National Central University, Taiwan
flowchart I[National Central University, Taiwan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (4)"] AW["Affiliated Works (861)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (87)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- National Central University, Taiwan, Department of Physics
- National Central University, Taiwan, Institute of Astronomy
- National Central University, Taiwan, Institute of Geophysics
- National Central University, Taiwan, Institute of Space Science
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Growing Anticline in Tainan City, Taiwan
- A Morpho-Neotectonic Map of western Taiwan Based on Fractal Analysis of DEM
- Aftershock Distribution of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake and Crustal Structure in the Source Region from an Explosion Reflection Survey
- Coseismic Deformation and Static Stress Changes Following by the Chi-Chi Earthquake in Taiwan
- Jet Stream Migration Characteristics Associated with the Onset of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Large Swift Flow Variations at the Sunrise Topside Equatorial Ionosphere During a Storm
- Observations of Hydrocarbons and Halocarbons during ACE-Asia
- Possible relations between the anomaly of daily variation in geomagnetism and seismicity in Taiwan
- Response of the Equatorial Ionosphere to Major Magnetic Storms During the Current Solar Maximum Phase
- Seismic Strain Field in Taiwan
- Tectonic Analysis of Contractional Structures Within the Southern Taiwan Orogen using GPS
- Application of SAR Interferometry to a large thrusting deformation: The 1999 Mw=7.6 Chichi earthquake (Central Taiwan)
- Dynasonde Measurements of Ionospheric Meteor Effects
- Geometric Evolution of the Sanyi/Chelungpu Fault and the Effects of Ramps on Fault Structure
- Modeling Basin-scale Runoffs with Precipitation Data from Ground-based Observations and Mesoscale Simulations
- Motion Along the Eurasian-Phillippine Sea Plate Boundary in the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan From GPS
- Observations of Topside Ionospheric Responses at 600 km Altitude During the April 17, 2002 Storm Period
- Relationship Between the 3-D Fault Geometry and Coseismic Displacements in the 1999 Chichi Earthquake, Taiwan
- ShakeMaps of the 1999 Chi-Chi Taiwan Earthquake Sequence
- The Morphology of Equatorial Plasma Density Depletions Observed by GUVI
- An Empirical Method for Rapid Estimation of Housing and Life Losses from Earthquakes in Taiwan
- An Oceanic Protolith for the UHP Eclogites and Garnetites from Western Sulu, Northeast of China
- Bayesian Analysis of Aftershock Sequences
- Crustal Structure Beneath Taiwan Using Local and Teleseismic Travel Times Observed by the 2001 Linear Array Observation
- Determination of shallow water depth by using optical satellite images
- Effect of Surface Geology on Ground Motions: The Case of Chutzuhu Site (TAP056)
- F-region Ionospheric Irregularities Observed by ROCSAT-1 in the South Atlantic Anomaly Longitude Sector
- Geomorphic Indicators and Tectonic Implications of the Active Chaochou Fault, Southern Taiwan
- Holocene Multiple Movement of the Hsinhua Fault in Southwestern Taiwan
- Seasonal Surface Deformation In Response To Local Tectonic Activity, Insights From InSAR Observation In The SW Taiwan
- Seismo-Ionospheric Precursors
- Slip-rate Estimation of Active Fault by Luminescence Dating on Deformed River Terraces at Tsaotun, Central Taiwan
- Surface Deformation and Earthquake Potential of Tainan Tableland, Southwestern Taiwan
- The Influence of ZnBr<SUB>2</SUB> and ZnCl<SUB>2</SUB> Liquid in Rock-Eval Pyrolysis of Separated Macerals
- integrated Search for Taiwan Earthquake Precursors (iSTEP)
- A Method for Estimation of Death Tolls in Disastrous Earthquake
- A Study of Lightning Activities and M>=5.0 Earthquakes in Taiwan During 1993-2002
- A Study on Near-Fault Mortality from the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- An Investigation of the Subsurface Structure and P- and S-wave Velocities in the Taipei Basin, Taiwan
- Application of DInSAR in Monitoring the Metropolitan Land-Surface Deformation: Jungli Industry Park as an Example
- Determination of principal orientations of in-situ stress from anelastic strain recovery measurements of drilling cores close to a fault zone in TCDP Hole-A
- Effect of Well Bore Mixing on Formation Decontamination by Pumping
- Major Air Pollutants Over the Western Plain in Taiwan
- Preliminary Summary Of Current Fault Zones In The Hole-A Of TCDP
- Terrace Development in Response to the Interference of two Active Structural Systems in Houli, central Taiwan
- The Response of the Low and Middle Latitude Topside Ionosphere to the Superstorm Events of October and November 2003
- The relationship between the difference of daily variation in geomagnetic total intensity and seismicity in Taiwan
- Uplift "potential" derived from GPS horizontal measurements and its geological implications in Taiwan
- 100 Years after the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906: Earthquake Forecasting and Forecast Verification - Status, Prospects and Promise
- A RELM earthquake forecast based on pattern informatics
- Array analysis of ScP : D'' velocity anomalies and the tilt of CMB
- Characterization of Unfractured Wall Rocks of TCDP Hole-B by Combination of Thermal-Property and TDR Measurements in Laboratory
- Characters of Faults and Structures Revealed from Cores and Wire-line logs in Hole-A of the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling
- Correlations Among Various Physical Properties of Fault Zone Cores Retrieved From TCDP Hole-B
- DInSAR Observation of a Graben-Like Structure in Southwestern Taiwan and its Tectonic Implication
- Earthquake-Induced Landslide Probability Derived From Four Different Methods and Result Comparison
- Equatorial ionospheric disturbances during super storms seen from TIMED/GUVI, DMSP and ROCSAT-1
- Fluid Infiltration After Seismic Faulting: Chemical And Mineralogical Compositions Of Fault Rocks From The Active Chelungpu Fault
- From Tornadoes to Earthquakes: Forecast Verification for Binary Events Applied to the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Hydrological control and anthropogenic effect on dissolved nitrogen in stream water from a subtropical mountainous drainage system
- Lithostratigraphy of the Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project-A borehole and its neighboring region, central Taiwan
- Magnetospheric Electrons as a Source of Titan's Ionosphere: Model Comparisons with Cassini Data
- Microfossil Analysis of wells in the Chelungpu Fault Zone TAIWAN
- No Anomaly Appearance in Pre-Earthquake Phenomena Center
- Non-destructive measurements of cores retrieved from TCDP Hole-B
- Observations of the O, O2, and OH airglows by the ISUAL instrument onboard the FORMOSAT 2 satellite
- On Some Issues in Assessing Long-term Changes of Regional Scale Air Quality
- Pressurization effect on bulk properties and pore connection of sedimentary rock specimens from TCDP cores
- ROCSAT Observations of Meso-Scale Density and Flow Undulations in Conjuction with Intermediate-Scale Density Irregularities at Midlatitude Topside Ionosphere
- Signals embedded in the OBS records, in light of Gabor Spectral Analysis
- The Existence Of Duplex Structure Within Taiwan Chelungpu-Fault Drilling Project By Core Observation And Logging Data
- The Stress-dependent Permeability/Porosity Of Drilled Cores From TCDP Hole-A
- The relationship between pore-pressure and the elastic-wave velocities of TCDP-cores
- Updating Newmark Displacement Empirical Formula with the Chi-Chi Earthquake Strong-Motion Data.
- A Study on Air Quality Control Strategy Derived from Simulation with Episodic Events and Long-term Continuous Scenario
- Active Faulting and Folding of Southwestern Taiwan Revealed by DInSAR
- Anomalous hydrographic and biological conditions in the northern South China Sea during the 1997-98 El Niño
- Co-seismic ground slips deduced from sub-pixel correlation of aerial photos: a case of 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake (Mw 7.6) at Tsaotun in Central Taiwan
- Distribution of active uplift along eastern flank of Central Range in Taiwan:Inferences from bedrock channel longitudinal profiles
- Estimates of Energy and Water Exchanges at Short Grass with Low- and High-Frequency Monitoring Systems
- Flux of Air Pollutions and its Impact on Regional Air Quality in Taiwan
- Initial Validation of FM-3/COSMIC Retrieved Atmospheric Pressure Fields over Antarctica
- Modulation of K1 Barotropic Tide by Vigorous Baroclinic Tide in South China Sea
- Numerical modeling of elves recorded by the ISUAL payload on the FORMOSAT-2 satellite
- On the Simulations and Observations of Sprites-induced Mesospheric OH Nightglow Emissions
- Orientation determination of in-situ horizontal principal stresses by using drilling-induced breakouts and tensile fractures in an active fault drilling hole
- Paleostress Analysis of Retrieved Cores from the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project (TCDP) Hole-A
- Persistence in the Average Occurrence Pattern of Monthly/Seasonal/Longitudinal Distribution of Ionospheric Density Irregularities for Past Three Decades
- Preliminary Measurements of Atmospheric Pollutants at Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS) in Taiwan
- Relativistic electron loss process by pitch angle scattering due to field curvature
- Rotational speed study of tropical cyclone spiral rainband by using geostationary satellite images
- Seasonal variation of the CG-induced sprites and elves
- Slip plane identification associated with the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake: X-ray CT image analyses of fault-related samples recovered from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Structure Geology, Physical Properties, Fault Zone Characteristics and Stress State in Scientific Drill Holes of Taiwan Chelungpu Fault Drilling Project
- Surface deformation of Taipei basin detected by Differential SAR Interferometry
- Tectonic Features of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments off Southwest Taiwan
- The Critical Point Theory of Earthquakes: Observation of Correlated and Cooperative Behavior on Earthquake Fault Systems
- The Establishment of Seasonal Eco-warning System for Formosan Landlocked Salmon
- The Impact of Asian Continental Outflow on Spring Ozone Concentration in Downwind Neighboring Area
- The Study of Energy and Water Exchanges above an Evergreen Forest in Taiwan
- The global morphology of the vertical ExB drift in the equatorial region
- The impact of the Chi-Chi earthquake on suspended sediment transport in central and southwestern Taiwan
- What Determines the Distance of Asian Dust Transport?
- A New Direct Coupled Regional-scale Meteorology and Chemistry Model
- Change-Point Models for aftershock hazard analysis
- Development of Pneumatic Inverse Model for Estimating Permeability and Porosity of Unsaturated Soils
- Development of Vs30 map in Taiwan using multivariate geostatistical method
- Discovery of "Hydrothermal" Chemosynthetic Community in a Cold Seep Environment, Formosa Ridge: Seafloor Observation Results from First ROV Cruise, off Southwestern Taiwan
- Dynamic Mechanochemistry of Seismic Slip -Nano Spherules Lubrication
- Evolution of Subductions Indicated by Mélanges in Taiwan
- Fluid Mechanical Interactions In The Active Creeping Chihshang Fault Zone In Eastern Taiwan
- Global Sea Level Variation Due to Water Impoundment in Artificial Reservoirs
- Hydrological and chemical monitoring during Fluid Injection Test in Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Indirect Measurement of Evapotranspiration from Soil Moisture Depletion
- Insights from new bathymetric, gravimetric and magnetic data of the continental margin of the northern South China Sea
- Inter-comparison of multi-sensor results for high-speed rail risk analysis
- Mathematical Model for Solute Transport in a Single Borehole Dipole Flow Tracer Test
- Measurements of Atmospheric Mercury at a High Elevation Site (Lulin Atmospheric Background Station, LABS) in Taiwan
- Observation of quasi-biannual oscillation (QBO) in ozone concentration and its implication in the tropopause temperature over Banchio (24.44 N 121.45 E), Taiwan
- On Monthly/Seasonal/Longitudinal Variations of Equatorial Irregularity Occurrences and Their Relationship to Post-Sunset Vertical Drift Velocities
- Origin Of The Pancake-Shaped And The Donut-Shaped Elves
- Polarization Study of ELF-Emissions at Pre-earthquakes Time
- Preliminary results of surface deformation in suburban central Taiwan observed by PSInSAR
- Seasonal and Fortnightly Variability of Baroclinic Tides in the Luzon Strait and Northern South China Sea: A Numerical Study
- The Abnormal Pore Pressure Response Between the Interface of Colluvial and Bed Rock in a Landslide Area
- A rapid creeping reverse fault at the plate suture: the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Accelerated Ground Deformation of the Yellowstone Caldera, 2004-2008: Update from GPS and InSAR Observations
- Acceleration of terrestrial water storage changes from GRACE data
- Ambient noise levels in the Taiwan region
- Analysis of Heterogeneous Sand Box Reactive Tracer Tests by a Time-Fractional Advective Model
- Attenuation Relationship of Arias Intensity for Taiwan
- Characterizing the active faults in the northern end of collisional boundary using PSInSAR time series - Hualien, Taiwan
- Crustal structure across Taiwan orogen based on the TAIGER 2008 land refraction experiment
- Determination of low-molecular-weight dicarboxylic acids in atmospheric aerosols by injection-port derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- Diagnostic Modeling of PAMS VOC Observation on Regional Scale Environment
- Estimation of Molten Zone on Fault Surface and its Frictional Melting Energy by Spatial Distributions of Pseudotachylyte Layers in Nojima Fault, Japan
- Factors Controlling the Distribution of Atmospheric Mercury in the East Asian Free Troposphere
- Hydromechanical characterization of an active fault zone in the sedimentary cover?case study of Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Indication of Long Range Transport by Gaseous Organic Compounds
- Influence of Land-sea Breeze on Air Quality Over Taiwan Coastal Environment
- Initial Lidar Observations of the Kasatochi Plume at Multiple MPLNET Sites
- Ionosphere tomography derived by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC TIP and GOX data
- Landslide Susceptibility Assessment of the Tahang River Catchment in northern Taiwan
- Quantifying Rainfall-Partitioning Dynamics with High-Temporal Resolution Measurements for a Temperate Rainforest in Central Taiwan
- Sea Level and Ocean Bottom Pressure Variations From Altimetry, Mercator Model and GRACE Mission in the Argentine Basin
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors before the 12 May 2008 Mw7.9 Sichuan Earthquake observed by GIM and FORMOSAT3/COSMIC
- Studying the Lunar Ionosphere with SELENE Radio Science Experiment
- The Seasonal Variation of Phytoplankton Growth in the East China Sea: a Numerical Study
- The Structure of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly Seen by TIMED/GUVI Limb Observations
- Variations Of Soil Gases On The Active Chihshang Fault In A Plate Suture Zone, Eastern Taiwan
- Aerosol Properties Observed on the Mesoscale and MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Comparisons during the 2008 Pre-monsoon TIGERZ IOP in Kanpur, India
- Characterization of ozone precursors in a regional background site of the Pearl River Delta by time series observation of non-methane hydrocarbons
- Collaborative Taiwan-USA Seismic Onshore-Offshore Imaging of Arc-Continent Collision under Taiwan
- Continuous Hydrological Simulations with the NCUDWM Distributed Watershed Model
- Defining Lithological Units by Cuttings, Core and Logging Data at Site C0009A in the Nankai Trough, Japan: IODP Expedition 319
- Detecting Moho Boundary under Taiwan with Wide-angle Data by Ray-tracing Method - The TAIGER Project
- Effects of Coordinate Rotation and Averaging Period on Energy Closure Characteristics of Eddy Covariance Measurements over Mountainous Terrain
- Estimating Antarctica land topography from GRACE gravity and ICESat altimetry data
- Estimating Stress Magnitudes Using Petroleum Exploration Data in the West-central Fold and Thrust Belt of Taiwan
- Evolution of the Miocene to Quaternary Nankai forearc from drilling results within the Kumano forearc basin (IODP Expedition 319)
- Export of Atmospheric Mercury from East Asia Observed at Various Monitoring Sites in Taiwan
- Geodetic and Seismic Monitoring of Yellowstone: A Living, Breathing, Shaking Volcano
- Geodynamics of the Yellowstone Hotspot and Mantle Plume: Seismic and GPS Imaging, Kinematics, and Mantle Flow
- Insight from the co-seismic deformation of the Mw 8.0 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake around the Xiaoyudong area
- Investigation of the impacts of vegetation distribution and evaporative cooling on urban climate using a coupled LES-LSM model
- Marine TAIGER OBS Experiment and its future prospects
- Observations and Modeling of Co-seismic Stress Changes in the M7.6 Chi-Chi Earthquake Taiwan - Apparent Evidence for Complete Stress Drop on a Small Fault Patch
- PFLOW: A 3-D Numerical Modeling Tool for Calculating Fluid-Pressure Diffusion from Coulomb Strain
- Retrieval errors from spherical asymmetry assumption
- Seasonal and inter-annual gravity changes in the Siberian permafrost region from GRACE
- Simulation and Theoretical Study of ion Acoustic Shocks
- Single Site Strong-Motion Attenuation Relationship
- Slip behaviors of a creeping thrust fault from surface to seismogenic depth: a case study of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Some issues of multilevel slug tests when hydraulic conductivity mildly varies with depth
- Statistical study of the storm-time ionospheric disturbances observed by GPS receiver network
- The environmental occurrence and effect of alkylphenol polyethoxylates and their metabolites in Taiwan
- The relation between geochemical characteristics and landslide in Hungtsaiping area, Nantou, Taiwan
- Theoretical and Simulation Study of Magnetic Reconnection in the MHD and the Hall-MHD Plasma
- A 3D lidar for atmospheric and pollution measurements
- A Bay/Estuary Model to Simulated Hydrodynamics and Biogeochemical Cycles
- A Semi-parametric Multivariate Gap-filling Model for Eddy Covariance Latent Heat Flux
- Active tectonic features and seismogenic structures in Taiwan submarine arc-continent collision zone (Invited)
- Assessment of Pollutant Outflow by Beach Front Measurements and Modeling of Nonmethane Hydrocarbons
- Crustal structure and fluid migration studies in the southwestern Taiwan convergent zone using seismic tomography
- Defining the Moho boundary using earthquake PmP reflections in order to investigate arc-continent collisional deformation within Taiwan
- Dust Long-Range Transport and the Dust-Radiation Effects on the Modification of the SAL Environment
- Impact on surface ozone by fugitive emissons of ethylene and propylene from a petrochemical plant cluster
- Integrating Geophysical Data for the Investigation of the Chingshui Geothermal Field in Northeastern Taiwan
- Lateral variation of shallow S-wave velocity structure in south Taiwan revealed from Rayleigh wave analysis for TAIGER explosion
- Nonlinear Mirror Mode Structures in the magnetosheath: Two- and Three-dimensional Hybrid Simulations
- On the development of a methodology for extensive in-situ and continuous atmospheric CO2 monitoring
- Overview of Asian Biomass Burning and Dust Aerosols Measured during the Dongsha Experiment in the Spring of 2010
- Photochemically consumed hydrocarbons and their relationship with ozone formation in two megacities of China
- Program on Promoting Climate Change Adaptation Technologies Bridging Policy Making and Science Research in Taiwan
- Results from an onshore/offshore seismic transect of southern Taiwan
- Role of Tropical Easterly Jet on Upper Tropical Cirrus: Observations inferred from CALIPSO, AURA-MLS and NCEP/NCAR data
- Seismo-ionospheric GPS total electron content anomalies observed before the 12 January 2010 M7.0 Haiti Earthquake
- Simulations of Radio Occultation by Using Ray Tracing Method with nonspherical symmetric atmosphere
- Strain accumulation across strike-slip faults: Investigation of the influence of laterally varying lithospheric properties
- The destruction of mountain's roads caused by typhoon-induced landslides
- The meso-scale characteristics of Typhoon Morakot(2009) revealed from polarimetric radar analyses
- Wet Deposition Concentrations and Fluxes of Mercury in Taiwan
- 3-D velocity model beneath Taal Volcano, Luzon Island Philippines
- A Crustal Structure Study of the Southern Ryukyu Subduction Zone by Using the Aftershock Data
- Abnormal Volume Variation of Anelastic Strain Recovery and Its implications in Geothermal Exploration
- An evaluation of the relationships between local watershed characteristics, climate, stream classification and baseflow recession of headwater streams on the San Francisco Peninsula
- Analysis of Single-Earthquake Sigma Using Taiwan Dataset
- Applicability of an Integrated Media, Integrated Processes, Physics-Based Model WASH123D to Mountain Area Watersheds
- Architecture and slip behaviors of a plate boundary megathrust: a case study of the Longitudinal Valley Fault system in eastern Taiwan
- Biogeochemical Responses of the Northern South China Sea to Climate Oscillation Revealed from Observations at and Modeling for the SEATS Station
- Crustal-scale weak zone along a collisional suture revealed by spatial variations in velocity structures and seismicity
- Dynamic Magnetic Reconnection Events Triggered by Density-Temperature Non-uniformity
- Experimental Evidence of melt-brake at seismic rates in sedimentary rocks
- Fault segmentation and structural evolution of the frontal Longmen San fault zone
- Fluid Pressure, Uplift Erosion and In-situ Stress in the Tiechanshan Anticline of Western Taiwan Fold-thrust Belt
- Global Ionospheric and Plasmaspheric Monitoring With FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and Ground GPS Observables
- Long-term Observations of Aerosol Characteristics over East Asia
- Lower ionospheric detection by using radio occultation signal to noise ratio data
- Mapping Climate Change Vulnerability Distribution of Water Resources in a Regional Water Supply System
- On speciation of VOC localization
- On the Kuroshio intrusions
- Physical mechanisms and statistics of ionospheric storms at low and mid latitudes
- Proposing a New Retention Function for Multiple Phase-Fluids
- Quantifying Evapotranspiration with the Eddy Covariance Approach and the Rational Function Approach for a Subtropical Forest
- Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheric Pcdd/fs in South China Sea and Background Area in Vietnam
- Sediment yield prediction based on landslide susceptibility analysis
- Segmentation of convergent plate boundary in eastern Taiwan observed by Persistent SAR Interferometry
- Seismic-induced water waves by the March 2011 Japan earthquake
- Seismo Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by the 11 March 2011 M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Temperature threshold of biogenic isoprene emission in subtropical urban and suburban areas: The Taipei case study
- The Aftershock Analyses of the February 27 2010 Chile M=8.8 Mega Earthquake
- The mid-latitude electron density enhancement (MEDE) in GIM TEC
- The topographic interaction with typhoon FANAPI(2010) through Polarimetric/Doppler radar analysis
- Time-Frequency Analysis of the ENSO from FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Data
- Toward the next generation of research on earthquake-induced landslides: current issues and future challenges
- Using the In-Situ Measured Density Data to Derive Global/Seasonal Scintillation Maps and Outer-Scale Distribution
- Utilizing new methodologies to study major earthquakes: Multi-parameter observation of pre-earthquake signals from ground and space
- A Coupled Model of L-phase Flow, Reactive Biogeochemical Transport and Thermal Transport
- A Geo-Mechanics Model for CO2 Sequestration Simulations under Multiphase Flow-Multispecies Transport Systems
- A Multi-scale Finite-frequency Approach to the Inversion of Reciprocal Travel Times for 3-D Velocity Structure beneath Taiwan
- A Study of Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Behaviors for CO2 Storage in Changhua Coastal Industrial Park, Taiwan
- An analytical solution for one-dimensional advective-dispersive transport problem in semi-infinite domain with flexible initial condition, inlet boundary condition, and inner source
- Analysis of Single-Path Sigma Using SMART-1 Array Data in Taiwan
- Analytical solution for two-dimensional multi-species advecive-dispersive transport equations sequentially coupled with first-order decay reactions
- Assimilating chemical compound with a regional chemical model
- Asymmetric Biogeochemical Responses To Wind Forcing During Climate Oscillation In The South China Sea And The West Philippine Sea: Observations And Implications
- Baseline Measurements of Trace Gases at High Mountain and Sea-level Stations in Taiwan
- Characteristics of strong motion duration in Taiwan
- Characterizations of pumping-induced land subsidence in coastal aquifers - model development and field-scale implementations
- Comparative sound velocity measurements between porous rock and fully-dense material under crustal condition: The cases of Darley Dale sandstone and copper block
- Comparison of Uniform Flux and Uniform Head Wellbore Boundary for the Multilevel Slug Test
- Crustal structure across the northern Taiwan based on the active source experiments
- Detecting Moho Boundary under Taiwan Using Wide-angle Data - The Middle Line
- Developing a Moving-Solid Algorithm for Simulating Tsunamis Induced by Rock Sliding
- Dynamics of Charged Nano-Dust in the Jovian Rings
- Equation of State for Modeling Multiphase Flow-Multispecies Transport in Deformable Media under non-isothermal Conditions
- Generalized analytical solutions for advective-dispersive equation in layered geological media
- Impact of different transport mechanisms of Asian dust and anthropogenic pollutants to Taiwan
- Impact of the quasi-two-day traveling planetary wave on the ionosphere
- In-situ Stresses, Pore-fluid Pressures and Uplift Erosion in Relation to Active Thrust Faulting in western Taiwan
- Integrations of AUTOMESH-2D mesh generator and TOUGH2 model to simulate CO2 migrations in complex geological formations in central Taiwan
- Internally Consistent Receiver Function Images, Tomography, and Seismicity of Taiwan from TAIGER
- Long range transport of Asian dust and dust-cloud interaction observed by Raman lidar and CALIPSO measurements
- NI, NII, OI and OII Emissions Produced Through Photoexcitation of N2 and O2
- Near surface seismic properties obtained by waveform deconvolution for broadband borehole stations in Taiwan
- Neutral wind effect on mid latitude summer nighttime anomaly
- Numerical Modeling on Waves over Fringing Reef
- Numerical Study on the Historic Tsunami Events in the Southwest of Taiwan
- Numerical assessments of geological CO2 sequestration in the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park, Central Taiwan
- Observations of New Particle Growth and Shrinkage in Subtropical Ambient Air
- Orogen development at the subduction-collision transition, Southern Taiwan: insights from fission track and U-Th/He thermocronology
- Preliminary result of deep-towed resistivity investigation in a potential gas hydrate area off southwest Taiwan
- Quantification of mechanical effect on the migration of injected CO2 in brine aquifers
- Rapid Triggering of Micro-Earthquake Repeating Sequences in West Taiwan: Observations and modeling
- Recent surface deformation of the Ilan Plain: an extensional tectonic basin in the northern Taiwan orogenic belt
- Relationship between total Non-Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) and Speciated NMHCs by Photochemical Assessment Monitoring Station (PAMS)
- Shrinking of proto-Taiwan landscape evidenced by uplifted Mutan Lakes and drainage rearrangement in Hengchun Peninsula, Southern Taiwan
- Spin crossover of iron in aluminous MgSiO<SUB>3</SUB> perovskite and post-perovskite
- Study of a Coincident Observation Between the Ionospheric Density Irregularities and Ground Scintillation Experiment
- Study of the anisotropy in sandstones: combining with XCT, porosity and velocity measurements
- Tectonic Activity of the Puli Basin in Central Taiwan: Observation from Space and Fields
- The Effect of Prereversal Enhancement on GPS TEC
- The atomic hydrogen in the Saturnian magnetosphere
- The effect of 20 May 2012 annular solar eclipse on the ionosphere
- The observations of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC ionospheric electron density profiles during 2006-2010 major solar eclipses
- The thermal heating temperature of Chelungpu-fault gouge in TCDP Hole-C core from vitrinite reflectance
- Yellowstone Hotspot Geodynamics
- 3D Numerical Simulation on the Rockslide Generated Tsunamis
- A 3D Seismic Case: Shooting around a CCS Drill Site
- A Reverse Tracking Method to Analyze the 1867 Keelung Tsunami Event
- A density-controlled triangular and quadrilateral element mesh automatic generation system
- Aleatory Variability of Ground-motion Attenuation Residuals
- Analysis of Slug Test Response in a Fracture of a Large Dipping Angle
- Assessment of aerosol optics, microphysics, and transport process of biomass-burning haze over northern SE Asia: 7-SEAS AERONET observations
- Assimilative Model Bias Correction Schemes for Global Ionospheric Modeling
- Atmospheric Mercury Deposition to a Remote Islet in the Subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean
- Changes of static stress and aftershocks distribution for the strike-slip earthquakes in the West Pilippine Sea Plate
- Characterizing 2-D slip distributions along plate-suture mega-thrust during earthquake cycle: a case of the Chihshang fault in eastern Taiwan
- Chemical, physical and radiative properties of atmospheric aerosols measured at Mt. Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS) in East Asia during biomass burning seasons (Invited)
- Coherent Deformation Throughout the Lithosphere in the Taiwan Orogen From Foliation Mapping Using Receiver Functions
- Combine InSAR, leveling and rainfall data to analyze the atmospheric distributions and effects in the spatial
- Denudation versus incision in Central Range Eastern Taiwan: Perspective from in situ cosmogenic 10Be
- Developing and Applications of a Gap-filling Model for Eddy covariance CO2 Flux: Evaluating the Net Ecosystem Exchange of a Subtropical Evergreen Forest after a Server Environmental Disturbance
- Discovery on the fault zone structure from fault-zone in-situ TCDP borehole seismometers
- Dual Diagonalization of Reactive Transport Equations
- Dynamical modeling of earthquake rupture based on the 1D Burridge-Knopoff spring-block model with rate-and-state friction
- Embryonic stage of plate subduction in the Huatung Basin, off eastern Taiwan
- Evolution of overburden soil deformation by oblique-slip faulting: insights from analogue and numerical models
- Explicit analytical solutions for contaminant transport in double-layered geological media associated with time-dependent inlet boundary condition
- Explicitly Coupled Governing Equations of THMC Processes in Subsurface Media
- Fluorescence Produced Through Photoexcitation of Atmospheric N2 and O2
- Fracturing of earthquake rupture mechanics on the fault with self-similarity and fault surface heterogeneity
- Gravity features of the mud diapirs off southwest Taiwan
- Ground Motion Evaluation and Validation of the 1920 Hualian M8.0 Earthquake
- Inferring the spatial variation of the wedge strength based on a modified critical taper model
- Initiation and runaway process of Tsaoling landslide, triggered by the 1999 Taiwan Chi-Chi earthquake, as studied by high-velocity friction experiments (Invited)
- Investigating source scaling of earthquake clusters using the TCDP borehole seismometers in Taiwan
- Investigation of Relationship between In-Situ Stress and Fluid Conduits from Chinshui Geothermal Area, NE Taiwan
- Investigation on the temporal change in attenuation within ruptured fault zone of the 1999 Mw7.3 Chi-Chi, Taiwan earthquake
- Ionospheric Observations of FORMOSAT7/COSMIC2
- Ionospheric typhoon signatures in electron density profile observed by FORMSAT-3/COSMIC
- Mechanisms driving the global and seasonal structure of the 16-day planetary wave
- Numerical Study on the 1682 Tainan Historic Tsunami Event
- Numerical studies on Heavy Rainfall Events over Northern Taiwan in Mei-Yu Season
- Occurrence Probability and Amplitude of Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities Associated with Plasma Bubbles during Low and Moderate Solar Activities
- Overview of 2010-2013 spring campaigns of Seven South East Asian Studies (7-SEAS) in the northern Southeast Asia
- Plasma Depletion Bay in the Summer Nighttime Equatorial Ionosphere
- Potential Magma Chambers beneath the Tatun Volcanic Area, Taiwan: Results from Magnetotelluric Survey and Monitoring
- Preliminary reactive geochemical transport simulation study on CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological sequestration at the Changhua Coastal Industrial Park Site, Taiwan
- Probability for Simulating Future Earthquakes with Magnitude Mw > 6.0 in Taiwan for Seismic Hazard for Earthquake Catalog from 1900 to 2008
- Quantifying Representative Hydraulic Conductivity for Three-Dimensional Fractured Formations
- Reconstructing the Paleotsunami Event in the Southern Taiwan from the Tsunami Boulders
- Reevaluation on the fault geometry and segmentation of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Retrieving lithospheric velocity structures beneath Taiwan region by nonlinear joint inversion of local and teleseismic P-wave data: Slab continuity and deflection
- Seismic Tomography Reveals Breaking Crust and Lithosphere Beneath a Classic Orogen
- Seismic velocity structure of the Taiwan mountain belt along TAIGER transect T5
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors in the GPS Total Electron Content of the 16 October 1999 Mw7.1 Hector Mine Earthquake
- Seismoelectric responses from self-potential measurements in Taiwan
- Seismotectonic structures in the offshore of Northeast Taiwan from OBS data
- Seismotetonics of the Eastern Taiwan offshore area from OBS data
- Stochastic Ground Motion Simulation with 1D Site Correction for the Wuku Downhole Array
- Stochastic Modeling of CO2 Migrations and Chemical Reactions in Deep Saline Formations
- Storm Signatures and Irregularities in the Equatorial Ionosphere Observed by Using FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (Invited)
- Study of the Relationship between Surface Rupture and Faulting due to 2010 M6.4 Jiashian Earthquake
- Submarine paleoseismology offshore eastern Taiwan: New insights from turbidite records
- The Impact of CCN Concentration on the Simulated Track, Intensity, and Structure of Typhoon Nari (2001) in an Oceanic Environment
- The gravitational extension in the Central Range of Taiwan induced by the instability of intrinsic buoyancy
- The relationship between meteor, wind shear, and sporadic-E layer
- Three-Dimensional Study on the Dynamics of Local Scour Induced by Storm and Tsunami Floods
- Time Variability of the Global Temperature Distribution of Mimas and Janus
- Two-dimensional seismic velocity models of southern Taiwan from TAIGER transects
- Water infiltration in prewetted porous media: dynamic capillary pressure and Green-Ampt modeling
- 2009 Slow Slip Event under the Northeast Taiwan at the Backarc Extension of the Ryukyu Subduction Zone from Continuous GPS Data
- A Seismic Structure Study in the Kaoping Area, Southwestern Taiwan
- A statistical study of Seismo-Ionospheric Precusors of magnitude 5.0 and greater during 1994-1999 in Taiwan
- Active Dehydration, Delamination and Deformation of Transitional Continental Crust in an Arc-Continent Collision, Taiwan
- An Integrated Landslide-Runout Model for the Assessment of Typhoon-Induced Landslide Hazard and Early Warning Practice
- An empirical equation of effective shaking duration for moderate to large earthquakes
- Analysis of Crustal Deformation in Central Taiwan Using Block Modeling with GPS Observations
- Anthropogenic impacts on continental margins: New frontiers and engagement arena for global sustainability research and action
- Application of Remote Sensing Technique to Suspended Sediment Estimation of Pinan River, Eastern Taiwan
- Automatic mapping of urban areas from Landsat data using impervious surface fraction algorithm
- Changes of the Ionosphere Caused By the Interaction Between the Quasi-Two-Day Wave and Tides
- Comet 67P/CG compositional maps at regional scale in the VIS-IR from Rosetta/VIRTIS-M (Invited)
- Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko - First Science Results by Rosetta/OSIRIS
- Considering both aleatory variability and epistemic variability in probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
- Coupled Heat and Moisture Transport Simulation on the Re-saturation of Engineered Clay Barrier
- Dayside Magnetopause Location During Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field Periods
- Detection of Seismic Anisotropy Using Ocean Bottom Seismometers: A Case Study from the Accretionary Prism Off Southwest Taiwan
- Effects of mineral composition and pore structure in HC potential of reservoir rocks in the Western Foothill Belt, Taiwan
- Effects of the Sand Characteristics on the Dynamic Capillary Pressure during the Downward Infiltration.
- Estuary Tides Using Satellite Altimetry And SAR/InSAR Data
- Evaluating Vulnerability and Resilience between Urban and Rural Area in a Regional Water Resources System under Climate Change
- Exploration of a possible cause of magnetic reconfiguration/reconnection due to generation, rather than annihilation, of magnetic field in a nun-uniform thin current sheet
- Fast analysis of radionuclide decay chain migration
- Fault Creep and Kinematics of the Chihshang Fault in Eastern Taiwan Derived from the PSInSAR and Geodetic Techniques
- Friction Laws Based on Monotonic and Cyclic Rotary Shear Tests
- High Resolution Greenland Ice-Sheet Interannual Mass Balance Estimates Combining GRACE Gravimetry and Envisat Altimetry
- Implications from vitrinite reflectance in the fore arc sequence of Coastal Range, Eastern Taiwan
- Inferring the Properties of Ices on Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the Microwave Instrument on the Rosetta Orbiter (MIRO) Measurements
- Innovative THMC Modeling for Environmental Remediation
- Inter-annual and decadal fluctuations of the Kuroshio in East China Sea and connection with wind and surface heat flux
- Interaction of chemical dissolution fronts during transport in an anisotropic porous medium with initial small non-uniformity
- Investigation on the Association of Fluid Flux with Temporal Change in Attenuation within Ruptured Fault Zone after Earthquake
- Jets of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko as Observed by Rosetta/OSIRIS
- Lightning activities associated with 308 M≥ 5.0 earthquakes in Taiwan during 1994-2003
- Local Discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) Method for Advection of Active Compositional Fields with Discontinuous Boundaries: Demonstration and Comparison with Other Methods in the Mantle Convection Code ASPECT
- Mapping the Subsurface Structure of a Potential Shallow Geothermal Field in Northeastern Taiwan by Using the Seismic Reflection Method
- Mixed Lagrangian-Eulerian and Eulerian Approach to Discretizing Richards' Equation
- Near Real-time Waveform Inversion for Finite-source Rupture in 3D Structure
- Numerical Earthquake Model of the 31 October 2013 Ruisui, Taiwan, Earthquake: Source Rupture Process and Seismic Wave Propagation
- Numerical simulations of flow and transport in three-dimensional fractured formations
- Ocean Circulation and Biogeochemical responses to Typhoons
- On Seasonal/Longitudinal Distributions of Post-Midnight Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularities
- On the Spatial Homogeneity of the H2O Coma of 67P/C.-G. at 3.9-3.5 AU as Seen from MIRO
- Pore-Scale Study of the Effect of the Saturation History on Fluid Saturation and Relative Permeability of Three-Fluid Flow in Porous Media
- Precursory seismicity change of the 2013 Nantou, Taiwan earthquake sequence revealed by ETAS, PI, and Z-value methods
- Probabilistic tsunami hazard analysis (PTHA) of Taiwan region by stochastic model
- Real-Time Monitoring of the Dayside Geosynchronous Magnetopause Location
- Receiver Operating Characteristic curves of the seismo-ionospheric precursors in GIM TEC associated with magnitude greater than 6.0 earthquakes in China during 1998-2013.
- Recent Improvement in Air Quality as Evidenced by the Island-wide Monitoring Network in Taiwan
- Rice crop mapping and change prediction using multi-temporal satellite images in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
- Seismic Site Effects from the Seafloor Motion Recorded by the Short-period Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- Seismic Structure Beneath Taal Volcano, Philippines
- Seismo-Traveling Ionospheric Disturbances Triggered by the M9.0 2011 Tohoku Earthquake Probed by FORMOSAT- 3/COSMIC and Ground-Based GPS receivers
- Seismo-electromagnetic anomalies observed by Fomosat-1 and GIM TEC during January 27 1999 to July 2004
- Seismo-ionospheric anomalies in DEMETER observationsduring the Wenchuan M7.9 earthquake
- Single-Path Sigma and Spatial Correlation of Gmpe Residuals Deduced from a Huge Dataset in Taiwan
- Spontaneous Triggered Aseismic Deformation Transient in the Southernmost Tip of Active Taiwan Mountain Belt Using Geodetic and PSInSAR Techniques, 2002 - 2013
- Study of Deformation Bands in Ignimbrites in Shihtiping, Eastern Taiwan
- Study of Tatun Volcanoes by Fluxgate Geomagnetic Data
- Study on the possible sources of the tsunami boulders in Lanyu by TRTM
- Submarine landslide hazard off Northeastern Taiwan
- Temperature at a mooring in Northern South China Sea and its connection with surface heat flux, wind and eddies
- Temporal Variability and Environmental Drivers of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) in Western Lake Erie
- The FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC equatorial spread-F and global scintillation model
- The Geometric Characteristics and Initiation Mechanisms of the Earthquake- Triggered Daguangbao Landslide
- The Geomorphology of Comet Churymov-Gerasimenko As Revealed By Rosetta/Osiris: Implicationsfor Past Collisional Evolution
- The Influence of Ocean on Typhoon Nuri (2008)
- The Martian geomorphology as mapped by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC): Implications for Geological Processes and Climate Conditions.
- The characteristics of solar wind magnetic field during the negative-AU and large-AU (>1200nT) events
- Tidal Response of the Ionosphere/Thermosphere System to ENSO and Qbo
- Time-dependent probabilistic seismic hazard assessment for Taiwan: Development of a time-dependent approach and implementation of the Taiwan Earthquake Model parameters
- Wet Mercury Deposition to a Remote Islet (Pengjiayu) in the Subtropical Northwest Pacific Ocean in 2009-2013
- Zone Management of Multi-Purpose Use of Groundwater Via Spatial Variability Analysis of Water Quality and Hydrogeology
- 3D Numerical Simulation of the Wave and Current Loads on a Truss Foundation of the Offshore Wind Turbine During the Extreme Typhoon Event
- A Coupled Model of Multiphase Flow, Reactive Biogeochemical Transport, Thermal Transport and Geo-Mechanics.
- A Model to Couple Flow, Thermal and Reactive Chemical Transport, and Geo-mechanics in Variably Saturated Media
- A New Analysis of the Vortex-Size-Dependent Growth Rate of Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability
- A Parsimonious Analytical Model for Simulating Multispecies Plume Migration
- A Study of Wave Expansion in the ion-Electron two-Fluid Plasma and the Formation of Frequency gap at Half the Electron Cyclotron Frequency
- A statistical investigation of z test and ROC curve on seismo-ionospheric anomalies in TEC associated earthquakes in Taiwan during 1999-2014
- A study of petroleum system in Chuhuangkeng anticline, NW Taiwan
- A theoretical study of bubble entrapment in pore doublet models : dynamic contact angle and supplying principle
- Active tectonic characteristics of river terraces along the Tianquan River, Sichuan, China
- Advances in Watershed Models and Modeling
- Analytical model for radionuclide transport in the buffer zone of the deep geological disposal
- Analytical solutions for in the subsurface environment solute transport in a convergent flow tracer test.
- Analyzing Geometric Characteristics of Rainfall-induced Landslides
- Analyzing the 1604 Quanzhou Tsunami Event by using Impact Intensity Analysis and Discovering the Potential Tsunami Threat along the West Coast of Taiwan
- Assessing Impact of Climate Change on the Runoffs of Gilgel Abbay Watershed, the upper Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
- COSIMA at Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko After Perihelion
- Carbon isotopes of benthic foraminifera associated with methane seeps in Four-Way Closure Ridge, offshore southwestern Taiwan
- Characterization of H/V Spectral Ratios for the Assessment of Slope Stability in the Gas Hydrate-rich Area: an Example from Offshore SW Taiwan
- Component Reconnection Versus Component Magnetic Reconfiguration
- Compositional effects of organic material in HC potential assessment
- Discrimination Biomass Burning Particles from Anthropogenic Pollutants in Spectral Property of Satellite and Ground-based Observations
- Drinking Water Quality Criterion - Based site Selection of Aquifer Storage and Recovery Scheme in Chou-Shui River Alluvial Fan
- Drought assessment for cropland of Central America using course-resolution remote sensing data
- Effects of Composition and Iron Spin State on the Structural Transition of (Mg,Fe)CO<SUB>3</SUB> in the Earth's Lower Mantle
- Effects of Liquid Layers and Distribution Patterns on Three-Phase Saturation and Relative Permeability Relationships: A Micromodel Study
- FEM Modeling of Lithospheric Rheology of Taiwan from GPS and PSInSAR Observations of Postseismic Deformation of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- GPS Technologies as a Tool to Detect the Pre-Earthquake Signals Associated with Strong Earthquakes
- Generating Single-sided Subduction with Parameterized Mantle Wedge
- Hydrogeological bedrock inferred from electrical resistivity model in Taichung Basin, Taiwan
- Impact of Submarine Geohazards on Organic Carbon Burial Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Impacts of Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling on Ionospheric Predictability in an Ensemble Data Assimilation and Forecasting System
- Improving Landslide Susceptibility Modeling Using an Empirical Threshold Scheme for Excluding Landslide Deposition
- Integrated Optical and SAR Imagery with DEM to Quantify Glacier Water Storage Change in Upper Mekong River Basin
- Integration of GPS and InSAR Measurements for Kinematic Analysis of Crustal Deformation in Taiwan
- Introduction of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Mission
- Investigation into influence factors of wave velocity anisotropy for TCDP borehole
- Investigation on Fluid Migration Triggered Seismicity in Association with Fault Zone Damage: Case Study for 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, Earthquake
- Ionospheric F<SUB>2</SUB> region perturbed by the 25 April 2015 Nepal earthquake
- Linking Anomalously Low Topographic Relief in the Taiwan Arc-Continent Collision to a Submarine Plateau South of the Collision.
- Mapping seagrass beds and coral reefs in the coastal region of Vietnam using VNREDSAT-1 data
- Model Simulation of Ionosphere Electron Density with Dynamic Transportation and Mechanism of Sporadic E Layers in Lower Part of Ionosphere
- Monitoring rice farming activities in the Mekong Delta region
- Pn-waves Travel-time Anomaly beneath Taiwan from Dense Seismic Array Observations and its Possible Tectonic Implications
- Reconstructing the source rupture process and ground motion time history of the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake (M<SUB>L</SUB>7.1) in Taiwan
- Reexamining the Longitudinal Distributions of Post-sunset Quiettime Equatorial Ionospheric Irregularity Occurrences During Solstices with Respect to the Vertical Drift and Density Variations
- Retrieval of Atmospheric Thermodynamic State from Synergistic Use of Radio Occultation and Hyperspectral Infrared Radiances Observations
- Seismo-Ionospheric Precursor in the GIM TEC of the 24 August 2014 M6 Napa Earthquake
- Seismo-traveling ionospheric disturbances of earthquake and tsunami waves observed by space- and ground-based GPS receivers
- Seismotectonics and Crustal Thickness of Northwest Mindoro, Philippines
- Semi-quantitative Measure of Fluid Amount and Distribution in and Around the Fault Zone During and After a Large Seismic Slip, an Example From Kamishiro-Fault During 2014 North Nagano Earthquake
- Single-station and Small Source Regions GMPE for Site-specific PSHA
- Source inversion and strong ground motion simulation for 1951 Longitudinal Valley earthquake sequence in eastern Taiwan
- Spatiotemporal Detection of Seismic Quiescence prior to the 2010 M<SUB>L</SUB> 6.4 Jiashian, Taiwan Earthquake
- Splay Faults and Associated Mass Transport Deposits in the Manila Accretionary Wedge near Taiwan: Implications for Geohazards
- Statistical rice yield modeling using blended MODIS-Landsat based crop phenology metrics in Taiwan
- Study of Magnetic Fabrics and Paleomagnetism Across Northern Transect of Taiwan Mountain Belt and Thier Implications
- Study of Relationship between In-Situ Stress and Fluid Conduits in Hongchailin of Ilan Plain, NE Taiwan
- Tectonic Controls on Gas Hydrate Distribution off SW Taiwan
- The Algorithm Development of the Tsunami Impact Intensity Analysis and the Application to the 1867 Keelung Tsunami Event
- The Nucleus and Coma of Comet 67P/C-G at Millimeter and Submillimeter Wavelengths as seen by MIRO
- The impacts of the St. Patrick's Day superstorm on selected technologies
- Ultrafine Spherical Quartz Formation during Seismic Fault Slip: Natural and Experimental Evidence and Its Implications
- Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
- 1906 Meishan earthquake revisit: thrust faulting mechanism?
- 3-D Vs ambient noise tomography around the Meishan fault zone in southwestern Taiwan from dense seismic array
- A Comparative Object-Based Sugarcane Classification from Sentinel-2 Data Using Random Forests and Support Vector Machines
- A General Framework for Analytically Solving Advection-Dispersion Equation with Variable Coefficients
- A Phenology-based Approach for Rice Crop Mapping from Multi-temporal Sentinel-1A Data in Taiwan
- A Study on Airborne Radio Occultations and their Impact on Hurricane Karl (2010)
- A gap-filling model for eddy covariance CO<SUB>2</SUB> flux: Estimating carbon assimilated by a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest at the Lien-Hua-Chih flux observation site
- A giant mass failure in the northern flank of the Kueishantao Island off northeastern Taiwan: debris avalanches and related structures in the offshore downslope
- A semi-analytical solution for simulating multispecies contaminant transport in a semi-infinite domain
- A thermal history study of Chuhuangkeng anticline, NW Taiwan
- ALMA observation of Ceres' Surface Temperature.
- An analytical solution for multispecies advective-dispersive transport equation with distance-dependent coefficients
- Anisotropy variety using and wave splitting analysis by using the integration of combine linear and circlcirculare air-gun shotshooting datasurvey in the gas hydrate-enriched continental slops area o,f southwestenSW Taiwan
- Bangladesh Delta: Assessment of the Causes of Sea-level Rise Hazards and Integrated Development of Predictive Modeling Towards Mitigation and Adaptation (BanD-AID)
- Can earthquakes affect ionospheric scintillation ?
- Characteristics on the fault behavior of the Longmen Shan fault zone by the co-seismic horizontal displacements given by the SPOT imagery for 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake
- Characterizing the Vertical Distribution of Hydraulic Conductivity Using the Multilevel Slug Test Subject to Skin Effects: Comparison of the Uniform-head and Uniform-flux Wellbore Conditions
- Contribution of ionospheric monitoring to tsunami warning: results from a benchmark exercise
- Earthquake Potential of Active Faults in Taiwan from GPS Observations and Block Modeling
- Episodic uplifting, erosion and sedimentation of Taiwan, a possible target of scientific ocean drilling
- Estimating Empirical Site Amplification of Taiwan near-surface structure by Spectral Ratio Methods with CWB Next Generation Seismic Network: toward broadband waveform ground motion prediction
- Estimating the Exceedance Probability of the Reservoir Inflow Based on the Long-Term Weather Outlooks
- Frictional Properties of Hoping Granitic Gneiss, Northeast Taiwan, and Its Implication
- Gas expulsions and biological activity recorded offshore Molene Island, Brittany (France): video supervised recording of OBS data and analogue modelling
- Geoelectrical image of the subsurface for CO<SUB>2</SUB> geological storage in the Changhua site, Taiwan
- Geomorphic patterns along the Red River shear zone and its implication for active deformation processes in northern Vietnam
- Imbedded-Fracture Formulation of THMC Processes in Fractured Media
- Investigation on pre-seismic equatorial ionospheric anomaly and its possible association with the gravity wave using satellite measurements
- Long-term measurements of tropospheric carbon dioxide and its isotopes in coastal East Asia
- Mapping Rice Cropping Patterns Using Multi-temporal Sentinel-1A Data
- Mapping eco-environmental vulnerability patterns: An assessment framework based on remote sensing, GIS, and AHP
- Mapping of the source regions of the dust jets on comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko
- Microstructural and Magnetic Investigations of Pseudotachylyte and Ultracataclasite in the Hoping River, Tananao Complex, Eastern Taiwan
- Multi-channel polarization lidar for studing scattering of aerosols and clouds
- Multi-instrument observations of pre-earthquake transient signatures associated with 2015 M8.3 Chile earthquake
- New sciences enabled by the new SABER CO2 data
- Noise Configuration and fault zone anisotropy investigation from Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Deep Borehole Array
- Progress Towards a Comprehensive Site Database for Taiwan Strong Motion Network
- Rainfall-enhanced blooming in typhoon wakes
- Reactivation of Inherited Oblique Continental Margin Structures During the Development of the South-Central Taiwan Fold and Thrust Belt
- Reorganization of the Transient Fluvial Landscape and Preservation of Low-relief Terrains in an Emerging Orogen: Example from the Hengchun Peninsula, southern Taiwan.
- Seismic images of the subsurface structure beneath the Ilan plain in northeastern Taiwan
- Seismological Investigation on Fluid Migration Activity After Earthquakes: Case Study for 1999 M7.6 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake
- Seismotectonics of the southern Ryukyu subduction zone from new seismological data
- Semi-analytical model for multispecies contaminant transport subject to rate-limited sorption
- Simulating Radionuclide Migrations of Low-level Wastes in Nearshore Environment
- Source Modeling of Surface Deformation Associated with the 2016 MeiNong Earthquake and its Triggered Source
- Source Rupture Process and Strong Ground Motion Simulations of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan M6.6 Earthquake
- Spatial Data Mining for Estimating Cover Management Factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation
- Spatial analysis of health risk assessment with arsenic intake of drinking water in the LanYang plain
- Spatial-temporal eco-environmental vulnerability assessment and its influential factors based on Landsat data
- Sporadic-E Studies by Ionospheric Scintillation Using Ground-Based GPS and Radio Occultation Measurements
- Strong hydrological control on nutrient cycling of subtropical rainforests
- Structural features related to the volcanic gases in Southern Okinawa Trough
- Study on a Dynamic Vegetation Model for Simulating Land Surface Flux Exchanges at Lien-Hua-Chih Flux Observation Site in Taiwan
- Sub-kilometer Simulation of Equatorial Plasma Bubble and Comparison with Satellite Observations
- Submarine landslide: A case study from the southwestern of Taiwan offshore
- TEM PSHA2015 Reliability Assessment
- Temperature in the Lower Crust of Taiwan from a Decade of Postseismic GPS Data of the 1999 Chi-Chi Earthquake
- The Analysis of Gas Emissions at the Seabed offshore SW Taiwan from the Records of Ocean Bottom Seismometers
- The Development of IIA Method and the Application on the 1661 Luermen event
- The Exosphere of Ceres Generated by Photolysis and Radiolysis
- The Flow Patterns and Seismic Signals of Debris Flows at Houyenshan, Miaoli, Taiwan
- The Keelung Submarine volcanoes and gas plumes in the nearshore of northern Taiwan
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Arctic and Southern Ocean Sea Ice Simulations in GCMs
- The Radiative Impacts of Precipitating Ice on Tropical Pacific Ocean in a Present and Warmer Climate
- The geologic structure in the offshore area of northern Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan: an approach from marine seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data
- The hazard map of M<SUB>L</SUB>6.6 0206 Meinong earthquake near Guanmiao and its Neotectonic implication
- Theoretical Study of the Dynamic Spectra of the Whistler-Chorus Waves in the Ion-Electron Two-Fluid Plasma
- Unravelling deformation textures in the principal slip zone of the Chelungpu fault, Taiwan
- Uplift and transtension within the Al Hoceima region, Morocco
- Using gravity data to estimate the density of surface rocks of Taiwan region
- Vp model at the junction of Taiwan Orogeny and the western-most Ryukyu Subduction Zone from the integration of Ocean Bottom Seismometer Networks and onland seismic data
- Water turbidity monitoring from Landsat data before and after the 2016 El Niño in the Mekong and Bassac Rivers, Vietnam
- Zonal Drift Variations and Suppression of Ionospheric Scintillation During St. Patrick's Day Storm Observed by Pingtung SCINDA Station in Taiwan
- A Coincident Observation of Es Layer Scintillation Event with AFRL Pingtung SCINDA Station and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC Satellites
- A biomarker stable isotope record of late Quaternary climate and organic matter export in Southwestern Taiwan
- Agricultural drought assessment using remotely sensed data in Central America
- An Alternative Approach of Coastal Sea-Level Observation from Remote Sensing Imageries
- Assessings impact of drought on water resources management in the Middle East using the GRACE data and hydrological modeling
- Characteristics of stratospheric ozone intrusions into the lower free troposphere in subtropical East Asia
- Classifying and retracking altimeter waveforms over wetlands: A case study in the Hsiang-Shan wetland, Taiwan
- Constraint on the magma sources in Luzon Island Philippines by using P and S wave local seismic tomography
- Dating paleo-seismic faulting in the Taiwan Mountain Belt
- Deciphering the paleoseismic history of the central Dead Sea fault (Yammouneh fault, Lebanon) based on multiple luminescence dating techniques
- Empirical Site Amplification Factors Incorporating Soil Nonlinearity in Taiwan
- Establishing the Conceptual Model to Connect Stress with Geoelectric Signals
- Estimating rice yield from MODIS-Landsat fusion data in Taiwan
- Estimation of Rice Crop Yields Using Random Forests in Taiwan
- Experimental Study on the Interaction Between Contacting Barrier Materials for Containment of Radioactive Wastes
- First principles study of iron-bearing MgO under ultrahigh pressure
- Generalized analytical solutions to multispecies transport equations with scale-dependent dispersion coefficients subject to time-dependent boundary conditions
- Geocenter Motion Derived from GNSS and SLR Tracking Data of LEO
- Geological and mechanical properties on the 3-D fault patch of the rapid creeping Chihshang Fault: a plate suture between Luzon arc and Eurasia in eastern Taiwan
- Ground Tilts Induced by Fluvial Processes Recorded by Broadband and Strong-motion Seismometers
- High tsunami risk at northern tip of Sumatra as a result of the activity of the Sumatra Fault Zone (SFZ) combined with coastal landslides
- Imaging fine seismic crustal structures in the active Taiwan orogen from the dense seismic array deployments
- In terms of the Logarithmic Mean Annual Seismicity Rate and Its Standard Deviation to Present the Gutenberg-Richter Relation
- Interseismic Crustal Deformation and Strain Analysis of the Northern Taiwan from GPS and InSAR Measurements
- Investigation of Possible Tsunami Events on the Eastern Coast of Taiwan: Case Studies of Lu-Ye, Changping, and Tulan.
- Land surface and climate parameters and malaria features in Vietnam
- Low-energy particle experiments - electron analyzer (LEPe) for the Arase mission
- Nighttime medium scale traveling ionospheric disturbances in southern hemisphere using FORMOSAT-2/ISUAL 630.0 nm airglow images
- Numerical Study of Tide Influences on Submarine Groundwater Discharge
- Orbit Prediction of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Constellation for Satellite Laser Ranging Tracking
- Probabilistic health risk assessment for arsenic intake through drinking groundwater in Taiwan's Pingtung Plain
- Probing dynamic hydrologic system of slowly-creeping landslides with passive seismic imaging: A comprehensive landslide monitoring site at Lantai, Ilan area in Taiwan
- Quantifying and Projecting Relative Sea-Level Rise in The Deltaic Regions
- Reconstructing the 2017 Nuugaatsiaq Tsunami in the West Greenland
- Resolving the fault systems with the magnetotelluric method in the western Ilan plain of NE Taiwan
- Revisit the modeling of the Saturnian ring atmosphere and ionosphere from the "Cassini Grand Finale" results
- Shallow Geological Structures Triggered During the M<SUB>w</SUB>6.4 Meinong Earthquake and Their Significance in Accommodating Long-term Shortening Across the Foothills of Southwestern Taiwan
- Spatial analysis of vector-borne infectious diseases and ecological indicators using GIS and remote sensing
- Tectonic Uplift of the Danba Area in the Eastern Tibetan Plateau
- The Development of Storm Surge Ensemble Prediction System and Case Study of Typhoon Meranti in 2016
- The effect of image force and diffusion on the deposition of ultrafine particle to vegetation
- The effect of initial resident fluid saturation on the interaction between resident and infiltrating fluids in porous media
- The effect of local flows in dead-end fractures on the flow and solute transport in 3D discrete fracture networks
- The influence of sedimentation on the structure development of continental rifting with numerical experiments
- A 3D Vp crustal structure of the northern Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan, from a dense seismic array after the 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake
- A Map of Human and nature impacts on eco-environment in Africa
- A Study of the Electromagnetic Characteristics of the Signals from the Electric Trains of Taiwan's Railway system
- A closure study on aerosol-radiation interaction under clear sky condition
- A dynamic rupture model of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan Earthquake
- A first look of poor study area in the Sulawesi subduction zone and its implications
- Adaptive capacity mapping of Vietnam response to risk from tropical cyclones
- Aftershock sequence of 2018 Mw6.4 Hualien earthquake in eastern Taiwan from dense seismic array data set
- Analysis of mixing in inner shelf based on Stokes Boundary Layer theory
- Analytical modeling of radionuclide decay chain transport subject to nonequilibrium sorption
- Analyzing Organic Constituents on Atmospheric Particulate Matters by Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GCxGC-MS)
- Application of SLR Tracking Data: LEO Orbit Validation and Geocenter Motion Derivation
- Assessment of Cloud-Top Height and Cloud Optical Thickness Retrievals from Geostationary Orbit over South China Sea
- Assessment of drought conditions using Landsat-MODIS fusion data in El Salvador
- Assessment of the Impact of FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 GNSS RO Observations on Mid- and Low-Latitude Ionosphere Specification using the GSI Ionosphere Data Assimilation System
- Common-Mode Error in GPS Displacement Field of Taiwan in Relation to Atmospheric Mass Loading
- Comparison of Single Event-based and Multiple Event-based Landslide Modeling Method using Artificial Neural Network
- Complex multifault geometry of the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB> 6.4 Hualien, Taiwan, offshore earthquake and its implications for seismic hazard and subduction boundary
- Coseismic and Postseismic Deformation of the 2016 Meinong Earthquake, Southwestern Taiwan
- Deformation textures in the principal slip zone of the Chelungpu fault, Taiwan, and its implication for stress change during the seismic cycle
- Depositional Characteristics of Organic Materials in a Mangrove Swamp in Tamsui, NW Taiwan
- Determination of Potential Evapotranspiration Using Remote Sensing Techniques
- Development of the Quasi-3D Tomographic Model to Improve Predictions of Flow and Transport in a Shallow Aquifer System
- ENSO/AMO on Spatial and Temporal Variability of Rainfall and Temperature over Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
- Effects of Land Use and Unsaturated Soil on Groundwater Quality in the Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
- Establishing a multipurpose utilization management plan of sustainable groundwater based on water quality, water quantity and land use
- Exact Analytical Solutions for Two-dimensional Multispecies Advective-dispersive Transport Equations Sequentially Coupled with First-order Decay Reactions in A Semi-finite Domain
- Fault mechanism in active creeping Chihshang fault, Taiwan
- Forest Fire Impact on and Vulnerability Assessment of Eco-environment in Tropical Rainforest: A Case Study of Leuser Ecosystem-Aceh, Indonesia
- Global 3D Simulations of the Triple Oxygen Isotope Signature Δ<SUP>17</SUP>O in Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- How Close Are Tropical Large-Scale Perturbations to Moist Adiabatic Equilibrium?
- Hydraulic and Heat Tracer Tests to Characterize Preferential Flow Paths and Heat Transport in a Shallow Aquifer System.
- Impact of Land Use on Groundwater Quality in Choushui River Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
- Initial Observations of Topside Ionospheric Density Irregularities, Ion Temperature and Composition From Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite
- Integration of Index Overlay and Numerical Methods to Assess Interactions of River Water and Groundwater in a Basin-Scale Aquifer System
- Joint zircon thermochronology modeling on the uplift history of the Middle Hsuehshan Range in Taiwan
- Landform variation during the Typhoon Morakot deduced from the amplitude of ALOS
- Malay Archipelago forest loss to cash crops and urban contributes to weaken the Asian summer monsoon: an atmospheric modeling study
- Mapping Forest Burned Areas in the Indio Maiz Biological Reserve Using SENTINEL-3 Slstr Imagery
- Massive subduction channels adjacent to Taiwan arc-continent collision
- Multi-temporal MODIS-Sentinel-2 Data Fusion for Rice Crop Classification in Taiwan
- Near Real-Time Forecasting Large Aftershocks of the 2008 M<SUB>W </SUB>7.9 Wenchuan, China, Earthquake
- Nearshore Bathymetry of Atolls in the South China Sea Estimated by Satellite Multispectral Data
- Noise analysis of GPS time series in Taiwan
- On the Possibility of Tidal Forcing of the Zonal Variation of Solstice Equatorial Spread F
- Plasma Depletion Bays in the Equatorial Ionosphere Observed by FORMOSAT3/COSMIC
- Pressure-induced magnetic and electronic transition in perovskite SrCoO<SUB>3</SUB>
- Process-Based Evaluation of Stochastic Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies on Convective-Resolving Ensemble Forecasts of Heavy Rainfall Events in New York and Taiwan
- Reading spatial stress variations observed at multiple scales in boreholes from the Taiwan Chelungpu-fault Drilling Project
- Reconstruction of High Spatiotemporal Resolution Land-surface Temperature for Agriculture Monitoring
- Rethinking Probabilistic Seismic Hazard in Taiwan after the 2018 Hualien, Taiwan, Earthquake Sequence: Importance of stress perturbation for the assessment
- Scale-dependent weighting and localization for global numerical weather prediction
- Seismo-ionospheric precursors associated with the 12 November 2017 M7.3 Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe onboard FORMOSAT-5
- Seismological/Geophysical Architecture and Evolution of Fault Zone: Evidence from In-situ Fault Zone Borehole Seismic Array Observations after a large slip
- Shallow Subsurface Structure Beneath the Northern Part of the Longitudinal Valley in Eastern Taiwan Using the High-Frequency Receiver Function Technique from Dense Seismic Array
- Southern Ocean Upwelling During the Last Deglaciation - Dynamical Control of Southern Hemisphere Westerlies and Sea ice.
- Spatial Analysis of Human Health Risk Due to Metalloid Chemicals Exposure through Drinking Groundwater in Taiwan's Pingtung Plain
- Strong dayside aurorae and precipitations under radial interplanetary magnetic fields
- Structural Simulation of Fold-thrust Belt in Northwestern Taiwan through Distinct Element Method
- Structural complexity and Late Pleistocene tectonic activity near the junction between the Chelungpu and Sanyi thrusts, central western Taiwan
- Study on a dip slope by long-term monitoring of surficial and underground deformation at the Dalun Mountain in northern Taiwan
- Tectonic features of the Hualien Ridge and its relationship to the 2018 M6.4 Hualien earthquake
- Temporal velocity changes in the crust associated with the 2007 South Sumatra great earthquake doublet
- The First Result on Ionospheric Space Weather of FORMOSAT-5/AIP Ion Density
- The characteristics of low evapotranspiration in Chi-Lan montane cloud forest in Taiwan
- The effects of pore depth and edge variation on the non-wetting phase entrapment in multilayer micromodels
- The multi-fault rupture process of 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung Earthquake, Taiwan revealed from dynamic modeling
- Thermal physical properties of Ceres derived from ALMA observations.
- Transient Effects in Atmosphere and Ionosphere Associated with 2018 Mw 7.5 Sulawesi Indonesia Earthquake and Tsunami
- Tsunami Data Assimilation of OBS data around New Zealand
- Under-thrusting sediment velocity structure and its tectonic implications in the southernmost Ryukyu subduction system
- Using Energy Closure Fractions as Thresholds on Estimating Gap-filling Latent Heat Fluxes with the Principal Component Analysis
- Using ICESat-1/-2 and Optical Imageries to Improved Water Storage Quantification in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna River Basin
- Variability of Aerosol Optical Properties in the Asian Continental Outflow Region: Marine background site (Gosan, Korea) vs. high-altitude mountain site (Lulin, Taiwan)
- Volcano at Taipei's Doorstep: Satellite Monitoring-Based Assessing in Eruption Onsets
- Waveform Filtering and Modification for SAR Altimetry Missions in Coastal Areas
- Young ocean waves favor the rapid intensification of tropical cyclones - a global observational analysis
- A Preliminary Study of Shallow Crustal Velocity Structures along the Deformation Front of the Taiwan Orogen Revealed by Ambient Seismic Noise Tomography
- A generalized eco-environmental vulnerability assessment framework due to human-made and natural disturbances
- A study of vertical homogeneity of trace gases in Asian continental outflow
- Aftershock Sequences of 2018 Mw6.4 and 2019 Mw6.2 Hualien Earthquakes in Eastern Taiwan from Dense Geophone Arrays
- An analytical model for contaminant transport at a chlorinated-solvent contaminated site with a branching biodegradation reaction pathway
- An observing system simulation experiment for FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 detecting seismo-ionospheric precursors
- Analysis of the rainfall runoff and heat flux characteristics of a green roof
- Analytical model for three-dimensional plume migration of a radionuclide decay chain
- Anomalies in thermal properties and equations of state of ferromagnesite (Mg,Fe)CO<SUB>3</SUB> across spin transition
- Application of artificial neural network to spatially assess the health risk from arsenic exposure via drinking groundwater in Lanyang plain
- Assessing aquifer storage and recovery feasibility in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
- Assessing the Transferability of Cloud Detection Algorithm Built from Machine Learning among Optical Remote Sensing Imageries
- Characteristics of fluid flow: a case study of the geothermal site in northeastern Taiwan
- Characteristics of gap-filled multi-year flux data of a subtropical evergreen forest in Taiwan
- Characteristics of the Chishan "active" fault exposed around the northern end of Zhongliao tunnel, southwestern Taiwan
- Crustal fluid and afterslip drive transient postseismic deformation associated with the 2016 Meinong earthquake (Mw 6.4)
- Decadal Water Variability of Lakes in The Tibetan Plateau Estimated by Multi-Satellite Data
- Deformation of Slow-moving Landslides from GPS Observations: Cases of Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks in Taiwan
- Does warm ocean eddy favor rapid intensification of tropical cyclone?
- Dynamic modeling of the 1999 Chi-Chi (Mw7.6) earthquake: constraints from derived constitutive relationship of kinematic modeling, and stress condition from fault zone drilling
- Early Results of Ionospheric Weather Observations of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Early onset of rapid exhumation of the Hsuehshan Range, Taiwan revealed by zircon thermochronological modeling
- Eco-environment vulnerability assessment to forest fire in tropical rainforest
- Effect of the effective saturation and ceramic cup properties on the response time of tensiometer
- Electron cyclotron harmonic waves observed by the Arase satellite: identification of their wavelengths and phase speeds
- Energy Transfer in the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System Under Radial Interplanetary Magnetic Field Conditions: Implication of Transpolar Arcs
- Enhancing seismic hazard with declining annual water load in southwest Taiwan
- Estimating land subsidence due to both groundwater extraction and tectonic activity in Pingtung Plain, Taiwan
- Evaporation effect on pore-scale concentration changes and interplay between the resident and invading liquids in micromodels
- Exploring the Feasibility of Mitigating Flood Hazards by An Existing Pond System in Taoyuan, Taiwan
- Extreme events recorded in sediment cores of the Hateruma forearc basin, southern Ryukyus (MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise)
- Fast Land Deformation and Damage Assessment After the 2018 Hualien Earthquake in Taiwan Using Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
- Fluid-rock interaction and carbonaceous materials in the Longmenshan fault belt zone: records of seismic slip and implications for faulting mechanisms
- Geothermal Gradient Estimation from the Depth of Bottom Simulating Reflectors Offshore Southwestern Taiwan
- Global Ionospheric Specification: Ionospheric space weather data product of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Global Plasma Density Irregularity Distributions Observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite
- Global eco-environmental vulnerability and its correlation with PM<SUB>2.5</SUB>
- Global trends of sea surface gravity wave, wind and coastal wave set-up
- Hemispheric Asymmetry of Pre-Midnight Topside Ionospheric Vertical Flow Velocities Observed at Midlatitudes by FORMOSAT-5 During Equinoxes
- Imaging Dynamic Responses of Large-scale Deep-seated Landslides to Environmental Forcing through Seismic Interferometric Dispersion Analysis
- Impacts of Wildfire Activity over Western United States under Changing Climate
- In-Situ Ionospheric measurements from INSPIRESat-1 microsatellite
- Inferring the pre-earthquake stress state before the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake at the TCDP site from borehole data and co-seismic stress modeling
- Interstellar Probe - To Touch Interstellar Space
- Ionospheric products of Taiwan Radio Occultation Process System (TROPS) for FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 mission
- Landslide Time-Series Analysis Using SAR Amplitude Images and PS-InSAR: Case Study of Sinwulyu River Watershed
- Linking Land Subsidence and Land Use in Western Taiwan by Sentinel-1 PSInSAR Timeseries and A Network of GPS Continuous Stations
- Long-term observation of black carbon aerosols at a high-altitude background station in western Pacific region
- Lower-crustal rheology and thermal gradient in the Taiwan orogenic belt revealed by the 14 years of postseismic transients following the 1999 M<SUB>w</SUB> 7.6 Chi-Chi earthquake
- Microphysical Characteristics and Types of Precipitation for Different Seasons over North Taiwan
- Monitoring Sediment Variation of Wadden Sea by Multitemporal Satellite Imageries
- Near Real-time Assessment for the Space-Time Hazard of Large Aftershocks of the Great 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku Earthquake
- Normalized Difference Scattering Index For Flood Mapping
- Numerical Study on Debris Flow
- Potential evidences of fault shear stress relaxation due to viscous damage zone deformation observed in Chelungpu fault, Taiwan
- Rapid Intensification of Typhoon Hato (2017) over Shallow Water
- Record of past extreme events in marine sediments offshore Eastern Taiwan: Preliminary results of the MD214 EAGER Oceanographic Cruise
- Regional Geology, Extreme Weather Events and Natural Disasters: Environmentally Forced Settlement Migrations of the Indigenous People of Southern Taiwan
- Regulation of the Meiyu-Baiu Migration by the Himalayas
- Rice Crop Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Sentinel-2 Data in Taiwan
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors of the 5 August 2018 M6.9 Loloan Earthquake Observed by CSES and Ground-based GNSS Receivers
- Simulation and Validation of FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Space Weather Products: Global Ionospheric Specification Electron Density Structure and Aided Abel Electron Density Profile
- Statistical Models for Rice Yield Estimation from Remotely Sensed Data in Taiwan
- The Analysis of Different Rainfall Patterns on Groundwater Recharge : A Case Study in Pingtung Plain
- The Impacts of Bias in Cloud-Radiation-Dynamics Interactions on Central-Pacific Seasonal, Interannual and El Nino Simulations in Contemporary GCMs
- The Model of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Diffusion Patterns Prediction in the Central Part of Taiwan During Pollutant Season by Wavelet Signal Analysis Methods
- The Nature of Tracks of Tropical Storms over Four Decades in the North West Pacific Basin and their Spatiotemporal Association with Storm Fundamental Parameters and Phases of ENSO
- The Seafloor Fabrics and Evolution of a Propagated Rift System in the South China Sea
- The active structure of the eastern flank of the Central Range in Taiwan
- The analytical solutions for a set of one-dimensional multi-species advection-dispersion transport equations with first-order decay reactions in multi-domain system
- The diurnal surface fluxes-atmosphere relations in Taiwan's montane cloud forests
- The effect of evaporation on the interactions between the trapped and invading wetting phase fluids in the pore doublet micromodel
- The shallow landslides identification by applying machine learning techniques to the satellite imagery.
- Thermal Conductivity of Carbon Dioxide at High Pressure
- Thermal pressurized gouges record stress states of faults after earthquakes
- Topological analysis of drainage, evaporation, and mixing in porous media flow
- Understanding the variations of sand coverage on an reef system in the intertidal zone of Taoyuan coast using airborne imagery techniques
- Use of ICESat-2 Laser Altimetry to Estimate Coastal Sea Level and Shallow Water Bathymetry in Dongsha Islands, Taiwan
- Verification and Application of FORMOSAT-3 and FORMOSAT-7 Radio Occultation Data
- What was the major source in the event of 2018 Sulawesi tsunami?
- Advances in Low-Latitude Ionosphere Observed by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Convective Coupling in Tropical-Depression-Type Waves
- Develop algorithm to detect active fire and burned area in Landsat imagery
- Euler Characteristic of Fluid in Porous Media during Drying Process
- Global Observations of Day-to-Day Longitudinal Structures of Equatorial Ionization Anomaly by using FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Importance of Site-dependent GMPE and UHRS: Implication to an Infrastructure Site
- Ionospheric Earthquake Precursors and Space Weather Observed by FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- New Characteristics of Quasi-6-Day Wave Modulations in Ionosphere during the 2019 Antarctic Sudden Stratospheric Warming by Using Global Ionosphere Specification
- Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment for Taiwan
- Process-Based Evaluation of Stochastic Perturbed Parameterization Tendencies on Convective-Permitting Ensemble Forecasts of the 1-2 June 2017 Mei-Yu Rainfall Event over Northern Taiwan
- Quantitative and climatological analysis on the tracks of typhoons in the North West Pacific
- Rapid Intensification of Super typhoon Hagibis (2019)
- Regional collaboration for nighttime cloud detection using a digital camera
- The study on stochastic thermal-hydraulic-mechanical coupled model for porous media with dependent parameters
- Topographic and surface processes response to tectonic and climate across different timescale in Taiwan
- A Global Perspective Comparing Urban NMVOCs Measurements with Representation in Emission Inventories
- A Response of the Mercury's Magnetopause to the Interplanetary Magnetic Field
- A new Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Coupling Model With a Hall Effect in the Near-Earth Plasma Sheet
- Advancing Bathymetry Mapping and Storage Estimations of Global Lakes and Reservoirs by Leveraging ICESat-2 Observations
- Benefit on public health from improved air quality due to COVID-19 lockdown
- Characteristics of Quasiperiodic Whistler-Mode Waves in Local Media
- Comparison and validation of photochemical models for atomic oxygen ion retrieval from ground-based observations of 630.0 nm airglow near Irkutsk
- Delineating the Potential Artificial Recharge Area with the Transient Electromagnetic Method and Electrical Resistivity Surveys
- Development of Ionospheric-Plasmaspheric Data Assimilation Model
- Dynamics of Euler characteristic in Drying Porous Media
- Evolution of Individual Equatorial Atmospheric Kelvin Waves in the Stratosphere from FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Temperatures
- FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 Observations of Ionospheric Disturbances before the 14 November 2019 M7.1 Indonesia Earthquake
- Fluid Drainage Drives Dehydroxylation of Water-Saturated Serpentinite Gouge During Earthquake Propagation
- Forecasting of Kp Index with Deep Learning
- Formosat-5/Advanced Ionospheric Probe observes Night-time Top-side Ionospheric density responses to Quasi-6-day wave events
- Global Ion Density Distributions Observed by Advanced Ionospheric Probe Onboard FORMOSAT-5 Satellite
- Ground-based retrievals of aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared for validation and ancillary information of satellite-based algorithms
- Hanois urban greenspace dynamics and heat stress risk during Master Plan 2030 implementation
- Investigation of ionosphere variabilities using FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 based global ionosphere specification
- Ionospheric response to minor geomagnetic storms in deep solar minimum revealed by Global Ionosphere Specification electron density based on FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 observations
- Microphysical features of typhoon and non-typhoon rainfall observed in Taiwan, an island in the northwestern Pacific
- Observations of Separating First P Arrivals as Induced by Mantle Wedge Fast Anomalies Beneath NE Taiwan
- Ocean Interaction and the Intensity Evolution of Two High-Impact Super Typhoons: Hagibis (2019) and Haiyan (2013)
- On the Cause of Frequency Gap on the Dynamic Spectra of the Observed Chorus Waves
- On the relation between FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2 radio occultation scintillation index and co-located electron density profiles in 2020
- Resolving Elve, Halo and Sprite Halo Images at 10,000 Fps in the Taiwan 2020 Campaign
- SCItillation and IONosphere eXtended (SCION-X): Science mission objectives and Preliminary Design
- Seismo-ionospheric Precursors in GIM TEC of the 12 November 2017 M7.3 Iran-Iraq Border Earthquake
- Seismotectonics of Sulawesi, Indonesia
- Simultaneous retrievals of biomass-burning aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared over northern Thailand during the 2019 pre-monsoon season
- Studying the 2019 Mindanao Earthquake Sequence by Finite Fault Inversion
- The Scarcity of Lightning Relic on Rocks: An Implication from a Rock Fulgurite on Granitic Gneiss
- The effect of channel aspect ratio on air entrapment during imbibition in soil-on-a-chip micromodels with 2D and 2.5D pore structures
- The near-surface moisture variability in the coastal environments revealed from weather radars
- Validation of the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment by the Taiwan Earthquake Model: Comparison with strong ground motion observations
- Vertical Fluctuations on Radio Occultation TEC Profiles Observed by FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC during the Storm-time Ionosphere
- Volcano-generated Ionospheric Disturbances: Comparison of GITM-R simulations with GNSS observations
- A Discussion on the Goldstein Filtering Parameters of the SNAP Software
- A Framework for Fast Assessment of Terrain Changes Using Satellite Images to Support Long-Term Updating of Digital Terrain Model
- A case study of meteorological analyses on observed sprites and lightning in the 2018 Mei-Yu season over east-south Asia
- A fast prediction tool for simulating multi-dimensional multiple contaminants transport in groundwater system
- A methodology of retrieving volume emission rate from 630.0 nm airglow emission intensity by combing the technologies of Abel inversion and deep learning
- An Analytical Model for Multispecies Transport of Chemical Mixture Comprised of Contaminant and its Degradation-Related Byproducts Subject to Scale-Dependent Dispersion
- An On-site Earthquake Early Warning System through a Convolution Neural Network, a Transformer, and a Mixture Density Network
- An alternative method for deriving daily dynamo electric fields using equatorial ionization anomaly crests
- Applying the THMC Software for Numerically Simulating Aquifer Remediation Using Groundwater Circulation Well
- Atmospheric Cloud-Radiative Effect Changes in the Madden-Julian Oscillation under Global Warming
- Atmospheric and Oceanic Environmental Factors for Typhoon Development in Northwestern Pacific Ocean and South China Sea: Case Study of Super Typhoon Rai (2021)
- Autocorrelation Seismic Imaging of Northern Taiwan Using Ambient Noise Data
- Combined Multi-source Optical Satellite Time-series For Land Change Detection
- Comparing Modeling and Seismological Stress Drops of the Repeating Earthquake Sequences Near Parkfield, California, USA
- Deep learning of detecting ionospheric precursors associated with M ≥ 6.0 earthquakes in Taiwan
- Evaluating Radio Occultation Constellation Designs using Observing System Simulation Experiments: Data Impact of Electron Density Profiles on Ionospheric Specification
- How Local Processes Related to Deforestation in the Maritime Continent Influence the MJO
- Imaging upper crust faults of the suture, the Longitudinal Valley, Taiwan, by five M5.8+ mainshock-aftershock sequences recorded by dense seismic nodal arrays
- Impacts of clustering events on a probabilistic seismic hazard assessment: A case study for Taiwan
- Initial evolution of 15 January Tonga volcanic plume inferred from COSMIC-2 RO measurements
- Instantaneous Amplitude of Low-latitude Ionospheric Irregularities Probed by ROCSAT-1, DEMETER,and FORMOSAT-7/COSMIC-2
- Ionospheric Disturbances Generated by the 2015 Calbuco Eruption: Comparison of GITM-R Simulations with GNSS Observations
- Ionospheric currents response to traveling atmospheric disturbances induced by the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai volcanic eruption observed in Taiwan
- MUST: A New Software Package for Evaluating Transport of Chemical Mixture Comprised of the Original Contaminant and Its Degradation-Related Byproducts
- Mapping Paddy Rice Fields by Sentinel-1 Time Series in Yunlin, Taiwan
- New Generation of Altimetry-derived Ocean Thermal Structure for Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasting and Research
- Observation of Sea Level near Taiwan by Sentinel-6 SAR Altimeter
- Pond Bathymetry Revealed by a Drone-Echosounder System
- Pressure enhances sodium solubility in magnesiowüstite
- Probing an active fault zone through fibers: The Milun fault Drilling and All-inclusive Sensing (MiDAS) project
- Quantifying Topographic Changes in The Intertidal Zone by Optical Satellite Images
- Quantifying the probability and uncertainty of multiple-structurerupture and recurrence intervals in Taiwan
- Sensitivity Analysis of the Asian Dust Storm over South China Sea in March 2010: Application of the CMAQ Windblown Dust Model.
- Separation of Gagua Rise from Great Benham Rise in theWest Philippine Basin during the Middle Eocene
- Simultaneous Nighttime Cloud Cover from Collaborative Observations
- Soil Moisture Prediction Using Hydrological Model and Machine Learning Method
- Spring Drought in Taiwan During the Last Four Decades from 1982 to 2021
- Temporal and Spatial Seismo-ionospheric Precursors in GIM TEC Associated with Large Earthquakes
- The Role of the Proudman Resonant in the Case of 2022 Tonga Eruption Meteotsunamis
- The Sensitivity Analysis for the Hydrological and Thermal Performance of a Green Roof in a Subtropical Climate
- Using Deep Learning and Statistical Analyses techniques on Seismo-Ionospheric Precursors over Taiwan and Japan
- Using Grey Level Co-occurrence Matrix to Detect Spatiotemporal Changes of Land Use
- Using Reanalysis Wind Field to Improve Idealized Wind Model and Storm Surge Forecasting System
- Zircon U-Pb Ages and Geochemical Characteristics of Magmatic Rocks from Choiseul and Santa Isabel, Solomon Islands: Implications for the Magmatic and Tectonic Evolution in SW Pacific
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Levander
- A. Raponi
- A. Rożek
- Alfred Chen
- Bor‐Shouh Huang
- Brian McDonald
- C. Briois
- Charles Lin
- Cheng Ling Kuo
- Cheng-Yuan Ku
- Chia Ying Lin
- Chien-Hung Lin
- Christina M. Patricola
- Chung-Han Chan
- Cornelius Csar Jude H. Salinas
- D. M. Giles
- Elvira Astafyeva
- Erika von Schneidemesser
- F. Capaccioni
- Feng-Yin Chang
- G. Cremonese
- G. Di Achille
- G. Filacchione
- G. Piccioni
- Gang Zhao
- H. K. Jhuang
- Hsin‐Hua Huang
- Huilin Gao
- I. I. Lin
- Iam-Fei Pun
- J. Y. Liu
- J.‐H. Shue
- James Badro
- Jaroslav Chum
- Jeng-Feng Lin
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jinxing Li
- Jin‐Yi Yu
- Jun A. Zhang
- Krzysztof Lamorski
- Kuo Hsin Tseng
- Li Wei Kuo
- Liying Qian
- Loren C. Chang
- M. C. De Sanctis
- M. Ciarniello
- M. Fulle
- M. Pajola
- Markus Hilpert
- Ming Lo
- Mitsuteru Sato
- N. Lapusta
- Nofel Lagrosas
- P. K. Rajesh
- Pamela Dominutti
- Pay Liam Lin
- Pedro Lacerda
- Ping-Yu Chang
- Qiao-Jun Lin
- R. J. Swap
- Robert F. Rogers
- S. Erard
- S.‐Y. Su
- Saginela Ravindra Babu
- Semechah K. Y. Lui
- Shiang‐Yu Wang
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Simon Wing
- Steven R. Jayne
- Su Ming Hsu
- Susannah M. Dorfman
- Tomoko Matsuo
- Tze-Yuan Chen
- Tzu‐Wei Fang
- Ukkyo Jeong
- Uma Das
- Vitali B. Prakapenka
- Vladislav Izmodenov
- Víctor C. Mayta
- Wan‐Ling Tseng
- Wei‐Fang Sun
- Wen Jie Wu
- Yao Li
- Yen‐Yu Lin
- Yi Duann
- Yopi Ruben Serhalawan
- Yue Deng