College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
National Snow and Ice Data Center, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, United States; College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China
College of Earth and Environmental Sciences, LZU Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China