University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
flowchart I[University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (268)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (2)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Constraining the Density and Thermochemical Structure of the North American Tectosphere With Mantle Flow Models Based on High-Resolution S-Wave Tomography
- Constraints on Global Three-Dimensional Mantle Structure From Joint Inversions of Seismic and Geodynamic Data
- Crustal Structure and Seismicity in the Greater Toronto Area
- Field Evidence for Subaqueous to Subaerial Volcanism in Okmok Caldera, Alaska
- Global Tomography-Based Reconstructions of the Evolution of 3-D Mantle Temperature Anomalies in the Geological Past and Their Dynamical Implications
- Near Surface Characterization and Estimated Site-Response at POLARIS Seismograph Stations in Southern Ontario
- The Witwatersrand Deep Microbiology Project: Observations Pertaining to Hypothetical Microbial Ecosytems Beneath the Surface of Mars
- Viscosity of Fe-FeS Liquids at High Pressure
- Behaviour of Structural Carbonate Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions in Bioapatite During Burning of Bone
- Compressional Wave Velocities in Fe-Ni-Si Melts to 1650° C: Contrasting Results Compared to Fe-Ni-S Melts
- Interpretation of Gravity Gradients Produced by Magmatic Intrusions Using Elastic- and Viscoelastic-Gravitational Deformation Models
- Rupture Source Identification Prior to the Occurrence of Large Events
- A Primitive Achondrite With Oxygen Isotopic Affinities to CV Chondrites: Implications for Differentiation and Size of the CV Parent Body
- Combined Inversion of Gravity Changes, Radial and Vertical Displacements Between 2000 and 2002 at Merapi Volcano, Indonesia Using Genetic Algorithm Techniques
- Earthquake Forecasting with Correlated Seismicity Patterns
- Integration of Remote Sensing and Seismic data in Active Fault Regions
- Mantle Fabric Beneath Ontario: Results From the CNSN, FEDNOR and POLARIS Arrays
- Modification of the Pattern Informatics Method for Forecasting Large Earthquake Events Using Complex Eigenvectors
- Oxygen Isotope Variability of the Tagish Lake Meteorite
- Systematic Analysis of Historic Seismicity and Geodetic Measurements
- The Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of Lake Huron
- Carbon Sequestration in Mine Residue
- Earthquake forecasting using the pattern informatics (PI) index
- Eigenpattern analysis for the Iberian Peninsula
- High-pressure phases transitions in SnO2 to 117 GPa: Implications for silica
- Land Deformation Patterns due to groundwater changes near the All-American Canal System (U.S./Mexico Border) observed with InSAR
- Lava-ice interaction: A database describing characteristics and known examples
- Mantle Fabric at Multiple Scales Across an Archean-Proterozoic Boundary, Eastern Ontario, Canada
- Self-similarity in seismic catalogs from Spain
- U Solubility in Fe and Fe-10wt% S: Implications for Radioactive Heating in Planetary Cores
- An Archean Wilson Cycle Recorded by Slow-growth Zircon in the Kapuskasing Uplift, Ontario, Canada
- Application of DInSAR-GPS Optimization for Derivation of Three Dimensional Surface Motion of Southern California
- Assessment of the Composition and Distribution of Silicic Volcanic Glasses on Mars
- Characterization of Sheet Fracture Patterns in Polygonal-Jointed Lavas at Kokostick Butte, OR, and Mazama Ridge, WA: Investigation and Interpretation of Their Formation and Significance
- Determining the Mineralogy of the Salts in the Soils at Paso Robles, Mars, and Their Formational Environment
- Drilling a complete in situ section of upper oceanic crust formed at a superfast spreading rate: Hole 1256D
- Earthquake statistics in models and data
- Nanometer-scale study of microbial alteration textures in submarine basaltic glass
- Pattern recognition of historic seismicity data and earthquake forecasting
- Synthesis and Structure Characterization of Forsterite Single Crystal
- The Critical Point Theory of Earthquakes: Observation of Correlated and Cooperative Behavior on Earthquake Fault Systems
- The Great Meteor Hotspot Track and its Role in Seismogenesis and Mantle Shear
- Using Earthquake Intensities To Forecast Earthquake Occurrence Times
- A method for forecasting the locations of future large earthquakes
- Applying Pattern Informatics to Southern California to Image Fault Systems in Three Dimensions
- Bayesian Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique
- Crystal Chemistry of Carbonate Apatites from High-Pressure Synthesis
- Ductile Zircon Dating of Lithosphere Flow
- Ground deformation in La Palma (Canary Islands) detected using Stacking Radar Interferometry
- Lithium and Oxygen Isotopic Composition of the Oceanic Crust formed at a Superfast Spreading Ridge, Hole 1256D
- Microbially Mediated Glass Alteration in the Geological Record: Textural clues for Microbial Functions.
- Spatiotemporal Filtering of Eastern Canadian GPS Data
- Synthesis of Post-perovskite Phases from Almandine-Pyrope Garnets at High Pressure
- The Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Composition of the Tagish Lake Meteorite
- Virtual California: Interplay Between Fault System Complexity, Dynamics, and Numerical Stability
- A Quantitative Analysis of the Pattern Informatics Technique to Characterize Future Earthquakes
- A Study of Earthquake Catalog Heterogeneity
- Better Forecasts Through Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Earthquake Catalogs
- Coupled Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis of Water Along the Soil-Plant- Atmosphere Continuum
- Detrital Shocked Minerals: A New Tool for Identifying Eroded Impacts in the Sedimentary Record
- High-Pressure Strength and Elasticity of a Composite MgO and NaCl Sample in the Diamond Anvil Cell
- Investigating the Causes of Variability in the Intensity of Hydrothermal Alteration of Ocean Crust Formed at Intermediate to Fast Spreading Rates
- Modelling of deformations occurring in the city of Auckland, New Zealand and observed by Differential Synthetic Aperture Radar
- Pattern Informatics in Mining Induced Seismicity and its Applications to Rockburst Hazard Assessment
- Preservation of modern and ancient microbial ichnofossils in basaltic glass by titanite mineralization
- Shocked Minerals in Siliciclastic Sediments From the Vredefort Dome: A New Approach Towards Searching for Impact Evidence From the Early Earth
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskites in the Mg3Al2Si3O12- Fe3Al2Si3O12 system
- The 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali Earthquake Aftershock Sequence: Statistical Analysis
- The Amaranth Formation of the Williston Basin: Paleomagnetic, Petrologic and Geochemical studies
- The Effects of Crystal-plastic Deformation on Zircon Geochemical Systems
- The conditions of the formation of the sheeted dike complex at superfast spread East Pacific Rise revealed by deep ocean crust drilling at ODP Hole 1256D
- Timing of Alteration From Uranium-series Geochemistry of Altered Ocean Crust at IODP Site 1256D
- Variation in the Carbon Isotope Compositions of Phytoliths Across a Climate Gradient
- A Simple Declustering Method for Seismicity
- Biosignatures of photosynthetic influences on carbonate precipitation in surface nodules associated with modern, freshwater microbialites in Pavilion Lake, B.C. (Invited)
- Correlations and Synchronization in Earthquake Physics (Invited)
- Electronic Structure of CO2 at High Pressure
- Frequency Domain Waveform Tomography with Plane Wave Sources: Implications for Teleseismic Imaging
- Genesis of Guatemala jadeitite and related fluid characteristics: an insight from zircon
- High Pressure Raman and X-ray diffraction study of CO2
- Initial results from continuous GPS stations at Hudson Bay
- Insights into Ground-Motion Processes from Intensity Data (Invited)
- Probabilistic estimation of earthquake source parameters from surface deformation data
- Role of the Internet in Anticipating and Mitigating Earthquake Catastrophes, and the Emergence of Personal Risk Management (Invited)
- Structure and chemistry of bacterially populated acidic microenvironments found on naturally colonized and weathered circumneutral pH unsaturated waste rock from the Antamina Mine, Peru
- Synthesis and equation of state of perovskite with almandine composition (Fe3Al2Si3O12) to 149 GPa
- Ten years later: The PI index and earthquake forecasting (Invited)
- The Lac Cinquante Uranium Deposit, Nunavut, Canada
- Using stress shadows to invert for changes in local stress field
- A Fuse Model for Fracture and Damage
- A Ground Penetrating Radar Lunar Analogue Field Campaign in the Haughton Impact Structure, Canada
- Application of Interferometric Coherence Optimization for Radarsat-2 data over Hayward Fault, San Francisco
- C-band and L-band InSAR for recognition and monitoring of landslides in Taleghan, Central Iran
- Carbon mineralization: insights from field observations, experiments and modeling of accelerated weathering in mine tailings (Invited)
- Contrasting effects of S and Cl on the gold enrichment of natural magmas
- Damage and the Gutenberg-Richter Law: from simple models to natural earthquake fault systems
- Declustering seismicity using the Thirumalai-Mountain metric
- High Pressure Strength Study on NaCl
- High-resolution morphologic and spectral characteristics of Crater-exposed Bedrock on Mars: Insights into the petrogenesis, stratigraphy and geologic history of the Martian crust
- Integration of Field Geophysics and Geology in an International Setting: Multidisciplinary Geoscience Field Experience at the University of Western Ontario
- Magnitude determination using initial P waves for Cascadia Subduction Zone in Canada's west cost
- Microbially mediated mineral carbonation
- Monitoring of water level changes In Anzali Mordab wetland, North Iran, Using SAR Interferometry
- Multitemporal InSAR analysis at Betic-Rif arc: transient and steady state ground deformation style varieties
- Paleolimnology of Lake Ontario: AN Assessment of Glacial Meltwater Influx
- Polarization phase difference analysis of quad-pol RADARSAR-2 SAR data for mapping ground deformation along the Hayward fault in northern California
- Precursory Activation and Quiescence Prior to Major Earthquakes
- Pressure-Induced Change in the Orientation of Carbonate Ions in Apatite
- Quantitative shock stage assessment in olivine and pyroxene bearing meteorites via in situ micro-XRD
- Relative influence of surficial, climatic, and plate tectonic processes on the development of thick Paleoproterozoic quartz arenite successions
- Space imaging of a 300 years old cooling magma chamber: Timanfaya volcano (Lanzarote, Canary Islands)
- Statistical analysis of planetary calderas and terrestrial volcanic eruptions
- Statistical signatures of aftershock sequences generated by supershear mainshocks
- Statistics of Record-Breaking Events in the Self-Organized Critical Systems
- Stress Tensor and Stiffness Coefficients for EA Potentials in Earthquake Fault Systems
- The Effect of Damage on Earthquake Scaling and Forecasting
- The Holocene Paleolimnology of Lake Superior
- Volcanic Rocks As Targets For Astrobiology Missions
- Waveform Tomography - a case study of the Messum intrusive complex in Namibia using synthetic and real data
- A lattice gas cellular automaton approach to model volcanic eruptions
- Creep rate estimation along the Hayward fault using polarimetric SAR interferometry
- Geodetically derived fault slip distribution model for the May, 11th 2011 Lorca earthquake (SE, Spain)
- Ground Motion Characteristics of the 2011 Virginia and 1988 Quebec M5.8 Earthquakes
- Insight into lunar impact cratering processes based on field mapping of the Mistastin Lake Impact Structure, Labrador
- Kilauea Volcano, Hawai'i: Interpretation of 2003-2008 Displacements and Gravity Changes Using Point and Extended Sources
- Magnitude scaling relationship from the first P-wave arrivals on Canada's west coast
- Phase transition studies of the exsoluted ilmenite-hematite at high pressure and temperature conditions
- Strength study of carbon dioxide under high pressures
- The effect of spatially heterogeneous damage in simple models of earthquake fault networks
- Variation of the Gutenberg-Richter b-value with material strength
- A cellular automaton to model magma/crust interactions and volcanic eruptions
- A time evolving distributed model for the ground deformation associated to the May 13th 2008 eruption on Mt. Etna (Italy)
- Aftershock Statistics of Large Subduction Earthquakes
- Anatomy of a deep sub-surface ridge flank aquifer: The "Red Brick" Horizon in ODP Hole 1256D
- Confidence Intervals for the Magnitude of the Largest Aftershock
- Crosshole Tomography, Waveform Inversion, and Anisotropy: A Combined Approach Using Simulated Annealing
- Discriminating anthropogenic climate change from natural climate oscillation signals in dissolved organic matter export from headwater catchments.
- Elasticity and Structure of Chromite at High Pressure
- Identifying spatial and temporal variations in seismicity in eastern Canada
- Isotopic Signatures and Growth Rates of Freshwater Microbialites in Kelly Lake, British Columbia
- Liquid water in the extremely shallow Martian subsurface
- Listening In-situ to Komatiite Fractionation
- Magnitude Estimation for Large Earthquakes from Borehole Recordings
- Meteorite Impacts and Planetary Habitability: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
- Multi-level magmatic system of El Hierro Island (Canary Islands) constrained by multi-satellite radar interferometry measurements during the 2011-2012 eruption
- New 3000 Ton Large Volume Multi-Anvil Apparatus Installed at the University of Western Ontario
- Paleoproterozoic paleosol formation, Schreiber Beach, Ontario, Canada: Evidence for a warm, humid continental climate at ca.1.9 Ga
- Shallow dike intrusion at Mt. Etna in May 2008 imaged by GPS and Radarsat2 data integration
- Spatial and Temporal Characterization of the Stable Isotopic Composition of the Great Lakes
- UV degradation of accreted organics on Mars: IDP longevity, surface reservoir of organics, and relevance to the detection of methane in the atmosphere
- Autonomous Segmentation of Outcrop Images Using Computer Vision and Machine Learning
- Electrical resistivity of iron-silicon alloys under high pressure and temperature
- Formation of Radial Features Associated With Martian Double Layer Ejecta (DLE) Craters
- Geochronology and Thermochronology of the Mistastin Lake Impact Structure, Labrador, Canada
- Habitability Conditions Constrained by Martian Meteorites: Implications for Microbial Colonization and Mars Sample Return
- Impact melt-bearing breccias of the Mistastin Lake impact structure: A unique planetary analogue for ground-truthing proximal ejecta emplacement
- InSAR time series analysis for monitoring of natural and anthropogenic hazards with high temporal resolution (Invited)
- Micro-Seismicity at High Pressure and Temperature: Developing a system for generating and detecting deep earthquakes in the lab
- Microbially mediated carbon mineralization: Geoengineering a carbon-neutral mine
- Monitoring Earthquake Fault Slip from Space: Model Implications for a High Precision, High Resolution Dedicated Gravity Mission (Invited)
- Multidimensional High Spatiotemporal Resolution InSAR Time Series Assist Interdisciplinary Space- And Ground-Based Monitoring To Reveal Pre-Eruptive Signals At Nyamulagira Volcano (North Kivu, D.R.C.)
- Near real-time seismic analysis using streaming software
- On the Statistical Reliability of Seismic Waveform Tomography - a Crosshole Case Study in Anisotropic Crystalline Rocks
- Pits and Gullies on Vesta: Potential Insights from Terrestrial Analogs
- SHARAD Detection of Subsurface Interfaces in Southern-Central Utopia Planitia
- Study of Megabreccia in Ritchey Crater Central Uplift, Mars
- The Magnitude of the Largest Aftershock: Retrospective and Prospective Analysis
- The role of impact cratering in planetary environmental change and implications for the search for life in the solar system (Invited)
- Triggering of aftershocks in viscoelastic spring-block models
- Analysis of H in Natural and Experimental Nominally Anhydrous Minerals: A Comparison of Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Infrared and SIMS Measurements.
- Analysis of Regional GPS Networks in Eastern Ontario
- Diverse, Alkali-Rich Igneous and Volcaniclastic Rocks Reflect a Metasomatised Mantle Beneath Gale Crater
- Early Earth evolution: new insight from Sm and Nd isotopes in meteoritic inclusions
- Foreshocks and Aftershocks in Simple Earthquake Models
- Geodynamical studies using integrated gravity studies
- Observations of high manganese layers by the Curiosity rover at the Kimberley, Gale crater, Mars
- Quantitative Interpretation of Seismic Deformation in Iran
- Real-Time Joint Streaming Data Processing from Social and Physical Sensors
- Statistical Seismology and Induced Seismicity
- The Habitability of Basaltic Hydrovolcanic Tuffs: Implications for Mars
- The Large Mars Atmosphere Simulation Chamber at the University of Winnipeg
- Causes of <SUP>142</SUP>Nd Variation in Earth
- Intensity Maps Production Using Real-Time Joint Streaming Data Processing From Social and Physical Sensors
- Removing atmosphere loading effect from GPS time series
- Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Canada
- Surface uplift and time-dependent seismic hazard due to fluid-injection in eastern Texas
- Synthesis and equation of state of high pressure phase of chromium-bearing spinel
- The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C.
- Cryo-Compression System in a 3000 Ton Multi-Anvil Press
- Decoding the Margins: What Can the Fractal Geometry of Basaltic Flow Margins Tell Us?
- Dual Si and O Isotope Measurement of Lunar Samples Using IRMS
- Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Cu and Zn on the Pressure-Dependent Melting Boundary
- Electrical Resistivity of Molten Ni at High Pressures
- Elemental Gains/Losses Associated with Alteration Fractures in an Eolian Sandstone, Gale Crater, Mars
- Geodynamic Setting of Proterozoic Dyke Swarms of the Leo-Man Craton, West Africa, Based on New U-Pb Dating and Geochemistry
- Impact Cratering Processes as Understood Through Martian and Terrestrial Analog Studies
- InSAR Investigations of Salt Diapir Motion on Axel Heiberg Island, Canada
- InSAR MSBAS Time-Series Analysis of Induced Seismicity in Colorado and Oklahoma
- Indoor Micro-Gravity Survey: Using Massive Research Equipment for Geophysics Curriculum
- Magnetic Properties of Synthetic Gusev Crater Basalts: Implications for Remanence Acquisition and Impact Demagnetization of the Martian Crust
- Mapping Fluid Injection and Associated Induced Seismicity Using InSAR Analysis
- Mapping lava flow textures using three-dimensional measures of surface roughness
- Microseismic Monitoring of the Olivine → Spinel Transition in Fayalite Under Non-Hydrostatic Stress
- Origin of the anomalously rocky appearance of Tsiolkovskiy crater
- Possible Diagenetic Connection Between the Dark Fe-rich Rocks at Gale Crater, Mars, and the Felsic JakeM Class Rocks
- Preliminary Analysis of Chang'E-2 Microwave Brightness Temperature Maps of the Moon
- Raman Study of High Pressure Phases of MgCr<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB> and FeCr<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>4</SUB>
- Spatial and Temporal Clustering in a Simple Earthquake Asperity Model
- Thermal Inertia Variations from Recent Gully and Mass Wasting Activity in Gasa Crater, Mars
- Visible Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Thermal Spectral Mapping of Salt Diapirs on Axel Heiberg Island, NU, Canada
- A 4.43 Ga Transition from Mega-impact to Habitability Deduced from Microstructural Geochronology of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite
- Advances in authigenic silicate geochemistry: Evidence for Precessional Control of Pleistocene Lake Salinity at Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- An experimental investigation of the effect of impact generated micro-deformations in Moenkopi and Coconino Sandstone from Meteor Crater, Arizona on subsequent weathering
- Cu, Ag, Au: Electrical Resistivity Along their Melting Boundaries
- Fe, Co, Ni: Electrical Resistivity Along their Melting Boundaries
- Fluid inclusion studies on the mineralized quartz-rich hydrothermal breccias and quartz veins of the Kay Tanda epithermal gold deposit, Lobo, Batangas, Philippines
- Low-Centred Polygons and Alas-Like Basins as Geological Markers of Warming Trends Late in Mars' History
- Micron to Mine: Synchrotron Science for Mineral Exploration, Production, and Remediation
- Monitoring of Gully Activity in the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canada, as an Analogue for Mars
- Non-Invasive Seismic Methods for Earthquake Site Classification Applied to Ontario Bridge Sites
- On the Magnitude and Orientation of Stress during Shock Metamorphism: Understanding Peak Ring Formation by Combining Observations and Models.
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Considering an Active Leech River Fault
- Should Variations of d<SUP>2</SUP>H, d<SUP>18</SUP>O and d<SUP>17</SUP>O in Precipitation be Considered 'Settled Science' or a 'New Frontier' For Understanding Cloud Dynamics and Microphysics?
- Terrestrial Analogs for Surface Properties Associated with Impact Cratering on the Moon - Self-secondary Impact Features at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- Tethyan Anhydrite Preserved in the Lower Ocean Crust of the Samail Ophiolite? Evidence from Oman Drilling Project Holes GT1A and 2A
- The impact of high-resolution topography on landslide characterization using DInSAR
- The role of impact events play in redistributing and sequestering water on Early Mars
- Twinning in Zircon: Not a High-Pressure Phenomenon
- A Global Analysis of the Role of Wildfires on Landslide Susceptibility
- A Review of The Continental Subsurface Biomass and Biodiversity: Implications for Exploring a Potential Martian Subsurface Biosphere
- Deep-UV fluorescence and Raman instrumentation for organic detection in subsurface environments
- Electrical Resistivity of Solid and Liquid Fe at 14 - 24 GPa
- Electrical Resistivity of Solid and Liquid Fe4.5wt%Si at 3-9 GPa
- Evaluating Differences in Precipitation Datasets for Characterizing Cascading Hazards
- Evidence for the explosive interaction of impact melt and seawater following the Chicxulub impact event
- Linking Seismicity and Fault Surface Properties
- Principal Components-based error analysis for California's Los Angeles Basin GNSS and InSAR-based Greens Function Inversion with the Geophysical Finite Element Simulation Tool (GeoFEST)
- Quantified DUV Raman Analysis for Identifying Aromatic Molecules and Other Biosignatures
- Sweet Honey in the Rock: Cultivating and Characterizing the Biosignatures of Chemotrophic Microorganisms on Mars Analog Substrates
- Using Satellite Measurements to Improve Regional Estimates of the Impacts of Sea Level Change
- A data-driven approach to identifying post-fire landslide triggers
- Are TTGs and Mafic Granulites Consanguineous? A Case Study in the Kapuskasing Uplift, Canada
- DinSAR Sentinel-1A/B Time Series Analysis to Map Subsidence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta
- Ice Wedge Polygon control of surface water flows at Axel Heiberg: Implications for the incision and timing of low slope Martian channels
- Impact Structures as Windows into a Putatively Habitable Martian Subsurface
- Improved DInSAR time series using high-resolution optical DEMs
- Natural Scene Rock Image Classification with Combinational Fully Connected Networks
- Returning to the Moon: CanMoon and the Role of Analogue Missions
- The Role of Antifreeze in the Subsurface Oceans of Icy Moons
- Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Dioxide at High Pressure
- Thermal conductivity of an Fe-Si lunar core and thermal convection in an early dynamo
- Very High Resolution Topography of Coastal Megacities for Testing Inundation Scenarios.
- A Machine-Learning-Based Automatic P-Wave Detecter and Picker for Acoustic Emission Events in Laboratory Experiments
- A new type of hydrous alteration on Mars? Investigating the unique textures of olivine in martian meteorite NWA 7042
- Approaches to obtaining 1D Vs profiles at inversely dispersive and laterally heterogeneous sites using surface wave methods.
- Assessing the geometry of buried valleys from MHVSR data: Application to seismic microzonation mapping of Charlevoix, Quebec, Canada.
- Chemical Alteration and Nitrogenous Biogeochemical Signatures in Altered Volcanic Glasses as Astrobiologically Relevant Targets for Mars Sample-Return
- Constraints on the Hydrologic Systems of Three Tidewater Glaciers using High Temporal and Spatial Resolution Satellite Imagery
- Deep-UV Raman Spectroscopy for Planetary Science: Searching for Signs of Life on Mars
- Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Magnesium Sulfate at High Pressure and Low Temperature with Application to Ganymede's Subsurface Ocean
- Imaging and Data Processing Autonomy Techniques for Lunar and Planetary Payloads and Missions
- Incorporating geologic and geodetic data into probabilistic seismic hazard assessment of infrequent large magnitude earthquakes: insights from southern Malawi
- Influence of pressure-dependent porosity and permeability on poroelastic behaviour of reservoirs during hydraulic fracturing operations
- Insight Into Erosion and Lake-Filling Process from Crater Rim Fluvial Breaches on Mars
- Mercury's Early Sub-Adiabatic Core Based on Thermal Conductivity of Fe-8.5wt%Si
- Roughness Analysis of the Holuhraun Lava Flow-Field for Lunar and Martian Volcanic Analogs
- The effect of large meteoroid impacts on the ozone and nitric oxide budget in the Earth's upper atmosphere
- Tracking HCN Molecules in Crater Melt Ponds on Titan