Florida State University, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
flowchart I[Florida State University, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (481)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (62)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- An Operational Eddy Resolving Global Ocean Nowcast/Forecast System
- Development of Scatterometer-Derived Surface Pressures
- Early Detection of Tropical Cyclones Using SeaWinds-Derived Vorticity for the 2001 Hurricane Season
- Estimates of the Rainrate Over the Oceans Using SeaWinds Radar Cross Section Measurements
- Melt Movement Beneath the East Pacific Rise Constrained by Uranium-Series Disequilibrium Studies of Off-Axis Basalts
- Chemical and Physical Properties of Bulk Aerosols Observed During TRACE-P: Evidence of Nitrate Uptake on Dust Particles
- Colloidal Iron, Aluminum, and DOC/DON in Surface Waters of the Northwest Pacific: Results from the 2002 NSF/IOC Cruise
- Decay of the Intraseasonal Sea Level Signal in the Gulf of California
- Fe-Al-Rich Tridymite-Hercynite Rock Xenoliths With Positive Cerium Anomalies: Preserved Paleosols and Paleoclimate Implication
- Near-real time temperature and salinity profiles in the Indian Ocean from JASON-1 altimetry
- On NO<SUB>x</SUB> Evolution in the Pacific during TRACE-P
- On the Interaction of Cyclonic Eddies with the Loop Current
- Variability of Freshwater Transport in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Pacific Ocean Modeling Using the HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM)
- Rare Earth Element - Humic Acid Interaction: Experimental Evidence for Kinetic and Equilibrium Fractionation in Aqueous Systems.
- The Composition of the Depleted Mantle
- Assessment of The New Fsu Winds Climatology
- Deep Marine Sediment Diagenesis of Germanium, Silica, Lithium and Lithium Isotopes in ODP-177: The "Missing Oceanic Ge Sink"
- Distribution and Turnover of DOC in Natural and Constructed Wetlands in the Florida Everglades
- Fe/Mn Ratios in Ocean Island Basalts: a Tracer for Outer Core-Lower Mantle Interaction?
- Isotope and Trace Element Characteristics of Walvis Ridge Basalts Argue Against Pelagic Sediment Involvement
- Sea Surface Temperature and the Brown Shrimp (Farfantepenaeus Aztecus) Population on the Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas Continental Shelves
- Use of the PetDB Database for Calculating the Composition of the MORB-Source
- Coupled Trace Element and Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts: Recycling Re-examined
- Metal-silicate segregation under dynamic conditions: Implications for liquid metal migration rates and core-mantle interaction
- Relationship Between the West Philippine Basin and the Early Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc: Arc Initiation and Ancestry
- The Influence of a Teacher Research Experience on Elementary Teachers' Thinking and Instruction
- Assimilation of Precipitation and Latent Heating Profiles
- Assimilation of TRMM precipitation into Reanalysis and the Impact on Tropical Divergence Fields
- Comparison of Predictive Skill Between the Statistically and the Dynamically Downscaled Temperature and Precipitation Over the Southeast United States
- Comparison of Surface Turbulent Flux Products
- Creating Authentic Research Centers In Secondary Classrooms And Retaining The Best Science Teachers
- Examination of Hurricane Dennis using Airborne Radar and Microwave Radiometric Data During the Tropical Cloud Systems and Processes (TCSP) Experiment
- Nighttime Aerosol Optical Depth Variability From Astronomical Photometry
- North Atlantic Decadal Variability of Latent and Sensible Heat Fluxes
- Ocean Sections of Dissolved Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Cd, and Pb
- Osmium Isotopic Evolution of the Mantle Sources of Precambrian Ultramafic Rocks
- Trace Metal-Humic Complexes in Natural Waters: Insights From Speciation Experiments
- A Distinct Magnetic Isotope Effect Measured in Atmospheric Mercury in Epiphytes
- A Global Mass Circulation Paradigm for the Stratosphere-Troposphere Coupling
- Carbonate-rich Sediments in the Hawaiian Plume: Evidence from Mahukona Volcano
- Effects of Climate Oscillators on January Monthly Extreme Temperatures in North America
- Fractionated Mercury Isotopes in Fish: The Effects of Nuclear Mass, Spin, and Volume
- High Precision Low-blank Lithium Isotope Ratios in Forams.
- Mass Independent Fractionation of Mercury Isotopes in the Environment
- Providing Middle School Students With Science Research Experiences Through Community Partnerships
- Regional Comparison of Surface Turbulent Flux Products
- Speleoclimatology of a Wild Florida Cave: the Present is Key to the Past
- Speleothem Paleoclimate Records from the Floridian Panhandle
- Sulfides in the Garnet Pyroxenite xenoliths from Oahu, Hawaii
- To the Planets, Comets, and Beyond: A Vision of Sustained Collaboration
- Warming Asymmetries due to Surface Turbulent Heat Flux Feedbacks in IPCC AR4 Climate Simulations
- 2 Ga old depletion of MORB mantle recorded by abyssal peridotites
- A high-resolution record of late Neogene environmental changes in southern Tibet
- Fe-Mn Geochemistry of OIB From the Azores
- Forced tidal response in the Gulf of Mexico
- Frontal Structure of the Southwest Indian Ocean and the Antarctic Circumpolar Current From CLIVAR I6S Repeat Hydrographic Data
- Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of the Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean
- High Resolution Time Series Cave Ventilation Processes and the Effects on Cave Air Chemistry and Drip Waters: Speleoclimatology and Proxy Calibration
- High-resolution ocean and atmospheric modeling of the Florida Big Bend region
- Iron-Enrichment or Secondary Garnet Pyroxenite: Evidence from CaO- K2O-RICH HSDP2 Mauna Kea Glasses, Hawaii
- Lithium Isotope Ratios in Foraminifera - A Potential Proxy for Geologic Evolution of Cenozoic Seawater Chemistry
- Matrix Independent Standardization by LA-ICP-MS
- Ocean Prediction via downscaling of large-scale ocean circulation models.
- Simulation and Validation of a Storm Surge in Bays and Estuaries With Complex Coastline Geometry
- The Hf-Nd Systematics of Rutile-Bearing Eclogites From Koidu, Sierra Leone
- Transport and Variability on CLIVAR Section I6S from South Africa to Antarctica
- Using 14C to investigate Methane Production and DOC Reactivity in Northern Peatlands
- Air-sea flux of methane from selected marine hydrate/seep sites in the northern Gulf of Mexico during HYFLUX
- An RET Experience with Geochemical Analysis of Azores Lavas
- HYFLUX: Satellite Inventory and Sea-Truth for Gulf of Mexico Gas Hydrate System
- Isotopic Evidence for Large Scale Temporal Changes in the Cenozoic Marine Lithium Cycle
- Liming Induced Changes in Arsenic Dissolution from Mine Wastes
- Model Projections of Rapid Sea-Level Rise on the Northeast Coast of the United States
- Osmium Isotopic Evolution in Cumulate Piles at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- Reconstruction of paleostorm history using geochemical proxies in sediment cores from Eastern Lake, Florida
- The Data Management System for the Shipboard Automated Meteorological and Oceanographic System (SAMOS) Initiative
- The Oxygen Fugacity Structure of the Sub-Oceanic Lithosphere and Upper Mantle as Recorded by Spinel Peridotite and Garnet Clinopyroxenite Xenoliths from O'ahu, Hawai'i
- The composition of low-degree partial melts of garnet peridotite at 3 GPa by modified iterative sandwich experiments (MISE)
- A General Perspective of Extreme Events in Weather and Climate
- An Intercomparison of Numerically-Modeled Flux Data and Satellite-Derived SeaFlux Data for Warm-Core Seclusions
- Assessing Resource Assessment for MRE (Invited)
- Continuous and discontinuous data assimilation methods for estimating a heterogeneous conductivity field by assimilating transient solute transport data via ensemble Kalman filter
- DOM in Northern Peatlands: Correlating Bulk Spectroscopic Properties with Molecular Composition
- Detecting the Sea-Level Fingerprint of Polar Ice Mass Changes
- Determining the Sediment Budget of the Lower Hudson River
- Dynamic and static equilibrium sea level effects of Greenland Ice Sheet melt: An assessment of partially-coupled idealized water hosing experiments (Invited)
- Experimental investigation of properties of low degree partial melts of garnet peridotite and their role in OIB genesis
- Freshwater Flux from Sea Ice in the Southern Ocean
- Identification of Reactive and Refractory Components of Dissolved Organic Nitrogen by FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry
- Identifying NASA resources for middle school teacher professional development in global climate education
- Isotopic Studies of the Guerrero Composite Terrane, West-Central Mexico: Implications for Provenance of Crustal Rocks and Ore Metals
- Isotopic Variations of Mercury Emitted by Coal Fired Power Plant Gases
- Measuring in situ dissolved methane concentrations in gas hydrate-rich systems, Part 1: Investigating the correlation between tectonics and methane release from sediments
- Observations of Decadal-Scale Salinity Changes in the North Pacific Ocean (Invited)
- On the Sensitivity of TRMM Microwave Imager Channels to Over-Land Rainfall
- Partitioning peat respiration with stable carbon isotopes
- Proposed Mission for Climate Quality Scatterometer Intercalibration and Measurement of Ocean Surface CO2 Fluxes
- Quantifying equivalent neutral wind speed variance due to temporal and spatial difference between SeaWinds and in situ data
- Regional climate model values in agricultural applications
- Resolving the diurnal cycle in satellite derived sea surface temperatures and its significance on surface heat fluxes
- Scattering by Nonspherical Ice Particles at High Microwave Frequencies and Its Application to Snowfall Retrievals (Invited)
- Studying Weather and Climate Extremes in a Non-stationary Framework
- The Role of Changes in the Annual Cycle in Earlier Onset of Climatic Spring in Northern China
- A New Optimum Big Rain Index
- Aerosol Organic Matter-Trace Metal Relationships Revealed by Ultra-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry
- An Evaluation of Tropical Cyclogenesis Theories through Intercomparison of Field Experiment Observations
- Analysis of Tropical Cyclone Eye Slope Using Airborne Radar Reflectivity Data
- Changes in Methane Production Pathway as a Function of Nutrient Input in the Florida Everglades
- Changes in the temperature annual cycle in China and their implications for studying climate variability and change
- Collection of Arctic Ocean Data from US Navy Submarines on the New SCICEX Program
- Continuous In Situ Measurements of Near Bottom Chemistry and Sediment-Water Fluxes with the Chimney Sampler Array (CSA)
- Diet and environment of a mid-Pliocene fauna in the Zanda Basin (western Himalaya): Paleo-elevation implications
- Evaluating the Climate Role of Tropical Cyclones Using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model
- Evaluating tropical cyclogenesis forecasts in four global models
- Fate and Transport of Organic Contaminants in Coastal Marsh Sediments Resulting from the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill
- First-row transition element (FRTE) partitioning between garnet peridotite and near-solidus melts and their use as indicators of OIB source lithology
- Formation of residual non-aqueous phase liquid in a water-wet system: Investigation by bulk electrical conductivity
- Groundwater-carbon interactions within the Red Lake Peatland of northern Minnesota
- Hafnium isotope compositions of abyssal peridotites from the Southwest Indian Ridge
- Improved Coastal Precipitation Forecasts with Direct Assimilation of GOES-11/12 Imager Radiances
- Investigating the Proportionality between Near Surface Rain Rate and Vertically Integrated Solid/Liqud Water Using TRMM Observations
- Iron geochemistry of the mantle
- Measuring in situ methane concentrations over time at Gas Hydrate seafloor observatories
- Microbial Dynamics During a Temporal Sequence of Bioreduction Stimulated by Emulsified Vegetable Oil
- Microwave scattering in cirrus
- Modeling Costal Zone Responses to Sea-Level Rise Using MoCCS: A Model of Complex Coastal System
- Non-Gaussian Winter Daily Minimum and Maximum Temperatures in a Regional Climate Model: Downscaling of Reanalysis, Historical Simulations and Future Projections for the Southeast United States
- Partitioning CO2 production with stable carbon isotopes in a peatland ecosystem
- Quantifying Observed Temperature Extremes in the Southeastern United States
- Quantifying the Environmental Memory of Tropical Cyclones: Lingering Footprint or Climate Amnesia?
- Rainfall Deposition of Mercury and Other Trace Elements to the Northern Gulf of Mexico
- Satellite-based identification and climatology of hurricane core features with respect to intensity change
- Stereochemically constrained complex organic molecules extracted from olivine crystal matrix
- The Effect of Variations in Particle Size Distributions on Reflectivity-Snowfall Rate Relations
- The Effects of Gap Wind Induced Vorticity on Tropical Cyclogenesis
- The Robustness of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Cell (AMOC)
- The arrest of Agulhas retroflection during glaciations
- The rarity of the 1938 New England Hurricane as a case of extratropical transition
- A Comparison of MJO and Non-MJO Convective Initiation Events
- ASK Florida; a climate change education professional development program for middle school teachers in Florida
- Accuracy Assessments of ATMS Upper-Level Temperature Sounding Channels Using COSMIC RO Data
- Assessment of the hydrological impact and associated uncertainties of Climate Change on Watersheds of Southeast US
- Attribution of the summer warming since 1970s in Indian Ocean Basin to the inter-decadal change in the seasonal timing of El Niño decay phase
- Centrifugal Instability and Mixing in the California Undercurrent
- Changes in the Observing System Contributing To Perceived Changes in Large Scale Circulation
- Comparison of modeled diurnally varying sea surface temperatures to satellite data
- Data Assimilation of Lightning using 1D+3D/4D WRF Var Assimilation Schemes with Non-Linear Observation Operators
- Dissolved Al in the surface and subsurface waters of the North Atlantic during the US GEOTRACES cruises.
- Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Composition and Reactivity as a Function of Surface Vegetation and Microbial Community Structure in Northern Minnesota Peatlands
- Factors Contributing to Initiation of a Primary MJO Event Using the Year of Tropical Convection (YOTC) Dataset
- Geochemical and Isotopic Study of a Plutonic Suite and Related Early Volcanic Sequences in the Southern Mariana Forearc
- High Frequency Measurements of Methane Concentrations and Carbon Isotopes at a Marsh and Landfill
- High Resolution Distributions of Dissolved Iron and Manganese in the North Atlantic Ocean during the 2010 and 2011 US GEOTRACES cruises
- Identifying an Early Summer Stratospheric Intrusion Using Chemical Tracers and Dynamic Variables
- Incorporating Climate Change Effects into Next-Generation Coastal Inundation Decision Support Systems: An Integrated and Community-Based Approach
- Methane Production and Syntrophic Acetate Oxidation in the Florida Everglades
- Methane flux and carbon isotope composition correlate to shifting plant and microbial communities along a permafrost thaw gradient
- Microbial mediators of carbon fate in thawing permafrost: connecting microbial activity to geochemistry across an in situ thaw gradient
- Models for Interpreting Tungsten Isotope Anomalies in the Earth's Crust
- Multi-sensor Efforts to Detect Oil slicks at the Ocean Surface — An Applied Science Project
- On changing El Niño: A view from time-varying annual cycle, interannual variability and mean state
- Research Vessel Meteorological and Oceanographic Systems Support Satellite and Model Validation Studies
- The El Niño Southern Oscillation is Getting Bigger and Stronger
- The Impact of Absorbing Aerosols on the Arabian Sea Low Level Jet and the Onset of the South Asian Summer Monsoon
- Transition Element Abundances in MORB Basalts
- WindSat Observations of Soil Moisture and Vegetation Water Content Associated with the European Heat Waves and Indian Monsoon Onset
- A 40-Year Time Series for Climate-Driven Flow Systems and their Relation to the Methane Production Capacity of the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands (GLAP) In Northern Minnesota
- A Comparison of Microbial Communities from Deep Igneous Crust
- A Time-Series of Surface Oil Distribution Detected by Satellite SAR During the Deepwater Horizon Blowout
- Are Longitudinal Patterns of Bacterial Community Composition and Dissolved Organic Matter Composition Linked Across a River Continuum? (Invited)
- Changes in Soil Chemistry Help Drive Higher Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Thawing Permafrost
- Development and evaluation of an empirical diurnal sea surface temperature model
- Development of Standardized Mobile Tracer Correlation Approach for Large Area Emission Measurements (DRAFT UNDER EPA REVIEW)
- Diagnostic Analysis of Middle Atmosphere Climate Sensitivity
- Dissolved Organic Carbon Cycling and Transformation Dynamics in A Northern Forested Peatland
- Effects of Climate-Induced Hydrologic Modifications on Biogeochemical Cycling of Trace Metals in Alluvial and Coastal Watersheds
- Estimating Effects of Atmospheric Deposition and Peat Decomposition Processes on Mercury and Sulfur Accumulation and Retention in Northern Peatlands, Minnesota
- Evaluation of atmospheric chemical models using aircraft data (Invited)
- Extreme diagenesis displayed by Pliocene-Pleistocene Calcareous Nannofossils in IODP Hole 1396A, adjacent to Montserrat Island in the Lesser Antilles
- Florida-focused climate change lesson demonstrations from the ASK Florida global and regional climate change professional development workshops
- Global Ice Cloud Properties Based on CALIPSO and CloudSat Measurements and Their Radiative Effect
- Gulf of Mexico Monitoring Via The Remotely Controlled CMR SailBuoy
- High-resolution stable isotope measurements elucidate patterns of CH<SUB>4</SUB> metabolism in temperate and northern wetlands (Invited)
- Humification and vertical stratification of organic matter transformations in the peat column at the SPRUCE site, Marcell Experimental Forest
- Modeling Scale and Orientation-Dependent Effects in Snow Particles at Microwave Wavelengths
- Quantification of Shear-Relative Asymmetries in Eyewall Slope Using Airborne Doppler Radar Composites
- Refining the climate role of tropical cyclones: Key constituents of the summer Hadley cell?
- Relationships Between Basin-Wide and Landfalling Atlantic Tropical Cyclones: Comparing Long-Term Simulations with Paleoevidence (Invited)
- Sea Surface temperature anomalies off Baja California: A possible trigger for ENSO
- Shifting microbial communities dynamically mediate the effect of permafrost thaw on isotopic composition of atmospheric methane
- The Effect of the Balcones Escarpment on Forecasting Major South Central Texas Rainfall Events
- The Effects of Sea Surface Temperature Gradients on Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes
- The effects of SST Gradients on Tropical Convective Systems and Implications for Tropical Cyclogenesis
- Understanding Observed Indian Ocean Equatorial Flow
- Using a WRF simulation to examine regions where convection impacts the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone
- Using historical and projected future climate model simulations as drivers of agricultural and biological models (Invited)
- Utilizing Model Eliciting Activities (MEA's) to engage middle school teachers and students in storm water management practices to mitigate human impacts of land development
- An open source Java web application to build self-contained Web GIS sites
- Detecting the Signature of Permafrost Thaw in Arctic Rivers
- Determining in-Cloud Ice Particle Canting Distributions Using Radar
- Diagnosing Climate Change from Above Using the Middle Atmosphere Climate Feedback Response Analysis Method
- Explaining Tristan-Gough Plume Dynamics with New Age Data from Multiple Age-Progressive Seamount Sub-Tracks in the Young Walvis Ridge Guyot Province
- High Resolution <SUP>40</SUP>Ar/<SUP>39</SUP>Ar Geochronology of the Tuvalu Seamount Chain: Implications for Hotspot Longevity and Pacific Plate Motion.
- Lignin Degradation in a Coastal Groundwater Aquifer: a Useful Tracer?
- Mercury and Methylmercury Distributions Along a Longitudinal Transect of the North Atlantic Ocean
- Modeling the Microwave Single-scattering Properties of Aggregate Snowflakes
- Particulate Trace Element Cycling in a Diatom Bloom at Station ALOHA
- Recent Rainfall and Aerosol Chemistry From Bermuda
- The Rurutu Hotspot: Isotopic and Trace Element Evidence of HIMU Hotspot Volcanism in the Tuvalu Islands
- The Utility of CDOM for Improving the Resolution of Riverine DOM Fluxes and Biogeochemical Function
- Trace Element Cycling in Lithogenic Particles at Station ALOHA
- Trace Element Fractional Solubility in Ultrapure Water From Samples Collected During the US GEOTRACES Eastern Tropical South Pacific Section
- Trace Metal Composition of Suspended Particulate Matter Along Meridional and Zonal Clivar Sections in the Indian Ocean
- Anaerobic oxidation of methane related to methane seepage along the northern US Atlantic margin
- Arctic Sea Ice Basal Melt Onset Variability and Associated Ocean Surface Heating
- Biogeochemical and Microbial Survey of Gravity Cores from the Guaymas Basin and Sonora Margin
- Comparison of Landfill Methane Oxidation Measured Using Stable Isotope Analysis and CO<SUB>2</SUB>/CH<SUB>4</SUB> Fluxes Measured by the Eddy Covariance Method
- Degradation State, Sources, and Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from an Amino Acid Time Series in an Agricultural Watershed
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Development and Applications of Thallium isotopes: a new proxy tracking the extent of manganese oxide burial
- Implications of Glacier Volume Change for Ice-Ocean Interactions
- New Radiometric Age Constraints for the Matuyama-Bruhnes Reversal and Santa Rosa Excursion
- Paradoxical High Productivity in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific Ocean During the Miocene "El Padre", ODP Site 849, and IODP Sites U1337 and U1338
- Relationship between Trophic Status and Methanogenic Pathways in Alaskan Peatlands
- Seafloor Tectonic Fault Fabric and the Evolution of the Walvis Ridge-Rio Grande Rise Hot Spot Twins in the South Atlantic
- Seasonal Changes in Diversity and Metabolic Potential of Freshwater Microbial Communities in an Arctic Lake
- Seasonal variability in the composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River, Alaska
- Sediment Interfaces: Ecotones on a Microbial Scale
- Sources of Below-Ground Respired Carbon in a Northern Minnesota Ombrotrophic Spruce Bog and the Influence of Heating Manipulations.
- Temporal and Water Column Variability in Particulate Organic Carbon Composition on the Amazon River Main-stem
- The Organic Matter Biogeochemistry of the Congo River
- The Relative Motion of Pacific Mantle Plumes: Implications for the Viscosity Structure of the Earth's Mantle.
- Towards Biogeochemical Modeling of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane: Characterization of Microbial Communities in Methane-bearing North American Continental Margin Sediments
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts
- Characterizing Groundwater Sources of Organic Matter to Arctic Coastal Waters
- Comparing Mid-Century Climate Change Projections at Convective Resolving Scales (2-km) for Life Zones Within Puerto Rico
- Constraining trace metal paleo-proxies for black shale deposition in upwelling systems: the Benguela upwelling system offshore Namibia
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition in Waters Draining Permafrost Landscapes - a Circumpolar Synthesis
- Enhancing SAMOS Data Access in DOMS via a Neo4j Property Graph Database.
- Exploring Estimates of Net Community Production and Export Along the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP), 1993-2014.
- Field observations of extended seawater intrusion through subsurface karst conduit networks at Wakulla Spring in the Woodville Karst Plain, Florida
- Global models of internal tides and waves for the SWOT mission
- Hurricane Patricia in the US Navy Earth System Prediction Capability Global Coupled System
- Hydrologic controls on Congo River particulate organic carbon source and reservoir age
- Impact of the Madden-Julian Oscillation on Remote Ocean Variability: Low-latitude Western Boundary Current and Circulations in the Maritime Continent
- Influence of Atmospheric Processes on the Solubility and Composition of Iron in Saharan Dust
- Microbial communities in methane seep sediments along US Atlantic Margin are structured by organic matter and seepage dynamics
- Nutrient dynamics across a dissolved organic carbon and burn gradient in central Siberia
- Owgis 2.0: Open Source Java Application that Builds Web GIS Interfaces for Desktop Andmobile Devices
- Recent Developments of the Florida Public Hurricane Loss Model
- Recovery of Seamount Precious Coral Beds From Heavy Trawling Disturbance with Links to Carbonate Chemistry Changes
- Temperature-Salinity Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in High-resolution Ocean Simulations and in Climate Models (CMIP5)
- The Effect of Molybdate Inhibition of Sulfate Reduction on the Production and Stable Isotopic Composition of Methane in Hypersaline Environments
- The Ephemeral Signature of Permafrost Carbon in an Arctic Fluvial Network
- The Megafaunal Communities of Mn-crusted Guyots in the Central and Western Pacific
- The dynamics of methane emissions in Alaskan peatlands at different trophic levels
- Understanding California Mountain Wintertime Hydroclimate Trends using an Ensemble of High-Resolution Variable-Resolution CESM Simulations
- Using Multi-Disciplinary Data to Compile a Hydrocarbon Budget for GC600, a Natural Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
- Verification and Validation of a Navy ESPC Hindcast with Loosely Coupled Data Assimilation
- A DOM Odyssey: The Tale of Molecular Transformations in an Aquifer near Bemidji, MN
- A Geochemical Analysis of Rare Earth Elements Associated with Significant Phosphate Deposits of West-Central Florida
- A Geostatistics-Informed Hierarchical Sensitivity Analysis Method for Complex Groundwater Flow and Transport Modeling
- Air temperature estimation using MODIS LST data based on ground measurements on the glaciers in the Tibetan Plateau
- An Improved Nested Sampling Algorithm for Model Selection and Assessment
- Arctic CO<SUB>2</SUB> in a Changing Climate: Constraints on Fluxes and Transport From In Situ Measurements and Modeling
- Assessing global carbon burial during Oceanic Anoxic Event 2, Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event
- Bioremediation of Uranium-Contaminated Groundwater using Engineered Injection and Extraction
- COARSEMAP: synthesis of observations and models for coarse-mode aerosols
- Can barrier islands survive sea level rise? Tidal inlets versus storm overwash
- Carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry across stream ecosystems
- Comparative Analysis of Nitrate Levels in Pensacola Area Rain Water
- Comparison of <SUP>13</SUP>C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy for estimating humification and aromatization of soil organic matter
- Comparison of Radiocarbon Ages of Sediments, Plants, and Shells From Coastal Lakes in North Florida
- Comparison of Two Global Ocean Reanalyses, NRL Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) and U. Maryland Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA)
- Compositionally heterogeneous dissolved organic matter reflects changing flowpaths in a large ice sheet catchment over the course of the melt season at Leverett Glacier, southwest Greenland
- Constraining Biomarkers of Dissolved Organic Matter Sourcing Using Microbial Incubations of Vascular Plant Leachates of the California landscape
- Contrasting bio- and photo-lability of permafrost-derived DOM
- Controls on Methanogenesis in Organic-Rich Anaerobic Environments
- Controls on delta formation, area, and topset slope: New predictive relationships developed using a global delta dataset
- Decoding the Secrets of Carbon Preservation and GHG Flux in Lower-Latitude Peatlands
- Dispersion and Cluster Scales in the Ocean
- Ebullition, Plant-Mediated Transport, and Subsurface Horizontal Water Flow Dominate Methane Transport in an Arctic Sphagnum Bog
- Exploring the elevated water vapor signal associated with biomass burning aerosol over the southeast Atlantic Ocean
- First Nd-Hf isotope evidence for ultra depleted melts in MOR-type replacive mantle bodies
- Geochemical Evidence Against Pyroxenites in the Sources of Hawaiian Volcanoes
- Global Sensitivity Analysis for Identifying Important Parameters of Nitrogen Nitrification and Denitrification under Model and Scenario Uncertainties
- Global latitudinal trends in peat recalcitrance quantified with calibrated FTIR spectroscopy
- Identification of Arbitrary Zonation in Groundwater Parameters using the Level Set Method and a Parallel Genetic Algorithm
- Illuminating the dark side of DOM: A bottom up approach to understanding the structure and composition of DOM.
- Improved estimates of biomass burning emissions in the southeast United States
- Increasing Alkalinity Export from Large Russian Arctic Rivers
- Investigating A Unique Open Ocean Geochemical Record Of the End Triassic Mass Extinction from Panthalassa
- Investigating the direct meltwater effect in oxygen-isotope records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model
- Long-Term Recovery of Life in the Chicxulub Crater
- Methane Carbon Isotopic Composition Reveals Changing Production Pathways Across a Gradient of Permafrost Thaw
- Methanogenic pathways in Alaskan peatlands at different trophic levels with evidence from stable isotope ratios and metagenomics
- Microbial Insights into Shifting Methane Production Potential in Thawing Permafrost
- Millennial Variability of Eastern Equatorial Bottom Water Oxygenation and Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> over the past 100 kyr
- Monitoring Rates of Subsidence and Relative Sea-Level Rise in Low-Elevation Coastal Zones: A New Approach
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Capabilities for Robust Data-Model Integration
- Multi-Hypothesis Modelling Reveals the Key Processes Influencing Modelled CO<SUB>2</SUB> Reponse Of Leaf-Scale Photosynthesis
- Multi-core, multi-constraint chronostratigraphic framework over past 50,000 years places high-resolution Gulf of Alaska ocean-ice-sediment history into a global framework
- Offshore Earthquake 2012 in the California Borderlands: Possible Extension of Seismically Active Area Offshore
- Ozone deposition and stomatal uptake at flux tower sites
- Past collapse and late Holocene reestablishment of the Petermann Ice Tongue, Northwest Greenland
- Peatland Organic Matter Chemistry Trends Over a Global Latitudinal Gradient
- Predicting hydrologic function with the streamwater mircobiome
- Scaling isotopic emissions and microbes across a permafrost thaw landscape
- Seasonal and Regional Differences in Reactive Bromine Abundance near the North Pole, the Beaufort Gyre, and at Utqiaġvik (Barrow), Alaska
- Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Land Loss in Mississippi River Delta
- Temperature-salinity structure of the AMOC in high-resolution ocean simulations and in CMIP5 models
- Temporally Resolved Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics on the Georgia Coast
- Thallium isotopes track fluctuations in global manganese oxide burial during the Ediacaran Period
- The Ge/Si ratio quantifies the role of recycled crust in the generation of MORBs
- The Pulse of the Amazon
- The Relationship Between the Zonal Mean ITCZ and Regional Precipitation during the mid-Holocene
- The global warming potential of methane reassessed with combined stratosphere and troposphere chemistry
- The role of DOM in nitrogen processing in streams across arctic regions affected by fire
- Tracking Early Jurassic marine (de)oxygenation
- Tracking the Fate of new C in Northern Peatlands by a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope-Labeling Approach coupled with multiple analytical techniques and gas fluxes analysis
- Understanding the impact of ENSO on the variability and sources of moisture for precipitation in mainland southeast Asia during the onset of the Indian summer monsoon.
- Using thallium isotopes in the 2.63 Ga Jeerinah Formation from Hamersley Basin, Western Australia, to constrain ancient seafloor oxygenation
- V isotope composition in modern marine hydrothermal sediments
- X-ray fluorescence results from IODP Expedition 355 sediments in Laxmi Basin, eastern Arabian Sea: Insights into late Miocene and Pleistocene carbonate production and burial and possible variations in monsoon intensit
- 3 Years of Airborne Observations over the South East Atlantic: A Review of African Biomass Burning Aerosol Physiochemistry Measurements in the Free Troposphere and Marine Boundary Layer
- A new Quasi 3D modeling framework for regional unsaturated-saturated water flow with large spatial and time steps
- A new forward model of leaf wax hydrogen isotope ratios to bridge proxy and model estimates of past climate
- An information technology foundation for fostering interdisciplinary oceanographic research and analysis
- Arctic stream resiliency and nutrient uptake dynamics across a wildfire chronosequence
- Brucite at high pressures
- Carbon transport in a subarctic permafrost peatland catchment area
- Carbonyl sulfide and physiological measurements provide joint constraints on ecosystem-scale photosynthesis: Insights from an old-growth forest.
- Causes of the anomalous heat flux onto the Greenland continental shelf
- Combining soil flux and soil gas profiles to constrain CH<SUB>4</SUB> emission pathways in a Northern peatland - a data-model fusion study
- Crystal relaxation, an important temperature-dependent post entrapment process of mineral-hosted melt inclusions
- D/H isotope fractionation during H diffusion loss from clinopyroxene evidenced in martian nakhlites
- Degradation of Buried Crude Oil in a Florida Sandy Beach
- Depth-Resolved Methane Chemistry and Transport in an Arctic Peatland Retrieved from Isotopic Porewater Gas Profiles
- Evaluating the extended range ocean forecast in the NRL Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean-Sea Ice Forecast System
- Evolution of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Meridional Temperature Gradients During the Cenozoic: Evidence from seismic stratigraphy
- Experimental Constraint of the Volatility of Germanium, Zinc, and Lithium in Martian Basalts and the Role of Degassing in Alteration of Surface Lithologies
- Explaining the lingering bomb carbon observed in the surface ocean
- Extreme El Nino Events Over the Last Millennium: A Model/Proxy Synthesis Approach
- From genes to particles to the global carbon cycle: Using genetic analyses to investigate the marine biological carbon pump
- Geneohydrology: Using Aquatic Gene Fragments to Quantify Macroscale Ecohydrologic Function
- Global and regional modeling of absorbing aerosols in the southeast Atlantic during ORACLES 2016: comparisons to new observations
- How do Whole-Ecosystem Warming and Elevated Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration Affect Peatland Methane Production?
- Impact of Multiple High-resolution Regional Domains on the Accuracy of the Global Surface Tides
- Impact of Stokes Drift on Measurements of Surface Currents from Drifters and HF Radar
- Integrating environmental metabolomics and proteomics to describe changes in carbon decomposition resulting in increased greenhouse gas flux under whole ecosystem warming at the Spruce and Peatland Responses Under Changing Environments (SPRUCE) experimental site
- Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of the Rahat Volcanic Field, Saudi Arabia
- Machine Learning with Aquatic DNA to Estimate Hydrologic and Catchment Characteristics
- OceanWorks: Enabling Interactive Oceanographic Analysis in the Cloud with Multivariate Data
- Particle-size effects on aerosol fractional solubility in samples from US GEOTRACES section cruises
- Physical controls in the empirical relationship of current ripple wavelength
- Predicting deltaic morphological change on a global scale
- Re-examining the Role of Lakes in Carbon Cycling Across High Latitudes - Results from ABoVE
- Reconciling Evapotranspiration Partitioning Models with Evidence of Anomalously Low Isotopic Fractionation during Evaporation in Semi-arid Landscapes
- Remote sensing of fire-drought relationships in a prescribed fire landscape: global insights from Florida government records
- Replacement times of the rare earth elements in the North Atlantic Ocean based on thorium supply
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program Data Services for the Oceanographic Research Community
- Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Matter in Lagoon Ecosystems along the Eastern Alaskan Beaufort Sea Coast
- The Arctic Great Rivers Observatory (ArcticGRO)
- The cold shoulder: microbial carbon metabolism across an ancient permafrost chronosequence
- The impact of biomass burning aerosols on isotope ratios of stratocumulus clouds
- The impact of the EL Nino-Southern Oscillation and the Indian Ocean Dipole on isotope ratios in summer monsoon rainfall during the mid-Holocene.
- The relationship between environmental variables and springtime boundary layer ozone over the Arctic Ocean
- Toward the Predictive Understanding of Greenhouse Gas Production in High Latitude Peatlands
- Trace Element Cycling in the Sea Surface Microlayer from a Controlled Atmospheric Deposition Event
- Trace Metal and Iron Cycling in Deep-Subsurface, Coal Bed-Containing Sediments off Shimokita (Japan)
- Tracking the Fate of new C in Northern Peatlands by a Compound-Specific Stable Isotope-Labeling Approach coupled with multiple analytical techniques and gas fluxes analysis
- Upper-Ocean Processes Controlling the Sea Surface Temperature in the Western Gulf of Mexico
- Water Stable Isotope Ratios Reveal Network Scale Variability in Base Flow Water Sources in a Western Cascades headwater stream network
- An isotopic journey through space and time: exploring the connections between atmospheric circulation, local hydrology, and precipitation isotope ratios in paleo-monsoons using an isotope-enable general circulation model.
- Anthropogenic Declines in Deep Roots Constrain Deep Soil Organic Carbon Forms and Fluxes
- Applying Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence to Improve Estimates of Hazelnut Transpiration
- Bayesian Inference and Predictive Performance of Soil Respiration Models in the Presence of Model Discrepancy
- Canopy interception losses of rainfall in North American biomes
- Carbonate Burial Through The Miocene Climate Optimum: Atlantic Versus Pacific Response
- Catchment Research in the Arctic Long-Term Ecological Research program: North Slope, Alaska, USA
- Chemical Composition and Oxidation State of Iron-Containing Aerosol Particles Observed during US GEOTRACES Western Arctic Cruise GN01
- Constraining Lower Tropospheric Aerosol Scavenging using Heavy Water Isotope Ratios in Vapor
- Constraining ozone dry deposition using ozone and water vapor flux measurements
- Cryptic high recycling of organic matter in coral carbonate sands revealed by aquatic eddy covariance
- Designing a critical zone research coordination network to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Do we need to account for dynamic changes in subsurface plumbing to project blue water stocks and fluxes?
- Dynamics of proton in brucite (Mg(OH)<SUB>2</SUB>)
- Elasticity of Amphiboles at High Pressures
- Energetic and thermodynamic controls on the meridional distribution of meteoric isotopes
- Experimentally generated partition coefficients for the first-row transition elements (FRTE) during pyroxenite partial melting at 3.0 GPa
- Have Improvements in Ozone Air Quality Benefited Plants?
- How does hydrologic connectivity on hillslopes mantled by soils with shrink-swell properties respond to changing precipitation patterns?
- Hydrogeophysical investigations of merokarst aquifers in the Flint Hills, Kansas
- Impacts of sugarcane fires on air quality and public health in South Florida
- Including K-12 teachers in field research: progress and lessons learned on communicating climate change science to a broader audience
- Incorporating Stable Water Isotopes into Forecasting Models Improves Drought Prediction
- Influence of volatiles on the structure and properties of aluminosilicate melts
- Intraseasonal Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Is the concept of a zonal mean tropical precipitation change useful?
- Isotopic Expressions of ENSO: The Last Millennium to the 21st Century
- Isotopic Fingerprints of Last Millennium Volcanic Eruptions
- Isotopic and high resolution analytical techniques to investigate the stability of peat soils across gradients in latitude and altitude
- Isotopic constraints on heterogeneous production of nitrate in extreme haze in Asia
- Lessons Learned from Deepwater Horizon: Uncertainties and Challenges in Numerical Simulations of the Oil Spill
- MOSAiC's Pan Arctic Water Isotope Network & Discoveries
- Modelling the effects of climate-responsive soil parameters on continental-scale hydrologic stores and fluxes in the Community Land Model (CLM) 5.0
- Molecular and Isotopic Characterization Elucidate Shifts in the Composition and Functional Role of DOM in Watersheds Undergoing Glacier Loss.
- New insights into spatial and temporal dynamics of the global water cycle from the Iso2k database
- Oceanographic data from Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R), 10 years of platform data management and how it relates to airborne data archiving
- On the Physics of Warm Water Volume (WWV) and El Nino/La Nina
- Pan-Arctic Molecular Fingerprints: Multi-Year FT-ICR MS Data from the Major Arctic Rivers Reveal Unique Seasonal- and River-Specific Molecular Formulae
- Physics of Interannual Variability and Trend of the Bering Strait Through-Flow Gleaned from Satellite Altimeters and in situ Data
- Quantifying Chukchi Polynya Occurrence Using Passive Microwave Satellite and Local Observational Data
- Quantifying drought induced water cycle changes in the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Review of Standard Underway Instrument Formats Across the US Academic Research Fleet
- Rooting Depths Change on a Global Scale in the Anthropocene
- SatJ: A New, Global Dataset of Photolysis Rates, Derived from Satellites, for Atmospheric Chemistry Model Evaluation
- Sedimentary Vanadium Isotope Signatures from An Oxygen Transect across the California Mexico Margin
- Stable carbon isotopic composition of oceanic dissolved black carbon reveals non-riverine source
- Stewardship of Research Vessel Underway Data by the FSU's Marine Data Center
- Thallium Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Late Devonian Marine Anoxia
- Tracking the accumulation of O<SUB>2</SUB> in Archean oceans using thallium and molybdenum isotopes
- Tropospheric HDO/H<SUB>2</SUB>O Distribution over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean from Satellite, Aircraft and Model
- Understanding Ecohydrology in a Managed Watershed through Integrated Modeling and Observations
- Understanding water intercalation in layered silicates
- Using Stream Bacterial DNA as a Unique High Dimensional Dataset for Understanding Macroscale Catchment Function across Scales
- What happens to DOM when a big river, the Yukon, meanders through a big delta and out into the big ocean?
- A Finite Particle Method for Simulating Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- A New Multi-Model Difference-Based Sensitivity Analysis Method to Screen Non-Influential Processes with Process Model and Parametric Uncertainty
- Arrhythmia in the Amazon: La Niña influence on riverine organic molecular signatures
- Assessing the decomposition potential of peat from the tropics to the Arctic
- Bringing the Arctic to the High School Classroom
- Changes in trace gas radiative forcing of Stordalen Mire from 1970-2014
- Changing State of Earth's Climate for the last 66 Million Years
- Data-Model Comparisons of Tropical Hydroclimate Changes Over the Common Era
- Diagenesis Scorecard for Reducing Uncertainty in Holocene Coral Reconstructions
- Does woody encroachment accelerate carbonate weathering?
- Effect of Water on the Structure and Properties of Albite Melt
- Electrical conductivity of tremolite and actinolite amphiboles
- Enrichment of water and fluid-soluble trace elements in the Troodos Ophiolite: evidence for a near-trench origin
- Estimating the Influence of Hydrological Connectivity on Carbon Dynamics Across Arctic-Boreal Lakes
- Evaluation of global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2)
- Exploring linkages between dissolved organic matter and dissolved silicon in Arctic rivers influenced by a gradient of permafrost degradation
- Glacier shrinkage impacts dissolved and particulate organic carbon export from coastal temperate forested watersheds
- Global Incised Valley Filling During the Holocene Sea-Level Highstand - Implications for Carbon Burial
- Global climate and cryosphere controls on South Atlantic carbonate deposition since the Oligocene (30-0 Ma)
- High pressure behavior of layered hydrous silicate, kaolinite: Insights from Raman spectroscopy
- Improving pedotransfer functions: A new framework to predict soil saturated hydraulic conductivity
- Influence of past climate change on subglacial microbial communities and biogeochemical processes beneath Siple Coast ice streams, West Antarctica
- Key Observations and Physics that Coupled El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) Models Often Do Not Model Well.
- Large source of mercury from the western margin of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Mesoscale Eddy Connectivity in the Atlantic Ocean
- Microbe-substrate interactions following simulated microbial inoculation to thawed yedoma permafrost
- Modeling Interannual Variations and Spatial Gradients of Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Over the Arctic Ocean
- Molecular Fossils Reveal Processes Preceding, Initiating and Sustaining the Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion Used to Define Widespread Marine Deoxygenation in the mid-Cretaceous (OAE 2)
- NOM Corona of Silver Nanoparticles: Sulfidation-Induced Changes in Molecular Composition
- Novel procedure for measuring the response time of aquatic sensors
- Oxygen production and consumption of permeable carbonate reef sands measured with a new dual-optode eddy covariance instrument
- Rooting Abundance Governs How Soil Organic C Promotes Soil Aggregation Across a Steep Precipitation Gradient
- Sensitivity of lake and wetland methane emissions upscaling to littoral zone area using airborne synthetic aperture radar
- Structure and properties of volatile bearing aluminosilicate melts
- Subsurface Flow Path and Stream Chemistry Response to Warming in a High Elevation Mountain Watershed in Colorado
- The Radiative Effects of Cyclone and Anticyclone Activity Driving Arctic Sea Ice Melt Onset Patterns
- The distinct microbial ecology and biogeochemistry of rotten sea ice on the Arctic shelf
- The role of isotope hydrology along moisture transport pathways for precipitation isotope ratios in the East Asian Monsoon.
- Transport properties of metallic melts at conditions relevant to Earth's outer core
- Understanding and Managing Harmful Algal Bloom in West Florida Shelf using E3SM Earth System Model
- Using Satellite-Derived Photolysis Rates (SatJ) to Evaluate Constraints on Atmospheric Oxidants Based on Photolysis Mechanisms in Chemistry Models
- Using a Machine Learning Method (t-SNE) to Delineate Spatial Zones of Groundwater Geochemistry in Regional Aquifers
- Using an Ocean-ENSO Teleconnection to Predict the California Current Zooplankton Population to 2-3 Months in Advance.
- Impact of horizontal resolution on global ocean-sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2).
- Multi-Decadal Declines in Particulate Mercury and Sediment Export from Russian Rivers in the Pan-Arctic Basin
- The EUREC4A-Ocean/Atmosphere campaign: status
- Ultra-depleted mantle at the Southwest Indian Ridge: The Marion Rise
- Molecular Observation Networks for Enhancing Ecosystem Modeling
- Pressure induced hydration in layered hydrous minerals in subduction zone settings
- Ridge basalts with decoupled Hf-Nd isotopes: Evidence for ancient residual lithosphere
- The 1000 Soils Pilot: A standardized high resolution workflow for understanding belowground soil organic matter cycles
- Wildfires as a source of aerosol nutrients and impacts on marine biogeochemical cycles
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. I. Shiklomanov
- Akinori Ito
- Alessandro Tagliabue
- Andreas Behrendt
- Andreas Stracke
- Andrew R. Bowie
- Baylor Fox‐Kemper
- C. W. Fairall
- Chelle Gentemann
- Christopher Horvat
- Claudia Acquistapace
- César B. Rocha
- Dariusz B. Baranowski
- David P. Krabbenhoft
- Dimitry Sein
- Dmitry Sidorenko
- Dongxiao Zhang
- Douglas S. Hamilton
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily B. Graham
- Eric P. Chassignet
- Frédéric Castruccio
- Gregory R. Foltz
- Guillaume Lapeyre
- Gökhan Danabasoglu
- H. J. Dick
- Hervé Claustre
- Hervé Giordani
- J. W. McClelland
- Jessica Cofrancesco
- Jim Thomson
- Jin‐Song von Storch
- Jocelyn M. Lavallee
- Johannes Karstensen
- Karen J. Heywood
- Kennedy O. Doro
- Kevin R. Arrigo
- Lionel Renault
- M. Francesca Cotrufo
- Maggie Bowman
- Mainak Mookherjee
- Michael N. Weintraub
- Morgane M. G. Perron
- N. M. Mahowald
- Natalie A. Griffiths
- Nicola Falco
- Odeta Qafoku
- Paquita Zuidema
- Peter Landschützer
- Rémi Laxenaire
- Samantha R. Weintraub
- Scott Zolkos
- Stephen Yeager
- Suzanne E. Tank
- Vincent J. M. Salters
- Volker Wulfmeyer
- Who M. Kim
- Xiaobiao Xu
- Xingyuan Chen
- Yiwen Li
- Yuri Corilo
- Yuxin Wu