Arizona Geological Survey
flowchart I[Arizona Geological Survey] PI["Parent Institutions (1)"] CI["Child Institutions (0)"] AW["Affiliated Works (92)"] CA["Linked Collaborating Authors (11)"] I== skos:broader ==>PI CI== skos:broader ==>I AW== affil ==>I AW== author ==>CA click PI "#parent-institutions" click CI "#child-institutions" click AW "#affiliated-works" click CA "#collaborating-authors"
Parent Institutions [?]
Child Institutions [?]
Affiliated Works
sorted by decreasing year, and then by display-name
- Causes of Salinity Increase in the Gila River, Safford Basin, Arizona: Constraints From Stable Isotopes and Tritium.
- Extreme events and alluvial-fan flood hazards: An assessment using hydrological modeling, field mapping, and remote sensing in Arizona
- Late Quaternary Vegetation History and Paleoclimate of the U.S.A.-Mexico Borderlands Region From Two New Packrat Midden Series
- Detachment Faults and Grooved Footwalls in Diverse Magmatic and Tectonic Settings
- Intersecting Mylonitic Shear Zones in the Footwall of the Catalina Detachment Fault, Santa Catalina Mountains, Southeastern Arizona
- Standardizing geologic data interchange: GeoSciML from the IUGS/CGI datamodel collaboration
- A Coalition on the Public Understanding of Science
- Application of Critical-Taper Theory to Oligo-Miocene Extension and Core-Complex Exhumation in Western Arizona, USA
- Comparison of Debris Flows Generated in Adjacent Unburned and Recently-Burned Areas, Coronado National Memorial, Arizona
- Celebrating the Year of Science 2009
- Geoscience Information Network
- GeoSciML 2: Enabling Enhanced Geologic Information Interoperability
- Geosciences Information Network (GIN): A Distributed, Interoperable Data Network for the Geosciences
- Geosciences Information Network (GIN): A modular, distributed, interoperable data network for the geosciences
- Towards a global data network for the geosciences
- Application of the U.S. Geoscience Information Network to deploying a National Geothermal Data System
- New Initiatives in the Development of a National Geoinformatics Community (Invited)
- Optimized Numerical Modeling to Estimate Runoff and Infiltration in Ephemeral Stream Channels, Southeast Arizona
- A Critical Path for Data Integration in the U.S. Earth Sciences
- Delivering Geoscience Knowledge in Federal Systems: What Can the Old and New Worlds Learn from Each Other?
- Hazard Analysis for Post-Fire Debris-Flow Potential in Arizona
- IGSN e.V.: Registration and Identification Services for Physical Samples in the Digital Universe
- Measuring groundwater flow at the Sanford Laboratory with coupled surface/subsurface time-lapse gravity measurements
- National Geothermal Data System
- Online, interactive assessment of geothermal energy potential in the U.S
- Post-Supereruption (18-19 Ma) Magmatic Reactivation Beneath the Silver Creek Caldera, Black Mountains, AZ
- Progressive Extensional Exhumation of the Ultrahigh-Pressure Tso Morari Terrain, NW Indian Himalaya
- The Energy Industry Profile of ISO/DIS 19115-1: Facilitating Discovery and Evaluation of, and Access to Distributed Information Resources
- USGIN ISO metadata profile
- Using high-resolution gravity and pumping data to infer aquifer parameters
- (U/Th)-He dating of Fe- and Mn-oxide minerals from the Buckskin-Rawhide detachment fault: a new method to determine timing of faulting and fluid flow
- A Governance Roadmap and Framework for EarthCube
- A Lithology Based Map Unit Schema For Onegeology Regional Geologic Map Integration
- An EarthCube Roadmap for Cross-Domain Interoperability in the Geosciences: Governance Aspects
- GeoSciML and EarthResourceML Update, 2012
- National Geothermal Data System: State Geological Survey Contributions to Date
- OneGeology - a geoscience exemplar for worldwide cyberinfrastructure capacity-building and scientific innovation
- The Mayor of EarthCube: Cities as an Analogue for Governing Cyberinfrastructure
- The Virtual Arizona Experience
- The iGrav superconducting gravimeter: a geophysical/hydrological field instrument
- Water-storage change measured with high-precision gravimetry at a groundwater recharge facility in Tucson, USA.
- A State Survey's Experience with the National Geothermal Database System: Lessons Learned to Improve Data Discovery, Access, and Stewardship
- Development of EarthCube Governance: An Agile Approach
- Geoscience terminology for data interchange: the CGI Geoscience Terminology Work Group (Invited)
- How we use online broadcasting - Web TV - for community engagement
- Inventorying and Assessing Cyberinfrastructure Readiness for Cross-Domain Information Re-use in the Geosciences: a Perspective from Hydrology (Invited)
- National Geothermal Data System: an Exemplar of Open Access to Data
- Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences
- Crustal strain accumulation on Southern Basin and Range Province faults modulated by distant plate boundary earthquakes? Evidence from geodesy, seismic imaging, and paleoseismology
- Design of Community Resource Inventories as a Component of Scalable Earth Science Infrastructure: Experience of the Earthcube CINERGI Project
- DigitalCrust - a 4D Framework to Organize Our Knowledge of Crustal Properties
- E-Infrastructure and Data Management for Global Change Research
- EarthCube: A Community Organization for Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure
- Geoscience Information Network (USGIN) Solutions for Interoperable Open Data Access Requirements
- National Geothermal Data System: Open Access to Geoscience Data, Maps, and Documents
- OneGeology- A Global Geoscience Data Platform
- The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone
- Building continental-scale 3D subsurface layers in the Digital Crust project: constrained interpolation and uncertainty estimation.
- Capitalizing on Global Demands for Open Data Access and Interoperability - the USGIN Story
- Constructing a Cross-Domain Resource Inventory: Key Components and Results of the EarthCube CINERGI Project.
- Development of Structural Geology and Tectonics Data System with Field and Lab Interface
- Digital Crust: Information architecture for heterogeneous data integration
- EarthCube - A Community-led, Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure
- EarthCube as an information resource marketplace; the GEAR Project conceptual design
- EarthCubed: Community Convergence and Communication
- GeoSciGraph: An Ontological Framework for EarthCube Semantic Infrastructure
- International Development of e-Infrastructures and Data Management Priorities for Global Change Research
- Using the Digital Crust to Understand Geochemical Reactions in the Critical Zone - a Conceptual Overview
- Aftershock Study of the 2014 Duncan, Arizona M<SUB>w</SUB> = 5.2 Earthquake Using Local Seismic Data
- Citizen-Scientist Digitization of a Complex Geologic Map of the McDowell Mountains (Scottsdale, Arizona).
- Citizen-Scientist Led Quartz Vein Investigation in the McDowell Sonoran Preserve, Scottsdale, Arizona, Resulting in Significant Geologic Discoveries and a Peer-Reviewed Report Coauthored and with Maps by Citizen-Scientists.
- Collaborative Development of e-Infrastructures and Data Management Practices for Global Change Research
- EarthCube - Results of Test Governance in Geoscience Cyberinfrastructure
- Integrating Semantic Information in Metadata Descriptions for a Geoscience-wide Resource Inventory.
- Post-Wildfire Potential for Carbon and Nitrogen Sequestration in the Southwestern United States in Restored Ephemeral and Intermittent Stream Channels
- Strabo: An App and Database for Structural Geology and Tectonics Data
- Building connected data standards to promote interdisciplinary research in the paleogeosciences- PalEON, Neotoma, THROUGHPUT
- A physically-based approach for estimating post-wildfire debris flow initiation thresholds
- Connecting community data repositories for discovery and sharing by leveraging and JSON-LD
- Getting it all on the map: aggregating and exposing geological information in a space-rock scaffolding
- Integrating Semantically-Enhanced Cross-Disciplinary Geoscience Resource Catalog with a JupyterHub-based Analytical Workbench: the EarthCube Data Discovery Hub Project.
- International Capacity Building to Enable Open Data for Transdisciplinary Global Change Research
- International Cooperation Toward FAIR Principles and Open Data in Transdisciplinary Research
- Quantifying the Impact of Successive Wildfires on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Debris Flow Hazards
- The ROASTT-2019 training exercise for the Mars 2020 Science Team
- Debris-flow timing and occurrence 1 to 3 years after wildfire provides insights into how peak and triggering rainfall intensity-duration thresholds differ and change with time since fire
- Modelling post-wildfire debris-flow inundation in the Southwestern United States
- Chemical Analysis of Soil Affected by Wildfire and Drought: Bighorn Fire and Biosphere 2 Rainforest Drought
- Hydrologic and geomorphic impacts of increasing wildfire activity in the Sonoran Desert
- Seismic Monitoring of Post-Wildfire Debris Flows
- The role of drought in the persistence of post-fire hydrologic hazards
- Polar Explorer: An Interactive Virtual Field Trip-Based Exploration of Alaska and the Changing Arctic