The Sensitivity of Shortwave Radiative Forcing and Heating Rates to the Aerosol Vertical Profile

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Listed Authors
Schmid, B.
Guan, H.
McComiskey, A.
McFarlane, S.
Kuzmanoski, M.
Pilewskie, P.
Magi, B.
Listed Institutions
PNNL, PO Box 999, Richland, WA 99353,
BAER Inst., 560 3rd St W, Sonoma, CA 95476, ;
CIRES/NOAA, 325 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80305, ;
PNNL, PO Box 999, Richland, WA 99353, ;
BAER Inst., 560 3rd St W, Sonoma, CA 95476, ;
U. Colorado, Campus Box 311, Boulder, CO 80309-0311, ;
GFDL/NOAA, 300 Forrestal Road, Princeton, NJ 08540, ;

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