CNR Institute for Marine Science, Bologna
flowchart I[CNR Institute for Marine Science, Bologna] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (142)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (42)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Headspace Gas Analysis from the Po Delta and Adriatic Sea: Abundant Deltaic Gas and Associated Anomalous Sub-bottom Profiler Records
- Modeling the Stratigraphy and Tectonics Around the Gargano Peninsula on the Adriatic Coast of Italy
- Organic Carbon and its Isotopic Composition in Surficial Sediments From the Western Adriatic Continental Shelf
- Sediment Accumulation Along the Italian Adriatic Coast
- Shaping of the Southern Adriatic Continental Margin Through Widespread Mass Wasting and Bottom Currents
- Terminal Distributary Channel Deposits in the Modern-Age Po Delta lobes, Adriatic Sea
- Transient Stages of Suppression for Total Strike-Slip Partitioning Induced by Pre-existing Variable Topography and Overload.
- Depositional history of the post-glacial transgression on the outer continental shelf of the Gulf of Lions (western Mediterranean)
- Modern Shelf Sedimentation Along the Apennine Coast, Adriatic Sea
- Shallow Gas and High-resolution Studies in an Active Canyon: Cap de Creus, Gulf of Lions
- Are we sure about the approach used to date mass-transport deposits?
- Impact of Cold-Water Cascading Currents on the South Adriatic Slope
- Kinematics of the Western Africa-Eurasia Plate Boundary From Focal Mechanisms and GPS Data
- Morphologic Variability of two Adjacent Mass-Transport Deposits: Twin Slides, Gela Basin (Sicily Channel).
- Recent Canyon Activity Resulting From the Confining of Dense Bottom Currents: the Bari Canyon Example (Central Mediterranean)
- Sediment Dispersal and Clinoform Geometry as a key for Discerning Composite Milankovitch Cyclicity (ca. 100 and 20 kyr) in Pleistocene Progradational Sequences (Adriatic Margin, Central Mediterranean)
- Source, Transport and Fate of Terrestrial Organic Carbon on the Western Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Lions, France.
- An innovative tsunami detector operating in tsunami generation environment
- Chronostratigraphic constraints on Pliocene warmth and Pleistocene cooling in the ANDRILL-1B drillcore from beneath the McMurdo Ice Shelf, Antarctica.
- Manned submersible observations at cold seeps in the North Anatolian Fault zone, Sea of Marmara
- New contributions to the debate on the cause of the January 11th, 1693 tsunami in eastern Sicily (Italy): earthquake or offshore landslide source (or may be both)?
- Active Tectonics and Deformation Pattern in the Central Adriatic Sea: Evidence by Integrating GPS Data, Earthquake Focal Mechanisms and Seismic Profiles
- Offshore deformation in the Calabrian accretionary wedge and implications for the 1693 Catania earthquake and tsunami (Eastern Sicily)
- Sedimentological and Geochemical Characteristics of Turbidites Related to Earthquake Activity in the Sea of Marmara
- Slope Instabilities Along the North Anatolian Fault System in the Sea of Marmara
- The 1908 Messina tsunami. Some comments on the source: earthquake, submarine landslide or a combination of both?
- Deep structure and historical earthquakes in the Calabrian subduction zone (Southern Italy): preliminary results from multi-channel seismic reflection profiles
- Li/Mg ratios in shallow- and deep-sea coral exoskeletons as a new temperature proxy
- New evidence of the Monchique - Madeira hot spot volcanism at the Coral Patch seamount, Central Eastern Atlantic Sea
- Seismic evidence of active strike-slip faulting in the external Gulf of Cadiz (SW Iberian Margin)
- Sr Isotope Systematics of Aragonite Shell Fragments and Pore Waters from an ANDRILL Core, Southern McMurdo Sound, Antarctica
- The Sea of Marmara, within the submerged section of the North Anatolian Fault : an unique site to study the relations between fluid seepage and seismic activity using seafloor observatories
- 3D seismic interpretation of MTDs in the Adriatic Basin (Italy) and comparison with modern examples
- Linking morphology to ecosystem structure using air-borne sensors for monitoring the Earth System
- Slide Activity along the eastern slope of the Gela Basin (offshore Sicily): First results from expedition MSM-15/3
- Syn-rift and post-rift structures of the north-eastern Tyrrhenian margin
- Undulated sediment features on Mediterranean prodeltas: distinguishing sediment transport structures from sediment deformation
- Asymmetric rifting and structures of conjugated margins in the Tyrrhenian Sea
- Deep versus shallow melt stagnation in an ultra-slow / ultra-cold ridge segment: the Andrew Bain southern RTI (SWIR)
- Rifting of the Tyrrhenian Basin: A Natural Laboratory to Study Extension of Continental Lithosphere and Conjugate Rifted Margin Formation
- Seismic study of the inner part of the Tyrrhenian basin from 2-D joint refraction and reflection travel-time tomography
- Tectonic Structure of the Tyrrhenian Basin from Multichannel Seismic Images
- Changes in seawater temperature, pH and water mass dynamics since the Penultimate Glaciation derived from the geochemistry of cold-water corals from the Siculo-Tunisian Strait (Central Mediterranean Sea)
- Field Analogues of Shallow-water Hydrocarbon Seepages in the Pleistocene Argille Azzurre Formation: the Chimneys Field of Enza River, Northern Apennines, Italy
- Rifting in the Northern Tyrrhenian Sea: Results from a combined wide-angle and multichannel seismic study
- Tectonic Structure of the Central Tyrrhenian Sea from wide-angle and near vertical seismics and gravity modelling
- The formation of the Tyrrhenian Basin by 3-D interaction among faulting and magmatism
- Wide-angle seismic constraints on the nature and limits between geological domains in the Tyrrhenian basin (MEDOC-2010 experiment)
- A Cross-section of Crustal Domains and Tectonic Structure Across the Central Tyrrhenian Basin: From Back-arc Extension to Mantle Exhumation
- A new index to quantify the magnitude of Heat Waves in present and future climate
- Fast geodetic strain-rates in eastern Sicily (southern Italy): new insights into block tectonics and seismic potential in the area of the great 1693 earthquake
- Faulting migration and localization at fast extension rates during rifting of the Tyrrhenian Basin have lead to break up and mantle exhumation
- Magnetic mapping of submarine hydrothermal systems at Marsili and Palinuro volcanoes from deep-towed magnetometer data
- Tephra record from the Sea of Marmara for the last 70 ka and its paleoceanographic implications
- Deglacial Shelf Edge Coralgal Reef 19 ky Establishment, Successive 14.5 and 11.5 ky Partial Drowning and Back-stepping along the Papua New Guinea Peninsula Outer Shelf (Gulf of Papua)
- Formation of Oxidized Organic Aerosol (OOA) through Fog Processing in the Po Valley
- From incision to infill: What a Late Quaternary valley system records?
- Impact of dam construction on river banks evolution and sediment dynamics. A case study from the Po River (Italy).
- Man made deltas?
- New Insights into Basaltic Balloon Formation during Submarine Eruptions
- Southern Ocean and Antarctic Peninsula Temperatures During Critical Climate Transitions of the Cenozoic Constrained by Clumped Isotope Thermometry
- Submarine Hydrothermal Sites in Arc Volcanic-Back Arc Environment: Insight from Recent Marine Geophysical Investigations in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea.
- The Nd-isotopic fingerprinting of North Atlantic water masses and its influences from local sources such as Iceland
- A RT-based Technique for the Analysis and the Removal of Titan's Atmosphere by Cassini/VIMS-IR data
- Connecting marine productivity to sea-spray via microscale biological processes: phytoplancton demise and viral infection
- New multi-beam bathymetric map of the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean): Evidence for active sedimentary and morpho-tectonic processes along the Africa-Eurasia plate boundary
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Soluble and insoluble carbon content in fog: a 16 year long study in the Po Valley (Italy)
- The Hillary Canyon and the Iselin Bank (Eastern Ross Sea, Antarctica): Alongslope and Downslope Route For Ross Sea Bottom Water
- An Overview of the Juno JIRAM Results from the First Perijove Pass.
- Convective initiation and maintenance processes of two back-building mesoscale convective systems leading to heavy precipitation events in Southern Italy during HyMeX IOP 13
- Dual-Polarization Observations of Precipitation: State of the Art in Operational and Research Applications
- First observations of Jupiter Aurorae by JIRAM on board Juno.
- Global near real-time precipitation estimates by optimally blending gauge, satellite, and model data
- Juno-JIRAM: Overview of Preliminary Results in the Study of Jupiter Hot-Spots
- Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Analysis using High-Resolution X-band Dual-Polarization Radar Observations in Complex Terrain
- Seafloor 2030 - Building a Global Ocean Map through International Collaboration
- The Impact of Stochastic Physics on Tropical Variability and Extremes in Global Atmospheric Models
- The geoscience communication school: a new approach for sharing science
- A simple biomineralization model to explain Li, Mg, and Sr incorporation into aragonitic corals and foraminifera
- Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory Falling Snow Estimates
- Global simulation of ice-nucleating particles and implications for cloud radiative effects
- Global-scale evaluation of 22 precipitation datasets using gauge observations and hydrological modeling
- H<SUB>3</SUB><SUP>+</SUP> Measurements in the Jovian Atmosphere with JIRAM/Juno
- Mid Ocean Ridge Processes at Very Low Melt Supply : Submersible Exploration of Smooth Ultramafic Seafloor at the Southwest Indian Ridge, 64 degree E
- Nascent Marine Aerosol Acting as Ultra-Efficient Cloud Nuclei
- Observations of Galilean Moons by JIRAM on board Juno.
- Particular Oceanic Core Complex evolution in an extremely low melt supply environment
- Passive Microwave Precipitation Retrieval Uncertainty Characterized based on Field Campaign Data over Complex Terrain
- Reconciling CloudSat and GPM DPR Estimates of Falling Snow
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Southern Auroral Emissions in the IR from JIRAM/Juno Data
- St Paul fracture zone intratransform ridge basalts (Equatorial Atlantic): Insight within the mantle source diversity
- WHISPERS Project on the easternmost slope of the Ross Sea (Antarctica): preliminary results.
- Depositional processes on the Eastern Ross Sea slope and outer shelf (Antarctica): structures on the present seabed and current interactions.
- Immersion freezing efficiencies of ambient particles collected from five different regions across latitudes
- Observations of satellite footprints in Jupiter's Aurorae
- Subridge Thermal Fluctuations Induced by Melting Low-Solidus Pyroxenite: Thermodynamic, Geochemical and Petrological Constraints
- The challenge of spatio-temporal variability of processes across Antarctic ice-bed-ocean interfaces: past evolution of Antarctic sensitivity to climatic conditions
- The role of Stochastic Physics and model resolution for the simulation of Tropical Cyclones in AGCMs
- Unraveling the influences of pollution and climate trends on radiation fog frequency: A comparison of California's Central Valley and Italy's Po Valley
- An innovative initialization technique for decadal climate predictions
- Automatic procedures for submitting essential climate variables (ECVs) recorded at Italian atmospheric observatories to WMO/GAW data centers
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> spatial and vertical distribution in the Jovian atmosphere observed by JIRAM on Juno mission
- Do Stochastic Parameterizations Modify the Climate Response to External Forcing? An Experiment with EC-Earth.
- Effects of Climate Change on Landslide Hazard in Central Italy within the TRIGRS Model
- Effects of mean state of climate models on the response to prescribed forcing: Sensitivity experiments with the SPEEDY general circulation model.
- Investigation of Potential Source Regions of Atmospheric Black Carbon in the Data Deficit Region of the Western Himalayas and its Foothills
- Juno observations of Jupiter's moons
- Long-term trends in tropospheric ozone in Antarctica
- Modelling Tectonic Deformation of the Çınarcık Basin (Sea of Marmara) along the North Anatolian System
- Rapidly rotating Rayleigh-Benard convection with a tilted axis
- Results from the Juno's investigation of Jupiter's atmosphere with JIRAM
- The Impacts of the Atlantic Multidecadal Variability on Tropical Pacific as Assessed from CMIP6/DCPP-C Idealized Simulations
- The July 2018 M<SUB>L</SUB> 4.5 sequence analysis, Sea of Galilee: geodynamic investigation using moment tensor and local earthquake tomography.
- The future of Tropical Cyclones in AGCM simulations: the role of Stochastic Physics and model resolution.
- A study of the impact of the instrument characteristics and of the level 2 approximations on the FORUM level 1 and level 2 products
- Causes and Impacts of the Inter-Model Spread in AMOC Change in Projections of Future Climate Change
- Detection of ENSO-driven OLR variability by FORUM/EE9
- ESA Version 8 reprocessing of the 10 years of MIPAS on ENVISAT measurements
- Effects of mean state of climate models on the response to prescribed forcing: Sensitivity experiments with the SPEEDY general circulation model.
- Global importance of hydroxymethanesulfonate in ambient particulate matter: Implications for air quality
- Impacts of COVID19 Lockdown on Lowermost Tropospheric Ozone Pollution over Europe derived from Multispectral Synergism of IASI and GOME2 Satellite Measurements
- Observations of Small Scale Structures in the Footprint of the Galilean Satellites by JIRAM
- Quality Assessment of Space-Borne Active and Passive Microwave Snowfall Products Over the Continental United States
- Results from JIRAM: The Jovian Infrared Auroral Mapper
- Source apportionment of atmospheric P using the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model
- The atmosphere of Jupiter in the infrared observed by Juno/JIRAM
- A Multidecadal Analysis of the Paricutin Lava Flows: What 69-year-old Lava Can Tell Us About Monitoring Volcanoes Today
- Chapter 4: Future global climate: Scenario-based projections and near-term information
- Characterizing the Basal Melting Spatio-Temporal Variability of the Ross Ice Shelf using a Regional Ocean Model
- Earth and field observations underpin metapopulation dynamics in complex landscapes: near-term study on Carabids
- Enhanced Climate Changes in Mountain Regions: High Elevation Trends in Temperature and Precipitation and Their Comparison with Lowlands
- Investigation of Lightning Distributions over Mt. Cimone using LINET and ISS-LIS Data for the Gamma-Flash Program
- Meridional Energy Transport Extremes and Dominant Modes of Mid-latitudinal Weather Variability in the Northern Hemisphere
- Morphological aspects of Jupiters cyclones based on JIRAM observations and related implications
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls in the Free Troposphere
- Post-LGM Grounding Line Positions of the Drygalski Paleo-Ice Stream Trough Basin in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica.
- Chemical Composition and Immersion Freezing Activities of Aerosol Articles in the European Arctic
- Optical Properties of Atmospherically Aged Tar Balls from the Free Troposphere
- Precipitation impacts of a weaker AMOC over the Euro-Atlantic region in the EC-Earth3 climate model
- Progress in developing Svalbard Integrated Arctic Earth Observing System (SIOS): Synthesis of actions and developments recommended by the research community for improving regional observations.
- The climatology and long-term trend of the atmospheric energetics using a local available potential energy framework
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Adriani
- A. Migliorini
- A. Mura
- Annalisa Bracco
- Christian Franzke
- Cláudio Mazzoleni
- D. Turrini
- E. D’Aversa
- E. D’Aversa
- Elise K. Wilbourn
- Erich M. Fischer
- F. Altieri
- Florian Pappenberger
- G. Filacchione
- G. Marinaro
- G. Piccioni
- Gabriele Messori
- Govindasamy Bala
- John Dunne
- Jost von Hardenberg
- June‐Yi Lee
- Katinka Bellomo
- Long Cao
- Manuel Bensi
- Mathias Vuille
- Michael S. Dinniman
- Naruki Hiranuma
- Nick Pepin
- R. Noschese
- Riccardo Farneti
- Roberta D’Agostino
- Rémi Tailleux
- S. Stefani
- Sebastian Milinski
- Stefanie Mack
- Susanna Corti
- Swarup China
- Tianjun Zhou
- Valerio Lembo
- Valerio Lucarini
- Virna Meccia
- Zezhen Cheng