Schlumberger Ltd
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Finite-Difference Seismic Modeling of Discrete Fractures in a San Juan Basin Gas Reservoir
- Toward Explaining Scale-dependent Velocity Structure Across an Exposed Brittle Fault Zone
- Comparison of β Values in Rocks Deduced From the Elastoacoustic Effect and From 3-Wave Mixing
- Electrical Monitoring of Fresh Water Displacement in a Brackish Aquifer During Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Forward and Inverse Modeling Results
- Geophysical Characterization for a CO2 Sequestration Potential in the Ohio River Valley Region
- Resolving the Impact of Biological Processes on DNAPL Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media Through Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Relaxation Time Measurements
- Geophysical Monitoring for the Frio Pilot CO2 Injection Test
- The Drill Bit Seismic Project at SAFOD
- Unzen Volcano Scientific Drilling: Well Logging Data of the USDP-4
- Using Data Collected At Different Scales To Constrain Model Parameters
- Crosswell Electromagnetic Imaging for Subsurface Fluid Monitoring
- Geomechanical Applications to the Characterization of a Deep Saline Reservoir for CO2 Sequestration
- P-wave and s-wave imaging from drill bit seismic data at SAFOD
- Preliminary Analysis of the Downhole Well Logs from the Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate JIP Cruise
- Surface to Borehole EM for Shallow site Investigations
- Temperature variation in methane hydrate bearing sediments in the eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- A Model of Fault Reactivation due to Reservoir Depletion
- Determining Aquifer Storage Properties Using Borehole Geophysical Data
- Hydrograph Separation Techniques for Aquifer Water Level Records: Some Real-World Examples
- Lightning Processes And Dynamics Of Large Scale Optical Emissions In Long Delayed Sprites
- Mixed-mode Mechanism of Hydraulic Fracture Segmentation
- Schlumberger seismic vessel Geco Searcher provides unprecedented images of the Great Andaman Sumatra earthquake megathrust rupture plane
- Seismic reflection images of the Great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake rupture: from source to surface
- Spatial Distribution of Pore Pressure and Effective Stress at the Western Nankai Trough Plate Interface Based on 3D Seismic Reflection Data
- Sprite Initiation Theory Testing Using Lightning Measurements, Optical Observations, and Modeled EM Fields
- Two-Dimensional Inversion of Marine Electromagnetic Data Using Seismic Reflection Data as Apriori Information
- A Monitoring Platform for Deployment of Sensors for the Hydrogeologic Characterization and Monitoring of Geologic Repositories
- Electromagnetic imaging of hydrates and accretionary structure at Hydrate Ridge, Oregon using 2.5 D model studies
- Simulations of dry-out and halite precipitation due to CO2 injection
- Electrical Anisotropy due to Gas Hydrate Filled Fractures
- Exploring the Resolution of Time-Lapse Microgravity at an Aquifer Storage and Recovery Site
- High Frequency Downhole Recordings of Sichuan Aftershocks
- Hydrological Features on Subalpine Forest Zone in the East of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Quality analysis of sonic logs and comparison to seismic checkshots during NanTroSEIZE Stage1 LWD
- Quantitative Stress Determination by Wire-line Hydraulic Fracturing Tests in the ANDRILL South McMurdo Sound Drillhole
- Regional Body-wave Tomography Reveals a Linear Deep-seated Low-velocity Zone Beneath the Cameroon Volcanic Line
- Shear Velocity Structure of the Cameroon Volcanic Line Region from Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocities
- Strain heterogeneity during dislocation creep in Carrara Marble using a micro-scale strain-mapping technique
- Study on Features of Secondary Disasters in the Worst-hit Areas of Wenchuan Earthquake
- The Application of the Specific Gage Technique and Aerial Photographs in Kaskaskia River Degradation Studies
- The Nicaragua - Costa Rica slab and wedge: imaging deep fluid pathways
- Frequency-Magnitude Relationship of Hydraulic Fracture Microseismicity (Invited)
- Geological Modeling and Fluid Flow Simulation of Acid Gas Storage, Nugget Sandstone, Moxa Arch, Wyoming
- How is a Brine Pool/Lake Maintained at Seafloor?
- In-situ investigations of grain boundary-fluid inclusion interaction in recrystallizing rock analogues
- Integration of Geologic and Geophysical Data to Model Hydrostratigraphy Under a Recharge Pond for Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- What is the slab surface? Evidence from seismology (Invited)
- A New Approach to Nonlinear Inverse Uncertainty Using Model Compression and Sparse Posterior Sampling (Invited)
- Borehole breakout analysis: results from the AnDrill-2A well
- Field Experiment Provides Ground Truth for Surface NMR Measurement
- Recent to contemporary stress of the West Antarctic Rift from drill core and volcanic alignment studies (Invited)
- Seismology on a small body: expected results for the BASiX Discovery Mission proposal
- Sustaining Fracture Area and Conductivity of Gas shale Reservoirs for Enhancing Long-term Production and Recovery
- Applied Climate Data Processing Using R
- Fault structure, damage and acoustic emission characteristics
- Fiber transport in confined microfluidic geometries
- From Target Selection to Post-Stimulation Analysis: Example of an Unconventional Faulted Reservoir
- Hydraulic Fracture Propagation through Preexisting Discontinuity Monitored by Acoustic Emission and Ultrasonic Transmission
- Hydraulic Stimulation of Fracture Permeability in Volcanic and Metasedimentary Rocks at the Desert Peak Geothermal Field, Nevada
- MODFLOW-LGR: Practical application to a large regional dataset
- Multi-Model Scenarios Support and Uncertainty Analysis in Hydrological Cycle Modeling
- New Seismic Reflection Profiling Across the Northern Newark Basin USA: Data Acquisition and Preliminary Results
- Obtaining permeability estimates from NMR logging data in an unconsolidated groundwater aquifer
- Polynomial Chaos Using Transformed Sparse Grids
- Seismic Survey Challenges and Solutions in Industrial And Urban Environments
- Stochastic modeling of karstic networks conditioned to dynamic and static data
- Subsurface images of the northern Newark basin, New York, USA and their implications for carbon sequestration
- Successful Integration of Seismic Reflection Data for Evaluating the Sequestration Potential of the Cambrian and Ordovician Strata of the Illinois Basin, USA
- The Role of the Rock on Hydraulic Fracturing of Tight Shales
- The case for NetCDF as a groundwater model output format using R: Example using USGS MODFLOW
- Crosswell Magnetic Sensing of Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles for Subsurface Applications
- Hydraulic Fracturing Mineback Experiment in Complex Media
- Influence of fault geometry and tectonic driving stress orientation on the mechanics of multifault earthquakes
- Constraint on the coseismic stress field by inverting focal mechanisms, GPS, InSAR and slickenline data
- Evolution of Induced Microseismicity at the Illinois Basin -- Decatur Project (Invited)
- Failure of Anisotropic Shale under Triaxial Stress Conditions
- Flow and Geometry Control the Onset of Jamming in Fractures with High Solid-Fraction Fluids
- Geomechanics of Hydraulic Stimulation in Geothermal Systems: Designing and Implementing a Successful Enhanced Geothermal System at Desert Peak, Nevada
- Numerical Feasibility Study of Electromagnetic Monitoring of CO2 Sequestration in Deep Reservoirs (Invited)
- Reinterpretation of the lithospheric structure beneath the Hidaka collision zone, Hokkaido, Japan 1.Outline
- Reinterpretation of the lithospheric structure beneath the Hidaka collision zone, Hokkaido, Japan 2. - Results for the northern collision zone from Hokkaido Transect 1998-2000 -
- The Challenge of Scale - SEM Imaging of the Textural and Compositional Heterogeneity of Tight Shales from the Nanometer to Centimeter Scale (Invited)
- Active Wireline Heave Compensation for Ocean Drilling
- Arc-arc collision ongoing in the southernmost part of the Kuril trench region revealed from integrated analyses of the 1998-2000 Hokkaido Transect seismic data
- Flow of concentrated suspensions through fractures: Significant in-plane velocity variations caused by small variations in solid concentration
- Influence of Rock Fabric on Hydraulic Fracture Propagation: Laboratory Study
- Microbially Induced Calcite Precipitation (MICP) - A Technology for Managing Flow and Transport in Porous and Fractured Media
- Multi-Method Monitoring of Shallow Gas Injection in Saline Coastal Reservoir at Maguelone (Languedoc coastline, France)
- One Year of Data of Scimpi Borehole Measurements
- Quantifying impacts of coupled chemical and physical heterogeneity on water quality evolution during Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Using Intermediate-Field Terms in Locating Microseismic Events
- A Multi-scale Approach for CO<SUB>2</SUB> Accounting and Risk Analysis in CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery Sites
- Geomechanical and Petrophysical Properties of Rift Basin Mudstones
- Lateral magma flow in sill-complexes: towards a paradigm shift in volcanology
- Numerical model of the transition from continental rifting to oceanization: the case study of the Ligure-Piemontese ocean.
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sequestration in a commerical-scale EOR Site
- Subsurface Characterization and Seismic Monitoring for the Southwest Partnerships Phase III Demonstration Project at Farnsworth Field, TX
- Triggering proccesses in fracture and compaction experiments: On the importance of large-scale heterogeneities
- Mechanical Stability of Fractured Rift Basin Mudstones: from lab to basin scale
- Relating triggering processes in lab experiments with earthquakes.
- Temperature monitoring and their analysis of the methane hydrate first offshore production test in the eastern Nankai Trough
- Aftershocks and triggering processes in rock fracture
- CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I : Seismic Characterization of the Navajo Reservoir, Buzzard Bench, Utah
- Gas Hydrate Petroleum System Modeling in western Nankai Trough Area
- Revision of an automated microseismic location algorithm for DAS - 3C geophone hybrid array
- Investigating the subsurface heterogeneity of a naturally fractured reservoir in relation to CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage at the Kevin Dome site, Montana
- The Dragonfly Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer (DraGNS): Elemental Composition Measurements on the Surface of Titan
- Thin-reservoir CO<SUB>2</SUB>-plume detection in Farnsworth Field, Texas, using fluid-substitution models
- Time-dependent Hydraulic Fracture Initiation
- Variation of Seismic Scalar Moment - Corner Frequency Relationship During Development of Hydraulic Fracture System
- We Mind the Gap: An Example from European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Women in Geoscience and Engineering (WGE) Special Interest Community (SIC)
- Mountain rivers may reveal the earthquake hazard of thrust faults in Silicon Valley
- Submarine Channels Characterization using Seismic Attribute Analysis: A Case Study from Browse Basin, Offshore Australia
- Capturing Uncertainty And Preserving Geological Realism with Attentive Neural Processes for Subsurface Property Modeling
- Comparison of modeling and actual gas production behaviors and reasons of discrepancy: Nankai Trough gas hydrate production test cases
- Scale-Inclusive Micro-Memory Anomalies of Gas Flow and Diffusion in Naturally Fractured Shale Formations
- Microseismic Hypocenter and Velocity Model Inversion Using Intuitive Velocity Model Resolution Optimization
- Present Global Warming (PGW): An Intuitive Single Scaling Factor to Compare Short Lived Climate Pollutants
- Sensitivity Analysis in Methane Hydrate System Modeling: Case Study from the Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- Subsurface geophysical investigation of the lunar Aristarchus Plateau volcanism system through high resolution GRAIL gravity data inversion
- Continuous Methane Leak Detection and Localization for Oilfield Assets
- Evaluation of Formation Water Salinity from the Gas Production Test Site, Eastern Nankai Trough, Japan
- Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Southwest Regional Partnership on Carbon Sequestration