Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
flowchart I[Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (31)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (3)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Fragmentation of Porous Viscoelastic Materials by Rapid Decompression
- Laboratory experiments on fragmentation of highly-viscous bubbly syrup
- Examining soil erosion and nutrient accumulation in forested and agriculture lands of the low mountainous area of Northern Vietnam
- Measurement of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in plastic resin pellets from remote islands : Toward establishment of baseline level for International Pellet Watch
- Spatial distributions of forest stand condition, vegetation ground cover, and soil erosion for evaluating the linkages of sediment transport from hillslopes to streams in headwater catchments
- Hydrogeomorphic and geochemical factors on channel head locations and developing a mountainous river network
- Numerical analysis of heat exchange processes for the ground source heat pump system
- Overview of DRAGON-Japan in 2012
- Determining in-situ thermal conductivity of coarse textured materials through numerical analysis of thermal
- Model intra-comparison of transboundary sulfate loadings over springtime east Asia
- Regional and transported aerosols during DRAGON-Japan experiment
- Persistent organic pollutants monitoring in marine coastal environment using beached plastic resin pellets and effective risk communication via International Pellet Watch (IPW) as a tool.
- Different Response of Sap Flow at Different Measurement Depths after Thinning in a Japanese Cypress Plantation
- Stable isotope-based approach to validate effects of understory vegetation on shallow soil water movement in a Japanese cypress plantation
- Stream Temperature Response to Forest Thinning With No Riparian Buffer in Headwater Catchments of the Coastal Pacific Northwest
- Characterization of partially and non-uniform infiltration process using time-lapsed GPR measurements
- Combining a paired-catchment experiment and process measurements to understand the magnitude and variability of stream temperature changes following forest thinning in a headwater catchment
- Monitoring channel morphology changes in a headwater stream with monocable-system photographing and structure from motion photogrammetry.
- The role of fine roots on flow paths of surface soils on dense bamboo hillslopes
- Spatial Patterns of Soil-Bedrock Interface and its Implication for Internal Hydrogeomorphic Processes
- Effect of Forest Management on Earthquake-Induced Landslide by the 2018 M<SUB>w</SUB>6.7 Eastern Iburi Earthquake, Hokkaido
- Estimating transpiration of Japanese Larch (Larix kaempferi): monitoring and calibration
- Estimation of throughfall with changing stand structures for Japanese cypress and cedar plantations
- Evaluation of topographic and water runoff characteristics of mountainous watershed for securing water for domestic use during disasters
- Multi-scale understory biomass estimation based on SfM data derived from a low-flying drone under the canopy
- Stable isotope-based approach to validate effects of forest thinning on the amount and mechanism of groundwater recharge in Japanese forest plantation
- Velocity analysis of time-lapse sparse array antenna GPR CMP data to estimate infiltration front depth: A numerical study
- Evaluating of the effect of forest management on suspended sediment runoff in a cypress and cedar plantation forest using Fukushima-derived Cs-137, Cs-134 and Pb-210ex
- Influence of connectivity configurations and moisture on landslide mobility: 2018 Eastern Iburi earthquake Hokkaido, Japan
- Development of a Method for Estimating Tree Density in Planted Forests in Japan Using Low Irradiation Density Airborne LiDAR and Satellite Remote Sensing
- Numerical Modelling of Water Flow in Paddy Soil with Alternate Wetting and Drying Water Management Practice Using HYDRUS-2D