Shaping of the Southern Adriatic Continental Margin Through Widespread Mass Wasting and Bottom Currents

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Listed Authors
Trincardi, F.
Cattaneo, A.
Correggiari, A.
Verdicchio, G.
Tobi, T.
Listed Institutions
ISMAR-CNR, Sezione Geologia Marina, Via Gobetti 101, Bologna, 40129 Italy
ISMAR-CNR, Sezione Geologia Marina, Via Gobetti 101, Bologna, 40129 Italy
ISMAR-CNR, Sezione Geologia Marina, Via Gobetti 101, Bologna, 40129 Italy
ISMAR-CNR, Sezione Geologia Marina, Via Gobetti 101, Bologna, 40129 Italy
Challenger Division for Seafloor Processes SOC, Empress Dock, Southampton, SO14 3ZH Italy

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