University of Western Ontario, Canada
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- University of Western Ontario, Department of Earth Sciences
- University of Western Ontario, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Constraints on Mantle Dynamics below North America from Tomography-Based Flow Models: Implications of Dynamic Topography and Free Air Gravity Anomalies
- Coupling GIS-based and Steady State Dissolved Organic Carbon Models for Export and Lake Retention in a Large Watershed on the Precambrian Shield
- Derivation of a Remotely Sensed Index for Predicting the Nutrient Loading Potential from Land to Lakes on the Canadian Boreal Plain
- Dissolved Organic Carbon in Aquatic Systems in the Boreal Ecozone
- Geomorphic controls on the export of dissolved organic carbon from forested catchments in central Ontario, Canada
- Seismic Hazard Maps of Central and South America
- The Importance of a High Viscosity Peak at 2000 km Depth for Time-Dependent Convection Dynamics: An Explanation for the Dominance of Degree-2 Structure in the Lower-most Mantle.
- The Unique Dynamics of the Pacific Hemisphere Mantle and its Signature on Seismic Anisotropy
- Thermochemical Structure of Earth's Deep Mantle Inferred From Seismic, Geodynamic and Mineral Physics Data
- Definition of Hydrologic Response Units in Depression Plagued Digital Elevation Models
- Global Tomography-Based Reconstructions of the Evolution of 3-D Mantle Temperature Anomalies in the Geological Past and Their Dynamical Implications
- Hydrologic Portals: Unprotected Pathways for Nutrient Loading to Boreal Lakes
- Modeling Hydrologic Processes in Boreal Watersheds: The Proof is in the Pattern
- Behaviour of Structural Carbonate Stable Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Compositions in Bioapatite During Burning of Bone
- Evaluation and Development of the Pattern Informatics Method of Earthquake Forecasting
- How Small Scale E Region Irregularities Evolve and Local Implications for the Atmosphere
- Microbial Diversity Associated With Geochemical Changes in a Deep Subsurface Aquifer
- Structure of Carbonate Apatites Synthesized at 2-4 GPa
- Braided Channel Pattern Morphodynamics: The Physical Controls on Braiding Intensity in Gravel Bed Rivers
- Co-Seismic Gravity Modeling of a Fault Network in Southern California
- Deciphering Seasonal Variations of Diet and Water in Modern White-Tailed Deer by In Situ Analysis of Osteons in Cortical Bone
- Earthquake Forecasting;Linear and Non-Linear Evolution
- Microenvironmental and Seasonal Variations in the Soil-Water Content of the Unsaturated Zone of a Sand Dune System at Pinery Provincial Park
- Spectral-IP Characteristics of Bacterial Activity on Sulfide Mineral Surfaces: Implications for Detection and Environmental Impact Assessment of Acid Mine Drainage.
- Turbulent flow over an evolving gravel bed
- A Method for Determining the Structural Units Present in Silicate Glasses From Micro-Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra
- A RELM earthquake forecast based on pattern informatics
- Application of a Gravity Green's Function Method Using a Stress-evolution Earthquake Simulation of California
- Biomineralization of Hydromagnesite and its Application in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
- Climatic Control of Trophic Status of Shallow Lakes on the Boreal Plain of Alberta, Canada
- Controls on the Stable Isotope Composition of Atmospheric Water Vapour, Southwestern Ontario, Canada
- Effect of Hydrograph Characteristics on Vertical Grain Sorting in Gravel Bed Rivers
- Effects of Temperature on Immiscible Displacement of a Viscous NAPL
- Experimental determination of water diffusion from hydrous basalt to nominally anhydrous rhyolite
- Forecasting the Next Great San Francisco Earthquake
- Identifying the Oxygen Isotope Signature of Precipitation in Grass Cellulose and Phytoliths: Refining the Paleoclimate Model
- Pathways of DOC Export From Wetland-Dominated Catchments on the Boreal Shield
- Scale-Dependence of Natural Variability of Flow Regimes in a Forested Landscape
- Spatial and Temporal Length Scales Characterizing the Evolution of Seismicity Rates.
- The Seismicity and Tsunamis of Canada: 1663-2005
- Topographic metrics for predicting dissolved inorganic and organic N export from catchments
- Utility of Artificial Neural Networks for Addressing Different Hydrologic Modeling Problems
- A Matter Of Divergence: Tracking Recent Warming At Hemispheric Scales Using Tree-Ring Data
- Comparison of fine scale growth structures in coral skeletons and abiogenic aragonite
- Exploring the Impact of Wettability on Dynamic Capillary Pressure Effects
- High Resolution Analysis of Sub-fossil Midges from the Great Basin, United States Provides Evidence of 20th Century Warming
- Hydrologic Controls on the Trophic Status of Shallow Lakes on the Boreal Plain of Alberta, Canada
- Mapping Hydrologically Sensitive Areas on the Boreal Plain: A Multi-Temporal Analysis of ERS Synthetic Aperture Radar Data
- Precursory Accelerating Moment Release in the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada
- Resurrection Of Archived Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery For Characterizing Hydrodynamics On Boreal Landscapes
- Self-Organization and Correlations of the San Andreas Fault System through Interactions: Forecasting based on Recreating Great Earthquakes in the Computer
- The Hudson Bay Lithospheric Experiment
- Using Gravity as a Proxy for Strain Accumulation in Complex Fault Networks
- Variations in the Oxygen- and Hydrogen-Isotope Compositions of Pore Water from Holocene Sediments, Lake Superior
- An Investigation of the Impacts of Climate and Environmental Change on Alpine Lakes in the Uinta Mountains, Utah
- An examination of using gravity as a proxy for strain accumulation in complex fault systems
- Direct laboratory quantification of dynamic coefficient of a field soil for drainage and wetting cycles
- Divergence in ringwidth Chronologies from the Yukon Territory, Canada
- En Bloc vs. Standard Tilt-tests and the Problem of Initial Dip in Paleomagnetic Studies.
- Evaluating Long-Range Correlations in Seismic Catalogs
- Evidence of Regional Warming during the 20th Century in Alpine and Subalpine Lakes in the Western United States
- Glacier fluctuations during the last 400 years at Mount San Lorenzo and Santa Ines Island, southern Chile
- Inter-species, Intra-species and Intra-shell Variations in the Stable Isotope Composition of Late Ordovician Brachiopods From the Ellis Bay Formation, Anticosti Island, Quebec
- Ionospheric Traveling Ionospheric Disturbance Measurements at Northern Mid- latitudes
- Method-Dependent Variations in Oxygen Isotope Compositions Obtained for Structural Carbonate in Bone Bioapatite
- Mobility of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Porous Media
- Reconstruction of Centennial and Millennial-scale Climate and Environmental Variability during the Holocene in the Central Canadian Arctic
- The Late Quaternary Oxygen Isotope Composition of Lake Michigan
- The Oxygen-isotope Compositions of Holocene Lake Water Based on Study of Ostracodes from Four Sediment Cores, Lake Superior
- The Subsurface Structure of a Submarine Hydrothermal System, ODP/IODP Hole 1256D
- A Feasibility Study of Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting Using Numerical Earthquake Simulators: Comparison to the WGCEP
- Climate warming and N deposition in a temperate ecosystem: does winter warming increase N losses?
- Column Experiments of Smouldering Combustion as a Remediation Technology for NAPL Source Zones
- DNAPL Mapping by Ground Penetrating Radar Investigated via Numerical Simulation
- Discharge-nitrate data clustering for characterizing surface-subsurface flow interaction and calibration of a hydrologic model
- Impact of Source Zone Architecture on DNAPL Dissolution in Systems Containing Organic- Wet Porous Media
- Iron Sulfate and Sulfide Spectroscopy at Thermal Infrared Wavelengths for Application to Mars
- Medium-term Earthquake Forecasting with Numerical Earthquake Simulators: A Feasibility Study with a Comparison to the WGCEP
- Mobility of Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron in Porous Media with Residual NAPL
- Relating Seismicity Rate Changes to Stress Shadows in Order to Quantify Local Stress Field Changes Caused by Earthquake Events
- Remediation of viscous NAPLs via hot water flooding
- Response of the Equatorward Boundary of the Ion Auroral Oval to the Southward turning of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- Stability and Elasticity of High Iron and Aluminum Post-Perovskite Phases and Their Implications for the D" Layer
- The Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory (PEARL) at Eureka, Nunavut
- The Supporting Role of Mesocosm-Scale Laboratory Experiments in Solving Critical Issues at Hydrogeological Research Sites
- Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances at northern mid-latitudes
- Turbulence and Ozone Measurements during BAQS-Met.
- Uncertainty in future water supplies from forests: hydrologic effects of a changing forest landscape
- Viscosity of Liquid Fe-17wt% Si at High Pressure and Temperature
- Waveform Tomography Strategies for Imaging 2D Attenuation Structure
- A Defence of the AR4’s Bayesian Approach to Quantifying Uncertainty
- A methodology for risk assessment of municipal infrastructure due to climate change: a case study of London, Ontario
- Attenuation imaging of cross-well data using waveform inversion
- Compositional Changes In Atmospheric Dust In Western United States During The Past 150 Years
- Did Two Bolide Fragments Strike the Gulf of Carpentaria around 1500 Years Ago?
- Engineering considerations related to the application of nZVI for subsurface remediation
- Evidence of ancient cataclysm in modern sand: shock microstructures in detrital quartz, zircon, and monazite from the Vaal River, Vredefort Dome, South Africa
- Holocene hydroclimate variability in the Uinta Mountains, Utah inferred from tree-rings and diatoms
- Mid-Cenozoic Caetano Tuff, Nevada: Tectonic and correlation implications from paleomagnetic data and sanidine 40Ar/39Ar dating
- Sources for Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances
- The influence of wettability variations on dynamic effects in capillary pressure
- Electrokinetics Enhanced Delivery of Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron
- Ground-penetrating radar as a tool for characterizing ground ice in the Canadian High Arctic: Implications for future Mars based radar investigations
- Hydrologic Profiling for Greenhouse Gases from Prairie Potholes in Western Canada
- Impact of mineral isoelectric point on subsurface/NAPL wettability
- Influence of physical factors and geochemical conditions on groundwater acidification during enhanced reductive dechlorination
- LiDAR-derived spatial models of hydrological and biogeochemical source areas to improve estimates of terrestrial-aquatic mercury export in northern forested landscapes
- Mercury-DOC dynamics in runoff during storm events in a Boreal Shield catchment
- Ontological and Epistemological Issues Regarding Climate Models and Computer Experiments
- PM2.5 Indoor Air Quality at Two Sites in London Ontario - A Case Study
- Physical and numerical modelling of tidal influence on saltwater intrusion in an unconfined coastal aquifer
- Searching for Similarity in Catchment Controls on Complex C, N, and P Export Patterns from Forests to Surface Waters across Continental Scale Gradients (Invited)
- Simulation of nZVI Transport at a Push-Pull Field Trial
- Transport of Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Validating modelled carbon-dioxide emissions against long-term eddy-covariance measurements at the urban neighborhood-scale
- Water storage dynamics and runoff response of a Boreal Shield headwater catchment
- A Budyko analysis of long-term ecological research sites: evidence for resistance and resilience of water yield responses to climate variability
- A comparison of SO<SUB>4</SUB><SUP>2-</SUP> drought response in streams across southeastern Canada and northeastern USA
- A comparison of mercury fluxes across a range of Canadian subarctic streams: Implications for climate and land-use change
- A field scale study of nZVI Mobility
- Combined Influences of Tides and Seasonal Inland Groundwater Fluctuations on Aquifer-Ocean Exchange in an Unconfined Coastal Aquifer
- Composition of the Primary Crust of Mars: Observations of Deeply Excavated Crater Central Peaks
- Effect of heterogeneity on enhanced reductive dechlorination: Analysis of remediation efficiency and groundwater acidification
- First results with a new-generation meteor radar on King George Island: Mean and Tidal Wind and Gravity Wave Momentum Flux Measurements over the Drake Passage
- Hydrological controls on mercury concentration-discharge dynamics in a boreal Precambrian Shield catchment
- Impact of Subsurface Heterogeneities on nano-Scale Zero Valent Iron Transport
- Influence of tides on the transport and fate of groundwater-derived nutrients to coastal waters
- Integrated Assessment of Risk Reduction for Coastal Cities
- Mapping Site Remediation with Electrical Resistivity Tomography Explored via Coupled-Model Simulations
- Mercury-Sulfur Interactions in an Experimental Peatland
- Non-Equilibrium Capillarity Effects - Insights from REV and pore scale experiments
- Role of redox surfaces in explaining catchment nitrogen export across multiple spatial and temporal scales
- Spectral Analyses of Aqueous Outcrops at Libya Montes and Their Relationship To Nearby Olivine- and Pyroxene-Bearing Rocks
- Unusual Electronic Structures of CO2 at Deep Mantle Pressures
- Water-Shale interactions in bench-top and high pressure/high temperature autoclave experiments: Identifying geochemical reaction controlling flow back water chemistry
- Waveform tomography of Nankai subduction zone: Imaging of a mega-splay fault system
- 150 years of mercury accumulation rates in bogs in Eastern Canada
- A field investigation of arsenic transport by colloidal iron oxides in the hyporheic zone
- Bridging the Divide: understanding controls on nitrogen export by scaling from headwater catchments to eastern North America
- Climate Model Ensemble Methodology: Rationale and Challenges
- Comparing risk assessment at the site and community scales via Monte Carlo simulations with a new coupled groundwater-vapour-indoor air model
- Coupled simulation of DNAPL infiltration and dissolution in a three-dimensional heterogeneous experimental aquifer
- Cross-shore transport pathways between coastal aquifers and coastal seas: Archetype of a nearshore variable-density contaminant plume
- Developments in Ground-Motion Modeling in Eastern North America
- Discriminating anthropogenic climate change from natural climate oscillation signals in dissolved organic matter export from headwater catchments.
- Evaluating time-lapse ERT for monitoring DNAPL remediation via numerical simulation
- Flyby of Io with Repeat Encounters (FIRE): Designing a New Frontiers mission to study the most volcanic body in the solar system
- Imaging the Transport of Silver Nanoparticles Through Soil With Synchrotron X-ray Microtomography
- Impact Melt Emplacement on the Moon: New Results from Mini-RF on LRO
- Impact of thermally induced buoyant flow on contaminant transport in homogeneous and layered systems
- Indicators of hydrological, biogeochemical and ecological integrity for estimating potential loss of ecosystem services from wetlands on domesticated landscapes
- New Developments in Contaminant Remediation by Smoldering Combustion
- On the scalability of seismic waveform inversion: From ultrasonic experiments to global-scale tomography
- Pan-Arctic Water Vapour Measurements using the Microwave Humidity Sounder
- Seasonal patterns of photosynthetic capacity: photoperiodic control and its carbon cycling implications
- Statistical Features of Aftershock Temporal Behavior in the St. Lawrence Valley
- Statistics of GPS TEC Variations in the Polar Cap Ionosphere
- The dendroclimatology of Common Era volcanic eruptions
- The response and recovery of the dissolved organic carbon cycle in ephemeral streams to large flood events
- Tiny twists in time; exploring angular resolution of in situ EBSD orientation microstructures in solar system zircon
- A New Technique for Measurements of Cloud Properties Using Lidar Depolarization
- Arctic Precipitable Water Measurements and Comparisons using the Microwave Humidity Sounder
- Changing forest water yields in response to climate warming: Results from long-term experimental watershed sites across North America
- Climate Warming and Atmospheric Pollution Effects on Denitrification Rates from Forested Wetlands
- Exploring Policy Options to Stop the Loss of Wetlands on Prairie Landscapes
- Exploring the Role of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron and Bacteria on the Degradation of a Multi-component Chlorinated Solvent at the Field Scale
- Generation, dynamics, and decay of a polar cap patch
- High Pressure Study on Natural Chromite
- High-Latitude Ionospheric Imaging using Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network (CHAIN)
- Historical Glacier Variations in Southern South America since the Little Ice Age: Examples from Lago Viedma (Southern Patagonia) and Mendoza (Central Andes), Argentina
- Influence of groundwater-lake interactions on the subsurface mobility of arsenic at beaches of the Great Lakes
- Interactive Mapping of the Planets: An Online Activity Using the Google Earth Platform
- Linking empirical Sherwood-Gilland models for NAPL dissolution to thermodynamic theory
- Linking evapotranspiration to stormwater reduction and attenuation in green roofs in Calgary, Alberta
- Mobility and Deposition of pre-Synthesis Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron in Long Column Experiments
- Near real-time seismic analysis using streaming software
- New Large Volume Press Beamlines at the Canadian Light Source
- Preparing to return to the Moon: Lessons from science-driven analogue missions to the Mistastin Lake impact structure, Canada, a unique lunar analogue site
- Principal component filtering of DInSAR data
- Reliable positioning in a sparse GPS network, eastern Ontario
- Shallow seismic imaging of flank collapse structures in oceanic island volcanoes: Application to the Western Canary Islands
- Slowing the rate of loss of mineral wetlands on human dominated landscapes - Diversification of farmers markets to include carbon (Invited)
- Smouldering Combustion for Soil Remediation: Two-dimensional Experiments and Modelling
- Strategies for visco-acoustic waveform inversion: Parameter resolution, preconditioning and regularization
- Terrestrial analog field investigations to enable science and exploration studies of impacts and volcanism on the Moon, NEAs, and moons of Mars (Invited)
- TextureCam Field Test Results from the Mojave Desert, California: Autonomous Instrument Classification of Sediment and Rock Surfaces
- The Influence of Pore Network Geometry on Silver Nanoparticle Transport through Soil
- The Sensitivity of Sediment Path-Lengths to Channel Morphology: Results from Physical Models of Braided Rivers
- Timing and recurrence of late Holocene earthquakes on the Hope Fault, New Zealand, highlighting insights from LiDAR and paleoseismic studies
- Upscaling Self-Sustaining Treatment for Active Remediation (STAR): Experimental Study of Scaling Relationships for Smouldering Combustion to Remediate Soil
- What do spatio-temporal signals in stream nutrient export from naturally forested landscapes teach us about catchment form and function? (Invited)
- A Continuum of Connectivity: Geographically Isolated Wetlands and the Conservation of Landscape Functions
- A New Lidar Data Processing Algorithm Including Full Uncertainty Budget and Standardized Vertical Resolution for use Within the NDACC and GRUAN Networks
- After the deluge: Establishing rates of geographically isolated wetland loss within the prairie pothole region
- Aligned Olivine in the Springwater Pallasite
- Analysis of Regional GPS Networks in Eastern Ontario
- Application of image texture analysis to grain sorting in a braided river physical model
- Apxs Chemical Composition of the Kimberley Sandstone in Gale Crater
- Changes in the δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and δ<SUP>30</SUP>Si values of partially dissolved phytoliths: implications for environmental reconstruction
- Climate Change and the Fate of Nitrogen on Northern Temperate Forests
- Excavation of Stratified Phyllosilicate-Bearing Rocks in the Northern Plains of Mars
- Exchange of E. coli from the foreshore reservoir to surface waters during intensified wave conditions
- From Pore to Core: Do Engineered Nanoparticles Violate Upscaling Assumptions? A Microtomographic Investigation
- Green Is the New Black: The Need for a New Currency That Values Water Resources in Rapidly Developing Landscapes
- Ground Motion Attenuation and Shear-Wave Splitting Analyses for the November 2011 M5.7 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Impacts of depolarization calibration methods on cloud phase interpretation at Eureka during 2013 and 2014 CRL lidar measurement campaigns
- Interfacial motions and pressure fluctuations during fluid displacement in porous media
- Iron as a Cofactor That Limits the Promotion of Cyanobacteria in Lakes Across a Tropic Gradient
- Is the frequency of algal blooms increasing in oligotrophic lakes in temperate forests?
- Lack of Evidence for Pervasive DOC Concentration Increases in the Mississippi River Basin
- Long lead-time flood forecasting using data-driven modeling approaches
- Long term impacts of CMC/nZVI amendment injection on organohalide-respiring microbial communities at a chlorinated solvent field site
- Mapping Contaminant Remediation with Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Mobility, Deposition and Remobilization of pre-Synthesis Stabilized Nano-scale Zero Valent Iron in Long Column Experiments
- Morphodynamic Response of Laboratory Stream Beds to Unsteady Flow Events of Varying Magnitude and Duration
- Neutral Air Density Variations Derived from Specular Meteor Echo Observation Spanning One Solar Cycle
- Nonlinear Viscoelastic Stress Transfer As a Possible Aftershock Triggering Mechanism
- Novel Techniques for High Pressure Falling Sphere Viscosimetry under Simulated Earth's Mantle Conditions
- Numerical Simulation of nZVI at the Field Scale
- Real-Time Joint Streaming Data Processing from Social and Physical Sensors
- Storm Water Retention on Three Green Roofs with Distinct Climates
- Stormwater Attenuation by Green Roofs
- Studies of the South Napa Earthquake Aftershocks
- Using large area imaging to integrate biogeochemical data across spatial scales
- Wave-Induced Groundwater Flows in a Freshwater Beach Aquifer
- Zinc Enrichments in the Rocks of Gale Crater, Mars Measured by MSL-APXS Reflect Both High Zn in Jake_M Rocks and the Concentration of Zn in Sedimentary Cements
- A Brittle-Ductile Transition Preserved in the Sierra Crest Shear Zone, Sierra Nevada, CA: a Natural Laboratory for Examining Rheologically-Controlled Brittle and Ductile Deformation Partitioning
- Applicability of the site fundamental frequency as a V<SUB>S30</SUB> proxy for Central and Eastern North America
- Ceres in Color: Surface variegation suggests a compositionally diverse landscape
- Chemical Composition of Diagenetic Features at Lower Aeolis Mons, Mars as Measured by Curiosity's APXS
- Chemical Composition of lower Mount Sharp at Gale Crater, Mars, as measured by the APXS
- Chemistry of the Materials Above and Below an Unconformity Between the Murray and Stimson Formations in Gale Crater, Mars
- Combined remediation technologies: results from field trials at chlorinated solvent impacted sites
- Comparison of dechlorination rates for field DNAPL vs synthetic samples: effect of sample matrix
- Does Weak Turbulence Impact PMSEs' Strengths Closer To The Northern Pole?
- Dynamics of the nonlinear viscoelastic slider-block model
- Effect of Waves on Groundwater Flows and Contaminant Fluxes in Coastal Aquifers - Recent Advances and Perspectives
- Environmental factors contributing to the accumulation of E. coli in the foreshore sand and porewater at freshwater beaches
- Estimation of Source and Attenuation Parameters from Ground Motion Observations for Induced Seismicity in Alberta
- Exploring Resilience of Canadian Rivers to Climate Change
- Factors Influencing the Accumulation and Subsurface Transport of Fecal Indicator Bacteria near the Shoreline at Freshwater Beaches
- Forest-Water Feedbacks Under a Changing Climate
- Impact of climate and vegetation type on evapotranspiration from green roofs
- Improving the representation of photosynthesis in Earth system models
- Intensity Maps Production Using Real-Time Joint Streaming Data Processing From Social and Physical Sensors
- Limitations on Silicon in the Outer Core: Ultrasonic Measurements at High Temperatures and High dK/dP's of Fe-Ni-Si Liquids at High Pressures
- Long-term reliability of the Athabasca River (Alberta, Canada) as the water source for oil sands mining
- Major-Element Compositional Diversity Observed by ChemCam Along the MSL Traverse: The First Three Years
- Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere Zonal wind Variations over Tropics: Relation to local stratospheric zonal winds and Global Circulation anomalies
- Modeling Site Amplification in Eastern North America
- Removal of Trigger Delays from Cross-borehole Seismic Data by Exploiting Tube Wave Coherency - A Pre-processing Tool for Waveform Inversion
- Removing atmosphere loading effect from GPS time series
- Silver Nanoparticle Transport Through Soil: Illuminating the Pore-Scale Processes
- Smouldering Remediation (STAR) Technology: Field Pilot Tests and First Full Scale Application
- Statistical Analysis of Seismicity Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing in Western Canada
- The Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) on ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO): Building on orbital imaging from MRO and Mars Express
- The Relationship Between Seismicity and the Oil and Gas Industry in Western Alberta and Eastern B.C.
- Traffic Light Protocol for Induced Seismicity: What is the Best Strategy?
- Triggered Swarms and Induced Aftershock Sequences in Geothermal Systems
- Using large meteoroids as global infrasound reference events
- V-type NEAs: Impacts and close encounters with terrestrial planets
- Wastewater contaminant transport and treatment in a nutrient limited ribbed fen
- Zephyr: Open-source Parallel Seismic Waveform Inversion in an Integrated Python-based Framework
- A Comprehensive Overview of the Duvernay Induced Seismicity near Fox Creek, Alberta
- A Method to Assess Urban Surface Heat Islands using Hemispherical Radiometric Temperatures.
- Applying Binary Forecasting Approaches to Induced Seismicity in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- Automated quantification of surface water fraction using Landsat and Sentinel-2 data
- Beyond the extreme: Recovery dynamics following heat and drought stress in trees
- Cryo-Compression System in a 3000 Ton Multi-Anvil Press
- Dual Si and O Isotope Measurement of Lunar Samples Using IRMS
- Effect of transient wave forcing on the behavior of arsenic in a sandy nearshore aquifer
- Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Cu and Zn on the Pressure-Dependent Melting Boundary
- Electrical Resistivity of Molten Ni at High Pressures
- Electrokinetic Enhanced Delivery and Electrical Resistance Heating Activation of Persulfate for Low Permeability Soil Remediation
- Electrokinetic Enhanced Permanganate Delivery for Low Permeability Soil Remediation
- Electrokinetic and hydraulic emplacement of amendments at a field trial
- Ferroelectric Material on Venus' Highlands, and Possibly on Other Planets & Moons
- Field Evaluation of Two Geophysical Techniques for Real-Time Mapping of Smouldering Remediation (STAR)
- Geomechanical modelling of induced seismicity using Coulomb stress and pore pressure changes
- Ground Motion Prediction Equation for Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Hydrologic connectivity of geographically isolated wetlands to surface water systems
- Identification of Dominant Flood Drivers across Canada
- Impact Cratering Processes as Understood Through Martian and Terrestrial Analog Studies
- InSAR Investigations of Salt Diapir Motion on Axel Heiberg Island, Canada
- Influence of instantaneous wave effects on contaminant transport in beach aquifers
- Integrating wetland connectivity into models for watershed-scale analyses: Current and future approaches
- Microbial Repopulation Following In Situ STAR Remediation
- Monitoring cover crops using radar remote sensing in southern Ontario, Canada
- Nitrogen Isotope Evidence for a Shift in Eastern Beringian Nitrogen Cycle after the Terminal Pleistocene
- Nonlinear Viscoelastic Mechanism for Aftershock Triggering and Decay
- Numerical Modeling of STARx for Ex Situ Soil Remediation
- Outcrop-scale imaging spectroscopy of the Haughton impact structure, Canada
- Pore-scale structure of a NAPL front during invasion into strongly and weakly water-wetting sands
- Remediation of Coal Tar by STAR: Self-Sustaining Propagation Across Clean Gaps
- Science Resulting from U.S. Geological Survey's "Did You Feel It?" Citizen Science Portal
- Soil nitrogen retention over winter: biochar application increases total soil nitrogen retention, but increases nitrous oxide emissions when combined with severe freezing
- The Influence of Endmember Selection Method in Extracting Impervious Surface from Airborne Hyperspectral Imagery
- The Seismic Sequence of the 2016 Mw 7.8 Pedernales, Ecuador Sarthquake
- Trace Element and Nd-Sr-Pb-O Isotope Systematics of Mantle Xenoliths and Host Alkaline Basalts, Southeastern Canadian Cordillera: Implications for Petrogenetic and Geodynamic Processes at Convergent Plate Margins Bordering Cratons
- Variation in Sediment Mobility and the Active Width in Gravel-bed Braided Rivers
- Visible Near-Infrared (VNIR) and Thermal Spectral Mapping of Salt Diapirs on Axel Heiberg Island, NU, Canada
- What governs the oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation? - A case for varying proportions of isotopically-distinct, convective and stratiform rain fractions
- A 4.43 Ga Transition from Mega-impact to Habitability Deduced from Microstructural Geochronology of Martian Zircon and Baddeleyite
- Are all temperate lakes eutrophying in a warmer world?
- Canopy Nutrient Cycling In Afromontane Tropical Forests At Different Successional Stages
- Catchment-fed cyanobacterial blooms in brownified temperate lakes
- Cu, Ag, Au: Electrical Resistivity Along their Melting Boundaries
- Cumulative effects of wetland drainage on watershed-scale subsurface hydrologic connectivity
- Deep Subsurface Microbial Communities Shaped by the Chicxulub Impactor
- Deformation Partitioning: The Missing Link Between Outcrop-Scale Observations And Orogen-Scale Processes
- Ecophysiology at SPRUCE: Impacts of whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on leaf-level photosynthesis and respiration of two ericaceous shrubs in a boreal peatland
- Electrokinetically Emplaced Amendments for Enhanced Bioremediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Clay: a Pilot Field Test
- Empirical Ground Motion Characterization of Induced Seismicity in Alberta and Oklahoma
- Exploring the Hydrothermal System in the Chicxulub Crater and Implications for the Early Evolution of Life on Earth
- Fe, Co, Ni: Electrical Resistivity Along their Melting Boundaries
- Greener on the Other Side: How Increased Urea Use may Promote Cyanobacterial Blooms
- Ground Motion Characteristics of Induced Earthquakes in Central North America
- Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Volume is Associated with Induced Earthquake Productivity in the Duvernay Play
- Impact of Varying Wave Conditions on the Mobility of Arsenic in a Nearshore Aquifer on the Great Lakes
- Improving Models of Photosynthetic Thermal Acclimation: Which Parameters are Most Important and How Many Should Be Modified?
- Insights from Askja sand sheet, Iceland, as a depositional analogue for the Bagnold Dune Field, Gale Crater, Mars.
- Is browning a trigger for dominance of harmful cyanobacteria species in lakes?
- Meteorological and small scale internal ecosystem variability characterize the uncertainty of ecosystem level responses to elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>. Insights from the Duke Forest FACE experiment
- Methane ebullition fluxes from northern peatlands: initial observations from four sites of contrasting vegetation type in Caribou Bog, ME
- Modified Cooling System for Low Temperature Experiments in a 3000 Ton Multi-Anvil Press
- Monitoring of Gully Activity in the Haughton Impact Structure, Devon Island, Canada, as an Analogue for Mars
- Non-Invasive Seismic Methods for Earthquake Site Classification Applied to Ontario Bridge Sites
- Nonlinear Viscoelastic Rheology and the Occurrence of Aftershocks
- On the Magnitude and Orientation of Stress during Shock Metamorphism: Understanding Peak Ring Formation by Combining Observations and Models.
- PEER NGA-East Overview: Development of a Ground Motion Characterization Model (Ground Motion Prediction Equations) for Central and Eastern North America
- Pilot Field Test of Electrokinetically-Delivered and Thermally Activated Persulfate (EKTAP) for Remediation of Chlorinated Solvents in Clay
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Considering an Active Leech River Fault
- Recent corrections to meteoroid environment models
- Reimagining Energy in the North: Developing Solutions for Improving Renewable Energy Security in Northern Communities
- Smouldering (thermal) remediation of soil contaminated with industrial organic liquids: novel insights into heat transfer and kinetics uncovered by integrating experiments and modelling
- Stream biogeochemical resilience in the age of Anthropocene
- Terrestrial Analogs for Surface Properties Associated with Impact Cratering on the Moon - Self-secondary Impact Features at Kings Bowl, Idaho
- The role of impact events play in redistributing and sequestering water on Early Mars
- Thermal Acclimation of Photosynthesis and Respiration Differ Across Mature Conifer Species in a Boreal Forest Peatland
- Towards an integrated strategy for monitoring wetland inundation with virtual constellations of optical and radar satellites
- Twinning in Zircon: Not a High-Pressure Phenomenon
- Warming trumps CO<SUB>2</SUB>: future climate conditions suppress carbon fluxes in two dominant boreal tree species
- Wetland Hydrologic Connectivity to Downstream Waters: A Classification Approach and National Assessment
- "A tree falls the way it leans" - aquatic reactions to terrestrial actions
- A New Year's Day Icebreaker: Icequakes on Lakes in Alberta, Canada
- Analysis of Lunar Boulder Tracks: Implications for Trafficability of Pyroclastic Deposits and Permanently Shadowed Regions
- Analysis of the Combined Riverine, Pluvial and Coastal Flood Risks in Saint Lucia
- Are nutrients being stored or going downstream? The carbon and phosphorus retention of restored, drained, and intact wetlands on agricultural landscapes
- Assessing links between groundwater gaining areas and stream nutrient status in agricultural streams in the upper Thames River watershed, Ontario, Canada
- Bayesian Framework for Constraining the Magnitude of Extreme Aftershocks
- Brownification, production, and transfer of essential fatty acids in temperate oligotrophic lakes
- Changes In Extreme Temperature And Precipitation Events In The Pacific Northwest: Effects Of Climate Change And Natural Variability
- Characterizing the Dependence Structure between Temperature and Precipitation over Canada
- Combining 222-Radon Surveys with Regional Scale Groundwater Models to Evaluate Groundwater Discharge to Large Inland Lakes
- Concentration-Transit Length: A new relationship linking hydrology and biogeochemistry for science-based management of wetland-dominated landscapes
- Effect of Aging on the Reactivity and Physicochemical Transformation of Sulfidated Nano Zerovalent Iron (S-nZVI)
- Electrical Resistivity of Solid and Liquid Fe at 14 - 24 GPa
- Electrical Resistivity of Solid and Liquid Fe4.5wt%Si at 3-9 GPa
- Evidence for the explosive interaction of impact melt and seawater following the Chicxulub impact event
- FINESSE Project Overview: Field Investigations to Enable Solar System Science and Exploration
- Field Camp for Astronauts: NASA's Geoscience Training Program for Planetary Exploration
- Formation of terrestrial craters on thick ice sheets
- Future Seamless Data-Processing and Forecasting System : Achieving United Nation Sustainable Development Goals and Improving Nations Readiness through Continuous Global Science and Technology Advancements
- How waves control the fate of pollutants near the groundwater-coastal water interface
- Impacts of Elevated CO2 and Whole Ecosystem Warming on Photosynthesis and Respiration of Two Ericaceous Shrubs in a Northern Peatland
- Investigating a link between scalloped depressions and topography in Utopia Planitia on Mars
- Managing Wetlands to Promote Hydrologic Resilience Against Flood and Drought in Human-Altered Watersheds
- Multichronometer studies of terrestrial impact sites inform best practices for extraterrestrial studies
- Observation Sensitivity Experiments with a High Altitude Meteorological Analysis System
- Old tools applied at new scales to monitor the frequency and magnitude of algal blooms in response to climate change
- Overview of SAND-E: Semi-Autonomous Navigation for Detrital Environments
- Predicting Bedload Sediment Transport in Urban Rivers
- Quantitative lacustrine paleosalinity and Pleistocene orbital controls from clay mineral oxygen isotopes: Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania
- Raman Study of Shocked Plagioclase from the Mistastin Lake Impact Structure and the Apollo Samples
- Science Diplomacy Before, During, and After Disaster Strikes
- Smouldering (STAR) Remediation of PFAS-Contaminated Soil
- Stochastic simulation of hydraulic fracturing induced seismicity: case studies in Alberta, Canada
- Study on Dusty Plasma in the Summer Polar Mesosphere using Satellite and Radar Measurements at Eureka, Canada
- Tectonic Strain Rate as a Controlling Factor of Injection-Induced Earthquakes in Western Canada
- The effect of interacting hydrologic and geochemical processes on the distribution of nutrients at the groundwater-lake interface
- The impact of hot phenomena on the fate of pollutants at the groundwater-lake interface
- Was Tunguska a Beta Taurid? 2019 Observational Campaigns can Test Hypothesis
- Winter weather whiplash: impacts of extreme meteorological events misaligned with natural and human systems in seasonally snow-covered regions
- Additive Effects of Spring Freezing and Summer Drought Stress on Plant Productivity and Ecosystem Nitrogen Retention
- Bedload transport dynamics in rivers conditioned by urbanization and stormwater management
- Early Warning of Global Change Effects on Catchment Nutrient Exports
- Enhanced NO<SUB>2</SUB> and Aerosol Extinction Observed in the Tropospheric Column behind Lake Breeze Fronts in Toronto using MAX-DOAS.
- Evaluation of geochemical processes in bioretention systems that affect phosphorus removal from urban storm water
- Field performance of engineered HDPE-lined cover systems over acid-generating mine waste rock piles
- Impacts of Meteoric Fragmentation in the Terrestrial Atmosphere
- Inferring the tidal variability from various ground-based sensors and meteorological reanalysis data
- Inorganic carbon and alkalinity biogeochemistry and fluxes in an intertidal beach aquifer: Implications for ocean acidification
- Integrating multiple geoelectrical techniques with hydrogeochemical data to characterize a coal mine waste rock pile
- Natural Scene Rock Image Classification with Combinational Fully Connected Networks
- Response of Simulated Foliar Dark Respiration to Long-Term Temperature Change
- Returning to the Moon: CanMoon and the Role of Analogue Missions
- Revisiting Energy Relations for Large Bolides: Implications for Impact Hazard
- Statistical Modelling and Characterization of Induced Seismicity Across the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- Stream Power Index for Networks (SPIN) Tool for Erosion Risk Assessment
- Streamflow and water quality responses to winter weather whiplash events at long-term research sites
- Subsurface heterogeneity of pneumatic conductivity due to physical soil and temperature-dependent fluid properties in the context of smouldering remediation
- The Role of Antifreeze in the Subsurface Oceans of Icy Moons
- The Runoff Model-Intercomparison Project Over Lake Erie and the Great Lakes
- The South American Drivers of Megadroughts and Pluvials over the Past 600 years
- Thermal conductivity of an Fe-Si lunar core and thermal convection in an early dynamo
- Underground explosion and bolide airburst detection using balloon-borne infrasound sensors
- What will happen to arsenic enrichment at the groundwater-lake interface as the climate changes?
- A New Canadian Network of Micro-Pulse Lidars for the Study of Wildfire and Pollutant Transport, Fog, and Clouds
- A New Framework for Incorporating Nonstationarity in Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves Under a Changing Climate
- A micromechanics based numerical modelling investigation of flanking structures and its application on determining quantitative kinematic information from ductile shear zones
- A new type of hydrous alteration on Mars? Investigating the unique textures of olivine in martian meteorite NWA 7042
- Bayesian Framework for Aftershock Forecasting and Testing
- Characterizing the Aqueous Geochemical History at Tyrrhena Terra, Mars
- Comparative Study of Impact Craters on Earth and Titan Using Radar Images
- Determination of Wind from Radar Wind Profilers in the Presence of Bird Clutter Using Machine Learning
- Dislocation Creep Flow Laws of Wet Quartzite: the Significance of Pressure and Slip Systems.
- Effect of rising mean water levels on mobility and discharge of nutrients to coastal waters
- Electrical Conductivity of Aqueous Magnesium Sulfate at High Pressure and Low Temperature with Application to Ganymede's Subsurface Ocean
- Evaluation of Pathways Delivering Septic System Effluent to Rural Streams Using the Artificial Sweetener Acesulfame
- First order control of alluvial cover morphology by channel sinuosity and sediment supply rate
- High-pressure and high-temperature study of intermediate plagioclase feldspar
- Imaging and Data Processing Autonomy Techniques for Lunar and Planetary Payloads and Missions
- Improved monitoring of dense non-aqueous phase liquid (DNAPL) source zone remediation through hydrogeophysical inversion using variational autoencoder and Ensemble Kalman filter
- Influence of pressure-dependent porosity and permeability on poroelastic behaviour of reservoirs during hydraulic fracturing operations
- Integrating geophysical, temperature and geological measurements to evaluate linkages between streambed heterogeneity and groundwater-stream interactions
- Investigation of Methane Emissions from Flares in a Turbulent Crosswind
- Mercury's Early Sub-Adiabatic Core Based on Thermal Conductivity of Fe-8.5wt%Si
- Modeling the influence of climate and forest type on the streamflow regime of a historically snow-dominated watershed
- Moisture intrusion into the arctic stratosphere linked to ozone depletion events
- Nearest-Neighbour Distance Analysis of Induced and Natural Seismicity within the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
- New HiRISE Observations of Gale Crater Rim Surfaces - Evidence for Glacial Processes
- Peak grain forecasts in the U.S. High Plains amid withering waters
- Photosynthetic acclimation to whole ecosystem warming and elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> in two peatland shrub species: implications for ecosystem modeling
- Reexamining the Potential to Characterize Lava Flows from Margin Geometry
- Roughness Analysis of the Holuhraun Lava Flow-Field for Lunar and Martian Volcanic Analogs
- Seasonal Groundwater Phosphorus Dynamics in an Alluvial Riparian Zone
- Spatial and Temporal Controls on Phosphorus Fluxes across the Groundwater-Stream Interface
- Spatio-temporal variability of snowpack and runoff response over north-western North America Under global warming
- Stable isotopes of authigenic clay minerals: Water balance signals in the Late Pleistocene Chew Bahir Basin, Ethiopia
- The Effect of Burning on the Dissolution Behaviour and Silicon and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Phytolith Silica
- Tracking HCN Molecules in Crater Melt Ponds on Titan
- Translating analog field studies for mission science and operations on Mars2020: Approaches from Iceland and Padre Island, TX
- An Optimal Estimation Method-based Retrieval to Investigate the Impact of Relative Humidity on the Calibration of PurpleAir PM2.5 Sensors
- Basal nucleation and the prevalence of ascending swarms in Long Valley Caldera
- Cloud Base Height Correlation between a Co-located Micro-Pulse Lidar and a CHM15k Lufft Ceilometer
- Comparing Heuristic and Optimization-Based Models of Transpiration and Assimilation under Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Concentration
- Comparing interhemispheric differences of mesosphere/lower thermosphere dynamics from ground-based observations and three general circulation models
- Comparison of the forecasting abilities of the ETAS model versus the modified Omori law for several prominent aftershock sequences
- Compound Flooding Across Canadas Coasts
- Coupled natural-human impacts of a winter weather whiplash event
- Erosion Control of Steep Open Channels Using Articulated Concrete Blocks
- Establishing Best Practices for Dating Impact Structures Using the 40Ar/39Ar UVLAMP Technique: A Case Study from West Clearwater Lake
- Evaluating Geomorphic Form Variation of Designed Rivers
- Evaluating the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Groundwater Chloride Inputs to Urban Streams
- Evaluation of the COVID-19 Spring 2020 Lockdown on Air Quality and Cirrus Clouds Properties Over London, Ontario
- Exploring the origin of the Martian valley networks
- Gas exchange systems exhibit large measurement error driven by internal thermal gradients
- Geologic and Textural Variability of Surface Materials in Jezero Crater as Observed by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover Mastcam-Z Instruments
- Granulites to granitoids: A multifaceted investigation into the origin of TTGs in the Kapuskasing Uplift, Canada
- How might climate change affect the functioning of sediment traps and discharge of pollutants to large lakes?
- Mechanistic simulations of the solar and lunar semidiurnal tide response to the 2013 sudden stratospheric warming event.
- Mercury heat flow in an Fe-Si and Fe-Ni-Si core from electrical resistivity measurements
- Multitemporal saltwater intrusion dynamics on a small, remote barrier island in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean
- Nonstationary Temperature-Precipitation Interdependencies across Canada in a Changing Climate
- Obtaining Absolute Neutral Densities in the Mesosphere from Rayleigh-Scatter LIDAR Using AN Optimal Estimation Method
- Parametric Study of Flare Performance in a Turbulent Crosswind
- Projected Rain-on-Snow Events in a sub-Arctic River Basin under Climate Change
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Concurrent Droughts and Floods in Canada
- Structure, Elasticity and Raman of Post-Spinel Chromite and Magnesiochromite Phases
- Summer Meltwater Dynamics at Three Greenland Tidewater Glaciers
- Surface Deformation and Seismicity Induced by Poroelastic Stress at the Raft River Geothermal Field, Idaho, USA
- The Effects of Climate Change on Flood-Generating Mechanisms in the Assiniboine and Red River Basins
- The Statistical Analysis of Induced Seismicity at the Potash Mines in Saskatchewan, Canada
- Towards Characterization and Prediction of Compound Tornado and Flash Flood (TORFF) Events
- Validation of a Multidimensional Smouldering Model
- A Multipronged Approach for Determining Meteor Masses
- Analyzing Pathways Via Which Septic System Wastewater Effluent Reaches Streams
- Assessing Net Methylmercury Potential in Recently Drained Basins in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada
- Assessment of Earthquake Hazard and Risk for Tofino, British Columbia
- Characterization of Physical Properties of Meteoroids Through High Precision Optical Observations
- Characterizing Inland Compound Flooding Events over North America
- Characterizing the Nonstaionary Compound Flood Hazards: Implications for Engineering Design
- Dryland productivity under a changing climate: global trends, key drivers, and uncertainties
- Earth's core thermal conductivity: reconciling experimental and computational determinations.
- Ecophysiological Impacts of Long-term Whole Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2 on a Forested Boreal Bog
- Evaluation of Factors Influencing the Amount of Septic System Effluent Delivered to Streams
- Evaluation of Nitrogen Discharge to the Coastal Lagoon of an Atoll Island via Groundwater Pathways
- Event Locations and Moment Tensor Inversion of Mining Induced Microseismicity
- Evolving Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP) Response of Mine Waste Rock during Humidity Cell and Metal Leaching Experiments
- Examining Responses of Thermokarst Lake Water Chemistry to Climate and Landscape-Driven Influences in Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada
- Genomic Analysis of Microorganisms That Influence Methylmercury Accumulation in Thawing Permafrost of Old Crow Flats, Yukon, Canada
- Global Change Explorer - a Web-based Tool for Investigating Complexities of Global Change
- Global-Scale Benchmarking of TRENDY Dynamic Vegetation Model Spatiotemporal Estimates of Dryland Productivity using a Dryland-Specific, Ecohydrologically-Informed GPP Product
- Ground Characterization using Geophysical Techniques for Natural Hazard Assessment
- Group on Earth Observations (GEO) Disaster Risk Reduction Working Group (DRR WG): Capacity Building Partnerships to Address National Climate Change-Related Systemic Risk
- Impact of road de-icing salts on the performance of low impact development systems in retaining phosphorus from urban stormwater
- Influence of Land Use Type and Stormwater Control Measures on Nonpoint Source Phosphorus Concentrations and Loads in a Cold Climate Urban Subwatershed
- Investigating the Early Core of Vesta through Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Solid and Liquid Fe-5wt%Ni and Fe-10wt%Ni at High P, T
- Investigation of Applied Smouldering Combustion: The Role of Organic Liquid Mobility
- Leveraging the ETAS Model to Analyze Microseismicity at a Potash Mine in Saskatchewan, Canada
- Long-term Evolution of Mine Water Quality in Abandoned Underground Workings: Verification of the First Flush Phenomenon
- Mercury Methylation and Microbial Community Structure in Degrading Permafrost Features of the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada
- Monitoring the Performance of Bioretention Cells for Stormwater Management with Time-lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography
- Multi-Proxy Reconstruction of Post-Glacial Effective Moisture in Southern Ontario, Canada
- Multi-Scale Field Investigations on the Role of Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Freshwater Salinization of an Urban Stream
- Multiphase Flow and Water Phase Change through Heated Porous Media in the context of Smoldering Remediation
- New Post-Spinel Phase of Chromite: Structure and Elasticity
- Outer Core Heat Flux in Small Terrestrial Bodies from Electrical Resistivity Measurements of Liquid Fe-8wt%S-4.5wt%Si at High Pressure
- Potential dissolved phosphorus release and retention from streambed sediments with changing stream pH at multiple temporal scales
- Projection of Compound Dry-Wet Spells in North America at Different Global Warming Levels
- Searching for Empirical Nonlinear Site Response Applicable to Greater Vancouver, British Columbia
- Spatiotemporal Changes of Lagged Compound Hydrometeorological Droughts and Floods in Northwest North America Under Climate Change
- Spectral Induced Polarization Responses of Contaminated Soils Undergoing Thermal Remediation
- Stochastic Rate Models for Induced Seismicity
- T-X Phase diagrams of Fe-Si alloys at 3-5 GPa from electrical resistivity measurements
- The Relationship Between Fractures and Impact Craters on Tethys
- Thermal conductivity of hydrogen at high pressure and its implications to gaseous planets
- Urban flood mapping using Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT Constellation Mission image based on Convolutional Siamese Network
- Phase transitions of Fe-9wt%Si at high pressure-temperature conditions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. A. Fraeman
- Adam G. Yates
- Alexandra R. Contosta
- Ali Jalali
- Anna Grau Galofre
- Artemi Cerdà
- B. E. Schmidt
- B. Horgan
- B. L. Ehlmann
- Barret L. Kurylyk
- Bin Chen
- Bing Q. Li
- C. E. Robinson
- C. J. Davies
- Cheila Avalon Cullen
- Christian Tate
- Christopher Power
- D. M. O'Carroll
- D. M. Ricciuto
- David Bancelin
- Denis Vida
- Diego Janches
- Dongzhou Zhang
- E. A. Cloutis
- Eric J. Ward
- Eva L. Scheller
- G. Cremonese
- G. R. Osinski
- Gabriel G. Katul
- Gail M. Atkinson
- Gunter Stober
- Hanli Liu
- Huixin Liu
- Irena F. Creed
- J. M. Trigo-Rodríguez
- J. R. Johnson
- Jie Li
- Jonathan D. Smith
- Jorge Núñez
- Julia A. Cantelon
- Justin N. Maki
- Kip Hodges
- Lee Slater
- Liane Kathryn Tarnecki
- Lixin Wang
- M. Campbell-Brown
- M. Jellinek
- M. Khoshmanesh
- M. T. Lemmon
- Mallory L. Barnes
- Maria Cristina Rulli
- Matthew R. Johnson
- Meryem Berrada
- Michael Wolff
- Mohammad Fereshtehpour
- Mohammad Reza Najafi
- Monica Pozzo
- N. Stein
- Nora J. Casson
- Oluwasanmi A. Orole
- P. Corlies
- P. J. Espy
- Paul J. Hanson
- R. J. Sica
- R. Shcherbakov
- Richard A. Secco
- Robert Sullivan
- S. A. Fagents
- Sean R. Shieh
- Sean T. Michaletz
- Simone Fatichi
- Stanislaus J. Schymanski
- Stefano Manzoni
- T. Munsat
- Tarek L. Rashwan
- V. J. Bray
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Wen‐Pin Hsieh
- Xue Feng
- Young Jay Ryu
- Z. Sternovsky
- Zachary E. Ross