RPI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
flowchart I[RPI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (213)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (0)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Central Asian Seismic Bulletin: Utilizing the KNET, Kaznet, and Tien Shan Data Sets
- Diffusion of Siderophile Elements in Iron Meteorites
- GPS Velocity Field and Active Tectonics of the US Pacific Northwest
- Grain Boundary Carbon in Synthetic Quartzite: Implications for Electrical Conduction in the Crust
- Inversions of Geodetic Data for Rotation Pole and Deformation Mechanism at Subduction Zones: Applications to Cascadia, Sumatra, and Alaska
- Local and Regional Earthquake Depths in the Tien Shan: Evidence for a Strong Lower Crust in an Active Orogen
- Seismic Imaging of the San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California Using Data From PASO-DOS
- Attenuation Tomography of the San Andreas Fault Near Parkfield, CA
- Cation Diffusion in Fluorapatite
- Deformation of the Northern Edge of the Australian Continent in New Guinea
- Diffusion of Siderophile Elements in Fe-Ni Alloys at High Temperature and 10GPa
- Geodetic Constraints on Fault Coupling on the Cascadia Subduction Zone
- Grain-scale permeability of texturally equilibrated rocks continued: synthetic amphibolite.
- Inversion of Geodetic Data from Cascadia: A Comparison of Dislocation and Finite Plate Model Predictions
- Visualization of Real-time Seismic Field Experiments
- Block Interactions in Southern Oregon, Northern California, and Northwestern Nevada
- Block model of western US kinematics from inversion of geodetic, fault slip, and earthquake data
- Carbon on Quartz Grain Boundaries: Continuous Films versus Isolated Plates
- Current Development Status of an Integrated Tool for Modeling Quasi-static Deformation in the Solid Earth
- Depths of Earthquakes in the Central Tien Shan
- Extension of (Mg<SUB>0.64</SUB>Fe<SUB>0.36</SUB>)O Ferropericlase Equation of State Measurements to 25 GPa and 2173 K
- Stability and P-V-T Equations of State of High-Pressure Iron-Sulfur Compounds
- Subduction Zone Locking and Forearc Rotation in the North Island, New Zealand From Inversion of Geodetic, Seismologic, and Geologic data
- Teleseismic Tomographic Images of the Central Tien Shan
- The Effect of Pressure on Diffusion of Au, Pd, and Re in Fe-Ni Alloys
- A Comparison of Geodetic and Paleomagnetic Estimates of Block Rotation Rates in Deforming Zones
- Addressing Multi-Scale Problems in Geophysics With Coupled Modeling Tools: Current Development Status of the Lithomop Deformation Modeling Code Within the Pyre Framework
- Association between collision, microplate rotation, and back-arc rifting at obliquely convergent margins in the western Pacific: New insights from geodetic data
- Combined Teleseismic and Local Earthquake Tomography of the SAFOD Drill Site
- Crustal Deformation of Luzon Island, Philippines from GPS-based Geodynamic Models and Structural Analyses of Satellite Imagery
- Defining the SAFOD Drilling Trajectory: Locating the Target Earthquakes
- Delineating Block Boundaries of the Earth's Crust in the Pacific Northwest from GPS and Seismicity
- Diffusion of Ca in San Carlos Olivine at 800 to 1200 ° C
- High-Resolution Imaging of San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California, Using Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy Tomography and Seismic Interferometry
- InSAR as a volcano monitoring tool for Auckland City, New Zealand.
- Kinematics of the Sierra Nevada and Oregon Crustal Blocks
- Origin of Thermal and Compositional Zoning in the Bishop Magma Reservoir: Insights from Zoned Quartz Phenocrysts
- Preliminary experimental results for trace element uptake in carbonates: Pb2+ in calcite and U6+ in aragonite at various growth rates and temperatures
- A Slip Model for the Mw 9.0 2004 Sumatra-Andaman Earthquake Based on GPS Measurements of Coseismic Displacement
- A Visual Approach Towards Introduction of Bio-Geochemistry at Non-Ambient Conditions
- Abiotic Methane Synthesis: Caveats and New Results
- Ambient Pressure Microbes Taken to Extreme: an Update on Their Survival and Growth
- Constraints on Grain-Scale Transport of Fluid in the Sub-Arc Mantle
- Contrasting Ti Zoning Patterns in Quartz Phenocrysts from the Bishop and Fish Canyon Tuffs: An Expression of Volatile Composition in Recharge Melts
- Crustal and Upper Mantle Structures of the High Himalaya, constrain from joint teleseismic and local earthquake tomographic inversion
- Development of Software for Studying Earthquakes Across Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales by Coupling Quasi-static and Dynamic Simulations
- Effect of faceting on pore geometry in texturally equilibrated rocks: implications for permeability at low porosity
- Experimental Study of Noble Gas Partitioning and Diffusion in Common Crustal Minerals
- Rutile Saturation and TiO2 Diffusion in Hydrous Siliceous Melts
- Testing the Ti-in-Zircon Thermometer
- Understanding Stress and Strain Accumulation at Subduction Zones Using a Web-Based Modeling Environment
- 3-D Attenuation Structure around the SAFOD site, Parkfield, California
- Correlation of deep crustal seismic velocity anomalies and intrusive units in the vicinity of the sheeted-dike-gabbro boundary at IODP Site 1256D
- Coseismic deformation of the May 2006 M7.9 Tonga earthquake
- Crust and oceans, atmosphere and continents: A new paradigm for the Hadean Earth
- Diffusion and solubility of argon in forsterite, enstatite, quartz, corundum and MgO
- Earthquake Clustering in Noisy Viscoelastic Systems
- Effects of Topography and Elastic Heterogeneity in Modeling Ground Deformation for the 2002-2003 Mt Etna Eruption Using the Finite Element Method
- Further Results on the Diffusion of He in Calcite and Dolomite
- Interpretation of Ti-in-zircon Thermometery in Plutonic Rocks
- Kinematics and interseismic coupling on the Alpine Fault, New Zealand from GPS, geological, and seismological data
- Mafic-Recharge Eruption Trigger for the Bandelier and Bishop Tuffs
- Modeling Crustal Deformation Due to the Landers, Hector Mine Earthquakes Using the SCEC Community Fault Model
- Multi-path Diffusion: Implications for the Measurement of Ar Solubility and Partitioning Between Quartz and Feldspar
- New Approaches to Characterizing Thermal Histories of Silicic Magma Systems
- Numerical and Analytical Computations of Surface Deformation in Southern California Using the SCEC Community Block Model
- Petrologic evidence for thermal rejuvenation of crystal mush in the Bandelier Tuff
- Plate Coupling, Block Rotation and Crustal Deformation in the Pacific Northwest
- Pristine Rhyolite Glass Melt Inclusions in Quartz Phenocrysts From the 1.1 Ga Midcontinent Rift System, Keweenaw Peninsula, Michigan
- Seismic anistorpy of the crust in Western Tibet from a joint interpretation of recevier function analysis and shear wave splitting observations.
- Strain Partitioning and Oblique Convergence Along the Philippine Fault and Northern Philippine Trench
- The Post 12/26 Era and the Global War on Tremor
- The Use of Seismic Emission Tomography (SET) for Imaging Hydraulically Linked Fracture/fault Networks of Hydro-carbon Reservoirs.
- Ti Diffusion in Zircon
- Two-dimensional seismic velocity model of the upper crust at SAFOD from multi-offset VSP and refraction data
- 3-D FEM derived elastic Green's functions for the coseismic and postseismic deformation of the 2005 Mw 8.7 Nias-Simeulue, Sumatra earthquake
- Crystal Size Distribution of Periclase in Contact Metamorphic Marbles as Record of Fluid Infiltration
- Finite Element Meshing of the SCEC Community Fault Model: Methods and Algorithms
- Grain Boundary Transport of Siderophile Elements in MgO at High Pressure
- High-Resolution Imaging of San Andreas Fault at Parkfield, California, Using Seismic Velocity and Anisotropy Tomography and Seismic Interferometry
- Micro- Nano- and Picoearthquakes at SAFOD: Implications for Earthquake Rupture and Fault Mechanics
- Noble Gases and Siderophile Elements in the Mantle: Unconventional Experimental Results and Their Implications for Chemical Geodynamics
- Oxidation Kinetics and Textures for Natural and Synthetic MORB Glasses and Subliquidus Melts: RBS Analyses
- Preliminary Monazite U-Th-Total Pb Absolute Age Constraints on Crustal Thickening and Siluro-Devonian Dextral Transpression: Central Appalachian Piedmont, SE Pennsylvania
- Preliminary Results for Fluorine Diffusion in Biotite
- REE Diffusion in Olivine
- Tectonic Gateways, Circumglobal Currents, and the Stepwise Development of the Great Ocean Conveyor: Inferences From Basinal Benthic Foraminiferal Isotope Syntheses
- The Middle AsiaN Active Source (MANAS) Profile: Preliminary Results From A Deep Seismic Transect in the Tien Shan of Kyrgyzstan and China
- Using Finite Element Meshes Derived from the SCEC Community Fault Model to Evaluate the Effects of Detailed Fault Geometry and Material Inhomogeneities
- Accommodation of Right-lateral Shear Along the Northwest Boundary of the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Characterization of Fe-Mg Interdiffusion Along Dry Quartzite Grain Boundaries Using the Dispersed Sink Method
- Continuous gravity measurements from Kilauea Volcano Hawai'i, 2007-2008
- Exploring for early bombardments on Earth from pre-3.85 Fa thermal effects recorded in Hadean zircons - a status report
- Geodetic Observations of an Earthquake Cycle at the Sumatra Subduction Zone: The Role of Interseismic Strain Segmentation
- Inverting geodetic time series for secular and transient deformation sources: Application to slow-slip at subduction zones
- MetPetDB: New Directions for Metamorphic Studies
- Oxidation Dynamics and their Effects on Texture and Magnetic Response in Remelted and Quenched Submarine Basaltic Glass
- Preliminary Results on Fractionation of H, C, S and Cl Isotopes by Thermal Diffusion in Silicate Melts
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Regional-Scale Differential Time Tomography Methods: Development and Application to the Sichuan, China, Dataset
- Retrograde T-t Histories From Pelitic Migmatites Reflect Structural Distance From the Gwillim Creek Shear Zone, Valhalla Complex, British Columbia
- The Effect of Growth Kinetics on the Development of Element- and Isotope Profiles in Single Mineral Grains
- Ti Diffusion in Pyroxene
- TitaniQ Under Pressure: Assessing the Effect of Pressure on the Ti-in-Quartz Geothermometer
- Vertical axis rotations observed in geodetic and paleomagnetic data
- Earthquake depth distributions in the lithosphere: a summary
- Grain boundary diffusion in dry quartzites using the dispersed ‘sink’ method: sequestration of diffusant in near-source sink minerals
- Magnesium Isotope Fractionation By Chemical Diffusion In Natural Silicate Rocks
- Monazite/melt partition coefficients for U, Th: Preliminary results from experiments
- Quantifying Grain-Boundary Diffusion of Incompatible Elements: A Collaborative Opportunity for Experimentalists and Ion-Probe Analysts (Invited)
- Strength of the lithosphere along two edges of the Tibetan plateau
- The Fast and the Slow, the High and the Low - Investigations of Pb and He Diffusion in Accessory Minerals and Implications for Geochronology (Invited)
- Time-dependent inversion of three-component GPS time series for steady and transient effects of the Yellowstone Hotspot on the Snake River Plain, Idaho
- Towards an improved model of the secular velocities in the western US
- US-China collaborative study of Western Tibet: progress report and initial results
- Unique Science Needs: CAWSES-II and Virtual Observatories (Invited)
- 3D Vp and Vs Lithospheric Structures under the Taiwan Orogen: TAIGER project
- 3D lithospheric structure beneath the eastern Tien-Shan and its geodynamic implication
- Application of Diffusion Data in Carbonates to Estimate Timescales and Conditions of Texture Forming Processes
- Constraining P-T-t-D Histories with the TitaniQ Thermobarometer: Preliminary Findings from the Strafford Dome, Vermont
- Crustal Normal Faulting Triggered by the Mw=8.8 Maule Megathrust Subduction Earthquake in Central Chile
- Magnetic Response and Redox Reaction Texture in Basaltic Glass, Interrelated (Invited)
- Reciever Function Transect Across Tibet, Tarim and Tien Shan
- Seismic Arrival Time Tomography as a Complementary Geophysical Exploration Tool in the Characterization of Structural Settings of Mineral Ore Deposits in Chile
- Seismic structure of the crust and local seismicity in Western Tibet
- Structure and composition of pyroxene crystallites formed by grain boundary impurity partitioning and Fe-Mg interdiffusion along grain boundaries
- Surface wave dispersion across Tibet: Direct evidence for radial anisotropy in the crust
- Time-Dependent Inversion of Geodetic GPS and InSAR Measurements (1992-2010) of Yellowstone Deformation
- Tuning the structure and properties of glasses using pressure quenching routes
- C Diffusion in Fe: Isotope Effects and Other Complexities
- Crustal Extensional Faulting Triggered by the 2010 Chilean Earthquake: The Pichilemu Seismic Sequence
- Effects of Proto-Antarctic Circumpolar Current circulation in the middle to late Eocene
- Evidence for Atlantic thermal differentiation in the late middle Eocene to early Oligocene, eastern equatorial Atlantic DSDP Site 366
- Evidence for Increased Thermal Differentiation in the Deep Atlantic in the Middle-Late Eocene (40-33 Ma)
- Full Waveform 2.5D Teleseismic Surface Wave Tomography with Application to the Tien Shan
- Helium Diffusion in Olivine
- Impact of Antarctic Circumpolar Current evolution on late middle Eocene to early Oligocene ocean structure
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- P- and S-wave tomographic structure of NE Tibet
- Prograde P-T paths: How steep, how fast, and what they mean
- Receiver Function Migration of Broadband Seismograms recorded by the International Maule Aftershock Deployment (IMAD) in Central Chile
- The Growth Entrapment Model (GEM): New Insights from Molecular-Scale Simulations of Ti in Quartz
- Time-dependent three dimensional P-wave velocity models derived for the Geysers geothermal field
- Zircon Saturation Re-Revisited
- A Refined Model of Zircon Saturation in Crustal Magmas
- Analysis of microseismic activity detected by the WIZARD array, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Crustal and Upper-Most Mantle Structure Beneath Western Tibet from Seismic Tomography Using Regional Earthquakes
- Diffusion of highly charged cations in olivine
- Experimental study of titanium-in-coesite solubility
- Global variations in H<SUB>2</SUB>O/Ce: Slab surface temperatures beneath volcanic arcs
- Investigating Records of Prograde Metamorphism in Quartz with TitaniQ Thermobarometry: Initial Results from the Northfield Mountains, Vermont
- Joint Inversion of Receiver Functions and Surface Wave Group Velocities from the MANAS data set to Determine Custal Thickness Variations in theTien Shan
- Making MetPetDB a tool for reconnaissance studies of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks
- Semantically Enabling Knowledge Representation of Metamorphic Petrology Data
- Th and U in hydrous rhyolite melts
- The Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of Northeastern Iran from Joint Waveform Tomography Imaging of Body and Surface Waves
- Velocity structure of the NE Tibetan Plateau: P and S body wave tomographic model of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau and its margins with additional constraints from surface wave tomography
- Extracting insights into rifting processes from low frequency earthquakes during dike intrusions in Afar
- From Dates to Rates: The Emergence of Integrated Geochronometry (Invited)
- Game Based Learning as a Means to Teach Climate Literacy in a High School Environment
- Gateways, Supergyre, and proto-Antarctic Circumpolar Current in the middle to late Eocene
- Grain Boundary Diffusion of Sulfur in MgO
- Helium diffusion in carbonates
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle of Taiwan with Ambient Noise and Full Waveform Tomography
- Miocene Relative Sea Level on the New Jersey Shallow Shelf: Preliminary One-Dimensional Backstripping of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 313
- Oxidation Potential, Not Crystal Structure, Controls the Oxidation State of Iron in Perovskite
- Pressure effect on the elasticity and structure of Na- silicate glasses
- Seismic Attenuation in the Rupture Zone of the 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake: Two Spectral Ratio Methods
- Seismic Study of the Crust and Upper Mantle Structure in Western Tibet: A Joint Inversion of Teleseismic and Local Data
- Sequence Stratigraphic Interpretations from Benthic Foraminifera: Analyses of an Onshore Borehole site on the New Jersey Continental Shelf, ODP Leg 174AX
- The Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle in Western Tibet from the Analysis of Fundamental Mode Rayleigh Waves Recorded by a Local Network
- TitaniQ Records of P-T-D Paths from Metapelites during Burial Metamorphism and Orogenesis: Evidence for the Role of Pressure Solution Creep
- Response of shallow-water carbonates and reef systems to the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event (183 Ma) on the Dinaric Carbonate Platform (Slovenia)
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Amplification of Orbitally Forced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle across the end-Triassic extinction
- Diffusive retention of atmospheric gases in chert
- Application of a Hybrid Detection and Location Scheme to Volcanic Systems
- Black Carbon, Dust and Organic Matter at South Cascade Glacier in Washington State, USA: A Comprehensive Characterization of Temporal (1865-2014) and Spatial Variability
- Dense and Dry Mantle Between the Continental Crust and the Oceanic Slab: Folding, Faulting and Tearing in the Slab in the Pampean Flat Slab, Southern Central Andes Evidenced by 3D Body Wave Tomography Along the 2015 Illapel, Chile Earthquake Rupture Area
- Fault-Magma Interactions during Early Continental Rifting: Seismicity of the Magadi-Natron-Manyara basins, Africa
- Illuminating the Sierra Nevada Pn Shadow Zone with 2.5D Full-waveform Forward Modeling
- Nature of the Coastal Range Wedge Along the Rupture Area of the 2015, Illapel Chile Earthquake Mw 8.4
- Neotectonic Reactivation of Pre-Cenozoic Structures in the Coastal Margin of Central Chile
- Orbital-scale Central Arctic Ocean Temperature Records from Benthic Foraminiferal δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and Ostracode Mg/Ca Ratios
- Shear heating and metamorphism in subduction zones, 1. Thermal models
- Shear heating and metamorphism in subduction zones, 2. The seismic-aseismic transition at c. 50 km depth.
- Three-dimensional body-wave model of Nepal using finite difference tomography
- Deciphering the controlling mechanism for Andean mountain building in Central Chile: Preliminary Results
- High Resolution Imaging of the P- and S-wave Velocity Structure at Okmok Volcano, Alaska
- Seismotectonic Characterization of Valparaiso, Central Chile Region, Using Local Earthquake Tomography
- Structure of the Crust and Upper Mantle beneath Alaska Determined from the Joint Inversion of Arrival Times and Waveforms of Regional and Teleseismic Body Waves
- A Wadati-Benioff Zone Beneath the Wrangell Volcanic Field Revealed by the WVLF Broadband Array
- Analysis of the Mw 6.7 Coquimbo-La Serena Earthquake of June 14<SUP>th</SUP>, 2019: Preliminary Results Determined with a High Density Local Seismic Network
- Combined Use of Multiple Internal and External Standards in LA-ICPMS Analysis of Geologic Samples Using Lithium Borate Fused Glass
- Crust and upper mantle structure beneath Kashmir Himalaya using joint inversion of surface and body waves
- Mantle contributions to magma and strain localization in rift zones
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin.
- Scaling up DOM dynamics from the small catchment to a mesoscale basin
- Seismotectonic Characterization of the Coastal Range in Central Chile: Body Wave Seismic Velocity Anomalies and Their Relationship with Subduction Dynamic
- South Sandwich to Alaska anomalous inner core phase observations explained by upper mantle slab effects beneath Alaska
- Stable carbon isotopic composition of oceanic dissolved black carbon reveals non-riverine source
- The sailing rock, the dinosaur, and the stem-mammal: ice, microbial mats, or both?
- Two Wedges, Two Subductions: The Cordilleran-type Orogen in the Andean Margin of Central Chile
- An improved earthquake catalogue in southern British Columbia supplies new constraints on the fault responsible for the 1946 M 7.3 Vancouver Island earthquake
- Analysis of the Aftershocks of the Mw 6.7 19 January 2019 Coquimbo-La Serena Earthquake: Implications for Wedge Dynamics and Intraplate Deformation
- Application of Automated Onset Estimation to the PICTURES Active Seismic Experiment: Preliminary Results
- Application of Local Earthquake Tomography to Greenfield Discovery of Subduction-Related Mining Deposits
- Attenuation-based tomography of the 2015 Illapel, Chile earthquake rupture region
- Combined technologies for high-pressure sampling, transfer, enrichment, and filtration from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Interpreting the Queen Charlotte plate boundary from 3D seismic tomography and relocated earthquakes
- Quantifying Diagenesis, Contributing Factors, and Resulting Isotopic Bias in Benthic Foraminifera using the Foraminiferal Preservation Index: Major Implications for Geochemical Proxy Records
- State of the Art of Subduction Wedges and Tectonic Erosion Based on Seismological Investigations of the Chilean Margin
- Three-Dimensional Local Earthquake Tomography of Pre-Cenozoic Structures in the coastal central Chile margin: The Pichilemu Fault System
- Upper mantle structure beneath Alaska: implications for inner core anisotropy studies from analysis of PKPdf, bc, ab absolute and differential measurements