University of Oklahoma, Norman
flowchart I[University of Oklahoma, Norman] PI["Parent Institutions (0)"] CI["Child Institutions (2)"] AW["Affiliated Works (1519)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (337)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
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- University of Oklahoma, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- University of Oklahoma, School of Meteorology
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Bacterial Deposition in Porous Media: a Surface Thermodynamic Investigation
- Chemical Evidence for Uranium Bioreduction at Shiprock, New Mexico
- Dynamics of Particle Size Distribution in Slide-Hold Tests on Laboratory Gouge Zones
- Epeirogenic Uplift Caused by Water
- Implosive Compaction in Fault Haloes: A Triggering Mechanism for Earthquakes
- In-situ evidence for uranium immobilization and remobilization
- Long-term Observations of Electric Field, Temperature, Pressure, Humidity, Wind Speed, Wind Direction, Rainfall Rate and Solar Insolation at a Remote Meteorological Observing Station
- Mafic Clasts with Unusual REE Patterns in Felsic Volcanic Rocks: Evidence of Subsolidus Alteration of Mafic Rocks from Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean
- Origin of the Ocean and Continents: Towards a Unified Theory of the Earth
- Rb-Sr Isotopic Systematics of Felsic Igneous Rocks, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
- The Atmospheric Radiation Monitoring (ARM) Education Program: An Integrated Approach
- Chemical Reactivity of Artificial and Natural Quartzose Fault Gouge
- Cohesive and frictional strengthening of fault zones by chemical and mechanical processes
- Dissolution of Quartz, Albite and K-feldspar Into H2O-Saturated Haplogranitic Melt at 800oC and 200 MPa: Diffusive Transport Properties of Granitic Melts at Crustal Anatectic Temperatures
- Fluid Assisted Strengthening of Synthetic Fault Zones Followed by Unstable Rupture
- Fostering Diversity in the Earth and Space Sciences: The Role of AGU
- Partitioning Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange into Two Causes -- Climatic Variability and Functional Change: Method Development with Datasets from Duke Forest
- Structural features of the San Andreas fault at Tejon Pass, California
- Sustainability of Carbon Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Theoretical Framework and a Case Study
- Thermal Treatment of Clays Resulting in Magnetic Mineral Formation in a Smectite - An Analogy to low Burial Conditions
- A Study of the Spatial and Vertical Structure of Modeled Hydrometeor Profiles: Insights for weather prediction modeling and precipitation retrieval from remote sensors
- Contribution of Climatic variables to Seasonal and Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange at Eight AmeriFlux Forest Sites
- Critical Threshold for Spontaneous Failure: Macro- and Micro- Behavior of Granite Loaded to Failure
- Geoclimate: The Study of Earth's Deep-Time Climate
- Model Studies of Lightning in Thunderstorms
- Optimum Time-Frequency Decomposition For Seismic Data Using Continuous Wavelet Transform
- Paleomagnetism of Devonian Red Beds in the Appalachian Plateau and Valley and Ridge Provinces
- Pre-Eruptive Exsolution of Chlorine-Enriched Volatile Phases at Augustine Volcano, Alaska: Evidence from Silicate Melt Inclusions and Cl Solubility Modeling
- Scaling Particle Size in Fault Gouge: Variable Fractal Dimension or Non-Fractal Distribution?
- Stimulated Emission and Radar Observations of RF-Ionosphere Interaction Experiments at HAARP
- The NCAR Modeling in the Geosciences Workshop for Middle and High School Educators
- The San Andreas Fault-Zone at Tejon Pass: Internal Structure and Grain-Size Distribution
- A method for identifying sources of model uncertainty in rainfall-runoff simulations
- Alteration of fresh fault gouge from focal depths of recent earthquakes in deep mines
- An Efficient Data Assimilation Technique Using the Karhunen-Loeve Kalman Filter
- Ascension Island, South Atlantic: Deep Plume or Shallow Melting Anomaly?
- Evidence of Shifted Soil Moisture Sensitivity of Soil Respiration Under Warming in a Tallgrass Prairie
- GeoSystems: Probing Climate and Linked Systems of Earth's Deep-Time Dark Ages
- Gouge Formation by Dynamic Pulverization During Earthquakes
- How Is Lower Crust Modified As A Neo-Rift Becomes A Paleo-Rift and Part Of The Craton?
- Lattice Boltzmann simulation of coupled flow and evolution of porous media at the pore scale
- Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD): A Cyberinfrastructure for Mesoscale Meteorology Research and Education
- Magnetic Fabrics in Shear Zones from the Southern Appalachian Mountain Belt
- Microscale Modeling Studies of Chemical Transport From Petroleum Contaminant Sources
- Remagnetized Paleopoles: Problems and Applications
- Sharing Climate and Global Change Science with Middle and High School Educators: Approaches and Lessons Learned from the NCAR Climate and Global Change and Modeling in the Geosciences Workshops
- Simulation of coupled flow, transport, and reaction in porous media by lattice Boltzmann method
- Stochastic Analysis Of Water-Oil Phase Flow In Heterogeneous Media By Combining Karhunen-Loeve Expansion And Perturbation Method
- Texture and Energetics of Gouge Powder from Earthquake Rupture Zones
- The Pretorious fault, Mponeng mine, South Africa: A site selected for the establishment of a natural earthquake laboratory
- Unique Aspects of Proposed San Antonio/Guadalupe Hydrologic Observatory in Texas
- A Comparison of Paleomagnetic and Archaeomagnetic Secular Variation Records for Western North America
- A Stochastic Analysis of Transient Two-Phase Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Aerosol Optical Thickness Measurements of the Skies of San Marcos and Seguin, Texas from 2003-2004
- An Updated Balloon-Borne Electric Field Sensor
- Chasing earthquakes at focal depth: Personal perspective from 3.6 km depth
- Drilling Across Active Faults in Deep Mines in South Africa for Monitoring Earthquake Processes in the Near-Field
- Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Model Updating of Subsurface Flow Models
- Late Paleozoic Deglaciation in Western Equatorial Pangaea
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Isotope Kinetics in Crystal Growth
- Lithogenic Sediments as a Proxy Record of Tropical Aridity and Monsoon Intensity: An Example from Lake Tanganyika, Africa
- MODFLOW-STO: Stochastic Modeling of Flow in Saturated Porous Media Using MODFLOW-2000
- Modeling Gravity Waves in the Stratosphere with a High-Resolution Forecast Model (ARPS)
- Paleomagentic Constraints on the Timing of the Decaturville Impact Structure, Southwest Missouri
- Periglacial Features in the Paleoequatorial Fountain Formation (Permo-Pennsylvanian), Colorado?
- Sintered cataclasite of the Archaean Pretorius fault zone, TauTona mine, South Africa
- Spatial Patterns of Carbon Residence Time and Sequestration Capacity in Terrestrial Ecosystems of the Conterminous USA
- The Earth System Course at the University of Oklahoma: Science and Pedagogy Aimed at Pre-service Teachers
- The Occurrence of Chlorothalonil, its Transformation Products, and Selected Other Pesticides in Texas and Oklahoma Streams, 2003-2004
- The Rupture Zone of the M=2.2 Earthquake that Reactivated the Ancient Pretorius Fault in TauTona Mine, South Africa
- Timing and Origin of Chemical Remagnetization(s) in the Mississippian Madison Group, Sawtooth Range, Montana
- Uncertainty in Power Law Analysis: Influences of Sample Size, Measurement Error, and Analysis Methods
- A Comparative Study of Various Stochastic Approaches for Subsurface Flow
- Analysis of a M2.2 Earthquake in Tautona Gold Mine, South Africa, and Estimate of its Energy Budget
- Critical Times for the Onset of Density-Driven Convection in Anisotropic Porous Media
- Crustal Boundaries in the Southern MidContinent
- Crustal Structure of the Ethiopian Rift and Adjacent Plateaus: Results of new integrated interpretation
- Effects of Local Farming and Deforestation on Sediment Discharge Inferred From Sediment Accumulation Rates and Patterns in Lake Core Records From Coastal Lake Tanganyika, East Africa
- Estimating Regional Groundwater Variability in Oklahoma from a Combination of in situ and Remotely Sensed Observations
- Estimation of in-situ Stress Magnitudes and Orientations in a Deep South African Gold Mine: Applications to Fault Mechanics and Mine Safety
- In-Situ Stress State at the Proximity of the Rupture Zone of an M2.2 Earthquake in Tautona Mine, South Africa
- Integrated Analysis of Seismological Models Using GEON Resources: an Illustration From the Western United States.
- Investigating the Processes of Crust Formation and Intraplate Continental Volcanism in the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Isotopic Evidence that Trees Enhance Nitrogen Inputs and Cycling in California Grassland- Savanna
- Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of Water Isotope Fractionation During Growth of Ice Crystals in Clouds
- Linked Environment for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD): Transforming the Sensing and Numerical Prediction of High Impact Local Weather Through Dynamic Adaptation
- Origin of magnetization in the Apache Canyon Formation, Arizona
- Orogenic remagnetizations and paleomagnetic analysis of fault propagation folds in Lower Carboniferous carbonates, Northern Rockies, NW Montana and SW Alberta
- Osmotic flows and membrane efficiency in Pierre Shale: Influence of temperature, illitization, and solute diffusion
- Regional Chemical Weather Forecast Over The Central Japan: PBL Structure And Chemical Transport For A Hindcast During July 2-21, 2004
- Simultaneous Estimation of Microphysical Parameters and Atmospheric State Variables With Radar Data and Ensemble Square-root Kalman Filter
- Soil respiration and litter dynamics across a precipitation gradient from 400 to 1200 mm in Great Plain grasslands
- St. Helena Revisited: Characteristics and Origin of the Type HIMU OIB
- Tectonic interpretation of a 3D seismic model of the Eastern Alps
- Terrestrial Carbon Cycle Feedback to Climate Warming: Experimental Evidence
- Toward an integration of controlled-source and passive seismic datasets
- Where is the Mafic Lower Crust of the Southern Basin and Range Province?
- Zones of High Fracture Density in Layered Rocks
- A kinematic representation of spatiotemporal scalar fields to support mining dynamics in data output from general circulation models.
- Characteristics of mantle fabrics beneath the southern-central United States: Constraints from shear-wave splitting measurements
- Characterization of orogenic remagnetizations within various fold geometries in Carboniferous carbonates from thin skinned fold and thrust belts, SW Alberta and NW Montana
- Constraints on Seismogenesis of Small Earthquakes (-2.8 ≤ M{W} ≤ 3) Defined by the Dense Instrument Network of the Natural Earthquake Laboratory in South African Mines (NELSAM)
- Dynamic Retention and Release of Nanoparticles in Unsaturated Porous Media During Multiple Drying/Wetting Cycles
- Ecosystem-Scale Sensitivity of Carbon Cycling Processes to Climate Warming
- Effects of Mining-Induced Stress Perturbations on Pre-Existing Faults Near a Deep South African Gold Mine
- Efficient, Non-Intrusive Stochastic Approaches for Multiphase Flow in Porous Media
- Enigmatic Connection Between Rhyolites and Shallow Granites in a Cambrian Rift
- Evaluation of Hydrologic Prediction Accuracy Using Gauge-Adjusted Radar Precipitation Input
- Folding at two different scales of the Paradox anticline in the Ordovician Cool Creek Formation, Arbuckle Group, Slick Hills, southwestern Oklahoma: A paleomagnetic fold test study.
- Formation of Massive Hydrate From the Accumulation of Free CH4 gas in Sediments
- Hydrological evaluation of satellite precipitation products in the La Plata basin
- Impacts of an Anomalously Warm Year on Soil Nitrogen Availability in Experimentally Manipulated Intact Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystems
- Impacts, Salinity, and Climate Change: Global-Scale Triggers for Hydrate Dissociation
- International Collaborations in Large Geophysical Experiments: A Win-Win Situation
- Latitudinal Patterns of Interannual Variability in Net Ecosystem Exchange
- Numerical Simulations of Density-Driven Flow in Heterogeneous Porous Media
- Observations of X-Rays and Electric Field in Thunderstorms: Revisited
- On Streamflow and Water Balance Modeling at Regional and Aquifer Scales: Validation of Remotely Sensed Radar Precipitation Through Continuous Simulation
- Patterns of Nonlinearity in Ecosystem Carbon and Water Dynamics in response to Gradual Changes in Temperature, CO2, and Precipitation: Modeling Analysis
- Promoting Interests in Atmospheric Science at a Liberal Arts Institution
- Regional Significance of Lower-Crustal Reflectivity in the California Continental Borderland
- The Acoustic Signature of Woodford Shale and Upscale Relationship from Nano-Scale Mechanical Properties and Mineralogy
- The Atmospheric Science and Climate Literacy Framework: An Opportunity to Build Community-Wide Consensus
- The use of Free air Gravity Data to Construct a 3D Density Model for the Region of Libya
- Transport and Fate of Titanium-Dioxide Nanoparticles in Heterogeneous, Unsaturated Porous Media
- A Functional Relationship Between Dynamic Capillary Effects and Saturation
- A Look at the Future of Controlled-Source Seismology
- A New Look at the Lithospheric Structure of the Southern Rocky Mountains and the Cheyenne Belt Suture
- A Simulation of Gravity Waves over Antarctica
- An Integrated Approach to Determine Ground-water Surface Water Flux in a Contaminated Aquifer-Wetland System at the Norman Landfill Research Site, Oklahoma
- An in situ bioseismicity experiment 3.6 km beneath the surface at NELSAM
- Analyzing Fault Gouge Under Seismic Conditions in Laboratory Experiments
- Application of Global Real-Time Landslide Forecasting System for International use
- Assessing Precipitation Flux in Low Layer Clouds Using Doppler Radars.
- Assimilating Doppler Radar Data with a 3DVAR and Cloud Analysis System for the Prediction of Tropical Storm Erin (2007) over Land
- Bull Creek Environment and the ET Event
- Capacity Building for Disaster Management in Vulnerable Regions of Africa: Implementing an Operational Flood Warming System in Lake Victoria
- Combining the PASSCAL and EarthScope Texan instrument pools for 3D and 3C imaging of the High Lava Plains, Oregon
- Enhancing a global satellite-based Landslide hazard Algorithm with regional applications in Central America and the Caribbean
- Evaluation of a Satellite-based Near Real-time Global Flood Prediction System
- Exploring the Role of Filamentous Cyanobacteria in the Formation of Living Silica Stromatolites in Yellowstone Hot Springs
- Extended Jarosite Lifetimes in High Salinity Fluids
- Fracture Propagation in a Sequence of Rock Layers With Damage Rheology
- Geology and Geophysics of the High Lava Plains and Associated Geologic Provinces of the Northwestern United States: Insights into the Evolution of the Continental Lithosphere
- Geophysical Characterization by the SAGE Program of Intrabasin Fault-Influenced Stratigraphic Variations in the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA
- Geophysical Investigation of the San Juan Mountains Batholith, Southwestern Colorado
- Integrating Diverse Geophysical and Geological Data to Construct Multi-Dimensional Earth Models: The Open Earth Framework
- Integrating Remotely Sensed and Hydrologically Modeled ET for Better Water Resources Management in Oklahoma
- Litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems: Estimation methods and environmental controls
- Magmatism in a Cambrian Laurentian Plate Rift
- Measurements of Capillary Pressure-Saturation Relationships for Silica Sands Using Light Transmission Visualization and a Rapid Pseudo Static Method
- Mercury in terrestrial biomass and soils and factors determining atmospheric mercury sequestration
- Minor Stimulation of Soil Carbon Storage by Nitrogen Addition
- New Data Bases and Standards for Gravity Anomalies
- Oak Ridge Integrated Field Research Challenge Project: Multi-scale Investigations on the Rates and Mechanisms of Targeted Immobilization and Natural Attenuation of Metal, Radionuclide and Co-Contaminants in the Subsurface
- On hydrologic prediction using NEXRAD Radar for recharge estimation
- Predicting effects of climate change on the composition and function of soil microbial communities
- Prokaryotic diversity, distribution, and insights into their role in biogeochemical cycling in marine basalts and gabbros
- Slip Sequences in Laboratory Experiments as Analogues to Earthquakes Associated with a Fault Edge
- The Application of a Limited Domain Unstructured Grid Model: An Evaluation of ADCIRC- HYCOM Coupling
- The Atmospheric Science Literacy Framework
- The Benefit of Polarimetric Radar in Hydrologic Modeling
- Transfer Zones in Listric Normal Fault Systems: Insights from Clay Experimental Models
- Usefulness of Satellite Soil Moisture Data for Improving an Existing Global Landslide Algorithm for Monitoring and Forecasting
- A Graphical Approach to Quality Checking Crustal Thickness Point Data Using Isostacy
- A Thermal Technique of Fault Nucleation, Growth, and Slip
- A multi-scale micromechanics framework for shale using the nano-tools
- An Integrated Geophysical Analysis of the Western High Atlas/Rif Region of Morocco
- Applications of Global Earth Observations for Natural Hazards (Flood and Landslide) Monitoring and Prediction (Invited)
- Basement Structures in the Mid-Continent Region: Some Perspectives Based on Regional Geophysical Data
- Characterization of Carbon Onion Nanomaterials for Environmental Remediation
- Comparing intra- and inter- biogeochemical model uncertainties based on the results of the North American Carbon Program Site-level Interim Synthesis
- Complexity and segmentation of the Seattle Fault System
- Crustal velocity models derived from the High Lava Plains controlled-source experiment in eastern Oregon
- Data Assimilation at FLUXNET to Improve Models towards Ecological Forecasting (Invited)
- Detection of heavy rainstorm which induced debris flows by TRMM-based satellites and networked rain gauges
- Dynamic Strength Variation of Laboratory Faults at Slip Velocities up to 1 m/s
- Dynamic Transport and Retention of Fullerene Nanoparticles in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Earthquake-Like Slip Events on a Laboratory Fault
- Ecosystem respiratory responses to interannual and seasonal temperature variability in intact tallgrass prairie ecosystems in the EcoCELLs
- Global Flood and Landslide Catalog: Compilation and Applications
- High Temporal-Resolution Analysis of Electrical Activity in a Severe Hailstorm Scanned Using Phased Array Radar
- Iron cycling in a late Paleozoic dust bowl
- Irrigated Area Mapping in The Northern High Plains of Texas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data
- Long-term nitrogen regulation of forest carbon sequestration
- Meso-Scale Clathrate Experiments: Effect of Grain Size on Formation Pathways
- Neutron Powder Diffraction Study of CO2 Hydrate as a Function of Pressure
- New techniques for landslide hazard assessments: opportunities, methodology, and uncertainty
- Nitrogen regulation of climate-carbon cycle feedback: evidence from a long-term global change experiment
- Observed Impact of Subpolar North Atlantic SST Anomalies on the Atmospheric Circulation
- Precipitation Estimation using NEXRAD Over A Sparse Rain Gauge Network
- Rainfall Estimates from Radar, Satellite, Gauge, and Combinations: Intercomparison and Evaluation with Hydrologic Simulations
- Rainfall-induced landslide cataloging for hazard assessment
- Real time forest carbon flux dynamics forecasting using Ensemble Kalman Filter
- Real-time Global Flood and Landslide Prediction Using Satellite Observations (Invited)
- Receiver function study of the rifted margin of the Gulf Coast Plain: A Pilot Project
- Satellite Remote Sensing and Hydrological Modeling for Flood Inundation Mapping in Lake Victoria Basin: Implications for Hydrologic Prediction in Ungauged Basins
- Spatial Patterns and Temporal Trends of Global Floods during the TRMM Era (1998-2008)
- Statistical Analysis and water Quality Modeling for a Drinking Water Source Watershed for the City of Houston, Texas
- Superposition of the Neyman-Scott Rectangular Pulses Model and the Poisson White Noise Model for the Representation of Tropical Rain Rates
- Teaching and Training in Geoinformatics: Experiences from the Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists (CSIG)
- The Hydrologic Connectivity on the Blue River Basin: Results from a Year of Field Measurements of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity
- The role of dataset selection in cloud microphysics parameterization development
- Understanding the Crustal Structure of the Klamath Mountain Province using Geophysical Methods, Northern California and Southern Oregon
- A 3D Gravity Investigation of Devils Tower, Wyoming, U.S.A
- A Backscattering Enhanced Microwave Canopy Scattering Model Based On MIMICS
- A Controllable Earthquake Rupture Experiment on the Homestake Fault
- A Pore Network Model Evaluation of the Types of Fluid/Fluid Interfacial Area Measured by Static and Dynamic Water-Phase Tracer Methods
- Advancing GIS for Geospatial Dynamics (Invited)
- An Evaluation of Data Fusion Products for the Analysis of Dryland Forest Phenology
- An Integrated Approach to Estimating Crustal Thickness
- Benchmark analysis of parameterization for terrestrial carbon cycle model (Invited)
- Confirmation that Large-Magnitude Megathrust Earthquakes Are Linked to the Subduction of Thick, Laterally Continuous Bodies of Trench Sediment
- Continuous Forecasting and Evaluation of Derived Z-R Relationships in a Sparse Rain Gauge Network Using NEXRAD
- Covering Climate Change in Wikipedia
- Creating synergy between ground and space-based precipitation measurements
- Cross Validation of Space-borne Radar Measurements of Different Hydrometeors using Ground Polarimetric Radar
- Crust structure revealed from the deep seismic reflection profile across Solonker suture zone in North China: a preliminary interpretation
- Crustal Structure of the High Lava Plains of the Pacific Northwest - Source Seismic and Gravity Modeling
- Effects of Salinity and Sea Level Change on Permafrost-Hosted Methane Hydrate Reservoirs
- Eolian delivery of highly reactive iron to the glacial ocean of the late Paleozoic
- Estimating trench-fill thickness from satellite gravity data and implications for global estimation of megathrust-earthquake potential
- Evaluating Flood Prediction Skill of TMPA Rainfall Products over Tar River Basin Using a Distributed Hydrologic Model
- Evaluation of Heat Induced Methane Release from Methane Hydrates
- Evaluation of Satellite-based Real-time Global Flood Detection and Prediction System with an Improved Hydrological Model
- Fault Wear During Earthquake-Like Slip-Events in Laboratory Experiments
- Fault-Wear Under Constant Slip-Velocity: Experimental Observations
- Gravity Modeling of the Cerro Goden fault zone, NW Puerto Rico
- High-Frequency, High-Magnitude Climate Shifts Recorded in Permian Loessite Deposits, Tropical Pangaea (Colorado, USA)
- How to `Elk-test' biogeochemical models in a data rich world? (Invited)
- Hula basin pull apart inversion - geophysical evidences supported by analog clay model
- Hydrologic evaluation of the TRMM-based multi-satellite precipitation analysis data at basin scale
- Increased carbon recalcitrance with depletion of labile organic carbon under a long-term experimental warming in a tallgrass prairie
- Inversion of coupled carbon-nitrogen model parameters against multiple datasets using Markov chain Monte Carlo methodology
- Investigating Earthquake Rupture Processes in a Deep South African Gold Mine (Invited)
- Land Change in Russia since 2000
- Linking Landsat observations with MODIS derived Land Surface Phenology data to map agricultural expansion and contraction in Russia
- Looking beneath Snake River Plain using gravity and magnetic methods Murari Khatiwada and G. Randy Keller, ConocoPhillips School of Geology and Geophysics, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73069
- Montana: Filling A Gap In The GeoSwath
- Multispectral and Microwave Satellite Remote Sensing for Flood monitoring in ungauged basins
- Nanometric Gouge in High-Speed Shearing Experiments: Superplasticity?
- New Geophysical Results About the Relationship Between the Reelfoot Rift and the Rifted Margin of Laurentia
- Parameter constraints to reveal temperature sensitivity of soil C decomposition by incubation data
- Phenological variations in China's Loess plateau since 1981
- Pixel-Based Very Short-Term Precipitation Forecasting for Hydrological Application
- Probing The Structure North China To Better Understand Its Evolution, Natural Resources, And Seismic Hazards (Invited)
- Prototyping an Early-warning System for Rainfall-triggered Landslides on a Regional Scale Using a Physically-based Model and Remote Sensing Datasets
- Relative Information Contributions of Model vs. Data to Constraints of Short- and Long-Term Forecasts of Forest Carbon Dynamics
- Seismic Refraction & Wide-angle Reflection Experiment on the Northern Margin of North China Craton -Data Acquisition and Preliminary Processing Result
- SinoProbe-02:Deep Seismic Reflection Profile (480km) experiment in North China:Acquisition and the Preliminary Processing result
- Status and Future of Global Flood and Landslide Nowcasts and Forecasts Using Satellite Precipitation Observations (Invited)
- Strain rate field for Arizona and the Colorado Plateau estimated using campaign and continuous GPS velocities
- Testing the viability of 3-component active-source recording with single-component Ref-Tek 'Texans'
- The relationship of GIMMS AVHRR NDVI, MODIS NDVI, SPOT NDVI and SeaWiFS NDVI for phenological analysis
- Thermal Acclimation and Adaptation of Net Ecosystem Carbon Exchange (Invited)
- Three-Dimensional Seismic Tomography Beneath Tangshan, China
- Using Ancient Dust to Track Atmospheric Circulation and Orogenesis in Western Equatorial Pangaea
- Validation of Airborne CO2 Laser Measurements
- Variation in dip of the Caribbean Plate along the Muertos Trough
- A Collaborative Data Scientist Framework for both Primary and Secondary Education
- A Fast Full Tensor Gravity computation algorithm for High Resolution 3D Geologic Interpretations
- A Framework of Benchmarking Land Models
- A Geophysical and Tectonic Comparative Study of the Basin and Range Province and the North China Plain/Bohai Bay Extensional Province
- A Novel Use of 3D Geology interpretations and Free-air Gravity Applied to Target Ore Zone Related Alteration in the Athabasca Sandstone
- A River Runs Under It: Modeling the Distribution of Streams and Stream Burial in Large River Basins
- Agricultural Change in the Russian grain belt: a case study of Samara Oblast
- Airborne Laser CO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Measurements: Evaluation of Precision and Accuracy Under a Wide Range of Surface and Atmospheric Conditions
- An Experimental Examination of the Relationship between Fluid Properties and Dynamic Capillary Effects During Drainage and Imbibition
- An Integrated Paleomagnetic, Rock Magnetic, and Geochemical Study of the Marcellus Shale in the Valley and Ridge Province in Pennsylvania and West Virginia
- Assessment of the large-scale pattern of precipitation in the Yangtze River basin and its possible impact on streamflow
- Assimilation of Satellite-based AMSR-E Streamflow for Improving Flood Modeling in Okavango River Basin, Africa
- Automated Tracking of Tornado-Producing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the United States
- Constraints on the Aleutian Subduction Zone from the Shumagin Gap to Kodiak Asperity from New MCS and OBS Data of the ALEUT Project
- Crust structure of the Northern Margin of North China Craton and adjacent region from Sinoprobe-02 North China seismic WAR/R experiment
- Crustal structure across the Solonker suture zone of Central Asian Orogenic Belt: an Initial interpretation of the SinoProbe seismic deep reflection profile in North China
- Discussion of Continental Rifts and Their Structure
- Dynamic Strengthening During High Velocity Shear Experiments with Siliceous Rocks
- Early Results from the Soil Moisture Active Passive-Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (SMAP-MOISST)
- Earthquake Nucleation and Fault Slip: Possible Experiments on a Natural Fault
- Evaluation of Satellite-based Global Hydrologic Simulation using the Distributed CREST Model and Global Runoff Data Centre Archives
- Evolving TRMM-based Multi-satellite Real-Time Precipitation Estimation Methods: Their Impacts on Hydrological Prediction Using the Variable Infiltration Capacity Model in a High Latitude Basin
- Experimental Results of Hydrate Reservoir Destabilization Through Heating
- Experimental Slip Events as Possible Proxies for Fault Patch Slip During Earthquakes
- Fault Wear and Friction Evolution: Experimental Analysis
- Fundamentals of Glacial-Interglacial Variability in Tropical Pangaean Aridity during the Late Paleozoic
- Further Evaluation of a Satellite-based Real-time Global Flood Monitoring System
- Geophysical characterization of transtensional fault systems in the Eastern California Shear Zone-Walker Lane Belt
- Giant grains from Pennsylvanian Dust of the Panthalassic Ocean: Evidence for Extreme Winds and a Paleo-Tethyan Monsoon
- Hydrologic model calibration and validation that considers basin scale and precipitation resolution
- Incorporating NASA space-borne precipitation products into National Mosaic QPE system for improved precipitation estimates
- Linking field observations, Landsat and MODIS data to estimate agricultural change in European Russia.
- Microbial activity and biogeochemical cycling in first-order Russian Arctic streams
- Microbial community analysis of an Alabama coastal salt marsh impacted by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Microbial survival in strongly lithifying hotspring environments, Yellowstone National Park
- Modeling of soil C-dynamics reveals different carbon pool sizes and decomposition rates under varying incubation temperatures
- NMQ-FLASH: A prototype system for flash flood prediction in the USA
- Oblique Fault Systems Crossing the Seattle Basin: Seismic and Aeromagnetic Evidence for Additional Shallow Fault Systems in the Central Puget Lowland
- On the geological origin of Devils Tower (WY, USA)
- Pacific plate seaward of the western Alaska trench: A view into the structure of a fossil triple junction
- Paleomagnetism of clastic dikes along the Front Range, Colorado
- Patterns in the Land Surface Phenology of North American Mountain Systems from 2000 to 2011
- Perceived and actual environmental benefits of the Los Angeles urban forest
- Petrologic Applications of Tourmaline
- Primary and Secondary Magnetizations in the Long Mountain Granite, Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma
- Propagation of satellite rainfall uncertainty in runoff prediction
- Quantifying bioavailable iron delivery by dust during the icehouse of the late Paleozoic
- Radar and Satellite Remote Sensing for Global and Regional Flood Prediction and Water Cycle Studies
- Rapid uplift in Laguna del Maule volcanic field of the Andean Southern Volcanic Zone (Chile) measured by satellite radar interferometry
- Regional Assessment of Storm-triggered Shall Landslide Risks using the SLIDE (SLope-Infiltration-Distributed Equilibrium) Model
- Rock Friction at the Micro-Scale
- Russia Browning: The 2010 Heat Wave Was Not an Isolated Event
- Status and Future of a Real-time Global Flood Detection and Forecasting System Using Satellite Rainfall Information
- Systematic evaluation of NASA precipitation radar estimates using NOAA/NSSL National Mosaic QPE products
- Tectonic interactions between the Yangtze block and Songpan-Ganze terrane: new constraints from deep seismic reflection and refraction profiles and gravity evidence
- Testing the Origin of Syntilting Chemical Remanent Magnetizations in the Phosphoria Formation, Sheep Mountain, Wyoming, and the Belden Formation, Sweetwater Anticline, Colorado, Using Low Temperature Demagnetization
- The Geometry of the Subducting Slabs Beneath the PRVI Microplate Based on 3D Tomography
- The Meers Fault in Southern Oklahoma: Holocene Movements on a Fault with Pennsylvanian and Cambrian Linages
- The Role of Adsorbed Water on the Friction of a Layer of Submicron Particles
- The Use of Data Fusion Products for the Analysis of Dryland Forest Phenology
- The effect of warming on grassland evapotranspiration partition using laser-based isotope monitoring techniques
- Trends in grain size and surface area of glacial and non-glacial alluvial sediments: Building a paleoclimate proxy for deep-time
- Wrinkles as a model for flower structures along strike-slip faults: example from Dead Sea Transform
- "Rocket-and-wire Triggered Lightning in 2012 Tropical Storm Debby in the Absence of Natural Lightning"
- A Global Hydrological Ensemble Forecasting System: Uncertainty Quantification and Data Assimilation
- A comparison of forest cover maps in Mainland Southeast Asia from multiple sources: PALSAR, MERIS, MODIS and FRA
- ACES: The ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator
- ASCENDS and its Science Traceability Matrix
- An Overview of Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Research on Storm-scale Analysis and Prediction at the National Weather Center (Invited)
- An Overview of the Lightning - Atmospheric Chemistry Aspects of the Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Experiment
- Assimilation of Thermodynamic and Dynamic Boundary Layer Profiler Data
- Bioenergy Landscape Design to Minimize the Environmental Impacts of Feedstock Cultivation
- Breaking down of linear models of rock fracturing and fault wear
- COAST: Cascadia Open-Access Seismic Transects
- Climate and Biological Controls of Carbon Fluxes along latitudinal gradients
- Climatic drivers of variability in the response of NPP to elevated CO2. A model-data comparison at two FACE sites in the south eastern US
- Coloumb Stress Modeling of the 2011 M5.7 Oklahoma Earthquake Sequence
- Constraints on Cascadia Forearc Structure Off Washington From New Shipboard Gravity Data
- Crust Structure across the Longmen Shan Thrust Belt from Seismic Refraction and Wide-angle Reflection Experiment of Sinoprobe02
- DFL-MaP: A Global Real-time Hydrological Modeling System for Drought-Flood-Landslide Monitoring and Prediction
- Deep Seismic Reflection Profiles Reveal The Crust Structures Beneath Xing'an-Mongolian Orogenic Belt and Its Neighboring Area
- Dynamic weakening by nanoscale smoothing during high velocity fault slip
- Ecosystem carbon storage capacity as affected by disturbance regimes: a general theoretical model
- Effects of CO2 doped ice on CO2 and CH4 hydrate formation rates
- Evaluation and Improvement of Two Global Land Models Against Soil Carbon Data Using a Data Assimilation Approach
- Experimen-based model for granite dynamic strength in slip-velocity range of 0.001-1.0 m/s
- Failed Rifts: They May Have Failed but They are Still interesting
- Fault gouge rheology under confined, high-velocity conditions
- Fluid injection triggering of 2011 earthquake sequence in Oklahoma
- Friction and Wear of Carbonate Rocks Under High Velocity Sliding
- Global Phenological Response to Climate Change in Crop Areas using Satellite Remote Sensing of Vegetation, Humidity and Temperature over 26 years
- High-speed video of a close negative stepped leader
- How Spaceborne Radar Helps Ground Radar in Precipitation Estimation: Real-time Incorporation of TRMM PR into NOAA NMQ System
- Hybrid ensemble-variational data assimilation for Numerical Weather Prediction
- Image crustal structure of eastern Oklahoma City with TOMODD
- Impacts of shifting fire regime on ecosystem carbon storage capacity in the interior Alaskan forests
- Insights into Oklahoma's Increased Seismicity Aided by Incorporation of the Transportable Array in Regional Earthquake Monitoring
- Integrated Geophysical Studies of the Continental Lithosphere: Some Global Examples
- Integrating Observations to Inform Soil Biogeochemistry in CLM4
- Land Cover Effects on Watershed Runoff Patterns: A Regional Perspective using Power Spectral Analyses
- Last Glacial Maximum Development of Parna Dunes in Panhandle Oklahoma, USA
- Modeling Gross Primary Production of Savanna Woodlands in Southern Africa Using MODIS Imagery and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Tower Data
- NOAA tools to support CSC and LCC regional climate science priorities in the western Gulf of Mexico
- Nonautonomous linear system of the terrestrial carbon cycle
- Observation of incomplete drainage of a branched negative stepped leader system during the initial return stroke, and its implications
- Observations of Mammatus from a Deep Convective Anvil over the ARM Climate Research Facility
- P and S Travel Time Tomography Using a Dense Array of Portable Seismographs and Earthquake Sources in Central Oklahoma
- Pan-arctic permafrost C quality and vulnerability over time: A synthesis of long-term incubation studies
- Permafrost carbon cycles under multifactor global change: a modeling analysis
- Plate-Tectonic Setting of the Mid-Continent Rift
- Preliminary Focal Mechanism Analysis of the 6 November 2011 M 5.7 Oklahoma sequence
- Quantification of Spatial Errors of Precipitation Rates and Types from the TRMM Precipitation Radar (the latest successive V6 and V7) over the United States
- Rapid acceleration leads to rapid weakening in earthquake-like laboratory experiments
- Seismic Imaging of the Cascadia Plate Boundary with Four Source Array Configurations
- Seismic Variability Study of Eastern Alaska/Aleutian Megathrust
- Sensitivity as a Component of Variational Data Assimilation
- Simulating Dust Cycling during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Soil Moisture-Based Drought Monitoring in Oklahoma
- Spatial and temporal variability in forest soil CO2 flux among stands and under elevated [CO2] and fertilization
- State Changes in Terrestrial Ecosystem Carbon Cycling after Recovering from Disturbance
- Stochastic forecasting of agricultural drought based on Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)
- The Anthropocene, Ethics, and the Nature of Nature
- The Impact of the Rate of Saturation Change on Apparent Wetting Phase Residual Saturation
- The Paleozoic Dust Bowl: Dust Deposition in Tropical Western Pangaea (Midcontinent U.S.) at the Terminus of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- The Use of Satellite Rainfall for the Prediction of Floods in Mountainous Basins
- The lower velocity zone or brittle-ductile transition zone is shown by tomography in Northeastern Tibetan Plateau
- The opportunities and challenges: Statistical and Hydrological Evaluation of high-resolution multisensor blended global precipitation products over the Yangtze River Basin, China
- Toward A Research Framework to Bridge Cross-platform Error Characterization of Spaceborne Passive/Active Sensors using NOAA/NSSL Ground Radar-based National Mosaic QPE Products over CONUS
- US-Pakistan Cooperation on End-to-End Hydrometeorological Disaster Risk Assessment: Satellite Sensors, Super Computing and Sustainable communities (S3)
- Understanding the Differences between Air-Water and Organic Liquid-Water Systems for Measurement of Dynamic Capillary Effects in Porous Media
- Using Surface Soil Moisture Data in Overland Passive Microwave Rainfall Error Modeling
- VPR-IE: Combining climatological VPR information from TRMM Precipitation Radar with NEXRAD-based rainfall estimates
- Variation in magma volume along the two arms of the Midcontinent Rift System
- Vegetation change in in the MODIS era: Assessing the influence of human activities
- Water Decisions for Sustainability of the Arbuckle-Simpson Aquifer
- Water use and water use efficiency at elevated CO2: a model-data intercomparison at two contrasting temperate forest FACE sites
- What do you want to be in ten years? - Advising meteorology students in the post-Twister era
- A Pure-Python Robust Frequency Band Automatic Phase Picker for Seismic Monitoring
- A framework for evaluating statistical downscaling performance under changing climatic conditions (Invited)
- AVHRR, MODIS and Landsat Time Series for the Monitoring of Vegetation Changes Around the World (Invited)
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, UT Part I: Inorganic carbon dynamics and constraints on nutrient fluxes in a warm, salty, sulfidic spring
- Biogeochemistry of Stinking Springs, Utah. Part II: Microbial Diversity and Photo- and Chemo-Autotrophic Growth Rates in a Layered Microbial Mat
- CO2-induced decrease of canopy stomatal conductance of mature conifer and broadleaved trees
- Carbon-Structural Analysis of Global Land Models (C-SALM)
- Clathrate hydrate stability models for Titan: implications for a global subsurface ocean
- Connecting Soluble Trace Gases and Aerosol Vertical Distributions to Storm Properties
- Convergence of Phenological and Physiological Control on Annual Terrestrial Carbon Dioxide Uptake
- Cooperation on Climate Services in the Binational Rio Grande/Bravo Basin
- Cratons: Why Are The Little Ones So Tough?
- Cross Validation of Spaceborne and Ground Polarimetric Radar Snowfall Retrievals
- Crustal kinematics of the Colorado Plateau from GPS geodesy
- Detecting Chlorophyll and Phycocyanin in Lake Texoma Using in Situ Photo from GPS Digital Camera and Landsat 8 OLI Imagery
- Developing a Continuous Hemispheric View of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: The GeoCARB Mission
- Developing and Implementing an REU Program Philosophy
- Development of a Tool for Siting Low Impact Development in Urban Watersheds
- Dynamic rupture simulation with an experimentally-determined friction law leads to slip-pulse propagation
- Estimation of Croplands in West Africa using Global Land Cover and Land Use Datasets: Preliminary Results
- Evaluating GPM Precipitation Products in Real-Time
- Extracting insights into rifting processes from low frequency earthquakes during dike intrusions in Afar
- Failure was not an option- the Mid-Continent Rift system succeeded
- Geomechanical Parameters in Fracturing Process of Layered Rocks
- Harvesting Duke FACE: improving estimates of productivity and biomass under elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Identification of brome grass infestations in southwest Oklahoma using multi-temporal Landsat imagery
- Imaging the crustal structure beneath the eastern Tibetan Plateau and implications for the uplift of the Longmen Shan range
- Improved estimation of forest area in tropical Africa through ALOS/PALSAR 50-m orthorectified mosaic images
- Improving global soil carbon predictions with data-constrained microbial based models
- Integrated study of seismic and gravity data on the crustal structure across the Longmenshan range, eastern Tibetan Plateau
- Interactive Effects of Storms, Drought, and Weekly Land Cover Changes on Water Quality Patterns in an Agricultural-dominated Subtropical Catchment in New Zealand
- Investigation of the impact of gas pressure gradients on the measurement of dynamic capillary pressure in porous media
- Landsat and MODIS Fusion for Disturbance Analysis in New Zealand
- Lightning mapping and dual-polarization radar observations of electrified storms at Langmuir Laboratory
- Linkages between Land Surface Phenology Metrics and Natural and Anthropogenic Events in Drylands (Invited)
- Mapping paddy rice using multi-temporal Landsat imagery in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
- Metagenomic Insights of Microbial Feedbacks to Elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> (Invited)
- Model-experiment synthesis at two FACE sites in the southeastern US. Forest ecosystem responses to elevated CO[2]. (Invited)
- Modeling ecosystem carbon cycle and permafrost thaw under annual and seasonal warming at a tundra site in Alaska
- Modeling the Performance of a Spaceborne Laser Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CO2 Column Measurements
- Molecular Characterization of Soil Organic Matter from a Prairie Soil Chronosequence
- Multi- Sensor Imaging and Space-Ground Cross-Validation for Flood Monitoring triggered by the 2010 Monsoon along Indus River, Pakistan
- Multi-scale Evaluation of a Real Time Multi-satellite Precipitation Forced Global Hydrological Modeling System
- Observing System Simulations for ASCENDS: Synthesizing Science Measurement Requirements (Invited)
- On Preliminary Breakdown
- Paleomagnetic dating of paleo-weathering surfaces, North America and Scotland
- Phenological and physiological mechanisms underlying interannual variability of terrestrial net ecosystem production
- Powder lubrication of faults by powder rolls in gouge zones
- Pre-Stack Depth Migrations of the Cascadia Decollement: Seismic Imaging from the Cascadia Open-Access Seismic Transects (COAST) Project
- Preliminary Investigation of EarthScope EARS Derived MOHO Topography and Large Scale Faye Gravity Anomaly
- Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting using Stormscale Ensembles
- Re-learning how to write: student successes and challenges in a targeted geoscience communication course
- Risk across disciplines: An interdisciplinary examination of water and drought risk in South-Central Oklahoma
- Scale-dependent performances of CMIP5 earth system models in simulating terrestrial vegetation carbon
- Search for Generalizable Mechanisms and Patterns from Variable Ecosystem Responses to Climate Extremes (Invited)
- Secondary Magnetization of ZEBRA Dolomites in the Basin and Range Province of Eastern Nevada
- Sensitivity of Active Remotely Sensed Total Column Observations to Atmospheric State Estimation Errors
- Stomatal conductance at Duke FACE: Leveraging the lessons from 11 years of scaled sap flux measurements for region-wide analyses
- Sulfur as a Matrix for the Development of Microbial Biofilm Communities
- Technology advancement for the ASCENDS mission using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES)
- Temperature and pH Effects on Alunite Dissolution and Implications for Mars
- Temperature sensitivity (Q10), and dynamics of soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition in permafrost soils with different carbon quality and under experimental warming. R. Bracho1, E.A.G Schuur1, E. Pegoraro1, K.G. Crummer1, S. Natali2, J. Zhou, Y Luo3, J. L. Wu3, M. Tiedje4, K. Konstantinidis5 1Department of Biology, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 2Woods Hole Research Center, Falmouth, MA. 3Institute for Environmental Genomics and Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 4Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI; 5Center for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics and School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA
- The Effect of Surface Roughness on Fluid Configuration and Solute Transport in Unsaturated Porous Media
- Theoretical analysis of the global land carbon cycle: what determines the trajectory of future carbon uptake?
- Thunderstorm lifecycle and morphological influences on lightning channel distributions (Invited)
- Toward identification of a threshold to ecosystem collapse using rain-use efficiency as an indicator
- Urban influences on land surface phenologies in the U.S. Great Plains
- Validation of the Snowfall Estimations from Microwave Satellite observations by ground Radar observations
- Variable seismic response to fluid injection in central Oklahoma
- Warming and altered precipitation affect litter decomposition and nitrogen dynamics in a mixed-grass prairie
- Wear and Cohesion During Frictional Slip Along Carbonate Faults
- A Comparison of Forest Cover Maps in China in 2010 from Multi-source: Landsat, PALSAR, MCD12Q1, FAO FRA, and National Forestry Inventory
- A Space-Time Unified Data Set of General Circulation Model Outputs for Land Surface Modeling over Amazonia
- A Unified Disturbance Analysis for Forests and Grasslands in New Zealand
- A Unified Theory for the Great Plains Nocturnal Low-Level Jet
- Adjusting Satellite Rainfall Error in Mountainous Areas for Flood Modeling Applications
- Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator: First Results
- Analysis of Seismicity Coincident with Hydraulic Fracturing of a Well in Southern Oklahoma
- Annual Changes of Paddy Rice Planting Areas in Northeastern Asia from MODIS images in 2000-2014
- Assessing Landscape Connectivity and River Water Quality Changes Using an 8-Day, 30-Meter Land Cover Dataset
- Build an Ensemble-based Remote-Sensing Driven Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Warning System and Its Evaluation Across the United States
- Building non-traditional collaborations to innovatively address climate-related scientific and management needs
- CREST v2.1 Refined by a Distributed Linear Reservoir Routing Scheme
- Changes of paddy rice planting areas in Northeastern Asia from 1986 to 2014 based on Landsat data
- Characterization of Floods in the United States
- Chemical and Physical Weathering in a Hot-arid, Tectonically Active Alluvial System (Anza-Borrego Desert, CA)
- Climate Intervention: Reflecting Sunlight to Cool the Earth - Report from the National Research Council
- Comparing Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval over Heterogeneous Land Cover Using Landsat-5 TM Thermal Infrared Data
- Comparing Reactive Surface Area of Sediments in Hot and Cold Arid Climates
- Composition of Crustal Melts at the Source Area: Information from Glassy Melt Inclusions in Anatectic Enclaves
- Deriving Daily Time Series Evapotranspiration, Evaporation and Transpiration Maps With Landsat Data
- Detect Natural Hazard Prone Areas Remote Way
- Determining the Provenance of Late Paleozoic Loess Using Radiogenic Isotopes
- Dynamical Conditions of Ice Supersaturation and Cirrus Clouds in the Extratropical Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Earthquake Energy Dissipation in Light of High-Velocity, Slip-Pulse Shear Experiments
- Ecosystems Biology Approaches To Determine Key Fitness Traits of Soil Microorganisms
- Effects of Drought and Water Resource Management on Biophysical and Sociocultural Ecosystem Services in South-Central United States
- Eolian Signal of the Onset of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in North America Re-Deposited and Preserved As Paleo-Cave Sediments, Southwestern Colorado, U.S.a.
- Estimation and Analysis of Gross Primary Production of Soybean Under Various Management Practices and Drought Conditions
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement Mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: Past, Current Status and Future Directions.
- Evaluating the Influence of Surface and Precipitation Characteristics on TMI and GMI Precipitation Retrievals.
- Examining the Oxidative Capacity of the Troposphere in the Remote Tropical Western Pacific Using Measurements from CONTRAST
- Fault Mirror Formation and Destruction Correlates With Slip Rates on Carbonate Faults
- Fault strength evolution during high velocity friction experiments with slip-pulse and constant-velocity loading
- Flash Floods and Storm-Triggered Debris Avalanches in the Appalachians and Possible Trends in a Future Warming Climate
- Flash Location, Size, and Rates Relative to the Evolving Kinematics and Microphysics of the 29 May 2012 DC3 Supercell Storm
- Formation of nocturnal low-level jets and structure of the nocturnal boundary layer in the Southern Great Plains
- Fracture patterns in synclinal folds, Miaofengshan, Beijing
- Hydrologic Simulations in Complex Terrain Conditioned on Different Precipitation Inputs During IPHEx
- Impacts of assimilating various remotely sensed atmospheric parameters on WRF's tropical cyclone prediction skill
- Impacts of elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB> on plant-microbial interactions
- Implementation of Bounding Surface Model into ABAQUS and Its Application to Wellbore Stability Analysis
- Incorporating Functional Gene Quantification into Traditional Decomposition Models
- Increase in Recalcitrant Carbon: a Positive Balance between Stabilization and Priming Effect
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Insights from intercomparison of microbial and conventional soil models
- Insights into Microbial Mats and Possible Stromatolite Formation from Little Hot Creek, California
- Integrated Cropland and Grassland Flux Tower Observation Sites over Grazinglands for Quantifying Surface-Atmosphere Exchange
- Investigation of the Origins of Modern Firmgrounds in Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for Lacustrine Climate Records and Hardgrounds in the Rock Record
- Investigation of the Role of Cosmic-Ray Extensive Air Showers in the Initiation of Lightning
- Is there a climatological signature to deep root functioning?
- Lightning NOx Production and Transport in the 29 May 2012 DC3 case: A Modeling Study Using Radar Data Assimilation and a Branched Lightning Simulation.
- Local Contributors and Predictability of Flash Drought at the Marena Oklahoma In Situ Sensor Testbed (MOISST) During 2012
- Low Ozone and High Mixing Ratios of Long-Lived Trace Gases in the Tropical Tropopause Layer over the Western Pacific
- Magma and Underplating in the Ethiopian Lower Crust From a Re-analysis of EAGLE Active-Source Seismic Profiles
- Mapping Soil Carbon from Cradle to Grave: 'Omic and Isotope Based Measurements of Root C Transformations
- Mapping and analyzing urban growth in West Africa
- Mapping of Gold Mineralization Alteration Zones in Central Eastern Desert Egypt using Spectral Angular Mapper and Aeromagnetic Data
- Mapping the Duration and Severity of Drought Impacts on Grasslands in the Southern Great Plains through a Water-related Vegetation Index Derived from MODIS Imagery
- Mechanics of the 2004 M2.2 Earthquake Along the Pretorius Fault, Tautona Mine, South Africa
- Metagenomics-Enabled Understanding of Soil Microbial Feedbacks to Climate Warming
- Mid-Continent Rift: Rift, LIP, or Both?
- Modeling Gross Primary Production in Maize and Soybean Using Four Parameters: Light Quality, Temperature, Water Stress, and Phenology
- Multidisciplinary Approach to Identify and Mitigate the Hazard from Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma
- On the Ability of Ascends to Constrain Fossil Fuel, Ocean and High Latitude Emissions: Flux Estimation Experiments
- On the Role of Urban and Vegetative Land Cover in the Identification of Tornado Damage Using Dual-Resolution Multispectral Satellite Imagery
- Origin and Evolution of the Cometary Reservoirs
- Performance and Uncertainty Analysis of Precipitation Retrievals Derived from Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar and Microwave Imager onboard GPM over CONUS
- Phenology and gross primary production of open oak savanna and annual grassland under the Mediterranean climate in California
- Plant roots alter microbial potential for mediation of soil organic carbon decomposition
- Precipitation regime drives soil microbial responses to warming in temperate steppes
- Preliminary Breakdown: Physical Mechanisms and Potential for Energetic Emissions
- Rheology and Thermal State of Titan's Crust: Potential Role of Methane Clathrates
- Role of Wet Scavenging of HO<SUB>x</SUB> Precursors in DC3 Oklahoma and Alabama Thunderstorms as Determined Using Aircraft Observations and Results from WRF-Chem Simulations
- Sensitivity of Crop Gross Primary Production Simulations to In-situ and Reanalysis Meteorological Data
- Sensitivity of Three Vegetation Indices to Cimate and Soil moisture at a Tallgrass Prairie Site
- Sensitivity of Vegetation Index and Gross Primary Productivity to Drought and Heat Waves in Europe
- Stability of Grassland Communities to Altered Precipitation: A Meta-Analysis
- TERRA Education and Public Outreach: Bringing Earth Science Resources to the Public, Students, Educators, and Citizen Scientists
- Terrestrial ecosystem model performance for net primary productivity and its vulnerability to climate change in permafrost regions
- The Deep Convective Clouds and Chemistry (DC3) Field Experiment
- The Fate of Amazonian Ecosystems over the Coming Century Arising from Changes in Climate, Atmospheric CO<SUB>2 </SUB>and Land-use
- The Friction Evolution of Siliceous Rocks during High-Velocity Slip By Thermal Activated Transition from Powder Lubrication and Rolling to Gouge Melting
- The Latest Progress in the VPR-Identification and Enhancement (VPR-IE) Approach: Incorporate Climatological and Real-time VPR Information from Spaceborne Precipitation Radar to the NOAA MRMS system
- The Many Hazards of Trend Evaluation
- The use of student-driven video projects as an educational and outreach tool
- Tracing the Temporal and Spatial Variations in the Origin of Fecal Material in Three Oklahoma Watersheds Using Sterol Fingerprints
- Trend detection and analysis in Eastern Europe and European Russia
- Uncertainties in Predicted 21st Century Vegetation Carbon Storage By CMIP5 Earth System Models
- Understanding the Dynamics of Soil Carbon in CMIP5 Models
- Veining Failure and Hydraulic Fracturing in Shales
- Volcanic Winter and Cold Tropical Uplands in Late Paleozoic Pangaea: A Thought Experiment
- What Does Data Tell Us about Decomposition Model of Soil Organic Matter?
- "As-If" the Climate Has Changed; What We Can Expect in Hydrologic Response
- A Climatology of Nocturnal-Convection Initiation Over the Central Great Plains
- A Comparison of Cloud-to-Ground Lightning Characteristics and Observations from Multiple Networks and Videos during the 31 May 2013 El Reno, OK Tornadic Supercell Storm
- A Global-Scale Distributed Geomorphologic Product
- A Model of Turbulence, Sediment Transport and Morphodynamics of Lateral Separation Zones in Canyon Rivers using Detached Eddy Simulation Technique
- A Precise 6 Ma Start Date for Fluvial Incision of the Northeastern Colorado Plateau Canyonlands
- A Simple Statistical Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration of Tallgrass Prairies in the Central United States Using MODIS Data
- A Vectorial Model to Compute Terrain Parameters, Local and Remote Sheltering, Scattering and Albedo using TIN Domains for Hydrologic Modeling.
- Analysis of earthquake clustering and source spectra in the Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Assessing Summer Drought over Oklahoma Mesonet Sites with the MODIS Land Surface Water Index
- Assessing the impact of cloud slicing techniques on estimates of surface CO2 exchange using atmospheric inversions
- Assessment of Vegetation Destruction Due to Wenchuan Earthquake and Its Recovery Process Using MODIS Data
- Assumption Centred Modelling of Ecosystem Responses to CO<SUB>2</SUB> at Six US Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Enrichment Experiments.
- CMIP5 Global Climate Model Performance Evaluation and Climate Scenario Development over the South-Central United States
- Can biomass responses to warming at plant to ecosystem levels be predicted by leaf-level responses?
- Carbon Residence Time Explains Changes in Predicted 21st Century Vegetation Carbon across CMIP5 Earth System Models
- Changes in rubber plantation in the cross-border area of mainland Southeast Asia through analysis of PALSAR and time series Landsat images
- Characterizing Macro Scale Patterns Of Uncertainty For Improved Operational Flood Forecasting Over The Conterminous United States
- Collaborations for Building Tribal Resiliency to Climate Change
- Comparative Perspectives on Recent Trends in Land Surface Dynamics in the Grasslands of North and South America
- DEM Based Modeling: Grid or TIN? The Answer Depends
- Developing a U.S. Research Agenda to Advance Subseasonal to Seasonal Forecasting
- Development of a Rapid, Nondestructive Method to Measure Aqueous Carbonate in High Salinity Brines Using Raman Spectroscopy
- Diagnosing Model Uncertainty on Terrestrial Carbon Cycle with Field manipulative experiments
- Down-regulation of tissue N:P ratios in terrestrial plants by elevated CO<SUB>2</SUB>
- Dynamically triggered slip and sustained fault gouge instability associated with unique slip behavior under laboratory shear conditions
- Early-Career Professional Development Training for Stakeholder-Relevant, Interdisciplinary Research
- Ecosystem Diversity and Heterogeneity Determine the Resilience of the Amazon to Climate Change
- Ecosystem response to multiple drought events: the role of legacy effects
- Embedding Climate Services
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation and Sensitivity Analysis of An Ensemble-based Coupled Flash Flood and Landslide Modelling System Using Remote Sensing Forcing
- Evaluation of Ground Radar Snowfall Products Using SNOTEL Measurements over Mountainous Regions in Western United States
- Evaluation of Integrated Multi-satellitE Retrievals for GPM with All Weather Gauge Observations over CONUS
- Extreme Hydrothermal Conditions Near an Active Geological Fault, DFDP-2B Borehole, Alpine Fault, New Zealand
- Fault rupture as a series of nano-seismic events during high-velocity shear experiments
- First Evaluation of Day-1 IMERG products using the best-available hourly rain gauge network over the Tibetan Plateau
- First-Year Evaluation of GPM Day-1 IMERG and TMPA Version-7 Legacy Products over Mainland China at Multiple Spatiotemporal Scales
- Frictional properties of Alpine Fault gouge in high-velocity shear experiments
- Frictional strength of wet- and dry- talc gouge in high-velocity shear experiments
- Fusing enhanced radar precipitation, in-situ hydrometeorological measurements and airborne LIDAR snowpack estimates in a hyper-resolution hydrologic model to improve seasonal water supply forecasts
- Global Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in Modern Reanalyses
- Global and Regional Real-time Systems for Flood and Drought Monitoring and Prediction
- Hydrologic Evaluation of NWP-adjusted Satellite Rainfall over Mountainous Areas
- Impacts of Changes in Solar Radiation on Terrestrial Gross Primary Productivity of China
- Importance of vegetation distribution for future carbon balance
- Improving the predictions of ecosystem carbon fluxes using the Ecosystem Demography model
- In-depth Analysis of Land Surface Emissivity using Microwave Polarization Difference Index to Improve Satellite QPE
- Injection of Lightning-Produced NOx, Water Vapor, Wildfire Emissions, and Stratospheric Air to the UT/LS as Observed from DC3 Measurements
- Landslide risk mapping and modeling in China
- Manganese Influences Carbonate Precipitation in a Laminated Microbial Mat
- Mapping Flash Flood Severity in the United States
- Mapping Woody Plant Encroachment in Grassland Using Multiple Source Remote Sensing images: Case Study in Oklahoma
- Mapping tropical forests and rubber plantations on Hainan Island using PALSAR and multi-temporal Landsat data
- Modeling Gross Primary Production in North America with MODIS Images and Reanalysis Climate Data
- Monitoring carbon monoxide pollution over the largest ten cities in the US using satellite observations
- Multi-scale comparison of source parameter estimation using empirical Green's function approach
- Multi-scale hydrologic applications of the latest satellite precipitation products in the Yangtze River basin using a distributed hydrological model
- New Perspectives on Longwave Imaging of Urban Heat Islands: Middle Infrared to Microwaves
- OCO-2 Column Carbon Dioxide and Biometric Data Jointly Constrain Parameterization and Projection of a Global Land Model
- Observations of the spatial and temporal distribution of lightning flash sizes
- On the Environment of Supercells That Produce Anticyclonic-Cyclonic Tornado Pairs
- Performance of Precipitation Algorithms During IPHEx and Observations of Microphysical Characteristics in Complex Terrain
- Plant-Microbial Interactions Define Potential Mechanisms of Organic Matter Priming in the Rhizosphere
- Podcasting as a Medium to Share STEAM Fields
- Preliminary Oklahoma Optimal Fault Orientations Determined by Focal Mechanism Solutions
- Preservation Potential of Life in Little Hot Creek, California: Implications for the use of Hot Spring Systems as Astrobiological Targets
- Projecting Future Change in Growing Degree Days of Winter Wheat
- Regulations of evapotranspiration and ecosystem productivity from biophysical and human drivers in drylands Northern Eurasia
- Remote sensing of rainfall for flash flood prediction in the United States
- Responding to Climate Change at the Poles: Findings from the National Research Council's Reports on Climate Intervention
- Retaining Underrepresented Minority Undergraduates in STEM through Hands-on Internship Experiences
- Retrievals of Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties of Deep Convective Systems using Radar Measurements
- Roles of Chemistry, Microphysics and Transport in Wet Removal of Soluble Species in the DC3 Oklahoma May 29, 2012 Severe Storm
- Shear heating and solid state diffusion: Constraints from clumped isotope thermometry in carbonate faults
- Spatial-temporal dynamics of agricultural drought in the tallgrass prairie region of the Southern Great Plains during 2000-2013
- Statistical discrimination of induced and tectonic earthquake sequences in Central and Eastern US based on waveform detected catalogs
- Strategy for Improving Measurement Uncertainty and Data Quality Information for Observations at Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Research Facilities
- Synthesis of Decades of Change in Northern Eurasian Ecosystems: Current Assessment and Future Projections
- Terrestrial carbon storage dynamics: Chasing a moving target
- Texas Disasters: Mapping and Analyzing Fuel Loads and Phenology in the Texas Grasslands
- The Challenges and Opportunities of Hydrologic Remote Sensing in Data-Poor Regions: Case Study of Nile River Basin
- The Effect of Dynamic Evaporation Rates on the Mobility of Pharmaceuticals in Unsaturated Environments
- The Ensemble Framework for Flash Flood Forecasting: Global and CONUS Applications
- The GeoCARB Mission
- The Predictive Skill of Tropical Sea Surface Temperatures, Eurasian Snow Cover and Arctic Sea Ice on Mid-High Latitude Winter Weather
- Tidal Triggering and Statistical Patterns of Microseismicity at Axial Volcano on the Juan de Fuca Ridge
- User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
- Using Remote-Sensing Derived Estimates of Soil Moisture to Constrain and Improve Terrestrial Biosphere Model Predictions of Terrestrial Carbon Fluxes
- Using a paleo perspective to decipher climate controls on erosion and landscape evolution
- Values of Deploying a Compact Polarimetric Radar to Monitor Extreme Precipitation in a Mountainous Area: Mineral County, Colorado
- Vegetation canopy and physiological control of GPP decline during drought and heat wave
- Vertical Microbial Community Variability of Carbonate-based Cones may Provide Insight into Formation in the Rock Record
- Water Use Efficiency of China's Terrestrial Ecosystems and Responses to Drought
- Water and Land Limitations to Future Agricultural Production in the Middle East
- Who's on First? Part II: Bacterial and fungal colonization of fresh soil minerals
- iCRESLIDE: Integration of Coupled Routing and Excess Storage and SLope-Infiltration-Distributed Equilibrium for the Cascading Hydrologic-Geotechnical Modeling
- A 80-Year Long Coral-Based Temperature Reconstruction for the Last Interglacial from Northern Hispaniola
- A Baroclinic Nocturnal Low-Level Jet over the Great Plains
- A Eukaryotic green alga, Picocystis, dominates Mono Lake, California in an algal bloom - Hints at cryptic oxygen cycle in euxinic waters
- A Framework for Multi-Site Cascading Calibration of Distributed Hydrological Models to Improve Model Spatial Performance Using Remote Sensing Data
- A Grid-Refinement-Based Approach for Improving Convective Boundary Layer Parameterizations in the Gray Zone.
- A robust, statistical identification and analysis of fluid disposal wells that cause earthquakes in central Oklahoma
- Accelerated soil carbon loss by biological changes under warming in Alaskan tundra
- Accounting for Rainfall Spatial Variability in Prediction of Flash Floods
- An Experimentally-based Friction Law of Earthquake Rupture
- An Integrated Geophysical and Tectonic Study of the Structure and Evolution of the Crust in the Snake River Plain Region, Pacific Northwest
- An Interactive Computer Tool for Teaching About Desalination and Managing Water Demand in the US
- Assessing the Biogenicity of Tufas and Their Potential as Biosignature Repositories
- Assessing the Biological Contribution to Mineralized Cap Formation in the Little Hot Creek Hot Spring System
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Distributions Across Weather Systems: Results from the Summer 2016 ACT-America Field Campaign
- Automatic land cover classification of geo-tagged field photos using deep learning method
- Benchmarking Terrestrial Ecosystem Models in the South Central US
- Bi-material Faults: Dynamic Friction and Rupture Propagation in Laboratory Experiments
- Bias Detection and Correction in OCO-2 XCO2 and its Impact on Flux Estimates from Atmospheric Inversions
- Bridging the Global Precipitation and Soil Moisture Active Passive Missions: Variability of Microwave Surface Emissivity from In situ and Remote Sensing Perspectives
- CF Standard Names: Supporting Increased Use of netCDF-CF Across the Geoscience Community
- Carbon dioxide and Water Vapor Fluxes of Winter Wheat and Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystems
- Characterization of the Spatial Distribution of Surface Roughness of Natural Geologic Materials for the Study of Flow at the Sub-Pore Scale
- Come rain or shine: Multi-model Projections of Climate Hazards affecting Transportation in the South Central United States
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from North America's Failed Midcontinent Rift
- Comparison of satellite precipitation products with Q3 over the CONUS
- Detailed analysis of precursory activities before the M5.8 Pawnee earthquake: propagating foreshocks leading to mainshock
- Detecting the fingerprints of complex land management practices in a tallgrass prairie site using PhenoCam, satellite remote sensing, and the eddy covariance technique
- Development of a tropical ecological forecasting strategy for ENSO based on the ACME modeling framework
- Directing Traffic in the Rhizosphere: Using Isotopes and Imaging to Track Root-Microbe-Mineral Interactions in Soil
- Diver Down: Remote Sensing of Carbon Climate Feedbacks
- Downscaled Soil Moisture from SMAP Evaluated Using High Density Observations
- Drought-Net: A global network merging observations, experiments, and modeling to forecast terrestrial ecosystem sensitivity to drought
- Dynamic Earthquake Triggering on Seismogenic Faults in Oklahoma
- Energy Dissipation and Fault Slip Kinematics: Effects of Velocity History
- Estimating Global Impervious Surface based on Social-economic Data and Satellite Observations
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluation and Uncertainty Estimation of Radar and Satellite Precipitation Products over Western United States
- Evaluation of Evapotranspiration from the Breathing Earth System Simulator (BESS) Land Surface Model over the Southern Great Plains of the United States.
- Evolution of regional to global paddy rice mapping methods
- Exacerbated degradation and desertification of grassland in Central Asia
- Forecasting and Communicating Water-Related Disasters in Africa
- Four Dimensions of Landscape Change in North and South America: Using Multiple Remote Sensing Indicators to Understand Spatiotemporal Trends
- Fourier-Bessel based Rapid Earthquake Magnitude Estimation in Central Oklahoma
- Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich sediments in subduction zones
- Full Wavefield Recordings of Oklahoma Seismicity from an IRIS-led Community Experiment
- Global convergence of maixmum light use efficiency using fraction of PAR absorbed by chlorophyll
- Groundwater Depletion and the Sharp Increase of Seismicity in the Southern States, How GRACE Data Could Help?
- Identification of stand age in rubber plantations using time series Landsat and PALSAR-2 data
- Identifying streamflow shifts induced by wildfires in mountain basins under summer precipitation
- Impact of Drought on Groundwater and Soil Moisture - A Geospatial Tool for Water Resource Management
- Impacts of Tropopause Polar Cyclones on Arctic Sea Ice Loss
- Impacts of climate extremes on gross primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems in conterminous USA
- Importance of Capillary Heterogeneity in Developing a Representative Reservoir Model for Shales with Complex Fractures
- Improving PERSIANN-CCS rain estimation using probabilistic approach and multi-sensors information
- In the Heat of the Moment: Biomarkers as a Tool to Measure Coseismic Temperature Rise
- Increased in Variability in Climatological Means and Extremes in the Great Plains
- Integrating Statistical and Expert Knowledge to Develop Phenoregions for the Continental United States
- Interactions between Natural Organic Matter and Native Microbes in the Oak Ridge FRC Groundwater
- Intermediate-Range Convection-Permitting Forecasts: A Comparison Between Global Variable-Resolution and Regional Forecasts
- Irregular-Mesh Terrain Analysis and Incident Solar Radiation for Continuous Hydrologic Modeling in Mountain Watersheds
- Key Process Uncertainties in Soil Carbon Dynamics: Comparing Multiple Model Structures and Observational Meta-analysis
- Laboratory Constraints on Basal Seismicity
- Leaf Respiratory Acclimation: Magnitude of Acclimation to the Long-term Warming in Tallgrass Prairie
- Legacies from extreme drought increase ecosystem sensitivity to future extremes
- Long-Term Stability of Planets in the Alpha Centauri System
- Machine Learning Predictions of Flash Floods
- Making Soil Moisture Sensors Better for Hydroclimatic Applications
- Mapping inter-annual dynamics of open surface water bodies in Oklahoma from Landsat images in 1984 to 2015 at 30-m spatial resolution
- Mapping the dynamics of juniper forest encroachment into grasslands during 1984-2010 based on PALSAR and Landsat images
- Measurable Pools of Soil Carbon for Carbon Cycle Modeling
- Microbial Community Response to Warming and Correlations to Organic Carbon Degradation in an Arctic Tundra Soil
- Microbial Composition and Preliminary Age of Ooids from the Great Salt Lake, Utah
- Microbial and Metabolic Diversity of the Alkaline Hot Springs of Paoha Island: A Late Archean and Proterozoic Ocean Analogue Environment.
- Microphysical and Chemical Processes Affecting Wet Removal of Soluble Trace Gases in Deep Convection Observed over the Central U.S.
- Modeling extreme drought impacts on terrestrial ecosystems when thresholds are exceeded
- Monitoring seismic activities at Fairview and Woodward area in Oklahoma
- Multi-Scale Mapping of Vegetation Biomass
- Near Real-time Ecological Forecasting of Peatland Responses to Warming and CO<SUB>2</SUB> Treatment through EcoPAD-SPRUCE
- New Insight into the Lithosphere Structure of the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana
- Nucleation process of M 2 earthquakes on the San Andreas fault predicted by rate-and-state fault models with SAFOD drill-core data
- Observations of Static Coulomb Stress Triggering During the Mw 5.7 Pawnee Earthquake Sequence
- On the Possible Role of Gently Sloping Topography in Influencing the Nature of Convective Storms: A Case Study on the High Plains of the U. S.
- Parameterization and model structures cause uncertainty in soil carbon dynamics
- Pathways of Tropopause Polar Vortices from the Arctic to the Mid-latitudes
- Pore Space Characterization of The Geysers
- Pore-Scale Transport of Strontium During Dynamic Water Content Changes in the Unsaturated Zone
- Potential Water Availability Index (PWAI): A New Water Vulnerability Index for Africa Based on GRACE Data
- Rapid biodegradation of plastics by mealworms (larvae of Tenebrio molitor) brings hope to solve wasteplastic pollution
- Regional Climate Enterprises in the South Central U.S.: Crossover Relationships to Maximize User Engagement Effectiveness
- Remote sensing of essential ecosystem functional variables
- Roots Stimulate Expression of Decomposition Transcripts in the Soil Microbiome
- Runoff Sensitivity over Asia: Role of Climate Variables and Initial Soil Conditions
- Seismic Radiation in High-Velocity Shear Experiments
- Seismicity and source spectra analysis in Salton Sea Geothermal Field
- Seismicity and structure changes following the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake
- Seismological Analysis of Induced Earthquakes in Central Oklahoma, Comparing a Large Seismogenic Fault with M5 Earthquakes and Small Faults Lacking M4 Events
- Sensitivity of PALSAR backscatters to aboveground biomass of three different forest types in Northeastern China
- Sensitivity of Simulated Convection-Driven Stratosphere-Troposphere Exchange in WRF-Chem to Chosen Model Parameterizations
- Shifted Warming Seasons Led To Slowdown Of Plant Growth Increase Over Northern Lands
- Simulated CONUS Flash Flood Climatologies from Distributed Hydrologic Models
- Simultaneously Assessing Climate and Vegetation Drivers of Carbon Residence Time and Net Primary Productivity across Six US Grasslands
- Slip Stability and Strength Evolution of quartz-calcite-clay Gouge during High-Velocity Shear Experiments
- Source parameter validations using multiple-scale approaches for earthquake sequences in Oklahoma: implications for earthquake triggering processes
- Space-based Lidar Measurements of Greenhouse Gases and Their Projected Impact on Quantification of Surface Sources and Sinks
- Spatio-temporal Change Patterns of Tropical Forests from 2000 to 2014 Using MOD09A1 Dataset
- Spatiotemporal Patterns and Risks of Rainfall-Triggered Landslides across Conterminous United States Inferred from Satellite Observations and Model Simulations
- Spatiotemporal Patterns of Stream Drying and its Drivers in Four Intermittent Arizona Rivers.
- Strength and Stability of Oklahoma Basement Rock: Preliminary Observations from Experiments at In-situ Conditions
- Systematic anomalies over inland water bodies of High Mountain Asia in TRMM precipitation estimates: No longer a problem for the GPM era?
- Tectonic and Anthropogenic Effects on Increased Intraplate Seismicity: The Oklahoma Case
- The 2016 Mw5.1 Fairview, Oklahoma earthquake sequences: Evidence for long-range triggering of earthquakes by coupled fluid pressure and poroelastic stress changes
- The Biogenicity of Carbonate/Silica Structures in Little Hot Creek: Tenants and Builders
- The Biogeography of Endorheic Soda Lakes in the Western United States
- The Effect of Large Scale Climate Oscillations on the Land Surface Phenology of the Northern Polar Regions and Central Asia
- The Effect of Soil Grain Roughness on the Spatial Distribution of Surface Precipitates Formed by Evaporation
- The GeoCarb Mission
- The Interaction between Very Deep Convection and Biomass Burning Plumes during DC3 and the Impact on the UTLS Region over The North Atlantic
- The Links Between the Formation of the Gulf of Mexico and the Late Proterozoic to Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Southern North America
- The future of the North American carbon cycle - projections and associated climate change
- The representation of non-equilibrium soil types in earth system models and its impact on carbon cycle projections
- The spatio-temporal evolution of seismic activity leading up to the 3 September 2016 M<SUB>W </SUB>5.8 Pawnee earthquake
- Towards A Synthesis Of Land Dynamics And Hydrological Processes Across Central Asia
- Towards Assessing the Information Content of Dual-Polarization Radar Measurements
- Uncertainty Diagnostics for Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting over the Conterminous United States
- Uncertainty Quantification for the OCO-2 Mission: Biases and Standard Errors from Monte Carlo Simulation and Their Impact on Flux Inversions
- Uncertainty of Methane Fluxes in a Northern Peatland under Global Climate Change
- Unexpected Drought Legacy Effects in Six North American Grasslands
- Using Critical Thresholds to Customize Climate Projections of Extreme Events to User Needs and Support Decisions
- Using Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes to Determine Tree Water Source and Depth for Eastern Redcedar (Cupressaceae: Juniperus virginiana) Across Oklahoma's Precipitation Gradient
- Using Surface-based Downwelling Spectral Infrared Radiance Observations to Understand Atmospheric Boundary Layer Structure and Evolution: The Evening Transition
- Using regional pore-fluid pressure response following the 3 Sep 2016 M<SUB>w</SUB>5.8 Pawnee, Oklahoma earthquake to constrain far-field seismicity rate forecasts
- View angle effects on relationships between leaf area index in wheat and vegetation indices
- Warm-Rain Precipitation over Complex Terrain: a New Polarimetric Classification Scheme
- A Framework for Characterizing how Ice Crystal Size Distributions, Mass-Dimensional and Area-Dimensional Relations Vary with Environmental and Aerosol Properties
- A Paleomagnetic and Diagenetic Study of the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma, U.S.A.: The Timing of Hydrothermal Alteration
- A global moderate resolution dataset of terrestrial gross primary production for 2000-2016
- An Investigation on the Spatial Variability of Manning Roughness Coefficients in Continental-scale River Routing Simulations
- Annual Dynamics of Forest Areas in South America during 2007-2010 at 50-m Spatial Resolution
- Assessing Lake Level Variability and Water Availability in Lake Tana, Ethiopia using a Groundwater Flow Model and GRACE Satellite Data
- Asymmetric Responses of Primary Productivity to Altered Precipitation Simulated by Land Surface Models across Three Long-term Grassland Sites
- Boundary Layer Characterization during Perdigão Field Campaign 2017
- Can small island mountains provide relief from the Subtropical Precipitation Decline? Simulating future precipitation regimes for small island nations using high resolution Regional Climate Models.
- Characterizing the anthropogenic signature in the LCLU dynamics in the Central Asia region
- Climate change impacts on water availability in the Red River Basin and critical areas for future water conservation
- Climate variability and productivity of grassland under different management systems
- Combining Cluster Analysis and Small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS) for Accurate and Low-cost Bathymetric Surveying
- Comparative Riftology: Insights into the Evolution of Passive Continental Margins and Continental Rifts from the Failed Midcontinent Rift (MCR)
- Deblurring Directional-source Effects for Passive Surface-wave Surveys using Multidimensional Deconvolution
- Deciphering Stress State of Seismogenic Faults in Oklahoma and Kansas Based on High-resolution Stress Maps
- Decoupling source parameter and velocity estimation for waveform inversion
- Developing a Framework for Seamless Prediction of Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States.
- Development of Rotary-Wing UAS for Use in Atmospheric Sensing of Near-Storm Environments
- Do detailed simulations with size-resolved microphysics reproduce basic features of observed cirrus ice size distributions?
- Earth System Models Underestimate Soil Carbon Diagnostic Times in Dry and Cold Regions.
- EcoPAD, an interactive platform for near real-time ecological forecasting by assimilating data into model
- Effects of paddy rice agriculture on the seasonal dynamics of atmospheric methane concentration
- Establishing a rainfall threshold for flash flood warnings based on the DFFG method in Yunnan province, China
- Evaluating Groundwater-Surface Water Exchange With A New Point Measurement Device
- Evaluating the Global Precipitation Measurement mission with NOAA/NSSL Multi-Radar Multisensor: current status and future directions.
- Evaluating the Impacts of Spatial Uncertainties in Quantitative Precipitation Estimation (QPE) Products on Flood Modelling
- Evaluation of the MODIS Collections 005 and 006 for Change Detection of Vegetation Dynamics in North and South America
- Evolution of Friction, Wear, and Seismic Radiation Along Experimental Bi-material Faults
- Examining the Stationarity Assumption for Statistically Downscaled Climate Projections of Precipitation
- Experimental droughts: Are precipitation variability and methodological trends hindering our understanding of ecological sensitivities to drought?
- Frictional behavior of carbonate-rich incoming sediment in the Hikurangi subduction zone
- Geomorphic Response to Spatial and Temporal Tectonic uplift on the Kenya Rift of East African Rift System
- Global Rice Watch: Spatial-temporal dynamics, driving factors, and impacts of paddy rice agriculture in the world
- High-Resolution Source Parameter and Site Characteristics Using Near-Field Recordings - Decoding the Trade-off Problems Between Site and Source
- How do subcritical cracking rates and styles influence rock erosion? A test case from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia.
- Identifying Controls on Patterns of Intermittent Streamflow in Three Streams of the American Southwest: A Geospatial Approach
- Improvements and Lingering Challenges with Modeling Low-Level Winds Over Complex Terrain during the Wind Forecast Improvement Project 2
- Improving precipitation estimates over the western United States using GOES-R precipitation data
- Increased Carbon Throughput But No Net Soil Carbon Loss in Field Warming Experiments: Combining Data Assimilation and Meta-Analyses
- Insights into Rift Initiation, Evolution, and Failure from North America's Midcontinent Rift
- Integrated Geophysical Models Extending From The Craton Across The Gulf Coast Region Of The USA
- Integration of research infrastructures and ecosystem models toward development of predictive ecology
- Inter-annual variability and trend detection of urban CO<SUB>2</SUB>, CH<SUB>4</SUB> and CO emissions
- Interpreting OCO-2 Constrained CO2 Surface Flux Estimates Through the Lens of Atmospheric Transport Uncertainty.
- Locations of injection-induced earthquakes in Oklahoma controlled by crustal structures
- Matrix approach to uncertainty assessment and reduction for modeling terrestrial carbon cycle
- Measurement of the Flow Over Two Parallel Mountain Ridges in the Nighttime Stable Boundary Layer With Scanning Lidar Systems at the Perdigão 2017 Experiment
- Micro-fracture Behavior of Organic Matters in Kerogen-Rich Shale (KRS) Composites from Micro- to Milli-meter Scales
- Microphysical and Kinematic Characteristics of Regions of Flash Initiation in a Supercell Storm and a Multicell Storm Observed During the DC3 Field Program
- Microseismic imaging using Geometric-mean Reverse-Time Migration in Hydraulic Fracturing Monitoring
- Monitoring Crop Productivity over the U.S. Corn Belt using an Improved Light Use Efficiency Model
- NASA's Carbon Cycle OSSE Initiative - Informing future space-based observing strategies through advanced modeling and data assimilation
- Near-field observations of microearthquake source physics using dense array
- New Progress on Radiocarbon Geochronology in Southern Lake Tanganyika (East Africa)
- Nocturnal Boundary-Layer Phenomena Observed at a Complex Site During the Perdigão Experiment
- Numerical model of turbulence, sediment transport, and morphodynamics tested in the Colorado River at Grand Canyon
- Obliquity Variability of a Rapidly Rotating Early Venus and of the Potentially Habitable Exoplanets Kepler-62e and Kepler-62f
- Observations of Co-variation in Cloud Properties and their Relationships with Atmospheric State
- Opportunities and challenges in industrial plantation mapping in big data era
- Paleogeographic changes across the Pennsylvanian-Permian boundary within the Mid-Continent (USA) inferred from detrital zircon geochronology of continental deposits
- Paleomagnetism and alteration of lower Paleozoic rocks and Precambrian basement in the SHADS No. 4 drill core, Oklahoma
- Partitioning Evapotranspiration for Three Typical Ecosystems in the Heihe River Basin, Northwestern China
- Passive Signals from Aggressive Methods: The Origin and Implications of Organic Material in a Carbonate Stromatolite
- Precursory, Nucleation and Propagation of Ruptures Along Heterogeneously Loaded, Circular Experimental Faults
- Preliminary Nearshore Sedimentation Rate Analysis of the Tuungane Project Northern Mahale Conservation Area, Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania)
- Rapid-response flood mapping during Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and Maria by the Global Flood Partnership (GFP)
- Recent slowdown of atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> amplification due to vegetation-climate feedback over northern lands
- Renal Cell Toxicity of Water-Soluble Coal Extracts from the Gulf Coast
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Land-Atmosphere Coupling Across the Southern Great Plains of North America
- Secretome-based Manganese(II) Oxidation by Filamentous Ascomycete Fungi
- Seismic Monitoring and Characterization of the 2012 Outburst Flood of the Ice-Dammed Lake A.P.Olsen (NE Greenland)
- Seismic Tomography and the Development of a State Velocity Profile
- Sensitivity of gross primary production of irrigation-permitted and non-permitted grassland and croplands to drought and pluvial conditions during 2010-2016
- Should the "Grenville Front" in the Central U.S. be Erased from Geologic Maps?
- Single-station 6C beamforming
- Source Parameters and Rupture Directivities of Earthquakes Within the Mendocino Triple Junction
- Source characterization of a small earthquake cluster at Edmond, Oklahoma using a very dense array
- Spatial-temporal consistency between gross primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence of vegetation in China during 2007-2014
- Spatially-distributed patterns in runoff generation and connectivity during precipitation events in a recently burned catchment in Colorado, USA
- Stress Drop Variations of Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- Structural and Geophysical Characterization of Oklahoma Basement
- The 3D Mesonet Concept: Extending Networked Surface Meteorological Tower Observations Through Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- The Magnetic Fabric and Paleomagnetism of North American Mudrocks: A record of Diagenetic, Tectonic and Hydrothermal processes.
- The Microbiome Structure of Oklahoma Cropland and Prairie Soils and its Response to Seasonal Forcing and Management Practices
- The OCO-2 Level 4 Flux Product: Regional Flux Estimates and Uncertainties for the 2015-2016 El Nino
- The Relationship Between Microscopic Grain Surface Structure and the Dynamic Capillary-Driven Advance of Water Films over Individual Dry Natural Sand Grains
- The interaction of the flux errors and transport errors in modeled atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations
- The roles of precipitation regimes on juniper forest encroachment on grasslands in Oklahoma
- The spatial-temporal dynamics of open surface water bodies in CONUS during 1984-2016
- Topography Estimation of the Core Mantle Boundary with ScS Reverberations and Diffraction Waves
- Towards a global harmonized permafrost soil organic carbon stock estimates.
- Transient traceability analysis of land carbon storage dynamics: procedures and its application to two forest ecosystems
- Understanding Landscape Change at Multiple Scales Using MODIS 500 Meter and 0.05° Reflectance Data for North and South America
- Understanding SMAP-L4 soil moisture estimation skill and their dependence with topography, precipitation and vegetation type using Mesonet and Micronet networks.
- Understanding Uncertainties of Stress Drop Estimation at Parkfield
- Using Earthquake Analysis to Expand the Oklahoma Fault Database
- Water-related Spectral Reflectance Indices: Principle, Constructing, Application, and Improvement
- What is missing? An operational inundation mapping framework by SAR data
- 10 Years of CO Flux Inversion with Assimilation of MOPITT and IASI Observations - Focus on Forest Fires over Southern and Northern America
- A Framework for Forest Degradation Monitoring in West Africa Using Satellite Observations
- A Genetic Algorithm for Optimizing Spatial Stratification of Malaria Forecasting Models in the Amhara Region of Ethiopia
- A NASA Field Campaign Design to Investigate Remote Sensing Applications for Severe Storms
- A Neighboring Pixel Ensemble Technique for Probabilistic Flash Flood Forecasting
- A Predictability Study of a Polar Low Linked to a Tropopause Polar Vortex
- A Quantitative Analysis of Hydraulic Fracturing Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma
- A Six Year Field Test of Emulsified Zerovalent Iron to Treat Source Zone Chlorinated Solvents at a Superfund Site
- ARRHENIUS: a Geostationary Carbon Process Explorer for Africa, Europe and the Middle-East
- Activations of the Global Flood Partnership (GFP) during 2018 Response to Major Global Flooding Events
- Aftershock density decay in space and time: Observations for Oklahoma and implications
- Aging infrastructure creates opportunities for cost-sharing and collaboration to boost conservation outcomes and infrastructure resilience
- Airborne, ship- and ground-based observations of clouds, aerosols and precipitation from recent field projects over the Southern Ocean
- An Integrated Approach to Examine Possible Environmental and Health Impacts Related to Lignite Deposits in the Gulf Coast
- Application of Ecosystem Energetic Indicators for the Valuation of Wetland Ecosystem Services and Health
- Application of Stacking and Inversion to Regional Earthquake Waveforms for Imaging the Crustal Structure in Oklahoma
- Applying improved spectral analysis to an induced earthquake sequence in Oklahoma and implications on earthquake triggering
- Assessing the Impacts of a Changing Climate in the Southern Great Plains
- Assessing the sensitivity of satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) to meteorological drought
- Attenuation Estimation with Uncertainty Based on Seismic Noise Interferometry: Application to a Dense Array in Groningen, Netherlands
- BARscope - extending EarthScope Between the Appalachians and the Rockies
- Balancing conflicting water usages under a changing climate by optimizing a network of reservoirs in the Red River Basin of the South, USA
- Biosynthesis of GDGT cyclopentane rings in Sulfolobus acidocaldarius
- Blossm in Oklahoma: Blurring the Line Between Citizen and Scientist
- CO<SUB>2</SUB> Dynamical Downscaling in 2016 over the contiguous United States using WRF-VPRM, a weather-biosphere-online-coupled model
- Characteristics of the Cloud condensation nuclei concentration (CCN) by chemical component, aerosol optical depth and source apportionment in the Arctic region
- Characterization of the Structure of Tropopause Polar Vortices through Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) Retrievals
- Characterizing spring phenology of snow-covered forests by vegetation indices, primary productivity and solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence
- China's Food Security under Climate Change Impact: A Multi-Sector Computable General Equilibrium Assessment
- Citizen Science at the Source of the Blue Nile: Promoting Public Participation in Science for Ensuring Food and Water Security in Ethiopia
- Citizen Scientists Document Long-Term Streamflow Declines in Intermittent Rivers of the Desert Southwest, USA
- Comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties among aircraft and satellite measurements during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Consistent Adaptation to Surface and Environmental Conditions Amongst the Passive MW Imagers and Sounders in the TRMM/GPM Precipitation Constellation Data Record
- Core values: large-scale analysis of environmental constraints on microbial community assembly, activity, and dispersal in groundwater and sediment from a contaminated subsurface aquifer.
- Coupling of clouds and atmospheric relative humidity in the intertropical regions: insight from multi-satellites observations
- Dependence of Cloud and Precipitation Properties on Aerosol Concentrations Above and Below Clouds: Results from ORACLES
- Development and implementation of tools to monitor and forecast post-wildfire debris flows
- Development of the Hybrid 4DEnVar System with Multi-resolution Ensemble and Multi-scale Covariance Localization for NCEP Global Numerical Weather Prediction
- Downscaled Precipitation Sensitivity to Gridded Observation Data and Downscaling Technique
- Empirical Evaluation of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization's Seismic Network's Detection Capability
- Energy-Flux During Earthquake Frictional Sliding
- Environmental risk factors of Malaria distribution in the Ethiopian highlands
- Estimating Q and scattering properties based on waveform information
- Estimating root zone soil moisture over the Tibetan Plateau with remotely sensed data using an artificial neural network
- Evapotranspiration and ecosystem water use efficiency of alfalfa under rainfed condition in the U.S. Southern Great Plains
- First long-term precipitation estimates generated by a new downscaling-calibration framework based on PERSIANN-CDR from 1983 to 2015 over the Tibetan plateau
- Forecast-based Financing for Flash Floods: Challenges and Opportunities
- Global forest mapping through the integration of microwave and optical remote sensing
- Heat vs. dryness influence on photosynthesis assessed using solar-induced fluorescence
- Helping Decision Makers Incorporate Climate Model Projections into their Future Planning
- How Did Updraft Variations in the Geary Supercell Influence Local Electrification?
- Hydroclimatic Variability in Africa's Transboundary River Basin Using +50 Years of Extended Terrestrial Water Storage
- Identification of extreme rainfall amounts and concomitant flooding impacts at continental scale
- Impact of wind turbines and wind coupling to the seismic field
- Impacts of climate warming on aviation fuel consumption
- Implications for the Grenville Orogeny and assembly of Rodinia from gravity anomalies along the Midcontinent Rift and Grenville Front
- Improving the sub-seasonal to seasonal prediction of extreme precipitation events via co-production of knowledge.
- Influence of Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation of Sea Spray Aerosol on Southern Ocean Clouds in theNCAR Community Atmosphere Model
- Integrated seismic and electrical resistivity imaging of the Meers fault (Oklahoma)
- Integrating eddy fluxes and multiple remote sensing products in a rotational grazing native pasture
- Interactions of Idealized Tropopause Polar Vortices (TPVs) with the Polar Jet Stream in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model
- Intercomparison of biomass burning aerosol properties from in-situ and remote-sensing instruments in ORACLES-2016
- Into the Deep: Interactions Between Plant Roots, Microbial Ecophysiology, and Soil Minerals shape the fate and persistence of deep soil carbon
- Investigating the Relationship Between Summer Cyclones in the Arctic and Local Changes in Sea Ice Characteristics Through Observations
- Investigations in Stimulating Crystalline Rock: Hypotheses and Uncertainties
- LAPSE-RATE: Advancement of Science and Technology during the 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Linkages Between Tropopause Polar Vortices and the Great Arctic Cyclone of August 2012
- Magnetic and Geochemical Characteristics of Alteration and Weathering at the Cambrian Unconformity, Northeastern Oklahoma
- Mantle Dynamics beneath Mount St. Helens from Shear Wave Splitting
- Microseismicity detection across the Antarctic continent
- Mitigating Spatial Discontinuity of Multi-Radar QPE Based on GPM/KuPR
- Modeling the 3-D Geomagnetic Field using Satellite Scalar Field Observations
- New Strategies for Studying the Crust, Lithosphere, and Tectonics of the Gulf of Mexico Region
- On the Importance of Studying the Time Variability of the Eddy Flux Fetch for Hyper-Resolution Hydrological Modeling
- Open Surface Water Detection in the Caucasus using Remotely Sensed Data
- Opening of the Midcontinent Rift during the assembly of Rodinia
- Overview of the EGS Collab Project: Stimulation and Validation
- Paleomagnetism and Magnetic fabric of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Formation: Deciphering the timing of Diagenetic and Tectonic events in the Midland Basin
- Plume or bubble? The non-linear impact of an urban heat island on city-scale atmospheric circulation
- Poroelastic stress change and fault slip modeling of fluid injection induced seismicity
- Post-Fire Debris Flows in California: An Atmospheric Perspective
- Precipitation-Pulse Regimes Determine Functioning of Dryland Ecosystems
- Preliminary evaluation of realtime predictions with WRF LES using UAS and surface-based remote-sensing data collected during 2018 ISARRA Flight Week
- Pressure Transient Analysis for Fracture Properties
- Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Estimates with Ground- and Space-based Remote Sensing
- Process-based modeling of soil moisture, soil temperature, and surface energy fluxes in the U.S. southern plains
- Quantitative Precipitation Estimation Using S-band Dual-polarization WRS-88D Radar: A Case study for 2016Typhoon Meranti in Shanghai
- Rapid-Scan Mobile Radar Observations of Tornadogenesis
- Reconstructed Solar-induced Fluorescence - a machine learning approach to vegetation productivity
- Reconstructing the Dust Cycle During the Late Paleozoic Ice Age
- Resistance, resilience, and recovery of gross primary production of forests and grasslands to drought in the Ouachita Highlands of Oklahoma, USA
- Response of grassland phenology to burning and grazing in different climatic conditions in Southern Oklahoma
- Reversed pattern of paddy rice planting area in northern and southern China during the 21<SUP>st</SUP> century
- Robust Analysis of Stress Drop Variation along San Andreas Fault at Parkfield Using Multiple Local Networks
- Rock Fracture Mechanics Under Chemically Reactive Conditions
- Rock and paleomagnetism of anorthosites of the Witchita Mountains (Oklahoma) and their bearing on the Late Precambrian to Early Cambrian geodynamo
- Rupture nucleation and propagation along circular experimental faults
- SERVIR-Africa: Capacity building to enhance resilience to water and water related disasters in emerging regions
- Seasonal Variations in XCO2 Gradient Across Cold Fronts as seen from OCO-2 and WRF-VPRM
- Seasonal evaluation of Storm Life Cycles in the CONUS from 12 years of Radar-Based Storm Tracks
- Sensitivity of Mean Annual Primary Production to Water Availability from Ecosystem Level to Canopy Level
- Sensitivity of OCO-2 and In Situ Inversions to Transport, Prior Mean, and Prior Uncertainty: Results from the OCO-2 Model Inter-comparison Project and Beyond
- Simulation-retrieval Experiments Over the Western Hemisphere with the GeoCarb Greenhouse Gas Retrieval Algorithm
- Soil greenhouse gas (CO2, N2O and CH4) flux measurements from grazing pastures using automated system
- Source Complexity of the 2015 M<SUB>w</SUB> 4.0 Guthrie, Oklahoma Earthquake
- Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Open Surface Water Body Area in the Contiguous United States (CONUS) from 1984 to 2016
- Spatiotemporal consistency of four gross primary production products and solar-induced fluorescence in response to climate extremes across CONUS in 2012
- Strategic Distribution of Water Conservation Incentives under Drought-Prone Conditions: A case study in the Red River Basin U.S
- Study of aerosol indirect effect on shallow warm clouds: results from ORACLES and SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS field campaigns
- Sustained Assessment Specialists: Building a Network for Regional Assessment
- Synoptic Precursors to Subseasonal to Seasonal Extreme Precipitation Events Across the United States
- Testing heterogeneous mixing between cloud liquid and ice in mixed-phase clouds using E3SM with short-term hindcast approach
- The "epidemiar" R Package: Integrating Public Health Surveillance and Environmental Monitoring Data for Early Detection and Early Warning of Infectious Disease Transmission
- The Contributions of Tropopause Polar Vortices and Remnant Tropical Moisture from Tropical Storm Alberto to the Development of Two Intense Arctic Cyclones in June 2018
- The Effects of Climate Change on Tick Habitat Suitability and Potential Transmission of Lyme Disease in the South Central U.S.
- The Effects of Prolonged Evaporation on Capillary Pressure and Water Saturation in Unsaturated Porous Media
- The GeoCarb Mission
- The Impact of Dissolution on the Long-Term Dissipation of Sequestrated Carbon Dioxide
- The Macroscope Meets the Microscope: Connecting Earth Observations with Public Health Surveillance to Forecast Mosquito-Borne Diseases
- The Relationship Between Penetrating Tops in a Tornadic Supercell and the Evolution of the Storm at Mid and Low Levels: Analysis of Both Geosynchronous Satellite and Ground-based, Mobile, Rapid-scan, Polarimetric, X-band, Doppler Radar Data
- The Southern Oklahoma Aulacogen: New Insights from Aeromagnetic, Seismic Reflection and Magnetotelluric Data Analyses
- The WRF Lightning Forecast Algorithm: Sensitivities to Microphysics and Other Physics Schemes in the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
- The dependence of the microphysical characteristics of supercooled liquid and mixed-phase clouds over the Southern Ocean on scale, vertical velocity and ambient humidity using in situ observations acquired during SOCRATES
- The effects of large-scale motions on surface fluxes in the convective atmospheric boundary layer
- Thermo-poroelasticity for Chemically Active Shales
- Towards Continuous Forest Degradation Monitoring in Data-Scarce Regions of Tropical West Africa
- Transient Streamflow changes after Wildfire in a Forested Catchment
- Understanding How Evaporation-Induced Flow at the Pore Scale Influences Nanoparticle Deposition
- Understanding Juniper Forest Encroachment into Grasslands and the Impacts on Primary Production, Evapotranspiration, and Climate
- Using High-Resolution Aerial Photographs and LiDAR Data to Validate Large-Scale Surface Water Datasets and Estimating Water Volumes
- Using MODIS Tasseled Cap time series to identify droughts and hurricane damage in the Caribbean
- Using Remotely Sensed Data to Investigate Cropland Changes in the Caucasus
- A 2D hydrologic and hydraulic modeling approach for the storm triggered cascading flood inundation- a case study of Hurricane Harvey
- A Comprehensive Seismic 3D Model of the Central Oklahoma Crust from Local Earthquake Waveforms: Implications for the Mid-Continent Rift (MCR)
- A Multiscale Analysis of Fracture Networks in a Strike-slip Deformation Field: Implications for Faulting and Fluid Flow in Granitic Basement
- A Python-based script for coupling SWMM and EFDC models
- A Revised Surface Flux Similarity Theory for Land-Atmosphere Interactions
- A Two-Step Fusion Framework for Quality Improvement of Remotely Sensed Soil Moisture Product: A Case Study for ECV product over the Tibetan Plateau
- A comparison of spring phenology estimated by multi datasets for snow-covered forests
- Active-learning for upscaling nano-confinement effects
- Addressing "the magnitude problem" for small earthquakes: exploring the coda envelope technique for moment magnitude estimation in Oklahoma
- Advances in modeling disease-environmental relationships: applying thin-plate splines in "big additive models" to predict malaria in the Amhara region of Ethiopia
- Aerosol above cloud, optical depth, and direct radiative effect in the southeast Atlantic
- An Evaluation of the Archive Continuation of MODIS with VIIRS and their Consistency with Landsat for Data Fusion Techniques.
- An Investigation of Possible Dynamically-Triggered Earthquakes in Western Africa on Sept 5-7, 2018
- Application of Self Organizing Maps in Detecting Methane Hydrates and Weak BSRs in the Pegasus Basin, New Zealand
- Building a Bridge: AN Example of Linking Global-Scale CO2 Fluxes to High-Resolution Urban CO2 Emissions
- Characteristics of total column CO<SUB>2</SUB> retrievals from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory missions: biases, information content and implications for flux inversions
- Characterizing Earthquake Source Complexity in the San Jacinto Fault Zone: Implications for Calculation of Source Parameters
- Characterizing the Effects of Inhomogeneous Scene Illumination on the Retrieval of Greenhouse Gases from a Geostationary Platform
- Climate Change Leads to A Doubling of Turbidity in A Rapidly Expanding Tibetan Lake
- Climate Injustice in Cities: Extreme Heat and Poor Neighborhoods
- Climatic Forcings on the Deposition of Softer-Harder Bed Couplets in Black Shales: Insights from the Woodford Shale, Oklahoma-Texas
- Control Factors of Earthquake Rupture Complexity from a Global Perspective
- Convergent Succession of Grassland Archaeal Community under Climate Warming
- Custom Autonomous Watercraft with Improved Transect Heading Accuracy to Ascertain Higher Quality Measurements with the Sontek River Surveyor S5
- Death and decay in the soil microbiome: how viruses, microfauna and resource availability shape the fate of soil carbon
- Deep Learning Optimizes Data-driven Representation of Soil Organic Carbon in Earth System Model over the Conterminous United States
- Dissolved Organic Carbon (doc) Characteristics in Mountainous Watersheds Impacted by Abandoned Hardrock Mines
- Distributions of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei and Cloud Properties over the Southern Ocean: First Results from MARCUS/MICRE
- Divergent Shifts in Peak Photosynthesis Timing in Temperate and Alpine Grasslands in China Using an Improved Phenology Metric Extraction Method
- Dynamic Analysis of River Width and Lake Area Index (RWLAI): A Novel Standardized Index of Hydrological Drought
- Dynamic carbon association with minerals in the rhizosphere and detritosphere
- Dynamical downscaling of near-term internal climate variability and change for the main Hawaiian Islands using WRF ensemble simulations
- Ecological drivers of grassland soil microbial community assembly in response to climate warming
- Eddy Resolving Model of Flow and Sediment Dynamics in Canyon Rivers at the Laboratory and Field Scales
- Effects of Vegetation Gradual and Abrupt Change on Soil Moisture and Surface Energy Fluxes
- Estimating Values of H<SUB>2</SUB>O-Activities and Oxygen Fugacities in the Mantle Using Mineral Equilibria: Evidence For Fluid Undersaturation
- Estimation of leaf area index and above-ground biomass in soybean canopy using Sentinel-1 & 2, and Landsat images
- Evaluation of ECV soil moisture products over the Tibetan Plateau using long term in-situ observations
- Evergreen forest change in the Brazilian Amazon in 2000-2017
- Examining Human-Water Dynamics via coupling Water Footprint and Dynamic Decomposition Analysis
- Experimental Analysis of Velocity Anisotropy in Intraplate Crystalline Basement Rocks
- Exploring Potential Interactions of Bacteria and Fungi Using Network and DNA-Stable Isotope Probing Analyses of an Annual Grassland Soil
- Extending a Flood Forecasting Framework to Enhance Its Capacity of Flood Inundation Mapping
- Extending the application of Ts-VI evapotranspiration model to cloudy condition
- Fault Structures and Stress State Analysis of Induced Earthquake Sequences in Oklahoma
- Forcasting el Nino with Convolutional Recurrent Networks
- Forest Biomass Carbon Distribution in China over the Past 4 Decades: Coupling Long-term Inventory and Remote Sensing Data
- Geophysical, Geochemical, and Geodynamic Clues to Archean Craton Modification and Destruction
- Ground motion analysis of hydraulic-fracture triggered earthquakes in Oklahoma
- High Resolution Earthquake Depth Determination Using Crustal Reverberations: Implications for Earthquake Triggering and Spatial Variations of Shear Wave Splitting
- High-resolution Fault Zone Structure of the 2011 Mw 5.7 Prague, Oklahoma Earthquake Sequence
- How does hydrologic connectivity on hillslopes mantled by soils with shrink-swell properties respond to changing precipitation patterns?
- Hydrogeophysical investigations of merokarst aquifers in the Flint Hills, Kansas
- Identifying environmental risk factors for Malaria: Scale matters!
- Impacts of Precipitation Intensification on Runoff, Sediment Yield, and Plant Available Water in Central Oklahoma
- Implications of source complexity on earthquake rupture and interactions within Mendocino Triple Junction
- Improved Regional CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux Estimates from OCO-2 v9 Retrievals
- Improving and Capacity Building of Water-Related Disasters Communication Systems Linking Regionalized EF5 Hydrological Modeling to Amazon SNS
- Improving estimation of sub-daily vegetation GPP by optimizing VPM parameters across FLUXNET sites
- Influence of Reduced Precipitation on the Allocation and Persistence of Root Carbon in a California Annual Grassland
- Integrating Environmental Monitoring with Public Health Surveillance for Arbovirus Forecasting
- Investigation of Strongly Negative Field-Dependence of AC Magnetic Susceptibility
- Investigation of the Crust in Oklahoma from Broadband Teleseismic Receiver Functions
- Large-scale Water-related Land Cover Data Product for Risk Assessment of Zoonotic Infectious Disease Transmission Dynamics
- Lessons learned in the application of the MRMS-FLASH system at scales ranging from the river reach to the Conterminous United States for Impact-based Flood Prediction
- Low soil nitrogen accelerates CO<SUB>2</SUB> stimulation of soil respiration in a 12-year experiment
- Lower Soil Carbon Loss Due to Persistent Microbial Adaptation to Climate Warming
- Machine Learning for Estimating Methane Distribution in 2-D Nano-pores
- Managing Tallgrass Prairies for Productivity and Ecological Function: A Long Term Grazing Experiment in the Southern Great Plains, USA
- Many-objective Shuffled Complex-Self Adaptive Hybrid EvoLution (MSC-SAHEL): A flexible optimization framework for water-energy systems
- Mechanics of stick-slips along brittle faults
- Microbial Functional Genes Improve Development and Validation of Ecosystem Model
- Monthly lake area retrieval with full Landsat archives from 1970s to 2019——a specific analysis on small lakes from the Tibetan Plateau as an indicator for the climate change
- Multi-year incubation experiments boost confidence in model projections of long-term soil carbon dynamics
- Navigating through Historical Data Gaps: Time-Series Analysis of Landsat for Annual Forest Degradation Monitoring in Data-Poor Tropical West Africa
- Net ecosystem carbon exchange after three years of experimental precipitation manipulation in a mixed-grass prairie.
- Next-generation cloud radars: Applications of rapid-scan cloud radars for three-dimensional mapping of clouds
- Numerical analysis of the impact of a discrete fracture network on a single well hydraulic fracturing treatment
- Observational and model inter-comparisons of aerosol and cloud properties during the NASA ORACLES field campaign
- Observations of Marine Stratocumulus Cloud and Precipitation Properties from ORACLES: Comparison of multi-frequency radar and in-situ instrumentation
- On-demand Model Validation Built into Infectious Disease Early Warning Systems: Malaria Forecasts in Ethiopia with R package epidemiar
- PBL Thermodynamic Profile Assimilation and Impacts on Land-Atmosphere Coupling
- Paleoclimatic significance of Permian loess and dust in Variscan basins of eastern equatorial Pangaea
- Passive Seismic Imaging for Monitoring CO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection at the Wellington Oil Field in Kansas, USA
- Peering inside the black box: Using deep learning to improve understanding of weather phenomena
- Photolysis controls the atmospheric burden of biogenic SOA
- Porosity Estimates and Clay Mineralogy of the Lower Permian Wolfcamp Shale, Mid Continent, United States of America
- Precipitation Merging Based on the Triple Collocation method across Mainland China
- Predict fracture density using deep learning: application to the Mississippian Limestone
- Provenance and cyclostratigraphy of Permo-Carboniferous dust delivered to northeastern Gondwana
- QBO/Solar Modulation of the Boreal Winter MJO: Observational Tests Through the 2018/2019 Winter
- Quantifying Precipitation Susceptibility in Marine Stratocumulus with Varying Aerosol Concentrations Above Clouds: Results from ORACLES
- Refined Principal Stress Estimates for Induced Seismicity in Southern Kansas Based on Seismological Tools and Laboratory Experiments
- Relating Changes in Tornado Characteristics with Surface Topography and Ground Cover using Rapid-Scan Mobile Radar Observations and GIS
- Relationship between Strong Convections and Heavy Rainfall Event based on TRMM PR and GPM DPR observations
- Relative Contributions of Local and Non-Local Land-Atmosphere Feedbacks to the Development and Evolution of Flash Drought and Implications for Predictability
- Resolving the spatiotemporal variability of small earthquake source parameters at Parkfield and their relationship with 2004M6 Parkfield earthquake
- Responses of ecosystem-atmosphere exchange to precipitation pulses in adjacent native and introduced prairie pastures
- Responses of tallgrass prairie to continuous and rotational grazing under different climate conditions
- Results from Pilot of Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Curriculum Suggests It Hits Home with Undergraduate Geoscience Students
- Retrieval experiments for the GeoCarb greenhouse gas retrieval algorithm: Simulations and linear error analysis
- SMOS-IC L-VOD observed tropical aboveground carbon dynamics
- Satellite-based dry-season SIF, greenness, and GPP of moist Amazonian forests during ENSO events using GOME-2, TROPOMI, OCO-2, and MODIS
- Seeking the best-fit microbial parameters via model calibrations: site-specific single dataset or cross-site multiple datasets?
- Seismic Interpretation of Nearshore Sedimentation Variation in Relation to Land Use: Lake Tanganyika, Africa
- Seismic Radiation of Laboratory Earthquakes Along Bimaterial Faults
- Shear Wave Splitting with a Dense Array: New Insights on Cascadia from iMUSH
- Spatial Extreme Precipitation Modeling for The Pacific Northwest United States Using Satellite Information and Max-Stable Processes
- Spatial heterogeneity of liquid, ice and mixed phase low-level clouds over the Southern Ocean derived using in situ observations acquired during SOCRATES
- Spatial-Temporal Dynamics of Global Terrestrial Gross Primary Production during 2000-2018: An Update on Vegetation Photosynthesis Model and it Simulations with Terra/MODIS images
- Spatially-Temporally Resolved Sampling System for Carbon Dioxide Concentration in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Low-cost UAS Approach
- Spatiotemporal dynamics of Terrestrial Water Storage Trends in the Nile River Basin
- Stable isotope labeling to trace carbon flow from switchgrass to rhizosphere soil exometabolites and microbial communities
- State of the art and perspectives in industrial plantation mapping
- Statistical and hydrological evaluation of different remotely sensed and reanalysis precipitation products across a Mediterranean watershed (case study: Upper-Sebou, Morocco)
- Stratospheric Radar Observations of Convection and Precipitation
- Switchgrass Roots and Reduced Soil Water Potentials Enhance Soil Extracellular Polysaccharide Content and the Frequency of Water-stable Aggregates
- Temporal Changes of Viral-Like Particle Abundance in Oklahoma Cropland and Prairie Soils
- Tensile Strength of Compacted Clays during Desiccation under Elevated Temperatures
- The Dependence of Direct Aerosol Radiative Effects on the Underlying Albedo and Aerosol Properties: Results from the 2016 and 2017 ORACLES Field Campaigns
- The Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall and Convectively-Coupled Equatorial Waves over the Maritime Continent
- The Dynamics of Nocturnal Mesoscale Convective Systems over the Great Plains and Their Potential Role in Forecast Failures in Global Numerical Weather Prediction Systems
- The GeoCarb Mission
- The Organic Geochemical Variability in Depositional Environmental Processes within a Stratigraphic Sequence of the Woodford Shale in the Ardmore Basin, Oklahoma.
- The Role of Lithology in Fault Re-Strengthening: A Case Study of the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Induced Earthquake Sequence
- The Utility of Remote Sensing Imagery to Study Transient Shifts in Streamflow from the Event to the Interannual Scale.
- Time Varying Lightning, Updraft, and Microphysical Characteristics in a Supercell Storm and a Multicell Storm
- Towards a Unified Modeling Framework for Coupling Coastal Ocean Models and Inland Hydrology at NOAA's National Ocean Service
- Tracking annual changes of coastal tidal flats in China during 1986-2016 through analyses of Landsat images with Google Earth Engine
- Tropopause-Overshooting Convection - 21 Years of Ground-Based Radar Evaluation over the United States
- Understanding woody plant encroachment into semi-arid grasslands and the associated impacts during the recent decades
- Variability in gross primary productivity of native and managed pastures to climatic variability and management practices
- Virtual Eddy-Covariance Towers: Real-time process-based modeling of surface energy fluxes, soil moisture, and soil temperature for dynamic vegetation
- 3-D S-Wave Velocity Structure and Poisson's Ratio of the Crust in Oklahoma from Stacking and Inversion of Local Earthquake Waveforms
- 4 years of global carbon cycle observed from OCO-2 v9 and in situ data
- A Combined Lidar-Polarimeter Inversion Approach for Aerosol Remote Sensing over Ocean
- A Flood Inundation Prediction for Hurricane Harvey Using a Hyperresolution Hydrologic & Hydraulic Model Driven by the Remote Sensing Observations and Precipitation Forecasting Products
- A Framework for Engaging with Stakeholders to Conduct Actionable Climate Adaptation Research
- A Global Analysis of Streamflow in a Changing World
- A global-optimization-based spectral decomposition method and its application to resolving source parameters of small earthquakes at Parkfield
- Advancing Biogeosciences and Tectonophysics Research through Novel Developments in Near Surface Geophysics
- Airborne Remote Sensing Measurements of Particles in Different Parts of the World
- Analysis of Mid-to-High Latitude GNSS Total Electron Content and its Variability during Solar Cycle 24 Minimum
- Assessing spatial patterns and drivers of intermittent flow in the contiguous U.S.
- Assessment of GPM-IMERGV06B Precipitation Product against Gauge Data across a semi-arid watershed in Morocco
- Assessment of Stratospheric Waves Activity Associated with the MJO During QBO Phases
- Basement Structure, Fluid Migration Pathways, and Mechanisms of Induced Fault Reactivation in U.S. Mid-Continent
- Basinal variation of seismic attribute response in deepwater architectural element recognition
- Breaking the Barriers to Knowledge Transfer Among Researchers and Stakeholders for Climate Adaptation
- Building trustworthy AI for environmental science
- Capacity Building to Enhance Resilience to Hydrodynamic Disasters in Emerging Regions
- Carbon exchange in tropical land, as seen from both bottom-up and top-down perspectives
- Characterization of In-Flight Icing Conditions on the SOCRATES Mission Using Airborne Radar and Lidar Data in Conjunction with In Situ Cloud Measurements
- Citizen Science in the Upper Blue Nile Basin: Capturing the Hydrological Cycle and Catalyzing Community Participation
- Classification and noise correlation of local anthropogenic noise sources in Oklahoma.
- Comparison of the Spatial Variations in Ethiopia of Malaria Forecasting Skill Using Various Models in the Open Source EPIDEMIA Forecasting System
- Controls of Condensation Nuclei, Cloud Condensation Nuclei over the Southern Ocean: Results from MARCUS
- Controls of buried structures on clinoform architecture, Northern Taranaki Basin, New Zealand
- Developing Soil Health Monitoring Decision Support Software for Use in Arid Climates
- Developing flood risk maps for multi-level humanitarian decision making
- Diagnosing the Shape Parameters of the Gamma Particle Size Distribution in a Two-Moment Microphysics Scheme and Improvements to Explicit Hail Prediction
- Does Earthquake Stress Drop Increase With Depth?
- Drivers of the Spatial Pattern of Arctic Sea Ice Response to Arctic Cyclones
- Dynamic Bilateral Rupture Along a Circular Bimaterial Fault
- Dynamical downscaling of near-term internal climate variability and change for the main Hawaiian Islands using WRF ensemble simulations
- Earthquake nucleation by stick-slip ruptures
- Errors in Retrieved Gases and Inferred Fluxes Arising from Non-uniform Scene Illumination: A Case Study for the GeoCarb Mission
- Evaluating West Nile Virus Forecasts in an Endemic Region of North America: A Retrospective Model Comparison and Validation
- Evolution of Sandstone Properties Undergoing Cyclic Hydrostatic Loading
- Evolution of coupled tropopause polar vortices and arctic cyclones prior to very rapid sea ice loss events
- Examining the role of Fe-cycling in microbial mat lithification and stromatolite abundance through Earth history
- Expanding disease modeling beyond the spatial footprint of the data: regional and national models of human West Nile virus cases
- Exploring rift magmatism and evolution through gravity analysis of North America's failed rifts
- Extended Ground Motion Duration from Unique Earthquakes in Oklahoma
- False springs and spring phenology: Sensitivity to downscaling techniques and training data
- Fault Controlled Dolomitization in the Ordovician Lexington Limestone; Using Magnetic Methods to Document Alteration and Paleoflow
- Foot-print Scale Real-time Modeling Tool of Surface Energy Fluxes, Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, and Soil Temperature: Application in the the Southern Great Plains
- Forecasting Flash Flood Impacts with IMERG-based Streamflow Simulations in Ecuador
- Forecasting Induced Seismicity in Oklahoma using Machine Learning Methods
- Gas Transport in Clays: Dilatation, Dry out, and Behavior Transitions
- Geostationary Carbon Cycle Observatory (GeoCarb): Unraveling the Carbon-Weather-Climate System
- Global Reach-level River Flood Reanalysis (1980-2019)
- Global Retrievals of Solar-Induced Chlorophyll Fluorescence With TROPOMI
- Ground Validations of GPM IMERG in Extreme Events over the Conterminous United States
- How will future satellite missions inform our understanding of the processes controlling atmospheric carbon?
- Identifying environmental risk factors for malaria in different geographic contexts
- Impact of GOES-16 Multi-spectral Satellite Observations on the Identification of Precipitation Typology using the Multi-Radar/Multi-Sensor System
- Improving Daily Surface Particulate Matter Estimates during Extreme Fire Events using a Novel NASA Satellite Plume Injection Height Algorithm
- Investigate the Capability of Distributed Hydrologic Modeling and Remote Sensing in Capturing the Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Small Intermittent Streams
- Investigation of Aerosol Properties and Transport on Severe Weather in Oklahoma USA from 2015-2019
- Is our finger on the pulse? Assessing placement bias of the global river gauge network
- L-VOD vegetation index capabilities for monitoring the dynamics of above-ground biomass: results and perspectives
- Likelihood of Cloud Gaps Allowing C-gas Exchange Estimates: A Survey of Amazonia Across Broad Temporal Scales, Cloud-Gap Dimensions, and Accuracy Assessments
- Looking Forward to 30 Years since the Disintegration of the USSR: Environmental and Socio-Economic Consequences of Fundamental Institutional Change amidst Changing Climates
- Machine Learning Techniques To Assist Natural Fracture Systems Using Coda Wave Interferometry
- Mapping sugarcane plantation dynamics in Guangxi, China, by time series Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2 and Landsat images
- Meeting the Stationary Phase Requirement for Local Ambient Noise Interferometry through Polarization Analysis
- Modeling Distributed and Point Sources in a GWCE-Based Finite Element Hydrodynamic Model, ADCIRC
- Molecular Fossils Reveal Processes Preceding, Initiating and Sustaining the Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion Used to Define Widespread Marine Deoxygenation in the mid-Cretaceous (OAE 2)
- New data on the stick-slip mechanics of seismogenic faults from rotary shear experiments
- Nine Months of Seismic Network Records of Munition Disposal Reveal Multi-Scale Atmospheric Variability Controls on Near-Ground Explosion Monitoring Capabilities
- Observations and Simulations of High Ice Water Content Clouds: What Causes Large Concentrations of Small Ice Crystals
- Observations of Atmospheric Aerosol Absorption and Their Use to Constrain Models at Various Scales
- Observing the Carbon Cycle with the Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2)
- Oklahoma's induced seismicity: did we revive intraplate earthquakes?
- Partitioning of Extension at the Propagating Tips of Continental Rifts: Insights from the Central and East African Rift Systems
- Peering Inside the Black Box of Machine Learning for Atmospheric Science
- Performing supervised methods to estimate facies as a quick prediction for carbonate facies in the Puttygut Field, Michigan Basin.
- Potential Avenues for Collaborative Research on Climate Modeling
- Predicting and visualizing changes in the index of refraction for radio frequency signals in the troposphere
- Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Estimation
- Processes Controlling Extratropical Cloud Feedbacks and Climate Sensitivity from the Micro to Global Scale
- Quantifying Rupture Characteristics of Microearthquakes in the Parkfield Region Using the Borehole High Resolution Seismic Network
- Receiver function analysis from a dense nodal array: Delineating shallow crustal structure from local and teleseismic receiver function analysis
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction/Backscatter Coefficients and CCN Number Concentrations During the NASA ORACLES Campaigns
- Relationships between WMAXSHEAR parameter and atmospheric patterns associated with tornado outbreaks in USA
- Remote Sensing of Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
- Rifting at the Boundary of Contrasting Terrane Fabrics, Luama Rift, DR Congo
- Satellite-based modeling of gross primary production of sugarcane plantations at two eddy flux tower sites
- Scaling Malaria Early Warning to the National Level in Ethiopia
- Scaling Up Rice Methane Fluxes in Monsoon Asia Through Data-Driven Model
- Sensitivities of Midlatitude Overshooting Convection, Above-Anvil Cirrus Plume Formation, and Irreversible Transport to the Lower Stratosphere Environment
- Sequence Stratigraphy of the Late Miocene Southern Taranaki Basin Inversion Phase
- Spatial-temporal dynamics of maize and soybean planted area, harvested area, gross primary production, and grain production in the Contiguous United States during 2008-2018
- Stress drop estimation from source spectra: Resolution limits and consistency between different studies.
- Structural Inheritance Control of Induced Seismicity in Central-Eastern US
- Structural and frictional heterogeneities along natural faults and implications for fault slip behaviour
- Study on the Parameterization Response of Probabilistic Neural Networks for Seismic Facies Classification
- Sub-seismic reef characterization using machine learning and multi-attribute analysis
- Supershear Ruptures Along a Circular, Bimaterial, Experimental Fault
- Supporting Climate and Health Research with Google Earth Engine Tools for Environmental Data Access.
- Surprisingly Different Outcomes from Two Different Processing Methodologies for the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array
- Ten Million Years of Paleoclimatic Variability Recorded in Permian Loessite of Eastern Equatorial Pangea
- The 5STAR airborne tracking sunphotometer on the NASA SIERRA UAS
- The Persistence of Logging Roads in Forest Reserves in Ghana
- The Role of Lithology in Fault Re-Strengthening: A Case Study of the 2011 Prague, Oklahoma Induced Earthquake Sequence
- The Unique Characteristics and Potential Mechanisms of the MJO-QBO Relationship
- Time-lapse seismic characterization of calving events at Helheim glacier
- Trends and drivers of changing stream intermittency across the United States
- Tropical Forest Area and Its Spatio-Temporal Changes during 2007-2017
- Tropopause Polar Vortex Climatology and Linkages with Rossby Wave Initiation
- Two Decades of Geodetic and Seismological Insight into the Seismogenic Zone: A View from Nicoya, Costa Rica
- Two-decades of GPM IMERG Early and Final Run Products Intercomparison: Similarity and Difference in Climatology, Rates, Extremes and Hydrologic Utilities
- Understanding Cloud Radiative Feedbacks Within the Madden-Julian Oscillation
- Urbanizing the floodplain: Global changes of imperviousness in flood-prone areas
- Where There's Smoke, There's Humidity: Exploring the Water Vapor Associated with the Free-Tropospheric Biomass Burning Plume over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- A Correlation-based Inversion Method for Aerosol Property (CIMAP) Retrieval from AERONET Measurements
- A Large but Transient Carbon Sink from Urbanization and Rural Depopulation in China
- A One Health Approach to Disease Surveillance: Integrating Environmental, Human, and Mosquito Data to Forecast West Nile Virus
- A Retrospective, Machine-learning Assisted Analysis of Seismic Sequence Migrations in Jones, Oklahoma and Delineating Fault Structures
- A multi-dataset evaluation of smoke pollution transport over central Oklahoma
- A new geostationary perspective: SIF from the upcoming GeoCarb mission
- A newly established soil warming experiment revealed contrasting warming effects on soil respiration in a switchgrass cropland in middle Tennessee USA.
- A novel approach to systematically evaluate precipitation datasets using decision trees
- Aerosol Remote Sensing Inversion: Improvement of Retrieval Efficiency
- Aerosol optical depth is more consistent than aerosol size over large distances during KORUS-AQ
- Aerosol retrieval simulations in support of the Designated Observable Study for the NASA ACCP (Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, Precipitation) project
- Artificial Intelligence for Quantifying Anisotropic Poromechanical Properties of Unconventional Rocks from Mineral Composition
- Assess the Performance of WRF-VPRM in the North America Coastal Ocean with Impact from a River-Dominated Shelf System
- Assessment of Satellite-Derived Smoke Height Boundary Layer Ratio During Extreme Smoke Events in the Western U.S.
- Attenuation in Viola Formation Limestone due to Pore-Fluid Composition Effects
- Automated Detection of Severe Thunderstorm Signatures Within Geostationary Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Automation and Runtime Improvements for the Incident-based Scenario Evacuation (ISE) Collection of Models
- Biofuel Feedstock Harvest Weakens the Warming-induced Soil Carbon Loss in Grassland Soils
- Biomass burning combustion efficiency during the California 2020 fire season
- Black Carbon Particle Mixing State Analysis Allows Characterization of Biomass Burn Aerosol Lifecycle
- Carbon loss from forest degradation exceeds that from deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon
- Characterization of Southern Ocean Boundary Layer Clouds Using Airborne Radar, Lidar Data, and In-situ Cloud Measurements: Results from SOCRATES
- Characterizing Spatiotemporal Stress Orientations in Regions with Induced Seismicity
- Cloud Radiative Feedbacks within the MJO
- Community Code Verication Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): 3D Effects, Fully Dynamic Ruptures, and Dipping Fault Geometries
- Comparing MODIS Retrievals with In-Situ Observations of Marine Stratocumulus over the Southeast Atlantic to study Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- Convection-Permitting Regional Climate Simulations over South America and the Peruvian Central Andes: Evaluation of Precipitation and MCS Simulations and Sensitivity to Physics Parameterizations
- Creating Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (AI) Forecasts for Extreme Weather
- Dependence of Retrieved Cloud Properties on Environmental Conditions in Cold Air Outbreaks over the North Atlantic: Results from COMBLE
- Do global inversion systems systematically underestimate the seasonal amplitude of net ecosystem CO2 flux?
- Ecologically novel wildfires impact carbon and nitrogen cycling processes over a decade after disturbance: a tale of two ecosystems
- Elevation-Dependent Projections of Extreme Heat Stress Changes in the Contiguous United States
- Emergence of a Nocturnal Low-Level Jet from a Broad Baroclinic Zone
- Evaluating spatio-temporal trends in infrasound propagation using seismo-acoustic arrivals from repeating explosions
- Evaluation of IMERGV06B over oceans, coastal areas and mountainous regions using Ground Validation-Multi Radar/Multi-Sensor (GV-MRMS)
- Evaluation of Ice and Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties in Three Climate Model Simulations using Airborne Observations over the Southern Ocean
- Evidence for multiple middle Eocene warming events in the Lutetian-Bartonian chemostratigraphic record from the southwest Pacific
- Experimental Insights into Melt Influenced Fault Behavior
- Explainable AI models for precipitation retrievals: a case study based on atmospheric sounding systems
- Forecasting West Nile Virus with Arbovirus Monitoring and Prediction (ArboMAP) in Multiple US States: A Comparison of Environmental Data Sources
- GLM Applications for Tropical Cyclone Analysis and Forecasting
- Geophysical Bias Correction of Trace Green House Gas Satellite Retrievals Using Explainable Machine Learning Methods
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- Hurricane Laura (2020): A Comparison of Drop Size Distribution Moments Using Ground and Radar Remote Sensing Retrieval Methods
- Ice in Southern Ocean Clouds with Cloud Top Temperatures Exceeding -5C
- Identification of the Unique Microphysical Signatures of Above Anvil Cirrus Plumes in GOES-16/-17 Infrared and Visible Imagery
- Imaging multiscale fault zone dynamics following the 2004 Parkfield rupture
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- Impacts of Building Size and Density on Urban Heat in Central Asia Cities
- Impacts of Stochastic Hydrometeor Fall Speed on Modeled Rain Processes
- Improve the understanding of natural hazards through GNSS TEC measurements and GITM simulations
- Incorporation of melt-scaling laws into models of Earths accretion and core formation
- Influence from wind and wind turbine on seismic noise observations in Oklahoma
- Intercomparison of UAS-based Atmospheric Measurements at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains Site
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- Investigating Atmospheric Processes and Transport of Smoke During the 2021 Fire Season in Missoula Montana
- Investigating XCH4 and XCO biases from single-band retrievals in the 2.3 m window using an extensive set of simulations
- Investigating the Role of Isolated and Effective Porosities in the Responses of Dual-Porosity Dual-Permeability Porous Media under Dynamic Impact Tests
- Investigation of Microphysical Properties within Regions of Enhanced Dual-Frequency Ratio During the IMPACTS Field Campaign
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- Long Term Desert Irrigation Impacts on Soil Geochemistry in Vineyard Systems of the Northern Atacama Desert, Peru
- Long-Term Trends of Tropical Forest Degradation, Loss, and Recovery in Ghana
- Mechanical and hydrologic characterization of the Ghareb formation to support high level nuclear waste disposal
- Mesoproterozoic Subduction in North America: Characteristics of the Convergent Boundary that Produced the Picuris Orogeny
- Meteorological Controls of Boundary Layer CCN-active Aerosol Sources Over the Southern Ocean: Result from ship-based observation
- Microphysical Processes Producing High Ice Water Contents (HIWCs) in Tropical Convective Clouds during the HAIC-HIWC Field Campaign: Dominant Roles of Secondary Ice Productions
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- Observations of Carbon Dioxide in the Planetary Boundary Layer Measured using Uncrewed Aircraft Systems
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- Optimizing Four Years of OCO-2 CO2 Biospheric Emissions with Optimized MOPITT CO Fire Emissions in TM5
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- Potential Predictability and Impacts of Subseasonal Extreme Precipitation Events in the United States
- PreMevE: A Machine-Learning Based Predictive Model for Relativistic Electrons inside Earths Outer Van Allen Belt
- Precipitation Susceptibility of Marine Stratocumulus with Variable Above and Below-Cloud Aerosol Concentrations over the Southeast Atlantic: Results from ORACLES
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- Progressive Lateral Propagation, Interaction, and Linkage of Active Rift Segments: Insights from the East African Rift System
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- Random Error Analysis of Stable Boundary Layers and Implications for UAS Sampling
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- Retrieval of Cloud Condensation Nuclei Number Concentration Profiles from Combined Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements: A Case Study from NASA ORACLES Campaign
- Retrieving UV-VIS Single-scattering albedo of Absorbing Aerosols above Clouds from Synergy of Airborne Sensors and A-train Satellites
- Revisiting the 2015 Mw=8.3 Illapel Earthquake. From Kinematic Rupture Inversion to Rupture Dynamics.
- SAPHERALER: meteorological radars on stratospheric balloons concept
- SeaSTAR: sunphotometer platform diversification for aerosol characterization over the ocean
- Seasonality of Aerosol Absorption in the 2016 to 2018 ORACLES Campaigns
- Seismic Radiation During Slip Along Bimaterial Faults: An Experimental Investigation
- Seismogenic Fault Characterization in East Oklahoma Using Multi-Sensor Seismic Array
- Simulated Stepwise and Gradual Warming Impacts on Soil Respiration and the Underlying Microbial Activities and Functions in a Switchgrass Cropland
- Spatial-temporal Changes of Winter Wheat Croplands in the Contiguous United States during 2008-2018
- Spatiotemporal heterogeneity of aerosol and cloud properties over the southeast Atlantic: An observational analysis
- Stress drop validation and triggering process of foreshocks in Southern California
- Subseasonal Predictors of Extreme Cold Air Outbreaks in the Central US
- The 1.65 Ma event at Northwest Australian IODP Site U1483: A major transition during the mid-Pleistocene 40 kyr world
- The ACCP Inclined Orbit Project: Enabling New and Synergistic Aerosol Remote Sensing Inversions
- The Atmosphere Observing System (AOS): Synergistic Aerosol, Cloud, Convection and Precipitation Measurement and Modeling Systems
- The NASA Aerosols, Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (ACCP) Observing System
- The Polar Vortex Winter of 2013/14
- The Road to Co-production is Paved with Good Intentions
- The Transportable Phased Array Radar: Meeting community imperatives in weather science
- The impact of surface heterogeneity parameterizations on surface flux estimations in single column model simulations of the stable atmospheric boundary layer
- The water resources and extremes outlooks of Peru: an WRF and CREST study over a less frequently monitored area in South America
- Three Modes of Cloud-Boundary Layer Coupling over the Southern Ocean: Performance of Conventional and Mass-flux PBL Schemes
- Time averaging of shell beds in Lake Tanganyika, Africa; implications for a biodiverse and threatened ecosystem
- Top-down estimate of carbon stock changes in support of the Global Stocktake
- Toward Understanding the Relationship between Aerosol Loadings and Severe Weather Outbreaks across the Great Plains region from 2015-2019
- Towards Improved Precipitation Estimation with the GOES16 Advanced Baseline Imager: Algorithm and Evaluation
- Tracking Hail Sources in Bulk Microphysics
- Turbulent Secondary Flows in the Convective Boundary Layer Driven by Spanwise Thermal Gradients
- Turbulent Supersaturation Fluctuations and Cloud Droplet Spectral Broadening observed during HI-SCALE and CACTI
- UAS Operations at the University of Oklahoma, Part A: Thermodynamic and Kinematic Observations with Multicopters
- UAS Operations at the University of Oklahoma, Part B: Trace Gas and Aerosol Observations with UAS
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- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Using a Flood Modeling Framework and High-Resolution Radar Precipitation Data to Establish Robust Analyses of Satellite Precipitation Products
- Watershed Deforestation Impacts on Littoral/Sublittoral Shell Bed Communities in Lake Tanganyika, Africa: A Biodiverse and Threatened Ecosystem
- A DEM-based river tracing algorithm for levee identification
- A Heat Vulnerability Index based on a comprehensive energy budget model in Oklahoma City, OK
- A Machine-Learning-Based Algorithm for Cloud Detection and Scene Classification Using Combined Active and Passive Remote Sensors
- A Markov chain model for polarized radiative transfer in the thermal infrared and application in dust particle inversion
- A Statistical Analysis to Improve Development of a Heat Wave Definition in the Southern Great Plains
- A more transparent infrared window
- Abrupt Flash Drought: Investigating Flash Drought Occurrence over Vital Agricultural Regions
- Accessing Shortwave Radiation Parameters at the Process Scale
- An Correlation-based Inversion Method for Aerosol Remote Sensing and Test Using AERONET and POLDER Measurements
- Annual Forest Maps in the Contiguous United States during 2015-2017 from Analyses of PALSAR-2 and Landsat Images
- Annual Maps of Surface Water Body, Paddy Rice, and Wetlands in Northeast China Using PALSAR, Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Landsat, and MODIS Imagery in 2020
- Applying Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Classification of WorldView-3 Satellite Imagery to Distinguish Vegetation Species at Treeline in Rocky Mountain National Park
- Assessment of Drought Characteristics of the Past Millennium using a High Resolution PMIP4 Model
- Asynchrony of Spaceborne Chlorophyll Fluorescence and the Near Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation in Tropical Forests
- Automated Detection and Analysis of Severe, Tropopause-Penetrating Convective Storm Patterns Using Remote Sensing Data Fusion and Deep Learning
- Building the Aquatic Intermittency effects on Microbiomes in Streams (AIMS) network to enable understanding of how intermittent flow impacts water quality and stream microbiomes
- Changes in Absorbing Aerosol Properties during Transport in the Southeast Atlantic
- Characteristics of Precipitation and MCS over the Peruvian Central Andes based on Convection-Permitting Simulations
- Characterization of Earthquake Swarms and Ruptures and Their Relation to the Orientation of the Stress Field
- Characterizing Spatial Patterns and Timescales of Early Postseismic Deformation of Megathrust Earthquakes
- Clay Volume Estimation Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography Utilizing ResIPy
- Combustion Efficiency Observed in California with CO and NO2 FIREX-AQ and TROPOMI Data
- Community Code Verification Exercises for Simulations of Earthquake Sequences and Aseismic Slip (SEAS): From 3D, Full Elastodynamics and Dipping Faults to Fluids and Fault Friction Evolution
- Comparing Ambient-Noise-Based Seismic Velocity Variations with Dynamic and Static Strain Changes Associated with Major Earthquake Rupture at Parkfield
- Comparing fault healing in laboratory experiments to repeating earthquakes: A case study of Prague, Oklahoma, U.S.A.
- Comparison of Catchment Morphology Along Footwall Blocks of an Active Rift System (Lake Tanganyika, Africa) Using the Geospatial Analysis
- Comparison of Inter-Seasonal Land Surface-Atmospheric Drivers of Flash Drought Over Europe.
- Comparison of MISR's and MAIA's Observing Strategies for Mapping Speciated Particulate Matter Air Pollution
- Continental rifting in the South China Sea through extension and high heat flow: An extended history
- Continued Increases of Gross Primary Production in Urban Areas During 2000 - 2016
- Demonstration of Dual-Integration Spectroradiometer Operation by ARM for Enhanced Dynamic Range, Temporal Resolution, and Radiometric Accuracy
- Developing & Deploying Tools to Better Observe Lightning in the Washington D.C. Area & Beyond
- Development of Synergetic Satellite-Derived Wildfire Plume Height Products for the Western U.S.
- Diffusivity based screening approach for seal integrity for underground gas storage.
- Divergent Floodplain Urbanization Patterns and Risks with Levee Effect
- Effects of Different Environmental Data Sources on West Nile Virus Forecasting Accuracy from Arbovirus Monitoring and Prediction (ArboMAP) in Multiple US States
- Evaluating JAXA/GOSAT two-layer XCO2 with aircraft measurements and OCO-2 MIP simulations
- Evaluating and intercomparing satellite and reanalysis precipitation products by using decision trees
- Evaluation of IMERG over mountainous regions using environmental variables
- Evaluation of Saltwater Intrusion using Electrical Resistivity and Geochemical Measurements in Brazoria County, Texas
- Evaluation of the performance of IMERG from the precipitation event perspective in CONUS
- Examining the Impact of Tropical Cyclone Events on Human West Nile Virus Cases in Louisiana
- Experiment of Sea Breeze Convection, Aerosols, Precipitation and Environment (ESCAPE)
- Exploiting Artificial Intelligence for Advancing Earth and Environmental System Science
- Exploring ARM's Shortwave Spectral Measurements to Quantify Cloud and Aerosol Radiative EffectsInvited Paper 1064015
- FPA Characterization and Spectrograph Calibration for the GeoCarb Mission
- Factors Affecting Precipitation over Western Puerto Rico during the NASA 2021 CPEX-AW Project
- Finding causal gateways of heatwave propagation among U.S. cities
- Fire-Generated Tornadic Vortices
- Flow Simulation of CO2 Plume in Arbuckle Group
- Future US floods under a warmer climate: frequency, flashiness, spatial extent, and seasonality
- Geodetic and Microseismic Signatures of Crustal Faulting Following Large Earthquakes
- Global Projections of Flash Drought in a Warming Climate
- Glycosidases Facilitated Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen Sequestrations under Intensive Fertilization
- Grand challenges in satellite remote sensing
- Ground-Validation and Error Attribution of Near-Surface Air Temperature from AIRS in North America
- High Spatial Resolution Modeling of Gross Primary Production over Sugarcane Plantations
- How land surface characteristics influence the development of flash drought
- How the Large-Scale Environment and Mesoscale Convective System Modulates the Diurnal Rainfall Strength over Offshore West Africa
- Identifying the Hydrometeorological Decision Factors Influencing Reservoir Releases over the Upper Colorado Region using a Long Short-Term Memory Network
- Impacts of Warming on Carbon Fluxes from Individuals to Ecosystems
- Improving Sub-seasonal to Seasonal Forecast for Better Predictions upon the Occurrence of Extreme Precipitation Events over the Contiguous United States
- In situ pressure monitoring of storage and disposal reservoirs in North-Central Oklahoma Arbuckle Group
- Incorporation of Microbial Communities into Reactive Transport Modeling of Nitrogen in Subsurface Systems under Rainfall Perturbations
- Invasive Japanese Beetle, Popillia Japonica Newman, Larvae Alter Carbon Storage Dynamics in Infested Soil
- Investigating deep soil CO2 production in restored prairie ecosystems
- Investigating the Effects of Permeability and Porosity on Reservoir Deformation and Pore Pressure Evolution at Geothermal Fields
- Investigating the Role of Gravity Waves on the Natural Variability of Ice Particle Properties, and Their Implications for Constraining Fall Velocity Uncertainty Estimates
- Investigation of Turbulent Entrainment Mixing Processes in Shallow Cumulus Clouds with High Resolution Datasets in HISCALE and LES with Lagrangian Microphysics
- Investigation of the Teleseismic Event Record by Distributed Acoustic Sensing Array: Teleseismic Receiver Function Analysis Using DAS and Broadband Station
- Is DEI Work Valued? A Survey of Geoscience Faculty
- Keystone Metabolites in the Rhizosphere of Switchgrass Link Plant and Microbial Response to Nitrogen Limitation
- Large Loss and Rapid Recovery of Vegetation Cover and Aboveground Biomass Over Forest Areas in Australia during 2019-2020
- Large spatial variation and stagnation of cropland gross primary production increases the challenges of sustainable grain production and food security in China
- Leveraging Machine Learning and Geo-Tagged Citizen Science Data to Disentangle the Factors of Avian Mortality Events at the Species Level
- Long-term Warming Increases Plant Productivity and Soil Respiration Leading to No Change in Soil Organic Carbon in Grasslands
- Mapping Eucalyptus Plantation in Guangxi, China Using PALSAR-2, Sentinel-2, and Landsat Images in 2020
- Mapping the Thermal Potential for Urban Malaria Transmission with Satellite Earth Observations
- Microbes Persist: How Soil Moisture Regimes Shape the Ecophysiology and Biogeochemical Effects of Wild Soil Microbiomes
- Modeling spatiotemporal exposures of heat and wildfire smoke using atmospheric models and satellite remote sensing products
- Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Level-2 Aerosol Inversion Algorithm Testing Using AirMSPI and POLDER Measurements
- NASA's Earth System Observatory - The Atmosphere Observation System (AOS) Polar Project
- Narrow Bipolar Events Observed by the ENTLN on the Global Scale
- Nature vs Nurture: A Multidisciplinary Perspective on Craton Survivability
- Non-Equilibrium Effect of Spectral Induced Polarization in Electrically Conductive Minerals: Pyrite versus Pyrrhotite models
- North American Methane enhancements as seen by TROPOMI; Model-data comparison and validation with TCCON observations
- Notable Impact of Wildfires in the Western US on Weather Hazards in the Central US
- Omics-enabled modeling of grassland microbial communities feedback to climate change
- Overview of Purdue's Mobile Disdrometer Operations in PERiLS 2022
- Patterns and drivers of recent disturbance in tropical forest reserves of Southwestern Ghana
- Precipitation Microphysics in Tropical Cyclones: A Global Perspective
- Probabilistic Precipitation Estimation with the GOES16 Advanced Baseline Imager: A Machine Learning Approach
- Raising Our Expectations for DEI Work in Geoscience Faculty Evaluation Systems: An Insight Into Who Sustains This Work and How This Labor is Recognized and Rewarded
- Regional Inverse Modeling in North and South America for the NASA Carbon Monitoring System - Follow-On
- Relationships Between Lidar Aerosol Extinction and Backscatter Coefficients and Cloud Concentration Nuclei (CCN) Number Concentrations for Different Aerosol Types
- Role of Tropopause Polar Vortices in Modulating Arctic Cyclone Climatology
- Satellite-based Modeling of Gross Primary Production of C3 Fields with Time Series of Landsat and Sentinel-2 Images
- Soil Moisture Roles and PBL Development During Flash Drought
- Solving Forward and Inverse Problems for Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensors using Principal Component Analysis
- Spatiotemporal Estimates of Surface PM2.5 Concentrations in the Western U.S. using NASA Aerosol and Fire Retrievals and Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatiotemporal Gap-Filling of NASA Satellite-Derived-AOD in the Western U.S. using Machine Learning Techniques
- Spatiotemporal estimates of surface PM2.5 concentrations in the western U.S. using NASA MODIS and VIIRS retrievals and data assimilation techniques
- Studying Nanoparticle Detachment From Biological Surfaces Using SEM Imaging
- Synergistic Lidar and Polarimeter Aerosol Retrieval Performance Under Complex Conditions: Exploring the Costs of Imperfect Particle Shape Assumptions
- The Behaviors of Intraseasonal Cloud Organization during DYNAMO/AMIE
- The Effects of Nonstationary Forcings on Organization and Turbulent Transport in the Convective Boundary Layer
- The Effects of Warm Season Pluvial States on Vegetation Densities in the Southern Great Plains
- The GPM Validation Network: Oceanic Validation of IMERG and GPROF with Ground-Based Radars
- The GeoCarb Mission - adding greenhouse gases and chlorophyll fluorescence to the suite of geostationary observations
- The GeoCarb Mission: Monitoring Vegetation Health from Space at High Spatiotemporal Resolution
- The GeoCarb Mission: Progress and Plans
- The Horus All-Digital Phased Array Weather Radar - System Overview and First Results
- The Performance of Filtered Leapfrog Schemes in Benchmark Simulations
- The Sensitivity of Mesoscale Convective System Tracking Algorithms to Detection Thresholds and Data Resolution
- The influence of magnetic minerals on induced polarization measurements in sedimentary rocks
- The state of global carbon cycle in 2020 and 2021
- Toward Understanding Smoke Aerosol Optical Properties and Aerosols on Boundary Layer Depth due to Local-Generated and Transported Smoke from a Decade of Measurements in Nevada and California
- Towards a Machine Learning Retrieval of XCO2 from OCO-2 Radiances with Uncertainty Quantification.
- Turbulent Coherent Structures in the Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer: A Large-Eddy Simulation Study
- Ultrasonic Velocity Anisotropy in Crystalline Basement Rocks of the Central United States
- Uniform Momentum and Temperature Zones in the Convective Boundary Layer
- Using Bayesian Model Averaging to Develop an Observationally Constrained Ensemble of Downscaled Earth System Models to Support the Fifth U.S. National Climate Assessment
- Using Satellite Observations to Understand Urban Expansion Dynamics of the West Africa Urban System
- Using machine learning to improve multi-wavelength spaceborne radar precipitation retrievals
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. E. Andrews
- A. E. Schuh
- A. Eldering
- A. Lyapustin
- A. M. Sayer
- Abhishek Chatterjee
- Adam Terando
- Adrienne Wootten
- Ahmed Elbanna
- Akihiko Kuze
- Alex Burton‐Johnson
- Alexander J. Turner
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexander Norton
- Alexei Korolev
- Ali Behrangi
- Alice‐Agnes Gabriel
- Alla Zelenyuk
- Allison McComiskey
- Amanda E. Cravens
- Amy J. Burgin
- Ana Christina Ravelo
- Andrew Gettelman
- Andrew J. Maguire
- Andrew M. Dzambo
- Angela K. Rowe
- Anin Puthukkudy
- Ann Holbourn
- Aparna Bamzai‐Dodson
- Arlindo da Silva
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Ashlee Dere
- Athanasios Nenes
- B. M. Carpenter
- Benchun Duan
- Benjamin Allen
- Brad Weir
- Brendan Byrne
- Brian Greene
- C. J. Ruhl
- Caio Martinelle B. França
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Camilla Cattania
- Chang Gyo Jung
- Chenchen Zhang
- Chris O’Dell
- Christina S. McCluskey
- Colin Raymond
- Colm Sweeney
- Cédric Twardzik
- Dafeng Hui
- Dai Yamazaki
- Daile Zhang
- Dalia Kirschbaum
- Dan Lu
- Dan Wanyama
- Daniel Watters
- Darrell S. Kaufman
- David Crisp
- David D. Turner
- David J. Delene
- David M. Winker
- David R. Thompson
- Dawn M. Nekorchuk
- Deepankar Dangwal
- Deepti Singh
- Denise K. Kulhanek
- Dev Niyogi
- Di Yang
- Duane E. Waliser
- Dung Phan
- Duo Li
- E. C. Seybold
- E. J. Fielding
- E. J. Mlawer
- E. Klein
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. S. Cochran
- Edward R. Mansell
- Elias Massoud
- Elinor R. Martin
- Elizabeth A. Pillar-Little
- Elizabeth DiGangi
- Ella T. Sieradzki
- Emily D. Lenhardt
- Emily E. Brodsky
- Eric C. Bruning
- Ernie R. Lewis
- Estella A. Atekwana
- Ethan Conrad
- Eyal Shalev
- F. Chevallier
- Fan Mei
- Folarin Kolawole
- Forrest M. Hoffman
- Francis K. Dwomoh
- Gangsheng Wang
- Geli Zhang
- George J. Huffman
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gijs de Boer
- Giuseppe Torri
- Graeme L. Stephens
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Guoqiang Tang
- Guoyong Wen
- Hanqin Tian
- Hao Tang
- Hari Viswanathan
- Hector Mayol Novoa
- Hideo Aochi
- Howard B. Bluestein
- Hugh Morrison
- Hui Su
- Huikyo Lee
- Ian Baker
- Ivano Aiello
- J. A. Tarduno
- J. B. Miller
- J. Christine Chiu
- J. I. Walter
- Jack Elston
- Jackson Tan
- James E. McClure
- James H. Ruppert
- James McDuffie
- Jason C. Furtado
- Jean‐Pierre Wigneron
- Jeff Lapierre
- Jeffrey B. Basara
- Jennifer E. Johnson
- Jens Redemann
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jingfeng Xiao
- Jingting Huang
- Jingyu Wang
- Jinwei Dong
- Jinwoo Im
- Jitendra Kumar
- Jiwen Fan
- Joanna Joiner
- John Barnes
- John E. Yorks
- John J. Cassano
- John R. Mecikalski
- Johnathan Hair
- Jonathan J. Gourley
- Jordan I. Christian
- Josep G. Canadell
- Joseph A. Finlon
- Joseph A. Santanello
- Joshua D. Carmichael
- Joyeeta Bhattacharya
- Juan Cuesta
- Judah Cohen
- Jun Wang
- Junjie Liu
- Junle Jiang
- K. Kroll
- K. Nalini
- K. W. Bowman
- Kai Zhang
- Kamal Kant Chandrakar
- Kateryna Zhalnina
- Kenneth J. Davis
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kenneth P. Kodama
- Kirk Knobelspiesse
- Kirsten M. de Beurs
- Klaudio Peshtani
- Kristina Okamoto
- Kristina Pistone
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Kyle F. Itterly
- Kyoko Ikeda
- L. L. Hood
- L. Lowman
- L. R. Welp
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura D. Riihimaki
- Laurence Y. Yeung
- Lawrence D. Carey
- Lee Slater
- Li Zhang
- Lifen Jiang
- Loren D. White
- Luca Dal Zilio
- Luke D. Ziemba
- Lydia H. Zeglin
- M. A. Fenn
- M. E. Elwood Madden
- M. J. Garay
- M. Newcomer
- M. Simons
- M. Snow
- Manish Shrivastava
- Mari R. Tye
- Mariko Oue
- Mark Vaughan
- Marlene Kretschmer
- Martha E. Jiménez-Castañeda
- Martin Brandt
- Matthew R. Kumjian
- Matthew S. Clement
- Matthew S. Johnson
- Maša Prodanović
- Melanie A. Mayes
- Meng Li
- Michael C. Dietze
- Michael C. Wimberly
- Michael Diamond
- Michael P. Jensen
- Michael Stock
- Ming Xue
- Minghui Diao
- Mingwu Fan
- Mohamed Abdelmeguid
- N. Lapusta
- Nathan Collier
- Nathan J. Sanders
- Neil P. Lareau
- Nicholas C. Parazoo
- Nicholas G. Smith
- Nicholas W. Hayman
- Nicola Tisato
- Ning Zeng
- Noah S. Brauer
- Nori Nakata
- Omar Torres
- Osku Kemppinen
- P. Ogwari
- P. Segall
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patrick Gatlin
- Paul C. Loikith
- Paul D. Williams
- Paul J. DeMott
- Pavlos Kollias
- Pengfei Wang
- Peter M. Shearer
- Peter R. Colarco
- Philipp Köhler
- Pierre Romanet
- Pierre‐Emmanuel Kirstetter
- Ping Yang
- Prithvi Thakur
- Qimin Wu
- Qing Yue
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. Anthony Shaw
- R. D. Cottrell
- R. Paul Lawson
- Rachel E. Abercrombie
- Renee A. McPherson
- Robert Pincus
- Robert Wood
- Roger Marchand
- Ruhi S. Humphries
- Russell Doughty
- Ryan Patnaude
- Ryosuke Ando
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. P. Burton
- S. Schmidt
- Sam D. Faulstich
- Samuel C. Zipper
- Samuel LeBlanc
- Sarah D. Bang
- Scot M. Miller
- Scott T. Salesky
- Sean Crowell
- Sha Feng
- Shamil Maksyutov
- Shang Gao
- Shinobu Ozawa
- Shruti Upadhyaya
- Shun‐Rong Zhang
- Sina Saneiyan
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- Sourish Basu
- Steffen Mauceri
- Stephen C. Hart
- Stephen J. Bauer
- Stephen W. Nesbitt
- Steven D. Allison
- Steven Pestana
- Susan C. van den Heever
- Sylvain Barbot
- T. A. Scambos
- T. B. Onasch
- T. Oda
- Thomas Westerhold
- Timothy Logan
- Tinghong Zhou
- Troy J. Zaremba
- Troy S. Magney
- Tyler J. Thorsen
- Ulrike Romatschke
- V. Chmielewski
- Valère Lambert
- Vivien Matthias
- Vivienne H. Payne
- W. Reed Espinosa
- Weihong Wu
- Wentao Huang
- Wilbert Weijer
- Wojciech W. Grabowski
- Xiangming Xiao
- Xiaowei Chen
- Xiao‐Ming Hu
- Xu Liu
- Xubin Zeng
- Xueliang Liu
- Yajing Liu
- Yanan Zhu
- Yang Liu
- Yao Zhang
- Yehuda Bock
- Yihe Huang
- Ylona van Dinther
- Yolanda Shea
- Yongjie Huang
- Yoshihiro Kaneko
- Youzuo Lin
- Yuan Wang
- Yuanwei Qin
- Yue Deng
- Yuyun Yang
- Z. Reches
- Zacharie Duputel
- Zackary Mages
- Zhi Li
- Zhi‐Hua Wang
- Zoe Pierrat
- Zong‐Liang Yang
- О. В. Калашникова
- Оleg Dubovik