Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York
flowchart I[Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, New York] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (361)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (34)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
- RPI, Department of Applied Physics and Astronomy
- RPI, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Hamiltonian formalism and the Garrett-Munk spectrum of internal waves in the ocean
- Three-Dimensional Fault Zone Structure and Earthquake Locations at Parkfield, CA: Preparing for the San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD)
- Application of Garnet-Accessory Phase Thermometry: a Combined EMP and SIMS Study
- A New Twist on the Seasonality of Nitrate Retention and Release in Adirondack Watersheds
- Grain boundary wetness of texturally equilibrated rocks with implications for the seismic properties of the upper mantle
- Temporal Clustering of Earthquakes due to Stress Transfer in Viscoelastic Layers
- Constructing a Teleseismic Tomographic Image of Taiwan using BATS Recordings
- Distribution and Stability of Accretion in Lake Vostok
- Montmorillonite Clay-Catalyzed Synthesis of RNA Oligomers
- Understanding Stress and Strain Accumulation at Subduction Zones Using a Web-Based Modeling Environment
- Geodetic Observations of an Earthquake Cycle at the Sumatra Subduction Zone: The Role of Interseismic Strain Segmentation
- Growth Rate Dependence of Mg, Sr, and U Incorporation Into Aragonite: Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Vital Effects
- Improved Present Day Euler Vector for the Sierra Nevada Block Using GPS
- Initial Melt Geometry During Anatexis of Micaceous Rocks
- Microorganisms Taken to Far Extreme: an Update on Their Survival adn Growth
- SCREAM (Subsurface Characterization Rover for Exobiology Assessment on Mars)
- Systematic study of shear wave anisotropy in the crust around the San Andreas Fault near SAFOD
- Theoretical and Experimental Approaches towards study of Methane Occupation Dynamics within Gas Hydrates
- Grain Boundary Diffusion of Carbon in Mantle Minerals
- PyLith: A Finite-Element Code for Modeling Quasi-Static and Dynamic Crustal Deformation
- Tomographic Imaging of the Crust and Upper Mantle Beneath the Western Tien Shan
- Annotating and embedding provenance in science data repositories to enable next generation science applications
- Comparing velocities of Juneau Icefield glaciers (1992-2008) from various methods: Differential InSAR, ASTER and SAR pixel tracking, and GPS surveying
- Crustal Stress and Mantle Strain in the Tibet-Tarim border region.
- Fluorine Diffusion in Titanite: Preliminary Results from Experiments
- Knowledge Provenance in Semantic Wikis
- REE Diffusion on Quartzite Grain Boundaries: Preliminary Results from Experiments
- Recurring slow slip on the Hikurangi subduction interface, New Zealand
- Semantics-Based Interoperability Framework for the Geosciences
- What constitutes unrest at Taupo caldera, New Zealand?
- Full Waveform Teleseismic Tomography
- Li isotope fractionation in aragonite precipitated from seawater at different rates
- Provenance-Aware Faceted Search
- Social and Personal Factors in Semantic Infusion Projects
- Spatiotemporal model for crustal deformation around the focal area of the 2008 Iwate-Miyagi Inland Earthquake, northeastern Japan, estimated by GPS and InSAR
- The Semantic eScience Framework
- The transition zone from subduction to collision beneath the Taiwan orogen: joint inversion of explosion, local and teleseismic events from TAIGER experiment
- A Framework for Integrating Oceanographic Data Repositories
- A Modular Framework for Transforming Structured Data into HTML with Machine-Readable Annotations
- A Semantic Provenance-aware Expert Advisory System in a Web-based Science Data Analysis Tool
- A core observational data model for enhancing the interoperability of ontologically annotated environmental data
- Aftershock Seismicity of the 27 February 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake Rupture Zone
- Aftershock Seismicity of the Mw 8.8 Maule Earthquake of 27 February 2010 Using a 2D Velocity Model
- Alternatives to Dam Building: Deindustrialization and the Redevelopment of Waterways in the Northeast During the Twentieth Century
- Application of 2.5D Finite Difference Tomographic Waveform Imaging to the Cascadia 1993 data set
- Developing an Ontology for Ocean Biogeochemistry Data
- Earthquake source parameters in the western Tarim basin and the Tien-Shan
- Experiences Developing A User-centric Presentation of A Domain-enhanced Provenance Data Model
- Extending eScience Provenance with User-Submitted Semantic Annotations
- How can hydrology inform economic policymaking? An assessment of water stress at the county level for the Northeastern United States using two concepts of water availability
- IRIS Community Response to the Great Chile Earthquake of 2010
- Melt structure effect on Thorium and Uranium partitioning between monazite and Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2 melts
- New experimental constraints for Hadean zircon source melts from Ce and Eu anomalies in zircon
- Ontologies Come of Age Revisited (Invited)
- Presenting Provenance Based on User Roles - Experiences from the ACOS System
- Progress toward a Semantic eScience Framework; building on advanced cyberinfrastructure
- Realities in Science Data and Information - Let's go for translucency
- Reconstructions of Lower To Middle Miocene Sea Level on the New Jersey Margin Based on Independent Palynological and Benthic Foraminiferal Data from IODP EXP 313
- Regional and State Level Water Scarcity Report: Northeast United States
- Semantic rules and inference make a comeback, watch out query! (Invited)
- Structure and composition of pyroxene crystallites formed by grain boundary impurity partitioning and Fe-Mg interdiffusion along grain boundaries
- Tuning the structure and properties of glasses using pressure quenching routes
- VOs and Heliophysics: Would anyone like some CASSIS?
- A Multi-Disciplinary Sea Ice Ontology
- A Semantic Representation of Product Quality and Evidence for Satellite Data
- A novel self-localization protocol for spacecraft clusters
- Broadening Access to Virtual Observatories
- Deformation of (hcp) Zn and Zn Alloys, and the Elastic Anisotropy of Earth's Inner Core
- Diagnosing tracer stirring in the upper ocean: Spatial and temporal resolution sensitivity
- Facilitating Next Generation Science Collaboration: Respecting and Mediating Vocabularies with Semantics in Ecosystems Assessments.
- Information Model Driven Semantic Framework Architecture and Design for Distributed Data Repositories
- Low Latitude Pelagic Foraminifera Found in the Hudson River: Are They Hurricane Deposits?
- OPeNDAP Hyrax: An extensible data access framework within the Earth System Grid Federation
- Publishing and Editing of Semantically-Enabled Scientific Metadata Across Multiple Web Platforms: Challenges and Experiences
- Science Planning for the New Research Vessel R/V Sikuliaq
- Semantic Representation of Temporal Metadata in a Virtual Observatory
- The Mw=8.8 Maule earthquake aftershock sequence, event catalog and locations
- A Regional Earth System Model of the Northeast Corridor: Analyzing 21st Century Climate and Environment
- Active and Social Data Curation: Reinventing the Business of Community-scale Lifecycle Data Management
- Applying Semantics in Dataset Summarization for Solar Data Ingest Pipelines
- Biophysical Interactions in Porous Media: an Integrated Experimental and Modelling Approach
- Climate Change, Disaster and Sentiment Analysis over Social Media Mining
- Community Science - The Next Frontier
- Creating a Linked Data Hub in the Geosciences
- Differing Abundances of Gypsum in the Primary and Secondary Dunes of the Martian Dune Field Olympia Undae
- Enabling the Integrated Assessment of Large Marine Ecosystems: Informatics to the Forefront of Science-Based Decision Support
- Exploratory visualization of earth science data in a Semantic Web context
- Exploring Sea Ice Composition Using Semantic Data Dictionaries and qb.js
- Facilitating Collaboration Through Linked Open Data
- Field: a new meta-authoring platform for data-intensive scientific visualization
- Interoperability and different ways of knowing: How semantics can aid in cross-cultural understanding
- Knowledge Networks and Science Data Ecosystems.
- Making MetPetDB a tool for reconnaissance studies of metamorphism and metamorphic rocks
- Modeling and Representing National Climate Assessment Information using Linked Data
- NEON non-specialist use case; science data reuse in a classroom
- Next Generation Data Environments
- Opening Data in the Long Tail for Community Discovery, Curation and Action Using Active and Social Curation
- Persistent Identification of Agents and Objects of Global Change
- Prevention of bacterial quorum sensing in aquifer materials and effect on bioclogging
- Science Data Platforms: Informatics Architectures at the Forefront.
- Semantic Modeling of the Sea Ice Component of a Global Climate Model
- Semantic Web Compatible Names and Descriptions for Organisms
- Semantically Enabling Knowledge Representation of Metamorphic Petrology Data
- The Effect of the Anionic Surfactant Aerosol-80 on the Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum Oocysts through Soil
- 2.5D Full Waveform Inversion of Teleseismic Body and Surface Waves in the Tien Shan
- A joint inversion of surface waves and teleseismic body waves across the Tibetan collision zone
- A justification for semantic training in data curation frameworks development
- Addressing the Challenges of Multi-Domain Data Integration with the SemantEco Framework
- An open source approach to enable the reproducibility of scientific workflows in the ocean sciences
- ChemCam investigation of resistant fracture-fill cements at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars
- Coupled Effects of Vadose Zone Hydrodynamics and Anionic Surfactant Aerosol-22 on the Transport of Cryptosporidium parvum in Soil
- D/H in Volatiles Evolved from Scooped and Drilled Samples in Rocknest and Yellowknife Bay
- Data-driven Science in Geochemistry & Petrology: Vision & Reality
- Deformation of directionally solidified alloys: evidence for microstructural hardening of Earth's inner core?
- Determination of the Light Element Fraction in MSL APXS Spectra
- Diffusion of Sulfur in Sphalerite and Sulfate Minerals
- Discovering accessibility, display, and manipulation of data in a data portal
- Early to Middle Miocene Glacioeustasy Derived from Backstripped New Jersey Shelf and Deep-Sea Oxygen Isotopic and Mg/Ca Records
- Environmental Dynamics and the Habitability Potential at Gale Crater, Mars (Invited)
- Focal Mechanism Characterization of Microseismicity Near the Alpine Fault, Southern Alps, New Zealand
- How Environmental Informatics is Preparing Us for the Big Data Era (Invited)
- Indexable Computation as a Service in Deep Carbon Observatory
- Inter-Annual Comparison of Satellite Passive Microwave Data With Ground based Radiometric Measurements
- NE-RESM: An Integrated Water Resource Assessment and Solutions Platform for the U.S. Northeast
- Ontology development for provenance tracing in National Climate Assessment of the US Global Change Research Program
- Pore - to - Core Modeling of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition in 3D Soil Structures
- Progress in Open-World, Integrative, Collaborative Science Data Platforms (Invited)
- Provenance Capture in Data Access and Data Manipulation Software
- Provenance for actionable data products and indicators in marine ecosystem assessments
- Receiver functions analysis in Northern Tanzania to understand the earliest stage of rifting
- Research Data Alliance
- Rift initiation in cratonic lithosphere: Seismicity patterns in the Manyara-Natron-Magadi basins and Oldoinyo Lengai volcano
- Roles of Data Stewardship: The people who put the theory into practice. (Invited)
- SemantGeo: Powering Ecological and Environment Data Discovery and Search with Standards-Based Geospatial Reasoning
- Semantic Similarity Computation and Concept Mapping in Earth and Environmental Science
- Semantically-enabled Knowledge Discovery in the Deep Carbon Observatory
- The Search for Methane on Mars
- The Search for Nitrates on Mars by the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument
- The Value of Friction, Tension, and Disparity in Global Collaboration (Invited)
- Time and length scales of active deformation in weakly and strongly magmatic rift zones in East Africa (Invited)
- Variations in Ti coordination and concentration in garnet in response to temperature, pressure and composition
- (Fe, Al)-bearing post-perovskite in the Earth's lower mantle
- 2014, Mw=8.2 Pisagua, Northern Chile Foreshocks: Not Limited to the Interplate Contact
- A megaregion-scale approach for assessing the impacts of climate change and strategic management decisions in the Northeast United States
- Active Forearc Faults in the Central Part of the Mature Northern Chile Seismic Gap: Insights from Seismological and Neotectonic Detailed Analysis
- Anisotropic Signature of Falling Indian Lithosphere Beneath Western Lhasa Block.
- Citation and Recognition of contributions using Semantic Provenance Knowledge Captured in the OPeNDAP Software Framework
- Collaboration as a Strategy to Transform the Impact of EPO Efforts in the New York Center for Astrobiology
- Collaboratively Conceived, Designed and Implemented: Matching Visualization Tools with Geoscience Data Collections and Geoscience Data Collections with Visualization Tools via the ToolMatch Service.
- Crustal structure beneath western Tibet: evidence from receiver functions and newly constrained P and S-wave velocity models
- DCO-VIVO: A Collaborative Data Platform for the Deep Carbon Science Communities
- Diatoms as Proxies for Abrupt Events in the Hudson River Estuary
- Diffusive Fractionation of Lithium Isotopes in Olivine
- Engaging Indigenous Communities and Research Scientists to Manage Climate Risk
- FTIR Maps and Spatial Distributions of OH in Caledonide and Himalayan Shear Zones: Implications for Dislocation Creep and Water Weakening
- Facilitating Semantic Interoperability Among Ocean Data Systems: ODIP-R2R Student Outcomes
- From Observation to Impacts: Provenance for Earth Science Resources
- Imaging the Crust and Upper Mantle of Northern Chile Using Ambient Noise Tomography
- Integration of Seismic, Log, and Core Data into a Sequence Stratigraphic Framework for the Miocene of the New Jersey Shallow Continental Shelf
- Large Scale Data Analysis Using the CDS API - Indicators of Climate Change in MERRA
- Linked Vocabulary API for the Earth Sciences Community
- Lower Crustal Seismicity, Volatiles, and Evolving Strain Fields During the Initial Stages of Cratonic Rifting
- Mineralogical Signatures in Electrically Coupled Marine Sediments
- Models of Metabolic Community Structure in Martian Habitable Environments: Constraints from a Terrestrial Analog Acid-Sulfate Fumarole Environment, Cerro Negro Volcano, Nicaragua
- Moho Depth and Shear Velocity Structure in Northwest India and West Tibet from the Joint Inversion of Receiver Function and Surface Waves
- Observations and Observability of Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions
- Physical mechanisms of planetary core formation: Constraints from in-situ X-ray microtomography
- Provenance-Enabled Integration of Sensor Network Data
- Publishing and Visualizing Large-Scale Semantically-enabled Earth Science Resources on the Web
- Quaternary Sea-Level History from the US Atlantic Coastal Plain
- Sea Ice Characteristics and the Open-Linked Data World
- Sedimentation Triggered by the 2011 Tohoku Megathrust Earthquake along the Japan Trench
- Seismological Characterization of the DFDP-2 Drill-Site and Surroundings, Whataroa Valley, Central Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Semantic eScience for Ecosystem Understanding and Monitoring: The Jefferson Project Case Study
- Semantically aided interpretation and querying of Jefferson Project data using the SemantEco framework
- Taking Another Look at the Data Management Life Cycle: Deconstruction, Agile, and Community
- The Crust and Upper Mantle Structure of the Iranian Plateau from Joint Waveform Tomography Imaging of Body and Surface Waves
- Three-dimensional P- and S-wave velocity structure along the central Alpine Fault, South Island, New Zealand
- Towards a common provenance model for research publications
- Towards a magmatic quartz database: tracing melt sources
- Trace Element Composition of Quartz as a Tool for Sedimentary Provenance: A Case Study from the Bega River Catchment
- Why Data Citation Currently Misses the Point
- "Real-time" core formation experiments using X-ray tomography at high pressure and temperature
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Amplification of Orbitally Forced Changes in the Hydrological Cycle in the Early Mesozoic
- Crustal Strain Patterns in Magmatic and Amagmatic Early Stage Rifts: Border Faults, Magma Intrusion, and Volatiles
- Crustal Structure and Seismicity along the Central Alpine Fault: Results from the WIZARD Array
- Crustal Structure of the Northern Chilean Forearc from Ambient Noise Tomography
- Data Curation: The Evolution of Data Products for Value and Reach
- Database Integration: An Intial Step Towards the Deep-Time Data Infrastructure
- Determining Fitness-For-Use of Ontologies Through Change Management, Versioning and Publication Best Practices
- Do Jack Hills Detrital Zircons Contain Records of the Early Geodynamo?
- Elastic Wavespeed Images of Northern Chile Subduction Zone from the Joint Inversion of Body and Surface Waves: Structure of the Andean Forearc and the Double Seismic Zone
- Estimation of Earthquake Source Properties Along the East African Rift Using Full Waveforms
- Exploiting Untapped Information Resources in Earth Science
- Illuminate Knowledge Elements in Geoscience Literature
- Images of the East Africa Rift System from the Joint Inversion of Body Waves, Surface Waves, and Gravity: Investigating the Role of Magma in Early-Stage Continental Rifting
- Introducing MERGANSER: A Flexible Framework for Ecological Niche Modeling
- Key Factors Influencing Rates of Heterotrophic Sulfate Reduction in Hydrothermal Massive Sulfide Deposits
- Linked Data: Forming Partnerships at the Data Layer
- Linking Metabolism, Elemental Cycles, and Environmental Conditions in the Deep Biosphere: Growth of a Model Extremophile, Archaeoglobus fulgidus, Under High-Pressure Conditions
- Modeling High Altitude EMP using a Non-Equilibrium Electron Swarm Model to Monitor Conduction Electron Evolution (LA-UR-15-26151)
- Over a century of PAH contamination history to New York City
- Provenance of Earth Science Datasets - How Deep Should One Go?
- Quaternary sea level high-stand deposits of the southeast U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Age, distribution, and implications.
- Reconstruction of 3D Shapes of Opaque Cumulus Clouds from Airborne Multiangle Imaging: A Proof-of-Concept
- Revisiting Atmospheric Lead in NYC - Comparison of Archived Air Filters to Urban Park Sediments and Soils
- Sand migration modeling in hydrate-bearing sediments
- Seismic Study of the Velocity Structure and Earthquake FocalMechanisms beneath the Krafla Central Volcano, NE Iceland
- Semantic Specification of Data Type Information in the Deep Carbon Observatory Data Portal
- Semantic Support for Complex Ecosystem Research Environments
- Surface Wave Analysis of Regional Earthquakes in the Eastern Rift System (Africa)
- Testing New Proxies for Photosymbiosis in the Fossil Record
- The Importance of Magmatic Fluids in Continental Rifting in East Africa
- The September 16, 2015 Illapel (Mw 8.3) Earthquake: Comprehensive Analysis from Seismic and Geodetic Observations
- Ti in garnet: complex substitutions and their implications for understanding crustal metamorphism
- Tight coupling between atmospheric ρCO<SUB>2 </SUB>and temperature change during the Late Triassic: observational evidence for enhanced climate sensitivity in a hothouse state
- Trace Element Diffusion in Basaltic Melt
- A Rules-Based Service for Suggesting Visualizations to Analyze Earth Science Phenomena.
- Along-axis strain patterns in a magmatically active early-stage rift zone: Magadi-Natron-Manyara rifts, Africa
- Bayesian Earthquake Relocation With Application to the Puget Sound Region
- Carbon Diffusion in Zircon
- Cross-domain Collaborative Research and People Interoperability: Beyond Knowledge Representation Frameworks
- Deep Time Data Infrastructure: Integrating Our Current Geologic and Biologic Databases
- Diffusive fractionation of 25 trace elements in basaltic and rhyolitic melts
- Diffusive retention of atmospheric gases in chert
- Dipping Upper Mantle Interface Beneath The North Tanzania Divergence from Receiver Functions
- Distal Impact Ejecta at Paleocene-Eocene Boundary sections on the Atlantic Margin
- Early-stage continental rifting in East Africa assisted by magma and magmatic volatiles
- Experimental Deformation of Ti-saturated and -undersatuated Quartz Porphyroclasts
- Experimental characterization of the isotopic fractionation of chlorine during chemical diffusion in a dacitic melt and its implications for bubble growth
- Exploiting mineral data: applications to the diversity, distribution, and social networks of copper mineral
- Global sensitivity-based determination of dominant properties for thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of hydrate-bearing sediments during gas production operation
- Improving Precision, Maintaining Accuracy, and Reducing Acquisition Time for Trace Elements in EPMA
- Lead diffusion in iron sulfide: Implications for closure temperatures and dating iron meteorites
- Linking benthic microbial community dynamics to diel redox variations in a near shore costal environment, Héeia Fishpond
- Mars-Learning AN Open Access Educational Database
- Mechanistic Lake Modeling to Understand and Predict Heterogeneous Responses to Climate Warming
- Modeling and Economic Analysis of Power Grid Operations in a Water Constrained System
- Observations from 1 to 6 AU of Low-Frequency Magnetic Waves due to Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Using Ulysses, Voyager and ACE Data
- Paleomagnetism of Hadean and Archean Detrital Zircons from the Jack Hills, Western Australia
- Preliminary Results From the Chile-Illapel Aftershock Experiment (CHILLAX)
- Structure of the Los Bronces - Río Blanco - Los Sulfatos Cu-Mo Porphyry System: Integration of Tectonics and Passive Seismic Tomography to Understand One of the World's Largest Cu Deposit
- Surface Wave Mode Conversion due to Lateral Heterogeneity and its Impact on Waveform Inversions
- The North Tanzania Rift seen from multi geophysical tools: link between seismicity and resistivity
- The Private Lives of Minerals: Social Network Analysis Applied to Mineralogy and Petrology
- Three Dimensional Elastic Wavespeeds in the Northern ChileSubduction Zone: Variations in Hydration in the Supra-SlabMantle
- Time Dependence of Shear Wavespeeds in Northern Chile Related to the 2014 Mw8.3 Pisagua Earthquake
- Use cases for identifiers beyond data citation — separating concerns for location, credit, identity, fame, and fortune.
- A potential new proxy for paleo-atmospheric pO<SUB>2</SUB> from soil carbonate-hosted fluid inclusions applied to pristine Chinle soils from the Petrified Forest 1A core
- Browning of Adirondack, NY Lakes: Rates and Effects
- Chemical Processing of Organics within Clouds: Pilot Study at Whiteface Mountain in Upstate NY
- Complex Diffusion Mechanisms for Li in Feldspar: Re-thinking Li-in-Plag Geospeedometry
- Creating and connecting recommended practices for reproducible research through collaborative culture and consensus in the Research Data Alliance
- Data science implications in diamond formation and craton evolution
- Data-driven exploration of copper mineralogy and its application to Earth's near-surface oxidation
- Enabling FAIR and Open Data - The Importance of Communities on Influencing Change
- Heterogeniety and Heterarchy: How far can network analyses in Earth and space sciences?
- Impacts of variability in geomechanical properties on hydrate bearing sediment responses
- Investigating Deliquescence of Mars-like Soils from the Atacama Desert and Implications for Liquid Water Near the Martian Surface
- Investigations of Wind/WAVES Dust Impacts
- Linking Publications to Instruments, Field Campaigns, Sites and Working Groups: The ARM Experience
- Mainstream web standards now support science data too
- Micromechanical investigation of sand migration in gas hydrate-bearing sediments
- Network Analysis of Earth's Co-Evolving Geosphere and Biosphere
- Open Source Tools for Adaptive Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interaction Processes
- Partitioning of sublimation and evaporation from Lake Bonney using water vapor isotope and latent heat fluxes
- Persistent Identifiers as Boundary Objects
- Principles and Policies for International Coordination of Research Data Networks
- Probabilistic estimates of wellbore response during gas production in hydrate-bearing sediments through global sensitivity analyses
- Sedimentary Signatures of Submarine Earthquakes: Deciphering the Extent of Sediment Remobilization from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami and 2010 Haiti Earthquake
- Shear heating and metamorphism in subduction zones, 1. Thermal models
- Shear heating and metamorphism in subduction zones, 2. The seismic-aseismic transition at c. 50 km depth.
- The Importance of Transition Metals in the Expanding Network of Microbial Metabolism in the Archean Eon
- Thermodynamic Data Rescue and Informatics for Deep Carbon Science
- Timing the oxidation of Earth's crust: Evidence from big data records of manganese mineralization
- Visualizing Complex Environments in the Geo- and BioSciences
- A Review of Constitutive Modeling of Methane Hydrate Bearing Sediments
- Astrobiology Science Strategy for the Search for Life in the Universe
- Biological Utilization of Cobalt from the Geosphere, and the expanding network of microbial metabolisms in the Archean eon
- Does data citation aid provenance?
- Extensive Wildfires driven by high pCO<SUB>2 </SUB>in the Late Triassic
- Freshwater Salinization: The Direct and Indirect Impacts on Individuals, Populations, and Food Webs
- Global Earth Mineral Inventory : A DCO Data Legacy
- Global Fluctuations of the Carbonate Compensation Depth during the Greenhouse-Icehouse Transition (43-32 Ma)
- Grain Boundary Sliding in High Temperature Deformation of Directionally Solidified hcp Zn Alloys, and Implications for the Deformation Mechanism of Earth's Inner Core
- Investigating the impact of early Earth geochemical and geophysical conditions on prebiotic chemistry
- Investigating the response of the Indian Monsoon during climate extremes with stable isotope records in corals
- Kinetic Fractionation of Sulfur Isotopes in Reduced, Dry Basaltic Melt
- Laboratory Experiments to Unravel Inner Secrets of Continents
- Magnetic Waves Excited by Newborn Interstellar Pickup Ions Measured by the Voyager Spacecraft From 1 to 45 AU
- Making the Most of Landing Pages
- Network analysis on the correlation of geochemical and biological signatures from Cerro Negro volcano, Nicaragua
- Predicting Multi-Component Mineral Compositions in Gale crater, Mars with Label Distribution Learning
- Prospects and Pitfalls in Calibrating Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Geothermometers from Metamorphic Rocks: Insights from Mt. Moosilauke
- Surviving in the Subsurface: How Pressure Impacts Microbial Growth and Metabolism
- The Census of Deep Life: Metadata Then and Now
- The DCO Data Portal: Trials and Tribulations in the Implementation of International Community Recommendations
- The Infrastructure of Data Reuse and Trust: All the elements to support open and FAIR data along with those necessary for attribution and credit.
- Transecting the Cordillera Blanca of northern Peru: a glacial geochronology determined from <SUP>10</SUP>Be exposure ages of moraine crest boulders
- What's rate got to do with it?: Oceanic core complex evolution and serpentinized mantle exhumation at the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
- Abiotic hydrocarbon formation in serpentinization experiments: network analysis on a comprehensive dataset
- Chaotic Late Triassic Carbon And The Overlooked Extinction At The Norian-Rhaetian Boundary
- Creating, Managing and Evaluating Data Legacies : Updates on the Global Earth Mineral Inventory.
- Data-driven discovery in mineralogy: Insights from natural kind clustering
- Enigmatic Seamounts: Investigating Pacific Intraplate Volcanism with Lead Isotopes
- Experimental Study of the Alteration of Basalt on the Surface of Venus
- Exploration of artificial intelligence approaches to Earth observing remote sensing
- Exploring carbon mineralogy and mineral evolution through deep time with advanced analytics and visualization
- Extended and improved Ti-in-quartz solubility model
- Global patterns of subsurface microbial diversity through deep time and space
- Hints of an Eoarchean magnetic field from the Isua Supracrustal Belt, Greenland
- Interactive, Web-based Visualizations for Hierarchical Information and Knowledge in Geosciences: An Implementation on the Dana Classification and its Applications
- Natural clustering of pyrite with implications for its formational environment
- Natural kind clustering of presolar silicon carbides and its astrophysical implications
- Numerical Modeling for Gas Production Field Test from Hydrate-bearing Sediments via Depressurization Combined with CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection
- Open science at AGU Publications: an update on open access, preprints, and FAIR data developments
- Predicting unknown mineral localities based on mineral associations
- Sand migration analysis during gas production at the Kuparuk hydrate site in Alaska North Slope
- The South Atlantic Transect - A Multidisciplinary Scientific Ocean Drilling Investigation
- The VALKYRIE Payload for Probing the Martian Subsurface
- Thermobarometry of a Shallow-level Granitic Pluton
- Tracking the evolution of our planet using large scale geochemistry and metagenomic data
- Updating Dana: Encoding a Mineral Classification graph from Existing Resources
- A Data-driven Collaborative Research Experience in Extreme Biology and Biophysics.
- A machine learning geobarometer for diamond-hosted majoritic garnet inclusions
- Affinity analysis of mineral co-occurrence: Predicting unknown mineral occurrences with machine learning
- Combined technologies for high-pressure sampling, transfer, enrichment, and filtration from deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Data, Data Everywhere, But Not Enough to Say: The Case of COVID and other infectious diseases
- Designing for 2030: The Impact and Potential of Virtual Laboratories
- Engaging the Whole Human - Merging Scientific and Artistic Practice to Address Climate Change and Enable More Resilient and Just Futures
- Insights from Knowledge Graphs : Introducing a new formalism
- Making the Invisible Visible - Community Science for Environmental Monitoring in the Ohio River Valley
- The Comet Astrobiology Exploration SAmple Return (CAESAR) Mission
- The Deep-time Digital Earth Program: Data Driven Discovery in the Geosciences
- Understanding Physical Drivers of the 2016 Marine Heatwave in the Northwest Atlantic
- Understanding Seasonality in Water Clarity in 10,000+ Lakes Across the Contiguous United States Using Remote Sensing
- What is Neo-Informatics?
- A Dashboard for Identifying Flood Risks of Healthcare Facilities
- Attenuation Structure of the Eastern Rift System of Northern Tanzania and Southern Kenya from a Joint Inversion of P and S Wave Spectra of Earthquakes Recorded at Local and Teleseismic Distances
- Binary Classification Edge Cases in Cyclones Using AlexNet and ResNet Neural Networks
- Chronic Respiratory Disease: Exploring the Potentials and Limitations for Risk Modeling
- Developing the Cross-Disciplinary Information Model for NASAs Science Mission Directorate
- Exploring functional diversity and metabolic capabilities of microbial communities across the continental and marine subsurface
- Identifying Vulnerable Healthcare Facilities Due to the Effects of Precipitation
- Imaging a Potential Lithospheric Root Trapped Above the Pampean Flat Slab
- Impacts of Wildfire on Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in Small Coastal Watersheds
- Methods and results of truly interdisciplinary data discovery
- Mineral Informatics: Analysis and Visualization of Minerals through Time and Space
- Mineral network analysis: A multidimensional approach to exploring geological, geochemical, and biological patterns in mineralization
- Multi-proxy constraints on Marine Isotope Stage 5e sea-level position in the U.S. Atlantic Coastal Plain: Implications for glacio-isostatic adjustment and sea-level modeling.
- New Approaches for Characterization of Petroleum Hydrocarbon Oxidation Products
- Observed pre-earthquake transients features in the Earths atmosphere-ionosphere environment associated with M8.2 earthquake, July 28th Chignik, Alaska.
- Utilizing Preprocessing Techniques, Keras Tuner, and Transfer Learning on Cloud Street Dataset
- Watershed structural controls on water, carbon, and nutrient export in fire-affected head water streams
- Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms to Predict Landslide Probability
- Are Volatiles from the Pampean Flat Slab Fracking the Crust? Evidence from an Enhanced Seismicity Catalogue
- Ecophysiological Impacts of Long-term Whole Ecosystem Warming and Elevated CO2 on a Forested Boreal Bog
- Enabling Data Dexterity Among Students Using a NASA Data Pathfinder
- Enigmatic CO2 Weathering Consumption and Climatic Response of the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province (CAMP) Straddling the Tropics of Pangea
- Reanalyzing Existing Seismic Observations to Image the Pampean Flat Slab Region
- Using banded iron formations to resolve variations in the Precambrian paleomagnetic field: first steps and future directions
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- Adina Paytan
- Adrienne Hoarfrost
- Anirudh Prabhu
- B. P. Weiss
- Brandi Kiel Reese
- Christina Richardson
- Claire Nichols
- Cody S. Sheik
- D. M. Ricciuto
- David C. Podgorski
- Debra A. Willard
- Dennis V. Kent
- Dimitar Ouzounov
- Eric J. Ward
- H. C. Watson
- James A. Bradley
- Jessica K. Leet
- Kaylin Bugbee
- M. A. Kubiak
- M. A. Mischna
- M. A. Parsons
- M. A. Zimmer
- M. Bzowski
- Michael Toomey
- Paul J. Hanson
- Pauli Kehayias
- Perry A. Gerakines
- Peter Fox
- Robert M. Hazen
- Ruth Duerr
- S. M. Morrison
- Shelley A. Wright
- Teresa Nieves‐Chinchilla
- Yanchu Yang