Preliminary Interpretation of the crustal wide-angle reflection and refraction experiment along a 300 km survey line of NW-SE direction in South Korea: the Gangwha-Yeongdeok line
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Listed Authors
Choi, M. Baag, C. Lee, J. M. Jung, H. Kim, K. Cho, H.
Listed Institutions
School of Earth and Environmen, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea, Republic of School of Earth and Environmen, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea, Republic of Department of Gology, Kyungpook National Universty, Deagu, Korea, Republic of Department of Coastal Construction Engineering, Kunsan National Universty, Kunsan, Korea, Republic of Department of Geophysics, Kangwon National Universty, Chuncheon, Korea, Republic of School of Earth and Environmen, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
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