Science Systems and Applications Inc., Maryland
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Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- A Search and Analysis Tool for HESSI Ancillary Observations
- An New Data Set for Climate Research and Weather Forecast: AIRS on the EOS Aqua Mission
- Cloud Physics Lidar Measurements During the SAFARI-2000 Field Campaign
- Coordinated airborne, space borne, and ground based measurements of massive, thick haze layers during the SAFARI-2000 Dry Season Campaign
- Field Experiment Data Support at the Goddard DAAC
- Global Lidar Measurements of Aerosols and Clouds From Space Using the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- Inference of Global Mean Temperature Trend and Climate Change From MSU and AMSU
- MODIS Snow-Cover Products
- MODIS observation of aerosols over Southern Africa during SAFARI 2000: data, validation, and estimation of aerosol radiative forcing.
- Maritime Aerosol Optical Model Based on the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) Measurements.
- Modeling Tides, Planetary Waves, and Equatorial Oscillations in the MLT
- Monitoring of MLS Measurements for Ozone Data Assimilation
- Project Planet Earth: A Joint Project Between the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center and the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland.
- Quasi-decadal Oscillations Generated by the QBO
- Sensitivity studies for space-based global measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide
- The Architecture and Utility of SeaBASS: the SeaWiFS Bio-optical Archive and Storage System
- The Center for Aerosol Research (AEROCENTER)
- The MgII core-to-wing ratio: An update of the multi-satellite composite index
- Using NASA's Global Change Master Directory as part of an Earth Science Curriculum
- Comparing Satellite and In-Situ Chlorophyll Measurements
- Fabry-Perot Interferometer for Column CO2 - Airborne
- MISR_View and MISR_Plot: Software Tools for Accessing and Visualizing MISR's Multispectral, Multiangle Data
- Making NASA Data Easier to Use: Data Product Standardization for NASA's EOS Aura Mission
- Modeling the Middle Atmosphere Dynamics With Gravity Waves: Influence of Tropospheric Processes
- Search for Shuttle-Induced PMCs in SBUV and SBUV/2 Data
- The 2002 Antarctic Ozone Hole
- Accuracy of the MODIS Snow-Cover Maps in Forest and Mixed Agriculture and Forest Land-Cover types
- Aerosol sources, absorption, and intercontinental transport: Synergies among models, remote sensing, and atmospheric measurements
- An Adjoint-Based Analysis of the Sampling Footprints of Tall Tower, Aircraft and Potential Future Lidar Observations of CO2
- Calibration of TOMS Radiances From Ground Observations
- Calibration of the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) 1064 nm Atmospheric Channel
- Can Water Vapor Increases Explain Long-term Variability in the Brightness and Occurrence Frequency of Mesospheric Clouds?
- Combined Lidar-Radar Measurements of Tropical Cirrus Anvils During the CRYSTAL-FACE Field Campaign
- Continental-scale partitioning of fire emissions during the 1997-2001 El Niño / La Niña period
- ECHO Data Partners Join Forces to Federate Access to Resources
- Early and Late Season Increases in PMC Occurrence Frequency in the 1978 to 2000 Time Period
- Evaluation of GLAS Cloud and Aerosol Data Products
- Example MODIS Global Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties: Comparisons Between Terra and Aqua
- Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) on the ICESat Mission: Initial Science Measurement Performance
- Long-Term Trends Derived from Satellite PMC Data
- Modeling the MLT Region in Light of Measurements From the TIMED Mission
- NASA's Global Change Master Directory: It's not just data any more.
- Near Real Time Land Surface Temperature in the MODIS Rapid Response System
- Observations of Solar Spectral Irradiance Change During Cycle 22 from NOAA-9 SBUV/2
- Ozone Monitoring Instrument flight-model on-ground calibration from a scientific point of view
- Ozone Profile Comparisons From External Data Sources (Lidar, Sonde, and SAGE II) for Validating V8 SBUV Data
- Ozone Trends from TOMS and SBUV data: Comparison to 3D Chemical-Transport Model Results
- Ozone, Aerosols and other Atmospheric Products from Version-8 TOMS Algorithm
- Planetary Scale Inertio Gravity Waves in the Mesosphere
- Probing Ion Acceleration and Ambient Abundances in Solar Flares with RHESSI
- Role of Small Scale Gravity Waves in Generating Nonmigrating Tides in the Mesosphere
- Satellite soil moisture validation using in situ point sources in the Southern Great Plains during SMEX03
- Sea Ice Surface Temperature From the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)
- Supporting Research at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Through Focused Education and Outreach Programs
- The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: 25 Years of TOMS Optical Degradation
- The OMI Cloud Pressure Algorithm Based on UV Measurements
- The response of PMCs to Shuttle Water Vapor Plumes in the Arctic
- Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer Data Processed With a New Algorithm
- Towards Understanding The Spatial Relationship Of Land Cover Thermal Anomalies And Anthropogenic Features On The Siberian Landscape.
- Using MODIS Thermal Anomaly Data To Locate And Identify Natural And Anthropogenic Disturbance
- Validation of TOMS Using SBUV and SBUV/2 Data Improved with In-flight Data Validation Methods and Version 8 Processing
- Cassini CIRS: Preliminary Results on Saturn's Rings
- Cloud-Aerosol Interaction and its Impact on the Onset of the East Asian Summer Monsoon
- Does the PDO Affect the Climate over Greenland and Complicate the Reconstruction of NAO Variability from Ice Core Records?
- First Look at the Upper Tropospheric Ozone Mixing Ratio From OMI Estimated Using the Cloud Slicing Technique
- Full-waveform, Laser Altimeter Measurements of Vegetation Vertical Structure and Sub-Canopy Topography in Support of the North American Carbon Program
- GCMD Portals for Focused Access to Earth and Climate Data
- Global and Polar Cloud Cover from the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System, Observations and Implications
- Inspiring Earth Scientists at Salish Kootenai College: A Working Model
- Near-simultaneous Observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds from the International Space Station and from Orbiting Optical Instruments
- QBO Generated Inter-annual Variations of the Diurnal Tide in the Mesosphere
- Saturn Temperatures, Winds, and Composition from Cassini CIRS
- Saturn's A Ring as Seen by the Voyager IRIS and Cassini CIRS Experiments
- Spectral Measurements of PMCs from SBUV/2 Instruments
- The Effect of Diurnal Variations on Decadal Trends in PMC Brightness
- Utilizing the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) standard to Enhance Interoperability between NASA and NOAA XML Metadata-Databases
- A Comparison of AURA-OMI Column Ozone Values to Values from Recalibrated Earth-Probe TOMS
- A Comparison of Cassini CIRS Measurements of Saturn's Troposphere with Ground-based Observations
- A New Approach For Snow Coverage Monitoring Using Simulated Aqua MODIS Band 6
- A Quantitative Comparison of the Polar Mesospheric Cloud Mass Between 1998-2003: SNOE vs. SBUV
- Accounting for Tropospheric Ozone in the Measurement of Total Column Ozone from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite
- Altitude Registration Analysis of Limb Scattering Observations
- Analysis of Surface-Melt Dynamics on the Greenland Ice Sheet Using MODIS Data Products: 2000-2005
- BIOPHYS/LANDSAT: A Physically-Based Algorithm for Inferring Continuous Fields of Vegetation Biophysical Parameter From Landsat Data
- Comparisons of OMI Cloud Pressures Derived From Rotational Raman Scattering With Collocated EOS Aqua/MODIS Data
- Detecting Siberian Silk Moth Damage in Central Siberia Using Multi-Temporal MODIS Data from 2000 to 2005
- Digital Elevation Models of the Antarctic and Greenland Ice Sheets from ICESat
- Engaging Students from Minority Serving Institutions Through Research Internships in NASA Space Science and Exploration
- Evaluation of OMPS LP algorithm with SAGE III proxy data
- Evaluation of the VIIRS active fire detection algorithm using MODIS-based proxy data and ASTER
- GLAS Dual-Wavelength Lidar Aerosol Retrievals via CRAM
- Ice Sheet Elevations from ICESat - Evolving Precision and Accuracy Assessments
- Implementing Earth Systems Science, K-16: Results of the 2005 Coalition for Earth Systems Education Meeting
- Improved Prospects for Precision Measurement of CO2 Column from Space
- Inter-annual (QBO) variations of mean temperatures and diurnal tide based on measurements from SABER (TIMED) and MLS (UARS
- Lessons Leaned from Terra and Aqua MODIS SWIR Bands On-orbit Performance
- Lessons from TIMED for Modeling the Wave Driven Equatorial Oscillations in the Middle Atmosphere
- Maintaining the Solar UV Database in the 21st Century
- Merged Profile Ozone Data from the SBUV/SBUV2 Series of Instruments
- Midlatitude ozone trends deduced from data: Uncertainties and lessons learned from a 3D CTM
- NASA Earth Observations (NEO): Data Access for Informal Education and Outreach
- New Zenith-sky Total Ozone Column Retrievals Capabilities for OMPS Validation
- Observations of Polar Stratospheric Clouds by the Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS)
- Online Interactive Data Analysis of Multi-Sensor Data Using Giovanni
- Ozone Monitoring Instrument in-flight performance and calibration
- Recent Developments in Deriving Accurate Total Column Ozone from Satellites: Application to NPP/OMPS
- Sounding Saturn's Temperatures, Winds, and Composition With Cassini CIRS: the Second Year
- Statistical Considerations of Data Processing in Giovanni Online Tool
- Streamlining The Exchange of Metadata through the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH)
- The Use of the Total Column Ozone Retrieval Algorithm to Look at the Performance of the Ozone Monitoring Instrument
- Total Vertical Column Nitrogen Dioxide Derived From OMI/Aura Versus Ground-Based Measurements at Goddard Space Flight Center
- Validation Analysis for SAGE III Limb Scattering Ozone Products Using Summer 2004 INTEX Measurements
- Validation of OMI Measured Radiances Over Ice
- Validation of OMPS Ozone Profile Data with Expanded Dataset from Brewer and Automated Dobson Network.
- docBUILDER - Building Your Useful Metadata for Earth Science Data and Services.
- Addressing the unique safety and design concerns for operating tower-based scientific field campaigns.
- Assessing Mesoscale Volcanic Aviation Hazards using ASTER
- Cirrus Anvil Dissipation Simulated by a Mesoscale Model with Bulk Microphysics
- Climatic and ecological controls on variability of fire activity in the tropics and subtropics derived from satellite data
- Combining active and passive microwave space-borne data for remote sensing of snow at global scale
- Comparison between MIPAS/Envisat and GLAS/ICESat detection of optically thin clouds and constraints on the existence of high altitude tropical NAT clouds by MIPAS
- Consistency between Surface, Aircraft, and Remote Sensing Measurements of Tropospheric Carbon Monoxide: Implications for Inverse Modeling
- Consistency of the MODIS-Derived Climatology of the Aerosol OConsistency of the MODIS-derived climatology of the aerosol over oceansver Oceans
- Creation of a Composite Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Data Set
- Distinguishing between conversion and maintenance fires in the Amazon
- EOS Aura MLS Science Data Products Version 2
- Evaluation of Global Biomass Burning Carbon Emission Estimates using Fire Radiative Power
- GOMOS limb scattering ozone profile retrieval
- Global Distribution of Aerosol Absorption as Observed by the EOS Aura OMI Sensor
- Interaction of Solar UV Radiation With Aerosols and Clouds
- Interrelationship of Stratospheric Age of Air, Age Spectrum and Constituent Lifetimes
- Laser Sounder for Global Measurement of CO2 Concentrations in the Troposphere from Space: Update
- Lidar Measurements from Space of Aerosol Distribution and Optical Depth over Oceans for 2003 - 2004
- Linking Earth and Space Science for IPY through Exploring Ice in the Solar System
- MODIS-Derived Surface Temperatures of the Greenland Ice Sheet, 2000 to 2006
- Measurements of snow and ice surface reflectance and penetration to short laser pulses at zero phase angles and 532 and 1064-nm wavelengths
- Modeling the Quasi-biennial Oscillation (QBO) and Semi-annual Oscillation (SAO) in the Stratosphere and Mesosphere
- Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Technique
- Multi-platform Analysis of Cloud Height Over Antarctica With Application Toward High Resolution Observation of Type II Polar Stratospheric Clouds
- NASA Earth Observations (NEO): Moving Data Access Forward for Outreach and Education
- Ozone diurnal and seasonal variations, and correlations with temperatures in the mesosphere, lower thermosphere, and stratosphere, based on measurements from SABER on TIMED and MLS on UARS
- Preliminary Validations of the OMI NO2 Product
- Recent increases in fire emissions from South America derived from a combination of surface and atmospheric satellite observations
- Ship-based Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements Near Antarctica
- Solar cycle influence in the equatorial lower stratosphere amplified by wave-mean flow interactions and extending to polar latitudes
- The Use of Lunar Data in the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Education Program
- The Use of OMPS Limb Sensor Measurements to Improve the Determination of Total Column Ozone from Nadir Sensor Measurements
- The impact of microphysics on intensity and structure of Hurricanes
- The long-term global record on Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth from TOMS and OMI observations
- Using Lidar-derived 3-D Vegetation Structure Maps to Assist in the Search for the Ivory- billed Woodpecker
- Using NASA Data on Science on a Sphere: Placing Earth and Planetary Science Data in an Authentic Context
- Validation of the OMI Cloud Pressures Derived from Rotational Raman Scattering: a Study of the Effects of Two-Layer Clouds and Absorbing Aerosols
- A Climatology of Saharan Dust Measurements Observed by CALIPSO, MODIS, and OMI in Support of the TC4 Field Experiment
- Characterization of Storm-Time E-region Electron Densities from TIMED/SABER 4.3 um Emission and Comparisons with Incoherent Scatter Radar Measurements
- Characterizing and Mapping Ice Sheet Surface Topography Using a Medium-Footprint, Multi- Beam, Waveform-Recording Lidar
- Climatological to Near Real Time Global Meteorological Data for Agricultural, Range, and Forestry Applications
- Cloud Structure Anomalies Over Tropical Pacific During 97/98 El Nino
- Cloud and Aerosol Measurements at the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE)
- Comparison of PMC measurements from AIM and SBUV/2
- Data Exploration Study of Atmospheric TIR Signals Associated with Tectonic Faulting and Earthquake Processes
- Diagnosis of the Course Vertical Profile of Radiative Heating with CERES Surface and Atmosphere Radiation Budget (SARB) for Terra and Aqua
- Distribution of Aerosols in the Arctic as Observed by CALIOP
- Enhanced MISR stereoscopic observation of polar stratospheric clouds and smoke plumes
- Exploring NASA Earth Science Satellite Data in the K-12 Classroom Using MY NASA DATA
- Greenland Ice Sheet Surface Temperature, Melt, and Mass Loss - 2000 to 2006
- Inter-annual and Long-term Temperature Variations in the Mesopause Region at High Latitudes Generated by the Stratospheric QBO
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Pacific Ocean During the INTEX-B Field Experiment
- Lidar Measurements of Ozone, Aerosols, and Clouds Observed in the Tropics Near Central America During TC4-Costa Rica
- Long-Term Variations in PMC Frequency as a Function of Latitude from SBUV
- NASA Data Integration Into NOAA's AWIPS II
- NATIVE Column Ozone Measurements Over Richland, WA During INTEX-B and Comparisons With OMI Satellite Retrievals
- New Aerosol and Cloud Products from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- PMC Detection and Mapping Using Aura OMI Measurements
- Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) Heights Derived From NASA Langley Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) Data Acquired During TexAQS/GoMACCS, CHAPS, and MILAGRO
- Recent Practical Applications of Radiative Transfer in Satellite Remote Sensing
- Relationships between ISCCP Cloud Cover Amounts and Energy Budget Terms from the NASA/GEWEX SRB
- Remote Sensing of the Radiative and Microphysical Properties of Clouds during TC4: Results from MAS, MASTER, MODIS, and MISR
- S`COOL: Leveraging Information Technology Advances to Present K-12 Students with Specifically Relevant Satellite Data
- Snow Optical Properties for Different Particle Shapes with Application to Snow Grain Size Retrieval and Simulation of MODIS/CERES Radiances Over the Antarctic Plateau
- Solar Cycle Dependence of Solar UV Irradiance
- TIMED/SABER Observations of the Storm-Time E-Region: Morphology, Chemistry, and Energetics
- The Microphysical and Optical Properties of Saharan Dust as Observed During NAMMA
- Usability of NASA Satellite Imagery-Based Daily Solar Radiation for Crop Yield Simulation and Management Decisions
- Validation of Satellite-Derived Cloud Properties Using TC4 Data
- Wildfire, Ecosystems and Climate in Siberia: Developing Weather and Climate Data Sets for Use in Fire Weather and Bioclimatic Models
- Accurate Calculations of Global and Local Radiative Forcing due to Tropospheric Ozone and Nitrogen Dioxide
- An Assessment of Cloud and Aerosol Radiative Forcing from CERES with Independent Passive (Ground Networks) and Active (Calipso Lidar) Measurements
- Analysis of Co-located Ground- and Space-based Infrared Atmospheric Measurements: AERI, AIRS, CERES, MODIS
- Analysis of Interannual Variability of MODIS Terra and Aqua Aerosols and Clouds
- Analysis of Tropical Convective Cloud Systems With Gridded Cloud Object Data From CERES for Evaluation of High-resolution Models and Parameterizations
- CO2 Spectroscopy as a challenge for Space-based Laser measurements of CO2
- Changes in Aerosols and Cloud Reflectivity (1979-2008) From 30 Years of Radiance Data using Multiple Satellites: N7-TOMS, EP-TOMS, SBUV-2 Series, SeaWiFS, and OMI
- Comparison of Airborne Lidar Measurements of Ozone to Model Analyses During the INTEX-B Field Experiment.
- Comparison of Satellite and Ground-based Measurements of Polar Mesospheric Clouds
- Creating a Long Term Ozone Data Record
- Development of a Climate Data Record of the Clear Sky Surface Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Drivers for the Formation and Variability of Ice Layers in the Mesopause Region
- Dust Storm Observations From OMI, MISR, and MODIS Over the Northern Africa
- Evaluation of Combined Active-Passive Aerosol Extinction Profile Retrieval Using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Evaluation of Transport Characteristics of GEOS-5 Using Chemistry Transport Model Simulations of Atmospheric CO2
- Experiences with Transitioning Science Data Production from a Symmetric Multiprocessor Platform to a Linux Cluster Environment
- Finland Validation of the New AFWA-NASA Blended Snow Products
- Generating Precise and Accurate Waveform-Derived Products From Medium-Footprint Geodetic Imaging Lidar
- Global biogeochemical modeling of contemporary fire emissions
- Goddard Satellite Data Simulation Unit: A Comprehensive Multi-sensor Satellite Simulators for Supporting Satellite Missions
- Greenland and Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance from ICESat (2003-2007)
- Ice Sheet Surface Slope from ICESat Repeat Ground Tracks
- Improving Microphysical Processes in the GCE Model Using TRMM and Other Observations
- Interannual Variability of Reflected Solar Spectra from Radiative Transfer Theory using CERES, MODIS, and GEOS 4.0.3 Data Inputs
- Investigation of FEWS NET Requirements for Earth Observation of Precipitation and Vegetation
- Investigation of the Aerosols Over the Los Angeles Basin during the ARCTAS-CARB 2008 Pilot Study
- MODIS Tree Cover Validation for the Northern Taiga-Tundra Transition Zone
- Modeling Fire Emissions from Multiple Land Use Transitions in Southern Amazonia
- Multi-sensor aerosol retrievals using joint inversion of AERONET and satellite observations: concept and applications.
- NASA Earth Observations (NEO): Data Imagery for Education and Visualization
- NASA-IGLO Albedo Experiment
- New Thermospheric Infrared Radiative Flux and Power Results From the SABER Experiment
- Numerical Simulations of a Snow Storm Using the Goddard Cloud Microphysics Scheme with the WRF Model and the Comparison with Ground and Satellite Radars
- On the impact of energetic solar particles on Noctilucent Clouds
- Overview of the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS) Instrument and Cloud Products during CLASIC/CHAPS
- Oxygen Spectroscopy Laser Sounding Instrument for Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Pressure
- Ozone Recovery in the Upper and Lower Stratosphere: Separating the Influence of Changes in Ozone Depleting Substances from that of Greenhouse Gases
- PMC Variability Observed in Aura OMI Data
- Quantifying the role of fire in the carbon cycle around the globe, and its climate sensitivity in equatorial Asia
- Return to the Moon in Second Life, a 3D Metaverse
- Satellite Carbon Monoxide Measurements as Top-Down Constraints on Fire Trace Gas Emissions
- Satellite data based method for general survey of forest insect disturbance in British Columbia
- Seasonal Comparisons of Storm/Quiet Ratios Using TIMED/SABER NO+(v) VER Measurements and ISR Electron Densities at E-Region Altitudes
- Simulating CLARREO Solar Reflectance Spectra Using SCHIAMACHY Data
- Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS Instruments
- The CERES S'COOL Project: Overview and Data Analysis
- The MY NASA DATA Project: Preparing Future Earth and Environmental Scientists, and Future Citizens
- The Three-Dimensional Air Quality System (3D-AQS) as a Data Synthesis Toolbox
- The impact of microphysics on intensity and structure of Hurricanes
- The radiative impact of the diurnal signal in monitoring decadal climate change
- Using CALIPSO Observations to Evaluate Model Predictions of Aerosol Transport into the Arctic
- Using Large-scale Spatially and Temporally Consistent Reanalysis Data to Assess Fire Weather and Fire Regimes in Siberia in Preparation for Future Fire Weather Prediction
- Using Medium Resolution Earth Observation Data to Monitor Sensitive Industrial Activities
- Utilizing in Situ Directional Hyperpectral Measurements to Validate Reflectance and Bio- Indicator Simulations for Vegetation Canopies
- A Long Term Data Record of the Ozone Vertical Distribution
- A Near-Real-Time Global Geostationary Satellite Cloud and Radiation Retreival System
- A Preliminary Look at a Regional Contrail Climatology
- A climate-data record of the “clear-sky” surface temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet (Invited)
- A pulsed, high repetition rate 2-micron laser transmitter for coherent CO2 DIAL
- AIM CIPS Observations of the Last Five PMC Seasons using an SBUV-type analysis
- Accuracy of DESDynI Biomass Estimates using Lidar and Data Fusion Methods
- Aerosol and Cloud Observations at an Ocean Platform
- Aerosol optical depth direct retrieval using the A-Train: a perspective for ocean color atmospheric correction and ocean ecosytem
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during ARCTAS
- Amazon forests did not green up during the 2005 drought
- An accurate yet efficient semianalytic ocean color model based on multi-angle polarimetry
- Applying Historic Science Communication Lessons to Today's Global Change Issues
- Assessment of Anthropogenic and Biomass Burning Impact on Aerosol Properties over California as Observed During ARCTAS-CA
- Atomic Oxygen, Atomic Hydrogen, and Chemical Energy Deposition Rates Derived from SABER Measured Hydroxyl Airglow in the Mesosphere Region
- Broadband Lidar technique for precision CO2 measurement
- CLARREO/RSIS Reference Inter-Calibration Ability and Requirements
- Challenges in Creating Trend Quality Data from Satellites
- Characterization of Smoke Plumes as Observed by the NASA/LaRC DIAL Instrument during the ARCTAS Field Campaign
- Climate Calibration of the GEO visible record for CERES Ed3 products
- Climate Change and Famine: Implications for Remote Sensing Applications to Enhance Food Security
- Climate- and Anthropogenically-Induced Change in the Republic of Tyva
- Cloud and Aerosol Amounts as a Function of Time of Day as Measured by TOMS, SeaWiFS and SBUV Instruments
- Cloud optical depths from the new AERONET “cloud mode” observations
- Comparison of Continental Fresh Water Amounts Estimated from Satellite and Models
- Consistency of CERES TOA Fluxes with MISR Data and Diffusivity Approximation Theory
- Consistent Long-Term Aerosol Data Records over Land and Ocean from SeaWiFS
- Dark Target aerosol retrievals from MODIS: What have we learned in 10 years?
- Detecting thin cirrus in MISR aerosol retrievals
- Direct Aerosol Radiative Forcing Uncertainty Based on a Radiative Perturbation Analysis (Invited)
- Dynamic Response of the Environment at the Moon (DREAM): Providing Opportunities for Students and Teachers to Learn About the Solar-lunar Environmental Connection
- Effect of Ship Wake on Glint Ocean Reflectance
- Effect of biomass burning on marine stratocumulus clouds off the California coast
- Effect of disturbance data set selection on quantification of fire emissions (Invited)
- Enhanced Aerosol Backscatter in the Vicinity of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Revealed by Satellite-Based Lidar, CALIPSO
- Evaluating the Variability of Earth-reflected Hyperspectral Data Using Principal Component Analysis
- Evaluation of the RAQMS Regional Model During the Intercontinental Chemical Transport Experiment-North America
- Experiences with Using the SciFlo Grid Workflow System to Construct a Generic Data Subsetting and Reformatting System
- Exploiting MISR products at the full spatial resolution (275m) to document changes in land properties in and around the Kruger National Park, South Africa
- Global surface reflectivity study relating 340 nm SBUV narrow band LER to 412 nm SeaWiFS broadband LER using OMI spectrally resolved data
- Ice and Aerosol Observations by the NASA Langley Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar during ARCTAS
- Improving OMI aerosols retrievals by using additional information from MODIS aerosol products
- LASE Observations of Saharan Air Layer and African Easterly Waves During NAMMA
- Large-Scale Ozone and Aerosol Variations Observed Over the Arctic During the ARCTAS Field Experiment
- Leveraging Open Source GIS Libraries and Tools to Archive and Share Spatial Metadata
- Linking Satellite-Derived Fire Counts to Satellite-Derived Weather Data in Fire Prediction Models to Forecast Extreme Fires in Siberia
- Lunar Exploration Island, NASA’s Return to the Moon in Second Life
- MODIS Rapid Response: On-the-ground, real time applications of scientific satellite imagery
- Modeling The Reflected Solar Spectrum For CLARREO
- Monitoring desertification from space: From measuring photons to advising policy makers (Invited)
- Multi-Resolution Long-Term Satellite Observations of Declines in Photosynthetic Capacity: Constraining Abiotic and Biophysical Disturbances to Plant Productivity in North America
- New Directions for the TRMM Multi-Satellite Products (Invited)
- OMPS SDR Calibration and Validation
- Overview of Recent Cloud and Radiation Satellite Observations for Studying Tropical Climate Variability (Invited)
- Overview of the NASA Langley Chemistry and Physics of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer Experiment (CAPABLE)
- Parameterization of cirrus microphysical property profiles using GOES, CloudSat, and CALIPSO data
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud Observations from OMI Compared with Coincident MLS Temperature and Water Vapor Measurements
- Radiative Effect Difference between Multi-layered and Single-layer Cloud Derived from CERES ,CALIPSO and Cloudsat
- Refinements in the Calculation of Modeled CO2 Optical Depths for Comparison with DIAL CO2 Optical Depth Measurements
- Retrievals of Mesospheric Atomic Oxygen From SABER Measurements
- SABER Mesosphere Radiative Cooling Results from Solar Max to Solar Min
- Satellite Air Quality Monitoring Before, During and After the Beijing 2008 Olympics and Paralympics
- Satellite, climatological, and theoretical inputs for modeling of the diurnal cycle of fire emissions
- Space Shuttle Impacts on Mesospheric Clouds and Iron Layers as Observed by Lidars and Satellites in the Antarctic and Arctic
- Spatial and Temporal Sampling Strategies Using High-Resolution Atmospheric Chemistry Model Data: Application for a Time-Resolved Tropospheric Chemistry Mission Study
- Surface Albedo Forcing: A New Diagnostic Tool for Parsing the Effects of Cloud and Cryosphere in Climate Change
- Ten Years of Cloud Optical and Microphysical Retrievals from MODIS
- Terra in K-16 formal education settings
- Terra-CERES Level 2.5: Cloud Object Data for Cloud-Climate Process Studies
- The predicted CLARREO sampling error of the inter-annual SW variability
- Trends in Oceanic Evaporation retrieved from the Goddard Satellite-based Surface Turbulent Fluxes based on SSM/I v6 (GSSTF2b) Dataset
- Using NASA Satellite and Model Analysis for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Applications
- Using S’COOL and MY NASA DATA to Support Language Arts Instruction: Overview and Analysis
- Using Terra Data to Understand Low Clouds
- Validation of MODIS Deep Blue aerosol products over bright surfaces
- Variability in Aerosol Optical and Physical Properties at a Coastal Industrial City in India, deduced from OMI and MODIS data
- Vertical and Spatial Distribution of Absorbing Aerosol-Cloud Mixtures Observed by OMI
- Watching the sky for science: the S’COOL Rover project (Invited)
- What factors affect planetary wave driving in the Southern Hemisphere in spring?
- Zonal Aerosol Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcing using Combined CALIOP, CERES, CloudSat, and CERES Data
- A Comparison of Aerosol Optical, Microphysical, and Chemical Measurements between LAX and Long Beach Harbor
- A comparison between MODIS Dark Target, Deep Blue and MAIAC Aerosol Algorithms over Land
- AVHRR calibration approach that uses ray-matching, invariant desert, and deep convective cloud techniques
- Absolute calibration of AVHRR visible sensors using SCIAMACHY hyperspectral data and MODIS radiances
- Advancements in Understanding Auroral Ionosphere-Thermosphere Coupling from Infrared Remote Sensing
- Aerosol Retrievals Without Lookup Tables: Potential Application to MISR
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements during CalNex and CARES
- Applied Remote Sensing Education and Training (ARSET): Opportunities to shorten the learning curve in use of NASA satellite data products
- Atmospheric Applications of ICESat (Invited)
- Blowing Snow Detection via Satellite Remote Sensing (Invited)
- CALIPSO Observations of a TTL Aerosol Feature Associated with the Asian Monsoon
- California Natural Disasters - Using NASA Earth Observations to Assess Smoke Emissions, Fuel Loading, Moisture Content, and Vegetation Loss due to the 2009 Station Fire in the Angeles National Forest
- Characterization of volcanic material from combined IR-lidar observations in the frame of the CALIPSO mission
- Detection and Characterization of Ash plumes from Eyjafjallajokull with Satellite Lidar
- Development of a Climate-Data Record of the Surface Temperature of the Greenland Ice Sheet (Invited)
- Energy Budget of the Mesosphere
- Evaluating satellite measurements of aerosol types using airborne HSRL measurements
- Evaluation of Long-term Aerosol Data Records from SeaWiFS over Land and Ocean
- Evidence for a QBO signature in polar summer mesopause temperatures over Antarctica
- Examination of Cloud Climatologies Generated from a CALIOP Data Fused Cloud Mask
- Global Mesospheric Atomic Oxygen Distribution Deduced From HRDI/UARS, SABER/TIMED and TIDI/TIMED Airglow Measurements
- Google Mercury: The Launch of a New Planet
- Ground Based Test Results for Broad Band LIDAR
- How MESSENGER Meshes Simulations and Games with Citizen Science
- ICESat-2 Simulations and Analysis using Sigma Space MPL Measurements over Greenland
- Integrating CALIPSO aerosol profiles and AIRS CO observations into OMI aerosol algorithm
- Inter-annual and Seasonal Variation of UT/LS Cloud Ice Water Content in the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIPSO
- Introducing... The MODIS Collection 6 Aerosol Products
- Inverse Modeling of Urban and Regional Emissions of CO in China using Observations from the MOPITT Instrument
- Is Oklahoma getting drier?
- LASE system upgrade and measurements from the NASA GRIP field experiment
- Large Scale Variability of Ground Water Storage: the Mississippi River Basin (Invited)
- MESSENGER Education and Public Outreach Arranges a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- Mobile Application for the Delivery of Satellite Imagery and Cloud Products
- Monitoring changes in biodiversity over Canada during the past three decades using a dynamic habitat index derived from a long-term AVHRR record
- Mosaic Postcards from Mercury
- Near Real Time Surface Solar Radiation and Meteorological Parameters From the CERES FLASHFlux Project: Examples of Usage for Energy-Related Applications
- New Horizons: Bridge to the Beginning - to Pluto and Beyond
- Next Generation Lunar Scientists and Engineers Group: EPO for the NextGen
- Objective Assessment of Tropospheric Airborne in-situ Measurement Uncertainties
- Observation of global, seasonal cycle of regional-scale chlorophyll fluorescence from space using GOSAT
- Observations of Solar Cycle Variations in UV Spectral Irradiance Since 1978
- Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Rocket Exhaust in the Arctic Middle Atmosphere: Lidar Observations and Analysis
- Polarimetric Retrievals of Surface and Aerosol Properties in the Region Affected by the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
- Progress in Passive Sensors for Precision Greenhouse Gas Monitoring
- Quality Assured Aerosol Products from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- Radiative Energetics of Mineral Dust Aerosol over Zhangye China during the AMY 2008 Field Campaign
- Radiative effects due to tropospheric ozone and carbonaceous aerosol enhancements caused by Asian wildfires during Spring, 2008
- Relationship between MODIS-Derived Snow Cover and Snowmelt Timing in the Wind River Range, Wyoming, 2000 to 2010
- Remote Sensing Based Flood Mapping for Disaster Management Applications
- Satellite Radiometer Remote Sensing of High Latitude Falling Snow
- Seasonally Averaged CALIPSO Lidar Extinction Profiles Provide Three-Dimensional Distribution of Saharan Dust Over Northern Continental Africa
- Spatial and temporal patterns of solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence from a Finnish boreal landscape: Comparisons from the ground up to space
- Status and Future of Global Flood and Landslide Nowcasts and Forecasts Using Satellite Precipitation Observations (Invited)
- Terra and Aqua MODIS Instrument Status
- The CERES ISCCP-D2like cloud and radiative property data product
- The Development of Airborne Data for Assessing Models (ADAM) - A central repository of airborne field campaign data archives
- The Solar Cycle Transition and High Speed Streams as evidenced in SABER Infrared Radiative Cooling Observations in the Thermosphere
- The effect of partial cloudiness on quantifying angular biases in GOES cloud property retrievals
- The soil moisture condition for the extreme 2006 dry and 2007 wet years over Oklahoma
- Transport of Cs-137 from Boreal Biomass Burning in Summer of 2010
- Trends in solar UV and EUV irradiance: An update to the MgII Index and a comparison of proxies and data to evaluate trends of the last 11-year solar cycle
- Using MODIS data to detect the presence of ice crystals in and above super-cooled liquid water clouds over the Arctic
- Validation of Airborne CO2 Laser Measurements
- What would have happened to the ozone layer if chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) had not been regulated?
- `Our Changing Climate' - A new interactive game about weather, climate, the Earth's energy budget and the impacts caused by climate change
- A Comparison of SBUV Version 8.6 Total Column Ozone and Ozone Profile Data with Data from Groundstations
- A Long Term Data Record of the Ozone Vertical Distribution: 1970-2010
- A Web-Based Validation Tool for GEWEX
- Absolute Populations of Highly Vibrationally Excited OH(υ=8 + υ=9) in the Night Mesopause Region Derived from the TIMED/SABER Instrument from 2002 to 2010
- Access to Real-time and Historical Satellite Products from a Mobile Application
- Aerosol Classification using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements
- Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo Product from OMI near UV Observations
- Aerosol type estimations for the ERBE period (1985-1989)
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Aerosol Measurements During the First DISCOVER-AQ Field Mission
- Airborne Laser CO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Measurements: Evaluation of Precision and Accuracy Under a Wide Range of Surface and Atmospheric Conditions
- Analysis and Improvement of Geo-Referencing Accuracy in Long Term Global AVHRR Data
- Analysis of Antarctic Ice-Sheet Mass Balance from ICESat Measurements
- Analysis of the relationship between climate and NDVI variability at global scales
- Antarctic Ice-Shelf Front Dynamics from ICESat
- Aqua and A-Train Data Sets available from the NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center
- Automated Job Controller for Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Production Processing
- Catastrophic Fires in the Russian Federation
- Column Ozone in the 2011 Arctic Spring as observed by Aura/OMI and the TOMS Total Ozone Algorithm
- Comparison of Cloud Detection Using the CERES-MODIS Ed4 and LaRC AVHRR Cloud Masks and CALIPSO Vertical Feature Mask
- Comparison of the Rate of Organic Aerosol Formation to its Removal Rate via Particle-phase Reactions in an Urban Summertime Setting
- Convective Structure Observed from HIWRAP During MC3E
- Correlation Between SCIAMACHY and MODIS/CERES Observations: Implication to CLARREO
- Cryosphere Broadband Surface Albedo Derivation with MODIS-to-CERES Conversion
- DRAGONs DISCOVER Air Quality over Baltimore
- Development of a 2-micron Pulsed Differential Absorption Lidar for Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Measurement by Direct Detection Technique
- Earth's UV Reflectivity Data from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS-Aura
- Energy balance in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere as revealed by SABER, SEE, and SORCE
- Estimation of smoothing error in SBUV profile and total ozone retrieval
- Estimation of tropospheric column BrO and free tropospheric BrO concentrations using satellite measurements of total column BrO and cloud pressure from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) on NASA's Aura satellite
- Evaluating CALIOP Nighttime Level 2 Aerosol Profile Retrievals Using a Global Transport Model Equipped with Two-Dimensional Variational Data Assimilation and Ground-Based Lidar Measurements
- Evaluation of OMI Aerosol Type and Extinction Optical Depth With AERONET Ground Measurements
- Exploiting high spatial resolution MISR products to investigate land surface processes in Africa
- Exploring the CERES Data by Using Web-2.0 and Cluster Computing technologies
- Fast simulator for cloud optical centroid pressure
- Generating Aerosol Data Products from Airborne in-situ Observations made during 2011 DISCOVER-AQ Field Campaign
- Global Deep Blue Aerosol climatology from SeaWiFS in comparison to MODIS: Evaluation, Variability and Applications
- Global Performance Evaluation of OMPS Limb Profiler Using the Proxy Data Assimilated from GEOS-5
- Global all-sky direct radiative forcing of anthropogenic aerosols
- Global spatially and temporally resolved measurements of ozone, absorbing aerosol plumes, and cloud reflectivity from the 10-channel EPIC spectroradiometer as part of the DSCOVR Lagrange-1 mission
- High-resolution Simulation of Low Clouds with a Multiscale Modeling Framework with a Third-order Turbulence Closure in its Cloud-Resolving Model Component
- Hyperspectral Infrared Remote Sensing In The Presence of Cloud
- Implementation of a Fiber Raman Amplifier for CW-IM Measurements of Atmospheric Oxygen at 1.26 Microns
- Improved Boundary Layer and Cloud Heights from the NASA Micro Pulse Lidar Network (MPLNET)
- Improved Cloud and Surface Properties By Combining Conventional and L-1 Satellite Imager Data
- Improvement of ERBE-derived TOA irradiance with AVHRR Data and Aqua CERES angular distribution models
- Improvements in space-based terrestrial chlorophyll fluorescence retrievals
- Infrared Radiation in the Thermosphere at the Onset of Solar Cycle 24
- Investigation of PSC Processes During the 2010-2011 Arctic Winter Using CALIPSO and MIPAS Observations
- Key Components of a Successful Earth Science Subsetter Architecture
- MABEL photon-counting altimetry data for ICESat-2 simulations
- MESSENGER Educator Fellows Taking the Nation on a Ride to the Innermost Planet
- MODIS 3 KM aerosol product for air quality applications
- Measurements of aerosol distributions and properties from Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar and DRAGON during the DISCOVER-AQ California Experiment (Invited)
- Mesospheric Atomic Hydrogen Deduced From TIMED Observations of the Meinel Airglow and the Empirical ETON Model
- Modeling and Observations of the Response of Tropical Tropospheric Ozone to ENSO
- NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) Experience with Aircraft Data
- NASA Standard for Airborne Data: ICARTT Format ESDS-RFC-019
- New Horizons Educator Fellowship Program: Taking You to Pluto
- Observational diagnoses of extratropical ozone STE during the Aura era
- Observed Variability in CO2 Column Abundances from aircraft vertical profiles: Insight into future space-based mission requirements
- On the Causes of the Summer 2011 U.S. Heat Wave
- Polar Mesospheric Cloud North/South Hemispheric differences: from SME (1982- present
- Predicting Regional Drought on Sub-seasonal to Decadal Time Scales
- Progress in Space Weather Modeling and Observations Needed to Improve the Operational NAIRAS Model Aircraft Radiation Exposure Predictions
- Pulsed 2-micron Laser Transmitter For Carbon Dioxide Sensing From Space
- Quality Control and Calibration of NASA Polarimetric (NPOL) Radar Data from MC3E
- Radiation effect of invisible clouds
- Radiative forcing over ocean by Ship Wakes
- Recent Progress on Deep Blue Aerosol Algorithm as Applied to Modis, Seawifs, and Viirs, and Their Intercomparisons with Ground Based and Other Satellite Measurements
- Remote Sensing of Surface Visibility from Space
- SAGE II Version 6.3: Improved ozone and water vapor data products
- Satellite Derived Cloud Properties over the Mid-latitude Airborne Cirrus Properties Experiment (MACPEX) Domain
- Sensitivity of in-situ trace gas profiles to air traffic and local urban sources as seen by MOZAIC and DISCOVER-AQ
- Solar Cycle Spectral Irradiance Variation and Stratospheric Ozone
- Solar spectral irradiance variation and its impact on earth's atmosphere as observed by SCIAMACHY
- Status and Future of a Real-time Global Flood Detection and Forecasting System Using Satellite Rainfall Information
- Status of Aqua MODIS Instrument On-orbit Operation and Calibration
- The Arizona Wallow Wildfire: Monitoring It's Progress, Extreme Behavior and Long Range Smoke Transport from Multiple Satellite Platforms
- The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS): a new lidar for aerosol and cloud profiling from the International Space Station
- The Mercury Surface Interactive: Exploring MESSENGER data and images from orbit
- The NASA's Long-Term Global Solar Energy Resource: Current Solar Resource Variability and Future Improvements
- The new CERES level-3 product Ordering Tool
- Towards a Virtual 4D Data Cube for Near Real-Time Applications
- Trends in Noon-Normalized Monthly Zonal Mean Lambertian Equivalent Reflectivity (1978-2010) with Application to Trends in Cloud Cover
- Use and Limitations of a Climate-Quality Data Record to Study Temperature Trends on the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Using Roving Cloud Observations from the S'COOL Project to Engage Citizen Scientists
- Using satellite aerosol retrievals to monitor surface particulate air quality
- Validating and improving long-term aerosol data records from SeaWiFS
- Variability of aerosol properties and Planetary Boundary Layer heights from airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar, ground-based measurements, and the WRF model during CalNex and CARES
- Variations in Aerosol Size and Number during Discover-Aq
- A Net Decrease in the Earth's Cloud Plus Aerosol Reflectivity During the Past 33 Years (1979 -2011)
- A New A-Train Collocated Cloud Product Combining MODIS and OMI Cloud Information onto the OMI footprint
- A Novel Approach to Generate Essential New CALIPSO-based Products: Biomass Burning Plume Injection Height Using CALIOP, MODIS and the NASA Langley Trajectory Model
- A System for Automated Parallel Processing of MODIS Data for Contrail Climatology
- Advanced Subsetter Capabilities for Atmospheric Science Datasets
- Aerosol-Cloud Microphysics-Radiation Coupling in NASA Unified WRF with Results from Recent Simulations
- All-sky Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect from Merged CALIOP and A-train Observations
- An Improved Tropospheric Ozone Residual Product: Limitations and Applications
- An Intensity-Modulated CW LAS System for Application to ASCENDS: Overview of Development, Testing, and Evaluation
- An Overview of the New FEER Smoke Emissions Product and Its Applications over Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- An overview of the NASA Langley Atmospheric Data Center: Online tools to effectively disseminate Earth science data products
- An overview of the use of Open Source in the NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center Archive Next Generation system
- Analytical Web Tool for CERES Products
- Applications for Near-Real Time Satellite Cloud and Radiation Products
- Assessing the suitability of MOZAIC soundings of trace gases in the lower troposphere for chemical transport model evaluation
- Atmospheric and Laser Spectral Influences on the Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements at 1.57 μm
- Atmospheric temperature and moisture profiles retrieved from Suomi NPP CrIMSS data
- Atomic Oxygen and Energy Balance in the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere
- Benefits of a 4th Ice Class in the Simulation of Convective Systems with a Cloud-resolving Model using One-moment Bulk Microphysics
- CALIOP Polar Stratospheric Cloud Data Product
- CERES AuTomAted job Loading SYSTem (CATALYST): An automated workflow manager for satellite data production
- Ca II K and Mg II Index Data from Aura OMI: Cycles 23,24
- Changing Hydrology in Glacier-fed High Altitude Andean Peatbogs
- Citizen Science participation in the NASA CERES Students' Cloud Observations Online Project (S'COOL)
- Cloud and TOA radiative anomalies Over the Tropical Pacific During the 97/98 El Nino
- CoSMIR Measurements in Support of GPM Algorithm Development and Validation
- Combining Passive Polarimetric and Lidar Observations from TCAP to Vertically Partition a Multi-Modal Aerosol Model
- Comparison of Aerosol Classification from Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar and the CALIPSO Vertical Feature Mask
- Comparison of TCCON and GOSAT Column Averaged CO2 to Global Atmospheric Transport Modeling
- Creation of a long-term data record of total O<SUB>3</SUB> - issues and challenges in prescribing the uncertainties
- Data Redistribution through MY NASA DATA: Striving to bring authentic NASA data into education
- Determination of Aerosol Optical Depth with a Multifilter Rotating Shadowband Radiometer using in-place calibrations at a coastal site
- Determining Boundary Layer Mixing State based on NASA DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Soundings over the Baltimore/Washington Area
- Developing Young Researchers: 15 Years of Authentic Science Experiences for K-12 with NASA's S'COOL Project
- Development of a Near-Real Time Global Geostationary Cloud and Radiation Product
- Diagnosing horizontal gradients in aircraft soundings over the Baltimore metropolitan area during DISCOVER-AQ
- Dispersion of volcanic aerosol from Mt. Nabro (2011) in the UTLS using CALIPSO observations and trajectory mapping
- ERBE and GEBA Short-Wave monthly mean surface radiance comparisons
- Estimating Uncertainty in a 41-year Merged Ozone Dataset from SBUV instruments
- Estimation of Snow Depth in the Uinta Mountains using ICESat/GLAS Observations
- Evaluating and Understanding Top-of-Atmosphere Cloud Radiative Effects in IPCC-AR5/CMIP5 Models using Satellite Observations
- Evaluating interannual variability in modeled global carbon fluxes: the impacts of uncertainties in model parameters and driver data
- Evaluation of Linked Data Approach on Scientific Geospatial Data
- Evaluation of ozone hindcasts: optimal data sets to use, and results from simulations with the GMI model for 1990-2010.
- Evidence for Two Classes of Cirrus in the Tropical Tropopause Layer
- Examining Direct and Indirect Radiative Forcings of Smoke Aerosol during the 2002 Yakutsk Wildfire Season
- Extreme precipitation and high-impact landslides
- From MODIS to VIIRS: Steps toward continuing the dark-target aerosol climate data record
- Global Near Real-Time Satellite-based Flood Monitoring and Product Dissemination
- Global and regional aerosol trends from 1980 to 2009: Model analysis of long-term observations
- Global stratospheric aerosol distribution as measured by the OMPS/LP
- High spatial resolution (275 m) land surface ECVs from the MISR-HR package
- High-resolution modeling of the influences of absorbing aerosols on rainfall over northern India and the Himalaya foothills during boreal summer
- Improvements to the Crustal Dynamics Data Information System
- Improving Large-scale Biomass Burning Carbon Consumption and Emissions Estimates in the Former Soviet Union based on Fire Weather
- Improving OMPS Products Through the Use of Higher Spatial Resolution Data
- Improving cloud detection at extreme viewing angles using GOES-E and GOES-W
- Instrument Issues Affecting Ozonesonde Measurements and Data Interpretation: Examples from the SHADOZ Network (1998-2011)
- Investigation of Three-Dimensional (3-D) Solar Radiative Transfer Effects Using A-Train Satellite Measurements
- Iteration of Source Function Method for Radiance Angular Distribution in Coupled Atmosphere and Ocean Systems
- MACPEX Water Measurement Comparison
- MISR Aerosol Air Mass Type Mapping over Mega-City Environments: Validation and Applications
- Mass Balance and Seasonal Variations of the Greenland Ice Sheet
- Merging the Deep Blue aerosol data records from SeaWiFS and MODIS: First Steps
- Middle- and Upper-tropospheric NO2 abundance from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) obtained by the cloud slicing technique
- Mixed Layer Heights derived from the NASA Langley Research Center airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- NASA Climate Days: Promoting Climate Literacy One Ambassador and One Event at a Time
- OMPS SDR Status and Performance Evaluation
- OMPS-LP Sensor Performance and Highlights of Release 1 Data Products
- On remote sensing of small aerosol particles with polarized light
- Quality Screening Algorithms Implemented in the New CALIPSO Level 3 Aerosol Profile Product
- Quantifying Interannual Variability of the UTLS Ozone Using Assimilation of Satellite Data
- Raman Lidar Retrievals of Mixed Layer Heights
- Real-Time Aircraft Cosmic Ray Radiation Exposure Predictions from the NAIRAS Model
- Relative Skills of Soil Moisutre and Vegetation Optical Depth Retrievals for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
- Results obtained with the Tropospheric Ozone DIAL System Using a YAG Laser and Raman Cells
- Retrieving aerosol in a cloudy environment: aerosol product availability as a function of spatial resolution
- SABER Observations of Geomagnetic Storm Response in the Thermosphere
- SAGE II Version 7.0 Water Vapor Measurements
- Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Aerosol Extinction Profile and Type Distribution from CALIPSO 5-year Observations
- Sensitivity of Marine Warm Cloud Retrieval Statistics to Algorithm Choices: Examples from MODIS Collection 6
- Sensitivity of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Chemistry to Perturbations of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrous Oxide, and Chlorofluorocarbons
- Simulations of an airborne laser absorption spectrometer for atmospheric CO2 measurements
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators
- Status Report on Evaluation of OMPS SDR
- Status and Operations at the Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System (CERES) Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE) - Also a Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) Station
- Status of MODIS Instrument Operation and Changes in L1B Collection 6
- Storm Scale Rainfall Estimation and Quantifying Uncertainty from Ground-based Dual-Polarimetric Radar
- Surface Albedo Darkening from Wildfires in Northern Sub-Saharan Africa
- Surface Temperature and Melt of the Greenland Ice Sheet from MODIS
- The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS): a new lidar for aerosol and cloud profiling from the International Space Station
- The Day-1 GPM Combined Precipitation Algorithm: IMERG
- The Signal of Stratosphere Troposphere Exchange in the GEOS-5 Ozone Assimilation Tropospheric Column Ozone
- The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station
- The Visualization of CERES Level 2 Footprint Data on Web
- The impact of observation errors on analysis error and forecast skill investigated with an Observing System Simulation Experiment
- The seasonal cycle of terrestrial fluorescence and its relationship to global primary productivity (GPP)
- Top-of-the-atmosphere shortwave flux estimation from UV observations: An empirical approach using A-Train Satellite data
- Total Column Ozone and Ozone Profiles from the OMPS Nadir Instruments on NPP
- Towards a Cloud Computing Environment for Production of Near Real-time Satellite Cloud Products
- Tracing the History of the Energy Sector Related Applications Using Specially Adapted NASA Long-Term Climate Data Sets and Measures of Their Socio-Economic Value
- Unprecedented Evidence for Large Scale Heterogeneous Nucleation of Polar Stratospheric Clouds, Likely by Nanometer-Sized Meteoritic Particles
- Use of Tracers to Diagnose Ozone Interannual Variability in the Utls in the Global Modeling Initiative (gmi) Chemistry-Transport Model (ctm) Hindcast
- Using Information from Prior Satellite Scans to Improve Cloud Detection near the Day/Night Terminator
- Using MISR to account for effects of sastrugi in the CERES clear-sky permanent snow ADMs
- Utilizing Satellite-derived Precipitation Products in Hydrometeorological Applications
- Variability of total column ozone during JAN 2005-JUN 2011: Consistency among four independent multi-year data records
- WRF Modeling of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the Indian and Western Pacific Oceans during AMIE/DYNAMO Field Campaign
- What observations of atmospheric CO2 are needed to constrain processes represented in terrestrial carbon cycle models?
- A First Look on Cloud Homogeneity from CALIPSO
- A Tool and Application Programming Interface for Browsing Historical Geostationary Satellite Data
- A generic dark-target aerosol retrieval algorithm for use on MODIS, VIIRS and other multi-spectral sensors
- A uniform geostationary visible calibration approach to achieve a climate quality dataset
- Addressing Earth Science Data Access Challenges through User Experience Research
- Advances in the Measurement of CO2 using Swept-Frequency, Intensity-Modulated, Continuous-Wave Laser Absorption Spectroscopy
- Aerosol Effective Height Retrieval from OMI adopting VLIDORT
- Aerosol Optical Thickness comparisons between NASA LaRC Airborne HSRL and AERONET during the DISCOVER-AQ field campaigns
- An aerosol absorption remote sensing algorithm
- Assessing NO2 variability over urban areas at high spatial resolution
- Assimilation of Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Skin Temperature Observations into the GEOS-5 Global Atmospheric Modeling and Assimilation System (Invited)
- Attribution of Trends and Variability in Surface Ozone over the United States
- Beyond MODIS: Developing an aerosol climate data record
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Emissions from Satellite Measurements
- CERES FLASHFlux: CERES Data Products for Science and Applications
- Clear-Sky Narrowband Albedo Datasets Derived from Modis Data
- Cloud and TOA radiative characteristics during the 97/98 El Nino from the new CERES flux-by-cloud-type dataset
- Comparison of NOAA near-surface air temperatures and MODIS ice-surface temperatures at Summit, Greenland (2008-2012)
- Comparison of airborne and ground-based aerosol optical measurements made during DISCOVER-AQ California
- Daily Evolution of Boundary Layer Properties based on NASA DISCOVER-AQ Airborne Profiles over the California San Joaquin Valley
- Developing Science Games for use at Public Events to Better Inform Students and Citizen Scientists
- Developing Toolsets for AirBorne Data (TAD): Overview of Design Concept
- Development and Application of An Efficient and Effective Approach to Simulate the Hyperspectral Reflectance Over Large Temporal and Spatial Scales
- Developments of aerosol retrieval algorithm for Geostationary Environmental Monitoring Spectrometer (GEMS) and the retrieval accuracy test
- Diagnostic Analysis of Middle Atmosphere Climate Sensitivity
- Engaging the Public in the MESSENGER Spacecraft's Confirmation of Water Ice on Mercury by Using Actual Data
- Ensemble mean climatology of snow darkening effect due to deposition of dust, black carbon, and organic carbon as simulated with the NASA GEOS-5 Earth System Model
- Estimates of Free-tropospheric NO2 Abundance from the Aura Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) Using Cloud Slicing Technique
- Evaluate the seasonal cycle and interannual variability of carbon fluxes and the associated uncertainties using modeled and observed data
- Evaluating the Ice Water Content and Microphysical Properties of Cold Ice Clouds
- Evaluating the Performance of a Soil Moisture Data Assimilation System for Agricultural Drought Monitoring
- Evaluation of CALIOP 532-nm AOD over Clouds
- Global, Daily, Near Real-Time Satellite-based Flood Monitoring and Product Dissemination
- Has the Solar Cycle 24 maximum already occurred?
- ICESat-2 / ATLAS Flight Science Receiver Algorithms
- Ice Cloud Optical and Microphysical Properties from the CALIPSO Imaging Infrared Radiometer
- Impact of Blowing Snow on the Outgoing Longwave Radiation over Antarctica as Observed by CALIOP, CERES and MODIS
- Impact of historical air pollution emissions reductions on nitrogen deposition
- Improvements in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS
- Improvements to the MODIS Land Products in Collection Version 6
- In-Situ CO2 Column Variability in Lower Troposphere over Three Different Urban Areas: Insight for Future Active Remote CO2 Sensors
- Increasing Access to Atmospheric Science Research at NASA Langley Research Center
- Indicators of photochemistry in DISCOVER-AQ observations: Implications for diagnosing ozone production and photochemical intensity from space
- Inferring Aerosol Angstrom Absorption Exponent using satellite observations
- Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar Measurements of Surface Reflectance and Implications for CO2 Column Measurements: Results from 2013 ASCENDS Airborne Campaign
- Land and Ocean Surface Skin Temperature from Geostationary and Low Earth Orbit Satellite Observations
- Long-term Radiation Budget Variability in the Northern Eurasian Region: Assessing the Interaction with Fire
- Longwave direct radiative effect of dust aerosols derived from CALIPSO
- MODIS Surface Temperatures for Cryosphere Studies (Invited)
- Measurements of aerosol distributions and properties from Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar and DRAGON during the DISCOVER-AQ California Experiment (Invited)
- Modeling Polarized Solar Radiation from Ocean-Atmosphere System for CLARREO Inter-calibration Applications
- Modeling the Performance of a Spaceborne Laser Absorption Spectrometer for Atmospheric CO2 Column Measurements
- Monitoring and future projections of the Antarctic Ozone Hole using the new Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS)
- Multi-wavelength Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Observations of Aerosol Above Clouds in California during DISCOVER-AQ
- New capabilities for space-based cloud and aerosols measurements: The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS)
- Objective Evaluation of Sensor Web Modeling and Data System Architectures
- Observations of pollution outflow from Mexico City using CALIPSO lidar measurements
- Ontology for Transforming Geo-Spatial Data for Discovery and Integration of Scientific Data
- Operational specification and forecasting advances for Dst, LEO thermospheric densities, and aviation radiation dose and dose rate
- Potential for Using Satellite Lidar for Seasonal Snow Depth Estimation
- Radiative and Cloud Physical Property Variations Associated with the Madden-Julian Oscillation from the Cloud Object Analysis
- Recent Advancements in the Development of an Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar System for the ASCENDS Mission
- Recent progress on Deep Blue aerosol products from SeaWiFS, MODIS, and VIIRS
- Resolving mesoscale variation in aerosol fields from satellite: Is fine resolution worth the hassle? (Invited)
- Revisiting the CALIOP Mineral Dust Optical Model
- Satellite Cloud Data Validation through MAGIC Ground Observation and the S'COOL Project: Scientific Benefits grounded in Citizen Science
- Satellite Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Data Simulator
- Scientific and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Seasonal and Interannual Variability of Polar Stratospheric Cloud Optical Depth
- Solar Cycle Dependence Of Temperature, Odd-Oxygen, Odd-Hydrogen, And Airglow In The Mesopause Region Observed By SABER
- State-of-the-art satellite vegetation fluorescence retrievals and comparisons with reflectance-based bio-spectral indicators over Russian drought regions in 2010
- Status of Terra and Aqua MODIS Instrument Operation and Calibration
- The Major Stratospheric Sudden Warming of January 2013: Analyses and Forecasts in the GEOS-5 Data Assimilation System
- The Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III - International Space Station: Extending Long-Term Ozone and Aerosol Observations (Invited)
- The bias in MODIS-retrieved oceanic water cloud droplet effective radius as deduced from optical thickness variability across scattering angles
- The validation of a new TOMS ozone retrieval algorithm using ground -based measurement during DARGON campaing
- Uncertainty of passive imager cloud retrievals to instrument radiometry and model assumptions: Examples from MODIS Collection 6
- Using MISR-HR products to characterize the structure and properties of terrestrial environments (Invited)
- Using MODIS spectral information to classify sea ice scenes for CERES radiance-to-flux inversion
- Utilizing Multi-Sensor Data Products and high-resolution flood model in Analyzing North African Hydrological Processes
- Variations in Melt-Flow Acceleration Above and Below the Greenland Equilibrium Line
- Workshops without Walls: Sharing Scientific Research through Educator Professional Development
- a Compact Dial LIDAR for Ground-Based Ozone Atmospheric Profiling Measurements
- A Global Cloud Detection Approach for Geostationary Satellites
- A New Long Term Data Set Of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Amount From Volcanic Eruptions Using TOMS Data
- A New Stratospheric Aerosol Product from CALIPSO Lidar Measurements
- A Synergistic Approach to Estimating Aerosol Optical Depth over Ocean Using GOES Observations and Goddard Earth Observing System (GEOS-5) Model Forecasts
- A Ten-Year Record of Aerosol Absorption Properties from OMI Observations
- A User Interface for Identifying Volcanic layers in CALIPSO and CATS Lidar Observations
- Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator: First Results
- Advancements in Algorithms for the Retrieval of CO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Amount and Path Length Using an Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar
- Air Quality Campaign Results from the Langley Mobile Ozone Lidar
- Airborne lidar for ocean-atmosphere studies and assessment of future satellite mission concepts
- An Examination of Extreme Fire Behavior and its Impact on Smoke Injection Altitude using Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data
- An Overview of Ozone Variability during SEAC4RS from the Seacions Ozonesonde Network
- An Overview of Ozone and Precursor Temporal and Spatial Variability in DISCOVER-AQ Study Regions
- An assessment of a software simulation tool for lidar atmosphere and ocean measurements
- Analyses of Semi-transparent Cirrus Clouds Using Combined Retrievals of CALIPSO Radiometer and Lidar Measurements
- Anthropogenic and Volcanic Contributions to the Decadal Variations of Aerosols in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere
- Assessing Vertical Distribution of Trace Species as related to Transport and Emissions
- Assessment of 10-Year Global Record of Aerosol Products from the OMI Near-UV Algorithm
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Column Measurements Under Clear and Cloudy Conditions Using an Airborne Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar
- Aura OMI and a-Train Cloud Measurements: What We've Learned and How We've Used This Information
- Brown carbon in the continental troposphere: sources, evolution and radiative impacts
- CALIOP-derived Smoke Plume Injection Height
- CALIPSO Measurements of Saharan Dust Properties near Source and Transport Regions
- CERES Angular Distribution Models for Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Flux Calculations
- Carbon Dioxide as an Indicator of Biogenic Activity and Biomass Burning Emissions in the Southeast United States
- Case studies of aerosol and ocean color retrieval using a Markov chain radiative transfer model and AirMSPI measurements
- Changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> Pollution over the Past Decade Observed by Aura OMI
- Characterization of the Spatial Distributions and Optical Properties of Smoke Using Lidar Observations during SEAC4RS
- Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements with Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Lidar System During the ASCENDS 2014 Summer Field Experiment
- Comparing ground-based and airborne aerosol measurements during the Houston and Colorado DISCOVER-AQ field deployments
- Comparison of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Properties From CERES-MODIS Edition 4 and DOE ARM AMF Measurements at the Azores
- Comparison of Near-Surface Air Temperatures from Multiple AWS and MODIS Ice-Surface Temperatures at Summit, Greenland (2008-2014)
- Comparisons of Airborne HSRL and Modeled Aerosol Profiles
- Day 1 for the Integrated Multi-Satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Data Sets
- Developing Metadata Requirements for NASA Airborne Field Campaigns
- Development and Application of a new DACOM Airborne Trace Gas Instrument based on Room-Temperature Laser and Detector Technology and all-Digital Control and Data Processin
- Development of an Algorithm Suite for MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Data Record Continuity
- Diurnal, Seasonal and Interannual Variations of Surface Temperature Over Greenland As Observed In AIRS, MODIS and In-Situ Measurements
- Does Cloud Computing in the Atmospheric Sciences Make Sense? A case study of hybrid cloud computing at NASA Langley Research Center
- Downwelling Far-Infrared Emission Spectra Measured By First at Cerro Toco, Chile and Table Mountain, California
- ER-2 Airborne Radars Data during Iphex - a New 4-Frequency Look at Precipitation.
- Effects of Two Large Solar Energetic Particle Events on Middle Atmosphere Nighttime Odd Hydrogen and Ozone Content
- Enabling Web-Based GIS Tools for Internet and Mobile Devices To Improve and Expand NASA Data Accessibility and Analysis Functionality for the Renewable Energy and Agricultural Applications
- Establishing a Long-term 30 Year Global Solar Resource at 10 km Resolution: Preliminary Results From Test Processing and Continuing Plans
- Estimating Biomass Burning Injection Heights using CALIOP, MODIS, and NASA Langley Trajectory Model: Focus on the Tripod Fire, Washington 2006
- Estimating Uncertainty in Long Term Total Ozone Records from Multiple Sources
- Evaluating the Performance of the Goddard Multi-Scale Modeling Framework against GPM, TRMM and CloudSat/CALIPSO Products
- Evaluating the Relative Stability of CERES, MISR and MODIS Radiances Over the Terra Record
- Evaluation of CERES surface irradiance products
- Evaluation of MLS mesospheric geopotential height profiles and improved altitude registration of the OMPS Limb Profiler measurements
- Evidence for the Convective Transport of Dust Aerosol During DC-3
- Evolving Capabilities and Expectations for the GPCP Precipitation Products
- Exploring the Usefulness of MISR-HR Products to Estimate Maize Crop Extent and Using Field Evidence to Evaluate the Results in South Africa's Free State Province
- Field Research Campaign Support: A web based tool to provide support to researchers in the field and to broadcast experiment status in real time
- Field test of a new instrument to measure UV/Vis (300-700 nm) ambient aerosol extinction spectra in Colorado during DISCOVER-AQ
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Getting The Picture: Our Changing Climate- A new learning tool for climate science
- Global and regional validation of the Collection 6 MODIS dark target aerosol products, and comparison to Collection 5
- High Power and Frequency-Agile Optical Parametric Oscillators for Airborne DIAL Measurements of CH<SUB>4</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O
- How much ice is there in the Tropical Tropopause Layer? Observations from the ATTREX mission, from the Global Hawk and from Space
- Impact of Using Assimilated Data for Evaluating Performance of Active CO<SUB>2</SUB> Optical Depth Measurements
- Improved Ozone Profile Retrievals Using Multispectral Measurements from S-NPP and NASA "A Train" Satellites
- Inferred Differences in Ice Crystal Nucleation Rates between Continental and Maritime Deep Convective Clouds
- Initial Results from Observations Made by the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) During the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) Experiment
- Interpreting Aerosol Sources and Seasonality over the Southeast United States with the GEOS-Chem Model: Lessons from the SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>rs Campaign
- Large-Scale Controls on Drought World-Wide
- Laser Remote Sensing from ISS: the CATS-CALIPSO Cloud and Aerosol Data Products
- Localized High-Latitude Ionosphere-Thermosphere Ionization Events during the High Speed Stream Interval of 29 April - 5 May 2011
- Long-Term Engagement in Authentic Research with NASA (LEARN): Innovative Practices Suggested By a New Model for Teacher Research Experiences
- MISR Research Aerosol Algorithm: Refinements for Dark Water Retrievals
- Measurements and Status at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE)
- Multiplatform inversion of the 2013 Rim Fire smoke emissions using regional-scale modeling: important nocturnal fire activity, air quality, and climate impacts
- My NASA DATA: Earth System Science Data for Formal and Informal Education
- NASA Alternative-Fuel Effects on Contrails and Cruise Emissions (ACCESS) Flight Experiments
- NASA Applied Sciences' DEVELOP National Program: Success Stories and Feedback from Former Participants
- NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center Toolsets for Airborne Data (TAD): User Interface Design and Development
- NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Centers Near Real-Time Data Products
- Near-Real Time Satellite-Retrieved Cloud and Surface Properties for Weather and Aviation Safety Applications
- New Lidar Capabilities in Space: An Overview of the Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS)
- Nonmigrating tidal impact on the carbon dioxide 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere over one solar cycle
- Observations of Radiative Cooling By Nitric Oxide and Carbon Dioxide in the E and F Regions: Implications for Space Weather and Space Climate
- On Variability in Satellite Terrestrial Chlorophyll Fluorescence Measurements: Relationships with Phenology and Ecosystem-Atmosphere Carbon Exchange, Vegetation Structure, Clouds, and Sun-Satellite Geometry
- On the Sensitivity of the Diurnal Cycle in the Amazon to Convective Intensity
- Overview of the CERES Edition-4 Multilayer Cloud Property Datasets
- Ozone Diurnal Variation in the PBL at the Boulder Atmospheric Observatory During Summer 2014
- Precipitation Estimation Using Combined Radar and Microwave Radiometer Observations from GPM- Initial Studies
- Prototype Operational Advances for Atmospheric Radiation Dose Rate Specification
- Quantifying the Climate-Scale Accuracy of Satellite Cloud Retrievals
- Recent Developments in Space Geodesy Data Discovery at the CDDIS
- Reconciling Organic Aerosol Volatility, Hygroscopicity, and Oxidation State During the Colorado DISCOVER-AQ Deployment
- Retrievals of the Deep Convective System Ice Cloud Microphysical Properties using Nexrad and Aircraft In-situ Measurements
- Retrieving Aerosol Plume Height Information by Synergistic Use of VIIRS, OMPS, and CALIOP Observations
- Revisiting Earth Radiation Budget from ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner
- Rocket Ozone Data Recovery for Digital Archival
- SBUV Version 4 PMC Data and Trend Analysis: Did the Trend Change in the mid-1990's?
- Short Time-Scale Enhancements to the Global Thermosphere Temperature and Nitric Oxide Content Resulting From Ionospheric Joule Heating
- Signal to Noise Ratio Estimation for a Space-borne Swept-Frequency Intensity-Modulated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Laser Absorption Spectrometer
- Smoke plume impacts on photolysis frequencies during SEAC4RS
- Southern African Ozone Trends (1990-2007): Influences of Climate Variability and Anthropogenic Sources
- Space View of the 1991 Gulf War Kuwaiti Oil Fires
- Spatial Variability in Black Carbon Mixing State Observed During The Multi-City NASA DISCOVER-AQ Field Campaign
- Spatiotemporal Variability of Trace Gases in the San Joaquin Valley during DISCOVER-AQ.
- Study of near surface layers in Coastal Texas and their correlation with PBL heights using LIDAR during the NASA 2013 Discover AQ Campaign
- Surface and Column Variations of CO<SUB>2</SUB> using Weighting Functions for Future Active Remote CO<SUB>2</SUB> sensors and Data from DISCOVER-AQ Field Campaign
- Terra@15, S'Cool@18: A Long-Running Student and Citizen Science Campaign for Validating Cloud Retrievals
- The CERES S'COOL Project: Dynamic NASA Earth Science Education and Public Outreach for Formal and Informal Audiences.
- The CERES Suite of the ISCCP-like Cloud and Flux Products
- The Effects of Long-Range Transport of Agricultural Smoke on AOD in Houston, TX: Insights from NASA SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS and DISCOVER-AQ
- The Energy Budget of the Mesosphere Derived from SABER
- The Evaluation of Total Column Ozone Measurements from Pandora relatvie to Brewer and OMI
- The Impact of Disappearing Tropical Andean Glaciers on Pastoral Agriculture
- The Impact of Soil Moisture Anomalies on the General Circulation: A Comprehensive Analysis over North America
- The Multi-Dimensional Challenge of Validating Remote-Sensing Aerosol-Type Retrievals
- The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget: Next Generation Data Product With Reprocessed ISCCP
- The Novel Arrange & Average Algorithm for the Retrieval of Aerosol Properties from Multiwavelength Lidar Data
- The Persistence of Volcanic Ash in the Tropical Stratosphere after the Kelud Eruption
- The Uncertainty in Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieved by the MODIS Dark Target Algorithm
- Towards a Seamless Global Aerosol Dataset for Generating a Long-Term Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Record
- Use of the NASA GEOS-5 SEAC<SUP>4</SUP>RS Meteorological and Aerosol Reanalysis for assessing simulated aerosol optical properties as a function of smoke age
- Using MERRA, AMIP II, CMIP5 Outputs to Assess Actual and Potential Building Climate Zone Change and Variability From the Last 30 Years Through 2100
- Using Microwave Observations to Estimate Land Surface Temperature during Cloudy Conditions
- Using NASA Earth Observations as a Tool to Examine PM2.5 Levels in Houston, Texas
- Using satellite fluorescence data to drive a global carbon cycle model: Impacts on atmospheric CO2.
- Validating Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Properties for Weather and Climate Applications
- Validating The Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm for PMM
- Validation of MODIS Terra and Aqua Ice Surface Temperatures at Summit, Greenland
- Validation of the on-line aerosol retrieval and error characterization algorithm from the OMI Near-UV observations during the DRAGON-NE Asia 2012 campaign
- Variability of Stratospheric Ozone during 2005-2012 Inferred from OMI and MLS Ozone Profile Data Records
- Vertical Profiles of Light-Absorbing Aerosol: A Combination of In-situ and AERONET Observations during NASA DISCOVER-AQ
- Vertical profiles of cloud condensation nuclei, aerosol hygroscopicity, water uptake, and scattering across the United States
- View Angle Bias Corrections of Geostationary Satellite Land Surface Temperature Measurements Using an Empirical Mode
- Visualization Tools and Techniques for Search and Validation of Large Earth Science Spatial-Temporal Metadata Databases
- Visualization and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Volcanic Ash and SO2 Monitoring Using Suomi NPP Direct Broadcast OMPS Data
- Web-based CERES Clouds QC Property Viewing Tool
- Web-based Quality Control Tool used to validate CERES products on a cluster of Linux servers
- <p>Investigating troposhpere-stratosphere coupling during the southern hemisphere sudden stratospheric warming using an adjoint model.
- A 24.5-Year Global Dataset of Direct Normal Irradiance: Result from the Application of a Global-to-Beam Model to the NASA GEWEX SRB Global Horizontal Irradiance
- A Beta Version of the GIS-Enabled NASA Surface meteorology and Solar Energy (SSE) Web Site With Expanded Data Accessibility and Analysis Functionality for Renewable Energy and Other Applications
- A CERES-like Cloud Property Climatology Using AVHRR Data
- A Comparison of OMPS Total Column Ozone Data with Data from Ground Stations
- A Reevaluation of the Contribution of Very Short Lived Bromocarbons to Stratospheric Bromine Loading
- A modified MODIS dark-target aerosol retrieval over urban areas: Evaluation and applications
- AERONET, Twenty-five years of development to the Version 3 Database
- Accounting for High-biases in the MODIS Aerosol Optical Depth Retrieval
- Advanced Intensity-Modulation Continuous-Wave Lidar Techniques for Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Advancements in the calibration and validation of Earth-observation satellite sensors using automated ground-based measurements
- Aerosol Classification from High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements
- Aerosol Types using Passive Remote Sensing: Global Distribution, Consistency Check, Total-Column Investigation and Translation into Composition Derived from Climate and Chemical Transport Model
- Aerosol absorption retrievals from the PACE broad spectrum Ocean Color Instrument (OCI)
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements of Aerosol Distributions and Properties during the NASA DISCOVER-AQ Missions
- Airborne Measurements in Support of the NASA Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Mission
- Airborne Microwave Observatory of Subcanopy and Subsurface (AirMOSS) Earth Venture Suborbital Mission Overview
- An Assessment of a Technique for Modeling Lidar Background Measurements
- An Overview of JPSS-1 VIIRS Pre-Launch Testing and Performanc
- An instrument simulator for geostationary satellites
- Analysis of the Downward Directed Far-infrared Radiances Measured by the FIRST Instrument at Table Mountain
- Analysis of the Interaction and Transport of Aerosols with Cloud or Fog in East Asia from AERONET and Satellite Remote Sensing: 2012 DRAGON Campaigns and Climatological Data
- Application of Fuzzy K-mean Method to the CALIOP/CALIPSO Layer Feature Classifications
- Applying Various Methods of Communicating Science for Community Decision-Making and Public Awareness: A NASA DEVELOP National Program Case Study
- Approaches and Data Quality for Global Precipitation Estimation
- Assessing Landsat 8 TIRS Calibration Stability Using MODIS
- Atmospheric CO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability Observed during ASCENDS Flight Campaigns
- Aura OMI observations of changes in SO<SUB>2</SUB> and NO<SUB>2</SUB> emissions at local, regional and global scales
- Bridging the Gap between NASA Earth Observations and Decision Makers through the NASA DEVELOP National Program
- Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations in Decision Making: A Case Study of NASA's DEVELOP National Program Methods and Best Practices
- Building Capacity to Use Earth Observations: Best Practices for Monitoring Programmatic Progress
- CERESVis: A QC Tool for CERES that Leverages Browser Technology for Data Validation
- Calibration and Validation of the 36-year NOAA/AVHRR Imager Visible Channel Data record in support of the NOAA Climate Data Records program.
- Characterization of smoke aerosols over the Indochina Peninsula from multi-platform satellite observations
- Characterizing Marine Boundary Layer Clouds Using CALIPSO Observations
- Characterizing Thawing Permafrost Carbon Emissions: An Integrated Pilot Study in Support of Satellite Evaluation/Design and Earth System Modeling Capabilities
- Characterizing the Magnetospheric State for Sawtooth Events
- Chemical Impact of Solar Energetic Particle Event From The Young Sun: Implications for the Origin of Prebiotic Chemistry and the Fain Young Sun Paradox
- Cloud Height Detection Using OMPS Limb Profiler Measurements
- Cloud Properties by Cloud Types over Regions Based on the CERES CldTypHist data product
- Combining Data-intensive Atmospheric Observations and Model Output for Global 4-D Visualization in Google Earth™
- Composition and Origin of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer (atal)
- Consistency of CERES radiances and fluxes from Aqua and Suomi-NPP
- Continuation of SAGE and MLS High-Resolution Ozone Profiles with the Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler
- Continuity of MODIS and VIIRS Snow-Cover Maps during Snowmelt in the Catskill Mountains in New York
- Contrail microphysical properties and radiative forcing over the Northern Hemisphere derived using MODIS infrared observations
- Cosmic rays interaction with comets and its impact on cometary isotopic and chemical composition
- Curating Virtual Data Collections
- Determination of Cloud Thermodynamic Phase with Ground Based, Polarimetrically Sensitive, Passive Sky Radiometers
- Developing a joint MODIS and VIIRS aerosol data record using the dark-target retrieval algorithm
- Development of an Algorithm for MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Optical Property Data Record Continuity
- Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiance Spectra Measured by FIRST at Cerro Toco, Chile
- ERBE Wide-Field-of-View Nonscanner Data Reprocessing and revisiting its Radiation dataset from 1985 to 199
- Earth's Radiation Budget Variability During 2015 El Nino From CERES FLASHFlux and EBAF Data.
- Effects of Alternative Fuels and Aromatics on Gas-Turbine Particle Emissions
- Empirical Corrections for MISR Calibration Temporal Trends, Point-Spread Function, Flat-Fielding, and Ghosting
- Employing Cloud Services to Augment the Processing and Dissemination of Global GEO Satellite Cloud Products from a Distributed and Heterogeneous Environment
- Enabling the Usability of Earth Science Data Products and Services by Evaluating, Describing, and Improving Data Quality throughout the Data Lifecycle
- Energetics of the Thermosphere in Polar Regions Observed by SABER
- Estimating Uncertainties in the Multi-Instrument SBUV Profile Ozone Merged Data Set
- Estimation of IT energy budget during the St. Patrick's Day storm 2015: observations, modeling and challenges.
- Evaluating Surface Flux Results from CERES-FLASHFlux
- Evaluating WRF Simulations of Urban Boundary Layer Processes during DISCOVER-AQ
- Evaluating the new NASA S-NPP continuity cloud products for climate research using CALIPSO and L3 analysis
- Evaluation of Diagnostic CO<SUB>2</SUB> Flux and Transport Modeling in NU-WRF and GEOS-5
- Evaluation of a GCM with the CERES Flux-by-Cloud Type Simulator
- Evaluation of ozone fields in NASA's MERRA-2 reanalysis
- Evaluation of the Arctic Surface Radiation Budget in CMIP5 Models
- Exploring Flexible and Multidisciplinary Approaches to Applied Science Research Project Assessments: Case Studies from the NASA DEVELOP National Program
- Exploring the Radiative Effect and Climate Impact of Contaminated Contrails
- Extending MODIS Cloud Top and Infrared Phase Climate Records with VIIRS and CrIS
- Flood Risk and Climate Change: The Contributions of Remote Sensing
- Fog Induced Aerosol Modification Observed by AERONET, Including Occurrences During Major Air Pollution Events
- Fourteen Years of Atomic Hydrogen from SABER
- High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, IFloodS and GCPEx: Comparison with Observations
- High-Resolution Regional Biomass Map of Siberia from Glas, Palsar L-Band Radar and Landsat Vcf Data
- Hyperspectral Cubesat Constellation for Rapid Natural Hazard Response
- Impact of Using Assimilated Data for Evaluating Performance of Active CO<SUB>2</SUB> Optical Depth Measurements
- Improving Information Quality for Earth Science Data and Products - An Overview
- In-Flight Chemical Composition Observations of Aircraft Emissions using a High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer
- Increasing contrasts between wet and dry precipitation extremes during the "global warming hiatus" (1998-2013)
- Inflation Factors for Satellite XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrieval Errors
- Influence of Jet Fuel Composition on Aircraft Engine Emissions: A Synthesis of Aerosol Emissions Data from the NASA APEX, AAFEX, and ACCESS Missions
- Information Content and Sensitivity of the 3β+2α Lidar Measurement System for Microphysical Retrievals
- Infrared response of the thermosphere-ionosphere system to geomagnetic storms
- Intercomparison of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture with Synergistic Satellite Products
- International Assistance in Naming Craters on Mercury
- Investigating the Vertical Structure of Volcanic Clouds Using NPP/OMPS Limb Aerosol Observations and the GEOS-5/GOCART Model
- Investigation of the linkages between insoluble precipitation residues and cloud properties at Yosemite National Park during U.S. West Coast storms
- LASE measurements of water vapor and aerosol profiles during the Plains Elevated Convection at Night (PECAN) field experiment
- Landsat radiometric continuity using airborne imaging spectrometry
- Lidar Measurement of Water Clouds and Its Applications
- Linear Contrail Coverage and Cloud Property Retrievals from 2012 MODIS Imagery over the Northern Hemisphere
- Modeling of TOA radiance measured by CERES and SCIAMACHY over the East Antarctic Plateau
- NASA Alternative Aviation Fuel Research
- NASA's Earth Observatory: 16 Years of Communicating with and for Scientists
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Changing patterns in the use of NRT satellite imagery
- NASA's New 'Deep Blue' Aerosol Products From The NPP-VIIRS Sensor
- Nearly a Decade of CALIPSO Observations of Asian and Saharan Dust Properties near Source and Transport Regions
- New Global Deep Blue Aerosol Product over Land and Ocean from VIIRS, and Its comparisons with MODIS
- Next Generation UAV Based Spectral Systems for Environmental Monitoring: project developments, preliminary outcome and findings
- OMPS LP Characterization of Stratospheric Aerosols
- Observation-based Estimates of the All-sky Aerosol Direct Radiative Effect and Impact of Uncertainties in Aerosol Properties
- Observational Constraints on Atmospheric and Oceanic Cross-Equatorial Heat Transports: Revisiting the Precipitation Asymmetry Problem in Climate Models
- Observations of the Evolution of Ion Outflow During a Sawtooth Event
- On the Sensitivity of the Diurnal Cycle in the Amazon to Convective Intensity
- On the value of satellite-based river discharge and river flood data
- Optimal Estimation Retrievals of Aerosol Microphysical Properties from High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Polarimeter Data
- Passive/Active Microwave Soil Moisture Disaggregation Using SMAPVEX12 Data
- Performance of the Goddard Multiscale Modeling Framework with Goddard Ice Microphysical Schemes
- Photochemical modeling of nonmigrating tides in the 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere over one solar cycle and comparison with SABER
- Precipitation Estimation Using Combined Radar and Microwave Radiometer Observations from - Improvements and Initial Validation
- Provenance of Earth Science Datasets - How Deep Should One Go?
- Providing Access and Visualization to Global Cloud Properties from GEO Satellites
- Quality Assessment of Collection 6 MODIS Atmospheric Science Products
- Re-processing TOMS UV Measurements to Retrieve SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions From Volcanic Eruptions
- Recent Developments in at the CDDIS in Support of GGOS
- Recent Improvements to CALIOP Level 3 Aerosol Profile Product for Global 3-D Aerosol Extinction Characterization
- Recommendations and Ongoing Efforts within the NASA Data Quality Working Group
- Reprocessing the Southern Hemisphere ADditional OZonesondes (SHADOZ) Database for Long-Term Trend Analyses
- Retrieval of Aerosol Within Cloud Fields Using the MODIS Airborne Simulator (MAS)
- Satellite EDR Evaluation with First Suomi NPP Cal/Val Campaign
- Satellite Remote Sensing of the Dependence of Homogeneous Ice Nucleation on Latitude and Season
- Sensitivity of Satellite-Based Skin Temperature to Different Surface Emissivity and NWP Reanalysis Sources Demonstrated Using a Single-Channel, Viewing-Angle-Corrected Retrieval Algorithm
- Sharing NASA Science with Decision Makers: A Perspective from NASA's Applied Remote Sensing Training (ARSET) Program
- Solar wind driving of ionosphere-thermosphere responses during three storms on St. Patrick's Day.
- Source attribution of interannual variability of tropospheric ozone over the southern hemisphere
- Spatial Distribution of Aerosols in Four U.S. Regions: Impacts on Satellite Measurements
- Spatial and Temporal Characteristics of Aerosols from Collection 6 Aqua and Terra MODIS e-Deep Blue Products
- Spatial and Temporal Variability of Carbon Dioxide using Structure Functions in Urban Areas: Insights for Future Active Remote CO<SUB>2</SUB> Sensors
- Spatial-Temporal Data Mining Tools and Techniques for Improving Earth Science Metadata
- Status of MODIS Instruments and Future Calibration Improvements
- Stratospheric Intrusions over the U.S.: Impacts on Tropospheric Composition from NASA Aircraft Campaigns, MERRA-2, and the GEOS-5 Model
- Suomi-NPP VIIRS Day-Night Band On-Orbit Calibration and Performance
- Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide from Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator
- Texas Disasters: Mapping and Analyzing Fuel Loads and Phenology in the Texas Grasslands
- The AirMOSS Level 4 Root-Zone Soil Moisture Product
- The Asian Tropopause Aerosol layer through satellite and balloon-borne measurements combined with modelling approaches.
- The Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS): Demonstrating New Techniques for Cloud and Aerosol Measurements
- The First Year of Day-1 IMERG Data and Future Directions
- The ICESat-2 Inland Water Height Data Product: Evaluation of Water Profiles Using High Altitude Photon Counting Lidar
- The Impact of Soil Moisture Anomalies on the General Circulation: A Comprehensive Analysis over North America
- The Influence of Aerosol Composition on Photolysis Rates Based on Airborne Observations
- The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget: Integrated Data Product With Reprocessed Radiance, Cloud, and Meteorology Inputs
- The TOMS V9 Algorithm for OMPS Nadir Mapper Total Ozone: An Enhanced Design That Ensures Data Continuity
- The Use of OMPS Near Real Time Products in Volcanic Cloud Risk Mitigation and Smoke/Dust Air Quality Assessments
- The Validation of Ground Based Ozone Measurements over Korea.
- The relationship between cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) concentration and light extinction of dried particles: indications of underlying aerosol processes and implications for satellite-based CCN estimate
- The resolution-dependence of satellite-based cloud retrievals: First results from ASTER and MODIS observations
- The spectroscopic foundation of CO<SUB>2</SUB> climate forcing
- Training and Validation of the Fast PCRTM_Solar Model
- Tropical and Midlatitude Tropospheric Column Ozone Response to ENSO in GEOS-5 Assimilation of OMI and MLS Ozone Data
- Uncertainty of Microphysics Schemes in CRMs
- Use of automated in-situ measurements for sensor harmonization
- User-Driven Workflow for Modeling, Monitoring, Product Development, and Flood Map Delivery Using Satellites for Daily Coverage Over Texas May-June 2015
- Using GRACE-Derived Water and Moisture Products as a Predictive Tool for Fire Response in the Contiguous United States
- VIIRS S-NPP Nighttime DNB Spectral Response Function (SRF): The At-launch Characteristics and How the SRF Changes with Time Due to Tungsten Oxides Chromaticity
- Validating CERES Radiative Fluxes in the Arctic with Airborne Radiative Flux Measurements from the ARISE Campaign
- Validating SMAP L2/3 Products
- Validation of the New VIIRS Deep Blue Algorithm with AERONET in Dust Source and Sink Regions
- Validation of the Soil Moisture Active Passive mission using USDA-ARS experimental watersheds
- Vertical Distribution and Columnar Optical Properties of Springtime Biomass-Burning Aerosols over Northern Indochina during the 7-SEAS/BASELInE field campaign
- Viirs Land Science Investigator-Led Processing System
- Visualization and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Warm Season Drought Development over North America and Northern Eurasia: The Role of Stationary Rossby Waves
- 2D-photochemical model for forbidden oxygen line emission for comets
- 30+ Years of New and Improved Land Data Records from the Version 6 Reprocessing of MODIS
- A 3D Ice Cloud Climatology of the Upper Troposphere from 10+ years of CALIOP Observations
- A Comparison of Hemispheric / Global Scale Satellite Snow-Cover Products
- A Data System in Support of Citizen Science and Education - GLOBE
- A Global, Decadal, Quantitative Record of Absorbing Aerosols above Cloud Using OMI's Near-UV Observations
- A Laboratory Experiment for the Statistical Evaluation of Aerosol Retrieval (STEAR) Algorithms
- A global, space-based stratospheric aerosol climatology: 1979 to 2014
- ASDC Tools and Techniques for Creating GIS Services for Earth Science Data Discovery and Analysis
- Absorbing Aerosols Observed by the DSCOVR/EPIC
- Accessing Cloud Properties and Satellite Imagery: A tool for visualization and data mining
- Active Remote Sensing of CO<SUB>2</SUB> across Weather Systems in the Eastern United States: First Results from ACT-America
- Addressing an I/O Bottleneck in a Web-Based CERES QC Tool
- Advanced Intensity-Modulation Continuous-Wave Lidar Techniques for Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Advancements in the 2-μm Triple-Pulse Integrated Path Differential Absorption Airborne Lidar for Simultaneous CO<SUB>2</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O measurements
- Advancing Atmosphere-Ocean Remote Sensing with Spaceborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Aerosol Properties over the Remote North Atlantic Ocean: Impacts of Phytoplankton Bloom Seasonality and Long-Range Continental Transport
- An Integrated Calibration Strategy for OMPS Level 1 products from Suomi NPP with Links to the EOS Aura Data Record
- An Observing System Simulation Experiment (OSSE) Investigating the OMI Aerosol Products Using Simulated Aerosol and Atmospheric Fields from the NASA GEOS-5 Model
- Analysis of Trace Gases Response on the Anomalous Change in the QBO in 2015-2016
- Analysis of in situ resources for the Soil Moisture Active Passive Validation Experiments in 2015 and 2016
- Analysis of the residual in column integrated atmospheric energy balance
- Assessing long-term climate data continuity of the Deep Blue aerosol products from MODIS to VIIRS
- Assessing the Performance of LVIS Waveform Lidar Topography and Canopy Structure Measurements in Gabon
- Assessing the sensitivity of MODIS Atmosphere Algorithm and Products to Sensor Geometry.
- Assessment of SMAP L2/L3 Soil Moisture Products using In Situ Based Core Validation Sites
- Atmosphere Kits: Hands-On Learning Activities with a Foundation in NASA Earth Science Missions.
- Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Distributions Across Weather Systems: Results from the Summer 2016 ACT-America Field Campaign
- Atmospheric Loss and Warming Of The Early Mars
- Building the Column: Ground-Up Integration of Multi-Sensor Precipitation Observations
- CATS Cloud-Aerosol Products and Near Real Time Capabilities
- Capacity Building for the Access and Application of NASA Earth Science Data
- Catch the A-Train from the NASA GIBS/Worldview Platform
- Ceos Wgiss Common Framework for Wgiss Connected Data Assets
- Characterization of the RaD-X Mission Instruments
- Characterizing the Vertical Distribution of Aerosols using Ground-based Multiwavelength Lidar Data
- Combining In-situ Measurements, Passive Satellite Imagery, and Active Radar Retrievals for the Detection of High Ice Water Content
- Combining Visible and Infrared Spectral Tests for Dust Identification
- Comparing remote-sensing observations of aerosols and clouds
- Comparison of Surface Turbulent Heat Fluxes Determined from Bulk Flux Parameterizations and Inferred from the Atmospheric Energy Budget Equation
- Comparison of the XCO2 measurement between MFLL and OCO-2 during the 2016 ACT-America Campaign
- Constructing An Event Based Aerosol Product Under High Aerosol Loading Conditions
- Construction of a Matched Global Cloud and Radiance Product from LEO/GEO and EPIC Observations to Estimate Daytime Earth Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- Crowdsourced Science: Citizen Science Using the Globe Observer Mobile App
- DSCOVR-EPIC Observations of the Global Atmospheric Aerosol Load
- Deriving Polarization Properties of Forest-Reflected Solar Spectra with PARASOL Data
- Developing a Global Database of Historic Flood Events to Support Machine Learning Flood Prediction in Google Earth Engine
- Development of SMAP Resolution-Enhanced Passive Soil Moisture Product
- Development of a Combined Lidar - Polarimeter Inversion Algorithm for Retrieving Aerosol
- Development of a Sodium Resonance Lidar for Spaceborne Missions
- Development of dual stream PCRTM-SOLAR for fast and accurate radiative transfer modeling in the cloudy atmosphere with solar radiation
- Developments in Miniaturized Laser Heterodyne Radiometer (mini-LHR) construction for groundtruth measurements of CH4 and CO2 in harsh terrain
- Domain Content Mapping in the USGCRP Global Change Information System
- ENSO Tropical Cloud and TOA radiative signatures from CERES observation
- Effects of nonspherical dust optical models on the VIIRS Deep Blue over-water aerosol product
- Energy Budget of the Thermosphere and Mesosphere from 15 Years of SABER Observations
- Engaging observers to look at clouds from both sides: connecting NASA mission science with authentic STEM experiences
- Enhancements to NASA's Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE)
- Enhancements to the CALIOP Aerosol Subtyping and Lidar Ratio Selection Algorithms for Level II Version 4
- Estimating Ionosphere-Thermosphere Energy Budget: the ICME Storm of 16-19 March 2013
- Estimation and comparison of the derived Dmass and Nw parameters between NASA's S-band Polarimetric Radar (NPOL) and disdrometers.
- Evaluating A Priori Ozone Profile Information Used in TEMPO Tropospheric Ozone Retrievals
- Evaluating NASA S-NPP continuity cloud products for climate research using CALIPSO, CATS and Level-3 analysis
- Evaluating Surface Flux Results from CERES-FLASHFlux
- Evaluating the MODIS multilayer cloud classification product through comparisons with CALIOP
- Evaluation of SMAP downscaled brightness temperature observations using airborne data in Australia
- Evaluation of the Sensitivity of the Amazonian Diurnal Cycle to Convective Intensity in Reanalyses
- Exploring Dust Impacts on the First Weakening Phase of Hurricane Nadine during HS-3
- Fast Response Vertical Wind Measurements Made on the NASA P-3B During the 2016 ORACLES Field Campaign
- First observations of volcanic eruption clouds from L1 by DSCOVR/EPIC
- GLOBE Observer and the Association of Science & Technology Centers: Leveraging Citizen Science and Partnerships for an International Science Experiment to Build Climate Literacy
- GLOBE Observer: A new tool to bring science activities and measurements home
- GLOBE Program's Data and Information System
- Global tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> profiles obtained from a cloud-slicing technique applied to the Aura OMI observations
- Gravity Wave Spectra in the Lower Stratosphere Diagnosed from Project Loon Balloon Trajectories
- Gravity Waves in the Southern Hemisphere Extratropical Winter in the 7-km GEOS-5 Nature Run
- High Resolution Model Simulations for MC3E, LPVEx, GCPEx and Olympex: Sensitivity of Microphysics
- Image Registration and Data Assimilation as a QUBO on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer
- Impacts of Mass-dimension and Area-dimension relationships on retrieval ice particle effective radius from radar and lidar measurements
- Impacts of spectral solar irradiance on inter-sensor radiometric calibrations
- Improvements and Additions to NASA Near Real-Time Earth Imagery
- Improvements to the CERES Cloud Detection Algorithm using Himawari 8 Data and Validation using CALIPSO and CATS Lidar Observations
- Improvements to the Ontology-based Metadata Portal for Unified Semantics (OlyMPUS)
- Improving the Forecasting of Persistent Severe Rainfall using the Spectral Nudging and Update Cycle Methods
- In Place Calibration of Aerosol Optical Depth Instruments.
- In situ observations of Arctic cloud properties across the Beaufort Sea marginal ice zone
- Influence of Ice Cloud Microphysics on Imager-Based Estimates of Earth's Radiation Budget
- Initial Comparison of Spatial Variability in CO<SUB>2</SUB> Column as seen by OCO-2 and an Airborne CO<SUB>2</SUB> LIDAR within ACT-America
- Initial results of spectral and radiometric characterization of JPSS-1&2 VIIRS using laser sources
- Insights on the Feasibility, Modeling and Field Testing of Cirrus Cloud Thinning from Satellite Remote Sensing
- Integrating NASA Earth Observations into the Global Indicator Framework for Monitoring the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals
- Let our powers combine! Harnessing NASA's Earth Observatory Natural Event Tracker (EONET) in Worldview
- Limits to parameterizing brown carbon absorption in models
- MODIS-VIIRS Intercalibration for Dark Target Aerosol Retrieval Over Ocean
- Marine Cloud Condensation Nuclei (CCN) and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions During NAAMES 2015-2016: Influences of Changing Seasonality and Aerosol Loadings
- Measured and Modeled Downwelling Far-Infrared Radiances in Very Dry Environments and Calibration Requirements for Future Experiments
- Methane and Carbon Dioxide Emissions during the Seasonal Permafrost Thaw at the Bonanza Creek Research Forest: Results from the May 2016 Field Campaign
- Modern Day Re-analysis of Pinatubo SO<SUB>2</SUB> Injection, Cloud dispersion and Stratospheric Aerosols
- Modes and Downscaling: the Two-Step Philosophy of Forecasting
- Monitoring Building Energy Systems at NASA Centers Using NASA Earth Science data, CMIP5 climate data products and RETScreen Expert Clean Energy Tool
- Monitoring O3 and Aerosols with the NASA LaRC Mobile Ozone Lidar System
- Monitoring and Modelling the Evolution of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha'apai (Kingdom of Tonga) Volcanic Island by means of Satellite Remote Sensing
- Monitoring the Daytime Earth Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative
- NASA GIBS & Worldview - Lesson Ready Visualizations
- NASA's Earth Imagery Service as Open Source Software
- NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services: Past, Present and Future
- Near Real Time Global Flood Mapping
- New Capability for Ozone DIAL Profiling Measurements in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere from Aircraft
- New Satellite Estimates of Mixed-Phase Cloud Properties: A Synergistic Approach for Application to Global Satellite Imager Data
- Nonmigrating tidal impact on the CO<SUB>2</SUB> 15 μm infrared cooling of the lower thermosphere over one solar cycle
- OMPS Limb Profiler: Extending SAGE and CALIPSO Stratospheric Aerosol Records
- Observations of Mixing Layer Heights from the Micropulse Lidar Network and Potential Implications for Regional and Global Models
- Observations of snow and sea ice cover in Arctic from CALIOP lidar measurements
- Observing atmospheric formaldehyde (HCHO) from space: validation, intercomparison, trend analysis and public health implications
- Obtaining a consistent calibration between the DSCOVR EPIC and Aqua-MODIS/NPP-VIIRS imagers using multiple calibration methods
- On the Role of Ionospheric Ions in Sawtooth Events
- On the Use of Deep Convective Clouds to Characterize Response versus Scan-angle for MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
- One Year of Lagrange-1 DSCOVR/EPIC Global Ozone Values from Sunrise to Sunset
- Orbital Angular Momentum Measurements for Turbulence Characterization
- Out of the SHADOZ: A Glimpse into the Realm of Ozonesonde Reprocessing
- Out of the SHADOZ: Ascension Ozone in the Spotlight
- Outcomes of a NASA Workshop to Develop a Portfolio of Low Latency Datasets for Time-Sensitive Applications
- Overview of the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America Program
- Ozone Observations using Ozonesonde over the Himalaya from Pokhara, Nepal.
- Ozone from the OMPS Nadir Mapper and Nadir Profiler Reprocessed for Consistency with the Long Term Ozone Data Record
- Ozone, Aerosol, and Cloud Data Products from Suomi NPP OMPS LP
- Participating in Authentic Science with the Aid of Learning Progressions through Mission Earth Workshops
- Polar Processing During the 2015/2016 Arctic Winter in a GEOS Analysis with Stratospheric Chemistry
- Process contributions to the intermodel spread in amplified Arctic warming
- Progress Report on the Airborne Metadata and Time Series Working Groups of the 2016 ESDSWG
- Progress towards MODIS and VIIRS Cloud Optical Property Data Record Continuity
- Quality Assessment of the V1 VIIRS Land Products
- Quantifying the impact of subpixel reflectance variance on cloud property retrievals from high-resolution ASTER observations
- RT code SORD
- Real-time Volcanic Cloud Products and Predictions for Aviation Alerts
- Recent Upgrades to the Dark Water MISR Research Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm and Potential Implications for the Aerosol/Ocean Color Community
- Regional Differences in Stratospheric Intrusions over the USA Investigated using the NASA MERRA-2 Reanalysis
- Retrieval of Aerosol Size Parameters from NASA Langley Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) Measurements
- SAO OMPS Formaldehyde Retrieval
- SMAP soil moisture drying more rapid than observed in situ following rainfall events
- SPRITE - The Saturn PRobe Interior and aTmosphere Explorer Mission.
- Satellite-Based All-Sky and Clear-Sky Direct Normal Irradiance: Application of a Global-to-Beam Model to the NASA GEWEX SRB Global Horizontal Irradiance and Validation against the BSRN Data
- Satellite-Based Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Fluxes: Update to the CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) Data Product
- Space weather effects measured in atmospheric radiation on aircraft
- Spatial Heterogeneity in Greenhouse GasMole Fractions across Frontal Boundaries: Exploratory Findings from Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America Summer-2016 Field Experiment
- Status of MODIS Instruments and Calibration Improvements
- Stewardship of NASA's Earth Science Data and Ensuring Long-Term Active Archives
- Summertime Unusual Pattern of Aerosol Optical Properties in South Korea based on the AERONET Measurements
- Synergy Between Individual and Institutional Capacity Building: Examples from the NASA DEVELOP National Program
- TIME after TIMED - A perspective on Thermosphere-Ionosphere Mesosphere science and future observational needs after the TIMED mission epoch
- Technical Challenges and Lessons from the Migration of the GLOBE Data and Information System to Utilize Cloud Computing Service
- Technology Advancements for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide From Space using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator
- The 2015 Indonesian biomass-burning season with extensive peat fires: Remote sensing measurements of biomass burning aerosol optical properties from AERONET and MODIS satellite data
- The Aliso Canyon Super-Emitter: Initial Results of observations by AVIRIS-C and the Hyperion spacecraft, with Implications for Global Spectroscopic CH<SUB>4</SUB> Monitoring
- The Anomalous Change in the QBO in 2015-16
- The August 1991 Cerro Hudson Volcanic Eruption: A Re-analysis of SO2 Release Twenty-Five Years Later from a New TOMS Perspective
- The DEVELOP National Program's Strategy for Communicating Applied Science Outcomes
- The Dependence of Cloud Property Trend Detection on Absolute Calibration Accuracy of Passive Satellite Sensors
- The Dependence of Homo- and Heterogeneously Formed Cirrus Clouds on Latitude, Season and Surface-type based on a New CALIPSO Remote Sensing Method
- The Evolution of an Imagery Data System
- The GLOBAL Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Collaboration System. Building a robust international collaboration environment for teachers, scientists and students.
- The GLOBAL Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Data Visualization and Retrieval System. Building a robust system for scientists and students.
- The NASA/GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget Release 4 Integrated Product: An Assessment of Improvements in Algorithms and Inputs
- The Next-Generation Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm: Addressing Higher Latitude, Cold Season, and Synoptic Systems
- The Next-Generation Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm: New Model Simulations for Tropical and Continental Summertime Environments
- The Radiometric Calibration Network (RadCalNet): a Global Calibration and Validation Test Site Network
- The Spectroscopic Foundation of Radiative Forcing of Climate by Carbon Dioxide
- The State of Building a Consistent Framework for Curation and Presentation of Earth Science Data Quality
- The Thermosphere Fights Back: Sources of Nitric Oxide Overcooling During Geomagnetic Storms
- Thermospheric recovery during the 5 April 2010 geomagnetic storm
- Time and Spectral Dependent Degradation Correction for ERBE WFOV Shortwave Nonscanner Instruments and Revisiting its Radiation Observations (1985 to 1998)
- Towards a Cloud Computing Environment: Near Real-time Cloud Product Processing and Distribution for Next Generation Satellites
- Towards improving searches on the NASA's Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs)
- Uncoupling File System Components for Bridging Legacy and Modern Storage Architectures
- Update and Status of 2 Satellite Validation and BSRN Measurement Sites Over Southeast Virginia
- Upwelling Measurement Issues at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE)
- Use Cases of airborne in-situ and remote sensing data sets for assessing proposed collection-level metadata models
- Using In-Situ Airborne Measurements to Evaluate Three Cloud Phase Products Derived from CALIPSO
- Using MERRA-2 analysis fields to simulate limb scattered radiance profiles for inhomogeneous atmospheric lines of sight: Preparation for data assimilation of OMPS LP radiances through 2D single-scattering GSLS radiative transfer model development
- Using the Dark Target retrieval algorithm to create a long-term and multiscale aerosol dataset
- Utilizing Machine Learning to Downscale SMAP L3_SM_P Brightness Temperatures in Iowa for Agricultural Applications
- Validating CERES Surface Irradiances in the Arctic with Airborne Radiometer Measurements from the ARISE Campaign
- Vector-Based Data Services for NASA Earth Science
- Version 4 IMERG: Investigating Runs and High Latitudes
- Visualization and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Web Map Apps using NASA's Earth Observing Fleet
- Web-based Data Exploration, Exploitation and Visualization Tools for Satellite Sensor VIS/IR Calibration Applications
- A Combined Retrieval of Aerosol Microphysical Properties using active HSRL and Passive Polarimeter Multi-sensor Data
- A Consistent EPIC Visible Channel Calibration Using VIIRS and MODIS as a Reference.
- A Vertical Census of Precipitation Characteristics using Ground-based Dual-polarimetric Radar Data
- A browser-based 3D Visualization Tool designed for comparing CERES/CALIOP/CloudSAT level-2 data sets.
- A multilinear regression methodology to analyze the effect of atmospheric and surface forcing on Arctic clouds
- A potential regulation of jet stream behavior by changes in Arctic cirrus cloud formation mechanism and coverage
- ASDC Advances in the Utilization of Microservices and Hybrid Cloud Environments
- Accessing Earth Science Data Visualizations through NASA GIBS & Worldview
- Aerosol Optical Depth Changes in Version 4 CALIPSO Level 2 Product
- Applications of NASA Earth Observation Imagery in Google Earth Engine to Estimate Glacier Trends and Water Availability in Chile's Aconcagua Watershed
- Arctic cloud-climate feedbacks: On relationships between Arctic clouds, sea ice, and lower tropospheric stability
- Assessing the Regional/Diurnal Bias between Satellite Retrievals and GEOS-5/MERRA Model Estimates of Land Surface Temperature
- Assessment of Consistencies and Uncertainties between the NASA MODIS and VIIRS Snow-Cover Maps
- Assessment of MFLL column CO<SUB>2</SUB> measurements obtained during the ACT-America field campaigns
- Assessment of Polar Column Ozone Data from AIRS
- Assessment of Synergy Between Limb and Nadir Measurements for Retrieval of Tropospheric Ozone from Suomi NPP OMPS
- Autonomous Acqisition of Science Grade Spectra From UAS's
- Bias and sensitivity of boundary layer clouds and surface radiative fluxes in Arctic reanalysis and airborne observations over the marginal ice zone during the ARISE campaign
- Black Carbon Measurement Intercomparison during the 2017 Black Carbon Shootout
- Building Capacity for Earth Observations in Support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
- CALIOP Level 3 Ice Cloud Product
- CATS Cloud and Aerosol Level 2 Heritage Edition Data Products.
- CATS Near Real Time Data Products: Applications for Assimilation into the NASA GEOS-5 AGCM
- CERES Fast Longwave And SHortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux) Version4A.
- Calibration Challenges and Improvements for Terra and Aqua MODIS Level-1B Data Product Qualit
- Calibration of Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) Instruments and Effect on AOD.
- Characterizing the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer using in situ balloon measurements: the BATAL campaigns of 2014-2017
- Citizen Science in Libraries: Results and Insights from a Unique NASA Collaboration
- Citizen Scientist Contributions to Observations Benefiting the Earth through the GLOBE Program
- Clear-sky irradiance simulation using GMAO products and its comparison to ground and CERES satellite observation
- Cloud and Aerosol 1064nm Lidar Ratio Retrievals from the CATS Instrument
- Column-Integrated CO<SUB>2</SUB> Concentrations Measured by MFLL During ACT-America Flight Campaigns
- Comparing Derived and Actual Upwelling Longwave Measurements at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE)
- Contribution of dust and anthropogenic pollution to aerosol optical depth in South Korea during Spring/Summer 2016
- DSCOVR-EPIC Aerosol Products: Current Status and Future Developments
- DSCOVR/EPIC observations of SO<SUB>2</SUB> reveal dynamics of young volcanic eruption clouds
- Data Continuity of Aerosol Index from Suomi NPP/OMPS Observations
- Decomposing Shortwave Top-of-Atmosphere Radiative Flux Variability in Terms of Surface and Atmospheric Contributions Using CERES Observations
- Detecting and Defeating Crosstalk from Nonlinear Modulation in the MFLL CO<SUB>2</SUB> Lidar
- Determine Daytime Earth's Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- Development of Multi-Sensor Global Cloud and Radiance Composites for DSCOVR EPIC Imager with Subpixel Definition
- Development of the Multi-Angle Stratospheric Aerosol Radiometer (MASTAR) Instrument
- Developments Towards a Space-Based Adaptive Lidar
- Effects of Arctic North Water (NOW) polynyas on shallow clouds
- Elucidating Carbon Exchange at the Regional Scale Via Airborne Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements
- Engaging Citizen Scientists across North America to Monitor Eclipse-driven Environmental Change through NASA GLOBE Observer, Results and Lessons Learned
- Evaluating Precipitation Observed in Complex Terrain During GPM Field Campaigns with the SIMBA Data-Fusion Tool
- Evaluating Satellite Retrievals of Smoke Aerosol above Clouds using Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar Measurements during ORACLES
- Evaluation of Satellite-Based Surface Energy Budget Products with Surface Measurements Over the Great Lakes
- Evaluation of the ICESat-2 Inland Water Height Data Product Using Airborne Multiple Altimeter Beam Experimental Lidar (MABEL) Observations from Above the Troposphere
- Examination of Regional Trends in Cloud Properties over Surface Sites Derived from MODIS and AVHRR using the CERES Cloud Algorithm
- Expanding NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS
- Exploration of the potential for aerosol absorption retrievals from the expanded spectral range of the proposed PACE Ocean Color Instrument (OCI)
- Fast Response 3-D Wind Measurements Made on the NASA P-3B During the 2017 ORACLES Field Campaign
- From LIMS to OMPS-LP: limb ozone observations for future reanalyses
- GEWEX SRB Longwave Release 4
- GEWEX SRB Shortwave Release 4
- GLOBE Observer: Earth Science in the Palm of Your Hand
- Generating High-Resolution Lake Bathymetry over Lake Mead using the ICESat-2 Airborne Simulator
- Global Measurements of Optically Thin Cirrus Clouds Using CALIOP
- Global assimilation of X Project Loon stratospheric balloon observations
- High Cloud Measurements in the Limb using the OMPS Limb Profiler
- How Cool was the Eclipse? Atmospheric Measurements and Citizen Science via NASA's GLOBE Observer
- How Far Does CALIOP Penetrate Into Opaque Ice Clouds?
- How Well Can We Assess Atmospheric Ozone Changes? The OzoneSonde Data Quality Assessment (O3S-DQA)
- ISCCP-B1U Geostationary Satellite VIS Channel Vicarious Calibration/Validation in support of creation of long term climate data records
- Identifying Biases in Dust Source Functions
- Impact of a Ground Network of Miniaturized Laser Heterodyne Radiometers (mini-LHRs) on Global Carbon Flux Estimates
- Improved OMI Nitrogen Dioxide Retrievals Aided by NASA's A-Train High-Resolution Data
- Improvements to the CATS Cloud-Aerosol Data Products and Implications for the Space-Based Lidar Data Record
- Intensity Modulation Techniques for Continuous-Wave Lidar for Column CO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements
- Investigating Methods for Serving Visualizations of Vertical Profiles
- Investigations of greenhouse gas variability across frontal structures in the lower troposphere during winter: Findings from the ACT - America Winter 2017 Campaign
- Lagrangian evolution of the marine boundary layer from the Cloud System Evolution in the Trades (CSET) campaign
- Lidar Retrieval of Water Cloud Effective Radius from Single and Multiple Scattering
- Mapping the Extent and Stability of Montane Wetlands ("Bofedales") in the Andes of Bolivia and Peru using Landsat Imagery, 1980s to Present.
- Mitigating Mosquito Disease Vectors with Citizen Science: a Review of the GLOBE Observer Mosquito Habitat Mapper Pilot and Implications for Wide-scale Implementation
- Modeling polarized solar spectra from various scene types
- Multiple Scattering Principal Component-based Radiative Transfer Model (PCRTM) from Far IR to UV-Vis
- NASA's Big Earth Data Initiative Accomplishments
- NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services - Technologies for Visualizing Earth Science Data
- New Perspectives on Blowing Snow Transport, Sublimation, and Layer Thermodynamic Structure over Antarctica
- New in situ Aerosol Spectral Optical Measurements over 300-700 nm, Extinction and Total Absorption, Paired with Absorption from Water- and Methanol-soluble Aerosol Extracts
- OMPS Limb Profiler: Extending SAGE and CALIPSO Stratospheric Aerosol Records
- Observations of Co-variation in Cloud Properties and their Relationships with Atmospheric State
- Observing the Earth from afar with NASA's Worldview
- On the Long-term Stability of Satellite and Ground-based Ozone Profile Records
- Overview of Lidar Contributions to the Atmospheric Carbon and Transport - America (ACT-America) Program
- Partially Cloudy Retrievals: Case Studies with High-resolution ASTER Data and Applicability to MODIS Observations
- Partnering Community Decision Makers with Early Career Scientists - The NASA DEVELOP Method for Dual Capacity Building
- Polarimetric Radar Retrievals in Southeast Texas During Hurricane Harvey
- Practices in NASA's EOSDIS to Promote Open Data and Research Integrity
- Probability Density Functions for the CALIPSO Lidar Version 4 Cloud-Aerosol Discrimination (CAD) Algorithm
- Progress in creating trend quality ozone profiles from OMPS LP to continue NASA SAGE and Aura MLS ozone records
- Progress toward improving regional atmospheric inversions using airborne measurements: Results from ACT-America
- Progress towards NASA MODIS and Suomi NPP Cloud Property Data Record Continuity
- Quantum Assisted Learning for Registration of MODIS Images
- Reprocessed Southern Hemisphere Additional Ozonesondes (SHADOZ) Profiles (1998-2016): Method, Uncertainties and Comparisons with Satellite Total Ozone
- Retrieving SW fluxes from geostationary narrowband radiances for the NASA-CERES SYN1deg product
- Retrieving Volcanic SO<SUB>2</SUB> from the 4-UV channels on DSCOVR/EPIC
- Satellite Cloud and Radiative Property Processing and Distribution System on the NASA Langley ASDC OpenStack and OpenShift Cloud Platform
- Sawtooth events and O<SUP>+</SUP> in the plasma sheet and boundary layer: CME- and SIR-driven events
- Seasonal Differences in Tropical Western Pacific Cloud Ice, Water Vapor and Aerosols Observed From Space During ATTREX-III and POSIDON
- Stratospheric water vapor and ozone evaluation in reanalyses as part of the SPARC Reanalysis Intercomparison Project (S-RIP)
- Superposed epoch analysis of O<SUP>+</SUP> auroral outflow during sawtooth events and substorms
- Surface reflectance retrieval from CALIPSO mission
- Survey of localized solar flare signatures in the ionosphere with GNSS, VLF, and GOES observations
- TOA Radiation Balance Study through Reprocessed ERBS WFOV Nonscanner data from 1985 to 1998
- Techniques in Altitude Registration for Limb Scatter Instruments
- The Dark Target aerosol retrieval algorithm: From EOS to SNPP and Beyond
- The NASA Earthdata Forums - An Interactive Venue for Discussions of NASA Data and Earth Science
- The NASA POWER SSE: Deriving the Direct Normal Counterpart from the CERES SYN1deg Hourly Global Horizontal Irradiance during Early 2000 to Near Present
- The Next-Generation Goddard Convective-Stratiform Heating Algorithm: New Retrievals for Tropical and Extra-tropical Environments
- The North Pacific Summer Jet and Climate Extremes Over North America: Mechanisms and Model Biases
- The OMI Aerosol Absorption Product: An A-train application
- The Observed Behavior of the Bias in MODIS-retrieved Cloud Droplet Effective Radius through MISR-MODIS Data Fusion
- The State of the Thermosphere in 2017 as Observed by SABER
- The use of marine cloud water samples as a diagnostic tool for aqueous chemistry, cloud microphysical processes and dynamics
- Uncertainty in regional and zonal monthly mean downward surface irradiances from Edition 4.0 CERES Energy Balanced and Filled (EBAF) data product
- Using NASA Earth Observations to Assist the National Park Service in Assessing Snow Cover Distribution and Persistence Changes in the Sky Islands
- Using Neural Networks to Improve the Performance of Radiative Transfer Modeling Used for Geometry Dependent LER Calculations
- Using Satellite Data and Land Surface Models to Monitor and Forecast Drought Conditions in Africa and Middle East
- Using Simulated Crystal Aggregates to Represent Snow and Melting Precipitation in the GPM Combined Radar-Radiometer Algorithm
- Utilizing NASA Airborne Data to Investigate the Influence of Fuel Type on Biomass Burning Aerosol Properties
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of Cloud Optical Parameters from Passive Remote Sensing in the Arctic by using the Aircraft Measurements
- Validation of DSCOVR/EPIC Ozone with Other Satellite and Ground-Based Data from June 2016 to June 2017
- Validation of OCO-2 Small-Scale Variability Using Lidar and In-situ Observations from ACT-America Campaigns
- Visualization and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Visualizing Cloud Properties and Satellite Imagery: A Tool for Visualization and Information Integration
- A Comparative Assessment of Solar Irradiance Observations and Models at the Dawn of TSIS
- A Comparison of 37 Years of Version 9 Total Column Ozone Satellite Data and Ground-based Measurements.
- A Cubesat-Scale Instrument for Observing Stratospheric Aerosols
- A Multi-decadal Time Series of Vegetation Chlorophyll Fluorescence and Derived Gross Primary Production for NASA MEaSUREs
- A Physical Approach to Constraining Chemical Transport PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Modeling Outputs Using Surface-Monitor Measurements and Satellite Retrievals
- A Single Dataset with Collocated Cloud Retrieval Products from the Airborne Research Scanning Polarimeter, MODIS Airborne Simulator and Cloud Physics Lidar
- A Status on JPSS-VIIRS Series: Cross-Comparison of Sensor Radiometric Performance Based on Ground Testing
- A cloud algorithm based on the O<SUB>2</SUB>-O<SUB>2</SUB> 477 nm absorption band using geometry-dependent surface Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity
- A global time series of tree-canopy cover maps from 2000 to 2015
- A new global anthropogenic SO<SUB>2</SUB> emission inventory for the last decade: A mosaic of satellite-derived and bottom-up emissions and its uncertainty
- Adding the datasets to the long-term satellite-based Solar-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) record
- Addressing Usability when Adding New Features to the Worldview Application for Discrete User Goals
- Advanced Suborbital Flight Communication System Based on Iridium 9523 and Zigbee Mesh Network
- Aerosol Index Products from Sentinel-5P/TROPOMI and Suomi-NPP/OMPS Measurements
- Aerosol Optical Depth Measurements and Instrument Calibration, at the Earth's Surface.
- Aerosol and cloud properties during North Atlantic cold air outbreaks
- Air-sea Interactions in a High-Resolution Ocean-atmosphere Simulation
- Airborne CO2 Lidar Measurements during ACT-America 2016-2017 Field Campaigns
- An Overview of the NASA V1 VIIRS Land Products
- Analysis and Automated Detection of Deep Convective Weather Hazards Using LEO or GEO Satellite Imagery
- Analysis of AERONET Remote Sensing and LARGE In-Situ Measurements of Aerosol Properties During the KORUS-AQ Campaign with Focus on Pollution Transport Events and the Influence of Cloud/Fog and High RH
- Analysis of Convective Aggregation and its Indices from CERES Cloud Object Data
- Approaching 50 years of Landsat - an Evolution of Earth Science Research from Space
- Arctic Clouds Simulated by an Advanced Multiscale Modeling Framework
- Assessing the relative radiometric calibration between Aqua-MODIS and SNPP-VIIRS shortwave channels and its impact on the continuity of cloud climate data records
- Assessment of Uncertainties in the MODIS and NASA VIIRS Cloud-Gap Filled Snow Maps
- Assessment of in-situ and remote sensing NO<SUB>2</SUB> observations during DISCOVER-AQ and KORUS-AQ field campaigns
- Assessment of satellite cloud retrievals from GOES and MODIS over the northwest Atlantic during NAAMES
- Atmospheric Carbon and Transport (ACT) - America: A multi-year airborne mission to study fluxes and transport of CO<SUB>2</SUB> and CH<SUB>4</SUB> across the eastern United States
- Attribution study on spatially and temporally averaged infrared spectra
- Biomass Burning Aerosol Distributions over the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean measured by CALIOP and the NASA LaRC airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2
- Building Capacity in Decision Makers through Applied Earth Science Feasibility Projects
- CATS Version 3 Aerosol Products and Use for Retrievals of Aerosol Extinction and Surface Air Quality with the NASA GEOS AGCM
- CERES Fast Longwave And SHortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux) Version4A and FLASHFlux NPP.
- Capacity Building with NASA's Applied Remote Sensing Training Program
- Causes and Predictability of Drought in the US High Plains
- Ceos Virtual Data Repositories for Wgiss Data Assets
- Characteristics of In Situ Fine Fraction Aerosol Spectra from 300-700 nm Observed Around the Korean Peninsula During KORUS-OC
- Characterization of UV-Visible Aerosol Absorption Properties using combined Satellite and Ground Measurements
- Citizen science cloud observations compared to near ground cloud observations from CALIPSO and MODIS satellite data over the Drake Passage
- Cloud property variabilities as derived from Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) instrument and composites from multi-sensor of low earth orbit and geostationary satellites
- Combined Lidar Measurements of Methane, Aerosols, and Planetary Boundary Layer Heights over Urban and Rural Environments with the NASA High Altitude Lidar Observatory
- Comparison of TROPOMI Calibration to the Calibration of S-NPP OMPS
- Comparison of total ozone measurements from OMPS-NP, OMPS-NM, TROPOMI, and OMI satellite instruments
- Comparisons of lidar derived humidification factors to surface optical and chemical measurements during the Combined HSRL and Measurement Study (CHARMS) at the DOE ARM Southern Great Plains site in northern Oklahoma
- Constrained Lidar Ratios for Volcanic Ash and Sulfate Layers in the Stratosphere from CALIOP Version 4.10 data
- Continued Evaluation of OCO-2 Small-Scale Variability Using Lidar and In Situ CO<SUB>2</SUB> Observations from the ACT-America Campaign
- Continuing Satellite Monitoring of NO<SUB>2</SUB> and SO<SUB>2</SUB> Trace Gases with the Operational SNPP OMPS Instrument and First Comparisons with S5P TROPOMI
- Creating a Meteorology Context Framework for NAAMES
- Cryospheric connections - Tracking the fate of glacier and snow melt water in High Mountain Asia: Implications for regional food security
- Current Status of Cloud Properties from VIIRS on JPSS-1 for CERES
- Daytime Global Cloud Variability as Observed by DSCOVR-EPIC
- Determination of XCO<SUB>2</SUB>Concentrations from Airborne Lidar Measurements During ACT-America
- Determining the Daytime Earth Radiation Budget from DSCOVR
- Development and validation of a hyperspectral bidirectional reflectance model for land surfaces
- Diffuse UV Reflectance of the Global Ocean from DSCOVR EPIC
- ECLIF/ND-MAX - Impact of alternative jet fuels on particle emissions and contrail formation of aircraft in cruise
- Earth Observatory for Kids - Bringing Hands-on NASA Data to Our Young Earthlings
- Enhancing OMPS Nadir ozone retrievals on SNPP using ozone profile data from the OMPS Limb Profiler
- Error analysis of ozone vertical profiles derived from Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler and comparisons with ISS SAGE III
- Evaluating Geometry-Dependent Surface Lambertian-Equivalent Reflectivity (GLER) over Water with OMI L1B measurements
- Evaluating Retrieval Algorithm Climate Stability: Toward Obtaining Large-scale 3D Optical Depth Bias Distributions by Cloud Type
- Evaluating the MODIS C6 multilayer cloud detection and phase algorithms through comparisons with CALIOP and CloudSat
- Evaluation of CERES-MODIS Ed4 Cloud Macrophysical Properties using 11-yr ARM Ground-based Observations over the Arctic.
- Evaluation of Calibration Sensitivity on Dust Detection scheme based on MODIS Thermal Emissive Channels
- Evaluation of Ice Cloud Properties from Passive Satellite Retrievals using CALIPSO and CloudSat Data
- Evaluation of aerosol wet deposition in the NASA GEOS Chemistry-Climate Model using <SUP>210</SUP>Pb
- Experiences and Perspectives in Supporting NASA DEVELOP Projects as a Science Advisor
- Fast Response 3-D Wind Measurements Made on the NASA C-130 during the 2015-17 NAAMES Field Campaigns
- Field scale crop evapotranspiration monitoring using satellite-driven modeling
- Fire Analysis of the Thomas Fire in California Using NASA Data in a Geographical Information System
- First 'Deep Blue' Aerosol Products from the S-NPP VIIRS Sensor
- First Results from the Fluxgate Magnetometers (MAGs) on Parker Solar Probe
- Flash Drought as Captured by Reanalysis Data: Disentangling the Contributions of Precipitation Deficit and Excess Energy
- Flood Analysis of the Thomas Flood in California Using NASA Data in a GIS
- GEWEX SRB Shortwave Release 4: Full Timeseries Analysis
- GPM3D: An Outreach Tool for NASA's Global Precipitation Measurement Mission
- Global Modeling Assessment of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> During Wildfires: Inferring the Impact of PM<SUB>2.5</SUB> Exposure on Adverse Respiratory & Cardiovascular Conditions
- Global citizen science using the GLOBE Program
- Granite Island in Lake Superior. A New Water Site for the Baseline Surface Radiation Network and Surface Validation of Satellites
- Heterogeneous patterns of mangrove disturbance and recovery from Hurricane Irma
- High Spatial Resolution Aircraft-based NO<SUB>2</SUB> Mapping Near New York City: TROPOMI Validation Efforts and Preparatory Work for Geostationary Observations
- High Vertical Resolution Lidar Results and Case Studies during NAAMES
- High-mountain Asia geodetic glacier mass balance from a high-resolution DEM record
- How good are the retrievals of above-cloud aerosol optical depth from satellites? A validation effort using ORACLES-1 Direct Airborne Measurements over Southeast Atlantic
- Identification and characterization of glaciating clouds using remote sensing observations during the NAAMES Campaigns
- Impact of wildfires on atmospheric aerosol loading and regional climate over the Contiguous United States
- Improvements in C61 MODIS Atmosphere Products and plans for C7
- Improvements to FIRMS application data processing, visualization and user experience
- Improvements to the Inter-calibration Methodology of the EPIC Instrument's Visible Channels Using MODIS and VIIRS as a Reference
- Improving Forest Management Through Early Detection of Bark Beetle Outbreaks in the Southeastern United States Using Earth Observations
- Improving the Derivation of GEO-derived Fluxes in the SYN1deg Product
- Improving the Quantification of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide using Radiocarbon Measurements from the KORUS-AQ Field Campaign
- Improving the Retrieval of SO<SUB>2</SUB>for DSCOVR/EPIC Measurements Collected at High Solar Zenith Angles
- In-flight Performance and Science Results from the OSIRIS-REx Visible and IR Spectrometer (OVIRS)
- Infrared radiation in the thermosphere near the end of solar cycle 24
- Initial Evaluation of The SAGE III/ISS Water Vapor Retrieval
- Initial Results for Active Remote Sensing of Carbon Dioxide During the ASCENDS 2017 Airborne Field Campaign and the ACT-America 2018 Spring Field Campaign using the ASCENDS CarbonHawk Experiment Simulator (ACES) Instrument
- Intercalibrating the Disparate Precipitation Estimates Input to IMERG
- Introduction of the CALIOP Level 3 3-dimensional Cloud Occurrence Product
- Investigating phytoplankton-grazer dynamics at the deep chlorophyll maximum: A model-data comparison
- Landsat's History: The story behind nearly a half-century of monitoring the Earth's surface with Landsat
- Learning Image Registration and Quantum Annealing Statistics
- Lessons Learned from High Spatiotemporal Airborne NO<SUB>2</SUB> Measurements in Urban Coastal Regions
- Lidar and Polarimeter Measurements of Water Clouds during the North Atlantic Marine Aerosols and Ecosystems Study (NAAMES) Campaigns
- Machine Learning for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Dual-Frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Resolution Improvement
- Marine Organic Aerosol Variability Associated with Phytoplankton Bloom Dynamics over the Remote North Atlantic Ocean
- Measuring Cloud Top Height from OMPS-LP
- Methodology for observation-based decomposition of radiative perturbations and application to the post-hiatus energy budget
- Modeling polarized solar spectra reflected by particulate snow, melt-form snow, and melt-freeze snow crust for CLARREO inter-calibration applications
- Multi-sensor view of the Stratospheric Carbonaceous Aerosol Layer from 2017 Boreal Fires in Canada
- Multi-year Performance of Terra and Aqua MODIS Thermal Emissive Bands
- Multi-year on-orbit performance of the Terra and Aqua MODIS Reflective Solar Bands
- Multidecadal changes in lower stratospheric ozone: variability vs. trends
- NASA Disaster Mapping Portal: Leveraging GIS for Disaster Response, Recovery, Resilience and Reporting
- NASA ESDIS employs the latest generation Web Analytics tool
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Leveraging Visualizations to Improve Data Discovery
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Visualizing NASA's Earth Science Data for All to Explore
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE): Delivering Data and Imagery to Meet the Needs of Near Real-Time Applications.
- New Capabilities, Products, and Usage of NASA Earth Imagery for Near Real Time Applications
- New Level 3 Stratospheric Aerosol Data Product from the Spaceborne CALIOP lidar
- New Study on the Application of Convolutional Neural Network to Vertical CALIPSO Profile Measurements
- Non-parameteric methodology to improve the precipitation estimates derived from combined TRMM and GPM radar and radiometer observations
- Observing Volcanic Eruption Clouds in the UV at High Temporal Cadence with DSCOVR/EPIC
- Ocean Lidar Profile Results during the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study
- On the Potential Role of Arctic Cirrus Clouds in Predicting Anomalous Mid-latitude Weather and Climate
- On-demand Hyperspectral Data Exploration and Visualization Tools for VIS/IR Satellite Sensor Calibration Needs
- On-orbit radiometric calibration status and performance for the SNPP and NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) VIIRS RSBs and TEBs
- Outreach and Engagement for Diversity and Inclusion within the NASA DEVELOP National Program
- Performance Monitoring of the Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (S-NPP) Ozone Monitoring Profiler Suite (OMPS) instruments
- Performance of DSCOVR EPIC Atmospheric Correction Algorithm
- Planning Radio Technologies for Future Exploration of Planetary Environments and Interiors
- Predicting Clear-Sky Reflectance Over Snow/Ice Regions
- Prediction of Ocean Bidirectional Reflectance using Machine Learning Techniques
- Prediction skill of United States flash droughts in Subseasonal Experiment (SubX) model hindcasts
- Primary Marine Aerosol Size Distributions: Airborne Observations Associated with Boundary-Layer Clouds during NAAMES
- Probing Extreme Fire and Volcanic-Eruptive Plumes with Satellite Remote Sensing
- Progress Towards Pan-Arctic Shrub Mapping using Spectral, Radar, and Stereo Metrics
- Radiation contribution to generation of eddy available potential energy in the atmosphere
- Rapid Assessment of Fuel Load Using the GLOBE Observer Fire Fuel App
- Real-time GNSS data and product streams at NASA GSFC CDDIS
- Regional Replay: A Unique Reanalysis-Based Diagnostic Tool for Addressing Model Error
- Relative Pointing Correction Using the SAGE III ISS Disturbance Monitoring Package
- Satellite Observations of SO<SUB>2</SUB> Emissions from Pacific Island Eruptions in 2018
- Satellite-based observations of formaldehyde (HCHO) in wildfire plumes
- Satellite-derived cloud response to North Water (NOW) polynya events
- Seasonal Differences in Tropical Western Pacific Cloud Ice, Water Vapor and Aerosols Observed From Space During ATTREX-III and POSIDON
- Seasonal Scale Drought Forecasting in Africa and the Middle East
- Seasonal variation of CALIOP cloud microphysical properties and comparisons with NAAMES measurements
- Second Version of Geometry-Dependent Surface Lambertian-Equivalent Reflectivity (GLER) Product: Improvements over Snow/Ice Land and Consideration of Wavelength Dependence
- Second generation airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) measurements and retrievals of aerosol during the ORACLES field mission
- Sensitivity of the Convective Diurnal Cycle to its Environment in Observations and Reanalysis
- Sensitivity of the isotopic composition of atmospheric methane to oxidant fields in the GEOS model
- Signatures of Life from Terrestrial Type Exoplanets Exposed To Space Weather From Active G-K stars
- Spaceborne Site Index Estimates of Young North American Boreal Forest Growth
- Status of Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Level 1B Algorithm
- Strategies, practices, and challenges for interagency co-authorship in an international science and development program
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III installed on the International Space Station (SAGE III/ISS): First year observations of the UTLS
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station(SAGE III/ISS) Science Data Ozone Product Validation: The First Year
- Stratospheric Injection of Massive Smoke Plume from Canadian Boreal Fires in 2017 as seen by DSCOVR-EPIC, CALIOP and OMPS-LP Observations
- Stray Light Calculation and Validation of Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite Limb Profiler and Nadir Sensors
- Sub-seasonal Forecasting of the Stratospheric Wave Events, Sudden Stratospheric Warmings, and their Influence on the Troposphere
- Summary of cloud and biomass burning plume measurements made by the HSRL-2 instrument during the ORACLES campaign
- Synergistic Approach for Improved Nitrogen Dioxide Observations from UV-Visible Remote Sensing Instruments
- The DEVELOP National Program's Communication Strategy for Connecting Science and Society
- The Dark Target aerosol algorithm applied to Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI)
- The High Altitude Lidar Observatory (HALO): A multi-function lidar and technology testbed for airborne and space-based measurements of water vapor and methane
- The MARA System and Its Applications
- The NASA DEVELOP Capacity Building Model - A 20 Year History
- The New IMERG V06: Improvements and Evaluation
- The Next Generation of NASA Rapid Response: Worldview Snapshots
- The North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study: A Multi-Year Data Set of Marine Aerosol-Cloud In Situ and Remote Sensing Observations
- The OMPS Nadir Mapper: Monitoring the Recovery of the Antarctic Ozone Hole
- The VIIRS Dark Target Aerosol Retrieval and Long-Term Continuity from MODIS
- The central role of air quality observations in NASA's GEOS air quality forecasting model
- The lifecycle of anvil clouds and the top-of-atmosphere radiation balance over the tropical west Pacific
- The relationship between simulated and remotely sensed forest parameters
- ThinSats, Space Science, & STEM Outreach at American University.
- Towards High-Resolution Lake Bathymetry: an Algorithm tested using Data Collected by the ICESat-2 Airborne Simulator over Lake Mead
- Towards a Permanent Thermosphere-Mesosphere Observing System
- Tracking Bolivia's Shrinking Glaciers with Landsat and DigitalGlobe, Inc. Imagery
- Twenty Years in the SHADOZ: Milestones in Tropical Ozonesonde Reprocessing and Uncertainties
- Understanding the controls on the Arctic surface energy budget
- Upscaling Airborne Eddy Covariance Fluxes of Greenhouse Gases Using Landcover Information and Temporal Trends from Towers
- Using MODIS and Landsat Data to Produce Land Use Land Cover Maps for the Lower Mekong Basin: Implications for Regional Water and Disaster Management
- Using NASA's Worldview to Convey Scientific Findings
- Using active satellite observations to address uncertainties in aerosol effects
- Utilizing Earth Observations to Assist Groundwork New Orleans in Reducing Flood Vulnerability in New Orleans
- Utilizing NASA Earth Observations and Community Science to Detect and Map the Displacement of Cladophora along the Milwaukee County Shoreline
- V2 Composite Solar Spectral Irradiance Data Set - Status and Plans
- Validation of OMPS LP Aerosol Extinction Profiles V1.5
- Validation of the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment-III (SAGE-III)Ozone and Aerosol Data Products
- Variations in Global Tropospheric OH Over the Last Several Decades
- Visualization and Quality Control Web Tools for CERES Products
- Wavelength Calibration for the SAGE III/ISS Instrument
- What's it like to see Earth from space? Viewing your world with NASA's Worldview!
- Worldview AR: An Interactive Augmented Reality Prototype for NASA Earth Observing Satellite Imagery
- a Comparison of Polarimetric Radar Retrievals during Hurricane Harvey
- 10 Years of Capacity Building Through Remote Sensing Training, Integrating NASA Earth Science Data Into Institutional Decision-Making Activities
- <SUP>A New Homogenized Gridded Total Ozone Mapper Data Set</SUP>
- A Look at How Sea Ice Loss Exacerbates Artic Warming and Dictates Its Seasonal Pattern
- A Machine Learning Examination of Methane Lifetime Differences Among Model Simulations for CCMI-1
- A Multi-Angle Geostationary Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm
- A New CERES Cloud Type Based Flux Data Product: Algorithm, Validation and Application
- A New Method for Deriving Geostationary Broadband Shortwave Radiances from Visible Radiance Channels for the CERES SYN1deg product
- A New Retrieval Algorithm of the Thermal Infrared Optical Depth of Dust based on the Combined CALIOP and IIR Observations
- A Solution for the Tower Effect at the CERES Ocean Validation Experiment (COVE)
- A Systematic Approach to Isolating the Causes and Impacts of Climate Model Bias Employing Analysis Increments
- A data driven approach towards addressing satellite geometry dependent variations in solar-induced fluorescence (SIF)
- A preliminary evaluation of the GPM full-swath combined precipitation retrievals
- A study of amorphous aerosol and ice particles in the Earth's atmosphere with polarization measurements
- Aerosol and ocean color properties retrieved from the ACEPOL multi-angle polarimeter measurements
- Aerosol-type classification based on AERONET version 3 inversion products
- Agricultural Burning Practice and Air Quality over Northern India: A Long-term Connection Inferred from NASA Satellites
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2 Measurements of Biomass Burning Aerosol Distributions over the Southeastern Atlantic Ocean during the ORACLES Field Missions
- Airborne Lidar Observations of Water Vapor Profiles and Planetary Boundary Layer Heights with the NASA High Altitude Lidar Observatory (HALO)
- Airborne Lidar Observations of Water Vapor, Methane, and Aerosol/Cloud Profiles with the High Altitude Lidar Observatory
- An Alternate Retrieval Algorithm for SAGE III/ISS Products
- An Assessment of Uncertainty in Atmospheric State Measurements on Airborne Platforms
- An Exospheric Temperature Model Using a Polyhedral Grid
- An Improved SAGE III/ISS Water Vapor Retrieval
- An Overview of ICESat-2 ATLAS Science Algorithm Software (ASAS)
- Analysis ready very high-resolution commercial optical remote sensing products for biodiversity monitoring
- Assessing the Capacity Building Impact on End User Organizations Partnering with the NASA DEVELOP Program
- Assessment of Airborne Instrument Uncertainty via Measurement Comparisons and Precision Analysis
- Assessment of CMIP6 Climate Model Simulations of Recent Changes in Earth's Radiation Budget Using CERES Observations
- Assessment of Meteosat-SEVIRI cloud retrievals in open cells and partially cloudy scenes over the southeast Atlantic
- Atmospheric Escape Processes and Planetary Atmospheric Evolution: from misconceptions to challenges
- Automatically Finding Ship Tracks to Enable Large-Scale Analysis of Aerosol-Cloud Interactions
- BATAL: Balloon measurement campaigns of the Asian Tropopause Aerosol Layer
- BiLateral Operational Storm-Scale Observation and Modeling: BLOSSOM
- Building Capacity to Use NASA Remote Sensing Data Through Multilingual Trainings
- CALIOP View of Stratospheric Smoke Caused by 2019 Boreal Summer Wildfires
- CALIPSO Observations of Microphysical Changes in Volcanogenic Ice Clouds in the Stratosphere
- CATALYST 3: The Future of CERES Earth Radiation Budget Climate Data Production Using Linux Containers
- CCN budgets in the context of stratocumulus transitions: ORACLES observations and large-eddy simulations
- CEOS WGISS Connected Data Assets
- CERES Terra and Aqua cross comparisons to satellites collocations of ground observations
- Characterization of uncertainties in the ozone profile record from OMPS Limb Profiler
- Cloud Properties from MODIS and VIIRS for CERES: Intercomparison and Validation with CALIOP
- Collecting and Processing Earth Science Data Metrics at NASA ESDIS
- Combined Lidar Measurements of Methane, Aerosols, and Planetary Boundary Layer Heights with the NASA High Altitude Lidar Observatory
- Comparison of Aircraft Engine Particle Emissions at Cruise Altitude and at the Ground: Observations from ACCESS and ECLIF-II / ND-MAX
- Constraining WACCM6 cirrus cloud microphysics with CALIPSO (IIR-CALIOP) effective diameter retrievals
- Contrasting characteristics in open- and closed-cell stratocumulus in the Eastern North Atlantic
- Covering the TRMM and GPM Eras with IMERG
- Creating Data-Driven Vector Visualizations of Satellite Orbit Tracks using NASA GIBS and Worldview
- Determining the Daytime Earth's Radiative Flux from DSCOVR
- Development of NASA VIIRS-Like Cloud Property Algorithms for Next Generation Geostationary Imagers and Examples from CAMP2Ex
- Diurnal Variability of Aerosol Properties Measured by the EPIC-DSCOVR Sensor
- Dynamic Display of Earth Science Data: A Cloud Based Visualization Framework using Geostationary Satellite Imagery and Cloud Products
- Enhancements to the GNSS Real-Time System at CDDIS
- Error-Uncertainty Analysis of the TOMS Version 9 Total Ozone Record from the OMI and OMPS Mapping Instruments
- Estimation of Uncertainties of Retrieved Aerosol Parameters in Version 3 of the AERONET Inversion Algorithm.
- Evaluating Retrieval Algorithm Climate Stability: Estimating 3D Optical Thickness Bias Distributions by Cloud Type
- Evaluating geometry-dependent Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity (GLER) at UV and Vis wavelengths over open Oceans by comparison with OMI L1B measurements
- Evaluating of Precipitation Features and Rainfall Characteristics in a Multi-scale Modeling Framework
- Evaluating the NASA Aqua MODIS/SNPP VIIRS climate data record continuity cloud products
- Evaluating the impact of blowing snow sea salt aerosol on Arctic springtime BrO and O<SUB>3</SUB>
- Evaluation and Potential Impacts of OCO-2 XCO<SUB>2</SUB> Variability at Regional and Synoptic Scales, using Lidar and In Situ Observations from the ACT-America Campaign
- Evaluation of Column CO<SUB>2</SUB>Retrieval from Intensity-Modulated Continuous-Wave Differential Absorption Lidar Measurements during ACT-America
- Evaluation of MODIS and VIIRS Cloud-Gap Filled Snow-Cover Products for Production of a Moderate-Resolution Earth Science Data Record
- Evaluation of NASA high-resolution global composition simulations: Understanding a pollution event in the Chesapeake Bay during the summer 2017 NASA OWLETS campaign
- Evaluation of Satellite-Derived Cloud Properties during ARISE
- Evaluation of Times Series of Terra/Aqua Observations Derived from MCD19 Product over Boreal Forest Ecosystems in North America
- Examination of Regional Trends in Low-level Cloud Properties Found in the Aqua-MODIS Satellite Record
- Exploring Factors Affecting the Inference of Surface-Level NO<SUB>2</SUB> from Orbital and Suborbital Tropospheric Column Observations
- Extending Spectral Range of CLARREO-Pathfinder For CERES Intercalibration
- Extracting ground surface from high resolution stereo imagery in sparse boreal forests
- FIREX-AQ: Analysis of AERONET Measurements and Retrievals of Aerosol Optical Properties during the Field Campaign plus Climatological Context
- Global Aerosol Diurnal Cycle: Synergy of LEO and GEO Observations
- Global Distribution of UV Irradiance at the Earth's Surface From EPIC Measured Radiances and Comparisons with OMI data.
- Global assimilation of Loon stratospheric balloon observations and their trajectories relative to tropical waves
- Global cloud cover: a comparison of satellite, model, and volunteer-reported data
- Harmonized Landsat / Sentinel-2 (HLS) Data for Land Science
- High cadence UV observations of the 2019 Raikoke volcanic eruption by DSCOVR/EPIC
- Highlighting Recent Uses of the NASA Worldview Mapping Application
- How Do Reference Cross Section Changes Affect The SAGE III/ISS Data Products?
- Hurricane-related forest degradation and dieback across the Caribbean
- Impact of Snow Darkening by Deposition of Light-Absorbing Aerosols on Snow Cover in the Himalayas-Tibetan Plateau and Influence on the Asian Summer Monsoon
- Impact of alternative jet fuels on aircraft particle and trace gas emissions in cruise
- Impacts of Atmospheric and Oceanic Heat Fluxes on Arctic Sea Ice Coverage Variations
- Impacts of aerosol size-dependent below-cloud scavenging on tropospheric aerosol in the NASA GEOS model
- Impacts of the lapse rate feedback on surface energy balance in the New Arctic
- Improved Standard Nitrogen Dioxide Product from Aura/OMI
- Improvement of the Global Precipitation Climatology Project in High Latitudes Using the Latest Satellite and Surface Observations
- Improvements on geometry-dependent Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity (GLER) product by using MODIS MAIAC data over land
- In Place Characterization of Aerosol Optical Depth Instrumentation.
- Infrared Radiation in the Thermosphere at the End of 2019
- Inland Water Observations with ICESat-2
- Insights into Tropical Ozone Profiles, Biases and Uncertainties Using 20 Years of SHADOZ Reprocessed Data
- Interannual Variability in Clouds and Aerosols During the Asian Monsoon as Observed by CALIOP
- Introducing the Version 4 CALIPSO IIR Cloud Data Products
- Introduction of the CALIOP Level 3 Cloud Products
- Joint assimilation of the Aura Microwave Limb Sounder and Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite Limb Profiler data: Towards a reanalysis of stratospheric ozone for trend studies
- LOTUS Phase 2: Updates to the SBUV Merged Ozone Data Record
- Landsat 9 Thermal Infrared Sensor-2 Prelaunch Characterization
- Lasting cloud and radiative effects from the North Water (NOW) polynya
- Launching the Earth to Sky Academy of Regional Climate Communication Leaders
- Leveraging Advancements in Data Science at the ASDC
- Levering thousands of contrail observations from GLOBE Citizen Scientists
- Lifetime and 3D spatial variability of the 2017 Stratospheric Carbonaceous Aerosol Plume: a satellite view
- Linking upwind marine biological and meteorological processes to local marine particle concentrations with FLEXPART
- Long Term Characterization of Brown Carbon in Amazonia using AERONET and in situ Measurements
- MODIS Atmosphere Data from the Past to the Future
- MODIS@20 Data System Evolution
- MODIS@20 Evolution of Product Quality Assessment Approach
- Mode Specified Semi-Volatile Chemical Composition in Particulate Matter Emissions from a Commercial Gas Turbine Aircraft Engine
- Modeling polarization of light from heavy aerosols over oceans
- Monitoring the Stability of the DSCOVR EPIC Sensor's Visible Channels using MODIS and VIIRS as a Reference
- Multi-scale remote sensing of volcanic degassing
- Multi-sensor Cloud and Aerosol Retrieval Simulator (MCARS) and its applications.
- Multiple TERRA Missions Supported by ASDC Over Two Decades
- NASA DEVELOP Feasibility Studies in Support of the NASA-SICA Partnership
- NASA ESDIS Standards Office
- NASA ESDIS's use of Web Analytics - What have we Learned After one Year?
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Bringing 20 years of Terra data into view
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Leveraging FOSS for NASA Earth Science Data Visualizations
- NASA GIBS and Worldview: Visualizing NASA's Earth Science Data for All to Explore
- NASA's Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS - and its origins in MODIS Terra
- NG UAV Spectral Systems and Analytics for Monitoring the Diversity and Dynamics in Vegetation Function
- Near Real-Time Cloud Retrievals Processed on the Amazon Cloud Using Public GOES Data on AWS Open Data Repository
- No Pixel Left Behind: Interactively Visualizing "Everything" from NASA's Earth Observations
- Observations and Impacts of Diurnal Warm Layers During the Pre-Onset MJO in the Tropical Indian Ocean
- Oceanic aerosol loading derived from MISR's 4.4 km (V23) Aerosol Product
- Overview of the observed 3-D winds and temperature and derived sensible heat and momentum fluxes during the ORACLES field campaigns (2016-2018)
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable discovery and knowledge-generation of permafrost Big Imagery products
- Perspectives on the terrestrial carbon cycle by integrating forest structure within land-surface models
- Predictability of Flash Drought in the Continental United States
- Probing Extreme Fire Plumes with Satellite Remote Sensing
- Quick Analysis Tool for Global Atmospheric Data using Python Tkinter GUI widgets to drive Python Matplotlib plotting
- Rapidly Connecting You to the World: Improving NASA's Worldview to Enhance Discovery and Access to Near Real-Time Imagery
- Re-architecting a Legacy Codebase with FOSS Tools
- Results From Direct Comparison of S-5P TROPOMI and S-NPP OMPS Radiances
- Retrieval of temperature and humidity profile changes using highly averaged longwave spectral radiances
- Reusability in NASA's Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS)
- Solar Forcing for Climate as Observed by Aura OMI
- Sources and Variability of Tropospheric Aerosols Over the Western North Atlantic During Late Winter - Early Summer 2016: A Pre-mission Model Analysis in Support of ACTIVATE
- Spectral Band Adjustment Factors for use with the latest generation of geostationary satellite sensors to generate consistent cloud, aerosol and land surface property retrievals
- Standards and Best Practices - Two NASA Examples
- Statistics of the Magnetic Field Variability Observed by the Parker Solar Probe FIELDS Magnetometers
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station(SAGE III/ISS) Science Data: Ozone and Water Vapor Validation Results
- Surface Radiative Effect of Arctic Low-Level Clouds: Evaluation of Imagery-Derived Irradiance with Aircraft Observations
- Telling Good Science Stories Even As Platforms Change-Evolution of NASA's Earth Observatory
- Terra MODIS Instrument Status and Calibration Performance
- The Arctic boundary layer cloud annual cycle and the influence of surface-atmosphere interactions: Implications for Arctic climate change
- The BSRN Monthly Mean Global 1 and Global 2 Shortwave Downward Fluxes with and without Quality-Control: An Examination through Validation of the NASA GEWEX SRB Datasets
- The Challenges of Reinventing the CERES Instrument Working Group Website for the 21st Century
- The Dark Target aerosol algorithm applied to Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) looking at the KORUS-AQ and CAMP2EX field campaigns
- The GPM Validation Network Radar Database: A Multi-Perspective Tool for Precipitation Science
- The Global Space-based Stratospheric Aerosol Climatology: Features of v2.0
- The Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI): Reaping the benefits of a long, stable mission
- The Potential Application of Deep Machine Learning Technique for the Space Lidar Retrievals
- The Sensitivity of Clouds to Aerosols: Using a Model Parameterization to Interpret Airborne Observations from NAAMES and Recent Campaigns
- The Three Mountain DRAGONS of FIREX-AQ
- The development of a consistent multi-decadal nitrogen dioxide data record from hyperspectral UV/VIS satellite sensors
- The impact of Terra CERES measurements to evaluate the Earth's energy budget and regional diurnal cycles.
- The importance of hail processes on severe weather systems
- Time Series Evaluation of the Current Collection of the MODIS Science Team Terra Cloud Products
- Toward Consistent Long-term Records of Cloud Fraction from MODIS and VIIRS for CERES
- Towards Pan-Arctic Shrub Mapping: Progress Using Spectral, Radar, and Stereo Metrics
- Towards a harmonized, long term time series of vegetation chlorophyll fluorescence
- Tracking aerosols and SO<SUB>2</SUB> clouds from Raikoke eruption with Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite (OMPS): 3D view from Nadir Mapper and Limb Profiler
- Tropospheric ozone derived from DSCOVR EPIC satellite measurements
- Two Decades of MODIS Daily Albedo, NBAR, and BRDF products
- Uncertainty and Bias in AERONET Nighttime AOD Measurements
- Understanding the interannual variability of fine dust over North America in spring
- Updating satellite-based estimates of aerosol-cloud interactions with refined approximation of cloud condensation nuclei
- Using Airborne High-resolution NO<SUB>2</SUB> Columns to Evaluate S5P TROPOMI Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Product During LISTOS
- Using Measurements from the Disturbance Monitoring Package in SAGE III/ISS Data Processing
- Validation of CERES Fast Longwave And SHortwave Radiative Flux (FLASHFlux).
- Verifying spaceborne-derived structural estimates with airborne data in circumpolar-boreal forests
- Visualizing NASA Earth Science Imagery at Scale Using Recent Cloud Technologies
- A Status of JPSS-3 VIIRS Radiometric Performance Based on Ground Testing
- A TRMM/GPM Composite Climatology and its Use in the New Version of GPCP
- A User-Focused Renovation of CERES Metadata
- A satellite-derived ice cloud parameterization for numerical weather prediction models
- Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2 Measurements of Enhanced Depolarization in Marine Aerosols
- Airborne Observations of Aerosol Properties in Southeast Asia: Overview of Emissions, Cloud Processing, and Long Range Transport during NASA CAMP<SUP>2</SUP>Ex
- An Evaluation of the Tropospheric NO<SUB>2 </SUB>Air Mass Factors from TROPOMI Over Polluted Cities Using the NASA-GSFC NO<SUB>2 </SUB>Algorithm
- An Overview of NASA Langley Aerosol Research Group (LARGE) Airborne Measurements During the 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Campaign
- Analysis of AERONET Extended Wavelength Retrievals of Aerosol Absorption Parameters Including 380 nm and 500 nm for Detection of Brown Carbon in Biomass Burning and Iron Oxides in Desert Dust
- Analysis of the Vertical Profile of Aerosols Over The Salton Sea During NASA SARP 2019
- Application of Logistic Regression to Forecast and Monitor the Onset of Drought over the Contiguous United States
- Assessing potential impacts of COVID-19 on water quality using combined Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 data products
- Assessment of lidar XCH4 measurements during ACT-America 2019 for boundary layer methane and emission model constraint
- Assimilation of Historical AVHRR Data in a Reanalysis Context
- Boreal Forest Aboveground Biomass Estimation with ICESat-2
- Building Human Capacity and Capability Through Citizen Science - Experience of Youth
- Building a Real-Time Flood Prediction Model for Improving Early Warning Systems in Ellicott City, Maryland
- Calculating the Height of Volcanic Cloud SO<SUB>2</SUB> With a Lagrangian Trajectory Tool: Raikoke (2019) and Pinatubo (1991) Cases
- Comparing Tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> Retrievals from OMI and TROPOMI during the COVID-19 Lockdowns
- Comparing the regional variability of emission factors of greenhouse gases over different landscape during FIREX-AQ campaign
- Comparison of IMERG Precipitation Estimates and PACRAIN Atoll Gauge Observations
- Comparison of Recent Solar Minima Using SABER Data and the Thermosphere Climate Index
- Composition and Evolution of Southeast Asian Biomass Burning Trace Gas Emissions during a September 2019 Borneo Burning Event
- Conducting Feasibility Studies in a Virtual World: Lessons Learned and Emerging Best Practices from the NASA DEVELOP Program
- Designing the NASA Air Quality Data System of the Future: User Responsiveness and Data Accessibility for the Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols (MAIA) Project
- Development of NASA VIIRS-Like Cloud Property Algorithms for Next Generation Geostationary Imagers
- Diagnosing Changes in Earth's Top-Of Radiation Budget Since 2000
- Effect of diminishing snow cover and increasing temperature on terminal lakes in the western United States
- Estimating stratospheric carbonaceous aerosols mass in the aftermath of pyro-convective activity using satellite observations
- Evaluating New Visualization Services for Browsing Spatiotemporal Earth Observation Satellite Data
- Evaluating Retrieval Algorithm Climate Stability: Estimating 3D Optical Thickness Bias Distributions by Cloud Type
- Evaluating predicted smoke plume heights against airborne lidar observations for multiple fires during FIREX-AQ
- Evaluating spaceborne vertical structure estimates of boreal forests with airborne lidar
- Evaluating terrain elevation estimates from stereogrammetric high resolution spaceborne imagery with airborne lidar
- Evaluating the NASA Aqua MODIS/SNPP VIIRS CLDPROP continuity cloud products
- Evaluation of Geo-Stationary Ice Cloud Optical Depth Retrievals using High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Evaluation of modeled aerosol-cloud interactions using data from the ORACLES and LASIC field campaigns
- Evaluation of the Diurnal Variability of Aerosol Properties Observed By the DSCOVR/EPIC Instrument
- Evaluation of the ICESat-2 Inland Water Data Products for Hydrology and Water Resources
- Exploring XCO<SUB>2</SUB> spatial variability across frontal boundaries using airborne lidar observations: Findings from ACT-America Field Campaigns
- FIRMS US/Canada - An Extension of NASA Near Real-Time FIRMS for the Forest Service and Inter-agency Wildfire Management Community
- Far-IR Water Vapor Spectroscopy from Analysis of Field Campaign Measurements
- Feasibility Studies as Catalysts for Capacity Building: The DEVELOP Experience from Local to National Scale
- Forecasting the 2019/20 NH winter low column ozone with the NASA GEOS model
- Geometry-dependent Lambertian-equivalent reflectivity (GLER) products for TROPOMI and OMI
- Global 25km GEOS GMI Modeling to Support the Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites (MINDS) Project
- Goddard Latent Heating Retrieval Algorithm for TRMM and GPM
- Going With the Flow: Using a Particle Dispersion Model to Reveal Links Between Ocean Ecosystems and Marine Aerosols
- Ground-based Radar Validation Networks for GPM satellite products
- Ground-based Remote Sensing of the Williams Flats Fire Using Mobile AERONET DRAGON Measurements and Retrievals during FIREX-AQ
- Ground-based validation of the merged satellite ozone profile record from SBUV/OMPS nadir instruments
- Hail Storm Risk Assessment Using Space-Borne Remote Sensing Observations and Reanalyses
- High-Resolution Satellite Observations of Fire Radiative Power Reveal Link Between Fire Behavior and Aerosol and Gas Emissions
- Histogram Anomaly Time Series: A Compact Graphical Representation of Spatial Time Series Data Sets
- ICESat-2 ATLAS PMT after-pulsing effects
- ICESat-2 Atmospheric Data Product News: Capabilities of the DDA-Atmosphere for Detection of Tenuous Clouds, Aerosol Layers and Blowing Snow and Applications in Atmospheric and Climate Science Topics
- ICESat-2 Observed Salton Sea Surface Water Levels during 2018-2020
- ICESat-2 melt depth retrievals: Revisiting surface melt on Amery Ice Shelf, East Antarctica
- Impact of Air Traffic Reductions during the COVID-19 Pandemic on Aircraft-induced Clouds and their Radiative Effects
- Implementation of Non-Spherical Dust Model Improves Dark Target Ocean Dust Retrieval
- Imprints of Soil Moisture Memory on Hydrological Predictability in SubX Subseasonal Forecasts
- Improved flood prediction using deep convolutional neural networks in Ellicott City, Maryland
- Improving Archive Completeness and Timeliness of Data/Product Availability at Crustal Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS)
- Integrating tall shrubs into an individual-based boreal forest gap model to capture vegetation dynamics at the tundra-taiga ecotone
- Introduction to the Updated GPCP Monthly Product - V3.1
- Investigating Cold Air Outbreaks over the Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Investigation of the Potential for Lidar-Plus-Polarimeter Combined Aerosol Retrievals Using Various Instrument Combinations
- Keeping Up With the Time(s): Advancing NASA's Worldview to Facilitate Quick Access to Global Near Real-Time Imagery
- Large-eddy Simulations of Marine Boundary-layer Clouds during the ACTIVATE Campaign: Sensitivities to Large-scale Forcings
- Low Total Ozone Columns over the North Hemisphere in the Summer of 2020
- Mapping Fractional Cover and Change for Tundra, Boreal, and Ecotone Plant Functional Types using Modeled Landsat Reflectance
- Modeling the Worst-Case-Scenario of Soil Drydown for Agricultural Drought Monitoring in Kansas Using NASA Earth Observations and In-situ Parameters
- Monitoring the Calibration of the DSCOVR EPIC Instrument's Visible Channels using MODIS and VIIRS as a Reference
- Moving from Citizen Science to Community Science: Lessons from using GLOBE Observer, a Global Citizen Science Program, in Community-based Science to Meet Community Priorities
- Moving the Global Imagery Browse Services to the Cloud. Developing Earth Data Tools and Services that Scale.
- Multi-satellite nitrogen dioxide data record (1995-present): An effort to unify data from ultraviolet-visible spectrometers
- NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) and FAIR - A Self-Assessment
- NASA's Global Imagery Browse Services and Worldview Migrate to Mapbox Vector Tiles: The Drawbacks and Advantages
- New insights into volcanic eruption cloud dynamics from DSCOVR/EPIC
- OMPS LP Observations of PSC and Ozone Variability During the NH 2019-2020 Winter Season
- Observational Evidence that Radiative Heating Modifies the Life Cycle of Tropical Anvil Clouds
- Observations of Aerosol Absorption and Attribution to Black Carbon, Brown Carbon, and Coating Enhancement in Wildfire Smoke during the FIREX-AQ Mission
- Overcoming Global Barriers to Entry in Remote Sensing through Increasingly Accessible Education Opportunities
- Process drivers, inter-model spread, and a path forward: What do we know about Arctic Amplification?
- Properties and evolution of open cellular convection over the Eastern North Atlantic
- Remotely-Sensed Aerosol Optical Properties Retrieved from a High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL) and Comparisons with in-situ Measurements During the 2019 FIREX-AQ Field Campaign
- Retrieving DSD moments from GPM-DPR: A simulation study based on the full DSD spectra characterized by the Generalized Gamma model
- Revised and extended benchmark results for Rayleigh scattering of sunlight in spherical atmospheres
- Satellite-based reflectances capture large fraction of variability, including trends, in global gross primary production (GPP) at weekly time scales
- Smoke plumes, brown carbon and photolysis frequency dynamics
- Stellar Energetic Particle-driven Production of Biologically Relevant Molecules in Atmospheres of Young Earth-like Exoplanets Around Active G-K Stars
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station(SAGE III/ISS) Validation of Three Years of Ozone and Water Vapor Data
- Subseasonal Prediction Skill of the Fall 2019 Southeast U.S. Flash Drought in SubX Models
- The Capacity of NASA Airborne Campaign Data for the Study of Biological Diversity
- The Dark Target aerosol retrieval algorithm applied to Low Earth Orbit and GEOstationary imagers: progress towards an integrated LEO-GEO view of global aerosol
- The Fall 2019 Southeast U. S. Flash Drought: An Extreme Event Driven by an Extreme Positive Indian Ocean Dipole
- The PACE-MAPP Algorithm: Coupled Ocean/Aerosol Products
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway: A web platform to enable knowledge-generation from big geospatial data
- The Remarkably Strong Arctic Stratospheric Polar Vortex of Winter 2020: Links to Record-Breaking Arctic Oscillation and Ozone Loss
- The Retrieval of Thermal Infrared Properties of Dust Aerosols over ocean based on the Combined CALIOP and IIR Observations
- The Role of OMI in a Global Observing System for Air Quality and Atmospheric Composition
- The anomalous 2019 ozone hole: dynamics and chemistry
- The preliminary result of total column ozone observations from GEMS
- Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Dust Aerosols based on the Combined CALIOP and IIR Observations
- Tools for Performing SBG hyperspectral Observing System Simulation Experiment
- Towards IMERG V07: Responses to the IMERG User Survey
- Understanding the Drivers of Variability in Forest Structure and Composition in North American Boreal Forest
- Understanding the Influence of Fire Characteristics on Particle Emission Factors and Size Distributions Measured during FIREX-AQ
- Understanding the Uncertainty and Variability of Earth's Radiation Budget Components Over the Past 3 Decades Using Radiative Fluxes from the NASA's GEWEX Surface Radiation Budget Release 4 Integrated Product
- Upper tropospheric NO<SUB>2</SUB> retrieved from TROPOMI using cloud-slicing
- Using Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics to Simulate Melting and Mixed-Phase Scattering Properties
- Using remotely sensed cloud top properties to look at drizzle formation
- Validation of SAGE III/ISS water vapor data and implications for a continued middle atmosphere water vapor data record
- Visualizing Our Planet: Accessing Earth Science Data Visualizations Through NASA's Worldview and Global Imagery Browse Services
- Visualizing Our Planet: Advancements in NASA's Worldview and Global Imagery Browse Services Earth Science Data Visualizations
- We Are All Potential Role Models: How We Can Support Scientist Engagement with Youth and the General Public
- Toward an Integrated Product of Higher Accuracy and Longer Time Span: Improvement of the Upcoming NASA GEWEX SRB Data Release 4 over Release 3 Based on Validation Against Surface-Based Measurements
- 20 Years of SABER Observations Provide Insight into the Past, Present, and Future of Thermospheric Energy
- A Modular Global Inland Water Body Mask for Analysis of Satellite Lidar over Dynamic Water Surfaces
- A New CALIPSO Algorithm to Identify Mixed-phase Cloud
- A Python-based Radar Data Processing System for the NASA GPM Ground Validation Program
- A Review of Satellite Cloud Condensation Nuclei Retrieval Methods for Evaluation with In-situ Measurements from Aircraft-Based Observations in the Marine Boundary Layer
- A critical look at the spaceborne observations of aerosol column properties and vertical height during the 2018 summertime dust outbreak over Central Asia
- A new generation of miniature ultra-sensitive UV spectrometers for future planetary missions
- A new method for inferring city emissions and lifetimes of nitrogen oxides from high-resolution nitrogen dioxide observations: A model study
- ABI Data Reprocessing Investigation
- ASOPOS (Assessment of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for OzoneSondes) 2.0: Measurement Principles and Best Operational Practices for Ozonesondes
- Advancing Bathymetry Mapping and Storage Estimations of Global Lakes and Reservoirs by Leveraging ICESat-2 Observations
- Advancing Organizational Capabilities in AI/ML through Collaboration, Community Building, and a Deep Learning Academy
- Aerosol Vertical Transport, Exchange, and Transformation in Maritime Southeast Asia: Observations and Implications from CAMP2Ex and PISTON
- Aerosol size distribution changes in biomass burning plumes: the competing roles of coagulation and OA condensation/evaporation
- Airborne Lidar Measurements of Shallow Marine Water Clouds Over the Atlantic Ocean
- An Open Science Approach to 2020 Boreal-wide Biomass Mapping with ICESat-2 and Landsat
- Antarctic ocean biological activity response to sea ice changes and its impact on cloud microphysics
- Application of Machine Learning Approaches to Identify Factors Important for Tree Growth in Boreal Zones
- Application of a Passive Radiometric Optically-Thin Cirrus Detection Algorithm Over Land
- Assessing Canadian boreal forest-tundra growth drivers via community analysis
- Boreal tree canopy cover change assessed with multi-source 3D optical remote sensing data
- Bridging the Gap: Interpretation and Climate Change Science
- CLARREO Pathfinder Intercalibration Objectives for CERES and VIIRS
- Change in Tropospheric Ozone in the Recent Decades and its Contribution to Global Total Ozone
- Characteristics and Origins of Frontal Convection During IMPACTS on 25 January 2020
- Characterization of turbulence using ACTIVATE data: Effects on clouds over the Western North Atlantic Ocean and implications for model evaluation and development
- Characterizing the Decline of the Great Salt Lake during the Current Exceptional Drought in Utah using MODIS Satellite Data Products
- Chemical heterogeneity in wildfire plumes: implications for large-scale air quality models and satellite retrievals
- Cloud Drop Number Concentrations over the Western North Atlantic Ocean: Seasonal Cycle, Aerosol Interrelationships, and Other Influential Factors
- Cold Air Outbreaks Promote New Particle Formation off the U.S. East Coast
- Cold Season Performance of the NU-WRF Regional Climate Model in the Great Lakes Region
- Combining Limb and Nadir Satellite Observations to Study Tropospheric Ozone and Aerosols
- Community-Led Citizen Science with NASA and the GLOBE Program
- Comparison of the CALIPSO level 3 Ice Cloud product with the DARDAR and 2C-Ice products
- Comparisons of Cloud Products Based on O2-O2 Absorption Band and O2 A-Band
- Compositional Analysis of Cloud Droplet Residuals by High Resolution Time-of-Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometry: A CAMP2Ex Case Study
- Development of a Multi-View Satellite Instrument for Global Stratospheric Aerosol Measurements
- Development of the Fast and Accurate Vector PCRTM Radiative Transfer Model
- Development of the NASA Cloud Retrieval Algorithms for Next Generation Geostationary Imagers applied to AHI during CAMP2Ex
- Diagnosing NASA Earth Science Models (ESM) using a live visualization environment: A novel approach
- Differential Absorption Lidar (DIAL) for Water Vapor and Aerosol Profiling from Airborne and Space-based Platforms
- Diurnal Variability of Aerosol Properties Observed by DSCOVR/EPIC Instrument
- Drivers of growth in boreal Alaska and Canada from a tree ring perspective
- EPIC L2 Standard Cloud Products v03: Improvements and Assessments
- Earth Information System (EIS) -Freshwater: A cloud-based open system for integrated hydrological cycle studies
- Earth Observation Data Provenance for Future Climate Research - Requirements and Challenges
- Earth imaging from the Moon with the EPIC-type camera
- Employing relaxed smoothness constraints on imaginary part of refractive index in AERONET aerosol retrieval algorithm.
- Engaging students in authentic air quality research projects through collaboration with university and NASA scientists
- Error Tracking at the CDDIS and Communication with the User Community
- Evaluating CERES TOA flux using ARISE aircraft observations
- Evaluating solar aureole radiance measurements to identify cirrus clouds and dust in the AERONET database
- Evaluating the Retrieval of TROPOMI NO2Columns with the NASA NO2Algorithm
- Evaluation of Geo-Stationary Ice Cloud Optical Thickness Retrievals using High Spectral Resolution Lidar
- Evaluation of Version 3 total and tropospheric ozone columns from EPIC on DSCOVR for studying regional scale ozone variations
- Examination of the Information in the Spectral Curvature of in situ Aerosol Hyperspectral (300-700 nm) Optical Properties Measured from Wildfire Aerosols from a Ground-based Mobile Lab during FIREX-AQ
- Exploring Applications of Machine Learning for Satellite Nitrogen Dioxide Slant Column Retrievals
- Exploring the utility of longitudinal transects for sampling atmospheric plumes
- Explosive Volcanic Eruptions Observed by DSCOVR/EPIC
- From MISR to MAGARA (A Multi-Angle Geostationary Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm): Improvements in Multi-Angle, Multi-Spectral Aerosol Remote-Sensing Over the Past Decade and Into the Next.
- GEOS GMI Modeling for the Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites (MINDS) Project and Accessing the Impacts of COVID-19 Related Emission Changes
- Global tropospheric ozone trends and anomalous reductions in year 2020 in the NH during Covid-19 inferred from EPIC, OMPS, OMI, and MLS satellite measurements
- Ground-based retrievals of aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared for validation and ancillary information of satellite-based algorithms
- Growing Impact of Wildfire on Western United States Water Supply
- High Latitude Considerations in the Latest GPCP monthly and daily products
- High Resolution Simulations of Forest Structure Project Heterogeneous Change Across the North American Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
- High spatial resolution shortwave cloud remote sensing during CAMP2Ex: initial retrievals from Landsat 8 and Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) multiangle total radiance observations
- Hourly and daily maps of tropospheric ozone determined from EPIC, OMPS, OMI, and MLS satellite instruments: A bridge to connect geostationary with polar-orbiting platform measurements
- ICESat-2 Operational Inland Surface Water Products for Global Hydrologic Science
- ICESat-2/ATLAS at 3 Years: Instrument Performance and Projected Life
- Imerg V07: Sharpen
- Impact of Meteorological Factors on the Evolution of Cloud Streets During a Cold Air Outbreak Observed in the ACTIVATE Campaign
- Importance of Coupling the 3D Lake Model to the Regional Climate Model in Simulating the Great Lakes System
- Improved parameterization of precipitation fluxes in the GPM combined algorithm to mitigate ground clutter effects
- Improving Cyanobacteria Biomass Estimation from Hyperspectral Satellite Imagery Using Mixture Density Networks
- Improving Data Exploration of Earth Systems Model Data with iViz: A Powerful Easy-to-use Interactive Visualization Toolkit
- In the Shadow: Observing Eclipses with NASA & the GLOBE Program
- Influence of an Active Young Sun on the Surface Environment of the Hadean Earth
- Introducing the GPCP Version 3.1 Daily Precipitation Dataset
- Investigating the Fate of the Sea Ice and Interaction with the Polar Atmosphere from a Langrangian Framework
- Investigation of geomorphological signatures of permafrost in the polar lunar areas with VIPER
- Lagrangian assessments of western North Atlantic cold-air outbreak cloud development
- Lapse-Rate Feedback: The Key to Reconciling TOA and Surface Attributions of Surface Warming
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds and aerosol effects associated with cold air outbreak during the ACTIVATE campaign
- Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds associated with cold air outbreaks during the ACTIVATE campaign: roles of large-scale forcings
- Leaf-Level Chlorophyll Fluorescence Spectra of High Latitude Plants
- Long-term variability of aerosol, boundary layer clouds, and surface radiation over the Western North Atlantic Ocean
- Low cloud response to polynya-induced surface turbulent fluxes
- Machine Learning Algorithms for Aerosol and Cloud Detection Using CATS on the ISS
- Monitoring Nitrogen Dioxide during COVID-19 in over 300 Cities Using OMI Satellite Data
- Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites (MINDS): Application to GOME, OMI, and TROPOMI
- Multi-campaign analysis of smoke properties and cloud interactions in the Southeast Atlantic using ORACLES, LASIC, and CLARIFY data with WRF-CAM5
- NASA Earthdata Access in the Cloud Using Open-source Libraries
- NASA's Land Science Investigator-led Processing System (Land SIPS): Ensuring Continuity of Data Records between Terra, Aqua, Suomi-NPP, and NOAA20
- NASAs Approach to Building Capacity to use Earth Observations in the Fields of Ocean and Coastal Management
- NASAs Earthdata Forum: Bringing the Science Community Together
- New ocean dust aerosol algorithm to unite and improve Dark Target dust retrievals across platforms: MODIS, VIIRS, ABI and AHI
- New particle formation over the Western North Atlantic Ocean: results from the NAAMES field campaign
- Nighttime smoke aerosol optical depth over U.S. rural areas: first retrieval from VIIRS moonlight observations
- Observation of Trace Gases Seasonal Variability in the Marine Boundary Layer over the Atlantic Ocean during the ACTIVATE Field Campaign
- Observational evidence of wintertime surface based warming related to surface turbulent fluxes
- Observations of Southeast Asian Biomass Burning and Urban Trace Gas Enhancement Ratios: Insights into Regional Air Quality and Aerosol Composition
- On the Nw versus Dm variation: A case study of Storm Sally using GPM-DPR based products, NPOL ground-based polarimetric radar observations and disdrometer measurements
- On the Verge of IMERG Version 07
- On the impact of dry intrusions on the cloudy marine boundary layer in mid-latitude cold air outbreaks
- Particulate Oxalate-to-Sulfate Ratio as an Aqueous Processing Marker: Consistency Across Field Campaigns and Limitations
- Progress towards establishing a NASA Program of Record dataset (CLDPROP) for cloud properties from MODIS, VIIRS, and beyond
- Prospects of deriving continuously updated shallow reservoir bathymetry maps by fusing ICESat-2, CubeSat, and Landsat observations
- Quantifying the bias of optically thin cirrus cloud contamination on PACE-MAPP coupled ocean/aerosol retrieval products
- Reconciling assumptions in bottom-up and top-down approaches for estimating aerosol emissions from wildland fires in the Western US using observations from FIREX-AQ
- Regional Variations in the Diurnal Cycle of Tropical Precipitation as Represented by IMERG, ERA5, and Spaceborne Ku Radar
- Regional trends in aerosol optical depth and particle size parameters since 2002 and 2012 for Terra, Aqua, and SNPP
- Retrieving UV-VIS Single-scattering albedo of Absorbing Aerosols above Clouds from Synergy of Airborne Sensors and A-train Satellites
- Retrieving aerosol characteristics from the PACE Ocean Color Instrument: Testing a new broad spectrum algorithm
- SO2 plumes observation with LMOL: theory, modeling, and validation
- Satellite-Based Emission Estimates of Tropospheric Bromine During Arctic Spring in the GEOS-Chem Model
- Scale invariance rule look-up table for lidar and polarimeter retrievals
- Second Generation Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar (HSRL-2) Measurements of Various Types of Aerosols During ORACLES, CAMP2EX, and ACTIVATE
- Simultaneous retrievals of biomass-burning aerosols and trace gases from UV to near-infrared over northern Thailand during the 2019 pre-monsoon season
- Spring dust in western North America and its interannual variability Understanding the role of local and transported dust
- Stellar Energetic Particle-driven Production of Biologically Relevant Molecules in Atmospheres of Young Rocky Exoplanets Around Active Stars
- Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station(SAGE III/ISS) Validation of Ozone and Water Vapor Data
- Studies of Gulf Stream front air-sea dynamics using the global GEOS-ECCO coupled digital twin system
- TEMPO Level 2 Trace Gas Retrievals Version 3
- The Aeroplanets Model: Investigating the Excitation and Ionization of Gas Species in the Upper Atmosphere of Planets
- The Differing Responses of Marine Boundary Layer Clouds to Climate Warming
- The Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) Land Data Assimilation System v2 (FLDAS-2): An updated global model for hydrological and food security applications
- The Impact of Very-Short Lived Chlorine Compounds and GHGs on Trends in Stratospheric Ozone
- The Microphysical and Kinematic Properties of GPM Precipitation Profiles
- The PACE-MAPP algorithm: coupled ocean/aerosol products
- The Permafrost Discovery Gateway
- The Role of Relative Humidity on the Photo-bleaching of Biomass Burning Organic Aerosol
- The Second Generation Central Asia Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) Land Data Assimilation System (FLDAS2-CA), a New Model for Monitoring Climate Extremes in Food Insecure Regions
- The influence of sea ice on Arctic cloud properties: What can we learn by applying a in situ observational strategy to satellite data?
- Themed GIS Web Maps using NASA Datasets
- Total ozone column retrievals from DSCOVR/EPIC compared to data from the Pandonia Global Network
- Toward closing the regional energy budget over ocean when integrating satellite derived energy data products
- Towards a next generation NASA fire information system: Harnessing the full power of NASA fire data and models
- Transformation of Fire Emission Composition Detailed from Sources to Hundreds of Kilometers Using Enhancement Ratios Based on Multiple Tracers
- Understanding Active Layer Thickness Variability Under Changing Climatic Conditions Across the North American Taiga-Tundra Ecotone
- Unmodeled Gravity Effects in Alpine Lakes as Observed by ICESat-2
- Use Of Dynamic Threshold Of Spatial Variability For Cloud Screening In The NASA Dark Target Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm.
- Use of Citizen Science Data for Validating Geostationary Satellite Cloud Detection Capabilities During the Solar Terminator
- Use of Geostationary Infrared, Passive Microwave Imager, and Reanalysis Datasets to Assess Climatological Hailstorm Risk
- Using DSCOVR EPIC to Monitor the Visible Calibration Stability of LEO Sensors to Improve the CERES Climate Data Record
- Using Geostationary aerosol products to characterize the Spatial and Temporal Variabilities in Biomass Burning Emissions During FIREX-AQ Field Campaign
- Using Machine Learning to Retrieve Ocean Color Properties from Hyperspectral Instruments for Cloud, Aerosol, and Sun Glint Conditions
- Using NASA LANCE Near Real-Time Earth Observations for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Using large volumes of DigitalGlobe satellite data for machine learning tree mapping
- Validating satellite based FluxSat v2.0 Gross Primary Production (GPP) trends with FluxNet 2015 eddy covariance observations
- Validating the NASA GEWEX SRB Release 4.0-IP Data against the BSRN and PMEL Data in Terms of Global Weather States
- Variability in Aerosol Properties Associated with Changes in Relative Humidity as Measured by the Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2
- Vertical Profiles Of Aerosol Properties Over The Western North Atlantic Ocean During The North Atlantic Aerosols And Marine Ecosystems Study (NAAMES)
- Vertical Structure of Biomass Burning Aerosol Transported Over the Southeast Atlantic Ocean
- A 34-year record of proxy-Shortwave cloud albedo from SBUV observations compared with historical/AMIP CESM2 climate model runs
- A Methodology to map Maximum Global Snow Cover during the MODIS Era
- Adapting Permafrost Science Use Cases as a Continuous Pipeline with the Clowder Framework
- Addressing Radar Blind Zone Using Model-derived Look-Up Tables
- Advanced Satellite Instrument Swath Simulator Techniques using GEOS GMI to Support the Multi-Decadal Nitrogen Dioxide and Derived Products from Satellites (MINDS) Project
- Advances in Vegetation Height Estimates from WorldView Multispectral Imagery Using Deep Learning
- Aerosol Breezes, Convective Transport and Mesoscale Dynamics
- Aerosol Humidification Observed by the Airborne High Spectral Resolution Lidar-2
- Aerosol indirect effect in northeastern Atlantic estimated from geostationary satellite cloud retrievals.
- Aerosols Characterization by Automatic Two-wavelength Polarization Lidar and Sun/Moon Photometer: Towards Mobile Applications
- An Evaluation of Multi-resolution ICESat-2 ATL08 for Terrain and Canopy Heights Monitoring in North America Boreal Forests with Airborne LiDAR
- An Examination of Recent Global Ozonesonde Network Data Quality
- An Introduction to GPM Version 07
- An extended EPIC UV-VIS Aerosol Algorithm
- An observationally-based determination of the Arctic sea ice-cloud feedback since 2000: Isolating the Arctic cloud response to sea ice loss
- Analysis of CO Transport from Australia Fires and Its Impact to Ozone, Water Vapor and Clouds Using CrIS Single-Field-of-View Sounder Products and Other Remote Sensing and MERRA-2 Reanalysis Data
- Approximating the Lidar Ratio of Modeled Aerosol Species to Help Inform Lidar Ratio Selection for Clean Marine Aerosols in the Forthcoming Version 5 CALIPSO Data Products
- Assessing Environmental and Socioeconomic Factors of Urban Flood Vulnerability in Kansas City, Kansas
- Assessing the Impact of SMAP Soil Moisture Data Assimilation on the Simulation and Prediction of Tropical Cyclone Idai
- Assessment of High Resolution Commercial Satellite Geolocation Accuracy
- Automated Tracking of Shallow Maritime Clouds on Geostationary Imagery to Extract Lifecycle Characteristics
- Climatology of marine low-cloud morphology types, their climatological transitions, cloud radiative and physical properties, and environment
- Cloud Top Phase Characterization of Extratropical Cyclones over the Midwest and Northeast United States: Results from IMPACTS
- Comparing the Underlying Shape of the Rain Drop Size Distributions using the Full Spectra for Four Events from Four Climatically Different Locations
- Comparison and Validation of the Operational and Research Cloud Products Using TROPOMI GLER Measurements
- Continuing Global SO2 Data Record from OMI and SNPP/OMPS to JPSS-1/NOAA-20/OMPS
- Coupled Aerosol-Chemistry Simulations of the January 2022 Eruptions of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai in the NASA GEOS Earth System Model
- Deploying and Assessing Dynamic Tile Servers on AWS for Global Imagery Browse Services
- Detecting Satellite Laser Ranging Station Data and Operational Anomalies with Machine Learning Isolation Forests at NASA's CDDIS
- Developing a Spectral Correlation based Method for mitigating Angular Mismatch Effects in Intercalibration Using a Benchmark Hyperspectral Sensor
- Development of multi-satellite nitrogen dioxide product: Application to GOME-2 on MetOP-A and -B
- Earth Observations From the Moon Surface Using EPIC-Like Camera and Multi-Slit Spectrometer
- Earth Science Storytelling with NASA's Worldview
- Effect of Baseline Period on Quantification of Climate Extremes over the United States
- Enabling Data Dexterity Among Students Using a NASA Data Pathfinder
- Enhancing Direct Readout Capabilities for Day-Night Monitoring of Volcanic SO2 and Ash for Aviation Avoidance at Northern Polar Latitudes
- Evaluating Rock Pool Hydroperiod Fluctuation using Climate Variables to Inform Habitat Monitoring and Protection in the Western Sonoran Desert
- Evaluation and Mitigation of GPROF-TMI and -GMI Along-Scan Beam Position Precipitation Biases for IMERG V07
- Evolution of NASA's Radiation Budget Climate Data Record Production Towards the Cloud and Open Science
- Feasibility Study to Interactive Workshop: Building End-user Capacity to Integrate Earth Observation Data into Federally Endangered Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Habitat Monitoring in Maine
- Formaldehyde Products from the Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) Instruments on the Suomi-NPP and NOAA-20 Satellites
- Forward and Inverse Modeling of Fresh Volcanic Clouds
- From the Ground Up: Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III on the International Space Station(SAGE III/ISS) Comparison of Vertical Profiles with 2022 Student Airborne Research Program (SARP) In Situ Data.
- GEOS Constituent Data Assimilation beyond Aura MLS: Assimilating NASA SAGE III/ISS profiles of stratospheric water vapor and ozone
- GNSS Real-Time Data and Product Streams at NASA's CDDIS: User Applications and Caster Performance Improvements
- High Cadence DSCOVR/EPIC Observations of SO2 Emissions from the 2021 La Palma Eruption and Comparison with Ground-based Brewer Measurements
- High Cadence UV Observations of Volcanic Eruptions by DSCOVR/EPIC
- ICARTT File Format Enhancements: Supporting FAIRness of Airborne and Field Campaign Data
- ICESat-2/ATLAS at 4 years: Instrument Performance, Calibration Updates, and Predicted Lifetime
- Impacts of Aerosol Size-Dependent In-Cloud Scavenging on Pb-210 and aerosols in the NASA GEOS Model
- Improved PSC Detection and Characterization from OMPS Limb Profiler
- Improving "Domain-Relevant Metadata Requirements" for Supporting Open-Source Science Initiative
- Improving Measurement Uncertainty Reporting for Atmospheric Composition Measurements to Enhance Data Interoperability and Usability
- Investigating the spatial and temporal limitations of satellite characterization of wildfire smoke using satellite and airborne imagers during FIREX-AQ
- Leveraging WIGOS metadata standards to make field study data products interoperable and reusable
- Lighting the night: Application of VIIRS DNB for monitoring wildfire and smoke transport at night
- Long-term Global Solar Irradiance and Components as Provided and Utilized through the POWER Web Services Suite
- Longitudinally-Resolved Ozone Trends from the NASA SBUV_OMPS NP Merged Ozone Data (MOD) Record
- MODIS Data Products help to explain Environmental Conditions Leading to Desiccation of Terminal Lakes in the Great Basin of the Western United States
- MODIS and VIIRS Neural Network Cloud Detection Over Antarctic During Nighttime for CERES Edition 5
- Major Changes to the IMERG Algorithm from V06 to V07
- Mapping Forest Carbon Stocks to Understand Carbon Implications of Treatment on Wildfire for the Calwood Fire, Boulder County Colorado
- Mapping the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Cloud with Satellite Observations of Backscattered Ultraviolet (BUV) Radiation below 300 nm
- Measuring Upwelling Longwave in the Presence of an Obstruction
- Medium-Range GEFS-based Hydrologic Forecasts over Afghanistan
- Modeling and observations of OH UV-emissions in the Lunar exosphere
- Modest Volcanic SO2 Emissions During the 2021-2022 Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai Eruptions
- Monitoring the 2022 Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Aerosol Cloud Using Space-Based Observations
- NASA Builds Skills to Enable Climate Action
- NASA TROPOMI Aerosol Products: Algorithmic Upgrades and Preliminary Evaluation
- NASA TROPOMI Aerosol Products: Current Status and Ongoing Developments
- Newly Released GPCP Version 3.2 Global Precipitation Datasets at NASA GES DISC
- Observation of pollution events at low altitude during TRACER-AQ - the advantage of adaptive resolution lidar
- Observational estimate of stratocumulus susceptibility across timescales
- On Improving the Dust Lidar Ratios for Version 5 of CALIOP by Using Measurements with Source-tagged Model Results
- Operational ICESat-2 Inland Surface Water Products for Global Hydrology: Recent Enhancements
- PACE UV-VIS Polarimetric Remote Sensing of Atmosphere-Ocean Systems: Sensitivity to Variations in Brown Carbon
- Permafrost Discovery Gateway - Big geospatial data creation and discovery
- Polar Stereo Cloud Motion Winds using MODIS and SLSTR
- Potential of using polarization measurements in AERONET aerosol retrieval algorithm.
- Preservation of Provenance and Context to Ensure Future Understandability of Airborne Earth Observations and Derived Data Products
- Process Modeling of Aerosol-meteorology-cloud Interaction in Summertime Precipitating Shallow Cumulus over the western North Atlantic
- Quantifying Oil and Natural Gas NO2 sources over the Gulf of Mexico with Ship- and Satellite-derived Data and Meteorological Analysis
- Retrieving aerosol characteristics from the PACE Ocean Color Instrument: Testing a new broad spectrum algorithm
- SAGE III/ISS Observations of Stratospheric Impacts from the 2022 Tonga Eruption
- Sampling of space-based observations of XCO2 associated with biomass burning events
- Shifting Growth Drivers of Arctic-Boreal Plant Functional Types Due to Climate Change Using the Individual-Based Gap Model, SIBBORK-TTE
- Shipboard and Satellite Observations Along the Louisiana Coast During 2019 SCOAPE Cruise: Results and Implications for SCOAPE Phase 2
- Solving Forward and Inverse Problems for Hyperspectral Satellite Remote Sensors using Principal Component Analysis
- Spaceborne Passive-Microwave and Visible/IR Observations of Severe Weather: Leveraging Multiple Perspectives for Detection, Validation, and Climatologies
- Stratospheric Water Vapor Variations as Observed by the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment III/International Space Station
- Subseasonal flash drought forecast skill over the contiguous United States.
- Surface reflectance parameterization in the Dark Target Aerosol Retrieval Algorithm for Geostationary Satellites: Improvement of Diurnal AOD observation
- Ten Year Ozone Profile Record from Suomi NPP OMPS Limb Profiler
- Ten year dataset of 35-70 km Temperature Profiles from OMPS LP
- The Dark Target Aerosol Project: GEO retrieval and GEO-LEO fusion
- The GPM Validation Network: Oceanic Validation of IMERG and GPROF with Ground-Based Radars
- The Global Hydro-Intelligence Subseasonal-to-Seasonal (GHI-S2S) Forecast System
- The IMERG Version 07 Probability of Liquid Phase Field: Overview, General Characteristics, and Potential Applications
- The SHADOZ Network at 25 Years: Accomplishments and Recent Innovations
- The Simulation and Subseasonal Forecasting of Hydrological Variables: Insights from a Simple Water Balance Model
- The Use of Atmospheric Composition Variable Standard Names in Airborne and Field Data Products
- The Versatility of CLARREO Pathfinder Measurements
- The generation of mixing across the stratospheric polar vortex edge by breaking gravity waves
- The latest Global Precipitation Climatology Project Daily and Monthly products (Version 3.2): Early results and comparisons
- The retrieval of infrared dust optical depth and coarse-mode effective diameter based on collocated MODIS and CALIOP observations
- Toward a Deep-Learning-Based Cloud-Masking Framework for Enhanced Multimission Monitoring of Aquatic Ecosystems
- Toward a Global Retrieval Dataset of UV-VIS Spectral Single-scattering albedo of Absorbing Aerosols above Clouds from CALIOP-OMI-MODIS Synergy
- Towards Global Production of Water-quality Indicators in Support of SDG 6.3.2
- Towards a Flexible Data Fusion Tool for Air Quality Estimation and Forecasting with a Global Scope in Google Earth Engine
- Twenty Years of Aqua MODIS On-orbit Calibration, Performance, and Improvements
- Understanding the Vertical Slope of Mesoscale Snow Band Reflectivity Signatures
- Unprecedented spatiotemporal coverage from COSMIC-2 and Spire GNSS-RO constellations for atmospheric and ionospheric studies
- Using DSCOVR EPIC as a Transfer Radiometer to Scale LEO Imagers to the Same Calibration Reference
- Using RSP observations to understand and diagnose angular sensitivities in the bi-spectral cloud microphysical retrievals of the MODIS CLDPROP algorithm
- Utilizing Earth Observations to Model Probable Coastal Wetland Extent, Sea-Level Rise Inundation Risk, and Assess Impacts on Historic Hawaiian Lands
- The Surface Longwave Downward Fluxes of the NASA GEWEX SRB Release 4.0-IP Products: Validation Against the Surface-Based BSRN and PMEL Observed Data
Linked Collaborating Authors [?]
- A. Gibbons
- A. Glocer
- A. H. Armstrong
- A. J. Soja
- A. K. Liljedahl
- A. M. Fridlind
- A. M. Sayer
- A. M. Thompson
- A. P. Barrett
- A. Park Williams
- A. Savtchenko
- A. Semple
- Abdullah A. Fahad
- Alex Mandel
- Alexander B. MacDonald
- Alexander Cede
- Alexander Marshak
- Alexey Shiklomanov
- Ali Behrangi
- Ali Omar
- Allison B. Marquardt Collow
- Allison McComiskey
- Amanda Hendrix
- Amber E. Budden
- Amy Townsend‐Small
- Andrea F. Corral
- Andrea Molod
- Andrew S. Ackerman
- Anton Darmenov
- Armin Sorooshian
- Arthur J. Sedlacek
- Athanasios Nenes
- Augusto Getirana
- B. Jason West
- B. R. Dennis
- Bastiaan van Diedenhoven
- Ben Livneh
- Benjamin I. Cook
- Benjamin M. Jones
- Bo Zhang
- Brad Weir
- Bradley Gay
- Bradley M. Hegyi
- Brian Buma
- Brian J. Carroll
- C. D. Cappa
- C. E. Tweedie
- C. M. Oaida
- C. R. Nowlan
- C. Wang
- C. Warneke
- Calvin Howes
- Cameron R. Homeyer
- Can Li
- Carl Malings
- Caroline S. Juang
- Carolyn E. Jordan
- Chelsea L. Parker
- Chongming Yang
- Christiane Voigt
- Christopher Y. Lim
- Claudia Bernier
- Claudia Di Biagio
- D. Barahona
- D. F. Hurst
- D. H. Crider
- D. M. Giles
- D. P. Haffner
- D. P. Sarmiento
- D. Phoenix
- D. W. Tarasick
- D.J. Miller
- Daniel J. Emmons
- Daniel Tong
- Daniel Watters
- David M. Winker
- David Painemal
- David R. Doelling
- David R. Thompson
- Dennis P. Lettenmaier
- Derek J. Posselt
- Di Tian
- Diego Loyola
- Dimitris Menemenlis
- Donald R. Blake
- Dong L. Wu
- Dorothy K. Hall
- E. A. Cherrington
- E. C. Apel
- E. J. Hyer
- E. L. McGrath-Spangler
- E. P. Nowottnick
- E. W. Eloranta
- Ehud Strobach
- Elizabeth B. Wiggins
- Elizabeth Thompson
- Emily M. Gargulinski
- Emmanuel Mahieu
- Erin Robinson
- Ewan Crosbie
- Fei Liu
- Francesca Gallo
- Frank Flocke
- Frederik Dhooghe
- G. S. Diskin
- Gang Zhao
- Gary A. Morris
- Geet George
- George J. Huffman
- George Tselioudis
- Georgios I. Gkatzelis
- Georgiy L. Stenchikov
- Gerald G. Mace
- Gerald M. Heymsfield
- Ghassan Taha
- Glynn Hulley
- Gonzalo González Abad
- Graham Feingold
- Greg M. McFarquhar
- Guido Grosse
- Guillaume Gronoff
- Guosheng Liu
- H. K. Ramapriyan
- Hailong Wang
- Harshvardhan Harshvardhan
- Heng Xiao
- Herman H. Shugart
- Holger Vömel
- Hongbin Yu
- Hongyu Guo
- Hongyu Liu
- Hossein Dadashazar
- Howard E. Epstein
- Hua Shu
- Hugh Coe
- Huilin Gao
- Huiqun Wang
- Huisheng Bian
- J. Andrew Neuman
- J. Chen
- J. Christine Chiu
- J. D. Crounse
- J. H. Crawford
- J. Malcomb
- J. Minnie Park
- J. P. DiGangi
- J. P. Schwarz
- J. Peischl
- J. R. Herman
- J. Tamminen
- Jack E. Dibb
- Jackson H. Kaspari
- Jackson Tan
- James Campbell
- James M. Russell
- James W. Elkins
- James W. Hannigan
- Jason E. Smerdon
- Jasper F. Kok
- Jayanta Kar
- Jeffrey R. Pierce
- Jeffrey S. Reid
- Jennifer Wei
- Jens Redemann
- Jesse H. Kroll
- Ji Hoon Kim
- Jianyu Zheng
- Jie Gong
- Joanna Joiner
- Joel McCorkel
- Joel R. Norris
- John B. Nowak
- John E. Yorks
- John T. Fasullo
- John T. Sullivan
- Johnathan Hair
- Jordan A. Caraballo‐Vega
- Joseph M. Katich
- Joseph S. Schlosser
- Jun Wang
- Jungbin Mok
- Justin S. Mankin
- Jörg Klausen
- K. Chance
- K. Emma Knowland
- Karen A. McKinnon
- Katherine R. Travis
- Kaylin Bugbee
- Kenneth E. Christian
- Kenneth L Thornhill
- Kerry Meyer
- Kevin E. Trenberth
- Kevin J. Sanchez
- Kevin Schaefer
- Kim Locke
- Kimberly A. Casey
- Kirk Ullmann
- Kristi R. Arsenault
- Kristopher M. Bedka
- Krzysztof Wargan
- Kyle F. Itterly
- Kyle Lesinger
- L. A. Hunt
- L. Coy
- L. K. Emmons
- L. N. Lamsal
- L. Ruby Leung
- L. W. Thomason
- Larry Di Girolamo
- Laura Duncanson
- Laurent Kergoat
- Lazaros Oreopoulos
- Lei Zhu
- Lindsey Hayden
- Linette N. Boisvert
- Luke D. Oman
- Luke D. Ziemba
- M. A. Fenn
- M. Béla
- M. R. Schoeberl
- Manisha Ganeshan
- Mark Vaughan
- Martin Brandt
- Martin G. Mlynczak
- Martin Rubin
- Masaki Satoh
- Matthew B. Jones
- Matthew J. McGill
- Matthew M. Coggon
- Matthew T. DeLand
- Melissa L. Wrzesien
- Melody Avery
- Merhala Thurai
- Mian Chin
- Michael A. Brunke
- Michael A. Shook
- Michael G. Bosilovich
- Miguel Ricardo A. Hilario
- Mircea Grecu
- Nathan Pavlovic
- Nathan Thomas
- Nickolay A. Krotkov
- Nicole C. Ramberg‐Pihl
- Nobuhiro Takahashi
- Norman G. Loeb
- Omar Torres
- Otto Hasekamp
- P. H. Lauritzen
- P. R. Veres
- Pamela Wales
- Paola Angela Bañaga
- Paquita Zuidema
- Patrick C. Taylor
- Patrick Gatlin
- Paul A. Newman
- Paul W. Stackhouse
- Paul Walter
- Pawan Gupta
- Pedro Campuzano‐Jost
- Peng Xian
- Pengfei Xue
- Peter Caldwell
- Peter R. Colarco
- Peter von der Gathen
- Pierre‐Emmanuel Kirstetter
- Ping Yang
- Qing Liang
- Qing Yue
- R. A. Ferrare
- R. B. Chatfield
- R. Boeke
- R. J. Salawitch
- R. J. Swap
- R. M. Suleiman
- R. S. Hornbrook
- Rachel A. Braun
- Rajesh Kumar
- Randal D. Koster
- Randall V. Martin
- Ray F. Weiss
- Richard H. Moore
- Richard Querel
- Robert C. Levy
- Robert D. Field
- Robert Wood
- Roeland Van Malderen
- Rolf H. Reichle
- Ronald G. Prinn
- Ryan M. Stauffer
- S. A. Ackerman
- S. A. Carn
- S. A. Montzka
- S. Ahmad
- S. M. Hristova-Veleva
- S. P. Burton
- S. Platnick
- Samuel R. Hall
- Sarah A. Strode
- Sarah D. Bang
- Sarah M. Stough
- Scott Paine
- Sean Horvath
- Sean W. Freeman
- Seethala Chellappan
- Seiji Kato
- Shahriar Pervez
- Simon Kirschler
- Siyuan Wang
- Sonia M. Kreidenweis
- Stephanie Schollaert Uz
- Stephen J. Vavrus
- Stephen R. Guimond
- Steve Smith
- Steven D. Miller
- Subin Yoon
- Sujay V. Kumar
- Suleiman Baraka
- Susan C. van den Heever
- T. Dudok de Wit
- T. F. Hanisco
- T. Guillot
- T. N. Knepp
- T. Neumann
- T. Pavelsky
- Takuji Kubota
- Taylor Shingler
- Thomas Holmes
- Tianle Yuan
- Timothy A. Myers
- Timothy J. Lang
- Troy J. Zaremba
- Ukkyo Jeong
- Valentina Aquila
- Vinay Kayetha
- W. H. Swartz
- Weston Anderson
- William I. Gustafson
- William L. Smith
- Xiang Yu Li
- Xiangde Xu
- Xiaoli Zhou
- Xiaomei Lu
- Xiaoxiong Xiong
- Xu Guang Xi
- Xu Liu
- Xubin Zeng
- Xueliang Liu
- Yao Li
- Yaping Zhou
- Yeosang Yoon
- Yingxi Shi
- Yiyi Huang
- Yolanda Shea
- Yonghoon Choi
- Yuekui Yang
- Yuri Knyazikhin
- Zachary Fasnacht
- Zhibo Zhang
- Zolal Ayazpour
- Оleg Dubovik