University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology
flowchart I[University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (196)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (7)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Coincident Observations of Lightning by the FORTE Photodiode Detector and the New Mexico Tech Lightning Mapping Array During STEPS 2000
- Comparisons of Satellite Optical Observations with Ground-Based Observations of Lightning, Then and Now
- Influences of the Local Environment on Supercell Cloud-to-Ground Lightning, Radar Characteristics, and Severe Weather on 2 June 1995
- Lightning Flash Rate and CG Polarity Relationships in Simulated Storms
- Lightning Relative to Graupel Occurrence in a Tornadic Supercell Storm during MEaPRS
- Long-term Observations of Electric Field, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall Rate and Solar Insolation at a Remote Meteorological Observing Station
- Quantitative Precipitation Sensitivity in Simulated Deep Convective Storms due to Variations in the Particle Density and Size Distribution for the "Large Ice" Category
- Simulations of Spatial and Temporal Variations of Electric Field at the Surface Beneath Thunderstorms
- Laboratory Simulation of Lightning at the Nevada Terawatt Facility
- Laboratory Study of Electrical Corona From Vapor Grown Ice Crystals
- An Electric-Field Meter With Reciprocating Shuter, Used as a Lightning Flash Counter
- Laboratory Investigation of Positive Streamer Discharges From Simulated Ice Hydrometeors and Possible Relevance to the Problem of Lightning Initiation
- On The Design and Implementation of a New Electric-Field Meter with Reciprocating Shutter and Field-Change-Antenna Option
- On the Development of Lightning Hazard-Warning Decision-Support Criteria
- Overview of the Year-One Field Program Phase of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX) 2003
- The Runaway Electron Avalanche as a Radio Emitter in Thunderstorms
- Do Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic-Ray Secondaries Initiate Lightning, and If So, How Would We Know?
- Lightning and Electric Field Structure of a Squall Line During TELEX
- Observed Contemporaneous Electric-Field Pulses and X-ray Bursts in a Thunderstorm in Relation to Charge Distribution, Lightning Channels, and CG Flash Occurrence
- Overview of the 2003 and 2004 Field Program Phases of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX)
- Polarimetric Radar and Electric Field Observations of a Multicell Storm
- The Pacific RANET Project
- Administration, Best Practices, and Evaluation of the National Weather Center REU Program
- Ice Crystals and Corona Discharge: Laboratory Evidence for Ice Multiplication in Thunderstorms
- Measuring Very Low Precipitation Events Using a Vibrating Wire All-Weather Precipitation Gauge
- NOx Production in Simulated Blue Jets, Sprites, and TLE Discharges
- Schools of the Pacific Rainfall Climate Experiment: The Benefits and Challenges of Student Participation in Scientific Research Programs
- The Stratiform Region of an MCS on 19 June in TELEX 2004 Observed With Polarimetric and Doppler Radars, Electric Field Soundings, and a Lightning Mapping Array
- Nitrogen Oxides Produced by Simulated Blue Jets and Red Sprites
- Runaway Electrons and Positive Streamers from Hydrometeors: Cofactors in Lightning Initiation?
- Unidata Workshop: Demonstrating Democratization of Numerical Weather Prediction Capabilities Using Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD) Capabilities
- Assessing Patterns in the Surface Electric Field Prior to First CG Flashes and After Last CG Flashes in Air-Mass Thunderstorms
- Comparison of Lightning Channels Recorded by Video and Lightning Mapping Array
- Detection of an Emerging Anthropogenic Warming Signal at Regional Scales
- Preliminary Results From a Laboratory Study of Positive Streamer Discharges on Simulated Ice Hydrometeors
- Production of Nitrogen Oxides by Laboratory Simulated Transient Luminous Events
- Comparison of High-Speed Video and VHF Source Locations for CG Lightning Flashes
- Integrating Remotely Sensed and Hydrologically Modeled ET for Better Water Resources Management in Oklahoma
- Role of water vapor feedback on the amplitude of season cycle in the global mean surface air temperature
- Time-synchronized High-speed Video, Electric and Magnetic Fields, and Currents From Triggered Lightning
- 2009 Samoa tsunami: factors that exacerbated or reduced impacts in Samoa and American Samoa
- High-Speed Video And VHF LMA Observations Of M-Components In A Single-Stroke Negative CG Flash With Very Long Continuing Current
- Lightning in the Anvils of Supercells
- Comparison of VHF Source Characteristics for a Single-Stroke, Negative CG Flash with Continuing Current to Those of Nearby IC and CG Flashes
- Estimating Large-Scale Convection from a No-Microphysics WRF Simulation over the SGP
- Possible Catalytic Effects of Ice Particles on the Production of NOx by Lightning Discharges
- Preliminary Observations of Lightning-Generated Microwave Radiation
- Total Lightning Characteristics in Mesoscale Convective Systems in Oklahoma
- Assimilation of Satellite-based AMSR-E Streamflow for Improving Flood Modeling in Okavango River Basin, Africa
- Detection of Wildfires with Artificial Neural Networks
- Dynamics of Dust Storms in the Western USA
- Evaluation of Satellite-based Global Hydrologic Simulation using the Distributed CREST Model and Global Runoff Data Centre Archives
- Lightning and Extensive Air Showers of Cosmic Rays
- Observations Of Microwave Frequency Electromagnetic Emissions From Lightning
- Possible Increase In Nitric Oxide Production by Lightning Discharges as a Result of Catalytic Effects of Ice Particles
- Very Close High-Speed Photographic Observations of a Natural Negative Cloud-To-Ground Lightning Stepped Leader
- A Global Hydrological Ensemble Forecasting System: Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation
- An Overview of Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Research on Storm-scale Analysis and Prediction at the National Weather Center (Invited)
- Atmospheric LIDAR Provides Insight into Land Surface-Atmosphere Exchange at AmeriFlux Towers
- Biologically induced initiation of snowball-Earth events, and the circulations of ice and ocean in a globally glaciated scenario
- Comparing High-Speed Video And Lightning Mapping Array Observations To Investigate The Influence Of Ground Connections On Lightning Flash Characteristics
- How Convective Clouds are Influenced by the Variability in Wind Parameters as Derived from the Dense MC3E Rawinsonde Network
- Introduction of a Science Policy Course at the University of Oklahoma
- Properties of Secondary Electrons at 4 - 8 km in the Earth's Atmosphere from 10^10 to 10^16 eV Proton Cosmic Ray Primaries
- Specific differential phase observations of multicell convection during natural and triggered lightning strikes at the International Center for Lightning Research and Testing
- Triangulations of sprites relative to parent lighting near the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array
- Unexpected Anisotropy of Flat Plate Antenna Measurements
- VPR-IE: Combining climatological VPR information from TRMM Precipitation Radar with NEXRAD-based rainfall estimates
- What do you want to be in ten years? - Advising meteorology students in the post-Twister era
- Balloon-borne electric field and microphysics measurements in the 29-30 May 2012 supercell storm in Oklahoma during DC3
- Canopy Influence on Throughfall in a Transitional Cloud Forest
- Dynamics and Electrification of the 29 May 2012 Supercell Observed During DC3
- How important is getting the land surface energy exchange correct in WRF for wind energy forecasting?
- Impact of Uncertainty Characterization of Satellite Rainfall Inputs and Model Parameters on Hydrological Data Assimilation with the Ensemble Kalman Filter for Flood Prediction
- Impacts of Vegetation and Precipitation on Throughfall Heterogeneity in a Tropical Pre-Montane Transitional Cloud Forest
- Improved Estimates of Evapotranspiration at Oklahoma Mesonet Sites (Invited)
- Investigation of Polarimetric and Electrical Characteristics of Natural and Triggered Lightning Strikes
- Observations of the Conversion of a Lightning Negative Stepped Leader into a Lightning Positive Leader
- Optimizing Lidar Scanning Strategies for Wind Energy Measurements (Invited)
- Oscillatory turbulent boundary-layer flows along thermally perturbed sloping surfaces (Invited)
- Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting using Stormscale Ensembles
- Relationships between Return Period and Flash Flooding in the United States
- The role of pollution state on urban heat islands in the Midwestern United States
- Triggered Upward Negative Lightning Leaders
- Investigation of the Role of Cosmic-Ray Extensive Air Showers in the Initiation of Lightning
- Preliminary Breakdown: Physical Mechanisms and Potential for Energetic Emissions
- Estimating Global Impervious Surface based on Social-economic Data and Satellite Observations
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- On the Development of Above-Anvil Cirrus Plumes in Extratropical Convection
- Retrievals of Convective Mass Detrainment Altitudes from Radar Observations
- Sensitivity of Simulated Convection-Driven Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in WRF-Chem to Chosen Model Parameterizations
- Student Workshops for Severe Weather Warning Decision Making using AWIPS-2 at the University of Oklahoma
- Climate variability and productivity of grassland under different management systems
- Combining Cluster Analysis and Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) for Accurate and Low-cost Bathymetric Surveying
- Developing a Framework for Seamless Prediction of Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States.
- Development of Rotary-Wing UAS for Use in Atmospheric Sensing of Near-Storm Environments
- Effects of trees on momentum exchange within and above a real urban environment
- Evaluation of UAS for Atmospheric Boundary Layer Monitoring as Part of the 2017 CLOUD-MAP Flight Campaign
- Large eddy simulation modeling of particle-laden flows in complex terrain
- Modeling the Horizontally Averaged Wind Profile Within and Above the Urban Canopy Layer
- Observational Study of Deep Tropopause-Penetrating Convection and its Impact on Lower Stratospheric Composition Over the US in Summer
- Regionally Varying Assessments of Tropical Width in Reanalyses and CMIP5 Models Using a Tropopause Break Metric
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Across the Southern Great Plains of North America
- Sensitivity of gross primary production of irrigation-permitted and non-permitted grassland and croplands to drought and pluvial conditions during 2010-2016
- Understanding SMAP-L4 soil moisture estimation skill and their dependence with topography, precipitation and vegetation type using Mesonet and Micronet networks.
- Water-related Spectral Reflectance Indices: Principle, Constructing, Application, and Improvement
- 3-D Characteristics of Mesoscale Convective Systems and Their Large-scale Environments East of the Rocky Mountains from 13 Years of Observations
- A preliminary look at the impacts of assimilating UAS data into high resolution WRF simulations of the San Luis Valley
- Analysis and Automated Detection of Deep Convective Weather Hazards Using LEO or GEO Satellite Imagery
- Convection in Extratropical Cyclones Using Reanalysis and Ground Based Radars
- Improving the sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation events via co-production of knowledge.
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Resistance, resilience, and recovery of gross primary production of forests and grasslands to drought in the Ouachita Highlands of Oklahoma, USA
- Seasonal evaluation of Storm Life Cycles in the CONUS from 12 years of Radar-Based Storm Tracks
- Soil greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O and CH4) flux measurements from grazing pastures using automated system
- Synoptic Precursors to Subseasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events Across the United States
- The Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART): Ensemble Data Assimilation for NCAR Community Earth System Models
- A New Era of Geostationary Satellites: Towards the next generation of space-based precipitation estimation
- A summary of ORACLES-deployments in 2016-2018 to study aerosol-radiation-cloud interactions in the South-East Atlantic
- An Investigation of Flash Drought Development Preceding the 2010 Russian Heatwave
- Convective Influence on United States Upper Troposphere Lower Stratosphere Composition
- Custom Autonomous Watercraft with Improved Transect Heading Accuracy to Ascertain Higher Quality Measurements with the Sontek River Surveyor S5
- Do We Need Rain Gauges? A Prototype Error Modeling Framework for IMERG based on GPM DPR
- Eddy Resolving Model of Flow and Sediment Dynamics in Canyon Rivers at the Laboratory and Field Scales
- Hot Pockets: Rethinking the National Weather Service Approach to Heat Hazards in the Louisville Urban Heat Island
- Investigation of Columnar/Ground-Level Intensive and Extensive Aerosol Properties, and the Role of Weather in Aerosol Pollution Concentrations in Reno, Nevada, USA from 2012-2019
- Lightning Characteristics of Severe Local Storms from both Space-based and Ground-based Networks
- Next-generation cloud radars: Applications of rapid-scan cloud radars for three-dimensional mapping of clouds
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- On the diurnal cycle of atmospheric relative humidity in the intertropical regions
- Pattern Classification and Impacts of Subseasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States
- Potential of a radar on a High-Altitude Platform to retrieve Dynamics and Microphysics in convection.
- Relative Contributions of Local and Non-Local Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks to the Development and Evolution of Flash Drought and Implications for Predictability
- Remote Sensing Study of the Relationships Between Biomass Burning Aerosols and Marine Stratocumulus during ORACLES Campaign
- Responses of ecosystem-atmosphere exchange to precipitation pulses in adjacent native and introduced prairie pastures
- S-RIP: The South Asian Summer Monsoon Anticyclone in Reanalyses
- Sampling Considerations for a Robust Precipitation Constellation
- Spatially-Temporally Resolved Sampling System for Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Low-cost UAS Approach
- Stratospheric Radar Observations of Convection and Precipitation
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The Dynamics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Great Plains and Their Potential Role in Forecast Failures in Global Numerical Weather Prediction Systems
- The NASA Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Time Varying Lightning, Updraft, and Microphysical Characteristics in a Supercell Storm and a Multicell Storm
- Tropopause-Overshooting Convection - 21 Years of Ground-Based Radar Evaluation over the United States
- Understanding Hailstone Characteristics and Contributing Factors over the United States Southern Great Plains
- Understanding Sampling Uncertainty of GPM Orbital Data through Land Surface Modelling
- Using Novel Machine Learning Algorithms to Improve the Spatiotemporal Coverage of Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth
- Variability in gross primary productivity of native and managed pastures to climatic variability and management practices
- Verification of Thunderstorm, Mesocyclone, and Tornado Forecasts from an Experimental Warn-on-Forecast System
- A Climatology of Drought and Pluvial Transitions Across the Southern Great Plains
- A Combined Lidar-Polarimeter Inversion Approach for Aerosol Remote Sensing over Ocean
- A High-Altitude Airborne Radar as a NASA Student Research Experience
- A Study of Spectral Absorption Aerosol Optical Depth from the 2016-2018 ORACLES Campaigns
- Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements of Particles in Different Parts of the World
- Assessment of Stratospheric Waves Activity Associated with the MJO During QBO Phases
- Cloud and Precipitation Measurements Within NASA's Decadal Survey Observing-System Study for Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP)
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Effect Above Clouds in the Southeast Atlantic from Airborne Measurement
- Dynamic and Electrical Sensitivities to CCN Concentrations within the Simulated 29-30 May 2004 Geary, Oklahoma, Supercell Thunderstorm
- Flash Drought Climatology: A Local to Global Analysis
- Flash droughts over the Contiguous United States: Sensitivity of inventories and trends to quantitative definitions
- Foot-print Scale Real-time Modeling Tool of Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Soil Temperature: Application in the the Southern Great Plains
- Forecasting Flash Flood Impacts with IMERG-based Streamflow Simulations in Ecuador
- Ground Validations of GPM IMERG in Extreme Events over the Conterminous United States
- Ground-based Radar Validation Networks for GPM satellite products
- Impact of GPM Temporal Sampling on Streamflow Simulations
- Impacts of Urbanization on Convective Storms through Urban Land and Aerosol effects
- Improving Daily Surface Particulate Matter Estimates during Extreme Fire Events using a Novel NASA Satellite Plume Injection Height Algorithm
- Investigation of Aerosol Properties and Transport on Severe Weather in Oklahoma USA from 2015-2019
- Joint retrieval of greenhouse gases and aerosols in a polluted urban atmosphere: Development of a full physics algorithm for CLARS-FTS in the Los Angeles megacity
- Linkages Between Heatwave Conditions and Flash Drought: A 2012 Great Plains Case Study
- MAIA: An Integrated Satellite, Surface Monitor, and Chemical Transport Model-Based System for Mapping Speciated Airborne Particulate Matter
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Overview of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP) during 2013-2020
- Potential of Doppler radar on a stratospheric platform for dynamical studies.
- Predictability of Subseasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States
- Progress with a network of Siderastrea siderea corals yields insights into past climate of the Inter-America Sea
- Real-time Weather Awareness for Enhanced Advanced Aerial Mobility Safety Assurance
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction/Backscatter Coefficients and CCN Number Concentrations During the NASA ORACLES Campaigns
- Relationships between WMAXSHEAR parameter and atmospheric patterns associated with tornado outbreaks in USA
- Representation of the Scandinavia-Greenland Pattern and its Relationship with the Polar Vortex in S2S Models
- Sensitivities of Midlatitude Overshooting Convection, Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume Formation, and Irreversible Transport to the Lower Stratosphere Environment
- Single Particle Properties of Aerosol from over the Southern Atlantic Ocean from the CLARIFY (2017) and ORACLES (2017 and 2018) Campaigns
- Southern Ocean latitudinal gradients of Cloud Condensation Nuclei
- The 5STAR airborne tracking sunphotometer on the NASA SIERRA UAS
- The Aerosol Component of the ACCP Designated Observable Study
- The Effects of Urban Geometry on Point-Source Scalar Plume Statistics: A Large Eddy Simulation Study
- The Inland Maintenance and Re-Intensification of Tropical Storm Bill (2015): Precipitation Microphysics
- The contrast in MCS environments between spring and summer over the U.S. Great Plains
- Tropopause Polar Vortex Climatology and Linkages with Rossby Wave Initiation
- Two-decades of GPM IMERG Early and Final Run Products Intercomparison: Similarity and Difference in Climatology, Rates, Extremes and Hydrologic Utilities
- Using Machine Learning to Predict the Accuracy of Thunderstorm Forecasts from a Warn-on-Forecast Ensemble
- Where There's Smoke, There's Humidity: Exploring the Water Vapor Associated with the Free-Tropospheric Biomass Burning Plume over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- Characterization of Southern Ocean Boundary Layer Clouds Using Airborne Radar, Lidar Data, and In-situ Cloud Measurements: Results from SOCRATES
- Dependence of Ice Microphysical Properties on Environmental Parameters: Results from HAIC/HIWC Cayenne Field Campaign
- The water resources and extremes outlooks of Peru: an WRF and CREST study over a less frequently monitored area in South America