Observation of the impacts of both geology and vegetation environment on evapotranspiration regime : a case study under sudanian climate

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Listed Authors
Cohard, J.
Descloitres, M.
Guyot, A.
Galle, S.
Séguis, L.
Anquetin, S.
Listed Institutions
LTHE, (Univ. Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD), Grenoble, France
LTHE, (Univ. Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD), Grenoble, France
LTHE, (Univ. Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD), Grenoble, France
LTHE, (Univ. Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD), Grenoble, France
HSM, IRD, Montpellier, France
LTHE, (Univ. Joseph Fourier, CNRS, IRD), Grenoble, France

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