Finite-Difference Seismic Modeling of Discrete Fractures in a San Juan Basin Gas Reservoir

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Listed Authors
Daley, T. M.
Nihei, K. T.
Myer, L. R.
Majer, E. L.
Queen, J. H.
Fortuna, M. A.
Murphy, J. O.
Coates, R. T.
Listed Institutions
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, #1 Cyclotron Rd. MS 90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, #1 Cyclotron Rd. MS 90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States ;
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, #1 Cyclotron Rd. MS 90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States ;
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, #1 Cyclotron Rd. MS 90-1116, Berkeley, CA 94720 United States ;
Conoco Inc, PO 1267, Ponca City, OK 94720 United States ;
Conoco Inc, PO 1267, Ponca City, OK 94720 United States ;
Conoco Inc, PO 1267, Ponca City, OK 94720 United States ;
Schlumberger-Doll Research, Old Quarry Rd., Ridgefield, Ct 06877 United States ;

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