Kangwon National University, Korea
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection Survey Across a Quaternary Fault Near Gyeongju, Korea
- Location of Magnetic Dipoles in Chongcho Lake, Republic of Korea
- Modeling Groundwater Flow by the Element-Free Galerkin (efg) Method
- Rb-Sr Isotopic Systematics of Felsic Igneous Rocks, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
- Location of Magnetic Dipoles with Arbitrary Directions of Magnetization in Chongcho Lake, Republic of Korea
- Origin and Migration of the Pollutants in Precipitation and Surface Water in Seoul, Korea
- Modeling saltwater-freshwater interface within the river-mouth dyke
- Two-dimensional crustal velocity structure of the southern Korea from the first crustal refraction experiment in Korea
- Durability of building stones against artificial salt crystallization
- Paleoceanographic changes inferred from the deep-sea sediments at the Korea Plateau in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Preliminary Results of the Second Seismic Refraction Experiment in Korea
- Characteristics of anthropogenic magnetic materials in roadside dusts in Seoul, Korea using thermo-magnetic behaviors and electron microscope observations
- Development of Geohazard Estimation Program through the Analysis of Subsidence Mechanism
- Eco-hydrological modeling to integrate ecological processes and hydrological processes in a small forested catchment
- Estimating temporal pattern of surface soil moisture content in Gwangneung forest using MODIS data.
- Estimation of Forest Biomass Increment Using Tree-ring data and Hydro-Ecological Modeling in a Rugged Forested Landscape
- Evaluation of Acid Producing Potential of Road-cut Rock Slopes
- Holocene peat development in the Pyeongtaek blanket peat bog, Korea: Preliminary results
- Kinetic fractionation processes recorded in the stalagmites of some limestone caves in Korea
- Paleoclimatic Implication During the Late Quaternary From the Lake Hovsgol Sediment in Northern Mongolia
- Spatio-temporal pollution features in Seoul, Korea using magnetic measurements of roadside dusts
- Application of a hydro-ecological model (RHESSys) for up-scaling of plot and flux tower measurements to MODIS GPP and evapotranspiration
- Combined Textural and Stable Isotopic Data as Proxies for the Mid-Cretaceous Paleoclimate: A Case Study of Lacustrine Stromatolites in the Hayang Group, Gyeongsang Basin, SE Korea
- Development of Techniques for Subsidence Estimation Considering the Bulking Factor of Rock Mass
- Estimating Transpiration Of Temperate Deciduous Forest In Korea Using Sap Flow Measurements And Eco-hydrological Model
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration Supported by MODIS-MM5 Four Dimensional Data Assimilation system
- Evaluation of Passive Microwave Sea Ice Concentration in Arctic Summer and Antarctic Spring by Using KOMPSAT-1 EOC
- Ice Penetrating Radar Surveys in the Fourcade Glacier of King George Island, Antarctica
- Paleoclimatic record of the late Quaternary from a gravity core sediment of Lake Hovsgol in northern Mongolia
- Paleoenvironmental records since 1300 years AD from the calcite stalagmite in the Yongcheon Cave, Jeju Island, Korea
- Paleomagnetic Investigation of the Late Carboniferous-Early Triassic Sedimentary Rocks in the Yeongnam Massif, Korea
- Shear-wave Velocity Structure in the Southern Korean Peninsula
- A Preliminary Study of Magnetic Proxies for the Late Quaternary Paleoclimate Using Gravity Cores From Lake Hovsgol, Northern Mongolia
- A Study on Solidification of Abandoned Mine Tailings with Hydrated Lime
- Application of Geostatistical Inversion of geophysical data for RMR estimation
- Distribution Pattern Of Carbonate Sediments Near Dok Island, East Sea, Republic Of Korea
- Dynamic Processes of Large Wood and Their Effects on Fluvial Export at the Watershed Scale
- Effects of climate variability and extremes on surface water quality across different spatiotemporal scales
- Geostatistical integration of seismic velocity and resistivity data for probabilistic evaluation of rock quality
- Modeling of groundwater flow by the moving particle finite element method (MPFEM)
- Movement of Glaciers, Sea Ice, and Ice Shelves in Canisteo Peninsula, West Antarctica Observed by 4-Pass SAR Interferometry
- Paleoclimatic Studies of the Cretaceous Banyawol Stromatolite: A Review of the Microstructure and Cyclicity
- A relationship between porosity and permeability of carbonate rock reservoirs
- An Alternative Futures Analysis of Ecosystem Service Trade-offs in Agricultural Production, Water Quality and Water Yield from the Soyang Lake Watershed in South Korea
- Analysis and Modeling of soil hydrology under different soil additives in artificial runoff plots
- Archeomagnetism in East Asia for the Past 3,000 Years
- Bacterial contamination of goundwater in Jeju Island
- Changes in Northern Hemisphere vegetation and carbon dioxide seasons
- Lake Hovsgol Magnetoclimate Record During the Past 20,000 Years
- Mapping Evapotranspiration using MODIS and Meteorological Model Data over the Northeast Asia
- N cycle and retention of croplands in complex terrain, South Korea
- Non-destructive test for the assessment of concrete structure safety applied to full-scale test model
- P- and S-wave velocity model along KCRT2004 refraction and wide-angle reflection profile in the southern Korean peninsula
- Preliminary Interpretation of the crustal wide-angle reflection and refraction experiment along a 300 km survey line of NW-SE direction in South Korea: the Gangwha-Yeongdeok line
- Properties of unsaturated weathered granitic soils with varying clay contents
- Soil erosion and management measures in the Haean catchment of Korea
- Solidification/stabilization of heavy metal contaminated mine tailings using polymeric materials
- Spatio-temporal vulnerability of forest fire to climate change in Korea
- Transpirational water use and its regulation in the mountainous terrain of S. Korea
- Characteristics of permeability in carbonate areas of Korea
- Controls of Climate Anomalies on Terrestrial Carbon Assimilation in East Asia
- Crustal velocity structure along the Ganghwa-Yeongdeok seismic refraction survey line in South Korea
- Detection of irrigation timing using MODIS and SAR: Effect of land cover heterogeneity
- Estimation of Leaf Area Index Using Downward and Upward Looking Digital Cameras in a Deciduous Broadleaf Forest
- Estimation of shortwave radiation using MODIS products under all sky conditions
- Evaluating the impacts of drought stress on arid and semi-arid ecosystems in Northeast Asia using satellite imagery data
- Geomagnetic variation and its relation to micro-earthquakes in the seismically inactive Korean Peninsula
- Reutilization of waste LCD panel glass as a building material
- Sedimentary modeling and analysis of petroleum system of the upper Tertiary sequences in southern Ulleung sedimentary Basin, East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- A mineral magnetic record in Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia during the past 20,000 years
- A national scale estimation of soil carbon stocks of Pinus densiflora forests in Korea: a modelling approach
- Correlation between permeability and groundwater flow patterns in carbonate rocks
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-κ Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Evaluation of Pollutant Leaching Potential of Coal Ashes for Recycling
- Groundwater and stream water exchange revealed by water chemistry data in a hyporheic zone
- Integrated analysis for evaluation of an iron mine by geophysical and geostatistical approach
- Monitoring daily evapotranspiration in northeast Asian monsoon region using MODIS and regional land data assimilation data
- Motion of David Glacier in East Antarctica Observed by COSMO-SkyMed Differential SAR Interferometry
- Optimal management design of a pump and treat system at the industrial complex in Korea
- Paleoenvironmental Evolution of the Late Quaternary Lake Hovsgol in Northern Mongolia Based on Distribution of Species and Trace Elements of Ostracods
- Potential impact of atmospheric N deposition on soil N2O emission varies with different soil N regimes
- Precipitation Pattern Controls on the Dynamics and Subsequent Export of Large Wood from River Catchments
- TERRECO: A Flux-Based Approach to Understanding Landscape Change, Potentials of Resilience and Sustainability in Ecosystem Services
- Time series analysis of water level and temperature of groundwater near a lake
- Chemical characterization and metal abundance in Sri Lankan serpentine soils
- Comparison of numerical models for predicting ground water rebound in abandoned deep mine systems
- Development of estimation method for crop yield using MODIS satellite imagery data and process-based model for corn and soybean in US Corn-Belt region
- Estimation of Evapotranspiration using MODIS products over the Continental US for all sky conditions
- Experimental analysis on effective factors affecting carbon dioxide storage as hydrate in a consolidated sedimentary rock
- Genesis of Cr(VI) in Sri Lankan soils and its adsorptive removal by calcined gibbsite
- Responses analysis of ecosystem functional variables to land surface biophysical and climate variables using satellite imagery in Mongolia
- Seasonal and inter-annual variations of lake surface area in Mongolia during 2000-2011
- Secular variation in East Asia during the past 3,000 years : New compilation of archeodirection data from Korea
- Sedimentary Simulation for the Late Quaternary Sediments of Lake Hovsgol in Northern Mongolia: Reconstruction of Sedimentary Processes, Lake-Level Fluctuations, and Burial History
- Crustal Velocity Structure beneath Wonju, Korea Using the H-? Stacking Method and Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface-wave Dispersion Curves
- Estimation of evapotranspiration using satellite remote sensing data in Northeast Asia
- Ice Flow and Strain Rate over Campbell Glacier in East Antarctica Observed from COSMO-SkyMed InSAR Images
- Optimal Management Design of a Pump and Treat System at an Industrial Complex using a Parallel Computing Method
- Prediction of groundwater rebound at an abandoned coal mine in Korea using GRAM model
- 2D TEM Modeling and Inversion by Adaptive Born Forward Mapping
- Analysis of Water Use Efficiency derived from MODIS satellite image in Northeast Asia
- Characterization of Site for Installing Open Loop Ground Source Heat Pump System
- Climate and vegetation productivity and their impacts on livestock mortality in Mongolia: "zhud" disaster mechanisms revisited
- Comparison of fractional vegetation cover derived from digital camera and MODIS NDVI in Mongolia
- Effect of topography on slip inversions using geodetic data: application to the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal earthquake
- Input of Terrestrial Palynomorphs since the Last Deglaciation from Sediments of the Chukchi Sea Shelf, Western Arctic Ocean
- Interannual variability of terrestrial evapotranspiration in Northeast Asia
- Land Surface Properties near Terra Nova Bay, East Antarctica, Analyzed by Time-series Height, Coherence and Amplitude Maps Derived from COSMO-SkyMed One-day Tandem Pairs
- Optimum bleeding rate of open loop ground source heat pump systems determined by hydrogeological modeling in Korea
- Preliminary Results of Near-Surface Shear-Wave Velocity Models and Seismic Site Conditions in Gangneung, Korea Using Rayleigh-Wave Dispersion Curves
- Rayleigh Wave Group Velocity Distributions for East Asia from Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- Shear-wave velocity structure beneath the Ngauruhoe Volcano, New Zealand using receiver function inversion with the genetic algorithm
- Terrestrial biomarkers in the sediment of the East Sea (Japan Sea) since the MIS 11: implications for paleoproductivity and paleoclimatic changes
- Tidal Flats of the Shinan and Seocheon Areas in Korea: Their Sedimentological and Geoheritage Significance
- Title: Estimating the Changes in Forest Carbon Dynamics of South Korean Forests Under Climate Change Scenarios
- Tomography of the East African Rift System in Mozambique
- Agricultural Fragility Estimates Subjected to Volcanic Ash Fall Hazards
- Analysis of Geomagnetic Variations Related to Earthquakes Location: Occurred in and around the Korean Peninsula from 2012 to 2014
- Comparison of Alternative Crop Phenology Detection Algorithms using MODIS NDVI Time Series Data in US Corn Belt Region
- Critical zone study in Korea: integration of hydrogeology, mineralogy, sedimentology and molecular biogeochemistry
- Dynamics of landfast sea ice near Jangbogo Antarctic Research Station observed by SAR interferometry
- Evaluation of occurrence and distribution of natural radionuclides in groundwater of Korea
- Impacts of Forest and Agricultural Land Use on Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon During Storms
- Mid-Mantle Interaction Between the Big, Active Samoan Plume and the Tonga-Kermadec Slabs
- Modified Electrical Resistivity Survey for Leakage Assessment of a Waterside Concrete Barrage
- On the relations between land-surface Water Use Efficiency and Asian dust storms in the Northeast Asia
- Quasi-cyclic Dry Events in Northeast Asia since the Mid-holocene
- Receiver Function Imaging of the Mantle Transition Zone beneath the South China Block
- Remote sensing of ecosystem vulnerability: Assessing climate-vegetation-livestock interactions in Mongolia
- SGLOBE-rani: a new global whole-mantle model of isotropic and radially anisotropic shear-wave velocity structure
- Seasonal variation of water level, water and soil temperature, chemistry, and stable isotopes in hyporheic zone of Korea
- The Significant Roles of Landscape Pattern and Spatial Scale in Assessing Aeolian Desertification
- 3D S-wave velocity structure and radial anisotropy of East Asia using surface wave tomography
- Analyzing Landslide Damage Cost and Adaptation Benefit and Cost Considering Climate Change
- Biodegradation of Phenanthrene Sorbed to Biochars
- Conservation of Endangered Species Considering Diverse Secondary Impacts by Climate Change
- Design of Installing Check Dam Using RAMMS Model in Seorak National Park of South Korea
- Estimating Damage Cost of Net Primary Production due to Climate Change and Ozone(O<SUB>3</SUB>) Effect
- Evaluation of the performance of biochars as an adsorbent for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
- Geodiversity of Island-type Tidal Flats of Korea: Their Uniqueness and Potential to be Inscribed as a World Heritage Site
- Hydrochemical characteristics and water quality assessment of groundwater and stream water in a heavy agricultural basin, Korea
- Hydrogeologic modelling to simulate groundwater inflow after sealing abandoned coal mines in Korea
- Impact of climate change on persistent turbidity in the water supply system of a Metropolitan Area
- Nationwide evaluation of nitrate in groundwater of Korea
- Numerical Modeling of Debris Flow Force Caused by Climate Change and Its application to Check Dam
- Quantifying Uncertainties from Presence Data Sampling Methods for Species Distribution Modeling: Focused on Vegetation.
- Radon variability between upstream and downstream in two catchments
- Relative Travel Time Tomography for East Asia
- Thermal characteristics of soil and water during summer at King Sejong Station, King George Island, Antarctica
- Tide-corrected strain rate and crevasses of Campbell Glacier Tongue in East Antarctica measured by SAR interferometry
- Ubiquitous lower mantle anisotropy beneath subduction zones: new rheological and mineralogical constraints
- Variation of Soil Moisture from Rainfall Effects in Hillslope
- Wave Transformation and Attenuation near the Submerged Breakwater and Vegetation: Field investigation and Numerical simulation
- Cluster analysis applied to localized dispersion curves in East Asia: the limits of surface wave resolution
- Improvement of Alternative Crop Phenology Detection Algorithms using MODIS NDVI Time Series Data in US Corn Belt Region
- Improving Crop Productions Using the Irrigation & Crop Production Model Under Drought
- Numerical modeling of intraplate seismicity with a deformable loading plate
- Outstanding Universal Values of the Korean Archipelago Getbol: Its potential for World Heritage Nomination
- Policy Implications and Suggestions on Administrative Measures of Urban Flood
- Preliminary Image of Lithosphere Beneath the Korean Peninsula by the Seismic Interferometry
- Radial Anisotropy in the Mantle Transition Zone and Its Implications
- S-Wave Velocities Beneath Jeju Island, Korea, Using Inversion of Receiver Functions and the H-κ Stacking Method
- Stability analysis of rockmass using a hydrogeologic model of groundwater flow at an underground limestone mine in Korea
- Waveform modelling of 3-D seismic anisotropy in the Earth's mantle
- 2D numerical modeling of compressional buckling with vertical loading by thick sediment: Implications for the onset of subduction initiation along the western margin of East Sea (Japan Sea)
- Analysis of Seasonal and Regional Variation of the Flow Velocity on Campbell Glacier, East Antarctica, by using DDInSAR Technique.
- Anomalously high mantle temperature beneath the Adare Basin, West Antarctica: Implications for synchronous rifting in the continent-ocean boundary
- Assessment of crop growth condition and resilience using an integrative remote sensing method for corn and soybeans in US Corn Belt Region
- Classification of geomagnetic variation related to earthquakes using supervised learning algorithms
- Collapse of Atomic Structure and Hydrophilic Transition of Talc by Mechanical Grinding: Implication for Shallow Seismic Cycles
- Direct measurement of urban CO<SUB>2 </SUB>emission in Gwangju, Korea
- Experimental Investigation of Gas Hydrate Production Behavior by Integrated Hot-Brine Injection Method
- Flash drought risk assessment over China and Korea using Evaporative Demand Drought Index (EDDI)
- Grazing and trampling in Mongolian steppes: building a simplified nomadic landscape model
- How ICT can advance reservoir water level predictions using machine learning techniques
- Mantle Radial Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones: New Constraints from Seismology, Geodynamics, and Mineral Physics
- Palynological studies from the upper Pliocene-lower Pleistocene hemipelagic sediments of the Eastern South Korea Plateau, East Sea: paleoclimate and paleoceanographic implications
- Precision analysis of supervised machine learning for predicting seismic recurrence in multi-faults system
- Preliminary upper mantle structure beneath the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa from S-wave relative travel time tomography.
- S-wave Relative Travel Time Tomography for Mantle Structure Beneath East Asia.
- Seismic Imaging Methods for Description of Abandoned Mines
- Seismic trace regularization of multidimensional sparse data using Delaunay triangulation
- Soil moisture based spatio-temporal drought patterns for upland crops in South Korea
- Steeply dipping linear noise in passive seismic interferometry sections
- Surface Change Detection of the 6<SUP>th</SUP> Nuclear Test of North Korea on 3 September 2017 using SAR and InSAR Techniques
- Surface deformation related to the 2017 Pohang earthquake
- The effect of multiple subducting slabs on edge-driven convection: Implications for the origin of Jeju Island, Korea
- The effect of shear heating on formation of detachment faults: implications for asymmetric extension of back-arc basin
- Towards a Model of Radial Anisotropy in the East Asian Lithosphere
- Two-dimensional finite element modeling of slab detachment using Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian method: The physical possibility of slab tear beneath the East Sea (Japan Sea)
- 2D fully coupled thermo-mechanical numerical modelling for interaction between active plume and spontaneous subduction
- 2D numerical modeling of buckling and uplift on passive margin under compression: implications for topography of SE Korea and the East Sea
- 2D resistivity structure around the 2016 Gyeongju earthquake zone in Korea by MT survey
- A Study on the Focal Depth of the 2017 Pohang Earthquake using Moment Tensor Inversion
- Analysis of various artificial noises in MT time series data nearby urban area
- Application of Modified Electrical Resistivity Survey to various Types of Hydraulic Facilities for Leakage Detection
- Assessment of the elevation correction of MODIS-based air temperature with different ambient lapse rates over the contiguous United States
- Asthenospheric flow of plume materials beneath Arabia and East Africa from S-wave travel time tomography: Implication for the seismic swarm in Harrat Lunayyir
- Bioleaching of Co and Cs contaminated soil using Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans
- Boosting performance of geodynamic finite element native-Python code using Numba and PyPy
- Classification of MT Noise Measured in the Vicinity of Highway and Electric Train line Using Machine Learning
- DInSAR signal of a subglacial lake in Wilkes Land, East Antarctica
- Enhancing the Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Data Using Topographic Information Assisted by Geostatistical Analysis
- Formation of Hydrophilic Talc by Mechanical Deformation: Implication for Fault Weakening
- GIS-based landslide susceptibility mapping around an operating open-pit mine in North Korea
- GIS-based research on optimal railway network for mineral transport in North Korea
- Geogenic and anthropogenic source discrimination of arsenic in water using three-dimensional hydrogeological model combine with geochemical exploration
- Investigation of postseismic relaxation using finite element modeling: implications for rheology beneath the Korean Peninsula after 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake
- Lower Mantle Anisotropy Beneath Subduction Zones
- Mantle Upwelling Beneath Intraplate Volcanoes in East Asia from S-wave Travel Time Tomography
- Multi-model ensemble projections of the climate change effect on the mega-drought
- Present Status of Air Filters: The Performance of Nanofiber Filters and Their Particle Collection Mechanisms
- Reserve estimation using aeromagnetic survey and cluster analysis based on multiple-point geostatistical ore modeling at the iron deposit, Korea
- S-velocity isotropic and radially anisotropic mantle structure beneath the Arabian Peninsula and East Africa using multi-mode dispersion curves
- Sensitivity analysis of rock properties for CO<SUB>2</SUB> sequestration into heterogeneous saline aquifers
- Spatial Distribution of Carbon Storage and Uptake for Urban forests in Seoul, South Korea
- The establishment of speleothem age models combined with textural, age dating and statistical data
- The room and pillar design for underground limestone mines adopting hydrogeological properties of the fractured rock masses
- A study of geomagnetic paleosecular variation in the Korean Peninsula
- Numerical Experiments on Tsunami-Tide Interaction over the East Asian Marginal Sea
- Revisiting the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan: preliminary results of image correlation using pre- and post-events aerial photos
- Seismic reflection, refraction and gravity surveys of half-graben basin floor ramps and a central horst between Silver Island and Newfoundland Ranges:Great Salt Lake Desert, Utah, U.S.A
- The fate of marine magnetic anomaly in subduction zones: a global appraisal
- WRF-Chem/Crop modeling system for large-scale cultivation facilities in Korea
- 2D Fully Coupled Poroelastic and Poroviscoelastic Modeling for Injection-Induced Earthquake using Finite Element Method
- Analysis on microseism characteristics by typhoon HAGIBIS using land and ocean-bottom seismometers
- Buckling Structure depending on the Lithospheric Rheology: Implications for the Strength beneath the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Carbon and Nitrogen Turnover Times of South Korean Forests Estimated via Data-model Fusion
- Characteristics of Background Noise in OLDEST-1 Pacific Array Deployed in the Western Pacific
- Cleaning efficiency improvement of oil contaminated soil by plasma blasting
- Coseismic Displacement of the January 2021 Hovsgol Earthquake (Mw 6.7) in Mongolia Observed by InSAR and Its Inversion for Source Parameters
- Diagnostic Factors for Earthquake Precursor from Earthquake Catalogs with Machine Learning-XGBoost Classifier
- Distribution Characteristics and Sources of Microplastics in Karst Aquifer in Samcheok and Donghae, Korea
- Effect of Bed Topography and Basal Friction Weakening on Glacier Flow: Implications for Campbell Glacier Tongue, East Antarctica
- Estimation of Active Subsurface Faults in the Seoul Metropolitan Area Using S-wave Travel Times and Ambient Noises
- High-resolution Model of the Crust and Uppermost Mantle beneath the East Sea Inferred from a Joint Inversion of Waveform Fits and Ambient Noise Dispersion
- High-resolution magnetic investigation of hydrothermal circulation in the Danakil Depression
- Impact of Land Use and Land Cover Changes on Soil Moisture and Groundwater in Agricultural Areas
- Microplastics in Terrestrial and Freshwater Systems: a Critical Review of Sources, Distribution, Potential Health Risks, and Management
- Numerical Investigation for Hydrothermal Circulation in Subduction Zone using FEniCS: Two-Step Decreasing Magnetization Before and After Subduction.
- Numerical analysis of postseismic displacement of infer the lithospheric strength beneath the East Sea (Sea of Japan)
- Occurrence and distribution of microplastics in groundwater of a heavy agricultural area of Korea
- Prospects for Korean paleoflood studies: focused on carbonate speleothems as a potential archive
- S-wave Velocity and Radial Anisotropic Structures and Their Implication for the Interaction between Intraplate Volcanism and Subducting Slab Beneath East Asia
- Seed germination responses of Pinus densiflora to spring extreme climate events
- Slip Distribution of the 2003 Tokachi-Oki Earthquake Estimated using Ocean-Bottom Pressure Gauges inside the Focal Area
- Study of Water Levels and Water Chemistry of Deep and Shallow Wells in Pohang, Korea
- Sub-annual growth nature of five soda-straws in Baeg-nyong Cave, South Korea
- Synchronous rifting driven by mantle temperature contrast: implications for the Adare and Northern Basins in Antarctica
- The Accurate and Efficient Pressure Recovery for Incompressible Mantle Convection Using Penalty Method
- The Feedback between Microscopic Properties and Macroscopic Structures in the Fold and Thrust Belts Model using the Discrete Element Method
- The Role of Trench Sediment in Subduction Kinematics: 3D Viscoelastic Free Subduction Model
- The effect of a magmatic underplated mafic body on the stress level of the seismic faults in southeast Korea
- The effect of mantle convection modulated by mantle temperature heterogeneity on rifting propagation
- The surface microtexture of quartz grains and sediment compositions in Jeongokri paleolithic site, Yeoncheon-gun, South Korea: Implications for depositional processes
- Uncharted Subglacial Lakes of David Glacier in East Antarctica Identified from Sentinel-1 DDInSAR and ICESat-2/CryoSat-2 Altimetry
- A GRACE Derived Groundwater Deficit as an Indicator for Characterization of Hydrological Drought and Understanding Climatic Impact on Groundwater Resources in South Korea
- A Multiproxy Approach to Speleothem Analysis to Reconstruct Orbital Scale Climate over the Korean Peninsula
- A comparison of free-surface numerical simulations of rifting based on ASPECT
- A study on searching for appropriate time-step of two-dimensional fully coupled poroelasticity numerical simulation
- A study on the development of environmental-ecological flow standards in Nam river watershed
- A study on the hydrological characteristics in the Enhanced Geothermal System and the surrounding after earthquake (Mw 5.5) in Pohang, Korea
- Assessing ecosystem services changes according to land cover dynamics to improve urban resilience
- Changes in East Asian monsoon during Holocene: A multi-proxy record from South Korea
- Characteristics of soil moisture variation with land-usein agricultural area of Korea
- Comparison of Microplastic Occurrence in Groundwater in Eastern and Western Parts on Jeju Volcanic Islands, Korea
- Development of a Methodology for Fragility and Vulnerability Curves of Buildings to Severe Windstorms in South Korea
- Effect of Tunnel Excavation on Groundwater Level and Occurrence of Ground Subsidence
- Effects of Elastic Heterogeneity on Finite Source Inversion: Comparison with Okada Model
- Estimation of Structural Damage from Reservoir Collapse by Using 3D Debris Flow Simulation
- Girvanella crust-dominated reefs from the Cambrian Series 2 Xiannüdong Formation, China: Influence of reef framework on development in carbonate association
- Hydroecology of Argyroneta aquatica's Habitat in Hantan River Geopark, South Korea
- Identification of Phenology Detection Methods Uncertainty Hotspot in Eurasia by Comparing Six Retrieval Algorithms
- Microplastic contamination of agricultural groundwater in Haean, Republic of Korea
- Modeling dynamics of stand density by linking ingrowth and mortality with stand structural and environmental factors
- Modeling temporal variations of Non-Structural Carbohydrate (NSC) storages across biomes
- Paleoenvironmental Changes during Holocene in the Darhad Basin in Mongolia
- Prediction and Spatial Interpolation of the groundwater Level on Jeju Island Using Machine Learning Model
- Risk assessment of arsenic contaminated groundwater in rural area of Gyeongnam, Korea
- Roles of Hydrothermal Circulation in Heat Flow at the Seafloor and Decreases in the Remaining Amount of Magnetization of the Northeast Japan Subduction Zone
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure around the Mariana Trench inferred from ambient noise tomography
- S-wave isotropic and radially anisotropic velocity structure in the Western Pacific inferred from partitioned waveform inversion
- Sediment buoyancy controls on slab pull force and stress state in subducting slab: Insight from 3D free subduction model
- Seed Germination and Seedling Survival Responses of Larix kaempferi to Spring and Summer Extreme Climate Events
- Seismic Full-waveform Inversion of the Crust-mantle Structure beneath China and Adjacent Regions
- Soft-sediment deformation structures in mixed carbonate-siliciclastic mud deposits on a homoclinal ramp from the Lower Ordovician Mungok Formation, Korea
- Tempo-spatial variation of sponge-coral reefs in the Upper Ordovician (Katian) Xiazhen Formation of South China: An insight for the early establishment of middle Paleozoic-type reef ecosystem
- The Relationship between Indoor and Outdoor Temperatures during Heat Wave
- The influence of various factors on microplastic contamination in groundwater
- Ultra-far-field postseismic deformation by rheological structures in mantle wedge: Insight from 2D numerical model with various constitutive relation laws
- Wind Pressure Change on the Building Surface according to the Shape of the Damping Device
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Andreas Fichtner
- Anuradha Karunakalage
- Byung‐Dal So
- Gwang-Jung Kim
- Hajime Shiobara
- Han-Sun Ryu
- Hanjin Choe
- Hans‐Peter Bunge
- Hitoshi Kawakatsu
- Hyangsun Han
- Hyeon-Seob Kim
- Hyeonji Kim
- Hyungwoo Lim
- J. Dyment
- Jin Yong Lee
- Jincheng Ma
- Junhyung Lee
- Kimsangyun
- M. K. Lee
- Nam Jin Noh
- Nitesh Sinha
- Nozomu Takeuchi
- Seongjun Park
- Sung‐Joon Chang
- Sölvi Thrastarson
- T. Liu
- Taewon Hwang
- Tae‐Kyung Hong
- Takehi Isse
- Tatsuhiko Saito
- Tatsuya Kubota
- Yiqi Luo
- Yong‐Hee Park
- Yong‐Woo Kim
- Young Hee Kim
- Young-Gyun Kim