Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
flowchart I[Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (258)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (41)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Earth Sciences
- Memorial University of Newfoundland, Department of Physics
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Baroclinic Assimilation of the Long Term ADCP Observations in the Korea/Tsushima Strait
- Relativistic Electron Precipitation During Geomagnetic Storms
- Why do Some Storms Decrease the Flux of Relativisitic Electrons in the Radiation Belts ?
- Influence of the thermal plasma distribution on relativistic electron loss during storm conditions
- Biogenic Sulphate and Sulphur Dioxide Over the North Atlantic: Spring 2003
- Dynamics of Relativistic Electrons Interacting With Whistler Mode Chorus Emissions in the Magnetosphere
- Evaluation of Energy and Pitch-Angle Diffusion Rates of Radiation Belt Electrons
- The Isotope Composition of Methanesulphonic Acid for Aerosols Over the Pacific Ocean
- AccuCLASS - an Enhancement of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme for Climate Assessment Over the Prairies
- Biogenic Sulphate, Sulphur Dioxide and Methanesulphonic Acid Ratios over the North Atlantic
- Non-Parametric Approach for Trend Delineation in the Canadian Prairie
- Precipitation Loss of Radiation Belt Electrons due to Resonant Wave-particle Interactions
- Radiation Belt-Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RB-SPICE)
- Stratigraphic response of salt marshes to slow rates of sea-level change
- Test Particle Simulations of Relativistic Electrons Interacting with Whistler-mode Wave in the Radiation Belt
- Timescales for Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Loss due to Gyroresonance with VLF chorus,ELF hiss,and EMIC Waves
- Validation of Regional Precipitation Minus Evaporation Using a Coupled GRACE Driven Moisture Storage and Measured Basin Runoff
- Allerod Collapse of the Newfoundland Ice Cap, northwestern Atlantic Ocean
- Calibration Of The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Model For Streamflow Estimation Along The Upper Assiniboine River Basin
- Chlorine Isotope Ratios of Volcanic Glasses from Arc, Back-Arc and Mid-Ocean Ridges Settings - First Results of an Ion Microprobe Study
- Late Holocene Radiocarbon Variability in Northwest Atlantic Slope Waters
- Modeling of the Assiniboine Delta Aquifer (ADA) of Manitoba using the Groundwater Storage from GRACE
- Resonance Zones for Electron Interaction with Plasma Waves in the Earth's Dipole Magnetosphere
- Response of Hydrated Crust to Tidal Loading: Theoretical Predictions for Comparison With GPS-inferred Displacements.
- Theory and Simulation of the Generation of Whistler-mode Chorus
- Ultra-relativistic Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons in Planetary Magnetospheres
- Climate Change Studies for Hydroelectric Utilities
- Electron Precipitation Loss due to Pitch-Angle Scattering by Whistler-Mode Hiss in Plasmaspheric Plumes
- Late Quaternary Paleoceanography, Productivity, and Sedimentation in the Western Tropical Pacific, Gulf of Papua
- Patterns Of Moisture Storage During Canadian Prairie Drought
- Age Determination and Growth Rates in Deep-Water Bamboo Corals (Isididae)
- High resolution trace element records from the deep sea hydrocoral Stylaster venustus: Implications for stylasterids as a paleoceanographic archive
- Limitation on Earth's Radiation Belt Particle Fluxes
- Self-limitation of Stably-trapped Particle Fluxes in Planetary Magnetospheres
- Sm-Nd isotopic compositions of LREE minerals for use as reference materials for in situ analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS
- Tracking the influence of global change on soil organic C: opportunities and challenges
- Energetic Electron Fluxes at Saturn from Cassini Observations
- Evolution of Energetic Electron Distribution due to Interaction with Chorus Emissions
- Joint Inversion of Seismic Traveltimes and Gravity Data on 3D Unstructured Grids for Mineral Exploration
- Memory Estimation in the Simulated Moisture Storages and other Hydroclimatological Variables over a Drought-Prone Catchment
- Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Radiation Belt Physics
- Present-day serpentinization in the Tablelands, Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland: a Mars Analogue Site
- Refining predictions of relative sea-level change and vertical crustal motion from glacial isostatic adjustment in northern Canada: past, present, and future
- Assessing the Comparative use of 13C {1H} CPMAS NMR Analyses Across Soil and Dissolved Organic Matter Samples from a Boreal Watershed
- In-situ characterization of wastewater flow and transport from at-grade line sources to shallow groundwater
- Nonlinear Wave Processes in Earth's Radiation Belts
- Rapid formation of relativistic electron flux by whistler-mode chorus emissions in the Earth's inner magnetosphere
- Saturation mechanisms of whistler-mode chorus emissions in the inner magnetosphere
- ADApT: A rapid integrated assessment and decision support tool to respond to global change in coastal regions
- Bedload measurements in a wave bottom boundary layer using multi-frequency coherent Doppler sonar: observations from the Advocate Beach experiment
- Biogeography of serpentinite-hosted microbial ecosystems
- Importance of chlorine atom oxidation to tropospheric chemistry in an urban, coastal environment
- Linear and Nonlinear Wave Processes in Inner Magnetosphere Dynamics
- Metasomatism in the Chain of Ponds K-feldspars: Reassessing Discrete Domain 39Ar-40Ar Modelling
- Multiple indices of soil nitrogen status and temperature regulate microbial C allocation to CO<SUB>2</SUB>, substrate choices, and contributions to SOM
- Observations of the Space-time Structure of Flow, Vorticity and Stress over Orbital-scale Ripples
- On the vertical structure of near-bed velocities on a steep macrotidal beach: Observations from the Advocate Beach Experiment
- Regional Analysis of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment in Northern Canada: Improvements to the Laurentide Ice Sheet History Constrained by Relative Sea-Level and GPS Data
- Vertical profiles of ClNO2 at a remote terrestrial site: evidence of N2O5 dry deposition as a source of ClNO2?
- A Statistical Analysis on the Precipitated and Trapped Electron Fluxes Using Long-term POES Observations
- A new sub-grid surface mass balance model for continental-scale ice-sheet modelling: validation and glacial inception
- Crustal structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount, Cyprus and S. Turkey from an amphibian wide-angle seismic profile
- Discordance
- Electron Microprobe Analysis of Hf in Zircon: Suggestions for Improved Accuracy of a Difficult Measurement
- Evaluating the Metal Source(s) of Iron Oxide-Copper-Gold (IOCG) Deposits (Invited)
- Form, quantity, and fate of nitrogen inputs along a boreal forest climate transect
- Mismatches in Phenology of Birds and Their Food Due to Climate Change: Big Data, Analytical Challenges, and Scale Sensitivity
- Multi-dimensional forward modeling of frequency-domain helicopter-borne electromagnetic data
- Phototransformation of dissolved organic carbon within mercury sensitive lakes in Kejimkujik National Park, Nova Scotia, Canada
- Preparing to return to the Moon: Lessons from science-driven analogue missions to the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada, a unique lunar analogue site
- Prospects of Comparing Van Allen Probes Data with Recent Nonlinear Radiation Belt Theory
- Spatio-temporal rectification of tower-based eddy-covariance flux measurements for consistently informing process-based models
- Surface carbon transformations at a site of active continental serpentinization: the Tablelands, Newfoundland, Canada
- Towards an Improved Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model for Fennoscandia
- An Overview of the Uintah Basin Winter Ozone Study Intensives: 2012, 2013, and 2014
- Boreal forest soil nitrous oxide production and consumption responds positively to temperature and a warmer climate
- Constraining Earth's Rheology of the Barents Sea Using Grace Gravity Change Observations
- Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron Waves in the Inner Magnetosphere with a Kappa-Maxwellian Proton Distribution
- Evaluating CMAQ Simulations of Ammonia Sources, Formation and Impacts using Surface, Aircraft, and Satellite Data
- Evidence for Significant Local Generation of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Extracting sea ice geophysical parameters from multisource data
- Fine Structure of Plasmaspheric Hiss
- Impact of the Last Glacial Cycle on Common-Era temperature and energy reconstructions from terrestrial borehole temperatures in North America
- Limiting Particle Flux in a Planetary Radiation Belt
- Microbial Substrate Use at Sites of Continental Serpentinization: The Tablelands, NL, CAD and the Cedars, CA, USA
- Modest response of the southern Greenland ice sheet to the Holocene Thermal Maximum
- New Insights from 10-Be on the Deglaciation of Greenland: Comparison of a Continent-Wide Database with Climatic Forcings and Model Results
- New Isotopic Constraints on the Sources of Methane at Sites of Active Continental Serpentinization
- Nonlinear wave growth theory for discrete hiss emissions in the plasmasphere
- Rapid Climate Shifts during last Deglaciation over Central to Northern Europe
- Sub-packet structures in EMIC triggered emissions observed by the THEMIS probes
- The thickness history of the northern sector of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: an assessment of glacial isostatic adjustment models, sea-level measurements, and vertical land motion rates
- Update on the Dynamics of the Late Wisconsinan Northwestern Laurentide Ice-Sheet
- Winter Photochemistry Underlying High Ozone in an Oil and Gas Producing Region
- Applications of broadband cavity enhanced spectroscopy for measurements of trace gases and aerosols
- Butterfly distribution of outer zone relativistic electrons and their potential connection to the solar wind dynamic pressure
- Coastal Mapping for Baseline Geoscience Knowledge to Support Community Hazard Assessment and Sustainable Development, Eastern Baffin Island, Nunavut
- Exploring the Metabolic Potential of Microbial Communities in Ultra-basic Reducing Spring at The Cedars, CA: Evidence of Microbial Methanogenesis and Heterotrophic Acetogenesis
- Formation Process of Relativistic Electron Flux Through Interaction with Chorus Emissions in the Earth's Inner Magnetosphere
- How Synchronous was the Transition into the Younger Dryas across the Euro-Atlantic Region?
- Joint Geophysical Inversion With Multi-Objective Global Optimization Methods
- Joint and constrained inversions in a complex geological setting, example from the Skellefte District
- Long- and short-term temperature responses of microbially-mediated boreal soil organic matter transformations
- Marine and Human Systems: Addressing Multiple Scales and Multiple Stressors
- Nd Isotope and U-Th-Pb Age Mapping of Single Monazite Grains by Laser Ablation Split Stream Analysis
- Nonlinear Wave Growth Theory of Coherent Hiss Emissions in the Plasmasphere
- Object-Based Classification of Wetlands Using Optical and SAR Data with a Compound Kernel in Support Vector Machine (SVM)
- Rapid Arctic Changes due to Infrastructure and Climate (RATIC) in the Russian North
- Sediment movement and dispersal patterns on the Grand Banks continental shelf and slope were tied to the dynamics of the Laurentide ice-sheet margin
- Sensitivity of Ice and Climate Evolution Patterns to Modelling Uncertainties During the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transitions
- Warmer Boreal Forest Organic Soil Horizons are Associated with Larger Fluxes of Dissolved Organic Carbon than their Cooler Climate Counterparts.
- A global synthesis of Holocene sea-level data to determine its rates, mechanisms and geographic variability
- A statistical study of proton pitch angle distributions measured by the Radiation Belt Storm Probes Ion Composition Experiment (RBSPICE)
- An Ensemble Analysis of Antarctic Glacial Isostatic Adjustment and Sea Level
- An ultra-high resolution last deglacial marine sediment records of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Biomass-C specific temperature responses of microbial C transformations reveal consistency regardless of microbial community structure across diverse timescales of inquiry
- Climate Warming Can Increase Soil Carbon Fluxes Without Decreasing Soil Carbon Stocks in Boreal Forests
- Clumped isotope compositions of authigenic carbonate recovered from cored marine sediments
- Did the Laurentide ice sheet survive through Marine Isotope Stage 9?
- Extreme Ring Current Proton Spectra Measured by the Van Allen Probes
- Freshwater and Oxygen Transport Across the Labrador Shelf-Break: Insights from Gliders
- Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Along the Pacific Coast of Central North America
- Greenhouse Gas Fluxes at the Tablelands, NL, Canada: A Site of Active Serpentinization
- High resolution sea ice modeling for the region of Baffin Bay and the Labrador Sea
- High-resolution bathymetry as a primary exploration tool for seafloor massive sulfide deposits - lessons learned from exploration on the Mid-Atlantic and Juan de Fuca Ridges, and northern Lau Basin
- Influence of humic acid concentration on nTiO2 attachment to quartz sand and Fe-coated quartz sand
- Interpreting δ<SUP>15</SUP>N in Soil Profiles: Insights From the N-Isotopes of Amino Acids
- Isostasy and Sea-Level Rise in the Mississippi Delta Region
- Magma Mingling of Multiple Mush Magmas
- Mantle Viscosity in Fennoscandia from GRACE and an Ensemble of 3-D Thermo-mechanically Coupled Ice Sheet Models
- Measurement of sea ice and icebergs topography using satellite imagery
- New Constraints on Relative Sea-Level Change in Northern Greenland from Marine Bivalves; Implications for Ice History and GIA Models
- Observational evidence of the nonlinear wave growth theory of plasmaspheric hiss
- Projecting Soil Feedbacks to Atmospheric CO2 Following Erosion and Deposition on Centennial Timescales in Two Contrasting Forests: A Study of Critical Zone-Atmosphere Exchange
- Soils and agriculture under global geographical northwards shift in climate properties
- Systematics of a Clumped Isotope-Based Reconstruction of Temperature and Precipitation Water δ<SUP>18</SUP>O from Late Pleistocene and Holocene Archives of the Chinese Loess Plateau
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Projections of Sea Level Change Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America
- The Influence of Lateral Earth Structure on Glacial Isostatic Adjustment Model Output: Sensitivity to Seismic Model Input
- Truncation Effects in Computing Free Wobble/Nutation Modes Explored Using a Simple Earth Model
- Virtual Vents: A Microbathymetrical Survey of the Niua South Hydrothermal Field, NE Lau Basin, Tonga
- A New Paradigm for New Oceans
- Abrupt Changes in Bottom Water Benthic Foraminiferal Assemblages during Heinrich Events 1-4
- Characterization of Air and Ground Temperature Relationships within the CMIP5 Historical and Future Climate Simulations
- Detecting Hydrogen Chloride (HCl) in the Polluted Marine Boundary Layer Using Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS)
- Discharge of water and sediment from ice-streams on the southeastern Laurentide Ice Sheet during Heinrich events: timing and magnitude
- Drivers of lignin composition in boreal forest organic soils across a climate gradient
- Electromagnetic forward modelling for realistic Earth models using unstructured tetrahedral meshes and a meshfree approach
- Helium Diffusion in Natural Xenotime
- Increased Arctic Deposition of Persistent Compounds as a Result of the Montreal Protocol
- Interactions between Shrubs and Permafrost in the Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador, Canada
- Long-term Surface Temperature (LoST) Database as a Complement for GCM Preindustrial Simulations
- Nanoscale Titanium Dioxide (nTiO<SUB>2</SUB>) Transport in Water-Saturated Natural Sediments: Influence of Soil Organic Matter and Fe/Al Oxyhydroxides
- Near Surface Investigation of Agricultural Soils using a Multi-Frequency Electromagnetic Sensor
- Pitch Angle Scattering of Energetic Electrons by Plasmaspheric Hiss Emissions
- Quantitation and speciation of total soluble phosphorous and associated nutrient inputs from precipitation and dust deposited along a latitudinal transect in Newfoundland and Labrador
- Rotational modes of a simple Earth model
- Soil Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes are Controlled by both Precipitation and Longer-Term Climate Effects on Boreal Forest Ecosystems
- The Influence of Sediment Isostatic Adjustment on Sea-Level Change and Land Motion along the US Gulf Coast
- The contribution of glacial isostatic adjustment to projections of sea-level change along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of North America
- The origin of soil organic matter controls its composition and bioreactivity across a mesic boreal forest latitudinal gradient
- A formal Bayesian Calibration method using a Multi-layer Soil Moisture data Assimilation Scheme in a Delineated Semi-arid Region: Case study Nzhelele Catchment, South Africa.
- Carbon Dioxide Mineralization using Serpentinized Ultramafic Rocks from Newfoundland, Canada
- Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Complex Land Cover Classification of Remote Sensing Imagery
- Diagnosing Energy Transfer in an Idealized, North-Atlantic, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- Downscaling sub-daily precipitation using a nonparametric disaggregation model with multi-taper method
- Evaluating Multiscale Regularization Framework for Well Production Optimization
- Formation of the El Laco magmatic magnetite deposits by Fe-Si melt immiscibility and bubbly suspension flow along volcano tectonic faults
- Generation of Electron Acoustic Waves in the Topside Ionosphere From Coupling With Kinetic Alfven Waves: A New Electron Energization Mechanism
- Implications of Climate Variation of Temporal Precipitation Patterns for the Development of Design Storms for Urban Drainage Systems
- Influence of Kappa Distributions on the Whistler-mode Instability
- Preservation of Ecological Indices in Downscaled Climate Data
- Sediment dynamic sortable silt suggest variable Labrador Current and Labrador Sea Water strength during the Younger Dryas and 8,200-year meltwater outburst event
- Structure-from-Motion Analysis of Submarine Landslide Scarps from Remotely Operated Vehicle Video
- Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Coherence and Backscatter Analyses of Wetlands
- The Free-Core Nutation, the Free-Inner-Core Nutation, the Tilt-Over Mode and the Spin-Over Mode of the Earth
- A New Stochastic Model for the Boundary Layer Clouds and Stratocumulus Phase Transition Regimes: Open Cells, Closed Cells, and Convective Rolls
- Detecting life in porous media: spectral induced polarization (SIP) monitoring of microbially mediated reactions
- Evolving approaches for streamlining access to biology and ecosystem observations to support the objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- Examining the influence of frost on carbon and nitrogen cycling in cold region organic soils under current and future climates
- Fluid-rock interaction: quantifying changes in whole rock-chemistry at variable scales
- Frequency-Domain Analysis of the Energy Budget in an Idealized, Coupled, Ocean-Atmosphere Model
- High time-resolution measurements of HCl in marine and continental urban areas: Implications for the reactive chlorine budget
- Integrating McGill Wetland Model (MWM) with microbial controls and nutrient dynamics
- Investigating the tectonic evolution of Baffin Bay, northern Canada, using a combination of constrained 3-D gravity inversion and deformable plate tectonic models
- Magmatic versus seawater-dominated hydrothermal alteration: evidence from deep-sea drilling at Brothers volcano, Kermadec arc, New Zealand
- Magnetite-apatite deposits at El Laco volcano, Chile, formed by extrusion of an iron-rich melt
- Nitrous acid vertical profiles and formation mechanisms during the CalNex 2010 campaign
- Pangaea dispersal and Large Igneous Provinces: Cause or effect?
- Passive Canadian margin sedimentation during the late Pleistocene: implications for submarine landslides and geohazards
- Rapid Ocean Assessment Methodology Workshops — A Future Earth Coast Program tool to better understand coastal futures contributing to national security and sustainable coastal development through thorough and rapid assessment
- Relativistic Acceleration of Protons by EMIC Waves in Jovian Magnetosphere
- Revolutionize Forest Research and Management: Fast and Accurate Data Collection Using UAV Photogrammetry in Interior Alaska Boreal Forest
- Sorption and Desorption of Petroleum Hydrocarbons: Effects of Soil Composition and Temperature
- Structure of the Eratosthenes Seamount through Wide-Angle, Full Waveform Imaging with a Sparse Dataset
- Under What Conditions Are Whistler Mode Chorus Waves Generated In Earth's Outer Radiation Belt?
- Wetland Inventory of Canada using Satellite Earth Observation Data and Google Earth Engine Cloud
- Widespread ecological reorganization of boreal forests following severe wildfires
- A Multi-Model Approach for Design and Planning of Resilient Storm Water Infrastructure: Using Science- and Community-Based Knowledge to Integrate Natural and Built Infrastructure in Small Communities in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.
- Air temperature and length of snowpack season describe annual DOC mobilization variability across a climate transect of mesic boreal forest sites
- Binge-purge Heinrich like cyclicity needs water
- Canada-United States Elevation Model Collaboration to Improve Tsunami Inundation Mapping
- Comparing full-waveform and amplitude-phase versus offset inversion to recover elastic parameters using a local solver
- Comparing the last two glacial inceptions via an ensemble analysis using LCice 2.0, a fully coupled global ice-climate model
- Connections Between the Organic Aerosol Composition and Optical Properties of Biomass Burning Aerosols Measured from the NOAA Twin Otter Aircraft During the 2019 FIREX-AQ Project
- Constraining a large ensemble of Antarctic ice sheet simulations over the last glacial cycle using observations of past ice sheet evolution
- Evaluation of WRF regional climate model for simulating near-surface atmospheric characteristics
- Evolution of Brown Carbon Aerosol Absorption Downwind of Wildfires in the Western U.S.
- First results on simulated climate variability since the Last Glacial Maximum from experiments with simple, idealized and comprehensive climate models
- Gravity and Magnetic Studies to Constrain Deep-Crustal Structure and Sedimentary Architecture in the Hatton Basin, Western Offshore Ireland
- Imaging Subseafloor Hydrothermal Systems
- Linked Cavities vs. Porous Media: Sensitivity of Ice Sheet Variability to Uncertain Subglacial Hydrology
- Marine Animal-Sediment Interactions Under Global Change - Biogeochemical Consequences in the 21st Century
- Nonlinear generation mechanism of whistler-mode hiss emissions near the equatorial plasmasphere
- Revised Chronology of Northwest Laurentide Ice-Sheet Deglaciation from Beryllium-10 Exposure-Dated Erratics on the Western Canadian Shield
- Soil nitrogen and phosphorus pools and fluxes along a boreal forest climate transect suggest potential limits on warming-enhanced nutrient availability
- Spatial and temporal variability in organic carbon sources and storage in an oceanic mangrove system adjacent to shrimp aquaculture
- Surface geometry inversion of potential field and electromagnetic geophysical data
- The Contribution of Atmospheric Feedbacks on Ice Sheet Evolution during the Last Deglaciation
- The heterogeneous global structure of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in paleoclimate archives and climate simulations
- The potential significance of ericoid mycorrhizal fungi in ombrotrophic peatlands: a modeling study
- Time-lapse uncertainty quantification using state of the art Hamiltonian Monte Carlo method
- Timing and Paleoceanographic Impacts of Deglaciation of the Arctic Island Channels between the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay during the Holocene
- Tracking Crustal-scale Appalachian Orogenic Trends from Onshore to Offshore in Atlantic Canada, using Constrained 3-D Gravity Inversion
- Usage-Based Discovery of Earth Observations
- Using Classifiers to Identify the Underlying Physics of a Dataset
- Variations in the convergent margin metallogenic cycle as a key to secular tectonic processes
- Automated Soundscape Analysis Reveals Strong Influence of Time Since Wildfire on Boreal Breeding Birds
- Characterizing the distributions of temperature and precipitation since the Last Glacial Maximum in transient simulations from a hierarchy of climate models
- Distribution of dissolved (<0.45) trace elements amongst major colloidal forms affected by agricultural managements in soil solutions
- Effects of freeze-thaw cycles on methanogenic toluene biodegradation in cold regions soils
- Enrichment of 13C with depth in soil organic horizons is not explained by CO2 or DOC losses during decomposition
- Forecasting Fog with a deterministic-stochastic model
- Illuminating microbial vs. biochemical mechanisms influencing the temperature sensitivity of soil exoenzymes: consequences for soil elemental stoichiometry
- Interannual variability in leaf phenology across hemiboreal forest observed through phenocams
- Methane Emissions from Three Canadian Oil and Natural Gas Developments
- Molecular-scale Characterization of the Nanogeochemical Environment in Soils and Surface Waters to Measure the Impacts of Climate Change on Trace Elements in Boreal Ecosystems
- Partitioning early Holocene North American v. Antarctic ice melt from high-resolution reconstructions of sea-level rise and glacial isostatic adjustment modeling
- Postglacial Relative Sea-Level Changes in the Gulf of Maine, USA: A Challenge for GIA Models.
- Response of ombrotrophic peatlands to environmental changes: role of nutrient cycling mediated by plantmicrobe interactions.
- The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Past and Contemporary Relative Sea Level Rise along the Atlantic coast of Europe
- A Continuously Updated, Global Gridded Lightning Timeseries and Climatology: Development, Characteristics, and Applications of the WGLC
- Abundances and Distribution of Short-Chain (C1-C6) Carboxylic Acids in Diverse Seafloor Hydrothermal Fluids
- Beyond 2-D: validating 2-D structural restorations using deformable plate tectonic models in the Orphan Basin, offshore Newfoundland, Canada
- Bridging the archetypal Newfoundland and Iberian Atlantic conjugate margins based on new seismic constraints and plate kinematic reconstructions
- Close to Home: Co-producing Research Questions and Solutions to Coastal Erosion in Nunatsiavut, Northern Labrador
- Deterministic processes impacting organic matter chemistry are maximized in mid-order streams
- Diverse styles of hydrothermal chemistry on the ultraslow Arctic Mohns Ridge: the Fåvne, Ægir and Loki's Castle vent fields
- Geomorphic Controls on Groundwater Sources of Headwater Streamflow as Observed Through Air-Stream Water Temperature Relationships Across a Boreal Forest Climate Transect
- Impacts of Water Table Fluctuations on Methanogenic Hydrocarbon Degradation
- Influence of Landscape, Climate and Disturbances on the Chemical Composition of Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter across Canada's Forested Ecozones
- Into the Arctic Ice: Vent Fluid Chemistry, Heat and Mass Fluxes from the Aurora Hydrothermal Ecosystem, Gakkel Ridge
- Intraplate Lithospheric Deformation and the Formation of a Large Volcanic Regions
- Iron Oxide- and Oxyhydroxide-rich Hydrothermal Deposits at the Fåvne Vent Field on the Ultraslow Mohns Mid-Ocean Ridge
- Is Hydrothermal Venting at the Seafloor Episodic or Continuous?
- Parent Material can set the Threshold for Soil Water Residence Time Controls on Mineral Soil Carbon Stocks and Thus Carbon-Climate Feedbacks in Boreal Forests
- Patterns of Vegetation Change in Yukon: Recent Findings and Future Research in Dynamic Subarctic Ecosystems
- Subduction initiation and propagation in the Sulu and Celebes seas (SE Asia)
- Temporal Variability of Cu Isotope Signatures in Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits from PACMANUS Vent Field, East Manus Basin (2006-2011)
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Alexandre Normandeau
- Amy Gartman
- Andrew H. MacDougall
- B. E. Rosenheim
- Boualem Khouider
- Christopher R. German
- César R. Ranero
- Elisa Ziegler
- Eoghan P. Reeves
- Eric C. J. Oliver
- Gabriela Fernández‐Viejo
- Ingo Grevemeyer
- J. Kim Welford
- James C. Stegen
- Jed O. Kaplan
- John Jamieson
- Julie Schindlbeck-Belo
- K. J. Devito
- Katie Hong-Kiu Lau
- Keri L. Bowering
- Kira Rehfeld
- L. Gómez de la Peña
- Lauren Thompson
- Lynsay Spafford
- Lígia F. T. de Souza
- Marie‐Luise Kapsch
- Mark S. Johnson
- Matthew H. Kaufman
- Matthew Toohey
- Michael King
- Nils Weitzel
- Patricia Cadenas
- Samantha Grieger
- Samuel I. Pereira
- Sharon A. Billings
- Steffen Kutterolf
- Stephanie Slowinski
- Susan E. Ziegler
- Tamara Baumberger
- Torbjörn E. Tornqvist
- William Shotyk