University of Minnesota, Department of Geology and Geophysics
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Coral Perspective on Modern and Late Pleistocene Climate Variability in the South Pacific
- A New Method For The Separation Of Weak Antiferromagnetic Signal From A Strong Ferrimagnetic Background
- A Stabilizing Dynamical Influence in the Deep Mantle due to the Radiative Thermal Conductivity and a high temperature at the Core-Mantle Boundary
- A Whole-Basin Sediment Record of Local and Regional Land-Use Change From Lake St. Croix in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
- Combined field and experimental constraints on quartzite flow laws, and application to the rheology of the continental crust
- Construction and Demise of Orogenic Plateaux in the North American Cordillera
- Deformation Enhanced Fluid Focusing in Mantle Wedge
- Delayed Cooling of the Earth's Mantle due to Variable Thermal Conductivity
- Effect of Water on Fe-Mg Interdiffusion in Olivine
- Effects of Water on the Lattice Preferred Orientation in Olivine
- Fluctuations of Atmospheric Radiocarbon During the Last Glacial Maximum
- Focussed Episodic Martian Volcanism From Chemical Differentiation Coupled With Variable Thermal Conductivity
- GeoWall: Stereo Projection Systems Designed for Earth Science Classrooms
- Grain-Boundary Sliding Accommodated Dislocation Creep in Dunite
- Influence of Water on Creep Behavior of Diopside Aggregates
- Interactions of Deformation and Fluid Migration I: Melt Segregation in the Viscous Regime
- Microbial Growth of a Denitrifying Bacteria at In-situ Hydrothermal Conditions: Implications for Biomineralization at Mid-ocean Ridges
- Oblique Convergence under Increasing Plate-Boundary Curvature: Pliocene-Holocene Partitioned Transtension in the Eastern Hellenic Forearc
- Potassium Partitioning Between Iron Sulfide and Peridotite Melt at 2.0 GPa
- Riparian Vegetation: Controls on Channel Planform in Noncohesive Beds
- Strain modeling of attachment zones developed between brittle and ductile crust at wrenching plate boundaries
- Structure and Chemistry of Grain Boundaries in Deformed, Olivine + Basalt and Partially Molten Lherzolite Aggregates: Evidence of Melt-free Grain Boundaries
- Subduction Initiation: Criticality by Addition of Water?
- The Causes of Time Variations of Winds and Temperatures in a Geomagnetic Storm
- The Evolution of the Causes of Negative Storm Effects at Middle Latitudes
- The Growth of Point Source Plumes at High Rayleigh Numbers for Prandtl Numbers up to 1000
- The Role of Flux Melting on U-series Systematics of Young Lavas from Costa Rica and Nicaragua
- Trace Element Partitioning Between Vacancy-rich Eclogitic Clinopyroxene and Anhydrous Silicate Melt at 3.0 GPa and 1335-1365 \deg C
- Where does the Source of the Icelandic Plume lie? (Enigmatic Observations with a Dynamic Solution)
- A Rock Magnetic and HRTEM Study of Nanocrystalline Goethite: Crystal Growth by Oriented Aggregation
- Anisotropic Permeability and Melt Redistribution in Dynamic Systems
- Biogeochemistry of Hydrothermal Chimney Environments: Continuous-Flow Experiments at in situ Temperature and Pressure
- Community Research in Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism at the Institute for Rock Magnetism (IRM), University of Minnesota
- Coupling Between Knickpoint Migration and Hillslope Failures: an Experimental Study
- Determining the climatic boundary between the Chinese loess and paleosol: Evidence from aeolian coarse-grained magnetite
- Development of Pressure Shadows in Partially Molten Rocks
- Endogenic Carbonate Sediment Flux in Lakes as an Indicator of Paleo-Groundwater Recharge
- Erosion Rate Variability in Steady State Landscapes: Sources and Implications
- Experimental Observations of Deformation-driven Melt Segregation in Mantle Rocks: Connecting Melt Distribution and Rheology
- Flow and kinematics of partially molten continental crust measured by both low- and high-field AMS
- Garnet/silicate Liquid Partitioning in Mafic Lithologies
- Grain Boundary Chemistry in Mantle Rocks
- Identification of 3-D Mantle Plumes and the Relative Contributions of the Surface Heat Flow by Wavelet Thresholding
- Influence of Water on the Compressional Mechanism of Wadsleyite
- Isotopic Fractionation in Magnetite-Catalyzed Hydrothermal Carbon Dioxide Reduction Processes
- Lowstands in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana Suggest Episodes of Late-Quaternary Lowland Tropical Aridity
- Multi-Resolution Clustering Analysis and Visualization of Around One Million Synthetic Earthquake Events
- Multiscale reconstruction of shallow marine sediments using wavelet correlation
- Mutually Interacting Ductile or Quasi-Brittle Faults from Coupling of Water-EOS-Rheology and Thermal-Mechanics
- Non-hydrostatic Wetting of Grain Boundaries in Mantle Rocks
- Numerical Modeling of the Low-temperature Magnetism of SSD Magnetite
- Paired <SUP>230</SUP>Th - <SUP>14</SUP>C Ages of Deep-Sea Corals From the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Partial Melting Experiments of Bimineralic Eclogite and the Origin of Ocean Island Basalts
- Petromagnetic Evidences of the Coupling between Catchment Soil Processes and Hydrobiological Change in a Tropical Lake
- Quantification of Natural and Anthropogenic Components in Karst Aquifer Discharge Under Variable Flow Conditions: A Case Study of the Classical Karst (Kras), Southwestern Slovenia
- Rayleigh-Taylor Instabilities Drive " Cold Plumes" at Suduction Zones
- Rheological Constraints on the Plastic Lithosphere
- Scaling Properties of Laboratory-Generated Stream Networks
- Secular Cooling Rates of the Mantle : Various Influences
- TEM Study of Intergranular Fluid Distributions in Rocks at a Nanometer Scale
- The Effect of Fe Content on the Rheological Behavior of Olivine
- The Institute for Rock Magnetism and its Role in Initiating Routine Low-Temperature Magnetic Measurements in Environmental Magnetism, Rock Magnetism and Paleomagnetism.
- Using Cosmogenic Nuclides to Examine Erosional Steady-State in the Western Alps
- WiggleView : Visualizing Large Seismic Datasets
- a Large-Scale Spectral Parallel Implementation of 2-D Poisson Equation with Applications to Mesoscale Crystal Surfaces
- A Coral Perspective on Holocene Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool
- A High Resolution, Absolute-Dated Holocene and Deglacial Asian Monsoon Record From Dongge Cave, China
- A Speleothem Climate Record of the Last Deglaciation From Southwestern Oregon
- Continental-Margin Response to Sea Level: Theory and Experiment
- Crystallographic-Preferred Orientation vs. Shape-Preferred Orientation of Mineral Inclusions in Garnet
- Data-mining Analysis and Multi-dimensional Visualization of Earthquake Clusters in a GRID-Like Interactive Environment
- Demonstrating NaradaBrokering as a Middleware Fabric for Grid-based Remote Visualization Services
- Determining of Grainsizes of Susceptibility and Anhysteretic Remanent Magnetization Carriers in Chinese Loess-Paleosol Ssequences
- Effect of Water on the Rheological Behavior of Fe-rich Olivine
- Episodic Forearc Uplift Related to Subduction of the Woodlark Basin, Western Solomons Arc: Intermittent Aseismic Slip or Multi-Century Earthquake Recurrence Intervals?
- Equilibrium Grain Boundary Segregation in Mantle Rocks: Grain Boundaries as Reservoirs of Incompatible Elements
- Experimental Constraints on Hydrothermal Fe-flux in Archean-Like Sea Water: Implications for Fe Transport in the Precambrian Seas and Precipitation of Banded Iron Formation.
- Experimental constraints on the role of pyroxenite partial melting in formation of basaltic magmas
- Fracture Toughness of Silicate Garnets: Applications and Preliminary Data
- GeoWall on the Cheap; Stereo Paper Maps in the Classroom and the Field
- GeoWall-2 : a Scalable Display System for the Geosciences
- High Resolution Characterization of the Asian Monsoon Climate During MIS 5 and 6, Dongge Cave, China
- Hydrologic Variability During the Last 10,000 Years in the Tropical Andes
- Hydrothermal Reduction of Carbon Dioxide at 250° C and 500 bar
- Imaging D" Beneath Mexico Using American P Wave Data
- Influence of water on the compressional mechanism of β and γ spinels
- Initial <SUP>230</SUP>Th and isotopic compositions of U and Th in a Holocene stalagmite from Ninh Binh, Vietnam
- IntCal04: A New Consensus Radiocarbon Calibration Dataset from 0-26 ka BP
- Interplate and Intraplate Decoupling: A 3D View from Surface Geology and Seismicity, Eastern Hellenic Forearc, Greece
- Is the Wilson Cycle Caused by the Memory Effect of Water?
- Low-Temperature Magnetometry of Synthetic Titanohematite (y = 0.7): A Way to Get Closer to Resolving the Mechanism of rTRM?
- Melt Segregation & LPO in Anorthite-Basalt Deformed in Torsion
- Melt segregation, strain partitioning, olivine CPO, and the origin of seismic anisotropy in oceanic lithosphere
- Millennial and Centennial Variability of the California Current System During the Holocene Recorded in Santa Barbara Basin
- Millennial-Scale ITCZ Variability in the Tropical Atlantic and Dynamics of Amazonian Rain Forest
- NaradaBrokering as Middleware Fabric for Grid-based Remote Visualization Services
- On Grain Boundary Wetting During Deformation
- Organic Matter and Wind Strength: the Two Workhorses Shaping Magnetic Susceptibility Fluctuations in Loess Deposits of Central Alaska
- Robust Compositional Heterogeneity Throughout the Mantle Inferred from Probabilistic Tomography
- Rock Magnetic and HRTEM Study of Iron Oxyhydroxide Nanoparticles
- Serpentinization and Heat Generation at Slow Spreading Ridges
- Significance of Ilmenite for REE and P Distribution in Garnet From Metapelitic Schists
- Small-scale structure of the core-mantle boundary beneath four regions of the Pacific and Indian Ocean
- Stability of Carbonated Eclogite in the Upper Mantle: Experimental Solidus from 2 to 9 GPa
- The Dutchess County, New York, Barrovian Sequence as a Teaching Tool for Metamorphic Petrology
- The Effect of Carbonate Composition and Concentration on the Solidus of Carbonated Eclogite: An Experimental Study at 3 GPa
- The Effect of Critical Points in Radiative Thermal Conductivity (With Grain Size and Temperature) on the Transition Zone and Lower Mantle
- The Role of Stereo Projection in Developing an Effective Concluding Earth Science Course
- The State of the GeoWall
- The western Idaho shear zone: a transpressional self-exhuming, intra-arc shear zone
- Upper Mantle and Transition Zone Geochemical Heterogeneity: Seismic Constraints on the ~80% Peridotite Solution
- Visualization of Complex Multiscale Phenomena at Subduction Zones
- Visualiztion of Viscous Heating in the Earth's Mantle Induced by Glacial Loading
- WEB-IS (Integrated System): An Overall View
- WEB-IS2: Next Generation Web Services Using Amira Visualization Package
- Water Weakening of Clinopyroxene in the Diffusion Creep Regime
- A Grid Framework for Visualization Services
- A High-Resolution Absolute-Dated Penultimate Glacial Monsoon Record From Hulu and Dongge Caves, China and Global Correlations of Events Surrounding Termination II
- A new InterRidge Working Group : Biogeochemical Interactions at Deep-sea Vents
- Abiotic Synthesis of Methane Under Alkaline Hydrothermal Conditions: the Effect of pH in Heterogeneous Catalysis
- Adaptive Multi-Resolution Data Structure for Large-Scale Visualization and Modeling of Multi-Scale Geological Processes.
- Ain't No Mountain High Enough: Reconstructing Paleoelevation of Eroded Orogens
- An Alluvial Fan Spectral Surface Analysis Comparison of Airborne LIDAR and GPS Data for the Calico Fault, Mojave Desert, California
- Application of Time-Series Method for Estimating Surface Water - Groundwater Interaction from Streambed Thermal Records
- CANOE: A Broadband Array in Northwestern Canada
- Changing Attitudes and Assessments When Working With Maps: Use of Anaglyph Maps in the Classroom
- Crustal vertical motions from paleogeodetic data of the Sumatran subduction zone, 1950 to 2003: Steady vs. episodic strain accumulation.
- Dependence of Dunite Viscosity on Oxygen Fugacity
- Documentation of Carbonate Platform Drowning During MIS 4 in the Huon Gulf, Papua New Guinea
- Dynamical Consequences of the Post-Perovksite Phase Transition and Implications for Radiative Heat Transfer in Deep Mantle.
- Effect of Water and Iron Content on the Rheological Behavior of Olivine
- Evidence for Decadal and Centennial Variability of Southwest Indian Monsoon Precipitation During the Bolling-Ållerod
- Fast Timescale Phenomena at Changbaishan Volcano as Inferred from Recent Seismic Activities
- Geo-myths and Misconceptions: Students' Alternate Views of How Our World Works
- Heat Transport in Peatlands: a bog and fen Comparison
- High-Resolution 3-D Numerical Studies on the Interplay between Variable Thermal Conductivity and Post-Perovskite Phase Transition
- Imaging Lower Mantle Structure by Waveform Migration in 3D Tomographic Models
- Immiscible Transition from Carbonate-rich to Silicate-rich Melts in Eclogite+CO<SUB>2</SUB> and Genesis of Ocean Island Melilitite
- Interactive Collaborative Visualization in the Geosciences
- Interhemispheric precipitation seesaw: mirror images of oxygen isotopic records from caves in S. Brazil and E. China
- Mantle Discontinuities Beneath the United States and Gulf of Mexico From ScS Reverberations
- Modeling of 6-line Ferrihydrite Low-Temperature Magnetic Properties for Environmental Change Studies
- Processes and Rates of Mass Transfer in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems: An Experimental Study with Implications for Dissolved Inorganic and Organic Components in High-Temperature Vent Fluids
- Relationship between grain/interphase boundary energies and phase diagrams
- Relative geomorphic surface chronology measured by high-resolution LIDAR topography
- Select, High-Resolution Windows Into Sub-Centennial-Scale Climate Variability in the Western Pacific Warm Pool Between 7 and 12 ka
- Slip rate of the Calico fault: Implications for anomalous geodetic strain accumulation across the Eastern California shear zone
- Stereo Visualization and Map Comprehension
- Stress-Driven Melt Segregation and Organization in Partially Molten Rocks I: Experimental Observations of Coupled Evolution of Melt Distribution and Rheological Properties
- Stress-Driven Melt Segregation and Organization in Partially Molten Rocks II: Strain Partitioning and Crystallographic Preferred Orientations
- Stress-Driven Melt Segregation and Organization in Partially Molten Rocks III: Annealing Experiments and Surface Tension-Driven Redistribution of Melt
- Stress-Driven Melt Segregation and Shear Localization in Partially Molten Aggregates: Experiments in Torsion
- The Dynamics of the Post-Perovskite Boundary as Portrayed by the Shallow-Water Equations
- The Effect of Large Melt Fraction on the Deformation Behavior of Peridotite: Implications for the Viscosity of Io's Mantle and the Rheologically Critical Melt Fraction
- The Role Of Hydrologic Pathways And Biogenic Methane In The Sarita Wetland, St. Paul, Minnesota
- The giant subduction earthquakes of 1797 and 1833, West Sumatra: Characteristic couplets, uncharacteristic slip
- The post perovskite phase transition: implications for shear-induced poro-viscoelastic interactions at D''
- Tomographic simulation of cold hydrous plumes above slabs
- Unique Aspects of Proposed San Antonio/Guadalupe Hydrologic Observatory in Texas
- Vizualization Challenges of a Subduction Simulation Using One Billion Markers
- Water Partition Coefficients Between Nominally Anhydrous Minerals and Basaltic Melts: Implication on Mantle Melting
- 3D Maps: Tools for the Classroom
- A Comparison of 20th Century and Holocene Historical Lake Areas and Implications for Reconstruction of Holocene Moisture Balance.
- A High Resolution Absolute-dated Oxygen Isotope Record of the Past 7000 Years from Spring Valley Caverns, Southeastern MN, USA
- A Step in the D'' Shear Velocity Discontinuity Beneath the Cocos Plate Imaged by Kirchhoff Migration
- A Web-based visualization tool for very large 2D geophysical datasets
- Aluminum coordination and density of 4 and 5 component high-pressure aluminosilicate glasses
- Automated Generation of Web Services for Visualization Toolkits
- Basic Lacustrine Sediment Core Description and Curation as the Foundation for Multi-Proxy Studies of Continental Paleoenvironmental Records
- Beyond Finding Faults: Testing Tectonic Geomorphology Hypotheses with Airborne Laser Swath Mapping of the Eastern California Shear Zone
- Boulder, Pavement, Pit; Sample Selection for Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating on Alluvial Fans
- Brittle-like Deformation and Coeval Glass Formation in Mid- to Lower Continental Crust
- Characterization of the Asian Monsoon during Marine Isotope Stages 8 and 9 from Stalagmite Calcite Collected from Dongge Cave, China
- CoreWall: A Scalable Interactive Tool for Visual Core Description, Data Visualization, and Stratigraphic Correlation
- Cosmogenic Nuclide Surficial Age Comparison between Boulders and Desert Pavement in the Mojave Desert, California
- Crustal Anisotropy of the Archean Continental Lithosphere in the Minnesota River Valley Subprovince
- Crustal Flow and Kinematic Hinges in Metamorphic Core Complexes from the North American Cordillera and the Aegean
- Crystal Defects and Their Magnetic Effects: `Stories' From the Past and Present.
- Development of Three-Dimensional Geologic Model as Spatial Framework for Study of the Ferrar Magmatic System, Dry Valleys, Antarctica
- Effect of Hydrogen on Mg-Fe Interdiffusion in Ferro-periclase
- Effect of Variable Carbonate Concentration on the Solidus of Mantle Peridotite
- Enhanced Heating by Post-Perovskite Phase Transition: Implications for the Thermal and Mechanical State in the Lower Mantle
- Entropy And Phase Equilibria Of KAlSi3O8 Hollandite
- Evaluating New Roles, Styles, and Opportunities for Map Use in Earth Science Classrooms
- Experimental deformation of Al2SiO5 polymorphs
- Experimental investigation of the creep behavior of olivine at pressures up to 12 GPa
- Fault Tolerant Distributed Middleware for VLAB
- Formation of Intermediate Carbon Phases in Hydrothermal Abiotic Organic Synthesis
- Global Cycling of Carbon Constrained by Partial Melting Experiments of Carbonated Mantle Peridotite and Eclogite
- Global and Regional Climate Correlations During Marine Isotope Stage 7 and Termination III Using a Stalagmite Oxygen Isotopic Record From Dongge Cave, China
- Grid Based Techniques for Visualization in the Geosciences
- High-Performance Computing and Visualization of Tsunamis and Wind-Driven Waves
- Hydrothermal Fluxes in Europan Ocean: The Effect of Seawater and Oceanic Crust Composition
- Implications of 40Ar/39Ar Geochronology for Fluid Transfer and Magma Generation Across Southeastern Guatemala
- In-situ Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids from Black Smokers in Main Endeavour Field, Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Interhemispheric Anti-phased Climate Changes During the Last Deglaciation
- Interpretation of the paleoceanography during the mid-Cretaceous from geochemical data and simple box model
- Limits and applications of high precision coral 230Th dating techniques
- Macroscopic Bubble Network Formation in the Presence of Crystals
- Mantle Dynamics of Super-Earth Extrasolar Planet under Extreme Temperature and Pressure Conditions Extreme Temperature and Pressure conditions
- Mapping of the Transition Zone Discontinuities Beneath the Southwest Pacific Ocean
- Melting Interval of Natural Carbonated Lherzolite at 3 GPa and Genesis of Alkalic OIBs
- New 230Th ages from the -400 m reef of northwestern Hawaii
- New Dates and Revelations on the Last Interglacial Terrace, Barbados, West Indies
- Oceanic Distributions of Si, N, and Their Isotopes in a Low-Resolution Ocean Model
- Petrological-thermomechanical modeling: methodology and examples
- Phase Separation During Deformation of a Two-Phase Rock
- Reconstructing Paleoelevation of the Cenozoic North American Cordillera- The Stable Isotope Record of Coupled Basin-Detachment Systems
- River Captures and Erosional Disequilibrium Along Strike-slip Faults
- Sensitivity of simulated stream water N and P concentrations and N:P ratios to precipitation regimes in a central Minnesota watershed
- Silica Deposition in Two Large, Natural Riverine Lakes Sheds Light on Global Silica Cycle
- Solute Export Through Transpiration: A Possible Control of Soil Water Chemistry?
- Superadiabaticity of the lowermost part of the mantle thermally controlled by the post-perovskite phase transition
- Support to Paleolimnological Research Provided by the Limnological Research Center and National Lacustrine Core Repository (LRC LacCore Facility), University of Minnesota
- Temperature Effects on Phase Relations in Ultramafic-Hosted Hydrothermal Systems
- Temperature effects on the synthesis of Si-Ferrihydrite nanoparticles of variable sizes identified by magnetic measurements
- The Cenozoic Rise and Fall of the Western United States
- The Effect of Melt Content and Wetting Behavior on the Viscosity of Deformed Partially Molten Peridotite
- The Rainbow Hydrothermal System: Experimental and Theoretical Controls on Vent Fluid Chemistry and Subseafloor Alteration Processes
- The Role of Electron Carriers for Thermal Conductivity in Super-Earth Planets
- Thermal-Chemical Model Of Subduction: Results And Tests
- Tradeoffs in Chemical and Thermal Variations in the Post-perovskite Phase Transition: Mixed Phase Regions in the Deep Lower Mantle?
- Transient and Steady-State Kinematic Response to Erosional Forcing in an Orogenic Wedge: Sandbox Perspective
- U/Th Geochronology of Carbonate Chimneys at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- Unusual Upper and Lower Mantle Discontinuities Detected Under the Western Pacific
- Uranium-Thorium Isotopic Analyses of Basalts From Behind the Volcanic Front, Southeastern Guatemala
- VLab: A Grid for Planetary Materials Computations
- Volumetric Rendering of Geophysical Data on Adaptive Wavelet Grid
- Water-weakening of a Crustal Clinopyroxenite: A Few Protons go a Long Way
- A High-Resolution Holocene Speleothem Record From Southwestern Oregon, USA
- A Responsive Client for Distributed Visualization
- A high-resolution speleothem record of Indian monsoon during the Younger Dryas chronozone from Yunnan, southwestern China
- A magnetic approach for determining mineralogy and particle size of hydrothermal iron flocs at Vailulu'u seamount
- Adaptive Multigrid Solution of Stokes' Equation on CELL Processor
- An Update on CoreWall Tool Suite Development: An Integrated Approach for Data Discovery, Description, Visualization, and Correlation
- Anomalous Hydrothermal Activity in Hot Creek Gorge Area, Long Valley Caldera, California, USA
- Automatic Generation of Remote Visualization Tools with WATT
- Avulsion Clusters in Alluvial Systems: An Example of Large-Scale Self-Organization in Ancient and Experimental Basins
- Carbonated silicate melting induced dehydration of mantle peridotite beneath mid-ocean ridges
- Correlation of GIS Events 21 and 22 With the Asian Monsoon Record From Dongge Cave, and a Complete Record of Monsoon Variability Since the Penultimate Interglacial
- Deformation and Exhumation Patterns in Scaled Contractional Orogens Using Digital Image Correlation Techniques
- Deformation-induced polymorphic transformation of kyanite and andalusite
- Detection of submicron rim growth on zircon using ion microprobe U-Pb age depth profiling
- Determination of Initial 230Th/232Th Ratios in a Speleothem from Spring Valley Caverns, Minnesota, Using Fluorescent Annual Banding
- Dissolved Carbon Species in Diffuse and Focused Flow Hydrothermal Vents at the Main Endeavour Field, Northern Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Evidence of a mid-mantle discontinuity beneath South America
- Frequency Dependant P Wave Structure of D" Beneath Central America Imaged by Kirchhoff Migration
- From Map Texture Observations to Geologic Interpretations: The Quaternary Glacio-Fluvial History of the Upper Midwest Using Anaglyph Stereo Maps
- Geologic fault slip rates support transitory, elevated geodetic strain accumulation across the Mojave Desert, Eastern California shear zone
- Geoscientific Applications of Ultra-high Resolution Numerical Modelling
- Groundwater as a Sampling Tool and Transfer Function for Magmatic Heat and Gases to Constrain Hot Spot Dynamics
- Heat and Helium Transport: The Effect of Subsurface Processes on Near-Surface Signals
- High Resolution Lacustrine Records of Climate and Environmental Variability in the Northern Iberian Peninsula Since Last Deglaciation
- Insights Into Magmatic Properties From Multiphase Percolation Theory
- Kinetic fractionation processes recorded in the stalagmites of some limestone caves in Korea
- Mantle Convection Triggered by Mechanical Heating during Core Formation: A 2-D Study
- Millennial-scale interhemispheric asymmetry of low-latitude precipitation: speleothem evidences and possible high-latitude forcing
- New Insights Into Southwest Indian Summer Monsoon Variability Since the Last Glacial Episode From Stalagmite Paleoclimate Records
- Overcoming Students' Misconceptions in Earth Science Education
- Sampling depositional time capsules for cosmogenic nuclide-derived erosion rates from the pre-anthropogenic past
- Sea Surface Temperature Variations in the Western Pacific Warm Pool in the Pre-Industrial Period
- Seasonal Variations in Water Chemistry and Sediment Composition in Three Minnesota Lakes
- Slab interaction with the PPV transition causes complex seismic structure near the CMB.
- Spatial Indexing of Datasets for CoreWall: CoreNavigator
- Stalagmite Records of Interglacial and Glacial Flooding at Crevice Cave, Missouri, USA
- Surface Tension-Driven Melt Flow in the Upper Mantle: An Experimental and Modeling Approach to Studying Capillary Flow of Silicate Melt Through an Olivine Matrix
- Synthesis and high-pressure synchrotron-infrared studies of OH-bearing silicate perovskite in the laser-heated diamond cell
- The Brittle-Ductile Transition - A Self-Consistent Approach.
- The Effect of Temperature on OH in Olivine at 8 GPa
- The REE (+Y) And Major Element Chemistry Of An Anhydrite/Caminite Dominated Black Smoker Sample, EPR 9 50'N
- The Response of Calcite Lysocline to Thermohaline Circulation Changes
- The Role of Lake-Dotted Landscapes in Regional Climate Change as Illustrated by Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Historic Lake-Level Change in Minnesota, USA
- The Signature of Fossil Subduction in Northwestern Canada
- The Transport of Free-Phase Methane in Hydraulically Confined and Unconfined Peat Strata Analyzed by Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- The Use of Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) Computation in Geophysical Visualization
- Thermal structure of the solid Earth, and its implication to the mechanism of superplume formation
- Towards Modelling slow Earthquakes with Geodynamics
- Tsunami Hazards Along the Chinese Coast from Potential Earthquakes
- U and Th Concentration and Isotopic Composition of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Lost City Hydrothermal Field
- U-Pb SHRIMP investigation of the timing and duration of melt production and migration in a Pacific margin gneiss dome, Fosdick Mountains, Antarctica
- Uphill Water Flow - An Example of the Crucial Role of Students' Prior Knowledge in Geoscience Education
- Upper Mantle Discontinuity Structure From Receiver Functions Along the CANOE Array
- Upscaling Pumice-Sized Bubble Networks to the Volcanic Conduit Scale: Implications for Magma Permeabilities and Volatile Degassing Rates
- Using Pore-Scale Analyses of Composite Materials to Determine Their Macroscopic Properties
- Vanishing Act: Experiments on Fission Track Annealing in Monazite
- Veins and Shortening Structures, an Example from Valle de Bravo, Mexico State, Central Mexico
- 300,000 Years of Asian Monsoon History from Caves: Piecing Together the Patterns, Triggers, and Feedbacks of Abrupt and Orbital-Scale Climate Change
- A 30 year study of carbon, groundwater, and climate coupling in a large boreal peat basin
- A 700-year-long paleoseismic context for the Sumatran megathrust earthquakes of 2007
- A Dry Episode during the Younger Dryas and Centennial to Decadal Scale Weak Monsoon Events during the Early Holocene: A High-Resolution Stalagmite Record from Southeast of the Loess Plateau, China
- A new Reconstruction for the Onset of the Younger Dryas: Evidence From Speleothem, Tree Ring, and Marine Varve 14C Archives and Greenland Ice Core Proxies
- Absence of P-wave Reflectivity Near the D" S-wave Velocity Discontinuity in the Lowermost Mantle beneath the Cocos Plate
- Base-level Response to Holocene Climate Change in the Central Appalachian Mountains of North America: Preview of Global Warming?
- Calibration of the infrared molar absorption coefficients by elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) for H measurements in olivine and clinopyroxene crystals and rhyolitic glasses
- Characterization of sediment sources in the Le Sueur River watershed, southern Minnesota
- Constructional canyons built by sheet-like turbidity currents: Observations from offshore Brunei Darussalam
- Continental Assembly and Anisotropy Beneath the CANOE Array
- Coupled Transport of Magma- and Mantle-Sourced Heat and Helium in Heterogeneous, Fractured Aquifers
- Crustal anisotropy in the Archean Minnesota River Valley Subprovince and its significance
- Decadal to Centennial Variability of Erosion Rates in a Rapidly Degrading Channel Network
- Deep Upper Mantle Melting Detected with ScS Reverberations near Subduction Zones
- Development of Magnetic Fabrics in Experimental Shear Zones During Plastic Deformation
- Development of a Visualization Rain Table: A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall
- Episodes of Midwestern USA Stalagmite Deposition Correlated With Major Stage Boundaries of the Marine Oxygen Isotope Record
- Estimates of glacial Si and N dynamics in the Glacial Southern Ocean using Isotopic Mass balance
- Faults induced by Slab Bending: A Consequence of Pressure-Dependent Plasticity Coupled with Dislocation Creep
- Gains in efficiency and scientific potential of continental climate reconstruction provided by the LRC LacCore Facility, University of Minnesota
- Geochemical Consequence of Extraction of Incipient CO2-rich melts from Earth's Deep Upper Mantle
- Geophysical Evidence for Abiotic Controls on Peatland Patterning at Multiple Scales
- Grain-Grain Interfaces in Diffusion and Deformation
- Ground Penetrating Radar Mapping of Spatially Continuous, Free-Phase Methane Trapping Layers in Glacial Lake Aggasiz Peatlands (GLAP), MN.
- Guaranteed Convergence Rates for Iterative Solutions of Elliptic PDEs with Strongly Varying Coefficients
- Heat Capacity of γ-Fe2SiO4 and Thermodynamic Calculation of Fayalite - γ-Fe2SiO4 Phase Transition Boundary
- Hidden Records Of Critical Melt Fraction? Constant Intergranular Component In Mantle Xenoliths
- High Resolution, Absolute Dated Terrestrial Climate Record of Temperature and Precipitation From the Eastern US Covering 0-7ka, 116-127ka, and 145-298 ka
- High-Precision Dating of Migmatites in an Exhumed Continental Arc
- High-Resolution Seismic Reflection and Refraction Imaging of the Hayward Fault in Fremont, Alameda County, California
- High-Resolution Speleothem Records of Climate Variability from the Northwestern Iberian Peninsula During the Last 30,000 Years
- Holocene Moisture Variations and Atmospheric Circulation Controls in the Qaidam Basin, Northwest China
- Hydrous Partial Melting of the Upper Mantle as Judged From Mineral/Melt Partition Coefficients.
- Imaging Delamination Beneath Tien Shan Using Multiple-ScS Reverberations
- Influence of Fe content on the creep properties of olivine under anhydrous and hydrous conditions
- Innovative Springshed Mapping for Trout Stream Management
- Interactive Visualization and Monitoring of Large-Scale 3-D Mantle Convection Runs
- Large Errors in Electron Microprobe Analysis of Laphamite due to Uncertainties in ZAF Correction Parameters
- Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of Heterogeneous Porous Media: A Comparison Between Three Approaches
- Low frequency climate variability in the Caribbean: what proxy reconstructions tell us
- Magmatism and Crustal Structure of the North Cascades Arc, NW U.S.A.
- Magnetic Properties of Surface Sediments in Small Temperate Lakes: Modern Analogues for Paleolimnologic Research
- Mantel Convection Models of the D" Region
- Meeting at the Museum: Sustained Research Education Partnerships Start in Your Own Back Yard
- Methods of Permeability Calculation for Vesicular Materials
- Modes of Planetary Reshaping During Core Formation: Numerical Study
- Monoclinic c-axis selection at the Verwey transition: new insights from off-axis electron holography and the delta-ratio magnetosome detection method
- Natural Paleoseismometers: Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating of Precariously Balanced Rocks (PBRs) - Integral Constraints on Maximum Ground Accelerations
- North American Moisture Gradients over the Past 15,000 Years Recorded by Lake Levels
- Numerical Reconstructions of Volcanic Tephra: Using Tomography and Two-Point Correlation Functions to Determine Magma Permeability
- Numerical modeling of mantle wedge processes and exhumation of UHP mantle in subduction zones
- P and S body wave travel-time tomography of northwestern Canada
- Paleoclimatic impact on vertebrate activities: a speleothem record from Power Mill Creek Cave, Missouri
- Partitioning of Water Discharge by Distributary Channels in the Prograding, Wax Lake Delta, Coastal Louisiana, USA
- Potential Hazards of Tsunami Waves along the Chinese coast in the next 100 years
- Rapid Amazonian Moisture Oscillations Correlated with Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles
- Regional Reconstruction of Fire and Climate in Western Mongolia During the Past 1000 Years: Modern Lake Systems and Their Connection With Climate
- Rock Magnetic Detection of Two Coercivity Components of Magnetosomes in Lake Ely Sediments
- Searching for Dynamical Earthquake Precursors with Surrogate Data
- Simulations of Stiffness and Yield Stress Growth in Crystal Networks
- Speleothem-based Holocene Climate History in Southwestern Oregon
- Stress-Driven Melt Segregation and Shear Localization in Partially Molten Aggregates: Experiments in Torsion
- The CoreWall Project: An Update for 2007
- The Magnetic Properties and Fabric of Granulite Facies Deep Crustal Rocks in the Mount Hay Region, southeastern Arunta Block, Central Australia
- The variation of monsoon precipitation in central China since last deglaciation
- Variation of initial Th-230/Th-232 and limits of high precision U-Th dating of shallow-water corals
- Ventilation of CO2 from a reduced mantle and the climate history of Mars
- xMELTS: A thermodynamic model for the estimation of magmatic phase relations over the pressure range 0-30 GPa and at temperatures up to 2500 C
- A Multi-Parameter Approach to Assessing the Origin of Sediment-Magnetic Signatures in Small, Temperate-Climate Lakes
- A Sub-millennial Scale Comparison Between the East Asian Monsoon and the North Atlantic Climate During the Mystery Interval
- A speleothem-based high resolution reconstruction of climate in Southeastern Brazil over the past 4000 y
- Ar/Ar Dates From Tarrafal, Santo Antao, Cape Verde: Re-evaluation of two Brunhes age Excursions
- Asian Monsoon Millennial-Scale Variability During the Last Glacial Period and its Links to North Atlantic Climate
- Bicentennial Earthquake Supercycles Inferred from Relative Sealevel Changes in Corals off West Sumatra
- Can the longwavelength geoid be used to map postperovskite in the D" layer?
- Centennial- to millennial-scale changes in tropical Pacific climate from central tropical Pacific fossil corals: temperature and hydrological signals
- Characteristics of Polycrystalline Garnets in Micaschists From the Southern Menderes Massif (Turkey) and the Solitude Range (BC, Canada)
- Climate change in the mid-latitudes of North America during the marine isotope stage 11
- Climate changes in northeastern margin of Tibetan Plateau since 8ka BP --- The speleothem records
- Climatic and Anthropogenic Influences on Lake-Sediment Records in Western Mongolia
- Comparison Between Mid-Holocene and Twentieth Century Climatic Change and Alpine Treeline Fluctuations in the Western U.S. Based on Compound-Specific Hydrogen Isotopes, Tree Rings, Pollen, and Macrofossils
- Constraints on early Franciscan subduction rates from 2-D thermal modeling
- Contrasting Moisture Shifts at Low- and High-Elevations Inferred from Annual-to- Centennial Resolution Fossil Pollen Data from the Qaidam Basin, Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- Dansgaard-Oeschger events in stalagmites from Turkey, Eastern Mediterranean
- Determining Low-Degree Partial Melts of Garnet Peridotite at 3 GPa by Modified Iterative Sandwich Experiments (MISE)
- Dislocations in single-domain grains: Linking stress fields to magnetic hysteresis properties
- Dynamic coupling and coeval contraction/extension in and around orogenic plateaux
- Dynamics of Metamorphic Core Complexes Inferred From Modeling and Metamorphic Petrology
- Effect of Emergent Aquatic Vegetation on Sediment Transport Within the St. Anthony Falls Laboratory Outdoor StreamLab
- Effect of majorite on convection pattern and thermal evolution of mantle
- Evidence for Long-period (14-30 Days) and Against Short-period (12-24 Hours) Tidal Modulation of Volcanic Tremor at Arenal Volcano, Costa Rica
- Further Evidence for a new Brunhes Chron Excursion Recorded in Lava Flows at Agua Nova, Santo Antao, Cape Verde
- Garnet Polycrystals in a Barrovian Sequence in Dutchess County, New York
- Geochemical Controls on the Composition of Hydrothermal Vent Fluids at EPR 9°N: pH and Redox Constraints from In Situ Chemical Sensor Deployments and Experimental and Theoretical Model Results
- Geoelectrical Imaging of a Major Active Fault and Implications for Seismic Hazard Assessment in the City of San Miguel Uspantan, Quiche, Guatemala
- Geologic CO2 sequestration in saline aquifers accounting for dual permeability/porosity environments.
- GeosciNET: Building a Global Geoinformatics Partnership
- High-precision Dating of Metamorphism and Melt Segregation in a Convergent Margin Setting: the North Cascades Continental Magmatic Arc
- Ice at the Late Cambrian Equator: Climate Extremes During a Greenhouse Earth and the Last Gasp of Proterozoic-like Conditions
- Implication of a high viscosity hill in the mid-lower Mantle on the transient dynamics of the subduction of Kula-Farallon plate shown by slab morphology in global tomography
- Inferring North-American continental evolution from seismic tomography
- Insights into changes in precipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Integrating crystallographic data and phase equilibria to quantify P-T-X evolution during reaction texture formation
- Kinetics of H2-O2 Redox Equilibria and Metastable Formation of H2O2 Under low Temperature Hydrothermal Conditions
- Limitation of secondary electron multiplier non-linearity on accurate U-Th isotopic determination by MC-ICP-MS
- Magma Permeability Estimates From X-ray Tomography Scans
- Measurements of Low-Temperature Elasticity in dry Olivine Using the D-DIA
- Melting at the core-mantle boundary
- Millennial-Scale Events of Asian Monsoon Records From Three Caves in Southern China During the Last Glaciation
- Modeling Baroclinic Tides in the Eastern Flores Sea and Lombok Strait: Influences of Monsoon Winds and Co-Oscillation Tides in the Java Sea
- Modeling the Effects of Variable Recharge and Conduit Geometry on Flow Through Karstic Aquifers
- Multiple, discrete till sheets created in differently sourced ice streams are deposited in the Des Moines lobe, USA
- New 230Th dating methods applied to Chinese Caves: the Asian Monsoon on glacial to cultural timescales
- North Atlantic Climate Variability: Preliminary Analysis of Historical Weather Data and Stable Isotope Time Series of Cave Dripwater and Holocene-Age Stalagmites from Bermuda
- Numerical Study on the Seismic Wave Propagation Excited by Wenchuan earthquake
- Orbital- to Centennial-Scale Asian Monsoon Changes From Chinese Speleothem Records During the Late Pleistocene
- Phase equilibria controls on fluid chemistry at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field, Mid- Atlantic Ridge
- Pleistocene/Holocene Paleoclimates of the Appalachian Mountains: High Resolution Insights From Speleothems
- Polycrystalline Garnet Porphyroblasts, an EBSD Study
- Preferred Flow Path Development in Heterogeneous Porous Media During Reactive Flow: A Macro-Scale Lattice-Boltzmann Method
- Record of drainage rearrangement and erosion in a transpressive orogen: relative role of horizontal and vertical rock advection in drainage evolution
- Requirements for Hydrous Melting at 410 km
- Reversible Channel Growth by Subsurface Flow
- Sea Ice Effect on Atmospheric pCO2 Change During the Glacial-interglacial Cycles
- Seismic Hygrometry of the Mantle
- Seismicity of Southeast Alaska: Links Between Fault Geometry and Glaciers
- Seismicity of the Bering Glacier Region: Inferences from Relocations Using Data from STEEP
- Simulations of electron holographic observations of magnetic microstructure in exsolved titanomagnetites
- Solar Forcing of Holocene Droughts in a Stalagmite Record From West Virginia in East- Central North America
- South American Summer Monsoon history recorded in Brazilian speleothems
- Stress-dependence of dislocation creep rate: Implications for transitions between creep mechanisms in the upper mantle
- Synchronous decadal changes between Asian monsoon and Greenland climates during the last glacial maximum
- The Contribution of Recycled Crust to Mantle Inventories of Trace elements, Hydrogen, and Carbon
- The CoreWall Project: An Update for 2008
- The Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica
- The base of the mantle beneath the Pacific: noLVZ, LVZ and ULVZ
- The stable isotope record in extensional detachments as a proxy for relief development during the demise of orogenic plateaux
- Transition From the LGM to the Holocene, the View From a West Virginia Cave
- Unusally Large Amplitude Core Phases Recoded In Oahu, Hawaii at Distances near 360°
- Use of Continuous Specific Conductance to Differentiate the Sources of Water to an Agricultural Stream With Subsurface Drainage Networks
- Using 14C to investigate Methane Production and DOC Reactivity in Northern Peatlands
- Viscosity hills in the lower-mantle: influence of iron high-to-low spin transition in ferropericlase
- Web-based implementation of atomistic visualization
- Zig-Zag Thermal-Chemical 3-D Instabilities in the Mantle Wedge: Numerical Study
- A CAFE Delta Building Model With Channel Networks
- A Record of Deglacial Atmospheric 14C based on Hulu Cave Speleothems
- A macro-micro model of sedimentary delta growth that accounts for biological processes
- Absolute Paleointensity Techniques: Developments in the Last 10 Years (Invited)
- An absolute-dated and high-resolution Indian Monsoon record over the past 245 kyr from Xiaobailong Cave, southwest China
- An annually resolved precisely-dated speleothem record from the Guatemala/Belize border
- An efficient compact fourth order FD method for simulating 3-D mantle convection at high Rayleigh number
- Bucking the Conventional Wisdom: Development of Crystallographic Preferred Orientation During Creep Involving Grain Boundary Sliding
- Building a Global Catalog of Nonvolcanic Tremor Events Using an Automatic Detection Algorithm
- Change detection of meltwater lakes and glacial lobes in Taylor Valley, Antarctica using remote sensing: A 50-year comparison
- Climate forcings of changes in paleoprecipitation patterns in Brazil from oxygen isotope ratios on speleothems
- Commodity CPU-GPU System for Low-Cost , High-Performance Computing
- Coupling geothermal energy capture with carbon dioxide sequestration in permeable, porous geologic formations I: Overview and discussion
- Coupling geothermal energy capture with carbon dioxide sequestration in permeable, porous geologic formations II: Numerical modeling and preliminary results
- Environmental magnetic analysis of a Texan vertisol reveals a record of the Younger Dryas
- Examination of enormous potential for paleo-geohazard studies with high-precision 230Th dating of emerged massive Porites coral boulders at Ishigaki Island in the Ryukyus, Japan
- Expanding Spatial Coverage of Geomagnetic Field Models Using Submarine Basaltic Glass
- Experimental investigation on the kinetic demixing in chromite spinel
- Fundamentals of elasticity for Fe-bearing forsterite
- GPU implementation for three-dimensional mantle convection at high Rayleigh number
- H2 Production from Ultramafic-Bearing Gabbroic Rock Assemblages: An Experimental Study at 420°C, 500 bars
- High-precision and high-resolution Th-230 dating for coral and speleothem carbonates by MC-ICP-MS with SEM protocols
- Hydrous Glass Standards for Microanalysis of Hydrogen
- Insights into Time Scales of Formation of Exsolved Magnetic Inclusions from Fe Diffusion Experiments
- Interplay of endothermic phase transition and electron thermal conductivity results in episodic mantle convection in Super-Earth exoplanets
- Magnetite Formation in Submarine Basaltic Glass: Insights From Synthetic Analogues
- Measurements of grain size sensitivity in olivine deformed at high pressure in the deformation DIA
- Microstructural evolution in coarse grained dunite deformed to large strains
- Numerical modelling of river rearrangement along strike-slip faults
- Order-disorder phase boundary in ice VII-VIII investigated by first principles
- Palaeointensity Results from 1951 and 1995 Lava Flows, Fogo, Cape Verde: A Comparison between Thellier and LTD-DHT Shaw Methods
- Peatland Surface Monitoring and Analysis using Global Positioning Systems
- Prediction of a new metastable sp3-carbon allotrope at ambient conditions
- Preliminary Investigations of C-O-H Solubility at Reduced Condition in a Haplobasaltic Liquid
- Putting the Younger Dryas Cold Event into Context (Invited)
- Shear Attenuation and Dispersion in Olivine + Orthopyroxene Aggregates (Synthetic Harzburgite)
- Stress-Related Structures and Magnetic Properties of Deformed Magnetite in Experimental Shear Zones
- Subtle evidence for paleoseismicity in the cratonic interior, U.S. A
- Termination I in Brazilian speleothems
- Testing the Efficacy of Student Explorations of Earth Science Museum Exhibits
- The Coming Role of GPU in Computational Geodynamics (Invited)
- The Paleomagnetism and Age of the Modipe Gabbro, South Africa
- The Red Lake Peatland Observatory (RLPO): A multi-sensor instrument array for monitoring carbon-water dynamics in a large northern peatland
- The Rheologic Implications of Partial Melting in Continental Plateaux
- The Ultimate Fate of Continental Crust is to Melt
- The composition of low-degree partial melts of garnet peridotite at 3 GPa by modified iterative sandwich experiments (MISE)
- Thermal Signals as a Means of Characterizing Karst Aquifers
- Tidal Dissipation inside close-in super-Earths coupled with its Thermal and Orbital evolution
- Tracing meteoric fluid flow in extensional detachment systems (Invited)
- Using C/N ratios to investigate DOM reactivity in northern peatlands
- d-electrons’ occupancy and crystal structure in transition metal sesquioxides
- A GPU powered investigation of the relationship between observed and modeled storm responses of a Minnesota cave stream
- A first-principles investigation of hydrous defect and IR frequencies in forsterite: The case for Si vacancies
- A high-resolution Holocene Asian Monsoon record from a Tibetan lake-Peiku Co
- A particle based model for tracking the coupled geochemical and geomorphic evolution of hillslope soils
- Age constraints for laminated cave sediments using detrital remanent magnetization: Mystery Cave, Minnesota
- An Experimental Investigation of Stress Driven Melt Segregation and Reactive Melt Infiltration
- An experimental study of the effect of temperature, fluid chemistry and reaction rate on Sr-Ca partitioning in anhydrite: Implications for subseafloor hydrothermal alteration processes
- Biogeochemistry and lower trophic level trends in Lake Superior: A modeling study
- Carbon-dioxide plume geothermal (CPG) systems, an alternative engineered geothermal system (EGS) that does not require hydrofracturing: Comparison with traditional EGS regarding geologic reservoir heat energy extraction and potential for inducing seismicity
- Chronologic constraints on the tectonic evolution of the Wilson Lake terrane of the Grenville Province, Canada
- Composition dependence of grain boundary diffusivity of Cr in chromite spinel with application to kinetic demixing (Invited)
- Constraints on Magnetite-Silicate Strain Partitioning from Magnetic Fabrics in Experimentally-Deformed Synthetic Shear Zones
- Coupled thermal- and orbital-evolution of close-in super Earths with convective regulated tidal dissipation inside it
- Deformation of Marble, Quartzite, and Metabasalt during Subduction and its Aftermath (Invited)
- EBSD and kinematic analyses of high-pressure rocks, Sivrihisar massif, Turkey
- Earth's Deep Water Cycle as a possible explanation of the Wilson Cycle (Invited)
- Effect of Subsidence Styles and Fractional Diffusion Exponents on Depositional Fluvial Profiles
- Effect of pressure and quench rate on V and Fe XANES spectra for synthetic basalt and andesitic glasses
- Evaluation of pCO2 change due to an enhanced sediment weathering in glacial periods
- Experimental deformation of natural dunite: Effects of suppressed diffusion creep on microstructural evolution
- Experimental investigation of properties of low degree partial melts of garnet peridotite and their role in OIB genesis
- Full-Vector, Low-Temperature Magnetic Measurements of Geologic Materials
- Grain Boundary Diffusion in Synthetic Forsterite: the Effect of Impurities
- High-temperature flow and dynamics of an anatectic migmatite dome: example from Naxos, Greece
- Holocene and Late Pleistocene Climate Change in the Peruvian Altiplano
- Holocene precipitation changes in the deep tropics recorded by Speleothems (Invited)
- Hydrodynamic and suspended sediment transport controls on river mouth morphology
- Importance of secondary sources in the atmospheric budgets of formic and acetic acids
- Isotopic Variability in Surface Water Vapor and Precipitation in the Upper Midwest, USA
- Late Pleistocene and Holocene Fire History of the Swiftcurrent Lake basin, eastern Glacier National Park, Montana
- Lateral bedrock erosion in an experimental channel: the influence of bed roughness on wear by bedload impacts
- Magnesium-hydroxide-sulfate-hydrate formation at 200°C: Implications for sulfur fixation at the Lost City hydrothermal field
- Magnetic Sourcing of Obsidian Artifacts: Successes and Limitations
- Magnetic mineralogy of ash flow tuffs: Teasing out effects of emplacement and post-emplacement conditions
- Mammalian Biogeography and the Latitudinal Climatic Gradient in Western North America During the Paleocene Evolutionary Radiation of Mammals (Invited)
- Mapping lava morphology of the Galapagos Spreading Center at 92°W: fuzzy logic provides a classification of high-resolution bathymetry and backscatter
- Mechanical Spectroscopy of Grain Boundaries: Insights into Grain and Phase Boundary Sliding (Invited)
- Megadroughts at the Dawn of Islam Recorded in a Stalagmite from Oman
- Melting atop the 410 km discontinuity (Invited)
- Milankovitch-paced Termination II in a Nevada speleothem
- Modeling Fold-And Belts Using Numerical Simulations and Physical Experiments: the Aconcagua and Mexican Fold-And Belts
- Pacific Sea Surface Temperature Influence on Southwestern United States Climate During the Past Millennium: New Evidence from a Well-calibrated, High-resolution Stalagmite δ18O Record from the Sierra Nevada Mountains
- Paleointensity Using Copper Slag Material: Extending Accuracy and Time Resolution of Geomagnetic Field Intensity Records (Invited)
- Partial melt in the oceanic low velocity zone (Invited)
- Partitioning peat respiration with stable carbon isotopes
- Persistence of exponential bed thickness distributions in the stratigraphic record: Experiments and theory
- Pore-scale lattice-Boltzmann fluid flow simulations in super-critical CO2/brine/rock systems using graphics processing units
- Post-pyrite transition in SiO2
- Post-stishovite transition in AlOOH-incorporated SiO2
- Quantifying Anthropogenic and Biospheric Fluxes of CO2 Using Satellite Observations of CO, CO2, and Methanol
- Recharge-discharge relations for glacial conduit systems: a simple theoretical approach
- Relating titanium distribution and stable isotope thermometry to quartz microstructure in an extensional detachment system, Shuswap metamorphic core complex, British Columbia
- Rheological contrast between olivine and garnet at high pressures under anhydrous conditions
- Space-time Dynamics of Depositional Systems: Experimental Evidence for Heavy-tailed Statistics and Theoretical Modeling
- Speleothem δ18O and δ13C records from Fengyu Cave in south Guilin of China: Climate and environmental changes during the past 65 Ka
- Stalagmite evidence for a highly dynamic Pleistocene hydrological history of the Black Sea
- Stalagmite-based Climate Reconstruction in the Southern Appalachians, Eastern North America: ~490-630 kya
- Stress-driven melt segregation in deforming partially molten rocks (Invited)
- Terrain Control on Soil Organic Carbon Distribution in Loess Soils with Varying Land Cover
- The Antarctic Geospatial Information Center: Three Years of Supporting Antarctic Science and Operations
- The Future of Food: Regional Adaptation Strategies for Optimizing Grain Yields Under Climate Change
- The Impact of Partial Melting in the Orogenic Cycle
- The Importance of Elastic Property Contrast at Continent-Ocean Margins on Subduction Initiation
- The importance of downstream bed surface coarsening in predicting the wave of incision in response to a sudden base level drop at the mouth of a river: the Holocene Le Sueur River, Minnesota, USA
- The relationship between microstructure and hydrogen isotopes in the Wildhorse detachment, Pioneer Mountains, Idaho
- The role of biota in retention of fine sediment in deltas
- Top-down Constraints on the Landscape-scale Nitrous Oxide Budget in the Upper Midwest
- Topography of the 660-km discontinuity beneath subducting slabs in the Western Pacific
- Toward development of parameters for permeability field variations due to fluid-rock reactions during geologic CO2 sequestration
- Transient erosion rates predicted from topographic curvature of ridges (Feather River, California)
- Vapor-Liquid Partitioning of Iron and Manganese in Hydrothermal Fluids: An Experimental Investigation with Application to the Integrated Study of Basalt-hosted Hydrothermal Systems
- Visualizing Earth's Core-Mantle Interactions using Nanoscale X-ray Tomography
- WebViz:A Web-based Collaborative Interactive Visualization System for large-Scale Data Sets
- A Critical Assessment of Orogenic Channel Flow
- A GPGPU accelerated modeling environment for quantitatively characterizing karst systems
- A Late-Quaternary stalagmite record from Vernjikica Cave, Carpatho-Balkans, Serbia
- A Multi-proxy Reconstruction of Hydrologic Variability over the Last Millennium from a Sierra Nevada Mountain Stalagmite
- A Research Experience for Undergraduates on Sustainable Land and Water Resources
- A model framework for fluvial-delta evolution that accounts for the accumulation of organic sediment
- Authigenic Carbonates from Cold Seeps of the South China Sea: New Insights into Fluid Sources, Formation Condition and Geochronology
- Cross-Continental Comparisons of Grain Yields Under Climate Change: Potential for Agricultural Adaptation to Offset Losses
- Deformation of olivine under mantle conditions: an in-situ high-pressure, high-temperature study using monochromatic synchrotron radiation
- Dislocation Damping and Anisotropic Attenuation in the Earth's Upper Mantle
- ENSO Variability at Vanuatu during the Medieval Climate Anomaly
- First-row transition element (FRTE) partitioning between garnet peridotite and near-solidus melts and their use as indicators of OIB source lithology
- Fossil coral records of tropical Pacific climate over the last millennium: relationship to external forcing
- Integrating the pre-LGM Stalagmite Record from the Southern Appalachians of Eastern North America with Tropical, East Asian, and Greenland Paleoclimate Records
- Investigating Flow-Reversals in Rayleigh-Benard Thermal Convection on Fermi GPU
- Iron geochemistry of the mantle
- Is the Mexican Fold-and-Thrust Belt a (Heterogeneous) Frictional and Erosive Coulomb Wedge?
- Lipid compounds in speleothem calcite from southwestern Oregon: Composition, sources and paleoenvironmental implications
- Measurement of activation volume for creep of dry olivine at upper mantle pressure
- Mid mantle origin of mantle plume pulsations
- Modeling the Large-Scale Structure and Long-Term Evolution of a Barchan Dune Field
- Modern influences on simulated Andean rainfall δ<SUP>18</SUP>O and application to a Holocene speleothem record
- New ice phases under ultrahigh pressure
- Particle-Scale Controls on Entrainment and Deposition due to Debris Flows
- Partitioning CO2 production with stable carbon isotopes in a peatland ecosystem
- Realistic heat transport estimates for Superearth Exo-solar planets
- Seasonal Response of Surface Movement and Hydraulic Head in the Glacial Lake Agassiz Peatlands, Northern Minnesota
- Sensitivity of the South American Summer Monsoon to high latitude temperature changes during the Last Glacial period
- Sources and seasonality of atmospheric methanol based on tall tower measurements in the US Upper Midwest
- South America Monsoon variability on millennial to multi-centennial time scale during the Holocene in central eastern Brazil
- Speleothem records of changes in the South American Summer Monsoon during MIS stages 5 and 6
- Teaching Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry in the 21st Century: Instructional Resources for Geoscience Faculty
- The Importance of Using Explicit and then Implicit Schemes in the Fast time-scale Rupturing at Oceanic-Continental Boundary
- The Influence of Amazonian Deforestation under Varied Rainfall Regimes
- The Isotopic Record of Elevation Thresholds in Continental Plateaus to Atmospheric Circulation
- Timing and climatic expression of Dansgaard-Oeschger events in stalagmites from Turkey
- Two stages of dissociation of MgSiO3 post-perovskite predicted by first principles
- Understanding geodynamic process of Tibet with multi-scale modeling
- a Continuous Record of Trace Element and Stable Isotope Variations in a West Virginia Speleothem: Pre-Lgm to Early Holocene
- A Sr and Mg isotopic study of soil and stream waters along an erosional gradient, Sierra Nevada, California
- A Tropical Speleothem Record of Glacial Inception, the South American Summer Monsoon from 125 to 115 ka
- Angiosperm n-alkane distribution patterns and the geologic record of C4 grassland evolution
- Dislocation Damping vs Grain-Boundary Relaxation in Olivine: Insights from Polycrystals Derived from Synthetic and Natural Precursors
- Episodic drought during mid-Holocene warm period revealed by speleothem carbon and oxygen isotopes and UV fluorescence in southern Appalachians, USA
- Lab incubation experiments verify microbial respiration from recent photosynthetic production in deep peat within bog and fen environments
- Measurement of activation volume for creep of anhydrous olivine at upper mantle pressures
- Mid- to Late Holocene Indian Ocean Monsoon variability recorded in four speleothems from Socotra Island, Yemen
- Monitoring stream bluff erosion using repeat terrestrial laser scanning
- Natural or controlled experiment? Disentangling anthropogenic and geologic contributions to the sediment load of the Le Sueur River, MN, USA
- Orbital- to millennial-scale abrupt hydrologic change in central Indonesia during the past 120,000 years
- Potential Impact of Mantle Phase Transitions and Mineral Physical Properties on Supercontinental Cycle
- Scavenging and fractionation of <SUP>231</SUP>Pa/<SUP>230</SUP>Th in the U. S. North Atlantic GEOTRACES transect
- South American Monsoon variability during the past 2,000 years from stable isotopic proxies and model simulations
- Towards a Selenographic Information System: Apollo 15 Mission Digitization
- Traces of extension in continental lithosphere: Towards a seismic image of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Was the Asian monsoon climate stable or not during the last interglacial?
- Was the Eemian warmer than the Holocene? Indications from high- and low-altitude speleothems in the Italian Alps
- Estimating Effects of Atmospheric Deposition and Peat Decomposition Processes on Mercury and Sulfur Accumulation and Retention in Northern Peatlands, Minnesota
- Fractionation of Rare Earth Elements during Soil Formation along Feather River Basin Hillslopes in the California Sierra Nevada
- Hillslope Soils and Life (Invited)
- Holocene hydroclimate reconstruction from the northwestern Amazon basin based on high resolution isotope analysis of speleothems from Cascayunga cave, Peru
- In situ texture development in dry olivine at upper mantle pressures
- Laboratory and field measurements to constrain atmospheric sources of acetic and formic acids
- Microbial community structure as a reflection of the distribution and speciation of iron within North Pond Sediments
- Organic Carbon Burial by Tibetan and Mongolian Lakes and its Implications for Regional Carbon Sequestration
- South American Summer Monsoon variability over the Late Pleistocene: a proxy perspective (Invited)
- Sub-seasonally resolved δ18O, δ13C, Mg, Sr, Ba, U and Zn records from a Belgian spleothem covering the last 700 years
- Arctic Shrub Growth Response to Climate Variation and Infrastructure Development on the North Slope of Alaska
- Shrub growth response to climate across the North Slope of Alaska
- Evaporation from a temperate closed-basin lake and its impact on present, past, and future water level
- A framework for identifying and partitioning CH<SUB>4 </SUB>emissions into stationary and non-stationary events
- Environmental Controls on Methane Dynamics in Icelandic Lakes
- Evaluation of beef cattle methane emissions using a backward-Lagrangian stochastic model
- Global measurements of isoprene from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder
- Impact of Anthropogenic and Biogenic Emissions on High Ozone Episodes Along the Lake Michigan Shoreline
- Measurement of Dissolved Colored Organic Matter (CDOM) in Lakes Using Smartphone Cameras: App Development for Citizen Monitoring Programs
- Mitigating near-term future ambient air pollution increases over India with reductions in the transportation and domestic combustion sectors
- New top-down constraints on methane emissions from animal agriculture based on GEM airborne measurements in the US Upper Midwest
- Observation and model-based constraints on ozone production along the Lake Michigan coastline: Insights from intensive field experiments and long-term monitoring data
- Overview of the 2017 Lake Michigan Ozone Study
- Oxidation of Volatile Organic Compounds as the Major Biogenic Source of Formic Acid in a Mixed Forest Canopy
- Pine to Potato Conversion Impacts to Groundwater Recharge in the Northern Great Lakes Region
- Remote sensing of dissolved organic matter pools in lakes at regional scales
- Satellite Observations of Isoprene from the Thermal Infrared Imaging Spectrometer: from Cross-track Infrared Sounder towards the Next Generation of Global Observing System
- The Effect of Lake Temperature on Rates of Methane Production and Oxidation in two Sub-Arctic Lakes
- The Effects of DOC Quantity and Quality on Methane Production, Oxidation, and Emission in Icelandic Lakes
- The Role of Methanotrophs in Fueling Aquatic Food Webs and Resulting Effects on Methane Cycling in Icelandic Lakes
- Top-down estimates of N<SUB>2</SUB>O emissions over the past two decades
- Wintertime ammonium nitrate aerosol pollution in urban areas: NO<SUB>x</SUB> and VOC control as mitigation strategies
- 2005-2016 trends in OMI formaldehyde column over the Indian Subcontinent: changing anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of volatile organic compounds
- Biogenic Versus Anthropogenic Sources of Atmospheric Ethanol: Constraints from Two Recent Field Campaigns
- Global measurements of isoprene from space: Constraints on emissions and atmospheric oxidation
- HCOOH in the Remote Atmosphere during ATom: Surprisingly large and variable sources from fires
- Impacts of Climate Change on Water Resources and Crop Yields in Minnesota, USA
- Impacts of N-stabilizers and N-fixing microorganisms on agronomic and environmental components of N budgets in an irrigated coarse-textured soil
- Importance of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from stream and river networks: Constraints from agricultural watersheds in Southern Minnesota
- Intra- and Inter-Annual Variability in Wetland CH4 Emissions from a Sub-Boreal Peatland
- Minnesota's Rapidly Changing Climate: Downscaled Projections From CMIP5 Using WRF
- New constraints on regional methane emissions in the US Upper Midwest based on GEM aircraft measurements and the GEOS-Chem model
- The Effects of Light Availability and Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration on Methane Dynamics in Icelandic Lakes
- The imprint of agricultural ecosystems on trace gas emissions in the US Midwest
- CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB> fluxes from stream and river networks in the Midwest
- Exploring the Relationship of Groundwater Exploitation and Variability in Chemical Composition in Bristol, Cadiz, and Danby Dry Lakes, California
- Hydrometeorological sensitivities of net ecosystem carbon dioxide and methane exchange of an Amazonian palm swamp peatland
- Investigating the Potential of Designer Microorganisms to Reduce N<SUB>2</SUB>O Emission from Maize Cultivation.
- Online Hydrocamp Project on Oil Pipelines, Tribal Lands, and Multiple Perspectives