Lanzhou University, China
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Multi-Proxy Speleothem Based Record of Asian Monsoon Variability During the Last Glacial Period
- Abrupt Holocene Climatic Changes: Evidence From The Western Chinese Loess Plateau
- Neogene Magnetostratigraphy of the Guide Basin and its Implications for Pliocene Evolution of the NE Tibetan Plateau
- Review of PIXE Mercury Detection Research at the Louisiana Accelerator Center
- East Asian Summer Monsoon Variability During Marine Isotope Stage 5 Based on Speleothem δ <SUP>18</SUP>O Records from Wanxiang Cave, Central China
- Modeling Aerosol Radiative Effects over Dust Source Regions in Western North China
- Tectonic Rotation of Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: Refined age and Geodynamic Implications
- Distribution and Carbon-Isotope Composition of Lipid Biomarkers in Lake Sediments on the Tibetan Plateau, China
- Impact of dust aerosol on land-atmosphere interaction over semi-arid Loess Plateau
- Improvements in Retrieving Cloud Ice Water Path Over Land Using Microwave Measurements
- Paleomagnetism of the Neogene Jiuxi Basin, Hexi Corridor, China: implications for a non- rigid deformation mechanism?
- Precipitation systems with and without lightning in Eastern Asia as observed from TRMM satellite
- Sediment Records of Recent Climate Variability From the Badain Jaran Desert, North West China
- Dust Storm over Eastern Asia during PACDEX 2007
- Dusty Cloud Properties Determined from Surface and Satellite Observations over Asia during PACDEX
- Eocene-Oligocene aridification and uplift of the Tibetan Plateau, insight from chronostratigraphic and pollen analysis
- Global Distribution and Vertical Structure of Clouds Revealed by CALIPSO
- Holocence Climatic Changes in the Mongolian Plateau
- Holocene Moisture Variations and Atmospheric Circulation Controls in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China
- Late Holocene Climate Changes Derived From Multi-proxy Lake Sediment Records in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau and Possible Solar Forcing
- Simulation of Asia Dust and Cloud Interaction Over Pacific Ocean During Pacdex
- Timing and distribution of tectonic rotations in the northeastern Tibetan plateau
- A late glacial and Holocene lake record from the eastern Tibetan Plateau and inferences of lake, glacier and climate evolution
- Accuracy estimation of SRTM and Map-based DEMs using ICESat elevation data in Tibetan Plateau
- Advanced new daily products of cloud-free snow cover area and snow water equivalent from MODIS/Terra-Aqua & AMSR-E measurements
- Contrasting Moisture Shifts at Low- and High-Elevations Inferred from Annual-to- Centennial Resolution Fossil Pollen Data from the Qaidam Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- General Humid Little Ice Age In Westerly Dominated Western China
- History and Variability of aridity in the Tarim Basin since Late Miocene and its links to Tibetan Growth and global ice-volume change
- The potential of Lake Karakul in the eastern Pamirs as a long-term climate archive
- Variation in Foliar δ13C of Desert Plant Reaumuria soongorica (Pall.) Maxim. among Different Environments in Northwestern China
- An overview of dust aerosol effect on semi-arid climate during 2008 China-US joined field campaign
- Development of an effective lidar retrieval algorithm using lidar measurements during 2008 China-US joined dust field campaign
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Aerosols in China
- Drivers of aboveground primary production and litter accumulation in grass dominated systems
- Dust Aerosol Optical Properties Retrieval and Radiative Forcing over Northwestern China during 2008 China-US Joint Field Experiment
- Estimating snow cover onset date, end date and duration from MODIS, AMSR-E and blended snow cover products
- Evidence of Aerosol's Influence on Climate from Beijing Olympics
- Field observation analysis of atmosphere-land surface interaction over Loess Plateau of Northwest China
- Holocene Vegetation and Climate History on the Zoige Plateau in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Non-Magnetic Factors Affecting Magnetic Susceptibility of the Loess-Paleosol Sequences in the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Radiative Effect Difference between Multi-layered and Single-layer Cloud Derived from CERES ,CALIPSO and Cloudsat
- Retrieving optical properties of dusty clouds from MFRSR and Lidar measurements
- Surface Measurements of dust/local aerosol properties over Northern China during 2008 China-US joined dust field campaign
- Unraveling the climatic causes of past lake level change using lake energy and water balance models
- Dust aerosol optical properties over northwestern China from recent ground-based field experiment and analysis of satellite observations (Invited)
- Lake-desert evolution during Holocene in Ulan Buh Desert, China
- Late-Holocene climate change derived from a high-resolution pollen record from varved sediments at Sugan Lake in the Qaidam Basin, northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Black carbon and other light-absorbing aerosols in snow
- Cambrian bimodal volcanism in the Lhasa Terrane (southern Tibet) as part of an early Paleozoic Andean-type magmatic arc in the Australian proto-Tethyan margin
- Cenozoic sedimentary evolution of the Guide Basin and its implications on the uplift of the NE Tibetan Plateau
- Development of a Multi-Sensor Integrated Method for Dust Aerosol Detection
- Estimating absorbing black carbon and organic carbon optical properties from AERONET and MISR data over East Asia
- Extreme wet events in Southern Brazil during the Heinrich Stadials
- Humid Medieval Warm Period recorded by magnetic characteristics of sediments from Gonghai Lake, Shanxi, North China
- Hydroclimatic changes in Asia during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age: Basic facts and possible mechanisms
- Intensified Millennial Climatic Variability since 6000BP on the Northern Tibetan Plateau
- Multiproxy biomarker, isotopic and pollen reconstructions of the middle to late Holocene paleoclimate of the Loess Plateau in centre China
- Neogene rotations in the Jiuquan Basin, Hexi Corridor, China
- Oligocene slow and Miocene-Quaternary rapid deformation and uplift of the Yumu Shan and North Qilian Shan: evidence from high-resolution magnetostratigraphy and tectonosedimentology
- Petrology and Geochemistry of South Gangdese Granitoids in Southern Tibet - Syncollisional Magmatism and Juvenile Crustal Accretion
- Tectonic and paleoclimate evolution at the NE Tibetan Plateau from 2.8 to 0.1 Ma deduced from a drill-core in Qaidam Basin
- An investigation of transferability of parameter tuning and optimization process for a convective parameterization scheme in the WRF model
- Black Carbon in Seasonal Snow across Northern Xinjiang, Northwestern China
- Characterizing seasonal and spatial distribution of East Asian dust: budget and radiative forcing
- Expansion of World Drylands Under Global Warming
- Geochemistry of sediment moisture in the Badain Jaran desert: Insights into palaeo-environmental changes and water rock interaction
- Holocene vegetation and climate histories in the eastern Tibetan Plateau: controls by insolation-driven temperature or monsoon-derived precipitation changes?
- How the eastern Qilian Shan Mountain was deformed, revealed by deformed fluvial terraces
- Impacts of Snow Cover Changes on Permafrost Warming and Degradation in the Arctic
- Long range transport of Asian dust and dust-cloud interaction observed by Raman lidar and CALIPSO measurements
- Quantifying social norms: by coupling the ecosystem management concept and semi-quantitative sociological methods
- The correlation between the magnetic paleoclimatic record of the Chinese eolian sequences and the marine benthic oxygen isotope record during the past 6 Myr
- Using <SUP>137</SUP>Cs to Trace Soil Redistribution by Overland Flow in Qilian Mountains, N.W. China
- An Eocene-Miocene continuous high resolution rock magnetic record from the sediments in the Xining Basin, NW China: indication for Cenozoic persistent drying driven by global cooling and Tibetan Plateau uplift
- Characteristics of precipitation systems over the Tibetan Plateauas observed by TRMM
- Climatology and Changes in the Timing and Duration of Surface Soil Freeze/Thaw Status from 1956-2006 over China
- Contribution of Urban Heat Island Effect to Urban Warming
- Drivers of Asian winter monsoon evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum (Invited)
- Dust aerosol distributions over the Taklimakan Desert from integration of MISR and CALIOP observations and WRF-Chem simulations
- Enhanced Warming with Atmospheric Blocking over European Region during Winter
- Holocene climate change and peatland dynamics in the Altai Mountains in Northwest China
- Impacts of dust aerosols on the determination of cloud thermodynamic phase
- Light-absorbing impurities in seasonal snow in western North America
- Loess deposition and Paleolithic human activity in late Pleistocene in North China
- Modeling surface uplift and its effect on knickpoint migration and deposition: A case study based on natural experiments
- Neogene rotations in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau: a synthesis of paleomagnetic studies
- Parameterization of the Solar Radiative Properties of non-spherical dust Aerosols
- Pedogenesis and Permafrost Carbon Over the Eboling Ridge in Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
- Physical mechanisms of the summer precipitation variations in the Taklimakan and Gobi Desert
- Provenance of the upper Miocene-Pliocene red clay deposits of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Provenance study conflict Miocene eolian deposit in central China
- Quaternary dust sources on the Chinese Loess Plateau: a view from single zircon grains, heavy minerals and quartz luminescence
- Regional modeling of dust climatic impact over East Asia using WRF-Chem
- Scavenging insoluble light-absorbing particulates (ILAP) in seasonal snow over northern China
- Significant aridity trend over Asian semi-arid and semi-wet region
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Snow Depth across Eurasian Continent from 1966 to 2008
- Tectonic implications deduced from drill cores in the Qaidam basin, NE Tibetan Plateau (Invited)
- The Neogene tectonic evolution and climatic change of the Tianshui Basin, NE Tibetan Plateau
- The surface deposition of meteoric smoke particles - possible climate impact
- Uncertainty in modeling dust mass balance and radiative forcing from size parameterization
- West-to-east Moisture Transport Dynamics in the East Asian Monsoon
- Characteristics of Overshooting Convections over Asia Observed from TRMM Satellite
- Characterizing global distributions of dusty cloud using CALIPSO
- Comparison of Dryland Climate Change in Observations and CMIP5
- Decomposition of Permafrost Carbon with Increasing Incubation Temperature on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan) Plateau
- Estimation of global anthropogenic dust aerosol using CALIOP satellite
- Feedback of Land-Sea Thermal Contrast and Impact on Regional Warming
- Folded fluvial terraces and the deforming of a new uplifted region in the mountain front the Qilian Shan Mountain, China
- Low-level Jest and Its effects on Dust Emission over Taklimakan Desert
- Millennial-scale Climate Variability During the Last Interglacial Recorded in Two Speleothems from Eastern North America
- Modeling and Satellite Observation of Dust Emission and Transport over the Taklimakan Desert
- Modeling the hydrologicEffects of Spatial Heterogeneity in Soil Hydraulic Properties in a Mountainous Watershed, Northwest China
- Plio-Quaternary Stepwise Aridification of the Asian Inland: Multi-Proxy Records from a 938.5m Drill Core in the Western Qaidam Basin, NE Tibet Plateau
- Quaternary enhancement of westerly jet and central Asian aridification: carbonate and salt fluid inclusion isotope records from deep drilling in the Qaidam salt playa, NE Tibet
- Recent Climate Changes in Northwestern Qaidam Basin Inferred from Geothermal Gradients
- Regional Climate Change in the Northern Hemisphere
- Regional Vegetation Dynamics and Its Response to Climate Change—A Case Study in the Tao River Basin in Northwestern China
- Relationship between Atmospheric Pollution Processes and Atmospheric Circulation in Shanghai, China
- Response of Changes in Soil Seasonal Freeze/Thaw to Climate Change from 1950 to 2010 in China
- Simulating black carbon and dust in snow and their climatic impact over Eurasia
- Solar Imprints on Asian Inland Moisture Fluctuations over the Last Millennium
- Summer moisture variations in northwestern China during the past 700 years
- The Properties of Black Carbon and Mineral Dust Deposition in Snow and Ice Cores and Their Source Attributions over Northern China
- The Role of Anthropogenic-Induced Surface Temperature Change on Regional Enhanced Warming over East Asia
- Thermal State and Characteristics of Permafrost in Qilian Mountains, Northwest China
- Variations of Antarctic Oscillation during the past millennium and the twenty first century
- Analysis of Characteristics of Dust Aerosols in Northwest China based on Satellite Remote-sensing Data
- Changes and variability of permafrost temperatures across Siberia from 1961 through 2013
- Changes of climate regimes during the last millennium and the twenty first century as simulated by the Community Earth System Model
- Characterizing the distributions and sources of dust during atmospheric river landfall in the western U.S.
- Climatology of dust aerosol Observed from 6-year CALIPSO lidar measurements
- Convective and Precipitation Properties of Tropical Cyclone in the Western North Pacific as Observed by TRMM Satellite
- Global Distribution of Different Cloud Phases and Their Radiative Contributions from A-Train Satellite Retrievals
- Impact of Reforestation on Local Climate and Environment in a Semi-arid Urban Valley, Northwestern China
- Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
- Lake-level Fluctuation and Climate Cyclicity Observed in Lake Strata in the Northwestern Qaidam Basin, China
- Late Cenozoic genus Fupingopollenites development and its implications for the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) evolution
- Magnetostratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Hekou and Liupanshan Group in NW China and its Implications for the Composite of the Cretaceous Normal Superchron (cns)
- Mid-Pliocene onset of eccentricity cycles in the Zhada Basin, southwestern Tibetan Plateau.
- Obliquity-paced SE Asian monsoon variability during the Middle Miocene
- Permafrost conditions over Heihe River Basin in Qilian Mountains of Western China
- Reproducing Field Measurements of Deposition Velocity: Large Eddy Simulation of Dry Deposition over Rough Surfaces
- Response of soil seasonal freeze to climate change from 1950 to 2010 across China
- Simulation of the Dust Aerosol and its Climatic Effect over East Asia using WRF-Chem model
- Soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> constrain and distinction of root respiration and microbial activity by soil CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> profile
- The impacts of precipitation on land- atmosphere interaction over the semi-arid Loess Plateau region
- The role of dynamically induced variability in the recent warming trend slowdown over the Northern Hemisphere
- Using Psinsar to Detect Thermokarst-Induced Surface Subsidence in Eboling Mountain on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China
- Validation of MERRA and ERA-Interim Snow Depth Quantities in Eurasia
- Vertical profiles of atmospheric fluorescent aerosols observed by a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system
- A 2000-yr High-resolution Stalagmite Record From Zhenzhu Cave in Hebei, North China: Interpretations of AMS <SUP>14</SUP>C, <SUP>230</SUP>Th/U, <SUP>210</SUP>Pb Dating, and δ<SUP>18</SUP>O, δ<SUP>13</SUP>C Results
- A Hierarchical Cluster end-member modeling analysis (CEMMA) for searching unmixing Grain-size Distributions in Sediments
- Aeolian processes during the Holocene in Gannan Region, Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Alternating sand and loess deposition in northern China: A potential process of dust cycle
- Asian dust storm history variability during Holocene and its possible forcing
- Causes of multi-decadal aridity variability in China during 1961-2015
- Characteristics of precipitation recycling ratio with two evapotranspiration methods in Afro-Asian arid regions
- Chemical and physical characteristics of long-range transport submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau
- Chironomid-based high-resolution hydroclimatic reconstruction for the arid central Asia during the last 2000 years
- Climate-tree growth responses at different elevations and the recent warming in the western Tianshan Mountains, Northwest China
- Comprehensive Evaluation of 1850-2100 Active Layer Thickness and Thawing Index Variability across the Northern Hemisphere
- Early Pleistocene Climate in Western Arid Central Asia Inferred from Loess-Palaeosol Sequences in North Iran
- High resolution records of climate change in arid eastern central Asia during the MIS 3 (51600-25300 cal a BP) from Wulungu Lake, northwestern China
- History and Mechanism of Prehistoric Human Dispersal to the Tibetan Plateau and Adaptation to the High Altitude Environment
- Holocene moisture and East Asian summer monsoon evolution in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau recorded by Lake Qinghai and its environs: A review of conflicting proxies
- Holocene temperature reconstruction in the central of Tibetan plateau: evidence from alkenones and GDGTs
- Holocene vegetation dynamics of Taiga forest in the Southern Altai Mountains documented by sediments from Kanas Lake
- Impact of High Resolution Land Surface Information on WRF Simulated Surface Temperature And Precipitation Over China
- Increasing Holocene summer precipitation in arid central Asia quantitatively reconstructed by organic carbon isotopes at LJW10 loess section of Xinjiang, NW China
- Late Miocene onset of dominant 100,000 year East Asian summer monsoon cycles
- Magnetostratigraphic and Stable Isotopic Analysis of Playa-Lacustrine Deposits in the Qaidam Basin, China: Implications for Climate-Environmental Changes and Orbital Forcing Mechanisms During the Plio-Quaternary Transition
- Measurements of fluorescent aerosols using a mutil-channel lidar spectrometer system during DUBI 2016 Campaign
- Mid-late Holocene Paleoflood Reconstruction at Tianchi Lake, Liupan Mountains and its Possible Relation with Asian Summer Monsoon
- Obliquity (41kyr) Paced SE Asian Monsoon Variability Following the Miocene Climate Transition
- Regional environment and hydrology changes documented by lake sediments from Lake Dalianhai, northeastern Tibetan Plateau since the last glacial maximum and their relationship with Asian summer monsoon variability
- Slope Root biomechanical properties and their contribution to soil reinforcement in the Landslide-prone region, the Bailong River Basin
- Spatiotemporal Variability and in Snow Phenology over Eurasian Continent druing 1966-2012
- Tectonic Uplift vs. Climatic Change Controlled Denudation: Evidence from Synthesized Basin and Thermochronology of the NE Tibetan Plateau
- The Moisture Dynamic in Core Area of Arid Central Asia during MIS 5, Recorded by Loess-Paleosol Sequences in Tienshan Mountain.
- Trans-pacific Dust during Atmospheric River Landfall in the Western U.S.
- Two modes of the East Asian summer monsoon during the Pliocene
- Understanding of Soil Moisture and Temperature Simulated and Water-Heat Coupling in Community Land Model
- Unmixing hysteresis loops of the late Miocene-early Pleistocene loess-red clay sequence
- Which sources of dust contribute more to tropospheric dust aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau ? Assessment from five years modeling data
- A Case Study of Mass Transport Associated with the East-west Oscillation of the Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone
- A snow distribution forecast model in mountain area based on snowfall and snow drifting
- Aerosol vertical distribution and optical properties over the arid and semi-arid areas of Northwest China
- Characteristics of the turbulence in the stable boundary layer over complex terrain of the Loess Plateau, China
- Chemical characteristics of submicron particles at the central Tibet Plateau: influence of long-range transport
- Copper smelting and sediment pollution in Bronze Age China.
- Detection of Thermal Erosion Gullies from High-Resolution Images Using Deep Learning
- Diet Reconstructed From an Analysis of Plant Microfossils in Human Dental Calculus From the Bronze Age Site of Shilinggang, Southwestern China
- Differentiate responses of soil structure to natural vegetation and artificial plantation in landslide hazard region of the West Qinling Mountains, China
- Dust modeling over East Asia during the summer of 2010 using the WRF-Chem model
- Early-Holocene decoupled summer temperature and monsoon precipitation in southwest China
- Greening of Northern Hemisphere Cold Regions in Response to Permafrost Changes
- Holocene soil pH changes and East Asian summer monsoon evolution derived from loess brGDGTs in the northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Human settlement and its influencing factors during the historicalperiod in an oasis-desert transition zone of Dunhuang, Hexi Corridor,northwest China
- Impacts of the spatial extent of pollen-climate calibration-set on the absolute values, range and trends of reconstructed Holocene precipitation
- K-Ar provenance ages of late Pleistocene loess-paleosol sequences from Weinan, southeastern Chinese Loess Plateau
- Modeling Extreme Precipitation over East China with a Global Variable-Resolution Modeling Framework (MPAS)
- Permafrost stores a globally significant amount of mercury
- Prehistoric human settling on the Tibetan Plateau
- Quartz OSL Dating of the loess deposit in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its environment implications since the Last Glaciation
- Radiocarbon reservoir between charred seeds and fish bone in Neolithic sites, northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Responses of Surface Energy Partition to Climatic Factors: A Comparison Over Two Types of Underlying Surfaces in Qinghai-Xizang Plateau
- The application of carbon isotope discrimination of charred wheat grains to reconstruct Late Holocene climate change and identify water management strategy in northwest China
- The impact of environment change on culture evolution in east Ancient Silk Road.
- Vegetation and climate history during the last millennium derived from Anggertu Lake, Tengger Desert
- A climatological northern boundary index for the East Asian summer monsoon and its interannual variability
- Anthropologic wood exploitation in Northeast Tibetan Plateau during the Neolithic and Bronze Age
- Archaeological and ancient DNA evidence reveals the early population admixture between Han farmers and steppes nomads in northwest China
- Characteristics of Atmospheric Boundary Layer and its Impact Factors Over the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Comparison of the optical properties of pure and polluted dust aerosols observed by ground-based lidar
- Contribution of Anthropogenic Aerosolsover the Regions along the Silk Road Economy Belt
- Decoupled early Holocene summer temperature and monsoon precipitation in southwest China
- Enhanced Cold-Region/Cold-Season Warming and its Implications to Permafrost Degradation
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Multi-Source Evapotranspiration Analyses over the Continental United States
- Expert Assessment of Organic Carbon Stocks and Vulnerability in Subsea Permafrost
- Freshwater long-chain alkenones in surface sediments from Northern Siberian lakes: Occurrence and temperature calibration
- Geochemical history of the loess in the eastern Tibetan Plateau and its environmental implications since the Last Glaciation
- High Spatial Resolution Soil Temperatures Simulation over the Northern Hemisphere
- Human cause of recent Yellow River drying-up from a 1,200-year flow reconstruction
- Human-environment interaction in prehistoric Tibetan Plateau
- Investigating emission uncertainties at city level over East China
- Optical and Microphysical Properties of Natural Mineral Dust and Anthropogenic Soil Dust near Dust Source Regions over Northwestern China
- Propagation of Mesoscale Convection System in a Severe Convection Rainstorm Event over Liupanshan Mountains
- Rapid development of thermokarst terrains detected by repeated UAV images in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China
- Spatial and Temporal Variations in Radiative Forcing by Light-Absorbing Particles in Snow in Northeastern China Retrieved from Satellite Observations
- The Saturated Tropical TTL
- The Spatiotemporal Variations of Active Layer Thickness in the Northern Hemisphere during 1901-2016
- Variations in monsoon rainfall over the past 5000 years inferred from a leaf wax hydrogen isotope record in a small alpine lake in the Chinese Loess Plateau
- A 1600-year eolian activity record from Jili Lake, northern Xinjiang, China
- A link triggered by SST between the East Asian and North Americansummer monsoon marginal zone precipitation at various time scales
- Asian Tectonics, the Fe Hypothesis for the North Pacific, and Late Cenozoic Cooling
- Assessment of Satellite (TRMM and GPM) Precipitation Products over Qilian Mountains in Northwest China
- Attribution of the Tibetan Plateau to Northern Drought
- Cell-Scale Analysis of Convective Cloud Merging in a Squall Line and the Associated Lightning Behaviour
- Central Asian Drying at 3.3 Ma Linked to Tropical Forcing?
- Changes in the hydrodynamic intensity of Bosten Lake and its impact on early human settlement in the northeastern Tarim Basin, eastern Arid Central Asia
- Changes of Climate Regimes during the Mid-Holocene, Present Day and Twenty First Century in Tibetan Plateau Based on High-Resolution Dataset
- Characteristics of Mesoscale System Evolution of Torrential Rain in Warm Sector over East Side of Tibet Plateau
- Comparison of cloud-top heights from multisatellite sensors and a ground-based radar
- Contrasting physiological strategies of Oryza glaberrima and Oryza sativa varieties to drought and impact on growth rate.
- Contribution of Intraseasonal Variability of Soil Moisture to Summer Precipitation in the Northern Hemisphere
- Distinct impacts of light and heavy precipitation on PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> mass concentration in Beijing
- Eco-efficiency evaluation of oasis agriculture in arid region: A case study based on LCA+DEA method of seed maize production in Northwest China
- Effect of Aerosols on the Ice Cloud Properties over the Tibetan Plateau
- Effects of feedbacks on meteorological and chemistry - Take the heavily polluted China region during the period of APEC supernormal emission reduction as an example
- Elemental Analysis of Lake Sediment Archives from Lakes Qilu and Yilong, Yunnan Province, China
- Evaluation of Water Resources Carrying Capacity in the Heihe River Basin, Northwest China
- Exploring Human Diets and Migration in the First Millennium in Northern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau: Stable Isotopic Evidence
- Fifteen years since discovery: Group I alkenones yield the first organic geochemical proxy of cold season temperatures
- Globally synchronous, hemispherically symmetric evolution of sea surface temperatures during a Pliocene glaciation 'M2'
- Gridded emission inventory and atmospheric fate of lead from anthropogenic sources in China
- Holocene Temperature and Moisture Evolution in Central Asia
- Holocene moisture variations in western arid central Asia inferred from loess records from NE Iran
- Human-environment Interactions in Prehistoric Hexi Corridor, Northwest China
- Identifying rock glacier in western China using deep learning and satellite data
- Impacts of Surface Diabatic and Atmospheric Condensational Latent Heating on Genesis of the Genesis of Tibetan Plateau Vortex
- Improvement of Summer precipitation simulation in eastern China by Assimilating the Spring Soil Moisture of Tibet Plateau
- Influence of dynamic and thermal forcing on the meridional transport of Taklimakan Desert dust in spring and summer
- Lake Water Depth- influenced n-alkane Distributions and Total Organic Carbon Isotopic Signatures in Lacustrine Sediments, Mid-latitude Asia
- Lidar Network over the Belt and Road
- Linkages and Remote Connections of Cryospheric Extent Change between the Third Pole and the Arctic
- Mechanistic links between underestimated CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes and non-closure of the surface energy balance in a semi-arid sagebrush ecosystem
- Modeling extreme precipitation over East China with a global variable-resolution modeling framework (MPASv5.2):impacts of resolution and physics
- New Estimates of Future Permafrost Extent and Corresponding Carbon Feedbacks
- New Evidence of Highland Silk Road in Prehistory From Qugong Site, in Central Tibetan Plateau
- Paleoclimatic setting of early human development in North China during Early Pleistocene
- Paleomagnetic Secular Variations since middle Holocene in the Pearl River Delta, Southern China
- Parameterization of the single-scattering properties of dust aerosols in radiative flux calculations
- Prehistoric Human Migration to the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau in Mid-Late Holocene
- Quaternary climate changes in arid central Asia and its relation to Monsoonal Asia: perspective from loess-Paleosol sequences
- Recent Lake Changes of the Asia Water Tower and Their Climate Response: Progress, Problems and Prospects
- Seasonal wet-dry variability of the Asian Monsoon since the middle Pleistocene based on oxygen isotope cycles in land snails from the Loess plateau
- Sedimentary evolution of the foreland basin in the NE Tibetan Plateau and the growth of the Qilian Shan since 7 Ma
- Settling on the Roof of the World: from Denisovans to Modern Humans
- Simulating tree-ring widths and stable carbon isotopes with a forest growth model
- Solar Impacts on Decadal Variability of Tropopause Temperature and Lower Stratospheric Water Vapor:a Mechanism through Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling
- Switchgrass Roots and Reduced Soil Water Potentials Enhance Soil Extracellular Polysaccharide Content and the Frequency of Water-stable Aggregates
- The Corresponding Tropospheric Environments during Downward-extending and Nondownward-extending Events of Stratospheric Northern Annular Mode Anomalies
- The dominant role of snow/ice albedo feedback in the enhanced warming over the Himalayas
- The extreme cold winter under global warming
- The track and strength of East Asian winter monsoon variations since late Miocene
- Transformation of Wood Utilization Between 4600-3000 BP in Northwest Xinjiang, China: A Case Study on Jirentaigoukou Site
- Transport and Variability of Light-absorbing Aerosol over the Tibetan Plateau
- Uncertainty Characteristics in Diabatic Heating over the Tibet Plateau
- Unstable Little Ice Age climate revealed by high-resolution proxy records from northwestern China
- Verification of watershed vegetation restoration policies, arid China
- WRF-Chem Simulations of the East Asian Dust Storm in May 2017: Modeling Sensitivities to Dust Emission and Dry Deposition Schemes
- Water storage effects of freeze-thaw process and their impacts on surface diabatic heating over Tibetan Plateau
- When geology and climate collide: evolving landscapes and the wind-albedo wind feedback
- A modeling perspective on Pleistocene landscape evolution and dust production in the Hami Basin, China
- Anthropogenic dust: sources, characteristics, and impacts
- CALIPSO Aerosol Lidar Simulator in WRF-Chem: Development and Application
- Flow-path Influences Chlorite Oxidation and Dissolution in a Watershed
- Soil seed banks, alternative stable state theory and ecosystem resilience
- Spatiotemporal variations of Spring Indices in China and their mechanismin recent decades
- Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment
- The Change of Water Budget and its Causes in Drylands of China
- The Influence of The Tibetan Plateau Heating on Spatial and Temporal Distribution of air pollutions in China
- Tiramisu snow and the weakening of snow surface albedo
- A Lake Sediment Record of Holocene Climate Variations in South Asia.
- Characteristics of Meiyu Seen From Multiple Observational Analyses and Reanalyses
- Cyclostratigraphy of early-middle Miocene lacustrine successions in Jiuxi Basin, northeastern Tibet
- Disentangling Climate and Human Influences on Lakes in Yunnan, China Using a Multi-Proxy Approach
- Impact of Large-scale Vegetation Restoration on the Compounding Risk of Extreme Precipitation and Wind over the Yellow River Basin
- Spatially variable provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- Ticking Irregularly Seasonal-Clock by Global Warming in the Northern Hemisphere Midlatitudes
- Understanding the mechanism of magnetic enhancement in aeolian sediments using high-resolution magnetic imaging
- A Deep-learning-based Framework for Locating Retrogressive Thaw Slumps over the Permafrost Regions on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau
- Abrupt climate change in arid central Asia during the Holocene: a review
- Astronomical forcing of Miocene red and green mudstone rhythms reveals a negative hydrologic budget linked to orbital eccentricity maxima in northeastern Tibet
- Changes in the Water Level of Jili Lake in Northern Xinjiang over the Past 5200 Years and Its Impact on the Ancient Silk Road.
- Changes of extreme rainfall over Loess Plateau
- Climate Change Triggered the Shift of the Route of the Ancient Silk Road
- Climate change and Silk Road civilization in the arid central Asia
- Daytime and nighttime warming has no opposite effects on vegetation phenology and productivity in the northern hemisphere
- Diverse dispersion effects and parameterization of relative dispersion in urban fogs in Eastern China
- Glacier changes and their impact on water resources in the Qilian Mountains, China, 1970s to 2020
- Improving optical environment of China's lakes
- Late Miocene, high resolution record of climate variability in the interior of Asia, Qaidam Basin, China: Implications for the influence of global cooling on Asian climate
- Modelling perennial alfalfa using modified DeNitrification-DeComposition model
- Nearly 2500 years of precipitation change in the core of Arid Central Asia and its potential impact on Silk Road civilization evolution
- Neogene Qaidam Basin dry-wet variations: a synthesis of recent progresses
- Numerical Simulation of Thermal Stratification in Lake Qiandaohu Using an Improved WRF-Lake Model
- Satellite retrieval of cloud overlap properties,parameterization, and its application in the models
- Understanding the Mechanisms of conifer tree mortality from seawater exposure using ELM(FATES-Hydro)
- Understanding the transport networks complex between South Asia, Southeast Asia and China during the late Neolithic and Bronze Age
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Aubrey L. Hillman
- Baoqing Zhang
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
- Chen Lu
- Cuicui Mu
- Guanghui Dong
- Haipeng Wang
- J. Patrick Megonigal
- Jiamin Wang
- Jianhui Chen
- Jianping Huang
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Junsheng Nie
- Junyan Ding
- Juzhi Hou
- Linda A. Hinnov
- Lingcao Huang
- Lingli Liu
- Matthew L. Kirwan
- Mingjun Tong
- Nicholas D. Ward
- Regine Hock
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Vanessa Bailey
- Wenzhi Wang
- X. F. Wang
- Xiaodan Guan
- Xiaofan Yang
- Xiaokang Liu
- Yilin Fang
- Yuan Wang
- Zhuoxuan Xia