Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Summary of ACPI Climate Downscaling Studies for the Western United States
- Bioremediation in Porous Media: Upscaling From the Pore to the Continuum Scales Via Volume Averaging
- Carbon Isotopes in Unsaturated-Zone Gases and Ground Water Near a Radioactive-Waste Disposal Area, Amargosa Desert Research Site, Nye County, Nevada
- Chemical Evidence for Uranium Bioreduction at Shiprock, New Mexico
- Critical Path Analysis of the Hydraulic Conductivity of Fractal Soils at the US DOE Hanford Site
- Diversity of Pristine Methanotrophic Communities in a Basalt Aquifer: Implications for Natural Attenuation of TCE
- Estimating Recharge From Soil Water Tension Data
- Estimating Soil Hydraulic Properties From Field-Scale Experiments Using the Inverse Model UCODE With the STOMP Simulator
- Formation of Residual Carbon Tetrachloride in the Hanford Caliche Material
- Fractal Scaling Applied to Time Series of Ground-based Measurements of the Atmosphere
- Ground Motions at a Network of Strong Motion Accelerometers on the Hanford Site, Southeastern Washington, From the 28 February 2001 Nisqually Earthquake
- Hydrologic Processes Controlling the Transport of Radionuclides Through the Hanford Vadose Zone
- Hydrologic and Chemical Controls on Vadose Zone Microbiology
- Interactions Between Microbial Dynamics and Transport Processes in Variably Saturated Porous Media. 1. Experimental System and Results
- Interactions Between Microbial Dynamics and Transport Processes in Variably Saturated Porous Media. 2. Model Development and Evaluation
- Microbial Abundance and Diversity at 0.8 to 3.6 Kilometers Beneath the Surface in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa
- Microbial Transport Mechanisms in Silty, Sandy Media as Inferred From Short Core Experiments Performed in the Field.
- Modeling the Changes in Unsaturated Hydraulic Properties of Subsurface Media due to Chemical Reactions: A Film Depositional Modeling Approach
- Movement of Motile Bacteria in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Noble Gas Study On Deep Mine Waters, South Africa
- Numerical Investigations of Vadose Zone Transport of Saturated Sodium Thiosulfate Solutions
- Probabilistic Assessment of Radon Transport at the Monticello, Utah Uranium Mill Tailings Disposal Site
- STEWB - Simplified Transient Estimation of the Water Budget
- Sea Salt Aerosols: Transformation to Nitrates as Followed by Single Particle Analysis
- Synthesis of Geological and Geophysical Data on the Delta of the Colorado River with Relevance to the Evolution of the Grand canyon of Arizona, USA.
- The Effect of Compaction on Moisture Characteristic Curves of Compactible Soils Measured in a UFAT
- The Effect of Fluid Properties on Field-Scale Anion Transport During Intermittent Unsaturated Flow
- The Effects of Clastic Dikes on Vadose Zone Transport at the Hanford Site, Southcentral Washington
- Three Compact, Robust Chemical Characterization Systems Suited To Sensitive, High Time Resolution Measurements Of Atmospheric Aerosols
- Transferability of a Regional Climate Model: Sensitivity to Treatments of Clouds and Radiation
- Two High-Resolution, Quantitative, Infrared Spectral Libraries for Atmospheric Chemistry
- Uranium Mobility in Sediments From the 300 Area of the Hanford Site
- Vadose Zone Injection Monitoring with Electrical Geophysics Using Steel Casings as Electrodes
- Water-Budget Analysis of Landfill Covers Using Simplifed Models
- A Box-Model Analysis of Ozone Production Potential as a Function of Source Region in the Houston/Galveston Area
- A Model for Predicting Residual NAPL in the Vadose Zone
- AIRPACT Air Quality Forecasting for August 2001
- Aerosol Chemical Composition Characterization During the 2000 Texas Air Quality Study
- Aerosol Transport to the U.S. Receptor Sites during ACE-Asia
- Airborne Measurements of Hydrocarbons and Aerosols in the Puget Sound Airshed
- Biostimulation of Metal-Reducing Microbes at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site
- Comparison of Model Error for Alternative Conceptual Models of Sediment Geometry at the Hanford Site, Southeast Washington
- Direct Aerosol Forcing Calculated at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Effects of Model Grid Resolution and Parameter Upscaling on Predictions of Water Flow in Heterogeneous, Unsaturated Porous Media.
- Effects of increasing aerosol on regional climate change in China: Observation and modeling
- Evaluation of Ozone Production Efficiency in an Urban Plume Using a Lagrangian Box Model
- Geochemical Characterization Using Geophysical Data and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods
- Identification of Errors in the Hanford Site-Wide Groundwater Flow Model by Inverse Modeling of Alternative Conceptual Models
- Impacts of spatial resolutions on water budget simulated by the VIC-3L hydrologically-based land surface model
- Influence of Dust Storms on the Nocturnal Chemistry of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and HONO in Phoenix
- Influence of intraparticle diffusion on the desorption of radiocesium from the subsurface sediments at Hanford site, USA
- Intensive Airborne and Surface Measurements of Aerosol Microphysical and Optical Properties and Influences on Shortwave Radiation
- Investigating Soil Carbon Dynamics Using N-15
- Ion-irradiation of materials spectrally similar to the non-ice surface of Callisto
- Monitoring Microbe-Induced Physical Property Changes Using High-Frequency Acoustic Waveform Data
- Multiple Pore Region Model of Uranium(VI) Reductive Immobilization in Structured Subsurface Media
- Nuclear Power Technology With and Without Policies to Limit Fossil Fuel CO2 Emissions
- Numerical Simulation and Laboratory Test Analyses of Air Sparging for TCE Remediation
- Observations from the Williams Tower measurement site during TexAQS 2000: an Overview
- Potential for Methanotroph-Mediated Natural Attenuation of TCE in a Basalt Aquifer
- Rejuvenation and silicic melt migration in a near-solidus silicic mush induced by "gas sparging"?
- Shifts in Fungal and Bacterial Community Structure During Tallgrass Prairie Restoration
- Stategy for Locating Potential Sites for Hydrogen in Minerals
- Steel Casing Resistivity Technology (SCRT): Innovative Applications of Electrical Methods for Buried Tank Leak Detection
- Subsurface Microbial Communities and Geochemistry Within a Vertical Transect of a Uranium-Contaminated Aquifer
- Testing a Gaussian assumption on the stochastic Buckley---Leverett equation
- The Effect of Ethene and Propene Emissions on Ozone Production in Houston during the TexAQS 2000 Field Campaign.
- The Reductive Immobilization of Pertechnetate by Bioreduced Sediments
- The Role of Localized Reducing Zones in Cr(VI)aq Removal by the Hanford Sediments Under Hyperalkaline Conditions
- The Role of Mg<SUP>+2</SUP> in the Dissolution of Pure Calcite: Insights from AFM and Vertical Scanning Interferometry
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Uncertainty Assessment of a Parameterization Method for Vadose Zone Modeling
- Updated Magnetostratigraphy of Ice Age Flood Deposits of the Cold Creek Bar at the Hanford Site, Southeastern Washington
- X-ray Spectroscopic Investigation of the Distribution and Speciation of Uranium in Contaminated Sediments From the DOE's Hanford Site
- A Practical Multifluid Flow Model Including Mobile, Residual, and Entrapped NAPL
- A new GIS-based routing scheme for hydrological models
- Aerosol Mass Spectrometer measurements on board the DOE G1 during NEAQS
- An Overview of the Nighttime Aerosol/Oxidant Plume Experiment (NAOPEX)
- Evidence That Voyager 1 Exited the Solar Wind at ∼85 AU and Re-entered at ∼87 AU in August 2002 and February 2003.
- Evidence for the Occurrence of Microbial Iron Reduction in Bulk Aerobic Unsaturated Sediments
- Forest Disturbance Through Alpine Ski Area Development: Results of a Paired Watershed Study in the Northeastern U.S.
- High Resolution River Routing in the CCSM2 Climate System Model
- Interaction of Magnesium and Inorganic Carbon Species with the Dissolving Calcite Surface
- Interaction of Strontium With the Calcite Cleavage Surface
- Investigations of Fe and Mn Bioreduction in Unconsolidated Clastic Sediments
- Lagrangian Measurements of Aerosols and Oxidants in the Boston Urban Plume During the NAOPEX 2002 Campaign
- Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Averaging of Spatial Variability Models in Unsaturated Fractured Tuff
- Microscopic Structure of an Individual Sea Salt Particle: How Does It Look Like?
- Modeling Episodic Surface Runoff in an Arid Environment
- Modeling the Influence of Transport on Chemical Reactivity in Microbial Membranes: Mineral Precipitation/Dissolution Reactions.
- Monte-Carlo Simulation of Bacterial Transport in a Heterogeneous Aquifer With Correlated Hydrologic and Reactive Properties
- Oxidation of NaBr Aerosol by Ozone and Hydroxyl Radicals: Importance of Reactions
- Results from the Galileo Energetic Particle Detector during Amalthea Flyby on November 5, 2002
- Retrieval of Cloud Properties for Partially Cloud-Filled Pixels During CRYSTAL-FACE
- Simulation of the Intercontinental Transport, Aging, and Removal of a Boreal Fire Smoke Plume
- Simultaneous Measurement of Size, Composition, Hygroscopicity, and Density of Single Ambient Particles
- The Subsurface Flow and Transport Laboratory: A New Department of Energy User's Facility for Intermediate-Scale Experimentation
- Use of a Microarray to Detect Expression of Genes for Lignin-Degrading Enzymes in Soil Fungi
- Why Gas Hydrate Is Where It Is At Hydrate Ridge: The Story From Infrared Images
- A New Fully Coupled Meteorology-Chemistry-Aerosol Model and Initial Results for Houston, Texas
- A Systematic Approach for Developing Conceptual Models of Contaminant Transport at the Hanford Site
- Ambient VOC Concentration and Emission Measurements during the MCMA 2002 and 2003 Field Campaigns
- Analysis of a Micro-Pumping Test Conducted Within a Saprolitic Aquifer
- Characterization and Atmospheric Processing of Soot Aerosols in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Charged Neutral Interactions Inside 3 Saturn Radii Using Cassini MIMI Data
- Composition and Sources of Suprathermal Ions in Saturn's Magnetosphere
- Composition and Sourcing of Aerosol in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area with PIXE/PESA/STIM and Multivariate Analysis
- Comprehensive Geophysical Investigation over a Former Radioactive Waste Site, Hanford, Washington
- Effects of River Discharge on Hyporheic Exchange Flows in Large Gravel-Bed Rivers: An Empirical Study
- Energetic particle injections in Saturns magnetosphere
- Estimating Prior Model Probabilities Using an Entropy Principle
- Estimating field-scale soil hydraulic properties and petrophysical models through joint GPR/hydrological measurement inversion
- Estimation of NAPL/Water Interfacial Areas in Well-Characterized Porous Media
- Evidence of NO2 Contamination of Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo Retrievals Made During the MCMA Field Campaign of 2003
- Heterogeneous Chemistry of Individual Mineral Dust Particles with Nitric Acid. Laboratory and Field Observations.
- Hydrocarbon Measurements during the MCMA2003 Field Experiment: Intercomparison and Analysis
- Hydrostratigraphic Characterization Using High-resolution Borehole Moisture Logs and Grain-size Distribution Statistics
- Implementing a new multi-scale flow network routing scheme in a land surface model
- In Situ Characterization of Porosity and Permeability Changes at High Pressure: Application to Geological Sequestration
- In Situ Gaseous Treatment and Reoxidation Studies - Implications for Vadose Zone Remediation
- Incorporating Sub-grid Spatial Variabilities Into Subsurface Flow Parameterizations For Land Surface Modeling In Ungauged Basins
- Location and Mapping of an Ethyl Acetate Plume in Mexico City
- Measurements of Black Carbon Specific Absorption Made During the Mexico City Metropolitan Area Field Campaign of 2003
- Measurements of Trace Gas Fluxes from the Mexico City Urban Landscape
- Mexico City's active photochemistry: conclusions from the MCMA-2003 study
- Movement and Remediation of a Volatile, Multicomponent DNAPL in a Variably-Saturated, Heterogeneous Porous Medium
- New Insights From Whole Rock and Mineral Data on the Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution of the Columbia River Basalt Group (USA)
- Numerical Simulation of Field-Scale Transport and Biogeochemical Reactions Using a Particle-Based Method
- Open-path Emission Factors Derived from DOAS and FTIR Measurements in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Overview of Measurements of Particle Emissions and Ambient Concentrations in Mexico City during the MCMA-2003 Field Campaign
- Permeability Changes Due to Secondary Mineral Precipitation During Weathering of Low-Level Radioactive Waste Glass in the Vadose Zone
- Quantifying Saturation-Dependent Anisotropy in Soil Hydraulic Conductivity
- Remote Sensing of Subsurface Microbial Transformations
- Structure of Saturn's Magnetosphere as Revealed by Energetic Particles
- TOMS observations of increases in Asian aerosol in winter from 1979 to 2000
- The Role of Monitoring in Risk-Informed Assessments Involving Uncertainty
- Tracing and Apportioning Sources of Uranium to the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River Using Uranium Isotopes
- Xenon Isotope Releases from Buried Transuranic Waste
- A Novel Approach to Estimate the Distribution of Reducible Iron Within Different Pore Fractions of Structured Media.
- A closure study of aerosol-CCN measurements from recent field campaigns.
- Aerosol Composition and Morphology during the 2005 Marine Stratus Radiation Aerosol and Drizzle Study
- An Adaptive Response Surface Modeling Method for Uncertainty Quantification with Application to a Transient Regional Groundwater Model
- An Air-water Interfacial Area Based Variable Tortuosity Model for Unsaturated Sands
- An Assessment of the ECMWF Model Simulations of the Arctic Clouds Observed During the ARM Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
- Assessment of Surface and Groundwater Interactions and Their Impacts on Land-Atmosphere Coupling System
- Bacterial Nanowires Facilitate Extracellular Electron Transfer
- Calcium carbonate precipitation along solution-solution interfaces in porous media
- Cation Exchange Reactions Controlling Desorption of 90Sr2+ From Coarse-Grained Contaminated Sediments at the Hanford Site, Washington
- Controls on Microbial Transport in Subsurface Sediments
- Determination of Chemical Composition of Marine Aerosol Particles and its Effects on Aerosol and Cloud Properties During the 2005 MASE Field Campaign
- Development of Cellular Absorptive Tracers (CATs) for a Quantitative Characterization of the Complexity of Nanoscale Biological Systems
- Effect of Clouds on Sulfate Production and Aerosol Optical Depths in Western Pennsylvania During August 2004
- Electron microsignatures from the Saturnian satellites: Cassini MIMI/LEMMS observations
- Evaluating the impact of parameterization choice on WRF-Chemistry simulations
- Evaluation of WRF/Chem-MADRID with Satellite and Surface Measurements: Chemical and Optical Properties of Aerosols
- Evolution of Particulates and Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing in the vicinity of Mexico City
- Experimental Investigation of DNAPL Mass Flux Reduction as a Function of Source Zone Mass Removal
- Field Scale Simulation of Uranium Reactive Transport for the Hanford 300 Area
- Geomorphic controls on the amount and quality of organic matter associated with mineral surfaces
- Geophysical Monitoring of Cr(VI) Bioreduction at the Hanford 100H Site
- Global Structure and Dynamics of the Kronian Magnetosphere: Cassini Results
- How Well Can We Simulate the Effect of Clouds on Surface Radiative Fluxes?
- Hydrologic Scenario Uncertainty in a Comprehensive Assessment of Hydrogeologic Uncertainty
- Ice Nuclei Measurements From the Mixed-Phase Arctic Cloud Experiment
- Improved techniques for measuring physical and chemical transformations in the atmosphere: observations of pollution transport, wind shear, and profile evolution using controlled meteorological balloons.
- In Situ Biostimulation at a Former Uranium Mill Tailings Site: Multicomponent Biogeochemical Reactive Transport Modeling
- Interannual Variability in Radiative Cloud Effects and Cloud Macrophysical Properties From Surface Measurements
- Investigating Water Movement through Fractured Subsurface Systems: A Mesoscale Approach
- Isotope Tracking of Contaminant Movement in the Hanford Vadose Zone
- Joint Assessment of Parameter and Conceptual Model Uncertainty at the Hanford Site 300 Area
- Mixing of Groundwater and Surface Water Under Diurnal and Seasonal River Stage Cycles
- Mobility Controlled Flooding (MCF) Technology for Enhanced Sweeping and NAPL Remediation in Heterogeneous Systems
- More frequent cloud-free sky and less surface solar radiation in China from 1955-2000
- Multidimensional, multifluid intermediate-scale experiments: Review and recommendations for future research
- Nighttime Lagrangian aircraft measurements of trace gases and aerosols in urban plumes: A tale of two cities
- Observation of Enhanced Organic Aerosol Concentrations Above Cloudtops in Marine Stratus Experiment (MASE2005) off the Northern California Coast
- Observation of the Spectrum and Angular Distribution of Trapped Protons in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere: Implications for Sources, Transport, and Loss
- Pore-Scale Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation.
- Quantification of Iron Reoxidation in Microbially Reduced Sediments
- Synergistic use of MISR and MODIS data for cloud phase and crystal habit retrievals
- The Nature of Clouds and Their Effects on the Surface Radiative Energy Budget
- Unusual Aggregates from the Ozone Oxidation of Self-Assembled Monolayers
- Using Current and Historic Climate Data and Bayesian Belief Networks to Predict Optimum Satellite Image Acquisition Periods for Detecting Cheatgrass on the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- What Controls Cirrus Cloud Optical Depth Distributions?
- 3-D Modeling of a Nearshore Dye Release
- A High-Resolution WRF Tropical Channel Simulation Driven by a Global Reanalysis
- A Kinetic Study of the Heterogeneous Reaction of Deliquesced NaCl Particles with Gaseous Nitric Acid Using Novel Experimental Approach.
- A combined view of CloudSat and AIRS cloud fields
- An Initial Look at Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics at the Surface Sites during the 2006 MILAGRO Campaign
- An Integrated System for Vadose Zone Monitoring, Model Calibration, Performance Assessment, and Prediction (MCAP) in Hanford's T Tank Farm
- Analysis of Remote Sensing and in situ Measurements of Tropical Cirrus Clouds During TWP-ICE
- Application of Maximum Likelihood Bayesian Model Averaging to Groundwater Flow and Transport at the Hanford Site 300 Area
- Asian aerosol assimilation and regional aerosol radiative forcing, using reanalyses, regional models and satellite data
- Assessing the Oxidative Capacity of the Atmosphere: MCMA-2003 as a Case Study
- Bacterial Nanowires Facilitate Electron Transfer in Saturated Porous Media
- Carbon Tetrachloride Flow and Transport in the Subsurface of the 216-Z-9 Trench at the Hanford Site
- Characteristics of tropical cirrus anvil outflow during TWP-ICE
- Chemical Composition and Cloud Condensation Nuclei Properties of Marine Aerosols during the 2005 Marine Stratus Experiment
- Chemical Speciation of Sulfur in Marine Cloud Droplets and Particles: 1. Analysis of Individual Particles Using Complementary Microprobe Methods.
- Chemical Speciation of Sulfur in Marine Cloud Droplets and Particles: 2. Partitioning of Methanesulfonate and non-Sea Salt Sulfate in Individual Sea Salt Particles.
- Cohesive Sediment Erodibility and Evolution of a Mud Deposit on the Palos Verdes Shelf
- Comprehensive Characterization Of Ultrafine Particulate Emission From 2007 Diesel Engines: PM Size Distribution, Loading And Indidividual Particle Size And Composition.
- Desorption of carbon tetrachloride and chloroform from contaminated sediments after artificial aging
- Detection of Tropical Thin Cirrus Clouds Over Dark Water From MISR With Comparisons to Ground-based Lidar
- Effect of Hanford Tank Waste Leachate on Radionuclide Transport Through Unsaturated Sediment
- Electron Density Distributions for Millerite, Vaesite , Heazlewoodite and Ni metal: A Case for the Importance of NiNi Bond Paths for Electron Transport
- Enhanced Remedial Amendment Delivery to Low Permeability Zones in Subsurface Remediation
- Fe-S Bonded Interactions Involving High and Low Spin State Divalent Fe Atoms
- Impact of Radiative Absorption by Black Carbon on Meteorology over the Eastern United States in July 2004
- Improved Understanding of Natural System Processes through Coupling of Geophysical Characterization and Numerical Modeling Approaches
- Influence of competitive electron acceptors during reduction and effective immobilization of technetium by reduced nontronite
- Major Saharan dust storm of March 2006: Microphysical, optical and radiative properties determined from combined surface and satellite data
- Measurements of Optical Properties of Black Carbon During the MAX-MEX Study
- Mineral control of soil carbon storage with reforestation of abandoned pastures
- Models of Coupled Flow, Transport and Mineral Precipitation at a Mixing Interface in Intermediate-Scale Experiments
- Multiscale Lagrangian Particle model for Reactive Transport and Mineral Precipitation in Porous Media.
- Nighttime Lagrangian Measurements of Aerosols and Oxidants
- North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP): Producing Regional Climate Change Projections for Climate Impacts Studies
- Overview of the Multi-Aircraft CALIPSO-CloudSAT Validation Experiment
- Potential Effects of Increasing Aerosols on Solar Radiation, Atmospheric Stability and Precipitation in China
- Potential for Gravel Augmentation to Reduce Water Temperatures in a Gravel-Bed River
- Potentially Labile Soil Organic Matter in Erosional and Depositional Settings of an Undisturbed Zero-order Watershed
- Probing Deliquescence, Efflorescence and Hygroscopic Growth of Aerosols using micro- FTIR Spectroscopy
- Radiation Belt-Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RB-SPICE)
- Radiative Forcing of Saharan Dust Aerosol at Niamey, Niger
- Reduction of Pu by Dissimulatory Metal-Reducing Microorganisms
- Regional Modeling Over Complex Terrains: Hydroclimate Challenges Over South Asia
- Remote sensing of ice crystal habit with MISR and MODIS
- Report on an Informal Survey of Groundwater Modeling Practitioners About How They Quantify Uncertainty: Which Tools They Use, Why, and Why Not.
- Restoration of Porous Media Reductive Capacity Through Zero-valent Iron Emplacement with Polymer Solutions
- The EMSL Hydraulic Properties Apparatus: A Fully Automated Tool for Hydraulic Conductivity and Soil Moisture Retention Determinations
- The Effect Of Organic Surfactants On The Properties Of Common Hygroscopic Particles: Effective Densities, Reactivity And Water Evaporation Of Surfactant Coated Particles
- The Effect of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Sources of Black Carbon on Observed and Predicted Aerosol Radiative Forcing over Central Mexico
- The Impact of Black Carbon on Ice Clouds With the NCAR Community Atmospheric Model Version 3 (CAM3) Coupled With a Global Aerosol Model
- The Influence of Aerosols on Biogenic Emissions: A Case Study in Mexico
- The Role of Geoelectrical Methods in Monitoring Stimulated Sulfate-Reduction: Insights Gained From Field-Scale Experiments
- The Three Dimensional Distribution of Global Cloudiness Derived From Cloudsat; The June- July-August 2006 Period
- The Ubiquitous Occurrence of High Concentrations of Sub-50 Micron Particles in Cirrus; The Perspective From 3-years of Ground-based Remote Sensing Data
- The long-term properties of continental aerosol and cumulus clouds: Implications for aerosol-cloud interactions
- The role of antecedent soil moisture on variability of the North American Monsoon System
- Transient Inverse Calibration of a Facies-Based Groundwater Flow and Transport Model Using Contaminant Concentration and Hydraulic Head Data
- Two-moment stratiform cloud microphysics and cloud-aerosol interactions in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Uncertainties of Global Climate Change Impacts on Regional Air Quality over US
- Using Seismic Frequency Attributes to Characterize and Monitor Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- WRF/Chem Analyses and Comparisons With In Situ, Aircraft and Satellite Data During MILAGRO
- What Does the MODIS GPP Algorithm Miss by Modeling Wetlands and Uplands Alike?
- A Comparison of Naturally-Occurring and Artificially Stimulated Uranium(VI) Bioreduction in Sediment from a Field-scale Experiment in Rifle, CO
- A Multiphase Study of the Chemical Composition of Air, Aerosol Particles, Snow, and Ice Forms Collected Near Barrow, Alaska Provides Information on Bromine Activation
- A Workflow Environment for Reactive Transport Modeling with Application to a Mixing- Controlled Precipitation Experiment
- Aerosol Absorption Measurements in MILAGRO.
- Aerosol Chemical Composition and its Effects on Cloud-Aerosol Interactions during the 2007 CHAPS Experiment
- Aerosol Optical Properties during GoMACCS and CLASIC: Evidence of Cloud Processing and Scavenging
- Aerosol Optical and Chemical Properties Within and Without Clouds During an Airborne Field Campaign in Central Oklahoma
- Aerosol Transport Questions Arising From Micro Pulse Lidar Measurements During MILAGRO
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements and Comparisons with Transport Models
- An Adaptive Multi-Scale Watershed Characterization Approach Utilizing Geoinformatics and Self-Organizing Maps
- An Overview of the Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study
- An analysis of cloud scale vertical motions, upper tropospheric humidity, and cirrus microphysical properties in relation to the large-scale atmospheric state
- An efficient, high-order multi-element probabilistic collocation method on sparse grids for three-dimensional flow in random porous media
- Analyzing Surface Solar Flux Data in Oregon for Changes Due to Aerosols
- Assessing Changes in Surface Fluxes over Land due to Linked Changes in Aerosol and Clouds
- Calculation of "Validated" Radiative Heating Rates at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Climate Research Facilities
- Carbonaceous Aerosol Processing in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area
- Characterization of Transient Transport Behavior During Biostimulation Field Experiments Using Novel Breakthrough Analysis Approaches
- Chemical Transformation of CaCO3 Particles by Heterogeneous Reaction with HNO3: Kinetic Measurements over a Wide Range of Humidity
- Chromium Isotopic Monitoring of HRC-Stimulated Bio-containment at the 100H Test Site, Hanford, Washington
- Comparison of Regional Climate Simulations Driven by a Global Reanalysis and a Global Climate Simulation Over North America
- Contribution of Dust Particles to the Heterogeneous Removal of Acidic Gases From the Atmosphere During the MIRAGE Experiment
- Correlations between Ozone and Secondary Organic Aerosol observed in Urban Locations
- Counting Data and T-test Evaluation of Detection Limits and Their Effect on Data-Group Similarities
- Design, implementation and results of an autonomous hydrogeophysical monitoring system to monitor subsurface flow at the Hanford 300 area
- Development of a Fast Time-Tagged Aerosol Collector (Fast TRAC)
- Development of a Long-Column Method to Test Constitutive Relations for LNAPL Movement in Two-Phase Systems
- Downscaling Hydroclimate Change Over Western US Based on CAM Subgrid Scheme and WRF Regional Climate Simulations
- Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements of Urban Aerosols During the MILAGRO Mexico City Field Campaign
- Ensemble Streamflow Forecasting via data assimilation
- Environmental Proteomic Analysis in a Contaminated Aquifer: From Column to Field- Scale
- Errors of Nonlinear Advection Algorithms and Their Implications for Studying the Aerosol- Cloud Interaction
- Estimation of the Mass Absorption Cross Section of the Organic Carbon Component of Aerosols in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA)
- Evaluating Treatments of Aerosol Optical Properties and their Effect on Radiative Forcing using MILAGRO Measurements
- Evaluation of a New Mixed-Phase Cloud Microphysics Parameterization with a Single Column Model, CAPT Forecasts and M-PACE Observations
- Evolution of the Microbial Community Structure and Iron Reduction Rate in a Column Biostimulation Experiment During the Transition From Iron to Sulfate Reduction
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Subsurface Desiccation
- Field Studies for Validation of Urban Dispersion Models - Current Status and Research Needs
- Field System for Extended Range Continuous Monitoring of Near Surface CO2 Gas from Multiple Locations
- Fine scale control of microbial communities in deep marine sediments that contain hydrates and high concentrations of methane
- Geophysical monitoring of microbial activity during stimulated subsurface bioremediation
- Halogen Chemistry at North American Coastal Sites
- High-Resolution Mass Spectrometric Analysis of Oligomers Formed in Ozonation of Selected Monoterpenes
- How well does aerosol index represent the number of cloud condensation nuclei in global models?
- Hybrid Pore- and Darcy-Scale Models of Coupled Reactive Transport.
- Implications of climate change on Waters in the Pacific Northwest: a stochastic approach
- Incorporating Soil Hydraulic Parameter Statistics in Developing Pedo-transfer Functions
- Influence of Hyporheic Flow and Geomorphology on Temperature in Large, Gravel-bed River, Clackamas River, Northwestern Oregon
- Is There a Megacity Effect on SOA Production?
- Laboratory Investigations into the Physisorption of Volatiles in Nonice Materials Relevant to the Outer Solar System
- Measurement of the VOC Environment from an Aircraft Platform during an Aerosol-Cloud Interaction Study Near Oklahoma City
- Mixing-Induced Precipitation: Experimental Study and Multi-Scale Numerical Analysis
- Model-Data Integration to Provide a Probabilistic Assessment of the Role of Snowmelt in Runoff Production in the Pacific Northwest
- Modeling Overview of the MILAGRO Field Campaign
- Modeling Particulate Evolution from Urban to Synoptic Scales Downwind of Mexico City
- Numerical investigation of NAPL Source Zone Architecture in Two-Dimensional and Three- Dimensional Unsaturated Porous Media
- On Model Selection Criteria in Multimodel Analysis
- Ozonolysis of Unsaturated Phosphocholines on NaCl as a Model for Organics on Sea Salt Particles
- Pore-scale Simulations of Drainage of Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media
- Radiative Heating Profiles for Tropical Cloud Regimes
- Random-walk Particle Tracking for Transport Simulation: Extension to Multi-Component Reactions.
- Reactive nitrogen chemistry in Mexico City outflow - a unique case
- Reconstruction of Trajectories, Mixing, and Dispersion of a Mexico City Pollution Outflow Event Using In-Situ Observations From Free-Floating Altitude-Controlled Balloons
- SPLAT II: An Ultra-Sensitive, High Precision Instrument for the In-Situ Characterization of the Size, Composition, Density, Shape, Hygroscopicity, and Fractal Dimension of Fine and Ultrafine Particle
- Salinity Influence on Interfacial Area, Wettability, and NAPL Recovery
- Scale-dependent kinetics of uranium desorption from contaminated subsurface sediments
- Seasonal-to-Interannual Predictability of western North American Hydroclimate: The Utility of Multimodel Ensembles
- Secondary Iron Mineral Formation by Shewanellae Using Different Carbon Sources
- Simulated Global and Regional Sensitivities of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Spectrometers for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR): Airborne Concepts and Ground Prototype Measurements
- Sulfur Isotopes as Indicators of Bacterial Sulfate Reduction Processes Influencing Field Scale Uranium Bioremediation
- Terrestrial Carbon Sequestration with Biochar: A Preliminary Assessment of its Global Potential
- The Combination of EMP Compositional Maps With Other Image Data to Investigate Microscale Contaminant Geochemistry
- The Concept of Tensorial Connectivity-Tortuosity for Multiple Fluids to Describe Saturation- Dependent Anisotropy in Hydraulic Conductivity
- The Daytime Mixed Layer Observed by Radiosonde, Profiler, and Lidar during MILAGRO
- The ECPP Hybrid Approach for Aerosols and Trace Gases in MMF Models
- The Influence of Sodium Methanesulfonate on Hygroscopic and Reactive Properties of NaCl Particles
- The Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado: Preliminary Results on Microbiological, Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes Controlling Iron Reduction and Uranium Mobility
- The Sensitivity of Shortwave Radiative Forcing and Heating Rates to the Aerosol Vertical Profile
- The sensitivity of 3D cloud-aerosol radiative interaction to spatial variability of clouds and aerosol
- Urban Pollution in the Nocturnal Boundary Layer: Chemical Processing and Vertical Transport
- Vertical profiles of aerosol extinction and radiative heating at Niamey, Niger
- Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory for the Heliospheric Data Environment
- Water-Aerosol Interactions Downwind of Mexico City: Inferences about Mixing State, Droplet Growth Kinetics and Aging of Ambient Aerosol
- A Comparison of Microbial Community Structures by Depth and Season Under Switchgrass
- A Detailed Analysis of Aerosols Containing Zn, Pb, and Cl from an Industrial Region of Mexico City
- A Divergence Criterion for Solute Transport Moment Equations
- A New AOD Retrieval in Vicinity of Broken Clouds: A Potential Tool to Study Aerosol Indirect Effects
- A Python Tool for Linking Vadose and Saturated Zone Models
- Aerosol Effects on Mixed-Phase Clouds
- Aerosol Optical Properties Observed during CHAPS
- Aerosol and Trace Gas Processing by Clouds During the Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study (CHAPS)
- Airborne Photoacoustic Observations of Aerosol Optical Properties Aloft Alaska: Quantifying Aerosol Radiative Forcing in the Arctic
- An Exploration of the Physico-chemical Diversity of a Suite of Biochars
- An Extensible Python User Environment for Subsurface Modeling
- An Introduction to SPEAR (Seismogram Picking Error from Analyst Review)
- Analysis of the NARCCAP WRF Simulations of Cold Season Extreme Precipitation Events
- Applications of Complementary Analytical Techniques to Study Chemical Composition and Properties of Atmospheric Particles
- Automated Classification Of Scanning Electron Microscope Particle Images Using Morphological Analysis
- Biomolecular Aspects of Mercury Transformations
- Bioremediation of Metals and Radionuclides: Results from Field-scale Experiments and Future Prospects
- Bridging model and observations for study of aerosol-cloud indirect effects
- Cellular Metabolic Activity and the Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotope Composition of Intracellular Water and Metabolites
- Changes in Aerosol Size Distribution due to Aqueous-Phase Oxidation of SO2 in Marine Stratocumulus Clouds
- Characterization of Atmospheric Organic Nitrates in Particles
- Characterization of the Chemical and Optical Properties of Cloud-Processed Aerosols: first results from the Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study of June 2007 (CHAPS)
- Closure Study of Modeled and Measured Cloud Condensation Nuclei During CLASIC 2007
- Construction, Modeling and Testing of a Low-Flow, Large-Diameter Aerosol Flow System for the Study of the Formation and Reactions of Tropospheric Aerosols
- Convective signals from surface measurements at DOE ARM Tropical Western Pacific sites
- Design and Characterization of the 4STAR Sun-Sky Spectrometer with Results from 4- Way Intercomparison of 4STAR, AATS-14, Prede, and Cimel Photometers at Mauna Loa Observatory.
- Digital Inversion and Initial Analysis of Nephelometer Data from the CHAPS Campaign
- Discovery of a transient radiation belt at Saturn
- Effect of Electron Capacitance on Geobacter Growth and Metal Reduction in Subsurface
- Effects of Peclet Number on Pore-Scale Mixing and Channeling of a Tracer and on Directional Advective Porosity
- Effects of soot-induced snow albedo change on snowpack and hydrological cycle in western U.S. based on WRF chemistry and regional climate simulations
- Evaluating Simulations of Primary Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Organic Aerosols using Aerosol Mass Spectrometer Data and Positive Matrix Factorization Analysis
- Evidence for New Particle Formation in Isoprene Plumes Near Oklahoma City During the 2007 Cumulus Humilis Aerosol Processing Study (CHAPS)
- Evidence of Flow Rerouting Caused by Bioremediation-Induced Clogging at the Uranium Contaminated DOE Integrated Field Challenge Site, Rifle, Colorado
- Experimental Evaluation of Gas-Phase Transport and Reactivity of Two Organophosphate Compounds in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Extreme Storm Event Assessments for Nuclear Facilities and Dam Safety
- Fine-Scale Physical Structure and Microbial Composition of Soil Aggregates
- Geochemical Control on Cr(VI) Desorption From Sediments: a Macroscopic, Microscopic and Spectroscopic Investigation
- Geoengineering by seeding boundary layer clouds using two climate modeling paradigms
- Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Ice Nucleation in a GCM Framework and comparisons with observations.
- How much do we really know about the Anthropogenic Influence of Aerosols on Clouds?
- Ice Nucleation in Mixed-Phase Clouds - Insights from a 3-D Cloud-Resolving Model with Size-Resolved Aerosol and Cloud Microphysics
- Impact of multiphase flow and transport on NAPL distribution and NAPL removal mechanisms in unsaturated porous media
- Implications of High Resolution Modeling for Aerosols and their Direct Radiative Forcing, a Self-Consistent Comparison from GCM to Cloud-Resolving Scales
- Improved Artificial Neural Network-Pedotransfer Functions (ANN-PTFs) for Estimating Soil Hydraulic Parameters
- In Situ Bioreduction of Uranium in an Alluvial Aquifer: Overview of Results from the Integrated Field-Scale Subsurface Research Challenge Site (IFC) at Rifle, Colorado
- Indirect Effect in NCAR CAM: Sensitivity to Aerosol-Cloud Parameterizations
- Influence of Anthropogenic Sulfate and Black Carbon on Upper Tropospheric Clouds in the NCAR CAM3 Model Coupled to the IMPACT Global Aerosol Model
- Insights on Uranium Behavior in a Dynamic Vadose Zone-Aquifer-River Hydrologic System
- Integrating the Technosocial Dimensions of Food and Biomass Energy Systems under Climate Change
- Integration of Genome-Scale Metabolic Nodels of Iron-Reducing Bacteria With Subsurface Flow and Geochemical Reactive Transport Models
- Integration of Stable Isotope and other Mass Spectral Data for Microbial Forensics
- Investigating the Ice Nucleation Behavior of Dust Particles
- Joint ARM/GCSS/SPARC TWP-ICE CRM Intercomparison Study: Description, Preliminary Results, and Invitation to Participate
- Large Scale Characteristics of NARCCAP Generated Severe Weather Environments From Reanalysis and CCSM3 Simulations Using WRF
- Lidar observations of aerosols near clouds during CHAPS/CLASIC
- Linking Pore- and Darcy-scale Models of Reactive and Non-Reactive Transport
- Measurements of Ice Nucleation in Arctic Mixed Phase Clouds
- Meso-Scale Stochastic Model for Flow and Transport in Porous Media
- Micro- and Nano-scale Diffusion Domains Acting as Kinetic Controls for U(VI) Release to the Hanford 300-Area Aquifer
- Mixing-Induced Precipitation Phenomena: Range of Applicability of Macroscopic Equations
- Molecular- and Nano-Scale Structure and Reactivity of Biogenic Uranium(IV) Oxide
- Multi-channel Auto-dilution System for Remote Continuous Monitoring of High Soil-CO2 Fluxes
- Nanoscale Zirconium-(oxyhydr)oxide in Contaminated Sediments From Hanford, WA - A New Host for Uranium
- Physical and Chemical Properties that Give Rise to Flow ByPassing in DNAPL Impacted Groundwater Source Zones
- Proteogenomic Analysis of Geobacter Populations in a low Nutrient Contaminated Aquifer Under Stimulated Conditions.
- Pumped Counter Flow Virtual Impactor: Numerical Evaluation
- Pyrrhotite: an Iron Sulfide Mineral Formed During Growth of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria at a Hematite Surface
- Rates of Equilibrium Reactions in a Transport System with Both Kinetic and Equilibrium React
- Relationship Between Pacific Decadal Oscillation and Paleo-Tracers of Hypoxia in Sediment Cores from Puget Sound, WA
- Research Needs for Wind Resource Characterization
- Research at Hanford's 300 Area Integrated Field Challenge Site
- Routine measurements of aerosol extinction profiles by the ARM program and their validation
- Science Studies from Archived Observations
- Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formation From the NO3 Radical Oxidation of Alpha- pinene
- Shortwave Forcing by Shallow Cumuli over the Southern Great Plains
- Simulating particle dispersion in a tidal flat and channel system: Skagit Bay, WA (USA)
- Soil Carbon Sequestration - Science for Enhancement and Implementation
- Sources and Transformations of Organic Aerosol Particles Measured With a new Single Particle Technique During the MILAGRO 2006 Field Campaign in Mexico City
- System-level approach to studying oxygen stress and acclimation of Shewanella oneidensis to growth under aerobic conditions
- Testbeds for Wind Resource Characterization: Needs and Potential Facilities
- The Composition of Individual Aerosol Particles over the North Slope of Alaska during ISDAC
- The Effect of Iron and Sulfate Levels on the Transition from Iron to Sulfate Reduction during Biostimulation
- The Microfluidics Flow and Transport Laboratory: A New User Facility at PNNL's Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
- The Ocean Metaproteome: Where the Rubber Meets the Road
- The Role of Small Particles in Cirrus Examined Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Measurements and An Assumed Bimodal Particle Size Distribution
- The Use of Full-Physics Atmospheric Modeling for Wind Power Plants
- The role of directed van der Waals bonded interactions in the determination of the structures of molecular arsenate solids
- Titan's Prolific Propane
- Toward a Minimal Representation of Aerosol Direct and Indirect Effects
- Toward understanding the role of the atmosphere in pan Arctic change and sea ice loss; an update on the status of focused campaigns under POLARCAT.
- Transient Ionization of Shock Compressed Water Near Planetary Isentropes
- Understanding the Evolution of Organic Aerosols in the Mexico City Airshed in 2002, 2003 and 2006 using Positive Matrix Factorization
- Unraveling Contributions of Urban, Biomass Burning and Secondary Organic Aerosols Near Mexico City During MILAGRO 2006
- Upscaling the Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivities of Isotropic Soils
- Uranium Association With Framboidal Pyrite and Magnetite-like Phases in Alluvial Sediments
- Uranium Desorption From Contaminated Sediments at the USDOE IFC Research Site in Rifle, CO: From Batch to Field
- Using Sediment Records to Reconstruct Historical Inputs Combustion-Derived Contaminants to Urban Airsheds/Watersheds: A Case Study From the Puget Sound
- Vadose Zone Chromium(VI) Immobilization using Foam-Delivered Calcium Polysulfide (CaS5)
- Virtual Energetic Particle Observatory (VEPO)
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Airborne Concepts and Ground Prototype Measurements
- A Biophysical Modeling Framework for Assessing the Environmental Impact of Biofuel Production
- A Tale of Two Seismic Swarms: Implications for different forcing mechanisms (Invited)
- ARM Climate Research Facility: Outreach Tools and Strategies
- Abundances of Natural Radionuclides (40K, 238U, 232Th) in Hanford and Rifle Integrated Field Research Challenge Site Sediments and the Application to the Estimation of Grain Size Distributions
- Aerosol Climatology from Storm Peak Laboratory
- Aerosol Composition, Chemistry, and Source Characterization during the 2008 VOCALS Experiment
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during ARCTAS
- Arctic temperature amplification (Invited)
- Azimuthal Resistivity Investigation of an Unconfined Aquifer at the Hanford Integrated Field Research Challenge Site
- Basalt Reactivity in the Presence of H2O-Saturated Supercritical CO2 Containing Gaseous Sulfur Compounds
- Calcite Precipitation in a CO2 Rich Environment
- Can 3D Models Explain the Primary and Secondary, Fossil and non-Fossil Organic Aerosols during the 2006 MILAGRO Experiment?
- Challenges (and annoyances) in modeling disturbance effects on terrestrial carbon cycling (Invited)
- Characterizing the Size and Composition of Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Ice Cloud Nuclei (IN) over the North Slope of Alaska (Invited)
- Climate-Soil-Vegetation Control on Groundwater Table Dynamics and its Feedbacks in a Climate Model
- Climatic Effects of Marine Organic Aerosols
- Cloud Condensation Nuclei in Cumulus Humilis - Selected Case Study During the CHAPS Campaign
- Complementary Micro-spectroscopic Analysis of Atmospheric Particles
- Corrosion of Pipeline and Wellbore Steel by Liquid CO2 Containing Trace Amounts of Water and SO2
- Coupled Monitoring and Modeling of Air Quality and Regional Climate during the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games
- Delineating subsurface zones of natural bioreduction using the complex resistivity method
- Demonstration of a Model Averaging Capability in FRAMES
- Detecting thin cirrus in MISR aerosol retrievals
- Direct Observation of Long-Range Transport Using Continuously Sounding Balloons and Near-Real-Time Trajectory Modeling
- Dominant Role by Vertical Wind Shear in Regulating Aerosol Effects on Deep Convective Clouds
- Effect of 57Fe-goethite Amendment on Microbial Community Composition and Dynamics During the Transition from Iron to Sulfate Reduction
- Effect of Hydrophilic Organic Seed Aerosols on the Formation of Secondary Organic Aerosol from α-Pinene Ozonolysis in Dry and Humid Conditions
- Effects of microbial activity and electron shuttles on the reduction of U(VI) under Fe(III)- and sulfate-reducing conditions
- Effects of transient flow and water chemistry on U(VI) transport
- Electrical geophysical characterization of the Hanford 300 Area Integrated Field Research Challenge using high performance DC resistivity inversion geostatistically constrained by borehole conductivity logs
- Evaluation of Heat as a Tracer to Quantify Variations in Groundwater Velocities at Hanford’s Integrated Field Research Challenge (IFRC) Site
- Experience in Preparing and Using Virtual Observatory Data
- Field and Numerical Modeling Study of Reductive Bioimmobilization of Cr (VI) in Groundwater at Hanford 100-H Site
- Field observations linking organic carbon content to optical properties in atmospheric aerosols
- Foam as a Delivery Vehicle in Vadose Zone Remediation: Transport; Amendment Distribution; and Tc-99 Immobilization
- Fundamental Science for Geologic Carbon Sequestration: Molecular Probes for Understanding Wet CO2 Interaction with Caprock Minerals (Invited)
- Gas-Phase Tracer Column Experiments to Detect and Quantify Soil Moisture During Desiccation
- Ground Motion Amplitudes from the Wooded Island Earthquake Swarm, Hanford, Washington
- Heavy pollution suppresses light rain in China: Observations and modeling
- Hydraulic Characterization of the Hyporheic Corridor at the Hanford 300 Area Using Geoelectrical Imaging and Distributed Temperature Sensing (DTS) Methods (Invited)
- Ice Nucleation in Mixed-Phase Clouds: Parameterization Evaluation and Climate Impacts
- Impact of Mobile-Immobile Water Domains on the Retention of Technetium (Tc-99) in the Vadose Zone
- In-Situ Measurements of Engineered Nanoporous Particle Transport in Saturated Porous Media
- In-situ Optical Spectroscopy Investigation of Water and Its influence on Forsterite Transformation in Supercritical CO2
- Inadvertent climate modification due to anthropogenic lead
- Integrating Tracer Test Data into Geostatistical Aquifer Characterization at the Hanford 300 Area
- Investigating In-Situ Mass Transfer Processes in a Groundwater U Plume Influenced by Groundwater-River Hydrologic and Geochemical Coupling (Invited)
- Laboratory Experiments of Desiccation as a Method for Contaminant Transport Reduction
- Laboratory Investigation of Trace Gas Emissions from Biomass Burning on DoD Bases
- Lattice Boltzmann Model Interpretation of Scale-Dependent Contaminant Desorption Rates in Sediments
- Massively Parallel Simulation of Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Measurements at the Mt. Rainier IMPROVE Site of Aerosol Mass, Size and Composition and their Correlation with Particle Hygroscopicity
- Mechanisms of Biogenic Uraninite Corrosion in Groundwater at the Rifle IFRC site
- Microbial community changes during sustained Cr(VI) reduction at the 100H site in Hanford, WA
- Microbiological and Mineralogical Characterization of Columbia River Basalts Prior to Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Addition
- Microfoams as Reactant Transport Media for In-Situ Immobilization of Radionuclide and Metallic Contaminants in Deep Vadose Zone
- Modeling Field-Scale Uranium Reactive Transport in Physically and Chemically Heterogeneous Media (Invited)
- Modeling evolution of aerosol mixing state and the associated optical and CCN activation properties (Invited)
- Modeling of secondary organic aerosols formation during MILAGRO 2006
- Modeling the Net Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Net Ecosystem Exchange of Agroecosystems of the Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign Region during 2000-2008
- Modeling the spatial distribution of mineral dust and its radiative impact over West Africa during the Dust and Biomass-burning Experiment (DABEX)
- Monitoring the Vadose Zone Moisture Regime Below a Surface Barrier
- Multiple Scale Studies to Understand Mass Transfer Controlled Uranium Migration in a Dynamic Groundwater Plume Influenced by Water Table Fluctuations (Invited)
- Natural and Accelerated in situ Bioremediation of Metals and Radionuclides: Progress in Mechanistic Understanding and Monitoring Methods (Invited)
- New Lidar Remote Sensing Capabilities at the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Climate Research Facilities (Invited)
- Numerical and experimental investigation of mixing-induced calcite precipitation and permeability changes in micromodel experiments
- Numerical and experimental investigation of the impact of organic chemical mixtures on DNAPL migration and distribution in unsaturated porous media
- Observations of the Importance of Both Cloud Dynamics and Particle Loading in the Microphysics of Shallow Cumuli
- Overview of Phosphate-Based Remediation Technologies At The Hanford Site, Richland Washington
- Pore-Scale Investigation of Mixing-Induced Calcite Precipitation in Silicon-Based Micromodels
- Pore-Scale Simulation and Upscaling of Solute Transport in Groundwater Incorporating Intra-Grain Mass Transfer Processes
- Pore-scale investigation of microbial growth and reactive transport
- Probing Metal Carbonation Reactions of CO2 in a Model System Containing Forsterite and H2O Using Si-29, C-13 Magic Angle Sample Spinning NMR Spectroscopy
- Radionuclide Sensors and Systems for Monitoring Technetium-99 and Strontium-90 in Groundwater at the Hanford Site
- Role of Ozone in Particle Formation and Growth From the Nitrate Radical-Initiated Oxidation of α-Pinene
- Simulating Subsurface Reactive Flows on Ultrascale Computers with PFLOTRAN
- Simulations of radar signals on the basis of cloud model results - deep convection conditions
- Slow aging in Secondary Organic Aerosol observed by Liquid Chromatography coupled with High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Southwestern U.S. Mega-droughts and Associated Sea Surface Temperatures in Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Control Runs
- Spatial and temporal variations of aerosols around Beijing in summer 2006: Model evaluation and source apportionment
- Spontaneous activation of CO2 and corrosion pathways on iron surface Fe(100): a quantum mechanical study informed by DFT-based dynamics
- TTL cirrus formation by convective detrainment and in situ nucleation: Seasonal and regional climatology from CALIPSO observations
- The Aerosol Modeling Testbed: A Tool to Facilitate Improved Aerosol Process Modules
- The Madden-Julian oscillation wind-convection coupling and the role of moisture processes in the MM5 model
- The Morphology of Internally Mixed SOA/DOP Particles and the Uptake of Gas-Phase DOP During SOA Formation
- The Possible Role of the Piezoelectricity of Water Ice in Planet Formation and Lightening
- The deep vadose zone as a source of contaminant uranium recharge to the near-shore aquifer at the Hanford Site, Washington
- Three-dimensional Characterization of A High-K Aquifer at the Hanford 300 Area and Retrospective Analysis of Experimental Designs
- Towards Improving Satellite Tropospheric NO2 Retrieval Products: Impacts of the spatial resolution and lighting NOx production from the a priori chemical transport model
- Towards an Integrated Methodology for Measuring and Monitoring Soil Carbon at Regional Scales (Invited)
- Why do long term regional climate simulations using WRF have reduced moisture and precipitation in the Great Plains?
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Development and Results from First Test-flights
- A Combined Power-Averaging and Tensorial Connectivity-Tortuosity Approach for Simulating Field-Scale Moisture Flow
- A Comparison of Aircraft ATOFMS Measurements in the Greater Los Angeles and Sacramento Areas
- A Java and XML Application to Support Numerical Model Development within the Geologic Sequestration Software Suite (GS3)
- A New Scaled Inverse Modeling Method to Estimate Hydraulic Parameter Variations in a Deep Vadose Zone
- A Practical Property Transfer Model for Estimating and Upscaling the Specific Surface Area of Unconsolidated Sediments Using Textural Characteristics
- A Prescribed Fire Emission Factors Database for Land Management and Air Quality Applications
- A Process-Modeling Study of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in Response to Controlled Seawater Spray in Marine Boundary Layer (Invited)
- ARM Data Products and Methods for Climate Model Validation
- ARM Data sets for the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC)
- Aerosol Effects on Cirrus Clouds and Climate in NCAR CAM5: Impacts of Heterogeneous Ice Nuclei
- Aerosol buffering of marine boundary layer cloudiness
- Aerosol, Clouds and Water Vapor Transport across the Tropopause: Observations and Model Results
- Aerosol-droplet relations in Arctic clouds: insight from the Indirect and Semi-Direct Aerosol Campaign (ISDAC)
- Aircraft and shipboard measurements of aerosol mixing state in southern and northern California during the Calnex 2010 and CARES field campaigns (Invited)
- An Overview of the 2010 Carbonaceous Aerosol and Radiative Effects Study (CARES) Field Campaign
- Analysis of Fresh and Aged Aerosols Produced by Biomass Combustion
- Basalt CO2 Sequestration: Using Wireline Logs to Identify Subsurface Continental Flood Basalt Lithofacies
- Biofuel production and climate mitigation potential from marginal lands in US North Central region
- Biogeochemical Dynamics in a Shallow Alluvial Aquifer: Impact on Uranium and Other Redox-sensitive Contaminants Over Time and Space (Invited)
- CCN activity of thermodenuded aerosol particles downwind of the Sacramento area urban plume
- Calcium-Citrate-Phosphate Solution Injection for In Situ Strontium-90 Immobilization
- Carbon sequestration through wood burial and storage: practical potential and policy considerations (Invited)
- Case studies of size resolved CCN composition and cloud properties in cumulus humilis
- Characterization of Brucite and Portlandite Reactivity with Wet Supercritical CO2 by In Situ High Pressure XRD
- Characterization of submicron aerosol chemistry, evolution, and volatility at Cool (California) during the CARES field campaign with a thermodenuder-high-resolution aerosol mass spectrometer
- Characterizing Organic-Liquid Sources in the Vadose Zone
- Characterizing the unique photochemical environment in China
- Cloud-Aerosol Interactions in a Multiscale Aerosol Climate Model
- Computational Challenges in Integrated Regional Earth System Modeling (iRESM)
- Constraining the size distribution of mineral dust aerosols using theory, a compilation of literature measurements, and mesoscale modeling
- Correlations Between Physical and Hydraulic Properties and Uranium Desorption in Contaminated, Intact Sediment Cores
- Coupling Power Generation, Geologic CO2 Storage and Saline Groundwater Desalination to Address Growing Energy Needs in Water Constrained Regions
- Detecting and isolating the forcing and response processes in the climate system using multiple pseudo-random perturbations of sea surface temperature patterns across worldwide ocean regions
- Developing A Multi-Year Ensemble Cloud Retrieval Properties Dataset (ECLDRET) from Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Observations
- Development of a Screening Assay for Microbial Community Profiling
- Development of enabling scientific tools to characterize the geologic subsurface at Hanford
- Digital Photograph Analysis to Quantify Fine-grained Sediment Composition of Riverbed Surfaces
- Dimension Reduction Method for Pore-Scale Reactive Transport Models
- Diurnal cycle of greenhouse gases and biogenic hydrocarbons during summer near Cool, CA
- Effect of Carbonaceous Aerosols on Clouds and Precipitation in Asia
- Effect of Grain Sizes on Uranium(VI) Adsorption/Desorption Kinetics and Rate Additivity
- Effect of Temporal Residual Correlation on Estimation of Model Averaging Weights
- Effect of aerosol mixing state on BC scavenging --- Insights based on particle-resolved aerosol model simulations
- Effects of Pore-Scale Heterogeneity and Solution Chemistry on Transverse Mixing Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation
- Efficient Extraction of Regional Subsets from Massive Climate Datasets using Parallel IO
- Enabling the measurement of in-situ, atomic scale mineral transformation rates in supercritical CO2 through development of a high pressure AFM
- Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Subsurface Using Shear Thinning Fluid and Aqueous Foam for Metal, Radionuclide, and NAPL Remediation
- Establishing a Geochemical Heterogeneity Model for a Contaminated Vadose Zone-Aquifer System
- Estimation of Field-scale Aquifer Hydraulic and Sorption Parameters Based on Borehole Spectral Gamma Methods
- Evaluating River Restoration Objectives As Research Hypotheses: A Case Study Of Engineered Log Jams
- Evaluating Soil Vapor Extraction Remediation Closure Criteria and Vadose Zone Source-Strength Distribution at the DOE Hanford 216-Z-9 Site
- Evaluating and improving CLM hydrologic processes for integrated earth system modeling at regional scales
- Evaluating the Impact of Enhanced Data for Assimilation on Short-term Forecasting for Wind Power: Overview of a Planned DOE/NOAA/Private-industry Study
- Evaluating the impacts of caprock and reservoir properties on potential risk of CO2 leakage after injection
- Evaluation of stratocumulus clouds in WRF-Chem simulations for VOCALS-REx
- Examination of groundwater-surface water interaction at the Hanford 300 Area using time-lapse resistivity imaging and distributed temperature sensing (Invited)
- First results from a large, multi-platform study of trace gas and particle emissions from biomass burning
- Foam, a promising vehicle to deliver nanoparticles for vadose zone remediation
- Fundamental Science Tools for Geologic Carbon Sequestration and Mineral Carbonation Chemistry: In Situ Magic Angle Spinning (MAS) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- Gas- and Particle-phase Chemical Composition Measurements Onboard the G1 Research Aircraft during the CARES Campaign
- Gas-phase Partitioning Tracer Tests to Quantify Water Content in Relatively Dry and Desiccated Porous Media
- Generation of High Resolution Land Surface Parameters in the Community Land Model
- Geologic Sequestration Studies with Hawaiian Picrites
- Geophysical Investigation of the Wooded Island earthquake swarm, Hanford Site, Washington (Invited)
- Groundwater dependent ecohydrology in a semi-arid oak savanna (Invited)
- Hybrid simulations of reactive transport in porous media (Invited)
- Hygroscopicity parameter of biogenic aerosols subject to OH-initiated heterogeneous oxidation at Whistler, British Columbia
- Ice Formation of Coated Black Carbon Particles
- Impact of Mobile-Immoble Water on the Transport of Technetium (Tc-99) in Unsaturated Sediments
- Impacts of Tibetan Plateau snowpack pollution on the Asian hydrological cycle and monsoon climate
- Importance of Chemical Composition for Ice Nucleation: A Combined Field and Laboratory Approach
- Importance of Considering Intraborehole Flow in Solute Transport Modeling under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Improving short term streamflow forecast using SNOTEL data assimilation
- Intercomparison of cloud model simulations of Arctic mixed-phase boundary layer stratus: Process interactions, self-maintenance, and rapid transition between states
- Interpretation of Aerosol Optical and Morphological Properties during the Carbonaceous Aerosols and Radiative Effects Study in Sacramento, June 2010
- Intra-grain Pore-Scale Reactive Diffusion of Uranium and Upscaling in Subsurface Sediments
- Investigating and parameterizing physical, chemical, and thermodynamic dependencies of ice nuclei concentrations (Invited)
- Investigating the Environmental Effects of Ocean Energy Generation (Invited)
- Investigations of cumulus entrainment rates through remotely-sensed observations
- Linkages between Transient Atmospheric Eddy Activities and the Retreat of Arctic Sea Ice in Different Circulation Patterns
- Long-Term Measurements for Evaluating Model Predicted Low-Level Winds
- Massively parallel multiple interacting continua formulation for modeling flow in fractured porous media using the subsurface reactive flow and transport code PFLOTRAN
- Metal Carbonation of Forsterite in Wet Supercritical CO2: The Role of H2O Studied by Solid State C-13 and Si-29 NMR Spectroscopy
- Mixing State of Black Carbon and Evolution during Transport: Results from CARES 2010
- Mixing-induced calcite precipitation and dissolution kinetics in micromodel experiments
- Modeling Impacts of Climate Change on Stream Temperature
- Modeling the Multiday Evolution and Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosol During MILAGRO 2006
- Modelling the fate of the Tijuana River discharge plume
- Moist thermodynamics of Madden Julian Oscillation in a high resolution regional model
- Molecular Simulations of the Diffusion of Uranyl Carbonate Species in Nanosized Mineral Fractures
- Monitoring Spatio-temporal Dielectric Permittivity Variation in the Shallow Subsurface through Bayesian Inversion of GPR Data
- Multi-decadal variations of atmospheric aerosols and their effects on surface radiation trends
- Multi-summer Cumulus-Radiation-Aerosol Climatology at SGP site
- Near real-time imaging of molasses injections using time-lapse electrical geophysics at the Brandywine DRMO, Brandywine, Maryland
- New X-ray Computed Tomography Capability for Pore-Scale Flow and Transport Experimentation at EMSL
- Observational data preparation and availability for Integrated Earth System modeling
- On the Evaporation Kinetics and Phase of Laboratory and Ambient Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Overview and Major Findings of the Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) Campaign
- Ozone and secondary aerosol formation — Analysis of particle observations in the 2009 SHARP campaign
- Particle Size Distributions During Laboratory-Scale Biomass Burns and Prescribed Burns Using Fast Response Instruments
- Perspective of Using the Results of Monitoring and Modeling of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant's Cooling Pond as Analogue for the US DOE Contaminated Sites
- Pilot Tests of Enhanced Denitrification Using Ethanol
- Pore-Scale Flow and Transport Experimental Research Opportunities for EMSL Users
- Pore-Scale Modeling of the Real and Imaginary Electrical Properties of Unconsolidated Porous Media
- Pore-Scale Research of Trapping Mechanisms and Caprock Sealing Efficiency Relevant to CO2 Sequestration: Experimental Capability Development at EMSL/PNNL
- Post-Biostimulation Biogenic U(IV) Stability and Microbial Community Structure that Affects its Dynamics
- Processing Of Black Carbon In The Mixed Sacramento Urban-Biogenic Environment
- Production and physicochemical evolution of size-resolved marine aerosol in the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model: Implications for oxidation processes, radiative transfer, and climate
- R-GCAM a New Regionally Disaggregated Integrated Assessment Model (Invited)
- Radiative forcing of Sahara dust and its impacts on the hydrological cycle in the West African monsoon system
- Reactivity of Forsterite, Lizardite, and Antigorite in Dry to Water-Saturated Supercritical CO2 - An In Situ Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation
- Representing human-water interactions in an integrated regional earth system modeling framework
- River Induced Wellbore Flow Dynamics in Long-Screen Wells and their Impact on Aqueous Sampling Results
- Sequential Bayesian Geostatistical Inversion and Evaluation of Combined Data Worth for Aquifer Characterization at the Hanford 300 Area
- Simulation of Microfoam Transport in Porous Media
- Simulations of Extreme Events Using WRF Driven by Two GCMs (Invited)
- Soil moisture assimilation from riverflow information to improve short-term streamflow forecast
- Solar irradiance and aerosol optical properties during the CARES field campaign
- Sub-grain scale mineralogy of Hanford sand after reaction with caustic tank wastes
- Submicron aerosol characterization during CARES 2010 field campaign using a high resolution aerosol mass spectrometry at the suburban site
- Survey of aerosol optical properties measured as a function of wavelength with multiple photoacoustic instruments in Sacramento during the CARES campaign
- The ARM Climate Research Facility - New Capabilities and the Expected Impacts on Climate Science and Modeling
- The Application of Remotely Sensed Data and Models to Benefit Conservation and Restoration Along the Northern Gulf of Mexico Coast
- The Cassini Enceladus encounters in the view of energetic particle measurements
- The Diurnal Cycle of Particle Sizes, Compositions, and Densities observed in Sacramento, CA during CARES Field Campaign
- The Effect of Particle Composition on Hygroscopicity and Droplet Formation at CARES
- The Open-Cellular Cloud System as a Coupled Oscillator (Invited)
- The Role of Aerosol Composition in Arctic Cloud Formation
- The Role of Complex Terrain in Precipitation Variability in a Dynamically Downscaled Simulation over Asia
- The Scenarios Approach to Attenuation-Based Remedies for Inorganic and Radionuclide Contaminants (Invited)
- The Symbiotic Relationship between Scientific Workflow and Provenance (Invited)
- Thermal and Photochemical Oxidation of Organic Compounds on Model Mineral Dust Particles Exposed to Nitrogen Dioxide
- Three-Dimensional Bayesian Geostatistical Aquifer Characterization at the Hanford 300 Area using Tracer Test Data
- Time-Lapse Geoelectrical Imaging of a Controlled Ethanol Release in Ottawa Sand
- Transport and Mixing Processes Affecting the Evolution of Aerosols in the Sacramento Valley during CARES
- U(VI) transport under the condition of water table fluctuations
- Uncertainty Quantification for Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Uncertainty in Representing Cloud Ice Nuclei Number Concentration in Climate Models and Its Impact on Model Simulations
- Use of Ammonia Gas for Uranium Remediation in Vadose Zone Sediments
- Use of the Time-Domain Induced Polarization Method to Map the Spatial Distribution and Depth of the Hanford-Ringold Contact in the Hanford 300 Area: Results from 2d Complex Resistivity Inversion
- Using Stable Isotopes to Trace Microbial Hydrogen Production Pathways
- Using Terrain Analysis and Remote Sensing to Improve Snow Mass Balance and Runoff Prediction
- Using Testbeds to Evaluate Aerosol Simulations over Multiple Spatial Scales (Invited)
- Using large Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) Sites as Analogs to Study the Mechanical Behavior of Large CO2 Storage Sites
- Vegetation Influences on Long-Term Carbon Stabilization in Soils: a Coast Redwood-Prairie Comparison
- Viscous and Capillary Effects on Immiscible Fluids Displacement: Pore-Scale Study in a Uniform Pore Network Micromodel
- Whole-sediment speciation of U(IV) in acetate-bioreduced aquifer sediments at the Rifle, CO, IFRC site
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Results from Test-flight Series
- A Coral Based Reconstruction of Atmospheric Δ14C through the Mystery Interval (17.5 to 14.5 kyr BP)
- A Framework of Testing and Evaluating the Resolution Dependency of Aerosol and Cloud Parameterizations Used by CAM5
- A Hydro-mechanical Model and Analytical Solutions for Geomechanical Modeling of Carbon Dioxide Geological Sequestration
- A Kinetics Approach to SOA Growth: Implication From Studies of Alpha-Pinene Oxidation
- A Modeling Study of Aerosol Effects on the Water Vapor near the Tropopause
- A Modeling Study of the Effect of Tide Energy Extraction on Estuarine Circulation and Its Implication on Water Quality
- A Physiochemical Analysis of the Mechanisms for Transport and Retention of Technetium (Tc-99) in Hanford Sediments
- A smoothed particle hydrodynamics non-Newtonian model for ice sheet and ice shelf dynamics
- AMS Measurements in National Parks of Aerosol Mass, Size and Composition, Comparison with Filter Samples and Correlation with Particle Hygroscopicity and Optical Extinction Properties
- Accounting for the effects of pore fluid chemistry on spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements: the specific polarizability concept
- Aerosol Effects on Cumulus Humilis
- Aerosol Impacts on Cloud Properties Observed during CalWater 2011
- Aerosol Size Distribution and Time Evolution in CARES
- Aerosol properties from 4STAR observations: A sensitivity study
- Aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions in warm clouds in the PNNL-MMF multi-scale aerosol-climate model
- Aerosols optical depth enhancement in presence of clouds
- Amanzi and Akuna: Two New Community Codes for Subsurface Contaminant Flow and Transport
- Analyzing the Role of Biofilm in Weathering Processes in the Rhizosphere with Various Microscopic Techniques
- Anomalous Transport, Incomplete Mixing and Reactions
- Application of Biostimulation for Remediation of Sulfate-Contaminated Groundwater at a Mining Site
- Assessing Flood Risk at Nuclear Power Plants with an Uncertain Climate
- Assessing Uncertainty in Subsurface Transport Predictions Using the ASCEM Toolset
- Assessing the Land-Ocean Interaction under Extreme Climate Change Condition - a Modeling Approach
- Assessment of Parametric Uncertainty in Groundwater Reactive Transport Modeling Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Techniques
- Assigning Uncertainties to ARM SGP Observations
- Attributing surface temperature trends in the presence of natural variability: progress regarding the warming hiatus and unresolved challenges
- Balancing Accuracy and Computational Efficiency for Ternary Gas Hydrate Systems
- Basin scale reactive-transport simulations of CO2 leakage and resulting metal transport in a shallow drinking water aquifer
- Biomass burning: space-based detection efficiency, differences between ground-based and airborne measurements, evolution of trace gases and particles
- C-13 Stable Isotope Probing of Biostimulation Experiments to Identify Acetate Utilizers
- CALWATER Overview of the G1 aircraft measurements of cloud-aerosol interactions within winter storms
- CCN and IN Effects on Cloud Properties and Precipitation - Case Studies from CalWater 2011
- Capillary Absorption Spectrometer for <SUP>13</SUP>C Isotopic Composition of Pico to Subpico Molar Sample Quantities
- Carbonation of Wollastonite [CaSiO<SUB>3</SUB>] Under Hydrothermal Conditions During Exposure to Gaseous CO<SUB>2</SUB>: Implications for ex situ Mineralization
- Characteristics of Submicron Aerosols Influenced by Mixed Biogenic and Anthropogenic Emissions: Results from the Carbonaceous Aerosol Radiative Effects Study (CARES)
- Characterizing Vapor Fluxes for Organic-Liquid Sources in the Vadose Zone
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Individual Aerosol Particles Characterized in Sacramento, CA during CARES Field Campaign
- Climate Change over the Southwestern U.S. as predicted by Regional Climate Models
- Climate response to anthropogenic and biomass burning aerosols on the South Asian monsoon
- Climatology of aerosol optical properties near the New England coast: preparation for the Two Column Aerosol Program (TCAP) field campaign
- Cloud Field Variations Associated with Madden Julian Oscillation (MJO) Observed by Active Remote Sensors at ARM TWP Site and by CloudSat and CALIPSO Satellites
- Comparison of Field Groundwater Biostimulation Experiments Using Polylactate and Lactate Solutions at the Chromium-Contaminated Hanford 100-H Site
- Comparison of regional downscaling methods: dynamic downscaling using MRED vs. statistical downscaling methods
- Coupling of STOMP and ABAQUS for Hydro-Geomechanical Modeling of Fluid Flow and Rock Deformation Associated with Subsurface CO2 Injection
- Dependence of Ice Formation in Sierra Winter Orographic Clouds on the Mixing State of Aerosols Serving as Ice Nuclei
- Determination of the sources and impacts of aerosols on clouds and orographic precipitation during CalWater
- Determining Risk - How to Evaluate the Environmental Effects of Marine and Hydrokinetic Energy Development
- Determining Scale Adaptability of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- Development of a reservoir model to improve evapotranspiration estimates in a regional land atmospheric model
- Development of the Methodology Needed to Quantify Risks to Groundwater at CO2 Storage Sites
- Discrimination of Microorganisms and Determination of 13C Uptake Using Confocal Laser Raman Spectroscopy
- Ecosystem Impacts of Geoengineering: A Review for Developing a Science Plan
- Effect of Data Correlation on Model Weights
- Effect of spatially and temporally variable recharge on subsurface reactive transport of contaminants at Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge site
- Effective Foam Viscosity and Implications on Vadose Zone Remediation
- Effects of Temporal Residual Correlation on Model Weights
- Effects of stream discharge data assimilation on short-term streamflow forecast skill
- Efficient Compression of High Resolution Climate Data
- Energy spectra of helium, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and iron from 1990 through 2010 at daily averaged time resolution: A new product and implications derived therefrom
- Enhanced solar energy absorption by internally-mixed black carbon in snow grains
- Enhancing Representation of Subgrid Land Surface Characteristics in the Community Land Model
- Estimating cropland NPP using national crop inventory and MODIS derived crop specific parameters
- Evaluating atmospheric CO2 inversions at multiple scales over a highly-inventoried agricultural landscape
- Evaluation of Prediction Uncertainty of Uranium Transport in Small Scale Field Experiments
- Evaluation of streamflow uncertainties from errors in snow data assimilation
- Evolution of wavelength-dependent mass absorption cross sections of carbonaceous aerosols during the 2010 DOE CARES campaign
- Facies Delineation using Core, Wireline log, Electrical Resistance Tomography, and Electromagnetic Borehole Flowmeter Data
- Field Measurements to Characterize Turbulent Inflow for Marine Hydrokinetic Devices - Marrowstone Island, WA
- Foam-based delivery of amendments to immobilize metals and radionuclides in deep vadose zone environments
- Fundamental Studies of Laser Ablation Sampling for Isotopic and Molecular Characterization of Biogeochemical Systems at Spatial Resolutions of 2-50 Microns
- Future directions for the remediation of sites contaminated by Nonaqueous Phase Liquids
- Global Onshore Wind Energy Potential and Its Uncertainties
- Ground based snow water equivalent versus remotely sensed snow water extent assimilation for medium range streamflow simulation
- Hydrologic Forecasting and Hydropower Production
- Ice Nuclei in Mid-Latitude Cirrus: Effect of Aerosol Properties on the Formation of Ice Clouds Determined by Electron Microscopy
- Ice Nuclei in Mid-Latitude Cirrus: Preliminary Results from a New Counterflow Virtual Impactor (CVI) Aircraft Inlet
- Ice formation in cold clouds: using SPARTICUS measurements to constrain ice nucleation parameterization in a global climate model
- Ice nucleating properties of volcanic ash particles from the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption
- Impact of capturing rainfall scavenging intermittency using cloud superparameterization on simulated continental scale wildfire smoke transport
- Impacts of Hydrologic and Geochemical Uncertainty on Predicting Uranium Migration at the Hanford 300 Area
- Improving Aerosol Transport to the Arctic in CAM5
- Impure CO2 geological storage: Preliminary laboratory experiments at ambient conditions
- In Situ Aerosol Properties Measured over the California Central Valley and the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range
- In Situ Single Particle Measurement of Atmospheric Aging of Carbonaceous Aerosols During CARES
- In situ mid-infrared spectroscopic titration of forsterite with water in supercritical CO2: Dependence of mineral carbonation on quantitative water speciation
- Incorporating 3-D Subsurface Hydrologic Processes within the Community Land Surface Model (CLM): Coupling PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Influence of prognostic land use on 21st century climate prediction
- Initial characterization of carbon flows through microbial communities in Beowulf spring, an acidic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park
- Interactions of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with Porous Silica and Montmorillonite Clay
- Intercalation of TCE by Sediment-Associated Clay Minerals and Implications for Low-Concentration Elution Tailing and Back Diffusion
- Intragranular porosity in Hanford sand grains after reaction with caustic tank wastes: Quantification and implications for reactive transport
- Investigating Anthropogenic Aerosol Impacts on East Asia Summer Monsoon Using the NCAR CAM5
- Investigating the Impact of Pore Scale Microenvironments on Contaminant Biogeochemical Reactive Transport
- Investigation of Aerosol-cloud Equilibrium Regimes using WRF-Chem at Cloud-system Resolving Resolution
- Life Cycle of Tropical Convection and Anvil in Observations and Models
- Local Optical Closure Using Single Particle Mixing State Observations during the 2010 DOE CARES Campaign
- Long-term Effects of Ethanol Addition on Denitrification At The Uranium Mill Tailing Site In Monument Valley, Arizona
- Mapping Agricultural Land-Use Change in the US: Biofuel scenarios from 2000-2030
- Measurements of the Concentration and Composition of CCN and IN at a High Elevation Site
- Mercury and organic matter: Linkages and breakdowns across the California Delta
- Mesoscale controls of cirrus microphysical properties and life cycles at mid-latitudes
- Microscale reconstruction of biogeochemical substrates using combined X-ray tomography and scanning electron microscopy
- Mineral Carbonation in Wet Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB>: An in situ High-Pressure Magic Angle Spinning Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study
- Mineralogical and solid phase physical and geochemical controls on U mobility in the sediments from Rifle, CO
- Modeling aerosol effects on winter storms: Case studies from the SUPRECIP2 and CalWater field experiments in central California
- Modeling the regional water cycle and its interactions with water use, land use, and the energy system
- Molecular modeling studies of interfacial reactions in wet supercritical CO2.
- Molecular-Scale Characterization of Natural Organic Matter From A Uranium Contaminated Aquifer and its Utilization by Native Microbial Communities
- Molecular-level Analysis of Size Resolved Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Samples from CALNEX Bakersfield Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Monitoring Subsurface Microbial Biomass, Community Composition and Physiological Status during Biological Uranium Reduction with Acetate Addition using Lipid Analysis, DNA Arrays and q-PCR
- Multiscale model of the reactive transport of chromium in the cathode of a solid oxide fuel cell
- Multiyear Evidence from Ground-based Observations and Modeling of the Impact of Dust on Snowfall in the Sierra Nevada
- Nature and Reactivity of Sediment-Associated Spiked Fe(II) Toward Abiotic Uranium Reduction
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- NetCDF structure versioning on the ARM program
- Neural-Based Pattern Matching for Selection of Biophysical Model Meteorological Forcings
- New ARM measurements of clouds, aerosols, and the atmospheric state
- Non-enzymatic U(VI) interactions with biogenic mackinawite
- On the Symbiotic Relation between SOA and Hydrophobic Organics: SOA Formation Yield, Evaporation Kinetics, Phase, Morphology, Diffusivity, Viscosity, and Coalescence Rates
- Operational Implementation of Cloud Concentration Nuclei Profile Algorithm
- Optimal placement of target parameters in hydrological inversion with an application to the Method of Anchored Distributions
- Particle Characterization and Ice Nucleation Efficiency of Field-Collected Aerosol Particles
- Particle-Phase Chemistry of Secondary Organic Material: Modeled Compared to Measured O:C and H:C Elemental Ratios Provide Constraints
- Phase Characteristics in Orographic Convective Clouds
- Pore Network Simulation to Develop Electrical Petrophysical Relations in the Presence of Mass Transfer
- Pore Scale Investigation of Supercritical and Liquid CO2 Displacement of Water in A Dual-Permeability Pore Network Micromodel
- Pore-Scale Exploration of Uranyl Desorption
- Pore-Scale Model for Microbial Growth
- Pore-Scale Simulation of Intragranular Diffusion: Effects of Incomplete Mixing on Macroscopic Manifestations
- Power and Limitations of Anhydrosugars to Trace Historical Natural and Anthropogenic Inputs of charcoal BC to Aquatic Systems
- Precipitation and Dissolution of Uranyl Phosphates in a Microfluidic Pore Structure
- Prediction of lithology types at the Hanford 300 Area using a clustering analysis
- Probing the impact of different aerosol sources on cloud microphysics and precipitation through in-situ measurements of chemical mixing state
- Progress Toward Understanding of Coupled Microbiology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrogeology Controls on Subsurface Mobility of Uranium
- Prospecting for natural attenuation: Coupled geophysical-biogeochemical studies at DOE's Rifle IFRC site
- Quantifying the Predicted Extent of the CO2 Plume for Delineating the Area of Review
- Reconciling estimates of the contemporary North American carbon balance among an inventory-based approach, terrestrial biosphere models, and atmospheric inversions
- Recovery of community genomes to assess subsurface metabolic potential: exploiting the capacity of next generation sequencing-based metagenomics
- Regionally Integrated Earth System Modeling
- Relative Humidity Enhanced Yield and CCN Activity of α-pinene SOA Particles at Low Mass Loading
- Remobilization of Cr(VI) from Cr(OH)3(s) coupled with heterogeneous Mn(II) oxidation
- Rheological Behavior Xanthan and SlurryPro Polymer Solutions Evaluated as Shear Thinning Delivery Fluids for Subsurface Remediation
- River water intrusion and uranium capture from the vadose zone near the Columbia River at the Hanford Site, Washington
- Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter Estimation for a Reactive Transport Model of Uranium Bioremediation
- Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertain quantification for the land model CLM4
- Simulating Geologic Co-sequestration of Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Sulfide using a Peng-Robinson Equation of State for Fluid Mixtures
- Simulation of aerosol direct radiative forcing with RAMS-CMAQ in East Asia
- Speciation of uranium in biologically reduced sediments during iron and sulfate reduction in the Old Rifle Aquifer
- Steady increase of secondary organic aerosol mass concentration and light extinction during the CARES 2010 Field Campaign
- Structural Characterization and Reactivity of Pyrogenic Water-Soluble Organic Matter Derived from Biomass Combustion
- Study the effect of reservoir spatial heterogeneity on CO2 sequestration under an uncertainty quantification (UQ) software framework
- Sub-Grid Reactive Diffusion and Apparent Uranyl Adsorption/Desorption Rates
- Surface Modification Methods to Control Wettability in Immiscible Fluid Displacement Experimental Model Systems Relevant to Geological Carbon Sequestration
- The 2D versus 3D imaging trade-off: The impact of over- or under-estimating small throats for simulating permeability in porous media
- The First Aerosol Indirect Effect: Observations From Fields of Shallow Cumuli
- The Impact of In-situ Chemical Oxidation on Contaminant Mass Discharge: Linking Source-Zone and Plume-Scale Characterizations of Remediation Performance
- The climate impacts of absorbing aerosols on and within the Arctic
- The impact of Great Basin Desert on summer monsoon precipitation over Southwest North America: the role of mineral dust
- The impact of natural aerosols on Indian summer monsoon
- Time lapse inversion of 2D ERT data for monitoring river water infiltration
- Toward Constraining Simulated Stratiform Precipitation Properties with Observations
- Toward Improving Bulk Microphysics for Regional and Global Climate Simulations of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- Toward the design of sustainable biofuel landscapes: A modeling approach
- Translation of geophysical log responses to estimate subsurface hydrogeologic properties at the Hanford 300 Area
- Uncertainties of Aerosol Transport Pathways into the Arctic Associated with Simulated Meteorological Fields
- Uncertainty Analysis of Geochemical Parameters Related To CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage into an Unconfined Limestone Aquifer
- Uncertainty Quantification and Optimization of Parameters in a Convective Parameterization Scheme in the WRF Regional Climate Model
- Uncertainty analysis of multi-rate surface complexation models
- Uncertainty quantification in kinematic wave models
- Uncertainty quantification of the leaked CO2 from deep reservoirs to shallow groundwater
- Understanding Biogenic and Anthropogenic Trace Gas Variations Measured Near Cool, CA in June 2010
- Understanding Differences in Current Cloud Retrievals of ARM Ground-based Measurements
- Upscaling anomalous reactive kinetics (A+B-->C) from pore scale Lagrangian velocity analysis
- Using Process Groups to Improve Collective IO for Parallel NetCDF Operators
- Using proteomic data to assess a genome-scale "in silico" model of metal reducing bacteria in the simulation of field-scale uranium bioremediation
- Utilizing High-Performance Computing to Investigate Parameter Sensitivity of an Inversion Model for Vadose Zone Flow and Transport
- Variability of aerosol properties and Planetary Boundary Layer heights from airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar, ground-based measurements, and the WRF model during CalNex and CARES
- Volumetric Geophysical Retrievals in Precipitating Cloud Systems
- What does nature tell us about aerosol effects in a trade cumulus regime?
- 2D imaging in a 3D world: Observing sub-grain scale variations and secondary mineral precipitates in reacted pore networks
- 2D-GMAX-DOAS measurements during TCAP: Comparison with MFRSR, HSRL and simultaneous retrievals of trace gases and aerosol optical properties
- 3D Radiative Transfer Parameterization and the Effect on Surface Processes Based on WRF Simulations
- 4STAR Spectrometer for Sky-scanning Sun-tracking Atmospheric Research: Results from TCAP Summer 2012 Field Campaign
- A Computationally Efficient Equation of State for Ternary Gas Hydrate Systems
- A Data Driven Framework for Integrating Regional Climate Models
- A Downscaling Modeling Framework for Evaluating the CAM5 Physics Suite within WRF-Chem
- A High-Resolution National Microalgae Biofuel Production and Resource Assessment
- A Low-cost, Portable, Ruggedized Cosmic Muon Detector Prototype for Geological Applications
- A Modeling Study of In-stream Tidal Energy Extraction and Its Potential Environmental Impacts in a Tidal Channel and Bay System
- A New Biogeochemical Computational Framework Integrated within the Community Land Model
- A Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Methodology and Its Application to Crescent City, CA
- A Sensitivity Study of East Asian Summer Monsoon to convective parameters in WRF regional climate model
- A Virtual Soil System to Study Macroscopic Manifestation of Pore-Scale Biogeochemical Processes
- A particle-resolved modeling approach for estimating black carbon aging time-scales
- Addressing Model Selection Uncertainty in Bioremediation Experiments through Bayesian Model Aggregation
- Aerosol Effects on the Stratospheric Water Vapor
- Aerosol First Indirect Effects on Non-Precipitating Low-Level Liquid Cloud Properties as Simulated by CAM5 at ARM Sites
- Aerosol effects on deep convection in a multi-scale aerosol-climate model
- Airborne Multi-wavelength High Spectral Resolution Lidar for Process Studies and Assessment of Future Satellite Remote Sensing Concepts
- Aircraft and Satellite Observations of Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation Interactions in the Remote Pacific
- Aircraft-based Assessment of Relationships between CCN Concentration and Aerosol Optical Depth
- An Integrated Risk Approach for Assessing the Use of Ensemble Streamflow Forecasts in Hydroelectric Reservoir Operations
- An experimental and modeling study of grain-scale uranium desorption from field-contaminated sediments and the potential influence of microporosity on mass-transfer
- An investigation of transferability of parameter tuning and optimization process for a convective parameterization scheme in the WRF model
- Applying Chemical Imaging Analysis to Improve Our Understanding of Cold Cloud Formation
- Assessing Spectral Shortwave Cloud Observations at the Southern Great Plains Facility
- Assessing the Performance of Computationally Simple and Complex Representations of Aerosol Processes using a Testbed Methodology
- Atomistic simulations of clay minerals subject to variably hydrated supercritical CO2
- Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using surrogates
- Because Doubt Is A Sure Thing: Incorporating Uncertainty Characterization Into Climate Change Decision-Making
- Broadband Radiative Heating Rate Profiles During MC3E
- Building Energy Use Modeling at the U.S. State Level Under Climate Change
- CDF Solutions of Buckley-Leverett Equation with Uncertain Parameters
- CO2 Storage and Enhance Gas Recovery from Shales: Insights from In Situ Experiments
- CO2-stimulated methanogenesis and its impact on metal release from sulfide minerals
- Challenges in Extracting Information From Large Hydrogeophysical-monitoring Datasets
- Characterization of Persistent Volatile Contaminant Sources in the Vadose Zone
- Characterizing Reservoir Properties Using Monitoring Gas Pressure Data after CO2-Injection
- Characterizing seasonal and spatial distribution of East Asian dust: budget and radiative forcing
- Climate model response from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)
- Coal Fly Ash as a Source of Iron in Atmospheric Dust
- Combining Passive Polarimetric and Lidar Observations from TCAP to Vertically Partition a Multi-Modal Aerosol Model
- Comparative Reactivity Study of Natural Silicate Minerals in Wet Supercritical CO2 By In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy
- Comparison of Three Levels of Constitutive Coupling for Hydro-Geomechanical Evaluation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Leakage to Support Risk Assessment
- Comparison of Two Grid Refinement Approaches for High Resolution Regional Climate Modeling: MPAS vs WRF
- Constraining Climate Forcing of Ice Nucleation with SPartICus/MACPEX Observations
- Constraining the influence of natural variability to improve estimates of global aerosol indirect effects in a nudged version of the Community Atmosphere Model 5
- Contaminant Mass Discharge and Mass Removal Behavior for a DNAPL Field Site
- Coupled Workflow Approach to Scalable Multi-Scale Subsurface Simulations
- Critical Mechanisms for the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- DOE ARM Climate Research Facility - Providing Research Quality Data Products for Climate Model Evaluation and Advancement
- Demonstration of a mid-water mooring for tidal turbulence measurements
- Details of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) Science Operations Center (SOC) and Data Products
- Developing Prescribed Aerosol in CAM5 using random sampling
- Diagnosis of the Marine Low Cloud Simulation in the NCAR Community Earth System Model (CESM) and the NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS)
- Earth's ring current and radiation belt physics
- Easier access to Cassini/MIMI public data
- Effects of Irrigation on land surface fluxes and regional climate over North America
- Effects of Natural Dust and Sulfate on Atmospheric Circulation and Radiation in CESM1: Comparison of Prescribed v. Interactive Emissions Schemes
- Effects of Subsurface CO2 Reservoir Leaks on Overlying Groundwater Aquifer Geochemistry and Mineralogy
- Enabling Linked Science in Global Climate Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) Research
- Estimating radiative forcing of carbonaceous aerosols over California based on satellite and ground observations
- Evaluating Aerosol Process Modules within the Framework of the Aerosol Modeling Testbed
- Evaluating aerosol indirect effects in three global climate models using COSP and satellite measurements
- Evaluating greenhouse gas emissions from hydropower complexes on large rivers in Eastern Washington
- Evaluation of Logjam Scour in the Context of Reach-scale River Channel Adjustments
- Evaluation of preindustrial to present-day black carbon and its albedo forcing from ACCMIP
- Evaluation of the TRMM real time Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Evaluation of the warm cloud microphysical processes in global models using the CloudSat/A-Train multi-sensor satellite observations
- Evapotranspiration of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) under the highly seasonal rainfall regime of the Asian monsoon in mainland Southeast Asia
- Experimental Study of Potential Wellbore Cement Carbonation by Various Phases of Carbon Dioxide during Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Fast in situ airborne and ground-based flux measurement of ammonia using a quantum cascade laser spectrometer
- Fragmentation and Growth Energetics of Ammonium Bisulfate Clusters Relevant to Atmospheric New Particle Formation
- Grid-Scale Comparison of Climate Versus Mesoscale Model Microphysics Using the Separate Physics and Dynamics Setup
- Ground based spectral radiance and irradiance measurements of aerosols and clouds during the DC3 field campaign
- Groundwater Quality Impacts Related to Carbon Dioxide, Brine and Trace Metal Leakage into a Shallow, Unconfined Limestone Aquifer
- Heat Storage and Energy Closure in Two Tropical Montane Forests in Hawaii
- Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of Mixing-Controlled Biogeochemical Reactions
- Hydrologic and geochemical data assimilation at the Hanford 300 Area
- Images reveal that atmospheric particles can undergo liquid-liquid phase separations
- Impact of Ice Nucleation Parameterization on CAM5 Simulated Arctic Clouds and Radiation: A Sensitivity Study
- Impact of Ocean Barrier Layers on Tropical Cyclone Intensification
- Impact of the leaked CO2 from deep reservoirs on quality of shallow groundwater
- Impacts of spatial resolution and representation in CLM on hydrologic simulations
- Implications of low SOA volatility and fragmentation reactions on the evolution of SOA in the atmosphere
- Improving Boundary Layer Cloud in the NCEP-GFS
- Improving Consistency between Cloud Parameterizations in CAM5
- Influence of human-climate system feedbacks on predicted 21st century land use/land cover trajectories, fossil fuel emissions, and climate change
- Initial Characterization of Carbon Metabolism in Iron Oxidizing Microbial Communities of Acidic Hot Springs in Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone National Park
- Intermittent Properties of Flow in Porous Media
- Intersects between Land, Energy, Water and the Climate System
- Inverse Modeling of Hydrologic Parameters Using Surface Flux and Streamflow Observations in the Community Land Model
- Investigation of Microphysical Properties of Deep Convective Systems using Aircraft in-situ and Ground-based Measurements during MC3E
- Investigation of Wyoming Bentonite Hydration in Dry to Water-Saturated Supercritical CO2: Implications for Caprock Integrity
- Investigation of the impacts of Asian pollution on Pacific storm track using multi-scale modeling results
- Ion-mediated nucleation and aerosol indirect radiative forcing
- Keep your Sox on: Community genomics-directed isolation and microscopic characterization of the dominant subsurface sulfur-oxidizing bacterium in a sediment aquifer
- Life Cycle of Deep Convective Systems in a Lagrangian Framework: from Mid-latitude to Tropics
- Measurement Capabilities of the DOE ARM Aerial Facility
- Microscale reconstruction of biogeochemical substrates using multimode X-ray tomography and scanning electron microscopy
- Mixed Layer Heights derived from the NASA Langley Research Center airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Mixtures of Vegetable Oil and Xanthan as a Substrate for Biological Dechlorination
- Modal Bin Hybrid Model: a surface area consistent, triple moment sectional method for use in process-oriented modeling of atmospheric aerosols
- Modeling a typical winter-time dust event over the Arabian Peninsula and the Red Sea
- Monitoring CO2 sequestration into deep saline aquifer and associated salt intrusion using coupled multiphase flow modeling and time-lapse electrical resistivity tomography
- Multiscale Models for Reactive Transport in Porous Media
- Natural and Anthropogenic Aerosol Impacts on the Indian Summer Monsoon
- Near Two-Decade Instrument Performance for Hydrological Monitoring at the Prototype Hanford Barrier
- Near-term Forecasting of Solar Total and Direct Irradiance for Solar Energy Applications
- Networked Observation of Precipitating Cloud Systems in Oklahoma
- Observational Constraints on Scale-Awareness; Illumination of Scale-Incognizance in CAM
- Observational constraints on ozone radiative forcing from the Atmospheric Chemistry Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ACCMIP)
- On the Presence of Energetic Molecular Hydrogen in Saturn's Inner Magnetosphere
- Organic Aerosol Composition Measurements at the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Sites
- Overview of ARM observations during the ARM MJO Investigation Experiment (AMIE)
- Phase, Viscosity, Morphology, and Room Temperature Evaporation Rates of SOA Particles Generated from Different Precursors, at Low and High Relative Humidities, and their Interaction with Hydrophobic Organics
- Plant uptake of cations under nutrient limitation: An environmental tracer study using Ca/Sr and K/Rb ratios
- Pore Scale Investigations of Transverse Mixing Limited Reactions
- Pore-scale experimental study of multiphase flow relevant to CO2 sequestration and biogeochemical reactive transport relevant to contaminant fate in the subsurface
- Pore-scale simulation of microbial growth using a genome-scale metabolic model: Implications for Darcy-scale reactive transport
- Preliminary Climate Uncertainty Quantification Study on Model-Observation Test Beds at Earth Systems Grid Federation Repository
- Probing Molecular Associations of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Samples from CalNex 2010 with Nano-DESI High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Progress Towards Coupled Simulation of Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Processes and Terrestrial Ecosystem Dynamics Using the Community Models PFLOTRAN and CLM
- Properties of Arctic Aerosol Particles and Residuals of Warm Clouds: Cloud Activation Efficiency and the Aerosol Indirect Effect
- Quantifying the Carbon Intensity of Biomass Energy
- Radiative Effects of Carbonaceous and Inorganic Aerosols over California during CalNex and CARES: Observations versus Model Predictions
- Radiative absorption enhancements due to the mixing state of atmospheric black carbon
- Raman Lidar Retrievals of Mixed Layer Heights
- Reactivity of NaCl with Secondary Organic Acids: An Important Mechanism of the Chloride Depletion in Sea Salt Particles Mixed with Organic Materials
- Reduced Microbial Resilience after a 17-Year Climate Gradient Transplant Experiment
- Reduced temperature sensitivity of soil respiration after a 17-year climate change experiment
- Regional patterns of recession curves and their relationships with climate, soil, vegetation and topography across the continental United States
- Satellite and in-situ derived aerosol optical properties over the TCAP campaign region
- Scanning Cloud Radar Observations at the ARM sites
- Semantic Composition and Reuse of Services in Support of Collaborative DataLabs
- Sensitivity Analysis and Uncertainty Characterization of Subnational Building Energy Demand in an Integrated Assessment Model
- Sensitivity of Radiative Fluxes at Top of Atmosphere to Cloud-Microphysics and Aerosol Parameters in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Silicate Carbonation Processes in Water-Bearing Supercritical CO2 Fluids: Implications for Geologic Carbon Sequestration
- Simulation of canopy CO2 flux for a rubber plantation: the effect of the regular spacing of trees
- Spatially-resolved stable isotope analysis of a hypersaline microbial mat
- Spectromicroscopic Analysis of Carbonaceous Aerosol Aging During the CARES Field Campaign
- Streamlining Data Access Services and Data Analysis Services Integration
- Surface- and groundwater interactions and their potential roles in modulating land-atmosphere interactions and regional climate under prolonged drought in the Southwest United States
- The Distribution, Diversity, and Geobiology of Thermoproteales Populations in Yellowstone National Park
- The Effects of Transpacific Transported Aerosol on Clouds in California
- The First Year of Raman Lidar Observations at Darwin
- The Influence of Multi-Scale Stratal Architecture on Multi-Phase Flow
- The NCEP-NCAR Stratocumulus-to-Cumulus Transition Climate Process Team
- The Role of Uncertainty Quantification in Climate Science for a Sustainable Energy Future
- The Shortwave Solar Spectroradiometer - Hemispheric: A New ARM Instrument for Aerosol and Cloud Research
- The impact of past and future climate change on global human mortality due to ozone and PM2.5 outdoor air pollution
- The integrated Regional Earth System Model
- Time-dependent Measurements of Dissolution-precipitation Reactions Caused by Caustic Waste Solutions At the Hanford Site Using Synchrotron Computed Microtomography
- Toward an improved representation of ice microphysics in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5
- Towards improved 3D cross-borehole electrical resistivity imaging of discrete fracture networks
- Tropical cirrus cloud macrophysical properties over Darwin from CALIPSO, the ARM MPL and the ARM Raman lidar
- Uncertainty Assessment at BC Cribs at Hanford Using the ASCEM Toolset
- Uncertainty Quantification and Parameter Tuning in the CAM5 Zhang-McFarlane Convection Scheme and Physical Impact of Improved Convection on the Global Circulation and Climate
- Uncertainty and Evaluation of Impacts Modeling at Regional Scales in Integrated Assessment: the Case of Buildings
- Understanding Aerosol Mixing State and its Radiative Impacts: An Overview of Phase 1 of the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP)
- Understanding the Relative Contributions of Aerosol Properties to Cloud Droplet Number: Adjoint Sensitivity Intercomparison of Activation Parameterizations in a Global Circulation Model
- Using ARM Observations as Model Diagnostics in a Climate Model Testbed
- Using Remotely Sensed Data and Hydrologic Models to Evaluate the Effects of Climate Change on Shallow Aquatic Ecosystems in the Mobile Bay, AL Estuary
- Using Remotely Sensed Data and Watershed and Hydrodynamic Models to Evaluate the Effects of Land Cover Land Use Change on Aquatic Ecosystems in Mobile Bay, AL
- Vertical Profiles of Aerosol Parameters from Inversion of Airborne Multiwavelength High-Spectral-Resolution Lidar Data During TCAP
- Vertical Velocity Statistics Derived from the New ARM Doppler Lidars
- Volatility of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) Formed from Photooxidation of Isoprene
- What Can Observations from the CARES Campaign Tell Us about Coarse Mode Contribution to "Clean" Aerosol Properties?
- Why are aerosol indirect effect estimates by global models so large?
- A Code Intercomparison Study for THMC Simulators Applied to Enhanced Geothermal Systems
- A Framework for Estimating Groundwater Concentrations of VOCs Emanating from a Vadose Zone Source (Invited)
- A Novel Approach for Determining Source-Receptor Relationships of Aerosols in Model Simulations
- A Satellite Based Modeling Framework for Estimating Seasonal Carbon Fluxes Over Agricultural Lands
- A Streamline Splitting Pore-Network Approach for Computationally Inexpensive and Accurate Simulation of Species Transport in Porous Media
- A Systematic Evaluation of the Extent of Photochemical Processing in Different Types of Secondary Organic Aerosols in the Aqueous Phase
- A Unified Multi-scale Model for Cross-Scale Evaluation and Integration of Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes
- A multi-scale approach to representing tundra permafrost dynamics in a coupled climate system model (Invited)
- Aerosol Impacts on California Winter Clouds and Precipitation during CalWater 2011: Local Pollution versus Long-Range Transported Dust
- Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Clouds: Mechanism, Significance, and Parameterization (Invited)
- Aerosol activation properties and CCN closure during TCAP
- Aerosol optical properties in the Marine Environment during the TCAP-I campaign
- Agricultural climate impacts assessment for economic modeling and decision support
- Alternatives for Laboratory Measurement of Aerosol Samples from the International Monitoring System of the CTBT
- Analysis of radioxenon samples likely connected to the announced nuclear test conducted by DPRK on February 12, 2013. (Invited)
- Analyzing High Resolution Geoscience Data using Parallelism and Compression (Invited)
- Application of ensemble-based methods for assimilating 4D ERT data at the groundwater-river water interaction zone based on a coupled hydrogeophysical model
- Application of radar observations to the evaluation and improvement of high resolution model simulations of cloud populations in MJO (Invited)
- Assessment of Uncertainties in the Response of the African Monsoon Precipitation to Land Use Change in Regional Model Simulations
- Automated Identification of Closed Mesoscale Cellular Convection and Impact of Resolution on Related Mesoscale Dynamics
- Automated Performance Monitoring Data Analysis and Reporting within the Open Source R Environment
- Automated detection of particulate layers and retrieval of their extinction from the ARM Raman lidar
- Bacterial Community Structure after a 17-year Reciprocal Soil Transplant Simulating Climate Change with Elevation
- CALWATER-2 An Experiment Exploring the Roles of Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosols in Modulating U.S. West Coast Precipitation in a Changing Climate
- CO2 Utilization and Storage in Shale Gas Reservoirs
- Challenges in Modeling Regional Climate Change (Invited)
- Characterization of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Deep Groundwater from the Witwatersrand Basin
- Characterizing Turbulence in the Convective Boundary Layer with a Raman Lidar (Invited)
- Chemical Analysis of Organic Aerosols Using Reactive Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Classical vs. non-classical pathways of mineral formation (Invited)
- Cloud and Precipitation Variations Associated with MJO Events Observed from AMIE/DYNAMO and ARM TWP Sites
- Column and Near-surface Aerosol Properties during TCAP: Temporal Changes in a Coastal Region
- Comparison of species-resolved energy spectra from ACE EPAM and Van Allen Probes RBSPICE
- Constraining Global Model Estimates of Aerosol Effects on Clouds (Invited)
- Coupled X-ray Microtomography Imaging and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling for Evaluation of Wellbore Cement Fracture Evolution
- Coupling geomechanics with flow and reactive transport in PFLOTRAN for subsurface applications
- Decadal variability in historical simulations by coupled climate models in CMIP5
- Decision support: Applying climate information for practical insights and actionable information (Invited)
- Decomposing Uncertainty in Climate, Socioeconomics and Technological Change for a Decision to Impose Aggressive Building Energy Standards across the United States
- Demonstration of simultaneous retrievals of trace gases and aerosol microphysical properties by ground based 2D-MAX-DOAS during TCAP
- Dependence of Radiative Forcing on Mineralogy in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Dependence of stochastic predictions on the support scale of hydrological data
- Details of the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) Science Operations Center (SOC) and Data Products
- Determining Best Method for Estimating Observed Level of Maximum Convective Detrainment based on Radar Reflectivity
- Development of a Process-Rich Modeling Framework for Arctic Ecohydrology Using the Open-Source PFLOTRAN and CLM models
- Diversity and Habitat Niche Modeling of Candidate Archaeal Phylum Aigarchaeota
- Drizzle Droplet Size Estimation Using High Spectral Resolution LIDAR and Millimeter Radar Data
- Effects of Injected CO2 on Geomechanical Properties Due to Mineralogical Changes
- Effects of aerosols versus meteorology on cloud microphysical properties: a statistical investigation using global climate models and satellite observations
- Enhanced Amendment Delivery to Overcome Subsurface Physical Remediation Barriers
- Ensemble Generation of Forecast Initial Conditions Constrained by Streamflow and Snow Observations
- Establishing Global Source-Receptor Relationships for Carbonaceous Aerosol to Characterize Sensitivity of its Climate Forcing to Emission Uncertainties
- Evaluating Ice Nucleation in Global Models and its Impact on climate (Invited)
- Evaluation of the real time TRMM Multi-satellite Precipitation Analysis for global hydrologic prediction
- Evolution of Soot Particle Morphology and Mixing State in the Atmosphere
- Experimental and modeling results on geochemical impacts of leaking CO2 from subsurface storage reservoirs to an unconfined oxidizing carbonate aquifer
- Explicit modeling of marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition, and cloud impacts
- Exploring the linkage between flood frequency and annual water balance over the contiguous United States based on data-analysis
- Extracting Cloud Size from Single-Point Statistics: Rationale, Testing, and Implications for Convective Parameterizations
- Extracting archaeal populations from iron oxidizing systems
- Flow-rate-dependent Equilibrium Saturation-distributions Through Hysteresis in Two-Phase Flow in Porous Media
- Forsterite Carbonation in Wet Supercritical CO2 and Sodium Citrate
- Forsterite Carbonation in Wet-scCO2: Dependence on Adsorbed Water Concentration
- Fragmentation and Growth Energetics of Clusters Relevant to Atmospheric New Particle Formation
- Global analysis of parametric sensitivity of precipitation in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Helium ion characteristics during quiet and active solar conditions as measured by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE instrument
- Hierarchical Testing with Automated Document Generation for Amanzi, ASCEM's Subsurface Flow and Reactive Transport Simulator
- High Performance Simulation of Environmental Tracers in Heterogeneous Formations
- How do A-train Sensors Inter-Compare in the Retrieval of Above-Cloud Aerosol Optical Depth? A Case Study based Assessment
- How good do seasonal streamflow forecasts need to be to improve reservoir operation?
- Hydrogeophysical Cyberinfrastructure For Real-Time Interactive Browser Controlled Monitoring Of Near Surface Hydrology: Results Of A 13 Month Monitoring Effort At The Hanford 300 Area
- Hyperspectral aerosol optical depths from TCAP flights
- Ice nucleating properties of bare and sulfuric acid coated mineral dust particles
- Impact of small-scale Radiation Variability on the Marine Stratocumulus to Trade Cumulus Transition
- Impacts of Potential Future Droughts on Electricity Generation
- Impacts of clouds on surface radiation fluxes from decade-long observations over the Southern Great Plains in the United States
- Impacts of irrigated agriculture on surface and groundwater resources simulated by the Community Land Model
- Impacts of natural and human-induced changes on regional flood frequency over the contiguous United States
- Importance of clouds and aerosols in assessing climate change (Invited)
- InSAR Observation of Ground Surface Deformations Associated to Aquifer Storage and Recovery: A Case study for Future CO2 sequestration
- Influence of Surface Morphology on the Heterogeneous Ice nucleation Efficiency of Hematite Particles
- Integrated Assessment Modeling for Carbon Storage Risk and Uncertainty Quantification
- Inter-Comparison of the Phase Partitioning of Water in Mixed-Phase Clouds among Global Climate Models
- Investigating Ice Nucleation with an Aerosol Enabled Multi-scale Modeling Framework
- Investigating the Impact of Updraft Velocity on Cirrus Cloud Properties Using the CAM5 Model Constrained with Field Measurements
- Investigating the forcing-per-emission relationship of regional BC direct and cloud-related climate effects
- Investigation of Plagioclase Reactivity in Wet Supercritical CO2 by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy
- Land Cover Data for Global-Scale Applications
- Large-area surveys for black carbon and other light-absorbing impurities in snow: Arctic, Antarctic, North America, China (Invited)
- Measuring and Modeling Xenon Uptake in Plastic Beta-Cells
- Meeting the Radiative Forcing Targets of the Representative Concentration Pathways with Agricultural Climate Impacts
- Micro-Spectroscopic Chemical Imaging of Individual Identified Marine Biogenic and Ambient Organic Ice Nuclei (Invited)
- Microscopic Evidence for a dense liquid phase of calcium carbonate (Invited)
- Minimalist model of ice microphysics in mixed-phase stratiform clouds
- Modeling aerosols and their interactions with shallow cumuli during the 2007 CHAPS field study
- Modeling plumes containing black-carbon from Siberian sources to the Arctic
- Modeling the Impact of Arctic Shipping Pollution on Air Quality off the Coast of Northern Norway
- Modeling the Integrated Water Cycle in an Earth System Model (Invited)
- Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter from a Prairie Soil Chronosequence
- Morphological Analysis of Soot Particles from Central California
- Multi-scale Modeling Framework model with a third-order turbulence closure: impacts on low clouds and aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions
- Multiscale Hydrogeologic Modeling with Emphasis on Hybrid Multiscale Methods (Invited)
- Near-Field Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosols
- New Results from the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP)
- Observational constraints on biogenic VOC emission model estimates (Invited)
- On Site Inspection Radionuclide Measurements
- On the connection between continental-scale land surface processes and the tropical climate in a coupled ocean-atmosphere-land system
- On the resolution dependence of aerosol-cloud interactions in model simulations
- One-way coupling of an integrated assessment model and a water resources model: evaluation and implications of future changes over the U.S. Midwest
- Open-Source Development of the Petascale Reactive Flow and Transport Code PFLOTRAN
- Optimizing detection of noble gas emission at a former UNE site: sample strategy, collection, and analysis
- Parallel inversion of a massive ERT data set to characterize deep vadose zone contamination beneath former nuclear waste infiltration galleries at the Hanford Site B-Complex (Invited)
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer in Mountains for CLM/CESM
- Parameterization of 3D Radiative Transfer over Mountains and Investigation of its Impact on Surface Hydrology over the Western United States Using WRF
- Perturbations and gradients as fundamental tests for modeling the soil carbon cycle
- Photochemical Processing of Water-Soluble Organic Compounds by Clouds and Fogs (Invited)
- Precipitation response to the current ENSO variability in a warming world
- Predicting impacts of CO2 intrusion into a confined sandstone aquifer
- Process Coupling Between Mineral Transformation and U Speciation in Acid Waste Weathered Sediments
- Protecting Future Biodiversity via Re-allocation of Future Land-use Change Patterns
- Radiative Effects of Aerosol in the Marine Environment: Tales from the Two-Column Aerosol Project
- Radionuclide Data Analysis and Evaluation: More Information From Fewer Isotopes
- Raman Lidar Observations from the ARM Site in Darwin, Australia: A Water Vapor and Aerosol Climatology
- Reactivity of Water Soluble Organic Acids with Chloride and Nitrate Particles Investigated by Micro-spectroscopy Analysis
- Real-time 4D ERT monitoring of river water intrusion into a former nuclear disposal site using a transient warping-mesh water table boundary (Invited)
- Recent Improvements in Micromodel Experimentation and Pore-scale Simulation of Multiphase Systems
- Regional modeling of dust climatic impact over East Asia using WRF-Chem
- Relative Humidity and Temperature Effects on the Viscosity of Secondary Organic Material from α-pinene Ozonolysis
- Responses of East Asian summer monsoon to natural and anthropogenic forcings in the latest 17 CMIP5 models
- SOA Aging and Oligomer Content and their Effect on the Volatility and Viscosity of SOA Particles Generated from Different Precursors
- Scenarios Based on Shared Socioeconomic Pathway Assumptions
- Seasonal extreme temperature and precipitation change under RCPs in CMIP5 models
- Short-Term Protein Stable Isotope Probing of Microbial Communities to Associate Functions with Taxa (Invited)
- Simulating floodplain extent and inland water storage in the Amazon basin from a multi LSM perspective
- Simulation of semi-explicit mechanisms of SOA formation from glyoxal in a 3D model
- Spatial variance of precipitation: optimizing sampling efficiency and mitigating uncertainties
- Spatially-resolved carbon flow through a hypersaline phototrophic microbial mat
- Spectro-microscopic Characterization of Physical Properties and Phase Separations in Individual Atmospheric Particles
- Stable isotope analysis of dissolved carbon species of Hot Lake, WA
- Standalone Calibration Toolset
- Structure and Dynamics of Confined Water and CO2 in Clays under Supercritical Conditions
- Synthesis and Analysis of Putative Terpene Oxidation Products and the Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles that Form from Them
- The AGU Chapman Conference on Communicating Climate Science: A Historic Look to the Future
- The Development of North America CORDEX
- The Shortwave Spectroradiometer as a Versatile Sensor for Observation of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties
- The U.S. Department of Energy's Reference Facility for Offshore Renewable Energy (RFORE): A New Platform for Research and Development (Invited)
- The regional impact of Land-Use Land-cover Change (LULCC) over West Africa from an ensemble of global climate models under the aupsices of the WAMMEII project (Invited)
- Towards improved electrical imaging and monitoring of groundwater in fractured rock aquifers (Invited)
- Tracking long-range transported upper-tropospheric pollution layers with a newly developed airborne Hyperspectral Sun/Sky spectrometer (4STAR): Results from the TCAP 2012 campaign
- Transition from Shallow to Deep Convection and Initiation of MJO during AMIE/DYNAMO
- Transitions of Cloud-Topped Marine Boundary Layers Characterized by AIRS, MODIS, and a Large Eddy Simulation Model
- UTEX modeling of xenon signature sensitivity to geology and explosion cavity characteristics following an underground nuclear explosion
- Uncertainty Quantification in Unsaturated Flow Models (Invited)
- Uncertainty in modeling dust mass balance and radiative forcing from size parameterization
- Uncertainty quantification for evaluating impacts of caprock and reservoir properties on pressure buildup and ground surface displacement during geological CO2 sequestration
- Understanding the Covariance of Microphysics, Thermodynamics, and Dynamics in Mixed Phase Clouds using Airborne Measurements
- Uranium Bioreduction Rates Across Scales During a Biostimulation Field Experiments at Rifle, Colorado
- Use of satellite remote sensing to evaluate an integrated global land surface hydrology - routing - water resources management model
- Using ACE Observations of Interplanetary Particles and Magnetic Fields as Possible Contributors to Variations Observed at Van Allen Probes during Major events in 2013
- Using explicit macroscopic feedback to determine efficacy of climate forcings
- What is a Cloud?
- A Comparison of Inventoried and Measured U.S. Urban/Industrial Hg Emission Factors during the NOMADSS Experiment
- A Comprehensive Evaluation of H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> formation from OH and sCI pathways in high BVOC environments
- A Global Model Simulation for 3-D Radiative Transfer Impact on Surface Hydrology over Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountains
- A Holistic Approach to Climate and Health Research: Respiratory and Infectious Diseases
- A Multi-Model Analysis of Aerosol Effects on Clouds Simulated By Global Climate Models
- A Multi-Model Framework to Achieve Consistent Evaluation of Climate Change Impacts in the United States
- A Path Towards Operational Uncertainty of Cloud Phase Identification Algorithms
- A Simple Object-Oriented and Open Source Model for Scientific and Policy Analyses of the Global Carbon Cycle-Hector
- A Tale of Two Gases: Isotope Effects Associated with the Enzymatic Production of H<SUB>2</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O
- A modeling study of irrigation effects on global surface- and groundwater resources under a changing climate
- Absorption Coefficient, Molecular Composition, and Photodegradation of Different Types of Brown Carbon Aerosols
- Advanced Characterization of Soil Organic Matter Using Ultra High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Advances in the ARM Climate Research Facility for Model Evaluation
- Advancing Our Understanding of the Impacts of Historic and Projected Land Use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Aerosol properties derived from airborne sky radiance and direct beam measurements in recent NASA and DoE field campaigns
- Airborne In-Situ Measurements of Aerosol and Cloud Microphysical Properties in Mixed-Phase Clouds Under Varying Conditions
- Aircraft measurements of the impacts of urban plume on cloud activation properties during GoAmazon - preliminary results
- Akuna: An Open Source User Environment for Managing Subsurface Simulation Workflows
- Amanzi: An Open-Source Multi-process Simulator for Environmental Applications
- Analysis of Molecular Geochemistry of Soil Organic Matter from 17-year Reciprocal Transplant Experiment in Arid Ecosystem: Simulated Climate Pertubation
- Applicability of surrogate-based MCMC-Bayesian inversion of CLM at flux tower sites with various climate and soil conditions
- Applying Bayesian Compressed Sensing (BCS) for sensitivity analysis ofclimate model outputs that depend on a high-dimensional input space
- Arctic stratospheric sulphur injections: radiative forcings and cloud responses
- Assessing Vulnerability of Electricity Generation Under Potential Future Droughts
- Assessment of Early Leak-Detection Capabilities at a Commercial-Scale Carbon Capture and Storage Site
- Atmospheric Moisture Budget and Spatial Resolution Dependenceof Precipitation Extremes in Aquaplanet Simulations
- Attributing Changes in Gross Primary Productivity from 1901 to 2010
- Automated Segmentation of Soils Using X-ray Tomography
- BLACK Carbon Emissions from Diesel Sources in the Largest Arctic City: Case Study of Murmansk
- Biogenic Emissions of Light Alkenes from a Coniferous Forest
- Biogenic Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Vegetation and Paper Mills in the Southeast United States during the SENEX (Southeast Nexus) Campaign in 2013
- Biogenic carbon fluxes from global agricultural production and consumption: Gridded, annual estimates of net ecosystem carbon exchange
- Black Carbon Aging from SOA Coatings and Coagulation with Diesel BC Emissions during SAAS at the PNNL Environmental Chamber
- Brown carbon in the continental troposphere: sources, evolution and radiative impacts
- CalWater 2 - Precipitation, Aerosols, and Pacific Atmospheric Rivers Experiment
- Can Surface Energy Budgets be Balanced on Continental Scales Using Observational Datasets?
- Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO?
- Characterization of Individually Identified Ice Nucleating Particles within an Ambient Particle Population: Implications for Ice Nucleation Description
- Characterization of Organic Carbon and Its Bioavailability in Recharge Waters and Aquifer Sediments: Implications for Groundwater Arsenic Contamination in Bangladesh
- Characterization of the impact of land degradation in the Sahel on the West African monsoon using an ensemble of climate models from the WAMME project
- Chemical Composition of Wildland and Agricultural Biomass Burning Particles Measured Downwind During BBOP Study
- Clay Mineralogy of Soils and Sediments from an Alluvial Aquifer, Rifle, Colorado
- Climate Change and Future U.S. Electricity Infrastructure: the Nexus between Water Availability, Land Suitability, and Low-Carbon Technologies
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Climatic impact of urbanization in Eastern China: modeling the combined urban heat island and aerosol effects
- Climatology of the Earth's inner magnetosphere as observed by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE) instrument on the Van Allen Probes spacecraft.
- Cloud Resolving Simulations of Convection during AMIE/DYNAMO: Microphysics and Heat / Moisture Budget
- Cloud properties retrieved from airborne measurements of transmitted and reflected shortwave spectral radiation
- Cloud-Resolving Model Simulations of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions Triggered by Strong Aerosol Emissions in the Arctic
- Combined stable isotope, proteomic, metabolomics, and spatial specific analysis to track carbon flow through a hypersaline phototrophic microbial mat
- Combining FLUXNET data with atmospheric CO2 observations in a global data assimilation framework to study variability of carbon sources and sinks
- Combining MODIS and Landsat to Study the Impact of Urban Lands on Surface Climate in the U.S
- Comparison of Fracture Gradient Methods for the FutureGen 2.0 Carbon Storage Site, Ill., USA.
- Comparisons of Airborne HSRL and Modeled Aerosol Profiles
- Computationally Inexpensive Incorporation of Solute Transport Physics into Pore-Network Models
- Contribution of a Headwater Stream to the Global Carbon Budget
- Coupled Hydrogeophysical Inversion for Characterizing Heterogeneous Permeability Field at a Groundwater-River Water Interaction Zone
- Cross-borehole ERT monitoring of a tracer injection into chlorinated-solvent contaminated fractured mudstone
- Department of Energy's Virtual Lab Infrastructure for Integrated Earth System Science Data
- Deposition fluxes of oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs) above FLONA Tapajós in central Amazon rainforest, Brazil.
- Detection of Trace Gases in Biomass Burning Plumes via Infrared Spectroscopy: Updates and Uses of the Northwest Infrared Database (NWIR)
- Development of Benchmark Experimental Transport and Multiphase Flow Data Sets to Test and Validate Pore-scale Numerical Simulators
- Downwind Measurements of Wildfires with Varying Burn Conditions: Flaming vs. Smoldering Emissions
- Dynamics of global vegetation biomass simulated by the integrated Earth System Model
- ENSO and its Precursor simulated by UNICON with CESM1
- Ecosystems Biology Approaches To Determine Key Fitness Traits of Soil Microorganisms
- Effect of Ammonia on Glyoxal SOA in Inorganic Aqueous Seed Particles
- Effect of Relative Humidity and Temperature on Photochemical Aging of Secondary Organic Aerosols
- Effect of SO<SUB>2</SUB> and Photolysis on Photooxidized Diesel Fuel Secondary Organic Aerosol Composition
- Effect of relative humidity on soot - secondary organic aerosol mixing: A case study from the Soot Aerosol Aging Study (PNNL-SAAS)
- Effects of Urban and Biomass Burning Sources on Downwind Aerosol and Ozone Distributions: Regional Scale Simulations Combined with Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements during TCAP and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS and their Link to Spaceborne Observations
- Effects of phase states on reactions of secondary organic materials with chloride
- Elucidating the Physical and Chemical Structural Changes of Proteins on Clay Mineral Surfaces using Large-scale Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Tandem with NMR Spectroscopy
- Environmental modeling in data-sparse regions: Mozambique demonstrator case
- Evaluating Investment in Missouri River Restoration: The Missouri River Effects Analysis
- Evaluating Risks of Sequestered CO₂ on Groundwater Quality: the Combined and Separate Effects of CH<SUB>4</SUB>, As, and Cd
- Evaluation of Biogenic and Fire Emissions in a Global Chemistry Model with NOMADSS, DC3 and SEAC4RS observations
- Evaluation of Hindcast Global and Regional Simulations of Aerosol Property Profiles during the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP)
- Evaluation of Subgrid-Scale Transport of Hydrometeors in a PDF-based Scheme using High-Resolution CRM Simulations
- Evaluation of the water balance of Southeast Asia with a land surface model and era interim reanalysis
- Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?
- Evolution of Biomass Burning Aerosol Optical Properties in the Near Field
- Evolution of the Physicochemical and Activation Properties of Aerosols within Smoke Plumes during the Biomass Burning Observation Project (BBOP)
- Exploring New Topography-based Subgrid Architecture in Land Surface Modeling
- Exploring Variable and Uniform Resolution Modeling Approaches Using Global MPAS-A Aquaplanet Simulations: Sensitivity to Specification of Equatorial Channel
- Exploring a Multi-resolution Approach Using AMIP Simulations
- Flow and Transport in Smooth and Rough Unsaturated Wide Aperture Fractures with Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics
- Fluxes of isoprene and monoterpenes emitted by Tapajos National Forest, eastern central Amazonian rainforest, Santarem-PA, Brazil
- Forest Carbon Cycling Across Gradients of Disturbance Severity: Patterns and Underlying Mechanisms
- From Land Use to Land Cover: Restoring the Afforestation Signal in a Coupled Integrated Assessment - Earth System Model and the Implications for CMIP5 RCP Simulations
- Future Climate Change Impacts on Surface Hydrology over Texas River Basins
- Future consequences of the strengthening of the ENSO-ENSO precursors association
- Gas- and particle-phase chemical composition measurements onboard the G-1 research aircraft during the GoAmazon campaign.
- Geochemical Constraints on the Distribution and Function of Thermoproteales Populations in Yellowstone National Park
- Geochemical Impacts of Leaking CO<SUB>2</SUB> from Subsurface Storage Reservoirs on the Fate of Metal Contaminants in an Overlaying Groundwater Aquifer
- Geochemical Proxy Distribution at the Atomic-Scale: Atom Probe Tomography of Foraminiferal Calcite
- Global Potential for Hydro-generated Electricity and Climate Change Impact
- Global Transformation and Fate of Secondary Organic Aerosols: Implications of Low Volatility SOA and Gas-Phase Fragmentation Reactions
- Global Urbanization Modeling Supported by Remote Sensing
- Harmonization of Initial Estimates of Shale Gas Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Electric Power Generation
- Heat and Groundwater Flow through Continental Flood Basalt Provinces: Insights Gained from Alternative Models of Permeability/Depth Relationships for the Columbia Plateau, USA
- High HONO concentrations in aged biomass burning plumes in NOMADSS campaign
- How important are glassy SOA ice nuclei for the formation of cirrus clouds?
- How to Establish the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: An Example from NARCCAP
- Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of a Mixing-Controlled Reaction
- Ice Nucleating Particles and their Role in California Winter Clouds
- Identifying Dynamical Forcing and Cloud-Radiative Feedbacks Critical to the Formation of Extreme Arctic Sea-Ice Extent in the Summers of 2007 and 1996
- Identifying the Relationship Between Plant Transpiration and Groundwater Table Depth
- Imaging Regions of Sub-Resolution Particles Using Gratings-Based Phase Contrast X-ray Imaging
- Impacts of Climate and Human-induced Changes on Stream Temperature in Large River Systems: An Earth System Modeling Perspective
- Impacts of Ice Nucleation Parameterizations and Dust on Deep Convective C louds and Precipitation
- Impacts of drought on the water and energy systems
- In-situ and Remote-Sensing Data Fusion Using Machine Learning Techniques to Infer Urban and Fire Related Pollution Plumes
- Indirect Cloud Effects from Biomass Burning Smoke in the Arctic and Subarctic: Insights from Multiple In-Situ Datasets
- Influence of Dynamics and Chemistry on the Diurnal Variation of VOCs in the Planetary Boundary Layer above a Mixed Forest Canopy in the Southeastern United States
- Insights into Aqueous-phase processing through Comparison of the Organic Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Particles and Cloud Water in the Southeast United States
- Integrating Diffraction, Advanced Microscopy and NMR Methods to Explore NOM-Mineral-Cation Interactions
- Integration of Metagenomic and Biogeochemical Data from Soils Sampled from a Long-Term Reciprocal Transplant
- Intensified ENSO-Driven Precipitation Teleconnections in the Future
- Interaction of Ammonia Gas with Sediments and Pore Water and Induced Uranium Immobilization under Vadose Zone Conditions
- Inverse Modeling Via Linearized Functional Minimization
- Investigating the biogeophysical impacts of land cover change on future climate
- Investigation of Potassium Feldspar Reactivity in Wet Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> by In Situ Infrared Spectroscopy
- Investigation of Water Nucleation on Designed Single Crystalline Oxide Surfaces - a Step Towards Understanding the Complex Behavior of Atmospheric Aerosols
- Investigation of Wyoming Bentonite Hydration in Dry to Water-Saturated Supercritical CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB>/CO<SUB>2</SUB> Mixtures: Implications for CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Enhanced Gas Production
- Is There a Common Correction for Biases in Historic Filter-Based Aerosol Absorption Measurements?
- Isoprene and their oxidation products in the rural atmosphere of the Amazon during the GoAmazon campaign
- Land Cover Indicators for U.S. National Climate Assessments
- Land-Use/Land Cover Change as Driver of Earth System Dynamics: past progress, future priorities, and new data and models for advancing the science
- Large differences in aerosol optical properties over the north-west Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign
- Linking Multi-Scale Observations to Determine Hyporheic Nitrate Removal in a Stream
- Linking SOM Content, Chemistry, and Decomposition: Complex Responses to Input Manipulation and Long-term Incubation
- Mapping Microbial Carbon Substrate Utilization Across Permafrost Thaw
- Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: 'Omic and Isotope Based Measurements of Root C Transformations
- Marine biogenic aerosols explain seasonal and spatial patterns of Southern Ocean cloud droplet number concentration
- Marine biogeochemical influence on primary sea spray aerosol composition in the Southern Ocean: predictions from a mechanistic model
- Mass Spectral Observations of Submicron Aerosol Particles and Production of Secondary Organic Aerosol at an Anthropogenically Influenced Site during the Wet Season of GoAmazon2014
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation and Chemistry Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014 and Other Campaigns
- Mechanism of Convective Cloud Triggering and Organization By Cold Pools during Dynamo
- Mechanisms for the formation and growth of nanometer-sized particles in the Amazon: New insights from GoAmazon2014 and the Tapajos Upwind Forest Flux Study (TUFFS).
- Mechanisms for uranyl reduction by ferrous iron in solution and at the oxide mineral-water interface
- Mechanistic Processes Controlling Gas Sorption in Shale Reservoirs
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under pristine condition and the impact from the Manaus urban plume observed during the GoAmazon campaign
- Model Evaluation of Aerosol Wet Scavenging in Deep Convective Clouds Based on Observations Collected during the DC3 Campaign
- Model and Inventory Perspectives on the Role of Forests in the Global Carbon Cycle: Results from the Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Modeling Groundwater and Return Flow in an Integrated Framework to Investigate the Resilience of U.S. Water Resources in the Future
- Modeling and Measurements of Atmospheric Methane at Four Corners, NM
- Moderate forest disturbance as a stringent test for gap and big-leaf models
- Modulation of Ring Current He-Ions by Bounce-Resonant ULF Waves
- Molecular Characterization of Free Tropospheric Aerosol Collected at the Pico Mountain Observatory
- Molecular Characterization of Light Absorbing Compounds in Secondary Organic Aerosols Generated from Photo-oxidation of Toluene
- Multi-decadal trends of solar radiation reaching the surface: What is the role of aerosols?
- Multiscale Finite Volume Model for Reactive Transport in Porous and Fractured Media
- Observational Constraints on Modeling Growth and Evaporation Kinetics of Isoprene SOA
- Observational Constraints on Terpene Oxidation with and without Anthropogenic Influence in the Amazon using Speciated Measurements from SV-TAG
- Observations of Possible Injection of Interplanetary Oxygen into the Inner Magnetosphere
- Observations of Upward Propagating Gravity Waves in the Vertical Transport of Aerosols during Daytime Boundary Layer Evolution over Central Himalayan Region
- Observing BVOC Emissions, Oxidation, Deposition, and Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants to Form SOA in the Southeast United States
- Overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results
- Parametric Behaviors of CLUBB in Simulation of Low Clouds in the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM5)
- Persistent Cold Air Outbreaks over North America Under Climate Warming
- Potential application of microbial iron redox cycles in nitrate removal and their effects on clay mineral properties
- Precipitation Structures and Associated Cloud Microphysics in an MJO event during DYNAMO: Cloud-Resolving Modeling and Radar Observations
- Prediction and Detection of Land Surface Deformation Associated with CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection at the FutureGen 2.0 Carbon Capture and Storage Project Site
- Probing Molecular Composition of Soil Organic Matter with Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization (nano-DESI) High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Probing ice nucleation events on individual particles relevant to cloud formation
- Publishing and Visualizing Large-Scale Semantically-enabled Earth Science Resources on the Web
- Qualification and Testing of Quantum Cascade Lasers for Harsh Environments
- Quantifying Cloud Radiative Effects in the Tropical Western Pacific
- Quantifying the Microbial Utilization of Methanogenesis and Methane Loss from Northern Wetlands
- Radiative Impact of Observed and Simulated Aerosol Layers Over the East Coast of North America
- Reactive transport modeling of CO<SUB>2</SUB> injection in the Farnsworth, Texas hydrocarbon field
- Reactivity of Tc at the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface
- Recent Changes in ENSO Precurosors and Climate Impacts - a Look at California
- Regional Analysis of Energy, Water, Land and Climate Interactions
- Regionally Differentiated Scenarios of Future Albedo Forcing from Anthropogenic Land Cover Change
- Resolution-dependent behavior of subgrid-scale vertical transport in the Zhang-McFarlane convection parameterization
- Response of Terrestrial Hydrology to High-Resolution Future Scenarios of Climate and Land Cover/Land Use Changes in The U.S.
- Riparian Zones and the Role of Hyporheic Exchange in the Carbon Budget of a Small, Forested, Headwater Stream, Western Oregon, USA.
- Role of Reactive Intermediates in Manganese Oxide Formation By Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Roles of Uncontrollable VOC Emissions in the Regional Air Quality of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Roles of Wind Shear at Different Vertical Levels, Part I: Cloud System Organization and Properties
- Scale Dependency of Convective Momentum Transport as Diagnosed from Cloud-Resolving Model Simulation with Spectral-bin Microphysics
- Seasonality of Isoprenoid Vertical Gradient Within a Primary Rainforest in Central Amazonia
- Semi-direct dynamical and radiative effect of North African dust transport on lower tropospheric clouds over the subtropical North Atlantic in CESM 1.0
- Sensitivity of Homogeneous Freezing to Aerosol Perturbation and Implication for Aerosol Indirect Forcing through Cirrus Clouds
- Sensitivity of Scattering and Backscattering Coefficients to Microphysical and Chemical Properties: Weakly Absorbing Aerosol
- Sensitivity of summer ensembles of super-parameterized US mesoscale convective systems to cloud resolving model microphysics and resolution
- Sensitivity of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone to land surface processes and vegetation distributions in California
- Shifting microbiology and carbon loss across a thawing permafrost wetland-to-lake mosaic landscape
- Simulated Transport and Mixing of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Aerosol and Their Entrainment into Clouds during the Goamazon Campaign
- Simulating black carbon and dust in snow and their climatic impact over Eurasia
- Size Resolved measurements of aerosol hygroscopicity and mixing state during Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) 2014
- Slow Release of Permanganate from Injectable Fumed Silica Gel: Rheological Properties and Release Dynamics
- Sources, properties, aging, and anthropogenic influences on OA and SOA over the Southeast US and the Amazon during SOAS, DC3, SEAC4RS, and GoAmazon
- Spatially resolved chemical imaging of individual atmospheric particles using nanoscale imaging mass spectrometry: Insights into particle origin and chemistry
- Spatially resolved δ<SUP>13</SUP>C analysis using laser ablation isotope ratio mass spectrometry
- Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Urbanization in China: Historical and Future
- Spectro-microscopy of Ambient Aerosol Particles: Observational Constraints on Mixing State Parameterization
- Spectrometers for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (4STAR) Upgrade to Full Sun-Sky-Cloud-Trace Gas Spectrometry Capability for Airborne Science
- Stimuli Responsive/Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids for Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production (Part I)
- Stimuli Responsive/Rheoreversible Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids for Enhanced Geothermal Energy Production(Part II)
- Storm-time Ion Acceleration in Kinetic Scale Alfvénic Fluctuations: Van Allen Probes/THEMIS Observations and Modelling.
- The Aerosol Coarse Mode Initiative
- The Bidirectional Exchange of VOCs between a Mixed Forest and the Atmosphere in the Southeast US
- The CalWater 2 - ARM Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)
- The Dominant Snow-forming Process in Warm and Cold Mixed-phase Orographic Clouds: Effects of Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Ice Nuclei
- The Extracellular Matrix in Photosynthetic Mats: A Cyanobacterial Gingerbread House
- The Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Methane to Carbon Dioxide Ratio Produced during Peatland Decomposition and a Simple Approach for Distinguishing This Ratio
- The Role of Protein-Mineral Interactions for Protein Adsorption or Fragmentation
- The role of country-to-region assignments in global integrated modeling of energy, agriculture, land use, and climate
- Toward Quantifying the Mass-Based Hygroscopicity of Individual Submicron Atmospheric Aerosol Particles with STXM/NEXAFS and SEM/EDX
- Toward a Better Characterization of Aerosols, Clouds, and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions in Climate Modeling through Increasing Horizontal Resolution
- Tracking anthropogenic influence on isoprene chemistry over Amazonia
- Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of Tarball Formation and Volatility from Biomass-burning Aerosol Particles during the 2013 BBOP Campaign
- Trends in the Global Net Land Sink and Their Sensitivity to Environmental Forcing Factors: Results From the Multi-Scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP)
- Tropospheric HONO Distribution and Chemistry in the Southeastern U.S.
- Understanding Isoprene Photo-oxidation from Continuous-Flow Chamber Experiments: Unexpectedly High SOA Yields and New Insights into Isoprene Oxidation Pathways
- Understanding factors affecting partitioning of oxygenated organics in natural and polluted environments using SV-TAG
- Understanding the combined cloud-aerosol radiative effect for heterogeneous scenes
- Use of a Regionally-Refined Model for Simulations of North American Climate
- Using Impact-Relevant Sensitivities to Efficiently Evaluate and Select Climate Change Scenarios
- Using Integrated Assessment Models to Estimate the Economic Damages from Temperature Related Human Health Effects in the US
- Using Runoff Data to Calibrate the Community Land Model
- Vulnerability of U.S. Agriculture and Energy Sectors to Changes in Climate and Socioeconomics
- Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss
- Where and What Is Pristine Marine Aerosol?
- time Dependence of Aerosols in Biomass Burn Plumes from Bbop
- <em>The Martian </em>Goes To College: Open Inquiry with Science Fiction in the Classroom.
- A Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study on Properties of Cloud Microphysics, Convection, and Precipitation for a Squall Line Cas
- A Hybrid Multiscale Framework for Subsurface Flow and Transport Simulations
- A Multi-Model Comparison of Black Carbon Budgets in the Arctic Region.
- A Multi-omics Approach to Understand the Microbial Transformation of Lignocellulosic Materials in the Digestive System of the Wood-Feeding Beetle <em>Odontotaenius disjunctus </em>
- A Multi-scale Approach for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites
- A New U.S. West Coast Network of Atmospheric River Observatories
- A Review on Regional Convection-Permitting Climate Modeling: Demonstrations, Prospects, and Challenges
- A Scalable Multi-chain Markov Chain Monte Carlo Method for Inverting Subsurface Hydraulic and Geological Properties
- A Standardized Based Approach to Managing Atmosphere Studies For Wind Energy Research
- A multi-omics and imaging approach to understand soil organic matter composition and its interaction with microbes.
- A review of measurement and modeling of Light-absorbing Particles in Snow and Ice and their climatic and hydrological impact
- AAF G1 and Millimeter Wavelength ARM Radar Observations and Analysis from the ACAPEX Field Campaign
- ACE EPAM and Van Allen Probes RBSPICE measurements of interplanetary oxygen injection to the inner magnetosphere
- Adaptive probabilistic collocation based Kalman filter for unsaturated flow problem
- Advances in Simulating Large-scale Water Cycle Processes in the Community Land Model Version 5.0
- AeroCom INSITU Project: Comparison of Aerosol Optical Properties from In-situ Surface Measurements and Model Simulations
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Cirrus Clouds in Global Aerosol-Climate Models
- Aerosol Optical Extinction during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Experiment (FRAPPE) 2014 Summertime Field Campaign, Colorado U.S.A.
- Aerosol and Cloud-Nucleating Particle Observations during an Atmospheric River Event
- Aerosol effects on warm cumulus cloud fields using a center-of-gravity vs. water mass phase space
- Aerosol-Radiation-Cloud Interactions in the South-East Atlantic: Future Suborbital Activities to Address Knowledge Gaps in Satellite and Model Assessments
- Agricultural Intensification as a Mechanism of Adaptation to Climate Change Impacts
- Aircraft measurements of aerosol properties during GoAmazon - G1 and HALO inter-comparison
- An Integrated Assessment of Water Scarcity Effects on Energy and Land Use Decisions and Mitigation Policies
- An Observationally-Constrained Global Dust AOD Suggests a Systematic Underestimation of Dust in Model
- Anthropogenic Effects on the Mixing State of Aerosols over Manaus during the Green Ocean Amazon (GoAmazon) Campaign
- Applications of Reduced Order Models for Groundwater Impacts Due to Leaking Brine or Carbon Dioxide
- Assessing Ozone Chemistry Using Observations of Alkyl Nitrates during Summer in Colorado
- Atmospheric Rivers and Heavy Precipitation From a Hierarchy of Climate Simulations
- Atom-scale insights into carbonate organic-mineral interfaces
- Automatable Measurement of Gas Exchange Rate in Streams: Oxygen-Carbon Method
- Bayesian calibration of the Community Land Model using a multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo method
- Benchmark Study of 3D Pore-scale Flow and Solute Transport Simulation Methods
- Biases in field measurements of ice nuclei concentrations
- Biogeochemical and biophysical climate regulation services from converting native grassland to bioenergy production in the US Midwest
- Birnessite mediated abiotic protein fragmentation may supply oligopeptides to soil biota
- Borehole Muon Detector Development
- Brown Carbon: Results From Ground and Airborne Studies
- CCN activity of Amazonian aerosols during GoAmazon 2014/5
- CalWater 2015 — Atmospheric Rivers and Aerosol Impacts on Precipitation
- Carbon Characteristics and Biogeochemical Processes of Uranium Accumulating Organic Matter Rich Sediments in the Upper Colorado River Basin
- Carbon Dynamics in the Hyporheic Zone of a Headwater Mountain Stream in the Cascade Mountains, Oregon
- Characteristics of ring current protons and oxygen ions during the 7 January 2015 and 17 March 2015 storms: Van Allen Probes/RBSPICE observations
- Characterizing the Chemical Complexity of Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia
- Characterizing the distributions and sources of dust during atmospheric river landfall in the western U.S.
- Clay Mineralogy of AN Alluvial Aquifer in a Mountainous, Semiarid Terrain, AN Example from Rifle, Colorado
- Cloud and Precipitation During GoAmazon: The Influence of Aerosol and Thermodynamics.
- Clouds and Precipitation Simulated by the US DOE Accelerated Climate Modeling for Energy (ACME)
- Comparing Organic Aerosol Composition from Marine Biogenic Sources to Seawater and to Physical Sea Spray Models
- Comparison of Measured and WRF-LES Turbulence Statistics in a Real Convective Boundary Layer over Complex Terrain
- Constraining Processes Involved with Aerosol Effects on Cloud Radiative Forcing
- Contributions of wildfire to climate variability
- Coupled Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Microbial Community Ecology, Biogeochemistry, and Hydrologic Mixing
- Coupling soil Carbon Fluxes, Soil Microbes, and High-Resolution Carbon Profiling in Permafrost Transitions
- Current and future contributions of local emissions from shipping and hydrocarbon extraction flaring to short lived pollutants in the Arctic
- Deciphering the Chemical and Physical Basis for the CaCO<SUB>3 </SUB>Polymorphs that Form by an Amorphous Pathway
- Decomposing the Drivers of Past, Present, and Future Land Use Change
- Demonstration of a Groundwater Age Determination Using <SUP>39</SUP>Ar in Support of a Multi-Tracer Groundwater Analysis of Wells in Fresno, CA
- Deriving New Topography-based Global Datasets for Land Surface Modeling
- Development and Deployment of Unmanned Aircraft Instrumentation for Measuring Quantities Related to Land Surface-Atmosphere Interactions
- Direct Comparisons of Ice Cloud Macro- and Microphysical Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 with HIPPO Aircraft Observations
- Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends
- Dynamic Kinetics of Nitrogen Cycle in Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone at Hanford Site
- Dynamic Linkages between Denitrification Functional Genes/Enzymes and Biogeochemical Reaction Rates of Nitrate and Its Reduction Products
- Dynamical and thermodynamical modulations of future atmospheric river changes in the west coast of North America
- Easy Aerosol - a model intercomparison project to study aerosol-radiative interactions and their impact on regional climate
- Effects of Light Stress on Extracellular Cycling in a Cyanobacterial Biofilm Community
- Efficacy of Biostimulation for Uranium Sequestration: Coupled Effects Sediment/Groundwater Geochemistry and Microbiology
- Emission and Chemistry of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) as Observed at T3: Contrast of the Dry and Wet Seasons
- Establishing the Scientific Value of Multiple GCM-RCM Simulation Programs: The Example of NARCCAP
- Evaluate transport processes in MERRA driven chemical transport models using updated 222Rn emission inventories and global observations
- Evaluating the impact of climate policies on regional food availability and accessibility using an Integrated Assessment Model
- Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?
- Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Guest Molecule Exchange Kinetics based on the 2012 Ignik Sikumi Gas Hydrate Field Trial
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Pore-Scale Multi-Phase Flow Dynamics
- Explicit representation of low clouds in a global atmospheric model: initial results from Ultra-Parameterized CAM5
- Exploring soil organic matter-mineral interactions: mechanistic insights at the nanometer and molecular length scales
- Factors Controlling Liquid Particulate Matter in Amazonia
- Feasibility and Costs of Natural Gas as a Bridge to Deep Decarbonization in the United States
- Forest carbon uptake in North America's aging temperate deciduous forests: A data-theory-model mismatch?
- Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling in the Simulation of Field-Scale Uranium Bioremediation
- Getters for Tc and I Removal from Liquid Waste
- Global Patterns of Drought Recovery
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Process Identification under Model Uncertainty
- Global Simulations from CAM with a Unified Convection Parameterization using CLUBB and Subcolumns
- Global energy consumption for direct water use
- Groundwater-Surface Water Mixing Shifts Ecological Assembly Processes and Stimulates Organic Carbon Turnover
- Highlights from 4STAR Sky-Scanning Retrievals of Aerosol Intensive Optical Properties from Multiple Field Campaigns with Detailed Comparisons of SSA Reported During SEAC4RS
- How much does sea spray aerosol organic matter impact clouds and radiation? Sensitivity studies in the Community Atmosphere Model
- Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume method for advection-diffusion equations subject to heterogeneous reactive boundary conditions
- Hybrid Multiscale Simulation of Hydrologic and Biogeochemical Processes in the River-Groundwater Interaction Zone
- Hydrological extremes and their agricultural impacts under a changing climate in Texas
- Ice nucleation by plant structural materials and its potential contribution to glaciation in clouds
- Identifying microbial habitats in soil using quantum dots and x-ray fluorescence microtomography
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Indian Summer Monsoon and Hydrology in Himalayas
- Impact of Real-world Factors Influencing Investment Decisions on the Costs and Distribution of Climate Change Mitigation
- Impact of Shallow Clouds on Cloud-Permitting WRF Simulations of the Diurnal Cycle of Convection over the Amazon
- Impact of anthropogenic aerosols on regional climate change in Beijing, China
- Impact of phenazine-1-carboxylic acid upon iron speciation and microbial biomass in the rhizosphere of wheat
- Impacts of Oil and Gas Exploration Activities on SOA formation in the Colorado Front Range
- Impacts of resolution-dependent physics in aquaplanet simulations
- Impacts of the Denver Cyclone on Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Formation in the Colorado Front Range during the Front Range Air Pollution and Photochemistry Éxperiment (FRAPPÉ) 2014
- Implementation and evaluation of the Modal Aerosol Model (MAM7) in GEOS-5
- Implications of using transmitted vs. reflected light for determining cloud properties, cloud radiative effects and aerosol-cloud-interactions
- Improved sample preparation and counting techniques for enhanced tritium measurement sensitivity
- Improved simulation of black carbon optical properties using a new aerosol mixing-state resolved model, MOSAIC-mix
- Improved tropical forest biogenic VOC emission factors based on GoAmazon2014/5 airborne observations
- Improving Forecasts of Cumulus: An Intersection of the Renewable Energy and Climate Science Communities
- Improving the Representation of Near Source and Downwind Smoke Plume Chemistry in Regional and Global Air Quality Models
- Incorporating approximation error in surrogate based Bayesian inversion
- Increasing climate extremes under global warming - What is the driving force?
- Increasing rainfall in central U.S. driven by changes in mesoscale convective systems
- Influence of anthropogenic emissions on the production of organic particulate matter during GoAmazon2014/5
- Integrating Ensemble Data Assimilation and Indicator Geostatistics to Delineate Hydrofacies Spatial Distribution
- Interannual modulation of subtropical Atlantic boreal summer dust variability by ENSO
- Invasive non-native trees in Hawaiian forests could increase negative impacts of climate change on water resources
- Investigation of Atmospheric Modelling Framework for Better Reconstruction on Historical Extreme Precipitation Event in PMP Estimation
- Investigation of Methane/Carbon Dioxide Partitioning onto Woodford Shale and Kerogen Analogs Using In Situ Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
- Large-scale Modeling of Inundation in the Amazon Basin
- Light Absorption in Arctic Sea Ice - Black Carbon vs Chlorophyll
- Lightweight Data Systems in the Cloud: Costs, Benefits and Best Practices
- Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity as an Objective Diagnostic of Midlatitude Extreme Weather
- Long-Lifetime Ice Particles in Mixed-Phase Stratiform Clouds: Quasi-Steady and Recycled Growth
- Long-term Validation of Cloud-droplet Number Concentration Value Added Product (NDROP VAP) Retrieved from Surface Measurements
- Marine biogenic aerosol sources simulated from below the global ocean-atmosphere interface
- Measurements of in-situ SOA Formation Using an Oxidation Flow Reactor at GoAmazon2014/5
- Measuring the Impact of Rising CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> on the Surface Energy Balance
- Methane Oxidation in Arctic Soils from High- and Flat-Centered Polygons
- Methane Transmission and Oxidation throughout the Soil Column from Three Central Florida Sites
- Microbial Community Responses to Glycine Addition in Kansas Prairie Soils
- Microbial facies distribution and its geological and geochemical controls at the Hanford 300 area
- Microphysics of Amazonian aerosol under background conditions and the impact from the urban pollution and biomass burning
- Migratory Fish as Sensors of Anthropogenic Contamination in Streams
- Model For Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) applied to regional climate of the Northwestern U.S.
- Model-Observation "Data Cubes" for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modeling Aerosol Effects on Clouds and Precipitation: Insights from CalWater 2015
- Modeling Workflow for the DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow
- Modifications to WRF's dynamical core to improve the treatment of moisture for large-eddy simulations
- Multi-Analytic Based Determination of Substrate Fate From in situ Stable Isotope Labeled Exposures of Natural Microbial Mats
- Multi-Modal Spatial Analysis of Metals within Individual Aerosol Particles Sampled from the Asian Continental Outflow
- Multiscale Dynamics in Micro-porous Fractured Systems: Theory and Experiments
- Nature of Year-to-Year MJO Variability: SST-Forced vs. Internally Driven?
- New Parameterizations for Understanding Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation from Isoprene under Anthropogenic Influence
- Nitrogen Dynamics are a Key Factor in Explaining Global Land Carbon Sink
- Numerical Study on Tide-Driven Submarine Groundwater Discharge and Seawater Recirculation in Heterogeneous Aquifer
- Observation of the spectral-invariant properties of clouds in transition zones during MAGIC, A case study
- Observed and Modeled Isoprene Fluxes at a Remote Michigan Forest Site
- Online Measurements and Modeling of Isoprene Photo-oxidation Products: Insights from the Laboratory and SOAS Field Campaign
- Optical Properties of Submicron and Coarse Mode Ambient Particulate Matter in Northern California
- Optimization of an extraction protocol for organic matter from soils and sediments using high resolution mass spectrometry: selectivity and biases
- Overview of Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE): Data Access and Science Results
- Parameter Sensitivity and Transferability Study Across Major US Watersheds
- Parameteric dependence of climate sensitivity and cloud response in CAM5 with a higher-order closure scheme
- Partitioning of Organic Compounds between Crude Oil and Water under Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Condition
- Permeability Changes on Wellbore Cement Fractures Modified by Geochemical and Geomechanical Processes
- Plant-Microbial Interactions Define Potential Mechanisms of Organic Matter Priming in the Rhizosphere
- Pore-Scale Investigation of Organic Carbon Degradation in Soils and Sediments and its Implication to Field Applications
- Pore-scale insights to the rate of organic carbon degradation and biofilm formation under variable hydro-biogeochemical conditions in soils and sediments
- Purification and Detection of <SUP>39</SUP>Ar in Groundwater Samples via Low-Level Counting
- Quantifying sources, transport, deposition, and radiative forcing of black carbon in the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes
- RBSPICE Measurements of heavy Ion loss during the 2015 March storm
- Rainfall and runoff Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Washington State considering the change and uncertainty of observed and anticipated extreme rainfall and snow events
- Rapid High Spatial Resolution Chemical Characterization of Soil Structure to Illuminate Nutrient Distribution Mechanisms Related to Carbon Cycling Using Laser Ablation Aerosol Mass Spectrometry
- Reactivity of organic complexes at mineral-CO<SUB>2</SUB>-H<SUB>2</SUB>O interfaces
- Reading the Molecular Code in Soils
- Reconfiguration of the DOE ARM Climate Research Facility to Better Link Measurements and Atmospheric Model Simulations
- Regional climate effects of aerosols on precipitation and snowpack in California
- Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
- Remineralization VS Reductive Dissolution Pathway of Phosphorus Cycling: a Case Study in the Chesapeake Bay
- Representing Effects of Complex Terrain on Mountain Meteorology and Hydrology
- Representing sediment transport in earth system model
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Resuspension of Aerosol Particles from Evaporated Rain Drops to the Coarse Mode
- Revisiting Aerosol Effects in Global Climate Models Using an Aerosol Lidar Simulator
- Revisiting the Climate Impacts of Cool Roofs around the Globe Using an Earth System Model
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Saharan Dust Fertilizing Atlantic Ocean and Amazon Rainforest via Long-range Transport and Deposition: A Perspective from Multiyear Satellite Measurements
- Seasonal Differences in Aerosol Chemical Properties at a Site Along the Eastern Seaboard: Observations from the Two-Column Aerosol Project (TCAP)
- Seasonal Hydrologic Controls on Uranium and Iron Biogeochemistry in a Riparian Aquifer
- Sensitivity of reservoir storage and outflow to climate change in a water-limited river basin
- Silica-Based Carbon Source Delivery for In-situ Bioremediation Enhancement
- Simulation of Underground Muon Flux with Application to Muon Tomography
- Simulation of the Dust Aerosol and its Climatic Effect over East Asia using WRF-Chem model
- Simulations of flow mode distributions on rough fracture surfaces using a parallelized Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model
- Single-Particle Chemical Composition in the Arctic during the Winter-Spring Transition
- Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics simulation and laboratory-scale experiments of complex flow dynamics in unsaturated fractures
- Something new from something old? Fracking stimulated microbial processes
- Source Attribution of Observed Absorption Profiles During the Two Column Aerosol Project (TCAP) Using a Regional Model
- Strategy for Improving Measurement Uncertainty and Data Quality Information for Observations at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facilities
- Studies of High β Plasma Regions
- Study of Interactions Between ULF Waves and Ring Current Heavy (He+ and O+) Ions
- Summer and winter time heterogeneity in aerosol single scattering albedo over the northwestern Atlantic Ocean during the TCAP field campaign: Relationship to chemical composition and mixing state
- Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution and Mass Transfer in a Heterogeneous Pore Network under Drainage and Imbibition Conditions
- Technical Evaluation of Biogeochemical Transformation of Iodine at 200-UP-1, Hanford, WA
- Temperature Effects on Microbial CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Production in Permafrost-Affected Soils From the Barrow Environmental Observatory
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- The Anatomy of a Fumarole inferred from a 3-D High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Image of Solfatara Hydrothermal System (Phlegrean Fields, Italy)
- The Contribution of Soils to North America's Current and Future Climate
- The DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program's LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Initialization, Forcing and Multiscale Data Assimilation
- The DOE Subsurface (SubTER) Initiative: Revolutionizing Responsible use of the Subsurface for Energy Production and Storage
- The Destabilization of Protected Soil Organic Carbon Following Experimental Drought at the Pore and Core scale
- The Global Distribution of Atmospheric Ice Nucleating Particles
- The Impact of Oil and Natural Gas Activity on Ozone Formation in the Colorado Front Range
- The Role of Groundwater and River water Interactions in Modulating Land Surface and Subsurface States and Fluxes: A Local-Scale Case Study along the Columbia River Shoreline
- The Simulated Impact of Dimethyl Sulfide Emissions on the Earth System
- The dynamical signature on the change of hydrological extremes under global warming
- The global atmospheric loading of dust aerosols
- The impact of diurnal cycle over the Maritime Continent on the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Three-Dimensional Modeling of the Reactive Transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Its Impact on Geomechanical Properties of Faulted Reservoir Rocks and Seals
- Timing of Getter Material Addition in Cementitious Wasteforms
- Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments
- Trends and Implications of Stream Temperature for Energy and Fish Production
- Two-level numerical and analytical homogenization of reactive transport in bi-disperse chemically heterogeneous porous media
- UQ-Guided Selection of Physical Parameterizations in Climate Models
- Understanding Spatial Variabilities in Clouds, Precipitation, Land/Surface Properties at the Southern Great Plains at Different Time Scales
- Understanding the relative influence of climatic variations and agricultural management practices on crop yields at the US county level
- Unlocking the Physiochemical Controls on Organic Carbon Dynamics from the Soil Pore- to Core-Scale
- Upscale Effects of Variable-Resolution Meshes on the Large-Scale Circulation
- Uranium plume persistence impacted by hydrologic and geochemical heterogeneity in the groundwater and river water interaction zone of Hanford site
- Use of System Identification Techniques to Explore the Hydrological Cycle Response to Perturbations in Climate Models
- Using Observations to Models to Understand the Effects of Irrigation, Groundwater Dynamics, Land Surface/Subsurface Heterogeneity on Land-Atmosphere-Cloud-Interactions: Evidence from the Southern Great Plains
- Using Tree Rings, CO<SUB>2</SUB> Fluxes, and Long-Term Measurements to Understand Carbon Dynamics in an Alaskan Boreal Forest
- Using an Engineered Protein Model to Constrain Protein-Mineral Interactions
- Using nudged simulations to investigate parameter sensitivities in CAM5
- Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Observations of the March 2015 Solar Storm
- Vegetation regulates streamflow intra-annual variability by adapting to climate variations
- Vulnerability of the US Western Electric Grid to Hydro-Climatological Conditions: how bad can it get?
- WFIP2 - The Second Wind Forecast Improvement Project: Observing Systems And Case Studies
- What Can AMF Observations Tell Us about Super-micron Particles?
- What can molecular dynamics simulations reveal about the stability of proteinaceous soil organic matter on mineral surfaces?
- Will Abundant Natural Gas Solve Climate Change?
- A Bayesian Network Based Global Sensitivity Analysis Method for Identifying Dominant Processes in a Multi-physics Model
- A Hyporheic Mesocosm Experiment: Influence of Quantity and Quality of stream-source DOC on Rates of Hyporheic Metabolism
- A Multiscale Simulation Framework to Investigate Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in the Groundwater-Surface Water Interaction Zone
- A Possible Strategy for the Use of Solar Climate Engineering
- A Trends Review of Geophysics Research in Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
- A global data analysis of sediment and organic carbon loadings to rivers at catchment scale
- A new look at the Effect of NO<SUB>x</SUB> on Biogenic SOA Yields
- A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- A vastly improved method for in situ stable isotope analysis of very small water samples.
- Aerosol properties above clouds over the South East Atlantic Ocean during the fire season: comparison between observations from POLDER/PARASOL and AeroCom models
- An Integrated Canopy Gap Module with DHSVM for Improving Predictions of Canopy-Snow Dynamics
- An update on unmanned aircraft operations along the North Slope of Alaska to understand the lower Arctic troposphere
- Anthropogenic Emissions Shift Pathways of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> Production in Amazonia
- Application of Logistic Modeling to the Biochar Heterogeneity Conundrum
- Assessing Impacts of Selective Logging on Water, Energy, and Carbon Fluxes in Amazon Forests Using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Assessing uncertainty and sensitivity of model parameterizations and parameters in WRF affecting simulated surface fluxes and land-atmosphere coupling over the Amazon region
- Atmo-metabolomics: a new measurement approach for investigating aerosol composition and ecosystem functioning.
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Vertical Distribution Over the South African-Atlantic Region: Perspectives from Multi-Models and CALIOP Observations
- Bridging the Gap Between Earth Science Open Data Producers and Consumers Using a Standards based approach
- Canopy complexity's role in (re)shaping carbon cycling following disturbance and with age: Do new observations support old theories?
- Carbon and Nitrogen Response to Forced Inundation of Hyporheic Sediment along an Elevational Transect of the Columbia River
- Carbon-climate-human interactions in an integrated human-Earth system model
- Changes to the quasi-biennial oscillation due to tropical SO<SUB>2</SUB> injections
- Characterizing the Influence of Plant Growth on Carbon Association with Fresh Soil Minerals
- Characterizing the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols using Ground-based Multiwavelength Lidar Data
- Chemical characterization of sesquiterpene emissions and oxidation in the Amazon using SV-TAG
- Climate Modeling and Analysis with Decision Makers in Mind
- Cloud-Resolving Modeling Intercomparison Study of a Squall Line Case from MC3E - Properties of Convective Core
- Combining aerosol injection at several different latitudes to optimize the climate response to geoengineering
- Compounded effects of heat waves and droughts over the Western Electricity Grid: spatio-temporal scales of impacts and predictability toward mitigation and adaptation.
- Constraining the long-term climate reponse to stratospheric sulfate aerosols injection by the short-term volcanic climate response
- Contrasting microphysical characteristics of the clouds measured during the dry and wet seasons in Amazon and their implication on entrainment and mixing processes
- Controls of ionic strength and macromolecule chemistry on calcite nucleation: Salinity and ion hydration as levers for regulating biomineralization
- Controls on and consequences of specific leaf area variation with permafrost depth in a boreal forest
- Coupling a three-dimensional subsurface flow model with a land surface model to simulate stream-aquifer-land interactions
- Deciphering the rhizosphere by liquid extraction surface analysis mass spectrometry (LESA-MS)
- Defining Data Access Pathways for Atmosphere to Electrons Wind Energy Data
- Delivery and Establishing Slow Release Carbon Source to the Hanford Vadose Zone Using Colloidal Silica Suspension Injection and Subsequent Gelation - Laboratory Study
- Developing a weather observation routine during ICARUS
- Development of Rhizo-Columns for Nondestructive Root System Architecture Laboratory Measurements
- Diffusion Dependence on Aerosol Composition by Analytical Solution: Derivation, Implementation and Limitation Inside a Multi-process Model
- Direct Comparisons of Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties Simulated by the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 with ARM SPartICus Observations
- Directing Traffic in the Rhizosphere: Using Isotopes and Imaging to Track Root-Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Soil
- Dispersion induced by permeable surfaces
- Do Forest-Snow Feedbacks Mitigate or Exacerbate a Mountain's Hydrologic Response to a Warming World?
- Does desert dust cool or warm the Earth system?
- EMIC Waves Accompanied by a Sudden Decrease in Ambient Magnetic Fields
- Effect of Atmospherically-Relevant Organic Coatings, Humidity, and Aerosol Acidity on Multiphase Chemistry of Isoprene Epoxydiols
- Effects of Convective Transport on the Budget of Amazonian Aerosol under Background Conditions
- Effects of Enhanced Thaw Depth on the Composition of Arctic Soil Organic Matter Leachate
- Emergent constraints for aerosol indirect effects
- Emulating the Marine Carbonate System using Pattern Scaling
- Energy-dependent and Fraction Specific Response of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Carbon during Photodegradation
- Enhance Your Science With Social Media: No ... Really
- Enhancing SWAT for simulating water, carbon and nutrient cycling along the terrestrial-aquatic continuum
- Evaluating Changes in Distributions of Summer Stream Temperature following Forest Harvest
- Evaluating Dietary Changes and Their Impact on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus and Climate Change Mitigation using an Integrated Assessment Model
- Evaluation of Geologic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration Potential of the Morrow B Sandstone in the Farnsworth, Texas Hydrocarbon Field using Reactive Transport Modeling
- Evaluation of NCAR CAM5 Simulated Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Properties Using a Combination of Satellite and Surface Observations
- Evaluation of a monthly hydrological model for Integrated Assessment Models
- Evaluation of diurnal precipitation in convection permitting regional climate simulations
- Evaluation of seasonal simulations over Central California in the WRF-Chem
- Evaluation of the scale-awareness of the multi-draft ZM scheme
- Exceedance of Combined Total (Wet + Dry) Nitrogen and Sulfur Depositions at Forest Soil over Conterminous US in a Changing Climate
- Exploring Large Scale Data Analysis and Visualization for ARM Data Discovery Using NoSQL Technologies
- Exploring convection triggers for wet-season precipitation over the southwestern Amazon in the Community Atmosphere Model versions 5
- Export of Dissolved Organic Carbon following Prescribed Fire on Forested Watersheds: Implications for Watershed Management for Drinking Water Supply
- Extended Elemental Mixing State of Aerosols Collected during IOP2 of the GoAmazon Campaign
- Extreme Ring Current Proton Spectra Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- First direct on-line mass spectrometry measurements of marine ice nucleating particles
- First transmitted hyperspectral light measurements and cloud properties from recent field campaign sampling clouds under biomass burning aerosol
- Free Tropospheric Brown Carbon: Radiative Impact and Sources
- Functional enzyme-based modeling approach for dynamic simulation of denitrification process in hyporheic zone sediments: Genetically structured microbial community model
- Future water supply and demand in response to climate change and agricultural expansion in Texas
- Geochemical Sensors of Fracturing in the Subsurface
- Global Sediment Modeling from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective
- Global Urban Mapping and Modeling for Sustainable Urban Development
- Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- He+ Control by Bounce Frequency ULF Waves
- High Precision Sunphotometer using Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) Camera Tracking
- High beta plasma observations in Earth's Ring Current: Waves and particle oscillations, and drift-mirror instability.
- How Redox Fluctuation Shapes Microbial Community Structure and Mineral-Organic Matter Relationships in a Humid Tropical Forest Soil
- Hydrological modeling in a small central Amazonian watershed: Insights from one to three-dimensional models
- Hypsometric analysis improves topography-based subgrid structures for land surface modeling
- Identification and Large-Scale Mapping of Riverbed Facies along the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River for Hyporheic Zone Studies
- Identifying Climate Model Teleconnection Mechanisms Between Arctic Sea Ice Loss and Mid-Latitude Winter Storms
- Imaging CO<SUB>2</SUB> reservoirs using muons borehole detectors
- Imaging Fractures Through Relative Velocity Change Using Ambient Seismic Noise And Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS): A SUBTER Pilot Study At Blue Canyon Dome, Socorro NM
- Impact of 3-D Radiation-Topography Interaction on Simulation of Land Surface Temperature and Snow Depth over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impact of fire on global land carbon, water, and energy budgets and climate during the 20th century through changing ecosystems
- Impacts of Climate and Human-induced Changes on Hydrological Drought in the United States: a modeling study
- Impacts of water management on U.S. thermoelectricity production
- Improved Sensitivity of Spectroscopic Quantification of Stable Isotope Content Using Capillary Absorption Spectroscopy
- Improving medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts through statistical post-processing
- Improving the Understanding and Model Representation of Processes that Couple Shallow Clouds, Aerosols, and Land-Ecosystems
- Indian Monsoon Precipitation in CMIP5: The role of tropical convection in biases and inter-model spread
- Influence of Sea Ice Anomalies on Antarctic Precipitation and Its Source Attribution
- Information Criterion Comparison of Two Deep Convection Ensembles in the ACME Climate Model
- Insights on the energy-water nexus through modeling of the integrated water cycle
- Interactions between Natural Organic Matter and Native Microbes in the Oak Ridge FRC Groundwater
- Intercomparison of Multiscale Modeling Approaches in Simulating Subsurface Flow and Transport
- Irrigation impacts on the water cycle and regional climate simulated by the ACME Model
- Known and Newly Identified Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds from Biomass Burning in Amazonia: Variability and Relationship to Aerosol Physical Properties
- Laboratory Studies of the Cloud Droplet Activation Properties and Corresponding Chemistry of Saline Playa Dust
- Leading with Consequences: A Petascale Ensemble Experiment to Support the Discovery of High Consequence Multi-sector, Multi-scale Climate Change Scenarios
- Leveraging the Polar Cap: Ground-Based Measurements of the Solar Wind
- Life in Ice: Microbial Growth Dynamics and Greenhouse Gas Production During Winter in a Thermokarst Bog Revealed by Stable Isotope Probing Targeted Metagenomics
- Light availability controls ecosystem fluxes in native and non-native tropical montane wet forests in Hawai`i
- Limits to parameterizing brown carbon absorption in models
- Mechanistic insights into non-IEPOX isoprene secondary organic aerosol formation utilizing measurements and modeling
- Method of segmentation with downscaling for unresolved images of a highly heterogeneous porous medium
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Microscopic composition measurements of organic individual particles collected in the Southern Great Plains
- Mineral Enhanced Archaea-mediated co-production of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and N<SUB>2</SUB>O: A missing link in interactions between Earth's Carbon and Nitrogen Cycle
- Mineral formation and organo-mineral controls on the bioavailability of carbon at the terrestrial-aquatic interface
- Molecular Characterization of Atmospheric Brown Carbon
- Molecular Signature of Organic Carbon Along a Salinity Gradient in Suwannee River Plume
- Multi-fidelity methods for uncertainty quantification in transport problems
- Multiresolution model for reactive flow and transport in porous media
- Next-Generation Climate Modeling Science Challenges for Simulation, Workflow and Analysis Systems
- Next-generation soil decomposition models: representing ecological process complexity across scales
- Observation of profiles of turbulence in stationary and well mixed convective boundary layers over the ARM Southern Great Plains and the Tropical Western Pacific sites
- Observation of the March 17, 2016 Solar Storm in the Inner Magnetosphere by the Van Allen Probes RBSPICE Instrument.
- Observations on the ACE EPAM measurements of the highly anisotropic event on Day 109 of 2016
- Observing microphysical structures and hydrometeor phase in convection with ARM active sensors
- Optical Properties and Aging of Light Absorbing Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Organic carbon composition and thermodynamics indicate preferential carbon sequestration at a terrestrial-aquatic interface
- Organic matter composition and substrate diversity under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Mojave Desert
- Oxygen energization and loss during the main phase of the 17 March 2015 storm: Van Allen Probes observations
- Particle growth kinetics over the Amazon rainforest
- Plant-soil-microbe interactions regulating soil C storage
- Pore-to-Darcy Scale Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume Model for Reactive Flow and Transport
- Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Sediment - Water Exchange of Mercury in a Managed Flood Conveyance System
- Probing the Pathways and Interactions Controlling Crystallization by Particle Attachment
- Profiling Hyporheic Microbial Community Nitrogen Cycle and Carbohydrate Active Enzyme Gene Abundances across Seasons
- Quantifying Hydro-biogeochemical Model Sensitivity in Assessment of Climate Change Effect on Hyporheic Zone Processes
- Quantifying Hyporheic Exchanges in a Large Scale River Reach Using Coupled 3-D Surface and Subsurface Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations
- Quantifying Rain Frequency Susceptibility Metric for Constraining Cloud Liquid Water Response to Aerosols in a Regional Aerosol-climate Model
- Quantifying Risks and Uncertainties Associated with Induced Seismicity due to CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection into Geologic Formations with Faults
- Quantifying hyporheic exchange dynamics in a highly regulated large river reach
- Quantifying molecular scale stabilization mechanisms at the organic-mineral interface
- Quantifying the importance of model-to-model variability in integrated assessments of 21<SUP>st</SUP> century climate
- Quantifying uncertainty and computational complexity for pore-scale simulations
- RBSPICE Observations of the March 17, 2015 Geomagnetic Storm
- RBSPICE in the Classroom: Building a ballistic galvanometer using common household products
- Recent Observational Efforts Using the DOE ARM Observatory at Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Recent advances in measurement-based insights of secondary organic aerosols and their impact on global climate sensitivity
- Regional Bivariate Drought Risk Assessment in Bangladesh
- Relative permeability of fractured wellbore cement: an experimental investigation using electrical resistivity monitoring for moisture content
- Reservoirs' Nonlinear Filtering Effects on Flood Frequency Curves
- Revisiting the Climate Impacts of Cool Roofs around the Globe Using an Earth System Model
- Revisiting the question of recycled (MIF) sulfur in sulfide inclusions from diamond
- Rheological Properties of Aqueous Colloidal Silica Suspensions Related to Amendment Delivery for Subsurface Remediation
- Rhizosphere Nightlife: Going with the Flow
- Second Harmonic Poloidal Waves and Energetic Proton Responses: Van Allen Probes Observation
- Sensitivity of Aerosol Mass and Microphysics to Treatments of Condensational Growth of Secondary Organic Compounds in a Regional Model
- Simulating mesoscale convective systems using a global variable-resolution model at convection-permitting scales
- Simulation of soil iron oxide production via alteration of ferrihydrite confirms direct formation of maghemite and partially oxidized magnetite—Implication for magnetic enhancement models
- Single Plant Root System Modeling under Soil Moisture Variation
- Soil Redox Conditions Are a Strong Determinant of Microbial Community Composition and the Fate of Carbon Following Permafrost Thaw.
- Soil and Plant Dust Emissions from Natural and Agricultural Landscapes as Atmospheric Ice Nucleating Particle Sources
- Soil and groundwater VOCs contamination: How can electrical geophysical measurements help assess post-bioremediation state?
- Solute Transport Dynamics in a Large Hyporheic Corridor System
- Spatial Controls on the Persistence and Vulnerability of Soil Organic Carbon
- Spatial and temporal distributions of ice nucleating particles during the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Cloud Aerosol Precipitation Experiment (ACAPEX)
- Structure Uncertainties in Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions in CAM5
- Studies to Detect Sources and Emissions of Ice-Active Biological and Biogenic Aerosols
- Study of Transport Characteristics of Motile Microorganisms Using Micro-Scale Devices
- Super-micron Particles over US Coastal Region: Seasonal Changes from TCAP data
- Surprising results from abiotic enzyme digestion of dissolved organic matter at the molecular scale
- Synthesis of Aerosol Physical, Chemical, and Radiative Properties from Various Sources: Consistency and Closure
- Systematic errors in South Asian monsoon precipitation: Analysis of CMIP5 and global variable resolution simulations
- The Chemical Composition and Mixing State of Sea Spray Aerosol and Organic Aerosol in the Winter-Spring Arctic
- The Impact of the Diurnal Cycle of Clouds and Precipitation over the Maritime Continent on the Propagation of the MJO into the Western Pacific
- The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP) Contribution to CMIP6: Rationale and Experimental Design
- The Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report: The Persistence and Vulnerability of Carbon in Soil
- The challenge of establishing decomposition functional types to estimate heterotrophic respiration at large scales
- The role of cloud parameterizations on high- and mid-latitude teleconnections
- Thinking small: Experimental and theoretical insights into how nanoconfinement and nanocrystals impact mineral carbonation
- Time-Scales of Storm Flow Response in the Stream and Hyporheic Zone of a Small, Steep Forested Catchment - Contrasting the Potential Contributions from the Hillslope, Riparian-Hyporheic Zones, and the Stream Channel
- Toward Multi-Model Frameworks Addressing Multi-Sector Dynamics, Risks, and Resiliency
- Towards a parameterization of aerosol sub-grid variability for global climate models
- Tracking the Path of Carbon from Plants to Rhizobiomes using Protein Stable Isotope Probing
- Trans-pacific Dust during Atmospheric River Landfall in the Western U.S.
- Transport of Hematite Nanoparticles in Porous Media: Effect of Colloidal Concentration and Interaction
- Ultra-Parameterized CAM: Progress Towards Low-Cloud Permitting Superparameterization
- Understanding monsoon onset using a normalized gross moist stability framework in an idealized model
- Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater and Surface Water Interaction Using a Multi-year Multi-sensor Dataset
- Unstructured-grid Modeling for Wave Energy Resource Assessment
- Use Short and Nudged Simulations to Understand Resolution Sensitivity of Clouds and Their Radiative Effects in Climate Models
- Using Molecular Tracers to Understand BVOC Interactions with Anthropogenic Pollutants in the Southeast U.S. and Amazonia
- Using Pattern Scaling to Explore Precipitation Sensitivity to Global Temperature Change.
- Using multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to calibrate geoscientific models
- Utilization of Short-Simulations for Tuning High-Resolution Climate Model
- Variability of Vertical Velocity Statistics in the Cloud-Free Convective Boundary Layer as Revealed by Doppler Lidar
- Variations in lake and reservoir storage associated with Middle East droughts
- Vertical Overlap of Probability Density Functions of Cloud and Precipitation Hydrometeors
- What We Can Learn from In-Soil Imaging of A Live Plant: X-ray Computed Tomography and Pore-scale Simulation of Root-Soil-Groundwater Interaction
- What causes δ<SUP>15</SUP>N variations in atmospheric nitrate, NOx, and NOy: N sources or N chemistry?
- Which sources of dust contribute more to tropospheric dust aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau ? Assessment from five years modeling data
- kISMET: Stress and fracture characterization in a deep mine
- "Analysis of Van Allen Probes lapping data using Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)"
- A Geostatistics-Informed Hierarchical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Complex Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling
- A Moisture Function of Soil Heterotrophic Respiration Derived from Pore-scale Mechanisms
- A New Metric for Land-Atmosphere Coupling Strength: Applications on Observations and Modeling
- A Novel CO<SUB>2</SUB>-Responsive Viscoelastic Amphiphilic Surfactant Fluid for Fracking in Enhanced Oil/Gas Recovery
- A Novel Observation-Guided Approach for Evaluating Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by the DOE ACME Model
- A Soil Service Index: a method for quantifying the value, vulnerability, and status of soil resources
- A Two-step Evaluation of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Property Simulations in Community Atmosphere Model: Conventional Sub-grid Parameterization vs. CLUBB
- A first summary of the Layered Atlantic Smoke Interactions with Clouds (LASIC) campaign in the remote southeast Atlantic
- A new multidimensional stoichiometric classification of compounds: moving beyond the van Krevelen diagram.
- ARM Aerial Facility ArcticShark Unmanned Aerial System
- Active Molecular Iodine Photochemistry in the Arctic
- Advanced Characterization of Semivolatile Organic Compounds Emitted from Biomass Burning
- Aerosol and cloud properties derived from hyperspectral transmitted light in the southeast Atlantic sampled during field campaign deployments in 2016 and 2017
- Aerosol-cloud interactions in a multi-scale modeling framework
- Ambient Aerosols in the Southern Hemisphere on Ascension Island during the LASIC Campaign: Biomass Burning Season versus Near Pristine Background Conditions
- Ambient ionization mass spectrometry imaging for characterizing plant-microbe interactions using liquid extraction surface analysis (LESA)
- An Investigation of the Radiative Effects and Climate Feedbacks of Sea Ice Sources of Sea Salt Aerosol
- An Investigation on the Spatial Variability of Manning Roughness Coefficients in Continental-scale River Routing Simulations
- An online tool for Operational Probabilistic Drought Forecasting System (OPDFS): a Statistical-Dynamical Framework
- Anthropogenic Emissions Change the Amount and Composition of Organic PM<SUB>1</SUB> in Amazonia
- Are precipitation-based intensity-duration-frequency curves appropriate for cost effective and resilient infrastructure design in snow-dominated regions? Next-generation curves with inclusion of rain-on-snow events
- Assessing the Impacts of forest degradation on water, energy, and carbon budgets in Amazon forest using the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator
- Asymmetric response of the equatorial Pacific SST to climate warming and cooling
- Atmospheric Radiation Measurement's Data Management Facility captures metadata and uses visualization tools to assist in routine data management.
- Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP): Science Goals and Preliminary Analysis
- Atom Probe Tomographic Analysis of Biological Systems Enabled by Advanced Specimen Preparation Approaches
- Biomass Burning and Natural Emissions in the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest: Chemical Composition and Impact on the Oxidative Capacity of the Atmosphere
- Biospheric feedback effects in a synchronously coupled model of human and Earth systems
- Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols in the Arctic: Long-term Trends, Radiative Impacts, and Source Attributions
- Broadband optical properties of biomass burning aerosol and identification of brown carbon chromophores
- Building sector feedbacks lead to increased energy demands
- Can we estimate biogeochemical uptake rates in sediments from reach-scale data or vice versa?
- Carbon and nitrogen accumulation and fluxes on Landscape Evolution Observatory (LEO) slopes
- Carbon cycling at the tipping point: Does ecosystem structure predict resistance to disturbance?
- Carbonate mineralization via an amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) pathway: Tuning polymorph selection by Mg, pH, and mixing environment
- Changes in Soil Organic Matter Abundance, Molecular Composition, and Diversity in an Arid Ecosystem in Response to Long-term Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Manipulation.
- Changes in stratiform precipitation properties in response to usage of different cloud microphysics parameterizations for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- Characterizing the utility of the TMPA real-time product for hydrologic predictions over global river basins across scales
- Chemical composition of wildland and agricultural biomass burning particles measured downwind during the BBOP study
- Climate Change Impacts on Stream Temperature in Regulated River Systems: A Case Study in the Southeastern United States
- Climate Sensitivity and Natural Variability: Theoretical Frameworks and the Bounding of Radiative Feedback Estimates
- Cloud Size Distributions from Multi-sensor Observations of Shallow Cumulus Clouds
- Comparison of primary organic sea spray emissions in global atmospheric models
- Consequences of hydraulic trait coordination and their associated uncertainties for tropical forest function
- Continental Shallow Convection Cloud-Base Mass Flux from Doppler Lidar and LASSO Ensemble Large-Eddy Simulations
- Controls on Methanogenesis in Organic-Rich Anaerobic Environments
- Correlation of Optical Properties with Atmospheric Solid Organic Particles (ASOPs) in the Southern Great Plains
- Countervailing patterns in CESM-simulated regional Antarctic snowfall variability: spatial distribution and associated atmospheric circulation modes
- Creation of Synthetic Surface Temperature and Precipitation Ensembles Through A Computationally Efficient, Mixed Method Approach
- Cumulus population and microphysical properties retrieved from a synergy of scanning radar and shortwave zenith radiances over Southeast Atlantic
- Deciphering flood frequency curves from a coupled human-nature system perspective
- Detecting climate change oriented and human induced changes in stream temperature across the Southeastern U.S.
- Development of the Next Generation of Biogeochemistry Simulations Using EMSL's NWChem Molecular Modeling Software
- Direct Observations of Isoprene Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation in Ambient Cloud Droplets
- Diversity in Detection Algorithms for Atmospheric Rivers: A Community Effort to Understand the Consequences
- Drought impact on vegetation growth and mortality
- Earth Experiments in a Virtual World: Introducing Climate & Coding to High School Girls
- Economic implications of climate-driven trends in global hydropower generation
- Effective Stochastic Model for Reactive Transport
- Effects of Heterogeneous Freezing on Winter Mixed-phase Clouds and Associated Aerosol Effects
- Effects of Topography-based Subgrid Structures on Land Surface Modeling
- Effects of the deep convection schemes in variable-resolution aquaplanet simulations
- Efficacy of Cloud-Radiative Perturbations in Deep Open- and Closed-Cell Stratocumulus Clouds due to Aerosol Perturbations
- Electrical Conductivity Distributions in Discrete Fluid-Filled Fractures
- Elemental Mixing State of Dry Season Aerosols in Central Amazonia During GoAmazon2014/15
- Energy-Water-Land Nexus: The relative contributions of climate and human systems on global water scarcity
- Ensemble-Based Parameter Evaluation for Distributed Snow Modeling in the Western United States
- Estimating ecosystem iso/anisohydry using microwave satellite data and its applications in ecohydrology
- Examining the effects of hurricanes Matthew and Irma on water quality in the intracoastal waterway, St. Augustine, FL.
- Exploring Compressive Sensing for Atmosphere Model Emulation
- Exploring Land Use and Land Cover Change and Feedbacks in the Global Change Assessment Model
- Exploring harmonization between integrated assessment and capacity expansion models
- Exploring strategies to remove contaminants from subsurface plumes: iron-bearing materials and calcite
- Exploring the Impact of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> on the Tropospheric Oxidation Capacity in South East Asia during KORUS-AQ 2016
- Exploring the dynamic links between microbial ecology and redox state of the hyporheic zone: insight from flume experiments
- Exploring the elevated water vapor signal associated with biomass burning aerosol over the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Exploring the observational constraints on the simulation of brown carbon
- Feedbacks Between Soil Structure and Microbial Activities in Soil
- Fine Scale Variability of Surface Broadband and Spectral Albedo Over the Southern Great Plains
- First Biogenic VOC Flux Results from the UCI Fluxtron Plant Chamber Facility
- Flow of Energy through the Inner Magnetosphere during the March 17, 2015 solar storm as observed by the Van Allen Probes Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- Gas Transport through Fractured Rock near the U20az Borehole, Pahute Mesa, Nevada.
- Generation of ULF waves by the Drift-Mirror plasma instability.
- Genotypic Diversity for Biomass Accumulation and Shoot-Root Allometry in the Grass Brachypodium distachyon
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Global simulation of ice-nucleating particles and implications for cloud radiative effects
- Global source attribution of sulfate aerosol and its radiative forcing
- Grassland Soil Carbon Responses to Nitrogen Additions
- Gridding Cloud and Irradiance to Quantify Variability at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Helium Ion Microscope: A New Tool for Sub-nanometer Imaging of Soft Materials
- How accurately can the instantaneous aerosol effect on cloud albedo be constrained?
- Human impacts on 20th century fire dynamics and implications for global carbon and water trajectories
- Hybrid Multiscale Finite Volume method for multiresolution simulations of flow and reactive transport in porous media
- Hyporheic Zone Residence Time Distributions in Regulated River Corridors
- Identifying Biases in Dust Source Functions
- Immobilization of Iodate and Iodide using Iron Oxides through Sorption and Co-precipitation at Hanford Site
- Impact of physical and numerical representation of cloud microphysics on the simulated ice cloud radiative effects in ACME
- Impacts of Aerosols on Seasonal Precipitation and Snowpack in California Based on Convection-Permitting WRF-Chem Simulations
- Impacts of Non-Stationarity in Climate on Flood Intensity-Duration-Frequency: Case Studies in Mountainous Areas with Snowmelt
- Impacts of Stratospheric Sulfate Geoengineering on PM2.5
- Impacts of coupling between convection and microphysics parameterizations on the simulations of precipitation and cloud properties over Asia
- Implications of sustainable development considerations for comparability across NDCs
- Implications of various land use change scenarios on global water scarcity over the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- In Situ Magnetic Susceptibility Variations at Two Contaminated Sites: Brandywine, MD and Bemidji, MN
- Increasing magnitude of Hurricane Rapid Intensification in the central-eastern Atlantic over the past 30 years
- Influence of Drought on the Hydraulic Efficiency and the Hydraulic Safety of the Xylem - Case of a Semi-arid Conifer.
- Influence of the Amino Acid Sequence on Protein-Mineral Interactions in Soil
- Influences of Coupled Hydrologic and Microbial Processes on River Corridor Biogeochemistry and Ecology
- Influences of Dam Operations in Groundwater-Surface Water Mixing Zones: Towards Multiscale Understanding
- Influences of Sources and Aqueous Processing on the Molecular Composition of Dissolved Organic Compounds in Cloud Water
- Insights from Modeling the Integrated Climate, Biogeochemical Cycles, Human Activities and Their Interactions in the ACME Earth System Model
- Instantaneous linkages between clouds and large-scale meteorology over the Southern Ocean in observations and a climate model
- Interactions between iron and organic matter may influence the fate of permafrost carbon in the Arctic
- Intrinsic Controls of Groundwater-Surface Water Dissolved Organic Carbon Quality and Quantity on Hyporheic Carbon Oxidation.
- Investigation of short-term effective radiative forcing of fire aerosols over North America using nudged hindcast ensembles
- Iodine conceptual model at Hanford: Aqueous speciation and interactions with minerals
- Laboratory Measurements of Gas Phase Pyrolysis Products from Southern Wildland Fuels using Infrared Spectroscopy
- Laboratory studies of monoterpene secondary organic aerosol formation and evolution
- Land-atmosphere coupling over ARM SGP in the presence of non-precipitating shallow convection
- Lidar Cloud Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks
- Linking Chaotic Advection with Subsurface Biogeochemical Processes
- Local and regional scale exchanges of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) between tidal wetlands and their adjacent coastal waters
- Long-term impacts of recurrent logging and fire in Amazon forests: a modeling study using the Ecosystem Demography Model (ED2)
- Low Cloud Feedback to Surface Warming in the World's First Global Climate Model with Explicit Embedded Boundary Layer Turbulence
- Machine Learing Applications on a Radar Wind Profiler Deployment During the ARM GoAmazon2014/5 Campaign
- Marine Emissions and Atmospheric Processing Influence Aerosol Mixing States in the Bering Strait and Chukchi Sea
- Mechanism of SOA Formation Determines Magnitude of Radiative Effects
- Meta-analysis on Macropore Flow Velocity in Soils
- Meteorology Research in DOE's Atmosphere to Electrons (A2e) Program
- Microbial Ecology of Soil Aggregation in Agroecosystems
- Microbial community assembly patterns under incipient conditions in a basaltic soil system
- Micronutrient metal speciation is driven by competitive organic chelation in grassland soils.
- Modeling Extreme Precipitation over East China with a Global Variable-Resolution Modeling Framework (MPAS)
- Modeling Forest Management Strategies for Hydrological Climate Change Adaptation in the upper Columbia
- Modeling reproducibility of porescale multiphase flow experiments
- Modeling sediment yield in small catchments at event scale: Model comparison, development and evaluation
- Modeling the Large-scale Environments of Long-lived Mesoscale Convective Systems Conducive to Heavy Precipitation in the Central United States
- Modulation of MJO-diurnal cycle interaction over the Maritime Continent
- Molecular Diversity of Brown Carbon Chromophores in Biomass Burning Aerosol
- Molecular Physiology of Root System Architecture in Model Grasses
- Molecular Speciation of Trace Metal Organic Complexes in the Pacific Ocean
- Molecular Studies of Complex Soil Organic Matter Interactions with Metal Ions and Mineral Surfaces using Classical Molecular Dynamics and Quantum Chemistry Methods
- Molecular and Imaging Insights into the Formation of Soil Organic Matter in a Red Pine Rhizosphere
- Molecular characterization and volatility evolution of α-pinene ozonolysis SOA during isothermal evaporations
- More robust regional precipitation projection from selected CMIP5 models based on multiple-dimensional metrics
- Multi `omics reveals role of phenotypic plasticity in governing biogeochemical hotspots within the groundwater-surface water (hyporheic) mixing zone
- Multi-chain Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for computationally expensive models
- Multi-platform Inter-comparison of cloud fields during HI-SCALE campaign over the ARM-SGP site
- Multi-scale, multi-model assessment of projected land allocation
- Multidecadal variations of solar radiation reaching the surface and the role of aerosol direct radiative effects
- Multiscale Data Assimilation for Large-Eddy Simulations
- Non-stationary hydropower generation projection over the western United States
- Novel Methods to Explore Building Energy Sensitivity to Climate and Heat Waves Using PNNL's BEND Model
- Observation of ice nucleation events with high spatial resolution
- Open Source Tools for Assessment of Global Water Availability, Demands, and Scarcity
- Optical Remote Sensing Algorithm Validation using High-Frequency Underway Biogeochemical Measurements in Three Large Global River Systems
- Optimization of a Time-Lapse Gravity Network for Carbon Sequestration
- Overshoot and Non-Overshoot Pathways to 1.5<SUP>o</SUP>C and Above: The Temperature Tunnel
- Partitioning dynamics of unsaturated flows in fractured porous media: Laboratory studies and three-dimensional multi-scale smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of gravity-driven flow in fractures
- Permafrost soil characteristics and microbial community structure across a boreal forest watershed vary over short spatial scales and dictate community responses to thaw.
- Physical factors controlling carbon cycling dynamics in blackwater river-dominated and particle dominated estuaries
- Potential Repercussions Associated with Halanaerobium Colonization of Hydraulically Fractured Shales
- Potential impacts of agricultural drought on crop yield variability under a changing climate in Texas
- Precipitation Insights From Vertically Pointing Radar, Surveillance Radar and Disdrometers During the Two-Year GoAmazon2014/5
- Predicting Tree Mortality Die-off Events Associated with Hotter Drought and Assessing Their Global Consequences via Ecoclimate Teleconnections.
- Preserving Data for Renewable Energy
- Processing ARM VAP data on an AWS cluster
- Quantify the Impact of Increasing Model Resolution on Dust Direct Radiative Effects
- Quantifying Km-scale Hydrological Exchange Flows under Dynamic Flows and Their Influences on River Corridor Biogeochemistry
- Quantifying the <SUP>37</SUP>Ar emanation fraction in calcium carbonate and carbonate rocks
- Quantifying the ice-albedo feedback through decoupling
- Quantifying the role that laboratory experiment sample scale has on observed material properties and mechanistic behaviors that cause well systems to fail
- Radiative effects of light-absorbing particles deposited in snow over Himalayas using WRF-Chem simulations
- Radiative forcing of iron oxides from combustion sources
- Rapid Phenotyping of Root Systems of Brachypodium Plants Using X-ray Computed Tomography: a Comparative Study of Soil Types and Segmentation Tools
- Recent changes in flood damage in the United States from observations and ACME model
- Regional Responses to Constrained Water Availability
- Relationships between Vertical Profiles of Radar Observed Vertical Velocity and Reflectivity in Convective Storms
- Representing Reservoir Stratification in Land Surface and Earth System Models
- Representing macropore flow at the catchment scale: a comparative modeling study
- Responses of Mixed-Phase Cloud Condensates and Cloud Radiative Effects to Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations in NCAR CAM5 and DOE ACME Climate Models
- Root-driven Weathering Impacts on Mineral-Organic Associations in Deep Soil
- Secretome-based Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Self-healing polymer cement composites for geothermal wellbore applications
- Sensitivities and Tipping Points of Power System Operations to Fluctuations Caused by Water Availability and Fuel Prices
- Sensitivity of Shallow Convection in Large-Eddy Simulations to Forcing Datasets Across a Range of Days: Examining Results from the DOE LASSO Projec
- Sensitivity of aerosol radiative forcing efficiency to the coarse mode contributions across aerosol regimes
- Sensitivity of power system operations to projected changes in water availability due to climate change: the Western U.S. case study
- Simulating a Mesoscale Convective System Using New Fast Spectral Bin Microphysics: The Major Ice Hydrometeor and Aerosol Effects
- Simulations of Sulfate-Nitrate-Ammonium (SNA) aerosols during the extreme haze events over Northern China in October 2014
- Simulations of forest mortality in Colorado River basin
- Soil Carbon in North American, Arctic, and Boreal Regions
- Soil Metabolome and Metabolic Fate: Microbial Insights into Freshwater Tidal Wetland Redox Biogeochemistry
- Soil warming response: field experiments to Earth system models
- Solar Energetic Particle Composition over Two Solar Cycles as Observed by the Ulysses/HISCALE and ACE/EPAM Pulse Height Analyzers.
- Spatial Variability in Decomposition of Organic Carbon Along a Meandering River Floodplain
- Spatially Resolved Carbon Isotope and Elemental Analyses of the Root-Rhizosphere-Soil System to Understand Below-ground Nutrient Interactions
- Spatially and seasonally asymmetric responses of Amazon forests to El Niño
- Speciation and Elemental Mapping of Metal Containing Aerosols
- Species and Scale Dependence of Bacterial Motion Dynamics
- Spectral Induced Polarization Response of Biofilm Formation in Hanford Vadose Zone Sediment
- Strategies to Move From Conceptual Models to Quantifying Resilience in FEW Systems
- Synchrotron-based micro and nanotomographic investigations of soil aggregate microbial and pore structure
- TEAM Science Advances STEM through Experiential Learning about Karst Geology at the Ozark Underground Laboratory.
- Teleconnections in complex human-Earth system models
- The Contribution of Black Carbon to Ice Nucleating Particle Concentrations from Prescribed Burns and Wildfires
- The Effect of Experimental Weathering on the Multiscale Pore Structure of Granites: A (U)SANS, Imaging Analysis
- The Influence of Cloud Field Uniformity on Observed Cloud Amount
- The Newberry Deep Drilling Project (NDDP)
- The Role of Divergent Flow in the Parameterized and Resolved Convective Precipitation over the Amazon Forest
- The belowground frontier is key to understanding terrestrial ecosystem responses to global change
- The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models
- The effects of trace element content on pyrite oxidation rates
- The influence of tides on biogeochemical dynamics at the mouth of the Amazon River
- The oceanic orgins of the Atlantic multidecadal Oscillation
- The role of priming effects on the conversion of blue carbon to CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the coastal zone
- The safety of high-hazard water infrastructures in the U.S. Pacific Northwest in a changing climate
- The use of a probabilistic approach to compare observed and simulated cloud properties: Results from a squall line sampled during MC3E
- The vertical and horizontal chemical inhomogeneity over the planetary boundary layer of the Seoul Metropolitan Area
- Thermal behavior of aerosol particles from biomass burning during the BBOP campaign using transmission electron microscopy
- Thermodynamic and Dynamic Mechanisms for the Hydrological Cycle over the Full Probability Distribution of Moisture Events
- Three-moment representation of rain in a cloud microphysics model
- Time Dependence of Aerosol Light Scattering Downwind of Forest Fires
- Time-lag and Correlation between ACE and RBSPICE Injection Event Observations during Storm Times
- Toward a standardized soil carbon database platform in the US Critical Zone Observatory Network
- Toward an Improved Understanding of the Role of Soil Organic Matter in NO<SUB>y</SUB> Cycling through Investigation of Heterogeneous Reactions with NO<SUB>2</SUB><SUP>+</SUP>
- Toward the use of Convective Quasi-Equilibrium as a predictor for changes in the seasonal cycle of tropical precipitation
- Towards Better Simulation of US Maize Yield Responses to Climate in the Community Earth System Model
- Towards Molecular Characterization of Mineral-Organic Matter Interface Using In Situ Liquid Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
- Towards an integrated model of floodplain hydrology representing feedbacks and anthropogenic effects
- Towards routine measurements of meteorological and aerosol parameters using small unmanned aerial and tethered balloon systems
- Tracking the Fate of new C in Northern Peatlands by a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope-Labeling Approach coupled with multiple analytical techniques and gas fluxes analysis
- Trans-Pacific transport of Asian dust: the CESM model analysis and comparison with satellite observations
- Transpacific Transport of Dust to North American High-Elevation Sites: Integrated Dataset and Model Outputs
- Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts in Charge Heterogeneous Porous Media: Microfluidics Experiment and Numerical Simulation
- Tree Carbohydrate Dynamics Across a Rainfall Gradient in Panama During the 2016 ENSO
- Uncertainty Source of Modeled Ecosystem Productivity in East Asian Monsoon Region: A Traceability Analysis
- Understanding Water-Energy-Ecology Nexus from an Integrated Earth-Human System Perspective
- Unraveling the Plant-Soil Interactome
- Using Mass Spectroscopy to Examine Wetland Carbon Flow from Plants to Methane
- Using coupled hydrogeophysical models and data assimilation to enhance the information content in geoelectrical leak detection
- Using reactive tracer tests to model solute transport across a montane river continuum
- VOC Metabolite Emissions from the Brachypodium/Soil/Microbe Ecosystem
- Validating Variance Similarity Functions in the Entrainment Zone
- Validation of ACME simulated clouds and their sensitivity to model resolution with satellite and ground-based simulators
- Variance decomposition shows the importance of human-climate feedbacks in the Earth system
- Water within the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways: Constraints and the Impact on Future Global Change Scenarios
- What water isotopes tell us about water cycle responses to climate change
- Will building new reservoirs always help increase the water supply reliability? - insight from a modeling-based global study
- kISMET: Stress analysis and intermediate-scale hydraulic fracturing at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- ultra-Stable Spectrometer for Sky-Scanning, Sun-Tracking Atmospheric Research (5STAR)
- 3-D Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-scale Environments East of the Rocky Mountains from 13 Years of Observations
- A Computationally-Efficient Framework to Represent the Chemistry, Thermodynamics, and Microphysics of Organic Aerosol in Large-Scale Atmospheric Models
- A Framework to Facilitate Integrated Sub-Regional Multi-Sector Infrastructure Investment Planning
- A New Capability in E4D for Gravity Simulation and Inversion
- A Stream-Side Mesocosm Study of Organic Matter Processing in the Hyporheic Zone
- A mechanistic source apportionment of organic aerosol observed in temperate and boreal forest locations: a strong role for synergistic oxidation of monoterpenes
- A plant-microbe interaction framework explaining nutrient effects on primary production
- A thermally-stratified reservoir module for large scale stream temperature model with implementation in the Tennessee River Basin
- ARM research using Unmanned Systems: Science, Operations, and Findings
- Above Cloud Aerosol Optical Properties in the South East Atlantic from airborne observations during ORACLES
- Accumulation of arsenic in dynamic iron oxide barriers due to river stage oscillations: a multiphysics modeling analysis
- Accurate Reproduction of a Mesoscale Convective System Structure Using WRF with a New Spectral Bin Microphysics
- Advances in a community watershed model to represent land management impacts on watershed hydrological and biogeochemical fluxes
- Advances in the representation of reservoirs in integrated human-Earth systems models: scenarios and insights
- Advancing Understanding of Complex Interactions in Rhizosphere Using Unique Correlative Surface Imaging Tools
- Aerosol and cloud chemistry during the ACE-ENA campaign
- Aerosol, cloud, and precipitation interactions over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Air Pollution and Health Co-Benefits of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change
- Alcohol Cycling Supports High Rates of Metabolic Activity in Prairie Pothole Wetland Sediments
- An Acoustic Telemetry System for Ecohydrology Research
- An Energy-Water-Land Nexus Perspective from the Paris Pledges in Latin America
- An analysis of tree distribution and spatial variation of soil respiration in a mid-Atlantic, temperate deciduous forest
- An in-depth exploration of factors influencing the cloud response to aerosol emissions from the 2014-2015 Holuhraun eruption using CAM5, EAMv1 and a prototype of the next generation of the E3SM atmosphere model.
- Analysis of Spatial and Temporal Variability in River Stage and Area of Inundation Associated with Hydropeaking
- Anthropogenic Enhancements to Production of Highly Oxygenated Molecules from Autoxidation
- Approximate Bayesian model inversion for PDEs with unknown parameters and constitutive relations
- Assessing Energy-Water Dynamics with Scalable Agent-Based Modeling Approaches
- Assessing Impacts of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering on Terrestrial Biogeochemical Feedbacks
- Assessing formation and radiative forcing of secondary organic aerosols in the global Earth System Model (E3SM)
- Assessing the Impacts of Hydrologic and Land Use Alterations on Water Temperature in the Farmington River Basin, an Inland Watershed in the State of Connecticut
- Assessment of Atmospheric Correction Methods for Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 Over Large Rivers
- Assessment of Leakage Risk from Legacy Wells
- Assessment of Time-Lapse Gravity Monitoring for Detecting Leakage from a Faulted CO<SUB>2</SUB> Subsurface Storage Complex
- Atmospheric abundance, droplet and ice formation potential of coal fly ash
- Benchmarking and parameter sensitivity of FATES predictions of ecosystem structure and function at Barro Colorado Island, Panama
- Boundary layer cloud variability using long-term measurements at two Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) observatories in the high and midlatitudes
- Challenges and Recent Progress in Understanding High Latitude Climate Change
- Characteristics of Ice Nuclei Observed Over a High Altitude Station in Indian Region
- Characterizing Extreme Events Relevant to Hydrologic Design Using Next-Generation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Over the Conterminous United States
- City Scale: Urban Integrated Analysis for Sustainability
- Climate Change Impacts on Global and Regional Water across the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Climate Engineering: Design and Feedback
- Cloud and precipitation in a multi-scale modeling framework (MMF) with the P3 microphysics
- Cloud droplet activation of secondary organic aerosol is mainly controlled by molecular weight
- Coastal forest greenhouse gas levels in tree stems and porewaters around the Pacific Northwest
- Cold air outbreak leads to new particle formation over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Combining reductive and sequestering technologies for the remediation of the perched water zone at Hanford, WA
- Comparison and validation on global aerosol distribution simulated with two different aerosol models in the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3
- Comparison between Three Downscaled Land Use and Land Cover Products under Different Shared Socio-Economic Pathways
- Comparison of LES Methodologies in the Representation of Shallow Convective Cloud PopulationsObserved during the HI-SCALE Field Campaign
- Competing effects of moisture-eddy feedbacks and stationary waves in the mid-latitude atmosphere
- Composition and Properties of Particles Sampled at Different Altitudes in the North Atlantic
- Comprehensive Evaluations of Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated in Convection-permitting WRF Model during the MC3E Field Experiment
- Constraining physically-based climate modeling with snow spectroscopic measurements from the Surface Biology and Geology concept
- Contribution of hurricane-induced sediment resuspension to coastal oxygen dynamics
- Convection-Permitting Simulations of Irrigation Effects on Boundary Layer and Land-Air-Cloud Interactions in the Contiguous United States
- Coupling hydrogeological and geoelectrical models for evaluation of long term geoelectrical monitoring of a nitrate plume
- Data Challenge: Machine Learning for Earthquake Detection and Rupture Timing
- Data-Model Integration for Improved Prediction of River Corridor and Watershed Function
- Demeter - A Land Use and Land Cover Change Disaggregation Model
- Design of a long term hydraulic fracture and flow system
- Detection and Attribution of Climate-Driven Changes in Terrestrial Soils
- Determination of vegetation green cover fraction using an image-analysis based approach with airborne digital photography
- Develop a high spatiotemporal resolution canopy-emitted solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence dataset for better estimating ecosystems gross primary productivity
- Development of a high-resolution wave hindcast model to support wave resource assessment in the U.S. Alaska coast
- Differences in Simulated and Observed Variability of Surface Broadband and Spectral Albedo Over the Southern Great Plains of the United States
- Direct observation of Magnetospheric-Ionospheric (M-I) Coupling by Spacecraft and Ground systems during the Feb 2, 2017 substorm
- Do surviving trees foretell forest growth declines under warm drought climates?
- Does Microbial Priming Influence the Turnover of Blue Carbon in Aquatic Systems?
- Dynamic River Stage Variations Lead to Multimodal Residence Time Distributions of Hydrologic Exchange Flows
- ECO-Citizens: Improving Aquatic Datasets while Inspiring Citizen Scientists
- Effects of Long-term Climate Change on Global Building Energy Expenditures
- Effects of climate change on the planning and the expansion of SERC's power plant fleet
- Effects of stream-aquifer-land interactions on evapotranspiration in semi-arid ecosystems: insights from integrated modeling
- Evaluating the economic impact of improving uncertainty in the carbon cycle
- Evaluation of EAMv1-Simulated Clouds with Satellite and Ground-based Simulators
- Evaluation of GPM Ku-band Radar Reflectivity Observation and E3SM Simulation Using NEXRAD Network over the Continental US in warm seasons.
- Evaluation of Water Security in Jordan using a Multi-Agent Hydroeconomic Model: Climate, Crises, and Stability.
- Examining Differences between Observed and Large-Eddy Simulations of Shallow Cumulus Cloud-Base Vertical Velocity
- Examining the role of atmosphere-ocean interactions and ocean circulation changes in the Arctic sea ice response to CO2 forcing.
- Exploring the ability of reservoir infrastructure to mitigate climate change compounded impacts on stream temperature and water availability in the Southeastern United States
- Extraction Efficiency and Molecular Characterization of Organic Matter from Soils and Sediments Using High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- Extreme Events in High Resolution and Convection Permitting Simulations
- Extreme temperature and precipitation response to solar geoengineering
- Factors contributing to bias and variability of stratiform precipitation properties with various cloud microphysics schemes for an MC3E Squall Line Case
- ForC: a global database characterizing carbon cycling in mature and regrowth forests
- Functional enzyme concentration dynamics and its linkage with nitrate bio-reduction process in oxic and anoxic hyporheic zone sediments
- Geological storage of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in sub-seafloor basalt offshore Washington State and British Columbia (CarbonSAFE Cascadia project)
- Global food supply adaptation in a world of increasingly constrained groundwater
- Global groundwater depletion: Future outlooks using a multisector approach
- Health co-benefits from air pollutant reduction through coal-fired power plant cancellations
- Heterogeneity in warm-season land-atmosphere coupling over the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- Hierarchical Bayesian Network: Application to Casual Inference in Photosynthesis Studies
- Higher rates of sea level rise result in higher lateral flux of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from tidal wetlands to coastal waters of the northern Gulf of Mexico
- How Asymmetries Between Arctic and Antarctic Climate Sensitivity are Modified by the Ocean
- How do evapotranspiration-driven discharge fluctuations alter reach-scale ecosystem function?
- Hydrogeomorphic Controls on Hydrologic Exchange Flows Dynamics within a Large Regulated River Corridor
- Hydromorphic Classification of the Hanford Reach through Integration of Field Observations and Hydrodynamic Models
- Ice Formation by Particles Collected in the Eastern North Atlantic and Interpretation of Laboratory Mineral Dust Immersion Freezing Studies
- Ice nucleation activities of agricultural soil derived mineral and organic particles in mixed-phase cloud conditions
- Identifying mixed-phase conditions in cloud radar Doppler spectra: Progress towards an automated algorithm
- Impact of Atmospheric Rivers on the Seasonal Surface Water Balance and Water Resources of Western U.S. Watersheds
- Impact of Changes in Land Use and Land Management on Nitrogen Loading Within the Continental United States
- Impact of Land use and Land cover Change on Regional Climate over the Contiguous United States using Variable-Resolution CESM2
- Impact of aerosols (CCN and IN) on summer monsoon precipitating clouds over the Western Ghats: A regional climate modeling study
- Impacts of Changes in Land Use and Climate on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus- Part B: Application of Downscaled Land Use/Cover Change Scenarios in the Columbia River Basin
- Impacts of Changes in Land Use and Climate on the Food-Energy-Water Nexus-Part A: Downscaling Land-Use/Cover Change Scenarios to the Columbia River Basin
- Impacts of Climate Variability and Extremes on US Power Sector Investments
- Impacts of Fresh Litter Inputs on Microbially Mediated C Fluxes Across an Arctic Permafrost Thaw Gradient
- Impacts of domestic and foreign emissions on decadal variations of aerosols and radiative forcing in China and US
- Implications of the Paris Agreement for Stranded Assets in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Importance of model structure and irradiance input to modeling snow surface temperature and snowmelt in complex terrain
- Improving forest ecosystem characterization to advance water quality modeling at the watershed scale
- Improving the Representation of Subgrid Topographic Effects in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Incorporating Observed Solar Variability into Model Forecasts: New Developments in WRF-Solar v2
- Incorporating stakeholder's interaction and negotiation processes into water management decisions using a coupled agent-based modeling approach
- Increased Dust Transportation over the Tibetan Plateau During 2000s
- Influence of the riparian zone to stream function
- Infrared Spectroscopy for Detection of Gas-Phase Pyrolysis Products from Prescribed Burns in the Southeastern United States
- Injectable Nanofluid Contrast Agents for Enhanced Subsurface Monitoring
- Insights Into Modeling Earth's Water Cycle From Superparameterized-E3SM Simulations
- Integrated Multi Scale Multi Sector Modeling - Poster Presentations
- Integrated Understanding of Organic Carbon Concentration, Chemistry, and Thermodynamics on Hyporheic Metabolism.
- Integrated human-earth system modeling
- Integrating environmental metabolomics and proteomics to describe changes in carbon decomposition resulting in increased greenhouse gas flux under whole ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) experimental site
- Inter-annual Variability and Drivers of Ecosystem Regulation on Leaf Water Potential Change Based on Passive Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth
- Interagency Remote Sensing Collaborations to Assess and Monitor Ecosystem Carbon Balance and Drivers
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol properties from in-situ and remote-sensing instruments in ORACLES-2016
- Interdecadal Connections between the Surface Temperature over the Arctic and the Summer Monsoon Precipitation over China
- Into the Deep: Interactions Between Plant Roots, Microbial Ecophysiology, and Soil Minerals shape the fate and persistence of deep soil carbon
- Introducing scientific libraries to the chemistry-climate model
- Investigating the Effects of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentration and Human Intervention on the Water Cycle Using Integrated Earth System Model (iESM)
- Investigating the Mechanisms of Shallow Precipitating Clouds Formation during the HI-SCALE Field Campaign
- Investigation of gravity-driven infiltration instabilities in smooth and rough fractures using a massively parallel smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) model
- Investigation of high charge state ion dynamics in the inner magnetosphere: An empirical approach
- Investigation of the Mechanism of the Reaction of Soil Organic Matter with N<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>5</SUB>
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- Investigations on the Sources of Flood Conveyance Methylmercury Production
- Joint hydrogeophysical inversion: application to dynamic mass flux monitoring at the groundwater/surface water interface
- LUH2: Harmonization of global land-use scenarios for the period 850-2100
- Laboratory investigations of SOA photolysis
- Land use and land cover distribution is a primary determinant of global carbon cycle projections and regional temperature projections
- Long range vs marine sources of aerosols and their effects upon landfalling atmospheric rivers in California
- Long-term accumulation of perchlorate aerosol combined with geothermal heat flux may contribute to basal ice lubrication at West Antarctica
- Low-cloud feedback in CAM5-CLUBB: physical mechanisms and parameter sensitivity analysis
- Machine Learning Application on Closing Data Gaps in Groundwater Measurements
- Machine Learning for Quantifying and Reducing Model Uncertainty in Non-Linear Partial Differential Equation Models
- Macrophysical and microphysical processes of ice clouds and their interactions with aerosols in EAMv1
- Magmatic Water Content Controls Magma Storage Depth
- Mapping Redox Potentials in River Bed Sediment using Open Circuit Microbial Fuel Cells: An Evaluation.
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Creation, Characteristics and Controls over Emissions
- Marine and terrestrial influences on ice nucleating particles during continuous springtime measurements in an Arctic oilfield location
- Mechanisms of Blue Carbon Export in Blackwater River-dominated and Particle-dominated Estuaries
- Merging Ecological Theory with Organic Geochemistry and Environmental Metabolomics
- Merging Process Understanding with Numerical Models across Scales to Predict River Corridor and Watershed Function
- Metabolic and Physiological Responses of Halanaerobium Growth and Persistence in Hydraulically-Fractured Shale Ecosystems
- Metabolomic and metagenomic insights into drought- and flood-induced greenhouse gas emissions in soils
- Microbial Insights into Freshwater Tidal Wetland Redox Biogeochemistry
- Midlatitude Oceanic Cloud Precipitation Properties as Sampled By the ARM Eastern North Atlantic Observatory
- Modeling Energy-Water Dynamics and Regional Interactions in a Multi-Model Framework
- Modeling dust in East Asia by CESM and sources of biases
- Modeling microbial regulation and metabolic networks for predictive biogeochemical process simulation
- Modeling of Coupled Thermal, Hydrologic, and Geomechanical Processes in Gas Hydrate Bearing Porous Media: The 2nd International Gas Hydrate Code Comparison Study
- Modeling the impacts of plant hydraulics in tropical forest response to drought
- Modeling the radial variations of energetic O and He ions through scattering and neutral charge-exchange in the inner heliosphere
- Molecular Insight into Co-optimizing Methane Recovery and Carbon Storage in Unconventional Reservoirs
- Molecular-level investigation into the fractionation of dissolved organic carbon during co-precipitation with ferrihydrite
- Monitoring Freshwater Habitats - Advanced Tracking and Sensing Technologies
- Monte Carlo Simulations for use in 4D Muon Tomography Reconstruction Techniques
- Multi-sector Approach to Assessing Interconnection Cost Implications of Future Power Generation Capacity Expansion in the United States
- Multiscale investigation of dynamic stage-driven groundwater/river water interaction using surface-based and underwater 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- National Climate Assessment IV, Chapter 17: Sector Interactions, Multiple Stressors, and Complex Systems
- Neo-tropical forest response to a drier future: a synthesis of measurements and modeling of soil carbon stocks and turnover
- Net-zero Emissions Energy Systems
- Next-Generation IDF Curves for Hydrologic Design
- Nonlinearity of the ITCZ response to climate perturbations revealed by q-flux Green's function experiments
- Observed and Simulated Coupling of Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Boundary Layer Turbulence, and Shallow Convective Clouds during HI-SCALE
- Opportunities for Earth and Space Scientists within the largest US Team Science Competition
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Parametric sensitivity and uncertainty quantification in the version 1 of E3SM Atmosphere Model based on short Perturbed Parameters Ensemble simulations
- Patterns of Soil Respiration at 1-km Spatial Resolution Across the Globe
- Persistent Polar Ocean Warming in a Strategically Geoengineered Climate
- Physics Informed Deep Neural Networks for learning parameters with non-Gaussian non-stationary statistics
- Planning for long-term climate effects on the water-energy infrastructure of the Western U.S.
- Pore- and Core-Scale Supercritical CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dissolution and Mass Transfer under Drainage and Imbibition Conditions
- Probing the Thermal Behaviors of α-pinene, Δ<SUP>3</SUP>-carene and IEPOX SOA using Cluster Analysis
- Producing coherent and unbiased joint temperature-precipitation realizations from Earth System Models
- Progress and Possibilities for Data Preservation and Dissemination in the Multi-Sector Dynamics Community
- Quantifying Distributed Exchanges of Groundwater along the Columbia River Corridor
- Quantifying plant-available soil moisture in topographically complex terrain
- Quantifying the Arctic Local Radiative Feedbacks Based on Observed Short-term Climate Variations
- Quantifying the Upscale Effects of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Implications to Model Biases in Large-Scale Circulation
- Quantifying the mitigation potential of bioenergy crops over the conterminous United States
- Relative Impact of urban surface and anthropogenic heat flux on heat-stress and severe storm scenario in Eastern USA: Long-term WRF simulations at cloud resolving scale
- Removal of Contaminants (I or U) From Solution During Calcium Carbonate Precipitation Following CO<SUB>2</SUB>-induced Dissolution of Calcite
- Representing Agricultural Systems in Earth System Model: implementation, calibration, and multi-scale validation of CLM-AgSys
- Representing reservoir effects on riverine sediment processes
- Representing subsurface lateral flow in Earth system models
- Representing the macropore flow processes in a watershed hydrological model and evaluating the effect of macropore flow on the flood peaks
- Reservoir Thermal Stratification Model Development and Validation Over the Continental US
- Responses of Mixed-phase Cloud Condensates and Cloud Radiative Effects to Ice Nucleation Parameterizations and Dust Concentrations in E3SM
- Riparian carbon inputs and sediment metabolomes, but not metagenomes or metaproteomes, correspond to enhanced water-soluble C oxidation and bound C protection in the hyporheic zone
- Salinity Enhancement in a Tidal River Floodplain
- Sea Ice as a Predictor of Atmosphere and Ocean States over the Arctic and Southern Oceans, and Implications for Attribution of Polar Climate Change
- Seasonality of irrigation water withdrawal simulated by fully coupled land surface, river, and water management models
- Seasonally dependent responses of tropical rainfall and subtropical highs to global warming
- Sensitivity of blowing snow sea salt aerosol emissions and radiative effects in polar regions to uncertainties in physical processes
- Sensitivity of surface temperature to oceanic forcing via q-flux Green's function experiments: Feedback decomposition and polar amplification
- Simulating drought-induced forest mortality for rainforests within ELM-FATES
- Simulating the Effects of Black Carbon and Dust on the South-Asian Monsoon: Experiments Using Variable-Resolution CESM
- Single column modeling of shallow clouds for the development of the adaptive vertical grid in E3SM-FIVE
- Soil carbon pools, processes, and vulnerabilities in North America: key findings from SOCCR-2
- Soil erosion causes substantial loss of terrestrial organic carbon and nutrients in the conterminous United States
- Soil, Water, and Plants: Water Chemistry and Inundation Influence Biogeochemical Fluxes through Coastal Forests
- Southern Ocean Heat Uptake, Redistribution, and Storage in a Warming Climate: The Role of Meridional Overturning Circulation
- Spatial and temporal relationships between hydrologic forcing, geologic setting, and river corridor exchange in a mountain stream network
- Spatial evaluation of carbon and nutrient flows through the root-rhizosphere-soil continuum
- Spatiotemporal Changes in the Mechanisms of Extreme Runoff Generation in the Western United States
- Subgrid Variations of the Cloud Water and Droplet Number Concentration Over Tropical Ocean: Satellite Observations and Implications for Warm Rain Simulation in Climate Models
- Substantial Convection and Precipitation Enhancements by Ultrafine Aerosol Particles
- Subsurface carbon signatures in a coastal watershed experiencing tidal inundation
- Surface Reactions of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons with Ozone on Secondary Organic Aerosol and their Effects on Evaporation
- TEAM Science brings space science classroom activities and NASA training to K-6 teachers
- The 2018 Dynamic Networks Data Processing and Analysis Experiment (DNE18)
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The Domestic and International Implications of Future Climate for U.S. Agriculture
- The Forest Resilience Threshold Experiment (FoRTE): An ecosystem experiment examining disturbance severity-production interactions
- The Future of Natural Gas Infrastructure Development in the United States
- The Global Gridded Crop Model Inter-Comparison Project Phase II: assessing response surfaces of crop yields to changes in temperature, water, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen
- The Importance of Considering Sub-grid Cloud Variability When Using Satellite Observations to Evaluate the Cloud and Precipitation Simulations in Climate Models
- The LES ARM Symbiotic Simulation and Observation (LASSO) Workflow: Current Activities and Plans
- The Quest for MCS: Simulating, Detecting, and Analyzing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the Tropical Western Pacific (TWP) and Contiguous United States Regions (CONUS) in Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Regionally Refined Model (RRM) configurations
- The Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Global Flood Inundation during 1993-2007
- The disruption of MJO propagation across the Maritime Continent
- The dynamic hyporheic microbiome: a flume investigation into hyporheic microbial community response to surface channel flow perturbations
- The expansion of the wildfire season in the western US as seen through FIRETEC
- The impacts of size dependent particle acidity and availability of particle chloride on the production of ClNO<SUB>2</SUB> and Cl<SUB>2</SUB>
- The influence of isoprene emission on biogeochemical responses of tropical forests to climate from leaves to ecosystems
- The meteorological factors modulating the recent haze events in North China
- The simulation of marine subtropical stratocumulus decks in E3SMv1 as compared to other U.S. models
- Three-dimensional OpenFOAM-PFLOTRAN coupled model for mechanistic simulation of hydrologic exchange flows in varied hydromorphic settings
- Toward Open Energy Data in India
- Toward the Predictive Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Production in High Latitude Peatlands
- Towards predicting the "largest" Louisiana hypoxic area: an analysis of a coupled physical-biogeochemistry model results from 1985 - 2018
- Tracking the Fate of new C in Northern Peatlands by a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope-Labeling Approach coupled with multiple analytical techniques and gas fluxes analysis
- Tree Growth and Water-use Efficiency Response to Climate Change in the Tibetan Plateau
- Tree stems methane emissions research: a path forward
- Turbulence influence on cloud droplet growth: A computational investigation of the Pi Chamber using large eddy simulation
- U.S. DOE ARM Tethered Balloon System at AMF3 in Oliktok Point, Alaska
- Uncovering the metabolic processes driving microbial activity beneath the snowpack and mechanisms of microbial biomass turnover and nitrogen release following snowmelt
- Understanding Monsoon Changes Using a Normalized Gross Moist Stability Framework
- Understanding phenology response to urbanization using high resolution satellite observations
- Understanding soil moisture and salinity effects on greenhouse gas fluxes from coastal soils
- Understanding the Control of Hydraulic Traits in Tropical Forests Using a Hydrodynamic Model Within a Demographic Vegetation Model
- Understanding the Ice Nucleation of Organic Sea Spray Aerosols
- Understanding the aerosol-microbe-plant interactions in the phyllosphere with "-omics" techniques.
- Use of satellite remote sensing to understand land surface hydrology - human systems interactions over data sparse and unresolved hydrology regions: the Zambezi River Basin case study.
- Using Deep Learning to Model Potential Impacts of Geoengineering via Solar Radiation Management on US Agriculture
- Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Long-term Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Condition
- Using Sensitivity Analysis and Data Assimilation to Improve Process Understanding of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in Dynamic River Corridors from km- to Reach Scales
- Van Allen Probes Observations of compressional ULF waves and Ion interactions in the magnetosphere dayside during the September 2017 Storm
- Variable-resolution Aquaplanet Simulations with the Grell-Freitas Deep Convection Scheme Implemented in CAM-MPAS
- Vertical Divergence of Reactive Trace Gases - Comparisons for three different photochemical environments.
- Vertical Variability of Biomass Burning Aerosols over Southeast Atlantic and Radiative Impact
- Vertical Variation of Cloud Microphysical Relationships and Their Implication on Entrainment and Mixing Processes in Stratocumulus Clouds Measured during the ACE-ENA Campaign
- Viral Predation Drives Carbon Cycling in Deep Fractured Shales
- Visualizing microbial community dynamics and metabolic activity within soil microbiomes
- Volcanic radiative forcing from 1979 to 2015
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus in India: A Review of Methods
- Wildfire impact on environment thermodynamics and severe convective storms
- A 2D hydrologic and hydraulic modeling approach for the storm triggered cascading flood inundation- a case study of Hurricane Harvey
- A Comparison of Observed and Simulated Warm Season MCS Life Cycles in Argentina
- A Conceptual and Numerical Framework for Multiscale Data-Model Integration in Plant-Microbe-Soil Systems
- A Faster Super-Parameterized Model: Results From the New SP-E3SM
- A Framework to Delineate Precipitation-Runoff Regimes: Precipitation vs. Snowpack in the Western U.S.
- A Modeling Assessment for Marine-Hydrokinetic Energy in Alaska Region
- A Multi-Omics Approach to Understand the Molecular and Microbial Transformations Associated with Dissolved Organic Matter Turnover in Coastal Waters
- A Multimodel Assessment of Aerosol Impacts on Deep Convective Cloud Systems
- A Perspective Change: Soil C Destabilization, not Stabilization, Drives C Cycle Feedbacks to the Earth System
- A Robust Clustering Algorithm for Measurements of Composition-Dependent Thermal Desorption of Organic Aerosol
- A Sub-grid Reconstruction Approach for Improving Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- A Tale of Many Fractured Shales: Environmental Conditions Shape the Taxonomic and Functional Biogeography Across 9 Geologically Distinct Shale Formations
- A coherent framework to upscale hydrologic exchange processes along river corridors: A proof of concept for Sinuosity-Driven Hyporheic Exchange
- A preconditioned iterative joint inversion method on unstructured mesh with cross-gradient constraints
- A preliminary evaluation framework to assess the value of flow forecasts to power system analytics
- A substantial role of soil erosion in the land carbon sink and its future changes
- ARM Aerosol Measurements Using Unmanned Aerosystems
- Achieving FAIR's Data Reusability in Integrated Modeling Environments
- Advances, insights, and ecological application of thermal research in Pacific Northwest rivers
- Advancing our understanding of the impacts of historic and projected land use in the Earth System: The Land Use Model Intercomparison Project (LUMIP)
- Adventures in the Antarctic: Sensitivity, Orography, and Emergence of Climate Change at a Pole Far, Far Away
- Aeolian Particulate Matter as a Source of Bioavailable P to Sierra Nevada Soil
- Aerosol-microbe-plant interactions in the phyllosphere.
- An Analytical Framework for Water-Electricity Resilience Planning in the U.S.
- An Experimentally Constrained Chemistry-Microphysics Model for Organic Aerosol Aging and Particle Phase State
- An Objective and Efficient Method for Assessing the Impact of Reduced-precision Calculations on Solution Correctness
- An evaluation of SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW model for different irrigation schemes
- An improved empirical quantile mapping procedure for bias correction of climate change projections
- Analysis of hydraulic fractures performed on the 4100 level at the Sanford Underground Research Facility
- As Cold Clouds Warm, Their Lifetime Increases: A Negative Feedback Underestimated in GCMs
- Assessing the Roles of Primary and Secondary Ice Formation in Clouds Through Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing the affinity and selectivity of DOM towards metal ions across redox environments
- Assessment of Sustainable Biomass through Forest Restoration
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the Second Phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Atmospheric Teleconnection Linking Winter Air Stagnation and Haze Extremes in China to Regional Arctic Sea Ice Decline
- Atmospheric Water Originating from Amazonian Evapotranspiration: New Insights Using WRF with Water Vapor Tracers
- Atmospheric aerosol deposition in marine ecosystem
- BRiDGE: Enhancing lecture series with broader impacts and mentoring opportunities
- Background environment influences urban impact on precipitation: Long-term WRF simulations at cloud resolving scale over eastern USA
- Baseline Characterization for Change Detection with Joint Inversion of ERT and Campaign Seismic Data
- Below-ground structural and ecohydrological feedbacks across disturbance severity gradients
- Boosting Research Reproducibility: Managing High Performance Model Simulation Workflow Using Jupyter Notebook
- Boundary layer cloud variability and associated environmental influences in the ARM SGP domain during HI-SCALE
- Building a better super-parameterized model: Unleashing the CRM
- Calcium-Organic Matter Interaction in Alkaline Soils
- Changes in South American Hydroclimate under Projected Amazonian Deforestation
- Characteristics of Ice Cloud-Precipitation of Warm Season Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Great Plains
- Characterizing Tropical Cyclone Simulation in E3SM
- Characterizing causal dependencies through information flow: emerging frontier for understanding and prediction of earth system dynamics
- Characterizing the Size of Atmospheric Rivers: an Approach Independent from the Detection Algorithm.
- Characterizing the Uncertainty and Feasibility of Generating Nationwide Probabilistic Flood Depths for Risk Planning
- Choosing a Numerical Method for a Terrestrial Dynamical Core
- Classifying the Complexity of Coupled Energy-Water-Land Systems in the United States
- Climate change impacts on thermal characteristics of freshwater fish habitats in a regulated river system
- Climate-Water Impacts on Interconnection-Scale Electricity System Planning
- Cloud Chamber Experiments Assessing the Principle of Arctic Cirrus Cloud Thinning
- Cloud resolving climate modeling on upcoming Exascale computers
- Coastal flooding events and belowground transport tip the methane balance of a first-order watershed in the Pacific Northwest
- Community use of persistent sample identifiers and metadata standards: supporting efficient data management in the field, laboratory, and online
- Comparing Top-Down and Bottom-Up Modeling Approaches to Simulate the Impacts of Climate and Population on Building Electricity Demand
- Connectivity goes both ways: Seawater infiltration influences biogeochemical linkages between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
- Conservation of dry air, water, and energy in CAM and its impact on tropical rainfall
- Continental-Scale Land-Atmosphere Interactions over South America and their Impact on the Hydroclimate of La Plata River Basin
- Contributions of Urban Land and Anthropogenic Aerosols of Houston to Convective intensity and Precipitation of a Deep Convective Storm
- Coupled dynamics of carbon geochemistry and microbial communities in grassland soils
- Creating a Densely Instrumented Subsurface Observatory: Combining Active/Passive Seismic Arrays and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Fracture Characterization at the COLLAB Facility
- Crowdsourcing science: Synthesizing global perspectives with the help of social media
- Dam Induced Hydrologic Exchange Flows Alter River Corridor Thermal Regime
- DeepClimGAN: A High-Resolution Climate Data Generator with Space, Time, and Inter-Variable Correlation
- Determining active adsorption sites of soil organic carbon on clay mineral surface using ToF-SIMS and PCA analysis
- Determining the Effect of Topography on Plant-available Water in Steep, Highly Dissected Forested Terrain
- Deterministic processes drive thermodynamics of stream corridor metabolites
- Developing a Parameterization for Solar Variability in WRF-Solar Version 2
- Different impacts of MCS and non-MCS precipitation on local hydroclimate revealed by modeling using a water tagging technique
- Differential Credibility of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaled Future Climate Projectionsin the Southern Great Plains
- Dilution impacts on aerosol aging in biomass burning plumes: combining WE-CAN and BBOP measurements with modeling to learn how dilution rates and cross-plume concentration gradients impact smoke aerosol
- Direct Observation of Co-seismic Deformation at 1.5km Depth: The EGS Collab Fracture Stimulation Test
- Direct biophysical impacts of Earth greening largely controlled by aerodynamic resistance
- Do hydraulic safety margins vary across a tropical rainfall gradient? Evidence from an El Niño drought
- Does canopy structure affect carbon cycling resistance to disturbance?: Insights from an ecosystem experiment
- Does compensatory growth offset declines from dying trees?: An experimental approach to unraveling mechanisms underlying forest production resistance to disturbance
- Dramatic ozone enhancement resulting from extra biogenic emissions due to heat waves and land cover in summer 2017 over North China
- Dynamic carbon association with minerals in the rhizosphere and detritosphere
- Dynamic interactions between methanogenesis and microbial iron reductions drive carbon release from Arctic tundra
- Early Results from the E3SM Global Storm-Resolving Model
- Early retirement of power plants in climate mitigation scenarios
- Effect of Aerosol Acidity on Volatility of Isoprene and Monoterpene-derived Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Effect of Cation Concentration and Radius on Nano-Scale Boehmite Aggregation
- Effects of irrigation on water, carbon and nitrogen budgets in a semi-arid watershed
- Elucidating the fate of mineral-organic associations in transient microenvironments at the root-soil interface
- Emissions and Chemistry of Oxygenated Monoterpenes from Coastal Sage Shrubs
- Empirical irrigated and rainfed crop responses to temperature and precipitation in U.S. counties.
- Enhance Your Science With Social Media and Blogging
- Enhanced Pu Emission by TIMS with Filament-modification and Metals Addition
- Establishing Reasonable Expectations on the Role of Meadows in Late-season Streamflow
- Estimating Hourly Global Land Surface Downward Shortwave and Photosynthetically Active Radiation from DSCOVR/EPIC Observations
- Evaluating Next-Generation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Design Flood Estimates at Snow-Dominated River Basin Scale: The Need to Develop Snowmelt Hyetograph
- Evaluating Noble Gas Transport through Fractured Rock at a Legacy Nuclear Test Site
- Evaluating Tracer Estimation of Sorption for Characterization of Solute Attenuation of Subsurface Contaminant Mixtures Relevant to the Hanford Site
- Evaluating assumed PDFs for continental moist convection in the 2-120 km resolution range
- Evaluating molecular associations of key organic compounds with clay size minerals.
- Evaluating the Anticipated Food-Energy-Water Impacts of Direct Air Capture and Other Forms of Negative Emissions Using Integrated Assessment Models
- Evaluating the Effects of Forecast Lead Time on Streamflow and Inundation Predictions in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas through Coupled Hydrologic-Hydraulics Models
- Evaluation of Clouds in the E3SM Atmosphere Model Version 1 with Satellite Simulators
- Evaluation of Nutrient Allocation Hypotheses in the Functionally Assembled Terrestrial Ecosystem Simulator (FATES)
- Evaluation of a Two-Step Remediation Strategy for the Highly Concentrated Perched Water Zone at Hanford, WA
- Evaluation of dust emission and transport simulated by global climate models with satellite observations from CALIOP, MODIS, and MISR
- Evaluation of the impact of geological parameters on subsurface mass transport of Xenon from underground nuclear explosions
- Evaluation of the particle light scattering enhancement factor within six climate models using surface-based in-situ measurements
- Exploring parameter uncertainty in the presence of trait filtering, using the FATES model at a tropical forest site
- Exploring the presence and the fate of small VOCs over the Southern Sea in the Austral Fall.
- Extraction efficiency and molecular characterization of organic matter from soils and sediments using high resolution mass spectrometry
- Extreme Event Impacts on Coastal Human Systems
- Extreme Wet Bulb Temperatures in China: the Significant Role of Moisture
- Factors Affecting Relative Dispersion of Cloud Droplet Size Distributions
- Flood and heatwave in Japan 2018 and future increase of consecutive compound risk in a warmer world
- From Sub-Regional to Global: Fusing Together Data Sets Across Scales and Sectors to Inform Integrated Regional Food-Energy-Water Planning
- Full coupling of flow and reactive transport in streams and hyporheic zones: when and where does it matter?
- Functional traits predict climate distributions of species and ecosystems across the California Floristic Province
- Future changes in the flows of virtual water
- Future impacts of ozone driven damages on agricultural systems
- Geomechanically-Induced Electrical Resistance Responses During High-Pressure Flow Tests in a Stimulated Fracture Zone
- Geophysical Monitoring with Seismic Contrast Agent Nanofluids
- Geophysical signatures of biocolloids in laboratory-scale column experiments
- Global Air Pollutant Emissions Estimates to 2018 and Community Emissions Data System (CEDS) Project Updates
- Global Detection of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Surprise Findings over High-latitudes from the GPM Ku-band Spaceborne Radar
- Global Stream Temperature Simulation and Affected Ecosystem Factors Analysis with an Earth System Modeling Approach
- Global and Regional Climate Responses to Black Carbon Emissions from the Arctic and Mid-latitudes
- Global flood inundation in future climate with current flood mitigation management
- Global observations of the diffuse radiation fertilization effect through the OCO-2 solar-induced chlorophyll florescence product
- Global, Distributed Sampling in River Corridors Targets Diverse Environments to Identify Transferable Hydrobiogeochemical Principles
- Going beyond the Conventional Paradigm to Address Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Grand Challenges of Hydrologic Modelling for Water Resource Management in High Mountain Asia
- Grid stress due to extreme heat wave and drought with 45% renewable electricity in the Western US
- Groundwater Oxygen Pulses within a Coastal Watershed: A Potential Driver of Hot Moments in the Carbon Cycle
- Grow deep roots now or wait? A coupled carbon-hydraulic framework for understanding how trees acquire groundwater subsidy to during drought
- Helicopter electromagnetic informed learning to estimate uncertainty in subsurface models
- High Latitude Water Vapor in CMIP6 models
- High-resolution Modeling of Hydrologic Exchange Flows in the Columbia River Subbasin at the Hanford Reach
- How Can Deep Neural Networks Help to Capture Signatures of Dynamic Groundwater-River Water Interactions?
- How and why do physical, chemical, and biological characteristics (co)vary through space in a 5<SUP>th</SUP> order river basin?
- How does forest-edge snow depth variability affect streamflow?
- How to train your model: Calibrating the simple climate model Hector
- How will salinity and soil moisture changes affect coastal forests? A soil transplant experiment
- Hydraulic traits and carbon dynamic responses of Picea sitchensis to seawater exposure in the Pacific Northwest, USA
- Hydrogeochemical characterization of Priest Rapid Watershed, Upper Columbia River Basin with implication of nitrate contamination
- Ice Formation by Ambient Tropospheric, Laboratory Generated SOA, and Mixed Mineral Dust Particles
- Identifying and quantifying uncertainties in process representations regulating aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions and constraining them using deep learning techniques
- Identifying the organic and inorganic products of incipient weathering in natural environments
- Impact of Photochemical Aging on SOA Yield and Equilibrium Partitioning Predictions
- Impact of Seasonal Variabilities and Synoptic Conditions on Vertical Profiles of Trace Gas and Aerosol Properties over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Impact of Uncertainty in Injection Height of Emissions from Industrial and Shipping Sectors on Global Sulfur Dioxide and Aerosol Distributions
- Impacts of Adopting Solar Reflective Cool Surfaces on Climate and Air Pollution from Urban to Global Scales
- Impacts of Large-scale Advection on Land-atmosphere Interactions and Convection Initiation over Southern Great Plains
- Impacts of climate variability and extremes on US power system capacity and operations
- Impacts of improved cryospheric surface shortwave radiative transfer scheme SNICAR-AD on fully-coupled Earth system simulations
- Impacts of subgrid topographic heterogeneity in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Impacts on polar climate by sea salt aerosol from blowing snow
- Implication of lowering fertilizer usage on energy, agriculture, and land systems
- Implications of bioenergy crop expansion on water availability and nitrogen loading over the conterminous United States
- Improved Accuracy in Shipborne Broadband Irradiance Measurements during MARCUS using New Tilt-Corrected SHIPRAD Systems
- Improved Simulation of Cold-season Methane Emissions over Alaska's Permafrost with the E3SM Land Model (ELM)
- Improving Convergence for Stochastic Physics Parameterizations
- Improving Mesoscale Convective System Simulation Fidelity with Superparameterization
- In Situ Precipitation of Hydrous Ferric Oxide for Remediation of Subsurface Iodine Contamination
- In-situ profiling of spatiotemporal dissolved organic matter dynamics in the rhizosphere
- Inconsistency between bottom-up and top-down global gross primary production and soil respiration
- Incorporating reservoir operations in long-term integrated human-Earth system models
- Increased Dust Aerosols over the Tibetan Plateau During 2000s
- Inferring and Simulating Forecast Use in Reservoir Control Policies across the contiguous United States
- Inferring the forecast-use signatures of 300 dams across Western United States
- Insights into a Greener Stimuli-Responsive Fracturing Fluid for Geothermal Applications
- Insights into the Depth-resolved Geochemical Constraints on Microbial Community Structure and Metabolic Potential for Carbon Cycling in Shallow Subsurface Sediment
- Insights into the biodegradation of sulfolane, an emerging groundwater contaminant, through stable isotope probing coupled to metagenomics
- Insolation, soil moisture and the seasonality of the interaction between the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Maritime Continent
- Integrated Coastal Modeling of Human and Earth System Processes in the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Integrated Environmental Quality Sensing System; Real-Time Monitoring of Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in a Complex Riparian System
- Integrated Hydro-Terrestrial Modeling: Opportunities and Challenges for Advancing a National Capability for the U.S.
- Integrated, Stakeholder-Driven, Regional Energy-Water-Land Planning in Latin America
- Integrating Hybrid-Clustering and Localized Regression for Time Synchronization of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
- Investigating stoichiometric regulation of priming effects in the hyporheic zone
- Investigating the role of organo-mineral and organo-metal stabilization of soil organic matter using diverse organic matter sources and model soil B horizons
- Irrigation Impact on Water and Energy Cycle over the United States using Convection-permitting WRF and a Dynamical Recycling Model
- Is Climate Change Reversible? CDRMIP simulations of the Earth system response to a massive CO<SUB>2</SUB> increase and decrease (emissions followed by negative emissions).
- Isolating the influence of land surface variability of La Plata River Basin on the climate of subtropical South America
- Isotope tools scaling soil microbial ecology to biogeochemistry
- Kinetic Parameter Determination for Natural Gas Hydrate Production via Gas Injection
- Land use and land cover change altered terrestrial water cycle and ecosystem dynamics in the conterminous United States over the past two decades
- Land use and land cover changes strongly modulate warm-season precipitation over the Central United States
- Land-Use Harmonization 2: New Features and New Scenarios
- Large scale electrical resistivity characterization at a legacy environmental site to support long-term environmental management
- Large-eddy simulations of boundary-layer flows over an asymmetric ridge
- Leveraging Observations for Earth System Process Research, Modeling and Predictions
- Linking field, model, and remote sensing methods to understand when tree mortality breaks the forest carbon cycle
- Linking molecular interactions to soil organic matter traits at the landscape scale
- Local generation of ULF waves by the Drift-Mirror Instability: observations and theory.
- Long-term research and new findings from experimental catchments at H.J. Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon
- MOSART-urban: Integrated regional-scale urban flood modeling
- Machine Learning Applied to Residence Times of Hydrological Exchange Flows in the Columbia River
- Machine Learning Framework for the Discovery of Multivariate Associations in Disparate Biological Datasets
- Marine Cloud Brightening modeling. A brief review and proposal for new experiments.
- Marine fog formation due to stratus cloud-base lowering
- Marked isotopic variability within and between the Amazon River and marine dissolved black carbon pools
- Mechanisms for a sharpened seasonal cycle over California under global warming
- Mechanisms of New Particle Formation and Its Contribution to Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Amazon Rainforest
- Mechanistic links between underestimated CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes and non-closure of the surface energy balance in a semi-arid sagebrush ecosystem
- Mechanistic modeling of dynamic hyporheic exchange in diverse hydromorphic settings of a large river
- Meta-ecosystem metabolomics: Interpreting riverine metabolomes through the lens of metacommunity ecology
- Microbial controls on biogeochemical cycling of carbon using stable isotope labeling and other novel techniques
- Mixing State and Composition of Aerosol Particles Collected During the GoAmazon2014/15, HI-SCALE, and ACE-ENA Field Campaigns
- Model Development for Hydrologic Exchange Flows Using Vertical Temperature Profiles in the Hyporheic Zone of the Columbia River
- Model inversion via conditioned Karhunen-Loève expansions
- Modeling Respiration of Individual Bacterial Populations in situ with Quantitative Stable Isotope Probing (qSIP)
- Modeling extreme precipitation over East China with a global variable-resolution modeling framework (MPASv5.2):impacts of resolution and physics
- Modeling methane transport and transformation in a first-order tidal river floodplain
- Modeling the effects of discharge nonstationarity and bathymetric heterogeneity on streambed resistance and dynamic pressure distribution in streams using OpenFOAM
- Monitoring annual dynamics of urban landscape and vegetation phenology in the conterminous United States using the full archive of Landsat images and Google Earth Engine
- Monitoring the Evolution of Xe-127 Gas in a Legacy Nuclear Explosion Chimney
- Multi-omics Integration for Substrate-Explicit Biogeochemical Modeling and More
- Multiple Ion Counting of Fission Product Ruthenium
- NASA's Carbon Cycle and Ecosystems Focus Area
- NIRvH: Decoupling the soil and vegetation contribution in mixed pixel radiance for the fluorescence yield estimation
- Near Surface Turbulence Observed from sUAS during the POPEYE Campaign on the North Slope of Alaska during the Boreal Summer
- Neglecting irrigation contributes to climate model summertime warm-and-dry biases in the central United States
- New optode applications for partitioning river corridor respiration
- Next-Generation Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves for Hydrologic Design: Concepts, Advances, and Future Prospects
- Next-generation cloud radars: Applications of rapid-scan cloud radars for three-dimensional mapping of clouds
- Nonlinear mode of the climate response to external climate perturbations
- Novel integration of multi-scale remote sensing improves characterization of tropical phenology from individual tree-crowns to landscapes
- Observatory- and model-based efforts to understand the influence of cloud-nucleating particles on clouds in Arctic Alaska
- Opposite phase changes of precipitation annual cycle over land and ocean under global warming
- Oscillating Redox Conditions Controlled Greenhouse Gas Dynamics in Wet Tropical Forest Soils
- Parameter Estimation using Gaussian Process Regression and Conditional Polynomial Chaos Surrogate Model
- Partnering for a Resilient and Secure Arctic: National Labs and University of Alaska
- Photolysis controls the atmospheric burden of biogenic SOA
- Physics-Informed Deep Neural Networks for Multiphysics Data Assimilation in Subsurface Transport Problems
- Pitfalls of Validating Extreme Event Flood Models: The experience of RIFT for Hurricane Florence
- Planetary Boundary Layer Height Simulation and its Long-term Trend in climate models and observations over East Asia
- Predicting drought responses of tropical woody plants through coordination among drought survival traits
- Process-oriented diagnosis of tropical cyclones in CMIP6 HighResMIP experiments
- Production and fate of metal chelates in alkaline soils
- Quantifying biotic and abiotic controls on dissolved organic matter dynamics in natural systems using complementary analytical techniques
- Quantifying global and high-latitude local radiative feedbacks based on climate model simulations with fixed external forcing
- Radial variation in energetic ion composition from 1 AU to the Termination Shock
- Rapid assessment of forest canopy structural resistance to disturbance along an increasing gradient of severity
- Rapid growth of urban ultrafine aerosols and their impact on shallow clouds and precipitation in the Amazon rainforest
- Re-Evaluating a Stable Isotope (δ<SUP>18</SUP>O) Approach for Estimating the Temperature of Photosynthesis
- Reactive-Transport Modeling of Redox-Driven Reactions and Fracture Sealing During Hydraulic Stimulation Experiments at the Homestake Mine, South Dakota COLLAB Site
- Reconciling differences between large-eddy simulations and Doppler-lidar observations of continental shallow cumulus cloud-base vertical velocity
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a Holistic Representation of River Corridors from Headwaters to the Ocean
- Reducing Computational Cost of Convective System LES via Translating Nests
- Reducing the cost of radiation in multi-scale atmosphere models
- Regional to global biogenic isoprene emission responses to changes in vegetation from 2000 to 2015
- Regionally Refined Modeling of the Atmosphere in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Regionally refined test bed in E3SM atmosphere model version 1 (EAMv1) and applications for high-resolution modeling
- Representing Adaptive Irrigation Response to Changing Water Availability and Crop Prices in a Coupled Human-Water System Model of the Continental United States
- Representing subsurface lateral groundwater flow in Earth system models
- Response of High Latitude Seasonal Cycle to Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering
- Revisiting a 50-year-old hillslope drainage experiment at the Coweeta Hydrologic Lab
- Scale Dependency of Variances and Fluxes in a Convective Boundary Layer over Heterogeneous Land Surface
- Sea Ice Albedo Feedback: Comparison of Model and Observational Based Estimates
- Seasonal Comparisons of Aerosol and Cloud Observations from ACE-ENA
- Sensitivity of Boundary Layer Turbulence and Shallow Convective Clouds to Land Surface Properties during the HI-SCALECampaign
- Sensitivity of deep convective upscale growth to precipitation properties and ambient environmental conditions during the CACTI field campaign
- Sensitivity of stratospheric ozone changes with stratospheric aerosol geoengineering using the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)
- Shallow subsurface transport of Xe-133 in a dry alluvium geology
- Short-term periodic seawater inundations impact carbon chemistry, metabolic profile, and gas flux signatures of soil cores from a coastal forested floodplain
- Silicate Carbonation Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and Reactivity Thresholds in Nanoconfined Water Films
- Simulated climate change and organic matter stoichiometry co-regulate carbon destabilization in active peat
- Simulating IEPOX multiphase chemistry chamber experiments using MOSAIC box model
- Simulating cloud and precipitation using a multi-scale modeling framework (MMF) with the P3 microphysics
- Simulation of Soil Iron Oxide Production via Alteration of Ferrihydrite Confirms Direct Formation of Goethite, Maghemite and Hematite: Implication for Magnetic Enhancement Models
- Simultaneous Immobilization of Aqueous Co-Contaminants Using a Bismuth Layered Oxide: Implications for In-Situ Remedial Application
- Simultaneous iodine speciation and <SUP>129</SUP>I/<SUP>127</SUP>I ratio measurements of sediment and groundwater samples using IC-ICP-MS
- Single particle measurements of agricultural soil particles acting as ice nucleating particles
- Small ripples can result in big tides: viral impacts on carbon and nitrogen transformations in Columbia River sediments
- Snowmelt mediates microbial metabolic potential and soil metabolite profiles in a high altitude watershed
- Soil Iron Complex Molecular Structure and Oxidation State Identification using Quantum Chemistry Simulated XAS Spectra to Interpret X-ray Absorption Measurements
- Soil carbon dynamics during a hysteretic drying-rewetting event
- Soil respiration across a disturbance severity gradient: Assessing thresholds of belowground carbon cycling resistance
- Sources and Variability of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the Western North Atlantic During Late Winter - Early Summer 2016: A Pre-mission Model Analysis in Support of ACTIVATE
- Spatial Variability of Hydrological Exchange Flows and Resident Time Distributions in a Large Regulated River
- Spatial and temporal dynamics of leaf physiological response to rising disturbance severity
- Spatial differences and temporal change in organic matter composition across artificial hillslope during incipient soil formation
- Spatiotemporal Variability in Transport and Reactive Processes Across a 1<SUP>st</SUP>- 5<SUP>th</SUP> Order Fluvial Network
- Species and Scale Dependence of Bacterial Motion Dynamics
- Specific leaf area in a coastal temperate deciduous forest: species and salinity effects
- Steady State Large-Eddy Simulations Forced by an Idealized General Circulation Model
- Stimulation and Flow Tests in Deep Crystalline Rock - The EGS Collab Project
- Structural and parameter uncertainty in centennial-scale simulations of community succession in Upper Midwest temperate forests
- Studies of Soil Mineral-Organic Matter Associations and Plant Nutrient Fixation Using Synchrotron X-ray Methods
- Study of the Mechanisms of Argon Isotope Emanation from Neutron-Irradiated Rocks
- Subgrid variations of the cloud water and droplet number concentration over the tropical ocean: satellite observations and implications for warm rain simulations in climate models
- Subseasonal Periodicity of Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Wave Activity on Regional Scale and the Possible Mechanisms
- Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (S2S) Variability of Desert-Monsoon Climate Subsystem: A New Perspective
- Subtropical Marine Stratocumulus Cloud Deck Spatial Errors in the E3SMv1 Atmosphere Model
- TEAM Science succeeds in supporting Missouri K-6 STEM teachers: A review of a 2-year experience-driven series of workshops
- Testing alternative formulations of the double-Gaussian PDF closure in CLUBB
- The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine: Three decades of chronic N enrichment and recovery
- The Contribution of Hyporheic Respiration to Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Inland Waters in the Continental United States
- The DOE E3SM Coupled Model v1.1 Biogeochemistry Configuration and Coupled Carbon-Climate Experiments
- The Effects of Stream Organic Matter on Respiration in the Hyporheic Zones: An Experimental Study
- The Evening Transition of the Continental Boundary Layer: Application of New Boundary Layer Data Sets and Modeling Tools
- The Hidden Value of Private Water Markets in Jordan: Simulating Spatial Price Equilibria in a Coupled Hydro-Economic Model
- The Hydro-bio-geochemistry of the Columbia River and its Tributary Confluences
- The Impact of Freeze-Thaw Cycles on Soil Porosity in Permafrost-Affected Soils
- The Marine Cloud Brightening Project: An atmospheric intervention research program
- The Scale Dependency of the Soil Moisture-Convection Coupling during HI-SCALE
- The State of Acidity in the Atmosphere: Particles and Clouds
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of Decentralized Emission Control Strategies
- The contribution of the world's main source regions to the global cycle of desert dust
- The development of the Terrestrial Dynamical core (TDycore) library and it's coupling with E3SM
- The effect of temperature and ontogeny on the physiological mechanism of drought-induced tree mortality in pines
- The inherent costs and uncertainties of water scarcity in a changing world
- The regional hydroclimate response to stratospheric sulphate geoengineering and the role of stratospheric heating.
- The regulation of microbial nitrogen-transforming pathways: an enzyme-explicit modeling approach
- The trait-rate linkage: How well do structural and hydraulic traits predict interspecific differences in response to drought?
- Three-dimensional OpenFOAM-PFLOTRAN coupled model for large-scale river hydrologic exchange flows over long-term period
- Tidal Stream Reaches Dominated by Small Streams and are Vulnerable to Sea-Level Rise
- Time Evolution of Trace Gasses, Aerosols, and Their Optical Properties in Nine Wildfire Plumes Sampled During the BBOP Field Campaign
- Toward Understanding the Characteristics of Mixed-Phase Clouds Simulated in E3SM with ARM M-PACE Observations
- Tracing Root Exudate into the Rhizosphere Using Spatially Resolved Carbon Isotope Measurements
- Tracking and Analysis of Deep Convective Updrafts In Rapid Scan Polarimetric Radar Observations
- Tradeoffs in planning and operation costs due to climate change in SERC's power system
- Tree growth and transpiration responses of coastal forests to seawater exposure
- Tropical Pacific sea surface cooling contribution to accelerated Arctic sea ice melt from 2007 to 2012 as ice is thinned by anthropogenic forcing
- Turbulence in Porous Media
- Understanding Drought Perturbations on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry Relationship with GISS ModelE+MEGAN simulations
- Understanding Ecohydrology in a Managed Watershed through Integrated Modeling and Observations
- Understanding Forest-Snow Dynamics for Wenatchee Watershed in Canopy Gaps Scenario in a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Understanding Green Rust Formation in Ionic Liquids by In situ Liquid ToF-SIMS
- Understanding Hailstone Characteristics and Contributing Factors over the United States Southern Great Plains
- Understanding the Anomalies in the Power Systems and the Associated Weather Attributes and Extremes in the Western United States
- Understanding the effect of iron availability on metabolite exchange between model grass Brachypodium and Pseudomonas fluorescens bacteria using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and Helium Ion Microscopy
- Untargeted metabolic profiling of Sphagnum fallax from boreal peatlands identifies antimicrobial compounds and novel metabolites
- Updraft and Downdraft Core Kinematics of Mesoscale Convective Systems through Observations and Idealized Simulations
- Urbanization from 1985 to 2100 and its impacts on urban heat islands in the Jing-Jin-Ji region of China
- Use of ARM's Tethered Balloon System to Collect In Situ Atmospheric Measurements
- Using <SUP>13</SUP>C to Unravel the Molecular Mechanisms of Microbiome Response to Rewetting in Soil
- Using Continuous Sap Flux and Soil Respiration Datasets to Infer the Strength and Speed of Root-Soil Coupling in a Deciduous Forest
- Using Dynamic Vegetation Modeling to Explore Boreal Forest Canopy-cover Shifts Under Water Stress and Changing Climate
- Using Ensemble Data Assimilation to Estimate Transient Hydrologic Exchange Fluxes under Highly Dynamic Flow Conditions
- Using Information Flow for Whole System Understanding from Component Dynamics
- Using Time-step Convergence to Improve the Numerical Robustness and Physical Consistency of Atmospheric Physics Parameterizations
- Utilizing Multi-Sectoral Modeling to Anticipate Environmental Security Concerns Relevant to National Security Missions
- VAriable Response In Aircraft nvPM Testing (VARIAnT)
- Variability in sediment carbon stocks with tidal elevation, climate, and decomposition metrics in Pacific Northwest tidal marshes and forested wetlands
- Variability of Canopy Effect on Snow Accumulation and Duration across the Western United States Mountain Snow Regimes: Comparison between Open, Forest, and Canopy Gap
- Variation in EPS production impacts the composition of mineral-associated microbial carbon: a quantitative metabolite sorption study using NMR and FTICR-MS
- Varied and Changing Mountain Snow Regimes Necessitate Snow Experiments, Globally: From Colorado Beginnings to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Vertical Profile of Atmospheric Particle Composition via Tethered Balloon System
- Vertical variation of cloud microphysical relationships in stratocumulus clouds measured during the ACE-ENA campaign
- Vertically-Resolved Nanoparticle Concentrations Observed at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Viability of Rapid Unseparated Rare Earth Element Analyses by Isotope Dilution Multicollector Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ID-MC-ICP-MS)
- Virtual reality as a climate science teaching tool
- WHONDRS: An open community resource for studying hydro-biogeochemistry of dynamic river corridors
- WRF-Chem Simulations of the East Asian Dust Storm in May 2017: Modeling Sensitivities to Dust Emission and Dry Deposition Schemes
- Warm Season Mesoscale Convective Systems in Variable Resolution MPAS-CAM Simulations over the United States
- What is the fate of detrained ice in the tropical western Pacific in current and future climate?
- 'Omics analyses of the hydraulically fractured shale isolate Halanaerobium highlights membrane modifications that underpin adaptation under deep subsurface biogeochemical drivers
- A Bayesian approach to determining the feasibility of electricity capacity expansion plans
- A ClimateNet-trained Deep Learning Model for Atmospheric River Detection
- A Lagrangian perspective on tropical anvil cloud lifecycle in present and future climate
- A Machine learning assisted Cloud Population Model as a Parameterization of Cumulus Convection
- A New Aspect of Aerosol Indirect Effects
- A New Multi-Model Difference-Based Sensitivity Analysis Method to Screen Non-Influential Processes with Process Model and Parametric Uncertainty
- A New Typology for Representing Human Decision Making in MultiSector Dynamics (MSD) Models
- A Partial Coupling Approach to Isolate the Roles of the Atmosphere and Ocean in Coupled Climate Interactions
- A Partial Least Squares Modelling Approach for Absorbance-Based Continuous Monitoring of Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon
- A Pathway to Quantifying Marine Cloud Brightening as a Climate Intervention Mechanism
- A Quest to Understand and Model Regional Precipitation and Their Future Changes
- A Trait-Based Framework Linking Biogeochemical Control Points to Organic Matter Chemistry
- A climatology and extreme value analysis of large hail in China
- A multidimensional framework enhances interpretation of carbon (C) cycling stability following disturbance
- A new SUMMA and MizuRoute hydrologic modeling resource for US water applications
- A new approach for estimating and modeling tree methane emissions
- A new type of hydrous alteration on Mars? Investigating the unique textures of olivine in martian meteorite NWA 7042
- A plant-by-plant strategy for high-ambition coal power phaseout in China
- A simple leaf-scale radiative transfer model by spectral invariant theory
- ARM Unmanned Aerosystems - Capability and Potential
- Adapted Carbon Catabolite Regulation in a Carbohydrate Selective Wood Decomposition Fungus
- Advances and gaps on propagating the impact of climate change on future water availability through the energy planning process: a Western US Case Study
- Advances in the representation of suitability and protection in global land data systems.
- Aerosol Indirect Effects on Ice and Mixed-phase Clouds based on Eight NSF Flight Campaigns and Climate Model Simulations
- Aerosol Transport Pathways and Source Attribution in China During the COVID-19
- Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements of Particles in Different Parts of the World
- Airborne electromagnetic imaging of stratigraphy at the Hanford Site, Washington
- An Analysis of Shallow Orographic Cumulus Clouds Observed During the CACTI Field Campaign
- An Anomalous Atmospheric Event during 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- An Introduction to the Operational Ground-Based Retrieval Evaluation Framework for Clouds (OGRE-CLOUDS)
- An evaluation of global climate model-simulated tropical cyclone rainfall structures in the HighResMIP simulations against the satellite observations
- An evaluation of the subtropical eastern North Pacific SST bias in the E3SM v1
- An integrated model of land surface, subsurface flow, and ecosystem processes to study hillslope vegetation function
- An underestimated negative cloud feedback from cloud lifetime changes?
- Analysis of a coastal marine fog episode during C-FOG field campaign
- Antecedent Hydrometeorological Controls on Wildfire Occurrence in the Western U.S.
- Antecedent conditions determine the biogeochemical response of coastal soils to seawater exposure
- Applying Convex Weighting Physics-Informed Neural Networks to Subsurface Modeling and Characterization Problems
- Applying FAIR principles throughout a multi-sector, multi-scale effort to provide electricity capacity expansion suitability data as a service to the scientific community.
- Are the mass transfer parameters in an in-stream transient storage model physically meaningful?
- Assessing Climate Change Impacts on Live Fuel Moisture and Wildfire Danger Using a Dynamic Vegetation Model
- Assessing the Need for Direct Air Capture in the Context of the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways
- Assessing the effects of land surface heterogeneity on planetary boundary layer characteristics in E3SM
- Assessing the vertical structure of Arctic aerosols using tethered-balloon-borne measurements
- Assessment of haze transport via multi-scale pyramid optical flow method based on satellite-retrieved AOD image sequences
- Atmospheric Rivers in a Changing Climate: An Overview from the second phase of the Atmospheric River Tracking Method Intercomparison Project (ARTMIP)
- Attributing Radiative Feedback Evolution to Regional Ocean Heat Uptake
- Automated in-situ dark chamber system for parsing open channel and sediment-associated aerobic respiration in rivers and streams
- Beating of the Amazon: The Diurnal Cycle of Amazonian Hydroclimate
- Biogeochemical impacts of salinity in coastal river corridors: From molecular processes to emergent function
- Biogeochemical response of the coupled river-hyporheic zone system to organic matter inputs and unexpected sensitivity to temperature
- Boundary Layer and Microphysical Characteristics of Marine Fog- Mist Transitions.
- CALIPSO Aerosol Lidar Simulator in WRF-Chem: Development and Application
- Calcium complexation by organic matter in calcareous sediments
- Can Linear Optimization Methods be used for Regional Risk Mitigation with Solar Geoengineering?
- Changes in flood inundation characteristics in the future: impacts of current water management and flood control capacity on flood mitigation
- Changes in lateral connectivity between a tidal creek and its floodplain alter oxygen dynamics
- Characterizing Subgrid-Scale Aerosol Variability Near the Southern Great Plains Site during the HI-SCALE Campaign
- Climate Related Shifts in Hydrology Can Impact Source and Delivery of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter to Aquatic Systems in a Mesic Boreal Forest Watershed
- Cloud source and sink process as a path toward constraining climate sensitivity
- Cloud type statistics and shallow convective cloud processes over complex terrain in central Argentina
- Cloud-scale Simulations of Convection Initiation using Observed Near-cloud Environments from RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Coastal Fog Microphysics and Dynamics During C-FOG: Parameterization Development and Scale issues
- Cold air outbreaks during ACTIVATE: Observationally constrained large-eddy simulations of microphysically-mediated cloud regime transitions
- Collaboration to better understand Arctic change
- Community Emissions Data System (CEDS): Asia and Global Emissions to 2019
- Community Engagement and Distributed Sampling to Accelerate Hydrobiogeochemical Discovery across River Corridors
- Comparing Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds fluxes between two different biomes, the Amazon and the Atlantic tropical forests.
- Comparison between multiple physical-based hydrologic models in modeling groundwater-surface water interactions in a coastal watershed
- Comparison of Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) and Co-Located Geophones of a Chemical Explosion in a Borehole at Blue Canyon Dome, Socorro, NM
- Comparison of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Estimates From Slab Ocean, 150 Year, and Longer Simulations
- Comparisons of Planetary Boundary Layer Height from Ceilometer with ARM Sounding Data
- Connecting Environmental Systems Science and Digital Library Practices
- Contrasting changes in the seasonal ITCZs between recent observations and future projection
- Contrasting diurnal and seasonal Advanced Himawari Imager vegetation index patterns with land cover type in Australia
- Controls on Initiation and Evolution of Deep Convection in the Complex Terrain of Central Argentina
- Controls on spatial variation of hyporheic zone denitrification in the Columbia River Basin
- Correcting the Double-ITCZ Bias Dials down Future Precipitation over Mediterranean Climate Regions in North Hemisphere
- Coupled Process Modeling at EGS Collab for Experiment Design and Model Validation
- Coupled hyporheicFoam solver for flow and reactive transport in streams and hyporheic zones: strengths, weaknesses, and future development
- DART-PFLOTRAN: An Ensemble Data Assimilation System for Modeling Subsurface Process
- DNS study of turbulence effects on hyporheic mixing in aquatic sediment beds
- DOE ARM User Facility ArcticShark Unmanned Aerial System
- Decomposition signals of warming in Arctic soils identified by FTICR and NMR
- Deep learning model of the geochemical impacts of carbon dioxide and brine leakage into overlying aquifers at geologic storage sites
- Deployment of negative emissions technology under various policy scenarios intended to limit warming or limit CO<SUB>2</SUB> atmospheric stocks
- Determining the source location of African dust transported to the Amazon and its associated Fe speciation
- Developing New Pathways for Energy and Environmental Decision-making in India
- Developing Tools to Evaluate the Simulation and Representation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Developing a Decision Support Engine to Enable Irrigation Modernization
- Development and Role of Microgrids Surrounding Modernized Irrigation District
- Development of a Global High-resolution Mesoscale Convective System Tracking Database using GPM IMERG V06
- Development of a silicon beta cell for radioxenon detection and the impact to environmental monitoring
- Development of a software platform for machine learning-accelerated decision support in reservoir engineering
- Diagnosing and Addressing Numerical Noise by Improving Spatial Discretizations in CLUBB
- Differential Credibility Analysis of Statistical and Dynamical Downscaled Future Climate Projections over a Spatial Domain in the Southern Great Plains
- Distance to River Controls Riparian Ecosystem Water Use and Stress in a Semi-arid Watershed
- Distributed Metagenomic Sampling of River Corridors Identifies Shared Microbial Functional Traits Underpinning Transferable Hydrobiogeochemical Processes
- Distribution and Sources of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the Western North Atlantic During ACTIVATE (February-March 2020)
- Does Existing System Complexity Convey Resistance?: Canopy Structural Change During the First Two Years of the Forest Resistance Threshold Experiment (FoRTE)
- Drought-induced changes in ectomycorrhizal association modify the chemical construct of fine roots.
- Dry season soil moisture dynamics along secondary forest succession in Panama: impacts of soil hydraulic properties vs. tree root profile
- Dynamic mechanisms support forest carbon cycling stability following disturbance
- Ecosystem respiration in peatlands: a global quantitative review
- Effects of Model Fidelity and Mesh Resolution on Modeling Hydrological Exchange Flows
- Effects of Subgrid Topography on Simulations of Land Surface Processes in an Earth System Model
- Efficient nighttime SOA formation from anthropogenic-biogenic interactions
- Empirical formulation for multiple groups of primary biological ice nucleating particles from field observations over Amazonia.
- Enabling High-throughput Atmospheric Simulations for Radionuclide Background and Source Estimation
- Endophyte-Promoted Phosphorous Solubilization in Populus
- Ensemble hindcasts using the E3SM Atmosphere Model and the Data Assimilation Research Testbed
- Equatorial waves triggering extreme rainfall and floods in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Estimating Future Virtual Water Trading within the U.S. Electricity Grid
- Estimating Spatial Subgrid-Scale Vertical Velocity Variability from Profiles at a Single Point
- Estimation of 1-Degree-Resolution PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Concentrations Across China Over 1980-2019 Based on a Machine Learning Approach
- Evaluate Salmon Redd Habitats Using a Hierarchical Physics-Informed Machine Learning Framework
- Evaluating soil heterotrophic respiration simulated by microbially-explicit global models
- Evaluating the CLUBB PDF closure for shallow convection
- Evaluating the Risk to Groundwater by Unintended Migration of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Brine from Geologic Carbon Storage Projects
- Evaluating the utility of electrical resistivity tomography in the presence of metallic infrastructure
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM) Across Resolution
- Evaluation of Halogen-Induced Ozone Depletions Near Salt Lake City
- Evaluation of Simulated Deep Convective Upscale Growth over Argentina
- Evaluation of a Stochastic Mixing Scheme in Kilometer-scale Simulations of Tropical Oceanic Deep Convection
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- ExaSheds: Advancing Watershed System Science using Machine Learning and Data-Intensive Extreme-Scale Simulation
- Expanding the Design Space of Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering to Include Precipitation-Based Objectives and Explore Trade-Offs
- Experimental study on bichromatic wave runup on a gently sloping beach
- Exploring Dynamics and Interdependencies of Complex, Co-evolving Systems Through an Interdisciplinary Community of Practice
- Exploring the Use of DSCOVR/EPIC Satellite Observations to Monitor Vegetation Phenology
- Extreme supersaturation in CESM2 and E3SM simulations: sensitivity to step time-stepping and impact on model climate
- FLEXPART-WRF simulations to assess dust transport in the convective boundary layer at the Southern Great Plains site
- Fast Climate Responses to Aerosol Emission Reductions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Fine Particulate Matter and Global Health: An Integrated Modeling Approach to Quantify Sector and Fuel-Specific Sources of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Mass and Mortality Across Global, National, and City Scales
- Fine-scale spatial heterogeneity of drought-induced mortality in tropical dry forests
- Flood Characterization in Pacific Northwest Coastal Mountains
- Fog Formation during Gravity Currents Interacting with Coastal Topography
- Free-living Nitrogen Fixation in the Switchgrass Rhizosphere
- From Field to Analysis: Two Models for Data Distribution in a Standardized and FAIR Way
- Future Changes in Precipitation Seasonal Cycle in Multi-model Ensembles
- Future evolutions of net ecosystem production in the Northern high latitudes and its socioeconomic impacts
- Gas phase ion-molecule interactions in a collision reaction cell with QQQ-ICP-MS: Investigations with N<SUB>2</SUB>O as the reaction gas
- Generative Large Eddy Simulations with conditional Variational Autoencoders
- Global Mesoscale Convective System Latent Heating Characteristics from GPM and IMERG Retrievals
- Global land use for 2015-2100 at 0.05° resolution under diverse socioeconomic and climate scenarios
- Global metabolome spatiotemporal dynamics within river corridors were driven by deterministic and stochastic processes
- Global-Scale Trait-Based Ecology of Organic Matter Thermodynamics
- Has There Been a Detectable Trend in the Biogeochemical Signals of the Lower Amazon River Over the Last 40 Years?
- Hemispheric differences in macrophysical and microphysical properties of low-level mixed-phase clouds from observations and E3SM simulations
- Historic Water Quality Data as a Forensic Tool to Understand the Connections Between Environmental Watershed Perturbations and Disinfection Byproduct Formation in Drinking Water
- Hourly Power System Operation in the Western U.S. under Varying Water Availability for Hydropower
- How Moist and Dry Intrusions Control the Local Hydrologic Cycle, in Present and Future Climates
- How Transferable are River Corridor Exchange Metrics Across Geologies and Scales and What are the Associated Uncertainties of Studying Representative Reaches?
- How do tropical trees alter below-ground dynamics in response to long-term drought: Results after four-years of rainfall exclusion
- Hydrologic effects of leaf regulation strategies in the Amazonian headwater system
- Ice and Supercooled Liquid Water Distributions over the Southern Ocean Based on In-Situ Observations and Three Climate Model Simulations
- Ice nucleating particles above agricultural landscapes: linking sources with environment and land management
- Ice nucleation propensity of Long-range Transport Free tropospheric aerosols over the North Atlantic
- Impact of Lateral Flow on Surface Water and Energy Budgets over the Great Plains - A Modeling Study
- Impact of Soil Moisture on Shaping the DNA and RNA Virome
- Impact of aerosol conditions on hemispheric differences in ice formation in stratiform clouds
- Impact of atmospheric processes on mechanisms of Southern Ocean heat uptake
- Impact of wildfires on formation of secondary organic aerosols over the Amazon rainforest
- Impacts of Cloud Microphysics Parameterizations on Simulated Aerosol-Cloud-Interactions for Deep Convective Clouds over Houston
- Impacts of Urbanization on Convective Storms through Urban Land and Aerosol effects
- Implications of Changing Climate for Stream Temperature and Fish Growth Potential in Snow-Influenced Watershed
- Improving Solution Accuracy and Convergence for Stochastic Physics Parameterizations with Colored Noise
- Improving the representation of ultra-fine aerosols in the E3SM atmosphere model
- In-situ Physical and Chemical Characterization of Cloud Droplet Residuals, Interstitial, and Background Aerosol Particles During the HI-SCALE Field Campaign
- Incorporating Prior Information In Time-Lapse ERT Inversions Using Conditional Regularization Constraints 744753
- Increase in extreme rains stimulates larger erosional N and P fluxes to the northern Gulf of Mexico in recent decades
- Influence of Hydrologic Exchange Flows on Biogeochemical Dynamics in A Regulated River Reach: 3-D Reactive Transport Modeling in PFLOTRAN
- Integrated Terrestrial-Coastal Modeling System: DHSVM-FVCOM-RIFT
- Interfacial boundaries offer insights to assess (a)biotic mineral weathering
- Interpretation of Ca-associated Organic Matter X-ray Spectra via Electronic Structure Simulation
- Investigating Cold Air Outbreaks over the Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Investigating Sources of Observation-Model Disagreement in Immersion-Mode Ice Nucleating Particles at Seasonal Timescales in E3SM
- Investigating Subsurface Biogeochemistry in Tide-Impacted Altamaha River Sediment Using Microbial Metagenomics and Metabolomics
- Is there a universal temperature dependence of plant metabolism?
- Key Mechanisms that Weaken the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Rain Shadows under Global Warming
- Land-Sea Breezes and the Diurnal Cycle in Rainfall in the MC
- Large-eddy Simulations of Marine Boundary-layer Clouds during the ACTIVATE Campaign: Sensitivities to Large-scale Forcings
- Letting the community lead the way to data integration: Data standards and documentation developed by domain experts and the ESS-DIVE repository
- Leveraging the soil lipidome to elucidate microbial community response to shifting environmental conditions
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in Models
- Linked Iron, Sulfur, and Carbon Biogeochemical Cycling in Hydrologically Dynamic, Riparian Wetland Sediments
- Linking hails and tornadoes to mesoscale convective systems: a long-term statistical study
- Long-Range Transported Continental Aerosols Increase Observed Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Eastern North Atlantic
- MOSART-urban: a semi-distributed regional urban flood modeling framework
- Machine Learning of Hydrogeochemical Processes along the Columbia River Corridor
- Machine Learning-based Metabolic Network Modeling for Omics-integrated Biogeochemical and Reactive Transport Simulations
- Managing watersheds in the Anthropocene: variations in microbial community structure and aquatic geochemistry in a wastewater effluent impacted urban stream over short time scales
- Mapping Urban-Rural Land Teleconnections in the United States Using Graphical Networks
- Methane emissions from coal mining are growing
- Micro-Spectroscopic Analysis of Ice-Nucleating Particles in Relation to Ambient Aerosol in a Remote Marine Environment
- Mineral-mediated persistence of soil organic matter and its chemical dynamics in response to nitrogen fertilization in grassland soils
- Model land-atmosphere interactions in a Multiple Atmosphere Multiple Land (MAML) framework of SP-E3SM
- Modeling Atmospheric Dust and Its Radiative Forcing with a Global Variable-resolution Model: Impacts of Mesh Spacing and Size Distribution
- Modeling Bioenergy Crops in the E3SM Land Model
- Modeling Kinetically-Limited IEPOX-SOA Uptake via Volatility based and Compositionally defined Glass Transition Temperatures
- Modeling Study of the Impact of COVID-19 on Air Quality in Southern California
- Modeling impact of volatility-based phase state prediction on particle-phase diffusion limitations to isoprene epoxydiol (IEPOX) uptake on SOA particles in Amazon rainforest
- Modeling wildfires burned area in the continental US using the extreme boosting machine learning model
- Molecular Composition of Microbial Derived Necromass in Soil
- Molecular revealing of mixing states of aerosol particles using ToF-SIMS spectra and imaging analysis
- Monitoring environmental remediation with reductive iron amendments via complex electrical conductivity
- Multi-scale Analysis of Surface Heterogeneity Induced Convection on Isentropic Coordinates
- MultiSector Influences on Urban Water Supply Across the United States
- Multiphysics-informed learning algorithm for vadose zone transport modeling
- NRAP-Open-IAM: A New, Open-Source Code for Integrated Assessment of Geologic Carbon Storage Containment Effectiveness and Leakage Risk.
- Network analysis of integrated mass spectrometry and genetic data provides new insights on microbial carbohydrate and lignin transformations resulting from long-term experimental warming.
- New Approaches to Handling Stiff Acoustic Modes in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework (MMF) Cloud Resolving Model (CRM)
- New Insights Into Soil Microbial Interactions By Reducing Complexity Of Soil Microbiomes
- New perspectives on modeling INPs in the remote marine atmosphere
- New-particle formation in the free upper troposphere by nitric acid and ammonia
- Nitrogen Inhibits Microbial Respiration in Long-Term Nitrogen and Phosphorus Addition Experiments across North-American Grasslands.
- Nudged and initialized hindcast of aerosols and clouds over Southern Ocean using the E3SM atmosphere model
- O3-related marginal damages to crop revenues driven by methane pulses
- Observation-Enabled Assessment of Simulated Southern Ocean Aerosol and INP Populations in the Community Atmosphere Model Version 6
- Opening Up: The Benefits of Adopting Open Science Principles in a Large Multi-Institutional Modeling Project
- Opening the black box of LSTM models using XAI
- Operational Impacts of Drought and Changing Electricity Load on the Western U.S. Power System in Low and High Renewable Systems
- Optical closure of multispectral aerosol optical properties: Effect of aerosol liquid water during the Two-Column Aerosol Project
- Organic Matter Thermodynamics Mediate Microbe-Ecosystem Integration
- Parallel joint inversion of three-dimensional DC resistivity and seismic travel-time data with cross-gradient constraints
- Parameterization of Autoconversion Rates in a Climate Model Using Machine Learning with Training from Large Eddy Simulations
- Particle Size Distribution Dynamics Can Help Constrain the Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol
- Patterns and challenges to understanding and predicting future forest disturbances
- Permafrost in a Simple Carbon-Climate Model
- Perspectives on deep convective updraft modes using multi-sensor remote sensing data from RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Physically Regularized Machine Learning Emulators of Aerosol Activation
- Physicochemical Vapor Sorption Properties of Geologic Materials Quantified by Inverse Gas Chromatography
- Physicochemical properties of atmospheric particles at different altitude via tethered balloon system
- Pore-scale DNS and Upscaling of Turbulent Flows through a Randomly-Packed Porous Medium Using the Method of Volume Averaging
- Practical Approaches for Normalizing Directional Solar-induced Fluorescence at both red and far-red bands
- Predicting Tree Function and Mortality in a Changing Tropical Environment
- Probabilistic Detection of Atmospheric Rivers Across Climate Datasets and Resolutions with Neural Networks
- Promoting Modeling Accessibility Through the Development of Interactive, Web-Based Visualization Tools.
- Properties of Free Tropospheric Dust Particles above the North Atlantic Ocean
- Quantifying Precipitation, Streamflow, and Floodplain Forecasting Skills during Extreme Weather Events in Brays Bayou, Houston, Texas
- Quantifying Streambed Hydrological Exchange Flows Using Structure-From-Motion Photogrammetry and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling
- Quantifying and Diagnosing Biases in Mesoscale Convective Systems in High Resolution Climate Simulations
- Quantifying the chemical mixing state index of atmospherically aged aerosols collected in the North Atlantic free troposphere
- Quantifying whole tree non-structural carbon dynamics under long-term experimental drought using radiocarbon
- Radiosonde Analysis of Environments Supporting Deep Convection Initiation During RELAMPAGO-CACTI
- Rapid Reduction Leads to Changes in Iron Oxide Crystallinity in Humid Tropical Soils
- Recent performance improvements in DOE E3SM fully coupled model
- Redrawing the River Network: Towards a New Generation of Continental-Scale Water Quality Models
- Reduction of problem dimensionality by merging hydrologic models with a probabilistic learning methodology
- Representing adaptive irrigation response to changing water availability and crop prices in a coupled human-water system model of the Continental United States.
- Risky trees in safe waters? Drought-sensitive trees survive on deep water access in a tropical forest community
- Roadmap and Examples for Creating Resources to Support Transgender Colleagues
- Seasonal shifts in dissolved oxygen, carbon dynamics, and resazurin transformation along a 12-m long artificial hyporheic flowpath
- Seawater Exposure Increases Tree Methane Emissions
- Seawater infiltration transforms porewater dissolved organic matter composition
- Selective Adsorption of Dissolved Organic Matter by Calcium Bridging to Mineral Surfaces
- Sensitivity Analysis of Mesoscale-Coupled Large Eddy Simulations for Wind Energy Applications Using Machine Learning Approaches
- Simultaneous Attenuation of Trace Organic Compounds and Dissolved Organic Matter in a River and its Hyporheic Zone?
- Soil Phosphorus Stock and Speciation with Regolith Development: Does the Walker and Syers Model Apply to a Climatic Weathering Gradient?
- Soil moisture-precipitation feedbacks: interactions between MCS and non-MCS rainfall through the soil moisture pathway
- Source Attribution of Arctic Black Carbon and Sulfate Aerosols and Associated Arctic Surface Warming During 1980-2018
- Spatially resolved proteomic analysis of the rhizosphere
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics and Propagation of Summer Extreme Precipitation Events over USA: A Complex Network Analysis
- Spatiotemporal redox dynamics regulate mineral and metabolic constraints on carbon export from floodplain soils
- Spatiotemporal variations of hyporheic temperature and its biogeochemical implications in a dam regulated river
- Subcanopy leaf functional trait response to disturbance at different severities and implications for ecosystem production stability
- Subsurface Permeability Estimation using Deep Neural Networks
- Summer Mean and Extreme Precipitation over the Mid-Atlantic Region: Climatological Characteristics and Contributions from Different Precipitation Types
- TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER): An upcoming field campaign
- Taranis: A New Framework for Physically Constrained Radar Processing
- Temporal and Spatial Changes in Organic Matter Thermodynamics across Globally-Distributed River Corridors
- Temporal dynamics of microbial metabolic processes under hyporheic fluctuation
- The CAM-MPAS model simulations for the HighResMIP experiments
- The EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Flow at the 10-meter scale
- The Effect of Atmospheric Demand and Soil Moisture Deficits on Tree Growth and Physiological Water Stress: Implications for the Future of Forest Management
- The Effect of Pore Geometry on Upscaled Models of Transport of Motile Bacteria
- The Error Propagation of Global Precipitation Estimation through Distributed Hydrological Modelling
- The Fate of Mineral-Organic Associations Within Functionally Distinct Rhizosphere Microenvironments
- The Impact of African Aerosol Transport on Biogeochemical Cycles
- The Importance of Hydraulic Traits to Tropical Forest Dynamics
- The North Pacific Pacemaker Effect on Historical ENSO and Its Mechanisms
- The Ongoing Need for High-Resolution Regional Climate Models: Process Understanding and Stakeholder Information
- The Response of Shallow-to-Deep Convective Transitions to Increased Shallow Cloud Populations in the Amazon
- The Role of Cell Wall Esters and Foliar Emissions of Methanol and Acetic Acid in the Response of Trees and Ecosystems to Abiotic Stress
- The Role of Oceanic and Atmospheric Feedbacks in the Response of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation to a CO2 Increase
- The contrast in MCS environments between spring and summer over the U.S. Great Plains
- The evolution of energy-water-agriculture inter-connectivity across scales in the U.S.
- The impact of cloud processes and the transport of biological emissions on the vertical structure of cloud condensation nuclei in the Southern Ocean.
- The tale of a microbial community and its infective agents: Microbial and viral interactions fuel carbon and nitrogen cycling in the hyporheic zone of the Columbia River
- Time-Lapse Complex Electrical Signatures of Plant Growth in Unsaturated Soils
- Time-step sensitivity, process coupling, and subtropical marine stratocumulus in EAMv1
- Toward Understanding the Synergetic Interactions between Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Biogenic Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles
- Towards an Integrated Understanding of Soil-Microbe-Fungi Interactions in the Rhizosphere using Novel Sample Approaches and Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence Imaging
- Tracking the changing stranded assets risks from existing and planned coal power plants
- Transport and distribution of surface-modified Fe-Mn binary oxides in heterogeneous porous media and their arsenic stabilization performance
- Tropical forest mortality patterns, mechanisms and impacts.
- Turbulence decay during the evening transition:Comparison of time scales from observations and models
- Type-Dependent Impact of Aerosols on Precipitation Associated with Deep Convective Cloud over East Asia
- US Climate Action in a Paris Committed World: What's at Stake?
- Uncertainties in the role of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> concentration on evaporation: complex interactions with plant physiology, plant coverage and global warming
- Understanding Roles of Cloud and Precipitation in the Recent Arctic Warming through Radiative Feedbacks
- Understanding the multiscale impacts of responses to water scarcity and land use change
- Understanding the nature of causal information flow using directed acyclic graphs in land-atmosphere exchange using high-frequency flux tower data.
- Understanding the response of coastal forest carbon cycling to changing salinity and moisture content: a soil transplant experiment
- Unraveling the Molecular Mechanisms Underlying the Soil Microbiome Response to Soil Moisture
- Urban pollution substantially increases particle number concentration through organic new particle formation in the Amazon rainforest
- Using CESM-RESFire to Understand Climate-Fire-Ecosystem Interactions and the Implications for Decadal Climate Variability
- Using Community Science to Reveal Global Chemogeography of River Metabolomes
- Using HI-SCALE to Evaluate Parameterizations of Boundary Layer Cloud Fraction: the MYNN-EDMF Scheme
- Using PPE simulations and parametric sensitivity analysis to better understand model physics and parameterization in E3SM atmosphere model over different cloud regimes
- Using wellbore telemetry to train reinforcement learning algorithms for real-time data assimilation, forecasting and multi-criteria decision support
- Value of flow forecast for power system analytics
- Variations in Hyporheic Zone Aerobic Respiration across Four Rivers as Predicted from Dissolved Organic Matter Composition
- Vehicle routing in Hurricane Harvey: Using temporal flood inundation predictions to generate high-quality routes
- Vertically-Resolved Nanoparticle Concentrations Observed at the ARM Southern Great Plains Site
- Water dispersible (nano)colloids in riparian sediments have a significant influence on organic carbon fate and transport
- Wetting and drying cycles reduce litter decomposition and carbon efflux in microcosm studies
- What We can Learn about Monsoon Rainfall from the Energy Flow?-Energetic Constraint for the Leading Neutral Mode of Monsoon Rainfall Variability and its Future Projection
- What information from reach-scale tracer experiments can be effectively upscaled to represent longer study reaches?
- A Deep, Diverse Reservoir of Methane-Cycling Microorganisms Resists Hydrologic Perturbation to Sustain Metabolic Activity in Freshwater Wetland Soils
- A Lagrangian perspective of the radiative effect of aerosol-cloud interactions
- A Physiological Signal Derived from Sun-induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence Quantifies Crop Physiological Response to Environmental Stresses in the U.S. Corn Belt
- A Process-Level 3D Atmospheric Model for Secondary Organic Aerosol: Model Development and Applications to the GoAmazon Field Campaign
- A Retrospective Analysis of Historical Reservoir Operations and Their Impact on the Streamflow in CONUS
- A Review of Global Monitoring and Data Assimilation of Aerosol Vertical Structure: Past, Present and Future
- A Simple Lagrangian Parcel Model for the Initiation of Summer-time Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Central United States
- A Tale of Two Models: Projecting Water Scarcity for the Colorado River Basin
- A Typology for Representing Human Actors in MultiSector Dynamics Models
- A flexible online diagnostic tool for understanding and evaluating process interactions in the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM)
- A global land data system to provide variable high-resolution spatial products
- A new approach for simultaneous estimation of entrainment and detrainment rates in non-precipitating shallow cumuli
- A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: A model study
- A unified 3D analytical leaf-canopy radiative transfer modeling framework over VNIR and fluorescence spectrum
- A unified functional relationship between catchment water balance and vegetation productivity
- A unified model coupling of the land, river, and ocean models in E3SM to simulate coastal processes
- Accelerating Integrated Assessment of a Geologic Carbon Storage Site Using Deep Learning
- Adaptation of Shipping Patterns in the Arctic: Modeling the Choice of Routing through a Changing Arctic Coastal Environments
- Addressing uncertainty in MultiSector Dynamics research: an eBook guide for novice and experienced modelers
- Aerosol Characteristics at the Southern Great Plains Site During the HI-SCALE Campaign
- An Aerosol Diagnostic Package to Evaluate E3SM Using In-Situ Aircraft, Ship and Surface Measurements
- An Agent-based Model of Coastal Urban Development in the Greater Baltimore Region
- An Error Analysis Framework for Process Coupling in Atmospheric Models
- An Interpretable Machine Learning Approach to Characterizing Earth System Model Errors: Application to Modeling Lightning Flash Occurrence
- An Observationally Trained Markov Model of the propagation of the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- An Optimal Control Theory-based Microbial Regulation Model to Offer a Generalizable Theory for Priming Effects
- An Overview of Preliminary Results from Emissions-MIPa Climate and Chemistry Model Intercomparison Project
- An Underestimated Negative Cloud Feedback from Cloud Lifetime Changes
- An experimental assessment of the comparative role of combustion conditions, burn severity, and fuel types on post-fire vegetation biochemistry
- Antecedent Hydrometeorological Conditions of Wildfire Occurrence in the Western U.S.
- Argus - An interactive application to enable scientific discovery through multi-sector and multi-scale visual analytics
- Assessing multi-sector near-term transition and longer-term physical climate risks of greenhouse gas emissions pathways
- Assessing the impact of replacing corn with second generation perennial bioenergy crops in the US-Midwest.
- Assessment of Atlantic hurricane rapid intensification in HighResMIP models
- Assessment of E3SMv2 simulations of Antarctica surface climate and polar-tropical teleconnections
- Assimilation of Radar and Radiosonde Observations into a Large Eddy Simulation of a Deep Convective Storm
- Atmospheric Equatorial Wave Observations During the 2019 MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- Attacking structural uncertainty with particle-resolved aerosol models
- Automatic and manual in-situ chamber measurements for open-channel respiration in streams and rivers
- Basin-scale hyporheic zone respiration in the Columbia River Basin
- Biomass Burning Aerosols in Most Climate Models Are Too Absorbing
- Building up Trustworthiness of Deep Learning-based Emulator for Environmental Process-based Model
- Calcium carbonate micro-precipitates by bacteria in droplets
- Carbon Sequestration in Basalts: Sidewall Core Characterization Data from the Wallula Basalt Pilot Project
- Changes in quality and quantity of solubilized soil organic matter at the upland-coastal interface due to seawater exposure
- Characteristics of soil organic matter and pyrogenic carbon in soils and leachate after prescribed burning
- Characterization and Source Apportionment of Nonrefractory Submicron Aerosol Chemistry at the Southern Great Plains Observatory
- Chemogeographic and metagenomic traits of coastal river sediments
- Climate Adaptation for National Critical Functions
- Climatological occurrences of hail and tornado associated with mesoscale convective systems in the United States
- Cloud Drop Number Concentrations over the Western North Atlantic Ocean: Seasonal Cycle, Aerosol Interrelationships, and Other Influential Factors
- Cloud morphology evolution in Arctic cold-air outbreak: A COMBLE case study
- Coastal Aquifer Research and Management Analytics (CARMA): A semi-automated platform for reproducible watershed-based water budget analysis
- Coastal Digital Twin: Learning a Fast and Physics-informed Surrogate Model for Coastal Floods Via Neural Operators
- Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers.
- Community Data Standards for More Reusable Data in Earth and Environmental Science
- Community Data-Model Integration Infrastructure: An Orchestration-Based Scientific Computing Workflow Platform for Multiscale Model Coupling and Data Integration at a Scientific User Facility
- Community Emissions Data Systems (CEDS): Emissions to 2020
- Comparisons of Planetary Boundary Layer Height Derived using Lidar Measurements with Sounding Data
- Consistency of snow property retrievals and climate model constraints across the present and coming spaceborne VSWIR imaging spectrometer missions
- Constraints and Drivers of Aqueous Fluxes of Pyrogenic Carbon from Terrestrial to Aquatic Systems
- Constraints on extratropical cloud feedback through moisture source and sink processes decrease likelihood of very high and very low climate sensitivity
- Continental-scale water resources simulation with fully data-driven reservoir operations
- Convergence of Multisector Dynamics (Human) and Natural Systems in Coastal Environments
- Coupled modeling of hillslope hydrology and ecosystem dynamics at Manaus and BCI
- DAS monitoring of large and small chemical explosions in variable geologic media
- Data-Driven Modeling for Classification and Characterization of Metabolite Data in River Corridor: The Power of Feature Engineering
- Decarbonizing Cement and Concrete: A Curable Problem
- Decarbonizing the Global Light-duty Vehicle and Power Sectors: Benefits for CO2 emissions, Air Quality and Human Health
- Decomposition signals of warming in Arctic soils, exploring temperature thresholds of cellulose breakdown
- Deep Learning Experiments for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts
- Deep learning to enhance and accelerate watershed model calibration
- Detecting Carbonyl Sulfide "Hot Spots" with High Resolution Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing
- Detecting changes in permafrost active layer thickness from baseflow recession
- Development and Evaluation of E3SM-MOSAIC: Spatial Distributions and Radiative Effects of Nitrate Aerosol
- Development of Land-River Two-Way Coupling in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Development of a software platform for machine learning-accelerated decision support in reservoir engineering
- Development of a universal sample holder for correlative chemical imaging analysis of plant-microbe interactions in rhizosphere
- Differential Credibility Analysis of Dynamical Downscaling Framework with a Focus on Precipitation Characteristics over Southern Great Plains
- Discovering Robust Deep Decarbonization Pathways in Colombia
- Disentangling Channel and Hyporheic Zone Contributions to Dissolved Oxygen and CO2 Dynamics Responding to Particulate Organic Matter Perturbations in river Corridor Under Low Flow Conditions
- Dissolved organic matter transformations along the Columbia River and its tributaries
- Disturbance legacies regulate coastal forest soil responses to changing salinity and inundation: a soil transplant experiment
- Diurnal Cycle of Precipitation Over Global Monsoon Systems in CMIP6 Simulations
- Diurnal Dynamics of Gross Primary Productivity Using Sub-daily Observations from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites - R Series (GOES-R)
- Diurnal rainfall response to the physiological and radiative effects of CO2 in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model v1 biogeochemistry experiments
- Divergent patterns of forest carbon uptake and loss stabilize net carbon balance as disturbance severity increases
- Diversity in Approaches to Hydropower Flexibility in Water and Power System Adaptation Strategies Under Climate Change Conditions
- Do biotic interactions control coastal forest resilience to extreme storm events? An exclusion experiment
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Dynamics of Organic Matter Molecular Composition under Aerobic Decomposition and Their Response to the Nitrogen Addition in Grassland Soils
- EMSLs 1000 Soils Project: core collection strategy and data types available
- Elucidating the ecological dynamics of microbial systems in freshwater wetlands with an integrative omics approach across time and space
- Emergence of seasonal delay of tropical rainfall during 19792019
- Enhancement of the next-generation intensity-duration-frequency (NG-IDF) curves for Land Cover Types over the Conterminous United States
- Environmental Controls on Deep Convection Initiation and Growth in the Complex Terrain of Central Argentina during CACTI
- Environmental Effects on Aerosol-Cloud Interaction in non-precipitating MBL Clouds over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Environmental effects of marine renewable energy: from scientific evidence to regulation
- Environments supporting deep convection initiation during the CACTI campaign
- Estimating hydrological exchange flows from streambed images
- Evaluating Ice Nucleating Particles from E3SM model in the Southern Ocean and Eastern North Atlantic Ocean.
- Evaluating the Potential Impacts from Climate Change on Compound Flooding at a Coastal Watershed
- Evaluating the impact of inter-basin water transfer on Delaware Estuary salinity with the Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS using multiple metrics for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) Across Resolutions
- Evaluation of A New Framework for Modeling the Dust Cycle in the Community Atmosphere Model (Version 6.1)
- Evaluation of Glass Transition Temperature in an Air Quality Model and the Impact on Aerosol Phase State and Secondary Formation
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Characteristics in GCMs based on In-situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties in Three Climate Model Simulations using Airborne Observations over the Southern Ocean
- Evaluation of SO2 emissions from the OMI point source catalog
- Evaluation of Snowpack Simulation and the Role of Impurity Effects in the Sierra Nevada based on High-resolution Regional Climate-aerosol-snow Modeling
- Exploring human impacts on water scarcity uncertainty in a non-stationary environment: A Colorado River Basin case study
- Exploring the Impact of Multisectoral and Multiscale Constraints and Opportunities on Power Plant Siting with the Capacity Expansion Regional Feasibility (CERF) Model
- Extreme Supersaturation in E3SMv1 and CESM2 Simulations
- Floating transient electromagnetic mapping of rivers and estuaries
- Floods Associated with Clusters of Mesoscale Convective Systems in the US
- Forest Canopy Density Effects on Snowpack across the Climate Gradients of the Western United States Mountain Ranges
- Formation and Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol Particles Generated by Oxidation of Cyclic and Acyclic Terpenes
- From storylines to anthologies Systematically examining the implications of climate change on known weather extremes and their multisectoral impacts
- Future changes in mesoscale convective systems in a hierarchy of models
- GDESS: A Framework for Evaluating Simulated Atmospheric CO2 in Earth System Models
- Gaining a predictive understanding of coastal ecosystem responses to pulse salinity and inundation disturbance
- Grid independent flow direction modeling
- Groundwater Storage during Snow Drought Events: Responses to Changing Climate over Western United States
- HectorUI: An Interactive Climate Model
- Heterogeneous Flow Field in Presence of Biofilms and its Impact on Solute Transport and Retention
- High Frequency Seismic Interferometric Measurements and Characterization of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1: Evaluation of the Stretching Method
- High-Frequency Seismic Interferometry and Monitoring of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1
- High-Resolution Modeling of Coastal Systems in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model (E3SM)
- High-resolution Forcing Driven Offline ELM Snow Processing and Comparing to Observations in Two Alaska Tundra Regions
- Holistic Resource Assessment of Offshore Wind, Wave, Tidal Current, and Solar Energy A Case Study in Washington and Alaska, USA
- How do we make interdisciplinary sample data more FAIR?
- Human and Physical Systems Interactions in the Arctic: Early Results from the Interdisciplinary Research for Arctic Coastal Environments
- Hydraulically-vulnerable trees survive on deep-water access during droughts in a tropical forest
- Hyporheic Zone Respiration is Indirectly Constrained by Organic Matter Molecular Richness at the Continental Scale
- ICON Principles Maximize Opportunities for Global Synthesis and Discovery throughout the Research Lifecycle
- Identifying Drivers of Future Water Scarcity in Latin America and the Caribbean Using a Scenario Discovery Approach
- Impact of Meteorological Factors on the Evolution of Cloud Streets During a Cold Air Outbreak Observed in the ACTIVATE Campaign
- Impact of new particle formation on the anthropogenic aerosol forcing estimate in E3SM
- Impact of tropical cyclones on hydrological extremes in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States: 19502019
- Impacts of Lake Surface Temperature on Atmosphere Over the Great Lakes Region
- Impacts of flow on transport of motile microbes in synthetic porous media
- Impacts of long-range transported mineral dust on summertime convective cloud and precipitation: a case study over the Taiwan region
- Impacts of the spatial heterogeneity of atmospheric CO2 concentration on carbon-climate feedbacks
- Impacts of topography-based subgrids with downscaling of atmospheric forcing and land surface heterogeneity on land surface processes
- Implementation and Evaluation of the triple-moment P3 microphysical scheme in E3SM
- Implementing High Resolution Mass Spectroscopy and X-ray Computed Tomography to Decipher Soil Carbon Cycles: A Case Study Using the 1000 Soils Database
- Implications of Palm Expansion in Southeast Asia
- Importance of Ocean Salinity Observations for Understanding and Predicting Hurricane Rapid Intensification
- Improved Hydrologic Parametrization and Spatial Uncertainty Characterization of the Community Land Model over the Conterminous United States
- Improving Arctic infrastructure to power observations with marine renewable energy
- Improving Lake Representations in Earth System Modeling
- Improving the Representation of Stratospheric Aerosol in E3SM and Its Impact on Ozone and Clouds
- In-situ methane isotope analyzer for coastal and deep-ocean environments
- Increasing Large Wildfires over the Western United States Linked to Diminishing Sea Ice in the Arctic
- Indications of a Decrease in the Depth of Deep Convective Cores with Increasing Aerosol Concentration During the CACTI Campaign
- Inferring Gas Flow and Fracture Network Damage After a Subsurface Detonation Using Explosive and Geogenic Noble Gases
- Inferring water scarcity vulnerabilities: do converging model representations of water systems lead to convergent insights?
- Inorganic Mercury and Monomethyl Mercury Fluxes and Speciation in Gulf of Mexico Rivers and Estuaries
- Integrated Assessment Modeling of Multiple Carbon Dioxide Removal Pathways
- Integrating divergent above- and belowground carbon flux responses to rising disturbance severity
- Interactions between the MJO and its embedded Mesoscale Convective Systems
- Interactive Biogenic Emissions and Drought Stress Effects on Biosphere-Atmosphere-Chemistry in NASA GISS ModelE
- Investigating the processes driving day-to-day and seasonal variability of ice-nucleating particles in marine air
- Is net primary production resistance to disturbance in forests mediated by structural legacies?
- It takes a village: using a crowdsourced approach to investigate organic matter composition in global rivers through the lens of ecological theory
- Joint CO2 Mole Fraction and Flux Analysis Confirms Missing Processes in CASA Terrestrial Carbon Uptake over North America
- Lagrangian assessments of western North Atlantic cold-air outbreak cloud development
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds and aerosol effects associated with cold air outbreak during the ACTIVATE campaign
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds associated with cold air outbreaks during the ACTIVATE campaign: roles of large-scale forcings
- Large-scale mapping of the urban thermal environment using citizen weather stations
- Linear Response Function Reveals the Most Effective Remote Forcing in Causing September Arctic Sea Ice Melting in CESM
- Linking Climate Change and Human Systems: A Case Study of Arctic Pipelines
- Local Thermal Gradient and Large-scale Circulation Impacts on Turbine-height Wind Speed Forecasting over the Columbia Basin
- Long-term Trends of Impacts of Global Gasoline and Diesel Emissions on Air Quality and Human Health for 2000-2019
- Machine Learning Applications for Hydrobiogeochemical Data Imputation, Predictive Understanding, and Surrogate-based Inversion
- Machine Learning of Key Drivers of Extreme Precipitation in Various Regions of the Contiguous US
- Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Energy Exascale Earth System Model Version 1
- Marine Energy Powering Ocean Observations
- Mass balance of physics-informed and physics-constrained machine learning
- Mesoscale Convective Systems Simulated by a High-Resolution Global Nonhydrostatic Model over the United States and China
- Mesoscale Convective Systems in Global Convection-Permitting Model Simulations
- Microbial Organic Carbon Coatings on Surfaces of Calcite and Biotite Correspond Spatially and Chemically with the Minerals Elemental Signal
- Microscopic time travelers: A finely tuned, time-resolved analysis of viral and microbial communities in the Erpe river
- Mineral derived nutrient uptake occurs through organic acid chelation in fungal hyphae
- Model simulations and satellite data analysis of aerosol impacts to snow cover over High Mountain Asia
- Modeled Boundary Layer and Cloud Properties Observed during the 28-29 March 2020 Cold-Air Outbreaks in the Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (COMBLE) Event
- Modeling FoRTE, the Forest Resilience Threshold Experiment
- Modeling Wet Season Amazon Precipitation: Interactions between Mesoscale Convective Systems and the Environment
- Modeling feedbacks of varying scale to the human-Earth system on a per timestep basis using GCAMs Python API
- Molecular Determination of Organic Adsorption Sites on Smectite during Fe-redox Processes Using ToF-SIMS Analysis
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- Multifaceted Evaluation of Carbonate Mineralization at the Wallula Basalt Carbon Storage Pilot Project
- Northern Midlatitude Warming Pattern Tied to Pacific and Atlantic Multidecadal Variability
- Numerical Modeling of Gas Flow in the Hanford Vadose Zone
- On the Correspondence between Spatial and Temporal Vertical Velocity Statistics
- On the Diffusivity of Moist Static Energy and its Implication on the Change of Temperature Extremes under Global Warming
- Open Source and Performant Hydrological Modeling in Python: mosartwmpy, a Case Study
- Opportunities to apply DOE ARM facility measurements of aerosols, clouds, precipitation, and radiation toward ACCP science
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls in the Free Troposphere
- Organic matter biochemical transformation diversity is higher in surface water than in hyporheic zone sediments across global river corridors
- Orographic cirrus and radiative forcing in CESM2
- Overview of land-atmosphere biogeochemistry developments in the E3SMv1.1-BGC model
- Ozone and Particulate Pollution Trends and Extremes in China from 2000 to 2021: Quantifying the Roles of Regional Emission Controls, Heterogenous Chemistry, Climate, and Vegetation Feedbacks during Drought
- PCA and NMFk to constrain the geologic controls of hydrothermal processes
- Philosophy and Progress of the Simple Cloud-Resolving E3SM Atmosphere Model
- Physics-Informed Machine Learning Method for Large-Scale Data Assimilation Problems
- Population Downscaling Using High-Resolution, Temporally-Rich U.S. Property Data
- Pre-screening Level Optimization Tool for Design of Complex Pump-and-treat System
- Precipitation Occurrence Frequency, Intensity, and Synoptic Regime Projection over Macquarie Island
- Predators of the Deep: virus-host dynamics in the terrestrial subsurface
- Preparing the global CMS Flux system for application to carbon flux inventories via regional-scale, observation-based evaluations
- Present and future global lake methane emissions are lower than expected
- Prioritizing GCMs for Regional Dynamical Downscaling
- Process Realism of Stratocumulus Cloud-Top Entrainment
- Processes Affecting Drizzle Formation and Intensity in Continental Shallow Clouds
- Profiling Stratiform Mixed-phase Cloud Properties
- Putting microorganisms on the map: continental-scale context for thousands of newly sampled microbial genomes from North American watersheds
- Putting the BIO in hydroBIOgeochemistry: current knowledge and future directions of river microbiome science
- Quantifying sediment deposition over the floodplains of Mid-Atlantic watersheds
- Race to Zero transition pathways of individual industrial sectors in a 1.5C future
- Reactive Organic Carbon Export and Associated Contributions to Disinfection Byproduct Formation During Drinking Water Treatment in a Subalpine Watershed
- Reactive Transport Benchmarks for Problems Involving Gaseous Species
- Reconciliation of asynchronous satellite-based NO2 and anthropogenic XCO2 enhancements with WRF-Chem over two metropolitan areas
- Reconciling Integrated Assessment Estimates of Carbon Removal with Regional-Scale Potential
- Reconciling differences between satellite-inferred NOx emissions and inventories in global cities
- Reducing the spread of heavy metal contaminants by trapping them in biominerals
- Regional-scale Urban Hydrologic Modeling over the Mid-Atlantic Region
- Regionally and seasonally dependent responses of the atmospheric westerly jets to global warming: Causes and Impacts
- Remotely-sensed reduced ecosystem resilience reveals large variations of drought-mortality relations driven by fine-scale ecosystem heterogeneity in tropical dry forests
- Representation of surface heterogeneity impact in E3SM: Experience from single-column model simulations over ARM SGP during summertime
- Representations of sub-grid topographic heterogeneity and their effects on surface energy balance and boundary conditions in the E3SM Land Model
- Representing Riverine Dissolved Organic Carbon in an Earth System Model
- Representing Subsurface Lateral Groundwater Flow in Earth System Models
- Representing global soil erosion and sediment flux in Earth System Models
- Reproducibility and Meta-Repositories: The Power to Make the Stuff
- Resolving Flow-Dependent Geochemical Indicators of Groundwater Exchange in the Columbia River, WA
- Robust assessment of the environmental and economic impacts of land scarcity
- Role of Aerosol-Cloud-Radiation Interactions in Determining Multi-Decadal Trends of Solar Radiation Reaching the Surface
- Role of energy storage in US capacity expansion pathways with improved modeling of power sector dynamics
- Scale-dependent sensitivities of mesoscale-to-microscale coupled simulations of shallow convection to terrain data, land use data, and turbulence parameterizations
- Scenario Discovery Analysis of Drivers of Solar and Wind Energy Transitions through 2050
- Searching for the optimal forcing for offsetting the anthropogenic climate change effects
- Seasonality of interbasin SST contributions to Atlantic tropical cyclone activity
- Sediment Moisture Constrains the Deterministic Assembly of Organic Matter in Intermittent Zones of River Corridors at the Continental Scale
- Sensitivity of canopy conductance to vapor pressure deficit and soil water stress in global simulations by an Earth system model
- Sensitivity of compound flooding potential to idealized large-scale tropical cyclone environments
- Sensitivity of deep convection evolution to environmental conditions in a large model ensemble and observations
- Shifting mineral and metabolic constraints regulate dissolved organic matter export from floodplain soils
- Simulating Surface Water-groundwater Exchange using High-Performance Particle Tracking
- Site reigns supreme across temperate grasslands: plant and soil carbon stocks vary widely across sites but are relatively insensitive to decade-long fertilization
- Smoke Aerosols Hinder Solar Irradiance Forecasts during the 2020 Western US Wildfires
- Snapshot study of open-channel stream respiration reveals systematic variation over the Yakima River basin
- Soil Moisture Thresholds Explain a Shift from Light-limited to Water-limited Sap Velocity in the Central Amazon during the 2015-16 El Nino Drought
- Soil Porosity Characterization by X-ray Computed Tomography: How Resolution Affects the Picture We Get about Flow and Transport?
- Spatial & Multisectoral Impacts of Paris Agreement Article 6 under Different Equity-driven Emissions Mitigation Pathways
- Spatial metabolic profiling in roots reveals plant specific responses to drought at the Biosphere 2 tropical rainforest
- Spatio-temporal Response of Pyrogenic Dissolved Organic Matter in Five Streams Following a Wildfire
- Sticky Roots Change Rhizodeposition Quality and Quantity Leading to Variable Disruption of Mineral-Organic Associations
- Sticky Roots: Plants and microbes poised to attack mineral-associated organic matter
- Storylines as a tool for advancing co-production of science and informing climate adaptation pathways: A perspective from the U.S. DOE HyperFACETS Project
- Streamflow Forecast Rodeo: Advancing 10-Day Streamflow Forecast Skill
- Studies of hurricane disturbance and recovery in Puerto Rico using ELM-FATES
- Subgrid forest-snow tiling in a distributed hydrologic model and its effect on late-season streamflow in multiple western U.S. climates
- Substrate addition primes soil organic matter decomposition in a peat bog
- Subtropical Eastern North Pacific SST Bias in Earth System Models
- Supporting the ARM Mission with UAS Capability Development
- Supporting the Mission of the ARM user facility, to Advance Atmospheric Science and Model Development, through Collaboration with other Measurement Programs and Individual Investigators
- TELL: A Python Package for Predicting the Short- and Long-Term Evolution of Total Electricity Loads in the United States
- Teleconnections between El Nino events and Southern Ocean heat uptake in CMIP6
- Temporal Dynamics of Free-living Nitrogen Fixation in the Switchgrass Rhizosphere
- Ten Recommendations to Overcome Barriers to Adopting Open Science Principles
- The 1000 Soils Project: A database of standardized molecular measurements to enable next generation soil carbon models
- The Amazon and La Plata river basins as Moisture Sources of South America: Climatology and Intra-seasonal Variability
- The Benefit of LES Libraries for Advancing Boundary Layer and Cloud Research: The LASSO Activities for Shallow and Deep Convection
- The Capability of Topography-based Subgrid Structures of Watershed and Grid Representations in Capturing Impacts of Topographic Heterogeneity to Improve Land Surface Modeling
- The Competition between Cloud Radiative Heating and Latent Heating for Zonal Wind Variability and Forced Response
- The EGS Collab Preparing for Experiment 2
- The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Resolution of Meteorological Forcing on Watershed Hydrological Responses
- The Evolution Dynamical Processes of Ural Blocking Through the Lens of Local Finite-Amplitude Wave Activity Budget Analysis
- The Future of Groundwater-Surface Water Interface Research
- The IPCC WGI Atlas Chapter - A Major Innovation
- The Implications of Global Change for the Co-Evolution of Argentinas Integrated Energy-Water-Land Systems
- The Role of Cloud-Cloud Interactions in the organization shallow cumulus clouds
- The Role of Informal Tanker Water Markets in Intermittent Urban Water Supply Systems
- The Role of Moisture on Reducing the Timescale of Annular Mode
- The Surprisingly Inexpensive Cost of State-Driven Emission Control Strategies
- The effect of DEM resolution and accuracy on urban flooding simulation: a case study in the Philadelphia metropolitan region
- The effect of drought duration and intensity on C mineralization and persistence in surface soils.
- The influence of shear on deep convection initiation
- The investigation of compound flooding using a two-way coupled earth system model
- The origin and biogeochemical impact of North African dust transported to South America
- The power of DSCOVR EPIC for estimating diurnal Gross Primary Productivity dynamics
- The role of advective heat transfer in affecting permafrost thaw and methane emissions at a hillslope thermokarst bog
- The role of soil minerals in preferential association of organic compounds with distinct functional groups and properties.
- Time Evolution and Diurnal Variability of the Parametric Sensitivity of Turbine-Height Winds in the WRF MYNN-EDMF Parameterization
- Tools from data-centered community of practice in soils
- Toward Spatiotemporal Learning of Large Sample Hydrology Using Graph Neural Networks
- Towards robust modeling and upscaling of wetland CH4 emission using FLUXNET-CH4 dataset, remote sensing and machine learning
- Tracking Rhizosphere Hydrobiogeochemical Processes Using Time-Lapse 2D Spectral Induced Polarization Imaging
- Transport and Retention of Particulate Organic Matter in Riverbed Sediments: Lab Experiments and Modelling
- Transport-reaction dynamics of particulate organic matter and oxygen in riverbed sediments
- Transported African Wildfire Smoke Acts as Cloud Condensation Nuclei in the Tropical Atlantic Marine Boundary Layer
- Uncertainty in El Nino-like warming and California precipitation changes linked by the Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation
- Uncovering microbial metabolic trajectories during the snowmelt period in mountainous watersheds
- Understanding how soil water changes affect heterotrophic and total soil respiration: a meta-analysis
- Understanding the Cold Season Arctic Surface Warming Trend in Recent Decades
- Understanding the drivers of Atlantic Multidecadal Variability using a stochastic model
- Understanding the effect of low-level moisture on simulated extreme rain event through land surface processes
- Unifying top-down and bottom-up constraints on Earth system model physics via a Bayesian statistical-physical approach
- Unraveling mechanisms underlying coupled above and below-ground carbon flux responses to increasing disturbance
- Unstructured mesh generation for unified coastal modelling in Earth system models
- Upscale Impact of Mesoscale Convective Systems on the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Parameterization in a Coarse-Resolution GCM
- Urban heat stress amplified by ambient warming in the US
- Urbanization-Induced Land Use Change Enhances Tornado Potential
- Use of an Uncertainty Quantification Framework to Calibrate the Runoff Generation Scheme in the Energy Exascale Earth System Land Model
- Using Single-Particle Microscopy and FTIR on NAAMES samples to link the Ocean Microlayer to Atmospheric Aerosols
- Using a Simple Climate Model to Track Global Carbon Flows Under Negative-Emissions Scenarios
- Using a simple geological setting to model the transport of radionuclides in the shallow subsurface
- Validation and sensitivity analysis of lake methane dynamics in Energy Exascale Earth System Model
- Vertical Distributions of Aerosols and Their Effects on Clouds Based on long-term ASR/ARM Observations
- Vertical Profile of Phase State and Chemical Composition of Atmospheric Aerosol Collected at the Southern Great Plains Site
- Vertical Structure in Subsidence as a Driver of the Closed-to-Open-Cell Stratocumulus Transition
- Vertical variation of cloud microphysical relationships in stratocumulus clouds observed from several recent aircraft field campaign
- Wave energy resources assessment for the multi-modal sea state of Hawaii
- What can we learn from multiple watershed models and observations?
- What is the Physical Meaning of the Mass Transfer Coefficient in Transient Storage Models of Solute Transport in River Corridors?
- What we can Learn from the Top-Down Constraints of CO2 Emissions from Industrial Facilities
- X-ray methods to investigate nutrient cycling in the subsurface
- a Continental Scale Analysis of Soil Organic Matter Composition Using Untargeted Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometry; Exploring Changes in Composition with Depth and Soil Order
- "Decision-Relevant" Multi-Model Hydrologic Evaluation in the Delaware River Basin for Assessments of Water System Vulnerability under Drought
- A Linear and Minimally-diffusive Advection Scheme for Preserving Tracer Correlations in Atmospheric Models
- A New Stable Isotope Derived Dataset of Residence Times in North America Biomes
- A Project Lifetime Approach to the Management of Induced Seismicity Risk at Geologic Carbon Storage Sites
- A Scalable Approach to Develop Electricity Grid Models for Stress Testing to Diverse and Compounded Hydrometeorological Extremes and Climate Change: U.S. Western Interconnection Case
- A Semi-distributed modeling framework for coupled surface-subsurface urban runoff routing: concepts, parameterization, and validation
- A Systematic Assessment of the Pumping Model as a Tool to Understand and Upscale Hyporheic Exchange Processes
- A continent laced with meandering waterways: Using machine learning to characterize meanders and their implications for river corridor connectivity
- A machine learning approach targeting parameter estimate for modeling plant coexistence using ELM-FATES
- A mesh independent flow direction model for flow routing
- A model framework for scaling the molecular complexity of soil processes
- A new scenario framework for the Multi-Sector Dynamics and related communities
- A simple ecohydrological model for simulating global vegetation carbon uptake
- Addressing Household Energy Security by Income Groups and U.S. States within an Integrated Assessment Modeling Framework
- Advances in MCS research enabled by MCS tracking in observations and model simulations
- Advances in Understanding the Dynamics of Electrical Polarization Response at Mineral/Water Interfaces
- AiBEDO: A hybrid AI model to capture the effects of cloud properties on global circulation and regional climate patterns
- Aircraft Observations during the MISO-BOB Field Campaign
- Amplified Warming of the Great Lakes due to Lake-Atmosphere Feedback Processes
- An AI-enabled tool for semi-automated quantification of grain size distributions from streambed photos
- An Investigation in the Representation of the Physical-Chemical Properties of IEPOX Aerosols in the CMAQ Model
- An R package for easily calculating methane production and consumption from dynamics in isotope concentrations
- Analysis of snow droughts in land model simulations and ERA5-Land data in 1980-2014
- Analyzing Airborne Fraction Trends and the Ultimate Fate of Anthropogenic CO2 by Tracking Carbon Flows in a Simple Climate Model
- Annual Variability of Particle Size, Cloud Condensation Nuclei, and Particle Hygroscopicity in the Central Arctic
- Anoxia-Influenced Solubilization and Biodegradation of Colloids in Wetland Soils
- Application of PRIM (Patient Rule Induction Method) for understanding patterns in CO2 model-observation differences
- Applying Sensor Networks and Design Interconnectivity to Further Understanding and Modeling of Coastal Ecosystem Response to Global Change: A Journey into Developing Design Interconnectivity Among Six Coastal Experiments
- Are Cloud Droplet Sizes Gamma Distributed at Centimeter scales?
- Assessing the Atmospheric Response to Subgrid Surface Heterogeneity in CESM2 and WRF-LES
- Assessing the Mass Balance-based Inverse Modeling Methods to Constrain NOx Emissions in South Korea
- Assessing the Sensitivity of the Warm Rain Initiation Process to Key Physical Properties for Accurate Representation in Earth System Models
- Automating the Observation-Model Feedback Loop for River Sediment Respiration at the Continental Scale
- Bayesian hierarchical variance estimation to evaluate the vulnerability of thermo-electric power plants to hydrometeorological stressors
- Benchmarking Pan-Arctic CMIP6 Model Streamflow to Observations: Understanding Utility across Different Spatial and Temporal Scales
- Beneath the Ghost Forest: Biogeochemistry and Function in Soils as they Transition from Coastal Forest to Wetland
- Beyond the Prose: People-centric, Data-driven, and Sustainable Communication Infrastructures for Engagement
- Brown Carbon Fuel and Emission Source Attributions to Global Snow Darkening Effect
- Brown Carbon Optical Classes
- Building harmonized geospatial data products to support research-specific feasibility analyses of energy system transitions in the United States
- Burn severity regulates organic matter phosphorus composition
- Cellular to ecosystem processes drive forest carbon cycling resistance to increasing disturbance severity
- Certain Plant Traits Mitigate the Risk of Hydraulic Failure Under Future Climate Change in the Tropical Forests of Panama
- Challenges and Opportunities in Predicting Earth-Human Systems of Coastal Regions: A Review of the Puget Sound Region
- Changes of the climatic residential suitability in the US major cities
- Changing Tropical Extreme Rainfall Characteristics in Warmer Climates
- Characteristics and example applications of a novel urban heat island focused gridded meteorology dataset over the contiguous United States
- Characterization of North American hub-height wind speed and power production at sub-seasonal to seasonal timescales using weather regime analysis
- Chemical Composition and Immersion Freezing Activities of Aerosol Articles in the European Arctic
- Chemical Imaging of Biomass Smoke Particles from North American Wildfires Collected Onboard Research Aircraft
- CloudRIFT - an Automatic Hydrodynamic Flood Modeling System on Azure
- Coastal Observations, Mechanisms, and Predictions Across Systems and Scales - Field, Measurements, and Experiments (COMPASS-FME)
- Coevolution of future water, energy and land systems across the United States in response to national and global socioeconomic, climate, and energy policy drivers.
- Cohering insights on coupled human-water interactions across diverse human systems modeling approaches
- Columbia River Basalt Regional Geologic Model Development for De-Risking Carbon Storage
- Commonalities in patterns and drivers of methane cycling in terrestrial, freshwater, and coastal ecosystems; does methane follow the path of least resistance?
- Community effort to build a GeneralIzed Aerosol/chemistry iNTerface (GIANT) for Earth System Models to promote collaborative science
- Community-developed (meta)data reporting formats to enable data reuse in environmental repositories
- Comparing the impact of African dust, biomass burning, and volcanic ash on marine and terrestrial biogeochemical cycles
- Comparison of Four Methods that Determine Kappa for the LASIC Field Campaign
- Comparison of Nutrient Solubility and Bioavailability in Volcanic Ash and Mineral Dust
- Continental Scale Model-Data Iteration to Understand Hyporheic Zone Respiration Using ICON Science
- Continental-Scale Coherence in the Organic Matter Chemistry of Variably Inundated Sediments
- Contrasting Responses of Hailstorms to Anthropogenic Climate Change in Different Synoptic Weather Systems
- Contribution of Urban Policies to Thailand's Decarbonization: A Multisector City-Scale Modeling Approach
- Convective Momentum Transport and its Impact on the Madden-Julian Oscillation in E3SM-MMF
- Coupled stratosphere-troposphere-Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and its importance for near-future climate projection
- Decarbonization in Agriculture: Modeling and Economic Analysis of Soil Management Practices and their Impact on GHG Emissions Abatement
- Decarbonization in Ukraine: Forced Way to a Cleaner Future after the War
- Deep Learning Based Generic Wellbore Leakage Model Development for Geologic Carbon Sequestration Applications
- Demonstration of Dual-Integration Spectroradiometer Operation by ARM for Enhanced Dynamic Range, Temporal Resolution, and Radiometric Accuracy
- Deriving a Solubility Map of Soil Organic Carbon over the Contiguous U.S.
- Designing Better Watershed Science for "Future Us": an ICON-ModEx Approach
- Deterministic processes impacting organic matter chemistry are maximized in mid-order streams
- Development of a Global Agricultural Energy Consumption Dataset
- Developments in continental-scale, integrated hydrologic modeling: ParFlow-CONUS version 2.0
- Diffuse radiation fertilization effect and its impacts on gross primary productivity and global terrestrial evapotranspiration
- Discovering Human and Earth System Drivers of Global Peak Water Limits
- Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics and Drivers across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces
- Dominant source of uncertainty in CLM simulations of hydrological signatures: a CONUS-scale comparison between forcing and parametric uncertainty
- Downscaling population projections under different SSPs based on FEMA USA Structures dataset
- Earth System Model Aerosol-Cloud Diagnostics Package (ESMAC Diags): Evaluate Climate Models using Field Measurements from Aircraft, Ship, Surface and Satellite
- Effects of Climate Change on US Federal Hydropower Generation - CMIP6-based Assessment with Focus on Understanding the Uncertainty
- Effects of Forest Characteristics on Hydrologic Extreme Events across the Climate Gradients of the Conterminous United States
- Effects of Operational Strategies in Seasonal Underground Hydrogen Storage in Natural Gas Fields
- Entrainment Rate in Shallow Cumuli: Aircraft Observations and Large-Eddy Simulations
- Entrainment of Long-Range Transported Aerosols in the Marine Boundary Layer in the Azores
- Estimating Greenhouse Gas dynamics in Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces using a redox-informed modeling framework integrated with microsite probability density functions
- Estimating Leaf Functional Traits with Leaf Spectroscopy and Physics-guided Transfer Learning Based Physical Model Across Biomes
- Estimating NOx emissions with numerical modeling and deep learning estimated complete surface NO2 map
- Estimating U.S. subsurface hydrogen storage potential in existing natural gas storage reservoirs
- Evaluating and improving aerosol effective radiative forcing in E3SM
- Evaluating the connections between carbon abundance and persistence across a continental climate gradient
- Evaluating the transport of wildfire-induced pyrogenic nutrients in a grassland-shrub dominant watershed using a high-res numerical model
- Evaluating the water cycle over CONUS at the watershed scale for the Energy Exascale Earth System Model version 1 (E3SMv1) across resolutions
- Evaluation of Parametric Uncertainty in Future Runoff Projection
- Evaluation of renewables' co-variability to support 2035 decarbonization goals
- Examining the Impacts of an Interactive Fire Plume-Rise Model in E3SM on Aerosol Radiative Effects
- Experiencing the Science of Team Science in a Multidisciplinary Earth Science Project
- Exploration of Metal-Organic Frameworks as Ion Emitters for Uranium Analyses by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
- Exploring Time-step Sensitivities Related to High Clouds and Process Coupling in the E3SM Atmosphere Model (EAM)
- Exploring a Novel Model Conceptualization for Watershed-scale Permafrost Simulation
- Exploring errors in simulated aerosol activation using self-organizing maps
- Exploring how MultiSector Dynamics Influence the Evolution of the U.S. Electricity System Power Plant Landscape Under a Range of Future Global Climate and Socioeconomic Scenarios
- Exploring the co-evolution of cropping choices and groundwater depletion using an agent base crop modeling - groundwater cost curve approach
- Exploring the importance of haze particles and their interactions with cloud droplets in a convection cloud chamber using large-eddy simulations with bin and Lagrangian microphysics schemes
- Fast estimation of leaf biochemical properties by inverting a simple leaf spectra model
- Fate of Iron Age Vitrified Material in the Near-Surface Biosphere
- Field sampling procedures to quantify riverine plastic pollution in the U.S.
- Flooding events and groundwater redox dynamics of coastal ecosystems
- Flow Behavior and Fluid Displacement During Pure and Blended Hydrogen Injection in Sandstones
- Flow Processes within and Beneath a Modified RCRA Subtitle C Surface Flow Barrier
- Forest disturbance and recovery in Puerto Rico with field measurements and ELM-FATES
- Fracture Detection and Monitoring at the First EGS Collab Testbed Using DAS Ambient Noise
- Frequency and Character of Future Snow Droughts in a Fully-Coupled Earth System Model
- Frictional tide-surge interaction in a low discharge, tidally energetic estuary
- From medium-range inflow forecast accuracy to hydropower value - a generalized assessment to promote flow forecasting research
- Future Changes in the Hydrology of Great Lakes Region using Pseudo Global Warming Approach
- Future floods and changing flood-producing mechanisms across the Delaware River Basin
- Future of Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas as Sea Ice Thins under Climate Change
- Geographic Trends in Soil Physicochemical Properties Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces
- Geophysics in the EGS Collab Project: Our Eyes and Ears
- Global Dust Cycle in the DOE E3SM version 2: Comparison with CMIP6 models and Observations
- Global and Technical Aspects of the HyperFACETS Dynamical Downscaling Simulations over North America by the CAM-MPAS Variable-Resolution Model
- Helios: An R Package to Process Heating and Cooling Degrees for an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics
- High-resolution regional hindcast datasets for wave energy resource characterization in US coastal waters
- Historical and future reservoir droughts over the conterminous United States
- How Do Extreme Freshwater and Estuarine-Water Flooding Events Alter Belowground Carbon Dynamics in a Coastal Forest?
- How Might the May 2015 Flood in the U.S. Southern Great Plains Induced by Sequential MCS Unfold in the Future with Warming?
- How can we use comprehensive ensembles to improve regional carbon flux estimation?
- How do dust and marine aerosols impact snow precipitation over the western US mountainous region?
- How does the extratropical forest land-atmosphere coupling of energy and water change under elevated CO2 and warming?
- How to select from multiple coupling approaches using theoretical error analysis, with application to aerosol lifecycle in EAM
- How vulnerable are coastal sites in the wake of rising sea levels?
- Hydrological extremes shift controls and pathways of carbon loss from floodplain soils
- Identification of decomposition thresholds between -10 and 10 °C, and potential mechanisms
- Immediate response of coastal forest soil porewaters to manipulative flooding
- Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Summertime Mesoscale Convective Systems: A Simple Lagrangian Parcel Model Perspective
- Impact of the Expanded In-Situ Measurement Network on the Diagnosis of North American Methane Fluxes
- Impact of wildfires and new particle formation on the convective clouds over the Amazon rainforest
- Impacts of Forest Cover on Hydrologic Extreme Events over the Conterminous United States: Changes and Mechanisms
- Impacts of Urbanization and Lake Michigan on Chicago's Heat Stress and its Disparities
- Impacts of anthropogenic dust on global climate
- Impacts of foliage clumping on global photosynthesis
- Impacts of global dust and sea salt on the formation of coarse mode nitrate aerosols
- Impacts of snow grain shape and mixing state of light-absorbing particles-snow on surface fluxes over the Tibetan Plateau
- Impacts of spatial heterogeneity of anthropogenic aerosol emissions in a high-resolution Earth system model
- Implementing Human-Environment Feedbacks in a Global Model
- Implementing Hydrologic Design to Address Non-Stationary Climate
- Implications of Climate Change Mitigation and Socioeconomic Development on the US Electric Power Sector
- Implications of Converting Conventional Tillage to No-Till Agriculture on Emissions, Land, and Water Usage
- Improved Cloud Detection with Micropulse Lidar Measurements and Fully Convolutional Networks Machine Learning Model
- Improvements To The Intermediate Complexity Atmospheric Research (ICAR) Model For Efficient Dynamical Downscaling.
- Improving predictive understanding of soil carbon cycling by characterizing composition, distribution, and persistence of soil organic matter using 3-D nanoscale mass spectrometric imaging and machine learning
- Incorporating Colloidal Size Fractions and Organic Carbon Compound Classes into Biogeochemical models
- Incorporating domain knowledge in estimating subsurface permeability using machine learning methods
- Influence of bacterial swimming mechanisms and pore confinement on bacterial spreading
- Influence of soil porous microstructure on the distribution and transport of soil organic matter: a comparison of different soil types
- Informing the Inclusive Growth of FLUXNET-CH4 Data and Community via Representativeness Analyses
- Integrated Assessment Modeling of a Comprehensive Suite of CO2 Removal Technologies towards a 1.5-degree Future
- Integrated assessment of U.S. agricultural emissions of reactive nitrogen and their mitigation potentials by carbon amendments
- Integrated modeling and observation of the feedback between photosynthesis, leaf optics, active and passive fluorescence, and leaf biochemical and biophysical properties
- Integrated simulation of ecosystem carbon fluxes, hyperspectral reflectance, fluorescence, and thermal radiance
- Inter-annual Variations of Hot Moments in a Coastal Flood Plain: Insights from a Three-year Time-series
- Inundation Caused by Rising Water Levels in the Great Lakes Drives Hydraulic Dysfunction in Coastal Trees
- Investigating Source Impacts on Aerosol Concentrations and Composition.
- Investigating the integrated effects of intermittent inundation and rainfall on carbon cycling dynamics at the coastal terrestrial-aquatic interface.
- Investigation of Turbulent Entrainment Mixing Processes in Shallow Cumulus Clouds with High Resolution Datasets in HISCALE and LES with Lagrangian Microphysics
- Irrigation expansion as a climate buffer in the US Corn Belt
- Is "CO2 fertilization" the primary driver for the enhanced seasonal cycle amplitude of atmospheric CO2 in the Arctic?
- Iterating Between Models and Field Sampling Using an Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Approach at the Continental Scale
- Large Ensemble Diagnostic Evaluation of Hydrologic Parameter Uncertainty in the Community Land Model Version 5 (CLM5)
- Learning from JEFE: Using an Adjoint Model to Compare Error Sensitivities of Different Bulk Representations of Cloud Microphysics
- Learning from Noisy Labels in Remote Sensing
- Learning the streamflow spatial and temporal dynamics through AI/ML
- Linkages Between Forest Composition and Primary Production Across a Disturbance Severity Gradient
- Links between functional diversity and biochemical transformations underlie spatial scaling of riverine organic matter diversity
- Local and Global Mass Balance of Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN)
- Long-Term Simulations using Coupled Models to Characterize Pluvial, Fluvial, and Coastal Flooding in the Delaware River Basin in a Changing Climate
- Long-term Basin-scale Hydropower Expansion under Alternative Scenarios in a Global Multisector Model
- Machine-visible and invisible ship tracks - implications for detectability and forcing
- Macro and Molecular Insights on Preferential Association of Organic Matter Compounds with Soil Minerals.
- Marine Ice Nucleating Particles: Progress and Needs
- Methane Parametric Sensitivity of Simple Climate Model Hector
- Methylotrophic Metabolism in the Mire: Unearthing Direct and Indirect Routes for Methane Production in a Model Permafrost Thaw Peatland
- Microbial dynamics in hydrogen storage simulation conditions
- Mineral Reactions during Hydraulic Fracturing - Differences and Similarities in Lab Experiments and Field Operations
- Mineral dependent persistence of microbial necromass in soil
- Mobility in the Changing Arctic: Quantitative Methods to Assess Climate and Socioeconomic Impacts on Arctic Transportation Systems
- Modeling Isoprene Epoxydiol (IEPOX) Derived Secondary Organic Aerosol Tracers with Updated Organosulfate Kinetics
- Modeling carbon dioxide removal constraints in net-zero scenarios using historical analogues
- Molecular Observation Networks for Enhancing Ecosystem Modeling
- Molecular Observations Network Data Portal and Access Gateway: Enabling Data Analysis, Exploration, Visualization, and Seamless Data-Model Integration.
- Molecular- to Micron-Scale Investigations of Uranium-Containing Colloids from a Riparian Wetland
- Monitoring Fracture Stimulations at the EGS Collab Testbeds Using Elastic-Waveform Inversion of CASSM Data
- Multi-continent linkages between sediment elemental composition, river physical properties, and organic chemistry
- Multiple Continuum Approach to Modeling Radionuclide Transport in Fractured Networks
- Munition Mobility in Mixed Grain Environments
- Nano-scale Characterization of Microprecipitates formed by Bacteria
- New features, broader accessibility, and improved performance of the Hector v3 simple carbon/climate model
- Newton Trust-Region Applied to Porous Media Flow and Reactive Transport
- Notable Impact of Wildfires in the Western US on Weather Hazards in the Central US
- Nutrient Availability in Long-Range Transported Mineral Dust and Smoke Aerosols from Africa
- Observational data of uncrewed systems over Southern Great Plains (SGP)
- Observations and predictions of inundation disturbances on coastal groundwater and ecosystem dynamics
- Observations of Environmental Xe-122, Xe-125, Xe-127, and Xe-129m by the Xenon International System
- On regional groundwater flow systems in the contiguous US: How far and how deep?
- On the Transferability of Residence Time Distributions in Two 10-km Long River Sections with Similar Hydromorphic Units
- Opportunities for using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Address Hydrological Grand Challenges
- Opposite gradients of soil greenhouse gas fluxes across the terrestrial-aquatic interface
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls from the Free Troposphere
- Osiris: An R package to process climate impacts on agricultural yields for the Global Change Analysis Model
- Overview of Urbanization Impact on Regional Climate and Extreme Weather
- Parameterizing Transitions from Shallow to Deep and to Organized Convection via Entrainment and Moisture Distributions in Climate Models
- Particle Size Distribution Functions for River Bed Material Sediments in the United States
- Persistent Threat to Coastal Ecosystems from Marine Heatwaves
- Physics-informed Gaussian process regression model for parameter estimation in groundwater models
- Pore-scale Microenvironments Control Exotic Anthropogenic Carbon Mineralization Pathways in a Deep Basalt Carbon Storage Demonstration
- Potential impact of future warming on the June 2012 North American derecho
- Practical considerations for using simple oxygen sensing optodes for high-throughput batch reactor oxygen consumption experiments
- Probabilistic Flood Hazard Assessment for Local Intense Precipitation at Nuclear Power Plant Sites
- Process Based Modeling of Denitrification Stimulated and Sustained with Emulsified Vegetable Oil
- Process Modeling of Aerosol-meteorology-cloud Interaction in Summertime Precipitating Shallow Cumulus over the western North Atlantic
- Process-Level Representation of Organic Aerosols in a Regional Climate Model (WRF-Chem): Processes, Parameterizations, and Predictions for GoAmazon
- Projection of future fire emissions over contiguous US using the explainable artificial intelligence approach
- Putting microorganisms on the map: a continental scale context for microbial genomes sampled from North American watersheds
- Quantify moisture sources of the Great Lakes Precipitation
- Quantifying Hydrological Disturbance using Geophysical Imaging and an ATS-flow Model during an Ecosystem-scale Coastal Flooding Experiment
- Quantifying all the snow and ice melt across High Mountain Asia
- Quantifying leaf upward and downward chlorophyll fluorescence by spectral invariants theory
- Quantifying the Predictability of Coastal Hydroclimate Conditions from Large-scale Climate Drivers
- Quantifying the impacts of land cover change on the hydrologic response to Hurricanes Katrina and Ida in the Gulf Coast
- REA-GC-PID for long-term isoprene flux measurements in tropical forest
- Rapid, Lagrangian Modeling of 2D Flooding: A Rivulet-Based Approach
- Reconciling and improving formulations for thermodynamics and conservation principles in Earth System Models (ESMs)
- Regional Implications of Carbon Dioxide Removal on Achieving Net-Zero Emissions Targets
- Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On
- Regionalized Permafrost Active Layer Thickness Change From Nonlinear Baseflow Recession
- Regionally Refined Model of E3SM Version 2: Overview of Atmosphere, Land, and River
- Relative Importance of Subgrid Scale Heterogeneity of Land Surface Properties and Atmospheric Forcing to Improve Earth System Model Simulations
- Removing Numerical Pathologies in a Turbulence Parameterization through Convergence Testing
- Representing Lateral Subsurface Flow within Unsaturated and Saturated Zone in the E3SM Land Model
- Representing Reservoir Water Storage in an Integrated Model of Global Energy-Water-Land Dynamics
- Representing sub-grid heterogeneity in E3SM land model
- Retrospective Analysis of Drought Impacts on Hydroelectric Power Generation in the Western United States
- Revealing mixing states of aerosol particles using 3-dimensional molecular imaging
- Revisiting the Role of Diabatic Eddy Generation for the Persistence and Propagation of the Southern Annular Mode
- Risk Information Contamination from Levees as an Explanation of the Levee Effect
- Role of hydropower, wind, and solar in the evolution of global energy under different demand and technological growth scenarios
- Roles of external forcing and internal variability to precipitation changes and their uncertainty in the coastal U.S. on multi-decadal timescales
- Sample tracking and synthesis needs for exploring ecosystem response to climate and environmental disturbance
- Sea spray effect on microphysics and dynamics of maritime convection and tropical cyclones
- Seismic and strain monitoring of the EGS Collab experiment #2 testbed: Dataset overview and initial results
- Simulating Compound Flooding Using E3SM: The Impact of Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee
- Simulating Suspended Sediment in Large U.S. Rivers combining Artificial Intelligence and Earth System modeling approaches
- Simulating flood events at daily time step in the global hydrological model Xanthos using an event-scale runoff generation module
- Simulating the changing US hurricane risk using RAFT
- Simulating the evolution of aerosol properties through cloud processing with a Monte Carlo model
- Simulating the evolution of black carbon mixing state through cloud processing with a particle-resolved model
- Simulation of New-particle Formation and Its Impact on Cloud Condensation Nuclei on Regional and Global Scales
- Single Particle Measurements and Machine Learning Approaches to Study Vertical Distribution of Biological Particles
- Single Particle Measurements of Ice Crystal Residuals at the Southern Great Plains Site During the AGINSGP Experiment
- Soil moisture-precipitation relationships during recent floods in the US: results from modeling analysis and plans for GEWEX "soil-cloud cascade"
- Solving River Dynamics at the River-ocean Interface using a Physics-informed Deep Learning Based Data Assimilation Approach
- Spaceborne Mapping of Fire Retardant Drops Using Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatial Variation of Soil Hydraulic Properties Across Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interfaces Along Lake Erie
- Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Indian Monsoon Zone using Satellite and Radar Observations
- Spectral induced polarization monitoring of induced calcite precipitation in subsurface sediments
- Subsurface Explosion Damage Imaging: Linking Electrical Conductivity Differences to Fracture Generation - Laboratory Scale Experiments
- Subsurface Transport Modeling of the Blue Canyon Dome Gas Tracer Experiment
- Summary of Deep Convective Cloud Cases Observed During the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) Intensive Operational Period
- Summer climate change over Great Lakes Region in late 21st century
- Surface Imagery Collected via Mid-Sized Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UxS)
- Surrogate-assisted Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification of a Great Lakes Coupled Regional Climate Model
- Surveying the First Year of SAIL Data and Formulating Hypotheses for its Second Year
- Synthetic Soil Aggregates: Single Aggregate Microbial Phenomics
- The "1st Nuclear Explosion Signal Screening Open Inter-Comparison Exercise 2021" - Advancing the Support to the Radionuclide Monitoring Verification Technology of the CTBT
- The 1000 Soils Pilot: A standardized high resolution workflow for understanding belowground soil organic matter cycles
- The 1000 Soils Pilot: Cross-Biome Multi 'Omics for Linking Microbial Metabolism to Soil Decomposition
- The Agricultural Ice Nuclei at SGP (AGINSGP) experiment: Understanding sources and variability of ice-nucleating particles in the Great Plains
- The Dual Impacts of Space Heating Electrification and Climate Change on Seasonal Peaking and Reliability of the Texas Power Grid.
- The Effect of Drought Duration and Intensity on C Mineralization and Persistence in Surface Soils
- The Effects of Riverbed Properties on Watershed Hydro-Biogeochemical Processes
- The Future Evolution of Global Natural Gas Trade
- The Future Global Water Savings Potential of Agricultural Market Integration
- The HTAPv3 emission mosaic: a global effort to tackle air quality issues
- The Impact of Crop Rotation and Spatially Varying Crop Parameters in the E3SM Land Model (ELMv2)
- The Importance of and Spatial Variation in Open Channel Respiration as a Proportion of Ecosystem Metabolism in the Yakima River Basin, Washington, USA
- The Influence of Climate Change on the Severe Flooding from Remnants of Hurricane Ida 2021
- The Influence of Non-Equilibrium Wall Models on Large-Eddy Simulation of Tornadoes
- The Influence of Shear on Deep Convection Initiation
- The RhizoChip: a synthetic soil habitat for characterizing plant-microbe-soil interactions
- The Shortwave Radiative Flux Response to an Injection of Sea Salt Aerosols in the Gulf of Mexico
- The Study of Precipitation, the Lower Atmosphere and Surface for Hydrometeorology (SPLASH) - Outcomes from the first year of observations
- The abundance of internally mixed particles at a remote marine free troposphere site above the North Atlantic
- The multiple dimensions of diversity: Advancing the science and application of structural diversity-ecosystem function interactions
- The role of interacting watershed-coastal processes in modulating compound flood in a convergent estuary
- The role of spatial heterogeneity on land surface modeling of water and energy simulations
- Time to Anoxia: Oxygen Consumption in Soils Varies Across a Coastal Gradient
- Towards Understanding the Causes Of Prediction Errors In Atmospheric INP Concentrations at ENA: A Closure Study
- Towards the development of a baseline in ground-based ice-nucleating particle properties across the world
- Tracking the effect of Lateral Flow on Transit Times using a water tracer model in WRF-Hydro
- Tropical Cyclone Weather Extremes and Flooding Impacts in a Global Climate Model Large Ensemble Partnered with a High-resolution Hydrology Model
- Tuning Physics Parameters for Tropical Convective Systems Across Scales in Two Global Convection-Permitting Models
- Uncertainty in Atmospheric River Detection and Atmospheric River Induced Precipitation due to Reanalysis Selection
- Uncertainty of Future Land Use and Land Cover Change Spatial Downscaling and Its Impacts on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle in the High-latitude North America
- Uncertainty quantification is crucial to improve urban flood risk projections
- Understanding Redox-Active, Iron-Rich Colloids Across Ecosystem Interfaces
- Understanding the Links between Winter Surface Temperature Biases and Atmospheric Circulation Anomalies over the Southern Hemisphere in an Ensemble of E3SM Simulations
- Understanding the Mechanisms of conifer tree mortality from seawater exposure using ELM(FATES-Hydro)
- Understanding the Response of Northern Hemisphere Winter Circulation Waviness to Climate Change
- Unveiling the time dimension in aerosol-cloud interactions using a Lagrangian framework
- Upscaling strategy for watershed function using a transfer learning framework
- Urban Fugitive Dust over the US East Coast and its Potential Impact on Regional Air Quality and Climate
- Urban Heat Across Scales: Implications and Considerations
- Use Machine Learning Method to Improve Biological Aerosol Classification from Real-time Bioaerosol Sensing Measurements
- Using Multiple-year ARM Observations to Evaluate the Impacts of Aerosol Vertical Distributions on Warm Clouds
- Using Stable Isotopes to Probe Mechanisms Underlying Net Soil Methane Flux from Transplanted Soil Monoliths in a Coastal Forest
- Value of medium range inflow forecast for hydropower scheduling flexibility
- Vertical Hydrological Exchange Flows Control Methane Emissions From Riverbed Sediments
- Vertical Variation of Size-Resolved Aerosol Composition over the Arctic Reveals Cloud Processed Aerosol in-cloud and above Cloud
- Visualising Organics and Trace Elements in Scleractinian Cold-water Corals through Isotope Labelling Culture Experiments
- Waterborne Plastics Assessment and Collection Technologies (WaterPACT)
- Well Performance Prediction for Remedy Design using Image-based Machine Learning
- What Makes a Good Underground Hydrogen Storage Reservoir? Insights From Existing Gas Storage Fields, Classic Petroleum Systems, and Geologic Principles
- What does it take to predict climate-relevant aerosol properties?
- What is the best technique to dynamically downscale regional climate change?
- When Do Different Scenarios of Future Electricity Demand Start to Meaningfully Diverge?
- Where Does the Dust Deposited over the Sierra Nevada Snow Come From?
- Wildfire Effects on Catchment Hydrology and Biogeochemical Processes in the Pacific Northwest
- Will correcting cloud radiative biases over the Southern Ocean improve precipitation biases over the Indian subcontinent in CESM2 simulations?
- X-Ray Microtomography Quantification of Carbonate Mineralization in Sidewall Cores Recovered from a Deep Basalt Carbon Storage Demonstration
- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to Unravel Fe Speciation in Soil and Sediment Cores from Redox-Dynamic Marine and Freshwater Coastal Environments
- Zero-Shot Super-Resolution of Regional-Scale Surface Heat Simulation Using Fourier Neural Operator
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Anthony Bloom
- A. C. Aiken
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. F. Arellano
- A. Karion
- A. Korpi-Lagg
- A. L. Dugger
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Middlebrook
- A. Turetcaia
- A. V. Di Vittorio
- Aaron S. Donahue
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- Abigail Birnbaum
- Abigail Jaye
- Adam Mangel
- Adam S. Ward
- Adam Varble
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- Adrienne B. Keller
- Adrienne B. Narrowe
- Afm Kamal Chowdhury
- Alain Protat
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- Albert J. Valocchi
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- Alex Guenther
- Alex Hall
- Alexander Laskin
- Alexander Marshak
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- Alexandra Jonko
- Alexandre M. Tartakovsky
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Aleya Kaushik
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- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison Campbell
- Allison McComiskey
- Allison Myers‐Pigg
- Alma Hodzic
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- Andres F. Clarens
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- Andrew Gettelman
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- Andrew M. Vogelmann
- Andrew P. Ault
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Anning Huang
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- Athanasios Nenes
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- Baike Xi
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- Beat Schmid
- Ben Bond‐Lamberty
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- Bin Zhu
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- Bulbul Ahmmed
- Byron C. Crump
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- C. D. Cappa
- C. M. Gough
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- Calvin Howes
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- Caroline A. Masiello
- Casey D. Burleyson
- Cassandra J. Gaston
- Catherine Yonkofski
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- Cenlin He
- Chang Liao
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- Chayan Roychoudhury
- Chen Lu
- Cheng Dang
- Chet Hopp
- Chihiro Kodama
- Chi‐Tsan Wang
- Chonggang Xu
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- Christian Klassert
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- Christiane Voigt
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- Christopher J. Vogl
- Christopher J. Zappa
- Christopher Zahasky
- Chun Zhao
- Claudia Tebaldi
- Clifton S. Buck
- Cláudio Mazzoleni
- Colin M. Zarzycki
- Colm Sweeney
- D. Agarwal
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- D. Tijerina
- Daehyun Kang
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- Daniel González-Duque
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- Diana H. Bacon
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- Dié Wang
- Donghui Xu
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- Dongyu Feng
- Douglas G. MacMartin
- Drew L. Siler
- Duncan Watson-Parris
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- E. N. Jack Brookshire
- E. P. Nowottnick
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- Erica R. Siirila‐Woodburn
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- Ethan Yang
- Eva Sinha
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- Ezra J. T. Levin
- F. Chevallier
- Fan Mei
- Fan Yang
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- Fei Chen
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- Fengwei Hung
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- Fukai Liu
- G. H. Bryan
- G. H. C. Ng
- G. S. Diskin
- Gabriel B. Senay
- Gabriel G. Katul
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- Gaige Hunter Kerr
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- Gavin McNicol
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- Glenn Edward Hammond
- Gourihar Kulkarni
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- Greg Lackey
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- Guang J. Zhang
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- Guangjie Zheng
- Guillaume Mauger
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- Guta Wakbulcho Abeshu
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. D. Schulz
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- Harindra J. S. Fernando
- Haruko M. Wainwright
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- Israel Silber
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- J. C. Rowland
- J. Chen
- J. Christine Chiu
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- J. David Moulton
- J. E. Kay
- J. M. Comstock
- J. Mülmenstädt
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- J. Patrick Megonigal
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- Jack Elston
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- Jean‐Christophe Golaz
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- Jeffrey P. Chanton
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- Jennifer S. Powers
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- Jessica D. Lundquist
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- Jesus D. Gomez‐Velez
- Jian Lu
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- John W. Nielsen‐Gammon
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- Joseph C. von Fischer
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- Josué Medellín–Azuara
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- Julie Loisel
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- Jung‐Hun Woo
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- Junyan Ding
- Jörg Lewandowski
- K. Emma Knowland
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- K. S. Carslaw
- K. Willi
- Kai Zhang
- Kaiyu Guan
- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
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- Katherine Todd-Brown
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- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenton A. Rod
- Kerem Ziya Akdemir
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- Khachik Sargsyan
- Khadijah Homolka
- Kim Ely
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- Klaus Keller
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- Kristina J. Anderson‐Teixeira
- Kurt C. Solander
- Kyle G. Pressel
- Kyongho Son
- Kôichi Sakaguchi
- L. K. Emmons
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- Lei Zhu
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- LuAnne Thompson
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- Lynn M. Russell
- M. A. Fenn
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- M. Francesca Cotrufo
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- M. M. Frey
- M. N. Gooseff
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- Maegen Simmonds
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- Manisha Tupsoundare
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- Matthew L. Kirwan
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- McKenna W. Stanford
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- Meng Huang
- Mengqi Zhao
- Mian Chin
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- Michael A. Shook
- Michael Barlage
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- N. M. Mahowald
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- N. Sergis
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- Nathaniel W. Chaney
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- Neerja Zambare
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- Neil Terry
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- Nicole Riemer
- Nicoleta Cristea
- Ning Li
- Ning Sun
- Noel Keenlyside
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- Odeta Qafoku
- Olivia Lee
- P. A. Ullrich
- P. C. D. Milly
- P. E. Thornton
- P. G. van Zyl
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. J. Cameron-Smith
- P. J. Rayner
- Paloma Borque
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- Paquita Zuidema
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- Patrick M. Reed
- Paul A. Dirmeyer
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- Preston Spicer
- Qi He
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- Qianlai Zhuang
- Qing Zhu
- Qinghua Ding
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- Richard Neale
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- Robinson I. Negrón‐Juárez
- Roman A. DiBiase
- Rong Fu
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- Ruixue Lei
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- Rémi Tailleux
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- S. L. Painter
- S. P. Burton
- S. Vance
- Sam J. Silva
- Samantha Grieger
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Samson Hagos
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Sandeep Wagh
- Sang Ki Lee
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- Satish Karra
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- Scott L. Collins
- Sean Crowell
- Sean Patrick Santos
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- Seethala Chellappan
- Seong Soo Yum
- Sergi Molins
- Seth McGinnis
- Sha Feng
- Shaocheng Xie
- Shaoqing Zhang
- Sharon Gourdji
- Sheng‐Lun Tai
- Sherlynette Pérez Castro
- Shih-Yu Wang
- Shih‐Chieh Kao
- Shixuan Zhang
- Shreya Joshi
- Shuaiqi Tang
- Signe K. White
- Simon Kirschler
- Simon Roux
- Sing‐Chun Wang
- Siwa Msangi
- Solomon Ehosioke
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- Sourish Basu
- Stephanie C. Pennington
- Stephanie G. Fulton
- Stephen B. Ferencz
- Stephen J. Bauer
- Stephen M. Ogle
- Stephen M. Saleeby
- Stephen P. Good
- Stephen Price
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- Steven S. Brown
- Sudershan Gangrade
- Sujan Pal
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Susan C. Anenberg
- Susan E. Dickerson‐Lange
- Susana Roque‐Malo
- Susannah M. Burrows
- Swarup China
- T. A. O’Brien
- T. B. Onasch
- T. Christoudias
- T. D. Scheibe
- T. Dylan Mikesell
- T. H. Painter
- T. L. Weiglein
- T. Oda
- TC Chakraborty
- Taher Chegini
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- Tero Mielonen
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- Thomas S. Bianchi
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- Tianhao Zhang
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- Timothy J. Kneafsey
- Timothy W. Juliano
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- Troy S. Magney
- Trude Eidhammer
- Uwe Schneidewind
- V. I. Rich
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- Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
- Vincent Noël
- Vivek Srikrishnan
- Viviana Freire-Zapata
- W. Lei
- W. Payton Gardner
- Ward E. Sanford
- Wei‐Liang Lee
- Wenju Cai
- Wenwei Xu
- Wenyu Zhou
- Wenzhi Wang
- Wieslaw Maslowski
- Will Cantrell
- Will Krantz
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- William J. Gutowski
- William J. Riley
- William K. M. Lau
- William M. Landing
- William Pringle
- William R. Boos
- William Ryan Currier
- William Vizuete
- Wojciech W. Grabowski
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- X. Gong
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- Yang Ou
- Yang Yang
- Yang Zhang
- Yangang Liu
- Yanlan Liu
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- Ye Liu
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- Youmi Oh
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- Yves Guglielmi
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- Zhangshuan Hou
- Zhao Yang
- Zhaoqing Yang
- Zhe Feng
- Zhenduo Zhu
- Zheng Lu
- Zhi Li
- Zhibo Zhang
- Zhonghua Zheng
- Zhuonan Wang
- Zihua Zhu
- Ziming Ke
- Zong‐Liang Yang
- А. Хаин