Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (108)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A New Deep Seismic Reflection Profile From the SCREECH Project, Newfoundland Basin, NW Atlantic Margin
- Crustal Structure and Composition of the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Rifted Margin on the Future ODP Leg 210 Drilling Transect
- Measuring Stress-Induced Change in Saturation Remanence to Estimate Saturation Magnetostriction of Single-Domain Titanomaghemite in Oceanic Basalts
- Distinguishing Biogenic From Anthropogenic Aerosols Over the North Atlantic Ocean Using Stable Sulphur Isotopes
- Metal/silicate partitioning of Pt and the origin of the "late veneer"
- Metasomatic Control of Trace Element Ratios in Lithospheric Mantle: New Interpretation of OIB Isotopic Variations
- Distribution of Post-Rift Sills on the Newfoundland Nonvolcanic Margin Around the ODP Leg 210 Transect From Waveform Inversions and Synthetic Seismograms
- Nearly Optimal Acoustic and Elastic Boundary Conditions
- The Metasomatic Alternative for the Origin of OIB: a Model which Reconciles Experimental Petrology and Geochemistry
- Can Magnetic Anisotropy Help Correct for Compaction-induced Decrease in Intensity as Well as Inclination of Remanence? A Case Study Using Plastic Deformation Experiments on Clay-rich Magnetite-bearing Turbidites.
- A 3.2 Ga Magmatic arc Preserving 50 Ma of Crustal Convergence in the Barberton Terrain, South Africa
- Excess 210Pb Inventories and Fluxes Along the Continental Slope and Basins of the Gulf of Papua
- Late Quaternary Variations in Carbonate and Siliciclastic Sedimentation From the Gulf of Papua New Guinea Based on Elemental Records
- Linking Variations at Millennial Time Scale of Sediment Nature and Accumulation to Sea- Level Fluctuations, Since Last Glacial Maximum, Along a Core Transect Across Central Pandora Trough (Gulf of Papua)
- Marine Erosional Records of Progressive Tibetan Uplift in the South China Sea
- Rare earth element partition coefficients in zircon/melt systems
- The Lifetime of DMS in Northern Latitudes: Results from Four Shipboard Experiments
- On Characterization of Elasticity Parameters in Context of Measurement Errors
- Purpose Built Computers for the Wave Equation
- Quantifying Element Mass Transfer at Subduction Zone Conditions by using the Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell and in-situ X-Ray Fluorescence
- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Measuring Mg/Ca in Small, Rare and Altered Foraminifera
- Strongly foliated garnetiferous amphibolite clasts in ophiolitic melanges, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet; Early Cretaceous disruption of a back-arc basin?
- Three-Dimensional Forward Modeling of Magnetotelluric Data Over Cratonic Lithosphere and Attendent Geological Structures: Case Study of the Zimbabwe Craton
- Deciphering Microbial Carbon Sources in Petroleum Contaminated Sediments Using Compound Specific Radiocarbon Analysis
- MCMT3DID - a finite-element, 3D MT inversion code using local coordinates for each site and solving for distortion parameters
- Mars Analog Tunable Laser Spectroscopy at a Site of Active Serpentinization
- Morphology and Expansion of a Tidal Flat and Mangrove Forest, Firth of Thames, New Zealand
- On effective elasticity tensors
- High resolution trace element records from the deep sea hydrocoral Stylaster venustus: Implications for stylasterids as a paleoceanographic archive
- Molecular Insights into Plant-Microbial Processes and Carbon Storage in Mangrove Ecosystems
- Reference Materials for Trace Element Microanalysis of Carbonates by SIMS and other Mass Spectrometric Techniques
- Resolving active microbial cycling of carbon pools using 14C
- Results from a round-robin study assessing the precision and accuracy of LA-ICPMS U/Pb geochronology of zircon
- Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of LREE minerals for use as reference materials for in situ analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS
- Development and characterization of a Ti-doped haploandesite glass standard for Ti-in-zircon geothermometry (Invited)
- Factors affecting the hydrogen isotopic composition of dissolved organic matter along a salinity gradient
- Fate of terrestrial DOC within stream biofilm communities: a stable isotope approach (Invited)
- Influence of sea level and monsoon variability on sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Inversion of First-Arrival Seismic Traveltimes on 3D Unstructured Grids Without Ray Tracing
- Isotopic constraints on the collision age from the Kohistan-Ladakh Arc crust
- Life detection at a Mars analogue site of present-day serpentinization in the Tablelands Ophiolite of Newfoundland (Invited)
- Mapping Microbial Populations Relative to Sites of Ongoing Serpentinization: Results from the Tablelands Ophiolite Complex, Canada
- Warming, nitrogen availability and site variation interact to govern soil microbial substrate choice and CO2 release along a boreal forest transect
- Yttrium Behavior in Aqueous Fluid At High Pressures and Temperatures: Implications for Cold Subduction Zones
- Archean crustal evolution of the Narryer Gneiss Terrane, Western Australia, as revealed by the U-Pb age and Hf-isotope compositions of zircon from the granitic gneisses
- Factors regulating the use of dissolved organic matter by heterotrophic biofilm communities in boreal headwater streams
- Linking in-situ Hf isotopes in zircon with in-situ Pb isotopes in plagioclase: a microanalytical approach to characterize Archean anorthosite petrogenesis
- Mineralization of organic matter with warming in boreal forest soils is influenced by nitrogen dynamics
- Partitioning of Nb Between Rutile and Aqueous Fluid at High Pressures and Temperatures
- The Miocene to Recent evolution of an active transform fault at the junction of Hellenic and Cyprus Arcs, eastern Mediterranean: the linkage between the western Antalya Basin and Finike Basin and Anaximander Seamounts
- Trace element composition of olivine - implications for the evolution of the olivine gabbro-troctolite-hosted Voisey's Bay Ni-Cu-Co sulfide deposit, Labrador
- Did the Kiruna iron ores form as a result of a metasomatic or igneous process? New U-Pb and Nd data for the iron oxide apatite ores and their host rocks in the Norrbotten region of northern Sweden
- Direct dating and characterization of the Pope's Hill REE Deposit, Labrador
- Joint inversion of seismic traveltime and gravity data: A synthetic study using geologically realistic models from the Voisey's Bay deposit
- New Insights on the Recrystallization and New Growth of Extensively Radiation-damaged Zircon
- Simultaneous in situ determination of both U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd isotopes in monazite by laser ablation using a magnetic sector ICP-MS and a multicollector ICP-MS
- Split-stream laser ablation microanalysis: U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotopic composition of complexly zoned zircon crystals from the ancient zircon record
- The Collision Timing and Subsequent Deformation Phases in the Western Himalaya during the India-Eurasia Collision
- The solubility of Nb-bearing rutile in aqueous fluids containing Albite, NaCl and NaF from 1-5 GPa and 300-600oC
- Tracking hydrothermal alteration and mineralization in rock-forming and accessory minerals from the Lyon Mountain Granite and related iron oxide apatite (IOA) ores from the Adirondack Mountains, New York State
- Warming Alters the Routing of Labile and Slower-Turnover Carbon Through Distinct Microbial Groups in Boreal Forest Organic Soils
- A warmer climate induces greater temperature sensitivity in boreal forest organic horizon soil respiration
- Are boreal forest soil losses balanced by increased inputs along a climate transect?
- Elucidating the construction of the Austurhorn Intrusion, SE Iceland, using zircon elemental and isotopic geochemistry and geochronology
- Examining the effect of altered redox conditions on deep soil organic matter stability
- Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon within Soils across a Boreal Forest Ecosystem Latitudinal Transect
- Form, quantity, and fate of nitrogen inputs along a boreal forest climate transect
- Increased temperature sensitivity of carbon turnover is not observed in boreal forest soil pools from a warmer climate (Invited)
- Microbial Biomass Distribution and Compositional Changes Associated with a Warmer Climate in Boreal Forest Soils
- Microbial carbon cycling in Lost City hydrothermal chimneys and other serpentinite-hosted ecosystems (Invited)
- Potential autotrophic metabolisms in ultra-basic reducing springs associated with present-day continental serpentinization
- Characterizing Rayleigh Wave Velocity and Amplitude Anisotropy in an Alpine Glacier
- Dynamic Time Warping for coda wave interferometry studies
- A look at dynamic time warping in seismology
- Chromium Isotopes in Carbonate Rocks: New Insights into Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygenation
- Comparison of clumped isotope signatures of dolomite cements to fluid inclusion thermometry in the temperature range of 74-180 °C
- Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) U-Pb & Lu-Hf Isotope Analysis of Detrital Zircons from the Old Red Sandstone, NW Svalbard: Implications for Northern Caledonian Paleogeography
- Nd Isotope and U-Th-Pb Age Mapping of Single Monazite Grains by Laser Ablation Split Stream Analysis
- Improvements in Laser Ablation Split Stream (LASS) methodology: simultaneous U-Th-Pb and Sm-Nd Isotope Measurement of Monazite, Titanite, Apatite, Allanite, and Perovskite
- Magma Mingling of Multiple Mush Magmas
- Storage and stability of mineral-associated soil organic matter pools in genetic horizons of harvested coniferous forest soils
- Abrupt Changes in Bottom Water Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages during Heinrich Events 1-4
- Can Runoff Responses be Used to Predict Aquatic Biogeochemical Fluxes from Boreal Forest Ecosystems?
- Constraining the redox landscape of the mid-Proterozoic oceans: new insights from the carbonate uranium isotope record
- Drivers of lignin composition in boreal forest organic soils across a climate gradient
- Probabilistic source mechanism estimation based on body-wave waveforms through shift and stack algorithm
- Quantitation and speciation of total soluble phosphorous and associated nutrient inputs from precipitation and dust deposited along a latitudinal transect in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Rapid Non-Gaussian Uncertainty Quantification of Seismic Velocity Models and Images
- Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes are Controlled by both Precipitation and Longer-Term Climate Effects on Boreal Forest Ecosystems
- The origin of soil organic matter controls its composition and bioreactivity across a mesic boreal forest latitudinal gradient
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization using Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks from Newfoundland, Canada
- Modern Weathering Versus Ancient Paleoredox Proxies From a Mesoarchaean Marine Oxygen Oasis in the Pongola Supergroup, South Africa
- Probabilistic source mechanism estimation based on body-wave waveforms through shift and stack algorithm.
- The boundary between the Yangtze and Cathaysia blocks, south China, from gravity data
- Structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount through Wide-Angle, Full Waveform Imaging with a Sparse Dataset
- Validation Of a Recently Proposed Method For Coda Wave Inversion: A comparison of field and synthetic data.
- Variations in REE and Sr isotope compositions of altered rocks from magmatic- and seawater-influenced hydrothermal systems at Brothers volcano, Kermadec Arc, New Zealand (IODP Expedition 376)
- A Partial Least Squares Modelling Approach for Absorbance-Based Continuous Monitoring of Stream Dissolved Organic Carbon
- Air temperature and length of snowpack season describe annual DOC mobilization variability across a climate transect of mesic boreal forest sites
- Climate Related Shifts in Hydrology Can Impact Source and Delivery of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Matter to Aquatic Systems in a Mesic Boreal Forest Watershed
- Comparing full-waveform and amplitude-phase versus offset inversion to recover elastic parameters using a local solver
- Imaging Subseafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Losses of carbon from mineral-associated soil organic matter pools in podzolic horizons following soil climatic changes associated with forest clear-cut harvesting
- Soil nitrogen and phosphorus pools and fluxes along a boreal forest climate transect suggest potential limits on warming-enhanced nutrient availability
- Surface geometry inversion of potential field and electromagnetic geophysical data
- The atmospheric deposition of Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS ) in Canada across five (5) different latitudes.
- Time-lapse uncertainty quantification using state of the art Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method
- Using Classifiers to Identify the Underlying Physics of a Dataset