HydroSciences Montpellier
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bacterial Formation of As(V) and As(III) Ferric Oxyhydroxides in Acid Mine Drainage.
- Bacterial control on the structure of As-Fe oxy-hydroxides in acid mine drainage.
- Fracturation Pattern in the Limestone Loyaute Islands and its Relation to the Neighbouring Vanuatu Subduction Zone (SW PAcific)
- Long-term Impacts of Land Clearance and Climate Variability on Water Resources in Semiarid Niger, Africa
- GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdrology in AFrica): a New Experiment Combining Hydrology and Geodesy to Investigate Water Storage Changes from the Sahara to the Equatorial Monsoon Zone.
- GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdrology in AFrica): an Experiment to Validate GRACE in Africa From the Sahara to the Equatorial Monsoon Zone
- Geodetic Monitoring Of A Karst Aquifer In The Larzac Region, South Of France
- Thermal convection and vertical permeability in karstic networks
- First Gravity and Geodetic Results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and HYdRology in AFrica) Experiment
- Impact of Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Aggregation Methods on Watershed Properties for a Flat Regional Basin
- On the use of Land and Ground Data to Improve Integrated Turbulent Fluxes Estimated From Scintillometer Measurements
- Underground Water Temperature as a Marker of Infiltration in Sahel Area
- Spatial Variability of the Glaciological Record of a Mid-Latitude, High Elevation Glacier: San Valentin, Northern Patagonian Icefield, Chile
- Study of Infra Red femtosecond laser induced aerosols using Transmission Electron Microscopy and Low Pressure Impactor: implications for LA-ICP-MS measurements
- Assessment of the groundwater chemistry of a complex aquifer system in the context of urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa: case study in semiarid southwest Niger
- Calibration of a rainfall-runoff hydrological model and flood simulation using data assimilation
- Characterization of the permeability near borehole with Wireline Formation Tester (WFT) : Critical review of interpretation results from a collection of 420 data
- Data-Based Comparison of Frequency Analysis Approaches: Methodological Framework and Application to Rainfall / Runoff Data in France
- Do geological field survey and remote sensing record the same fractures? The case of the corallian Loyalty Islands (SW Pacific)
- Observation of the impacts of both geology and vegetation environment on evapotranspiration regime : a case study under sudanian climate
- Water Scarcity within the Context of Climate Change and Land Use Change and Linkages to Food Production in Semiarid Regions (Invited)
- A new 1-year long record of stable isotopic composition of water vapor in Niamey (Niger) reveals insightful tropical atmospheric processes at different timescales
- A physical approach of vulnerability mapping in karst area based on a new interpretation of tracer breakthrough curves
- Analogue modelisation of flow through a double porosity media with discrete conduits
- Correcting the radar rainfall forcing of a hydrologic model with data assimilation: application to flood forecasting in the Lez Catchment in Southern France
- Effect of hydrological model non-linearity on the prediction of climate change impact on the hydrological variables. Case-study for a small-scale mediterranean karst system
- Evaluation of global rainfall Measurement for Hydrological Applications in West Africa : sensitivity tests in Benin
- Examining the Ability of Sequential Data Assimilation Methods to Accurately Quantify the Uncertainty in Hydrologic Forecasting
- Ground and space geodesy to constrain water storage changes in West Africa: latest results from the GHYRAF (Gravity and Hydrology in Africa) project (2008-2011)
- Infra-red femtosecond laser ablation: Benefit for LA-ICP-MS elemental analysis?
- Intensive microgravity field campaign dedicated to the search of low to medium amplitude hydrological signals: a case study in Southwest Niger
- Part of Heterotrophic Respiration in Carbon Balance for Two Sahelian Ecosystems
- Spatial variability of the subsurface water storage revealed by relative gravity measurements in Southwest Niger
- The fluorescence spectroscopy of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM): a tool to characterize rapid infiltration flows and vulnerability in karst systems. Application to the Lez hydrosystem (Hérault, France)
- The highest red flood of the Niger River ever recorded at Niamey: climate change or land use change?
- Towards the use of gravity data for monitoring water storage changes: results from a comparison with neutron probes and piezometers data in West Africa
- A new deep ice core in the Northern Patagonian Icefield reveals a regional cooling in the Southern Andes over the last 120 years
- Diachronic Impacts of Land Use Change on Water Fluxes in the Sahel, West Africa
- Improving agricultural drought monitoring in West Africa using root zone soil moisture estimates derived from NDVI
- Modeling effects of inter-annual variability in meteorological and land use conditions on coupled water and energy cycling in the cultivated African Sahel
- Rainfall impact on gravity at annual and rapid time scales from a superconducting gravimeter record in Benin, West-Africa
- Application of End-Member Mixing Analysis to karst hydrogeology
- Arsenic Scavenging by Al-Substituted Ferrihydrites in a Circumneutral pH River Impacted by the Acid Mine Drainage of Carnoulès, Gard, France
- Development of a new autonomous probe for in situ flow characterization in drowned subsurface conduits
- Elemental sources, cycling, and ecological availability in rivers in carbonate terrains: An interdisciplinary perspective
- Evaluation of water and energy cycle simulated by different land surface models over the Gourma Sahelian site in Mali (ALMIP2 project)
- Geochemical and isotopic characterization of groundwater origins in a Mediterranean karst system (southern France)
- Glacier meltwater flow paths and storage in a geomorphologically complex glacial foreland: the case of the Tapado glacier, dry Andes of Chile (30°S)
- How well do land surface models reproduce the water and energy cycles in the West African monsoon system ? Evaluation over the Upper Ouémé basin, Benin (ALMIP2 project)
- Local and Catchment-Scale Water Storage Changes in Northern Benin Deduced from Gravity Monitoring at Various Time-Scales
- Monitoring gravity and water storage changes in northern Benin
- Propagation of Satelite Rainfall Products uncertainties in hydrological applications : Examples in West-Africa in the framework of the Megha-Tropiques Satellite Mission
- Quantification of frequency-components contributions to the discharge of a karst spring
- Characterization of the Water and Energy Cycles in the Agro-Pastoral Sahel from 1950 to 2010, in a Context of Climate and Land-Use Changes
- Chemical Weathering in the Zambesi Basin: Assesment of the Carbon Dioxyde Comsumption by the Karu Basalt Province
- Combined Use of Water Level in Boreholes and Continuous Gravity Measurements for Hydrological Numerical Modeling: Example of the Durzon Karstic Basin (Larzac, France)
- Impact of land use changes on surface feedbacks in sudanian region of West Africa
- On the ability of surface model to reproduce Soil moisture dependencies over West Africa: The ALMIP experiments
- Physical Processes Shaping Sahelian Heat Waves: Analysis Of Selected Case Studies
- Reconstitution of a Continuous Climatic and Rainfall Series for the Central Sahel (1950-2012): Data, Methodology and Application
- The potential of hybrid gravimetry for hydrology; application to a sudanian catchment (West Africa)
- Water and Productivity of Floodplain Grasslands: Exploring Linkages through Experimentations and Models in the Tana River Delta, Kenya
- AMMA-CATCH a Hydrological, Meteorological and Ecological Long Term Observatory on West Africa : Some Recent Results
- Assessing the long-term effects of the Sahel drought on ponds and semi-arid hydrology.
- Hybrid Gravimetry for the Monitoring of Water Storage Changes in the Critical Zone of West Africa
- Impact of Deforestation on Water Budget in Sudanian Climate (Benin)
- Streamflow generation in humid West Africa: the role of Bas-fonds investigated with a physically based model of the Critical Zone
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection into fractured peridotites: a reactive percolation experiment
- Cart'Eaux: an automatic mapping procedure for wastewater networks using machine learning and data mining
- Constructing an everywhere and locally relevant predictive model of the West-African critical zone
- Critical discussion on the "observed" water balances of five sub-basins in the Everest region
- Estimating continuous floodplain and major river bed topography mixing ordinal coutour lines and topographic points
- Evaluating Evapotranspiration of a crop mosaic using microwave scintillometry
- Heterogeneous flow in multi-layer joint networks and its influence on incipient karst generation
- Hydrological functioning of West-African inland valleys explored with a critical zone model
- Imaging the Flow Networks from a Harmonic Pumping in a Karstic Field with an Inversion Algorithm
- Recharge area of the Umbulan spring on the basis of the geology, hydrochemistry and isotopic approach, a high discharge spring of the Bromo-Tengger volcano, East Java
- Modes of hydroclimatic variability and water resource availability in a changing climate over West and Central Africa by the end of the 21<SUP>st</SUP> Century
- OZCAR: French network of Critical Zone Observatories exploring the human's habitat
- Contrasting trends between extreme precipitation and floods in Mediterranean basins
- Effects of Invasive Animal Species and Wildfire on the Water Budget in a Tropical Forest and Savannah Mixed Watershed in New Caledonia (SW Pacific)
- Hot springs disturbances induced by the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal
- Key Parameters Controlling the Seasonal and Inter-annual Variations of pCO<SUB>2</SUB>, Chemical Composition and Carbonate Equilibrium in Stream Water from a Mountainous Karstic Catchment (Pyrenees, France)
- Recharge processes in karst aquifers inferred from dissolved gases - impact of the vadose zone
- Tools and criteria for URBAN groundWATer management_URBANWAT
- Using of regional hydrological modelling under data and water scarcity conditions in Peruvian Pacific catchments for the implementation of operational runoff indices
- Analysis of the hydrological response of the small Hitiaa catchment belonging to Tahiti Island, French Polynesia
- Flocculation characteristics of freshly eroded aggregates.
- Observed Changes in Flood Risk in Africa
- Complementary High-Resolution Geophysical Techniques for Shallow Root Zone Exploration at Iluga Tumulos Archeological Site in the Pampa del Tamarugal (Atacama Desert, Northern Chile).
- Convection-permitting modeling with regional climate models: Latest developments and next steps
- In a semi-arid area, how can global soil moisture products be used to estimate the antecedent soil moisture conditions for flood modeling?
- The 17O-excess of plant silica, a proxy of continental atmospheric relative humidity in tropical areas: field calibration
- Transfer and Dispersion of Arsenic and Other Metal(loid)s in the Orbiel Valley (France): Spatio-Temporal Evolution and Source Tracking