RAS, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, Troitsk
flowchart I[RAS, Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radiowave Propagation, Troitsk] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (81)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (10)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Correlation of Ozone Anomalies With Global Gravity and Geomagnetic Fields
- Determination of the Sector Structure of IMF from Ground-Based Data: Recent Results and Usage Prospects.
- Dynamics of magnetic cloud of arbitrary shape in the solar wind
- Multi-instrument study of transient event observed at the South Pole
- Very Large and Fast Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Changes and Their Geomagnetic Responses: Case Studies and Statistics from IMP 8, INTERBALL-1 and WIND Observations.
- Homologous large-scale activity in solar eruptive events of November 24-26, 2000
- Modified Instrument ARUV for Automated Registration of Ultraviolet Radiation
- Plasma Blob Events Observed by KOMPSAT-1 and DMSP F15 in the Low Latitude Nighttime Upper Ionosphere
- Pre Earthquake Phenomena in Phase Velocities and Gradients of ULF Geomagnetic Disturbances
- COMPASS-2 and VULKAN satellite system for the short-term earthquake warning
- Evolution Of The Alpha Ride, The Arctic Ocean, On The Basis Of The Geohistorical Analysis Of The Magnetic Anomalies
- Global Distribution of the Equatorial Plasma Bubbles in the Premidnight Sector During Solar Maximum as Observed by KOMPSAT-1
- Interball-1 Observations of FTEs
- On The Possible Regional Distribution Of Ca 2.4 Kyr Climatic Cycle
- The Lithosphere-Ocean-Atmosphere Seismo-Electromagnetic Transformer and Applications for the Seaquake Monitoring
- Interball Observations of Flux Transfer Events
- Magnetic Properties of Sediments From the Arctic Ocean (the Barents Sea)
- Morphology of Langmuir wave active sites in the Earth's foreshock observed from the four points CLUSTER constellation : analysis of a case event at small separation
- Sharp Change of Climate Condition Around Sub-Boreal-Sub-Atlantic Boundary (3,500-2,500 BP ) in the Northern Scandinavia: Evidence From Dendrochronological Data
- calculation of the linear growth rate of Rayleigh-Taylor instability
- Characteristic Time of the Magnetospheric Ring Current Decay FROM EXPIREMENT AND THEORY
- Detection of Large Scale TIDs associated with the dayside cusp using SuperDARN measurements
- Interball Observations of Multiple Flux Transfer Events
- North-South Asymmetry in the Distribution of the Total and Residual Ozone
- Paleomagnetic study of the sediment from Amerasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean
- Peculiarities of ULF electromagnetic disturbances before strong earthquakes in seismic active zone of Kamchatka peninsula
- Statistical Studies of Flux Transfer Events Using Unsupervised and Supervised Techniques
- Ionosphere Electrodynamics and its Influence on the Main Ionospheric Trough and Equatorial Ionization Anomaly
- Open Questions: The Cusp and FTEs
- Response of TEC to solar flare: latitude and longitude features
- The Capability of Space Mission to Study the Ionosphere and Electromagnetic Disturbances Related to Seismicn Activity
- Features of the Ionosphere Modification Preceding Strong Earthquakes Derived Using GPS TEC Measurements
- Numerical modeling of the ionospheric effects of substorms
- Short-Term TEC Perturbations Associated With Planetary Waves Occurrence in the Ionosphere
- Multipoint observations of transient event: Case study
- Spatial localization of Langmuir waves generated by a suprathermal electron beam propagating in the solar wind
- Evidence for Gently Sloping Plasma Density Profiles in the Deep Corona: Type III Observations
- Ionospheric modification during moderate geomagnetic storm at low solar activity
- New constraints on timing of India-Asia collision from plate kinematic and seismic observations in the Equatorial Indian Ocean
- Global Distribution of the Ozone Component Resulting from Earth's Geodynamics
- Integrating Observations and Knowledges for Earthquake Precursors Studies. Preliminary results and strategy of PRE-EARTHQUAKES FP7 Project
- On the Possible Mechanisms of Two GLE Events
- Particle acceleration in a 3D reconnecting current sheet in the heliosphere: modelling versus observations
- Analysis of a Possibility of Electromagnetic Earthquake Triggering by Ionospheric Disturbations
- Dynamic Assessment of Seismic Risk (DASR) by Multi-parametric Observations: Preliminary Results of PRIME experiment within the PRE-EARTHQUAKES EU-FP7 Project
- Frequency-Doubling and Field-Aligned Ion Streaming in a Long-Period Poloidal Pulsation
- Large-scale Geodynamics Controls the Origin of the Residual Ozone Field
- On the Prognosis of the OCCURRENCE` Date of GLEs
- Puzzles of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field in the Inner Heliosphere
- THEMIS Observations of Unusual Bow Shock Motion Attending a Transient Magnetospheric Event
- Use of ground-based and LEO GPS measurements to study the system of the ionosphere/plasmasphere
- High resolution reconstructions of Southwest Indian Ridge plate motions during the Neogene: Comparison to GPS estimates and implications for global plate motion estimates
- Interplanetary magnetic field as a detector of turbulence in the inner heliosphere
- On the five most intensive solar proton events of current solar cycle
- The Global Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone and the Large-scale Geodynamics
- High Resolution Quaternary and Neogene Reconstructions of the Southwest Indian Ridge and Rifting in Eastern Africa
- Magnetic reconnection at the solar wind current sheets as a possible cause of strahl electrons acceleration and SEP dropouts
- Monitoring and Modeling of Ionosphere Irregularities Caused By Space Weather Activity on the Base of GNSS Measurements
- Probabilistic Model of Beam-Plasma Interaction in Randomly Inhomogeneous Plasma
- Particle Acceleration At Small-Scale Flux Ropes In The Heliosphere
- A Theory for Self-consistent Acceleration of Energetic Charged Particles by Dynamic Small-scale Flux Ropes
- Observations of particle acceleration by small-scale flux rope dynamics in the solar wind
- On Statistics of Electric Field Amplitudes in the Langmuir Turbulence
- INSPIRE Project (IoNospheric Sounding for Pre-seismic anomalies Identification REsearch): Main Results and Future Prospects
- MHD surface waves, fluctuations of the heliospheric current sheet and related acceleration of energetic particles in the solar wind
- Multi-instrumental Study of Storm-induced Ionospheric Irregularities at Midlatitudes
- Non-Extensive Statistical Analysis of Solar Wind Electric, Magnetic Fields and Solar Energetic Particle time series.
- Plasma density irregularities and Total Electron Content gradients over Europe
- A Method of the Mercury Magnetospheric Current System Parameters Determination Based on the MESSENGER Magnetometer Data
- An unusual energetic particle flux enhancement associated with solar wind magnetic island dynamics
- Non-Extensive Statistical Analysis of Energetic Particle intensity time series in the solar wind
- The Role of Magnetic Reconnection-Associated Processes in Local Particle Acceleration in the Solar Wind
- Acceleration of Suprathermal Ions by Dynamic Small-scale Flux Ropes in the Inner Heliosphere
- Current sheets, magnetic islands and associated particle acceleration in the solar wind as observed by Ulysses near the ecliptic plane
- Daytime mid-latitude F<SUB>2</SUB>-layer Q-disturbances
- MUF(3000) Prediction as an Operation Space Weather Product
- Non-Extensive Statistical Analysis of Energetic Particle Flux Enhancements Caused by the Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejection-Heliospheric Current Sheet Interaction
- Path Optimization for Point-to-Point Ionospheric Ray Tracing
- Particle Pitch Angle Distributions after Passing Through 3d Current Sheets in the Heliosphere
- Sources of Large Scale Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances and Specification of Their Parameters Using GNSS Observations
- Mantle dynamics, stresses, and tectonic regimes over the Baikal Rift region