- Carrington-L5: The UK/US Space Weather Operational Mission.
- Determination of the North-South Heliospheric Magnetic-Field Component from Inner-Corona Closed-Loop Propagation
- Distinct sources of particles near the cusp and the dusk flank of the magnetosphere
- Estimating Amazonian methane emissions through 4D-Var inverse modelling with satellite observations from GOSAT and IASI
- Evaluation of quantitative satellite-based retrievals of volcanic ash clouds
- First Results on Visualization and Verification of the STEREO Heliospheric Imager CME Catalogue with In Situ Data from the Heliophysics System Observatory
- HELCATS - Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service
- HEXITEC: A next generation hard X-ray Detector for Solar Observations
- Measurements and an Empirical Model of the Zodiacal Brightness as Observed by the Solar Mass Ejection Imager (SMEI)
- Methane Retrievals in the Thermal and Short-Wave Infrared from IASI
- Observations of Heliospheric Faraday Rotation (FR) and Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) with the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR): Steps Towards Improving Space-Weather Forecasting Capabilities
- Performance Measurements of the Flight Detector for SPICE on SolarOrbiter
- Physical Mechanisms of Tropical Climate Feedbacks Revealed by Temperature and Moisture Trends
- Quasi-continuous reconnection accompanied by FTEs observed by Double Star TC-1 during IMF B<SUB>z</SUB>≈0 nT at dawn flank magnetopause
- Radio Triangulation of Type II Bursts Associated with a CME - CME Interaction
- Requirements for an Operational Coronagraph
- Ring Current and Field Aligned Currents from Cluster-Swarm Observations
- Sol-Terra - AN Operational Space Weather Forecasting Model Framework
- The ESA Cloud_cci Project: Generation of Multi-Decadal, Consistent, Global Data Sets of Cloud Properties with Uncertainty Information
- A Catalogue of Geometrically-Modelled Coronal Mass Ejections Observed by the STEREO Heliospheric Imagers
- Building an Open Data Portal for the European Space Agency Climate Change Initiative based on an Iterative Development Methodology and Linked Data Technologies
- Earth's ion upflow associated with polar cap patches global and in-situ observations
- HELCATS: Statistical results on interplanetary type II bursts observed by STEREO/Waves
- Long-term Satellite Observations of Cloud and Aerosol Radiative Effects Using the (A)ATSR Satellite Data Record
- Observations of the gradually heating processes of cold ions in the reconnection layer at the dayside magnetopause
- Properties of planetary ices in the NH<SUB>3</SUB> + CO<SUB>2</SUB> ± H<SUB>2</SUB>O ternary system using neutron diffraction and ab initio calculations
- Reconciling the aerosol-liquid water path relationship in the ECHAM6-HAM GCM and the Aerosol_cci/Cloud_cci (A)ATSR dataset by minimizing the effect of aerosol swelling
- Storm Time Current Distribution in the Innerequatorial Magnetosphere:THEMIS Observations
- TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor: Launched?
- The August 1991 Cerro Hudson Volcanic Eruption: A Re-analysis of SO2 Release Twenty-Five Years Later from a New TOMS Perspective
- A Heliospheric Weather Expert Service Centre for ESA's Space Situational Awareness Space Weather Activities
- Automatic provisioning, deployment and orchestration for load-balancing THREDDS instances
- Deriving and Constraining 3D CME Kinematic Parameters from Multi-Viewpoint Coronagraph Images
- Early Results from TROPOMI on the Copernicus Sentinel 5 Precursor
- Evaluating Evapotranspiration of a crop mosaic using microwave scintillometry
- Present-day distribution and trends of global tropospheric ozone from satellite observations: Results from the Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report (TOAR)
- The Heliospheric Cataloguing, Analysis and Techniques Service (HELCATS) project
- The Static Heterodyne Fourier Transform Spectrometer (SHIFTS) instrument: A high resolution imaging Fourier transform spectrometer for the remote sensing of land and atmospheric processes.
- Addressing the massive CMIP6 data science challenge through the ESGF global federation
- Comparison of the cloud products from TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor and VIIRS/S-NPP
- Electron Substructures of Inner Low Latitude Boundary Layer Under the Southward IMF
- Enhanced cusp electron precipitations associated with magnetic reconnection in an extreme hot flow anomaly
- Evolution of a coronal mass ejection from the Sun to Saturn
- Ionospheric Upflow Around the Polar Region During a Solar Minimum
- Magnetosheath high speed jets and magnetopause observations by Cluster and MMS simultaneously
- Metastable Nitric Acid Trihydrate in Ice Clouds
- Ring current distribution seen by multi-spacecraft data
- S5P/TROPOMI: The first year in orbit
- Statistical Correlation Analysis of Field-aligned Currents Measured by Swarm
- The excitation and the source location of the long-duration EMIC waves in the dayside outer magnetosphere: MMS observations
- Tropospheric Column Ozone Variability From Space: Expended Results from the First Multi-Instrument Intercomparison
- Characterising the response of OAP in-situ particle imagers: implications for cirrus observations
- Characteristics of Field Aligned Electrons Around the Cusps
- EUV Observations of the Middle Corona From the L5 Perspective
- Following the evolution of coronal mass ejections across the heliosphere
- Global Height-Resolved Methane and Carbon Monoxide Retrievals from Satellite TIR and SWIR Sounding
- MMS observation of particle distributions in an Alfvén vortex
- Multiple Scale Structures of Dayside Current System: Joint observations by MMS, Cluster and Swarm
- Revisiting Carrington event with archival materials: Spatiotemporal Evolutions of a Large Sunspot Group and Great Auroral Storms
- TROPOMI/Sentinel-5 Precursor cloud products version 2 and comparison with VIIRS/S-NPP
- The SPICE (Spectral Imaging of the Coronal Environment) Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph Investigation
- The Worldwide Interplanetary Scintillation (IPS) Stations (WIPSS) Network: A Ground-Based Heliospheric Observatory for Science and Space Weather
- Tropospheric ozone distribution and variability from satellite sounding at multiple wavelengths
- Wide-Field Imager (WFI) for the Polarimeter to Unify the Corona and Heliosphere (PUNCH)
- Cloud futures for CMIP data - evaluating object storage models and re-evaluating federation for data distribution
- Five years of observations from the International Airborne Sub-millimetre Radiometer
- Frozen Worlds: How High-Pressure Ice Phases can Influence Their Structure.
- In situ observation of three-dimensional anisotropy and scalings of space plasmas turbulence at kinetic scales
- In-situ Observation of Secondary Magnetic Reconnection Region Beside Ion-Scale Flux Rope at the Magnetopause
- Magnetosheath high speed jets observed with Cluster and MMS with near-Earth upstream solar wind monitors
- Magnetospheric Behaviour Associated with the Geosynchronous Magnetopause Crossings
- Multiple Scale Structures of Dayside Current System: Joint observations by MMS, Cluster and Swarm
- The MLT distribution and detailed structure of ring current:MMS observations
- The investigation of lunar farside and nearside space environments
- Anisotropy of Solar-Wind Turbulence in the Inner Heliosphere at Kinetic Scales: PSP Observations
- Assessment of ENLIL and EUHFORIA Model Performance within the Heliospheric Expert Service Centre
- Automatic Classification of Mesoscale Auroral Forms using Convolutional Neural Networks
- Comparison of field-aligned currents and GIC variations
- Flux Transfer Events in the Northern Hemisphere Polar Cusp Under Dominant IMF Bx
- High Precision Wide Area Continuous Methane Monitoring
- Multi-scale structures of dayside current layer and secondary reconnection beside ion-scale flux ropes
- Perspectives on the thermosphere response during the extreme storm cycle: Current status of forecasting and specification models
- Ring current morphology from MMS observations
- Coordination of ground based and in orbit multipoint measurements: comparison of magnetospheric and ground currents
- Distribution of the Ring Current and Coupling with Field-Aligned Currents: Joint observation of MMS and Swarm
- Global and Regional Analysis of Total and Height-Resolved Ozone Trends 1995-2021 from the ESA-CCI GTO-ECV and GOP-ECV Climate Data Records
- Improved Inter-Band Co-Registration for the TROPOMI Cloud Parameters using VIIRS Cloud Information
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. J. Coster
- Andreas J. Weiss
- Andrew Fazakerley
- Barry G. Latter
- C. Forsyth
- C. J. Owen
- Chao Xiong
- Christian Möstl
- Colin Wilson
- D. M. Oliveira
- Diego Loyola
- Dong Wei
- E. Zesta
- F. Auchère
- G. Facskó
- I. Ermolli
- J. A. Klimchuk
- J. P. Eastwood
- Jennifer Carter
- Junying Yang
- K. J. Trattner
- L. D. Woodham
- L. Y. Li
- M. Haberreiter
- M. Messerotti
- Malcolm Dunlop
- Melanie Coldewey‐Egbers
- Michel Van Roozendaël
- P. K. Manoharan
- P. Lowrance
- Piyush M. Mehta
- R. C. Fear
- Richard J. Licata
- S. D. Bale
- Simon Good
- Steven Christe
- Tanja Amerstorfer
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Tieyan Wang
- Víctor Molina García
- W. Kent Tobiska
- Xiangcheng Dong
- Xin Tan
- Y. V. Bogdanova
- Yanchu Yang
- Yihua Yan