National Central University, Taiwan, Institute of Geophysics
flowchart I[National Central University, Taiwan, Institute of Geophysics] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (277)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (4)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Growing Anticline in Tainan City, Taiwan
- A High Vp/Vs Zone Along the Subducted Slab Edge of the Philippine Sea Plate Beneath Northeast Taiwan: Insights for Slab Dehydration and Thermal Activity
- An Empirical Approach for Rapid Mapping of Ground Motion Patterns after Strong Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Detail Shear Velocity Structure Beneath Taiwan Derived from Dense Strong Motion Waveforms
- Rupture Behavior of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake Associated With Background Seismicity and Tectonics
- Change in the stress for the 1999 Mw=7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake and its large aftershocks (M>6.0): effect on seismicity and earthquake triggering
- Dynamic parameters estimation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Recent Advances on Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Taiwan
- Statistical Analysis of Factors Affecting Landslides Triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan
- Subsurface Geometry of the Sani-Chelungpu Faults and Fold Scarp Formation in the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake
- Change of crustal gravitational potential energy in orogenic belts: example of the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake sequence
- Crustal gravitational potential energy change at the convergent plate boundary near Taiwan
- Determination of shallow water depth by using optical satellite images
- Effect of Surface Geology on Ground Motions: The Case of Chutzuhu Site (TAP056)
- Estimation of Parameters for a Recurrence Model of Small Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Geomorphic Indicators and Tectonic Implications of the Active Chaochou Fault, Southern Taiwan
- Gravity study in the Taipei Basin
- Ground Motion Characteristic in the Kaohsiung Area, Taiwan
- Holocene Multiple Movement of the Hsinhua Fault in Southwestern Taiwan
- Investigation on the rupture behavior of the 2001 Kunlun and 1997 Manyi, China, earthquakes
- Melting features along the western Ryukyu slab edge (northeast Taiwan) and Ryukyu slab tear (southernmost Okinawa Trough): Seismic evidence
- Relocation of Some Large far Offshore Earthquakes of Taiwan and its Aftershocks Using the Beam-Forming Method
- Research on Seismo-Electromagnetic Precursors of Earthquake -- New geomagnetic network of Taiwan
- Seasonal Surface Deformation In Response To Local Tectonic Activity, Insights From InSAR Observation In The SW Taiwan
- Shear-Wave Splitting Observed In The Taiwan Area: An Effect Of Actively Convergent Process
- Significant contributions from shallow sediments to PKP travel time delays and the implications: an example from Taiwan and its nearby islands
- Stress Interaction and Triggering of Aftershocks Associated With the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Tectonics of the Ailao Shan-Red River Fault Belt in East Asia
- The Seismic and gravimetric characteristics of the Luzon-Ryukyu Transform Fault, a boundary between the Southeast Asian continental margin and the South China Sea oceanic crust
- The crustal structures of the continent-ocean transition zone in the northern South China Sea
- Three-Dimensional Shear Wave Velocity Structure in the Crust and Upper Mantle of the South China Sea and its Surrounding Area
- Variations in the Residual of P Wave Travel-time before and after the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Application of DInSAR in Monitoring the Metropolitan Land-Surface Deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an Example
- Do Surface Fault Ruptures Cause More Destruction of Houses?
- Dynamics of Chi-Chi earthquake rupture: Discovery from Seismological Modeling and Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP)
- Earthquake Source Scaling of Moderate to Large Earthquakes in Taiwan: Study of 2003 Mw >6 Taiwan Earthquakes
- Earthquake-induced gravitational potential energy change at convergent plate boundary near Taiwan
- Ground Motion Characteristic in the Kaohsiung & Pingtung Area, Taiwan
- Investigation of shear wave velocity structures in the western Taiwan using array measurement of microtremors
- Low latitude geomagnetic field variation at the Banda Sea during the past 800 kyr
- Microearthquakes and Crustal Structures in the Southern Okinawa Trough
- Modern Seismic Observations in Tatun Volcano Group: Potential Seismic/Volcanic Hazard in Taipei Metropolitan Area of Northern Taiwan
- New insights on the seafloor spreading patterns of the northern South China Sea (16° N-23° N)
- Plate convergence along the northern Manila Trench, Taiwan-Luzon region
- Present-day Crustal Deformation in the Fold and Thrust belt of Southwestern Taiwan
- The Relation between Seismicity and Active Faults in Northwestern Taiwan
- Tornillos and Other Volcanic Tremors in Tatun Volcanoes, Northern Taiwan
- Uplift "potential" derived from GPS horizontal measurements and its geological implications in Taiwan
- Average Crust Model and Moho Geometry beneath Taiwan
- Characters of Faults and Structures Revealed from Cores and Wire-line logs in Hole-A of the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling
- Compositions of On-Site Monitoring on Dissolved Gas of Drilling Mud Flow and Pore-Gases of Drilled Cores of TCDP
- Deformation Structures and Physical Properties in the Wells of Chelungpu Fault Drilling, Takeng, West-central Taiwan
- Earthquake forecasting using the pattern informatics (PI) index
- Estimation of methane hydrate quantities from marine seismic data and physical modeling (time-average method)
- Frictional Properties and Permeability of Fault Rocks from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project and Their Implications for High-Velocity Slip Weakening
- Images of Structural Variation at the Active Collision Boundary of Central Eastern Taiwan
- Mesh Creation and Strong Ground Motion Simulations in the Taipei Basin based upon the Spectral-Element Method
- Modeling Studies of Crustal Deformation in the Fold and Thrust Belt of Southwestern Taiwan
- No Anomaly Appearance in Pre-Earthquake Phenomena Center
- Observations of Water-Level Fluctuations Induced by Local and Distant Earthquakes at Two Wells in Hualien, Eastern Taiwan
- Oldest age of South China Sea seafloor spreading identified by marine magnetic anomaly
- Slip Zone and Energetic of a large earthquake from seismological modeling and fault core of TCDP
- Stress Magnitudes and Orientations from Geophysical Logs and Leak-Off Tests in the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project
- Stress State Around Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan, Estimated From Boring Core Samples
- The Stress-dependent Permeability/Porosity Of Drilled Cores From TCDP Hole-A
- The Variation of Bouguer Anomaly causes by Different Terrain correction Methods
- The density structure of the Ilan plain and its surrounding area in northeast Taiwan from gravity data
- The density structure of the Pingtung plain in southern Taiwan from gravity data
- Vertical Variations of Microbial Community Structures Along the TCDP Drill Cores
- A Modified Pattern Informatics (PI) Method: Application to Forecasting the Locations of Future Large Earthquakes in Central Japan
- BSRs Distribution and Their Relationship to Structural and Topographic Features Offshore Southwest Taiwan
- Constructing the Three Dimensional S-wave Attenuation Model of Taiwan
- Establishment of a Taiwan Marine cable hosted observatory (Ma-Cho project)
- Explosion during faulting: evidences from in-situ fault core, gas component and seismological data
- In-Situ Measurement of the Hydraulic Diffusivity of the Active Chelungpu Fault, Taiwan
- Linkage between earthquakes and crustal magnetization in Taiwan
- Modern Seismic Observations in the Tatun Volcano Region of Northern Taiwan: Seismic/Volcanic Hazard Adjacent to the Taipei Metropolitan Area
- Pattern recognition of historic seismicity data and earthquake forecasting
- Slope Analysis of the Taiwan Accretionary Prism and its Adjacent South China Sea Continental Slope
- Stress drop and strength drop: faulting dynamics of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- Strong Ground Motion Simulation of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake from a Realistic 3D Source and Crustal Structure
- The Density Structures beneath Hsinchu Area from Gravity Data
- The density structure beneath Taiwan Strait
- 2006 Taiwan PingTung Aftershocks Locations and Preliminary Tomography from OBS Data
- A Block Model for the Interseismic Deformation in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision Zone
- A Study of Earthquake Location by Artificial Explosive Data
- Application of the Analytic Signal Technique to Calculate Magnetization ¡V Density Ratio of a structural boundary
- Data Processing and Structure Investigation From Dili Test Shot Experiment Across Central Taiwan
- Estimated pressure source and vertical deformation in Tatun volcano group, Taiwan, detected by precise leveling in June 2006-August 2007
- Evidence of a slab of subducted lithosphere beneath central Taiwan from teleseismic S waves
- Examination on the interaction of the spatial slip distributions of earthquake doublet (M6.9) of the December 26, 2006 PingTung, Taiwan: discrepancy between teleseismic and strong motion data
- Fault Zone Behavior Observed from Crossing Fault 7-level TCDP Boreholes Seismometers
- Investigate the aseicmic zone in Central Range of Taiwan by analyzing the short-period waveform data
- Investigation on the rupture behavior of the 2001 Kunlun and 1997 Manyi, China, earthquakes: constraints from near field geological data and regional surface wave
- Magnetotelluric Imaging of an Arc-Continent Collision Beneath Central Taiwan
- Mapping Large Structures Using the Shallow Reflection Seismics
- Neo-tectonic pattern of the southwestern tip of the Okinawa Trough backarc basin (Ilan Plain, Taiwan)
- Observations of stress orientation and magnitudes near the Chelungpu fault in TCDP hole-A
- Spectral Analysis of Environmental Magnetic Parameters at IMAGES Sites MD012380
- Stress State Change Associated With the Chelungpu Fault in the Vicinity of the TCDP Borehole
- Surface deformation adjacent to the Hukou fault in Northwestern Taiwan detected by ENVISAT ASAR interferometry
- Tectonics of the northwestern corner of the West Philippine Basin: results from new bathymetry and magnetic data
- The 3-D density structure of Taiwan Area by using converted tomographic model
- Ambient seismic noise study in Taiwan for two different scale arrays
- Attenuation Relationship of Arias Intensity for Taiwan
- Better Forecasts Through Comparison of Natural and Synthetic Earthquake Catalogs
- Diverse Seismic Imaging Created by the Seismic Explosion Experiment of the TAIGER Project
- Earthquake-induced tendency of the Earth Oblateness change
- Geodynamic Evolution of the Northeastern South China Sea
- Inversion of explosive and teleseismic data for two-dimensional velocity structure beneath southern Taiwan
- Joint Local/Teleseismic Tomographic Inversion in Taiwan Using TAIGER and Other Data
- Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Tahang River Catchment in northern Taiwan
- Modeling a large co-seismic stress change associated with the Chi-Chi earthquake, Taiwan
- New Lithospheric Model of Taiwan based on the Receiver Function Method
- Observation for high velocity gradients in the western plain of Taiwan from TAIGER experiment
- Rupture Characters of the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake Revealed From Empirical Green's Function Deconvolution
- Seismic Evidence for Dilatational Source Deformation of the Yellowstone Accelerated Uplift Episode
- Seismic Tomography off SW Taiwan: a Joint Inversion From OBS and Onshore Data of 2006 Pingtung Aftershocks
- Seismic and Potential field constraints on the velocity structure of seismogenic zone of the 2006 Hengchun Earthquake, southern Taiwan
- Source Scaling Relationship for M4.5-M9.1 Earthquakes: Specifically for Earthquakes in the Collision Zone
- Spatial Variation of the Tectonic Stress Field along the Ryukyu-Taiwan-Luzon Convergent Margin
- Submarine mass movements on the northern margin of the southern Okinawa Trough, offshore NE Taiwan
- The Tectonic Significance of 3-D Density Model in Taiwan
- The Weibull - log Weibull transition of interoccurrence times for synthetic and natural earthquakes
- Total intensity data in geomagnetic fields locate earthquakes by using the frequency wavenumber analysis in Taiwan
- Turbidity currents, submarine landslides and 2006 Pingtung earthquake off SW Taiwan
- Variability in hillslope sediment flux modulates bedrock channel incision rates: evidence from the Peikang River, central Taiwan
- Vertical Crustal Motion of Taiwan Determined from Tide Gauge and Altimeter Data
- Volcanic and pockmark structure in the northern margin of the South China Sea
- Waveform Simulations For TAIGER Data Sets From Taiwan 3D Reference Velocity And Moho Boundary Models
- A Recent Observation on Surface Deformation of Taoyuan-Hsinchu Area, Taiwan Using Persistent Scatterers
- Crustal deformation along Ryukyu Arc
- Explosive/Implosive Events Observed in Fault Zone Borehole Seismometers
- High Resolution Taiwan Moho Discontinuity Reference Model
- Imaging Taiwan Moho Discontinuity from Receiver Function Inversion, Analysis and Migration
- Imaging the Crustal Structures of the northernmost fossil transform plate boundary of the South China Sea from seismic and gravity data
- New insights into accretionary prism development and deformation in the pre-arc-continent-collision transition zone offshore Taiwan
- Observation and Scaling of Microearthquakes from TCDP Borehole Seismometers
- Overview and early highlights of the TAIGER project marine, active-source seismic program (Invited)
- Pn tomography beneath the central Tibet from Hi-CLIMB linear seismic array
- Postseismic Deformation of the Large 1959 Hebgen Lake, MT, and 1983 Borah Peak, ID, Earthquakes, With Implications for Lithospheric Rheology
- Pre-earthquake deformation observed using high dense GPS array
- Rupture Properties of the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan Earthquake: Analysis from Seismological and Geological Data
- Seismic Evidence for Dilatational Source Deformations Accompanying the 2004-2008 Yellowstone Accelerated Uplift Episode (Invited)
- Temporal evolution of the arc-continent collision in Taiwan from three-dimensional MT studies
- Three dimensional Qp- and Qs-Tomography beneath Taiwan Orogenic Belt: Implication to the Tectonic and Thermal Structure
- Using W-phase for regional source inversion: An application to the data from the virtual seismic network in the Western Pacific region
- Wavelet spectra analysis of magnetic proxies from the core MD052928
- 3D Vp and Vs Lithospheric Structures under the Taiwan Orogen: TAIGER project
- An Improved Source-Scanning Algorithm for Locating Earthquake Clusters or Aftershock Sequences
- Bayesian Estimation of the Spatially Varying Completeness Magnitude of Earthquake Catalogs
- Declustering seismicity using the Thirumalai-Mountain metric
- Fault Zone Q Strcuture discovered from the Taiwan Chelungpu fault borehole seismometers array (TCDPBHS)
- Grid-based Moment Tensor Inversion Technique Apply for Earthquakes Offshore of Northeast Taiwan
- Integrated structural model for active arc-continental collision from southern Taiwan to central Taiwan inferred from seismogenic views
- Microstructure and heterogeneity of the Chelungpu fault revealed by Taiwan Chelungpu fault Drilling project (TCDP) Hole C cores
- Precursory Seismic Migration Patterns Examined by Improved Pattern Informatics Method
- Recent Development of Source-Scanning Algorithm and Its Applications in Earthquake and Geohazard Studies (Invited)
- Rupture Properties of the 2008 Mw=7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake: Analysis from Inverse Kinematic and Forward Dynamic Modeling
- Seismic imaging of a cold seep site offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Sensitivities Kernels of Seismic Traveltimes and Amplitudes for Quality Factor and Boundary Topography
- Slab stress field in the Hellenic subduction zone as inferred from intermediate depth earthquakes
- Spatial Correlation between Crustal Strength and Relocated Seismicity in the Taiwan Region Inferred from 3-D Vp and Vs Images and Gravity Data (Invited)
- Spatial and temporal evolution of b-values before recent M≥6 earthquakes in Taiwan
- Spatio-temporal Variability of El Niño Southern Oscillation from Geodetic Satellites and Model Data
- Tomographic images and focal mechanisms beneath the Tatun volcano group, northern Taiwan
- A first application of marine-controlled source method on gas-hydrate study off SW Taiwan
- A hybrid method of simulating broadband ground motion : A case study of the 2006 Pingtung earthquake, Taiwan
- An Automatic System for Real-Time Determination of Earthquake Focal Mechanism and Ground Motion in Taiwan
- Chlorophyll Anomaly Triggered by Long-range Transported Dust over the Northern South China Sea
- Comparison of Moment Rates from GPS Observations and Late Quaternary Paleoearthquakes on the Wasatch Fault, Utah
- Crustal characteristics and structures in the northeastern South China Sea from marine TAIGER multichannel seismic data
- Delineating the Fault Planes of the 2006 Pingtung Doublet Earthquakes by Aftershock Locations
- Detecting the Moho under Taiwan Using Pn Phases
- Earthquake Scaling and Development of Ground Motion Prediction for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation in Taiwan
- Impacts of Aerosol Direct Effects on the South Asian climate: Assessment of Radiative Feedback Processes Using Model Simulations and Satellite/surface Measurements
- Interpretation of magnetic data based on Euler deconvolution and crustal magnetization in Taiwan
- Investigating potential seismic hazard in the Gulf of Gökova (South Eastern Aegean Sea) deduced from recent shallow earthquake activity
- Late Quaternary orbital-scale variation of magnetic minerals in the northern Coral Sea
- Monitoring of Surface Deformation in Northern Taiwan Using Psinsar
- New magnetic anomaly map in East Asia
- Northward extension of the Philippine Fault Zone offshore Luzon Island (Philippines)
- Observations of non-linear behavior of seismic speed at low strain rate
- Preliminary results of geomagnetic analysis of Taiwan
- RELM Test Results: How Good Were the Forecasts?
- Realistic Earthquake Ground Motion Prediction by Physics-Based Numerical Simulations
- Tectonic Tremor analysis with the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Program (TCDP) downhole seismometer array
- Temporal Variations of Yellowstone Ground Deformation, 2004-2011, from Geodetic Observations and Magmatic Source Modeling
- The PSDM and Travel-Time Inversion of MCS and OBS Data for Imaging Sedimentary and Crustal Structures across the Gagua Ridge, West Philippine Basin
- The high-frequency attenuation parameter κ in the Taipei basin, Taiwan
- Transition of Ground Uplift in Southwestern Taiwan from PSI and GPS Observations
- Accretion process of sediments below Kumano basin by analyzing cuttings from IODP Exp.319, the first riser drilling
- Climatology of Aerosol Radiative Properties in the Free Troposphere
- Geological process of the slow earthquakes -A hypothesis from an ancient plate boundary fault rock
- Log Data and Borehole Image Analysis of Hole-B, Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Orogen development at the subduction-collision transition, Southern Taiwan: insights from fission track and U-Th/He thermocronology
- Physical-based Real-time Ground Motion Prediction and its Application in Earthquake Source Studies
- Postseismic Deformation of Large Normal Faulting Earthquakes in the Yellowstone-Snake River Plain with Implications for Lithospheric Rheology
- Structure and Uplift Mechanism of the West Hengchun Hill in Southern Taiwan
- Three-dimensional distribution of P-wave anisotropy beneath Taiwan orogenic belt
- Tide-modulated gas emissions and tremors off SW Taiwan
- A study on the pattern informatics and its application to earthquake prediction in Taiwan
- Characteristics of seabed tremors induced by gas emissions off Southwest Taiwan
- Co-Seismic Deformation Time History of 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Calculated from Acceleration Records from a New EMD-Derived Baseline Correction Scheme
- Contemporary Deformation of the Wasatch Front, UT, and its Implication on the Interseismic Loading of the Wasatch Fault Zone
- Coseismic Deformations and Tectonic Implications of the two Mw>6 2013 Nantou Earthquakes in Taiwan
- Crustal and upper mantle S-wave velocity structures across the Taiwan Strait from ambient seismic noise and teleseismic Rayleigh wave analyses
- Earthquakes Rupture on a Conjugate-faulting System in Central Taiwan Revealed by Efficient Waveform Inversions
- Fault Modeling of the 2012 Wutai Earthquake in Southern Taiwan from GPS Measurements
- Gravity changes by major earthquakes detected by GRACE
- H/V spectral ratios of seismic data recorded by the short-period ocean bottom seismometers
- Integrative analysis and discoveries of Yellowstone science revealing new interpretations and assessments of earthquake and volcano risk
- Inversion of high resolution 3-D shallow velocity structures in Ilan plain using local dense seismic network
- Recent crustal deformation in the Luzon Island (Philippines): Insights from strain rate patterns
- Surface deformation monitored on the south eastern part of Uttarakhand State of India by the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) techniques
- The development of online real-time multiple-source moment tensor inversion technique for moderate-to-large earthquakes in Taiwan
- Transient Surface Deformation of Northern Taiwan, 2007-2011, Using Persistent Scattered InSAR with ALOS Data
- Active Uplift in the Eastern Taiwan and Some Geological Evidences
- Application of Radar Interferometry for Measuring the Surface Deformation of Southern Kumaun, India
- Contemporary Deformation of the Taipei Region in Northern Taiwan from GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Harmonic seabed tremors recorded by ocean bottom seismometers offshore Taiwan
- Kinematic Analysis of Subsurface Structures of the Northern Longitudinal Valley From Geodetic and Seismic Observations
- Near Real-time Waveform Inversion for Finite-source Rupture in 3D Structure
- Plate Tectonics and Taiwan Orogeny based on TAIGER Experiments
- The Mw4.8 Norris Geyser Basin Earthquake of 30 March, 2014 and its Relationship to Crustal Deformation and Seismic Activity of the Yellowstone Volcanic System
- The Thermal Conductivity from Central Cross-lsland Highway and South Cross-Island Highway in Taiwan
- Analytical model for radionuclide transport in the buffer zone of the deep geological disposal
- Drinking Water Quality Criterion - Based site Selection of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Scheme in Chou-Shui River Alluvial Fan
- Seismic structure of an amagmatic section of the ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismosmooth cruise
- Spatiotemporal Detection of Seismic Quiescence prior to the 2010 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Jiashian, Taiwan Earthquake
- The crustal structures from Wuyi-Yunkai orogen to Taiwan orogen: the onshore-offshore wide-angle seismic experiment of TAIGER and ATSEE projects
- A study of building the hydrogeological apparent model with geoelectrical measurements for the Chia-Nan Coastal Plain of SW Taiwan
- Anisotropy variety using and wave splitting analysis by using the integration of combine linear and circlcirculare air-gun shotshooting datasurvey in the gas hydrate-enriched continental slops area o,f southwestenSW Taiwan
- Estimating Empirical Site Amplification of Taiwan near-surface structure by Spectral Ratio Methods with CWB Next Generation Seismic Network: toward broadband waveform ground motion prediction
- Frictional Properties of Hoping Granitic Gneiss, Northeast Taiwan, and Its Implication
- Geoelectrical mapping of the Soil and Groundwater Contaminated Site: Case Study from Taiwan
- Inversion of GPS-measured coseismic displacements for source parameters of Taiwan earthquake
- Magnetic ocean wave effects in Taiwan
- Noise Configuration and fault zone anisotropy investigation from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Deep Borehole Array
- Patterns and Mechanisms of Interseismic, Coseismic, Late Quaternary and Pliocene Deformation in the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Sediment characteristics and provenance of the Taiwan Shoal in the southern Taiwan Strait
- Seismotectonics of the southern Ryukyu subduction zone from new seismological data
- The Keelung Submarine volcanoes and gas plumes in the nearshore of northern Taiwan
- The geologic structure in the offshore area of northern Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan: an approach from marine seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data
- Using gravity data to estimate the density of surface rocks of Taiwan region
- Vp model at the junction of Taiwan Orogeny and the western-most Ryukyu Subduction Zone from the integration of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Networks and onland seismic data
- Deciphering the paleoseismic history of the central Dead Sea fault (Yammouneh fault, Lebanon) based on multiple luminescence dating techniques
- Empirical Site Amplification Factors Incorporating Soil Nonlinearity in Taiwan
- Microearthquake monitoring of the Shanchiao fault in northern Taiwan
- Monitoring the ground water level change during the pump test by using the Electric resistivity tomography
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- Shallow Geological Structures Triggered During the M<SUB>w</SUB>6.4 Meinong Earthquake and Their Significance in Accommodating Long-term Shortening Across the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan
- Station Corrected PGA Prediction for Onsite EEWs in Western Taiwan
- Tectonic Uplift of the Danba Area in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- The Deformation and Kinematic Characteristics of the Sanyi Thrust Fault by Incorporating the Outcrop Analysis, Ground-penetrating radar and Resistivity Imaging Results
- The Estimation of the Water Table and the Specific Yield with time-lapse 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging in the Minzu Basin of Central Taiwan
- The influence of sedimentation on the structure development of continental rifting with numerical experiments
- Fault mechanism in active creeping Chihshang fault, Taiwan
- Geometry and kinematics of last-stage structures in the exhumation of young blueschists in the Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Near real-time estimates on earthquake rupture directivity using near-field ground motion data from a dense low-cost seismic network
- Rapid Exhumation of the Eastern Central Range of Taiwan: Constraints from Brittle Deformation Patterns.
- Reviewing the electrical properties and its implication of the creeping Chihshang Fault with magnetotelluric and High-Resolution Electrical Resistivity Imaging measurements
- Seismological/Geophysical Architecture and Evolution of Fault Zone: Evidence from In-situ Fault Zone Borehole Seismic Array Observations after a large slip
- Tectonic features of the Hualien Ridge and its relationship to the 2018 M6.4 Hualien earthquake
- Extreme events recorded in sediment cores of the Hateruma forearc basin, southern Ryukyus (MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise)
- Geochemistry and provenance study of recent deep-water sediments around Taiwan
- Imaging Dynamic Responses of Large-scale Deep-seated Landslides to Environmental Forcing through Seismic Interferometric Dispersion Analysis
- Record of past extreme events in marine sediments offshore Eastern Taiwan: Preliminary results of the MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise
- Regulation of the Meiyu-Baiu Migration by the Himalayas
- Site correction of high frequency ground motion simulation in Taiwan considering linear to nonlinear soil response
- The ambient noise characteristics in the ocean bottom environment offshore Taiwan
- Topographic and surface processes response to tectonic and climate across different timescale in Taiwan
- Fluid Drainage Drives Dehydroxylation of Water-Saturated Serpentinite Gouge During Earthquake Propagation
- Studying the 2019 Mindanao Earthquake Sequence by Finite Fault Inversion
- The Scarcity of Lightning Relic on Rocks: An Implication from a Rock Fulgurite on Granitic Gneiss
- Building Footprint Recognition through Satellite Imagery Identification by a Convolutional Neural Network
- Electrical Conductivity of Mantle Beneath the Northern Taiwan derived from C-response: A Preliminary Results