Very Large and Fast Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes and Their Geomagnetic Responses: Case Studies and Statistics from IMP 8, INTERBALL-1 and WIND Observations.

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Listed Authors
Zastenker, G. N.
Richardson, J. D.
Dalin, P. A.
Riazantseva, M. O.
Zaitzev, A. N.
Listed Institutions
Space Research Institute, Profsojuznaya st. 84/32, Moscow, 117997 Russian Federation
Center for Space Research, MIT, Vassar st. 70, Building 37, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Space Research Institute, Profsojuznaya st. 84/32, Moscow, 117997 Russian Federation
Space Research Institute, Profsojuznaya st. 84/32, Moscow, 117997 Russian Federation
IZMIRAN, Moscow Region, Troitsk, 142092 Russian Federation

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